It has been said more than once on the pages of our website that stingrays were initially hunted not for their amazing skin. Stingray meat was consumed by many coastal peoples on different continents as food, and some stingray organs, such as the liver, were used for medicinal purposes.

Here we would like to bring to your attention several culinary recipes for preparing various dishes from stingrays that we found on the Internet and especially on the website

Stingray dishes are usually very tasty, but their preparation takes unusually longer than regular dishes. fish dishes. However, all the efforts to create these unique culinary masterpieces are rewarded with an amazing taste experience from eating this unique meat.

In stingrays, only the wing area and liver are eaten, from which the gall bladder must be carefully removed (otherwise the meat will start to taste bitter). And so that the skin does not bring you trouble while removing it, it is better to separate it from the meat after preparing the dish. You can remove the skin before cooking, but then you will need pliers.

Standard recipes for preparing fried fish breaded in flour are also suitable for stingray. You just need to take into account that stingray meat is very tender, it is afraid of being “overcooked” and can fall into pieces if handled carelessly during cooking. It also spoils faster than the meat of regular fish, and when spoiled it gives off ammonia.

Recipe 1. Stingray with sorrel sauce.

800g stingray, cut into 4 portions
- 1 tbsp wine vinegar

For the sauce:
- 2 bunches of fresh sorrel;
- 1 tsp. finely chopped sage;
- 125 gr. unsalted butter;
- 150 ml. heavy cream;
- lemon juice to taste;
- salt and ground black pepper.

1. Rinse the fish and place in a low saucepan. Pour water and vinegar over the fish. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

2. For the sauce: wash and finely chop the sorrel, cook over low heat with sage and 12 g. butter for 1 minute, until the sorrel is dark green and soft. Finely chop the remaining butter and melt slowly in another saucepan. Add cream and heat the mixture without letting it boil.

3. Remove the sauce from the heat and pour lemon juice into it. Then add sorrel. Season.

Recipe 2. Smoked stingray (hot smoked).

1. The stingray is cut into pieces, generously sprinkled with salt and salted for about 1.5 - 2 hours. After salting, the meat is thoroughly washed in running water.

2. Sawdust or small fractions are poured into the smokehouse deciduous trees(alder, walnut, etc.), the prepared fish is placed and the smokehouse is put on fire. The cooking time for fish depends on the size of the pieces and the strength of the fire. Usually it ranges from 20 to 40 minutes.

The stingray can be smoked whole, but then, after about 20-30 minutes, it should be carefully turned over to the other side.

Recipe 3. Grilled stingray wings

Stingray wings - 1 kg;
- flour - 1/2 cup;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- butter - 500 gr.;
- breadcrumbs - 1/2 cup;
- parsley, celery - 4-5 sprigs;
- lemon - 1 pc.;
- salt, pepper - to taste;

1. Wash the stingray wings, cleaned of skin and spines, thoroughly, dry with a towel, add salt, rub with half a lemon and roll in flour.

Stingray liver, in addition to its high medical significance, is also very tasty. It is tender and tastes like cod liver, but, according to gourmets, it is much tastier.

2. Beat the eggs and dip the pieces of fish in them, then roll them in breadcrumbs, place them on the grill grate, coating each piece of fish with butter.

Cooking stingray liver

In addition to its high medical significance, stingray liver is also very tasty. It has a delicate taste and resembles cod liver, but, according to gourmets, it is much tastier.

1. Stingray liver, previously removed gallbladder and ducts, fill it with water so that the water slightly covers it, salt it, add pepper and bay leaf.

I fell out of sight for several days, because I am in the period of dreams coming true! For a long time I dreamed of living on the seashore... well, not just on vacation, but “to live.”
So it happened - and all thanks to my friend Tanya (, she found me an apartment in Alushta on the very shore of the Black Sea.

A gorgeous view of the sea from the balcony of my room: every day I watch the sunrise and drink coffee on the platform above the sea. Eh, I can’t believe myself that this can happen!

True, she came under sanctions, and according to “ full program“, I’ll tell you sometime... And now we’re talking about ours, about the “girlish” - how stingray fish

Fish stingray Here they “don’t respect”, they hardly eat and they call her a fox. It is caught in a net, and the fishermen sell it for ridiculous money or even just give it to us, like this... In the evening, our “benefactor” (Volodya rents us an apartment) asks us if we would like to try the fox.

After slight bewilderment and subsequent explanations, we screamed with delight "we want, we want!" - what a heck of a lot of exoticism!

Anyone who has not eaten stingray fish is too weak for sanctions!

Volodya asks: will you clean it? We are delighted: "We will, we will!" ...But when we saw her!

Look what we are saw .

In a word, Volodya cleaned it on the shore with a kind of male gadget “curling” - in a word, this gadget supplies water under high pressure. He butchered it (took out the liver, cut off the fins, but did not remove the skin, because we were not going to fry it), and so did we.

Stingray liver is considered the best delicacy in stingray.
It must be removed carefully so that the gallbladder does not rupture!


Stingray liver (500-700 g)
4-5 eggs (yolks only)
1 onion
½ tbsp. oil for frying onions
salt and pepper to taste


  • Place the liver in boiling water ( you need enough water to cover the liver ).

  • Boil for 5-7 minutes ( depending on the size of the liver ).

  • Boil the eggs, peel and remove the yolks. ( Don't throw away the whites - we'll need them ).
  • Finely chop the onion and fry until slightly golden brown. the onion should be soft .
  • Place the finished liver in a colander and let cool.
  • Grind all the products in one bowl with a fork into a pate.
  • Season.
  • Place in the refrigerator.

Serve with black bread.

The pate tastes better after it hardens in the refrigerator.

Why do we need cod liver if you have stingray liver!

Stingray (peeled and cut into pieces) can be fried, but for 2 reasons we use aspic.

Firstly, we have no place for fish, and secondly, stingray, as we were told, is only suitable for aspic. Well, we believed the local Black Sea people.


1 slope (pieces)
2-3 carrots
piece of celery root
boiled egg whites
bay leaf, salt and pepper


  • Place pieces of stingray (water level) and vegetables in large pieces into boiling water.
  • Cook for 1.5 hours.
  • At the end add bay leaf.
  • Let cool.
  • Remove the meat and disassemble.
  • Divide into serving dishes.
  • Add egg whites, a little dill and carrot slices.
  • Heat the broth and season.
  • Soak the gelatin.
  • Measure out the broth (we had 1 liter of broth and 2 packs of gelatin).
  • Dissolve the swollen gelatin in warm broth.
  • Pour the broth.

Black Sea stingray meat is not only healthy, but also very tasty. In terms of vitamin A composition, it exceeds all types sea ​​fish. Liver and fin meat are valued in stingray. Gourmets love this kind of fish fried. It clearly tastes like cod liver. They make fish soup from stingray and bake it. And smoked stingray is considered the most delicious. In progress culinary preparation add sorrel, cranberry, rhubarb and tomato sauce. So I decided to bake pieces of stingray fins in the oven. It should be noted that the skin from the stingray is cut off, because it is often very hard. I caught a young fish. Today is for you new recipe: stingray baked in the oven with vegetables. When baking fish vegetable oil or no fats are added. Stingray is considered a fatty and high-calorie fish.

Skat recipe in the oven

To prepare stingray wings with vegetables you need:


  • Stingray fins - 1 kg,
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
  • Onions - 2 pcs.,
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.,
  • Garlic - 3 cloves,
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.,
  • Water - 1 l,
  • Sugar for soaking fish - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Salt for soaking fish - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • Parsley and dill - 1 bunch,
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking process:

Cut the stingray fins into medium-sized pieces.

In 1 liter cold water add sugar and salt, soak the fish for 30 minutes to remove the smell. Then rinse and dry with a napkin.

Place the pieces of stingray wings on a baking sheet. Prepare the tomatoes, cut them into slices, onions and peppers into rings, and garlic into pieces.

Place the vegetables on the fish, pour mayonnaise on top, sprinkle with parsley and dill.

Bake the stingray in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Place the finished dish on the table.

Invite loved ones and relatives for a tasting.

Appetite is where the food is! Let everyone have it!

Svetlana Tok told how to cook stingray, recipe and photo by the author.

Fried stingray- a tasty and easy-to-prepare dish from our site reader Natalya. Stingray has tender white meat. However, there are some features in its preparation that are important to know and take into account. Here you will learn how to select, clean and fry stingray fish.


  • by 1.3 kg. stingray
  • 3-5 tbsp. l. flour
  • sunflower oil
  • salt
  • ground black pepper


  1. For stingray dishes to be tasty, it is important to choose the right fish. The belly of the stingray should be white (if it is yellow, the stingray is stale). The entrails must be removed as quickly as possible (preferably right in the store/market or, in extreme cases, immediately upon arriving home). Then the stingray meat will not acquire an ammonia smell. Just don’t buy it if you still plan to walk for a couple of hours! This fish does not like heat, so I try to buy it last so that it is as fresh as possible. If I buy a stingray in a supermarket, I try to take live fish. It is important to either cook it immediately, or peel, cut and freeze it, even for one day (if this is not done, the stingray meat will acquire an unpleasant taste and smell).
  2. We clean the stingray by scraping off the mucus with a knife. Then wash, pouring water several times until the water becomes clean and transparent and the mucus and blood are gone. You can rub the stingray with coarse salt, then the mucus will go away almost immediately.
  3. First, cut the stingray into strips across - this fish has no bones, only cartilage and veins.
  4. Then we cut these strips into portions.

  5. Pour flour into a bag and put in a piece of stingray.
  6. Shake the bag so that the fish is evenly coated in flour (with a bag of flour, less flour is consumed, your hands remain cleaner - convenient).
  7. Place the pieces of stingray, rolled in flour, in a hot frying pan with sunflower oil. Salt and pepper. Fry without a lid for 5-7 minutes (up to golden crust) over medium heat.
  8. Turn the stingray over, add salt and pepper. We fry for about the same amount. You can check readiness by breaking any piece: if the meat is white, without blood, the fried stingray is ready.
  9. Serve fried stingray, like the other