There is not a single person on earth with the same finger pattern as yours. Scientists of dermatoglyphics can tell from the patterns on the fingers not only about a person’s predisposition to diseases, but also about his professional qualities.

Dermatoglyphics. Start
The man who stood at the origins of dermatoglyphics (that’s what the science of patterns on the skin is called) was Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton. He was a scientist with a truly unbridled thirst for science and research activities. His relationship with Darwin determined Galton's scientific path; he was a passionate supporter of his brother's theory, and therefore sought to prove that evolution not only had not ended, but also needed correction.

Galton is also recognized as the founder of eugenics, which bore its terrible fruits in the racial theory of Nazi Germany. Galton came to dermatoglyphics after, at the beginning of 1888, the scientific society "Royal Institute" commissioned him to review the then fashionable bertillonage - a method of identifying criminals, which was based on measurements various parts bodies.

Galton took a broad view of things and also mentioned “fingerprinting” among identification methods. On May 25 of the same year, the scientist read his report, in which he presented his vision of the problem. Four years later, Galton had already published a book about fingerprints - “Finger prints”. This is how dermatoglyphics appeared in the scientific world. However, it must be said that this term itself appeared later, in 1926, at the 42nd Congress of the American Association of Anatomists. It is translated as “skin engraving”.

Arcs, loops, curls

Dermatoglyphics is a relatively young and rapidly developing discipline. According to Alexey Vladimirovich Vlasov, Chairman of the Council International Association dermatoglyphics, new frames are constantly coming to dermatoglyphics. The study of people's fingerprints helps determine the character, temperament, and type of behavioral adaptation of a person in society.

There are three main types of patterns in dermatoglyphics: loop, arc and whorl. It is by their correlation on the fingers that scientists can draw certain conclusions about the bearer of these patterns.

About a third of people have loops on their fingers - patterns that resemble a lasso, usually directed towards the little finger. These people are carriers of the norm in terms of socialization; they adapt well to life situations, friendly, moderately secretive, and moderately frank.

People who have curls on their fingers are constantly trying to change the world, they can make a brilliant discovery. These are people with great potential, but often they find themselves out of place in their time or their environment and may show inadequacy.

According to psychiatrist and psychophysiologist Nikolai Bogdanov, “it is the one who is considered a “moron” who most often has curls on the pads of his fingers.”

People with dominant arches on their fingers are purposeful and self-confident. They know that problems cannot be avoided, they must be solved immediately. Such people are not shy about methods of solving problems. They are practically not subject to stress. However, their weakness lies in their poor ability for psychological combinatorics and poor adaptation. They are more grunts than jewelers.

It also needs to be said that the poorer a person’s dermatoglyphics, the more difficult it is for him to adapt in society, the more problems he will have to face.

Application value

It is clear that any systematized knowledge requires applied application. Dermatoglyphics is doing well in this regard - it began with practice - Galton collaborated with criminologists and participated in the compilation of fingerprint files. Interestingly, Galton's technique was recognized only in 1911, when the Mona Lisa stolen from the museum was found using fingerprints.

Since that time, dermatoglyphics (its section of fingerprinting) has been a recognized discipline that helps to find the offender. Dermatoglyphics today is a recognized method of medical diagnostics. The fact is that the patterns on the fingers are formed in the womb, at 3-5 months of pregnancy, along with the tissues of the nervous system. Skin patterns are individual and do not change throughout life, so dermatoglyphic analysis is a very convenient method.

Based on the pattern on the fingers, even before obtaining a chromosomal picture, a child can be diagnosed with Down syndrome, Shereshevsky-Turner and Klinefelter syndrome and other pathologies.

Finally, dermatoglyphic research is being carried out with all its might in that area of ​​human activity where genetic predisposition means a lot - in professional sports. In the laboratory of sports anthropology of the All-Russian Institute physical culture We have been studying the dermatoglyphics of our Olympic team for 15 years now.

Long-term analysis has already shown that the dermatoglyphic characteristics of athletes in different types sports vary. In speed-strength sports, where you need to perform an exercise as quickly as possible, simple patterns and the smallest comb count (the number of combs inside the pattern) are most often found.

Athletes whose sports are characterized by complex coordination have a more complex pattern of patterns. The middle position in these indicators is occupied by endurance sports and static stability. In general, the more complex the sport is in terms of coordination, the more complex combination of patterns the athletes will encounter. Generally speaking, people with arches on their fingers are more suitable as attackers than others, and those with curls are more suitable as defenders.

Ethnic dermatoglyphics

A separate branch of the science of patterns on fingers is ethnic dermatoglyphics. Anthropologists specializing in dermatoglyphics have collected a huge amount of material on this discipline. It is interesting that the poorest dermatoglyphic picture is observed in Europeans; as you move further south from Europe, it becomes more complex.

This can explain the extroversion of Western civilization and the introversion characteristic of the East. It has also been noted that such a pattern as curls on the fingers can most often be found among peoples living in extreme situations: among the aborigines of the North - Aleuts, Chukchi, aborigines of Tierra del Fuego, Australia, Tibet. People with curls on their fingers find it easier to survive in severe natural conditions. Their culture is more contemplative.

There is not a single person on earth with the same finger pattern as yours. Scientists of dermatoglyphics can tell from the patterns on the fingers not only about a person’s predisposition to diseases, but also about his professional qualities.
Dermatoglyphics. Start

The man who stood at the origins of dermatoglyphics (that’s what the science of patterns on the skin is called) was Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton. He was a scientist with a truly unbridled passion for science and research. His relationship with Darwin determined Galton's scientific path; he was a passionate supporter of his brother's theory, and therefore sought to prove that evolution not only had not ended, but also needed correction. Galton is also recognized as the founder of eugenics, which bore its terrible fruits in the racial theory of Nazi Germany.
Galton came to dermatoglyphics after, at the beginning of 1888, the scientific society "Royal Institute" commissioned him to review the then fashionable bertillonage - a method of identifying criminals, which was based on measurements of various parts of the body.
Galton took a broad view of things and also mentioned “fingerprinting” among identification methods. On May 25 of the same year, the scientist read his report, in which he presented his vision of the problem.
Four years later, Galton had already published a book about fingerprints - “Finger prints”. This is how dermatoglyphics appeared in the scientific world. However, it must be said that this term itself appeared later, in 1926, at the 42nd Congress of the American Association of Anatomists. It is translated as “skin engraving”.
Arcs, loops, curls

Dermatoglyphics is a relatively young and rapidly developing discipline. According to Alexey Vladimirovich Vlasov, Chairman of the Council of the International Association of Dermatoglyphics, new personnel are constantly coming to dermatoglyphics. The study of people's fingerprints helps determine the character, temperament, and type of behavioral adaptation of a person in society.
There are three main types of patterns in dermatoglyphics: loop, arc and whorl. It is by their correlation on the fingers that scientists can draw certain conclusions about the bearer of these patterns.
About a third of people have loops on their fingers - patterns that resemble a lasso, usually directed towards the little finger. These people are the bearers of the norm in terms of socialization; they adapt well to life situations, are friendly, moderately secretive, and moderately frank.
People who have curls on their fingers are constantly trying to change the world, they can make a brilliant discovery. These are people with great potential, but often they find themselves out of place in their time or their environment and may show inadequacy. According to psychiatrist and psychophysiologist Nikolai Bogdanov, “it is the one who is considered a “moron” who most often has curls on the pads of his fingers.”
People with dominant arches on their fingers are purposeful and self-confident. They know that problems cannot be avoided, they must be solved immediately. Such people are not shy about methods of solving problems. They are practically not subject to stress. However, their weakness lies in their poor ability for psychological combinatorics and poor adaptation. They are more grunts than jewelers.
It also needs to be said that the poorer a person’s dermatoglyphics, the more difficult it is for him to adapt in society, the more problems he will have to face.
Application value

It is clear that any systematized knowledge requires applied application. Dermatoglyphics is doing well in this regard - it began with practice - Galton collaborated with criminologists and participated in the compilation of fingerprint files. Interestingly, Galton’s technique was recognized only in 1911, when the Mona Lisa stolen from the museum was found using fingerprints. Since that time, dermatoglyphics (its section of fingerprinting) has been a recognized discipline that helps to find the offender.
Dermatoglyphics today is a recognized method of medical diagnostics. The fact is that the patterns on the fingers are formed in the womb, at 3-5 months of pregnancy, along with the tissues of the nervous system. Skin patterns are individual and do not change throughout life, so dermatoglyphic analysis is a very convenient method. Based on the pattern on the fingers, even before obtaining a chromosomal picture, a child can be diagnosed with Down syndrome, Shereshevsky-Turner and Klinefelter syndrome and other pathologies.
Finally, dermatoglyphic research is being carried out with all its might in that area of ​​human activity where genetic predisposition means a lot - in professional sports. The laboratory of sports anthropology of the All-Russian Institute of Physical Culture has been studying the dermatoglyphics of our Olympic team for 15 years.
Long-term analysis has already shown that the dermatoglyphic characteristics of athletes in different sports vary. In speed-strength sports, where you need to perform an exercise as quickly as possible, simple patterns and the smallest comb count (the number of combs inside the pattern) are most often found.
Athletes whose sports are characterized by complex coordination have a more complex pattern of patterns.
The middle position in these indicators is occupied by endurance sports and static stability.
In general, the more complex the sport is in terms of coordination, the more complex combination of patterns the athletes will encounter.
Generally speaking, people with arches on their fingers are more suitable as attackers than others, and those with curls are more suitable as defenders.
Ethnic dermatoglyphics

A separate branch of the science of patterns on fingers is ethnic dermatoglyphics. Anthropologists specializing in dermatoglyphics have collected a huge amount of material on this discipline. It is interesting that the poorest dermatoglyphic picture is observed in Europeans; as you move further south from Europe, it becomes more complex. This can explain the extroversion of Western civilization and the introversion characteristic of the East.
It has also been noted that such a pattern as curls on the fingers can most often be found among peoples living in extreme situations: among the aborigines of the North - the Aleuts, Chukchi, the aborigines of Tierra del Fuego, Australia, and Tibet. People with curls on their fingers find it easier to survive in harsh natural conditions. Their culture is more contemplative.

Everyone knows that every person has a unique pattern on their hands (back of the hand), the so-calledpapillary lines . This does not mean the lines of folds of the skin of the palm, by which fortune tellers and palmists predict fate, but the smallest grooves, clearly visible to the naked eye, which cover the entire surface of the fingers and palm, forming bizarre patterns. Scientists have found that the pattern of papillary lines is individual for each person, even among identical twins it differs and each of us can easily be identified by it. These patterns appear in our mother’s womb and remain for a long time after death. The pattern of papillary lines, unlike palmistry signs of the palms, remains unchanged throughout a person’s life.

When we take up any object, we leave a kind of hand mark on it in the form of sweat and fat prints, which completely, like a typographic cliché, reflect our papillary pattern. This feature has long been noticed, adopted and successfully used by criminologists to catch the criminal who left his fingerprints at the crime scene. There is even a whole scientific disciplinefingerprinting which deals with these issues. There is a huge amount scientific works and monographs on this topic. But today we are not talking about that. Fingerprinting studies only the “tip of the iceberg” in the form of a mechanical “hand-surface” mapping, methods and methods for identifying and recording traces.

Few people know that fingerprints are a unique storehouse of information about each person. Knowing the simplest signs by

the pattern of papillary lines can be determine gender, nationality, susceptibility to diseases, character and even fate any of us. Such diagnostics are available to everyone. Although no two fingerprints are alike, there are only three main types of papillary patterns: arc, loop and whorl. By their combinations, relative position, predominance, degree of expression, directions of papillary lines, you can quite simply find out the most intimate things about a person, even in his absence. It is enough that only his prints will be at your disposal. How to manifest them and

to record, any criminology textbook will tell you.

You will say that you need special equipment to take fingerprints, which is not sold in stores. This is a myth, inflated by forensic experts, who, in fact, in most cases, to identify handprints, use ordinary soft brushes, which apply various powders (soot, white, chalk, various metal oxides) to the surface where there may be a trace. And they take prints directly from their hands, smearing them with simple printing ink, which in everyday conditions can be successfully replaced by the paste from an ordinary ballpoint pen.

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For such detection, an ordinary soft wide makeup brush, cosmetic powder, tooth powder or carbon black will be quite suitable. You can practice by leaving, for example, a mark of your hand on a bottle, and then treat it with any specified powder using a brush. It is best to fix the identified trace by sticking a piece of ordinary transparent tape on top of it. Then the tape can be carefully peeled off and applied to White list paper. In this case, it will be very convenient for you to work with prints in the future without fear of erasing them. To study the print in detail, use a regular magnifying glass.

Behavioral motivation

According to papillary patterns. By analyzing the location of finger patterns, orientation and ridge frequency, scientists were able to establish the existence of a relationship between the patterns on the fingers and the structural patterns of the modulating systems of the brain, which perform the main function in the formation of conditioned reflexes (for example, learning) and in the implementation of unconditioned reflexes (behavior).
This means that by the combination of papillary patterns, scientists can identify or suspect various diseases, determine abilities for specific sports, moral-volitional,

psychological and business qualities of a person. The formation of scalloped skin begins in the sixth week of fetal development. The embryo begins to differentiate the fingers and at about the eighth week, simultaneously with the appearance of cutaneous blood vessels, the formation of the main nerve trunks of the upper extremities is completed. Third – fifth months embryonic development are a period of intense ridge formation followed by separation of patterns. By looking at the pictures, you can try to determine what type of pattern you have on your finger. The predominance of one type of papillary pattern determines the choice of the main directions of the mental organization of the personality. The most common finger patterns are loops; simple arcs and curls are a little less common.

If there are more loops on the fingers, this type is characterized by good coordination and psycho-emotional stability. Such people have a golden character and, as a rule, excellent health. Owners of loops easily get along with others, tolerate representatives of other groups nearby, and are ready to participate in all endeavors and proposals, even if they do not understand their benefits. They have a fairly wide range of interests, although they do not have the same depth as the group with curls and patterns, or the uniqueness of people with arcs.
Holders large number Arc people are very specific and unambiguous; it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the environment and listen to the opinions of others. They are truthful and frank, do not like intrigue, and travel and business trips are difficult for them. It is difficult to convince a child who has arches, to force him to admit his mistake. However, this is redeemed by the fact that they are unforgiving and frank. And if they smile, they are really happy. They do well in school and business, they are distinguished by speed and specificity, everything unnecessary is cut off.

The situation is different with curl patterns. People with their predominance are distinguished by very complex behavior; they often have little idea of ​​what they are capable of. Despite their colossal endurance, representatives of this group do not like troubles, are often dissatisfied with themselves, and are prone to painful doubts. It can be difficult for them to complete the work they start. Owners of patterns and curls cannot compare in reaction speed with representatives of arc patterns, but they gain a lot in coordination of movements.

Define nationality even in appearance it can be very difficult. Fingerprints are more likely to tell you which blood is more abundant in an individual. This is the specialty of dermatoglyphics. Scientific reviews on this issue are easy to find on the Internet.

Diagnosis of susceptibility to disease

Along papillary lines:
1. Predominance of curls on both hands - headache, cerebrovascular accident, tendency to injury (traumatic brain injury), nervous disorders, neuralgia, sleep disturbance.
2. Predominance of loops on both hands - thyroid disease, sore throat, sinusitis, frequent colds.

3. The predominance of arches on both hands - acute purulent tonsillitis, pharyngitis, eye diseases.

4. Loop on the thumb - nervous diseases..
5. Loop on the index finger - disease of the lungs and bronchi, bronchial asthma.
6. Loop on the middle finger – tuberculosis, nervous disorders and blood diseases.
7. Loop on the ring finger – diseases gastrointestinal tract.
8. Loop on the little finger – stomach diseases, digestive disorders, breast diseases, lactation disorders.
9. Arch on the thumb – hysteria, tumor processes, epileptic seizures.

10. Arch on the index finger – diseases of the spine and heart.
11. Arc on the middle finger – spasms of blood vessels and heart, accompanied by fear of death, poor circulation, and deterioration of vision.
12. Arch on the ring finger - problems small intestine.
13. Arch on the little finger – colitis, constipation, enteritis, possible attack of appendicitis or infection with dysentery.
14. Loop on the thumb – kidneys (paired organs) and all diseases associated with them, lumbar spine.
15. Loop on the index finger – pathological processes in the kidneys, predisposition to nervous diseases, eczema, diabetes, migraines and digestive disorders.
16. Loop on the middle finger - diseases of the rectum and reproductive sphere, inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries, prostate gland, paraproctitis, urethritis, inflammation of the ureters, cystitis, laryngitis, acute respiratory diseases.
17. Loop on the ring finger – provokes a tendency to tumors, edema, impairment menstrual cycle, nervous breakdowns.
19. The predominance of loops on the left hand - increased injuries in the hips and pelvis, liver disease.
20. Predominance of loops on the right hand - liver and blood disease, nervous disorders.

21. The predominance of curls on the left hand - disease of the joints, bones, teeth, often against the background of a cold, severe depression, melancholy, spinal diseases, rheumatism, psoriasis, indigestion, constipation..

22. The predominance of curls on the right hand - nervous disorders, hence - muscle cramps, thrombophlebitis, pain in the legs, nightmares in sleep.

23. Predominance of arches on the left hand - fainting, anemia, varicose veins, tendency to hysteria, nervous disorders, lethargy, skin diseases, vulnerable part - feet
24. The predominance of arches on the right hand - suppuration, even sepsis, foot diseases - calluses, growths, curvature of the fingers, sweating of the feet, swelling, flat feet.

Fingerprints are studied by a special science - dermatoglyphics. It arose at the intersection of psychology, fingerprinting and criminology and was initially used to clarify the psychological portrait of a criminal. The official date of birth of dermatoglyphics is considered to be 1892, when one of the brilliant biologists - the cousin of Sir Charles Darwin, Sir Francis Galton, published his monumental work on fingerprints and their relationship with personal characteristics person.

So no palmistry: a strictly scientific approach!

So, fingerprint yourself: leave prints of all 10 fingers on a white sheet of paper. Or you can just carefully examine each finger - whatever is more convenient for you.

All fingerprints are individual, but are typologically divided into 3 categories: waves, loops and curls.


Usually a person has 2 or even 3 types of prints, rarely - just one.

Write down on a piece of paper how many you got.

More "Waves"

It is “waves” that are the most common pattern in our latitudes. Such people usually have a calm disposition, an accommodating character and a balanced psyche. At school they said about such people as “strong middle peasants.” They don’t miss stars from the sky, but they don’t get involved in dubious adventures, they easily get along with people, but they are not the “life of the party,” they maintain smooth relationships with friends and colleagues, and are more family-oriented. Among the owners of “waves” as the predominant pattern, there are more people who have chosen a profession in the service sector: hair stylist, makeup artist, personal assistant, confectioner, florist, illustrator, interior designer.


If you have “waves” on your index fingers, you are very sociable and easy-going.

If you have more “waves” on your right hand than on your left, you are very hot-tempered, but easily forgive insults. Accordingly, and vice versa: the predominance of “waves” on the left hand suggests that you are not inclined to be offended over trifles, but if you are offended, it will not be easy to earn forgiveness.

“Waves” on the thumbs indicate that you always insist on your own and sometimes are even deaf to outside arguments. They say about such people “at least a stake on your head”: if you are sure that you are right, you are unshakable.

“Waves” on the index fingers indicate excessive emotionality and vulnerability of nature.

If “waves” are located on your index fingers, you are a very responsible and devoted person. You will never leave a friend in trouble and will do everything to complete the task. For any boss, such an employee is a treasure!

More "Loops"

The pattern is more common in central Europe. These are quite open, self-confident and career-oriented people for whom self-development and self-expression are important, even if this does not bring specific material benefits. The predominance of this pattern on the fingertips indicates developed intelligence and a penchant for mental work. People with a loop pattern are most likely to be found in the most ambitious projects; they are the ones who take risks when participating in a startup or even organizing one; more often than others, they open their own business, start as junior assistants and work their way up to general directors. These are very energetic, efficient, creative people, about whom they say “the Earth turns with them.”


If the “loops” are located on your index fingers, you are an ideal team player. You are not eager to become a leader, but you interact wonderfully with colleagues, friends and relatives.

“Loops” on the middle fingers indicate a strong dependence on the opinions of others. Even if you don’t show it outwardly, deep down you’re worried about what your co-workers will think about your new dress, and what your mom will say when you tell her that the promotion didn’t happen.

"Loops" on the ring and little fingers indicate good health: Surprisingly, statistics have shown that, being quite sick in childhood, such people grow up and do not get sick with practically anything serious.

If there are more than 8 “loops”, you love to dream and fantasize. They say about such people that they “have their head in the clouds” or, in more advanced cases, “not of this world.” It was those with a pronounced advantage of loops who became science fiction writers more often than others!

More "Curls"

The more “curls” on your fingers, the higher potential your brain has. Scientists call 10 “curls” the “seal of genius”, since such a pattern is extremely rare and almost always found among scientists, brilliant inventors and discoverers. The predominance of “curls” indicates highly developed logical thinking, the ability to analyze, good linguistic and mathematical abilities. Such people easily learn several languages, in mature age they can radically change their profession, having mastered something fundamentally new, emigrate several times, finding a more interesting job, or - strictly opposite - devote their whole life to some scientific research. The only thing they are almost indifferent to is material wealth.


“Curls” on the thumbs indicate a desire for dominance. Such a person is not able to work in complete subordination; he needs space for individual projects, attention to his ideas. Routine is the worst punishment for him.

If “curls” are located on all fingers except the thumbs, we are talking about an extremely psychologically unstable person. They say about such people “from love to hate it is one step”; such people can radically change their position in a matter of minutes, since new arguments or facts have appeared.

“Curls” on the index fingers indicate that a person can take on a hundred things at once, and often quite successfully. But back side medals - it is difficult for such people to concentrate. For successful work they need a clear daily routine and organization of the process.

“Curls” on the little fingers speak of a person’s indecision and inner isolation. Such people are distrustful, rarely get close to anyone, and prefer to spend time alone. But if someone manages to win their trust, you won’t find a more loyal friend.

Consider the capillary patterns on the hand. Since there are many patterns themselves and their variations, let’s consider specific examples and interpretations from various sources, compare them with each other and check how they work in real life. All this will help answer the question about the meaning of the capillary pattern on my hands, but first things first: So, we have an area of ​​study - which is rarely discussed in books on palmistry, however, it is more informational than the lines of the hand.

To confirm this, let's look at a few examples: Figure 1-1 belongs to a girl (left-handed) – 19 years old, left hand. The hypothenar region (mountain of the Moon) is represented. Changes in the usual capillary pattern are visible, most reminiscent of the composite pattern on the fingers. Such a drawing is quite rare, so it deserves our attention: it is mentioned by N. Altman and G. Hürlimann. Nathaniel writes: “Such a pattern is found on the palms of those people whose psychology is closer to that of a representative of the opposite sex.

For example, men with such a pattern on the palm are very gentle and sensitive, while women are stubborn and aggressive.” Mrs. Hürlimann approaches the definition of the meaning of this figure more broadly - Figure 1-2: “Variants of “twin” loops, otherwise, a double loop on the Mount of the Moon indicate the large role of the subconscious in a person’s thoughts and actions. Their character depends on the shape of the hand and the signatures of the palm. On strong hands with developed and proportional thumb and index fingers, the “twin” loop indicates favorable mental characteristics.

Such a person is able to adapt to the requirements of the current moment. On hands with pointedly long fingers, the “twin” loop on the mound of the Moon indicates observation, the ability to assess a person’s state of mind based on a number of signs, including the expression on the interlocutor’s face. Most often this ability is possessed good psychologists and psychiatrists, workers social sphere, therefore in English-language literature this loop is called the “psychological twin”.

But over time, these specialists may discover signs of double consciousness in themselves as well. This seems to me to be extremely important point, because the best psychologists-consultants and assistants know how to get out of such difficulties not in theory, but in own experience. The “twin” loop on thin and nervous hands reveals mental lability, a tendency to frequent mood swings, hidden complexes and neuroses. These people are insecure and neurotic."

The next article will be devoted to capillary patterns on the fingers. As you learned from the first article, capillary patterns are placed on the palm. Energy flows through them and accumulates in certain areas, therefore these areas develop and bring their own characteristics. Similar patterns, and sometimes much more complex ones, are found on the fingertips. There are different classifications of these patterns, let’s try to figure it out together:

To do this, we need to divide the hand into two parts, draw a vertical line through the middle finger of the left hand - left side The hand along with the thumb and index finger is called the radial side, and the right side along with the little and ring fingers is called the ulnar side. This designation was introduced to simplify the classification of some patterns and is simply nominal.

  • The arc is the simplest, but at the same time rare pattern in Russia.
  • Standard arc- shown in the figure. Denoted by the letter A – from English word– “arch” – arch. This pattern really resembles an arch. Characterized by the absence of triradii. By general appearance we can conclude that the energy passes through the capillary lines (they are black in the figure) and makes a slight bend. Thus, energy is minimally retained in this area, which characterizes this pattern as a pattern with maximum energy throughput, i.e. energy is used very quickly.
  • Arch with loop inside– this type is combined from a very small loop, which is surrounded by an arc from above. The pattern is classified as an arc pattern, since most of the energy passes along the trajectory of the arc capillary lines, only a very small part of the energy is retained in the inner loop, so we classify this pattern as an arc pattern. It occurs quite often, so it is important to be able to figure out whether a loop or arc predominates in the capillary pattern. Once a small loop appears, it is necessary to determine its direction - the figure shows an ulnar loop - it is directed from the center to the ulnar side on the print right hand, respectively, for the left hand such a print will characterize a radial loop. Designated AL - Arch Loop - from English - Arc Loop.
  • High arc– this type of arc is very similar to a standard arc, but differs from it in that as it approaches the center of the capillary pattern, the lines begin to bifurcate, as a result of which the capillary lines rise higher at the center of the pattern. The introduction of such a pattern is necessary in order to distinguish between the indicators brought by simple arches and their highly raised counterparts. The flow of energy changes slightly and the results are different. Designated as AT - Tended Arch - High Arc.
  • High arc with a point or other complicating element– these include the tent arches known to us. This pattern is minimally close to a standard loop, but the whole point is in the complicating element, which is located in the center of the pattern, it is this that “breaks” the entire pattern of lines. This pattern is less common, which is why it is the most difficult to describe. But this problem can also be overcome - the pattern in the center retains energy in this area, and based on the direction of this pattern, one can draw a conclusion about the direction of energy flow. This pattern is designated as ATC - Arch Tended Complex - Complex High Arc.

This is complete and long description is provided so that the reader can understand exactly how the flow of energy occurs, so the time spent understanding the types of each pattern will result in a full understanding of the characteristics that this type of specific pattern brings.

Let's move on to the next pattern:

  • A loop- the next pattern in complexity after the arc, the most common in Russia. The general characteristic of this pattern is the presence of one triradius. Triradius is a situation where three lines converge at one point, forming a triradius - a connection of several lines into one pattern. The figure below shows a simple loop and a triradium bordering it on the left.

Let's look at the subtypes of this pattern:

  • Standard loop. To distinguish this pattern from the pattern - Arc with a loop inside, you need to look at the number of capillary lines making up the loop; if their number is more than 1, then the tendencies of the loop plan increase. Energy flows along the arc trajectory to a lesser extent. Therefore, if there are even more capillary lines. For those walking along a loop path, you can safely classify this pattern as a loop pattern. Denoted as L - from English - loop - repetition, loop.
  • Double loop– characterized by two triradii. Ulnarity-radiality is determined first by the lower loop, then by the upper one. This type of loop pattern resembles twins, so it brings interesting characteristics. Sometimes the loop can separate, so this pattern is very easy to confuse with one of the varieties of curl, especially when the ends of the loops are very narrowed. To eliminate such situations, always make a print and study and analyze. The flow of energy in this pattern is very interesting - on the one hand, energy flows through the outer loop, on the other hand, it similarly flows through the inner loop, which creates a magnet factor - when voltage arises between the two poles. The same is true in this situation, but we will talk about this below. Designated as LD - Loop Double - Double Loop.
  • Single or double loop with bend- a complicated version of the double loop. Both loops have the same starting direction, but different lengths, versus a different starting direction for the double loop. This pattern is characterized by a single triradius, which removes the tension factor inherent in the double loop. The energy flows like a river divided by an island into two channels, they are so close, but one is shallow and the other is deep. This pattern is rare, which characterizes it as exceptional. Designated LF - Fall Loop - Loop with a bend.
  • Peacock eye loop– this type of loop is very reminiscent of a curl, but falls short of this pattern, since it has one triradius, which is its distinctive feature. This type of pattern is most indicative of explanation in terms of energy flows and their flow. The energy enters the loop, approaches the center and concentrates in the center of the picture, but cannot stay in the center and leaves the center to the side where there is no triradius, i.e. where the loop begins. Designated as LP - Loop Pea - Peacock Loop.

We also divided this pattern into 4 subtypes, which is necessary for accuracy and ease of explanation of any complexity that may have arisen before.

  • The final pattern is a curl. This pattern is characterized by the fact that it is the most complex, average in prevalence - between arcs and loops, as a result of which it has its own unique characteristics. Arcs and curls are conflicting patterns, they oppose each other. Let's consider the classification of this pattern:
  • The curl is the target. Characterized by concentric circles that are separated from each other short distances. This is the simplest and strongest curl, it provides maximum concentration of energy in the center of the pattern, the center is limited by triradii. The energy remains here constantly, it is concentrated, like stagnant water in a deep pool. This pattern is characterized by two triradii that frame the circles. This pattern is designated WR – Whorl – Curl.
  • The curl is a spiral. This pattern is very similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that the pattern is a rotating spiral, which consists of lines twisting around the center of the pattern. The energy gradually winds around the center, unlike the target - this position of the lines indicates that the energy can escape, because it goes in a spiral and when it reaches the center it comes back, so the strength of this pattern is already less than that of the target curl. This pattern is designated as WS - Whorl Spiral - Curl - Spiral.
  • Curl elongated– it is necessary to separate this pattern into a separate group, since this pattern is considered quite widely in the literature on palmistry. The pattern is similar to a target curl, but the center of the curl is a small straight line, the meaning of which is interpreted very widely. I note that the energy does not spread to a point - as in a target, but is distributed over the entire line, which reduces its concentration, but increases the possibilities. This curl is designated as WE - Elongated Whorl - Elongated Whorl.
  • Curl including loop, ulnarity and radiality along internal loops. Most difficult option curl, to understand how much, just open a book on palmistry and read about a new type of pattern called compound or complex, but this is a misconception, because this is just one type of curl. The energy here simply cannot flow normally, which causes deviations, good or bad - this is a subject for a separate article. Designated WI - Whorl Imploding - Integrated Curl.
  • Complex curl, not amenable to the above classification. The most interesting pattern, it is very easy to confuse with a double loop, but in this case it is more reminiscent of a curl, since it has a rounded shape. In such cases, it is best to look at all the prints as a whole to identify the main trend from which we can draw a conclusion about the appearance of the patterns on the hand as a whole.

So, we have looked at all types of patterns, there are only three of them - Arc, Loop, Curl. Each pattern has its pros and cons. Now let’s try to describe the meaning of a specific pattern on a specific finger, so that it is easier for us to consider approaches to characterizing the meaning of a particular pattern:

What might determine the meaning that a pattern brings? There are several signs at once:

  • The exact name of the pattern (that's why I gave the abbreviations to make it more convenient).
  • The finger on which the pattern is located, each finger brings its own characteristics associated with it.
  • The palm on which this pattern is located. The palm can be active or inactive. If you are right-handed, then your active right hand is, if you are left-handed, and the probability of this is as much as 10%, then your active hand is your left.
  • The general picture of patterns on the hands, for example, with nine loops, there is a curl on one of the fingers, which clearly causes additional characteristics associated with both this finger and the pattern in general.
  • Pattern repeatability – i.e. the presence of the same pattern on the same fingers. For example, a curl on the index finger of the left hand and a curl on the index finger of the right hand. This situation introduces reinforcing characteristics.

Having figured out what criteria we will use to characterize the patterns, let’s move on to the characteristics themselves. To keep the description concise and concise, I will only give a direction for thought, and specific conclusions will be easy to draw by looking at how the energy that flows through the capillary lines behaves. Let me make a reservation right away that we will consider the description of patterns associated with character traits.

Let's consider General characteristics each finger separately (taken from the article – Are your fingers straight):

  • Pointing– finger of Jupiter, characterizes a person’s ambitions, the desire to manage, command other people, reflects feelings of confidence, self-esteem, pride.
  • Average– Saturn’s finger reflects thoughtfulness, a tendency towards melancholy, isolation, sadness and pessimism, a person’s seriousness, mistrust.
  • Nameless– finger of Apollo, characterizes the desire for beauty, love for pleasure, well-being, Creative skills, human taste.
  • Little finger– the Mercury finger reflects a penchant for commerce or science, cunning, a sense of logic, memory and enterprise, communication, ingenuity and quick thinking.