It is known that depending on the time of day, a variety of events occur in Minecraft. Plant growth processes are taking place, mobs are spawning and many other things that are not noticeable to the player. But what to do if you want to play at the moment, but don’t have time to wait out the night? How to make a day in Minecraft?

We play by the rules

There are no official ways to change night to day. Any commands that you might enter from the console disrupt the gameplay and, of course, are against the rules of the game. How to make a day in Minecraft? Of course, for this you will need a bed and a safe place.

To create a bed, you will need the following materials.

  • Boards. They can be crafted from any wood that can be chopped in the nearest forest.
  • Wool. Everything is more complicated here. If you have scissors, you can go and shear some sheep. Well, or just kill them, but then you will get much fewer resources. Or you can kill some spiders or cut up the web. In this case, you will receive threads from which you can create blocks of wool.

With three planks and three wool blocks you can create a bed. If you go to sleep, then night will instantly give way to day. More precisely at dawn. In online mode, there is one feature - all players must go to bed.


There is another way to make a day in Minecraft. Of course, this is a system/server command from an administrator. There are several variations of the command. The problem is that the commands may vary slightly in different versions and modifications of the game. Therefore, there is a universal way to start: /help + ENTER.

A help menu will appear in which you can find and clarify the correct spelling of the command. IN general case There are two ways:

  1. Alphabetical. The command looks like this. /time set day (/time set night). For day and night respectively. The team is good for single player mode.
  2. Digital. /time set XXX, where XXX is the time from 0 to 24000. 0 is the time of dawn.

As already mentioned, the spelling of commands may vary. Also, be careful about spaces. An extra space in a written command makes it inoperable.

Command block

To set up a day in Minecraft, you can create an entire time control setup. To do this you will need command block, button, red dust and any block, such as land. Since it is impossible to create manually in the game, it remains up to the creative mode, server administrators and cheaters. The main thing is to remember that the installation is configured once and allows you to rewind time to a certain value. If you want to change the time regularly, you will have to install several of these devices.

Many experienced players know that the most dangerous time in Minecraft is night. When darkness falls on the game map, various monsters begin to spawn and strive to deprive the gamers’ characters of life. However, not everyone of the latter is afraid of this. Moreover, many even regret that the night hours pass so quickly - literally in a few minutes - and dream of extending them.

You will need

  • - administrator rights
  • - cheats
  • - special teams
  • - command block
  • - special plugin


  • If you don't dread the prospect that morning may never come in Minecraft and you will always be surrounded by darkness, try making eternal night.

    Just to get started, be well prepared for this. Build at least one dwelling from very strong blocks (preferably from obsidian, so that even kamikaze creepers would not be able to blow up such a building).

  • Ideally, get several such shelters where you could hide at least for a while from the monsters that are constantly spawning in conditions favorable to them in the darkness and craft the necessary ones for protection from them and production useful resources tools, armor and weapons. Light the rooms outside and inside with torches to avoid the appearance of hostile mobs there.
  • Stock up on a huge amount of wood and a furnace to turn it into coal and craft new light sources. Take them with you on any forays, especially into the mine. Now proceed to install the eternal night. If you have admin rights for your multiplayer resource, use them. Enter two commands in a row on your console - /time (set) night (the word in brackets can be skipped), followed by /time pause. Now the night will “freeze” and will not give way to day.
  • In the case when you play in single player, even when generating the world, do not forget to include in its settings the possibility of using cheats. Already during gameplay, to set the dark time of day forever, enter several commands into the console that are written in the CommandBook. The first of them is /time and the indication separated by a space or numerical value, corresponding to one or another time of the night. Use numbers from approximately 13000 to 23000. You can also use the usual English time notation - for example, 0am, 23pm, etc.
  • Now be sure to enter another command that will stop the time at the above mark. It looks like this: /time - l now. However, please pay attention that this does not cause problems with devices based on redstone, the operation of which is tied to game time. If they stop working, it is better to use other methods of establishing eternal night. For example, install a special plugin - ProperTime. Select the ALWAYSNIGHT item in it - and it will be midnight in your game forever.
  • Don't want to bother with plugins? Then just give yourself a special command block (usually available only in Creative mode and admins) by entering /give command_block into the console and specifying it separated by a space required quantity such an item. Install it in the right place, at some distance place any solid block with a button on it. In the interface of the first, enter /time set 17000 and then connect it with redstone dust to the second. Press the button and eternal night will begin in Minecraft.
  • How to make a day in Minecraft?

    Many Minecraft users complain about a short day in the game, which is 10 minutes of real time. Another 3 minutes are spent between day and night, when every 10 seconds the light level decreases by 1 point. The remaining 7 minutes are occupied by the night. Since dangerous mobs appear on the territory of the virtual world at night, and not every player has the desire to fight them, there is a need to increase the duration of daylight hours.

    Collective agreement

    On a small server, gamers can agree with each other via chat and go to bed at the same time. Due to this, the time will automatically switch. Unfortunately, the process is very inconvenient and requires a lot of organization of all players. In most cases it is not used.

    Effective ways

    More effective methods:

    1. Server administrator. He is the one who knows how to make a day in Minecraft and can do this by typing a special command in the console - /set time ***, where * is the time. This parameter can take values ​​from 0 to 24000. Zero will mean the inclusion of dawn, and midnight - 18000. Noon corresponds to the number 6000.
    2. Players in the mode single player, admins and creative owners can enter /time day through the console to activate the day. Night is included in the same way, only night is written instead of day.
    3. In single player mode, you can enter the command: /timeschedule x y. The variables x and y are the time of day and night, by setting which you can set eternal day on the server.

    Players are often faced with the question of how to make it night in Minecraft. Beginners may think that searching for an answer is simply stupid. Well, you must admit, who wants to be surrounded by skeletons, zombies and all sorts of other evil spirits in the middle of the night?

    Why is night needed?

    But those who have already played for many hours know the beauty of the dark time of day. First of all, destroying hordes of zombies is fun. Secondly, playing at night is quite difficult, which only adds interest to the game. Thirdly, dark time days may be needed for a task, to build a building or shoot a video. And, of course, do not forget that it is at night that the most valuable resources drop from mobs.

    Sometimes you have to wait a very long time for the sun to disappear behind the horizon. This is why it is so important to know how to make night in Minecraft. There are several ways to do this.

    How to write night in Minecraft? Cheats

    The simplest option is codes. In order to be able to use them, you must first enable cheats for players on a single map or obtain operator rights when playing on servers.

    To change the time of day through the command line (it is activated by pressing the slash key - “/”), you must enter the following expression - “time set parameter”. The words night and day are used as the second argument of this cheat. Therefore, to quickly switch during the dark period of the game day, you need to enter the following from the keyboard: /time set night.

    Besides this time management, there is another possibility. It gives you much more control over the time of day. So, instead of the parameter “day” or “night” in the cheat indicated above, you must enter a number from zero to 24 thousand. If we enter the code /time set 0, we get morning. Well, how can you make night in Minecraft according to this method? The evening begins with the number 12,000. Therefore, if the player wants to switch instantly to a certain point in the night, then just enter a number from 12 to 24 thousand.

    Creative mode

    The above night switching method is suitable for survival mode. Unfortunately, it will not work in the creative field. In order for the player to have the opportunity to create bizarre buildings shrouded in darkness, it is necessary to follow a simple procedure. Now we will talk about how to set the night in Minecraft version 1.8.2. First you need to download a program called PocketinvEditor. Its goal is to change the game cards for a specific gamer. Since the utility changes some parameters of Minecraft, you should do everything extremely carefully, because one wrong step can lead to unwanted glitches and bugs in the game.

    We create new world in creative mode. Let's remember its name. Next, download the map setup utility from the Google store. Let's install it. After that, we launch the program and look for the newly created world. Now you need to select the option to edit map information. At the very bottom of the menu that opens, find the parameter “Lock day cycle to time” and enter the value -1 in the field. Now the created world will always be dark, and you will be able to bring all your ideas into reality.

    Command block

    To change the time of day, you can use a whole mechanism. To create it you will need elements such as a button, red dust, command and any other block. If everything is set up correctly, the player will experience eternal night.

    It is important to remember that the command block is only available to those who have cheats configured or who are server administrators. To get this element, you must enter "give character_name 137" in the console. After the block appears, right-click on it and go to its interface. Enter the command "time set number" in the text field. The value is set, as in the case of cheats, in the range from 0 to 24,000. Now, using red dust, a line is created to the button. In order for it to be constantly activated, it is enough to install another block on top of it.

    We hope this article helped you figure out how to make night in Minecraft.

    In Minecraft you have to face the fact that the days and nights there are very short. And as soon as players begin active construction or fighting mobs, the time of day changes. And so many things remain unfinished. Especially in the first stages, you want to extend the time and have time to build a house without haste before night falls. There is also a need to make at least some decent weapon. Therefore, many players would like to be able to control the length of the day, and know how to do it.


    There are several ways to extend the day, or skip it. But each of them has its own nuances.

    One of the simplest options is for all players in the upper world to go to bed on their beds at the same time. But it is not very convenient, since it requires distraction from gameplay and mutual agreement.
    The easiest thing to do in this matter is for server administrators. Since they just need to write “/set time xxx” on the command line. The time of day depends on what number will stand instead of the X's. In Minecraft, the limit of these values ​​varies from 0 to 24000. If you enter 0, then dawn will begin on the server. Midnight corresponds to a value of 18000. And for half a day it is enough to enter 6000.
    For single player and creative minecraft players, there is also the opportunity to take advantage of command line and write “/time day” or “/tame night”, for day and night, respectively.
    You can also use a whole installation that gives you the ability to control day and night. For it you will need:

    • Command block
    • Red dust
    • Button
    • Any block

    But the command block is only available in Creative mode, administrators and those who have cheat codes configured. To create it, just enter the command “/give character name 137”. Using RMB you can enter the block interface. In the text field that opens, enter the command “tame set XXX”. For eternal day, you can enter a value of 5000. And for night - 17000.
    Next, using red dust, draw a line to the block with the button. Pressing the button will bring into effect the specified parameters on the command block. If desired, you can change the values ​​in the text field. Or you can just make two settings. One of them will activate day, and the other will activate night in minecraft.
    These options allow you to create both sunset and sunrise. You just need to enter the correct numeric values.