Looking for a job in another city can be caused by various reasons. Some are trying to find a job due to a forced move, while others are leaving specifically to build a career. In any case, the applicant is faced with the question - what is important to know for employment and how to successfully pass an interview among many competitors?

Determining the deadlines

Employment for nonresidents raises quite a few problems for which you need to be carefully prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to start your search even before moving - monitor offers from employers and send your resume to companies of interest.

“Technologies today make it possible to conduct an initial interview with a job seeker via Skype, so you need to start looking for a job shortly before moving,” says recruitment specialist Oksana Ismailova. – A typical mistake applicants in this case is a vague indication of the timing of the move. If your resume does not indicate a specific date when you can start work, then the likelihood of being rejected increases dramatically. If you really cannot name the date of the move with one hundred percent certainty, you need to make sure that you have the opportunity to come for an in-person interview. An employer must see a potential employee as a responsible person who can clearly plan his time.”

When writing your resume, be sure to include as accurate a date as possible when you will be ready to start work. Phrases like “I’m planning to move in the next six months” will not leave you any chance of getting a job in a serious company.

Some job seekers prefer not to think about looking for a job until they move, hoping to find a job immediately after arriving in the city. This is one of the main mistakes. Firstly, the first month will take up a lot of time with housing issues, and secondly, unforeseen difficulties may arise in the requirements of employers. And thirdly, do not forget that if you are moving to Big City, and especially to the capital, you will face very high competition.

“It’s rare that out-of-town applicants manage to find a job without a preliminary search within the first month,” says Oksana Ismailova. – Sometimes there is no time left to monitor the market, and quite often difficulties arise with registration. Large companies are wary of candidates without registration, so this question You also need to think about it in advance. I really don’t recommend buying a fake registration - in a serious company it will be very easy to figure it out, and your life in the new city will end there.”

Studying the labor market

An equally important issue that you need to be prepared for is supply and demand on the market in a foreign city. Very often, the same industries in different cities have their own specific features, and all your past work experience gained in your region may simply be useless.

“Even just having been on business trips, it’s easy to see that the service market in different regions has many differences,” says Marketing Department Specialist Sergey Ashmarin. – Some of my colleagues left for the capital and returned back after a few months because their experience did not meet the company’s needs, although here they were excellent specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to begin studying the specifics of the market long before moving. Moreover, if possible, this should be not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical. It is necessary to establish the necessary business connections and constantly exchange information. A good option There will be professional training focused on the specifics of the region.”

The information provided by the applicant in the resume will not be convincing if there are no recommendations from past jobs. When applying for a job in another city, this point is especially important, so make sure that your current employer writes a letter of recommendation for you with positive feedback.

“When considering out-of-town candidates, the employer will pay attention, first of all, to achievements in the professional field,” says Oksana Ismailova. “Therefore, the winners will be those candidates who provide letters of recommendations from past jobs. It is also important when filling out a resume to focus on professional achievements and numerical indicators, and not just list previous jobs. Indicate in detail everything that you were able to achieve, what new things you did for the company, how much you increased production or sales, whether you participated in business negotiations, what partners you were able to attract.”

If you previously worked for companies that are leaders in your region, then this should also be noted. But it’s not worth listing those places where you worked for several months and achieved nothing. A potential employer is unlikely to be happy with an employee who could not prove himself even in his own city.

After compiling your resume, you need to send it through the search channels that are most popular in the city where you plan to move.

How to pass a preliminary interview

The first interview with out-of-town candidates is most often conducted via video conference. However, this does not mean that you can take it lightly. You need to prepare for a video interview no less carefully than for a face-to-face meeting, so take care of the appropriate business appearance and carefully think through your speech.

“You don’t need to talk to a potential employer in a dressing gown and with an unkempt appearance, even if this conversation is conducted on Skype,” says Oksana Ismailova. – It is from the first interview, regardless of whether it is in person or conducted in video format, that an impression is formed about a potential employee, which will be quite difficult to change. Therefore, you need to take care of your appearance, as well as about the situation that the interlocutor will see. Try to give the impression of a responsible and businesslike person. Also, be prepared for questions regarding your arrival time and the possibility of visiting the city in the next few days. The applicant must understand that when hiring a person from another city, the employer also bears considerable risks. Therefore, if you cannot clearly determine the time frame within which you are ready to start work, then the chance of finding a job is practically zero.”

To summarize: finding a job in another city is associated with considerable difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to begin studying the labor market long before the expected move. It is especially important to pay attention to the specific features of your industry in a foreign region, correctly compose a resume, listing all your achievements, prepare a letter of recommendation and indicate the time frame within which you can start working. If these recommendations are followed, the candidate has every chance not only to be as prepared as possible for the interview, but also to choose the company that meets his expectations.

The problem of finding a job is one of the most pressing for modern society. The vast majority of the population is looking for employment not because they are unemployed. Most are looking for an alternative to their existing job or looking for part-time options. As sad as it may be, search work– this is also work that requires a lot of effort and time. If you want to find a decent job, you will have to be patient, awaken the good “advertiser” in yourself and “open your eyes and ears.”

Why is this necessary? With patience everything is clear. The skills of an “advertiser” will help you present your professional and personal qualities in the most favorable and most suitable light for a particular employer. There is no point in inventing non-existent qualities, because the interview will reveal the deception. You just have to correctly describe the skills that you possess perfectly.

“Open your eyes and ears” is necessary to search for information. Talk to people you know. Often, employers, desperate to find a smart worker based on an advertisement, “throw out” a cry among friends and relatives. So if you hint in a friendly conversation that you are thinking about changing jobs, you can get a specific address potential employer

How to look for work in your city? Here are the most common options.

Most often, people go to big cities in search of work with a decent salary. However, this option is not suitable for everyone. If, however, your city is so small or inconvenient for creating a career, then you can find a job in another city. If you are ready for moral and material difficulties in a new place, this is your employment option.

Before you start looking for a job, decide on the most preferable way to make money. And remember, a good employee is a godsend for any employer who is trying to create necessary conditions and retain the “valuable personnel”. The Oriflame company in almost all countries and neighboring countries gives everyone the opportunity to work part-time in a free schedule, as well as serious work with. (free of charge) and the manager will contact you and answer all your questions.

Without going into depth of research into the reasons for labor migration of Russians, we will try to develop an algorithm for the popular Lately enterprises.

  1. We start by preparing ourselves for changes (we determine more precisely the choice of upcoming activities, the availability or possibilities of purchasing housing, the cost of living).
  2. We collect information about the selected area (how much housing, food, etc. cost, how much your abilities and experience in this region are in demand and paid). It makes sense to expand the search geographically. Potential employer companies should also be examined for reliability (there are a lot of fly-by-night companies that appear for different purposes).
  3. Making a resume:
  • When indicating your city of residence, it is recommended to name the area where you are currently staying with a note "Ready" in the relevant section on moving. You should also indicate all the cities where relocation is possible, although this reduces the integrity of the resume. To the employer people are more interesting, aimed at a specific place of residence and place of work. They claim that Moscow employers respond more quickly to proposals from Muscovites and do not consider applications from nonresidents. But by indicating your place of residence in Moscow and your phone number with your native city code, you can find yourself in an awkward position and cause bewilderment to the recruiter; such detected deceit is extremely undesirable;
  • V "Additional information" We report that there are no problems with housing and registration at the future place of residence or the need for housing, or the search for work with accommodation. Your organization will be demonstrated by information about relatively exact date relocation and readiness to go to work, as well as the reasons for changing place of residence;
  • V "Wishes for work" indicate the type of activity (, for example).
  1. The questionnaire was posted in all possible search engines, we are waiting for responses and invitations, but we ourselves are looking at the vacancies of large sites and local, city ones, and responding to them.
  2. Many search sites require a cover letter when applying for a vacancy. Here we firmly write about the desire to work only in this city, at this particular enterprise, to apply our abilities in this workplace, since the work is familiar, we have relevant experience and achievements (indicate what we managed to achieve) in a previous company doing this and that - and well-known for its merits in its field.

In the letter we express our readiness to appear for an interview in person or to hold a Skype meeting. We try as much as possible to help the employer form an opinion about us and make a positive decision.

  1. Preparing for the first interview:
  • If Skype is used, we check the condition of the equipment, the quality of the connection, and at the agreed moment of connection we take care of presenting ourselves in a favorable light (literally, the lighting in the room), appearance, and interior.
  • For us, applicants, the employer should not have unresolved issues regarding the possibility of a personal meeting; we are ready to appear anywhere and anytime for an interview and go to work when required; we have no problems with housing and registration (or we count on all this, and the company assumes this).
  • We do not hide our plans for the future and our motives for moving.
  • We are preparing questions for the HR officer that are really important and do not turn into a huge package of requests.
  • Having studied the information about the company, we formulate a response to the HR officer about assumptions about your personal usefulness in it. And the answer to the question about the timing of going back to work should be specific, with accurate information - how much time (days, not months) it will take to move or solve some urgent problems.
  1. Participation in professional groups on social networks, conferences, and forums will be very helpful in your job search. You can become a freelancer in your activity, try yourself in something new, and then get an assessment of your work, a letter of recommendation, and finally. Having new acquaintances and colleagues from different cities will also not be superfluous; professionally influential people can be among them. It is imperative to use existing acquaintances and connections.

Perhaps, having accepted the offer, you will be faced with the fact that you were offered a lower status and lower paid position than promised, and lower than what you previously occupied. Be prepared to build your authority anew; you shouldn’t have a complex about this “humiliation.”

A resident of the outback is afraid to suddenly find himself in the middle of everything new, alien, hostile. But this is our planet, our country, our language. Over time, everything will become familiar, familiar.

You got a job at a company engaged in a business familiar to you, focus on the fullest, most accurate performance of your duties, delve into the “alien” charter, try to follow it. And let the whole world wait until you adapt and, without going into the details of the new society, introduce yourself as a good specialist, colleague, comrade.

Out-of-town candidates raise concerns among recruiters that the funds and time allocated for them will be wasted - the newcomer will not justify himself, will turn out to be incompetent, overly demanding, and will remain a stranger.

And at the same time, the new employee who has undertaken the move is forced to come in handy. It was he who spent his, perhaps, last funds on a change in fate. And he will try to change himself in better side, which will help HR not to worry about (what if!) an unsuccessful acquisition of a company.

Non-Russians should be prepared to take a deeper look at the questionnaire. Applicants from other countries should inquire in advance about how their employment is legally carried out, what the company’s rights and obligations are when hiring, and providing any conditions to foreign citizens. To do this, you need to go to the Russian official website of the Federal Migration Service.

But these difficulties should not scare you away and make you stop looking for a good job. Labor market sites offer their assistance through a feedback system. They will answer your questions, select vacancies, optimize your resume, and advise you on how best to “reach out” to the most suitable employer.

Research conducted recently by experts has shown that the Russian labor market has recently been characterized by an increase in personnel mobility. Experts in the field of human resource management say that today people are much more relaxed about moving to another city due to change of place of work. However, among applicants there is a large percentage of those who cannot decide to take such a step. Working in another city frightens the vast majority of the population.

In addition, experts say that in our time, workers who are not averse to moving to another city do not limit their choice only to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The central regions of Russia and, surprisingly, Siberia are becoming increasingly popular. This is explained by the fact that a huge percentage of newly commissioned production facilities are located far from large cities with a population of more than 1 million. Mostly we're talking about about newly built technology parks, as well as special economic zones.

Of course, on this moment we can only talk about positive dynamics in personnel mobility. The Russian worker must still pass a long way before it becomes as mobile as the American one. US residents tend to change their place of residence if they are offered a more promising job in another region of the country. Naturally, geographic conditions in the United States are more favorable for personnel mobility. In Russia, the so-called centralization is very pronounced. In addition, Russians are very strongly tied to their permanent place of residence in legal terms. Any move invariably entails a lot of problems with re-registration of documents. Moreover, Russians have many additional factors that make them not as mobile as US residents.

In our country there is a stereotype that work in another city– a real idea only for young professionals. They are the ones who do not yet have a family, children and debt obligations. The vast majority of specialists over 30 years of age have a negative attitude towards the prospect of moving to another city to continue their career. Moreover, there are many serious reasons for such a decision.

The main factor that holds people back is family. Relatives rarely support a person in his desire to change his place of residence. Most often, wives show disagreement, since most qualified specialists and managers are men. main reason, which holds the employee back from moving is the fear that he will not be able to create decent social and living conditions for his children. The lack of schools and kindergartens in close proximity to home and work frightens people. Because of this, many careerists choose to move on their own, leaving their wife and children behind. hometown. This decision is explained by the desire to provide for the family in financially, however, the realities of life suggest that such a step often leads to divorce. Few married couples are able to maintain integrity during a long separation. For most, scandals and loss of mutual trust are the rule rather than the exception.

Fear of the unknown can also be a serious obstacle to moving to another city. Even if the applicant has already received a job offer, he may doubt whether he will really be comfortable in the new place. A lot of questions arise related to finding housing, the convenience of living in a foreign city and working in a new team. Moreover, many doubt their capabilities and worry that they won’t succeed. A huge percentage of professionals are afraid that they will have to return back to their city as a loser.

The most convenient way to get rid of doubts is a personal visit to the office of the company where the applicant will work. Here you can evaluate the team, get to know the city better, and also understand what exactly you have to do at your new place of work. However, not everyone can afford such a trip, which is why many workers have to rely on the honesty of the employer.

To the delight of job seekers, nowadays many companies that are interested in specific specialists help their newly hired employees move and settle in a new city. Western employers are ready to compensate for the costs associated with relocation in whole or in part, as well as help with rent. However, this order can hardly be called a trend. For this reason, employees of recruiting companies are increasingly urging their clients to motivate their valuable employees in every possible way for their relocation.

Unfortunately, fear of difficulties associated with relocation is far from the only reason why employees do not want to change their place of residence. Many refuse go to another city to work because they don't want to make some changes in their lives. And in most cases, this is the main reason for refusal. Many Russians prefer dull stability instead of new opportunities, the implementation of which requires some effort. Lack of initiative and laziness are the main barrier for an employee who could achieve success in another city. Eg, energy engineer vacancies in Irkutsk may be ignored good specialist, who lives in Rostov-on-Don and occupies a mediocre low-paid position.

Moving to another city for work is very complex issue. Initially, it is not easy to assess which choice will be the most correct. However, if in your head for a long time If you are thinking about moving to another city to work, then perhaps it makes sense to take a step towards success.

If you decide to make changes, then it is worth remembering:

If you are interested work in another city - vacancies You should only look through the region that attracts you, and you shouldn’t be afraid of changes, especially if the prospects for you in a new place of work are more than clear.

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So, you have decided to move to another city! Whatever the reason: the search for a better life, the current circumstances are not important, it is important to take care of the material side of the issue, namely, finding a job in another city.

Of course, you can solve problems as they arise, and start when all things are laid out on the shelves. But, as practice shows, it is better to come to another city already at workplace. Getting a job in another city is not an easy process, but nothing is impossible!

Relocation: doing it smart!

Naturally, the question arises: how to look for work in another city? Whether there is a certain rules? Yes, I have! The process of finding a job in another city can be divided into several stages, similar to the usual “advertisement-resume-interview (interview)” path, albeit with some nuances.

Step No. 1 - go to the Internet

The first step - no, not for plane or train tickets, we take the first step in. Carefully study the labor market of the region, vacancies needed by city employers, study information about the cost of renting housing, find out the level of wages and other useful information. Comparing conditions in different regions, availability of vacancies, wages– choose the most suitable one.

Large online resources are also suitable for finding a job, where thousands of employer vacancies are presented; take a look at city websites, where, as a rule, there is a “Job” section.

Step No. 2 – connect friends and relatives

If you are moving to a city where your friends or relatives live, do not miss the opportunity, ask them for help.

Just tell people that you will be grateful if they tell you about a job that suits you, about vacancies in their city, about enterprises and companies that need people.

As they say, they don’t take money for demand.

Step No. 3 – don’t forget to send your resume

After studying job sites and finding suitable options, send them to potential employers. Don't forget to indicate your readiness to move on your resume. Some companies provide housing for nonresidents. If you need housing, please note this on your resume.

Step No. 4 – use innovative technologies – online interview

If an employer responds to your resume and offers personal meeting, check if the interview can take place via Skype. By the way, this is not an innovation, and for many employers this method of interview is familiar and quite acceptable. But you should be prepared for the possibility that the employer's representative may ask you about the move. Your task is to answer the question posed without thinking. Potential employers should not hear the “whatever happens” answer regarding housing.

Uncertainty and uncertainty will only scare off a potential employer, and you most likely won’t get the job. By the way, it would be useful to indicate the reasons for the move if these reasons are not of a very personal nature.

Step #5 – Reconnaissance in force

If neither you nor your employer are satisfied, take a short vacation from your current job and go on “reconnaissance”! Go to another city, meet the employer in person, see the office, talk to the employees. Perhaps the picture on a computer monitor is a hundred times better than reality.

As a conclusion...

And now you have successfully passed the interview and found yourself in a new job. At first it may seem to you that you are “out of place”: a foreign city, strangers, your work colleagues are not as friendly as you would like, because you are a “stranger”.

Don't focus on this. Your goal is to work together to achieve common corporate goals. So relax, you are not behind enemy lines, you are at a new place of work!