Constantine is a name that has very ancient roots, as it is derived from the Latin word constans, which means “steadfast” or “constant.” In antiquity it had a slightly different form, Constantius, but over time it acquired a modern sound in most countries. Some peoples pronounce Constantine as Kostadin (in Bulgaria and Serbia), Kastus (in Belarus) or Costantino (in Italy).

The name Konstantin became most widespread back in the days Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. For the most part, this was the name given to people from noble families, including several Roman and Byzantine emperors. In the historical annals, in a series of famous Constantines, one can meet many kings and princes, outstanding church leaders, scientists, writers and military leaders.

Among our compatriots there are many outstanding personalities with the sonorous name Konstantin: scientist K. Tsiolkovsky, poet K. Balmont, writer K. Paustovsky, artist K. Korovin, Soviet military leader K. Rokossovsky, teacher K. Ushinsky, singer and leader of the group “Alice” K. Kinchev, actor K. Khabensky, boxer K. Tszyu, producer K. Ernst. The combination of tenacity of beliefs and ideals with creativity almost always allows Konstantin to achieve success in life.

Diminutive derivatives from the name Konstantin: Kostya, Kotya, Koka, Kosya, Kostik, Kostenka, Kostyusha, Kostyunya.

Name days and patron saints

In the Christian church naming book, Constantine is correlated with many saints, of whom the most revered and famous is Constantine I the Great, the Roman emperor who founded the Christian capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople. Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine on June 3.

However, this date is far from the only one when men with the name Konstantin have the right to celebrate their name day. There are almost fifty such days in the calendar. Here are just a few of them: January 8; February 11 and 27; March 6, 19 and 25; May 24; June 11, 15, 18 and 29; July 8, 16 and 22; August 11, 17 and 26; September 16 and 23; October 4, 15 and 22; November 4, 15, 22 and 27; December 2, 15 and 23.

Characteristics of the name

Despite the basic meaning of the name Konstantin, which presupposes the presence of perseverance, courage and firmness in the character, this versatile, but secretive nature is fraught with other, often unexpected, qualities. Constantines are endowed with excellent intuition and a flair for change, but at the same time they may not appreciate something eternal and significant that has existed nearby for a long time and imperceptibly.

When communicating with others, Konstantin is always calm and balanced, skillfully hiding his true experiences and emotions under the guise of constant goodwill, and sometimes mockery and cynicism. However, only a select few can call him a close friend, relationships with whom have been tested by many years of, often even childhood, affection.

The strong will that dominates the character of Constantine turns these bright and sociable personalities into excellent, but very authoritarian leaders. They are quite tolerant of the opinions of others, but do not allow them to influence their own point of view. Any business interests Konstantin only when he himself plays an active and often leading role in it.

In many ways, the character of Constantine depends on what time of year he was born.

  • Winter birthday people demonstrate unshakable firmness in decision-making, enviable practicality and worldly intelligence, as well as an insatiable desire for freedom and independence.
  • Spring namesakes are very unreliable in solving everyday problems, easily immerse themselves in romantic dreams and ignore the harsh everyday life, and are convinced of the exclusivity of their own personality in all its manifestations.
  • Summer Constantines surprise everyone with their unconventional ideas and actions. They are capable of compassion and are always ready to help their neighbors. However, contrary to their own name, they are very fickle in their preferences.
  • Konstantin, who was born in one of the autumn months, shines not only with his intelligence and determination. One can only envy the tirelessness and determination with which he moves along the intended path.


At a tender age, Kostya stands out among his peers with his amazing calmness and restraint. It is difficult to catch him in tears or to see him upset. However, this does not mean that Kostya was not troubled by fears and concerns as a child. He is very vulnerable and sensitive, but early learns to cope with his experiences and hide them.

Little Kostya is outwardly almost always in a good mood, and therefore attracts the sympathy of his peers and even older children. They enjoy communicating and playing with the smart and friendly boy. True, occasionally a child can show amazing adherence to principles and stubbornness, which causes serious conflicts. Some children named Konstantin over time demonstrate considerable selfishness to their parents if they make mistakes in their upbringing.

For most Kostyas, their school years fly by unnoticed and are filled with a lot of pleasant moments. After all, natural curiosity and excellent memory turn studying into a real adventure, and a sociable character makes them the soul of any company. Problems with academic performance arise only if a boy loses interest in a particular subject. The lack of a common language with one of the teachers can also cause a cooling towards the subject of teaching.


As a child, Kostik’s parents have to worry a lot because of his ability to catch a cold from the slightest draft. However, systematic hardening and playing sports quickly turns a fragile boy into a strong teenager, and then into a strong, healthy man.

With age, disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, caused by constant stress and poor lifestyle, are quite likely. To avoid serious problems You should organize your vacation in a timely manner in places where you can enjoy plenty of fresh air, sea swimming and sunbathing.
Vision problems are very possible.


Despite his sociability and outward charm, Konstantin’s sex life is not too varied. After all, he treats the choice of a girl very thoroughly. He is attracted only by a harmonious combination of external and internal beauty, and sex very early becomes not an end in itself, but only an integral part of a relationship.

Kostya is a sensitive and inventive lover who strives to bring pleasure not only to himself, but also to his partner. At the same time, not a single passionate romance can distract him from the main activities of life. Apparently, this is why a refusal or a breakup does not turn into a tragedy for him, but becomes just another instructive episode on the path of learning about life.

In love, Konstantin prefers comfort and coziness. Crazy caresses on the seashore or under the forest canopy are not for him. A sensitive and reverent nature requires a soft bed and a warm bath, coupled with kind words and gentle touches.

However, even the most strong feeling will not force Konstantin to give the palm to his partner. He must always remain in control of the situation and manage the relationship at his own discretion.

Marriage and family, compatibility

The contradictory character forces Konstantin to enter into relationships with the most different women. In some, he appreciates their bright appearance, but over time he retreats, not seeing attractive character traits behind the spectacular facade. Other chosen ones conquer Kostya with hidden inner virtues, but become uninteresting as soon as their secret perfections become obvious to everyone around him. Therefore, the search for a soulmate lasts for many years, and an already concluded marriage does not always become the only one.

Only an intelligent and balanced woman, an excellent housewife and a caring mother who recognizes the unconditional leadership of the head of the family in resolving any issues can become Konstantin’s wife. The lack of mutual understanding between the spouses easily provokes Kostya to cheat. He starts looking your soul mate on the side, but at the same time does not at all strive for divorce. The destruction of the family hearth becomes a real tragedy for Konstantin. At the same time, this does not stop his paradoxical nature on the path to new relationships, new marriages and new betrayals.

Relations with his wife's relatives, especially with his mother-in-law, are difficult for Konstantin. He usually finds the greatest understanding and sympathy among the oldest generation. But Kostya plays the role of a father very talentedly, harmoniously combining reasonable severity with all-consuming care. Kids adore him, and adult children become dad's real friends.

Of the long series of female names, Kostya will be most lucky in alliance with Yana, Sofia, Rimma, Rosa, Polina, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Inna, Evgenia, Elizaveta, Victoria and Anna. But you shouldn’t even hope for a happy marriage with Tatyana, Olga, Natalia, Maria, Irina, Veronica, Alisa, Anastasia and Alexandra.

Business and career

When choosing a profession, Konstantin does not have any clear preferences. Most often, he is attracted to stable work that is not associated with a change in place and point of application of forces. The field of activity is not particularly important.

As an ordinary employee, Kostya is sociable and likable, easily winning the favor of colleagues, superiors and clients. However, his character contains leadership qualities and determination, which, together with insight, tact and lack of despotism, turn Konstantin into an excellent boss.

High professionalism, perseverance and personal charm allow Kostya to always earn good money. He is successful in business and science, where he usually holds leadership positions. However, the creative sphere will also allow Kostya to fully realize his inclinations and talents, and will also bring him considerable spiritual satisfaction. Whatever Konstantin does, his absolute dedication to his chosen field of activity guarantees good earnings and professional competence.

Talismans for Constantine

  • Patron planet – Jupiter, Mercury.
  • Element – ​​Earth.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign – Leo and Aquarius.
  • The most successful time of year is winter.
  • The most successful day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky color - green, blue.
  • The totem animal is the ibis. Since the times of Ancient Egypt, this mystical bird has meant wisdom and a penchant for science, and portends abundance. In addition, the ibis symbolizes magical abilities and subtle intuition.
  • Totem plant – acacia, forget-me-not. Acacia symbolizes immortality and secret knowledge, special resilience and the ability to resist the vicissitudes of fate. Forget-me-not means the constancy and sincerity of the name Konstantin.
  • Talisman stone – beryl. A talisman made from this mineral will help Konstantin maintain good relationships with children and parents, making them stronger marriage ties, will protect against depressive thoughts and unkind people. Beryl is indispensable for those men whose work requires constant communication with clients, allowing them to constantly radiate goodwill and calm. A beryl amulet will protect businessmen from bankruptcy.


Aries– an incredibly sociable, friendly and cheerful person. He is always ready to communicate with the most different people and is open to new acquaintances. Konstantin, without hesitation, will lend a helping hand to a person in trouble, even if this threatens him with problems and troubles. And all because in people, Konstantin-Aries sees first of all their positive qualities and almost does not notice negative character traits. As his wife, he chooses a woman who fully shares his views on life and attitude towards others. She should be just as kind and responsive, full of positivity and love for life.

Taurus– puts work and career first in life. His drive and determination, as well as high ambitions, professionalism and leadership qualities allow him to achieve dizzying results in his chosen field of activity. However, determination in achieving professional goals, excessive pragmatism and seriousness of goals often interfere with a happy personal and family life. Constantine-Taurus will be happy in marriage only with an intelligent and patient woman who shares and supports his career aspirations, who knows how to enliven everyday life with sparks of enthusiasm and positivity.

Twins- so charming and eloquent that their love affairs follow one after another. All the life of these gentlemen and handsome men they are accompanied by a long trail of romantic relationships, the indifference of the female sex and a lot of intimate friends. After all, they are simply irreplaceable in company: they are full of jokes, demonstrate extraordinary intelligence and create a festive atmosphere. However, the rest of the existence of Constantine the Twin resembles chaos and confusion. Everything in his personal and professional life is constantly changing. One hobby gives way to another, passion comes and goes, a highly developed creativity provokes new experiments and adventures, and frivolity and lack of commitment interfere with a successful career.

Cancer– gives the impression to others of a reliable and reasonable person, while in reality he is constantly in a turmoil of feelings and thoughts. External calm and practicality hide an insecure personality in need of constant support and approval. If Constantine-Cancer meets a sensitive and caring woman, then in union with her he opens up and becomes softer, turning into a surprisingly attentive and loving spouse. A penchant for planning and prudence help to achieve good results in the chosen profession, if it is not related to the humanitarian sphere.

a lion– incredibly attractive to others, but endowed with excessive conceit and selfishness. Konstantin-Leo is sincerely confident that his charming appearance and outstanding abilities allow him to demand real worship from those around him, and all kinds of blessings from life. At the same time, such concepts as kindness, attention and love for others simply do not exist for him. A woman worthy of becoming the wife of such a man has not yet been born. After all, he needs the ideal combination of exquisite appearance, extraordinary intelligence and flexible character.

Virgo– constantly strive to learn something new. His life is never calm and bright, since his mind and soul are constantly disturbed by the enormity of the still unknown world. A philosophical mindset and an indefatigable desire for self-improvement transform the existence of Constantine-Virgo into an eternal struggle for the harmony of existence and consciousness. He is outraged and upset by any injustice or flaw, and therefore such natures often strive to isolate themselves from the world and be alone. In his personal life, a man will be happy next to a reliable and understandable companion who will bring simplicity and positivity to the relationship.

Scales– sincere and friendly Konstantin, whose main priority in life is family. For the sake of his family, he is ready to move mountains and conquer the seas, but only if they appreciate his simplicity and openness to the world. Kostya-Libra does not like to play and pretend; I trustingly demonstrate to the world all my advantages and disadvantages. A successful marriage will only develop with a woman who will fully accept and understand his frank nature.

Scorpion- the complex and quarrelsome nature of this Konstantin prevents life, first of all, for himself. Rapid changes in mood and unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others turn Kostya-Scorpio into an unpleasant and even repulsive person, and coupled with intolerance and unjustified arrogance make his life incredibly lonely. Only an immensely patient and forgiving woman, ready to tolerate his constant arrogance and fanaticism, can live peacefully with such a stubborn and arrogant man.

Sagittarius– an outwardly frivolous and positive person who carefully hides his romantic and vulnerable soul under the guise of carefree fun. Sensitive and creative person Constantine-Sagittarius is hidden very deeply from others, but, nevertheless, constantly needs their support and approval. If there is a girl who can discern Kostya’s mad love and serious intentions behind the carefree flirting, then she will certainly be the happiness and support of his entire life.

Capricorn- not a very likeable person, distinguished by immense egoism and ambition. His arrogance, constant awareness of his own superiority over others and fantastic determination allow Constantine-Capricorn to make a good career and achieve complete financial well-being, but will not win him the love of others. With all his material achievements, he will forever remain lonely in his soul, even if he ever gets married. True love will visit Konstantin only once, but will never be mutual.

Aquarius– spends his entire life in adventures and travel. He simply cannot exist without discoveries and adventures, be it meeting new people or unexplored lands. An irrepressible desire to change places and circumstances makes him an interesting and attractive person, but turns the life of his loved ones into a real test. Next to Kostya-Aquarius, only an equally restless woman can comfortably exist, who, in addition, must also have a strong character in order to restrain her husband’s overly crazy endeavors in time.

Fish– this Konstantin approaches life with constant distrust. His vulnerable and sensitive nature suspects insidious traps and insurmountable obstacles everywhere. A shy nature prevents you from opening up to people and getting to know them better, making friends and finding love. The lack of sufficient experience in communicating with the world makes Konstantin-Pisces constantly fear betrayal and betrayal, deceit and falsehood. Marriage is completely impossible for him, since in relations with women, according to Kostya, there is no complete trust and sincerity.

Everyone has long known that the name has a great influence on everything that will happen to a person. Today the topic of our article is Konstantin: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this rather beautiful and common name. While expecting a child, parents carefully analyze and study a whole list of names so as not to make mistakes and give their child the best and happiest name.

Konstantin: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Konstantin

The name Constantine is of Latin origin and translated means “constant”, “persistent”.

Several early Christian saints bore this name, but it became widely known thanks to Emperor Constantine I the Great, who founded Constantinople, the new capital of the Roman Empire.

In Rus', the name Constantine became popular after the adoption of Orthodoxy. For several centuries, representatives of the princely Rurik dynasty proudly bore this name.

Currently, this name is no longer as popular as it was, for example, 40-50 years ago, but it still occurs.

What kind of character could the boy Konstantin have?

How the origin of the name Konstantin influenced its meaning

Young Konstantin is a receptive, impressionable child with a rich imagination. His imagination plays a cruel joke on him: the boy sees fears everywhere, he is anxious and restless.

Growing up in an atmosphere of parental love and care, Kostya will gradually cope with his feelings of anxiety and restlessness, and become more balanced and self-possessed.

  • The boy has not had many friends since childhood. The character of a child named Konstantin is such that he does not need much communication; two or three friends with whom he is ready to spend time, play games, and exchange impressions are enough. Kostya cannot be called closed, but rather self-sufficient.
  • As a teenager, the guy chooses a humorous and ironic tone to communicate with acquaintances and classmates; it is not so easy to penetrate his thoughts and understand where the real Kostya is and where he puts on a mask. The guy is friendly and friendly with almost everyone, but not everyone can call him their friend. Kostya does not have many real friends and they have been tested by years of companionship.
  • Sometimes K. can be quick-tempered and overly emotional; he is irritated by insincere, dishonest, narcissistic people. And at the same time, Kostya is capable of being responsive, understanding and kind towards those who inspire his sympathy.
  • A man is used to making all decisions in his life on his own. He carefully analyzes all the options, measures seven times before cutting, but he never regrets the choice he makes and does not look for those to blame for his actions.

What fate awaits Constantine?

The adult Konstantin is a complex and even somewhat contradictory personality. Outwardly, he gives the impression of a calm and confident person who knows the value of things and knows how to distinguish “wheat from chaff.”

At the same time, deep inside Kostya is emotional and impulsive. He does not often show emotions in public, but when left alone or in the company of a friend, he can more openly and strongly express his feelings and thoughts.

Friends and acquaintances

  • Konstantin does not make new acquaintances easily and is very picky about his contacts. He may even seem unsociable to those around him, although he is simply reserved, and in order to open up, he needs to get to know the person well.
  • Konstantin still doesn’t have many real friends, mostly childhood friends with whom he has a long history of friendship. K. will never let his friends down or betray him; they know that they can count on him.
  • In the same way, Kostya also relies on his friends, although he himself rarely asks for help and prefers to solve all the questions and problems that arise on his own.

Work and career

In his work, Konstantin is active, persistent, ready to implement complex and demanding projects. He is an excellent leader, ready to lead people. With employees, he rather behaves not like a boss, but like a colleague. He approaches the matter carefully, carefully, analyzing all aspects. It is difficult to convince him, he does not often agree with other people's opinions, but is ready to listen carefully to advice and suggestions. He takes responsibility for the team. If a failure occurs or some problem arises, Kostya will not blame others, but will sort it out and correct the mistake along with others.

The scope of his interests is quite broad, but, first of all, he is interested in those areas where he can fully demonstrate his intelligence, the ability to accurately assess the situation, and make balanced and reasoned decisions.

Konstantin could be:

  • Engineer-inventor;
  • Designer;
  • Director;
  • Agent and Sales Director;
  • Consultant on finance, management, strategy;

Characteristics of the name Konstantin, character traits and fate

Love and women

In society, he always behaves very confidently and even somewhat arrogantly, which usually makes a lasting impression on women. They like his ostentatious inaccessibility, as if he is disinterested in communication.

Konstantin is impressed when women themselves show interest in him and seek his attention. He himself chooses strong and powerful women, whom he takes a long time to achieve. But it often happens that, having achieved the favor of the woman he is interested in, Kostya loses interest in her.

Even for the sake of the woman he loves, Konstantin is not ready to sacrifice his business, he will not cancel a pre-planned business meeting. His profession means a lot to him, and it is to it that he devotes himself enthusiastically and completely.

  • Therefore, divorces happen in the lives of people with this name. They don’t tolerate them easily, but after some time they get married again quite easily.
  • He takes little part in family affairs and does not delve into everyday problems, giving leadership in the family to the wife. Costa is responsible for providing financial support and making decisions on global family issues.
  • K. loves children, but it is difficult for him to establish contact with children; he shifts educational aspects to his wife. He communicates with older children much more often, devotes more time to them, can study lessons and discuss various topics that interest them. Kostya develops a particularly close relationship with his son.

What will the child named Konstantin be like?

As a child, Kostya is an impressionable and restless child. He really needs the care and love of his parents, since only they can calm him down and give him confidence that everything is fine.


The origin of the name Constantine is ancient Roman. Derived from the Latin word “constans”, which translates as “unchangeable”, “permanent” or “persistent”. IN Ancient Rome this name was not popular and existed in other modified forms. It came to us later...

The name Konstantin is popular not only in the countries of the former USSR, but also in many other European countries, like many other names. Demand is constantly growing because it has good value and excellent compatibility with Russians female names

Popularity: The name Konstantin is very popular today in Russia and other CIS countries. Occupies 24-26 positions. According to statistics, it occurs in 11-13 boys out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Kostya, Kosya, Kotya, Kostyukha

Modern English analogues: Constant, Costantino, Kostadin

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Konstantin in pairs with origin promises a newborn boy such traits as attentiveness to others, openness, originality of thinking, kind-heartedness, humanism, sincerity, irony and a tendency to self-sacrifice. Also, most of them are hardworking and very purposeful people.

Most Konstantins have great patience, but this trait should not be tested - it can turn into hot temper and aggression. Kostya, an adult or a child, will not forgive if his patience is tested by rudeness, deception or anything else. He will say everything straight to the face and will not be afraid of the consequences.

Advantages and positive features: Konstantin is always a kind, generous and very attentive person, trying to treat everyone equally well, not having high hopes and achieving everything he sets his sights on. These are, for the most part, people who have excellent patience and restraint.

Konstantin has a bad attitude towards to people who take advantage of his kindness and try to manipulate him, he can get very upset if he is deceived, and can behave extremely aggressively towards a person who has been seen as self-interested.

The name Constantine in Ancient Rome had several derivatives derived from the same root: Costantinus and Constans.

Character of the name Konstantin

The nature of the name Konstantin is such that it assumes that the bearer of this name has such characteristics as kindness, unobtrusiveness, naivety and shyness, cheerfulness and optimism, positivity and fairness, good nature and integrity, eloquence and the ability to listen to the interlocutor, sociability and friendliness. In other words, the character of the bearer of this name is very simple and easy, thanks to which Konstantin himself can get along with anyone, even an aggressive one. Kostya’s character is the very factor that attracts people - his character does not allow him to be rude or deceive, betray or criticize, he is different, on the contrary, polite, attentive, caring, kind in soul and nature. And his character also presupposes that Kostya will become a really good friend, a comrade, which every person without exception dreams of - his character will never allow him to take advantage of the weakness of his interlocutor or friend, to deceive and use his weaknesses in the name of self-interest.

At the same time, one cannot help but say that character may differ in many ways from the above description, because it depends on many side factors. For example, character can change depending on upbringing, zodiac sign and energy of the patron planet...

Early childhood

In early childhood, it is almost impossible to piss off a boy named Konstantin or drive him into hysterics. He is so calm and knows how to control his own emotions so well that he practically does not give in to hysterics, whims and tears.

A boy whose parents decided to choose a beautiful male name, Konstantin, is always well received in society by his peers, he is always welcome. And there are a lot of reasons for this in the form of such qualities as kindness, justice, calmness, honesty, peace, balance in decisions and actions, prudence, optimism and readiness for any adventure.

The meaning and energy of this name, in general, bestows a whole bunch of good characteristics on the bearer of the name Konstantin, and this is already a 100% fact, but there are also several small “Buts”. One of them is that this boy may also develop a sense of principle, which, moreover, grows as he grows up - if he has decided something, then it is already unrealistic to dissuade him from what he has started, he does what he has decided on principle, and no one will will be able to prove to him that this does not need to be done. Plus, adherence to principles also manifests itself in moral principles. Well, the second “But” is self-confidence...


A teenage boy who received the name Konstantin from his parents may be rewarded with an exorbitant thirst for knowledge. Moreover, the meaning of the name Konstantin usually bestows its bearers with a bunch of other incredibly important qualities. These include, for example, discipline, responsibility, diligence, commitment, honesty, openness, obedience, readiness for challenges, assertiveness and persistence, arrogance, good nature and goodwill.

True, it usually does not do without flaws - for example, this boy can be awarded with such shortcomings as sensitivity and excessive receptivity, self-criticism, inability to argue and defend his point of view, fear of criticism and vulnerability.

Konstantin is sentimental, but open and ready for new contacts; he will never run away from a new acquaintance and is happy to make as many friends as possible. Over time, Konstantin will begin to hide his excessive sensitivity, but in his soul he will forever remain like that. But this boy has many friends, plus, Kostya copes well with any of his responsibilities and easily gets used to any role.

He studies roughly, his teachers will probably be pleased with him, the exact sciences are on a par with the humanities for him, but at the same time it is important that the subject is taught in an interesting way. With his peers and classmates he should have a good relationship, but, unfortunately, he will never become a leader...

Grown man

Adult Konstantin is a completely two-faced person, but in in a good way of these words. On the one hand, this is a secretive man who does not want to burden anyone with his problems, who copes with all troubles on his own and keeps all his experiences deep inside himself, trying not to spill the negativity outward. On the other hand, he is happy to help other people and is a person to whom everyone without exception can open up - he will never refuse advice or a simple conversation, he is ready to listen and understand, heed and help, he will never refuse help and will even help when something important needs to be sacrificed. In general, Konstantin is a good friend and just a great person, but naturally not without flaws.

The meaning of this name suggests to Konstantin an eternal struggle with himself - such people usually fight with themselves until they achieve a balance between their timidity and secrecy with firmness and self-sufficiency. Unfortunately, such a man will never become a leader, nor will he become a boss, but he may end up being a respected person, this is a fact, there is every chance for this. Optimistic, kind, respectable, cheerful, a little secretive, but eloquent and sociable, cheerful and positive, friendly and loving - this is the man who is protected by the meaning of the name form Konstantin.

Interaction of the character of Constantine with the seasons

Winter - under the influence of the meaning of Winter, the bearer of the name Konstantin is born, in whom stubbornness, determination, and the desire to prove everyone is right and pragmatic are raging. He can be a romantic and a joker, or he can change dramatically and become demanding. He loves attention, especially from women, but does not like whirlwind romances - he prefers to fall in love forever. Konstantin will give his heart to the first beloved one.

Summer - here a boy is born with an extraordinary character and thinking, an unusual boy, whose mood is almost impossible to guess. Konstantin has a creative nature, loves to travel and hates monotony. Ready to take endless risks and move forward. Responsive and kind, ready to listen and help.

Autumn - in an autumn boy, determination and activity, self-confidence and authority prevail. This is a sincere person, but in everything he seeks profit and self-interest. Any action of Constantine is accompanied by benefit, and his changeable character is based solely on common sense and logical thinking.

Spring - at this time, an impulsive, fickle, fearless and narcissistic egoist is born by nature, possessing at the same time such traits as cheerfulness, easy disposition, passion, complete dedication to the family. Konstantin values ​​​​family ties - he is ready to do anything for the sake of his loved ones.

The fate of the name Konstantin

The fate of a name is the most complex and unpredictable factor of all. But even despite the fact that researchers do not despair of predicting how the fate of a person endowed with one name or another will turn out. So, in turn, a lot of time was devoted to studying such a parameter as the fate of the name form Konstantin, and I would like to say, not without result...

As it turned out, Kostya’s fate is quite simple to interpret - according to most researchers, the characteristics of this little name indicate that fate must involve a long search for a soul mate. Kostya should, in theory, be very popular with women and be loving, but not every woman can please him enough to stay with him forever.

At the same time, despite his love of love, Konstantin’s fate suggests that he will ultimately fall in love, as they say, “until the grave.” And it should be noted that Kostya’s true sincere love is so strong that his chosen one, with whom he will be in love, will only have to enjoy happiness. However, fate is unpredictable - today it may imply one thing, but tomorrow it may lead to something completely different.

Love and marriage

Konstantin has consumerist feelings towards marriage and love, believing that great and bright love for life is a children's fairy tale. In his opinion, a woman is only a means of satisfying any whim of a man. His attention may be attracted by a mysterious woman with a mystery and a twist in her appearance, character, and behavior. As soon as the mystery and intrigue in the relationship disappear, he immediately loses interest in his passion.

Kostya carefully selects the ladies vying for his heart, actively using his insight. He does not seek to tie the knot and is extremely wary of the process of starting a family, and first of all considers this step from a commercial perspective. His wife should become Kostya’s loyal friend and skillful business partner, and only after that a beloved and desired woman, close to him in spirit and desires.

Konstantin shows care and attention to his wife, but most often this is the most he can give. It is important for him that from the outside his family looks happy, but whether this is actually so is not so important to him. Unfortunately, he is unable to give special affection, love and warmth. He can have a stable and fairly strong union with a woman who views marriage as a mutually beneficial partnership.

Konstantin as Father

Konstantin treats fatherhood as a given. Children are needed for procreation, so in due time they should come into the life of every person, but it is impossible to say that he simply dreams of becoming a father.

Of course, he loves his children, most of all his sons. As a father, he tries to pass on his skills and abilities to them. Kostya can spend weekends with the children, sometimes taking them on a picnic, but he can hardly count on much help in raising children.

Work and professional growth for Konstantin will always be more important than family, so his wife should be patient and learn to cope with everything on her own. At the same time, he can sometimes make some important decision for the children, simply without consulting his wife, be it a choice kindergarten, development section or school.

Kostya has his own views on life, therefore, in his opinion, their mother should be involved in the upbringing, education, and development of children. He sees himself as a breadwinner, earning money and moving up the career ladder.

Compatibility with female names

With people like Anastasia, Faina, Frida, Dora and Vera, a guy named Konstantin has not perfect compatibility, but the relationship can be quite romantic and passionate.

There are huge chances for building a really happy and strong marriage when Kostya is combined with such female names as Praskovya, Lolita, Carolina, Agata, Olga, Edita, Nina, Sarah and Isabella.

Well, it’s better for Konstantin not to build relationships with Svetlana, Flora, Vladislava, there is no compatibility at all.

For more than a hundred years, the name Konstantin has not lost its popularity in our country. It is widespread both in Russia and in other European countries. This name has been known since ancient times; it was worn by the sons of noble parents back in Byzantium. Several rulers were also named with this nominal form. The most famous of them is Emperor Constantine the Great, who renounced paganism and spread Christian faith and created the new city of Constantinople, which became the capital of the Roman state.

History of the name

The male name Constantine originated in Latin. It was formed from the name “constans”, translated as “persistent”, “permanent” or “solid”.

The name Constantine gained popularity thanks to the ruler of the Roman Empire, Constantine the Great.

Taking the side of Christians, who at that time made up no more than a tenth of the population of the Roman Empire, Emperor Constantine moved forward the development of civilization and proved worthy to remain in the memory of mankind with the name “Great”.

Konstantin Alexandrovich Filatov

Name forms

Abbreviations for the name Konstantin: Kostya, Kotya, Kosta, Koka, Kosya, Kon, Tino.

Kostya is the most common shortened version of the name Konstantin

Diminutive options: Kostik, Kostenka, Kostyushka, Kostyunya, Kostyusha, Kostyasha, Kostyanya, Kostyura, Kotasha.

To write a poem for Constantine, you can use the following rhymes for this name form: Christian, as one, serpentine, citizen, mandarin, family man, nobleman, ruler.

Related nominal forms: Constant, Konstantino, Kostadin, Consedin, Coishem, Kistennin, Konstantinos, Konstandinos. Female counterparts: Constantia, Constantina.

Church version of the name: Konstantin.

The ecclesiastical and secular names of Constantine are similar

Patronymic names formed from the name Konstantin: Konstantinovna, Konstantinovich.

In the international passport the name Konstantin is written as KONSTANTIN.

Transliteration of the name Konstantin: Konstantin

What middle names go well with the name Konstantin: Andreevich, Viktorovich, Ilyich, Petrovich, Yuryevich.

Table: the name Konstantin in foreign languages

Arabكونستانتين Constantine
BelorussianKanstancin Kanstantsyn
BulgarianKostadin Kostadin
HungarianKonstantin Konstantin
GreekΚωνσταντίνος Konstantinos
Georgianკონსტანტინე constantine
Hebrewקונסטנטין Constantine
SpanishConstantino Constantino
ItalianCostantino Costantino
Korean콘스탄틴 Constantine
Chinese康斯坦丁 Kāng sītǎn dīng
LatinConstantinus Constantinus
LithuanianKonstantinas Konstantinas
GermanKonstantin Konstantin
PolishConstantyn Constantyn
PortugueseConstantino Constantino
SerbianKostadin Kostadin
Thaiคอนสแตนติน Constantine
FinnishKonstantin Konstantin
French, RomanianConstantin Constantin
Hindiकांस्तान्तिने Kānstāntinē
CzechKonstantin Constantyn
Japaneseコンスタンティン Konstantin

Name day dates and patron saints

There are quite a few saints named Constantine. The most famous of them are:

  1. Emperor Constantine the Great, Equal to the Apostles. The saint ruled one of the parts that were part of the Roman Empire. But thanks to his faith in God, he was able to become the only ruler in the empire. He dedicated his entire life to the Lord and the church, abolished the death penalty through crucifixion, erected many Christian churches, banned pagan games, and forbade offering sacrifices to idols.

    Constantine the Great became the first ruler who actively spread Christianity in his state and built temples

  2. Reverend Konstantin Kosinsky. The saint, together with his associate Kosma, was a disciple of the Monk Varlaam of Khutyn. Later they left the monastery and went to live on an island, where they founded a monastery.

    Konstantin Kosinsky was the founder of the monastery

  3. Blessed Prince Konstantin of Murom. Throughout his life, the saint contributed in every possible way to the spread of the Christian faith on Russian soil, founded several churches and converted thousands of pagans to Christianity.

    Blessed Prince Konstantin of Muromsky contributed to the spread of the Christian faith on Russian soil

Konstantin will celebrate his name day on one of the following dates (closest to his birthday):

  • in January: 8;
  • in February: 11, 27;
  • in March: 6, 18, 19, 25;
  • in May: 24;
  • in June: 3, 11, 15, 18, 21, 29;
  • in July: 8, 14, 16, 22, 27;
  • in August: 2, 11, 13, 17, 26;
  • in September: 16, 19, 23;
  • in October: 1, 2, 4, 15, 22;
  • in November: 3, 4, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27;
  • in December: 2, 11, 15, 23.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Konstantin is a bright person who attracts others with his mystery. Despite the meaning of the name "constant", this person is an extremely fickle personality. Although he is strong in spirit, assertive and purposeful, he is still a modest and vulnerable person. The guy is not capable of low actions, does not like platitudes, is endowed with sober thinking, and thinks about his every action for a long time. Kostya likes everything beautiful and unusual, so he tries to surround himself with extraordinary people and things. For him there are no generally accepted authorities; the guy makes up his own opinion about each person. The man is endowed with many talents, which he is used to using in order to show his superiority. Having achieved what he wanted, Kostya experiences true pleasure.

Konstantin is a completely extraordinary and therefore so attractive personality

The guy is sensitive, tactful, sentimental, and has an impulsive and capricious character, more typical of girls. But he is very patient and decisive. Capable of bold actions, even after long deliberation. Konstantin is generous and kind with those around him, he will always be able to find words of support, you can rely on him. Clarity of mind and excellent intuition help the young man achieve his goals. The disadvantages of Kostya’s character can be considered his vulnerability and modesty. They are the ones who can prevent a man from reaching professional heights. In addition, these shortcomings prevent the guy from establishing connections with people. Konstantin recovers from shocks and difficult situations for a long time.

Konstantin is modest and vulnerable, which can prevent him from achieving what he wants

You are the only one among friends -
Unsurpassed Konstantin.
You are here today, and there tomorrow -
You fly on the waves of life.
You are not looking for money, not for rewards,
You despised the chaos of everyday life.
The wonderful island of Eldorado
You see through the darkness.
The ordinary is not enough for you.
Your whole life is an impulse, a flight.
Are you looking for an ideal in life...
Who seeks will always find!


Table: personality characteristics of Constantine according to various theories

Boris KhigirAccording to the theory of Boris Khigir, Konstantin has a fearful and anxious character. As a child, it is difficult for him to get used to new circumstances, but with age this fear goes away. However, it is still difficult for a man to communicate with new people. He has friends, but they are very few. This person is responsible and conscientious, very fond of his work. Any little thing can upset him, but he sees beauty even in the worst people. He loves girls who are bright and beautiful, but it is also important for him that she be educated and interesting.
Pavel FlorenskyPavel Florensky considers Konstantin the most fickle person. This guy is prone to moodiness, intolerant life problems, too demanding of himself. Sometimes you get the impression that Kostya himself doesn’t know what he wants. He is angry at the whole world, including himself. The guy has a subtle and talented nature, which he considers his superiority over others. The man has an uneven life, uneven relationships with others, and is very fickle. It is difficult to guess what he will do in the next minute; even Konstantin himself is a mystery to himself.
Pierre RougetAccording to Pierre Rouget, Constantine is a bright personality with a mysterious character. He is an extrovert, dynamic and active, not influenced by others, but knows how to listen. The guy is used to dominating communication and is kind-hearted and emotional. Knows how to value his own and other people's lives. Among other things, Kostya has good intuition, a clear mind and excellent health. This is a deep personality with a rich inner world.

How does a name affect a child's character?

Little Kostya is endowed with a contradictory and fickle nature. The boy's parents will need a lot of effort to direct his personality in the right direction. The baby grows up calm, modest, fearful, too vulnerable and sensitive. But at the same time, he exhibits incredible stubbornness and unwillingness to listen to adults. The boy is curious, but not too active. Such a child always acts only as he wants. Konstantin does not like changes in life, so he gets very upset if he has to move or change schools. Kostya may have problems with his studies, primarily because of his modesty. Mom and dad need to find a “golden mean” in the process of raising their son. If you behave too strictly with him, the boy will become tyrannical, and if you are kind and gentle, he will grow up spineless and weak in spirit.

As a child, Kostya was distinguished by his unstable mood and contradictory character.

Proper education helps Konstantin become a unique and individual person. At a young age, he is still prone to contradictory actions, which often ends in trouble for him. The guy combines sensuality and indifference, tenderness and cruelty, truthfulness and secrecy. Already at such an early age, most girls pay attention to Kostya; he amazes them with his uniqueness. Such interest greatly flatters the boy and gives him great pleasure. But he is not interested in relationships, in order not to let anyone get close to him, the young man separates himself from the people around him with the help of a wall of ironic and sarcastic statements. Konstantin is inclined to commit selfish and hooligan acts, but all this is only because of the fear of being left alone or being incomprehensible. A teenager trusts almost no one, so he has practically no friends, but those who exist become real support and support for him. Kostya does not pay attention to the opinions of others; he knows how to see in a person what others do not see. Therefore, when choosing comrades, he relies only on his own conjectures.

Hobbies and talents

As a child, Kostya is interested in design. With age, he is increasingly attracted to mystery and romance. A man likes to solve complex problems, make plans and implement them. The guy loves nature, draws beautifully and writes talented poems. In addition, he is not averse to spending time with a book or watching a historical chronicle or documentary. Sports also occupy a significant place among Konstantin’s hobbies.

Konstantin Knows how to enjoy nature, draw and write poetry

Konstantin did not receive a good classical education, since he immediately began to study military affairs, but he respected education. Contemporaries noted his love of reading and testified that until the end of his days he wrote speeches, “excelling in the wisdom of words.” He knew how to appreciate art and later, at the height of power, he wrote that “in our age, my favorable attention follows everyone who writes poetry, like the quiet whiff of zephyrs.”

“The Life of Constantine the Great” Konstantin Aleksandrovich Filatov

Profession and career

The Constantines are divided into two groups. The first chooses a rapid rise up the career ladder and occupies leadership positions. Such a guy is respected by his colleagues, he is patient, assertive and responsible, endowed with organizational talent and an analytical mind. He's great at leading own business. The man will also be successful in the field of science, astronautics, geology, research, architecture, construction or politics.

Konstantin can become an excellent boss who will be adored by his subordinates

The second group includes Kostya, who choose a creative profession. They can also achieve maximum heights from their chosen profession, but in addition to money they will also receive spiritual satisfaction. Such a man can become an outstanding designer, artist, musician or even a priest.

Konstantin can choose a creative direction that brings spiritual satisfaction to realize his talents

Regardless of which group Konstantin is more inclined to, he will always put in a lot of effort and devote himself entirely to his profession. This is a conscientious person who can only be satisfied with work done as well as possible. This attitude to business does not always result in great financial income, but Kostya does not want to do anything differently and does not know how. Work is his main passion in life.

A well-chosen job becomes the meaning of life for Konstantin


Konstantin will not have health problems until his old age. He leads an active lifestyle, loves walks in nature, and tries to relax at the seaside often. This man will live a long life, and only in old age can some diseases appear. Most often these are diseases of the joints, organs of vision and lungs.

Konstantin loves walks and tries to lead an active lifestyle, so health problems do not bother him until his old age.

Love and sexuality

Konstantin is sexy, passionate, temperamental and amorous. Girls often and quickly fall in love with this man. He is capable of beautiful courtship, as a result of which he quickly achieves the favor of his chosen one. Women are attracted to him by his strength, elegance and goodwill. Among other things, Kostya is very generous and will shower his beloved with gifts.

The guy prefers bright and spectacular women. He likes it when a girl has some kind of mystery that needs to be solved. But having done this, Konstantin may immediately lose interest in his partner. The young man does not believe in eternal love, so his whole life consists of an endless chain of romantic relationships and disappointments.

Konstantin loves to work,
The house will be put in order.
He won't forget to joke
And he will find friends easily.
Romantic and open
His kind soul:
Feelings for the ladies are not forgotten -
Whoever is is good.


Konstantin adores women with intrigue that take a long time to unravel

Intimate relationships are an important component of Kostya’s life. They give him real pleasure and joy. It is important for a guy in what conditions meetings with a woman take place; he needs a calm and cozy environment in order to fully realize his potential. In bed, Konstantin is used to dominating and will not tolerate his partner’s desire to take on the leading role.

Comfortable conditions for intimate meetings are of great importance to Konstantin.

Marriage and family

Konstantin's first marriage usually ends in divorce. The man shows himself to be attentive and caring husband, but this is all done for show. The guy considers family an obligatory part of the life of a successful person, so he perceives his wife as a partner, and not as a beloved woman. He does not give her enough warmth and tenderness, since he devotes all his time to work. He tries not to meet his wife’s parents at all. Authoritarianism reigns in Kostya's family. A man will always take the role of leader, make decisions independently, without paying attention to the opinions of other household members. Being angry, this person can descend to rudeness and cynicism, and jealousy makes him angry and vindictive. Among other things, the guy never shares his problems, never talks about work issues. Many scandals and conflicts occur in a couple, and sooner or later the result of one of them is divorce.

Almost all of Konstantin's marriages end in divorce

Konstantin is inclined to consider parting with his wife a life lesson. There may be more marriages in his life, but they all have nothing to do with real relationships. The guy is just very amorous and strives for romantic adventures. In every marriage, Kostya gives birth to children, whom he loves very much and tries to maintain contact with them. When they become adults, communication continues on a friendly note.

Konstantin loves his children and will never abandon them, even if he has to part with their mother

Table: compatibility of the name Konstantin with some female names

Table: matches for the name Konstantin

Interpretation of the meanings of the letters that make up the name

The letters that make up a person’s name add additional qualities to his character:

  1. Letter K. A mysterious and mysterious personality, endowed with a strong spirit and insight.
  2. Letter O. The guy is conservative and principled. He will be happy only when he manages to find his life purpose.
  3. Letter N. The young man is very selective in everything, tries to reach the essence in any matter.
  4. Letter S. The young man strives for stability in all areas of life.
  5. Letter T. The main passion of this person is the desire for diversity, in addition, he greatly values ​​the truth in everything, always tries to get to the bottom of the truth.
  6. Letter A. This person has a constant desire for leadership, he constantly starts and implements something new.
  7. Letter I. A man has a subtle mental organization, is sensitive, kind and sweet to all people.

Konstantin is a mysterious, selective, sensitive and slightly conservative person

Characteristics of a name depending on the time of year in which a person was born

Winter Konstantin is persistent and purposeful, trying to prove his truth to the last. A guy can be romantic and cheerful, but the next moment he can become serious and demanding. He likes to receive attention from others, especially from women. But he is not interested in stormy and short-term romances. This man wants to fall in love once and for life.

Winter Constantine is used to constant attention from women

In the spring, Konstantin is born, endowed with an impulsive, fickle, fearless disposition, but at the same time, he is a cheerful and sociable young man. Among other things, he is also a narcissistic egoist. The only thing a guy is capable of sacrificing himself for is his family and loved ones.

In the summer months, Konstantin is born, who has an extraordinary character. This is an absolutely unique personality, with unusual thinking and unpredictable mood. Summer Kostya - creative person, loving travel and variety. A man will never stop halfway in achieving his goals and is ready to take any risk. He is a good, sympathetic and kind friend.

Letniy Konstantin is a unique and extraordinary personality

Autumn gives Konstantin purposefulness and activity. The guy is self-confident and powerful, trying to find benefit for himself in everything. Everything this person does is for selfish purposes. However, he is absolutely sincere, will never lie or be a hypocrite, and also has logical thinking and common sense.

Table: personality characteristics of Constantine in accordance with the Zodiac Sign

Zodiac signPersonality characteristics
AriesThe patronage of Aries gives Constantine a cheerful, open and positive disposition. It’s easy for someone like him to make new acquaintances, he tries to please everyone without exception, and sees only the good in people. He is kind and sincere, trying to find a life partner with the same qualities as himself.
TaurusThis Kostya prefers to communicate only with positive and cheerful personalities, although he himself is their absolute opposite - he is serious and pragmatic. But his serious and decisive character helps him achieve success in his career. The man loves his job, he is valued and respected by his colleagues and superiors.
TwinsThe guy is peaceful, eloquent, charming. He lacks seriousness and constancy, but even in their absence, a man is able to achieve success in any sphere of life. The life of this person resembles chaos, everything in it is fickle and changeable, except for the dependence of Gemini Bones on female attention. He is very partial to girls, just like they are to him.
CancerUnder the sign of Cancer, Konstantin is born, endowed with a serious, reliable, prudent and prudent character. This man lives according to a clear plan, drawn up by him. Those around him see him as a reliable, but narcissistic person. He himself values ​​affectionate, kind, gentle and caring individuals and tries to avoid negativity. This will make an ideal spouse.
a lionToo narcissistic and selfish nature. This guy is sure that everything that happens around him is done only for his good. He is prone to arrogance and vanity, but is endowed with incredible charm that helps control people. Konstantin Leo is looking for the ideal girl who does not exist.
VirgoThe man is romantic, likes to dream and reflect on philosophical topics. Kostya-Virgo wants to achieve harmony with the surrounding reality; it is difficult for him to accept this unfair and unreliable world. The guy likes to be alone. He prefers girls who are reliable and open, who will bring positivity to his existence.
ScalesKostya-Libra is endowed with a simple, sincere and friendly character. For the sake of his loved ones, this person is ready to do anything. He does not seek to play someone else's role, but tries to always show his true face. A man will feel happy next to a gentle and caring woman.
ScorpionUnder the influence of Scorpio, Constantine is born, who has a changeable and fickle nature. His thoughts often diverge from his actions, but the man will defend his opinion to the last. He is not popular in society and often suffers from loneliness. He wants to meet a girl who will love him madly and endure all his whims.
SagittariusThis young man is romantic but secretive. Konstantin-Sagittarius loves to fantasize and is endowed with creative abilities, but hides his heightened emotionality under the guise of a carefree and frivolous person. The same with girls: the guy shows them his reluctance to enter into strong and serious relationships, but in fact he dreams of eternal and sincere love.
CapricornThe young man is poorly compatible with any people, as a result of which he often spends his life alone. But the point is his narcissistic and selfish character. The guy tries to put himself above others, to assert himself at the expense of those around him. Constantine-Capricorn devotes all his energy to building a career, but not for the purpose of self-realization, but only to obtain financial well-being.
AquariusThe influence of Aquarius makes Konstantin an adventurous and dreamy person. The young man lives to gain new emotions and impressions, is engaged in self-improvement, and is in an eternal search for acquaintances and romantic relationships. He chooses girls who are frivolous and simple.
FishVulnerability and shyness are the main character traits of Konstantin-Pisces. The guy doesn't trust anyone, is afraid of being deceived or betrayed, and can't stand two-faced people. He is not interested in serious relationships with women, since he will never be able to trust his partner anyway.

Photo gallery: famous personalities bearing the name Konstantin

Konstantin Sergeevich Aksakov - Russian publicist, historian, linguist and poet Konstantin Konstantinovich Sluchevsky - Russian writer Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - Russian scientist and inventor, founder of modern cosmonautics
Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky - Russian director, actor, teacher, theater theorist, honorary academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont - Russian symbolist poet Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky - Russian teacher, writer, founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - Russian writer, master of lyrical-romantic prose, author of works about nature, historical stories, artistic memoirs Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky - Soviet and Polish military leader, twice Hero Soviet Union Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov - Russian writer, public figure, Hero of Socialist Labor Konstantin Petrovich Feoktistov - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Hero of the Soviet Union Konstantin Nikolaevich Nikolsky - Russian and Soviet rock musician, singer, guitarist, songwriter Konstantin Evgenievich Kinchev - Soviet and Russian musician, songwriter, leader rock group "Alice" Konstantin Shotaevich Meladze - Russian and Ukrainian composer and music producer Konstantin Dzyu- Russian boxer Konstantin Raikin - director of the Satyricon theater Konstantin Lvovich Ernst - Soviet and Russian television figure, media manager, producer, screenwriter Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky - Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia

Konstantin's is complex, but unusual fate. The meaning of his existence will always be work, so it is very important for a man to make the right choice of profession. Any business will bring inspiration to this person, as well as satisfaction of spiritual and material needs. The guy is an adventurer, prone to adventure, and also a big lover of women. I must say that they reciprocate his feelings. Therefore, personal life is rich and active. Kostya usually has several marriages, but rarely becomes a happy family man.

Meaning of the name

Konstantin is an original and extraordinary man who is self-confident, attentive to others, powerful and mysterious at the same time. His kind-heartedness, sincerity, humanism and responsiveness are endearing, although this man absolutely does not need other people’s approval, because even without it he lives in harmony with himself and the world around him. But with his enemies, Konstantin is cruel and ironic, so it is better not to abuse his patience if you do not want to fully understand the negative qualities of this man, whose character development is largely influenced by the time of year in which he was born.

Characteristics of the name Konstantin

Winter Konstantin – nature is persistent and stubborn. He is not used to retreating, so any obstacle for him is a challenge and an opportunity to prove that he can take any height. At the same time, in the company of friends and relatives, this man turns from a closed pragmatist into a sincere and liberated romantic and joker, who will be welcome in any company. Winter Konstantin is liked by women, but he does not like to play with feelings, and therefore will never offend his chosen one.

Spring Konstantin selfish, impulsive and fickle. He lives exclusively for today, without thinking about what tomorrow will bring him. This life position of the reckless Konstantin is the reason that he often gets into adventures that do not always have a positive outcome. Women love this man for his cheerful and easy-going nature, but it is extremely difficult to build a serious and stable relationship with him.

Summer Konstantin – an interesting person with extraordinary thinking. His creative nature is constantly in search of something new and unusual. The interesting thing is that this man knows how to gather like-minded people around him who are ready to work for years to create a perpetual motion machine. For the summer Konstantin, distinguished by his kindness and responsiveness, it is important that he is surrounded by spiritually developed and fulfilled individuals who understand and accept this imperfect world.

Autumn Constantine purposeful, energetic and active. His authority and self-confidence are perfectly combined with warmth and sincerity. But this man cannot be called an altruist, so in any business he always looks for profit. Autumn Constantine has few friends, since not everyone can withstand his complex and changeable character. Things are no better with women: they are simply afraid of the straightforward and tough Konstantin.

Stone - talisman

Constantine’s talisman stone is beryl, symbolizing constancy and sincerity of feelings, well-being, prosperity and longevity. It is not surprising that during medieval Europe, princes, when visiting each other, wore items with this stone, thereby demonstrating their good intentions.

It is believed that beryl favors people whose profession involves mental stress, as it develops intelligence, enhances perception and concentration.

Beryl is a stone of friendship, love, success and good luck, which has the following properties:

  • neutralizes evil spells;
  • cleanses the body of negative energy;
  • removes the evil eye and damage;
  • treats nervous disorders;
  • gives sociability and friendliness;
  • cures laziness.

This stone helps maintain good spirits, sharpens intuition and encourages philosophical contemplation.






Animal - symbol

Constantine's totem animal is the ibis.

This bird had a special symbolic meaning primarily for the Egyptians, who considered it a sacred and inviolable creature. The ibis was the personification of wisdom, abundance, dawn and the search for knowledge. It was this bird that was considered the earthly incarnation of Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, for this reason it was embalmed and then buried in beautiful clay jugs.

But the Jews, on the contrary, attributed negative symbolism to the ibis, calling this bird “unclean,” lazy and sinful.

At the same time, the ibis is mentioned in the Fifth Book of Moses as a bird endowed with wisdom. In addition, ancient people believed that this bird protected and increased the harvest.


Acacia and forget-me-not are plants-symbols of Constantine.


This tree, symbolizing vitality, resilience and immortality, is considered a powerful energy donor (especially for the fair sex). In addition, acacia is the personification of the dual unity of life and death.

In Ancient Egypt, acacia was identified with rebirth, fertility, innocence, purity and solar energy, thanks to which life exists on Earth.

Vedic monks used this tree as a material to produce the so-called “sacred fire”.

South American Indians believe that acacia can not only cure various diseases, but also fulfill wishes.

In Mediterranean countries, acacia is a symbol of constancy, life, faithful friendship and platonic love, while thanks to its hard and incredibly durable wood, this tree represents the overcoming of death.


This incredibly delicate flower symbolizes love, but this feeling must be tested by parting. It is the forget-me-not that represents devotion and long-lasting memories of the days spent next to a loved one.


Constantine's metal is aluminum - a symbol of lightness, but at the same time strength, love and true friendship, good luck and perseverance, helping to achieve your goals.

Aluminum also symbolizes stability, reliability, calmness and sociability, which contributes to the acquisition of useful connections and the establishment of relationships.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Konstantin

Name translation

From Latin into Russian the name Konstantin is translated as “persistent”, “constant”, “firm”.

History of the name

The first world-famous owner of the name Constantine is rightfully considered Constantine the Great, who was subsequently canonized by the Christian Church. Constantinople was named after him - ancient city, which at one time was a world cultural and trade center.

Interesting fact! After Constantine the Great, all his successors, of which there were 11, received this very name. When Byzantium ceased to exist, the name Constantine lost its popularity.

But! Catherine the Great, by naming one of her grandchildren Constantine, restored the name to its former glory.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Derivatives of the name Konstantin are: Kostik, Konstantinka, Kostya, Kostyukha, Kotya, Kostyusha, Kostyunya, Kostyan, Kostyakha, Kostyasha, Kosya, Kotechka.

The mystery of the name Konstantin

Patrons of the name

  • Martyr Constantine of Ammore (or Phrygia).
  • Martyr Prince Konstantin Aragvetsky.
  • Equal to the Apostles Emperor Constantine the Great.
  • Martyr Prince Konstantin Gruzinsky.
  • Regimental judge Konstantin Ephesus.
  • Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia Constantine.
  • Venerable Konstantin Kossinsky (or Starorussky).
  • Prince Konstantin Muromsky.
  • Equal to the Apostles Slovenian teacher Konstantin Moravsky.
  • Prince Konstantin Yaroslavsky.
  • King Constantine of Greece.
  • Martyr Constantine.
  • Martyr Constantine the Wonderworker.
  • Tsar Constantine III.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 8th number.

February: 11th and 27th.

March: 6th, 18th, 19th and 25th.

May: 24th.

June: 3, 5, 11, 15, 18, 21 and 29th.

July: 8th, 14th, 16th, 22nd and 27th.

August: 2, 11, 17 and 26th.

September: 16th, 19th and 23rd.

October: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 15th and 22nd.

November: 3rd, 4th, 15th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 27th.

December: 2, 11, 15 and 23rd.

The legend of the name Constantine

There is a well-known legend about Constantine the Great, who suffered from leprosy, which (according to the court doctors) could only be cured by washing the body in the blood of innocent babies. Fortunately, the children did not have to be sacrificed (the babies were returned to their mothers), since Saints Peter and Paul appeared to the emperor in a dream, ordering Constantine to send for Saint Sylvester.

Having obeyed the order of the saints, the emperor not only got rid of leprosy, but was also converted to the Christian faith by pouring holy water on his head. At the same time, Constantine stood before the saints on his knees and without clothes (only in a loincloth).

Amazed and puzzled soldiers watched the emperor's baptism. This plot symbolizes one of the most important moments in the history of development and formation Christian Church, namely its official recognition directly by the Roman Empire.

It was Constantine who was the first of all the kings of the earth to begin to spread Christianity in his state. In addition, he was involved in the construction of temples and defended the holy faith from attacks by pagans and heretics. It should be noted that Emperor Constantine dreamed of finding the Life-Giving Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Famous people

Famous writers and poets named Konstantin:

  • Konstantin Balmont;
  • Konstantin Simonov;
  • Konstantin Paustovsky;
  • Konstantin Raikin;
  • Konstantin Sluchevsky;
  • Konstantin Batyushkov;
  • Konstantin Aksakov;
  • Konstantin Vanshenkin.

Famous actors and artists named Konstantin:

  • Konstantin Khabensky;
  • Konstantin Varlamov;
  • Konstantin Stanislavsky.

Famous painters named Konstantin:

  • Konstantin Korovin;
  • Konstantin Makovsky;
  • Konstantin Yuon;
  • Konstantin Vasiliev.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - Soviet inventor and scientist, who is the author of revolutionary developments in the field of astronautics.

Konstantin Ernst – producer, as well as permanent head of Channel 1 of Russian television.

Konstantin Dzyu - Russian boxer.

Konstantin Melnikov - Soviet architect, whose work caused a lot of controversy in his time.

Konstantin Chernenko - famous Soviet party leader.

Konstantin Kinchev - Russian singer and leader of the group "Alice".

Konstantin Rokossovsky - a talented Soviet military leader.

Konstantin Ushinsky - Russian teacher, considered the founder of scientific Russian pedagogy.

Konstantin Beskov - Soviet football player and coach.

The meaning of the name Konstantin

For a child

Konstantin is a fickle child with a contradictory character. On the one hand, he is a sensitive, vulnerable and kind boy, ready to come to the aid of a friend, and on the other hand, he is a sharp, independent, stubborn and self-confident child who is used to acting exclusively in accordance with his desires.

Therefore, parents must pay close attention to the upbringing of their child in order to instill in him the right priorities, because the boy’s future will largely depend on this. At the same time, excessive softness will only harm Konstantin, who is already growing up as a pampered and uninitiative child. But tough upbringing can also lead to the fact that a good-natured boy will grow into a vain and tyrannical man who does not take anyone’s opinion into account. In the case of Konstantin, it is better to adhere to the “golden mean” principle.

Thanks to such qualities as cunning and prudence, Kostya easily makes his way to his goal, but he will not trample the principles of morality in order to achieve his dream.

It must be said that this creative child has his own original point of view on everything, which sets him apart from his peers, who often dislike Kostya because of this. In addition, the owner of this name belongs to the category of inquisitive people who want to know everything, which also does not make him popular in the team (after all, children often love active games without any special meaning).

Konstantin is not particularly enthusiastic about his studies, but still tries to keep up, because he understands that his future well-being largely depends on his education.

For a teenager

Konstantin is an active and bright teenager who always tries to express himself and show his individuality. His character, as in childhood, is extremely contradictory, which can cause both him and those around him a lot of trouble and trouble.

This young man loves to attract attention to himself, he is especially flattered by the expression of sympathy from girls (and Konstantin is clearly not deprived of their attention). But behind boyish hooliganism and selfishness, this teenager hides his fears, his loneliness, and irony and sarcasm help him in this, through which Kostya isolates himself from others.

Kostya has very few friends, despite his rather cheerful disposition, and all for the reason that he does not consider it necessary to trust anyone with his thoughts, much less secrets.

Young Konstantin combines perseverance and inconstancy, sensitivity and toughness, gentleness and diplomacy, curiosity and indifference to the problems of others, isolation and sincerity. This “cocktail” makes it interesting and repulsive at the same time, but never leaves you indifferent.

Kostya will always listen to all opinions and advice, but in the end he will act as he sees fit, even if his idea is doomed to failure in advance. Experimentation is what attracts this young man, fills him with energy and vitality.

For a man

The adult Konstantin is a connoisseur and admirer of beauty, so in his life there is a place only for ideal things and extraordinary personalities. The opinion of the majority is not an authority for him; on the contrary, he prefers what others cannot appreciate.

This man brings everything to the end, but does nothing in a hurry, because it is important for him to prove his superiority and his talent. He receives true pleasure from a job well done.

It should be noted that Konstantin has such rather feminine character traits as capriciousness, impulsiveness and impetuosity. He reacts sharply to any negative surprises of fate. But gifted people are forgiven a lot, so many turn a blind eye to Kostya’s shortcomings, especially since this man can be sensitive and compassionate.

A distinctive feature of Constantine is selflessness. So, he will work tirelessly to provide himself with a decent standard of living, but he will never enrich himself at the expense of others or help with the expectation of mutually beneficial relationships.

In general, he is a reliable, diligent, decent, true to his principles, patient and determined man, who, if necessary, can be cynical and mocking, so when communicating with him it is better not to cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

Description of the name Konstantin


Konstantin is a decent and moral man who does not allow himself to live at the expense of others, but, on the contrary, tries to help others to the best of his ability.


Men named Konstantin have truly good health, but in old age they are advised to pay close attention to the functioning of the internal secretion system.


Love for Konstantin is a relative concept, because he does not believe that a sincere feeling can be carried throughout life. And he treats women themselves quite consumeristly, believing that they are created in order to satisfy the whims and desires of men.

Konstantin is attracted to spectacular and bright women, although even in the most ordinary representative of the fair sex this man can see a beauty, and it is with such a woman that he can fall in love (rather, not even with her herself, but with her riddle and secret). But as soon as the intrigue dries up, Kostya will become uninterested in his once adored chosen one.

It must be said that Konstantin is not ready to give his heart to the first girl he liked. On the contrary, he chooses his companion very carefully, in which his ability to understand people well helps him.


Konstantin is wary of marriage, especially if he experienced unhappy love in his youth. With age, he comes to the conclusion that marriage can be successful if you approach the institution of marriage from a commercial point of view. As a result, Kostya is looking for a business partner and a faithful friend in his wife, and only then a beloved woman who will be close to him in spirit and desired. With a soft and gentle woman, this man will be bored and uninteresting.

Divorce is always extremely difficult for Konstantin, which does not stop him from searching for his ideal chosen one.

Family relationships

Konstantin treats his wife with attention and care, but nothing more, because it is important for him to create an aura of family happiness, which is often ostentatious. If his wife views marriage as a mutually beneficial cooperation, then such a tandem can have a stable and strong future. If the wife wants warmth, love and affection, then she is unlikely to get such feelings from Konstantin.

In the family, Konstantin is the indisputable leader who does not tolerate objections; he makes all decisions on his own, without consulting his wife, which ultimately leads to misunderstandings and quarrels.

Kostya loves and pampers children, especially his sons, to whom he tries to pass on all his skills and abilities. But still, family does not come first for him - the leading position in Kostya’s life is given to work and career advancement.


Konstantin is a passionate and temperamental man, and he treats the sexual side of life quite pragmatically and practically: of course, intimacy gives him pleasure and is an integral part of life. But at the same time, this man is not fanatical about sex issues, since he faces a lot of other tasks that are much more important than sexual pleasures.

Let us note that in terms of intimacy, the component of comfort is important for Kostya: a romantic meeting should take place in an atmosphere of comfort, while various distractions are completely unacceptable. Spontaneous intimacy in the lap of nature does not inspire Konstantin.

Important! Dominance of a woman in sex life Konstantin will not tolerate it!

Mind (intelligence)

Konstantin is distinguished by a clear mind and sober calculation, thanks to which he has an excellent orientation in life and can quickly adapt to all its surprises.


Perseverance and incredible hard work are Konstantin’s main helpers in building a successful career. This man quickly achieves leadership positions, and, having become a boss, shows loyalty, respect and patience to his subordinates. It is not surprising that the team appreciates and listens to him.

But as a performer, Konstantin is no less responsible and assertive, which his leadership appreciates.

It is work that is the main priority in life for Konstantin, so he chooses a profession for a long time and carefully, because work should bring not only material, but also spiritual satisfaction.

The owner of this name gravitates more toward creative professions, although he can handle any business he takes on.


Konstantin easily achieves success in business because he has discipline, independence, reliability, responsibility and perseverance. In addition, he has excellent business intuition, which helps when making ambiguous decisions.


Family vacations, social entertainment and friendly communication are the main hobbies of the adult Konstantin, who loved to design as a child.

Character type


The soul of Constantine is darkness in which even those who know him well can get lost. But, despite everything, he is always delicate and diplomatic, self-confident and open to communication. He keeps his personal experiences to himself.

This man, even in old age, remains an incorrigible adventurer who is ready for new discoveries and adventures that charge him with energy. At the same time, Kostya cannot be called reckless, because in life he values ​​​​stability, a feeling of security and peace.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that Konstantin is a born leader, and therefore those around him will have to put up with and take into account his authoritative opinion. Otherwise, in his person you can get an irreconcilable enemy, ready to go to the bitter end.


Konstantin has a highly developed intuition, but still he prefers to rely more on his lively mind rather than trust his fate to chance.

Horoscope named after Konstantin

Konstantin – Aries

This open, cheerful, cheerful and sincere man makes acquaintances with great pleasure, especially since he sees exceptionally good traits in those around him. Constantine-Aries will always lend a helping hand, even if it promises him big troubles. This man chooses as a companion a sincere, kind, sympathetic and cheerful woman who will become not just his complement, but also a continuation.

Constantine – Taurus

Decisiveness, firmness, ambition and purposefulness are inherent in Constantine-Taurus, who knows how to defend his opinion and achieve what he wants, no matter what the cost. This is a real workaholic who is focused on his career, which harms his personal life. Constantine-Taurus will be happy with a patient and cheerful woman who can decorate him gray life bright colors and unforgettable emotions.

Konstantin – Gemini

The good-natured and charming Konstantin-Gemini is happy to see in any company, because where he is, there is a holiday, and fun, and unbridled laughter. This frivolous adventurer does not know how to keep his word, and often completely forgets about his promises, so his career is not always successful.

On the personal front of Konstantin-Gemini there is also chaos, since he has many fans, and he finds it difficult to make a choice, for fear of offending someone.

Konstantin – Cancer

Reliable, serious, practical and reasonable, Konstantin-Cancer is unsure of himself, although outwardly he gives the impression of a narcissist. In fact, this man constantly needs care, support and approval, which a loving, understanding and easy-to-communicate woman can give him. In response, Constantine-Cancer will not only open up and throw off the mask of aloofness, but also become the husband one can only dream of.

Konstantin – Leo

This is a consumer who believes that the world revolves exclusively around him and for him. Undoubtedly, Konstantin-Leo has a special charm, but this does not give him the right to treat others with disdain. Charisma is good, but you should remember that the world is ruled by love and kindness, not vanity and arrogance. Next to him, Konstantin-Leo sees a spectacular and ideal partner in all respects.

Constantine – Virgo

This is an enthusiastic person who is interested in everything in the world: how the world works, why good defeats evil, etc. It is not surprising that Constantine-Virgo cannot spend even a day in harmony with himself, because he is constantly in a state of searching for himself in this huge and multifaceted world. An equally restless and energetic woman who cannot imagine her life without discoveries and accomplishments can live next to him.

Konstantin – Libra

Simplicity, sincerity and friendliness distinguish Konstantin-Libra, who prefers the company of his close friends to noisy parties. This man never tries to appear to be someone he really is not, and his kindness is truly captivating. Konstantin-Libra will be happy with a calm, gentle and soft woman who can surround him with warmth. He can trust such a companion with his most secret thoughts and dreams.

Konstantin – Scorpio

This man with complex character it is extremely difficult to understand: firstly, his behavior and mood change very quickly; secondly, he is not used to listening to anyone, although he always expresses his thoughts and emotions without any hesitation. This behavior becomes the reason that Constantine-Scorpio pushes those around him away. With women, this man is arrogant and arrogant, so only a very patient woman can share with him all the hardships of family life.

Constantine – Sagittarius

This is a sentimental romantic who hides his true feelings behind a mask of carelessness and fun. In fact, Konstantin-Sagittarius needs support from loved ones, because he is unsure of himself and vulnerable. This man dreams of a reliable, faithful and understanding companion who will always be there in sorrow and in joy. He will give such a woman the universe, show her what true and selfless love is, which millions of people dream of.

Constantine – Capricorn

Ambitious, persistent, self-confident and purposeful, Constantine-Capricorn always knows what he expects from life. He is a real careerist, for whom the family comes in the background, although this man dreams of a real ideal family, he simply doesn’t have time to build it. Constantine-Capricorn rarely falls in love, but at the same time his feeling is always real and deep, which captivates his chosen ones, who, unfortunately, are not capable of mutual feelings.

Konstantin – Aquarius

Traveler and adventurer Konstantin-Aquarius loves to discover new horizons and conquer new heights. For him, life is an adventure during which he meets new people and characters. Constantine-Aquarius needs an open and easy-going woman who can share his passion for travel. At the same time, it is important for him that his chosen one has a strong character.

Konstantin – Pisces

Shy, vulnerable and sentimental, Konstantin-Pisces distrusts people. And all for the reason that he is afraid to show his real face, to open up to others. He fears betrayal, which is why he has very few friends. Konstantin-Pisces also treats women with distrust, especially since in life he has to deal with female cunning.

Compatibility of the name Konstantin with female names

Konstantin and Olga

This couple has every chance to become successful. But still, Konstantin’s authority and his zealous attitude to work can stand in the way of happiness.

And if at first the difference in character brings these two people together, then later they diverge, as the gap between them becomes deeper and deeper.

Konstantin and Svetlana

Svetlana’s unpredictability appeals to the thorough Kostya, who rarely decides to do crazy things. But often Svetlana forgets about common sense and rationalism, which slowly but surely leads to the breakup of this couple.

Konstantin and Christina

This is a tandem, the participants of which can be called one without a twinge of conscience, because Christina and Konstantin perfectly complement each other, which is extremely rare in modern life. Nothing and no one threatens their couple.

Konstantin and Victoria

In this romantic relationship, both independent Victoria and domineering Konstantin are comfortable. And if a woman sometimes tries to show all the strength of her character, then the man in this union looks at it condescendingly, which helps save the marriage.

Konstantin and Ksenia

Freedom, independence and ease - this is what Ksenia expects from a relationship with Konstantin, only for him family happiness is measured in slightly different categories. As a result, the couple not only separates, but remains irreconcilable enemies.

Konstantin and Yana

Yana approaches life lightly and optimistically, which cannot be said about the thorough Kostya, whose every step is thought out to the smallest detail. She cannot understand his scrupulousness, and he cannot understand her frivolity, which ultimately adversely affects the life together of this couple.

Konstantin and Valeria

Unpredictable and willful Valeria cannot live according to the strictly drawn up life plan of Konstantin, who tries to control his companion always and everywhere. When Valeria's patience runs out, her family life with Kostya comes to an end.

Konstantin and Daria

Integrity and authority are inherent in both Konstantin and Daria, but the main problem is that in this union neither the man nor the woman is ready to make concessions. Only patience and compromise will save this couple from separation.

Konstantin and Lydia

These two live in perfect harmony; nothing can interfere with their happiness. Konstantin and Lydia are brought together by the desire for the material well-being of their family, for the sake of achieving which both devote a lot of time and effort to work. But we should not forget about spending time together.

Konstantin and Alena

Restless and overly active Alena expects romance and madness from her chosen one, but it’s not in Kostya’s character to waste time on such childishness. For him, family is work, not a waste of time. This couple is unlikely to have a serious relationship.

Konstantin and Nadezhda

The owners of these names are purposeful, persistent and know how to achieve what they want. It is not surprising that their family life is full of understanding and trust. Konstantin and Nadezhda are brought together by common goals and views on life. Result: happy and long family life.