Mayan pyramids- ancient pyramids created by the civilization of the ancient Mayan Indians. They are located primarily in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. There are quite a lot of pyramids in Mexico. Many of them are buried under a layer of earth, covered with dense tropical vegetation and are simply green hills. Most pyramids are multi-layered structures. The oldest pyramid is located inside, and above it there are several later superstructures and facings.

The pyramids in Mexico are not only the work of the Mayans, there are also pyramids from other civilizations. Some pyramids have double structure, which consist of two pyramids: the Mayan pyramids and the Aztec pyramids, located one inside the other, like a nesting doll. The oldest pyramidal structures were discovered in the Toltec capital - Tula, they are surrounded by strange multi-ton stone heads mysterious creatures. The pyramids of Teotihuacan, the capital of the Aztecs, are also known. In Teotihuacan, the two largest pyramids are well preserved - the Sun (225 m at the base and 65 m in height) and the Moon (about 150 m at the base and 42 m in height), as well as the temple of the most “popular” of the Mayan gods - Quetzalcoatl , personifying a good and bright beginning. The structures are located in the same way as the three stars in Orion's Belt.

Another famous pyramid, the pyramid at Cholula, is the largest in the world; it surpassed the Cheops pyramid in volume. Now most of the pyramid has been destroyed and is a hill overgrown with forest, on top of which stands a Catholic church. Another impressive group of pyramids - Mitle and Monte Albana - is located near the city of Oaxaca.

The most famous Mayan pyramids are located on the Yucatan Peninsula. These are the pyramids at Chichen Itza, Tulum, Cob, Ek Balam and Uxmal.

Chichen Itza is famous for its Pyramid of Kukulcan (as it is called in the Mayan language) or the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (the same in the Toltec language). This Mayan pyramid was even included in the new list of seven wonders of the world. Chichen Itza is a whole city that first belonged to the Mayans, then to the Toltecs, and then to the Aztecs. And although today a significant part of Chichen Itza (more than six square kilometers) is open to the eyes of tourists, there are still a lot of buildings that have not been excavated. In addition to the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, here you will see the Ball Court, the Temple of the Warriors, the Group of a Thousand Columns, the Ancient Observatory, and the Temple of Skulls.

The Pyramids of Tulum are located approximately an hour and a half from Cancun. The complex in Tulum opens for tourists at 8 or 8:30 am. The pyramids here are not as majestic and mysterious as the pyramids in Chichen Itza, but it is very beautiful here and the sea is nearby.

Mayan pyramids are ancient pyramids made by the civilization of the ancient Mayan Indians, which are located mostly in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. There are quite a lot of pyramids in Mexico. Almost all are under a layer of earth, covered with densely growing tropical plants, and are green hills. Most of the pyramids are multilayer structures. The oldest pyramid is located inside, and above it there are several more recent facings and superstructures and is not at all similar to the famous one.

The pyramids in Mexico seem to be not only the work of the Mayans, there are also pyramids of other civilizations that are wonders of the world, in fact.

Some of the pyramids contain a double structure, consisting of two pyramids: the Aztec pyramids and the Mayan pyramids, located like a nesting doll - one inside the other. Ancient pyramidal structures were discovered in the capital of the Toltecs - Tula; they are surrounded by unusual multi-ton heads made of stones of mysterious creatures.

The pyramids of Teotihuacan, the capital of the Aztecs, are also known. In Teotihuacan, the 2 largest pyramids are well preserved - the Sun, 225 m wide and 65 m high, and the Moon, 150 m wide and 42 m high. Also the temple of the most famous of the Mayan gods - Quetzalcoatl, who spiritualized the light and good start. The formations are placed in the same way as the three stars in Orion's belt.

Another no less famous pyramid in Cholula is the largest in the world; in volume it surpassed the Cheops pyramid. Now the largest part of the pyramid is subject to destruction and is a hill overgrown with forest, on the top of which stands a Catholic church. Another spectacular group of pyramids - Mitle and Monte Albana, is located near the town of Oaxaca.

The most famous Mayan pyramids are located on the Yucatan Peninsula - these are the pyramids at Coba, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Tulum, Coba and Ek Balam.

Chichen Itza is known for the Pyramid of Kukulkan (as it is called in the Mayan language) or the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (in the Toltec language). It was this Mayan pyramid that entered new list seven wonders of the world. Chichen Itza - Big city, which first belonged to the Mayans, then to the Toltecs, and then to the Aztecs.

And although today it is revealed to the eyes of tourists significant part Chichen Itza (6 square km), still dozens of structures have not been excavated. In addition to the Quetzalcoatl pyramid, here you will see a ball field, a group of thousands of columns, a temple of warriors, an ancient observatory, and the Temple of Skulls.

Holidays in Mexico is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and can compete with other countries in the richness and variety of its attractions. One of the main features of this country is, of course, the Mayan pyramids. In fairness, it is worth noting that the authorship of these structures belongs not only to the Mayan Indian tribe, but also to many other peoples of Mesoamerica who inhabited these territories thousands of years ago. The Mayan pyramids were built over the centuries by the Aztecs, Toltecs and other influential tribal groups, but the laurels of their creation went to the Mayan architects.

Pyramids in Mexico They are quite complex structures of the ancient Indians. Most of these buildings remain buried under a thick layer of sand and earth, securely hidden from prying eyes by lush tropical vegetation. Many pyramids look like just an ordinary green hill, but inside there may be multi-layered engineering structures that keep the secrets of history. At the same time, the oldest structure is located inside, and later pyramids and facings were built above it.

The most famous located in Teotihuacan, the ancient capital of the Aztecs. Here are the largest pyramids - the Moon and the Sun, which are preserved in excellent condition, as well as the temple of the Mayan deity - Quetzalcoatl. Other popular attractions include the pyramids at Chichen Itza, Cholula and Uxmal.

Mayan pyramids at Chichen Itza represent a whole complex, which includes all kinds of urban buildings intended for living, observing the movement of the planets, sports games and the entertainments of its ancient inhabitants. are very popular among all those who come to these places. Not far from these places in Tulum there are majestic and mysterious pyramids Mayan. In addition, very close to the ancient complex there is a beautiful view of the sea.

The centuries-old Aztec pyramids are the fragments of lost civilizations, which have reached us partly in fragments. These ancient temples are mesmerizing modern man its grandeur, splendor and skillful design. Too many secrets are hidden behind the symmetry of silhouettes and kilometers of underground labyrinths, which are intricately intertwined with chains of caves that form huge halls. Too much strong impression produces powerful energy hidden in ancient plates.

According to legend, the ancient Aztecs came from a place called Aztlan. Today it is impossible to say for sure whether this city existed in reality, but it was presumably located in the north. The center of their civilization was a city built on an embankment right in the center of the lake. Here, on the site of ancient Tenochtitlan, stands Mexico City. The Aztec Empire was constantly expanding and, despite the really high taxes that were imposed on the conquered cities, the population continued to become richer. The Aztecs paid a lot of attention to roads, knowing full well how important they were for trade, which was the basis of the life of their society.

They reached truly high cultural and technological levels of development, and also managed to preserve unique, albeit cruel, religious traditions. Their decline was rapid and occurred during one of the most important periods for the history of the Western world - during the Great Geographical discoveries. And just a century after the discovery of America, warlike Spaniards appeared on its densely covered with lush vegetation shores. Cortez needed only two campaigns to completely destroy the remains of a centuries-old civilization.

It is common for us to perceive the history of the Western world with its pace and features of development. We are also able to accept the slightly different approach to history demonstrated by the Eastern states. But it is almost impossible to fully understand what the knowledge and level of development of ancient civilizations were at the moment when the West was experiencing one of its peaks. The synthesis of thousands of years of knowledge of various peoples, the inviolability of their traditions and extremely bloody religious life turned out to be too bizarre. The bloodthirstiness of the Aztecs was on the verge of primitive cruelty.

Each of their many gods required a special offering. Tens of hundreds of people were killed by ripping open the poor fellows' chests. History knows of cases where up to twenty thousand prisoners were sacrificed. But not only prisoners ended up on the altar - the local population voluntarily “went under the knife”, taking narcotic substances for courage. Such unwavering dogmatism in matters of faith was explained by the deep conviction that only in this way could the sun be “lit.” This is amazing - how could such a belief take root in the culture of a people who had a calendar and knew very well that the cycle is continuous?

Aztec pyramids

In order for the gods to receive their offerings, pyramids were erected - huge altars, whose steps were drenched in blood. Over the entire period of its existence, the Aztec empire gave birth to hundreds of pyramids, which were built according to the “matryoshka” principle, when at the end of the cycle the next layer of the pyramid was superimposed on one layer and so on ad infinitum. Unfortunately, many of them were plundered by Europeans during the period of colonization, and then covered with earth - alas, the virtue of the invaders did not extend to the temples of the barbarians.

Teotihuacan is considered a "ghost town". It is located just 40 kilometers from Mexico City. This settlement is rightly called one of the oldest - its age is estimated at more than two thousand years. In the pre-Aztec period of its history, it was the heart of the Mayan empire, but it is still not entirely clear why this civilization chose to abandon the city. Today Teotihuacan has turned into a large-scale archaeological complex, but the Aztecs who once came to Teotihuacan considered it the place “where the gods touch the earth.” At first, local scientists focused on excavations around the Pyramid of the Sun, whose subsequent restoration took place only at the beginning of the 20th century. The second round in the development of this complex was marked by the excavations of the Citadel - a huge arena that was located right in the center of Teotihuacan.

Its perimeter was cordoned off by four walls, which were topped with small turrets. In the center of the arena was the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, of which today only a fragment of the facade and four steps, decorated with elaborate carvings, have survived. From here began the Road of the Dead, which led to the Pyramid of the Moon. Other components of the ancient city were discovered one after another in the middle of the 20th century. Archaeologists are especially proud of two palaces that were located slightly north of the temple buildings. It is noteworthy that the frescoes with which the ancient Aztecs decorated the walls have been more than fully preserved. The images of coyotes, eagles, snakes, jaguars, and some deities are still striking in their detail.

Pyramid of the Moon

This pyramid is one of the oldest in Teotihuacan. Some scientists associate its name with the words “protective stone” and “mother,” which are still, albeit in a modified version, found in some Indian dialects. The Pyramid of the Moon is located in the northern part of the city and its shape resembles Cerro Gordo. The structure, colossal for the 2nd century AD, has bilateral symmetry. This temple complex was used for animal and human sacrifices. It is quite possible that it was erected in honor of the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, whose symbol was the Moon. There are many legends and rumors associated with the Pyramid of the Moon. Much remains unclear.

For example, scientists have still not found a clear explanation for the fact that even after the destruction of the city, the local population continued to make burials next to the pyramid. Another mystery is related to the burial chamber discovered in the depths of the complex. A total of 12 human remains were found, with 10 of them sloppily dumped in the center of the room. The unfortunates were beheaded, their hands were tied behind their backs. It is quite possible that they were enemies of the city, since the other two prisoners of the pyramid were seated with all respect and decorated with jade jewelry. Perhaps they were members of the elite. Presumably they were killed during a ritual that took place during the period of reconstruction of the Pyramid of the Moon.

Pyramid of the Sun

Another truly huge structure, which is part of Teotihuacan, dates back to the pre-Aztec period of the city's existence. It is not entirely clear which civilization built this pyramid, but its size is impressive. Today its base is estimated at about 900 meters, but these data are not entirely accurate. The Pyramid of the Sun that we know today has little in common with the religious structure that ancient people built. Many facts testify to this. For example, the presence of so-called stiffening ribs along the outer perimeter of the pyramid, which were supposed to strengthen the building. But such architectural elements were usually located inside buildings.

In addition, various scientists in different times they came to the conclusion that already at the time of the Aztecs’ appearance in the city, the pyramid had been restored more than once. Today, all that remains from these works are traces of “coating”, which was supposed to slow down the erosion of the walls. Of no less interest are the tunnels that were discovered under the pyramid. They form an extensive system and are part of a chain of underground caves. Numerous vessels, ancient mirrors and household items were discovered in the tunnels of the Pyramid of the Sun, but scientists are still not sure why these objects were left here. An even bigger question, perhaps, is the too striking difference in the levels of development of civilizations - some knew how to build tunnels, others skillfully handled clay.

This architectural monument is located in the northern outskirts of the city of Tepoztlan. It refers to national park"El Tepozteco". The climb to the pyramid is usually quite tiring - it is located at the very top of the mountain, but many tourists note that fatigue is instantly forgotten once you feel the incredibly strong energy of this place. There is a desire to continue climbing in order to find yourself in the sacred part of the pyramid. Tourists are mainly interested in open side building, which offers an impressive view of the valley. This same part of the pyramid is the safest - there is another platform below, so death in the event of a fall is practically excluded.

The pyramid was erected in honor of the god Pulque, who, in turn, patronized the eponymous alcoholic drink and was the most generous and relatively kind deity among other bloodthirsty representatives of the Aztec pantheon. True, this did not stop the ancient inhabitants of the pyramid from killing its builders. The fact is that back side the pyramids don't seem so safe. On the contrary, it is unstable, and the slightest vibration is enough for the stones to start rolling down. And there are no platforms below - only a deep gorge, at the bottom of which the poor builders were discovered. The analysis showed that they did not die due to a fall. Most likely, they were killed in advance and then thrown off an unstable ledge.

Great Pyramid of Cholula

Cholula is one of the largest religious centers of the Aztecs. It is in this city that Tepanapa is located - the most voluminous pyramid in Mexico. This structure is truly gigantic, but its age today is almost impossible to determine. There are still more questions than answers. For example, why was sea clay found in the pyramid’s soil? Where did she even come from in Cholula? And the fact that in the course of its history the pyramid was passed on more than once to representatives of various civilizations, who did not care too much about the original purpose of many of the details of the building, does not at all make archaeological research easier. Inside the pyramid there is a network of tunnels whose length reaches eight kilometers.

Almost the entire pyramid is underground, and on top of it stands a church. Holy Virgin Comforters. Another interesting historical episode is connected with this moment. As you know, Cortes had the habit of erecting a barbarian temple on the site Catholic Church, but when he arrived in Cholula and saw about four hundred temples, he had to deviate from the original plan. Now it is difficult to say whether the Spaniards knew in advance about the existence of a huge pyramid in the city, but the fact remains that the pyramid was buried. True, it is difficult to even imagine that the Spaniards would waste time on such a labor-intensive process and fill up the pyramid. So it happened earlier. But who would want to “bury” the largest pyramid in Mexico?

In the north of the Mexican Yucatan, the largest center of the Mayan people was once located - Chichen Itza. The city, roughly translated as “The Mouth of the Well of the Itza Tribe,” was founded in the 7th century AD. In the 10th century, the Toltec army captured this city-state and formed its capital here. In 1178, the city was captured by neighboring city-states, and from 1194 it fell into complete desolation. No one can now say what caused the residents to leave. The Spaniards who came here in the 16th century only came across the ruins of Chichen Itza.

Excavations carried out in our time on the site of this ancient city have made it possible to find many interesting architectural monuments from the culture of that time. One of the most famous was the Temple of Kukulkan, which is a 9-step pyramid. Another interesting structure is the Temple of Warriors on a 4-step pyramid, decorated with paintings. Stadiums for cruel game ball, 50-meter well for sacrifices, sacred cenote, observatory, statues of local gods.

Ball ring at the stadium

Interestingly, the land with these structures was in private hands until 2010. But competent actions of the government allowed it to be returned to the state for $17.8 million. Ancient city Maya is very popular among tourists. A monument of this scale, of course, was taken under the control of UNESCO. And in 2007, it was awarded the title of one of the new wonders of the world.

Temple of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza

The main interesting architectural buildings in Chichen Itza were built during the so-called Mexican period - the time after the Toltecs captured the city. It was then built main temple Mayan city - Temple of Kukulkan. The temple was dedicated to the Toltec god Kukulkan, whom they called the Feathered Serpent.

The temple, due to its expressiveness and popularity, has become a symbol of all of Mexico. This 24-meter nine-step pyramid has been seen by every inhabitant of our planet at least once in his life.

The building has a square plan and a massive appearance. It is not surprising that the Spaniards who came here called it a castle. The temple is set on a huge terrace (18 hectares) along with many other famous structures of Chichen Itzi. On the right is the temple of the Warriors, on the left is the temple of the Jaguars.

Four staircases, oriented according to the cardinal directions, lead to the top of the temple. The stairs are accompanied by a balustrade starting from a snake's head. On the days of the equinox, the lighting creates an interesting effect: it seems as if the Kukulcan Serpent is beginning to crawl out of its lair.

Snake Head

In addition to its orientation to the cardinal points, the temple is also distinguished by other astronomical details. Each staircase has 91 steps, which gives a total of 364. And if we add the upper landing to this number, we get total days in a year - 365. The nine main steps of the pyramid are separated by a staircase, which actually doubles them to 18. The Mayan number 18 is associated with the number of months in the year. Each wall depicts 52 reliefs - the number of years in the calendar cycle.

At the top of this large pyramid is the temple itself, with four entrances. The main entrance to the sanctuary is to the north. There are two columns depicting snakes. Inside there are two more pairs of the same. In ancient times, it was here that terrible human sacrifices were performed.

Temple of Kukulkan building

An interesting fact will be the presence of another similar nine-step pyramid in main pyramid. The entrance to it was found relatively recently, and it was here that the symbol of Mayan power was hidden - the Jaguar Mat.

Jaguar Throne

The Jaguar Mat is the ruler's throne, carved from stone, resembling the shape of a jaguar. The throne is inlaid with 73 jade discs in the shape of jaguar spots. The eyes of the beast are filled with them. The first owners of the throne include Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, the founder of the Toltecs.

Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itza

Another famous temple of the city of Chichen Itza is located to the right of the Kukulkan pyramid. The Temple of the Warriors is also located on the pyramid, the approaches to which are guarded by a detachment of patterned columns.

This structure completely copies the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Tollan. The Toltec leader Topiltzin Quetzalcoatla, before uniting the tribes and carrying out major conquests, lost this city. So that in the new place many things would remind him of his past glory, and a copy of this temple was built.

In front of the temple staircase there are 60 patterned columns, 2.6 meters high, arranged in four rows. Previously, there was a roof on these columns, of which now, alas, nothing remains. Everywhere in the temple there are images of warriors - hence its name. Just like in all Toltec temples, human sacrifices were made here.

The pyramid of this temple is smaller - only 11.5 meters and consists of five steps. The balustrades of the central staircase are decorated with stone male figures. The top is decorated with the temple itself, which consists of two rooms - the front hall and the sanctuary itself. The entrance to the sanctuary is decorated with the already familiar columns with snakes. The sanctuary contains an altar for sacrifices, supported by human figures. Nearby stands the idol of the demon Chak-Mool, holding a dish on which the priests threw people's hearts. There are not so cruel assumptions from researchers about this idol. Some also believe that the dish is used for offerings in the form of intoxicating drinks, and that the idol itself is the god of rain or the guardian of the temple.

Chac Mool

Inside the temple, everything is outwardly calmer and does not remind of the cruel past. There are many sculptures and frescoes here, with familiar images of snakes, jaguars, and eagles. The warriors on the temple reliefs depict typical Indians of that time. They move in a march or stand majestically in place. The murals depict the history of the Toltec conquest of the Mayans, as well as the peaceful life of the inhabitants of the place. The Temple of the Warriors is undoubtedly one of the most interesting structures for studying the Maya-Toltec culture.

And although after the defeat the city fell into decay, the beginnings of a great civilization preserved their cultural heritage for centuries and passed it on to their descendants. Chichen Itza in Mexico is truly one of the most unique places on our planet.

Video about Chichen Itza