Nowadays, an increasing number of people who have access to the Internet prefer to check their level of knowledge of traffic rules and take tests not using paper tickets, but by solving traffic police tickets online on websites.

Many of the drivers who recently passed the traffic police exam still remember great emotional stress and a feeling of fear before the exam itself. Big emotional stress and waiting for the worst case scenario - companions of driving school students before exams.

To make life easier before the traffic police exams and to fully assimilate the material covered in the driving school, it is recommended to take the traffic police test online. These tests provide an opportunity to test your knowledge of the rules in real time traffic(traffic rules) and identify any gaps in knowledge. The tests exactly repeat all the questions that are approved as exam questions to test knowledge of traffic rules in the traffic police.

The online traffic police test will be useful not only for students of driving schools, but also for experienced drivers who took the exam a long time ago and have already forgotten some points. This testing will be able to indicate driver mistakes and warn against making them in the future. The driver must remember that in the event of a traffic violation while driving, it is better to prepare in advance and check your level of knowledge to prevent such violations.

We offer to take an online test for knowledge of traffic rules - traffic police tickets online:

The popularity of solving traffic police tickets online is explained by several reasons:

  • the possibility of not only free multiple testing, but also training here, without purchasing special literature, which is currently quite expensive;
  • Free and accessible tests from any computer with Internet access;
  • high speed of passing tests and obtaining an assessment of the result.

By solving traffic police tickets online, you test your knowledge of traffic rules, which will benefit you:

  • when taking an online test, you will see only those tickets for which you will need to take a theoretical exam at the traffic police in the future;
  • If you have difficulty answering a particular question, interactive tips are available to you, that is, during testing, not only knowledge is tested, but also additional training;
  • The test does not end with answering the ticket questions and receiving a grade - you can review the mistakes made, analyze them and decide what you need to spend extra time on when studying the Traffic Rules.

How to use traffic police tests online

To pass traffic police tests online, you will need a computer with an Internet connection. The program interface has several testing modes to choose from:

  • exam
  • marathon
  • tickets by numbers
  • tickets by topic

Exam mode designed to accurately simulate a traffic police exam. The entire exam takes 20 minutes, during which you need to answer 20 questions. This testing mode exactly repeats all the conditions of the real exam and is intended for the final test of knowledge of traffic rules. The program has a hint mode that can be turned on after selecting an answer to a question. The hint will indicate the correct answer and explain where it is indicated in the traffic rules. With maximum approximation to real conditions, this testing mode allows you to retest as many times as you like.

Marathon mode does a check against the database of all 40 available exam tickets, which is no less than 800 questions. There is no time limit for answers, but making more than 5 mistakes is not allowed, otherwise you will have to retake the test. This mode of online traffic police tests will allow you to prepare for the exam on all traffic rules questions that are only possible during the test. In addition, you can turn on the hint mode, which will help you answer questions correctly. asked question with a detailed explanation according to traffic rules. It is recommended to use this testing mode for intermediate knowledge tests, since the enabled hint mode will help make up for the lack of knowledge.

“Tickets by numbers” mode allows you to choose one of the 40 available tickets to test your knowledge of traffic rules and try to answer it. This mode will be useful for people who have recently started studying traffic rules and still cannot decide in which sections and topics their knowledge is insufficient. Turning on a hint in this mode is possible only after answering the question posed, which makes it possible to understand how to act in a given situation.

“Tickets by topic” mode The online traffic police test makes it possible to obtain the necessary knowledge on certain sections or chapters of the traffic rules. This mode is intended for beginners or people who took the exam a long time ago, who, after completing other modes of the program, discovered gaps in their knowledge of certain sections of traffic rules. In this mode, you can enable hints, which will allow you to short time fill in the missing knowledge.

The online traffic police test program has become very popular, every day more and more more people I resort to her help. This type of knowledge test provides many advantages over its analogues:

  • conditions for passing exams to test knowledge of traffic rules, completely close to real ones
  • Possibility of taking tests again any number of times
  • the opportunity to undergo training on exam cards in parallel with testing
  • speed of knowledge testing and assessment are completed in a matter of minutes
  • Testing is absolutely free, all you need is a computer with an Internet connection.

In addition to the above advantages, a person passing the traffic police test online has the opportunity to receive the following benefits:

1. When conducting the exam, only officially approved questions are used to test knowledge of traffic rules in the bodies and structures of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

2. If the question is unfamiliar or there are doubts about the answer, there is always the opportunity to use a hint that will indicate the correct answer and the section of the traffic rules regulating this question.

3. After passing the test, it is possible to analyze the mistakes made and focus on studying the sections of the traffic rules that account for the largest percentage of incorrect answers.

4. After successfully passing the traffic police tests online, you will feel confident in your own knowledge of the rules of the road, which can be applied when passing a real exam at the traffic police or used on the road when driving a vehicle.

The chance of passing the exam the first time with such preparation, as practice shows, increases several times, and this in turn will be reflected in saving time spent and reducing the number of stressful situations regarding passing exams.

The online traffic police test provides an excellent opportunity to repeat all the basic rules of the road for free in order to later warn against incorrect actions or provide knowledge that will be useful in a dispute with a traffic police officer about the correctness of certain actions.

An excellent test for those who want to pass the traffic rules exam online and prepare for the real traffic police exam.

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Comments on the article:


    It’s strange that the online program allows you to make up to 5 mistakes, inclusive, because in the real traffic police test there are only two. It’s scary to pass only the first time, but the second time (I opened additional categories B, C) you pass very confidently. Regarding the program, it helps a lot, but before it I studied using the pictures in the book. Also at work, in a professional skills competition for trolleybus drivers, she took first place in knowledge of traffic rules with the result: 20 questions, 0 errors, time: 1 minute 29 seconds.


    The program is, of course, interesting and even very necessary. But it is needed not only to test knowledge, but also to mentally prepare the driver’s license applicant for the exam. I remember about thirty years ago we took exams at the MREO, my hands and legs were shaking so much. This is how they prepared it in DOSAF for the army, despite what they specifically prepared. But even before the exam, cards were passed around. They passed everything the first or second time and went into the army.


    I would classify such a program more as an entertainment genre, because you need to prepare for driving exams using the tickets included in the testing. But on the road, no exams or programs will help, because there a person is not in comfortable conditions behind a monitor, but in an environment of increased danger.


    Well, I would consider such an exam as a test of my strength and partial relief of stress and fear before the exam.
    It's no secret that stressful situation can significantly affect the mental abilities of the examinee, not for the better.


    I myself prepared for the exam using tickets on the Internet. Going through the book is long and tedious, but here comes the result and comments immediately. so it's very convenient. By the way, I passed the real exam without errors.


    By own experience I will say that preparing for the theoretical part of the traffic rules exam using online tickets is really effective! I myself “pounded” them all several times a day for 3 months. As a result: the result is 100%, not a single error!


    Online testing for knowledge of traffic rules is a useful practice for any driver. In my time there were no such opportunities; I had to rummage through piles of books and brochures for hours. I already have the right to do so, but I gladly took this test again and made 3 mistakes, which is an acceptable norm. But it seems to me that there should be no mistakes, since the road does not forgive mistakes.


    I would recommend that every driver, regardless of experience, regularly take online tests and, most importantly, understand their mistakes! All you hear around us is how cool we are, how we know and remember everything, but in reality, after you try to pass the test, it turns out that you have already forgotten a lot.


    I’m only in my second year with a license, and that’s exactly how I prepared for the exams. Online services are very convenient, easily accessible and there are a lot of them! I have a free minute at work, I climbed in and passed the ticket! In public transport or in queues, anywhere! This may not work with books, but you shouldn’t forget about them. If you spend more time preparing, you will be more confident in the exam and less afraid. And if you make a mistake in the test, a hint immediately comes out with the correct answer and a commentary on why this particular answer is correct! But here a lot still depends on the service. There are services where the answer numbers correspond to the answer numbers in the book and never change places. There is a danger of remembering not the correct answer, but its number (for example, option B) and answering the exam without thinking, but out of habit. The number of allowed errors also depends on the service, some with 2 errors, some with 5, depending on what you use. My husband has had his license for 8 years, but he was also interested in testing his knowledge, they even organized competitions)) Now I climb in from time to time, I remember! My opinion is that online traffic rules tests are useful, especially for novice drivers, but you need to use them thoughtfully!


    I am familiar with such online tests first-hand. We have a transport service at work once a year. mandatory tests all drivers using such tests. I'm not sure if it's on the same site, but the pictures are the same. You are given two attempts. If you fail both times, you may be reprimanded. I consider this practice correct and smart, given the fact that drivers who received their license a long time ago simply forget a large number of nuances of traffic regulations due to the fact that there is no need to retake tickets when replacing licenses (due to expiration). There are no intermediate tests of knowledge; it is believed that if a driver knew the rules thoroughly 10 years ago, then even today he is not one iota worse at understanding them. This, of course, is not the case, as testing reveals. It also makes it immediately clear who simply bought the rights. I decided for myself to undergo such tests at least once every six months. For prevention and maintaining a good level of knowledge, since you have to drive for three to four hours every day.
    In general, I’m glad that this opportunity arose. Just the case when modern technologies really make life easier.


    I went to many sites and took tests. And now it’s 20 out of 20, and it’s here, sitting at the monitor, and after 2 weeks you have to take it to the traffic police... and for some reason it’s not scary, well, I won’t pass it the first time, I’ll pass it the second time, I’m not proud)))


    When I took my license, four years ago, I prepared for the exam using the application in social network In contact with. I also downloaded a traffic rules app on my mobile phone. However, the big disadvantage of these applications is that only a few tickets can be solved there for free. It’s good that free online exams are now available online. Of course, preparing for an exam using such online testing is much more convenient than poring over a book. You can immediately see where you made a mistake and write a detailed comment. Now, out of curiosity, I tried to take the test using the link above and I got as many as 5 errors! It’s probably worth going through a marathon and sorting out all the tickets. By the way, in addition to preparing for the theoretical exam, now novice drivers can also prepare for the practical one using various car simulators. To do this, of course, it is advisable to connect a steering wheel with pedals to the computer. I remember I especially liked a German driving simulator, it was called 3D Driving School, if it were in Russian, it wouldn’t have a price. It doesn't weigh much and works even on unsophisticated computers. In this simulator you strictly need to follow the rules - do not exceed the speed limit, turn from the right lane, follow the signs - in general, it is very interesting.


    When I was preparing for the exam a year ago, I used this test and a similar application for the iPhone, although it’s paid, but updates to it come out promptly and there is all the information on traffic rules, signs and markings, as well as statistics on passing tests - everything is very convenient. So at home I studied in the simulator through the website, and in transport or in other places where I had to usefully kill time in the application on my phone. As a result, I passed the traffic police exam without errors. So, from my own experience, I can confirm that the benefits of such online testing are enormous. The only weak point is the pictures illustrating the tickets. On the computers in the traffic police they correspond to what is in the official textbook(such a blue book in A4 format), and in various applications the pictures are used differently, often it is not even clear what the author wanted to say, and the test taker may have a misunderstanding of the depicted traffic situation and, as a result, will give the wrong answer to the ticket question. Now, in order not to forget the traffic rules, I try to periodically retake these tests, especially since I already have experience in driving and behavior in real road situations. I would like all drivers to adopt this practice, because sometimes a person has had his license for decades, but he has forgotten half of the rules and is not familiar with the new nuances.


    Just for fun, I decided to take this test of knowledge of traffic rules in “exam” mode. To my shame, I didn’t pass it, although I have had my license for 10 years and drive regularly. Still, a lot is forgotten over time. This service is an excellent simulator for both beginners and experienced drivers; it makes you remember the traffic rules, and sometimes even read them again. It’s very good that you can test yourself through play and force yourself to be on your toes.


    When I was studying to get my license two years ago, the instructor at the driving school told us this. Guys, don’t delve into the essence of the question and answer, the main thing is to remember what answer each question has. And that in order to pass the theory, you need to answer questions every free minute. I did this, on the way to and from work, at work during lunch, at home on weekends. I answered tests madly, precisely in order to remember the picture of the question and the correct answer, without delving into the essence. I passed without errors.

  • Ivan

    Great thing, I just decided to take the test myself because I wonder how much I have forgotten the rules in three and a half years-). Well, nothing like) the rights should not be taken away. But in fact, the thing is good, a lot different tests, but the essence of one thing is that traffic rules need to be known not only by those who are just getting behind the wheel, but also by everyone else.


    I like these types of online exams. When I was preparing to take the license exam, I constantly raced myself on tickets. In interactive mode, for me, learning was somehow more productive than from a book, and again there was a problem with self-organization (it’s easier to quit a book).
    Of course, all this will not replace real practice, but if the goal is to hand over tickets, that’s it, in my opinion.


    Online testing is more psychological preparation to pass the traffic rules exam. It helps reduce jitters and is a kind of litmus test of your knowledge. To be honest, I don’t really believe in the effect of such checks. If you learned the rules, then you will pass the exam, but if you don’t, the test will not help. I am for direct teacher-student teaching, only then will you be able to assimilate the knowledge given to you.


    I prepared like this: “Tickets by topic” are made in the process of going through one or another theory during training at a driving school, for reinforcement, and before the exam itself (a day before) I ran myself in the “Marathon” mode. You can, of course, buy a book, but it’s more convenient through a specialized service, if only because errors are immediately shown and explained. I passed the theory on the first try with one mistake, but I failed the practice =\. Passed on the second try.


    I became interested, and I also passed the traffic rules test using this online service A. It’s a shame, but I, a driver with 11 years of experience, made a bunch of mistakes and didn’t pass. A very useful thing not only for “new recruits”, but also for “old people”. Much of what is not used every day on the road really gets forgotten. And the jitters before the exam were really wild: some even had their monitors freeze (I think from the external energy of fear)


    Online tests of traffic police tickets like this are a real godsend for me. I’m getting ready to get my license and I’m very worried that even after passing my license I could suddenly get into an awkward situation on the road, so I very often use tests like this to develop the skills that I will need on the road when I drive a car on my own and around there will be no instructor who will suggest a solution in a difficult situation. Your service is very convenient, thank you.


    Paper traffic tickets are becoming a thing of the past, since you still need to buy them first (250+ rubles), and the booklet is quite weighty, and therefore it’s not very convenient to carry it everywhere with you. Personally, I learned my tickets via the Internet, the corresponding service is much more convenient, since all your mistakes can be sorted out right there on the spot, rather than running around pestering the teacher)). Well, it’s convenient to bookmark, I passed the theory without any problems.


    In general, I don’t like this book with tickets, it’s of poor quality and is falling apart, I liked going through traffic police tickets online more. But there is one significant disadvantage of such tickets, I, of course, don’t know about others, but I could not apply these rules in practice without an instructor. Yes, some basics that I remembered, I still did consciously, but everything else came only with driving experience.


    This is just a wonderful thing! It’s good that I found out about it now, and not after getting my license, otherwise I’ll have to take this exam in a month. Such tests for knowledge of traffic rules are simply a godsend, especially when cramming gets boring. And then I prepared myself and understood the specifics of the traffic police exam itself.
    It would be nice if they came up with some kind of driving simulator. Like sat on the sofa, put on a helmet virtual reality and train.


    I like these tests. There is an opportunity to test your strength in advance. I managed to pass the traffic rules test without difficulty, although not on the first try. This program helped a lot. It’s much easier to study tickets for the traffic police exam on the Internet and at the same time test your knowledge; the pictures are intuitive. In books you only have to memorize, but here you can participate in the trip itself.

    Sergey S.

    But I believe that it is better to learn the rules from a book, and then test yourself with a program. Solving traffic police tickets online is like a game, remember the algorithm and next time you can easily pass it. In reality, this is not the case; here you need to be able to remember and do everything as expected, not only during the exam, but also on the road. Therefore, the more varied the training is during preparation, the more it will help in real life.

    Yura Andreev

    Good day! Online testing of traffic rules, in my opinion, is better than buying and solving a test book. In the book you need to look for the explanation you are interested in regarding the error, and in online testing an explanation of this or that situation is given. I'll tell you my personal example. I didn’t buy any special literature, I just took the tests in “exam” mode so that the conditions would be like on a battlefield. As a result, I passed the first time thanks to the tests that helped me in solving traffic situations. And the traffic police exam is taken on a computer, so it was more familiar to me. Good luck!


    I consider myself an experienced driver, having been driving for 6 years. I decided to go here too online testing on knowledge of traffic rules. Still, with driving experience, it was more interesting to see how quickly the answers would bounce off. Not so. Nothing bounced. On the contrary, I thought too much and wondered. As a result, there are a lot of wrong answers. It would be necessary to tighten up the theory out of harm's way.


    They came up with a good online service for passing the traffic rules exam (like in the traffic police) ;-). I studied at a driving school for three months, just sitting through notebooks is not particularly interesting, I don’t remember it well. Tolley matter online tests, they come with pictures - everything is clear, all situations are sorted out, if you answer incorrectly, an explanation is given. I really liked it and it helped me in my learning. If you can’t sit at home at the computer, you can download a similar application to your phone and study in your spare time.


    Yes, it seems to me that now everyone is already “marathoning” traffic police tickets online. And, like true students, three days before the exam. This is what my husband, many friends, and I myself taught! This method is suitable for people who have visual memory. Personally, when I passed the theory at the traffic police, I just carefully read the ticket, closed my eyes and the picture popped up in my mind’s eye. Very convenient, and no cheat sheets needed!


    I received my driver's license a long time ago. But I didn’t get behind the wheel for a long time, because I felt great as a passenger. It so happened that I bought myself a small car for shopping trips, and the traffic rules had long been forgotten. Thanks to such a testing program, I eliminated my gaps in knowledge and refreshed what I had learned a long time ago in a driving school.


    I myself am a driver with fifteen years of experience, but my wife recently received her license, and accordingly she had to take an exam at the traffic police.
    To be honest, the knowledge that she was given at the driving school was not enough. And then online exams came to our rescue.
    Their advantage is that they can be taken multiple times, knowledge is consolidated and the fear of officially passing disappears.
    I tried it myself, so the assessment is objective.


    I have driving experience for 15 years, I passed my license the first time and without errors, and then the other day I decided to try to take an online test - traffic tickets, if I didn’t know that I got my license myself, based on the test results we can conclude that they were given as a gift . On the road, everything is somehow simpler and clearer, but I drew conclusions for myself, the rules of driving school need to be repeated and learned, but this test is a good thing, you can sometimes go on the Internet and test your knowledge.


    Online testing using traffic police tickets is a great option for preparing for exams! This is the only way I prepared, it’s much more convenient than learning tickets from books. At the traffic police you also take tests on a computer, so you are already preparing for such an atmosphere. Just be careful, rules are updated quite often and choose the site where all the changes have already been made.


    I didn’t even buy a textbook for myself at first; I initially prepared it online. I really liked the traffic police ticket program, for me it is much more effective than mournful stories in a driving school, moreover, it directly creates the atmosphere of the exam, and then you don’t worry about the exam itself, and it’s much better to pass without mistakes. I passed the first time.


    I have been a driver for more than 15 years and I drive a car professionally, but I still periodically pass such tests on my knowledge of traffic rules. Out of 20 questions, I can admit 2 by chance. I believe that everyone (regardless of gender and age) who drives a car should undergo such tests regularly. This is very useful and often helps on the road in difficult situations, and a car is a vehicle of increased danger. Don't forget this!


    I myself have taken online traffic tests more than once. I think this is a very useful preliminary test. It’s good when you can test your knowledge yourself, you can see for yourself where you make mistakes. And it’s useful for drivers with experience, because they sometimes think that they already know everything, however, this is not always the case! There are also simulators; before you get behind the wheel, you drive on a simulator. I think such testing slightly reduces the level of fear before the real exam!

    Victor Pavlovich

    A very useful innovation is online testing for knowledge of traffic rules. It's a pity that we didn't have it in our time. This is, of course, good learning of traffic rules, but also psychological hardening before the exam. It’s no secret that anxiety can ruin all hours of training. I even wanted to test myself for “professional suitability” to see if I remember everything, I will definitely test myself periodically.


    By the way, I also learned tickets online. The teacher, according to theory, recommended buying a book, but, firstly, it costs about 300 rubles, and secondly, the explanations for the tickets are somewhat scanty and not always understandable to a beginner. Plus, all 400 tickets and their attachments weigh quite a bit on paper. I abandoned this idea and began checking my knowledge through the appropriate resource on the Internet - there are detailed explanations and you can conveniently set bookmarks. And the day before the exam, I ran through all 400 tickets in “marathon” mode, without stopping! Convenient, in short.

    Oleg Ivanov

    I got my license a long time ago, and then unfortunately there was no such opportunity. If there was, I would gladly use it! I think this is convenient, it will help you understand which material you know less well and subsequently avoid any mistakes during testing at the traffic police. Based on the recommendation given here, I also want to take a traffic rules test and remember what I might have forgotten. Moreover, you don’t need anything for this except the Internet!


    It is very convenient to prepare for the traffic rules exam online. Modern people They are already weaning themselves from paper media, but a computer or tablet is always in their hands. This is how I prepared. I was tested every day in all modes. It’s easier for me than trying to figure out the rules from a book. I got the hang of it and passed it without mistakes the first time. The theory is very easy if you have a good memory.


    You must definitely prepare using the tickets you use to take the traffic police exam. And for prevention, such situations can be sorted out. Of course, the number of mistakes made is surprising. They are going to change the rules for passing the theoretical exam. Now for each mistake you will be given an additional 5 minutes and 5 additional questions. And on the practical exam there will now be 5 elements instead of 3.


    Online traffic rules tests helped me more than a book, it was somehow uninteresting, but online I studied inside and out, in the end I passed the exam right away, I knew the answers without thinking. But of course, you first need to understand these same traffic rules, without this there will be no result and in practice in real life it will be difficult if, for example, you do not understand the basic “obstacle on the right” or the main road. You can sit online for days at a time, but if once you get behind the wheel you don’t understand what’s what, then it’s simply not for you.


    Online testing for knowledge of traffic rules - a good thing. With their help I learned theory. There is everything for this. Better than any books, there are detailed descriptions and explanations for the answers.


    I agree with everyone who says that online traffic tests are better than a book. If you have a tablet, then you can solve problems anywhere and anytime, even on the subway, even during boring lectures at the university. I passed the test here - one mistake, I hope I will pass the same test at the traffic police!

    Morozov Nikita

    Despite the presence of such online services, I still pass by publishing houses and see students walking around with these bulky blue books with traffic tickets. Online testing has the most important advantage - speed, convenience, and the absence of additional material costs. But printed collections also have a plus - you mark the answer with a pencil, then you will look through the book several times, and purely mechanically you will remember several correct answers. I think that in a couple of years it will be possible to learn to drive through online webinars, and then take the official traffic police test for knowledge of traffic rules online.


    These tests are a great opportunity not only to prepare for the exam, although that too, but also to give yourself a test. Provided you have access to the Internet, you can “rehearse” anywhere


    An excellent way for both beginners and those who want to re-test themselves. Convenient, fast, what else do you need.

The easiest way to pass your license is online (the test is free). This option is convenient for those who are constantly busy, because taking courses takes a lot of time. Thanks to information technology The test is free and available to take at any time. Anyone can go to a special website to pre-practice before taking the traffic police exam.

To obtain a driver's license, it is very important not only to learn how to drive a car, but also to know the rules of the road. To do this, you need to prepare well for the exam. This can be done without leaving home. Tickets are changed every year, so you need to prepare only for current issues. To pass the test, you must learn 30 topics.

It is simply necessary to pass the traffic rules online before going to the traffic police. To do this, you need to go to one of the specialized sites. There, information is constantly updated and checked, so the system is familiar with all the new traffic rules.

The websites usually have a list of all the topics you need to know in order to successfully pass the traffic police exam. A person will read the necessary material, learn it, and only then can freely practice using an online driving simulator.

In addition to theory, users can familiarize themselves with all possible fines, their sizes, conditions for receipt and payment. Such a warning will motivate the client to conscientiously pass the exam. Therefore, the future driver will be aware of possible consequences and will try not to break the rules.

It is very convenient that the traffic rules can always be in mobile phone. Thanks to this, you can study and return tickets anywhere, even if you don’t have a computer at hand. Automatic synchronization of results is available on any device, which greatly simplifies a person’s life, and he will always be able to see his results using various gadgets. On the website you can find road signs, personal statistics.

You should pay attention to the fact that the questions absolutely do not copy the exam papers that you are likely to encounter during the real test. The main purpose of the free practice exam is to test yourself and present yourself at the event. Then it will be easier for the tester; he will not be afraid or confused. A person will not have any discomfort during the exam itself, since worries and an unusual environment will confuse you, and the result will be worse.

Important information

Becoming a driver's license holder is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Be tested within preparatory stage much more effective than just rereading theoretical material.

Preliminary passing of the exam on the site has a number of advantages:

  • checking the level of existing knowledge;
  • chances assessment;
  • better assimilation of the necessary material.

IN free tests contains 20 questions. They include 4 thematic blocks. To obtain an excellent result, the examinee must not make a single mistake. If you pass the theoretical test with 1 inaccuracy, the traffic police will issue an additional 5 questions. They will concern exactly the topic on which the driver made a mistake. Response time is limited, so you need to answer quickly and accurately. For each question you are given 1 minute to think.

When a person makes several mistakes and gives 2 incorrect answers to questions from different thematic blocks, he will additionally have to answer 10 questions from the corresponding topics. Answers must be given within 10 minutes.

If you make a mistake in additional questions, the exam will be counted as failed. A negative test result will appear on the screen if a person makes more than two mistakes in one block or is able to make mistakes in 3 questions on different topics.

A free traffic rules exam can be taken to obtain any driving category. All you have to do is choose the ticket you like and start the test. The content of each ticket fully coincides with the official exam questions that are offered when passing the theoretical part. This is very important as changes were made to the actual tickets on September 1, 2016.

Preparatory activities

To obtain a driving license of categories “A” and “B”, they pass exams at the traffic police. The procedure can be carried out after a person has completed training in a driving school and acquired the basic skills necessary for safe and confident driving. At the same time, it is very important to consolidate theoretical material online. The more tests are solved, the more likely it is to pass the exams.

In driving schools, after completing a driving course and working with an instructor, internal exams are conducted. If the test gives positive results, the driver is allowed to defend himself directly in front of a representative (inspector) of the traffic police of the district office. To get a driver's license, you must prepare. There must be a receipt confirming payment for the examination procedure itself, a certificate stating that individual passed the medical examination.

The list of road rules, which is always useful when driving a car, is constantly updated and supplemented. To make driving safe, you need to read it on current websites with illustrations of road signs. It is thanks to pictures that the learning process is as easy as possible.

If you want to get your license, you can do theoretical training without leaving your home. It is very comfortable. Such online training will not only allow you to acquire required document, but also to update previously acquired knowledge, for example, for retaking the traffic police.

Using the form on this page you can take the online traffic rules test 2016 (only traffic police exam tickets online category A B). This service can also be used to study traffic regulations and traffic rules online.

  • Exam
  • Tickets by numbers
  • Tickets by topic

You are given 20 minutes for the exam.
Read each question and all answer options carefully.
Take your time. Good luck!


Your result:


here you can take the traffic rules test online for free

Traffic rules test online for free

Here you can test your knowledge of the Rules of the Road by taking the traffic rules test online for free without registration. Anyone can take the online traffic rules test for free if they have access to the Internet; there is no need to download and install any programs or make additional computer settings.

Online testing of traffic rules is carried out only according to the traffic rules in force in Russian Federation, for vehicles of categories A and B.

With the help of the traffic rules test, you can not only assess the degree of your preparedness, but also study the traffic rules online, because every question in the traffic rules tickets is online with comments and tips. The presence of hints helps during the testing process to understand your mistakes and remember all the rules governing traffic in Russia.

Online traffic rules solution

The following free online traffic rules tests are available in the service: “Exam”, “Tickets by numbers”, “Tickets by topic”.

Solving traffic tickets online comes down to choosing one answer option for each question included in the ticket. After each ticket, a message about the test results appears, which will indicate the number of correct answers and the time for completing the test. There are a total of 40 exam papers, each with 20 questions. It turns out that in order to confidently take the exam at the traffic police, you need to know 800 correct answers!

Test Exam on traffic rules online

Testing in the "Traffic Regulations Online Exam" mode includes only one random ticket, randomly selected by the program. The exam takes 20 minutes, try to complete it within the allotted time. To take the traffic rules exam online, just click on the “Let’s go!” button.

Online traffic test Tickets by numbers

This testing mode includes traffic rules exam tickets by number. Each ticket contains 20 questions. To pass the traffic rules online in the “Tickets by numbers” section, select a specific ticket and start testing. After answering all the questions, click the "Continue" button to return to the list of exam tickets.

Traffic rules by topic online

When you select Traffic tickets by topic online, the program displays a list of sections from the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation. Click on the desired chapter of the Rules to display the online traffic rules exam tickets related to it. To start an online traffic rules exam by topic, choose a ticket and go ahead, solve it and proceed to the next one.

Traffic tickets online with comments

All online traffic rules exam tests contain a link to a hint that offers the necessary comments on each question. You will receive explanations based on the Traffic Rules indicating the relevant traffic rules. If you find it difficult to choose an answer, call up the help window by clicking on the “Hint” link. An explanation window will open automatically if you answered the question incorrectly.

Please note that hints are not allowed in Exam mode, i.e. There is no way to use a hint while answering a question. The help window will only open in cases where you have given an incorrect answer.

Here you can solve traffic tickets online for free!

Attention! For exam papers to work correctly, please enable JavaScript in your browser.

2019 traffic police exam tickets

Official traffic police exam cards 2019.

Tickets and comments are based on traffic rules
from December 21, 2018(applicable from December 4, 2018).

Examination tickets of traffic rules of categories A, B, M are used to pass the theoretical part of the qualification exam in the traffic police. The preparation kit consists of 800 questions (40 tickets of 20 questions each).

To successfully pass the exam and obtain a driver's license from the traffic police, you must solve a ticket consisting of 20 random questions. In this case, you are allowed to make no more than two mistakes. For each mistake made, the examinee receives 5 additional questions. The maximum time for passing the theoretical exam is 20 minutes.

To pass exams for categories C, D, as well as subcategories C1 and D1, a separate kit is used:

As practice shows, passing the traffic rules exam is not difficult. Most drivers manage to solve the theory successfully the first time. However, for this it is necessary to resolve everything several times exam papers 2019 online. You can start learning right now. Just go to the top of the page.

New questions in 2018

During 2018, 35 questions from the ABM set and 36 questions from the CD set were updated.

New questions in 2017

In 2017, several changes were made to the traffic rules, based on which 15 questions in the AB set and 10 questions in the CD set were updated.

New questions for the traffic police exam from September 1, 2016

Since September 1, 2016, updated exam cards have been used for the traffic police exam. Most of the questions in them coincide with the questions from the previous edition of the tickets. However, there are 32 new questions, which you can find out about in the articles:

5 additional questions for a mistake in 2019

Starting from September 1, 2016, a new methodology will be used when passing exam papers. For each mistake made in the main part of the exam, the driver candidate must answer 5 additional questions.

The "5 additional questions per error" mode is enabled by default. To disable it do the following:

  • Click on the "Menu" button with three horizontal bars at the top of the tickets.
  • Click on the "Settings" button.
  • Uncheck the box "5 questions per error mode".
  • Click on the "Save" button.
  • The new regime will take effect immediately after you open a new ticket.

If you wish, you can turn off the mode with additional questions and take the test according to the rules that were in force for the official exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate until September 1, 2016.

Traffic police exam from the website

On this page you can prepare for the traffic police qualification exam for free. We recommend using next plan training:

  • Read the text carefully. Exam tickets are based on traffic rules, so you should not start studying before reading the rules.
  • Start solving exam questions in the "by topic" mode. Each topic corresponds to a specific section of traffic rules or other normative document. In this case, it is recommended to set “Learning mode (easy)” in the settings.
  • Start solving 2019 tickets online. If you do not know the correct answer to a question, then do not try to guess. Each question is provided with a hint (the "hint" button at the bottom). Read the clue and choose the correct answer. There is nothing wrong with using hints during preparation. Just keep in mind that there will be no hints on the real traffic police exam.
  • After solving traffic police tickets you will have access to own statistics page. It contains information about all tickets that you tried to resolve. Passed tickets have a green background, unpassed tickets have a red background. Tickets that you have not yet purchased have transparent background. Go back to the tickets marked in red and solve them again.
  • Get started handing over tickets in knowledge test mode. To do this, reset the statistics and select “Knowledge test mode (medium)” in the settings. After that, solve all the tickets in order again. You will still have access to the tips, but it is not recommended to use them at the final stages of preparation.
  • If you wish, you can solve tickets in exam mode at the traffic police, which can be enabled in the settings. This is the most difficult mode. There are no hints available in it, and you will learn the results of answering questions only after complete passage ticket
  • The final stage - refresh your knowledge a couple of days before the traffic police exam. If you have enough time, then solve all the traffic rules exam papers 2019 again. If time is short, decide on multiple tickets of your choice. You can use hints to solve questions that you have forgotten. In the settings, it is recommended to select “Knowledge test mode (medium)”.

Stick to this plan and then the preparation will go without any problems. The record of preparation for passing the theoretical exam on traffic rules is 5 days. If you have a few free days, you can try to set your own record. Although in fact the main thing is not the speed of preparation, but its quality.

Attention! Don't try to cram the numbers of the correct answers or make cheat sheets. The real traffic police exam uses the same questions, but they appear in random order. So you won’t be able to get any benefits from cheat sheets.

Traffic rules marathon - 800 traffic rules questions 2019

The traffic rules marathon is a special mode that allows you to pass all 800 exam questions sequentially. You can enable this mode from the exam tickets menu:

Passing the exam in marathon mode has the following features:

  • A driver candidate must solve all 800 questions.
  • You are given 800 minutes (13 hours 20 minutes) to complete the exam.
  • To successfully pass the exam you need to make no more than 2 mistakes.

In practice, you can solve all 800 questions much faster. If you spend 3 minutes on each ticket, then all exam questions will be solved in 2 hours. So it’s quite possible to complete a marathon in 2-3 hours.

Solving the marathon online allows you to repeat all the questions the evening before the exam.

Passing the exam in the “Marathon” mode is quite difficult, but if you managed to do this, then you are perfectly prepared to pass the theory at the State Traffic Inspectorate!

100 most difficult questions in the traffic rules exam in 2019

Top 100 mode complex issues"contains questions in which driver candidates most often make mistakes.

Difficult questions are selected according to the following scheme:

  • For each question, the number of errors made in that question is counted.
  • The number of errors is divided by total answers to this question. This is the so-called rating.
  • In the "100 difficult questions" mode, 100 questions with the highest rating are selected, i.e. highest percentage of errors. These questions are displayed in random order.
  • Questions for the “100 easiest questions” mode are selected in the same way. The only difference is that the questions with the lowest rating are selected.

You can launch the “100 difficult” and “100 easy” modes from the exam tickets menu:

Preparation for the qualification exam in the traffic police

The traffic police qualification exam consists of three parts:

  • Theoretical part.
  • The circuit is the practical part.
  • The city is the practical part.

You can prepare for the theory test online directly on this page. Initial preparation for the race track can also be done online. To do this, I recommend that you read the series of articles "". As for the city, you can find tips on renting in the article "".

If you want to receive exam tickets in printed form, you can download the printable file here:

Examination module for the website

If you want to install the exam cards module on your website, then use the following html code:

This code can be installed on any html page. The recommended width for installing the module is 620 pixels.

After installing the code, your site will receive:

  • A complete module for passing the exam.
  • Both sets of tickets (ABM and CD) will be available for the solution.
  • All functions, including solving tickets by topic, student statistics, and recording record scores.
  • The ticket module is updated automatically and does not require additional actions. Therefore, the tickets on your website will always correspond to the tickets on.
  • Tickets will work on any website and do not impose additional technical requirements on hosting. Data processing is carried out on our server, so the module will not slow down your site.

Just install the code above and a useful section with traffic police exam tickets will appear on your website. Installing and using the module free.

Good luck with exams!

Read all comments


Good afternoon

There is an error in your prompt

“However, you did not take the extreme left position on the roadway, so you are prohibited from turning left and making a U-turn.”

Judging by the picture, we took the extreme RIGHT position

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Ticket 7 question 6

Alexei, Hello.

The phrases “did not occupy the far left” and “occupied the far RIGHT” do not contradict each other. What exactly do you see as an error?

Do our paths intersect when we turn? He goes into the far right lane, and without interfering with his trajectory, I make a U-turn. Why should I give in to him when turning?

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Ticket 30 question 13

Boris, if a collision occurs while making a turn, then the person turning will be to blame for the accident.

You must yield when turning because... this is required by 13.4 traffic regulations.

Good luck with exams!


Hello. Question: the question says: is it possible to put it in this way? Freight car to the parking lot. And the hint states that this method can be used to park A car, motorcycle... And precisely on the sidewalk, and not on the roadway near the sidewalk. But the answer is completely different. Please clarify. Thank you.

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Ticket 22 question 12


Read the question correctly, and the rest is written in the hint. There is no word "parking" there. There is the word “stop”, that is, for no more than 5 minutes, etc.


Thank you for quick response! Yes, I didn’t read the question and the hint carefully.


Hello. What is the point of installing this sign BEHIND the intersection if its effect only extends to the next intersection? Then you don’t have to install it there at all, because in any case, at the next intersection you can go in all directions...

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Ticket 35 question 2


Is it possible to pass a truck on the RIGHT through a solid marking line? After all, I can’t drive very close to it and then drive around it.

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Ticket 37 question 10


35-2: This image on tickets is drawn solely to test the knowledge of drivers. It makes no sense to install a sign in this form. In practice, such a sign is installed if between intersections there are left turns into courtyards that need to be prohibited.

37-10: By ticket. You can't change lanes through a continuous lane; you need to drive between it and the truck. There's enough space there.

If such a situation arises in practice, it is better to stop and wait until the truck leaves the intersection.

Good luck on the roads!

In this section of the popular portal you can undergo training in the Rules of the Road using traffic rules tickets, as well as pass the traffic rules exam online according to the new rules of 2018.

Online traffic rules exam

The number of tickets is 40. Each ticket contains 20 questions. To successfully pass the exam on the rules of the road (traffic rules), you must solve the tickets by making a maximum of 2 mistakes. You have 20 minutes to answer all twenty questions on the ticket. Also, to prepare for the exam, you can use the “select a ticket” section. In this section, you can choose any of 40 traffic tickets and try to pass the exam without a time limit.

There is also a section “Education and training”. This section is intended for preliminary preparation for the exam on knowledge of traffic rules. In this section, all exam papers on traffic rules are divided into topics. Knowing which sections of the 2017-2018 traffic rules you are less familiar with, you can repeat the exam papers on the traffic rules from a specific section of the traffic rules. If you wish, you can use the hint. Hints are presented in the form of excerpts from the relevant paragraphs of the traffic rules. And remember that careful preparation is the key to success in passing the traffic rules exam.

To test your knowledge, you can also use the “Random Ticket” section. To pass the traffic rules exam, you will be offered a randomly selected ticket.

In the “Statistics” section you can view the history of your answers: view the list of questions you answered, see which answers were given correctly and which were incorrect.

Traffic rules (traffic rules) 2017 and 2018

In the section "New traffic rules 2017-2018" you can familiarize yourself with the latest edition of the traffic rules as amended on March 18, 2018. To facilitate the process of learning traffic rules, all rules are divided into sections, provided with pictures and comments. This edition of the traffic rules is official. These are the tickets that are used to conduct exams at the State Traffic Inspectorate.
Remember, only impeccable knowledge of traffic rules can guarantee you and other road users safety on the road.