Once on Epiphany evening the girls wondered... Well, the girls wondered with all seriousness, but you and I will indulge in funny comic fortune-telling games that will make a great laugh on the New Year or any holiday.

Let's tell fortunes using a book

To do this, take any fiction book, for example, from the classics or children's fairy tales, ask a question and name the page and line.

Questions for fortune telling from a book

Questions could be: 1. What does Mr. X think about me 2. What awaits me at my new job 3. Where will I meet my betrothed 4. How will we get there? next year 5. What do I need to pay attention to 6. How can I get the attention of Mrs. N 7. What will lead me to success 8. My biggest flaw 9. Who likes me 10. What will the New Year give me

What might happen:

Question: What to do at home together Answer: “The heat made her sleepy. Of course, weaving a wreath would be great” (Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll) Question: Where will I meet my betrothed? Answer: "Would you like to join our expedition?" (Children of Captain Grant - Jules Verne)

Fortune telling by songs

Prepare a play-list (selected songs) in advance. Take interesting Russian songs, mix both folk and popular ones, you can add children's songs. It’s good if there are at least 100 songs. You can start comic fortune telling by songs.

  1. Open your player, where the entire list of songs (playlist) is visible - for example, Winamp.
  2. Ask a question (for example, as in the paragraph above for book fortune-telling),
  3. Close your eyes and roll the mouse wheel back and forth,
  4. Now poke at random.
  5. A song will sound - the answer to your question.

Predictions from a bag

A very easy to implement and pleasant element of the holiday is to arrange fortune telling from a bag; it can be just a beautiful bag or a specially sewn bag. There you put pre-rolled pieces of paper with short wishes for the guests and offer to pull them out.

Short New Year wishes in verse

  1. All the happiness in the world awaits you! And also - your own apartment!
  2. You have wonderful style! A car is waiting for you!
  3. Good luck will smile on you! There will be a new dacha for you!
  4. May adversity leave you. Your income will increase!
  5. New luck awaits you! There will be an addition to the family!
  6. You won’t be bored in vain, because there will be new friends!
  7. Inspirational impressions! Amazing travel!
  8. Don't let worry bother you. Is waiting for you new job!
  9. Happiness and success await you. You are the best to study!
  10. Catch your luck by the tail! Career growth awaits you!

Chinese fortunes for cookies

If you are a big crafter, you can bake fortune cookies.

There is a simpler option - bake a cake that you know how to do and print a circle on a plate with pictures-predictions by sector (keys, car, baby, money, love, etc.). Place this piece of paper on a dish (you can also cover it with thin transparent cellophane), and place the cake on top.

And so the person takes a piece of cake and at that moment sees what the prediction was under his sector.

It’s even easier - print out a circle with numbers in sectors, and attach the transcript on a separate piece of paper.

Wishes for Chinese cookies or magic bag

  • To have success, you need to look externally and internally as if you already have it.
  • The funniest desire is to please everyone. Remember - you are not a dollar
  • A person deserves as much happiness as he himself is able to give to others
  • Best the enemy of the good
  • What we pray for is what we receive. Be afraid of your desires
  • How does a winner differ from a loser? The winner was able to rise one time more than fall
  • In life, everyone has a main and a secondary thing, don’t waste your energy on trifles
  • Just do what you have to do and come what may.
  • Don't be afraid of the crisis - it brings new opportunities
  • Every person in your life will either become a friend or be your teacher.
  • Take time for your home
  • Between worries, between tasks, you will sometimes lie on the sofa
  • Don't be surprised when an old friend suddenly comes back to you
  • Look at everything positively. When God closes a door, he opens a window
  • Don’t look back at authorities, act as you personally think is right
  • Do what you can with what you have, from where you are.

How fun it is to guess with a group

If you treat comic fortune telling with humor, it becomes good entertainment for the company. Just don't make bad wishes, let them be everyone is kind, funny or philosophical. When a person pulls out a wish, he must read it out loud. It is imperative to involve every person, do not bypass anyone.

You can arrange fortune-telling for everyone, so that he can guess for himself and no one is to blame :) But there is funnier option, it is also suitable if a person is embarrassed to participate. Then you will have to involve third parties. It will look like this: Host: Sasha, what does Julia want to know? Sasha: where will she meet her betrothed in the new year! And now let Yulia herself name a line in a book or point at random to a song. The answer will amuse everyone and Yulia will be interested in learning about herself, but she did not have to reveal her innermost thoughts, Sasha did it for her.

Find out more about interesting ways tell your fortune in the next video

On New Year's Eve, people not only celebrate and hope for the best. There are many folk traditions and beliefs that help you find out what will happen next and help you fulfill your desires. New Year's fortune telling is very fun and interesting. Yes, the probability of the prediction being fulfilled is high. The whole company like-minded people who have good feelings for each other, creates an excellent energetic background for the embodiment of joyful and good things, the destruction of unfavorable forecasts. Of course, it is better to guess about the secret in solitude. But the night is long, there is time for everything!

New Year's fortune telling 2019 in the company

The most desirable goals in your society are written on small pieces of paper. It is better to choose something global and valuable. For example, almost everyone dreams of owning an apartment (or expanding it), exotic countries and so on. Choose something that your friends might like and make them happy. Write everything down. Now you just need to distribute pieces of paper - wishes. You can do this as in, by placing it in a large vase and inviting everyone to choose. Can be hung on the Christmas tree.

It’s better to buy a Pig in advance and place the notes in a basket or special bag with his image. Let the animal, which will be in charge of the situation, “distribute” wishes. Everyone will be pleased. If you want everything to be fair (after all, not everyone can be lucky). Then leave one piece of paper blank. This will mean an unfavorable turn of events.

New Year's fortune telling on a pie

This is a gourmet event. You need to bake a cake or pie in advance, in which symbols - predictions - are placed. This New Year's fortune telling is similar to Chinese fortune cookies.

At night the magic cake is cut and eaten. Each guest receives his own prediction. The symbols are:

  • Coin - to win money.
  • Beans - acquisition of property.
  • A note - good luck with documents.
  • Ring - marriage ahead.
  • The ring is a new romantic acquaintance.
  • Thread is a vehicle.
  • A piece of fabric is a “carpet – an airplane”, a fulfillment of the sacred.
  • Caramel - sweet life.
  • Yagoda is a situation of temptation with an unknown outcome.

Fortune telling with New Year's glasses

Papers with wishes are glued to the bottoms of glasses or glasses. At the same time, do not seat guests. Let everyone choose their own place and “container”. After the chimes, offer to turn the glasses over and read what is written there. If the people gathered are not very close, then you can not write wishes, but glue colored pictures. Let everyone, to the extent of their “gaiety,” determine what is destined for them.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve for the betrothed

This New Year's fortune telling is recommended not only for girls, but also for boys. After midnight, it is recommended to go for a walk (short if you don’t want to wander for a long time). If the first person you meet is a person of the opposite sex, then in the New Year 2019 you will meet your love. If it’s yours, then it’s too early to dream of a serious relationship. But that is not all. The first person of the opposite sex should be asked for their name. This is what your betrothed will be called. Do not be shy! It's New Year's Eve! Any miracle is possible! You can even meet your real betrothed at this very moment.

Serious fortune telling for the New Year

When the holiday has already passed, you can begin serious rituals that will give more accurate forecast for the coming year of the Pig. For yourself, it is recommended to write down twelve goals that arouse your greatest interest. Fold the leaves in the same way. Place all this under your pillow before going to bed. In the morning, immediately after waking up, select only one note. Read it. This wish will definitely come true!

This fortune telling is for purposeful people who are not afraid to make grandiose plans. You need to worry about wish cards in advance. To do this, pictures indicating your desires are glued onto pieces of cardboard of the same size. Left alone in New Year's Eve, take the prepared “deck” and pull out five cards in turn. This will be the order of execution of your plans in the coming year of the yellow earthen Pig. It is advisable to save the pictures so as not to forget the results of New Year's fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on chains

If using the methods described above you can tell fortunes on any New Year's Eve, then there are special rituals that are used in the year of the yellow Earth Pig. For example, this one.

Take gold chains (or gold-colored jewelry). They should be thin. In principle, one will do, just a long one. They throw it into a crystal vase and shake it, thinking about a wish to themselves. Then you need to remove the chains. Look. If they are tied in knots, then count their number. Here are the results:

  • There are no nodes - it will not be fulfilled.
  • One – there is a high probability of execution.
  • Two - there is a chance, but unexpectedly the execution may fail.
  • Three - it will definitely come true.
  • More than three is vanity.
  • If you didn’t make a guess, then the prediction is as follows:
  • No knots - calmness, even melancholy.
  • One – life is bright, but there will be difficulties.
  • Two nodes - you will be lucky in your personal life, but there will be troubles at work.
  • Three - everything is great! I'll be lucky all year. Try to make more plans. Everything is being implemented.
  • Four - serious trouble awaits.
  • Five – fun all year, a lot of money.
  • More – vanity and confusion.

Special fortune telling for the year of the Pig

Our ancestors were very close to living nature, especially to domestic animals. There were even special fortune telling for livestock.

Fortune telling by a pig's tail

In Rus' there was such fortune-telling. When they slaughtered a pig for the Christmas table, young people always kept the tail for themselves. It was divided according to the number of participants, and then everyone stuck their piece between the floorboards. They called the dog and saw whose piece he would choose. If part of the ponytail belonged to a guy, it was believed that he would definitely get married. For the girl, this meant marriage in the new year.

Of course, now it’s not easy to find a pig’s tail. But you can prepare a piglet in advance from scrap materials by making a tail out of twine. Then divide the twine among the fortune tellers and place the pieces around the room. If there is no dog, cat or other pet, you can blindfold one of those guests who are already married or in a relationship, because... According to the rules, only those who do not currently have a partner can guess. Whoever finds a piece of twine will have a romantic story in the New Year.

Fortune telling for the future using a pig

In the old days, they used to guess like this: they would go into a barn and see how the pig would behave.

If the animal began to scratch its right side, this promised a successful year in all respects. If the pig scratched its left side, it promised failure, a lot of small troubles that would require a lot of effort to eliminate.

If the pig continued to lie serenely in its place, New Year didn't promise special problems, but success came only to those who made efforts.

Now the barn is almost exotic, but there are still several modern versions of this fortune-telling. The first is to type “pig” or “piglet” into a search engine in the video section and see what the animal will do there. The second option is to go to a petting zoo on December 31 or January 1, where there is a pig, and observe the behavior of the animal.

Fortune telling by pig figures

Prepare in advance 6 or 8 piglets cut out of thick paper. Half the piglets should be happy, half should be sad. This fortune telling is suitable for both a company and one person.

It is necessary to put all the piglets in some kind of bowl or container. Then think of three questions, the answer to which will be yes or no. Then mentally or out loud ask a question to the bowl of piglets and eyes closed pull the pig. If the pig is happy, the answer is yes. If the pig is sad, alas, the answer is no.

This is such an interesting fortune telling. We wish you good predictions, happy holidays, and do not forget correctly!

Folk beliefs and fortune telling for the New Year.


You can’t borrow on New Year’s Eve - you’ll live in debt all year

Before the New Year, forgive all your family, loved ones and friends, forget all grievances

Be sure to dress up a living green beauty Christmas tree for the New Year, symbolizing fidelity, longevity, vitality and health. Must be plentiful festive table, and there are many guests behind him. It would be nice to prepare many dishes with baked beads, coins, and peas for good luck. Be sure to celebrate the New Year in a new dress and new shoes. If someone sneezes, it promises him well-being for the whole year. The last glass poured from the bottle before the chimes begin to strike brings good luck to those who drink it

Before twelve at night, women need to throw capes or scarves over their shoulders, and after the clock strikes the last, twelfth time, quickly remove them. It is believed that after this all illnesses and troubles will remain in the past year.

On New Year's Day, you need to have your own amulet and amulet that will bring good luck and protect you and your family

While the chimes are ringing, quickly write your wish on a piece of napkin, set it on fire, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it until the last sip. Everything needs to be done before the last, twelfth blow - then your wish will definitely come true

When the chimes strike for the first time, hold a penny in your left palm and wish that you have money in the new year. Throw a coin into a glass of champagne and drink it. Then make a hole in the coin and wear it on a chain as a pendant.

Write your best on a piece of paper cherished wish(only one!) and burn it. Throw the ashes out the window into the wind, with the words:

Wind, drive away melancholy and sadness from me,
Give me luck and joy! (say your deepest wish)
Whatever you wish for, fulfill it.
Spirit of the wind, please, I conjure with my power,
I rely on your wings!


On December 31st you can plan your summer vacation. To do this, take an onion and divide it into twelve parts: you will get onion slices that look like small cups. Place these “cups” in a row on the window and sprinkle them with salt. In the morning, look in which “cup” the salt is the most wet - this way you will understand which month in the coming year will be rainy and when you should not take a vacation - of course, if you are afraid of rain. The fact is that each such onion “cup” symbolizes one of the twelve months.

You can right behind New Year's table predict the future. To do this, pour water into a small bowl and read the following plot over it:

You, water, don’t make noise, don’t be whimsical, don’t rattle,
Don't go overboard,
And as it is, keep the New Year,
Tell me about the future!

Then put this bowl in a cold place (freezer, balcony, etc.). In the morning, look what happened: if the ice went hump - there will be a good year, the ice froze evenly - your life will be smooth, that is, happy, it rose in lumps - there will be both grief and happiness, but if a hole appears on the surface of the ice - a year will be unsuccessful, flawed.

On New Year's Eve you can find out whether your cherished wish will come true. To do this, take a deck of thirty-six cards, shuffle and arrange them into four equal piles. Place the cards face down. Remove cards from the first pile until an ace appears; they should be put aside. If you then open the ace again, then put it aside with the first one and open the next card. So check all the cards, putting aside the unnecessary ones.

Your task is to find aces in the pile, one after the other. Let's say you get an ace, followed by another card, and then an ace again. You only need the first ace. All other cards and the aces following it are sent to the bat, that is, they are put aside and no longer participate in fortune telling. Once you've sorted through the first stack, immediately look through the others. As a result, you may end up with four, three, two or one ace in your hand. The wish made will quickly come true for the one who got all four aces. Three aces foretell a fairly quick fulfillment of a wish, two aces - everything will happen oh so soon, and one ace - alas, but you need to give up all hopes: the desire will not come true.

Fortune telling with matches. Pour water into a large transparent bowl and place it on the table. Take a new box of matches, place candles on both sides of the vase and light them. Place the icon in front of the vase, sit opposite it and quickly ask the question that is more important to you than all the others. First, remove the match from the box, light it and, when you ask a question, hold it over the center of the bowl, without touching the water. When the match burns out, throw it into the center of the vase and see what happens to it. If a match breaks in two, one part of it sinks, and the second remains on the surface, you will get sick (this is if you were interested in your health). If the match is intact and floats on the surface, there will be no health problems. If the match drowns, then nothing good can be expected and your wish will not come true.

Fortune telling by beans. You just need to know that the black color in this fortune-telling symbolizes bad, negative events, white - favorable circumstances, variegated beans - the middle in half, you will have everything: both good and bad. Take a canvas bag and put thirty beans (beans) in it: ten black, ten white and ten variegated. Mix them with your hand, take out ten pieces at random and place them in one line. The combination of colors and the number of beans of the same color makes a prediction.

You can make a bridge out of twigs and put it under your pillow, saying before going to bed:

Who is my betrothed?
Who is my mummer
He will take me across the bridge!

After this, you should dream about your future groom.

You can see the groom not only in a dream. Pour water into a cup and add salt and ash. Place the cup on the window and say:

Drink water, add salt,
For the ashes to burn, but for me to watch the groom.

At the same time, carefully look at the surface of the water. If you are destined to get married, then you will definitely see your betrothed.

In a dream on New Year's Eve, you can see the place where a previously lost item is located. To do this, take a glass of water, place two forks in it, tines up, and place it all under the bed. Then in a dream you will see a hint.

To get to know a person you like better, but you haven’t known each other for long, do the following. Have a candlelit dinner and watch the candle burn on the side where the person you like is sitting. If the fire is calm and even, then this man shares your thoughts and feelings. If the wax slowly flows into the candlestick, then this is the first sign that something is not going well in life for the person sitting opposite you, his soul is suffering and crying. If your guest is telling a lie, the candle will burn out on one side. If it smokes, crackles or has darkened, this person has damage or has evil, dark thoughts.

With the help of candles, not only fortune telling is carried out, but also various ceremonies and rituals are carried out. For example, make a wish and take a white candle. You can also take colored candles: green will symbolize a dream, pink - love, lilac - beautiful life, with the help of yellow you can pacify jealousy, and with the help of red you can return love. Write your wish on a piece of paper. Place this piece of paper under the candlestick. Lubricate the candle with aromatic oil, gently and gently stroking it and thinking about your desire. Then place the candle in the candlestick and light it. Sit comfortably and look at the fire, but not at the center of the flame, but slightly above or to the sides. Focus on your desire for your energy to merge with the energy of the fire.

If you get tired, it means it’s time to complete the ritual. Mentally repeat the wish again and burn the piece of paper. Throw the ashes out the window into the wind.

To find out what awaits you in the coming year, take church candles and melt them. Pour milk into a saucer and place it on the threshold with the words:

Brownie, my master,
Come to the threshold to drink milk,
Eat wax.

Pour wax into the milk and see what shape it takes: a frozen cross - some kind of illness awaits you. If the cross only appears and then blurs, your financial situation will not be very good, and minor troubles await you in your personal life. If wax spills into a flower, get married, get married, find a new pleasant partner. If an animal appears, caution is required: you will have an enemy. If the wax spreads in stripes, you will have to travel a lot. If the wax takes the shape of stars, there will be good luck. If a human figure is clearly visible, a new friend will appear.

Find out on New Year's Eve whether your wish will come true. To do this, cut two identical squares from a sheet of paper. Cross one. Then throw both squares out of the window and see which one fell first. If it is clean, the wish will come true, if crossed out, it will not. If you live too high up or are unsure of your visual acuity, you can throw squares down by simply standing on something elevated, such as a folding ladder.

Fill a large bowl with water and whisper your wish over it. Then throw a small pebble into the water and count the number of circles on the surface. If they even number, then the answer is positive, if not even - negative.

For New Year's dinner, cook chicken. When you eat it, put the bones on a piece of red cloth and hide it somewhere outside the house, without burying it in the ground. At the same time say:

What was in the egg
What came out of the egg
What was walking around the yard
And the millet pecked,
The one whose head was cut off
And cooked it with noodles,
What I enjoyed
Whose bones from the flesh I removed,
Be my wish
To be implemented or not?
What originated in the egg?
Give me your answer tomorrow.

In the morning, find a rag with bones and see what happened to them. If there are no bones, the wish will not come true. If they are covered with snow, you need to abandon your plan before it’s too late. If almost all the bones are in place, but one or more lie to the side, your business will go well at first, and then get upset. If nothing happened to the bones, everything will be as you planned.

Leave a handful of millet, flour and buckwheat in the corner overnight. If the next morning it turns out that millet has crumbled, trouble awaits you; if it is buckwheat, there will be both good and bad, and crumbled flour promises you profit. If all three handfuls turn out to be intact, the situation will not change.

You can also tell fortunes on the street on this day. Spin the fortuneteller with his eyes closed until he loses orientation in space, and then shout: “Stop!” After this, ask the fortuneteller to look at the month. If the fortuneteller turns his right side towards the month, then the person will be rich; if left - poor; if his back is turned, he will worry, but he won’t have to rely on someone else’s help; face is a warning: you cannot be so gullible.

You can ask about possible luck in this way. Place on the table rings made of gold, silver, base metal and one with semiprecious stone. Blindfold the fortuneteller and spin him around, and then offer to take the ring that comes to his hand first. If you took Golden ring- if he is rich, silver - there will be profit, metal - everything will remain unchanged, with stone - losses await.

Write some amounts of money on a piece of paper (at least three). One should be ridiculously small, one should be medium, one should be large, etc. Or draw a picture of what you want to buy. Then light the sheet and throw it on the tray. A drawing or a sum of money that can be discerned on the burnt paper will represent your future. If the entire sheet burns, you won’t get anything at all, so it’s better to put out the fire yourself.

Ask yourself some question about luck, profit or career. Turn on the TV: the first three words you hear will answer your questions. This way you will know what you can expect in the new year.

Place two mobile phones, a cordless phone and a spoon on the table away from each other. Blindfold the fortuneteller (usually an accountant or economist by profession) and ask him to take an object from the table at random. If a person stumbles upon a spoon - bad: there will be problems with tax authorities; on a radiotelephone - competitors are watching you, perhaps they are even listening to your phone; on mobile phone- everything will remain the same. But if a person does not stumble upon a single object, great luck awaits him in the coming year.

The New Year is a great time to look into your own future or get an answer to a specific question. Fortune telling for the New Year is a very popular magical ritual. But at the same time, you should be careful and strictly follow the instructions of the rituals. It should be understood that during the fabulous New Year period, not only good higher powers are activated, but also evil forces capable of harm. It is important to remember that if fortune telling for the New Year is carried out in positive mood, then you are not afraid of any machinations of evil spirits.

Of course, most people dream on New Year's Eve that their cherished wish will definitely come true in the coming year. But whether this will happen can be found out with a high degree of certainty after fortune telling.

With water pouring

This kind of fortune-telling can be done by pouring water from glass to glass. To do this, you need to fill one glass to the top with water and leave the other empty. After this, you need to mentally formulate your cherished desire, and you need to do this very clearly.

Then you need to pour the water into an empty glass. If you managed to do this very carefully and only a few drops spilled onto the table, then this means that in the coming year your wish will definitely come true. But if in the process of pouring water a puddle forms on the table, then the wish will not come true. It is very important to remember that to train before carrying out this ritual it is forbidden.

On wishes under the pillow

Each person, as a rule, has several desires. And it is on the New Year that you can use fortune telling to most likely determine which of them may come true in the coming year. To do this, you need to take 12 small pieces of paper and write your cherished desires on them. After this, they need to be rolled into a tube and placed under the pillow. On the first morning of the New Year, you need to wake up and take out one of the leaves at random. This wish will come true in the near future. But this does not mean at all that eleven other desires should be classified as unrealistic, you just have to make an effort to achieve them.

Fortune telling on windows

New Year's Eve is filled with magical energy, which makes it easy to get an answer to your question. For example, if you want to find out whether your wish will come true, then you should go outside, stand with your back to apartment building and turning your gaze to the sky, loudly ask a question of interest. Then you should turn to the house and count the windows in which the light is on. Their even number indicates that your wish will come true in the near future.

How quiet will the year be?

You can determine how calm the next year will be for you as follows. For such fortune telling, you should place a saucer filled with water outside or on the balcony. In the morning you will need to go out and assess the condition of the ice in the saucer. If the ice turns out smooth and transparent, then a calm year awaits you. And if the ice has risen and become cloudy, then the year will be turbulent, but at the same time it will be filled not only with problems, but also with joyful events. But if the water in the saucer freezes in such a way that a hole is formed, then the year will be unsuccessful. It is clear that such a ritual can only be performed in case of frosty weather.

Will next year be successful?

You can also do fortune telling for success next year as follows. An assistant will be required to perform the ceremony. He must take four glasses, fill them drinking water and in each glass, respectively, put a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of sugar, wedding ring, slice of bread. After this, the person who is predicting success for the next year is blindfolded and brought to the glasses. He must choose one of them.

This fortune telling is interpreted as follows:

    Water with sugar added to it promises a successful year; Water with salt foretells tears in the coming year; If a glass with a ring is chosen, then your personal life will be arranged in the coming year; A glass with a piece of bread predicts financial well-being.

Fortune telling for the New Year for the fulfillment of a wish will be reliable only if you sincerely believe in the power of magic. In this case, you can use any option, since tips surround you. For example, you can interpret the first phrase of a song heard on the radio in the morning or after turning on the TV.

Fortune telling for the New Year for the betrothed

On New Year's Eve, fortune telling for your betrothed is very popular. Rituals can be performed either alone or together, when a group of girls gathers at a common table.

Using hair

A very popular fortune telling is a ritual using hair. To do this, before going to bed on New Year's Eve, place a small bowl of water next to your sleeping place, throw in a pinch of salt, sugar, ash and stir.

Then, on the surface of such a mixture, you need to carefully place three hairs of yours and your chosen one side by side in strands. In the morning you need to see in what condition the hair is left in the bowl. If the hairs have united or at least come close, it means that you will soon unite your destinies, and if the hairs have separated in different sides, then separation will soon follow.

For a group of girls

If a group of girls has gathered at a common table, then on New Year’s Eve you can perform another fortune-telling. To do this, take a sieve, which needs to be filled with cereals of different varieties. After this, three rings should be thrown there: silver, gold and copper. Decorations need to be mixed with cereal. After this, the girls take turns scooping up a handful of cereal. If you come across a ring, marriage is expected in the coming year, otherwise you will have to wait another year. Moreover:
    A copper ring indicates that a poor person will become a spouse; A silver ring predicts marriage to a hard-working person; A gold ring becomes a harbinger of a rich marriage.

How to see your betrothed in a dream?

Everyone knows that on New Year's Eve we have prophetic dreams. Therefore, there are many rituals aimed at seeing one’s betrothed in a dream. For example, you can put a frying pan under the bed and say the following words before going to bed:

“My betrothed, dressed in disguise, I’m waiting for you in a dream, come, I’ll feed you.”

After such words, you need to try to fall asleep as soon as possible. A betrothed must definitely appear in a dream, whom you can then easily recognize in the real world. In addition, you can find out in a dream the character of your future husband. To do this, you need to put four card kings under your pillow on New Year's Eve. At the same time, say the following words:

“Whoever will be my betrothed will come to me in a dream.”

This night you should definitely dream about one of the kings, and:
    The King of Spades indicates that your spouse will be much older than you and will be jealous of you all his life; The King of Hearts predicts life with a young and rich husband; The King of Diamonds predicts that your loved one will be with you and the marriage will be happy; The King of Clubs indicates that your spouse will be a military man or a businessman.

Fortune telling to find out the name of the betrothed

To find out the name of your betrothed, you need to go out on New Year's Eve and ask the first man you meet to name any male name or introduce yourself. The given name will be the name of your future husband. Fortune telling on New Year's Eve has always been considered the most accurate. Therefore, it is unlikely that you should abandon them. If your circumstances were such that you couldn’t tell your fortune at this magical time, then you can do it at Christmas or Epiphany. But at the same time, you should remember that if the result does not suit you, then you can try to change your destiny yourself. And if you are a confident person, then this will most likely work out.

New Year's holidays 2018 are an excellent occasion to look into your future, to find out what the coming year promises - joy, wealth, separation, and maybe a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate. New Year's fortune telling is carried out starting from December 25 and ending on January 17 (except January 6 and 7). Here are some ways.

1. A dream you had on New Year's Eve will predict your future for the entire coming year.

2. Melt a little wax or paraffin and quickly pour it into a cup with cold water. The resulting figurine is a sign of what awaits you in the new year: - the devotion of a friend, the snake - treason, betrayal, - love, etc.

3. On New Year's Eve, pour water into a bowl and throw in a pinch of sugar and the same amount of ash and salt. Stir and place on the surface in a strand (not scattered) 3 of your hair and 3 of the guy you like. In the morning, look at how the strands are arranged - if they are connected, then you will be together this year, if you separated, one of you will find it on the side.

4. New Year's fortune telling with rings. Take a sieve, pour any cereal into it and throw in 3 rings - copper, silver and gold. Mix decorations with cereal. Each participant in the fortune-telling must put her hand in the sieve and, without fussing with the cereal, scoop up a handful. If the ring is not there, then the year will be difficult, marriage will not be in sight. If she catches a copper ring, it means she will be married to a poor man, if it is a silver ring, she will be married to a hard-working man, if it is gold, she will be the wife of a rich man.

5. Go outside on New Year’s Eve and mentally ask a question that interests you (so that it involves only “yes” and “no” answers), turning your back to your house. Turn around and count the number of windows in which the light is on. An even number means the answer is “yes”, an odd number means “no”.

6. In a room without light, light a candle. Crumple up a piece of paper and place it on a saucer turned upside down. Light the paper and wait until it goes out. Then hold the saucer between the wall and the candle and look at the shadow. What you see in it will become for you a sign of the coming year. This fortune telling for the New Year is very subjective, however, only you can decipher it correctly.

7. At 23:00 on December 31, write your deepest wish on a piece. When the first chime sounds, set the leaf on fire. If it manages to burn out before the last blow, then the wish will come true.

8. Pour water into a saucer and place it on the porch (balcony). In the morning, look how the ice turned out. If uplifted, then the year will be good. If the ice is smooth, then the year will be calm. If there are icy waves on a saucer, there will be both happiness and sorrow. If the water freezes like a hole, the year will not be very successful for you.

8. Prepare three opaque glasses and fill each half with water. Add a pinch of sugar to the first glass, the same amount of salt to the second, and crumble some bread to the third. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and the glasses are moved. If a person chooses a glass with sugar, the New Year will bring him happiness. If there is salt, a lot of tears await him. If there is bread, the year will be prosperous in terms of finances. For those who want to tell fortunes for their betrothed, you can add 4 glasses of water and put it there. If this glass is chosen, then the person will start a family in the New Year.

9. Place rice on a flat surface. Make a wish. Lightly moisten your palm with water and place it on the rice. Then count how many grains are stuck to your hand - an even number will mean the wish will come true.

10. On New Year's Eve, lie down on your back in the snow, then get up and leave without looking back. In the morning, look at the footprint left in the snow. If the trail is smooth, then the husband will be kind and gentle. If the trail is lined with lines, the husband will be a rude man. A deep hole from your fall means more than one marriage awaits you in your life. If the print is covered with snow, then it won’t be waiting for you anytime soon. And if the mound became snowy overnight, then expect danger in the coming year.

11. Place four card kings under your pillow and say: “Whoever is mine, appear to me in a dream.” The king of spades will come in a dream - he will be older than you and very jealous, the king of hearts - young and rich, the king of diamonds - the one you love, the king of clubs - a businessman or military man.

12. Think of a question and focus on it. Say it out loud while looking at your phone. If the first caller is a man, then the answer to the question is positive, if a woman is negative.

13. Group fortune telling for the New Year. Place the key in a thick book so that the ring from the keychain sticks out. Tie the book tightly and hang it by the ring on the hook. When the book hangs motionless, each of the fortune tellers in turn says his name. The person on whom the book ends will have a wedding next year.

14. If you want to know whether your wish will come true next year or not, before the New Year, write it down on a small piece of paper. When the chimes strike, light the candle paper. When it burns completely, throw it into a glass and drink it in one gulp. If you manage to do all this before the last chime, your wish will come true.

Even if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune for the New Year, don’t be upset, because throughout the year you will still have the opportunity to tell your fortune for Maslenitsa or.