About the publication

« New Newspaper» Russian newspaper liberal orientation, regularly published in Moscow since 1993.

“Novaya Gazeta” (“Novaya”, “Noga”, NG)- is the main mouthpiece of liberals, Westernophiles, assholes, and other people who hate this country in its current form. According to professional critics, it is financed by the Washington Regional Committee. In fact, the shareholders are the editorial team (51%), the Gorbachev Foundation, the KGB general, the oligarch and former United Russia member Alexander Lebedev. According to rumors, other oligarchs are also pouring money for the publication with the permission and under the pressure of the bloody KGB, and the newspaper itself is, firstly, the “sink tank” of the Lubyanka, and secondly, it serves as “proof” to the West that in Putin’s Russia there is no dictatorship, but democracy and liberalism. (Source: Lurk http://lurkmore.to/New_newspaper)

The electronic periodical "Novaya Gazeta" was registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage on June 8, 2007. Registration Certificate El No. FS77-28483.

The newspaper was created by a group of journalists (Dmitry Muratov, Pavel Voshchanov, Akram Murtazaev, Dmitry Sabov, etc.) who left Komsomolskaya Pravda and created their own publication called New Daily Newspaper. M. S. Gorbachev is a long-time partner of the publication, back in 1993 on part of his Nobel Prize he bought 8 computers for this group of 30 journalists. The first issue was published on April 1, 1993 with a circulation of 100,000. For the first three months it was published once a week, from July 1993 it became daily. From February to August 1995, the newspaper was not published in Moscow due to financial reasons. Since August 1995 it has resumed as a weekly service. In 1996, it was registered as ANO RID “Novaya Gazeta”.

Novaya Gazeta is published three times a week: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Newspaper spread format is A2. Lanes - A3.

The newspaper is published in Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Samara, St. Petersburg. Foreign issues: Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan.

Until 2009, the newspaper was published twice a week: on Mondays and Thursdays. On Fridays, almost until the very end of 2008, a separate weekly color review “Novaya Gazeta. Free space". Now this review is part of the Friday edition of Novaya Gazeta.

As a tab, a thematic supplement “The Truth of the Gulag” is published every month. Materials from published issues of the newspaper, inserts and supplements are available on the newspaper’s website in the general archive. In the past, the newspapers “OGF”, “Yabloka”, the Russian version of “Le Monde diplomatique”, the new automobile newspaper “CHAFER”, the popular science application “Centaur”, the banking application “Banknote” were published as tabs.

Controlling stake shares belong to the publication team. 39% of the shares belong to businessman Alexander Lebedev, 10% to ex-USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev.

In February 2002, a representative of the FSB public relations center, Ilya Shabalkin, said that the newspaper had financial disagreements with George Soros Foundation, however, representatives of the fund and the editorial board denied the existence of claims.

Novaya Gazeta newspaper charges of libel and disinformation

In January 2005, the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a commentary on an article published in Novaya Gazeta on January 24, 2005 under the headline “The FSB equipped its Helsinki group.” According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, this article “grossly distorts the real state of affairs.”

According to the Expert North-West magazine, Novaya Gazeta reported unverified information about an alleged pending lawsuit against the film company Warner Brothers without citing a source.

Some materials became the subject of legal proceedings on charges of publishing false information discrediting honor and dignity.

At the beginning of 2002, Novaya Gazeta published a “certificate from the investigation department”, according to which the chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court allegedly lived beyond his means. At the initiative of the Krasnodar Regional Qualification Board of Judges, the Grand Jury of the Union of Journalists of Russia was assembled. According to the jury, Novaya Gazeta did not confirm the information discrediting the judge “[n]either in the publication itself or at the Grand Jury meeting,” and the certificate from the investigation department “does not honor” the newspaper. In addition, the title of the journalistic note was called inconsistent with its content.

The newspaper published letters whose forgeries by a third party were either recognized by two parties to the conflict or assumed by one party. In one case, an unverified message was a fake on behalf of five American congressmen, which spoke of Sergei Kiriyenko's attempts to legalize himself in the United States. This letter was recognized as a fake by the State Department and the US Senate, and then by a Russian court.

The newspaper's refutation of its materials

Materials published by Novaya Gazeta have been repeatedly found to be partially or completely untrue in court proceedings. In accordance with the law, refutations were published.

To the article “The business is being led by the godmen” published in Novaya Gazeta in August 2000, the newspaper later (in April 2001) published a refutation after receiving a letter from General Prosecutor's Office. The letter stated that the certificate that served as the source of information for the article “The case is being led by the cultivators” was a forgery, and the check carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office did not reveal any confirmation of this information.

In 2000, the court found the information contained in the article regarding several State Duma deputies untrue and discrediting the honor and dignity of the plaintiffs. The court decided to provide refutations of false information, make a public apology and pay the plaintiffs 110 thousand rubles.

In 2003, the claim of First Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Biryukov against the newspaper for the protection of honor and dignity was partially satisfied. In addition to the refutation, the editors agreed to pay Biryukov 600 thousand rubles.

In 2004, the court found the information in the article regarding Sergei Kiriyenko untrue and discrediting business reputation.

In 2004, Novaya Gazeta apologized for disseminating false information that Rosneft President Sergei Bogdanchikov was allegedly involved in the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Newspaper warnings(New Newspaper)

On March 31, 2010, Roskomnadzor issued a warning to Novaya Gazeta for statements aimed at inciting social, racial and national hatred in the article “Gang, agency, party. Who are “legal nationalists?”, published on January 20, 2010 and dedicated to the organization “Russian Image”, whose members were Nikita Tikhonov and Evgenia Khasis, suspects (at the time of writing) in the murder of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova.

On October 10, 2014, Roskomnadzor issued a warning to the founder and editors of Novaya Gazeta about the inadmissibility of using the media to carry out extremist activities for the article by Yulia Latynina “If we are not the West, then who are we?”, published on September 10, 2014. On the evening of the same day, two fragments of an article on the Novaya Gazeta website, which caused dissatisfaction with the supervisory authority, were hidden.

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Newspaper headline: The current generation will live with optimism

“It’s just that everyone gets sick with the flu together, but they go crazy individually,” said Uncle Fyodor’s dad. “If I’m not an optimist, then there will be rabid pessimism around me,” Dmitry Medvedev said in a recent television interview. It seems that Dmitry Anatolyevich has found a way to implement 12 national projects, for which some fantastic trillions of rubles have been allocated.

  • Newspaper headline: Who professes “anti-Calvinism” and why?

    The head and founder of Baring Vostok, American citizen Michael Calvey will spend at least two months behind bars by court decision. One of the oldest and most famous foreign investors in Russia was arrested. Experts are already comparing the negative that his case brought with the upcoming American sanctions. Only this time Washington has nothing to do with it.

  • Newspaper headline: Are you still boiling?..

    Deputy Head of the Ministry of Construction Andrei Chibis spoke about plans to “reduce the shutdown period hot water up to three days." According to the official, such a breakthrough will be possible thanks to “ smart approach" and "smart solutions" that will allow updating heat supply systems without billions of dollars in investments.

  • Newspaper headline: Oleg Gazmanov announced spring

    Oleg Gazmanov - not just himself sports man, he is a caring father and constantly makes sure that everyone in his family plays sports.

  • The grandmother of a six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in Losiny Ostrov park claims that his grandson simply got lost. This happened when the child’s mother, 33-year-old Nadezhda, stopped the car on the Moscow Ring Road so that he could relieve himself. The pensioner managed to talk to her daughter on the phone for five minutes on the morning of February 18.

    Stanislav Yuriev
  • Newspaper headline: Alone in the forest, with a bag on his head

    A six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in Losiny Ostrov Park is suffering mental disorders and left himself - this was stated by his parent, 33-year-old Nadezhda. The woman's words will be checked by a juvenile affairs inspector.

    Stanislav Yuriev
  • Just a month ago, in mid-January, the long-awaited national project “Ecology” was approved. 11 most important areas, in accordance with the instructions of President Vladimir Putin, are brought together, their implementation should minimize the harmful effects on environment and human health. The plan is colossal and is designed for the next five years.

    Lane 2

    Lane 3

      The population has long counted on building a constructive dialogue with Russian Post. The state-owned company seems to have begun to reciprocate and is gradually bringing the service to 21st century standards. The federal postal operator started 2019 with radical changes. It is actively modernizing post offices, developing and introducing new services, including digital ones. The MK journalist tested the postal realities for himself and became convinced that Russian Post can surprise.

    • Newspaper headline: Red Line detoured

      Another transport collapse occurred in the capital. But planned and done for a good purpose. For the sake of construction of the next section of the Bolshoi ring line the metro is closed to traffic from February 16 to February 24 top part red line from Komsomolskaya to Rokossovsky Boulevard. Driving on top is also not easy. A number of streets are blocked, the east of Moscow - from Izmailovo to Losinka - is semi-paralyzed: it is very difficult to drive around the Shchelkovskoye Highway and Preobrazhenskaya Square.

    • Newspaper headline: Living a lie

      The State Duma adopted in the first reading bills on punishment for the dissemination of false news and disrespect for authorities and society. The first bill was immediately called the “fake news” law. There was a lot of noise and controversy over this initiative. Some did not like the authors of the initiative, others did not like the content of the bills. In general, as always, “much ado about nothing.”

    • Newspaper headline: Explosions around Pushilin's residence

      In Donetsk on Monday, in the very center, moreover, in the government quarter, mines exploded in the morning. All day, sappers walked around vacant lots and courtyards in search of new explosive devices. Local intelligence agencies call this “attack” a challenge to the DPR authorities,


    Lane 4

    • Newspaper headline: Rate or don't rate, you'll still get banged up

      Moody's raised Russia's credit rating to investment level. Now, in the mirror of all three of the world's largest rating agencies, Russia looks attractive for investment. But there have been no large foreign investments. On the contrary, there is a net outflow of capital.

    • Newspaper headline: Oil believes in new OPEC

      Negotiations between oil exporting countries within OPEC+, which started on February 18 in Vienna, dedicated to transforming the cartel into new organization, was positively received by global market players. Barrel prices rose to $66.5 for the first time since November 2018.

    • Newspaper headline: “No one to say “Tsits!”

      The arrest period for the head of the Baring Vostok investment fund, Michael Calvey, has been extended until April 13. The businessman faces up to 10 years in prison. Financial Ombudsman Pavel Medvedev presented his vision of the situation to us.

    • Newspaper headline: Sanctions have crowded out national projects

      The Sochi Investment Forum, held on February 14–15, was conceived as a detailed presentation of national projects, which, in turn, should ensure the implementation of Vladimir Putin’s May decree. But on the first day of the forum, it became known that the “vacation” for which the American bill providing for the introduction of a new package of anti-Russian sanctions was over had ended. And the document was again submitted to the US Congress.

    Lane 6

    • Newspaper headline: Master of Numbers

      Bye comprehensive school With terrible pain and minimal results, he teaches elementary school children the basics of mental calculation, the system of additional education solves the same problem easily and beautifully. On February 18, in Technograd at VDNKh, the first simultaneous registration in Russia of 4 records in mental arithmetic in the Russian Book of Records “Lord of Numbers” took place.

    • Newspaper headline: With bargaining, with feeling, with arrangement

      “Everything here is terribly tasty and terribly healthy,” said a more experienced colleague on the day of my debut as a sales consultant in one of the popular networks healthy eating. Who's arguing? In matters of taste, as we know, this is inappropriate. Moreover, the process of eating, even the most exquisite, on the other side of the counter turns into a banal meal. But the work of a salesperson, as it turns out, does not help increase appetite. But at that moment I was simply scared.

    Newspaper headline: The current generation will live with optimism

    “It’s just that everyone gets sick with the flu together, but they go crazy individually,” said Uncle Fyodor’s dad. “If I’m not an optimist, then there will be rabid pessimism around me,” Dmitry Medvedev said in a recent television interview. It seems that Dmitry Anatolyevich has found a way to implement 12 national projects, for which some fantastic trillions of rubles have been allocated.

  • Newspaper headline: Who professes “anti-Calvinism” and why?

    The head and founder of Baring Vostok, American citizen Michael Calvey will spend at least two months behind bars by court decision. One of the oldest and most famous foreign investors in Russia was arrested. Experts are already comparing the negative that his case brought with the upcoming American sanctions. Only this time Washington has nothing to do with it.

  • Newspaper headline: Are you still boiling?..

    Deputy head of the Ministry of Construction Andrei Chibis spoke about plans to “reduce the period of shutdown of hot water to three days.” According to the official, such a breakthrough will be possible thanks to a “smart approach” and “smart solutions” that will allow updating heat supply systems without billions of dollars in investments.

  • Newspaper headline: Oleg Gazmanov announced spring

    Oleg Gazmanov is not just a sports person himself, he is a caring father and constantly makes sure that everyone in his family plays sports.

  • The grandmother of a six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in Losiny Ostrov park claims that his grandson simply got lost. This happened when the child’s mother, 33-year-old Nadezhda, stopped the car on the Moscow Ring Road so that he could relieve himself. The pensioner managed to talk to her daughter on the phone for five minutes on the morning of February 18.

    Stanislav Yuriev
  • Newspaper headline: Alone in the forest, with a bag on his head

    A six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in the Losiny Ostrov park suffers from mental disorders and left on his own - this was stated by his parent, 33-year-old Nadezhda. The woman's words will be checked by a juvenile affairs inspector.

    Stanislav Yuriev
  • Just a month ago, in mid-January, the long-awaited national project “Ecology” was approved. 11 most important areas, in accordance with the instructions of President Vladimir Putin, are brought together, their implementation should minimize the harmful effects on the environment and human health. The plan is colossal and is designed for the next five years.

    Lane 2

    Lane 3

      The population has long counted on building a constructive dialogue with Russian Post. The state-owned company seems to have begun to reciprocate and is gradually bringing the service to 21st century standards. The federal postal operator started 2019 with radical changes. It is actively modernizing post offices, developing and introducing new services, including digital ones. The MK journalist tested the postal realities for himself and became convinced that Russian Post can surprise.

    • Newspaper headline: Red Line detoured

      Another transport collapse occurred in the capital. But planned and done for a good purpose. For the sake of construction of the next section of the Big Circle Line of the metro, the upper part of the red line from Komsomolskaya to Rokossovsky Boulevard is closed to traffic from February 16 to 24. Driving on top is also not easy. A number of streets are blocked, the east of Moscow - from Izmailovo to Losinka - is semi-paralyzed: it is very difficult to drive around the Shchelkovskoye Highway and Preobrazhenskaya Square.

    • Newspaper headline: Living a lie

      The State Duma adopted in the first reading bills on punishment for the dissemination of false news and disrespect for authorities and society. The first bill was immediately called the “fake news” law. There was a lot of noise and controversy over this initiative. Some did not like the authors of the initiative, others did not like the content of the bills. In general, as always, “much ado about nothing.”

    • Newspaper headline: Explosions around Pushilin's residence

      In Donetsk on Monday, in the very center, moreover, in the government quarter, mines exploded in the morning. All day, sappers walked around vacant lots and courtyards in search of new explosive devices. Local intelligence agencies call this “attack” a challenge to the DPR authorities,


    Lane 4

    • Newspaper headline: Rate or don't rate, you'll still get banged up

      Moody's raised Russia's credit rating to investment level. Now, in the mirror of all three of the world's largest rating agencies, Russia looks attractive for investment. But there have been no large foreign investments. On the contrary, there is a net outflow of capital.

    • Newspaper headline: Oil believes in new OPEC

      The negotiations between oil exporting countries within OPEC+, which started on February 18 in Vienna, dedicated to transforming the cartel into a new organization, were positively received by world market players. Barrel prices rose to $66.5 for the first time since November 2018.

    • Newspaper headline: “No one to say “Tsits!”

      The arrest period for the head of the Baring Vostok investment fund, Michael Calvey, has been extended until April 13. The businessman faces up to 10 years in prison. Financial Ombudsman Pavel Medvedev presented his vision of the situation to us.

    • Newspaper headline: Sanctions have crowded out national projects

      The Sochi Investment Forum, held on February 14–15, was conceived as a detailed presentation of national projects, which, in turn, should ensure the implementation of Vladimir Putin’s May decree. But on the first day of the forum, it became known that the “vacation” for which the American bill providing for the introduction of a new package of anti-Russian sanctions was over had ended. And the document was again submitted to the US Congress.

    Lane 6

    • Newspaper headline: Master of Numbers

      While the general education school, with terrible torment and minimal results, teaches elementary school students the basics of mental arithmetic, the system of additional education solves the same problem easily and beautifully. On February 18, in Technograd at VDNKh, the first simultaneous registration in Russia of 4 records in mental arithmetic in the Russian Book of Records “Lord of Numbers” took place.

    • Newspaper headline: With bargaining, with feeling, with arrangement

      “Everything here is terribly tasty and terribly healthy,” said a more experienced colleague on the day of my debut as a sales assistant in one of the popular healthy food chains. Who's arguing? In matters of taste, as we know, this is inappropriate. Moreover, the process of eating, even the most exquisite, on the other side of the counter turns into a banal meal. But the work of a salesperson, as it turns out, does not help increase appetite. But at that moment I was simply scared.

    Read the latest news from Russia and the world in the All news section on Newsland, participate in discussions, receive up-to-date and reliable information on the topic All news on Newsland.

      17:06 14.02.2019

      What is Novaya Gazeta willing to do to get views?

      The opposition publication Novaya Gazeta has long become famous for its endless stream of fakes. The media seems to be printing them one after another as if on a conveyor belt. Why is this being done? Of course, for the sake of hype, and also in order to fulfill an order from the West. IN Lately The topics of news releases are completely diverse, from highly social to political. NG doesn’t care at all about the fact that their fakes are easily verified. The publication recently published an article about editor-in-chief Evgenia Albats. The case concerned the fact that she was allegedly able to appeal the fine in

      16:36 06.02.2019

      A duck "Novaya Gazeta" appeared in Chechnya

      The opposition publication Novaya Gazeta has become famous for its huge number of fakes. Their number is simply off the charts. This media no longer knows how to attract the attention of readers, so it continues to live in its world of invented stuff. A fair reaction from the public was the ridicule of politicians towards NG. For example, the Minister of the Chechen Republic for national policy, external relations, press and information Dzhambulat Umarov decided to take a creative approach to the name of his pet. He called his duck Novaya Gazeta. Politician

      15:20 02.02.2019

      Novaya Gazeta attributes Venezuela's connection to Russia

      The opposition publication Novaya Gazeta loves to feed its readers fake news for every taste and color. It recently reached Venezuela. No, not in literally(although this would be quite possible), but it was an information dump. Venezuela clearly attracted the interest of the news reporters for a reason; the United States is clearly interfering in the affairs of this country. This means that the editorial office of NG has received a new order from the West. Liberal media I started by talking about the first charter flight of Nordwind Airlines in January from Moscow to Caracas. But this myth was quickly

      17:57 01.02.2019

      Khodorkovsky's drug trafficking turned Novaya into a heroin shop

      It costs Novaya Gazeta nothing to defend the marginalized, drug addicts, terrorists and extremists. Morally, of course. Financially, such lampoons are well paid from abroad, so the publication willingly takes the side of any impartial characters. This time, the publication decided to defend the heroine of the article, My Friend, You’re a Transformer, which talked about the supposed benefits of drug use. This publication was intended to mislead readers into the idea that heroin use can keep you healthy for 10 years.

      13:57 28.01.2019

      Three examples of anti-Russian lies of Novaya Gazeta

      Novaya Gazeta picked up a Western fake about sending Russian PMC soldiers to Venezuela. Russophobe Dmitry Bykov even wrote a poem on this topic. However, with this work, Novaya Gazeta characterized itself as an information dump, clinging to any yellow anti-Russian news. The fake has already been exposed by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov and the Russian Ambassador to Caracas Vladimir Zaemsky. It is significant that the false story was initially launched by the British agency Reuters with reference to the famous swindler Evgeny Shabaev. Shabaev is known

      16:06 25.01.2019

      Novaya Gazeta continues to shield Titiev

      The new newspaper has defended drug addicts and drug dealers more than once. Special attention The publication devotes attention to Oyub Titiev. This man law enforcement agencies detained at the beginning of 2018. A black bag containing a substance was found in his car. plant origin with a specific smell of marijuana weighing approximately 180 grams. The police asked the citizen to explain himself, but he could not answer. After this incident, news reporters rushed to write articles in defense of Titiev. Initially, they worked out the theory that the drugs

      20:21 22.01.2019

      Khodorkovsky is trying to cover up his “brainchild” “Open Russia”

      It seems that the bloody oligarch Khodorkovsky is in trouble again. His organization Open Russia entered the list of NPOs in the Russian Federation back in 2017. This is not at all surprising, because the oligarch’s name has long been associated with lies, dirt, theft, YUKOS, the zone and Western curators. Of course, Khodorkovsky himself is always trying to present himself as a victim of the regime, but this only causes contempt. It looks especially ridiculous that he is trying to whiten the reputation of the Open Russia movement. Recently in several Russian cities underwent a series of searches

      19:25 21.01.2019

      “Novaya Gazeta” begs amphetamine addicts

      IN Once again Novaya newspaper decided to disgrace itself by defending a family of amphetamine addicts who were actively involved in sales. The publication was even more willing to pray for the criminals by the fact that the husband is on Navalny’s headquarters, and his wife works in Khodorkovsky’s structures. It’s understandable, because the newspaper also has a love for both liberals, especially for the fugitive oligarch, who at his cocaine parties gives out Western awards to publications for denigrating Russia. This is why Novaya Gazeta so actively supports and protects the drug business of those who

      15:57 17.01.2019

      Any whim and completely free of charge: why Novaya Gazeta publishes the Russophobe Epstein

      It is high time for the Russophobic publication Novaya Gazeta to be given the status foreign agent. Otherwise, how long will this biased media continue to crap on the territory of our country? On the pages of NG, materials systematically appear in which Russia is called a country without a past, present and future, and its inhabitants are flawed. The reason for this editorial policy is known to everyone. Simply put, by denigrating Russia, the New Newspapers are fulfilling Western orders. It is not surprising that the other day the publication provided its platform to the most crazy Russophobe in

      14:28 14.01.2019

      The policy of double standards: why Novaya Gazeta is shielding the extremist Pavlensky

      The disgraced publication Novaya Gazeta long ago traded its conscience for money. That is why on its pages you will not see any high-quality content or a single positive news. Complete denim and dirt addressed to Russia. There is nothing surprising here, since Western curators have firmly taken charge of the editorial policy of this media outlet. Instead of writing, for example, about the enchanting victory of Russian biathletes, newspaper workers sing praises to the extremist Pyotr Pavlensky, who set fire to a branch of the Bank of France. In fact, in his article NG

      18:47 10.01.2019

      Novaya Gazeta published data on the involvement of Wagner PMC in the murder of journalists

      As part of the Dossier project, journalists conducted an independent investigation into the murder of three colleagues Alexander Rastorguev, Orkhan Dzhemal and Kirill Radchenko on July 30, 2018 in the Central African Republic (CAR). According to the CAR authorities, the crime was committed by a group of people wearing turbans and speaking Arabic. And according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Russians were attacked by unknown persons for the purpose of robbery and were killed while trying to resist. However, the documents published by Novaya Gazeta not only refute these versions, but also

      12:41 09.01.2019

      Novaya Gazeta “burned down” another channel for receiving Western money

      The odious publication Novaya Gazeta continues to amaze. So, the other day journalists published material in which they referred to a certain Ukrainian media outlet Hromadske Television. What do you need to know about it? This is a Western project that was created to provide information support for Euromaidan. Funding, naturally, comes from abroad, namely from the billionaire Soros Renaissance Foundation, the US and Dutch embassies in Nezalezhnaya. This is not the first time that Novaya is promoting GT. This is not surprising, since the Ukrainian media does nothing but circulate anti-Russian

      14:53 05.01.2019

      In the footsteps of the Nazis: Novaya Gazeta mocked the siege survivors

      The scandalous publication Novaya Gazeta should have been expelled from Russia a long time ago, because the journalists working there do nothing but throw mud at our country. In order to please their Western curators, the employees of this information dump do not even shy away from distorting history and mocking the people, thanks to whose courage you and I live today under a peaceful sky. The reason for the offensive publication was the release of the film Holiday, which can be classified as a black comedy. Firstly, this film insults the defenders of Leningrad, who

      19:13 21.12.2018

      The masks are off: Dmitry Muratov showed the true face of a Russophobe

      The opposition media outlet Novaya Gazeta has long become famous for its fake news and Russophobia. It is not at all surprising that one of the leaders of this publication, Dmitry Muratov, in an interview with the YouTube channel yet Nepozner, advocated the complete surrender of Russia to the West. In addition, he was not happy, but was indignant at the defense capability of our country. It turned out that he admires Mikhail Gorbachev as the leader of the country, although it was he who destroyed Soviet Union. Muratov, since he is still the litter of the West, is clearly not happy with the fact that recently the authority

      16:57 05.12.2018

      Novaya Gazeta talked about the “carousels” in the elections for governor of the Moscow region

      In Balashikha, near Moscow, about 200 members of election commissions in September participated in the falsification of elections for the region's governor, Novaya Gazeta claims. The publication refers to video recordings from polling stations, noting that over 300 carousel workers took part in illegal actions. It is indicated that some members of election commissions not only helped participants in the carousel, but also actively stuffed ballots into ballot boxes. This conclusion was made by journalists after studying videos from 48 polling stations in Balashikha.

      15:04 02.12.2018

      Beware, sect: Novaya Gazeta is trying to promote the New Civilization project

      Opposition publications in the territory Russian Federation they like to attribute to themselves the title of independent media, although in fact they carry out their destructive activities purely with the money of Western investors. Moreover, the entire range of materials appearing on the pages of such sources is paid for no less than in full. Especially in this field, Novaya Gazeta stands out, which has long been running a PR company for the New Civilization project under the strict control of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and customers represented by the followers of Ron Hubbard. The project is

      04:45 17.11.2018

      There is no smell of money: Novaya Gazeta is financed by fugitive oligarch Khodorkovsky

      There are now many independent media outlets operating in Russia, some of which are not really worthy of this title due to the bias of their materials and the publication of outright false investigations. A special place among them is occupied by the liberal publication Novaya Gazeta, whose editorial policy is determined by the fugitive oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The fact is that the founder and publisher Novaya Dmitry Muratov is one of the leaders of the Foundation for International Investigations of Crimes Against Crimes, established by Khodorkovsky.

      12:50 01.11.2018

      Puncture after puncture: Novaya Gazeta is trying to get rid of Denis Korotkov

      Lie, vulgarize, invent, turn facts in the right direction, baselessly criticize: what lengths are representatives of the so-called independent media of the Russian Federation willing to go in order to continue to stay afloat by attracting the attention of a small audience to lengthy articles on the pages of their publication. Novaya Gazeta is particularly distinguished in this field, as it has long slipped into the endless abyss of Russophobia and jaundice. The portal is so rotten from the inside that for the sake of hype it is ready to merge everyone,

      16:12 31.10.2018

      We will justify extremism: Novaya Gazeta continues to acquire Russophobic journalists

      The new newspaper, under the leadership of Dmitry Muratov and Sergei Kozheurov, continues to flounder in the information day, showering itself and its readers with populist articles, pseudo-investigations and Russophobic insinuations so that it is impossible to breathe. Such inadequate and unsubstantiated (except for the money of Western sponsors, of course) hatred of one’s homeland is worth looking for: it is not surprising that around the persons presented above, in most cases, there is a low-quality contingent of authors with no concepts of morality and journalistic