Simple and tasty sweets always perfectly complement a cup or coffee, and today I invite you to prepare the most affordable option a well-known delicacy - a sweet sausage made from cookies and cocoa with condensed milk. You've probably tried this sausage at least once in your life, and if you've never cooked it, today is the time to start. The recipe will require the simplest and most affordable ingredients, a little time and patience. The basic recipe, that is, ours, consists of four main ingredients - cookies, condensed milk, butter and cocoa. I think there is no need to say that all components must be of high quality for the result to be appropriate. So let's get started with the process.

- shortbread cookies – 250-270 g;
- butter – 100 g;
- condensed milk – 200 g;
- cocoa powder – 3 tbsp.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Prepare shortbread cookies, you can use regular ones, or you can add nuts, raisins, and vanilla flavor. Break the cookies with your hands and place them in a blender bowl.

Grind the cookies by pressing the “start” button several times; the result should be crumbs, but it is advisable to leave small pieces of different sizes.

Add cocoa powder to the shortbread crumbs. If desired, you can also chop any nuts and add them to the total mass; take the number of nuts in a volume of 100 grams.

Mix the dry ingredients, pour in the indicated amount of condensed milk.

Add delicious butter. First remove the butter from the refrigerator and give it time to completely melt. The butter should just be soft; there is no need to melt it on the stove.

Now mix all the ingredients with your hands so that the result is a lump of “dough”.

Divide the mass into two or three parts, roll into sausages, and wrap them in cling film. Place the sausages on the refrigerator shelf and leave them alone for an hour or two. Then cut the sausages into pieces and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

And it turns out very tasty

Sausage made from cookies is a chocolate culinary hit of Soviet times, when a considerable part of the products were simply inaccessible to most, and they only learned about various sweets from cookbooks. In those days, many surprisingly tasty and easy-to-prepare dishes were invented, including sweets. Chocolate sausage is just one of those. It can be prepared either from milk in combination with sugar or with condensed milk. The first option is a little more troublesome, but it is considered the classic one. This sausage has a more “Soviet” taste. The second recipe, where sausage is prepared from cookies with condensed milk, is even simpler and faster. The combination of milk and sugar is replaced here by a can of condensed milk. Plus, due to the fact that condensed milk is still fattier than whole milk, quantity butter in the recipe is halved (compared to the milk version). At the same time, the chocolate sausage turns out more tender, and in addition to chocolate and nuts, it also has a slight taste and aroma of condensed milk.

The delicacy turns out amazingly tasty! Such recipes with a very modest set of ingredients and delicious results will always be in demand and relevant. Therefore, try it, enjoy the taste of childhood and be sure to save the recipe for sausages made from cookies with condensed milk - believe me, you will need it more than once!

Taste Info No-bake desserts


  • sugar cookies – 400 g;
  • condensed milk – 1 b.;
  • cocoa powder – 4 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • butter (from 72%) – 100 g;
  • nuts (any) – 100 g.

How to make sweet creamy sausage from cookies with condensed milk

First, let's prepare the nuts. Any nuts will look great in a chocolate sausage, but more often it is made with walnuts. In order for the nuts to give the delicacy maximum taste and aroma, it is highly advisable to preheat them. To do this, grind the nuts into crumbs and heat them in a dry frying pan for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly so as not to burn. The size of the nut crumbs is at the discretion of the cook. You can grind them in a blender almost to a paste. Or just mash it a little with a masher - so that the nut inclusions are clearly visible on the cut of the finished sausage.

The situation is the same with cookies - grind them as finely/coarsely as you like. With fine crumbs, the structure of the sausage will be more uniform, with rare, small inclusions of cookies. If you grind coarser, the cookies will be more noticeable. You can grind cookies using a blender, or using a rolling pin or masher. In the second case, when chopping the cookies, it is better to put them in a tight bag - this way the crumbs will not scatter around the kitchen. The average option for both nuts and cookies is to grind 2/3 of the total mass into very fine crumbs, and mash the rest into large pieces.

Place the finished crushed cookies in a bowl.

Add chopped and toasted nuts to it.

Now you can make the chocolate mass. To do this, melt the butter without letting it boil.

Pour the contents of the can of condensed milk into a deep bowl.

Add cocoa to the condensed milk and stir until smooth. To make it easier to bring the mixture to the desired state, it is better to sift the cocoa powder.

The chocolate mass should be quite thick, homogeneous, without visible parts of cocoa.

Add melted butter to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly until the substance becomes smooth, shiny, and homogeneous. The thickness of the chocolate mass will depend on how thick or thin the condensed milk was.

Now gradually add chopped nuts and cookies into the chocolate mass. And don’t be fooled by the fact that the chocolate mass seems quite thick; it absorbs a lot of nut-cookie crumbs.

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The result should be a sticky and thick mass. If you wet your hands with water, the mass can easily be molded into any shape.

Cover the work surface with cling film (it is advisable to fold it in at least 2-3 layers) and with wet hands place part of the chocolate mass on it. While it is difficult to give it the shape of a sausage, it is not necessary. Give it the shape of a rectangle. It’s not scary if it turns out not quite even and neat.

Wrap the rectangle in film as tightly as possible.

We fix it by twisting the free edges of the film, like a candy wrapper. The tighter you tie, the neater the finished sausage will be. We roll it up, rounding the uneven edges.

Place the formed sausages in the freezer for 30-60 minutes. – it sets very quickly, and then you can take it out. It is better to remove the film from sausages immediately before slicing and serving.

It is better to store the chocolate sausage cookie in the freezer until slicing. After removing the film, place it on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Chocolate sausage made from cookies with condensed milk turns out very tasty, with a pleasant soft creamy taste. Bon appetit!

Chocolate sausage with shortbread cookies and condensed milk is real bliss, a paradise for any sweet tooth, and also bright and nostalgic memories of childhood. Despite the simple and affordable ingredients of the recipe, the chocolate treat turns out incredibly chocolatey, rich and sweet. Even a child can handle preparing dessert, since the process does not involve an oven, multicooker, etc. Appliances. Once you cook the sausage, you won’t be able to stop, as it turns out very tasty, aromatic, melts in your mouth, and is also incredibly chocolatey!

Sausage cooking technology

It will surprise you with its simplicity, originality and final result. Making chocolate sausage from cookies with condensed milk does not require much effort and time, so even busy, working people can handle the recipe.

Previously, sausages were made from cookies and condensed milk for the reason that sweets were in short supply, but resourceful, creative housewives did not give up and did not give up. Despite the fact that store shelves are currently bursting with confectionery products, many people prefer homemade cakes and desserts. As for the chocolate sausage with condensed milk, it turns out to be unusually tender, aromatic, satisfying and tasty. It is important to note that the product does not crumble during slicing, since the dessert has a plastic structure.


  • condensed milk – ½ can;
  • cocoa - 5-6 tablespoons, but without a slide;
  • shortbread cookies – 250 grams;
  • soft butter – 120 grams;
  • powdered sugar - for decoration.

Step-by-step preparation of the legendary chocolate dessert with condensed milk:

Cookies, namely their variety, play an important role in the recipe. To make the chocolate sausage tasty and suitable for the guest, it is advisable to give preference to shortbread cookies that melt in your mouth. You will need 250 grams of these cookies, you need to break them into small pieces and then put them in a blender. The crushed product should resemble crumbs, but not very small, since large pieces should be present in the cut.

Then take a deep bowl and pour sand crumbs into it. Add butter, it should be softened. Mix thoroughly. Try to use good, high-quality butter in the dessert so that there is no harm to your health. Therefore, forget about spreads and margarines; it is important to choose oil with a fat content of at least 73%.

Add cocoa powder to the resulting butter-sand mixture. Its aroma should be chocolatey, rich and a little sharp, so beware of cheap imitations.

At the next stage, you need to pour in ½ can of condensed milk. Mix the resulting substance thoroughly, carefully, you should get a homogeneous mass that will be easy to mold.

On the work surface you need to spread cling film, onto which you place the chocolate-sand mixture. Roll the film tightly, you should get a large and delicious candy. Roll it out a little into a sausage shape. Place it in the refrigerator. Before serving, cut the chocolate sausage into small round pieces. Serve with tea, coffee, kefir, milk or juice.

To ensure that the dessert has a round and beautiful shape, roll the product out onto the table after a few hours. Due to the fact that the chocolate mass will harden slightly, but will be plastic, you will be able to give the required form sausage.

The proposed dessert can be called legendary. He has a huge number of recipes and cooking variations, each of which is in demand and respect. How better quality products, the tastier and healthier the dessert will be. It is important to note that the sausage can be stored in the freezer for several weeks, and taste qualities This won't spoil them at all.

Almost all of us love sweets. However, the various candies and desserts that can be purchased in the store are not always of high quality. A variety of flavorings, preservatives and flavoring additives are used in their preparation. In addition, they are also not cheap. But it turns out that various sweets for tea can be prepared on your own. To do this you need to use a minimum of ingredients and not much time. Let's talk about how sweet sausage is prepared from cookies and cocoa with condensed milk; we will give a proven recipe for such sweetness.

First recipe

To prepare such a sausage, you need to prepare six hundred grams of cookies (Strawberry, Hello, or Good morning", as well as other similar varieties). In addition, you will need three hundred and eighty grams of unboiled condensed milk, two hundred grams of soft butter and five teaspoons of cocoa powder.

First, break the cookies into small slices, about half a centimeter in size. Add butter to it, heating it a little before doing this at room temperature. Under no circumstances should you melt such a product. Mix these two ingredients well. Next, add cocoa to them, then mix again. Combine the resulting mass with condensed milk and mix again.

Form several sausage bars from the prepared mixture. You should have five or six sweet sausages. Wrap them tightly in a plastic bag or cling film and put them in the freezer for four hours. Cut the cooked sausage as you see fit.

Some tips

After the frozen sausage sits for some time at room temperature, it will not change its shape, but will become pleasantly soft.

The mixture used to form the sausage should look loose. The cookie slices are held together by condensed milk. If you purchased condensed milk that is too thin, add some more cookies to it. But it is better to mix in condensed milk in small portions to obtain a product of optimal density.

Cooked sausage can be stored in the freezer for quite a long time.

To prepare such a dessert, it is better to use thirty percent cocoa.

Recipe No. 2

To prepare such sweetness you need to use three hundred to four hundred grams shortbread cookies, two hundred grams of butter, one glass of sugar, and three heaped tablespoons of sugar. In addition, prepare five tablespoons of milk or light cream and one glass of peeled walnuts.

Half or a third of the prepared cookies should be crushed using a blender or an ordinary mortar. Pour the resulting powder into a bowl. Break the remaining cookies into small pieces by hand. Chop the walnuts large enough and combine them with the prepared cookies.

Pour the sugar into a separate bowl, add cocoa to it and mix well. Next, carefully pour the cream or milk into this container and mix again. Place cocoa and milk over low heat and bring to a boil while stirring constantly.
Remove the saucepan from the heat and cool slightly. Add butter to the resulting mass, cutting it into cubes. Mix the chocolate mixture as thoroughly as possible until smooth. Next, combine it with cookies and chopped nuts. But do not pour out all the ingredients at once, but gradually, so that the mass is not overly thick.

Mix the treat until you have a thick, gooey chocolate mixture.

Spread cling film or foil greased with butter on the table. You can also use a sheet of parchment to prepare the sausage. Place a portion of the chocolate mixture on it and gently smooth it out. Wrap a sheet of foil tightly or cling film near your workpiece so that it takes the shape of a sausage. Repeat similar manipulations with the remaining chocolate mixture.

Place the prepared sausage in the refrigerator or freezer and leave until completely hardened. When serving, cut it into slices.

Recipe No. 3

To prepare this version of chocolate sausage, you can do without condensed milk. You will need one hundred and twenty grams of sugar, four tablespoons of cocoa powder, sixty milliliters of milk, fifty-five grams of butter, thirty grams of dark chocolate. Also prepare eighty grams of nuts (to your taste), eighty grams of cookies, fifty grams of raisins and the same amount of prunes.

Dry the nuts and peel them. Break the cookies. Wash and chop the prunes, mix them with pre-soaked and dried raisins, as well as cookies and nuts.

Cook the glaze: Combine cocoa and sugar, pour in milk and place over low heat. Melt the butter and pour it into this saucepan. Stir the contents constantly, and after the sugar has completely dissolved, add chopped chocolate into the container. Bring the mixture to a boil and turn off.

Combine the glaze with a mixture of nuts and dried fruits. Mix well. Prepare the sausages as described in the recipes above.

The taste of chocolate sausage made from cookies is familiar to many; it is a favorite taste of childhood. This simple treat can be made for a holiday, or you can simply please your loved ones on the weekend. Very tasty and very easy to prepare. Children especially adore chocolate sausage.

  • 500 g cookies
  • 1 pack (180-200 g) butter
  • 1 cup shelled walnuts
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 10-15 g vanilla sugar
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
  • 6 tbsp. l. milk

You can take any cookies, shortbread or unsweetened dry. I prefer Jubilee traditional or baked milk.

Choose butter that softens easily at room temperature; with it, the chocolate cookie sausage will be more plastic.


Lightly fry in a dry frying pan walnuts stirring constantly until the characteristic pleasant smell of roasted nuts appears. Immediately pour into a bowl, otherwise the nuts may burn in a hot frying pan.

Grind 1/3 of the nuts and at least 1/3 (or maybe half) of the cookies in a meat grinder.

We break the remaining cookies into small pieces so that they can be clearly visible on the cut of the finished chocolate sausage.

Chop the remaining nuts with a knife, but not very finely.

Combine cookies and nuts with rolled mixture.

Mix evenly using two spoons.

Now let's prepare the chocolate sauce. To do this, mix cocoa powder, sugar and vanilla sugar in a small saucepan. If you don’t have vanilla sugar on hand, you can do without it.

Add milk, stir until smooth and place on very low heat. Heat, stirring, for 7-10 minutes, no more, without allowing it to boil. During this time, the sugar has time to almost completely dissolve and will not be noticeable in the finished chocolate sausage.

Remove the saucepan from the heat. Let the sauce cool slightly, literally 5-7 minutes, and dip the butter cut into pieces into it.

Stir with a spoon until the butter has completely melted and the chocolate sauce is completely homogeneous.

Pour the warm sauce into the cookies.

Mix thoroughly, slowly. If it is difficult to stir with a spoon, you can simply do it with your hand.

Depending on the type of cookie, and also on the type of butter, the mixture for chocolate sausage sometimes turns out to be dry, which makes it difficult to form a dense sausage that does not crumble later. For this unpleasant case there is one little secret- you need to add a small beaten egg, or at least half of it, to the finished mixture. The mixture becomes noticeably more plastic, and the sausage is molded without difficulty. But this time the egg was not needed.

So, divide the finished mixture in half. Place one half in a regular plastic bag, I have it 25 cm wide, and we form a dense chocolate sausage.

We do the same with the second half. The result was two such cute chocolate sausages, about 22 cm long and about 5 cm in diameter:

I don’t recommend wrapping the mixture in foil, as it sticks tightly to the cooled chocolate sausages.

Place in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, or preferably overnight. If you really can’t stand it, you can put it in the freezer for an hour, no more, and then try it with tea. Simply store the sausage in the refrigerator; there is no need to put it in the freezer.

And one more piece of advice. It is better to cut chocolate sausage with a wide, so-called chef's knife. The slices are smooth and do not crumble.

I hope everything works out for you and I hope you enjoy the recipe.

There is also a delicious homemade recipe on the site. “Potato” is even easier and faster to prepare than chocolate sausage, I highly recommend making it.

That's all for today. Everyone good day and good luck.
Always have fun cooking!

Smile! 🙂