Courtney Love was born in San Francisco on July 9, 1964. The family into which she was born can hardly be called happy and prosperous: her parents were active supporters of the hippie movement, which was extremely popular in those years. Parties and impromptu concerts were constantly held in their house, during which guests and owners of the house actively consumed alcohol and drugs.

Five years after Courtney was born, her parents divorced, and her father was officially deprived of parental rights (partly because he light hand little daughter tried LSD). Together with her mother Linda, the girl moved to Oregon, where she soon had a stepfather, and after a while - two sisters and a brother who died in infancy.

The whole family lived in a hippie commune, sleeping in a barracks with a dirt floor, and Courtney could only dream of normal hygiene. Because of this, she was nicknamed "the pissing girl" at school. Deprived of parental care and affection, she grew up as a rather difficult child. The teachers noted that the girl was very talented, but she periodically had problems with her studies, and her relationships with her classmates were very difficult.

In 1972, Linda's second marriage cracked, and she moved with her children to New Zealand. Courtney attended the local Nelson School for Girls for a time, but was eventually sent back to Oregon to ex-husband Linda, who was her adoptive father. At the age of fourteen, Courtney was sent to a correctional facility: she stole a T-shirt with the logo of the rock band “Cinderella” from a store. Subsequently, for several more years she was listed as “under state guardianship.”

When Courtney turned 18, she had to support herself. She changed many jobs, including being a DJ and a stripper. Soon she was unexpectedly lucky: her adoptive grandparents gave her a small amount funds into a trust and she was able to move to Ireland. There the blonde studied at Trinity College for some time, but she did not stay in this country for long. She visited San Francisco, studied at a local university and art institute, and even lived in Japan for some time.


In 1985, Courtney Love Once again returned to the USA. She heard about the casting for the semi-biographical film “Sid and Nancy,” dedicated to Sid Vicious (bass player of the Sex Pistols) and his girlfriend Nancy. Courtney really wanted to play the lead female character, however, director Alex Cox only approved her for the role of her friend Nancy. Soon Cox changed his attitude towards the girl, and in the next film “Straight to Hell” he offered her the main role. Courtney was even invited to Andy Warhol's talk show as a gifted aspiring actress.

Courtney Love in The People vs. Larry Flynt

However, Love soon realized that films were not what she wanted. Over the years of her subsequent career, she appeared several more times in various film projects, but her true passion has always been music. Courtney admired how the songs of famous performers sounded from the stage and how the crowd of fans perceived them. She really wanted to become part of this world.


In her youth, in the early 1980s, the girl tried to organize her own group. At first it was the Sugar Baby Doll team, which, in addition to Courtney, included two of her friends. No records of this group currently exist. Then Love persuaded her to try out for the role of vocalist for the members of the band “Faith No More”. The musicians initially agreed, but then decided that they still needed male vocals, not female ones.

Next came the short-lived group Pagan Babies and the more famous group Hole. The latter also included guitarist Erik Erlandsson, drummer Caroline Ryu and bass player Lisa Roberts, who was replaced after some time by Jill Emery. In 1991, the group "Hole" recorded their debut album entitled "Pretty on the Inside", which received good feedback critics and appealed to fans of noise rock and grindcore.

In 1994, after a rather radical change in the composition of the band, a new album was released - “Live Through This”. The album was not as heavy as the band's first work, and was rather in the style of a more universal pop-grunge. Two months after the release of the record, Kristen Pfaff, who became the band's new bass player, died due to a cocaine overdose.

In 2002, Courtney Love released a solo album with Linda Perry called America's Sweetheart, which received mostly negative reviews. In 2009, Courtney tried to “reanimate” the group “Hole,” although she was the only one left from the original lineup. In the same year, the band’s discography was replenished with a new album, “Nobody’s Daughter.” Listeners liked this record much less than the group's first albums.

In the early 2010s, Love periodically performed solo, recorded songs in collaboration with other musicians and announced that she was preparing new singles and records for release, but nothing of the kind ultimately happened.

Personal life

Courtney Love's height is 175 cm and, as you can see from the photo, in her youth she was a very impressive, slender blonde. She had many affairs, but her first official husband was the lead singer of The Leaving Trains, James Morland. The marriage lasted only a few months and, according to Courtney herself, was a “joke.”

True story Love has a love connection with the frontman of the world famous group Nirvana. became Courtney's official husband in 1992. That same year, the family was expanded with the only daughter of Kurt and Courtney, Frances Bean Cobain. The daughter was born healthy, although her mother and father did not disdain drug use. By the way, as of 2016-2017, the singer has not used drugs for about ten years.

Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain with their daughter

As you know, in 1994 the musician shot himself with a gun. came as a big shock to Courtney. She has never forgiven herself for being without a phone that day, and to this day she thinks that a heart-to-heart conversation with her husband might have helped save his life.

Love never married again, although she has affairs quite often. One of the suitors of Kurt Cobain's widow was.

Courtney is widely known for her bold behavior and harsh remarks against some of her celebrity colleagues. So, Courtney’s longtime enemy is, which she is not shy about once again“pry” in the next interview.

Courtney Love now

In 2014, Courtney again talked about resuming the activities of the Hole group, only this time with the classic line-up.

Love leads his Instagram, in which he shares moments of his life with subscribers. Courtney still takes an active part in social life, attending fashion shows and film premieres.

Courtney Michelle Harrison was born on July 9, 1964 in San Francisco, California, into a family of wealthy hippies. Her father, Hank Harrison, was the manager of several rock bands, so he spent most of his life on the road. Mother, Linda Carroll, was trained as a psychotherapist and shared her husband's philosophy of life.

When Courtney was 5 years old, her parents divorced and she stayed with her mother. The father was deprived of parental rights because the investigation believed that he gave his daughter LSD. Linda settled in Oregon, where she lived for some time in a hippie commune. Here she married Frank Rodriguez, who adopted Courtney, but they did not live together for long. Two years later, Linda divorced Frank, and they moved to New Zealand.

At the age of 16, having received a good inheritance, Courtney went on a trip to white light. From her parents she inherited a free outlook on life and a wild character, which predetermined her future fate. At the same time, the girl took the surname Love. Despite the fact that Courtney studied theology in Ireland and took art history courses in San Francisco, she did not understand life from school textbooks.

However, Courtney Love was moderately educated and wanted to connect her life with art. The girl's greatest passion was music. In the early 80s, she formed her first rock band, Sugar Baby Doll, but a year later it broke up. Love's next projects, Faith No More and Pagan Babies, also did not last long.

In 1989, thanks to an advertisement in a newspaper, Courtney managed to gather a group of like-minded people and organize a new musical project - "Hole". In 1990, their first single, “Retard Girl,” was released, and a year later, their full-length album, “Pretty on the Inside” (1991). Love's first work, which had a noise-rock, heavy sound, was critically acclaimed and appeared on Spin's list of the year's best releases.

Love of my life

In 1989, Courtney Love met a man who would change her life forever. This man was Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain. They met at a Nirvana concert, which Courtney did not like at all. Finding a musician in the crowd, she said that he was mediocre and wrote bad songs. It is worth saying that Love was very upset that evening, and Kurt had to calm her down. He did it in a very original way - he kissed the girl. Thus began a romance that became no less famous than the love story of Sid and Nancy.

Best of the day

Courtney fell in love with this gloomy, unkempt and always unshaven guy at first sight. However, a year and a half passed before they started dating. When they confessed their love to each other, the whole world ceased to exist. They were kindred spirits and immediately found a common language, but their characters were different. Kurt was unsociable and always depressed. Courtney was a wild and vulgar playgirl. But only death could separate them.

True, then it seemed to Love that their life together would be long and happy. In 1992, Courtney and Kurt got married in Hawaii. Two months later, the singer understood why her husband’s character was getting a bad reputation. Cobain's psyche was unstable, and the slightest difficulties in life led him to severe depression. Over time, scandals, fights and broken dishes became a common thing in their family. The musicians’ friends also got used to it...

Courtney hoped that the birth of her daughter Frances would change everything for the better, but the problems did not go away. The main thing is that she could not understand what was going on in her husband’s head. He looked happy and for the sake of his family he even tried to get rid of drug addiction. Then the heroin wave swept over Cobain again. He began bringing weapons into the house and often locked himself in the closet with a gun. Courtney saved him from suicide more than once, but on April 5, 1994, she could not save him.

After the incident, no one doubted that Cobain committed suicide, although there were those who blamed Courtney for his death. In fact, the singer was very worried about the death of her loved one and tried to commit suicide several times. But the desire to create turned out to be stronger and brought Love back to life. She sold the rights to half of Cobain's works for $50 million, saying he was her best friend, but now she needs her own life.

After Cobain

After the death of Kurt Cobain, Courtney threw herself into work, trying to forget about what happened. She still took drugs, although she was desperately trying to get rid of her addiction. In the spring of 1994, Love, along with her band Hole, released the album Live Through This, which was highly praised by the press and went platinum. A few years later, a new album by the musicians, “Celebrity Skin” (1998), appeared on sale. This work was the last before their first breakup, which occurred in 2002.

After announcing the breakup of Hole, Courtney Love took up a solo project. In 2002, the singer released the disc "America's Sweetheart", which was written together with Linda Perry. In addition, during this period, Love actively acted in films.

Courtney's first appearance on screen took place back in 1986 in the musical drama Sid and Nancy. She wanted to play Sid Vicious's lover Nancy Spongeman, but got the role of her friend Gretchen. Then there were small roles in the films “Straight to Hell” (1987) and “Bushes” (1988), after which the singer disappeared from cinema for a long time. Her comeback came in 1996, when she appeared in small cameos in the films "Basquiat" and "Feeling Minnesota."

However leading role Courtney's career began with the role of Althea Flynt, the wife of a famous porn magnate, in Milos Forman's film "The People vs. Larry Flynt" (1997). Love received a Golden Globe nomination and won the Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Most Promising Actress. Her next works in the films “Man on the Moon” (1999), “Julie Johnson” (2001), “24 Hours” (2002) also received great praise.

In 2009, Courtney Love announced that the band "Hole" was returning to the stage. True, it is already in an updated lineup, since the former musicians are busy with other projects. Soon the long-awaited album "Nobody's Daughter" (2009) was released, which was received ambiguously. Since October 2012, the singer resumed her solo career and is now working on several projects at once.

Courtney Love is still notorious. She acts in films, pleases fans with new songs and is still friends with alcohol. But the singer finally gave up drugs in 2007. This happened thanks to director Milos Forman, who persuaded Love to go through long-term treatment. There were many more men in her life, but she herself great love Will always be Kurt Cobain. The singer believes that their passion for each other played a key role in her work and the work of Nirvana.

Sarah 20.05.2015 06:00:42

Well, in short, Americas Sweetheart was released not in 2002 but in 2004, Nobody's Daughter not in 2009 but in 2010. Thanks to Milos Forman, Courtney stopped using heroin - this was in late 1995 - early 96, it happened on the initial filming of People against Larry Flynt. After Flynt, she did not use any drugs. Her career took off, in 1998 Celebrity Skin was released, she acted in films and in 2002 problems began again, Love announced the breakup of Hole, graters began over Nirvana songs with Dave Groll and Novoselic. Some kind of scam with Kurt's money by lawyers or someone else. Part of the amount was stolen, namely 40 million dollars, written off from the accounts of the savings fund of Courtney and her daughter Frances with Kurt (this was already 2003). In At the end of 2002, work began on the solo album Americas Sweetheart being in adequate condition. But there were a lot of disagreements with the recording studio, Courtney changed several of them. Further, under all the above circumstances, Courtney was at a studio in France (which is located in a castle/palace - its name is not I remember) she continued recording, started using cocaine, drank hard, didn’t leave the studio for 6 months, you can call it a kind of hangout. The addiction subsequently got out of control, the album's implementation was delayed, and subsequently the recording company released it itself, choosing the material at its discretion from everything recorded. The album was released, Courtney, in an inadequate state, appeared on several shows to present it (David Letherman's show in 2004), caused a brawl on an airplane, hit a fan with a microphone stand at one of the concerts, broke up with her boyfriend, solo album producer Jim Barber, causing a pogrom near his house . She was detained by the police, sent for compulsory treatment for addiction, custody of her daughter was transferred to Hank Harrison (the father who once adopted Courtney). Well, in general, the story is still long.

Celebrity biographies


09.07.16 10:10

No matter how much you do in your creative biography Courtney Love, she will still go down in history as “the widow of Kurt Cobain.” The death of the rock musician is still shrouded in mystery - some do not accept the version of his suicide, while others still suspect Courtney. The media kept reporting about the singer and actress’s stay in rehabilitation centers and her strange antics, and she calls herself a “natural force.”

Biography of Courtney Love

In hippie communes

In fact, her name is Courtney Michelle Harrison (Love is her pseudonym), and she was born in the town of Eugene (Oregon) on July 9, 1964. This was the heyday of the hippie movement, and psychotherapist Linda and her husband Hank Harrison (he was a publisher) followed the traditions of the “flower children.” They moved away several times and ended up in a new commune, so Courtney Love’s early biography is nomadic, she lived with her family in Europe, traveled around America, and even stayed in New Zealand for some time.

In 1969, a scandal occurred: Hank gave his baby daughter a try on LSD, she, fortunately, remained alive, but dad was deprived of parental rights, Linda divorced him and took Courtney. She grew up very restless, and at school she began to show signs of aggression. She was shown to specialists, and they came up with a whole “bouquet” of diagnoses (social and emotional mental disorder and initial degree of autism). Love later admitted: “Even then, as a child, I craved fame. It seemed to me that I would become a star, and people would be honest with me. Later, I wanted to change my personality by changing something in my appearance, but nothing happened. I dreamed of getting as far away from my mother’s lifestyle as possible, but I became like her. She sent everything to hell, and I’m no better.”

Young rebel

Mother remarried, Courtney had two younger sisters. But when the girl was 8 years old, Linda left her husband. Since Frank Rodriguez adopted Courtney, after some time the girl, who was tired of wandering around the expanses of New Zealand, returned to him. But then new problems began - adolescence, another wave of rebellion. Courtney stole a cheap T-shirt from a store, but paid dearly for this act: she was sent to a juvenile correctional facility, then she ended up in a foster family.

Enchanted by the music

16-year-old Courtney decided to spend the inheritance she received from her grandparents on travel - she was bored with Portland, where she worked semi-underground as a stripper. She ended up in Ireland, tried to study at Trinity College, but dropped out and moved to Liverpool. The hometown of the cult group “The Beatles” charmed the girl; since then, Courtney Love’s biography has changed - she decided that she would be a musician. Her first lessons were taught by Ian McCulloch, guitarist and frontman of the British band Echo & the Bunnymen.

Upon returning to the States, Courtney tried to organize an all-girl musical group, but nothing came of the idea. She stayed briefly in the Faith No More group, but then the guys decided that they didn’t need a girl. By the late 1980s, Courtney had two small film roles (in Sid and Nancy and Straight to Hell) and her own band, Hole. Together with guitarist Erik Erlandsson, bassist Jill Emery and drummer Caroline Rue, Love recorded several singles and the CD "Pretty On The Inside". It was not very successful - it took 59th place in the British charts.

The most controversial woman in rock history

The marriage to Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain was short-lived - they only lived for two years. After the birth of her daughter, Courtney performed only once with her husband (at the Rock Against Violence music festival), and then began recording an album for her group with an updated line-up. The disc was released seven days after Kurt's death, in the spring of 1994. This album, Live Through This, went platinum, and the hype surrounding the Cobain tragedy most likely played a role here.

In 1998, another disc of the group was released - “Celebrity Skin”, which also received platinum status, and soon “Hole” broke up, only to get back together in 2009. However new round their work (as well as Love's attempts at a solo career) was received negatively by critics. No wonder Courtney is called “the most controversial woman in the history of rock.”

"I'm too picky!"

Courtney returned to films in 1996, starring in Milos Forman's controversial biopic The People vs. Larry Flynt. She played the title character's wife Althea and received a Golden Globe nomination.

She was also invited to a small role in the comedy “200 Cigarettes,” and in 1999, Love worked with Foreman again, taking part in the film “Man on the Moon.” Her other film projects include the little-known independent films Rhythm, Julie Johnson and the thriller 24.

Courtney also had a guest role in the TV series Sons of Anarchy. She is very picky when it comes to cinema, here are her words: “I understand that not every director is Foreman, but I can’t change my standards. Recently some bastards offered my daughter to star in nonsense like Twilight, she almost killed them! Let her study, there is no point in touching her. For them, Cobain's daughter is like fresh meat for predators."

“The stormy past” became poems and drawings

In 2006, Courtney visited a rehabilitation clinic and had breakdowns before. So, she was almost deprived of parental rights for allegedly using heroin while pregnant. Later, in 2004, the singer and actress tried to commit suicide and ended up in a psychiatric ward. All her experiences associated with the “turbulent past” resulted in song lyrics (often harsh and aggressive), and then in drawings (in 2012, Courtney even organized an exhibition of her works).

Personal life of Courtney Love

"Comic" marriage

Courtney claims that she has not touched drugs for a long time, saying that Buddhism helped her with this - she has been practicing it since the late 1980s.

In 1989, Love married musician James Moreland, but later said that it was just a joke and the marriage did not last long. Romances with bandmate Erik Erlandsson and Billy Corgan did not lead to anything.

“I was like a nurse”

Courtney Love's personal life was changed by her passionate love for Kurt Cobain. It is not known exactly when they met, but their romance began in 1991. They got married in February 1992, and six months later Courtney gave birth to a daughter, Frances Bean Cobain.

In April 1994, Kurt died - by official version, shot himself without anyone else’s “help.” But some Cobain fans put forward a theory of contract murder and almost directly accused the widow. Courtney does not want to talk about this topic, but speaks about her life with the singer like this: “This was not the first attempt at suicide - he tried three times. Yes, and he overdosed about five times, I pumped him out, was with him like a nurse. There are a lot of rich people who idolize Kurt and are ready to pay top dollar for any of his things, but I’m not going to sell anything.”

Actor Edward Norton played with Courtney in the film “The People vs. Larry Flynt” and started an affair with her; it almost came to marriage, but then they broke up. Love's other famous boyfriend was (rumored) British entertainer Steve Coogan.

Courtney Love is the pseudonym of a world-famous actress and singer. She was born in California. The father of the future star was a hippie, his mother a certified psychotherapist. At first, the family lived amicably. However, by the early 70s the marriage broke up. By court decision, Courtney remained with her mother. The father was deprived of parental rights due to allegations of child abuse. Fate has prepared many challenges for Courtney Love. The biography of the future star is an example of the life of a strong personality, ready for any challenge.

  • Real name: Courtney Michelle Harrison
  • Date of birth: 07/09/1964
  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Height: 177 centimeters
  • Weight: 60 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 66 and 92 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 39 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: blue, light brown.

Childhood of a future star

After the divorce, the girl's mother moved to a hippie commune in Oregon and soon remarried. The woman gave birth to two more children, but the last boy born died in early age from congenital heart disease.

According to the recollections of teachers and classmates, young Courtney was an introverted child. Despite the presence of talent, her studies were difficult for her. Relationships with peers were also tense. When the girl was nine years old, doctors diagnosed her with a mild form of autism.

Finding your place in the sun

When Courtney turned 16, she received an inheritance and left hometown. The girl began to travel around the world in search of new experiences. Arriving in Liverpool and making friends, she settled with them. It was then that Love began to feel drawn to music.

After living in the UK for two years, the girl returned to her homeland. By this time, she realized that her future was inextricably linked with music.

In the period from 1984 to 1987, our heroine tried herself in several projects: she took part in the creation of a number of musical groups, but they all turned out to be failures.

Courtney Love's band Hole was formed in 1989 and consisted of four members: a vocalist, a guitarist, a bass player and a drummer. Their debut album hit the shelves in 1991. It took 59th place in the British charts.

Kurt is the love of my life

The star couple registered their relationship in the winter of 1992, despite the fact that they met long before that. The relationship between the Nirvana leader and his wife was a favorite topic of discussion for journalists. The couple shared a love of music, but had opposite characters. Kurt was reserved and uncommunicative, Courtney was the star of all parties and was not afraid to shock the audience with shocking antics.

The young people had no doubt that many years of happy life awaited them. family life. However, the marriage lasted only two years and ended in tragedy. Kurt committed suicide. This event went down heavy burden on Love. Many blamed the widow for what happened.

The young woman was left alone. She grieved the death of her beloved husband, but found the strength to turn this sad page. She still had a young daughter, Frances, in her arms, who needed a mother. She also had music. It was creativity that helped Courtney cope with the loss. Throwing herself into her work, she released many hits and built a successful career.

The love story of the star couple several times became the basis for feature-length film scripts. One of them appeared on television in 1997. Its title includes the names of the star couple.

In 2005, viewers saw the film “The Last Days.” The description of the life of the main character, rock musician Blake, coincides with what is known about Kurt Cobain. However, the filmmakers deny the existence of any connections between the Nirvana leader and their character.

Courtney Love's second studio album was released a week after Cobain's tragic death. Two new team members took part in its creation. This collection of compositions was more successful than the previous one. In the British hit parade it was in 13th place, in the American chart it was in 52nd place. In the United States of America it was given honorary platinum status.

In 1996, viewers saw a film by Milos Forman called “The People vs. Larry Flynt.” Love received several awards for her participation in this project. Released two years later, the band's third album, Hole, went platinum in America. It has sold more than one million copies.

Six years ago, the star announced her retirement from stage name which I have used for many years. The woman asked to be addressed by the name given by her parents at birth.

Courtney Love: biography, personal life of this outrageous American star have always been and remain on the pages of the press. Today, our star is actively busy with her career and is not going to give way to the young. She acts in films, records songs, performs on stage, and sometimes drinks. However, Love left drugs far behind.


Courtney appeared at the height of hippie popularity. The girl’s parents (her mother is a psychotherapist, and her father is a technician for the Grateful Dead band) were active participants in the movement. This, by the way, explains the origin of the pseudonym “Love” (love). At Harrison's house there were always parties; the hosts and guests had noisy fun with crowds of musicians and their fans.

At the age of 7, Courtney and her mother moved to another city. At this time she already had another dad, the third in a row. The girl had sisters, which made Love feel abandoned. The little girl cried for hours on end and drew terrible pictures with her sisters in the lead role. She wished the girls a quick death, believing that only in this case would their mother pay attention to her.

Courtney's family began to live in a hippie commune, that is, in a barracks with a dirt floor, where they smoked a lot and did not separate people by different sexes. The girl was not even allowed to play with dolls. At this time, Love was nicknamed “the pissing girl” at school, because her mother did not care at all about her daughter’s cleanliness.

Troubled teenager

Soon Corny was completely left without a mother. The girl was left in the care of a nurse, and her parents moved to New Zealand to raise sheep. However, the sheltering woman could not stand the slightly cruel girl and sent Courtney to her mother. But as a result, Love wandered around among friends and boarding schools, then ended up in a juvenile colony.

A girl went to jail after stealing a T-shirt with the image of the popular rock band Cinderella. In the colony, Courtney took an intelligence test and amazed the psychiatrists, showing a high result. Love was released on parole. After her release, the future artist accidentally came across her own father, who invited her to live with him.

One day, Courtney Love attended a rock band concert. I spent two hours behind the scenes and realized that most of all I wanted to be in their place. The singer made her way to the stage through the backstage and the party, the beds of the musicians. She adopted manners and gestures from the singers she knew, learned to dress brightly from transvestites, and earned money by performing in strip clubs. At this time, Courtney dyed her lips and hair black and lined her eyes with charcoal pencil. This was the only way the girl felt pretty.

Passion for music

When Courtney was 16 years old, she received an unexpected inheritance. To celebrate, the girl went to travel and in 1982 settled in Liverpool with friends. There, Love began to get involved in music, and her teacher was Ian McCulloch from Teardrop Explodes. Upon arrival in America, two years later, Courtney began composing melodies herself. She briefly joined Faith No More and then participated in the Sugar Baby Doll project.

In 1989, Love formed the band Hole with Eric Erlandson, Caroline Roux and Jill Emery. A year later, three singles were released, and a year later, the debut album “Pretty On The Inside”. A week after Kurt Cobain's death, his widow released her second studio album, Live Through This. In America it went platinum.

In 1997, the collection “My Body, The Hand Grenade” appeared, which included early work group "Hole" and concert songs. A year later, the third album, Celebrity Skin, was released. It sold 1.35 million copies.

Courtney Love began working on her first solo album in 2002. "America's Sweetheart" appeared two years later. But the planned tour in support of it was canceled due to the fact that the singer was sentenced to 18 months of drug treatment.

Courtney Love at the movies

Love first appeared in films in 1986. She played in the film “Sid and Nancy” by Alex Cox. The film was dedicated to Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious. The newly minted actress played the role of a friend main character and musician's mistress Nancy Spagen. A little later, the film “Straight to Hell” by the same director appeared in theaters. But both films did not bring success to Courtney, so she decided to return to music.

Courtney Love on video

At first, Courtney created an all-girl post-punk band called Babes in Toyland, but the singer was pushed out of there. Love also received her resignation in the early incarnation of Faith No More. Suddenly, the girl found herself in Alaska, where she got a job as a stripper. However, in 1989, the actress returned home to Los Angeles.

In 1996, Courtney Love played in the film “The People vs. Larry Flynt.” The role unexpectedly brought the girl popularity and a Golden Globe nomination, as well as a number of different film awards. Later, the actress could be seen in the films “Basquiat” and “Feeling Minnesota.”

But the romance between Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain formed the basis of the documentary film “Kurt and Courtney: The End of Nirvana.” The tape appeared in 1998. The actress remembered her film ambitions and began acting again. The films “Two Hundred Cigarettes” and “Man on the Moon” followed.

By the new century, Courtney Love was already leading a rather modest life, compared to the past. She starred in the films “Blow”, “Julie and Johnson”, “24 Hours”. The partners were entirely celebrities. In 2005, fans saw the biographical film “The Last Days” about the history of last days life of rocker Blake. And, of course, Courtney’s work on the films “Trailer for the remake of Caligula” and “Kurt Cobain: About a Son” did not go unnoticed.

Personal life of Courtney Love

In February 1992, Cornie Love married Kurt Cobain, leader of the group Nirvana. Six months later, a daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, appeared in the family. Future parents waited with fear for the birth of their first child. They were worried that the dissolute life of their parents would affect the baby. Both went to the hospital at the same time. Courtney went to the parent department, Kurt ended up in the drug treatment department. The musician decided to get rid of his addiction forever and almost died from terrible withdrawal symptoms.

Courtney Love sings

Despite her fears, Frances was born healthy. Famous parents They started writing songs for their daughter, filming her videos, and once even took her to an MTV ceremony.

However, a month later, Kurt began using drugs again. And in 1994 he committed suicide. Some began to blame the wife for the tragedy. Courtney could not forgive herself for being without a phone that evening, otherwise, after talking with her, her husband might have remained alive.

On the eve of the release of the album “Nobody's Daughter” in 2010, Cornie Love said that her stage name was depressing her, and decided to work under her real name, Courtney Michelle.

In 2004, Love released a diary in which she placed the lyrics of unknown songs, her letters to Kurt and photos from the family archive.