Life principles- this is a kind of attitude that a person gives himself in order to react in certain situations in a necessary, morally acceptable way for him. But not everyone has these principles. And why, in fact, follow the rules if you can navigate according to the situation? But are principles really so useless in life? Of course not! We'll talk about this today.

Man of principle

As has already been said, principles in a person’s life are a conscious attitude that tells them what to do. Any principles are based on norms and stereotypes of behavior. The main thing is not to confuse the righteous with the sinful. Stereotypes and principles are two different things.

A stereotype is a socially established way of human behavior. The principles, in turn, are more spiritual and in some cases are invented by a person independently. But it has already become the custom that it is not common for a person to delve into his principles until they begin to diverge from some social factors. Then a person faces a choice: follow his convictions or simply change the principle. People who lack fortitude will, of course, choose the second option.

Naturally, there are situations when following your principles is not only absurd, but also dangerous. One need only remember Giordano Bruno. He fundamentally did not want to give up his idea of solar system, for which he was burned at the stake. Someone will say that this scientist is an ordinary pathological fanatic, but it is precisely such people who are called truly principled.

Game of integrity

Note. Principles in a person’s life, in fact, must play an important role. A person accepts principles that apply to his life in general or to a specific area of ​​it. For religious people, the principles become the commandments, for others - their own moral and ethical standards and views on life.

A person must consciously choose his principles that would help him move towards his goal and not limit him unless absolutely necessary. But, since modern man loves to live “without straining,” his principles are often blind. They do not correspond to the real state of affairs, cannot direct a person in the right direction and do not serve as support.

And today it is rare to meet a person with real life principles. But how the public loves to play with principles! This simple word is most often remembered only when the situation requires it.


To follow principles in life, you need to remember them, think about them, and make independent decisions. But modern man is accustomed to living, thoughtlessly guided by habits or emotions. People remember that they can follow the principles in case of situational need. They make them up as they go along to justify their impulsive actions.

Main problem modern man- this is a misunderstanding of why principles are needed and how to follow them. And also the inability to correctly determine your position.

Do the principles make sense?

Principles in a person’s life play the role of boundaries within which one can move towards one’s goal. The so-called irreplaceable element of the self-organization system, the rules of the game, following which you can achieve what you want. But if players start breaking the rules, then any game will lose its meaning. The main idea of ​​this “entertainment” is to give the world something useful.

Of course, in the pursuit of success you can destroy the planet, but what would be the point in winning?!

Each person has his own values. For some it is family, for others it is friends, health, knowledge. And if in order to win you have to give up the most important things, it is unlikely to bring the desired joy.

This is the meaning of the principles - they form a boundary that should not be crossed so as not to destroy the precious zone of happiness.

Search for principles

The basic principles of life should be formed according to two main positions:

  1. What will I not do under any circumstances?
  2. What I should do?

To determine the principles, it is worth using the method of limiting situations. Everything is done very simply. We take each of our values ​​in turn and begin to look for the boundary that we will not cross either to achieve a goal or to avoid problems.

For example, you can take values ​​such as wealth, money, material stability. Next, you should ask yourself: “What wouldn’t I do even for a billion dollars?” And also ask the question: “What will I not do, even if I am at the bottom?”

When searching for principles, one should not avoid the inconvenient and complex issues. Even if the situations are imaginary, they are always outside the comfort zone, therefore they show where a person’s internal boundaries are. For example, you can ask yourself: “Am I ready to kill an animal, deceive a colleague, a child for the sake of wealth?” On the other hand, you can ask the following question: “In order not to die of hunger, am I ready to commit theft, murder, etc.?” After the pendulum begins to swing from one extreme to the other, the established principle must be expressed in a positive form.

Admissibility Question

The positive form of the principle must be formed without negations. That is, do not use the particle “not”. It is better to say “I will always conduct my affairs honestly” than “I will never cheat for money.” Only in this way can the principle be considered acceptable, that is, its observance will have practical meaning for a person and will increase self-esteem.

If you work through all the values ​​in this way, you can get a basic set of principles. But when a person is frankly too lazy to work on his values, he can use the principles dictated by religion or history. For example, the commandments of Moses, Vedic principles, the code of the builders of communism and any other principles of organizing life that are accessible to man. Lists can be combined, expanded, trimmed until you get a set of beliefs that will help make your life better.

Not an easy path

However, it is not easy to follow principles. It's like playing basketball, where the opponent uses guns to shoot the ball into the basket, and you follow the rules. Only someone for whom principle is more important than life can be a truly principled person.

Let’s say in the film “The Battle of the Red Cliff” there was such an episode: the hero swore with his head that he would get 10 thousand arrows for the army by morning. In the morning, when the arrows were counted, there were 9900 of them. The hero is ready to accept execution, without even making excuses.

It would seem that it makes no difference whether there are a hundred more or fewer arrows, in any case the army is armed, everything is fine. But for a person whose honor comes before life, it doesn’t matter by what percentage the task is unfulfilled - it is unthinkable to live without keeping his promise.

Who needs principles and why?

It's reasonable to ask this question. Why do we need principles if they are so difficult to follow? If you imagine that there is a war going on and you have to choose with whom to go on reconnaissance: with a principled or unprincipled person, of course, everyone will choose the first. Although it will be difficult with him, since he is more demanding, but on the whole it is safe.

The main purpose of the main principles of life is to facilitate movement towards your goal. Principles are an additional life insurance and a guideline for situations where there are no guidelines a priori.

A person with principles is undoubtedly more valuable to society. By following the principles, he becomes stronger and better. For example, imagine that there is someone who always keeps his word. And if he said that he would do a report or project by morning, he will do it. He can come to an employee and ask him to do certain work for a project, and to do it now. And the person will do it. Subconsciously, he feels the pressure that comes from the request, and cannot refuse.

Required pressure

In most cases, principles create the necessary pressure, which helps achieve the goal. Of course, following the principles requires a lot of effort. But thanks to them, a person can consciously develop strength in himself and create a reasonable society.

Without principles, a person may make hasty decisions that bring immediate benefits, but mostly lose in the long run. Principles help you achieve long-term goals and protect you from fatal mistakes.

What principles can there be in life?

A person can be guided in his life by a variety of principles. And everyone has their own priorities in this matter.

Someone puts principles first healthy image life. He lives according to a schedule, eats right, and does not drink alcohol in excess of the norm. For some, the main thing is family or friends, and he will never do anything that will harm them. And someone simply takes positions that will help him achieve what he wants. Here are the principles most often used by those who want to achieve something:

  • Don't lend money. Help financially if possible and necessary.
  • Work only with responsible people.
  • Before asking for help, you need to try to cope on your own.
  • Time is the most valuable resource. Helping yourself and others is possible only by focusing on important things rather than wasting time.
  • It's okay to say no.
  • Disapproval must be expressed through objections; silence is tantamount to agreement.
  • I never take orders that are beyond my knowledge and competence.
  • If I am somewhere, then I am present there mentally.
  • When my plans change, I will inform you immediately.
  • Mistakes are normal.
  • Every day you need to learn something new.
  • The foundation of tomorrow begins today.
  • Before you do anything, you need to thoroughly understand it.

As can be seen from the list, life principles are guidelines according to which a person receives the right to behave in a particular situation the way he wants. Be it principles healthy life, business relations or a happy person, they help to act at full strength. By acting in accordance with the principles, a person will definitely feel confident and strong, and those around him will unmistakably recognize him as a leader, a hero who, in any case, will answer for his words.

Lana Korteletsi

  1. Keep moving forward
  2. Do not be like everyone else
  3. Know how to forgive
  4. Achieve your goals
  5. Forget the word "LATER"
  6. Become a mentor
  7. Always be yourself
  8. Know how to manage yourself
  9. Live in the real world
  10. Don't envy anyone!

1 . Keep moving forward

I was born in the city of Samarkand, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, my family was not rich, and birthdays and toys were not very familiar to me as a child. Therefore, I tried to stretch out the New Year's gifts, which included fruits and sweets, for as long as possible. for a long time so as not to lose the joyful feeling of the holiday. Life, of course, has not been particularly easy for me. At the age of 13, I already began to think about my own savings. During the summer school holidays I worked part-time at kindergarten, to achieve my little goals. Already with early age I tried to prove to others that they were wrong, thinking of me as a weak and defenseless person! Read in detail about my life at that time.

2. Don't be like everyone else

After graduating from college, having received an education (I was 20 years old at the time), I decided to change my life and moved to Russia (Omsk). After working in my specialty for 5 years, I realized that this was not for me, I don't want to be like everyone else ! I can’t work for someone anymore, wait at bus stops for half an hour in the cold and then “cram” into a full minibus and stand, waiting for a seat to suddenly open up...

And after that I told myself – ENOUGH!

I want to work for myself and live by my own rules!

And I created successful businessMarriage Agency!

At first it was very difficult, I could barely pay for the rent of the premises, I had about only 15 clients... And only after a year I was able to get promoted. In my life, like everyone else, I had black and white stripes. But I achieved what I wanted because I always had positive thoughts , faith that I can be successful in my business! People in my city still remember me and my agency with warmth, despite the fact that 7 years have passed since I moved to live in another country. At the agency, we found solutions to the problems of almost all of my clients. It's like coaching: a person comes, fills out a form, pays for the services, and I start working with him. After successful work with him, I receive gratitude. But it so happened that circumstances took me to another country, and I transferred my agency to good hands, because I had a large client base, and I was very sorry to leave everything to fate. It was as if my life had started from scratch again. Can you imagine what it’s like to start living from scratch when you’re already quite old, leaving a lot in the past? This new language, mentality, habits, nutrition, etc. And I decided to make such a serious change in my life for the sake of love! you can read the continuation of my life story. Remember - successful people are those who decide today!

3. Know how to forgive

It was difficult for me to get used to the new life, but I managed to cope with that too. I didn’t give up and tried to somehow get out... it wasn’t easy. This was probably a new test of the fate of my strength! I did not have personal transport, which was simply necessary for movement in my new living space, it was not easy for me to live without my own means (all my life I was used to being independent from others), but going to wash the floors was out of the question ! Remember, I wrote at the beginning that from the age of 13 I was already trying to be independent, earn my own money? I was so used to having my own earned money that immediately after moving I started looking and thinking about how I could make money using the Russian language and Italian products... Through forums I found businessmen interested in doing business with Italy. It was not easy for me, because... I was without a car, and I had to ask my loved ones to give me a ride, which was also not the best option. There were honest clients who paid for my services, but there were also freeloaders who even tried to frame me. But there is one golden rule for successful people, which I always try to adhere to. « Never hold a grudge against people, learn to forgive, and everything will work out» . In principle, I made money from this business anyway. No matter what business I tried to get involved with, I always received some kind of income, perhaps because I achieve my goals, no matter how unrealistic they may be in the opinion of others. Even, I’ll tell you honestly, on the e-bay service, I sell goods without particularly straining.

But after the birth of children, I no longer had the opportunity to continue working like this, and for 3 years now I have been doing business online. At first I couldn’t believe that you could still earn money without leaving home. Now I prefer this type of activity, because I think that for both me and my family this is an ideal way to earn money. I have several good mentors, due to which I have achieved excellent results in my business. In addition, I began to feel like a fish in water! I really like doing this, and I’m sure that you also dream of having some kind of successful business where you could get excellent results.

4. Achieve your goals

This is what I want to tell you: no matter what condition you have now, good or bad, but if you decide to achieve any goal, then achieve it, get what you want. P mustache It may not be easy and it will cost you an investment, but life is worth it to become successful and get the pleasure you expect from it . Do you want to have a new nice beautiful car? So achieve this goal!

I dreamed of having a house, a car, a beloved family, children. I achieved this ! Of course, not all at once! We understand that magic button“ALL AND AT ONCE” no. We create reality ourselves! So let's realize what we dream of! Each of us has dreams, goals, and, of course, problems that need to be solved quickly.

5. Forget the word “LATER”

Don't put off your life for later! Because the word “later” will cover your dreams with dust, and you will soon no longer remember them. Therefore, you need to make a decision and act immediately, now!

Do you think that successful businessmen always succeed? That they always have money and are never haunted by failure? You are wrong, they are the same as us. Many of them started everything from scratch and they also have defeats, project failures, etc. So what? They don't stop moving halfway! Whatever difficulties there may be, we must fight them and move forward!

I try not to say the word “later” at all, because "Then" means never, or when it's too late! Therefore, try to avoid this word! Word "Then" helps us forget about our desires. You put them on the back burner and forget, then you try to remember, but the time has already passed. I advise you to replace this word with “ NOW" Then this word will worry you more, and thus you will do, or at least try to do something...

It’s not in vain that I’m writing all this to you; these are not empty words for me. They came into my life with tears, sweat and blood, but it was worth it!

6. Become a mentor

Each of us has a mentor, even if we don't even know it! And we try to be like our spiritual leader. But someone is trying to somehow change themselves, and someone dreams of being like him, but does not make any attempts to achieve this. Do you know that 80% of success depends on yourself? And if you have a mentor (and you have one - Leader, Teacher, role model, etc., no matter what you call him), then the remaining 20% ​​depend on him!

How much does it help you develop?

Mentor– this is the one who gives skills and directs you on the right path to achieve results in the required time frame. He teaches you the tools you need to achieve your goal.

I have 3 mentors: I learn from the first one openly, I do what he says, one might say, I copy almost all of his actions. And this mentor knows me personally, moreover, we became friends! The other two mentors don’t know anything about me, they don’t even know that they are my mentors, but I also follow their example! And there are results! One might even say - excellent results! I think you want this too! So go for it! What's holding you back? I will be very glad if you follow my advice, and I am sure that you will answer the question: what to do to become happy, you will begin to demonstrate your abilities and receive satisfaction from it.

Read what my business mentor, Liliya Tsanko, says about me:

I pass on my knowledge, my experience to my students. Moreover, I am proud that my students follow in my footsteps and become happy women. I am very pleased to hear their gratitude and observe the results obtained.

I advise you to have a good mentor because your success depends on yourself and on your teacher. The extent to which he works with you, actively and purposefully, the extent to which you will advance in how to become a happy and loved woman. Even the most professional and successful entrepreneur always has a personal consultant to gain new knowledge, skills, etc., in order to achieve more and better in his business. And to answer the question, how to improve your life And what to do to be happy, you also need a personal coach.

Therefore, I advise you to participate in coaching programs, develop, realize yourself, be yourself!

Perhaps you are already engaged in self-development and something is not going well, something is not working out. Please don't leave it all halfway, don't throw it away, create plan to change your life. I am sure that everything will work out for you, the main thing is that you need someone experienced, who knows what the reason is, to look at your actions from the outside and identify the mistakes that you are making!

For beginners, it is also necessary, before changing your life, to consult with an expert so as not to waste money, time and patience in vain.

7. Always be yourself

When you realize that the moment has come to be yourself, then you are ready to implement your plans.

Answer honestly - why is it difficult for you to be yourself? Because you are trying to please others! You are captive of other people's opinions. Change your life for the better and be natural! There are exercises on how to become yourself and not depend on the opinions of others. One of the most effective is to sometimes intentionally take other people out of their comfort zone. They probably won't like it. Intentional calling to oneself negative feelings, - this is so far from “ try to please”, as it can only be, which means it is a powerful exercise on the path to oneself. Are you afraid? You can practice on people you don't care about, and you won't care what they say about you.

8. Know how to manage yourself

Manage yourself to find your happiness, as often as possible, then you will succeed in everything you plan. Write down your plans for the day, week, month and year! You will automatically manage yourself and follow your plans! Planning for the future is already a guarantee of a completed task. Somewhere I read this wonderful phrase: Be proud of your results, not of your plans.

9. Live in the real world

Important rule for me: live in the real world ! Look at life with sober eyes: there are no magic genies that will make your wishes come true! Therefore, all the desires that we have, we fulfill ourselves!

Do you want an expensive, beautiful car? So strive for this desire! Live in the real world, realize your goal in reality, and stop dreaming, you need to act! Strive, move forward in small steps, etc.

10. Don't envy anyone

This is my life principle that I follow all my life! And I advise you to follow this principle too. Don't envy anyone at all! Why? Now I will tell you the secret of success. Most successful people know this secret and use it very often. I use it myself too. What is this secret?

I’ll give you an example: I was given an apartment in the city center, in excellent condition. I share this news with you with such joy that I don’t notice how you envy me, but this energy of envy is transferred to me and gives me even more strength to realize my other goal! Do you understand? You give me your energy, and I use this to develop even more. Therefore, it is better to get your results, and share with others who cannot help but be envious, in order to receive the same surge of energy to implement your other plans. Don’t envy yourself, but, on the contrary, use this secret, and then you will become successful person and get everything you want!

I wish you daily success in achieving your goals!

Your Lana Korteletsi

Read my other articles:

A person’s life principles are the unspoken rules that he follows. They shape an individual’s behavior in a given situation, his attitudes and opinions, actions and desires.

general characteristics

To understand what it is, you need to turn your attention to religion. For example, in Orthodoxy the commandments are clearly stated: do not commit adultery, and so on. These are the same life principles or frameworks in which a believer is placed. He lives by relying on them, listens to them, behaves in accordance with them, and also preaches them to others. It turns out that in worldly society principles are an analogue of commandments.

They can be different, but are usually created in order to form character, balance achievements and contributions, indicate values ​​and outline a principle - a core, a core around which the very essence of a person revolves. It gives an individual firmness and confidence, helps him overcome difficulties and withstand adversity. Principles will always be the basis for making important and everyday decisions. But it happens that they limit them by observing them, he becomes less flexible, misses the chances and opportunities given by fate.

Basic principles

Each person has his own personal subjective vision of life. Despite individuality, some creeds become “public” - they are common to the mass of people. The basic principles of life that most representatives profess modern world, this is constancy and proportionality.

The first implies loyalty and unwavering devotion to something. It is also loyalty, reliability, balance and firmness. A person tries to cultivate all these character traits in himself in order to be one of the best: an unconditional leader, a successful leader, a valuable employee, a competent parent, ideal husband. When an individual is consistent in his decisions, despises betrayal and does not betray himself, he is worthy of admiration and inheritance.

Proportionality is proportionality. That is, a person tries to act within a certain framework of decency, where the principle of justice prevails: “you give me - I give you.” Proportionality does not allow him to relax; it spurs the individual on the path to the goal.

Philosophical principles

Invested in them centuries-old experience and deep meaning. Each life principle has its own name, which aptly, concisely and truthfully reflects its essence:

There are many similar principles. They all teach real worldly wisdom, the ability to behave correctly in any, even the most difficult situations.


These are life principles and values ​​aimed at self-development. They are professed by many great people who, with the help of these credos, achieved success in their profession and became respected and popular in society. The most important one is: “Live in the present.” Of course, we must remember the past and plan the future, but we must emotionally experience only what is happening in this moment. This principle helps you become more collected and teaches you to concentrate on the current moment.

Be persistent is another popular life principle. No, this does not mean that you need to brazenly go over your head in the direction of the goal. You just have to not give up and stay faithful. the decision taken. I would also like to highlight inner harmony personality and its desire for self-development: these two credos will certainly be beneficial and bring positive results. And sincerity and goodwill, self-control added to them will multiply the result several times.


They shape interaction with society. This includes the following life principle: change yourself, and then you will change the world. If you want your life to become much better, to find new colors and meaning, start transforming your inner “I”. As a result, the world will also become different, at least you will look at it in a new way.

We are just people - this is one of the main credos. Learning to understand others, to perceive them as they are, not to judge them for mistakes and to be able to objectively analyze actions is a real science that is not given to everyone. But, having mastered it, a person understands that everyone can stumble in this life, so you need to be able to give others a second chance.

Look for the good in people - this life principle helps to preserve positive thinking and even good mood. Pay attention to people's good deeds, praise them for it, encourage them. This behavior will characterize you as a wise person.

According to zodiac signs

Mostly the characteristics of the signs are filled with humor. But nevertheless, they accurately reflect the behavior of people and their position in life:

  1. Aries. It's better not to argue with me. Stubbornness is not a vice.
  2. Calf. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. I don’t need someone else’s, I won’t give you my own.
  3. Twins. I'm different every day. Those who didn't have time are late.
  4. Cancer. He who seeks will find. My home is a fortress.
  5. A lion. Pleasant manners are half the battle. To do it is big.
  6. Virgo. Everyone lives for themselves, but serves others. Patience and a little effort.
  7. Scales. Only fools are principled. Win by agreeing.
  8. Scorpion. Not everyone can bear my gaze. The world is lost without knights.
  9. Sagittarius. The main issue is scale. Good man there must be a lot.
  10. Capricorn. Don't break the law: someone else will do, you'll get caught. No man is an island.
  11. Aquarius. It's hard to be an angel, but it's necessary. The good intention is more important than the deed itself.
  12. Fish. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. A promise is fun, and a bad person is joy.

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: what principles of life to profess, each person decides independently. The main thing is that they make not only you personally better, but also the world around you, bring good to people and serve for the benefit of society.

Why do many people feel dissatisfied with their lives? Where can you find happiness and a sense of fulfillment? These questions worry a person more often than others; in search of an answer to them, he is ready to sacrifice his time and effort. The sages believe that for true happiness it is necessary to follow three main principles in life. They claim that by following them, human soul will bloom like a flower, and life itself will sparkle with rainbow colors.

Every moment will be filled with joy and happy moments. But in order to find happiness, first of all, you need to understand yourself and understand why until now you have not been able to accomplish something that has a certain value for you. Only by working on mistakes will a person be able to turn all his wishes into reality. There are no people who do not dream of prosperity and happiness, and the overwhelming majority generally want to win fame and recognition. However, only a few manage to achieve all this and therefore the question arises: what is wrong with my life and what is needed to make it better?

If prosperity passes you by, think about why this is happening. It would seem that happiness is so desirable, but why doesn’t it knock on our door? Psychologists have long identified a number of reasons from which it follows that some people are luckier than others. And the main reason is the wrong choice of life principles. Look back and analyze your life. Surely you will see many mistakes that were made only because you do not know how to set priorities correctly. Perhaps you were so focused on yourself that you missed out on your happiness, because it comes to those who are ready to share it with others.

The following tips will help you understand how to correctly interpret the signs of fate and dream correctly, because most often it is the inability to correctly formulate one’s thoughts and goals that leads a person to a dead end. Remember that all your deepest dreams will materialize, but it is necessary that you yourself come to the realization that everything in life is not accidental.

1. Be more merciful.

The ability to sympathize and be compassionate is considered almost the main principle of life. Every person needs a source of inspiration. Without it, he will not be able to create, develop and be free. You can also find inspiration in other people. The more often you help others, the more good you receive in return. Another thing is that, as a couple, even the most merciful deeds remain unanswered, however, reciprocity from the recipient should not worry you so much. Act according to the dictates of your heart, because when you help someone, you provide help not to please your feelings, but in order to make someone’s life at least a little better. We all live in society and are inextricably linked with each other. social relations, if one of us feels bad, then the other must certainly come to the rescue. Don't leave people in trouble, give them a helping hand.

2. Don't waste your time.

Another important point, which, along with the first, psychologists have included in the list of tips urging you not to miss your luck. It is difficult to imagine the principles of life without this point. There are only two things a person can never get back. These are opportunities and time. Every second person turns a blind eye to this very significant and important principle. There are often situations in life when we miss our opportunity, and only then realize that we may have neglected our own happiness. To avoid making such a mistake again, you need to understand why people are given time.

Time is needed for a person to make the most of it. Don’t lose your opportunities, try to find benefit in everything. This life principle must be followed with early years, because life is fleeting, and having missed extra year, you may lose several years of happiness. A person who values ​​success will never waste his time. Rich people know firsthand that even from life’s difficulties you can get the maximum benefit, because they teach a person to better navigate time. In addition, do not try to waste your actions and words; first of all, learn to value yourself.

3. Don't lose hope.

The ability to remain calm in the most difficult moments of life is an invaluable quality. By remaining calm, a person learns one of the basic principles of life - hope and faith. Countless difficulties may arise along your path, but if you follow each difficult situation give up and lose faith in the best, then you will turn into a weak-willed creature. Hope helps to cope with adversity and gives a person confidence in the future. Also, be careful not to become wasteful. Don't waste your energy, without it you won't be able to achieve success.

Don't forget these three principles of life. Your goal will become achievable if you begin to learn to love and appreciate, trust and believe, hope and wait.

How important are principles in life?

Is it good to be a principled person?– it would seem such a simple question? - Of course yes! - the majority will answer without thinking too much. What if you think a little about this topic?

The master asked one student: “If you find a wallet with money on the road, what will you do? “I will look for the owner and return it.” “You are kind, but stupid,” answered the master. I asked the second one the same question. He replied: “I’ll take it for myself.” - “You are sincere, but not a thief.” I asked the third one. He said: “How can I know what I will be like when I find the wallet? Maybe I’ll really need the money and take it for myself. Or I will feel sorry for the one who lost it and will look for him to return the money. But you never know what could happen...” “You are wise,” said the master and bowed.

What are principles?

A principle is a belief, a point of view on something. Accordingly, a principled person is a person who defends his beliefs and point of view.

The principles in our lives serve as defenses, fortress walls and a moat between what life offers and me. This is the last frontier, the fall of which will mean my fall from grace, or lack of will. That's why people rush so loudly to inform this world that they have principles. IN Ancient Rome the principle was called a heavily armed warrior, which was usually located in the first, rarely in the second ranks of the Roman legions (hence the name). He had armor, a shield, and was armed with a spear or sword. The principles are the defensive belt of the Roman legion, which was difficult and dangerous to break through. Apparently this is where the saying “follow the principle” comes from - an obviously stupid and even dangerous idea.

And an interesting detail, but In order not to do what you don’t want, you don’t have to acquire principles. It happens naturally - “I just don’t want it!” The task of the principles is precisely that they can resist our own desires, curb your feelings, creating the aura of a hero, and protecting you from mistakes. Integrity is usually praised, and its absence is considered spinelessness. Principles are the reinforcement from which individual people are created, and they themselves look like reinforced concrete sculptures.

When is it inconvenient to have principles?

That would be fine, but life, fortunately, is much richer, and there will be countless situations, and those will certainly happen in which the developed principles will turn out to be ineffective. Have you noticed that a rigid structure is characteristic only of inanimate nature (stones, diamonds, metal)? All Live nature has a flexible structure (organisms, plants, water, air). Because living nature is subject to the laws of development and evolution, inanimate nature- the result of this development and evolution. It’s the same with people, often our principles are information that is imposed on us by our parents, teachers, and environment. Integrity is a firmness that does not allow one to be flexible in decision-making.

Why are principles needed?

Integrity does not exist by itself, she always caters to some character traits. It always goes in conjunction with some clearly expressed personal qualities: fundamental honesty, fundamental perseverance, fundamental cruelty. Yes, a person can be insidious and evil, but at the same time be principled. In itself, integrity is not a virtue; the moral coloring of integrity depends on the interests that it serves. Integrity does not make a person moral or highly moral. You can also meet a principled terrorist.

Integrity should not turn into dogma and be an obstacle to personal growth and development.

With a conscious and thoughtful approach, your beliefs can change, and with them, your principles. I liked one expression: “Belief is the last thing I will defend in my life, because I may be wrong.”

What to do with your principles?

Have you recently reviewed your principles? Can you name where and when they came from, what exactly and what beliefs they defend? Here is a banal principle that I have seen among girls: You can kiss only after the third date! I suspect that this principle comes from the belief that only girls lung behavior. Or here’s another principle: you shouldn’t call the first guy after meeting her and show your interest. In theory, these principles should have preserved the girl’s chastity. But is this really so? Is there a guarantee?

Try reviewing your own principles: On a piece of paper, write all your principles in one column, on the contrary, in another column, write the beliefs that serve these principles, and in the last column, write where you got this principle from. I assure you, you will be very surprised by the results you get.

Sometimes, principles are the frozen experience of past defeats, a crutch that allows, under a plausible pretext, to refuse responsibility for your life, for making informed and, most importantly, your own decisions. It is much easier to build a system of principles, which you can then turn to for ready-made answers. And it’s even easier to adopt other people’s principles, which seemed reliable and worthy from the outside. It is much easier to be “like him/her” than to be “me on my own.” Behind principles they hide their responsibility, their conscious choice and their courage to voice them. Because you can always hide behind the words: “I have this principle.” I was brought up like that".

Redundant integrity is always an extreme, and any extreme, from the point of view of psychology, ultimately leads to neuroticism of the individual. How many relationships were destroyed because of someone’s principles, how many wars and conflicts were born on this basis, how many generations of unhappy children grew up in principled families. I'm not asking you to abandon all your principles, I'm just suggesting that you reflect on the ideas and beliefs that serve your principles. Isn't it time to reconsider them?