Hello, dear readers! Many people need additional income, especially mothers who are in maternity leave. Therefore, to help with this issue, we have prepared for you a detailed and extensive article on the topic: work for mothers on maternity leave at home.

If you don’t have the time and opportunity for standard work, then you shouldn’t despair, you can always find work from home or temporary work ! At the same time, you will be able to give full care and attention to your baby😀, and work in free time.

In reality, there are a lot of well-paid vacancies and options for part-time work for mothers on maternity leave.

Even if you don't have experience or any special knowledge, finding a job is not as difficult as you might imagine. Believe me, there are plenty of opportunities for part-time work. no cheating and no investment !

How much income can mothers on maternity leave expect?
It’s quite possible to make money from 10 - 25 thousand rubles per month, devoting approximately 4-6 hours to work every day!

By the way, effective ways We also described how to earn money and work on the Internet!👈 Be sure to read!🙂

From the current article you will learn what specific professions can benefit mothers on maternity leave. good earnings and how to use useful and creative ideas to start your small home business.

  • Where and how to find work or part-time work for mothers on maternity leave?
  • How can you make money at home?
  • On what sites can you find work for young mothers?
  • How do scammers operate and how can you avoid falling for their bait?

You will definitely learn about this and many other important and interesting points from this article!

1. Earning money while on maternity leave at home - which line of work to choose?

There are a wide variety of ways for mothers on maternity leave to earn money. We will generally consider the most popular and proven ones!

For simplicity, we have identified 5 main options for earning money:

  1. Earning money on the Internet , or the so-called online work. There are even special sites for mothers to find jobs on the Internet. . By the way, here is one of such resources for you http://www.mamalancer.ru/vakansii. It has a lot of orders for female freelancers and a good forum for beginners ;
  2. Offline work , i.e. work offline, at home. For example, this could include official work as a call center operator;
  3. Earning money from home , associated with certain skills, talents and hobbies;
  4. Small business ideas , which are completely without investments or with minimal investment will allow mothers to earn money at home;
  5. Services and websites on the Internet , where you can earn money without experience or special skills. For example, one of the possible options is paid online surveys.

You will learn about all these directions and ways of earning money from this article and all you have to do is choose the most suitable one.

I would like to separately note that a woman can find her dream job on the Internet. Perhaps you have a talent for writing, then why not use it and become a commercial writer?

You can even create articles for websites, where they post materials on pregnancy, childbirth, and raising children and get paid for it by simply sharing their knowledge and experience.

For example, a friend of mine made money on maternity leave by writing articles (copywriting) for about 30-40 thousand rubles per month, at the same time there was plenty of time for the child, and there was still time left for cooking, cleaning... and for personal affairs!

The list of the most popular professions for women on maternity leave includes:

  • copywriting;
  • services of a nanny, hairdresser or makeup artist;
  • site administrator;
  • call center operator;
  • social media account manager;
  • manicurists
  • transcriber (translation of audio or video into text).

And this is far from full list what a woman with a child can do. There are simply a huge number of offers on the Internet. But our task is to select and select the best and most useful of them.

Remember that any activity requires diligence, and at the beginning of your journey, troubles may arise, sometimes disappointment and self-doubt may occur. But this is not a reason to give up. Everyone has gone through this at some point.

Be sure to believe in yourself and you will succeed!🙂

2. Cons ( — ) and advantages (+) of working for mothers on maternity leave

Working on maternity leave has its own positive And negative To make it easier for you to familiarize yourself with them, we have presented them in the form of a small table:

Pros (+) Minuses (-)
Free work schedule! The ability to stay close to your child and plan your own work time. Organization of working hours requires special self-discipline , which sometimes is simply not enough.
Lack of management. You are definitely not in danger of being fired - you are your own boss! You can't always count on high pay for your work.
The opportunity to find a job that will bring you not only money, but also pleasure! You can even start a business based on what you love to do! Woman experiencing double load . A small child constantly requires increased attention, and the work process can turn into real chaos. Therefore, there is no point in talking about special productivity.
There is no need to spend extra money on travel and food at work! You can actually save a fair amount of money on these things. There is also a possibility of encountering scammers , so you shouldn’t trust everyone, and it’s best to check the information that you receive. In such cases, you can protect yourself from negligent employers.

You can organize your time, but you need to try hard to do it. You can work at those moments when the child is sleeping and does not distract you from your work. As you can see, deleted work from home on maternity leave has its own specifics and features.

2. Where and how to find work/part-time work for mothers on maternity leave: the best sites and places to look for work + list of vacancies

We will tell you about the most popular places where young mothers can find work. These are not only sites on the Internet with remote part-time work, but also useful ideas that can bring you money.

After all, even a simple hobby (for example, cooking or knitting) will help you earn money while you are on maternity leave. Don't rush to take on everything. You can make a plan in a notepad and highlight the most suitable vacancies and part-time job options for you.

Jobs for young mothersgood opportunity spend your maternity leave time usefully, engaging in your self-development and earning money at the same time.

Site No. 1: Kwork

Website Kwork.ru quite an interesting resource suitable for making money. This is a dust-free job for moms on the Internet . You can get money on it simply by completing certain tasks.

The payment for the work is fixed and amounts to 500 rubles. You can place your advertisements there and wait for customers to respond to it.

What can you offer clients? First of all, this:

  • writing articles, notes, reviews for online stores,
  • posting advertisements,
  • administration of groups on VKontakte,
  • and many other simple things!😀

The site is not a freelance exchange, but, nevertheless, hundreds of new orders appear on it every day.

There are certain disadvantages, which is that you will not receive the supposedly fixed 500 rubles for your services. You will have to pay 100 rubles to the service for using its services.

But in principle, this resource can be called ideal for mothers on maternity leave, because without much effort you can earn from 400 rubles a day.

Site No. 2: ETXT Copywriting Exchange

Without any investment or deception, you can write articles on the site. This is one of the oldest text exchanges on the Internet. Thousands of tasks are posted on it every day.

At the same time, you can engage in rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting, write reviews, poems, congratulations, sell your photographs or original texts. This is a great place to work part-time while on maternity leave. .

The site has 16 service categories that you can provide to customers. Below are just a few:

  • cleaning and help with housework,
  • writing articles,
  • various virtual assistance,
  • promotions and events,
  • WEB design,
  • legal assistance,
  • beauty and health services,
  • tutoring.

Customers can independently determine the cost of the task and set their own price list. The contractor can always agree to the specified amount, or ask for more. The task is paid through a special service available on the website.

Site No. 5: Kadroff

Website " Kadroff"(www.kadrof.ru) is the optimal type of exchange for freelancing, on which various tasks are posted daily for people working remotely.

On this resource you can find orders for copywriting, SEO copywriting, rewriting, video transcription (transcription), and offer your services for writing poetry, congratulations, reviews and announcements.

There are also a variety of remote vacancies for working from home: designer, operator manager, text proofreaders... You can often find other easy-to-perform tasks that can be completed without special equipment. skills and experience.

Personnel - remote work vacancies for mothers on maternity leave - examples

Customers post their assignments, indicating the mailing address to which they need to send their resume or job offer.

The only downside of the site is that sometimes scammers appear there. How to check whether the customer is in good faith with you?

Just copy his address Email and paste the Google search bar. Freelancers have their own databases where you can track negligent performers and blacklisted clients.

Part 1. Work from home via the Internet

This part of the article will be devoted to remote work from home via the Internet, where we will present the 7 most popular vacancies for mothers on maternity leave.

Remote work on the Internet provides many advantages. First of all, it doesn’t matter to the employer whether you are on maternity leave or not. It is important for him to get a certain result at a specific time.

If you work remotely, you should always plan your time in case of unforeseen circumstances. After all Small child might get sick, then you definitely won’t think about your work.

Vacancy No. 1: Copywriter

Copywriter is a commercial writer who creates unique texts. You can work as a copywriter both with direct customers and with the help of exchanges, such as:

You can take on assignments for rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting. You can write articles on topics that are familiar to you, for example birth, care and upbringing of a child .

Copywriting is the preparation of unique and competent commercial texts for a website, and rewriting is the writing of texts based on existing sources. Well, SEO copywriting is the creation of original content including keywords.

Exchanges have different prices, but on average they start from 0.5 dollar per thousand characters . And for a mother on maternity leave, this is an excellent part-time job that does not require any cost or effort. The main thing is your desire to work, learn something new, and be a competent person.

Vacancy No. 2: Typist

There is another fairly popular type of work for moms on the Internet. . And this typing .

But is this kind of work really a reality or is it a myth? Is it possible to type texts and get paid for it?

Can! For example, when typing coursework texts, theses or retyping texts from handwritten or book materials. This kind of part-time job is good for young mothers. But it would be good to know at least general rules Russian language and not make mistakes.

How much do typists get paid?
Typing prices vary from 15 to 100 rubles for the reprinted article. Of course, you won't make a lot of money this way. But a good typist can get 8-15 thousand rubles per month .

You can find typing orders on copywriting exchanges or on job portals, for example rabota.yandex.ru or avito.ru. The following programs will be useful tools for you: Office Word and Adobe FineReader.

Vacancy No. 3: Translator

Can you translate texts? For example, if you know English well or German, then you can earn quite a good amount of money from transfers.

Translators are always in demand, their services cost from 120 rubles and above for a thousand characters.

As a rule, translations are required for technical texts, legal documents, commercial articles. Where to look for customers?

You can register on the copywriting exchange. For example, on the ETXT exchange you can always find good orders for transfers.

The cost of translation varies depending on the skill level from 30 to 250 rubles for 1000 characters. Over time, a professional translator with a good portfolio can earn up to 50-80 thousand rubles per month.

Vacancy No. 4: Performer of student works

While on maternity leave, you can also earn extra money by writing diplomas, term papers, and solving problems. Registration on a pretty good resource will help you with this “ Student24" The interface of the Student24 website is simple and clear.

What about the payment?
Different prices. For example, standard coursework costs from 1.5 to 4.5 thousand rubles depending on complexity and source material.

You can also find assignments for student work on stock exchanges, or if you wish, place your advertisement for help for students on the Avito website.

And don’t forget about tutoring, because you can improve the knowledge of schoolchildren in the Russian language or mathematics, because for this your experience, Skype and clients who can be easily found through advertisements are enough.

Vacancy No. 5: Call center operator

Job #6: Video blogger

Why not try the profession video blogger?🎥 This does not even require special knowledge or experience.

All you need is good camera, an interesting story for viewers and the ability to use the service YouTube. Such work for young mothers can be not only profitable, but also very interesting.

Of course, you can list a huge number of famous mothers on YouTube, but as an example we can give channel Tatiana Starikova (www.youtube.com/user/Tatiana12011991), in which a young mother shares the secrets of caring for children, her everyday life, shopping and relaxation.

Popular YouTube blogs earn quite a decent amount of money through advertising and affiliate programs.

By the way, you can also add affiliate programs here, which will bring additional money.

The only negative is that there is a lot of such content and it takes time to promote your channel. And you need to come up with something that will really hook viewers and make them subscribe to your channel.

However, do not be afraid of competition. Competition is quite normal and it means that the niche is in high demand! But trying is not torture, try, and maybe you will be able to become a famous and popular blogger.😀

Vacancy No. 7: Moderator for a public or group

💡 Surveys - how much do they pay?
Payment for one survey largely depends on the number of questions in the questionnaire. You can earn money for an “average” survey 40-50 rubles, with a time investment of 10-20 minutes.

Everything is simple here:

  1. you register on the survey site (preferably 4 or more) and fill out your profile,
  2. then emails with current surveys will be sent to your email,
  3. The email will contain a link to take the survey - you follow it,
  4. answer questions carefully and receive payment.

A simple way to earn money, but in a month you can earn quite a significant amount up to 4-6 thousand rubles . For mothers on maternity leave, surveys can be a good additional source of income!

Here are some great questionnaires:

Method 2: Comments and reviews

A slightly different option for making money on the Internet is comments and reviews. In this case, there are also no difficulties - you only need to write small reviews on websites and review pages about various companies, online stores...

For each such review or comment you will receive somewhere10-50 rubles !

Method 3: Social networks

Almost each of us is registered in at least one social network, in which we constantly communicate with our friends.

There are special online services(for example, my favorite -), on which advertisers order and pay various actions on the social network.

For example, join a certain community on VKontakte. For you, this is a “second” matter, requiring only one press of the button. So, by devoting a little time, you can earn some money without straining at all, which will at least be enough for your small expenses.

Method 4: Surf, clicks and views

The final way to make easy money on the Internet, which I would like to briefly talk about, is viewing promotional materials and clicks.

Typically, only sites and platforms that host advertising blocks make money from advertising. But now anyone can install in their browser ( website viewer) special plugin , which will not only show you advertising, but also charge you money for viewing it.

There are also special active advertising sites that will also allow you to earn a little money!

In detail the essence of such earnings with step by step guide set out in 2 articles: how to earn money without investments and.

So, we have reviewed the most current vacancies for mothers on maternity leave, and now we can give useful tips, which will allow you to earn more and enjoy what you love, while always being with your baby.

Often, scammers catch naive job seekers by offering to pay for employment or materials for work. Do not agree to this under any circumstances. labor legislation directly indicates that this is a violation of your rights.

Tip #2: Be wary of network marketing

There is no need to cooperate with dubious MLMs. Some network companies are even considered destructive sects, officially selling the same cosmetics.

Working in such a pyramid, you risk falling under more negative impact, and such work probably won’t bring money.

It makes sense to work only with proven and large network marketing companies!

Tip #3: Don’t rush to respond to the first job offers you come across

Always think about every step you take and don’t rush to plunge headlong into any job offered, because scammers are not asleep. Be sure to look for information about the organization on the Internet by typing its name or postal address into the search bar of your browser.

If you decide to make money using handmade products, then carefully study the preferences of customers. It's one thing to sell single-color bars of soap. self made, and another thing is to include coffee beans, flower petals and come up with unusual packaging.

Always use your imagination. Are you planning to sell knitted items? Then why not make an unusual wool coat or baby carrier instead of a standard sweater? You must surprise the client and attract them with your offers.

Be careful, because under the guise of an ordinary highly paid job (both on the Internet and offline) there may be hidden deception!

Such would-be scammers offer very high payments for simple work on the Internet in order to lure more “victims”. As it turns out later, in order to start work, you must pay a certain amount, for example, the so-called insurance fee (about 300-800 rubles).

Such scammers will do their best to convince you to pay this “small” fee, which, as they will claim, you will easily and completely “repay” on the first day of work.

As you understand, after payment there is no word from such “employers”!

Also, you should not believe various “super profitable” schemes, strategies and programs that allow you to quickly earn money (for example, by beating an online casino or guessing the lottery).

I want to tell you about real case fraud, which one of the readers of our magazine told us about.

The real story of fraud!
Olga came across the website freeworkl.ru, which offers remote work sorting and correcting documents. It would seem nothing unusual - work is like work!

For example, for simple sorting of documents, the site promises to pay about 850 rubles. Not bad!🙂

And for the usual filling of price lists from a ready-made source - they promise 600 rubles ! Besides this they promise instant payments at your first request. Not a job, just a dream!

As a result, Olga thought that she had found exactly the job she had been looking for for so long, and with a very high salary.

Having registered on the site, it turned out that to access the tasks you need to buy a monthly subscription for a “symbolic” fee in 240 rubles💰 .

Deciding that completing even one task would more than recoup all investments, Olga paid for the subscription, but “for some reason” the tasks were still unavailable.

She wrote to technical support, where they kindly explained to her that this moment monthly subscription is not available and a subscription fee is required for 3 months for 610 rubles !

Olga did not agree and decided to return her 240 rubles, but as it turned out, it was easy to return them impossible— the system does not process refunds, and technical support “unexpectedly” disappeared and does not answer any questions!

Therefore, be double suspicious of sites and people who promise you unique and “incredibly” profitable and tempting terms of cooperation!

Be vigilant and attentive, and do not trust the word of people you do not know (and especially don’t transfer money❗️).

5. Conclusion

Maternity leave time can be spent wisely, raising your child, working part-time in your free time and engaging in personal self-development. You can always find something you like, without breaking away from his main responsibility - be a good mom .

It is very important for a woman to realize herself in life as a mother, good wife and an experienced specialist. Engaging in new, exciting and income-generating activities opens up tempting prospects for new earnings.

The answer to the question “What job is suitable for mothers on maternity leave?” you can also find from the following video:

Also look very interesting video on the topic “What should a mother do on maternity leave?”, in which Maria Chudnaya shares her personal experience:

Part-time work during maternity leave will help not only improve your financial condition, but also take your mind off household chores, and perhaps even enjoy work.

We sincerely wish you success in finding your favorite job!

In our article, we tried to tell you as detailed and accessible as possible about work for mothers on maternity leave, so if the article was at least a little useful for you, share it on social networks with your friends and acquaintances!

Also don't forget to write comments and ask questions!

They say that difficulties unite. If this is so, then the creation of a mega-powerful community of maternity mothers is not far off. Dozens of problems, hundreds of doubts, thousands of everyday difficulties from the curious to those ready to plunge first-time parents into the abyss of despair. And one of them is lack of money.

And this is understandable. No matter how “tasty” a woman’s salary is, after a year and a half all that remains of it is a “tail”. How to live on 50 rubles a month is a rhetorical question. And the idea itself is from the realm of fantasy. Some people believe in little green men.

Business on the Internet - real, profitable, promising

But if little green men can only be seen in movies, then successful mothers are not at all uncommon. Most often, these are women who, while on maternity leave, felt an urgent need for self-realization. Some began to sew, knit and embroider, others remained in a professional rut and moved their work from the office to home, others focused on a new experience - raising children. In any case, a mother can make money on almost any topic if she has a computer and access to the Internet.

Method one. "Classic" information business

In a nutshell, information business is packaging and selling information. If mommy knows or can do something that others don’t know or can’t do, she can sell this information. What plays into our hands here, firstly, is that information is constantly becoming outdated. If in the 50s parents read Dr. Spock, today millions of mothers around the world put on slings, promote natural closeness with the child and trust their intuition more.

Secondly, the audience is constantly updated. At some point, when we have a certain set of knowledge, what we have learned before seems simple and self-evident. And what is complex and incomprehensible is what we do not yet know. A couple of years pass, and everything difficult becomes simple for us. And no one else understands these “obvious” things.

Third, modern man suffocating from the abundance of information. Finding a solution is not a problem. The problem is to find out “your own” from dozens, or even hundreds of possible solutions. That's why step by step diagrams“5 ways to decipher your husband’s notebook” or “7 exercises for maintaining universal calm when your child smears semolina on your evening dress” are gaining more and more popularity.

To start an information business you don’t need large funds or special skills. How to create a mini-site in an evening, how to “catch up” with the flow of visitors, how to organize your newsletter - free information from information business gurus is a dime a dozen.

Method two. Work blog

A work blog is as different from a regular blog as a car is from a pleasure bike. With the help of the first, they achieve their goals, with the help of the second, they get pleasure. The purpose of a work blog is not “monetization” with the help of advertising banners and contextual ads. Many blogs are already littered with them. When you hear about “giant” income from five-cent clicks, you get the impression that rare visitors, stunned by the flashing, begin to poke everywhere in search of a way out.

For those who plan to sell anything via the Internet (products, services, or themselves as a brand), a work blog is ideal. It is used as a platform for business, small or large, by many companies, both Russian and Western. A work blog is identical in structure to a corporate website, and in communication with clients it is close to a traditional blog. The most important thing is that the investment in its creation is limited by the cost of the domain and hosting. There is more than enough information on how to create your own blog on the Internet for free or paid. Choose - I don’t want to.

Method three. E-books

Absolutely anyone can write a book. If he writes well, he does it himself. If he speaks well, he dictates it into a voice recorder and gives it to him for transcription for 200-250 rubles for an hour-long recording.

Fortunately, gone are the days when the number of books published by one author was strictly limited. Today you can publish at least every month. Through a publishing house or samizdat – it’s your choice. If you don’t want to get involved with contracts and calculate royalties, then the electronic format of the book is available to absolutely anyone.

Mommies often choose to write an e-book, probably also because they feel in it " your soul mate". Just like a woman who juggles two dozen “urgent” and “extremely important” matters during the day, a book can perform not one, but several functions at once. Bring profit, attract clients, replace a salesperson and gain the status of an expert.

Method four. Online store

Unlike opening a real store, for which you need to find premises, invest in design, purchase goods, hire salespeople, train them and start breaking even in six months, you can open your online store in a couple of evenings. Without loans, without fabulous expenses and sitting with a cup of tea in the kitchen.

If an online store is opened by a company, for example, as a supplement to a real one point of sale, it invests in professional development, scripts and support. Such a site costs from 30,000 rubles. This scares off many handicraft mothers who have more than enough energy to produce, but they simply don’t know how to sell. You can rent an online store, even while maintaining your domain name without any tails or extensions. Or install a special plugin on the same blog on WordPress. It will make it possible not only to accept payments without opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but also to fully automate work with clients.

Method five. Conducting webinars and master classes

"Live" information always costs more. But in order to convey your unique knowledge to buyers or clients, there is no need at all to hand over the child to a dad who is stunned by the scale of responsibility and take a ticket to Uryupinsk. Webcam and microphone - and the whole planet is in touch with you.

You can recruit participants for an online seminar (webinar) either on LiveJournal, on a blog, or among mothers on the playground. The Internet is getting faster, children are going to bed later and later, and their knees are shaking less and less with each new session.

Method six. Coaching

In a nutshell, coaching is about helping you achieve your goals. For example, someone wants to climb Everest. And something stops him year after year. Either external reasons, or you don’t seem to want to anymore. And then it comes again... He gets tired of swinging back and forth like a pendulum, and he comes to a coach. So, they say, so, I want to go to Everest, and I don’t want to.

And the coach opens it like a tin can. Analyzes goals, explores reasons, motivates and helps overcome obstacles. And asks, asks, asks, asks questions. The more questions, the more answers that never even occurred to you before. A coach is a trainer who forces an athlete to achieve the highest results.

Every woman, to one degree or another, is a coach. Just like a coach, she cannot walk the path for her child, but she can help him do it himself.

Method seven. Consulting

Consulting is an opportunity to demonstrate your professional qualities with much greater impact than at work. Unlike a coach, a consultant does not help the client achieve a goal on his own, but does the work for him or with him. The consultant solves a specific problem and gets paid for a specific solution.

All these seven methods are nothing more than “modules”. Taking one thing as a basis, it is easy to supplement it with two or three more options from the list.

Only a few months, and yesterday’s inexperienced mother answered the sympathetic question “How are you with money? It’s probably tight?” can proudly answer: “Everything is great! I work for myself!”

Marya Novatskaya specialist in organizing and setting up your business while on maternity leave


I also somehow thought about remote work. Now I’m on vacation, doing the most rewarding thing, raising little man and create comfort in our family nest!)))
Probably, many young mothers face such a problem as routine. When it seems that every day is similar to the previous one, when you feel that you are missing out on something in life, when you want to realize yourself in something other than motherhood. After all, you still have so much strength and energy, so much creative ideas and impulses, so many grandiose plans and ambitions! In addition, sometimes you want to pamper yourself with a trip to the theater, a spa salon or shopping, not to mention traveling, but you don’t always have the money. And you don't know how to solve this problem...
One evening, as always before going to bed, while looking through the news on a well-known social network, I came across an article about a training on a friend’s page. I was immediately interested in what kind of “forge” this is for producing remote employees? In general, I completed the training and now I work remotely)) Here is my VK profile [link-1] If anyone is interested, write, I will definitely answer))
I realized...no, I realized that to achieve your goals, you need to take and act, and not just wish and dream!
I got employers, despite the fact that I had no experience in making money online!
Good luck everyone!

09/08/2014 19:28:33, Sarana 02/21/2014 14:43:41, Larisaa

Comment on the article "Seven real ways to make money while on maternity leave with your head or hands"

Before maternity leave, I earned well enough not to ask my husband for money; not many people confuse a joint budget with “I’m sitting on my neck with my legs dangling.” Before going on maternity leave also And if the husband earns a million, and the wife works on the housework big house with three...


Your husband just got insolent. Try not to buy him sweets and meat.

I have a husband who doesn’t mind if you explain why. For a long time I didn’t believe it either, I was offended, I thought I was greedy. But when I asked for a car, I bought a good one, although I was expecting a simple one. They just bought me a laptop, it was expensive, I set it up for half the price.
But he needs to understand the difference.
With a car, with a laptop, he understands - memory, screen resolution, processor, weight, case.
With hair - he doesn’t understand)
I didn’t understand the difference with childbirth, I was very offended...
With a fur coat, I didn’t understand why a fur coat is better than a down jacket.
Maybe yours isn't like that. I just shared my experience)

She is on maternity leave with her child, works from home, her husband has a business and office work. Everyone pays for their own wants, everything is common in the first marriage - this means that I earned money and put it in the nightstand or on my husband’s card, it was common money, it was spent together, but...


You better not think about them at all. That family is happy with this and you can’t convince them. You may be satisfied differently. But, believe me, it’s much better than her being on maternity leave, working, and her husband neither taking care of the child nor at work, and not helping in any way. And these options also suit some people. Live the way you like. A separate budget is not the worst thing.

Create a joint bank account, each with a card. Everything is transparent. Large expenses should be discussed in advance.

Maternity leave is a sick leave for 70 days, it is provided only to adoptive parents. During guardianship, sick leave is not required and no one will issue it. But care leave is provided for guardianship, and it is paid until the child is one and a half years old.


I realized that maternity leave is not provided under guardianship. Thank you!

You are definitely not entitled to sick leave, which is 70 days before the child turns 70 and paid at 100 percent; it is only for adoptive parents. Based on the guardianship decree, you can take parental leave for up to three years from the date of the decree. Until the child is one and a half years old, you will receive a benefit in the amount of 40 percent of earnings for the previous 2 years. But there are also minimum and maximum restrictions on this benefit.

01/14/2015 18:06:36, Accountant_

I’ll tell you my story about how I started making money on the Internet while on maternity leave. It’s simple - I made an advertising post for them, agreed with the admins in popular public pages on VK about advertising, made a report on the statistics after the advertising and received my money for...


Greetings! :) You gave very valuable information, Evgenia, but there is one big drawback here: the training, the link to which you provided, is impossible to watch either by subscription or by your link, for the simple reason that the video is limited access. Please correct this defect! I also do business on the Internet and missing out on such information is like a knife to the heart! Sincerely. Artemy.

Don't create competitors for yourself here. Run to make money on social networks. And don't tell anyone. Otherwise, we’ll all run over here now and rake your millions into our own pockets.)))))))) The majority here have the same level of literacy.

01/15/2014 21:52:13, FROM ME

How are you doing while on maternity leave? Here is someone “But I gave birth, I’m sitting with the baby and I understand that something is wrong with my head: I don’t want to go to work, I want to sit with And my son is 5 months old and good and calm and problem-free, and I wanted and love - stay at home and Rejoice. But the work is vain, you have to travel far...


What are you ashamed of? Your active character? They should be so proud! I myself, stuck at home with my child, would have died of boredom if I had not worked from the very first day after leaving the maternity hospital (fortunately, my profession allowed it). And with my second child, I took the transfer, which I was doing then, straight to the maternity hospital, otherwise the pipe would be full of sadness. Try to find a way to grow professionally until you return from maternity leave - read professional literature, communicate with colleagues, and perhaps a temporary break from work will help you look at it from the outside and you will see what can be optimized.

I know a lot of active women like you who, without work, become sour and wither. For all of us, there is only one way out - to find any way to work at home (I don’t mean washing floors, but working in our specialty). It will be hard. Very hard. But what a thrill it is to realize that you are raising a child and continuing to improve as a specialist! And then it will bring great fruits (I speak as a person who has gone through all this myself)! Now that my children are 13 and 11 years old, I am a freelancer and I earn more than I ever earned, working for my uncle in various educational structures. I wish the same for you!

During maternity leave, every day of a woman becomes similar to one another. After the baby is born, the mother devotes most of her time to him. As a result, life is limited to the house, playground and store, and the head is filled with songs and fairy tales. During maternity leave, many professional skills are lost, interests and social circles change. How can a woman on maternity leave not feel limited, cut out from life, financially independent and still manage to do everything?

How to make money while on maternity leave via the Internet

Attention! Using all the links that are posted in this article, you can go to sites and read detailed information about work (working conditions, rules). Read the instructions and recommendations. Also, if something is not clear, write to technical support and ask any question you have! Keep this in mind!

Many mothers doing household chores do not notice a wonderful assistant who can diversify their social circle, soothe the creative itch and allow them to earn some pocket money.

Only lazy people haven’t got a computer and the Internet at home, so if a woman is not one of those, it won’t be too difficult for her to earn money while on maternity leave. Of course, we are not talking about amounts that will allow you to provide for the whole family; for this you will have to work full time, which is absolutely impossible when you have a baby next to you who requires attention. But earning money for diapers, purees and other little things is quite a feasible task.

Pros and cons of making money on the Internet

Today there are many ways to make money on the Internet, but in general, such work has its pros and cons. Among the positive points we can note:

  • Working at home is certainly much more comfortable. You don't have to wake up to an alarm clock, rush to the other side of the city, jostling in the crowd, or stand in traffic jams.
  • You plan your own work schedule. No one will say whether you were late or left early. Of course, you will have to adapt to other people, but still the work schedule is more flexible.
  • Making money on the Internet is available to everyone, there are no age, gender or other restrictions. There are preferences in choosing a performer of work, but they are few.
  • The opportunity to combine earning money on the Internet with your hobbies.
  • For a woman on maternity leave, the Internet is a good resource for creating automatic additional income in the future, when she already returns to work. This includes income from websites or blogs.
  • Many people choose to make money on the Internet only because they do not want to work for someone else. Here you can choose what interests you, no one will force you into the strict framework of fulfilling the plan or monthly reports. Your income directly depends on your hard work, talent and Internet speed.

Every business has its negative aspects:

  • Some people, in order to start working, need a kick, which in a regular job is given by the boss. This does not apply to everyone; some work more productively in the absence of outside pressure. In general, if you are a performer by nature, then when making money on the Internet, you may need someone’s guiding hand. Otherwise, your work risks turning into aimless swimming through the vastness of a virtual network.
  • The amounts you receive at the beginning of your Internet career will most likely not please you as much as your first salary. You will not receive a fixed salary for sitting at the computer table from bell to bell. Income will grow gradually, only through patience and daily work.
  • Physical inactivity and heavy eye strain will not improve your health, but this is unlikely to apply to a woman on maternity leave, who is unlikely to be allowed to sit at the computer for more than 2 hours in a row.

Several simple ways to make money on the Internet

1. Writing articles (copywriting, rewriting)

No special education or skills are needed. Anyone can start. Everyone can write essays or presentations.

You can earn money by writing articles for websites or blogs to order, or by selling ready-made texts. In order to find a customer or put an article up for sale, you need to register on some copywriting exchange, for example Content Monster.

Before you start working, you need to go through a simple registration procedure as an author (performer).

Different exchanges have rules for gaining access to the order list. In some places you can start working immediately after registration, in others you will be asked to answer test questions in the Russian language or take a copywriting course. Once you have met the requirements of the exchange, you can start working.

Copywriting involves writing articles of your own composition or using multiple sources. Such text must have 100% uniqueness, in contrast to rewriting, which allows for a lower percentage of uniqueness and is, in fact, a presentation of previously written articles. Almost all exchanges have programs for determining the level of text uniqueness, as well as spell checking and semantic analysis.

Exchanges also have article stores where you can post your works for sale. You can make money while on maternity leave by simply rummaging through your old essays, coursework who remained from the institute. Surely, among them there will be good and informative texts that someone may need.

Almost every woman has hobbies: sewing, knitting, photography, cooking and much more. You can write interesting articles about all this and attach photographs to them. If you become an author original texts, believe me, buyers will notice you.

Earnings range from 100 rubles per day to several thousand. On exchanges you can find regular customers and work on an ongoing basis.

I repeat, anyone can earn money. This is where everyone starts. We will write in more detail about each method of earning money, so as not to miss the release of new articles, join our groups on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

READ IN DETAIL: Earning money by writing and rewriting articles -

2. Writing comments and reviews

Surely, before purchasing something in a store, you read reviews about this product - most of them were written for money. Yes Yes! Exactly!

On websites and forums you need to maintain communication and write comments.

In a word - a lot of work!

There are special exchanges where performers work (they write comments/reviews) and there are customers who order these comments/reviews.

Who else but a woman on maternity leave can better describe products for children and pregnant women? Or are you knowledgeable about diapers, baby food, toys, or maternity or nursing products? In general, it doesn’t matter what you know, the main thing is to write a comment or review that the customer asks for.

So, why not make money while sitting at home on this?

For example, a comment exchange

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

3. Freelancing

Freelancing (free movement from the English freelance) is a type of non-permanent working relationship that does not involve concluding long-term contracts, but involves performing certain one-time tasks selected to your taste.

The essence of making money is that if you know how to do anything (write texts, work in Photoshop, translate texts from foreign languages, sell products - in general, at least something), which means you can earn money by freelancing. Even if your knowledge in a particular area is not enough, you can learn anything.

The profitability of such work varies greatly and depends on your skills. For example, website designers earn from $1000 as a freelancer. It is more convenient to search for an employer on freelance exchanges.

Freelance exchanges

  1. Freelance.ru
  2. Free-lance.ru
  3. Weblancer.net

4. Creating your own blog (site)

Creating a website or blog and maintaining it on the Internet is one of the newfangled ways to make money on the Internet.

A blog is a page on the Internet where you can “show yourself.” Here you write about your activities, offer your services, express your opinion about something. If you are a professional in your field, then a blog will be your good resume.

If you are currently a mother on maternity leave, write about raising your child)

To make money, advertisements are placed on the pages of a blog (or website). This is a passive income option.

In general, making money on the site comes down to making money from advertising, and making money from providing your own services. Here is an article: 26 ways to make money online. It also describes ways to make money on the site -

Here is a useful site about creating blogs and making money blogging on the Internet - link

5. Information business

This is the sale of relevant or in-demand information using the Internet. Information can be sold to in different forms: books, articles, programs, audio or video.

Information business involves such types of activities on the Internet as: organizing blogs or websites (i.e. how to make a blog/website), implementing useful mailing lists(not spam), linking affiliate programs and much more. All this together is a tool for making money on the Internet.

Here you need to be a professional in something. And package and sell your professionalism. You can earn millions. Make a product once, and sell it thousands, hundreds of thousands of times.

6. Affiliate programs

This is a certain type of cooperation in which projects/online stores/various services promoted on the Internet offer you income from attracting clients to them.

How it works? If you are the owner of a website with high traffic (several hundred visitors), you can introduce affiliate programs into it (place affiliate links, banners), recommend something to people, and the person who came on your recommendation and made a purchase/ordered a service, you receive your percentage of the amount that the person you referred spent.

7. Earning money from clicks on social networks and comments on forums:

Every woman, while on maternity leave, makes up for the lack of communication on social networks. Some sit there for a long time. If you are too lazy to write articles, reviews, or understand the intricacies of creating a website, then there is something for you. The world cannot exist without good people, and social networks even more so.

There are sites, such as Forumok, that offer an advertising service that allows you to make money on social networks by simply clicking the left mouse button, hovering over links and banners. Click and like articles/pages ordered by the advertiser.

There you can also earn money simply by communicating. If you like to chat on forums, you can use this hobby to earn money while on maternity leave.

I would like to advise women on maternity leave not to bury their talents in the routine of household chores. Spend your free time profitably. Make sure your work is appreciated. Try to make money on the Internet, perhaps this work will turn out to be your second profession. Who knows, maybe you will be the one to make a fortune from this.

I repeat, about all the ways to earn money, there will be big and detailed descriptions. Step by step instructions. Stay with us. See you. Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

You have been preparing for a long time for the arrival of your long-awaited baby, and now the joyful moment has arrived. Caps, diapers, vests, bottles, mixtures - and here we are family budget is already bursting at the seams. The young mother begins to get nervous, because she wants to dress up herself, not forget her husband, and think about the baby. If previously it was believed that it was impossible to work on maternity leave, today everything has changed. Many young mothers successfully combine part-time work at home and caring for their baby. Let's figure out exactly how to do this successfully.

Working and earning money while on maternity leave: myth or reality?
Many young mothers, thinking about how to make money while on maternity leave, do not always show particular activity in this matter. Most mothers cite lack of time, lack of opportunities and other difficulties. There is a good saying here: “If there is a desire, there will always be opportunities!”

Other mothers prefer to send their babies early to kindergarten to get back to work as quickly as possible. However, further sick leave, which will fall in an even jamb on the boss’s desk, will not bring anything good. In this case, it is preferable to wait until the end of maternity leave, when your baby is independent and stronger, and then go back to work fully. However, even on maternity leave, a young mother will be able to work well and earn very real money.

Mom's fears about working from home
What are young mothers afraid of? Firstly, lack of time. After all, the older the baby gets, the more care and attention he requires. But, you can work when the baby is sleeping. Proper and competent organization of her time will help a young mother not only complete all household chores, but also have time to work.

Helpful advice! Time management is a science, especially popular in Lately. Of course, even mothers on maternity leave need to learn to use such a limited resource as time.

Write down your normal daily routine on paper. What time do you and your baby get up? What do you do throughout the day: breakfast, lunch, games, cleaning, cooking. Surely there will be a free minute to work. After all, very often mothers, tired of everyday worries and troubles, sit in the in social networks or view news on websites. However, even time spent on the Internet can be used to benefit yourself and your wallet.

Secondly, mothers are afraid of remote earnings as such. It is believed that if you work from home, you will definitely be deceived and not paid. Naturally, the option of deception is not excluded, however, by being careful and careful, you can avoid unpleasant situations.

Thirdly, young mothers are afraid that they will not be able to do anything to earn an extra penny for the family budget.

All the fears of young mothers are in vain! You can and should earn money while on maternity leave!

Ways to earn money while on maternity leave
There are three most realistic options for earning money:

  • work on the Internet;
  • work in the main profession;
  • hobby-based work.
Let’s take a closer look at the essence of each of the listed types of income for young mothers on maternity leave, highlight the advantages, and try to find the disadvantages of each method.
  1. Working on the Internet– this is a real treasure trove for all those who want to earn extra money without leaving home. Possible options making money on the Internet:
    • Writing articles to order(copywriting, rewriting). Today, a huge number of exchanges have appeared on the Internet, where customers are looking for their artists to write texts on various topics. The principle of working on exchanges is very simple: you register, complete a test task, if required, and get to work. At each exchange there are several levels of employee professionalism. As a rule, the level and, accordingly, wages depend on the quality and quantity of completed orders. The level of risk in this type of earnings is minimal. Each exchange freezes the customer’s funds in advance, which are intended to pay for this item. At conscientious execution work money will be transferred to your account. Maximum ease of use. A young mother can work and earn real money. Without leaving home.
    • Administration of groups on social networks. As a rule, young mothers spend their rare moments of rest from their children on social networks. So why not put this time to good use? You can become an administrator of a group that offers, for example, children's products. This type of work involves answering all questions from group members, conducting interesting topics, active communication. For work of this kind you can get from 2000 rubles per month. Risk level: medium. The risk in such work is much higher than when writing articles on stock exchanges. Perhaps you work for a month as a group administrator, and then an unscrupulous employer refuses to pay you. However, this is quite rare, and if your work suits the owner of the group, you will be able to combine business with pleasure: actively communicate with similar young mothers and get paid for it. Convenience in such work is maximum. Sitting with a cup of hot tea in front of the computer, communicating with the same “maternity” mothers, and even getting paid for it is pure pleasure!
    • Master classes, photographs. If you are a great cook or know how to make a wonderful birdhouse from scrap materials, go for it. Take step-by-step photographs of what you can do, accompany it with text that is accessible to the reader, and go for it! Customers can be found on the same copywriting exchanges. Risk level: medium. You risk not finding customers. Convenience: maximum.
  2. Professional work. There are many professions that allow you to work and earn money even while on maternity leave. For example, before maternity leave you worked as an economist. Your education and professional experience will help you not get bored while staying at home with your child. You can write coursework, essays, tests, reports to order. This kind of work can be found on social networks, as well as on copywriting and freelancing exchanges.
    Having the profession of an accountant, you can easily run a couple of small companies. Having a technical education, you can carry out drawings, projects, estimates. If you have graphic design skills, you can design on the computer unusual cards, and calendars. You can also work remotely, coming up with various advertising options for billboards, street signs, etc.
    If you have medical education, then this is a great opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave. You can give massage to both children and adults, as well as give injections. The main thing is to have experience and a small client base.
    If you do not have a special education, and before maternity leave you have not yet had time to really work anywhere, do not despair. You can find a job that does not require special skills. For example, your neighbor needs to walk her dog while she is at work. Take on this responsibility. You will be able to walk with a stroller and a dog, while receiving an extra penny for your family budget for your work.
    Also quite popular professions are personal computer operator and home dispatcher. You can find something you like anywhere. For example, the mother of your “sandbox” friend is going to go to work and invites you to sit with her child for 3-4 hours a day. If your kids get along with each other, then why not agree to this type of income? So, you will put an extra penny into the family budget, and your baby will have fun playing with his new friend.
  3. Hobby-based work. An interesting hobby is a great opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave. Think about what you can do best? Sew soft toys, make jewelry from polymer clay, weave beaded bracelets and necklaces, grow violets? You can make money from all this. You can sell your work at numerous ongoing creative exhibitions and master classes, which are now organized in almost any city, as well as on social networks.
    Risk level: minimal. You will receive payment for your work upon direct delivery of the goods to the buyer. If there is no one willing to buy your sewn teddy bear or beaded beads, you can easily give your product to a friend or mother for her birthday.
    Comfort: average. You will have to purchase the materials from which you will make your products. And no one will promise you that all your works will be sold out.
Working on maternity leave is absolutely possible. Moreover, it absolutely does not matter what type of activity you are interested in: copywriting, embroidery, beading, working as a dispatcher or PC operator, one thing is important - the work will help you not get bored while on maternity leave and gain additional professional skills. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to replenish the family budget. He who seeks will always find, so even on maternity leave you can find a job to your liking!

How to make money while on maternity leave: 3 ways to make money on the Internet + 5 tips on how to recognize scammers + 3 suitable ways to work from home while on maternity leave.

Some time after giving birth, when the woman has become accustomed to the new rhythm of life, she even begins to have free time.

And since having a child requires not only attention, but also significant expenses, in addition to free time, there is often a need for additional income.

Guided by the desire to bring money to the family, the girls leave household chores to the governess in order to quickly return to their home. workplace, left until the baby is born.

But if there is no desire or opportunity to leave the comfort of home, there are many ways to do so.

Why should women work on maternity leave?

What goals encourage women to look for a way to make money at home when they are on maternity leave?

    Obviously, additional income will never be superfluous.

    Even if there is no great need for it.

    This will give you the opportunity to earn money and save for pleasant little things for yourself and your loved ones.

    Any woman needs care, especially if she is a young mother on maternity leave.

    Despite the fact that being at home and caring for a child is also work, and its importance exceeds many others, any person has a desire to be useful in some other way.

    An additional activity, especially a profitable one, can satisfy him.

Dose of motivation: It often happens that after graduation there is an opportunity to return to your previous place of work.

But there is no longer any need to do this, because a woman on maternity leave has taken up another activity that brings much more pleasure and profit. If you do the right thing, this can develop into something more significant than just temporary income.

Although such cases are indeed not uncommon and there is even such a term as “business mom,” earning money from home while on maternity leave does not always bring a lot of money.

Therefore, you should not put on rose-colored glasses and implement ideas that require large start-up costs.

Where can I look for a way to make money without pouring large sums into the start? Of course, on the Internet!

How to make money while on maternity leave using the Internet?

Let's be honest: sometimes even to make money on the Internet you may need start-up capital to get started and start earning money.

However, it cannot be called a significant contribution. Usually these are minor expenses consumables or some small equipment. For such investments you do not have to take out a loan or look for investors.

Enough to save monthly a small amount, and you can easily collect enough money to start on maternity leave.

Making money on the Internet is based on three “pillars”: intellectual work + mediation + production.

Let's look at several options for how you can make money online while on maternity leave + lists of specific sites where to look for work.

How to make money while on maternity leave if you can write interestingly?

One of the options for how you can make money while on maternity leave is copywriting.

If we decipher this word in a simple way, it means writing articles on various topics. There are many speculations surrounding this income. Some make significant profits, others quit the business, disappointed with the meager income.

The fact is that copywriting is far from being as simple as many people think. Before writing an article, you need to delve into the topic and understand all its main nuances.

Writing a good text takes a lot of time, especially if before the moment of writing this topic has not been so well studied.

Of course, you must write correctly. In addition, a copywriter is also a bit of a psychologist, a bit of a marketer.

To achieve a good income while on maternity leave, you must constantly improve your ability to write “strong” texts.

However, this option does not require any investment and is one of the most reliable.

Consider 5 important Internet security tips if you want to make money and not lose:

    One of the main tips on how to avoid being deceived is to check those with whom you are dealing.

    Let it seem to you that this is a manifestation of mistrust.

    But, essentially, there is no reason to trust a stranger.

  1. Since we are talking specifically about ways to make money on the Internet, you can ask for a link to reviews or look for forums discussing this employer yourself.
  2. It is very important how payments will be made.

    Typically, many services use the WebMoney payment method.

    It is convenient because it was originally created for monetary transactions on the Internet.

    The golden rule of making money on the Internet: if it comes to what you need to pay to earn money, this is a deception.

    YOU should be paid, not YOU.

  3. Another sign of a “scam” is a painfully simple scheme by which you can make money.

For example: “all you need to do is send money, and then they will work on their own”

One of the most striking examples of deception, if we're talking about not about deposits or PAMM accounts.

How you can make money while sitting at home on maternity leave: 3 suitable ways

The Internet is not the only way to make money while on maternity leave without leaving your child at home. You can choose one of the suitable options for moving your work to your home.

1) Eyelash extensions while on maternity leave at home.

This activity requires certain skills and a small contribution.

The main materials you will need are:

  • eyelashes themselves for extensions;
  • glue made from biomaterials (this is very important, since the quality of the extension depends on what they are glued to);
  • tools (tweezers, combing brushes, etc.);
  • cosmetology lamp (as this requires additional light).

Profit in this business depends directly on finding clients. You can look for them among the same acquaintances, and they will already recommend you to their friends.

2) Make money by covering your nails with gel polish.

To do this, you need, in addition to the coating itself, to be able to do a manicure.

You will need to constantly develop in the field, take courses, because... At the moment, the niche is crowded with beginners, but there are not so many pro-masters.

This activity will require additional materials:

  • the base is standard nail care kits;
  • You will also need a lamp for curing the varnish and a set of varnishes themselves;
  • Since we are also talking about manicure, you need to purchase special containers with ultraviolet lamps that will disinfect tools for work.

3) Work in a call center remotely while on maternity leave.

One of the most interesting options. Essentially, this is the same work in a call center, but you can do it from home. Finding an employer who offers this is difficult, but not impossible.

The only negative is that there may be problems with receiving calls. A young mother can be busy with her child at this very moment. Some employers give you the opportunity to redirect calls or simply call back at a more convenient time.

Even though all these options are not that new, they are the most suitable. They are the most used among young mothers, which indicates their maximum convenience and profitability.

Since young mothers on maternity leave are looking for an opportunity to earn money without investing, the chance of being deceived when looking for a way to earn money is small. However, you should be wary of various organizations that require investments without offering any guarantees.

What job is best for new mothers?

The answer is in the video below:

Often, under the pretext of how to make money while on maternity leave, the girls found a business that brought more profit than their previous job, especially if they worked for government agencies.

Therefore, sometimes it’s worth taking this more seriously than a simple temporary job and starting own business. In this case, you need to start not from more convenient methods of earning money while on maternity leave, but from real skills and opportunities.