Towing and transporting damaged or disabled vehicles stranded on the road is a job for a professional roadside assistance company. In Russia there are 600 cars per 1000 inhabitants. This means that companies offering roadside assistance to drivers will not have to complain about a lack of orders. For many drivers, transportation services for cars that have broken down on the roads become […]

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  • Do you want to open your own car business? You won’t be able to limit yourself to just one good idea; you’ll have to work a lot here. You need to create a business plan, look for premises, and work out all sorts of promotion options. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will help you start your business.

    Choosing a niche

    It is important to know what is most in demand not only in the city, but even in a specific area. Market research is the first place to start. For example, if you find that there is no store nearby that sells spare parts for Mitsubishi cars, think about creating one.

    Study your competitors. It is quite difficult to be a successful tire repair specialist if there is a corresponding service center across the street. Be unique. It would be important to create a service center near highways and gas stations. trucks. The room can be anything - even if it’s a simple garage. The main thing is demand.

    We list some options that have been confirmed by successful practice:

    • Creating a spare parts store for a specific brand or group of brands (for example, everything for Japanese cars);
    • Opening a department store for specific purposes (for example, everything for maintenance);
    • Sale of spare parts for old foreign cars;
    • Franchise of a transport company (if they are not in the city).

    Competitiveness should be maximum. If you know that you are not the only one, you need to think about all sorts of advantages for clients (mainly discounts and speed of work).

    Options with a minimum investment: the most popular solutions

    One striking example is tire service. You can do it right in the garage cooperative. This is a good option for a start: prepare for work closer to the season for changing tires - and you will quickly get involved in the work process. It will cost no more than 100-150 thousand rubles. Pays for itself in short time. And then you can think about expanding the list of services provided.

    Mobile car service. Ideally, if you already have a truck. All you need is a small room where everything you need will be stored. The niche is usually practically unoccupied. You will need to focus on promotion. Requires investment: 100-350 thousand rubles. Difficulty is minimal. It will take 6-12 months to recoup.

    Today there are a lot of business solutions, if not directly related to cars, then indirectly. For example, people start practicing. It could be cool drinks, newspapers, food - anything. Such methods require almost no investment; many work without registering a business and make good money.

    What you can't do without

    To implement most business ideas related to cars, you need to have several important things, without which it will be almost impossible to create a business and get started.


    What’s good about the auto business is that there are no specific requirements for premises. The car owner does not care at all how the sales area is furnished. The main thing is to buy a suitable spare part, and cheaper. It doesn’t matter at all under what conditions engine repair services will be provided, the main thing is that it is done with high quality.

    IN this issue, rather, the location plays a role. No driver will want to make several circles to use the services of a car wash; he will prefer the one that is closer.

    The premises are usually rented. Some recommendations:

    • For an auto shop it is not at all necessary to choose a premises with large area- 100 sq. m. and more. The main thing is the ability to accommodate up to 5 people, a display case, and a cash register. The basis here is a warehouse where spare parts will be stored. A good option, when the catalog is posted on the Internet, and the store is only a point of delivery of goods.
    • Some types of business will require an office (truck transportation, delivery service, taxi, etc.). It is best to rent in a business center or on the ground floor of residential buildings.
    • For certain requirements no, it all depends on the scale of the work. The rental price here can be minimal - up to 3 thousand rubles. in the case of a garage where tire fitting is carried out.

    Start-up capital

    Practice shows that organizing any auto business requires The required minimum is 100 thousand rubles. Costs are associated not only with issues of renting and purchasing equipment (or goods), but also with registering an enterprise.

    Let's give an example. Some may think that opening a tire shop is the cheapest option. But the machine alone will require at least 45-50 thousand rubles. Tools, Consumables— all this will affect the budget.


    Working alone is almost impossible, no matter how good a specialist you are. As soon as things go “uphill” (for example, the off-season, when you need to change tires), it will be problematic to cope. Therefore, initially look for partners.

    These should not be just friends (as is the case everywhere in our country), but qualified, experienced professionals. Even a small auto repair shop requires at least 3 people.

    You can hire interns and train them yourself. Students and the unemployed are eagerly accepting jobs that will soon become well-paid.

    Gaining experience and first funds for business

    If opening your own business is just a plan for the future, but now there are no means and opportunities to do it - you need to work in this area first. Just get a job in a maintenance salon - and feel this whole “kitchen” from the inside.

    The most important- do not lose your composure and remember why you are doing this. As you work, you will be able to learn a lot, and most importantly, understand what is of the greatest interest and what is easiest to deal with.

    This is just an example with a car service. You can get a job at transport company, a taxi ordering service, a store of auto parts and other goods for cars. The list goes on for a long time.

    So, we’ve sorted out the options for obtaining the necessary experience. Now let's think about where to get the funds. There are several options:

    • Work in this area (see above).
    • Creating a business with partners and making your share. Opening a business alone is difficult.
    • Loan for auto business. This is only appropriate when there is effective business plan, reflecting the effectiveness of the implementation of your ideas.

    We hope that these tips will help you approach the matter correctly and open a business that will soon generate a lot of income. Next, we will consider in more detail both the most famous and rather unusual and bold decisions in organizing the auto business.


    Register in tax office IP or entity. It is worth noting that until recently, in order to open a service station, a much more extensive package of documents was required. Either the state has finally decided to meet halfway not in words, but in deeds, or there are still so few on our Russian highways (considering the state of some highways and the hope for a Russian “maybe”) that red tape with paperwork can become fatal.

    Find a room for your future workshop. The most the best place– on the highway or near a city junction near a gas station and garage. But since all such places are probably already firmly occupied, it will be quite enough that at least one of these conditions is met. The premises must already have a viewing hole or lift, otherwise you will have to enter into additional agreements with the landlord.

    Be sure to contact the sanitary and fire departments to obtain positive reports on the condition of the premises. Be prepared for the fact that, taking into account the specifics of your enterprise, the requirements will be quite stringent.

    Buy everything necessary equipment, tools and consumables. Typically, several of the most common types of work are performed: minor engine repairs. Therefore, do not skimp on good imported equipment (preferably German or Italian), so that the entire range of work can be completed in the shortest possible time. Moreover, such work is seasonal, and reinstallation will cost you much more.

    Soberly assess your options before you install a sign above the entrance (and entrance) to. To repair many foreign cars, you will need “original” computer stands, which are available only at official dealers of companies. Therefore, it’s better to start with servicing domestic cars, so as not to harm either the car or your reputation.

    Set realistic prices for your services - then it is likely that you will soon have regular customers and you will quickly recoup all costs.

    Invite good specialists to work in your service. Conduct an interview on theory and practice. However, in auto business e (especially local) such specialists are always in sight. If possible, offer them a higher salary, and offer fans of your business a lot of good orders, which will definitely come if you have done everything correctly before.

    Obtain all necessary certificates of conformity for each type of work. To do this, you need to submit to the branch of the Russian Certification Center: all statutory documents, certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, statistics codes, rental agreement for premises, conclusions from the SES and fire service and a list of equipment. After your application, specialists will be sent to you who will test the operation of your car service and, in case of positive results, will issue you with all the necessary certificates.

    It would seem that already in Russia all the niches are occupied and it’s impossible to get anywhere without connections and acquaintances. Today we will tell you about this, because the economic scheme is the same everywhere, the main thing is to apply it correctly to a particular business. Our article will be useful for those audiences who just want to start their own business and for those who have already achieved something.

    As a rule, people who start their own business have worked for the “owner” and want to start their own business. Be it vulcanization, car service, painting, body repair or anything else.

    So, let's start from simple to complex:

    1) The most important thing is, of course, to decide on the type of activity itself. With what exactly you want to do. Try not to waste your time on everything, but set a clear goal for yourself.

    2) Means of communication. Of course, first you will need a phone number, namely a phone number for your business/business. Always issue a SIM card in your name and give it your phone number and use it only for your business. This should not be your personal phone. If there is an opportunity to print your number together with someone who already has their own business, then do it. To begin with, any such steps will only be a plus.

    4) Premises or retail space. You definitely need a place where you will “create” your business. If you are going to rent a room, you can try your luck and bargain with the owner about the price. It is best to rent a room where someone has already worked. That is, you rent a room that people already know about. And the initial part of clients will definitely know about you. It is better not to speak badly about other services and car washes; this will only negatively affect your reputation. If the business is not your profile, then it is advisable to send clients to a new address. You will have two advantages: first, those who worked before you will happily exchange business cards with you, and second, clients will speak well of you and perhaps buy your product.

    5) Psychology. Be as honest as possible with clients. If, say, you have a car service center, then do not try to trick customers into replacing unnecessary parts. Perhaps the person has recently changed something and this will be recorded in the service book. If you have a car wash or a taxi, then immediately say the amount so that the client knows what and how much it costs. For example, at a car wash you can blacken your wheels for free, and if you take someone in a taxi with heavy bags, then help them carry them to the entrance or home. Do and invent similar things yourself, because the client returns to where there is good service.

    7) Documents: You must have the main package of documents in mandatory. This could be an individual entrepreneur, LLC or OJSC. As everyone knows and understands, make them in in perfect order and in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation it will not work. So solve all questions as they arise. The main thing is that there is no crime. We wish everyone a good start in any auto business!

    According to statistics, every second Russian has a car. In this regard, business related to cars in one way or another is extremely popular in Russia. In this article we will look at interestingwhich do not require serious investments - you can start your own business, even if you do not have serious start-up capital.


    Despite the crisis, Russians continue to purchase new cars, although the number of purchases is gradually falling. If you study the market, it becomes clear that middle and business class cars are being purchased, while stagnation reigns in the budget segment. This suggests that the ordinary population has less money, they are starting to save and drive cars purchased in the “fat” years of 2010–2014 (the trouble-free operation life of these cars is already coming to an end, which means that they will have to be repaired frequently) .

    Automotive business is promising and profitable

    That is why any business related to car repair will always be in demand - we recommend that you look at the niche of budget cars, since this is where the most customers are and such cars most often break down (expensive foreign cars are serviced in official service centers- it’s unlikely that anyone in a car for 3–5 million rubles will go to a beginner).

    In this article, we will look at five main business examples and provide tips for their development and monetization. All you have to do is choose the business that you have a passion for. Before opening, be sure to study the market to understand what to expect from competitors - this is a highly profitable niche, so there will almost always be competitors here. Study how they do business, what they offer, what their price range is, think about what you can offer potential clients so that they leave them for you.

    Car dismantling

    In order to start a similar type of business in 2018, you will need approximately 300–400 thousand rubles, while the full payback of the business is 10–12 months. For uh In addition, you will need a site and a room where valuable parts will be stored and workers will work. There is no need to look for a place in the city center - usually showdowns work on the outskirts so as not to disturb anyone.

    The principle of operation is as follows: you will buy old cars from car owners, disassemble them and sell them in parts. Many people think that finding “donors” for dismantling is almost impossible, but in reality this is not the case. Old cars, cars that are not running, cars after an accident or fire, as well as those that have problems with documents are returned for recycling.

    Disassembly is perfect automobile business - ideas without large investments may be different, but it is auto dismantling that brings a fairly stable and high income, especially if you establish the necessary contacts and people in the city know about you. The principle of operation is simple: you buy a car, then disassemble it and sell spare parts online, or simply wait for people who need something to contact you.

    Attention:This kind of business is relevant all over the world. For example, in Europe there are entire parking lots of old cars, where anyone can come and independently remove the part they need.

    This has not yet been found in Russia - the dismantling is carried out by the owner of the business, but you can very well use this initiative as an idea.

    1. Minimum investment. All you need is a small area (in principle, a business can be organized simply in the courtyard of a private house or near it, especially if you live on the outskirts).
    2. Good liquidity. Spare parts for popular brands are constantly being purchased - a car can be sold out entirely in just a month.
    3. Constant need for spare parts. Since the fleet of cars on hand is constantly aging, spare parts will remain in popularity almost constantly. According to statistics, in Russia almost 60% of cars are over 10 years old, and they constantly break down.
    4. Waste-free production. Even if you don’t sell something, the parts can always be scrapped, and the oil can be sold for recycling or used as kindling material.
    5. Ease of implementation. You don’t need to hire employees if you know at least a little about machines, you don’t need to purchase expensive equipment or machines - just a set of keys, screwdrivers and standard tools.

    Attention:disassembly should be in a convenient place so that it can be reached. The best option– presence of both a road and a bus route nearby.

    If you are going to run a business seriously, then in addition to the site you will also need a workshop with a small office. A parts warehouse should be equipped here, as well as a room for receiving visitors. Keep in mind that sometimes people will have to wait until the part they need is removed - this may take some time. Also consider how exactly you will dismantle the cars - you will probably need a pit or a lift if things go well.

    Work as a reseller

    In Russia quite profitable, but entering it is not always easy. You will need an amount for the first car (300–500 thousand, although you can start with inexpensive options), and also good publicity and knowledge. The principle is simple - you study the market, select options that sell cheaper, buy them (or take them for sale), and then sell them at the market price or slightly higher.

    The payback on such a business is almost instantaneous - by selling one or two cars, you will fully recoup your investment. Before you start, you need to think in detail about how exactly you are going to work. In principle, with small volumes, you don’t even have to register as an emergency - it will be enough to just work without attracting close attention from the state. But registration will, of course, give you more opportunities.

    Let's look at how you can start such a business. If you don’t have the cash to buy a car, you can always get a loan. It is not even necessary to apply for it as a loan - many banks have an overdraft service, that is, the opportunity to use money without commission for a certain period. For many banks, this is 45–60 days - quite enough to buy or sell a car with the right approach.

    The reseller recoups all investments made in 1-2 sales

    So, you start exploring sites and portals, looking for interesting offers. Having found something interesting, you make an appointment, inspect the car yourself or stop by a service station, after which you make a payment or agree to resell the car. Many people don’t want to sell on their own because it takes time and they have to communicate with strangers, be distracted from work, answer hundreds of calls, drive the car somewhere, etc. It’s easier for them to hand it over for sale or sell it a little cheaper than the market price, so as not to have to deal with the process.

    Attention:You can often buy cars 10–30% cheaper than the market price by offering people an urgent purchase service. Situations often arise when a person needs money - he simply rents out the car and receives the necessary reward for it.

    What is needed to organize such a business? If you start with one car, then you don’t need anything at all - you take the car, put it in order, washing it from dirt, improving the interior and paintwork, repairing the chassis and removing obvious defects, after which you advertise in the media, on websites, offering the car acquaintances, etc. Nice car You can sell it in a couple of weeks - you will not only get back the money you invested in it, but also make a good profit.

    It should also be taken into account that the car is usually given away with spare parts, with additional wheels, etc. - they can be sold separately or offered to the new owner for a small fee. If you plan to work with several machines, then you will need a site where the vehicles will be stored. You can, of course, get by with a regular parking lot, but it’s still better to rent space for the exhibition.

    Car maintenance and repair

    Looking at interestingWe must not forget about the classic services - repair, maintenance, tire fitting, washing, etc. This business will require you to make serious investments in the purchase of equipment - from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. But if you gain a foothold and occupy your niche, then the business will bring you stable income, and the investment will pay off in 12–24 months, depending on what exactly you choose.

    It is not necessary to engage in professional repairs and create a full-fledged service station. You can offer people seasonal and scheduled maintenance services: replacing fluids, filters, checking the condition of the chassis, changing tires, preparing for the season, etc. Almost all cars undergo a complex of such work twice a season, and the procedure takes a minimum of time and does not require special knowledge .

    Car servicing is a promising endeavor

    For such a business, it is important to choose a good location and staff. You will need not just a site, but an equipped building that will have:

    1. Waiting room.
    2. Place for placing lifts.
    3. A resting place for craftsmen.
    4. Spare parts warehouse.
    5. Toilet and shower.
    6. Technical rooms for equipment.

    Note that for such a business it is important to find good staff - competent craftsmen will bring you more money and turn visiting customers into regular ones. Therefore, it makes sense to spend money on good salaries and creating comfortable conditions, as well as to control the work of the craftsmen so that they do not slack and do not work carelessly.

    Sewing covers

    Considering a business related to cars (options some of which we have already discussed above), you should focus on sewing covers. It's profitable and interesting activity, which will require you to invest no more than 100 thousand, but will pay off in 4–6 months. The work pattern is as follows - you look for a seamstress or a workshop that does tailoring, take measurements from cars of various brands, sew a dozen or two covers and sell them online or offer them to car dealerships. In parallel with this, you can provide exclusive tailoring services - applying logos and inscriptions, manufacturing in individual sizes or from special colors. In the future, when volumes appear, you can organize your own workshop by purchasing a couple of sewing machines and hiring seamstresses for permanent work.

    Advantages of such a business:

    1. Ease of entry, small amount investments. Basically, you just need to purchase fabrics and pay for the sewing work.
    2. The ability to sell cases throughout the country using the Internet and delivery services, which significantly expands the customer base.
    3. High liquidity (net income on one set - 30–50%).
    4. Opportunity for development and growth in a professional sewing workshop.
    5. Fast payback. Practice shows that the investments made are fully recouped in 4–6 months, even if you officially register, rent a room and hire a seamstress.

    Unique cases are very popular


    So, we looked at several options for a car-related business. In fact, there are many more of them - a car wash, a taxi, a tire service, tire storage, and the sale of license plates or spare parts. There are a lot of options for making money on cars, and the market is almost endless. But before you enter it, try to correctly assess your strengths and calculate the risks, since this is a fairly competitive environment where millions of entrepreneurs already work. We recommend following the following plan:

    1. We choose a direction. Think about what exactly you would be interested in, what you are good at or would like to understand.
    2. We study the market. Find out which competitors provide similar services, what their price level is, what exactly they do, where they buy raw materials and how they sell them.
    3. Create a business plan. Many entrepreneurs skip this point, acting “on a whim” and ultimately get lost and lose their goals. A business plan will become your guide in the world of business.
    4. Consider the risks. Even if you have started and everything is already going well, then think about what risks may arise and how exactly you will get out of unpleasant situations.
    5. Try to get legalized. You can work “under the table” only in the initial stages, after which be sure to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

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