From confidence comes confidence! You know that you are the best and... soon everyone will believe it! For some reason, I remembered Perrucho’s famous book “Toulouse Lautrec”... The brilliant artist was not just “short”, he was a dwarf, a freak. But women, including high society persons, hovered around him like flies. He never lost his self-esteem.

Now we treat many of these things much more simply. So what if the guy wasn’t tall enough? Is a man’s height even a reason for discussion? Can just a few centimeters change the attitude towards a person? It turns out they can. In any case, psychologists say: many short men often do not have a good personal life. And... immediately, refuting themselves, they give many examples of how small men struggled to overcome their inferiority complex, achieved success in life, and were loved by the first beauties.

True, whatever one may say, there are subconscious moments that are in one way or another connected with the small height of the spouse. You will laugh, but some women associate a loser man with a short male representative. It even happens that short stature becomes a kind of taboo for a lady on dating and marriage. It also happens that the short stature of a spouse or lover becomes a reason for discord, quarrels and divorce. It’s simple: subconsciously a woman attributes all life’s hardships, failures, and disagreements to the fact that she once chose the “wrong” man. And I would choose a tall, handsome man, and-.. How could something go wrong with his career (with health, with sex, and so on)?

Paradox: many ladies don’t even suspect that by joining their fate with a man half a head shorter than themselves, they “acquire” a much more reliable stronghold than the one who “grabbed” a two-meter giant.

Growth is not a hindrance to love!

Since childhood, small children always try to be first in everything. Because from childhood we understood that short stature must be compensated for by great achievements. Otherwise...

And such little things as height don’t bother smart girls at all. They are able to appreciate both an extraordinary mind and sparkling humor.

An older man considers his own complexes due to his height to be a “childhood disease.” Well, if one of the wife’s friends touches on a “sore” topic, she will not interrupt her. He will simply tell another story confirming his husband’s extraordinary abilities and personal qualities. Fortunately, there are many such stories. And the man himself is firmly convinced that short stature is not a hindrance to career and love!

The river will show who is taller!

In all centuries, as we know, ideas about beauty have been different. It is unlikely that the busty Rubensian beauties will seem truly feminine and attractive to the modern Don Juan. Perhaps only human growth in the canons of beauty has always been strictly regulated. A woman should not be “Uncle Styopa,” unless, of course, she is a commoner (formerly) or a fashion model (nowadays). Well, a man... Just remember the folklore heroes. In the Icelandic and Swedish sagas, tall height was an indispensable feature of masculinity. He was associated with the strength of a hero. And Ivan Tsarevich? What about the heroes? Well, of course, tall, and therefore strong. These good fellows, jokingly and playfully, thanks to their remarkable strength and growth, coped with life's and fairy-tale obstacles. While the Thumb Boys achieved something thanks to their cunning.

Why is it that today women whose height is above average are called slender and graceful, and not big? And why are men under one meter seventy considered almost runts, shorties? It's all about stereotypes... So, male height is not just an aesthetic stamp. Everything is much deeper. Masculinity, representativeness, maturity - these are all the features of a stately man. The short guy... can't be very strong. Because in any case, he weighs less than a tall one. This means that he will not be able to defeat the beast on the hunt. He will not feed his family, and his children will be in poverty. This is how this stereotype developed in ancient times. Back then, almost everything vitally was decided from a position of strength and growth. important issues. In any case, the two most important ones: to feed and protect yourself and your family so that the lineage continues.

We are not ancient people. And few people today “harvest” a mammoth with a club in their hands, and certainly no one guards the hearth with the same club, but... the stereotype is in no hurry to change following the changing conditions of life. And somewhere there, deep in the subconscious, it is rooted: short people are less successful in life.
However, men are partly to blame themselves. After all, many of them “accepted” the stereotype. Reconciled. It is not without reason that psychologists have noticed that short men (by the way, men up to sixty meters tall are considered such) have three problems: concern about their height, discrimination from society and a lack of female attention. Hence all the troubles. But, probably due to “balance”, it is the short representatives of the male tribe that nature often rewards with many talents. Such men, as a rule, are much more tactful, know how to listen to their interlocutor, and are well versed in human relationships. In addition, in order to cope with their own complex, they work a lot on themselves. This means they improve their intelligence and have a great sense of humor. In short, if you can’t “take” a woman with her beauty (and male height and male beauty are synonymous for many people), then you can show off your knowledge of science, sports achievements, and who knows what...

There is one more thing... Genetics confirm: short men are much sexier than their tall counterparts. By the way, representatives of almost all southern peoples Not that they are very tall, but they have a great libido! Folk wisdom confirms this. Remember: everything went to the “spine”?

By the way, there is also a stereotype about the fact that short men are less successful in their personal lives. Don’t women neglect them, don’t fall in love with them, don’t marry them? What about Napoleon? With a height of 158 centimeters, in addition to Josephine, he was a huge success with many ladies. Finally, our contemporaries: Dustin Hoffman, Valentin Yudashkin, Tom Cruise, Paul Newman, Rolan Bykov, Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Michael Douglas, Alain Delon do not seem to fit the standard of “tall”. Runts, and that's all! But they are not just loved, they are adored. They are not deprived of love and are quite successful in their careers. So the “trouble” is not in the man’s short stature, but in how the man relates to his “shortcoming.” If he doesn’t have complexes, then his girlfriend won’t have complexes either.

Although in fairness it must be said: studies by Western sociologists and surveys of women have shown that representatives of the fair sex are still skeptical about the prospect of meeting and loving a short man. Often men meet a woman taller than themselves and... get rejected. For some reason, it is in short men that women look for many unpleasant masculine qualities: passivity, pessimism, and even... femininity. Such is the power of a prevailing stereotype. Only when a man himself destroys this stereotype, increasing his own self-esteem, does he inevitably grow in the eyes of his girlfriend.

If your lover or husband is a respected person, earns good money, can provide for his family, if you can be proud of him, then what does his appearance and height matter? Well, what if not? Let's say a woman hasn't gotten married for a long time. Finally I met him and fell in love. And although she was somewhat embarrassed that he was far from ideal in appearance, the love force of attraction won. They merried. And then life began with all its sorrows and joys. And now the wife begins to understand: the hero is lethargic, lazy, incompetent, and does not know how to stand up for himself. Irritation builds up. And subconsciously the thought matures: what else should he be? He is also short in stature. He cannot cope with the complex. She is jealous of tall men. Still would! Eh, what did you find in him? Why did you get married? Did you notice? The husband's height acts as his shortcoming along with his other “unmasculine” qualities. With those character traits that the wife does not accept. It seems to change concepts. She is not satisfied with his human qualities, and not at all with his appearance. But the stereotype works. And one day, in the heat of the moment, in the heat of a quarrel, a woman can easily hit a man’s vanity. Well, let’s say he’ll call him “shorty” or even ruder. You can be sure that this will offend the man and he will not forget such insensitivity. Who knows, maybe it will be the last straw, an ordinary quarrel will develop into a chronic one, and...

So, dear ladies, also fight your complexes and do not transfer them to your loved one. You married a short man because you were afraid you wouldn’t get married at all? What do you mean, you felt some kind of flaw? Agree, all this is not worth a damn. But such stereotypes can destroy love and destroy a family. So if you have believed since childhood that tall means handsome, smart, brave, kind, then you are unlikely to succeed happy marriage with a short man, no matter how good your husband is.

On a note!

Fight stereotypes and don’t let them enslave you. Go towards happiness “of any size”! Otherwise, you can really miss this happiness.

Do you have a complex about your lover’s height? Most likely, you don’t truly love your man. So, it seemed... Or perhaps you yourself are a complex person. It will be difficult for you even with a very tall man. You are extremely low self-esteem. And this sometimes even requires special treatment.

Psychological training is sometimes required by a complex of other men due to their small stature (by the way, Dustin Hoffman is 168 centimeters tall) specially undergoing treatment from a psychotherapist in order to cope with his inferiority complex.

A man's short stature has its advantages. Such people always strive to stand out in some way. And they often achieve a lot in life.

Next to a short man, it is easier for a woman to look like a queen! Just don’t slouch or pull your head into your shoulders! Remember the happy couple: Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti. And being a queen is always more pleasant than breathing under the armpit of your two-meter-tall gentleman. However, as we have already found out, the height of our beloved is not at all a guarantee of harmony and happiness in our life together!

Even men are not without complexes. One of the most common complexes in men is "short stature complex". Such subjects believe that since they are short, girls do not like them. And sometimes they can begin to hate men, and even women, who are taller than them. Some, even after they grow up, will not stop suffering from this complex.

Low stature complex originates in youth, when the girls you like are taller than short guys. They begin to develop complexes - they close in on themselves and lose self-confidence. Now it is very difficult for them to talk to a girl. Those guys who, despite their height, made their way into the hearts of girls, remain there. And it doesn't matter whether they grew up or not - girls will love them. It’s not a matter of growth itself, but of the ability to show oneself, of self-awareness. Feel tall and everyone will see you that way!

When those suffering from the complex grow up, events in life can unfold differently.

Some men withdraw into themselves, seclude themselves and lead an inconspicuous lifestyle. They avoid women afraid of being rejected and ridiculed. They rarely appear in public, do not visit clubs or discos - they isolate themselves. Such people are prone to suicide: there is no point in living if you are short. Their chance of finding love and overcoming the complex is negligible.

Others, despite the complexity of the situation, begin to try to grow up. Of course, this is not the same age, but they are fighting. Often they lead the same lifestyle as the above-mentioned subjects. If over time they do not give up their dream, then they will definitely will succeed. However, even after increasing growth, their complexes do not always disappear. These are the people who come to our website!

For others it develops "Napoleon syndrome". They believe that if they were unlucky with growth, they will be lucky in great things. Nature has rewarded such subjects with incredible luck and enormous ambitions. Such people live for a purpose that others have never even thought about. They are the ones who accomplish great things. History does not describe them as low, but as great. Among these people we can note: Napoleon Bonaparte- 157 cm, V. Lenin- 164 cm, I. Stalin- 162 cm, B. Juarez- 135 cm, A. Makedonsky- 150 cm and others.

You can get rid of the complex by realizing yourself. Their sense of self depends on how successful the lives of short men are. Nothing can stop a successful short man from conquering a tall lady.

I wish you not to have any complexes about your growth, love yourself for who you are, but do not forget to improve. Good luck!

He and I appeared in this semi-basement cafe almost simultaneously - I was a little earlier, he followed me. His name was Andrey. He was wearing the same glasses as me - thick horn-rimmed. And in general, he gave the impression of a person who, under favorable conditions, could become my friend - a nice guy from a good family. But in this particular situation, I almost hated him. Because as soon as he appeared, I lost to him - all the girls now looked only at him.

He was six centimeters taller than me or even a little more. Although by the age of 35 I could have gotten used to this state of affairs.

I was almost always shorter than everyone else. At school, my already humiliating position (in physical education - at the very end of the line, even after the girls) was aggravated by excess weight. So much weight had accumulated that my cheeks could be seen from behind. It is clear that I was not particularly popular, although I started smoking with everyone else at the age of 13. Hence the complexes, “nobody loves me...” As a child, when you had not yet heard of Woody Allen (this balding, bespectacled man, 165 cm tall, had such women that not a single Brad Pitt even dreamed of), the feeling “I’m short “can cause hellish self-doubt or even worse - serious psychological trauma.

By the way, I started smoking under the influence of my friend Dima. He was the coolest guy in the class - the girls hung on him. Indeed, a tall handsome man. High! I remember I even hung on the horizontal bar for several minutes every day. Someone told me that in this simple way you can add a couple of centimeters to your height. It turned out that it was complete nonsense - the horizontal bar did not help.

Hiking, which entered my life in high school along with the now hated bard song, my first love and my first alcohol, helped me cope with excess weight. But the problem of short stature has remained with me to this day. Of course, I no longer have any childhood complexes of paranoid power. But sometimes, like in that cafe, I feel inferior. A tall guy with glasses, Andrei, perhaps in a fair fight you will lose to me. Then it may turn out that I am a better conversationalist, and I have a subtler sense of humor, and I read more, and I play the guitar like a god, and in general my penis is longer. But the moment we appear together before girls’ eyes, I know that you have more chances. At least because you can be seen better.

A tall person does not need to prove that he is cool - he is cooler than you by the very fact of his existence. Faster, higher, stronger! And a short person is full of problems. Yes, I'm a man, albeit a small one. But you need to make an effort to approach a tall woman and say: “Girlfriend, come with me, I’m the best!” This also needs to be explained that you will give a head start to anyone, while jumping from behind the backs of taller opponents. Hey, why don't you look at me?! What about my rich inner world?

Such efforts, of course, are constraining. Maybe you know someone who can look devilishly elegant while pushing. I'm not like that.

The most unpleasant thing is that right before my eyes there is a completely different example, family friend Uncle Misha. This is a real man - he loves to drink, he skillfully handles firearms, deftly drives any car and can sometimes bark so loudly that the walls shake. In Israel, where Misha lives with his family (wife and two children) recent years 15, he has not changed his habits - plus he enjoys eating fried pork on Saturdays and refuses to learn Hebrew. After drinking vodka, Misha loves to tell stories from his childhood, and each of them begins with the words: “Then I was the smallest...” You might think that he has now grown taller - from the pot, as they say. But his height does not for a second prevent him from feeling like the master of the situation. And at the most crucial moments I remember him, Uncle Misha is my role model. Regardless of his height, he became a confident guy with solid biceps, a voice and a look.

Although wait, what am I saying - “regardless of height”? Is it in vain that Uncle Misha every time starts a bagpipe about “and I was the smallest ...” It is clear that it was this “flaw” that forced him to bend over backwards, daily assert himself and show character, while tall handsome men lay relaxed on their sofas. And, by the way, Misha’s wife is half a head taller than him. The Napoleon complex, named after one of the greatest short men on Earth, is wonderful. By the same principle, energetic and unprincipled provincials in the career race outperform relaxed Muscovites, who received a view of the Kremlin by birthright.

Would Charlie Chaplin (165 cm) have become a brilliant artist if he had a gigantic height? And if Tamerlane (145 cm) touched the clouds with his head, would he have the idea to conquer half the world? Or would he calmly herd the sheep, satisfied with himself? Nikita Khrushchev, Laurence Olivier, Aristotle Onassis, Yuri Gagarin, A. S. Pushkin (who, by the way, enjoyed success with tall women)… Lucky is the one who became infected with the Napoleon complex. But why am I so calm and balanced? Apparently the problem is that I was born too tall (still 172 cm) to acquire this useful psychological disorder. I am Gulliver among Napoleons, what a pity.

Although... Tall Andrey from the basement cafe, if you are reading these lines, we will meet again. In a fair fight.

If your height is meter s
cap, don't despair. Short men have much more
advantages over women than tall ones. Now we will convince you of this.

The first advantage of a short man: high ambitions

What men
are more ambitious and more likely to achieve success in life, they know
many. But we will confirm this again.

Nicolas Sarkozy, Tom Cruise, Napoleon, Andrei Gagarin with his
157 centimeters tall, Putin, after all, is their short stature and made them strive
prove that they are no worse, and even better than others.

The second advantage of a short man: variety in bed

If you are the same height as your friend, or
a little below, it opens up new perspectives in posture poses. And very rosy. In the “standing” position she will not have to stand on her toes, but in the “doggy style”
- place a pillow under your knees.

If you are not taller than your partner, then your bodies can be
put together like a mosaic. She will definitely like this.

In addition, there is a widespread rumor among women that guys
short- excellent lovers.
Don't make a mistake. About which tricks from your arsenal she definitely won’t like.

The third advantage of short men: they are smarter than tall men

It has been scientifically proven that guys with shorter average, have a higher speed of thinking and more
are fast, while giants are slow and poor
intelligence. Probably because impulses from the brain to the limbs are faster
they reach.

The fourth advantage of a short man: comfortable
family life

You won't have to persuade her to rehang the mirror.
higher up, she won’t ask you to “reach that shelf over there” or get
pots from the refrigerator.

Your girl will definitely not grow up tall, and neither will her wife.
swear at you during childbirth - y men
with short stature
and the offspring will most likely be the same.

The fifth advantage of men with short stature: they have a large

And we're not talking about self-esteem. Scientists have measured that
the largest size goes to men with
short stature
, namely 165 centimeters.

Remember the pygmies and other inhabitants of Africa: namely the blacks
There's always something to show off in your pants. Even though they don't wear them.

By the way, among girls there is also a widespread stereotype about
about where all the growth goes short men.

The sixth advantage of a short man: the character of a boss

Exactly men of short
due to their innate desire to command and occupy leadership positions in
large companies, and also become the real head of the family.

How would you expand on the concept of the Napoleon complex? Despite the serious faces of supporters of the theory of its existence, the true definition in the dictionary would look like this: “A fashionable phrase used by amateur psychologists to explain the desire of short people to achieve career heights and self-improvement, as well as a tendency to aggression, tyranny and power.” For many, the Napoleon complex is an explanation for all problems and at the same time all achievements short people. But does the Napoleon complex really exist?

The unjustified image of an evil dwarf, ready to bite their legs, has stuck in the minds of most people. tall people, humiliate women and destroy nations just because they are higher than him. At the same time, Lenin (164 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Tamerlane (145 cm) are mentioned - really short men who left not the best mark on history. But what can you say about the reasons for despotism in the character of Osama Bin Laden (194 cm) or Saddam Hussein (188 cm)? Why did the preacher of peace and love, Mahatma Gandhi, who was only 164 centimeters tall, not become a tyrant, but take a completely opposite path? Let's remember the great actors who brought so much goodness and laughter into the world - Charlie Chaplin (165 cm), Jammel Debbouze (165 cm), Louis de Funes (164 cm). What kind of tyrants are they? Something doesn't add up...

Are short men aggressive?

No and no again. An experiment was conducted at the University of Central Lancashire to identify aggression in short men. During the experiment, participants were divided into pairs, given chopsticks in their hands and asked to “fence” with them, supposedly to determine dexterity and reaction. In reality, one of the partners was asked to specifically hit the fingers of the second participant during the fight.
A more aggressive reaction was noted in tall men, while short ones reacted more restrained.

From this it follows that the “Napoleon complex” not only does not exist, but also discriminates against little people, accusing them of increased aggression, despotism and the desire for self-affirmation at the expense of others, which they actually do not possess.

Was Napoleon low?

The joke is that even the name of the complex is untenable. Napoleon was not short. Some sources indicate the very tiny height of the great commander - 151 centimeters. But if you carefully read the literature, you will find that the numbers are different everywhere, and that with the growth of the emperor there was a lot of confusion. When His Majesty died, his height was measured and recorded: 5 feet 2 inches. They just forgot to point out that feet and inches are French, and they are shorter than English ones. So for some time they converted French feet to English standards, until they realized that since the emperor lived in France, they measured him accordingly. When the error was corrected, it turned out that Napoleon's height was 5 feet and 6.5 English inches, that is, 169 centimeters. During the reign of Napoleon, that is, in the early 1800s, the average height of a man was 164 centimeters. It turns out that Bonaparte was even taller than many Frenchmen.
Researchers believe that the myth about the short stature of the commander appeared due to the fact that in the paintings he is depicted surrounded by grenadiers of the imperial guard, which included hefty young men no less than 178 centimeters tall. For that time they were real big guys.
Therefore, when talking about psychological complexes associated with short stature, it is better to call them something else. And leave the long-suffering Napoleon alone.

Napoleon complex in women...

...this is fiction clean water. For most representatives of the fair sex, short stature is more a reason for pride, and not a reason for grief. If we talk about women’s complexes, it is better to remember Peter the Great, who was more than two meters tall. And all because the ideal of a woman for most of human history presupposed miniature, grace, and fragility.

Mentioning the Napoleon complex in women, experts begin to list famous show business stars such as Shakira (150 cm), Natalya Andreevna from Comedy Woman (152 cm) or Alla Pugacheva (162 cm). It turns out that they achieved everything only because they were not tall enough? Okay, then where did the desire for glory come from among the others, the higher ones? famous personalities? What and to whom did Uma Thurman (184 cm), Nicole Kidman (180 cm) and Sigourney Weaver (183 cm) want to prove? Perhaps we should not associate such qualities as growth and determination, growth and ambition, height and beauty...

But problems in the careers of short women do exist. Little ladies are often treated lightly, not perceived as equals - especially by men, who look down on them in a straight and figuratively. Little women have to prove again and again that they are no worse than their tall fellow tribesmen. But here already we're talking about not that a woman achieved success thanks to her miniature stature, but rather the opposite.
It’s the same story with representatives of the stronger sex. For every outstanding short man, there are five equally outstanding tall ones. People become successful not because they are short or tall, but because they dream, go towards their goals and achieve their goals!

Complex vertically challenged

The Napoleon complex in psychology is called differently - the short stature complex. It is not expressed at all in the way that was imposed on us by half-educated psychologists, and is not the cause of a dictatorial character or a desire to achieve fame.

The short stature complex begins to manifest itself in childhood - when a boy is last on the line, when his classmates who have managed to stretch out tease him, when he realizes that he cannot fight back against someone the same age because he is bigger and stronger. The most interesting thing is that this complex takes root very deeply and makes itself felt even after the guy grows up, surpassing his peers. Yes, a man who is 185 centimeters tall may well suffer from a short stature complex. Sometimes this problem can manifest itself in quite ordinary boys of average height who feel that they are not tall enough.

What does the short stature complex lead to?

It provokes depression, reluctance to communicate with people, a feeling of powerlessness and despair. People with such an attitude find it difficult to adapt in life; they feel that they are not capable of anything, that they do not have a brilliant future.
The sad thing is that the short stature complex is in most cases instilled in others. The coach says - where should you go in for sports, you’re undersized? The girl arrogantly turns away in response to an invitation to go to the cinema. School bullies can easily catch a guy behind garages and beat him up simply because he is short. And how many poisonous witticisms do little people hear in their direction?

Each of them decides for himself which path to take - someone becomes a victim of the complex and remains a loser for the rest of his life. Many become embittered, become aggressive, and try to suppress high-ranking people with the help of other resources - money and connections. But there are many who overcome the complex of short stature, treat their size with humor and do not lose heart in the face of difficulties that they will have to fight for the rest of their lives. Little people will have to prove every day that they are smart, hardworking and responsible enough for their position. They will have to prove this much more often than tall colleagues with the same exact personal qualities.
And this is the paradox. In most cases, it is not people with a short stature complex who achieve success, but people who have overcome it.

How to deal with the short stature complex?

I think society needs to fight it first of all. If those around them had not ridiculed them, had not said that it was impossible to achieve anything with such height, had not considered short people defective since childhood, they would hardly have suffered from this complex. Most of them worry not because of the very fact of their short stature, but because of the attitude of others.

If each of us learns to restrain unflattering comments towards short men, we will teach our children to treat everyone with respect, regardless of physical indicators By putting personal qualities first, rather than beauty or height, we will get rid of not only the so-called “Napoleon complex,” but also many others.

Those for whom nature has not measured enough height can only be advised not to pay attention to fools. After all, a person’s value lies not in growth, but in spiritual content - kindness, hard work, responsibility and many other qualities, the presence of which depends only on himself.