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Nikolai Vujicic is a very famous preacher in America... He was born in Melbourne in 1982 into a family of Serbian emigrants, very religious people... He was born without arms and legs. A son without limbs was not what nurse Duska Vujicic and pastor Boris Vujicic expected...

Many people are very worried about such things as a too big nose, protruding ears, an ugly mole, too tall or short... There are a lot of complexes that serve as fertile ground for all kinds of disorders and even depression. Now imagine how a young, handsome, 26-year-old guy who was born without arms and without legs might feel...

"How often do you use your arms and legs?" - Nick asks this question, testifying about his life. In principle, he does not expect an answer - this is just a call to think... He himself has adapted to live independently in this world - he turns on the light, shave, comb his hair, opens the water tap, uses the phone, drives the stroller...

Particularly striking is Nick’s ability and love for various types sports - he swims in the pool...

Nick operates a computer keyboard, typing 43 words per minute! His favorite quick typing combination on the keyboard is heel-toe. In addition, Nick learned to write and draw, acquired the specialty of a financier, having graduated from the corresponding educational institution. But all this did not come immediately. There were years of despair and sadness when Nick wondered, "Why Me?" .... and received no response.

Today, at the age of 26, this limbless guy has achieved more than most people twice his age. Nick recently moved from Brisbon, Australia to California, USA, where he is president of a charity. In addition, he has his own company called "Attitude Is Altitude".

"People say to me, 'How can you smile?'" Nick says. Then they realize that "there must be something more than what meets the eye for a guy with no arms or legs to live longer." life to the fullest than me." Nick tells his audience how important it is to have a vision and dream big. Using his own experience around the world as an example, he challenges others to consider their perspectives and look beyond their circumstances.

He shares his perspective on how to stop looking at obstacles as a problem and instead start seeing them as an opportunity for growth, how to influence others... He emphasizes the importance of our attitude and how it is the most powerful tool that is at our disposal; and also shows how the choices we make can have a big effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.

Until a certain time, Kanae was an unknown girl, but at one point she got married, and this changed her life. Even today she does not have any sports or any other achievements, does not write books, does not act in films and does not do anything outstanding, but many people know her. This woman is liked by those who know her and those who do not know her. Who is Miyahra Kanae? The story of her popularity will begin even before her birth and will not be connected with her, but first things first!

Future husband

This whole story began back in 1982 in the city of Melbourne. On December 4, a son was born into a family of Serbian emigrants. His birth shocked his parents because he was without arms or legs. All he had was part of a foot with two toes. About three years later, Miyahara Kanae was born. The parents of these children experienced completely different emotions. Armless and legless boy Nick Vujicic learned to walk, write, swim, play on the computer and skateboard with his feet.

His life could not be called simple, at the age of 8 he wanted to drown himself in the bathtub, but he couldn’t, he didn’t want his parents to blame themselves for what happened all their lives. Who would have thought that these children would be united by so many in the future?

Years passed and Nick graduated from Griffith University in Brisbane. Today the whole world knows him as a preacher and motivator; he has traveled to 64 countries and spoken at universities, schools and various organizations. He writes books and takes part in television shows. At this stage he lives in the USA, in California.

Miyahara Kanae - wife Nick Vujicic. Their love story is incredible, it touches the hearts of millions of people and inspires hope for the best.

Kanae Vujicic's childhood

The girl was born on December 22, 1985 or 1986. Exact date Kanae Miyahara's birth is not stated anywhere. It is only known that she and Nick are approximately 3 years apart. This girl never sought publicity, and therefore there is very little information about her.

Kanae's father is Japanese and her mother is Mexican. Her dad was in love with Mexico and its nature. He wanted to always be surrounded by her, so he opened his own business related to agriculture. This is how he met Kanae’s mother, she worked in his office. Their theme became a common hobby: they collected coins and stamps. We talked a lot and realized that we needed each other. The young family decided to stay in Mexico, and their daughter was born here. Kanae Miyahara is Mexican by nationality.

Dad cooked his traditional Japanese dishes, and the children still practiced some Japanese traditions even as adults. Her father died when Kanae was 18 years old. At that time, my sister lived in America and invited her and her younger brother to move in with her.

After moving

In her new place, the girl had to go through a lot. She was very young, and after the loss of her father she felt completely devastated. She lost everything: the house was sold, her friends were left in the past, her father's business was lost. The girl needed hope and love.

Speaking about the biography of Kanae Miyahara, it is impossible not to draw a parallel with Nick’s life. At the age of 9, he envied everyone who could walk hand in hand with a girl, he often thought about his future and whether someone could love him. He sometimes fell in love, but did not show his feelings in any way and thought that he would spend his life as a bachelor. At the age of 19, he began to build a relationship with a girl, but they were both young and decided to wait. After 4 years of waiting, they separated, and Nick began to fear that he would never meet his soul mate.

Kanae and Nick's first meeting

After moving to America, Kanae dated a guy, and everything seemed to be fine, but only up to a certain stage. She felt like she couldn't find what she needed in her partner.

That was until she met Nick. He says it was love at first sight, they first met at Kanae's boss's house, then he met her and her sister. He had never heard such names before, and they seemed exactly the same to him in appearance, but he quickly figured it out.

The next day, Nick was speaking in college, in a room where only 18 people were present, and saw a divine woman rise up, the most beautiful he had ever seen. At that moment it even seemed to him that he had arms and legs. Real fireworks exploded inside him. He was able to talk to her, and when she left, it seemed to him that his soul had gone with her. He wanted to scream so that she wouldn’t leave, but he was silent. Since then they could not forget each other. Today people ask him how long they plan to stay together and he answers, “Forever!”

Relationships tested by circumstances

For the girl at that time everything was different. She was impressed by Nick, some kind of strong connection arose between them, it seemed to her that they had known each other all their lives, but she had a boyfriend.

She and Nick had not seen each other for three months, but their feelings had not changed.

Kanae is a smart girl, she always treats people with a soul, she saw Nick in everyday life and understood that she would have to help him in many ways, but this did not frighten her. She seemed to understand even then what it meant to have a guy like Nick. His parents asked her what would happen if she had a child like Nick? She replied that they would love him just like all the other children, and he would have before his eyes a good example of how every person can live happily.

This is how Kanae Miyahara’s personal life developed. In 2011, Nick lost his savings. Due to the financial crisis, he had to borrow money from his parents. The motivational speaker could neither eat nor sleep, cried like a child, and could not get out of a state of panic and stress. He wasn't sure if she would want to build a relationship with him now. He was completely devastated, but still had to tell his girlfriend the truth. She only replied that he shouldn’t worry so much, she could find a second job to support him. And she didn’t leave him in such a situation.

An offer of marriage

When Miyahara Kanae supported him during a crisis, he realized that this woman was sent to him by God and decided to propose to her. He thought through everything in advance, he wanted it to be a surprise for her. He asked where she would like to have a wedding, and she was so shocked that she could not think at that moment.

Their mothers met the day before, Nick bought a diamond ring and put it in her bowl of ice cream. They even had a wedding dance, although they didn't rehearse in advance, everything went well.

Family and Children

In 2012, Miyahara Kanae had a family, her personal family, still consisting of two people. A year later, it was replenished with a son, Kiyoshi James. On February 13, their first child was born, an absolutely healthy baby.

On August 7, 2015, another son was born - Deyan Levi. On December 22, 2017, Miyahara Kanae gave birth to twins, which happened just on her birthday. The girls Ellie and Olivia diluted the company of boys. All the children are healthy, and the parents are full of happiness. Since the parents are in the prime of their lives, it’s not worth saying that that’s all. Maybe in the future other children will join the family, but for now Nick and Kanae are happy parents of four children.

Beautiful wife

They say that Kanae is a real beauty who looks very young, perhaps it’s a matter of genes, the Japanese have thicker skin and it doesn’t age as quickly as Europeans. But the girl does not resort to radical changes in her appearance. She eats measured portions strictly on time. She developed this habit since childhood. If there was food left on the plate, the children could not leave the table. Food could not be thrown away; food was eaten strictly on time. When the children began to complain that they were already full, they were given an additional 5 minutes. If everything was not eaten during this time, they were punished. This is how the girl was raised in such strictness. Kanae Miyahara's photos are proof that she really looks good. In addition, she does not drink alcohol at all. The girl also tries to lead an active lifestyle: she goes in for sports, fishing, goes to the beach and hikes.

Life principles

Nick Vujicic and Miyahara Kanae married as virgins and adhere to Christian values. This means that before marriage they had to remain pure. Nick said that many of his friends themselves suffer because of their immorality and running from one partner to another, but he looks into his wife’s eyes and understands that this is love. He shows love to his children in the old-fashioned way - by showing that he loves their mother. There is nothing shameful in marrying a virgin, because it is impossible to return purity back. You need to wait for your spouse, and he will come into your life in due time. By maintaining purity, a person does not sacrifice anything, but only gains.

The family is confident that God has blessed them family life. Like every family, they have minor quarrels like creating a menu or choosing furniture. But they know that they have moved to a higher level. They communicate a lot, chatting about this and that. If she says she doesn't want to talk, he doesn't insist and puts off the conversation until tomorrow. They respect each other.

Family secrets

Kanae became pregnant while on tour. And at that time they had other plans, and she grabbed her head. I had to adjust my plans. This year they were at home and did not have any parties. Relatives had concerns about whether the child would be born healthy. But the girl did not share their fears. And everything turned out well. Nick is a very busy man with endless gigs and tours.

His family supports him in such activities, Nick and Miyahara have been through a lot together, and they are incredibly happy. Nick is called a world famous motivational speaker and his wife has a lot of responsibility. She must be a real support for him so that he can do his job. His life’s work can be called a messiah, a calling, because he helps many people believe in themselves and overcome difficulties that break their destinies. At the age of 19, Nick first publicly rebuffed those who mocked him, he found his path and is helping others find it.

Life loves to give surprises. Sometimes pleasant, and sometimes scary. When the Vujicic family, who emigrated from Serbia to Australia, were expecting their first child, no one could even imagine how this calm and, in general, problem-free pregnancy would end.

Only during childbirth it became clear: the couple’s first-born, Nick Vuychich, was deprived of arms and legs. The child was born absolutely healthy, but he had no arms at all, nor one leg, and instead of the second there was a small stump with fused fingers sticking out.

On December 4, 1982, Pastor Boris Vuychich was present at the birth of his wife Dushka, helping her as best he could, supporting and persuading her. Finally they started pushing, and now the baby’s shoulder appeared... There was no arm! The pastor was shocked, but quickly pulled himself together, and, in order not to show the fear that could be transmitted to the mother in labor, he left the room.

Boris Vujicic ran to the doctor. "My son! He doesn't have a hand! - the young father managed to say. “Your son has neither arms nor legs,” was the doctor’s answer. Nick was diagnosed with tetra-amelia syndrome, a disease in which limbs are missing.

Usually they also suffer internal organs and children with this syndrome do not live long. But Nick, one might say, was lucky: in all other respects he was absolutely healthy.

Tetra-amelia syndrome is a rare disease. It is caused by a gene mutation. Parents can be carriers of a damaged gene, but they themselves may not be sick.

In Nick's case, there were no signs of disaster. Even on ultrasound there were no noticeable abnormalities.

The newborn was taken home. At first, the parents were completely confused. The mother could not bring herself to take the unusual baby in her arms and feed him. But gradually the shock passed, the parents made a decision: just live, dealing with problems as they arise.

They tried to give Nick prosthetic arms, but they turned out to be too heavy, and the boy could not use them. His peers at school (and at the insistence of his parents, he began to study in a regular school so as not to feel like an invalid) did not take him to their games, shouting: “Nick, you can’t do anything!”, “Nick, go away!” Children do such things not out of malice, but out of misunderstanding. This didn't make it any easier for Nick.

Every evening the boy prayed with desperate faith, asking God to give him arms and legs. However, there were no happy changes. One day, ten-year-old Nick realized that he was very tired of such a life, he did not want to endure it anymore. The child asked his mother to take him to the bath.

The unsuspecting Dushka complied with the request, poured water and left her son, as she thought, to rest alone. Nick decided to take his own life. He began to try to drown, but the water held him well small body. And suddenly he saw a clear picture of the funeral: his parents were bending over him, and in their eyes was the unbearable pain of loss.

And the boy realized: since he was born like this, it means that God considered it necessary. Perhaps his life will serve as an inspiring example for someone?

Some time later, Nick underwent surgery, as a result of which the fingers on his only limb were separated. And the boy learned to do things that seemed impossible in his situation: work on a computer, surf, move independently, play football, golf, draw, swim and dive into the water from a springboard.

Anything that could be done without outside help, Nick forced himself to do. During public lectures, he still amazes listeners with how he independently gets up after falling backwards. He rises, resting his forehead and helping himself with his only limb, which he himself calls “ham” with slight irony.

Nick was teased by the boys - it's true, he admits the bitter fact. But there were (and are) in his life those who supported him and did not allow him to lose heart: his parents, his younger brother and sister, two devoted school friends. Growing up, he made more and more new acquaintances, and later met his love.

Self awareness

Like any special child, Nick went through several stages of development while coming to terms with his illness. At first he did not understand why he was so punished by God (so it seemed to him), he cried, did not want to live. Then the realization came that nothing would change, magic would not happen - we must learn to accept life as it is.

The result was an understanding: no matter what you are, you can still get happiness. If you open up to life with gratitude, it will give you everything you need.

Nick got two higher education. He has a bachelor's degree in finance and accounting. The young man took his life into his own hands, learned to earn money so as not to be a burden to anyone.

Logical reflections led him to an interesting conclusion: if he managed to learn a lot and be in complete harmony with life, then perhaps his help and advice will be useful to those who are just starting to look for a “place in the sun.” Need to try!

At the age of 17, his first performance took place in front of a large audience - church parishioners. Two years later, he gave a lecture to students at Griffith University, where he was studying at that time. Both public speaking were a great success and inspired Nick to further achievements.

He saw his purpose in restoring faith in life and in himself to everyone who despaired, through his example and his words. Since then, Nick has been confidently following this path.


Nick Vujicic - Orthodox Christian. According to the deep conviction of the professional speaker (this profession has now become the main one for Nick), God gives strength to live and fight the disease. If the Lord allowed the birth of one of his children without arms and legs, but at the same time gave him full health, it means that this was done with a great purpose - to show that the life of a person, seemingly doomed to suffering, can become complete, breathing harmony, rich positive emotions, successful and very interesting - it all depends on the person himself.

Nick does not pose or show off - by his example, he demonstrates to others that you can and should be happy, no matter what, in any condition and position. Moreover, you can not only be happy, but also help others. Now Nick perceives his peculiarity as a kind of gift presented from above.

As a Christian, Nick's purpose in life is to motivate people through the word of God. The topics of his lectures sound something like this: “Overcoming despair”, “With God everything is possible.”

Today it is already possible to sum up some results of the activities of the 35-year-old speaker: he visited 45 countries, and gathered (and continues to gather) huge audiences everywhere. You need to learn to be strong - that’s what he wants to convey to all those who are desperate and have learned the bitterness of life’s lessons.

If you feel like you can’t cope, you give up, trust God, he supports each of us.

Books and films

Nick mastered not only oratory. He was up to the role of an actor - he has two films to his credit, each of which makes you think seriously about the meaning of life. Is this how we live? Is it right? Have you chosen the right path for yourself? Why do we “break down” when we encounter inevitable obstacles, and how can we force ourselves to get up after a fall and move on?

Watch these films: “Butterfly Circus” (2009) and “Life. Instructions for use." Perhaps many of the questions that have been persistently tormenting you will be resolved by themselves.

Since childhood, Nick had a light, clear style - and he decided to take advantage of this talent and put it in the service of people. Here is a list of bestsellers that are excellent motivators in the most difficult and confusing life situations:

  • “Life without boundaries. Way to awesome happy life».
  • “Unstoppable. The incredible power of faith in action."
  • “Limitless. 50 Lessons That Will Make You Outrageously Happy."

In fact, Nick has more books. Perhaps the most striking ones are listed here. Take any, open it – you won’t be able to tear yourself away. And don’t let it bother you that you, for example, are a Buddhist or an atheist by conviction - Nick does not insist that the only correct position is the position of an Orthodox Christian.

It's about something else - about believing in yourself and in that power which exists in every person. You need to find this strength - it will be the fulcrum. For him, this is faith in God. For you it may be something different.

Personal life

How could Nick school years at least imagine that simple human happiness is available to him - family, children? As it turns out, true love knows no boundaries. One day Nick met a beautiful and smart girl, half Japanese, half Mexican - Kanae Miyahara.

Kanae professed Christianity, like Nick. The young people had many common interests. They dated for four years, and now - the wedding! The celebration took place in 2012. And the next year, 2013, brought even more joy to the young couple - Kiyoshi’s first child, James, was born.

In 2015, their second son, Dejan Levi, was born. And in December 2017, the couple became parents of many children: twin girls, Ellie and Olivia, were born. All children are completely healthy.

Nick and Kanae are happy. They support each other in everything. Founded together charitable foundation"Life without limbs." Help will be provided to anyone who applies there, regardless of nationality, country of residence and religion.


There is no pathos in Nick Vujicic's statements. It's simple, everything he says is accessible to each of us. Listen - and you will understand that many of our problems can be solved if we put in the effort and firmly believe in the result.

Those that we are not able to resolve, we can simply accept as a given, without despair. Read:

  • “Very often it seems to us that we cannot change the world and our lives. The truth is that anything is possible. But to see results, you must take action."
  • “Take small steps in the right direction. No matter how small they are, keep moving towards your goal.”
  • "You're lying to yourself when you think you're worthless."
  • “Life is ready to give you wonderful experiences, you just need to give it a chance.”

Nick Vujicic today

Nick is not one of those people who are ready to stop there. He continues his public speaking activities; by the way, he visited Ukraine and Russia in 2018.

He makes videos and maintains his own blog, where he shares with like-minded people the details of his difficult, but interesting and happy life, thoughts about the place of each of us in this world.

The young man owns the motivational company “Attitude Is Altitude”. He has his own website, open to everyone. Anyone can contact him to get the sometimes much needed support.


Nick is most active on Instagram. In addition, he often appears on Facebook, and since 2015, in connection with his first visit to Russia, his VKontakte page was opened.

Have questions? Write! If Nick himself does not have time, his assistants will answer.

Alexey Talay - “Russian Nick Vuychich”

If the whole world knows Nika today, then with his “comrade in misfortune”, Belarusian Alexei Talai, the situation is completely different.

Meet us: we have our own Nick Vujicic. Only if Nick was already born without arms and without legs and grew up in a country where people with disabilities can freely study, work, realize themselves - both fellow citizens and the state help them, then our Alexey had a much more difficult time. It took him even more courage to overcome his illness.

Alexey grew up as an ordinary child. His life was the same as everyone else’s, until he was 16 years old. One day he came to visit his grandfather in the village - to help with the housework - and saw little boys burning something in the field. Alexey dispersed the boys and put out the fire. Suddenly there was an explosion.

Subsequently, the young man said: “I didn’t understand what happened. A second - I’m lying on the field, the earth crunches on my teeth and I can feel the taste of blood. I wanted to sit down and lean on my hands, but they seemed to sink into the ground. I looked and instead of hands there were bones sticking out...” It was a shell left over from the Great Patriotic War that exploded.

The frightened grandfather and grandmother were already running to the scene of the tragedy. Horror and pain froze in their eyes. Alexey recalled that then he realized: no, you can’t die. Grandfather suffered so many horrors of war and returned without a single scratch. This means that he, Alexey, simply does not have the right to allow the war to overtake him now.

There was terrible pain and surgery. Many times Alexey balanced for months between life and death. He won. He not only survived, but also did not break down: he built a business (rents out a house), plays sports professionally (master of sports in swimming, member of the Paralympic team of Belarus, has a black belt in taekwondo).

He is involved in charity work. Alexey is also a happy family man: he has a wife and four wonderful children. The plans include opening a network of sports stores and business development.

Alexey overcame all the obstacles that prevent a person with a disability from living a full life. In our country, this requires special courage, because even just leaving your own home for most people with disabilities- an unaffordable luxury.

When you read about the fate of people like Nick Vuychich and Alexey Talay, you understand: there are no insurmountable obstacles. If they were able to make their lives bright and meaningful, then we, ordinary people, we simply cannot give up in any situation. We have no right.

😉 Hello, dear reader! Perhaps now you are going through a difficult period, there are problems and some dead-end situations. I hope that the article “Biography of Nick Vujicic is a chance for many new life» will help you find a solution to your problems.

One of the most famous Christian preachers these days is Nick Vujicic. The child of Serbian emigrants, an Australian with a difficult fate.

Everyone who sees his photograph first pays attention to the unusual structure of his body, and only then sees the unusual Beautiful face, from whom a radiant smile almost never leaves. The biography of Nick Vujicic shakes everyone to the core, makes them believe in themselves and their abilities.

Nick Vujicic: biography

Parents: Duska and Boris Vujicic, Serbian emigrants, were expecting the birth of a child. Throughout the pregnancy, ultrasound did not reveal any abnormalities in the development of the fetus. However, a vague, incomprehensible anxiety tormented the boy’s mother.

In 1982, on December 2, labor began. The father was present at them, and he was the first to see the terrible defect with which the baby was born. The child had no arms or legs. All that nature gave him was a small resemblance of a human foot.

At first, they refused to show the baby to the mother without risking her health. Only my father knew the terrible truth. However, no one was able to hide the child’s developmental defect from Dushka for too long, and she saw her unfortunate baby.

At first, the parents could not believe that nature had treated their child so cruelly. His continued existence did not seem possible to them, but parental love overshadowed all other feelings. It was decided to raise the baby the same way as other healthy children.

Such a difficult, such a short childhood

At first, little Nick did not understand his difference from other children. However, even in infancy, he did a tremendous amount of work every day, developing what he received at birth - a small foot.

His parents experienced even greater torment, who at first were even afraid to make plans and look forward. They were just trying to help their boy day after day. They taught him how to move, gave him the most valuable feeling on Earth - .

Now we can say with confidence that it was the parental care, the warmth, the affection that the little boy felt every day that helped him find himself.

With the help of the semblance of a foot, the guy learned many things. He was able to move independently and learned to write at school. He can swim and even skateboard - and this is sometimes inaccessible even to healthy people with all limbs.

The incredible strength of spirit that helped the little man overcome all the difficulties that arose is still present in him to this day.

However, despite his incredible successes, Nick often thought about why fate treated him so cruelly. Even the love of his parents could not completely protect him from the influence of society. Yes, the father ensured that his son studied in a regular school, along with healthy children.

This was the first time in Australia that a disabled person had attended a mainstream school. It was difficult for Nick to communicate with his peers and be in their team. The children didn't want to play with him.

Because of all these trials that befell an innocent child, Nick matured very early. Thoughts about the creation of the world, about justice, about God were almost always present in his head.

Self-awareness. Suicide attempt

At the age of eight, the precocious Nick, having pondered his existence for a long time, decides to leave this world. He asks to be taken to the bathroom and tries to drown himself there. However, at the very last moment he realizes that his parents love him very much, that his actions will bring them unbearable pain.

Having weighed everything again, the boy realizes his mistake. There will never be another one in his life

After his failed suicide, Nick hears a story from his mother that makes him think about his destiny. Mother talks about a preacher who was disabled, but with his words he instilled faith in the hearts of many people. Perhaps it was then that he decided what he would do for the rest of his life.

Becoming a famous person

An inherent desire to live, amazing fortitude, support from his family - all this helped Nick find himself.

After graduating from school, he continued to live like an ordinary person. Having decided to get an education, the young man enters the university and successfully graduates, having received the education of an accountant.

His second education - in the field of financial planning - gave him even more knowledge and further adapted him to life in ordinary society.

At the age of 19, Vujicic first appeared before the general public. The university management invited the young man to speak to the students. Nick's entire speech was supposed to last about seven minutes, but by the third minute the audience could not hold back their tears.

Realizing that his words mean much more to people than the speech of a healthy person, the future famous preacher begins to travel around the world.

More than 10 years of performing in front of a wide variety of audiences, including different countries made Nick famous throughout the world. He always helped people gain faith in themselves, faith in the future. He showed by his example that you can achieve a lot with practically nothing.

In 2005, the preacher received one of the most prestigious awards in his country - “Young Australian of the Year”.

Now Vujicic is the president of a charity organization, a Christian preacher and an ordinary happy man who managed to achieve a lot. Not all healthy people could live his fate without losing faith in God and hope for the best.

What is happiness

Nick is incredibly handsome. On February 12, 2012, he married Kanae Miahara, a very beautiful girl. Their marriage is proof that people with disabilities can have full lives and be happy.

Nick has a pendant from his wedding ring

In 2013, the young couple had their first child. This moment became the most significant event in Nick's life. In 2015, a second son was born. The children are absolutely healthy. In December 2017, Nick became a father for the fourth time! His twin daughters Ellie and Olivia were born. He is incredibly happy!

Now a man has everything he needs to be happy to an ordinary person: family, children, favorite job, good financial condition. His fate serves as an example to many people who have given up and lost faith in themselves. After all, you can achieve everything, even without having either arms or legs.

Often at his performances, Nick shows in practice that you can rise after the hardest fall. He falls with all his might onto the table in front of the stunned audience. Then he does the seemingly impossible - he stands up, helping himself with his foot, shoulders and forehead.

And you say “difficult”. Do you think life is unfair to you? Let this amazing story of Nick Vujicic be an example for you to follow!

Biography of Nick Vujicic (video)

Nick Vujicic is a famous Australian Christian preacher, writer, public figure and motivational speaker.

This cheerful man and charismatic speaker is unique in that he achieved worldwide recognition despite the fact that he was born without arms or legs.

Childhood and youth

Nicholas Vujicic was born in Melbourne to Duska and Boris Vujicic, immigrants from Serbia. At the birth, the father was present in the delivery room and saw the child's shoulder without an arm. Out of fear, he ran out into the corridor, and after the end of labor he asked the doctor: “Was my son born without an arm?” The doctor made the diagnosis with great regret:

“He has no arms or legs. This is tetra-amelia."

The disease took away the baby’s arms, and his lower extremities included an underdeveloped foot with fused toes. Surprisingly, despite the enormity of his physical condition, Nick was born completely healthy. His siblings also showed no abnormalities.

For the first 4 months, the mother did not allow the baby to breastfeed. His parents didn't know how to deal with him. Gradually, month after month, the parents began to get used to the special boy. They loved him for who he was, with all his flaws and characteristics.

Nick Vujicic is an avid surfer

Surgery, performed immediately after birth, allowed the toes to be separated. Thus, Nick received his only limb, a manipulator with the help of which he had to explore the world. This helped Vujicic learn to write and even skateboard, pushing off the asphalt with his feet.

As a child, physical disabilities oppressed Nick. His parents insisted that their son attend a simple school, and the boy suffered from awareness of his own inferiority. In addition, children often bullied him because he was different from them and could not answer them. When Nick was 6 years old, his cousin died of cancer, which was a great shock for Vujicic.

At the age of 10, he decided to commit suicide, but thoughts of his loved ones kept him from taking the fatal step. The boy imagined what pain he would cause to the people who loved him, and abandoned his terrible intention. Then Nick found himself in Christianity, realizing the power of divine love, which permeates the whole world and does not require him to be perfect.


At the age of 17, Vujicic gave his first sermon to church parishioners. At 19, he was asked to give a speech to students at Griffith University, where he was studying at the time. The performance was a success and found a lively response among young Australians. That was the first time Nick Vujicic realized that his calling and mission was to motivate those around him with the word of God.

Preacher Nick Vujicic

His unconventional appearance, charm and love of life brought popularity to the young preacher, which allowed Vujicic to found a religious church in 1999. charitable organization"Life without limbs." Over the course of several years, Nick’s popularity on the continent grew so much that in 2005 he was awarded prestigious award"Young Australian of the Year"

Nick is constantly improving his level. He received 2 higher educations - in accounting and financial planning. In addition to being the founder of Life Without Limbs, he is the owner of the motivational company Attitude Is Altitude.

To convey his worldview to a wide audience, Nick Vujicic gives lectures and sermons. He has visited 45 countries and is constantly expanding the geography of his trips. In March 2015, he gave motivational lectures in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In India, 110 thousand people came to just one meeting with the speaker.

Vujicic has an excellent sense of humor. One day Nick had to fly to another lecture. He entered the plane, positioned himself in front of the passengers and introduced himself as the captain of the plane. A moment's silence gave way to enthusiastic laughter and thunderous applause.

Nick Vujicic speaking at the Kremlin in 2016

Preaching the idea of ​​unconditional love, Nick held a hug marathon, where he hugged 1.5 thousand listeners. As part of his social activities, the man uses the capabilities of the World Wide Web. Nick shoots videos, blogs and shares with fans details of life in "Instagram". In addition, Nick Vujicic writes books where he talks about fate and shares with readers his thoughts about man’s place in the world.

Books and films

Nick starred in a short film by Joshua Weigel. The film tells about a circus with unusual performers. Among its artists is an old man flying under the circus dome, a kind and graceful acrobat girl, flexible person, which fits into a suitcase. But main role Vujicic plays in the film. His hero is used as a living exhibit, tomatoes are thrown at him, everyone mocks him.

Nick Vujicic in the movie "Butterfly Circus"

The picture talks about strong man, who listened to his heart and, despite the absence of arms and legs, began to live a full life. The film motivates and evokes respect for Vujicic, because the plot is similar to the fate of Nick. This is one of the best motivational films according to viewers and the jury. It won first place at the Ashland, Hartland, Sedona and Method Fest Independent Film Festivals.

Nick's bibliography includes 4 bestsellers. The books talk about willpower, which can be cultivated if you believe in yourself and strive to achieve a great goal. Vujicic’s first work “Life without borders. The Path to an Amazingly Happy Life" was published in 2010. The book revealed to the world the phenomenon of a preacher whose life is associated with great restrictions.

In addition to talking about himself, Nick formulated the principles of a happy life on the pages of the publication. The absence of limbs does not prevent Vujicic from enjoying the joys of life, surfing, swimming, jumping from a springboard into the water. His computer typing speed reaches 43 words per minute. These and others amazing facts The preacher told his biography to readers.

3 years later, Nick released his second work, “Unstoppable. The incredible power of faith in action."

In the book, the speaker described in detail how he managed to turn faith into action. He paid great attention to the difficulties that every reader has to overcome every day. Soon followed by the release of the publication “Be Strong. You can overcome violence (and everything that prevents you from living),” which enjoyed no less success than previous books; it was also sorted into quotes.

Personal life

Nick was an amorous boy from childhood. His first love overtook him in 1st grade. The girl's name was Megan. At the age of 19, Vujicic fell in love again. I had a difficult relationship with the girl. The platonic romance lasted 4 years, after which the feelings cooled down. At one time, the young man thought that he would never improve his personal life and would not be able to start a family. But he was wrong.

Nick Vujicic and Kanae Miyahara

Seeing his future bride for the first time, Nick experienced an explosion of emotions; he felt himself regaining his legs and arms. It was love at first sight. The writer's chosen one was Kanae Miyahara. The girl turned out to be half Japanese and half Mexican. She was also a member of the Evangelical Church. The bride's father moved to Mexico, where he founded his own business. Later, after his death, the family, consisting of his mother, two sisters and a brother, moved to the United States.

Just 3 months after they met, in the spring of 2011, Nick and Kanae decided to live together. It was not easy for the young people, but the girl quickly got used to it household features living together, besides, Nick at that moment lost all his savings after the financial crisis. But Kanae turned out to be a wise and patient woman.

In 2012, Nick Vujicic got married. The speaker placed the diamond engagement ring in a basket of chocolate ice cream, which is Kanae's favorite. The girl agreed. The wedding took place simply, without unnecessary publicity. Only a few photos from the celebration appeared on the Internet. Nick described the details of the novel in the book “Love Without Limits. A remarkable story of true love."

The wife loves her husband madly and copes with all responsibilities. His wife helps Nick in charitable and preaching activities. They often appear together at special events and sports matches.

A year later, on February 14, Valentine's Day, Nick Vujicic and his wife became parents for the first time. The couple had their first child, who was named Kieshi James Vujicic. The child is completely healthy (3.6 kg at birth); he did not inherit his father’s genetic pathologies. The birth of their first child inspired the couple, and their second son was born 2 years later. The boy was named Dejan Levi.

In 2017, Nick Vujicic’s family was expanded with two charming girls. Twins Olivia and Ellie were born at the end of December. The daughters, like the speaker’s sons, are completely healthy. The first thing Nick broke the news to his subscribers was