A is it possible to make money on binary options ? Or is this just another ploy by brokerage companies wanting to attract ambitious traders hungry for easy money? Let's be honest—options brokerages vary. The first task of any commercial organization is to make a profit. Another question is how to get this profit? You can do it honestly by receiving spreads and commissions, as many Forex brokers do. Or you can be dishonest, for example, by not bringing traders’ transactions to the real market and pocketing their deposits.

Today, more and more companies (yes, almost all companies) operate as honestly as possible. Yes, there are moments that clients can regard as fraud, etc., for example, high commissions or opening a demo account only after replenishing a real one. But all these points are spelled out in contracts and are legally legal. Another thing is that the client today is picky - he wants 100% guarantees, low commissions, and high payments by winnings, and much more. Therefore, there have been and will continue to appear bad reviews about Forex and binary options (BO) brokers on the Internet. Our task is to pass them through common sense and separate the wheat from the chaff, as the Bible says.

Let's look at whether it is possible to make money on binary options and how to do it.

Binary Trading Basics

After simple registration, the trader is faced with the question - what next? What to trade? The 60 and 120 second turbo options seem so tempting. After all, the profit will be in 1-2 minutes!!! We enter into a trade and lose the bet. “It can’t be, it’s an accident!” - we tell ourselves, increasing the bet and buying the upside option again. But this bet also loses.

This continues for several bets in a row until we lose our small deposit of $100. We are perplexed: “Well, how can this be, the market should have gone up!” And the price treacherously turns around and actually goes up. But for us it doesn’t matter anymore...

Something like this can be seen when a newbie trader starts trading binary options. And the understanding that for a stable profitable trading you need a good trading strategy, endurance, the use of strict money management, etc., which comes later. In some cases - never. And then the trader quits trading, labeling him “This doesn’t work, it’s a scam!” on the broker and trading itself. But all that was needed was a little patience and understanding.

The first step of a trader is choosing the right trading strategy. Don’t rush to chase turbo options – there’s a rush and thirst here fast money can play a cruel joke on you. Leave aggressive turbo options to more experienced colleagues, and try trading long-term options yourself - 15 and 30 minutes. There is no need to rush here; if you have correctly identified the trend, then in such segments we will get an advantage and good price movement.

Next, you need to decide on money management, limiting risks and potential losses. What is the minimum bet size you require? What is the maximum? Should I increase my bet after a loss? You should get answers to these questions before trading, not during it.


It would seem that now you can sit down and trade! But no – first we need practice on a demo account. “What demo account? – you say. Let's start trading with real money!” And you will be wrong.

How else can you hone your trading skills using your chosen trading strategy without risking your own money? By practicing on a demo and getting a stable positive result for at least a week, better than two, we can be sure that a similar result will be in real life. More precisely, in real life it will be more difficult, because we understand that we are playing with our own money and can lose it. But if we got good results in the demo, then at least we chose an excellent strategy! Then all that remains is to repeat this with real money.

Therefore, we can recommend you the OlympTrade broker as a company that provides a free demo account. There is also an interesting point that is perfect for traders with small deposits - the broker allows you to open trading accounts in rubles at the rate of 30 rubles = 1 $.

We hope we have answered main question articles: “Is it possible to make money on binary options?” And there is only one answer - yes, of course you can! You just need to plan your actions and stick to the plan. Good luck, and remember that the profitability of trading depends very much on

To win on binary options, it is not enough to simply register your personal account or even study the features of the trading platform. Any business always begins with a thought, so in order to play, and most importantly, make money on binary options, you should realize that this is not entertainment at all. This is a job that requires desire, certain knowledge, patience and prudence.

What you need for successful trading

Has anyone won on binary options? Of course, you can not only earn extra money, but also make trading your main way of earning money.

It is difficult to imagine fruitful work without developing your own trading tactics and trading strategy. What strategy should a beginner follow, who does not yet fully understand the theory of this issue, does not know the terminology well, but already dreams of getting something from working in the stock market?

Now there are many trading methods, but which of these many will really help and generate income? How to win on binary options consistently? There are also automatic trading bots, how effective are they?

How to play binary options and win

Where should a new trader start? Is it possible to win on binary options? To begin with, it is worth understanding that it is indeed possible to win on binary options. And this could very well become a permanent income. How to win on binary options? Here are some tips for newbies in the stock market:

Secrets of a successful strategy

Is it possible to win on binary options? Of course, all the more often it’s not a matter of natural flair and intuition, but a correctly chosen strategy. What is a successful strategy:

  1. It is necessary to choose the right analysis tools and study exit points.
  2. Know the rules of money management.
  3. Understand human psychology.

Let us once again highlight what is needed to win on binary options:

  1. Constantly improve and do not rely on luck alone.
  2. Choose the right broker, analyze it, switch to another platform if necessary.
  3. Make profitable trades by adhering to your strategy.

Method of making a profit

The market price is constantly moving, so how can you win given the constantly changing direction of the price? Let's see how to win in binary options Olymp Trade:

  1. First, we focus on a volatile trading instrument with optimal reward. The EUR/USD currency pair is perfect, as it will allow you to get a profitability of about 85-90% in Olymp Trade. For optimality, it is better to switch the price chart to the 1m time frame, so that each candle corresponds to 1 minute.
  2. Now we select the trend movement; this can be done through indicators, for example using Exponential Moving Average. An indicator is a graphical result of your calculation that helps determine a trading signal.
  3. To earn income on binary options using this indicator, you should make transactions in daytime days in Moscow, when European markets are also open. You can find out exactly about this in the company’s “Schedule of Trading Sessions” section. Here are the most common trading sessions: The European session opens at 9 am and closes at 17:00 Moscow time. The American trading session is open from 15:00 to 21:00 Moscow time.
  4. How to win 60 seconds on binary options? After the analysis, you can make a conclusion based on the following conditions: instrument - currency EUR/USD; movement of the position - up or down (in the direction of the EMA slope); option price - minimum $1; expiration duration - 1 minute after purchasing the option; return on the asset is 85%.

Instructions for trading binary options

It may be better for beginners to trade at night, when popular trading sessions end and the market becomes relatively calm, the price in such conditions rotates in a narrow range. After active sessions, the most sought-after players also leave. So what should you do? Here are the instructions:

  • open the chart when the stock market has become calm;
  • select the EUR/USD pair (or any other);
  • Now we determine the range, look at which segment the price was in today;
  • a pair of parallel lines should appear on the graph;
  • we wait for new highs and lows to appear on the chart, creating the price corridor we need;
  • it is on this basis that the decision to enter into a transaction must be made;
  • as soon as the price touches the bottom mark on the chart and goes up, you need to buy an option; if the price touched the upper mark and went down - sell.

This tactic is best used at short intervals of 10-15 minutes; with this timing, you can make 4-7 entries into the market.

Arithmetic of income on a binary option

Most likely, the price will continue to rise in the direction of the trend, which will allow you to win on binary options in 60 seconds in the amount of about $0.90 (from a bet of one dollar). After receiving income, you again need to look at the live chart, evaluate the slope of the EMA and think about whether it is worth buying the binary option again or waiting for a more pronounced trend in the market.

There are times when the market suddenly changes its direction and the trader receives losses, then after closing the option, you need to purchase a new one, but at a price of $2. We do not change the time until expiration and the terms of the contract. Now the probability of winning has become greater, you can get about $3.7, which is enough to pay off your previous failure and receive new income. This is one of the trading strategies.

What to do if the deposit goes negative

What if the second position also failed? Does this mean that nothing more will come of it?

Once again, it is possible to win on binary options; it only requires time and certain skills. If the second bet fails, you should purchase a third option with the same indicators, but for $5. Remember, if the price goes down, this means a quick turn towards growth. This method promotion to average price will allow you to recoup your expenses and get net income.

This method is used not only on binary options, but also on many other trading platforms. This strategy will allow you to make a profit at the very beginning of your working path.

Pros of binary options

In conclusion, I would like to answer the question that worries many newcomers in this field: “What is better - Forex or options?” In terms of their functionality, they are really similar; anyone can make money here; to do this, you just need to familiarize yourself with the theory. So what are the advantages of a binary option:

  • in fact, the trading process here comes down to pressing a couple of buttons, which greatly facilitates the work process;
  • after a couple of days of fruitful work on options, the principle of its operation automatically becomes clear, while other platforms can spoil you with not entirely pleasant surprises;
  • options do not greatly affect the trader's budget;
  • here you only need to open positions, there is no need to close them, which significantly saves time.

Let us remind you that if you want to consistently win on the binary options market, then you should not play a guessing game; you must immediately set yourself up for serious work and prepare for it using one of the strategies. Experienced in this issue people go further, having mastered several methods at once, and use them together for greater results in trading.

Numerous proposals to give money for algorithmic trading (in anything - stocks, currencies, oil, derivatives, etc.) fly past me in paper, electronic, verbal and maybe not tactile form.

The proposals are different - illiterate and very accurate, with or without a proven successful history, for retail and for large clients. IN reverse side Investors’ opinions fly past me - from “how cool this is” to “the scammers are spamming again.”

Due to my line of work, I am well aware in general about investment management and in particular about algorithmic strategies - maybe it’s time for me to speak out about homeopathy, astrology, and investment algorithms.

The investment market is huge and there are a lot of players on it - just like in nature. Regarding real values, investing is a game with a very small positive sum (formed by the flow of part of the income from real business to the markets in the form of payment for the capital provided by the markets), in which participants redistribute mainly what they brought to the market among themselves, not forgetting to pay tribute to banks, brokers, lawyers, tax authorities, scammers, etc.

That is, translated into butthead language, the vast majority of players simply give their capital to more skillful and adaptable ones, or to crooks. Decades of experience and billions of dollars have of course given many players the opportunity to adapt to the market environment and adapt markets - just as in nature, some grew teeth, others grew claws, others became very fast, others became very large, and others died.

Who are these surviving champions?

These are insiders. These are large intermediaries, global players who are able to see flows and get ahead of them with their actions. These are pirate teams consisting of professionals of the highest class, with decades of experience and nerves of steel, who do not even see - they feel the quality of this or that investment, simply because they have already observed something similar on the market more than once.

These are monsters who are able to invest more than others, conduct on-the-spot analysis using dozens of analysts and experts, come to an agreement with those who determine policy, organize market manipulations, forcing the crowd to go in the right direction. Finally, these are those who managed to build technologies that guarantee them to be ahead of other players - the most powerful servers, unique processors, programs that notice arbitrage opportunities before anyone else and react to them before anyone else.

These “technologies” cost hundreds of millions of dollars simply because they are constantly getting faster - in this case, the first one gets everything, the second one loses. And yet, even all these champions consistently earn numbers that are unimpressive to the average person.

The best (if measured over, say, a 10-year horizon) show 11-12% per annum. Normal, cautious and smart - 7-8% per annum, but much more stable. It’s quite good if an investor receives 4-5% per annum - he still beats the market and inflation with a margin.

Oh, yes, of course there are those who receive any income, at least 1000%, at least 1000000%. These are the ones who won the jackpot and accidentally hit the bull's eye. Once. Twice - not excluded by probability theory, but has not occurred in nature. But if we talk about stable indicators, then those showing 15% per annum on a reasonable horizon (the same 10 years) simply do not exist.

With the rare exception of those who (a) received an accidental excess profit 1 time and have not eaten it since then (well, let’s say, they took Apple with their leverage at the right moment), or (b) stood in a position quite stupidly, and this position grew (for example, if you took RTS in the fall of 2008 and lived until the end of 2013). In neither case is there either art or technology - there is luck.

What is algorithmic trading if it is not based on technology worth hundreds of millions of dollars? Especially if it also brings or promises to bring the notorious “5% per month”?

Fraud? Sometimes. But not always.

Sometimes it's just a "survivorship bias". The kids gather who have studied a mathematics course at a technical university and used their $5,000 to trade shares in BCS. And they decide to start algorithmic trading. Some people believe in their genius due to lack of knowledge; some due to self-confidence, which is normal for a protracted childhood; someone got lucky while trading in BCS and believed in their star.

They write slow robots (no equipment, ordinary channels), configured for simple algorithms (and where can they get complex ones given their training and experience) - they mainly trade on divergences of pairs with stable covariance, factor recognition of trends, search for simple patterns, etc.

Hundreds of groups of such kids gather every year, fortunately universities produce techies and economists, there is little use for them, and today in Russia almost every intelligent teenager from large city 25 years old, and there are many brokers ready to connect them to their platform, both in Russia and in the world - casinos are always a profitable business.

Their trading strategies are essentially white noise, with a small portion of long positions relative to the market, and a sauce of short-term patterns, which they correctly find using regression analysis(only these patterns “creep away” before our eyes). But according to the law of large numbers, their results will be distributed quite randomly, half in plus, half in minus. In the first year, half will suffer losses immediately and for the most part will “merge” from the market.

Thirty percent will make a small profit and decide that they are on the right track and will look for new algorithms. Twenty percent will receive a decent profit and will believe in their genius.

Next year the ratio will be the same - as a result, after 2 years there will be 4% of those who made a huge profit for two years, 6% of those who made a huge profit in the first year and a small one in the second, 6% of those who made a small profit in the first year and huge in the second, and finally 9% of those who received a small profit in both years.

After the third year, we will still still have about 2% who either made very high profits all three years, or made small profits in the first year and very high profits in the second and third. These will walk around with halos and sell themselves left and right, completely sincerely.

If in the first year 300 teams entered the game, then in three years there will be no less than 6 such great teams. About 15 more teams will be added to them with more modest, but also good results, they will also sell themselves.

If we assume that 10% of those who entered the game are scammers, then on top of these 21 groups of those who are sincerely mistaken, we will have another 30 groups falsifying their results and claiming that everything is fine with them, and also collecting money. In total, every year we add approximately 51 groups of algorithmic traders who sell their services to clients. Please note that more than 40% of the “successful” people really believe in their success.

What will happen to these groups a year later (that is, what will happen to your money if you gave it to any of these groups)?

Half of the honest ones and all the scammers will receive losses for you - your chance of making money with a team selling you their three-year successful experience is approximately 20% (in total, let me remind you, there are 51 of them; only half of the 21 teams that are not scammers will bring you profit).

Your chance of making big money is approximately 8% (20% of 21 teams from total number offering in 51). Your chance of earning big money 2 years in a row is already less than 2%.

Your chance of earning 10 years in a row with such guys is approximately 1/1024 if we talk about any income and 1/10000000 if we're talking about about large incomes every year.

And within the algorithmic trading ecosystem there is Difficult life, which makes your chances even lower. In particular, some “geniuses” are converted into scammers upon receiving their first losses. They cannot come to terms with losses, and therefore for a long time they sell “results for a selected period” or “three-year average”, for example +60%, +80% and -90% become not 1.6*1.8* 0.1 = 0.29 (that is, 71% loss), and (0.6+0.8-0.9)/3 = 16.7% per annum, which they present as their sustainable result.

Fraudsters are also improving: in addition to simple period sampling, fake reports and artificial transactions to change the result, for example, they open two accounts with opposite strategies, and show an official report on the account that earns money this year.

Managers crave high commissions and are quite calm about the quick departure of a client who has lost money - he still paid during the investment, and another lover of free windfalls will take his place.

Those who use two opposite products at the same time simply divide their assets in their minds into two - one half brings huge commissions and generates new clients, the second half simply loses clients; in the next period they change places.

The question arises: is it possible to make money by transferring money to such a team? The answer is yes. You can earn more than one year. Out of 1024 teams, 1 team must generate profit for 10 years in a row. If “your guys” bring you profits for 10 years in a row, it means somewhere nearby at least 1023 investors have lost money. What is the probability of earning money in year 11? 50%.

Another question arises - is it really impossible to assume that suddenly in a Moscow (St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod) apartment there will be a genius who will build such an algorithm, well, just a developed algorithm, that he will earn big money in the markets, and all his clients will be happy, and Are all non-customers unhappy? The answer is no, and here's why:

First, markets are largely random processes in which the deterministic component is (a) small and (b) carefully studied by thousands of powerful players.

Whatever the algorithm, you can’t argue against a random process, which is why all real “algorithmics” do not predict the future, but catch microscopic discrepancies - between an index and the basket that makes it up, between the cost on different sites, between an asset and a combination of derivatives that recreates the income profile of the asset.

These discrepancies are born and die within nanoseconds - because hundreds of large players are waiting for them and catching them as soon as they appear. You don’t have mega-equipment - rest, all arbitrage opportunities will be taken away a few nanoseconds before you wake up.

But what if we were wrong - and there is still a pattern hiding somewhere in the markets?

This is where “secondly” comes in.

What is the probability that hundreds (thousands!!!) of numerous teams with Nobel laureates in the composition, burdened with expensive equipment and dozens of years of individual experience, did not discover such a pattern, but a genius discovered it? What resources does this genius have? Where and how does he get time series data that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to acquire and maintain?

On what computer does he calculate them? - for minimal reasonable calculation, mainframes are needed.

I don't want to say that the probability of this is exactly zero, although the number of discoveries in modern science done on the knee - exactly zero. But even if it is equal to one thousandth, and the probability of making money with a random investment is 50%, then I cannot distinguish 50% from 50.1% - if you want to believe in a genius, consider that the probability of a positive outcome of investing in a product of local algorithmic traders is 50.1 %. Oh, don't forget that they will take 2% for management and 20% for income, and broker commissions will range from 0.5 to 3%.

It is more profitable (statistically) to throw darts at the Bloomberg system screen.

Well, “thirdly”. Suddenly a pattern was found and it works. What happens if you start using it? In the market, right on the exchanges, there are robotic strategy analyzers, engaged in identifying visible patterns. There are already many of them and there will be even more.

A successful strategy will be immediately caught, enough data will be collected on it, deciphered and copied, and finally applied by large players who are engaged in the cultivation and selection of strategies. They will be faster and will eat up your profit from the moment of decryption to zero.

Moreover, their actions will change the market, the pattern will stop working - in the market, as in the quantum world, observing already means changing, and investing means changing everything.

Where do happy investors, successful local algorithm managers, adherents and apologists, hundreds of posts and articles glorifying successful algorithms come from? This is where expensive homeopaths, chiropractors, Tibetan medical practices and even folk omens come from.

Their father is human psychology (the ability to remember only what corresponds to desires, the ability to accept randomness as a pattern, the willingness to believe logical arguments, even if they operate on an absurd basis, the tendency to ignore facts that go against our desires, etc.).

Their mother is human greed: if you tend to make mistakes, rest assured - there are many who will make money from it. Their nanny is the asymmetry of managers’ incomes: whether you earn or lose, the manager is always in the black.

There was a story about a Georgian obstetrician-gynecologist who invented a special method for ensuring the desired gender of an unborn child. He was so honest that he only took money from parents if the child’s gender matched their wishes. You can’t imagine how many parents were grateful to him!

What am I talking about? Yes, I just remembered...

Part 1. Background

I first heard about the Forex market back in 2010. Then my older brother signed up for a trading course and told me a lot about the basics of currency exchanges, Japanese candlesticks and people who made fortunes from it. In those early years, I was not at all interested in the market, and somehow I had no thirst for easy money. And all these terms like Japanese candlesticks, margin, leverage, sounded like white noise to me. But my brother confidently attended classes, watched video lessons and tried to trade on a demo account, and then on a real account. At the end of the courses, the academy opened a real account for each student with $100 in it. For overclocking, so to speak. According to the brother’s stories, half of his “colleagues” lost these deposits very quickly. And, as the teachers said, this typical mistake newbie, everyone goes through this. Time will pass, and you will learn risk management, and money will flow, if not like a river, then at least in a stream, enough for sausage sandwiches. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Time passed and my brother’s ardor somehow faded. He almost lost his 100 dollars, and, unfortunately (and as it turned out later, to great happiness), there was nothing to replenish the deposit with. And so his trading career ended. But he left the market without understanding whether he could make money there. One of his St. Petersburg friends, inspired by his brother’s stories, also started trading, but it was difficult to say whether it was successful or not, because his words were: “I seem to be earning something, but then I lose it all again” (oh how often I heard this phrase later ).

A couple of years passed, and the idea of ​​easy money from jumps in exchange rates was crawling somewhere in the subcortex of my brain. In 2012, my friend told me that his friend was sitting at home and making his living and mortgage on the Forex exchange. They say he opens a couple of well-thought-out transactions and lights up 500 bucks from each. Here we saw the first person actually making money on Forex. And the fire in our hearts burned. We started reading articles and watching video tutorials about what an exchange is and what trading terminals exist. Terms fell on our heads like out of a bucket - margin, leverage, indicators, orders, etc. But it was even funny, because we felt that this was the beginning of our careers as millionaires. We registered demo accounts and began to master trading.

Naturally, at first everything was unclear, some arrows, graphs and numbers. But after a couple of weeks, we got used to it and felt like fish in water. There was only one thing - even on demo accounts we had no profit. But an excuse was quickly found - with the candy wrappers of a demo account there is no risk and no fear, it’s time to switch to real money. We quickly looked through the tops of the best brokers and chose the appropriate option. And we deposited into our first accounts, as expected, $100 - the minimum deposit. Well, trading began, and our expectations were justified; with real money came fear and a sense of responsibility. At the moments of opening the first real transactions, my hands were shaking as if in a traffic police exam. But with real deposits came another factor, the most dangerous and insidious. A factor that has caused millions of people to lose everything in their lives. The factor that causes families and even lives to collapse is EXCITATION! And no matter how much I thought of myself as an objective, sensible person and not subject to excitement, I succumbed to excitement. And its destructiveness lies in one simple thought: “Now I’ll invest more in this deal and not only will I get rid of all the minuses, but I’ll also double the deposit.” This thought ruins all risk management plans, strategies and techniques. And no matter how many articles I read about how to develop a system and strictly act on it, nothing worked for me. Sooner or later the excitement took its toll. You can, of course, say that I’m so small-minded and spineless, but, unfortunately, I’m not the only one. And so far in my life I have never seen a person making money on Forex, except... a broker!

As a result, like all newcomers, we lost our first deposits. But, again, this was expected, because this is a “standard error”. And since the error is standard, it means we are moving along the beaten path to enrichment and heavenly life. We need to work on our mistakes. And to work, you need funds. So we added a second batch of money to our deposits. Well, what can you do with 100 dollars, we poured in 500. Well, so that we could immediately recapture those 100 and earn new ones. By the way, there were times when 500 grew to 600 and it was really nice. But then they turned into 400, 300 and melted from deal to deal. We promised ourselves that it was time to reduce trading volumes to reduce risks. One simple factor prevented us from doing this - the painfully familiar EXCITATION. After all, every time it seemed like this was the deal of my life and now I would invest everything in it, and how the market would jerk in the right direction. But he always tore in the opposite direction, taking with him the remnants of our deposit. Second deposits were approaching zero.

And then we started thinking, is it really possible to make money on the Forex market?

Part 2. How we got rich with gold

As I already said, our second deposits were coming to an end, and we decided to understand what was the reason for our troubles. We identified the reason quite quickly - the wrong trading strategy. Like all new traders, we traded haphazardly. Yes, we had some tactics, but, succumbing to the excitement, we forgot about everything and rushed after the rapidly departing schedules. The fast movements of the market drove us crazy, afraid of missing out on big profits, we rushed into transactions. This behavior is even described in many smart articles and is called “Jumping on a departing train.” And the fact that our behavior in Once again fits the classic definition of beginner’s mistakes, it only confirmed that very soon we will become seasoned pros and start earning decent money.

But the leaked amount of almost $600 no longer seemed trivial to us, and we decided to slow down a little. We switched to very small transaction sizes and tried to open strictly according to the system. And, in general, something even worked out. Only the profits were completely boring. From deposit balances of about $100, we earned 1-2 two dollars per transaction, which could last more than one day. This situation upset us, because at this rate it will not be possible to return the old deposits soon.

And we decided to turn to our friend for help, the same one who, sitting at home, earns money on the stock exchange both for a mortgage and for a living. His answer was simple and clear - you are trading the wrong pairs. Ditch this Eurodollar and switch to gold trading (XAU/USD). But there was only one significant drawback in trading gold - minimum amount the deal is $125, and you also need a little drawdown. In general, our deposits were not suitable for gold at all, and somehow we didn’t want to put new money on them from our own wallet. However, we added a gold chart to our terminals and began to look at it regularly. The figures there were painfully beautiful, and the intensity of the traffic really inspired hope for a quick profit.

After a couple of weeks, we felt ready! It seems that the deposits have stopped melting and we have somehow begun to control ourselves. We have developed our own systems, graphs and arrows, almost like a pro. We gathered our strength and deposited another $500. Well, it’s just that 125 was needed for one deal, and it’s not a fact that it will work, and the reserve was small. And we went to trade for gold. I remember that we certainly had enough adrenaline. Opening a trade where each pip costs $1 was cool. With each market movement, the numbers in the terminal changed in a childish way. The most interesting thing is that we had positive trades, and the fact that the cost of one point was high made the profit very significant. We closed a couple of deals for +$200. Second interesting fact that gold really lends itself well to analysis. It worked especially well on strong lines. True, there was one thing - the chart approached strong lines no more than once a month, but I always wanted to trade. But we controlled ourselves, placed pending orders and waited for juicy deals.

And life would be honey if everything depended on us. After some time, we saw that gold does not always follow strong lines; sometimes it simply breaks through them and rushes to stop losses, taking away our money. Succumbing to the same EXCITATION, we rushed after the schedule, changing trades to the opposite ones. But this, as you know, is bad practice and we lost the deposits. Moreover, we merged them very, very quickly, rushing into one or another adventure. And what’s most interesting is that in all this fuss, you begin to get tired of losing and stop feeling that you are losing real money. Your own, which you recently transferred from your own wallet to the broker.

At the moment when the margin call hit our accounts, we were so exhausted that we were even generally glad that it was finally over and we didn’t have to worry anymore. We firmly decided to leave the Forex market and all these ventures for easy money. Even though we saw positive trades and even closed them. Despite the fact that we, our friend sits at home and makes a living for himself with a couple of transactions, and we work hard at our jobs and there are no prospects for a carefree future.

Is it possible to quit Forex? Is it possible to just leave it one day and never return?

Part 3. How the trading assistant helped us drain the deposit

After a couple of months without Forex, my hands began to itch a little. The resentment from the loss faded away, and those same profitable trades and big candles on gold did not give us peace. After all, there were successful transactions, and they were opened according to our system, when all the facts were clearly planned, and entry into the transaction was carried out only if there were signals. So what then was the reason for our defeat? Why did we leave defeated? And all the forums and books unanimously repeated that the market does not forgive mistakes, that 90% leave with nothing precisely because I trade haphazardly. And only 10% of real pros actually earned their millions on the market.

And then we came across one interesting phrase“The one who walks will master the road.” We have used this phrase more than once in a humorous version: “The road will be mastered by the one who walks, who goes to...”. One way or another, it became our motto. But really, all our troubles are just thorny path to the laurels. And only cool-headed traders who are able to learn from mistakes are able to reach the end. And off we went. But how can we learn to be cool-headed? How can you stop giving in to temptation and trade strictly according to plan?

The answer came as an inspiration - I need to write an assistant. After all, it is a cold-blooded machine that will be able to objectively assess the situation on the market without succumbing to panic and excitement. Almost all modern terminals have built-in programming languages, and we, by the way, are programmers by profession. The idea was innocent - to write an assistant that would evaluate the market based on a number of factors and tell us whether to open a deal or not. We tried coding for a week. We read the specifications, looked at the examples - everything became clear. The assistant was written quite quickly. I will not go into details of our system, but it assessed the chart at different periods and highlighted interesting points at which, in our opinion, trading began.

The assistant test began, which was very successful. Yes, there were a lot of mistakes, but more than 70% of the decisions were correct. We worked on demo accounts for now, because our real accounts were at zero. In the process of writing the assistant, we saw another important advantage in it - it can work around the clock, it’s also a machine. Here we decided to entrust all trading to him. We added it with the function of opening a deal and started testing it. Again, almost all terminals have access to price history and are able to evaluate the effectiveness of the assistant based on history. The results of the assessment amazed us. Income from transactions was up to 1000% of the deposit per month. True, this was just a story, but we tested it over a long period and the results inspired confidence. Having debugged a number of system parameters using history, we decided to launch the assistant in real time. True, it’s still on a test account.

A couple of weeks of tests showed nothing. The profit was zero, but there were no losses either. We quickly found an excuse - the market is sluggish now. The market was indeed sluggish during this period. We decided not to torment ourselves, otherwise we would suddenly miss all the action with this demo account - we replenished the deposits and launched the assistant on the real account. They set him the minimum transaction size and set him free to sail. He swam for about a month. The market behavior was completely different from history. Although all the forums and textbooks unanimously repeated the golden rule of trading: “history repeats itself.” Yes, for some reason it didn’t happen again. The robot traded, opened a bunch of deals, but we didn’t see a 1000% growth.

Probably the phrase “Third deposits were drained” is now expected. We allowed the assistant to drain only half of the deposits, then we cut his wires. There were 250 bucks left in our accounts. Meanwhile, gold was approaching a very strong line. Well, the EXCITATION took its toll and we decided to recoup all the lost money with one deal. They placed orders and began to wait. The orders, by the way, worked as expected. And we went into profit. We immediately reached $500. But they didn’t stop there; they began, as they wrote in the textbooks, “Milk the market until last straw" But the market milked us faster.

The third deposits were lost. But the mistakes are still the same - succumbing to excitement, we deviated from the plan. Although sometimes history simply did not repeat itself, and the market ignored all the lines and went about its business. Is the market amenable to analysis or is it influenced by random fundamental factors that disrupt all traders’ plans?

But the main question that began to interest us: “Are there people who made money on the Forex market?”

Part 4. Are there people who have made money on the Forex market?

We actually studied this question at the earliest steps, and the answer was obvious - YES! But we began to search more carefully. There are a lot of stories on the Internet about this trader and that one, here they are, these lucky ones. And, reading their stories, we saw how they started, how they made all the same beginner mistakes. There's a German grandmother who, in retirement, sat down at the terminal and made a fortune. Well, yes, it seems there are such people on the Internet. What about in life?

We turned to our old friend with a mortgage. The truth amazed us - so far he has not earned anything, but only lost 200 thousand!!! His wife pays for the mortgage, and he does part-time work, and puts everything he earns on deposit, in the hope of making up for the minus. Before this, he was simply ashamed to admit his failures, they say, they would think he had to be crazy to lose such money. That’s how it is, in general. Although, in his opinion, he has not lost them, he is still in the process of understanding the market, and big profits are already on the horizon.

My brother’s friend from St. Petersburg abandoned this business a couple of years ago, saying, “he earned something, but then lost it all.” It turns out that everything real people, with whom you can talk - did not earn anything. On the Internet on forums, people boast that they have been trading for years and very successfully, but in neighboring threads these same people say that they open at a minimum, because the deposit is close to zero. A bit strange for a millionaire.

After analyzing the entire Forex market, I came to a number of contradictions:

1) If it’s easy to make money in the market, as brokers say it is, why don’t they just trade themselves? After all, why should they collect these crumbs in the form of interest on transactions, when they themselves can spin millions there and earn millions. But brokerage companies employ hundreds of employees.

2) Why would someone who has developed his own unique trading system that brings stable income, share it with others? And not just sharing, but also trying to conduct paid seminars for 100 rubles per participant. And some even offer to send CDs by mail for 200 rubles. This is a bit petty for a millionaire, don’t you think?

3) Why should people who have written a successful assistant that brings in 1000% per month post it online? After all, you are already a millionaire, why create competition?

4) Why does a person who considers himself a pro and has been trading successfully for many years write on the forums questions: “Well, where will the market go? What are the forecasts? After all, you have a system and you are based on your proven signals, and not on the opinions of little-known people.

After analyzing my and others' experiences, I came to the following conclusions:

1) Yes, there are people who have made money on the Forex market, and these are the same brokers who collect interest from transactions and conduct paid seminars on “how to quickly lose your deposit.” Besides, I'm sure that most of them don't open your trade at all, but just keep the money in their accounts waiting for you to drain them. And you will merge them, because all these trading systems are nonsense.

2) People who say that they make money on the Forex market are in fact ordinary players in slot machines. They are simply addicted to EXCITATION and eager to recoup all their losses and hit the jackpot. It’s not for nothing that I highlighted this word in all articles. This is the same addiction as casinos and other long-proven addictions.

3) All these win-win systems are aimed only at ensuring that you quickly lose your deposit and, in the hope of returning what you lost, bring more and more money to the broker.

I described my experience only so that people who are going to or are already trading on the Forex market will analyze my words and try to understand that it is impossible to make money there. You won't be able to tame the market. The market is not subject to analysis or systems. Most likely, you will simply lose your deposit, and then the next and the next. Leave these ideas before it's too late. You will not be able to return money already spent.

Stop! Forex is a soulless machine that absorbs your earned money.

On the Internet, advertisements for binary options can be found literally at every step. Advertisers position them as a quick way to make money, where in just a few minutes you can double or even triple your investment. Is it so? In this article you will learn the whole truth about binary options: what they are, what they are for, whether you can really make money on them or is it still a scam. And most importantly, if you can make a profit from them, then in what way? Are there real strategies for making money on binary options?

Binary options - what are they?

Binary options are a type of Forex trading. You need to make a certain assumption about where the price will move at a certain point in time. If your guess is correct, then you are in the black, if not, you lose. That's all.

There is a connection here with playing in a casino or with sports betting.

Binary options transactions can be concluded on many financial instruments: currency pairs, stock prices and many commodities (oil, gold, wheat, cocoa and others). You choose the instrument you need and set the transaction time: from one minute to several months. If at the end of the specified period your transaction is completed, you earn money.

There are several types of binary options that can be used for trading. The most popular are the following:

Higher lower.

You choose how the current price of a financial instrument will change after a specified time interval. For example, on Gazprom shares. Now their price is 135 rubles per share. You buy an option on Gazprom shares for 1 hour and believe that the shares after this period of time will be worth more than the current price. In an hour, even if the price is only 1 kopeck higher than the initial level, you have won, i.e. earned. The winnings can be up to 90% of your investment.

It doesn’t matter how the price behaves during this period of time. It can fall far down, but by a given time, if it exceeds a given level, the win is yours.


It is necessary to determine which specified level (above or below) the price will touch during a certain time interval. If the price touches the level, you are in the black.

Let’s say at the current time the price for one ounce of gold is $1,600. The investor is supposed to choose which levels the price will touch in 1 hour:

$1625 – upper range

$1600 – current price

$1580 – lower range

Let's say you think that the price will go up and reach the upper level. You buy an option for $100. Indeed, the price reached the level of $1,625, but then turned around and went down. But the condition was met, the price reached the specified level. Your winnings will be 90% or $90. Quite good for just 1 hour.


If you believe that the price of the selected asset will remain within the specified range, select the “Range” option. Relevant for low-volatility instruments, the prices of which do not change that much over time.