As already noted, Russia stretches from north to south for 4.5 thousand km. Therefore, its territory is located in four climatic zones, from arctic to subtropical. Largest area occupies a temperate climate zone, stretching from the western borders of Russia (Kaliningrad region) to Kamchatka. Different regions of the temperate zone experience different influences from the oceans, and therefore, according to the degree of continentality, several climatic regions are distinguished (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Types of climates in Russia

Rice. 2. Climate zones and regions

The Arctic type of climate is represented on the islands of the Arctic Ocean and in the Far North of Siberia. This is an arctic climate zone; arctic climates dominate here all year round. air masses. Because of his geographical location The area receives very little solar radiation. In winter, under polar night conditions, average temperatures are around -30°C. Most low temperatures are observed in the eastern part of the belt.

IN summer time The sun does not set below the horizon, but the angle of incidence sun rays small. In this case, a significant part of the radiation is reflected by the surface. In addition, heat is used to melt snow and ice. Thus, average temperature himself warm month Most of the territory is close to 0°C.

Due to the low temperature, Arctic air is not able to contain much water vapor. Therefore, despite the island and coastal position of the territory, there is little precipitation - from 100 to 200 mm. But even such a small amount of moisture is not able to evaporate, and the territory is characterized by excess moisture (K > 1).

In the European part of Russia, the southern border of the distribution of this type of climate runs along the Arctic Circle, and in the Asian part it drops south to 60° N. w. and even further south. The main area of ​​distribution of the subarctic climate is northeast Siberia.

In the subarctic climate zone, moderate air masses dominate in summer, and arctic ones in winter. Winters here are as cold as in the Arctic climate zone, and in some places even more severe. However, summers are significantly warmer. Average July temperatures are positive and vary from +4°C in the north to +12°C in the south.

Compared to the Arctic, the amount of precipitation increases approximately twice (200-400 mm or more). Their summer maximum is more clearly expressed. The annual amount exceeds the evaporation value and the moisture is excessive.

A temperate continental climate is typical for the European part of the country. As a result of the western transfer of air masses, air masses from Atlantic Ocean. The ocean warms up more slowly and cools down more slowly. Therefore, winter temperatures here are not as low as in the Asian part. At the same time, in the west it is warmer in winter: - 4ºC, and in the east it is colder: up to - 20ºC. In winter, due to intrusions of Atlantic air, thaws occur.

Summer is warm: average July temperatures range from +12ºC in the north to +24ºC in the south. In accordance with this, the evaporation value increases from north to south - from 400 to 1000 mm.

Annual precipitation decreases when moving from northwest to southeast from 800 to 250 mm. As a result, the moisture conditions are not the same: in the north - excessive, in the central part - sufficient, in the south - insufficient.

Continental climate temperate zone is distributed in the central and southern parts of the West Siberian Plain and the Ural Mountains. Compared to the European part, the influence of the Atlantic Ocean is less noticeable here. This leads to a decrease in annual precipitation, a decrease in winter temperatures, and an increase in the annual temperature range.

In most of the territory, with the exception of the extreme south, the annual amount is equal to evaporation.

A sharply continental type of climate has formed over most of the Central Siberian Plateau. The inland location of the territory determines the dominance of continental air. The oceans do not prevent the territory from becoming very hot in the summer and cooling in the winter.

Average January temperatures are 24-40ºC below zero, i.e. lower than on the islands of the Arctic Ocean in the Arctic climate zone. Summer is quite warm, but short-lived, average temperatures in July are +16… +20ºC.

The annual precipitation does not exceed 500 mm. The humidification coefficient is close to 1.

Moderate monsoon climate typical for the south Far East. IN winter time Dry continental air comes here from Eastern Siberia. Average temperatures in January are -16… -32º C. Winter is cold and with little snow.

In summer, the territory is taken over by cool wet air With Pacific Ocean. Average temperatures in July are 16-20ºC above zero.

Annual precipitation is from 600 to 1000 mm. Their summer maximum is clearly expressed. Humidity coefficient is slightly more than 1.

A moderate maritime climate is typical for the Kamchatka Peninsula. The climate of the peninsula is formed all year round under the influence of temperate sea air from the Pacific Ocean. As a result, compared to neighboring Primorye, winters are warmer and summers are cooler, i.e., the annual temperature range is smaller. Typical for the marine climate is a significant annual amount of precipitation (about 1800 mm) and its distribution over the seasons.

The subtropical climate has a very limited distribution in our country. It is presented on a narrow strip Black Sea coast Caucasus from Novorossiysk to Sochi. The Caucasus Mountains protect the coast of the warm Black Sea from cold air masses from the East European Plain. This is the only territory of Russia where the average temperatures of the coldest month are positive.

Summer, although not too hot, is quite long. In any season, humid sea air comes here, which, rising along the slopes of the mountains and cooling, gives precipitation. The annual amount of precipitation in the Tuapse and Sochi region exceeds 1000 mm with their relative distribution throughout the year.

Areas of high-mountain climate include the territories of the Caucasus, Sayan and Altai mountains.


  1. Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. 1 part 8th grade / V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze.
  2. V.B. Pyatunin, E.A. Customs. Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. 8th grade.
  3. Atlas. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. - M.: Bustard, 2012.
  4. V.P. Dronov, L.E. Savelyeva. UMK (educational and methodological set) “SPHERES”. Textbook “Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade". Atlas.
  1. Climate of Russia ().
  2. Main features of the Russian climate ().


  1. Which climate zone has the greatest variety of climate types?
  2. What type of climate is typical for your locality?

The Earth is very diverse for the reason that the planet heats up unevenly, and also falls unevenly. precipitation. Climate classification began to be proposed back in the 19th century, around the 70s. Moscow State University professor B.P. Alisova spoke about 7 climate types that make up their own climate zone. In her opinion, only four climatic zones can be called basic, and three zones are transitional. Let's look at the main characteristics and features of climate zones.

Types of climate zones:

Here, equatorial air masses predominate throughout the year. At a time when the sun is directly above the belt, and these are the days of spring and autumn equinox, it is hot in the equatorial belt, the temperature reaches approximately 28 degrees above zero. The water temperature does not differ much from the air temperature, about 1 degree. There is a lot of precipitation here, about 3000 mm. Evaporation is low here, so there are a lot of wetlands in this belt, as well as a lot of dense rain forests, due to swampy soil. Precipitation in these areas of the equatorial belt is brought by trade winds, that is, rainy winds. This type of climate is located above the north South America, over the Gulf of Guinea, over the Congo River and the upper Nile, as well as over almost the entire Indonesian archipelago, over part of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, which are located in Asia and over the shores of Lake Victoria, which is located in Africa.

This type of climate zone is located simultaneously in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. This type of climate is divided into continental and oceanic tropical climates. The mainland is located above larger territory region high pressure Therefore, this belt has little precipitation, approximately 250 mm. Summers are hot here, so the air temperature rises to 40 degrees above zero. In winter, the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees above zero.

There are no clouds in the sky, so this climate is characterized by cold nights. Daily temperature changes are quite large, so this contributes to high destruction of rocks.

Due to the great disintegration of rocks, a huge amount of dust and sand is formed, which subsequently forms sandstorms. These storms pose a potential danger to humans. The western and eastern parts of the continental climate differ greatly. Since cold currents flow along the western coast of Africa and Australia, and therefore the air temperature here is much lower, there is little precipitation, approximately 100 mm. If you look at the east coast, warm currents flow here, therefore, the air temperature is higher and there is more precipitation. This area is quite suitable for tourism.

Oceanic climate

This type of climate is a little similar to, the only difference is that there is less cloudiness and strong, stable winds. The summer air temperature here does not rise above 27 degrees, and in winter it does not fall below 15 degrees. The period for precipitation here is mainly summer, but there is very little of it, approximately 50 mm. This arid area is filled with tourists and guests of coastal cities in the summer.

Precipitation here occurs frequently and occurs throughout the year. This occurs under the influence of western winds. In summer, the air temperature does not rise above 28 degrees, and in winter it reaches –50 degrees. On the coasts there is a lot of precipitation - 3000 mm, and in central regions– 1000 mm. Vivid changes appear with the changing seasons of the year. The temperate climate is formed in two hemispheres - northern and southern and is located above a moderate latitude. The area of ​​low pressure prevails here.

This type of climate is divided into subclimates: marine and continental.

Marine subclimates predominate in western North America, Eurasia and South America. The wind is brought from the ocean to the mainland. From this we can conclude that summers here are cool (+20 degrees), but winters are relatively warm and mild (+5 degrees). There is a lot of precipitation - up to 6000 mm in the mountains.
Continental subclimate - predominates in the central regions. There is less precipitation here, since cyclones practically do not pass here. In summer the temperature is approximately +26 degrees, and in winter it is quite cold -24 degrees with heavy snow cover. In Eurasia, a continental subclimate is clearly expressed only in Yakutia. Winters here are cold with little rainfall. This is because in the interior of Eurasia, the areas are least exposed to the influence of the ocean and oceanic winds. On the coast, under the influence of large amounts of precipitation, the frost is softened in winter, and the heat is moderated in summer.

There is also one, which predominates in Kamchatka, Korea, northern Japan, and parts of China. This subtype is expressed by frequent changes in monsoons. Monsoons are winds that, as a rule, bring rain to the mainland and always blow from the ocean to land. Winters here are cold due to cold winds, and summers are rainy. Rains or monsoons are brought here by winds from the Pacific Ocean. On Sakhalin Island and Kamchatka there is quite a bit of precipitation, approximately 2000 mm. Air masses throughout the temperate climate are only moderate. Due to the high humidity of these islands, with 2000 mm of precipitation per year for an unaccustomed person, acclimatization in this area is necessary.

Polar climate

This type of climate forms two zones: Antarctic and. Polar air masses dominate here all year round. During the polar night, in this type of climate, the sun is absent for several months, and during the polar day, it does not go away at all, but shines for several months. The snow cover here never melts, and ice and snow, which radiate heat, carry constant cold air into the air. Here the strength of the winds is weakened and there are no clouds at all. There is catastrophically little precipitation here, but particles resembling needles are constantly flying in the air. The maximum precipitation here is 100 mm. In summer the air temperature does not exceed 0 degrees, and in winter it reaches –40 degrees. In summer, periodic drizzle predominates in the air. When traveling to this area, you may notice that your face tingles a little with frost, so the temperature seems higher than it actually is.

All the types of climates discussed above are considered basic, because here the air masses correspond to these belts. There are also intermediate types of climates, which have the prefix “sub” in their names. In these types of climates, air masses change characteristically during the coming seasons. They move from nearby belts. Scientists explain this by the fact that when the Earth moves around its axis, climate zones shift alternately, now to the south, now to the north.

Intermediate types of climates

Here, in the summer, equatorial masses arrive, and in the winter, tropical masses dominate. There is a lot of precipitation only in the summer - about 3000 mm, but despite this, the sun here is merciless and the air temperature reaches +30 degrees all summer. Winter is cool.

This climate zone has good ventilation and drainage. The air temperature here reaches +14 degrees and in terms of precipitation, there is very little in winter. Good drainage of the soil prevents water from stagnating and forming, as in. This type of climate makes it possible to settle. Here are states that are populated to the limit by people, for example, India, Ethiopia, Indochina. Many grow here cultivated plants which are exported to various countries. In the north of this belt are Venezuela, Guinea, India, Indochina, Africa, Australia, South America, Bangladesh and other states. In the south are the Amazon, Brazil, northern Australia and the center of Africa.

Here in summer tropical air masses predominate, and in winter they come here from temperate latitudes and carry a large number of precipitation. Summers are dry and hot, and temperatures reach +50 degrees. Winter is very mild with maximum temperature-20 degrees. Low precipitation, approximately 120 mm.

The west has a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot summers and rainy winters. This area is different in that it receives slightly more rainfall. Approximately 600 mm of precipitation falls here per year. This area is favorable for resorts and people's lives in general.

Crops grown here include grapes, citrus fruits and olives. Monsoon winds prevail here. In winter it is dry and cold, and in summer it is hot and humid. The precipitation here is approximately 800 mm per year. Through the forest, monsoons blow from the sea to the land and carry precipitation with them, and in winter the winds blow from the land to the sea. This type of climate is pronounced in the Northern Hemisphere and eastern Asia. Vegetation grows well here thanks to the abundant rainfall. Also, thanks to the abundant rains, agriculture is well developed here, which gives life to the local population.

Subpolar climate type

Summers here are cool and humid. The temperature rises to +10, and precipitation is approximately 300 mm. There is more precipitation on mountain slopes than on plains. The swampiness of the territory indicates that the territory is poorly weathered, and there are also a large number of lakes. Winters here are quite long and cold, with temperatures reaching -50 degrees. The boundaries of the poles do not run smoothly, which is precisely what indicates the uneven heating of the Earth and the diversity of the relief.

Antarctic and climate zones

Arctic air dominates here, and the snow crust does not melt. In winter, the air temperature reaches -71 degrees below zero. In summer, temperatures can only rise to -20 degrees. There is very little precipitation here.

In these climatic zones, air masses change from arctic, which predominate in winter, to moderate air masses, which predominate in summer. Winter here lasts 9 months, and it is quite cold, since on average the air temperature drops to -40 degrees. In summer, on average, the temperature is around 0 degrees. For this type of climate there is high humidity, which is approximately 200 mm, and fairly low moisture evaporation. The winds here are strong and blow frequently in this area. This type of climate is located on the northern coast of North America and Eurasia, as well as Antarctica and the Aleutian Islands.

In this climate zone, winds from the west prevail over the rest, and monsoons blow from the east. If the monsoons blow, the precipitation that falls depends on how far the area is from the sea, as well as on the topography of the area. The closer to the sea, the more precipitation falls. The northern and western parts of the continents carry a lot of precipitation, while the southern parts have very little. Winter and summer are very different here, and there are also differences in the climate on land and at sea. The snow cover here lasts only a couple of months; in winter the temperature differs significantly from the summer air temperature.

The temperate zone consists of four climatic zones: the maritime climate zone (fairly warm winters and rainy summers), the continental climate zone (a lot of precipitation falls in the summer), ( Cold winter and rainy summers), as well as a climate transitional from the maritime climate zone to the continental climate zone.

and climate zones

In the tropics, hot and dry air usually prevails. Between the winter and summer periods the difference in temperature is large and even very significant. In summer the temperature averages +35 degrees, and in winter +10 degrees. Large temperature differences here occur between day and night temperatures. In the tropical climate there is little precipitation, a maximum of 150 mm per year. On the coasts, there is more precipitation, but not much, since moisture comes to land from the ocean.

In the subtropics, summer air is drier than winter. In winter it is more humid. Summer here is very hot, as the air temperature rises to +30 degrees. In winter, the air temperature rarely drops below zero degrees, so even in winter it is not particularly cold here. When snow falls, it melts very quickly and leaves no snow cover. There is little precipitation here - about 500 mm. There are several climate zones in the subtropics: the monsoon, which brings rain from the ocean to the land and the coast, the Mediterranean, which has a high amount of precipitation, and the continental, which has much less precipitation and is drier and warmer.

and climate zones

The average air temperature is +28 degrees, and its differences from day to night temperatures are insignificant. Quite high humidity and weak winds are typical for this type of climate. The precipitation here is 2000 mm every year. A couple of rainy periods are followed by less rainy periods. The equatorial climate zone is located in the Amazon, on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, Africa, on the Malacca Peninsula, and on the islands of New Guinea.

On both sides of the equatorial climate zone there are subequatorial zones. In summer, the equatorial climate prevails here, and in winter it is tropical and dry. This is why there is more precipitation in summer than in winter. On the slopes of the mountains, precipitation even goes off scale and reaches 10,000 mm per year, and this is all thanks to the heavy rains that prevail here all year round. On average, the temperature is approximately +30 degrees. The difference between winter and summer is greater than in the equatorial climate. The subequatorial climate is located in the highlands of Brazil, New Guinea and South America, as well as in Northern Australia.

Climate types

Today there are three criteria for climate classification:

  • according to the characteristics of air mass circulation;
  • by the nature of the geographical relief;
  • according to climatic characteristics.

Based on certain indicators The following climate types can be distinguished:

  • Solar. It determines the amount of receipt and distribution of ultraviolet radiation over earth's surface. The determination of solar climate is influenced by astronomical indicators, season and latitude;
  • Mountain. Climatic conditions at altitude in the mountains are characterized by reduced atmospheric pressure and clean air, increased solar radiation and increased precipitation;
  • . Dominates in semi-deserts. There are large fluctuations in temperature between day and night, and there is practically no precipitation and is a rare occurrence once every few years;
  • . Very humid climate. It forms in places where there is not enough sunlight, so moisture does not have time to evaporate;
  • Nivalny. This climate is characteristic of areas where precipitation falls mainly in solid form, it settles in the form of glaciers and snow debris, and does not have time to evaporate;
  • Urban. The air temperature in the city is always higher than in the surrounding area. Solar radiation arrives in reduced quantities, therefore daylight hours are shorter than at natural objects nearby. There are more clouds over the cities, and precipitation occurs more often, although in some settlements the humidity level is lower.

In general, on earth, climatic zones regularly alternate, but they are not always pronounced. In addition, climate features depend on the relief and terrain. In the zone where anthropogenic influence is most pronounced, the climate will differ from the conditions of natural objects. It should be noted that over time, one or another climate zone undergoes changes, changes climate indicators, which leads to changes in ecosystems on the planet.

Main climate zones - video


What do you know from your 6th grade geography course about the conditions that determine climate?

Climate is determined by the latitude of the area (angle of incidence of sunlight), the nature of the underlying surface, and the general circulation of the atmosphere.

This I know

1. List the main climate-forming factors. What is the most important factor?

The main climate-forming factors are geographic latitude, general atmospheric circulation and the nature of the underlying surface. The most important factor is the geographic latitude of the area.

2. Explain how the underlying surface affects the climate of the territory?

Firstly, different temperature conditions and humidity are formed over the surface of the oceans and land. Above the oceans there is greater humidity and less temperature fluctuations. On land, the climate changes as you move further inland from the coasts. At the same time, temperature fluctuations are increasing, cloudiness and precipitation are decreasing. Climate is influenced by currents. Cold currents off the coast make the climate of the coasts cool and very dry. Warm currents make the climate milder. Relief and absolute altitude play a major role in climate formation.

3. Give examples of the influence of distance from the oceans on the climate of the territory.

A striking example of the influence of distance from the oceans on climate is the difference between the climate of the coasts and interior regions of Eurasia. The coasts of the continents have a mild climate with warm summers and mild winters with frequent thaws. Up to 800 mm of precipitation falls here. Inland areas are characterized by dry, hot summers and very frosty winters with little snow.

4. How does the main climate zone differ from the transition zone?

In the main climate zone, one air mass dominates throughout the year. IN transitional belts two air masses replace each other.

I can do this

5. Using the map “Climatic zones and regions of the Earth,” name the main and transitional climatic zones.

Transitional belts have the prefix “sub-” in their name.

6. Determine the climate type based on a set of characteristics: January temperature -10...-150C, July +20...+250C. precipitation occurs throughout the year, but with a summer maximum. The annual precipitation is 250-300 mm. Which continents have this type of climate?

This is a temperate continental climate type. It is represented in Eurasia and North America.

7. Using the climate diagram (see Figure 35), determine the type of climate.

The climate is characterized by small temperature fluctuations. The air temperature does not drop below 10 0C in winter, summer temperatures are +20...+250C. Precipitation has a winter maximum. The subtropical Mediterranean type of climate may have these characteristics.

8. Fill out the table

This is interesting to me

9. Which climate zone would you like to go on vacation in the summer? What clothes will you especially need while traveling?

For a summer vacation, I would go to the subtropical Mediterranean climate zone. The Mediterranean climate is extremely favorable for human life, which is why the most famous summer resorts are located here. Valuable subtropical crops are grown here: citrus fruits, grapes, olives.

When traveling, you will need light clothing made from natural fabrics that does not leave the skin exposed, beachwear and hats.

Definition 1

Climate zone is a latitudinal strip on the Earth’s surface with a relatively uniform climate.

Climate zones differ from each other air temperature And dominant air masses. In accordance with their properties, the main features of the climate are determined. Climate zones on the planet are changing zonally, i.e. from equator to poles. The classification of climate zones, which is used in Russia and in most countries of the world, was created by a Soviet climatologist B.P. Alisov in $1956$ He highlights basic and transitional climatic zones.

There are seven main climatic zones:

  • Equatorial belt;
  • Two tropical zones;
  • Two temperate zones;
  • Two polar belts - Arctic and Antarctic.

In these climatic zones, only air masses with the same names dominate throughout the year.

Equatorial climate zone located on both sides of the equator. The territory and water area of ​​the belt receives a large amount of heat throughout the year, and average monthly temperatures are $24$-$28$ degrees. On land, the radiation balance reaches $90$ kcal/cm2. in year. Annual precipitation is up to $3000$ mm per year, and on the windward slopes - up to $10,000$ mm. There is excessive moisture here because the amount of precipitation is much greater than evaporation.

Tropical climate zones. One tropical zone is located in Northern hemisphere of the planet, the second - in South hemispheres. Tropical zones cross all continents except Antarctica and are well expressed in the oceans between the $20$ and $30$ parallels of both hemispheres. The formation of the tropical climate is influenced by tropical air masses, with their characteristic high atmospheric pressure and anticyclonic circulation. There is very little cloud cover throughout the year, relative humidity and annual precipitation. The prevailing winds are trade winds. Summer average monthly air temperatures are +$30$-$35$ degrees, winter temperatures are not lower than +$10$ degrees. The daily and annual amplitudes are quite high. Annual precipitation ranges from $50$-$200$ mm. The exception is the eastern outskirts of the continents, and on the islands the windward slopes of the mountains receive up to $2000$ mm or more. For example, about $13,000 mm falls in the Hawaiian Islands. On the western coasts of the continents, the climate will be cooler, which is associated with cold ocean currents. There will be higher air humidity, an even temperature change and frequent fogs.

Temperate climate zones. One temperate zone is located in Northern hemisphere, between $40$ and $65$ parallel, the other - in South between $42$ and $58$ parallel. These are the largest climatic zones in terms of area. One of the differences between these belts is that in the Northern Hemisphere the belt occupies more than half sushi, while in Southern Hemisphere, vice versa. There $98\%$ comes from ocean. In temperate zones there is a clear seasonality of climate. It is expressed in big difference between summer and winter temperatures. Moreover, in the Northern Hemisphere, the annual and daily amplitude is significantly higher than in the Southern Hemisphere. The western transport of air masses of temperate latitudes dominates here, and intense cyclonic activity is observed. Towards the outskirts of the continents, the amount of precipitation increases, and the annual amount is $800$-$2000$mm. On the windward oceanic slopes their number increases and reaches $5000$-$8000$ mm.

Polar climate zones(Arctic and Antarctic). In the Northern Hemisphere arctic the belt begins north of the $70$ parallel, and Antarctic south of the $65$ parallel. Both zones are characterized by polar nights and polar days. Eternal ice and snow emit enormous amounts of solar heat, causing the air to become very chilled. Atmospheric pressure is high all year round and easterly winds prevail. Located in Antarctica pole of cold planets. In summer, the average air temperature is $30$ degrees, and in winter -$70$. At the Russian polar station " East"The temperature drops to -$88.3 degrees. On the Antarctic coast, average monthly summer temperatures range from -$1$ to -$5$ degrees, and winter temperatures from -$18$ to -$20$ degrees. Above the Greenland ice sheet in Arctic climatic conditions similar, but softer. In the Atlantic regions Arctic and to the pole, the summer temperature is about $0$ degrees, and with warm air invasion it rises to + $5$. Average winter temperatures are around -$20$ degrees. American The Arctic sector is more severe with temperatures of -$50$ degrees in winter and -$10$ degrees in summer. The greatest amount of precipitation occurs in European sector of the Arctic, where $300$-$350$ mm falls, and in Asian and American sector from $160$-$250$ mm.

Transitional climatic zones.

Between the main climatic zones there are zones transition zones. There are $6$ and they are characterized by seasonal changes in the prevailing air masses, i.e. In summer, one air mass dominates there, and in winter, another. The names of all transition zones are appended with the prefix “ sub", which translated from Latin means " under", i.e., a belt located under main.

Transitional belts include:

  • Two subequatorial belts;
  • Two subtropical zones;
  • Subarctic belt;
  • Subantarctic belt.

Subequatorial climate zone. These belts are located south and north of the equatorial one. As a result of the shift in climate zones according to the seasons of the year, humid equatorial air comes here in the summer, and dry tropical air comes here in the winter. Summer For subequatorial belts will wet, A winter is dry. Despite this, the average annual precipitation is excessive and reaches $1500$ mm per year. On the slopes of the mountains, precipitation falls even more - $6000$-$10000$ mm per year. The difference between summer and winter temperatures is small, but the difference with the equatorial belt is noticeable. Summer temperatures range from $22$-$30$ degrees. Beyond the oceans equatorial belt passes through South America, Central Africa, Hindustan, Indochina, Northern Australia.

Subtropical climate zones. They are located within $30$-$40$ degrees of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In the south, the subtropics border on the tropical zone, and in the north on the temperate zone in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, there is a tropical zone to the north of the subtropics, and a temperate zone to the south. Thermal regimes alternate by half of the year - in winter there is a moderate regime, and in summer - tropical. For the subtropics, frosts are already possible. Within the ocean, belts are characterized by high temperatures and high salinity water.

Subarctic climate zone. This transitional belt is closest to North Pole Earth. Temperate and arctic air masses replace each other throughout the year. The belt occupies Northern Canada, Alaska, the southern tip of Greenland, northern Iceland and the Scandinavian Peninsula. Within Russia, it passes through the northern part of Western and Central Siberia, as well as the Far East.

Subantarctic climate zone. Located in the Southern Hemisphere, this belt occupies a number of Antarctic islands and the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. The belt is characterized by short summers with temperatures below + $20$ degrees. Cold air masses in winter reduce temperatures to negative values. And it stays below zero for most of the year. The same is typical for the subarctic zone. There is little precipitation and it decreases from $500$-$250$ mm and below.

Climate-forming factors

The formation of the planet's climate is greatly influenced by external and internal factors. Most external factors influence the total amount of incoming solar radiation and its distribution across seasons, hemispheres and continents.

External factors include the parameters of the earth’s orbit and the earth’s axis:

  • Distance between the Sun and Earth. It determines the amount of solar energy received;
  • The inclination of the rotation of the earth's axis to the orbital plane, which determines seasonal changes;
  • Earth's orbital eccentricity. Affects heat distribution and seasonal changes.

Internal factors include:

  • Configuration of oceans and continents and their relative positions;
  • The presence of active volcanoes that can change the climate until a volcanic winter;
  • Albedo of the Earth's atmosphere and its surface;
  • Air masses;
  • The proximity of oceans and seas that moderate the climate, with the exception of cold currents;
  • The nature of the underlying surface;
  • Human economic activity;
  • Heat flows of the planet.

Climatic zones. The cycle of heat, moisture and general circulation of the atmosphere form the weather and climate in the geographic envelope. The types of air masses and the characteristics of their circulation at different latitudes create the conditions for the formation of the Earth's climate. The dominance of one air mass throughout the year determines the boundaries of climate zones.

Climate zones- these are territories that encircle the Earth in a continuous or intermittent strip; They differ from each other in temperature, atmospheric pressure, amount and regime of precipitation, prevailing air masses and winds. The symmetrical distribution of climatic zones relative to the equator is a manifestation of the law of geographic zonation. Highlight basic And transitional climatic zones. The names of the main climatic zones are given according to the dominant air masses and the latitudes in which they are formed.

There are 13 climatic zones: seven main and six transitional. The boundaries of each zone are determined by the summer and winter positions of climate fronts.

There are seven main climatic zones: equatorial, two tropical, two temperate and two polar (Arctic and Antarctic). In each of the climatic zones, one air mass dominates throughout the year - equatorial, tropical, temperate, arctic (Antarctic), respectively.

Between the main zones in each hemisphere, transitional climate zones are formed: two subequatorial, two subtropical and two subpolar (subarctic and subantarctic). In transition zones, seasonal changes in air masses occur. They come from neighboring main belts: in summer the air mass is from the southern main belt, and in winter from the northern one. The proximity of oceans, warm and cold currents, and topography influence climatic differences within zones: stand out climatic regions with different types of climate.

Characteristics of climatic zones. Equatorial belt formed in the region of the equator in an intermittent strip, where equatorial air masses predominate. Average monthly temperatures range from +26 to +28 sC. Precipitation falls 1500-3000 mm evenly throughout the year. The equatorial belt is the wettest part of the earth's surface (the Congo River basin, the coast of the Gulf of Guinea in Africa, the Amazon River basin in South America, the Sunda Islands). There are continental and oceanic climate types, but the difference between them is small.

For subequatorial belts , encircling the equatorial belt from the north and south, is characterized by monsoon air circulation. A feature of the belts is the seasonal change of air masses. In summer, equatorial air dominates, in winter - tropical. There are two seasons: wet summer and dry winter. In summer, the climate differs slightly from the equatorial one: high humidity, abundance of precipitation. During the winter season, hot, dry weather sets in, grasses burn out, and trees shed their leaves. The average air temperature in all months ranges from +20 to +30 °C. The annual precipitation is 1000-2000 mm, with maximum precipitation falling in summer.

Tropical zones are between 20¨ and 30¨s. and Yu. w. on both sides of the tropics, where trade winds prevail. (Remember why in tropical latitudes the air sinks and high pressure prevails.) Throughout the year, tropical air masses dominate here with high temperatures. The average temperature of the warmest month is +30...+35 ¨C, the coldest month is not lower than +10 ¨C. In the center of the continents the climate is tropical continental (desert). Cloud cover is insignificant, precipitation in most parts is less than 250 mm per year. Low rainfall causes the formation of the greatest deserts in the world - the Sahara and Kalahari in Africa, the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, and Australia.

In the eastern parts of the continents, which are influenced warm currents and trade winds blowing from the ocean, intensified by monsoons in summer season, a tropical humid climate is formed. Average monthly temperature in summer +26 ¨С, in winter +22 ¨С. Average annual precipitation is 1500 mm.

Subtropical zones (25-40¨ N and S) are formed under the influence of tropical air masses in summer and moderate ones in winter. The western parts of the continents have a Mediterranean climate: summers are dry, hot, the average temperature of the warmest month is +30 ¨C, and winters are wet and warm (up to +5...+10 ¨C), but short-term frosts are possible. On the eastern coasts of the continents, a subtropical monsoon climate is formed with hot (+25 ¨C) rainy summers and cool (+8 ¨C) dry winters. The amount of precipitation is 1000-1500 mm. Snow rarely falls. IN central parts The continental climate is subtropical continental, with hot (+30 ¨C) and dry summers and relatively cold winters (+6...+8 ¨C) with little precipitation (300 mm). The subtropical humid climate is characterized by more uniform temperatures and precipitation. In summer +20 ¨С, in winter +12 ¨С, precipitation falls 800-1000 mm. (Determine by climate map differences in climates of subtropical zones.)

Temperate zones stretched in temperate latitudes from 40¨ n. and Yu. w. almost to the polar circles. Temperate air masses dominate here throughout the year, but arctic and tropical air masses can penetrate. In the Northern Hemisphere in the western continents, westerly winds and cyclonic activity predominate; in the east there are monsoons. As you move deeper into the territory, the annual amplitude of air temperature increases (the coldest month is from +4...+6 °C to –48 °C, and the warmest month is from +12 °C to +30 °C). In the Southern Hemisphere, the climate is mainly oceanic. There are 5 types of climate in the Northern Hemisphere: maritime, moderate continental, continental, sharply continental, and monsoon.

The maritime climate is formed under the influence of westerly winds blowing from the ocean (Northern and Central Europe, western North America, Patagonian Andes of South America). In summer temperatures are about +15…+17 °C, in winter - +5 °C. Precipitation falls throughout the year and reaches 1000-2000 mm per year. In the Southern Hemisphere, the temperate zone is dominated by an oceanic climate with mild summers, mild winters, heavy rainfall, westerly winds, and unstable weather (“roaring” forties latitudes).

Continental climate is characteristic of the interior regions of large continents. In Eurasia, a moderate continental, continental, sharply continental climate is formed, in North America - moderate continental and continental. On average, July temperatures vary from +10 °C in the north to +24 °C in the south. In a temperate continental climate, the January temperature drops from west to east from –5° to –10 °C, in a sharply continental climate - to –35…–40 °C, and in Yakutia below –40 °C. The annual precipitation in a temperate continental climate is approximately 500-600 mm, in a sharply continental climate - about 300-400 mm. In winter, as you move eastward, the duration of stable snow cover increases from 4 to 9 months, and the annual temperature range also increases.

The monsoon climate is best expressed in Eurasia. In summer, a stable monsoon from the ocean prevails, the temperature is +18...+22 °C, in winter - –25 °C. At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, typhoons from the sea with gusty winds and heavy precipitation are frequent. Winters are relatively dry as the winter monsoon blows inland. Precipitation in the form of rain predominates in summer (800-1200 mm).

Subpolar belts (subarctic and subantarctic) located north and south of the temperate zone. They are characterized by seasonal changes in air masses: moderate air masses dominate in summer, and arctic (Antarctic) air masses dominate in winter. Continental subarctic climate is characteristic of the northern margins of North America and Eurasia. Summer is relatively warm (+5…+10 °C) and short. Winter is harsh (up to –55 °C). Here is the pole of cold in Oymyakon and Verkhoyansk (–71 °C). Small amount of precipitation - 200 mm. Permafrost and excessive moisture are widespread, and large areas are swamped. The oceanic climate in the Northern Hemisphere is formed in the Greenland and Norwegian Seas, in the Southern Hemisphere - around Antarctica. Cyclonic activity is widespread throughout the year. Cool summer(+3…+5 °С), floating sea and continental ice, relatively mild winter (–10…–15 °С). Winter precipitation is up to 500 mm, fog is constant.

Rice. 16. Characteristic types of annual

Polar belts (Arctic and course of air temperatures of different Antarctic) located around the climatic zones of the poles. Continental climate prevails in Antarctica, Greenland, and the islands of the Canadian Arctic archipelago. There are negative temperatures all year round.

Oceanic climate is observed mainly in the Arctic. Temperatures here are negative, but during the polar day they can reach +2 °C. Precipitation - 100-150 mm (Fig. 16).


1. Geography 8th grade. Tutorial for 8th grade institutions of general secondary education with Russian as the language of instruction / Edited by Professor P. S. Lopukh - Minsk “People's Asveta” 2014