Topic: Kir Bulychev “Genie in a Box”

Teacher primary classes

Karaganda secondary school No. 83 named after G. Mustafin

F Ilonova Elena Pavlovna

Target: developing the ability to formulate moral judgments based on the work read.


Build flexibility and reading speed; develop the ability to highlight the main thing, compare facts, draw conclusions; develop creative imagination;

To develop awareness in children of reading aloud and silently a literary text;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, kindness, responsiveness, and the desire to do good deeds.

During the classes

    Mobilizing moment

Hello guys. When I, like you, was in the 4th grade, I read a huge number of books. And even then I realized that in work of art everything is not accidental, every artistic detail, every word in the book is not accidental. Let's make sure of this today.

Therefore, I propose to conduct our literature lesson in the form of research.

You are members of a scientific society.

I am your supervisor.

And our guests are independent experts in the field of literature, pedagogy, and teaching methods.

    Announcing the topic of the lesson, setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

The object of the study is the work of Kir Bulychev “Genie in a Box”

The topic of the research is fantasy and reality in Kir Bulychev’s story “The Genie in the Box.”

The hypothesis of our research will be this: everything in Kir Bulychev’s story is not accidental.

Dear members of the scientific community, let's start our research with the topic.

What words seemed unfamiliar or incomprehensible to you?

(fiction, reality, hypothesis, object).

Let's understand the topic step by step. Let's start with the word "fantasy".

What is fantasy? (Answers)

What is fantasy?

What is a fairy tale?

How to distinguish between these types of literary genres?

To what genre do we classify the works of Kir Bulychev?

III . Checking homework.

Before we begin to prove the correctness or fallacy of our hypothesis, we will check our knowledge of the lexical meaning of words.

    Explain the lexical meaning of the words.

A bay is a small bay, protected from storms and waves.
Breaker - foaming waves over a shallow or reef.
Reef - surface or rocky underwater elevations sea ​​day, dangerous for shipping.
A pill is a ball of medicinal powder.
Jellyfish (picture) is a marine animal of the coelenterate type, with a gelatinous body, equipped with tentacles.
A niche is any depression formed by something.
Ruins are the ruins of a building
Lichen (drawing) - lower plant, consisting of a fungus and algae, forming one organism, growing on stones, on the bark of trees, on the ground.
Mussel (picture) - bivalve sea ​​clam, used as food.
Matte – without shine or gloss; opaque.
Almond (picture) - a southern tree with pink flowers, with fruits in the form of oval-shaped nuts, with a bitter or sweet taste.
Kalahari Desert (picture) - location on the globe.

We’ve sorted out the terms, now let’s recall in our memory a number of events that are being discussed.

    Name the main characters of the work.

Where do the events described take place?

Why was Alice left without adult supervision?

What were underwater archaeologists looking for?

What did Alice dream of finding while exploring the bay?

IV .Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Let's move on to research.

Find words, phrases, sentences in which the author hints that adventure awaits Alice.

Conclusion: the description of the bay, Alice’s behavior and the unknown find - everything was conceived by the author in order to prepare the reader for the upcoming meeting.

2) We continue our research, after reading, we need to find out who Alice is, who this alien is. What real, what fantastic qualities the author endowed them with and why.

Analysis of literary heroes. Prove that Alice is both a real and a fantasy character.

Alice. Who is she?Alice is a girl school age, living in Moscow at the end of the 21st century. In most books, her age remains around 12 years old. Alice studies at high school, member of the circle of young naturalists. On my own, together with my father or friends, I visited many distant planets, in the underground depths and Atlantis, as well as in the distant past

Alice is the only child in the family. Father is the famous cosmozoologist, professor of zoology Igor Seleznev, director of the Moscow zoo of the future - Cosmozoo. Author of many published works, in particular the book “Beasts of Distant Planets”; permanent author of the galactic magazine “Bulletin of Cosmozoology”. Mother is a famous architect solar system Kira Selezneva. Known for the construction of the Nukus stadium and cultural center on the Pallada asteroid. Alice spends much more time with her father than with her mother.

Alice's appearance is known in general outline: This is a tall, blonde girl with an athletic build, usually dressed in “men’s” clothes (shorts and a T-shirt, or overalls).

What is real and fantastic about a portrait of an astronaut?

Astronaut. Description of the astronaut.

For what purpose did you come to earth?

His attitude towards life.

Compilation of syncwines (according to options).

Conclusion: Kir Bulychev endows Alice and the astronaut with both real and fantastic qualities in order to show that good and evil exist at all times. And that evil can be overcome by doing good deeds.

Let's continue our research.

Who ruined the astronaut's plans?

Whose views on relationships between people are real, whose are fantastic?

Why is the work called “Genie in a Box”?

Suggest your options for the title of the work.

What did each of YOU understand after reading this work?

What do you think was the fate of the astronaut?

    Good conquers evil.

    Friendship helps to overcome any obstacles.

    You can't risk the lives of your friends.

Conclusion: Kir Bulychev shows us that a person needs friends, which is why the astronaut flew to Earth.

Complete the sentences:

Friendship is…

Friend is...

V . Lesson summary.

What hypothesis did we prove today?

What facts were cited as evidence.

(Description of the landscape, heroes of the work, character of the heroes of the story, actions of the heroes of the story, theme of the work, idea of ​​the work)

- What did you remember most about the lesson?

What did you like?

What goals set at the beginning of the lesson have I achieved?

What would you like to continue talking about?

I like it…

I realized that...

I learned…

I worked today...

I want to talk about...

VI . Lesson grades.

Which of ours researchers Can I thank you for your desire to know the truth?

VII . Homework.

Come up with a continuation of how Alice became friends with the astronaut.

Author: Malakhova Oksana Vladimirovna.
Place of work: KSU “Comprehensive secondary school No. 24”, Temirtau, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan.
Position: teacher-defectologist, GPA teacher.
Age: 4th grade (students using the KRO system)

Topic: Kir Bulychev “Genie in a Box”
introduce students to the work of K. Bulychev and his excerpt from the fantasy story “The Girl from the Earth” - “Genie in the Box” in order to organize students’ activities to expand the reader’s horizons with the works of science fiction writers, to begin work on the concept of “fantasy”; development of skills to analyze the content of the work, characterize the characters, their behavior, actions, descriptions of seascapes.
correct oral coherent speech, sound pronunciation, diction, improve expressive reading skills, tempo and quality indicators of reading skills through the use of corrective exercises;
development of students’ communicative culture, visual and auditory perception, memory, observation, logical thinking, ability to reason, draw conclusions and generalizations;
education of moral standards through identifying the problem posed in a work of fiction for an emotionally developed reader,
introducing children to universal human values ​​through their own internal experience, through emotional personal experiences.

Form: creative workshop.

Equipment: portrait of K. Bulychev, full name of the writer (Kir Bulychev and Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko), books of the writer, cards with tongue twisters, tongue twisters, fragment of the song “Surprise”, computer, tables for speech warm-up, illustrations of a genie, jellyfish, lichen, mussels, desert Kalahari with an interpretation of the lexical meaning of each “incomprehensible” word, puzzles - pictures for part 1, texts with missing words, a “Words for reference” card, a “Read this way!” memo, use explanatory dictionary"Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. A.P. Evgenieva, cards with the words “Fantasy”, “Dreamer”, “Imagination”, “Fantasize”, “Fantasy”.

Workshop progress
1. Inductor
Sounds like “Surprise” (fragment)
"Circle of Joy"
Let's stand together in a circle and get ready for fruitful and successful work in the lesson, and wish each other good mood and smiles:
Hello, everyone who came to us today!
Hello, everyone who believes in kindness!
Hello, everyone who spares no effort,
Shares his happiness.
We are glad to everyone who came to us today,
We are glad to everyone who believes in kindness,
We are glad to everyone who, sparing no effort,
Shares his happiness.
Bottom line: how do you feel? What would you like to wish to your classmates? Voice your wishes by calling your friends by name.

2. Self-construction
- And I would like to tell you a few names: Syroezhkin, Professor Gromov, Elektronik. What do you think unites these people?
- Now I would like to invite you to watch an excerpt from a film in which unusual events also occur.
- Do you look carefully and remember what work this film is based on, who are the heroes of this work? who is its author?
View an excerpt from E. Veltistov’s work “The Adventures of Electronics”
Result: author? Heroes?

What works of other writers have you read when the authors were imagining what would happen in the future?
- What words-associations arise in your mind when you hear the word “FANTASY”. Write down the words on starfish- sheets that lie on your desks.
Check: What words did you write down?
(The teacher attaches the children's answers to the board or opens a slide on the computer).
- Read it. Complete your list with words from other children that you like.
- What literary genre does a work that is very similar to the word FANTASY belong to?

3. Socioconstruction (adding one’s own words with the words of other students)
When I was at school, just like you now, E. Veltistov’s work “The Adventure of Electronics” was the most popular in the 20th century, which I and my classmates read with pleasure.
Would you like to read other books related to unreal and unusual events? Would you like to know how people will live in the 22nd century? What do you call people who like to invent things? What is the name of the phenomenon when a person invents something?
On the board (or on the slide): fantasy, dreamer, fantasy, fantasize.
Bottom line: Fantasy - what does it mean to me?

4. Speech warm-up.
- And so that the dreamer can create his incredible fantastic works and voice them, he performs a speech warm-up.
Goal: to prepare the articulatory apparatus for further work.
Read the vowels on one exhalation with your voice amplified three times: in a whisper, quietly and loudly.
A - U - O - E - S
O – U – A – Y – E
A – U – Y – O – E
Read the syllables with a change in logical stress:
YES - DO - DU - DY - DE
DI - DE - DI - DE - DU
DI - DI - DE - DE - DU
Read the full story:
YES - YES - YES - there cold water
DY – DY – DY – get out of the water
DU - DU - DU - I’ll go home quickly
DE – DE – DE – you can’t go near the water.
Read the tongue twisters (students have cards with tongue twisters):
 In the river near Khariton
Four cancers and three newts.
Our sail is sewn conscientiously,
Even the storm will not frighten us.
▲ A fisherman catches fish,
The entire catch floated into the river.
Bottom line: speech warm-up – why do I need it?

Break. Physical exercise.
And above the sea - you and I!
Seagulls circle above the waves,
Let's fly after them together.
Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,
And above the sea - you and I!
(Children wave their arms as if they were wings)
We are now sailing on the sea
And we frolic in the open space.
Have fun raking
And catch up with the dolphins.
(Children make swimming movements with their hands.)
Look: seagulls are important
They walk along the sea beach.
(Walking in place).
Sit down, children, on the sand, we continue the lesson.
(Children sit at their desks).

6. Goal setting
On the board: portrait of Kir Bulychev
- Look at the portrait of this man?
- What can you say about his emotional expression, look at the expression of his eyes and face.
-What is his character?
- Do you want to know what kind of person he is, what he does, what works he wrote?
Result: Kir Bulychev - science fiction writer - who is he? What is his real name? What did I learn about him?
On the board: Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko
Reading a text about the work of Kir Bulychev. Work according to the textbook.
Purpose: read the text about the writer’s work: p. 207.
Bottom line: what kind of person is this? What was he doing? What works did he write? The heroes of his works?
Exhibition of the writer's books.
Summary: What books have you read? Maybe you watched films and cartoons? Do you know that films and cartoons were published based on his books! You can take all these books from our library and read the ones you like.
- Today we will go on a fantastic journey through the work of Kir Bulychev and get acquainted with one of the parts, which is called ....

7. Break
Reading the title of part 1 of the work:
- Read the title of part 1 of the story
-Who is the JINN?
- What fairy tales have you read or watched on TV in which the genie - main character?
- The meaning of the title of the part
Bottom line: genie? Who are the heroes? The meaning of the title of the work?
Vocabulary work:
Goal: reading words + interpretation of the lexical meaning of “incomprehensible” words + “Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by A.P. Evgenieva.
* Work using cards.
Goal: Match the words-concepts from the left column with the interpretation of the meaning of this word-concept and connect them with arrows only those definitions of concepts that you definitely know and understand.
- What concepts did you have difficulty defining or did you not know exactly the meaning of a word?
The teacher reveals the lexical meaning of “unclear” words.
On the desk:
A bay is a small bay, protected from storms and waves.
Breaker - foaming waves over a shallow or reef.
Reef - surface or rocky underwater elevations of the seabed that are dangerous for navigation.
A pill is a ball of medicinal powder.
Jellyfish (picture) is a marine animal of the coelenterate type, with a gelatinous body, equipped with tentacles.
A niche is any depression formed by something.
Ruins are the ruins of a building
Lichen (picture) is a lower plant consisting of a fungus and algae, forming one organism, growing on stones, on the bark of trees, on the ground.
Mussel (picture) is a bivalve marine mollusk used as food.
Matte – without shine or gloss; opaque.
Almond (picture) is a southern tree with pink flowers, with fruits in the form of oval nuts, with a bitter or sweet taste.
Kalahari Desert (picture) + location on the globe

* And now I would like to offer you one more task.
Purpose: I show you a picture words-concepts, and you guess the word that I showed you.
Verification: mutual verification.
Result: new words? We will meet these words in the text of the part “Genie in the Box”.
Expressive reading by the teacher or well-read students of part 1 of “The Genie in the Box” - pp. 207-209 to the words “... is this a spaceship?”
Goal: listen carefully to part 1 from the chapter “Genie in the Box” and name the main characters of this part. Who are they? Which one did you like better? Why?

8. Break
- What do you think it could be: “looks like an almond twenty meters long”?
- Assumption “What if this is a spaceship?”
Continue reading part 1 with buzzing reading until p. 209.

9. Break. Physical exercise “Hands behind your back, heads back”
Hands behind your back, heads back (Close your eyes, relax).
Let your eyes look at the ceiling (Open your eyes, look up).
Let's lower our heads - look at the desk (Down).
And again up - where is the fly flying? (Up).
Let's turn our eyes around and look for her (Around).
And we read again. A little more.

Repeated buzzing reading of part 1 with the task:
Goal: read the text of Part 1 very carefully and try to prepare and mark with a simple pencil answers to the following questions while reading:
Result: heroes of origin, theme.

Students receive a card with questions for part 1
Analysis of the content of part 1 of the story:
- Describe the bay in which Alice swam and dived. What is the description of nature called in literature and art?
- How does the landscape help to understand the feelings of the characters?
- Why did the bay seem ominous?
- Does the description of the bay help to suggest that something terrible could happen to Alice?
- Why wasn’t Stas afraid for Alisa?
- Imagine that you dived with Alice into the depths of the sea. Describe what you saw there?
- Which place did Alice like best? Why?
- What did Alice discover when she picked the mussel off the rock?
- What was Alisa’s find like?
- What thought came to Alice?
- Has it been confirmed?
- Tell us how Alice searched, found and opened the hatch of the spaceship.

Work on the composition of the work.
On the computer or blackboard: names of compositional parts.
- What is composition?
- What does the composition consist of?
- What compositional part do you think the part we read belongs to? Why?
And we will talk about the remaining compositional parts when we become familiar with the content of the entire work.
Result: which compositional part corresponds to part 1 of the story?

Work on the characteristics of the heroes of part 1.
- How did you imagine Alice?
- What did you find out about her life?
- What personality traits of Alice can you note? How are these properties manifested in her actions, thoughts, words?
- How does the author feel about his heroine? Prove by giving examples from the text.
- How do you feel about Alice? Why? What struck you about the heroine? Would you like to be like her? If yes, then why?
Result: Heroine Alice? Who is she to me? Topic of part 1.

Reading part 1 by students different ways, at different paces, using corrective exercises and the “Read this way!” memo:
Goal: read part 1 using the “Read this way!” memo, using exercises aimed at developing reading technique, expressiveness and meaningful reading. You need to read the text very carefully to complete the next task.

Task “Restore the text” - work in 2 microgroups
You received an excerpt from this part, but a number of them were excluded from the author's text. Your task is to fill in the gaps with words that correspond to the meaning and content of the fragment, words that best correspond to the author’s intention or coincide with it, i.e. try to reconstruct the text using reference words. And then glue the corresponding helping words onto the text and read it.
Texts given:
1. The bay seemed ...: steep banks closed it on ... sides, chips and white spots showed that the teeth of ... approached the very surface. There were treacherous whirlpools in ..., but Stas was not afraid of ... - he knew that when ... was nearby, nothing would happen. And Alice knew this, besides, she was excellent... and could... breathe under water for hours - for this you just need to swallow....
Words for reference: ominous, Alice, bay, rocks, pill, three, three, dolphins, diver

2. What if this is... a ship?
Such a thought to Alice... Why not? They found a spaceship that fell... three hundred thousand years ago into the desert...!
But in spaceship it should be …
The search for the hatch took minutes... The dolphins got tired of looking after..., and they rose higher. Sometimes Alice saw them... rushing from above.
Words for reference: space, Kalahari, Earth, hatch, twenty, friend, shadow, liked.
- Now each of your group, tell us in a few words about your thoughts and feelings that you experienced while completing this task.
And the main dreamer will read the restored text.
Checking: reading the resulting work with the text; my thoughts and feelings after completing the general task.

9. Break
“Landscapes of the underwater world” - on sheets of whatman paper there is an image of “Underwater world” for 2 microgroups.
- What is a landscape?
Goal: from the proposed puzzle pieces, create an illustration of the underwater world, using your imagination and ability to work together, together, using the rules of friendship and mutual assistance to create seascapes. And after finishing your collective work, compose and write down a story, using the knowledge you have already acquired in class about underwater world, its inhabitants.
Bottom line: underwater world? Why is it fascinating? Would you like to find yourself and visit the underwater world? What and who would you see? Let your imagination run wild.

Creative work
Goal: Can you imagine? What does the concept of FANTASY mean?
Now let's return to our main character and imagine that Alice and I got on board a spaceship that sank in the sea. What character is missing from your illustration? This is connected, of course, with the topic of our lesson and the title of chapter 1 of the work. How would you imagine a genie from the future? What is another name for inhabitants from other planets? What planets could they come from? What will they look like: good or evil? Which aliens would you rather communicate with? How would you make friends with him? What would you do for this? How would you introduce aliens to our planet? What about our republic? What could you tell them about our Republic of Kazakhstan?
Try drawing aliens or a genie from the future...
Advertising the work of the student: an exhibition of the work of the student + analysis of the resulting drawings of the genie.
Bottom line: who is the genie, aliens? How can we make friends with them? Why do you need to make friends with them?

Game "Do good". Reflection.
Goal: to make friends with a genie from the future, I suggest holding hands. Shake each other's hands firmly. And now let’s say from the bottom of our hearts to our entire planet, to the aliens and to the genie from the future:
Do good throughout the whole earth,
Do good to others for joy!
We all enjoy having people in a good mood around us. Everyone around becomes warm and joyful. Let's all do good together and create a good mood every minute, every hour, every day.
And now let’s clap our hands loudly so that our words can be heard by all people on planet Earth and not only on it.
Bottom line: what qualities are needed for a dreamer to be a kind and sympathetic earthling and to develop imagination? Always be in good mood? And, to make our planet even better from our good deeds, decorate it with flowers in accordance with your mood from the lesson and using the “Mood Dictionary”.
Don't forget to give kindness
Neighbors, relatives, friend.
It's like fairytale magic
It will come back to you in a circle.

10. Summing up.
- What excerpt from “The Genie in the Box” did we learn about in class today?
- Who is the author of this work? What literary genre does it belong to?
- What did you find out about him? Tell us about his work? Why was he called a science fiction writer?
- Heroes of part 1?
- Description of the underwater landscape
- Alice and the dolphins
- Alice's Find
- Description of the spaceship: where? What did it look like? How did Alice open the hatch?
Result: title of part 1, topic.

11. Homework: p. 207, creativity, p. 207-209, expressive reading while doing optional homework.
 Imagine and draw a picture: what Alice could see inside the spaceship.
 Make a crossword puzzle based on the part you read.
 Come up with 10 questions for the quiz for part 1.

List of used literature for the creative workshop:
Literature “K. Bulychev. Genie in the Box", 4th grade
1. Textbook “Literary reading”, 4th grade. Almaty, ed. "Atamura", 2007
2. Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian Language; edited by A.P. Evgenieva. - 2nd ed., revised. And additional - M.: Russian language, 1981-1984.
3. Zh. Kazhigalieva, V. Kim, S. Kerimbaeva, O. Tokovenko. Textbook "Self-knowledge". 2nd grade. Ed. "Bobek", 2009
4. Feature film “The Adventure of Electronics” based on E. Veltistov, directed by K. Bromberg, 1980.
5. L. Kozyreva. Speech therapy manual: Sound warm-ups and exercises for improving reading skills. - M., ed. – School, 2000
6. K. Bulychev. The last war. Ed. - Ardis, 2005
7. K. Bulychev. Alice. Alice's birthday. Ed. - Ardis, 2010
8. K. Bulychev. Alice. The secret of the black stone. M.: Publishing house. - Bustard, 2001
9. K. Bulychev. Alice. A city without memory. M.: Publishing house. - Bustard, 2001
10. Portrait of K. Bulychev -,, http://,, http://
11. Photo of the bay -,
12. Photo of breakers -
13. Photo of reefs -,
14. Photo of the pill -
15. Photo of jellyfish -,, section=page&action=edit&alia
16. Drawing of a genie -
17. Photo of the Kalahari Desert -,
18. Photo of lichens -,, http://
19. Photo of almond nut -
20. Photo of the map of Kazakhstan -
21. Photo of the State symbols of Kazakhstan, maps of Kazakhstan -,, http: //,
22. Photo on a school theme -
23. Photo of wreaths -

Memo “Read this way!”
 Reading aloud.
 Reading to yourself.
 Buzzing reading.
 Reading in chorus.
 Reading at a tongue twister pace.
 Reading “Lightning” - “ Good weather».

Composition is the construction of a work of art.
 Exposition - characteristics of time, place, setting, characters before the start of the action.
 Plot - the event with which the action begins.
 Development - the movement of action, the course of events that follows from the plot.
 Climax is the moment of highest tension in the development of an action.
 Denouement - the final moment in the development of action, the outcome of events.

To the wonderful artist Evgeny Migunov, Alice’s friend, who gave the idea for this story

Chapter 1
Unexpected genie

Just an unexpected guest is not so bad. An unexpected genie in the house is a real disaster.

One day in June, Alice received a parcel.

The parcel was heavy and covered on all sides with the following inscriptions: “Do not turn over!”, “Top”, “Bottom”, “Side”.

The family gathered around the table on which the package lay.

Grandfather believed that the package resembled a box with crystal service. Grandma decided that there was an aquarium inside the box, dad suggested that Alice had been sent a super TV that received programs from Mars, only mom admitted that she had no idea what was there. Then Paul’s home robot, whom everyone calls the housekeeper, raised his hand and said:

– I’ll ask everyone to leave the apartment.

- Why? - Grandfather asked.

– Because, most likely, there is a time bomb in the box. Finally, the terrorists reached the Seleznev family. They want to take revenge on Alisochka for exposing the space pirates.

Everyone laughed, but not very loudly.

When they tell you that there is a real bomb on the table, you, of course, understand that this is a joke. And then you think: what if this isn’t a joke?

“You make me laugh,” said grandfather. “Can’t you and I defuse some stupid bomb ourselves?”

But Paul’s robot had already rolled into the kitchen and from there called a group of sappers, who three minutes later flew into open window. There were two sappers, they were dressed in armored suits, propellers were spinning behind them. The sappers smelled, touched, and examined the box. They were especially interested in the return address: “The Age of Legends. Ancient Arabia. Cave of the genies."

The force field enveloped the parcel in an invisible barrier that lets everything through from the outside, but nothing from the inside.

Then the chief sapper, with great care, cut the twine with which the parcel was tied with scissors, removed the wrapping paper, opened the plywood box with strong fingers, and it turned out that inside it was a large ball of cotton wool.

The sapper began to unravel the cotton wool and soon drowned in it up to his ears. Vata could not get out of the force field, and therefore it was very inconvenient for the sapper to work.

- Eat! - he shouted, but no one saw what he found. “It's not a bomb,” he said. - Take off your protection!

The second sapper turned off the force field, and the first sapper fell to the floor in a heap of cotton wool. In his hands he held a large copper jug. Antique, decorated with chased patterns, plugged with a copper stopper.

Sapper said:

- Heavy jug. Apparently full of wine.

- Alisochka doesn’t drink wine! - Grandfather was indignant.

The sapper shook the jug, and a dull sound came from inside.

Like a cry muffled by a pillow.

– There’s someone there! - exclaimed the grandmother. - There is an unfortunate prisoner there! Release him immediately.

“If I were you, I would think carefully,” answered the chief sapper. “What if it’s some giant, evil microbe screaming?”

– Or a monster from the swamps of the Poison Mountains? – the second sapper supported him.

The sapper put the jug on the table, and everyone looked at him, waiting for what would happen next.

And then, in complete silence, someone knocked on the inside of the jug.

– Is the evil microbe really going to knock? - asked Alice.

“And especially the monster from the Poisonous Swamps,” said dad.

“They can be terribly insidious,” the second sapper did not give up.

“Then someone will have to surround themselves with force protection, open the jug and risk their lives.” “I’m old, don’t feel sorry for me,” grandfather decided.

“I object,” said the sapper. – Human life priceless.

And everyone looked at Polya, because they understood that the robot, in extreme cases, could be repaired.

- Why are you looking at me like that? – the robot got excited. – Do you want to sacrifice me? Tell the truth! And you, Alice, are as cruel as everyone else?

“I agree to open the jug myself,” said Alice.

“But we won’t let her do that!” – the sappers shouted in unison.

– What if I am distorted beyond recognition? – the housekeeper asked Polya.

“We’ll make you a better shell than before,” said grandfather.

– Can I refuse? – the robot timidly asked.

“You can refuse,” answered the first sapper. – Any robot that forgets that its main task is to protect people can refuse. But then we'll have to...

“Let him be melted down,” sighed the second sapper.

- They're joking! - exclaimed the grandmother.

“We’ll melt it, then we’ll see,” the sapper answered her. – Sappers don’t have a sense of humor, because bombs don’t laugh.

“Alice,” said Polya’s robot. – I bequeath to you a collection of coins.

- I myself! - Alice screamed, she felt so sorry for the robot.

Her father grabbed her and pulled her close to him.

Paul's robot approached the table. The sappers released an invisible force field from the generator, and the robot found itself in it, like in a round jar.

He turned around, met Alice's gaze and nodded to her. Alice could hardly hold back her tears.

The robot strained, pulled the stopper out of the jug, and clouds of black smoke came out. You could see someone big and scary moving in the smoke.

– Is this how guests are greeted? – a thunderous voice was heard from the smoke.

With its powerful arms, the unknown monster tore the force field and grew to the ceiling.

It turns out that hiding in the jug was an elderly man with dog ears, wearing a turban decorated with precious stones, in an embroidered jacket, open at the chest, and wide silk blue trousers. His outfit ended with gold shoes with pointed, curved toes.

– I am insulted and humiliated! - the guest growled.

“Sorry,” said Alice, breaking away from her father’s arms and rushing towards the monster. - I recognized you!

- Did you recognize it?

-You are Mustafa! You are the younger brother of the genie Hasan ibn Hasan, who helped me when I traveled in the era of legends! But why were you sent in a parcel?

- How else can I get to you? - asked the genie. – I sat in a cave on the shores of the Arabian Sea in a copper jug ​​and waited for the day to come. glacial period. But I was bored! And then I asked my brother Hasan: “Do you know a young sorceress who will live in the distant future?” And my brother Hassan nodded his wise head. "Did you do her a favor?" – I asked. And my brother Hassan confirmed that this is exactly the case. And then I asked: “Brother Hassan, can I stretch my legs a little and fly into the distant future to meet the girl Alice and have a little fun visiting her?” And my brother Hasan gave me consent to this. Then they placed me and the jug in the parcel. My friend Sinbad the Sailor took this parcel to the edge of the wild forest, there he found a highly respected time machine in the hollow of a century-old oak tree, put the parcel with me, that is, with the jug, in the time machine and pressed the appropriate button. As I understand it, the parcel was received at your Institute of Time and sent further by mail. And so I found myself in your house, I’m waiting for the joy of my arrival, I’m waiting for music and entertainment, but instead these iron men mock me.

“Sorry, Mustafa,” said Alice, “I’m very pleased to meet you.” But I didn’t expect you to come to us in such a box. I thought that genies come on silk stretchers or at least riding on elephants.

Mustafa pretended not to hear Alice's words.

Instead, he asked sternly:

– What kind of people are gathered here?

“I was just about to introduce you to everyone.” First with my grandmother Klavdia Matveevna.

The genie broke into a smile. He pulled out a modest but elegant jade bracelet from a pouch hanging on his belt and said:

- Dear Claudia-jan. All my life I have dreamed of meeting such a wise and honored woman like you. I dreamed that we would discuss with you the lines of ancient legends, we would talk about raising grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Take my humble gift, Claudia-jan, may heaven protect you. This bracelet was carved by the hands of gnomes in the caves of the Badakhshan Mountains.

Grandmother thanked the genie, and Alice introduced grandfather to the genie. Alexey-aga received sapphire rosary and a silk turban as a gift from the genie. Then it was mom's turn. Mom got a coral necklace. The genie especially liked Alice’s dad, and therefore Professor Seleznev had to accept from the genie a curved Damascus steel saber in a silver sheath as a gift.

The genie said:

“Keep in mind, professor, this blade cuts horsehair on the fly.” Do you want to try? Take it from any of your horses and cut it!

“Excuse me, Mustafa,” said the professor, “but I don’t have a single horse at home.”

“It’s impossible for the sorceress Alice to live in such a poor family!” But you must have at least one camel!

- Sorry, but I don’t have a camel.

- Do you really have only one donkey for the whole farm? – the genie was upset.

He became agitated, puffed out black smoke, and tears made of sulfuric acid dripped from his eyes onto the carpet, burning holes in the carpet.

And then Alice saved the day.

– You are wrong, dear Mustafa! - she exclaimed. “My father, the wise Professor Seleznev, owns untold wealth. He has iron servants. Here are three in front of you. “She pointed to the sappers in helmets and armored suits and to the house robot Polya.

- So how? – the first sapper was surprised. - We were called to neutralize, and now they call us servants!

“You are free,” Alice told them. - Thank you for your service.

And she winked at them so expressively that the sappers guessed that Alice was joking, took them under the hood and answered in unison:

- Glad to try!

“In addition, my wise father,” Alice continued, “owns a special kingdom called the Cosmic Zoo, or Cosmoso.” Have you heard, Mustafa, about such a kingdom?

- No, I didn’t have to, madam.

“That’s where all the most terrible monsters from different stars. And my deeply wise father commands them, but keeps them in cages so that they do not devour all living things.

- Oh heaven! What happiness! - Mustafa shouted. - I was not mistaken! I actually came to visit the most powerful family on Earth.

And then a Martian mantis entered the room.

I must say that Alice always has different animals and birds living with her. Some for a little while, others for a long time, but the Martian mantis has taken root forever. Because he almost doesn’t need to be fed and watered. As you know, Martian mantises eat once a month, and drink only on February 29, at leap year. So even if all the Seleznevs, a restless and restless people, as you know, disperse to different ends of the Galaxy, and the housekeeper Polya goes to the numismatists’ congress, nothing will happen to the praying mantis. He will freeze in the middle of the room and will not move until someone returns.

The Martian mantis looks like a stick with round eyes, attached to six long, thin, jointed, but very strong legs. He is waist-high to Alice. At first glance, it’s scary to approach him: if you touch him slightly, his legs will break. Nothing like this! One day the praying mantis got lost in thought, went outside and collided with a snowplow. The front of the combine was bent, but the praying mantis just got scared and ran back. If, however, the running of a praying mantis can be considered running. Will catch up with him Small child. And when he walks, he moves his legs like a sleepy turtle.

It should be added that the Martian mantis is a completely brainless creature, but kind and affectionate. And terribly curious.

Therefore, it is not surprising that, having heard a noise in the next room, the mantis decided to check what happened there.

He entered the room, and no one except Alice took any notice. Over the course of several years, everyone became so accustomed to the Martian mantis that they did not notice it. Alice was scared - what if the genie Mustafa mistook the praying mantis for evil spirit and wants to kill him?

- Don't be afraid, Mustafa! - Alice exclaimed, rushing forward to stand between the mantis and the genie. - He doesn't bite.

“And I know that he doesn’t bite,” the genie answered calmly.

He stepped forward, extended his paw and scratched with a claw between the bulging round eyes of the mantis.

Only connoisseurs of the Martian animal world and the Martians themselves know that praying mantises love to be scratched between the eyes.

The mantis froze with pleasure, and Mustafa, to everyone’s surprise, explained:

– Don’t be surprised, dear Seleznevs. I would like to admit that I did not spend my turbulent youth in a jug, but traveled a lot and played pranks. Once my uncle El-Manager took me to the mysterious red planet, which rises like a bloody eye above the sleeping desert. We didn't stay there long because there was nothing to drink, nothing to eat and nothing to breathe. The inhabitants of that planet themselves live in caves and hide from bright light. And the only locusts running around the desert are locusts like your friend. You can't eat locusts because they only contain sinews and bones.

– Have you been to other planets? - Grandfather asked.

“I have,” answered the genie and yawned widely. A cloud of smoke came out of his mouth.

Alice realized that the first acquaintance took place and there were no casualties. It's time to take a break.

“And now, our dear guest,” she said, “it’s time for you to rest.” The road was difficult, your age requires rest.

- Oh, how right you are, wise maiden! – Mustafa agreed.

- But where will you sleep?

“It’s most comfortable for me to sleep in a jug.” I already get used to it. You will plug me with a traffic jam so that the noise of your respected city does not interfere with my rest.

Alice, of course, agreed.

The genie jumped up, grabbed the neck of the jug with his hands, lowered his legs inside and, shrinking, disappeared into its neck. When only his head and hands remained outside, the genie waved goodbye to Alice and said:

- Good sleep, see you tomorrow morning. Wake me up at dawn and don’t forget that I drink tea with milk for breakfast!

With these words the genie disappeared and immediately began to snore.

Alice plugged the jug tightly with the stopper.

And everyone, on tiptoe, so as not to disturb the guest, went to their rooms.

So the genie Mustafa settled in the Seleznevs’ house.

Chapter 2
Sell ​​the goat!

Life at home became very difficult. Genie Mustafa turned out to be a stupid, cruel and completely ill-mannered creature. He considered the robot Polya an insignificant slave, did not want to use a fork and spoon, grabbed everything from the table with his hands, complained that he was poorly fed, and threatened to go live with his neighbors. Besides, he was bored and demanded to be entertained.

It was impossible to take him to the theater. One day Alice tried to do this. She took him to the ballet " Swan Lake" The genie behaved so indecently there that it’s better not to remember.

Not only did he jump onto the stage and start dancing the dance of little swans, but then he also chased after one ballerina and shouted that he wanted to marry her.

The performance was disrupted, women cried, men could barely contain their anger, some even demanded to send the genie back to fabulous Arabia.

The books describe cases when jinn came to our times for various reasons. And in the end they were dealt with. True, these were fictions of writers, but Mustafa actually existed. Genies from books are more funny than scary. Some old man Hottabych generally seems like a kind, albeit grumpy, grandfather. Of course, in reality nothing like this can be expected from a genie. Moreover, he only came to visit, and you won’t rehabilitate him in a month.

In addition, it was unknown how long the genie came to visit.

“Don’t be upset, Alice,” said mechanic Zeleny, who once came to visit the Seleznevs. “In the worst case scenario, we’ll take it with us into space and lose it along with the jug in a vacuum.” In a thousand years they will find him...

“It’s cruel,” answered Alice. “It’s not his fault that no one ever raised him.”

“Exactly,” growled the genie Mustafa. He silently entered the room where this conversation was taking place, suddenly grabbed the mechanic by the collar and threw him out the window.

- How dare you! - Alice screamed.

- How dare he lose me in space? – the genie answered the question with a question.

Alice ran downstairs, Green rose with difficulty from the flowerbed and said sadly:

- I warned you!

Troubles always happen to him. And the mechanic Zeleny has not expected anything good from life for a long time.

On the third day, Alice took Mustafa to the station for young naturalists, the same one that occupies part of the park, the former Gogolevsky Boulevard. In the thickets of palms and pine trees lies a world of wonders. Young botanists from neighboring schools here grow cherries the size of watermelons and square watermelons to make them easier to transport; they bred a breed of chickens covered with curly hair and called them Kurovtsy. These chickens lay eggs, and in addition, they are sheared once a month. Pashka Geraskin, known to many, once crossed common mosquito with sulfur migratory bird. The result was a mosquito - a mosquito larger than a crow and so terrible that all living things ran away from it.

In this corner, which is also called a biological station, Alice and her friends work with enthusiasm, and some animals and birds also live permanently. The most famous of them are the giraffe Villain and the pithecanthropus Hercules. Hercules was brought in a time machine from ancient Indonesia, where he began to turn into a man, but did not have time because a saber-toothed tiger wanted to devour him. They say about him that he did not allow the komgus to fly into the Arctic Ocean, but killed him with a club, thus taking an important step towards the transformation of a monkey into a man.

Alice called the biological station in the morning and told her friends that she would bring a guest - the genie Mustafa. The twins Masha and Natasha Bely began to prepare halva and sherbet for his arrival, because they knew how to please the genie, and Javad Rakhimov promised to make pilaf, which is made only in his hometown Baku.

Giraffe Villain, a kind creature six meters high, washed himself with shampoo, and only the monkey man did not show any interest in the visit of the real genie, but ate too many bananas and fell asleep.

The genie demanded that he be transported around the city in a jug, because he suddenly began to feel shy about the people of the distant future. Alice did just that. She landed on a flyer at the biological station, pulled out a copper jug ​​and, to the music of Pashka Geraskin playing the harmonica, brought the jug to the platform at the entrance to the station, put it on the sand and pulled out the cork.

“Get out, Mustafa-aga,” she said, “we’ve arrived.”

“I don’t want to get out,” the genie answered from the depths of the jug, “let’s go home.”

– What else was missing! – Pashka was indignant. “We prepared, we tried, but he doesn’t want to.” Give me the jug, I'll shake your genie out!

Perhaps this should not have been said.

A disgusting howl was heard, and the genie Mustafa jumped out of the jug with the speed of a leaping lion.

The jug rolled to the side, the giraffe Villain jumped up so that his horn hit the one flying by balloon, but fortunately no one was hurt.

- Who almost shook me out? – the genie roared, flexing his muscles. - Mentally say goodbye to the mother who had the imprudence to give birth to you, you slacker!

Arkasha Sapozhkov, who stood nearby, unfolding a sheet with verses of greeting to a guest from the era of legends, fell from the rising storm. And the poems were carried away to the other end of Moscow.

Only the Pithecanthropus Hercules was not afraid of anything.

He stepped forward and began beating his chest with his fists, making a sound like someone beating an empty iron barrel with a hammer.

Genie Mustafa was dumbfounded by the sound and, of course, by the sight of the ape-man.

- What is this? – he asked much quieter than he had screamed a minute ago.

Hercules, waddled, headed towards the all-powerful genie.

- Get out! - the genie thundered and breathed fire into the pithecanthropus, scorching its fur. But Hercules is the bravest creature in the world.

He kept advancing on the genie, and the genie kept retreating.

- This is a marvel! - he shouted. - It's the devil himself! My power is powerless against the generation of hellfire.

Mustafa fell to his knees and leaned forward, intending to hit his head on the sand.

Everything could have ended badly, but Alice was not at a loss. She rushed forward, wrapped her arms around Hercules’ thick neck and began to quickly whisper in his ear:

- Hercules, dear, this is ours, ours, only a very stupid genie! It's a guest! Let's meet him and love him! Well, Hercules, don’t disgrace us!

Hercules can hardly speak, but he understands everything. And, of course, he would not want to let his favorite Alice down.

He raised hairy leg and placed his foot on the back of the genie’s head, which was wrapped in a silk turban.

- Hercules! - Mashenka Belaya said then. - Move away now, otherwise you will be left without compote today.

It was a terrible threat. Hercules trembled, howled and jumped away from the genie.

Mustafa raised his head, but remained on his knees.

“Alice,” he said, “I’ll ask you to immediately return me to the jug.” Your world is captured by scary divas, succubi and incubi. An honest genie has nothing to do here.

“Open your eyes, O honored Mustafa,” answered Alice. – And look with what honor you are greeted at our biological station.

Mustafa dared to open his eyes and saw Pashka playing “Sabre Dance” from the ballet “Gayane” by composer Khachaturian on the accordion: he believed that the ancient genies loved this melody.

Then Mustafa saw a polite and well-mannered young man Arkasha Sapozhkov, who read poems by Omar Khayyam in good Persian, welcoming the distinguished guest. Unfortunately, the genie had never been to Persia and did not know the Persian language. And I never met Omar Khayyam.

Abstract of the open extracurricular activity

Topic: Kir Bulychev “Genie in a Box”

Target: developing the ability to formulate moral judgments based on the work read.


Build flexibility and reading speed; develop the ability to highlight the main thing, compare facts, draw conclusions; develop creative imagination;

To develop awareness in children of reading aloud and silently a literary text;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, kindness, responsiveness, and the desire to do good deeds.

During the classes

    Mobilizing moment

Hello guys. When I, like you, was in the 4th grade, I read a huge number of books. And even then I realized that in a work of art everything is not coincidental, any artistic detail, any word in the book is not accidental. Let's make sure of this today.

Therefore, I propose to conduct our literature lesson in the form of research.

You are members of a scientific society.

I am your supervisor.

And our guests are independent experts in the field of literature, pedagogy, and teaching methods.

    Announcing the topic of the lesson, setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

The object of the study is the work of Kir Bulychev “Genie in a Box”

The topic of the research is fantasy and reality in Kir Bulychev’s story “The Genie in the Box.”

The hypothesis of our research will be this: everything in Kir Bulychev’s story is not accidental.

Dear members of the scientific community, let's start our research with the topic.

What words seemed unfamiliar or incomprehensible to you?

(fiction, reality, hypothesis, object).

Let's understand the topic step by step. Let's start with the word "fantasy".

What is fantasy? (Answers)

What is fantasy?

What is a fairy tale?

How to distinguish between these types of literary genres?

To what genre do we classify the works of Kir Bulychev?

III . Checking homework.

Before we begin to prove the correctness or fallacy of our hypothesis, we will check our knowledge of the lexical meaning of words.

    Explain the lexical meaning of the words.

A bay is a small bay, protected from storms and waves.
Breaker - foaming waves over a shallow or reef.
Reef - surface or rocky underwater elevations of the seabed that are dangerous for navigation.
A pill is a ball of medicinal powder.
Jellyfish (picture) is a marine animal of the coelenterate type, with a gelatinous body, equipped with tentacles.
A niche is any depression formed by something.
Ruins are the ruins of a building
Lichen (picture) is a lower plant consisting of a fungus and algae, forming one organism, growing on stones, on the bark of trees, on the ground.
Mussel (picture) is a bivalve marine mollusk used as food.
Matte – without shine or gloss; opaque.
Almond (picture) is a southern tree with pink flowers, with fruits in the form of oval nuts, with a bitter or sweet taste.
Kalahari Desert (picture) - location on the globe.

-We’ve sorted out the terms, now let’s recall in our memory a number of events about which the story is told.
    Name the main characters of the work.
Where do the events described take place?Why was Alice left without adult supervision?What were underwater archaeologists looking for?What did Alice dream of finding while exploring the bay?IV .Work on the topic of the lesson. 1) Let's move on to research. Find words, phrases, sentences in which the author hints that adventure awaits Alice.Conclusion: the description of the bay, Alice’s behavior and the unknown find - everything was conceived by the author in order to prepare the reader for the upcoming meeting.2) We continue our research, after reading, we need to find out who Alice is, who this alien is. What real, what fantastic qualities the author endowed them with and why.Analysis of literary heroes. Prove that Alice is both a real and a fantasy character.

Alice. Who is she?Alisa is a school-age girl living in Moscow at the end of the 21st century. In most books, her age remains around 12 years old. Alice is a high school student and a member of the young naturalists club. On my own, together with my father or friends, I visited many distant planets, in the underground depths and Atlantis, as well as in the distant past

Alice is the only child in the family. Father is the famous cosmozoologist, professor of zoology Igor Seleznev, director of the Moscow zoo of the future - Cosmozoo. Author of many published works, in particular the book “Beasts of Distant Planets”; permanent author of the galactic magazine “Bulletin of Cosmozoology”. Mother is the famous architect of the Solar System, Kira Selezneva. Known for the construction of the Nukus stadium and cultural center on the Pallada asteroid. Alice spends much more time with her father than with her mother.

Alice's appearance is known in general terms: she is a tall, fair-haired girl with an athletic build, usually dressed in “men's” clothes (shorts and a T-shirt, or overalls).

What is real and fantastic about a portrait of an astronaut?-Astronaut. Description of the astronaut.-For what purpose did you come to earth?-His attitude to life.Compilation of syncwines (according to options).Conclusion: Kir Bulychev endows Alice and the astronaut with both real and fantastic qualities in order to show that good and evil exist at all times. And that evil can be overcome by doing good deeds.Let's continue our research.Who ruined the astronaut's plans?Whose views on relationships between people are real, whose are fantastic?Why is the work called “Genie in a Box”?Suggest your options for the title of the work.What did each of YOU understand after reading this work?What do you think was the fate of the astronaut?
    Good conquers evil. Friendship helps to overcome any obstacles. You can't risk the lives of your friends.
Conclusion: Kir Bulychev shows us that a person needs friends, which is why the astronaut flew to Earth. Complete the sentences:Friendship is…Friend is...
V . Lesson summary. -What hypothesis did we prove today?-What facts were cited as evidence.(Description of the landscape, heroes of the work, character of the heroes of the story, actions of the heroes of the story, theme of the work, idea of ​​the work)- What did you remember most about the lesson?-What did you like?-What goals set at the beginning of the lesson have I achieved?-What would you like to continue talking about?
I like it… I realized that... I learned… I worked today... I want to talk about...
VI . Lesson grades. Which of our researchers can we thank for their desire to know the truth?VII . Homework. Come up with a continuation of how Alice became friends with the astronaut.