“Do you even read letters? I wrote to you a week ago that the movers have been called for tomorrow. When you pack up your things, throw away the cat litter box, I bought a new one. What do you mean, where are you moving to? To me, of course!


“Allen! It's me! Are you sleeping? I know it's three o'clock in the morning. I’m at the local department here, sitting in a cage. I wanted to tell you that some ghouls called the police, but actually it was not noise, but a serenade. There are flowers still in the trash at the entrance. Go and get it."



" And do you love me? Do you really love me? Aren't you cheating? Is it true? And will you always be there? Always always? But if one day... Well, “leave me alone” already, I knew it!”


“Am I yelling at you? I never yell at you! Do you mean “and now”? Well, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I was wrong.”


“Have you eaten? Did you remember to take your pill? Your feet are cold, let me get some socks. Did you really eat it? Did you poop?”


“No, I don't like her. I like you. Otherwise, what do you think I’m doing here anyway?”


“Well, it’s good for me alone, in general, but if you really want... Stop!” Where I go alone at night, I’m with you! And put on your hat!”

a lion

" What are you thinking about? What do you mean, why am I asking? I'm interested".


" Your mother? Of course, let him come. I'm glad. I am glad".

Love will come unexpectedly... The feeling of love sometimes comes quite unexpectedly, and sometimes it takes years to mature! It is believed that love is almost impossible to predict. And everything would be fine if we, as one, were not born under beautiful stars that influence our life, love, and destiny. Therefore, women ask questions: “Which zodiac sign men are the most loving?”, “Which ones are the most faithful,” “What are the shortcomings of the zodiac signs?” etc. Of course, there cannot be only one correct answer, but we have compiled a rating of men and told how they show their attitude towards a woman, what actions they are capable of and how to understand that this particular man really deserves your attention.

Guardian Aries

Aries will have fun telling stories about his courage and invincibility, coolness and wealth to the girl who has aroused his interest. If he arouses your reciprocal sympathy, agree without hesitation, because he does not offer twice. Aries simply do not notice barriers in love, but if any appear, they will try to take them head-on from a running start. Aries' love is swift, even centripetal, because if it is unrequited, then he will not suffer, but will immediately be consoled elsewhere.


If you happen to meet on your life path Aries, you can run to the pharmacy in advance for antidepressants. This representative of the ram family, with his stubbornness and selfishness, manifested with childish spontaneity, can bring you to your grave in no time. Even if he knows that he is wrong, he will still argue, just out of principle. He always has his own opinion on any subject, even one in which Aries is poorly versed. Sharp outbursts of aggression and attacks of bad mood are the adornment of this sign. True, it goes away as quickly as it flares up.

What can you say about your communication with Aries?

Practical Taurus

Taurus tries in every possible way to entertain and make the girl he likes laugh. Most likely, his jokes will be very “bearded”. But if you like it, laugh! And try to do it casually and flirtatiously. Taurus men truly know how to care for ladies in the best traditions. You will find trips to restaurants, cinemas, a variety of exhibitions and events, flowers, sweets and similar joys. If the “candy-bouquet” period drags on too long, do not hesitate to take the initiative into your own hands and push your Taurus to more decisive action. Of course, if you yourself have already realized that you will create a truly strong alliance with this person.


Taurus believes that he can do whatever he wants, and if so, then why bother? He is always pleased with himself. Even in cases where there is, in general, nothing to be proud of. Taurus considers his exorbitant stubbornness to be the strength of character of a real man, tight-fistedness is considered reasonable frugality, and a tendency toward pessimism is a realistic perception of the world.

Are there anyone among you who managed to build a long and happy relationship with a Taurus?

Dual Gemini

He is unable to tear himself away from the woman he likes for even a minute. His behavior may even seem like stalking to you! Since you occupy all his thoughts, be prepared for a special manifestation of attention: constant calls and SMS, as well as for his appearance in the most unexpected places, be it your office or even a website you often visit. But do not delude yourself, because this man is inclined to invent his love and endow his chosen one with those traits that she may not possess. If you are serious about marrying a Gemini, be prepared to draw up a thorough plan of thoughtful actions, although it is far from a fact that even this will help you in any way.


No sign of the Zodiac has such a gift for turning everything upside down as Gemini does. You won’t get bored with them, but already in the second week of intensive communication you will feel like something like a sprinter among the stayers, hopelessly behind the rest and tortured to death. If you can stand Gemini and their mind-blowing penchant for constant change (given that you are not a Gemini yourself), then you should erect a monument. They hang out here and there, love to fool around and make fun of people. The future with them is more than unreliable, but the present is funny. Don't expect loyalty from Gemini; if you turn away, they are already flirting with your girlfriend with all their might.

What steps did you take to reach an understanding with your twins?

Home Cancer

Family values ​​come first for this sign. Therefore, he tries to immediately demonstrate to his chosen one his most useful qualities - loyalty, practicality, experience. The main thing you need to convince Cancer of is that your views on family coincide with him. He can begin to find out this even during conversations in the kitchen “for life”, carefully finding out how you feel about family, children and housekeeping. At the same time, Cancer can beat around the bush for years. He himself is in no hurry to make a serious proposal. But it’s quite easy to check how serious his feelings are for you. Give him a task of medium weight. Based on the speed with which he rushes to fulfill it, you can judge the strength of his love.


This bore and whiner is looking for a continuation of his mother in every girl, and if he finds his ideal, he will certainly try to get married. Cancer - an active lover of the family hearth and comfort - will drive his wife to an early grave with his eternal claims about how to properly wash the dishes, feed your beloved cat and cook an omelet. Marriage to Cancer is ruined youth.

How was your relationship with Cancer? Have you noticed how much they family values superior to representatives of other zodiac signs?

Fire Lion

It’s not at all difficult to guess Leo’s feelings - he knows how to brilliantly court the lady he likes. At the same time, your other fans may not even try to compete with such a gallant gentleman, but will simply step aside. Usually Leo tries to appear before the object of his passion as a sort of chic man who has no problems and who is not used to counting money. All beautiful gestures from him - trips to the theater, expensive gifts and noble deeds - will be thrown at your feet with exaggerated artistry. But keep in mind that Leo can easily get into such debt that you will have to pay off a bunch of loans for another 20 years after the wedding. Therefore, if you really need this man, you will have to stop his noble impulses in time.


Obsessed with his own person, Leo does not notice anyone around him except himself. Well, perhaps only those who admire him. He is arrogant and considers himself too generous to remember insults and promises. The royal personage loves to spend money, lead an idle life and surround herself with beautiful girls. Insanely jealous, hot-tempered and touchy. He himself cannot stand it if he is jealous, since he cannot even admit the thought that someone might consider him their property. He should always be in your first place, and if you suddenly postpone your date to another day because of the need to visit your sick aunt, he may be mortally offended. What the hell is an auntie?

Have you managed to achieve such a level of mutual sympathy with Leos? Or do these men seem too proud to you?

Closed Virgo

He is in no hurry to reveal his feelings not only to his chosen one, but even to himself. Enough long time he will secretly glance at you and decide whether you suit him from all sides or not. He will collect information, and may even ask your mutual friends about it. Not limiting himself to information, he will try to hold as many joint events with you as possible in order to see you in action. Are you really who you say you are? Are you really perfection? As soon as he is convinced of this and accepts internal solution, he will not hide in front of you and will make a confession or immediately propose marriage. Although turned away, he will still gallantly court you for several years, hoping that you will get to know him better and change your mind.


This is a terrible pedant. He (it would be more accurate to say “she”) will harass you with trifles and notations. Virgo will grumble that oil contains a lot of cholesterol, and fried food is very harmful to the stomach. He is lazy to the point of disgrace, but considers himself hardworking, since sometimes he is motivated to do some little thing. He is tense with emotions and is very wary of love.

Romantic Libra

He finds pleasure in the courtship itself and is in no hurry to move on to the next part. Being a secular gentleman, Libra can show you signs of attention just like that, out of love for art. It's not easy to figure out who he prefers. Most likely, he himself is not completely sure of this. You will have to take decisive action and “push” the situation. However, be careful not to overdo it: too assertive ladies can push him away. In addition, Libra is afraid to take on any obligations. Try not to demand anything from him by order, but simply let events develop in a seemingly natural way. According to your scenario, of course.


Libras are suspicious, secretive and petty. They can be irritable and can take their anger out on the first person that comes to hand if things don’t go the way he would like. They come up with various non-existent problems for themselves, and then take a long time to solve them. They have many friends, but really trust almost no one.

Have you noticed that Libra is more prone to romanticism than other signs?

Hot-tempered Scorpios

His love is so captivating that you will not have any chance to escape. If he chose you, then you will know about it immediately. His gaze will beckon, promise, seduce - and will attract you like a magnet. Scorpio man always good psychologist, and knows a lot of beautiful words. He will give you non-trivial compliments, talk about fate and purpose. He is a great owner, and from the very beginning he will act as if you are completely his. In addition, he is used to winning and getting his way, and in as soon as possible. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you give him a kiss on the day of your meeting.


The nasty, corrosive and vindictive Scorpio gets irritated all the time if something is not done as he considers correct. Constant nagging and a gloomy look, capable of almost driving you waist-deep into the ground with its weight, will drive anyone crazy. And when this insect starts to be jealous, you won’t think it’s enough. He doesn’t count money, but he remembers very well how many times they forgot to rejoice at his gift.

How difficult was your path to getting closer to Scorpio?

Sagittarius best friend

He will constantly revolve around the object of his love, getting caught at every step and smiling from ear to ear. In a fit of feelings, he is “carried” even against his will. He can chatter incessantly, amazing you with his erudition and memory. At the same time, he may suddenly blurt out something like: “I adore you!” or “Marry me!” and stare at you with shining eyes. If you have reciprocal feelings for him, it is better to take advantage of the moment and quickly agree - who knows how long Sagittarius love will last. Refusal only provokes the resilient Sagittarius. Succumbed to passion, he will try all means to achieve victory. Unless, of course, you end up looking at a pretty face in the process - and then start all over again!


He's not lying. But only because his essence cannot stand lies. He doesn’t lie even when telling the truth is inappropriate. If he catches you in a lie, expect trouble. Sagittarius is furiously jealous, but he himself does not miss a single skirt. Even his inherent sense of humor is not able to compensate for his shortcomings.

Perhaps you yourself have been happily married for a long time to a representative of this zodiac sign?

Stubborn Capricorn

Capricorns fall in love painfully. At first he will try not to notice his feeling, then he will try to suppress it. At this stage, he may be distinctly cold with you, despite the fact that passion simply consumes him. He needs time to admit to himself that love has settled in his heart. And even after that, he will think and weigh everything a hundred times more. You should not rush him - you risk seeming to him like an eccentric lady and an unsuitable match. Sometimes a Capricorn man arranges various kinds of “checks” for his potential bride. For example, he will try to sit you on his lap at the very first meeting. If you give in, everything is lost! Women's availability in his eyes is incompatible with the dignity of his future wife. So behave yourself and be a sensible girl.


Capricorn is stubborn and absolutely not amenable to persuasion. Even if he agrees with you, then either your opinions accidentally coincided, or he simply does not want to “throw pearls before swine.” In the latter case, be sure that deep down in his soul he does not doubt at all that he is right. Capricorn is also a bore, he can hardly stand noisy fun parties and in general may be lost to society if you do not spend time with him educational work. However, convincing, as was said earlier, is almost impossible, so it is better to put pressure on his interest and bring him to a certain idea very carefully, so that Capricorn decides that this is his own thought. Capricorn is ambitious, believes that he knows life, and therefore can lecture you for hours on how to live, and especially how to spend money. Therefore, it is better to keep the little joys of your shopping to yourself.

Write about your impressions of relationships with Capricorns. Have you managed to build a strong alliance?

Veselchak Aquarius

If he makes a declaration of love, it will only be in the most romantic way. He may lead you in circles around some ancient ruins, and then, finally, suddenly decide that the moment has come. Maybe he'll be pushed bright colors a fading sunset, or a special breath of wind, or a casually heard statement stranger. In his eyes, you are part of a world where everything is equally valuable to the observer. For Aquarius men, friendship can easily turn into love. Unfortunately, the reverse process also occurs. At least you won't be bored!


Aquarius loves to dream and plan something grandiose, but his energy and patience are rarely enough to even begin. He will promise you a bunch of everything - and at the minute of the promise, Aquarius himself believes that he will fulfill his plans - but you do not believe his sweet speeches. In serious matters, it is better not to count on Aquarius, and even more so, you should not dream of placing responsibility for something on his courageous shoulders; rely first of all on yourself.

Write, did Aquarius, in communicating with you, manage to find those same threads that would make you feel the power of their love?

Mysterious Pisces

Falling recklessly in love, at first he does not even dare to approach the girl of his dreams. He dreams, writes romantic poems, is sad and sighs. He does not dare to approach Her - the very perfection and embodiment of beauty. However, over time, he will gain courage and begin to have intimate conversations or talk about how he is lonely and his heart yearns for love. He will begin to give small gifts - not expensive, but sweet and touching, smiling shyly and looking into your eyes. His indecisiveness and fear of rejection prevent him from making a decisive confession. Over time he will become more and more sad. It's time for his beloved to take the situation into her gentle but confident hands.


You need normal guy, self-confident and firmly standing on the ground, and not soaring somewhere in the clouds? Then you've come to the wrong address. Pisces live in their own worlds, according to their own laws and, as a result, are absolutely not adapted to real life. Pisces are children at heart, they are indecisive, unusually sensitive, and they need to be constantly taken care of, otherwise they may disappear due to their lack of independence.

It is very interesting to know your experience of communication with Pisces.

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Each Zodiac Sign is different from the rest, especially when it comes to love. Confessions of a love nature are also given differently to everyone. Therefore, each of the Signs has their own specific ways of revealing feelings.

To be a love guru, it is enough to show interest in "Love">love horoscopes, which can reveal the secret of attracting good luck on any day, week or month. In love, charm and charm decide a lot, but Lady Fortune does not sit idle, so such horoscopes are very useful when other means fail.


Aries loves grace and beautiful performances. Men born under this Zodiac Sign will buy a ring in a store and kneel in front of a woman to express their feelings. Aries women usually give men pleasant surprises to impress them, and then, as if by chance, they tell them that they love them.


Taurus are the very individuals who make a holiday out of love confessions. They invite their significant other to a restaurant or prepare dinner at home, arranging candles and creating a special energy. If Taurus wants to say “I love you,” he will only do it when the opportunity is most convenient.


Geminis speak with actions. Declarations of love are perhaps the only time in their life when they shut their mouth and want to do something with you together. They invite you to a concert, a movie, a barbecue, or a hike, depending on what your Gemini considers romantic. The main thing for them is that you are next to them and understand everything yourself.


Cancers are extremely shy and keep all their feelings to themselves. If a person of the opposite sex responds with sympathy to a representative of this Zodiac Sign, then a flurry of love letters will rain down on this person. Cancers are incredibly romantic, so they confess their love under a night sky full of stars or on the seashore. They want a beautiful moment.

a lion

Leos and Lionesses declare their love in such a way that it is impossible to refuse. Their methods are unique because they utilize their full potential. They will shout into the loudspeaker that they love you, they will give you gifts that you never dreamed of. And just try to say that you don’t love them! However, Leo is unlikely to believe this.


Virgos usually say their cherished words when no one sees or hears them, except, of course, their loved one. They say what they think, but they will always ask themselves a hundred times whether they need it. If you make a positive impression on Virgo and let her know that you like her, then a love confession will not wait.


Libra is doubtful. That is why they are always waiting for the right moment. In their confessions, everything follows the usual pattern - flowers if it is a man, as well as rosy cheeks and shyness if it is a woman. They will never confess their love to selfish Zodiac Signs unless they make attempts to convince Libra of the opposite.


Scorpios do not like to confess their love, therefore, using their natural magnetism and strong energy, they will make sure that you confess to them, and they accept your words. Sometimes it happens that Scorpios themselves say “I love you.” Once every hundred years, approximately.


For Sagittarius, everything is always easy. If they are in love, they will tell you about it in the easiest and most relaxed way. Sometimes they throw out such words, but if their other half has too serious intentions, then Sagittarius will never admit their feelings in passing and will also try to talk about plans for the future with all seriousness in order to make an impression.


Capricorn can be anything but a romantic. If this Zodiac Sign wants to say cherished words, then certainly not on his knees and putting a ring on his finger. Capricorn women are even more passive in this regard - they often don’t care at all whether their lover knows that they have an uneasy relationship with him.


Aquarius is the one who never confesses his love first. It doesn’t matter whether he is a man or a woman, this Sign perceives love as friendship, therefore he expresses his love and talks about it through facial expressions, gestures and glances. Be careful with them.


Pisces love to hint at their feelings. They don't like to say everything head-on, just as it is. Their methods are not clear to many ordinary people, because they are sometimes even absurd. Pisces confess their love by beating around the bush. They hesitate, worry and cannot bring themselves to express their feelings.

Previously we wrote about. This article will help you find out which of the Signs will be more pleasant to confess your love in view of the fact that you are suitable for each other. Love is not a one-way process, but a mutual one, so don't waste your time on those who don't value your feelings. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.06.2016 07:00

There are no ideal people. Enmity and hostility inevitably break out between people from time to time, and...

A declaration of love is a very personal and responsible event. Find out how beautifully and in their own way each zodiac sign does this.


There will be no long thoughts or courtship, as soon as Aries realizes that he has fallen in love, he will immediately go for a huge bouquet and solemnly present it to his beloved. Refusals are not accepted, and you won’t be able to endure it for long, because the pressure of Aries is truly powerful.


The confession will take place in a romantic atmosphere over a bottle of luxurious wine, and during a tender hug, Taurus will tell everything that has been accumulating inside him for so long. Although most likely not for very long, because it is quite difficult for this sign to hide their feelings.


Gemini will consider any place that the representative of this sign likes to be the best place for a date. Whether it's football, a concert, or barbecue. If such actions are not enough, Gemini will easily tell you about their feelings. But you shouldn’t place much hope on the word “I love”, because this is a very fickle sign, and yesterday’s declaration of love may no longer mean anything today.


Cancer is very afraid that his feelings will become a laughing stock. He can love while suffering within himself. But just a little reciprocal sympathy is enough, and the signs of love will be much clearer. The date will take place under the starry sky on the field in the company of excellent wine. Representatives of this sign are ready to give you the sky, fields, everything that falls under your gaze.

a lion

Leo can be compared to a real knight, winning girls one by one. But, if Leo truly falls in love, he will not skimp on gifts or attention. Representatives of this sign will prove that they are the best representatives of humanity.


Don't expect romance, poetry and serenades, this is not included in Virgo's plans. Words are much more important to them and this is how they express their feelings. And by the way, they will propose marriage.


Romance and falling in love fade into the background due to many doubts. But if they feel mutual feelings, then the whole world will fall at the feet of the object of their adoration.


If Scorpio really falls in love, then the whole arsenal will be used, including seductive dishonest tricks. From poetry and romance to expensive travel and luxurious gifts. But if this is not love, but ordinary sympathy, then ordinary beautiful words, which are certainly attractive, will be enough.


Confession will be the most romantic and tender event in your life, only on the condition that love looks like a non-binding and harmless pastime. If the other half expects something more from Sagittarius, then an escape in search of unconstrained freedom is possible.

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Not only are all ages submissive to love, but each person behaves differently if they experience this feeling. In addition, telling your chosen one about your sympathy for him is also not an easy task. To find out how zodiac signs declare love, you need to become more familiar with their inner mood, character and behavior.

In order to gain experience in love, it is not necessary to change partners every day. You can turn to your horoscope for a hint, which will help you attract luck into your personal life on the right day and month. Of course, external data, charisma and charm play a huge role in feelings. But, as they say, Her Majesty Luck is also capable of a lot! If you learn how the zodiac signs declare their love, you will be fully equipped.


Banality and boredom are not for Aries. They adore gallantry, charm and colorful performances. leading role. If an Aries man wants to show his chosen one his feelings, he will transform into a noble knight. He will get down on his knee and put a diamond ring on her finger. Aries women will first seduce, then surprise you with a surprise, and then confess their love.


I wonder how zodiac signs declare love if they are born Taurus? Before us are those people who know how to beautifully and unforgettably confess their feelings. For them, love is already a festive fireworks display! Romantic A candlelit dinner and a chic restaurant is on the Taurus courtship list. They will find the most suitable moment for declarations of love.


Love is proven by actions - this is definitely about Gemini. It takes a lot of effort to get them to admit their feelings. It’s better for Gemini to invite their chosen one out into nature, to a cafe, to the theater. The main thing is to be together with your loved one, and beautiful words- it's so ordinary. Especially if you already have mutual love, then why talk about it?

Well, whoever doesn’t say a word about his love is shy Cancer. He keeps everything inside himself, somewhere deep in his heart. But, as soon as someone falls in love with Cancer, and then admits it to him, then you definitely won’t get rid of emotions, calls and messages. There is no sign more romantic than Cancer in the horoscope! They confess their love to serenades, looking at the starry sky and the sea sunset.

How do zodiac signs declare their love if they are Leos? Yes, very simple. After all, they are already pre-prepared to receive “I love you too” in response. It is impossible to refuse Leo, because they are original, majestic and noble. They give luxurious gifts, proudly declare their love and provide divine courtship. Even if you mutter that you don’t love the Lioness, she will ignore it. This can't happen.


Confessing alone with your lover is “in the spirit” of Virgo. Why advertise your feelings and shout about them at every intersection?! Straightforward and frank Virgos sometimes themselves do not think about what they say and do. But, if someone tells Virgo that he loves her more life, then she will not hesitate to respond. Especially if the chosen one is immensely attractive to her.


Libra, always doubting their feelings, will wait for an opportunity. Libra Women relatively shy when it comes to feelings and confessions. As for Libra men, they have a long-thought-out courtship plan - flowers, champagne and a table for two in a restaurant. They, as a rule, expect initiative from the chosen one, and do not tolerate outright egoists.


To find out how the zodiac signs confess their love, you need to uncover the mystical nature of Scorpio. Initially, nature endowed them with such magnetism and energy that it is impossible to hide from it. Therefore, others most often confess their feelings to them, and not vice versa. Of course, they themselves are capable of this. But these are the rarest cases.


Sagittarians are the easiest people in the world to confess their love. Why torment someone and, yes, torment yourself with expectations? If Sagittarius feels that he seriously cares about someone, then he will think about it - confess, or wait? Most likely, he will say the three cherished words “I love you,” but only to throw “dust” in his eyes.


Serious and absolutely unromantic Capricorn knows only from books how to confess his love. Although, he is unlikely to fall on his knee in front of his chosen one and will speak with trepidation about his feelings. One cannot be called proactive in love Capricorn women. They consider if there is " eternal love“, then she won’t go anywhere. From them, of course.


If you are an Aquarius by horoscope, then you also want to know how the zodiac signs declare their love. First of all, Aquarius doesn't count needed first talk about your feelings. For him, love is friendship, not passionate kisses and moonlight walks. Aquarius proves his feelings with a sweet smile, piercing gaze and gestures. Noticed something like this? Rejoice, Aquarius loves you.


Mysterious Pisces will walk around and around. They are unlikely to declare their love while standing on the podium. Yes, and they won’t say anything to their chosen one’s face either. They are characterized by everything extraordinary, inaccessible to the perception of others and... In general, a complete mystery that even Pisces themselves cannot unravel. Although, maybe under torture they will say “I love you.”

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