1980 is the year of which animal? This question is especially of concern to those who were born in the indicated year and are passionate about horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article specifically to the presented topic.

1980 is the year of which animal?

According to 1980, this is the year of the White Metal Monkey. It starts on February 16th and ends on the 5th of the same month, but only next year.

Character of representatives

Those born in 1980 (the horoscope will be discussed in detail in this article) are distinguished by a thirst for new knowledge and great ingenuity. Such people are well versed in technology and can easily cope with any difficulties associated with technical innovations and devices. In addition, representatives of the Monkey sign have unbridled adventurism (in in a good way words). After all, they always strive to achieve their goals, and no obstacles will stop them in this.

Features of Monkeys

1980 is the year of which animal? Metal White Monkey. Such representatives never sit idle, as they are great workers. They do not shy away from physical and difficult work, and do not expect help from other people.

To achieve success, the Monkey can work long and hard. She will never waste time. That is why such people are reluctant to take on small matters. Monkeys are quite smart, persistent and efficient. He loves holidays and other entertainment events, but he never wastes money.

Representatives of this sign are very proud, they always feel and show their superiority over others, and therefore they are often lonely. Despite this negative quality, Monkeys always treat people around them kindly.

Personal life

It’s not for nothing that many people are interested in chinese horoscope. The year 1980 gave our world many different people. However, they are all united by one eastern symbol.

More than one marriage can happen in the life of Monkeys. After all, they are prone to love affairs and romantic excitement in all their manifestations. This is due to the fact that such representatives are extremely emotional and sensual.

Love relationship

Having found out which year 1980 is the year of which animal, it should be noted that Monkeys, whether male or female, attract the opposite sex with their openness, good manners and good mood. Of course, there are also situations when dealing with these people is quite difficult. After all, it is problematic to create honest and binding relationships with them for a long period. Although sooner or later the Monkeys get enough of their wild behavior, calm down and quite rarely deviate from their spouse.

What problems might arise in a relationship?

If your partner is a Monkey, then you are probably interested in his eastern horoscope. 1980 is a period when unpredictable people were born. At the very beginning of a love relationship, when they have not yet been properly formed, even a small mistake can quite frighten the representatives of this sign. Often, small mistakes on the part of their significant other are perceived by Monkeys as a personal insult. That is why, in order not to lose a loved one, maximum care should be taken towards such people at the initial stage.

One cannot ignore the fact that all Monkeys are subject to sudden mood swings. Quite often this happens without apparent reason. However, this period does not last very long.

After love relationship will become stronger and more permanent, all disagreements and misunderstandings will be smoothed out and settled. At the same time, the Monkey will become a reliable and supportive partner. It is also worth noting that people of this type literally become attached to their significant other. As a result, after a breakup, they are unable to create new relationships.

Monkey Tendencies

1980 is the year of whom according to the horoscope? We answered this question a little higher. Now I would like to tell you about what representatives of the Monkey sign are prone to.

These people are quite energetic. This quality makes them suitable for any existing profession. Monkeys have the ability to imaginatively plan. They are considered cunning and true virtuosos, especially when it comes to outmaneuvering enemies or competitors. They are smart and see through any situation. If Monkeys set a goal for themselves, then nothing can stop them from achieving it. It is generally difficult for such people to imagine that they can fail.

It is important to remember that there are certain areas and skills that they should particularly focus on. In addition, it should be understood that Monkeys have a limit to their luck. They are advised to avoid gambling, including for money, as well as philosophical reflection.

It is no secret that most of these representatives have an amazing ability to correctly assess risks. In addition, they have a keen sense of financial matters. Monkeys have a feature that helps them accurately understand problems, take on new challenges and delve into details until the right solution is found.

Usually such people are endowed with good organizational skills. Among other things, work that involves various studies with instant results is suitable for them.

Positive features

Year of birth - 1980. The horoscope of such people is quite interesting. After all, Monkeys are very temperamental, emotional and sensual. In addition, such representatives are reasonable, devoted, sincere, inventive and intellectually developed.

Negative traits

Due to his emotionality, the Monkey can easily offend a person with a word. In addition, she is capricious, careless, cunning, boastful, arrogant, sometimes too petty and loves to indulge her own desires.

Suitable professions

Such people most often choose to work as a consultant, doctor and stockbroker. By the way, there are quite a lot of Monkeys among architects and literary figures.

Love horoscope

1980 is the year of which animal? A comprehensive answer to this question was brought to your attention at the very beginning of the article. In this section, we will talk in detail about which signs the Monkey can form an alliance with and which ones it cannot.

| Eastern calendar

Eastern (Chinese) calendar of zodiac signs

The Eastern calendar, which has been in effect for several thousand years in Vietnam, Kampuchea, China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan and some other Asian countries, was compiled during the time of the semi-legendary Emperor Huang Di in the middle of the third millennium BC. The Eastern calendar is a 60-year cyclical system. It is based on the astronomical cycles of the Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The 60-year cycle includes the 12-year Jupiter and 30-year Saturn cycles. The 12-year period of Jupiter was considered the most important for the life of nomads, and in those days the main peoples of the East were nomadic tribes. The ancient Chinese and Japanese believed that the normal motion of Jupiter brought benefits and virtues.

By dividing the path of Jupiter into twelve equal parts and giving each part the name of a specific animal, the peoples of Asia created a solar-Jupiter 12-year calendar cycle. Legend has it that all the animals were invited by Buddha to celebrate the first New Year. Buddha promised to give the animals a whole year, which would be named after them. Only 12 animals came to Buddha's invitation - a rat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, and a dog. The last one to come to meet Buddha was the pig.

According to another legend, Buddha called animals before leaving the earth. A rat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog and a pig came to say goodbye to Buddha. The grateful Buddha gave these 12 animals one year of reign each.

The eastern calendar begins with the year of the rat and ends with the year of the pig. In the East, it is widely believed that these animals have the ability to impart certain traits to the one born in this year of the animal, both good and bad.

In sixty years, Jupiter makes five revolutions. This number corresponded to the worldview of Chinese natural philosophy. The number five was a symbol of the five elements of nature - wood, fire, metal (gold), water, earth, which correspond to color designations (blue, red, yellow, white, black).
The Chinese sexagenary was formed as a result of the combination of the duodecimal cycle (“earthly branches”), each year of which was assigned the name of an animal, and the decimal cycle of the “elements” (“heavenly branches”): five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) , each of which corresponded to two cyclic signs, personifying the masculine and feminine principles (therefore, in the Chinese calendar there are consecutive years corresponding to different animals, but one element).

12 animals, 5 elements - hence the cycle eastern calendar is 60 years old. This cycle begins with the year of the Wood Rat and ends with the year of the Water Pig. The next 60-year cycle of the eastern calendar began on February 2, 1984. Animal years repeat once every 12 years, and elemental years repeat every 10 years.
The choice of these planets when creating the eastern calendar is explained by the fact that the Sun influences the development of the human spirit, the Moon - on physical development body, Jupiter controls the behavior of people in public life, and the planet Saturn shapes individual characteristics person.

IN Lately In Russia, the eastern calendar is becoming increasingly popular. The Eastern New Year does not have a fixed date. New Year According to the eastern calendar, it occurs on the first new moon, occurring in the zodiac sign Aquarius. The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius on January 20 or 21 and ends on February 18. Therefore, the New Year according to the eastern calendar begins from January 20 to February 18, at which time one fabulous animal passes the reins to another.

Eastern calendar signs

Animal years according to the eastern calendar

Zoological name of the year. Years of birth of people, year of the animal according to the eastern calendar.

Elements of the signs of the eastern calendar

The eastern calendar assumes the presence of certain colors corresponding to each element. The elements change in the following order: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Thus, the cycle repeats itself completely after 60 years.
You can determine your element by the last digit of your year of birth:

“4” or “5” - Wood (color green, blue)
“6” or “7” - Fire (color red, pink)
“8” or “9” - Earth (color yellow, lemon, ocher)
“0” or “1” - Metal (white)
“2” or “3” - Water (color black, blue)

Each of the elements slightly changes the animal representing the year, giving it a unique shade. For example, the Fire Goat is active, active, possessing creative abilities, differs from the Earth Goat - a reserved, dry realist, busy with earthly, practical matters.
You can use the eastern horoscope to improve mutual understanding with your family, loved ones and friends by identifying their signs and elements, and therefore understanding the deep essence and motives of actions. Animal signs will help determine the prospects of relationships between people (friendships, love or business).
It's better to start with general characteristics animal sign.
Even more accurate data can be obtained by determining animal sign hour of birth. According to Chinese astrology, the day is divided into 12 periods, each of which corresponds to a specific animal sign. This means that a person born in the hour of any animal will have the traits of this sign. Here are the correspondences between birth times and animal signs:

23.00 - 01.00 - Rat time
01.00 - 03.00 - Ox time
03.00 - 05.00 - Tiger time
05.00 - 07.00 - Rabbit time
07.00 - 09.00 - Dragon time
09.00 - 11.00 - Snake time
11.00 - 13.00 - Horse time
13.00 - 15.00 - Sheep time
15.00 - 17.00 - Monkey time
17.00 - 19.00 - Rooster time
19.00 - 21.00 - Dog time
21.00 - 23.00 - Boar time

Eastern calendar signs

Chinese astrologers divide all animal signs into four groups (three in each). It is generally accepted that people born under the same group of signs have similar characteristics that determine the way they think, which ultimately allows them to get along well with each other, support each other and get along together. This does not mean at all that they have the same character or actions, it’s just that the innate characteristics of their personalities successfully complement each other and contribute to the development of best sides other people from the same group. It has been noticed that partnerships, friendships and especially marriages between those born under the signs of the same group are the most successful.

Competitors- , And . All these signs are very keen on competition and decisive action. Rats need the Dragon's self-confidence and courage, because... extremely unsure of themselves. In turn, the Dragon can be too direct and sometimes simply needs the ingenuity of the Rat or even the cunning of the Monkey. The latter highly value the intelligence of the Rat and the enthusiasm of the Dragon.
Intellectuals- , And . People belonging to these signs are great pragmatists, strong personalities, often endowed with great abilities, self-confident, purposeful and decisive. Among them are thinkers and seers. The Ox is constant and firm, but he is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the charm and dexterity of the Snake. The directness of the Rooster is balanced by the diplomatic Snake or the self-confident Bull, and the Snake, with all its ambition, can achieve high altitudes, if it is assisted by the Ox or Rooster.
Independent- , And . These people are emotional, impulsive, restless and extremely principled - a kind of "free spirits" Chinese zodiac. The Horse is a born strategist, but to make anything a reality it needs a decisive Dog or an impulsive Tiger. He can also give vent to the Horse’s restlessness, while only the Dog can calm it down. The Tiger will also benefit from communicating with the Dog - her constant good nature will keep him from being excessively cruel.
Diplomats- (Cat), and . People of these signs are reserved, simple-minded, not great intellectuals, and are not attracted to risk. But they are modest and responsive, sociable and sensitive, tenderly care for each other and are always happy to do something nice. The Rabbit's insight balances the Sheep's generosity, and the latter needs the sense of priorities that the Rabbit gives her. The power of the Pig complements the forgiving nature of the Sheep and the strategic thinking of the Rabbit.

The signs of the eastern calendar are often depicted in a circle in a certain order, sometimes compass directions are marked on it. Looking at such a circle, it is not difficult to notice that each sign is directly opposite the other sign. These are antagonistic signs, and they are considered completely incompatible! There are six such pairs, and within each pair an astrological conflict invariably develops. The causes of these conflicts lie deep in the nature of people born under opposite signs; they are involuntary and manifest themselves mainly in how they react to the surrounding reality and other people. These are the pairs:

The validity of these observations is also confirmed by the fact that in China, parents, as a rule, do not approve of children marrying people 6 years older or younger. They are well aware that in such a union conflicts and insoluble problems will certainly arise, and therefore in love it is very dangerous to ignore this incompatibility. Another thing is friendship, which in most cases is not harmed by astrological conflicts, because friends usually don't live together. In business, however, incompatibility can also be a hindrance, because completely different people in this case we are forced to carry out a large number of time side by side day after day.
Do not despair if the results of the analysis of relationships according to the eastern horoscope are disappointing; pay attention to the signs and elements corresponding to the month and hour of birth, because under their influence characteristics A person's personality can both weaken and strengthen.
In China they say that if the fate destined for a person from above cannot be changed, then his lot can be improved. They believe in the unity of "tian", "ti" and "zhen" (heaven, earth and man), meaning that the two components of a happy fate - earthly luck and human (the third is heavenly luck) - are in the hands of the person himself.

Age eastern calendar by year horoscope

First Life - Rooster (baby)
Second life - MONKEY (1-3 years)
Third life - GOAT (from 3 to 7 years)
Fourth Life - HORSE (7-12 years old)
Fifth life - BULL (12-17 years old)
Sixth life - RAT (17-24 years)
Seventh life - BOAR (24 - 31 years old)
Eighth life - DOG (31-42-)
Ninth Life - SNAKE (42-54)
Tenth life - DRAGON (55-70 years)
Eleventh life - CAT (70 - 85 years old)
Twelfth Life - TIGER (death)

Many people are seriously interested in astrology and believe that zodiac signs influence fate. The Chinese horoscope has an equally strong influence on a person. As you know, every year some animal becomes the master of the year. Being the ninth in a row, the Monkey is loyal, sincere, energetic and at the same time temperamental, quick-tempered, capricious. If you are interested in knowing which animal's year is 1980 according to the eastern calendar, then the answer is simple - it belongs to the White Metal Monkey.

Characteristics of the Monkey

A good time of year for the Monkey is summer, especially August. Ingenuity, intelligence, quick wit are the main qualities of the Monkey.. In addition, in the East she is credited with the ability to deceive, pretense, secrecy, and also inconstancy. She is not evil, but rather a clever swindler. Appearing suddenly and also suddenly disappearing, it personifies creative forces and irrationality.

have great intelligence, spirituality, they are unusually playful, cheerful, good manipulators, leaders. Their actions are not determined by malice, but also by honesty. They are selfish, distrustful, and can find contact with any person. Arrogant, easily adapt to any changes to their advantage. Multifaceted, easy to change masks. Great success in life can be achieved by being well-read, developed intellect, and excellent memory.

Monkeys find it easy to express their thoughts, to be independent, they are full of enthusiasm, vigor, and cannot stand monotony. Possessing resourcefulness, they always cope with any problems, win in disputes, even though they talk all sorts of nonsense. With the help of artistry they cope with any cunning and strong opponent. They take on any task, but if something doesn’t work out, they lose interest. They are capable of being commanders, absent-minded, superficial, good liars, they easily play a double game, they love a change of situation, so they travel often. They like to joke and are not serious.

They are afraid of loneliness, they suffer from it O. They will never show their weaknesses, even if they are in a pessimistic mood. They want others to admire them, love them, and appreciate them. They will never refuse an outstretched helping hand. They are observant, eloquent, they only give the impression that they get along with others, but in fact all this is done for selfish purposes. Her courtesy and friendliness are nothing more than window dressing. In fact, this creature is sure that there is no one higher than him in the world.

Life path

Her childhood is cheerful and cloudless. With a little effort, she will adapt to anything. In youth there is too much confusion due to matters on the personal front. There are also a lot of storms, turmoil, and slight disruption of plans. The Monkey has a very unstable psyche, so it reacts heavily to everything. In more mature age these problems disappear. By old age, these people live in peace and tranquility, and are often lonely.

Depending on the elements there are different kinds Monkeys. Everything is subject to the elements. Astrological types of Monkey:

  • Metal. When wondering which year 1980 is the year of the Monkey, it is easy to find out what is metal. These are some of the most willful astrological species. But they have great problem solving abilities. They know how to invest money profitably, they are pragmatic and thrifty. Independent, selfish, overly focused on themselves, and do not listen to the feelings of others. They know how to express their own emotions. One of the strongest and most artistic. They easily defend themselves, due to their brilliance they reach heights;
  • Water. One of the most sensitive, secretive and touchy. Insight and the ability to understand others help her adapt to people. In general, she is affectionate, witty, eccentric and good-natured. It is important for her to learn to trust a person. Personal charm allows you to achieve a lot. Its disadvantages include indecision, inability to choose the right path;
  • Wooden. Organized, rational, pedantic. Scrupulous, she demands the same from others, imposing her rules on people. She’s vain, she’ll go over her head for this. The Wood Monkey has very good intuition, she loves everything new and progressive. She could have made a good speaker and politician;
  • Fiery. Cheerful, courageous, trusting her intuition, she plunges headlong into the pool. A born leader, she loves to win and prove that she is the first everywhere. Stubborn, always insists on her opinion and proves it, irritable. Sincere, overly emotional, superficial in relationships, prone to cheating;
  • Earthly. This is one of the calmest and most balanced astrological types of Monkey. She doesn't need crowd recognition. A close circle of close people is enough. She has strong relationships with loved ones, so she can be trusted. She is pedantic, interested in material goods, devotes herself entirely to work, but still loves praise, albeit to a lesser extent.

Born in 1980

People whose birth date falls in the year of the Metal White Monkey are distinguished by their inventiveness, thirst for new knowledge, adventurism, determination, straightforwardness, and strong will. They do not give in to work and rely only on themselves. Smart, resourceful, love holidays, but are not inclined to idleness. Very talented. These talents should be developed from childhood, otherwise isolation and gloominess will appear. They are friendly to others, but at the same time narcissistic, putting themselves above other people. Because of this, they are often lonely.

The element of metal gives people energy, stamina, intelligence and resourcefulness. They can realize themselves in any business and can easily beat all competitors. Winners do not imagine collapse in their imagination and easily make the right decisions. They are always aimed at winning. It is recommended to avoid gambling and philosophical dreams. They have unusually developed intellectual abilities.

Individualists, they like to work on their own and do not depend on the team. They are pedantic, demanding, take on any task with fanaticism, thrifty, rational. They are conflict-free, do not like gossip, but if they are offended, they are capable of revenge.

Possessing excessive emotionality, passion, temperament and sensitivity, they are prone to love affairs. More than one marriage happens in their lives. Both men and women attract the opposite sex with their openness and cheerful mood. The difficulty is that it is difficult to build honest, open, long-term relationships with these people. Monkeys settle down late. They require care, attention, and understanding from the partner. Monkeys often change their mood for no reason at all. And any oversight or mistake on the part of the partner is perceived as a personal insult.

Easy-going and sociable, she is capable of building love relationships with not all signs of the Chinese horoscope. It should be said that regardless of the companion, the Monkey has a tendency to have many children.

Compatibility of Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope:

  • Rat. One of the ideal unions. The Rat will adore the Monkey, even without receiving reciprocity;
  • Bull. Although the Ox is boring, he is efficient, decent, and patient;
  • Tiger. Quarrels, friction, lack of mutual understanding - character traits of this union. An arrogant Monkey will not be able to mock. The tiger will not go into his pocket for a word;
  • Rabbit. They have too little in common. The Rabbit will not find any depth or support, and the eccentric nature of the partner will sooner or later begin to strain the calm Rabbit. Unsuccessful union;
  • The Dragon. An imperfect union depends on the behavior of the Monkey. She will appreciate the power of the Dragon, teach him to be cunning;
  • Snake. She will strangle the Monkey with excessive pride;
  • Horse. An impossible union. The Monkey is superficial, malicious, and the Horse is complacent and prone to freedom;
  • Goat. She will attract the Goat only with prosperity, the marriage will be fictitious or of convenience;
  • Monkey. The perfect combination. Mutual understanding and sympathy are guaranteed;
  • Rooster. Problematic union. Both partners are narcissistic, boastful and proud;
  • Dog. She is an idealist and will not forgive the Monkey for her antics;
  • Pig. This sign has many positive qualities. On the one hand, the Monkey will appreciate the Pig, and on the other hand, he will always want to fool the naive Pig.

Influence of the Year of the Monkey on people

Surprises are guaranteed in the Year of the Monkey. Risk takers will be successful. Rough jokes, adventures, risks are characteristic features of the Year of the Monkey. There will also be no peace in politics: riots, revolutions, wars, protests, strikes. In short, a time of anarchy and disorder. However, new ideas will be brought to life. So, the influence of the Year of the Monkey on a person depending on the sign of the Chinese horoscope:

  • Rat. Luck is with her. Everything new and non-standard only entertains the Rat;
  • Bull. The year is full of fear and threats. The Ox hates instability;
  • Tiger. All his innovations will come to life. But for how long? The Joking Monkey may laugh at him;
  • Cat. Also a turbulent year. He will take a wait-and-see attitude;
  • The Dragon. Moving only forward, it is useless to laugh at the Dragon or teach him. He will destroy any obstacle in his path;
  • Snake. She will take part in events that she does not understand out of curiosity and interest. In general, skepticism prevails in her attitude towards everything;
  • Horse. Funny year. She can even get involved in politics. There would be a rear;
  • Goat. She is an active participant in any games, although little attention is paid to her;
  • Monkey. The hostess rejoices and has fun;
  • Rooster. He is brave and tries to establish his own order with the help of aggression. As always, he talks a lot and is not relevant;
  • Dog. It is characterized by rapid actions with which the Dog simply compromises itself. But wisely he will start all over again;
  • Pig. The year is favorable for organizing your personal life. He will take on any task with enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

Charming, sociable, he is able to win over any person and inspire trust. Thanks to this, he makes the necessary acquaintances, patrons and occupies the position he needs in society, living for his own pleasure. Finding himself in ambiguous situations, he easily gets out of them. This doesn't affect him in any way. Rather harms those around him.

He doesn't need a stable, lasting relationship. The partner must live in the same rhythm with him. He is not ready for emotional investments and work. Relationships are perceived as something ready-made in the positive sense of the word. He's looking for the ideal woman, but he himself is not ready to change. As a rule, he is married more than once; Monkey men often face old age alone.

In career terms, he puts a high salary first. Self-determination and interesting work are not important to him. The main thing is to get a lot of money, and at any cost. Even without a permanent job, he will be content with odd jobs and make the most of them for himself.

Monkey woman

Easy and pleasant to communicate with, benefits from any person. She has no spiritual intimacy with anyone. Bright, takes care of her appearance, surrounded by fans. Early marriages usually end in divorce. The marriage will take place if the man turns a blind eye to her incessant flirting with others and constant mood swings. She is capable of emotional attachment, but she puts her own comfort first. Passionate, makes all her decisions on the fly.

In his career he takes on any task. At the same time, it doesn’t bother her that she doesn’t understand it. Irresponsible, but can still benefit others. She knows how to find the right contacts, so if something doesn’t work out, then others will do everything for her. The tourism sector suits her because the Monkey loves movement and everything new. But money comes first for her. Therefore, choosing between interesting activity and profitable work, she will prefer the latter.

Attention, TODAY only!

Calendar --> Eastern calendar

Astrological calendar | Eastern calendar

Eastern (Chinese) calendar of zodiac signs

The Eastern calendar, which has been in effect for several thousand years in Vietnam, Kampuchea, China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan and some other Asian countries, was compiled during the time of the semi-legendary Emperor Huang Di in the middle of the third millennium BC. This calendar is a 60-year cyclical system.
It is based on the astronomical cycles of the Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The 60-year cycle includes the 12-year Jupiter and 30-year Saturn cycles. The 12-year period of Jupiter was considered the most important for the life of nomads, and in those days the main peoples of the East were nomadic tribes. The ancient Chinese and Japanese believed that the normal motion of Jupiter brought benefits and virtues.
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YEAR OF THE MONKEY 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Year of the Rooster 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Year of the DOG 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Year of the BOAR (Pig) 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Year of the RAT 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Year of the Ox (Ox) 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Year of the TIGER 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Year of the RABBIT (Cat) 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Year of the DRAGON 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Year of the SNAKE 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Year of the HORSE 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

Year of the SHEEP (Goat) 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

February 12, 1980. Is this the year of the monkey? In this article we gave a detailed answer to the question of which animal is 1984? In most cases, the business of a person born in 1984 according to the Eastern calendar is simply doomed to success due to his personal qualities.

People born this year strive to be the center of attention; it is important for them to produce good impression. People of this year are creative and have excellent intuition. As it says folk wisdom, better tit in the hands than a pie in the sky, and the Rat risks losing what it has in pursuit of a ghostly dream.

If you were born in one of these months, then carefully check the year of which animal corresponds to the year of your birth. 2015 is the year of the blue (wooden) Goat/Sheep. According to the Eastern calendar, the New Year (year of the Monkey) in 1980 came on February 16, which means your M.Ch. born in the year of the Goat. Ask questions about compatibility in the article “Relationships between men and women"....

People born between the dates of February 16, 1980 and February 4, 1981 belong to the Metal Monkey sign according to the Eastern Calendar. People born this year are characterized by ingenuity and originality. They are also very reliable, but at the same time quite contradictory in their desires and needs. They are quick-tempered, but quickly move away. Very cunning. They achieve their goal, unless they are interfered with by people who were born in the year of the Tiger.

1980 is the year of the Metal Monkey animal, which determines the presence of certain character traits in people who were born this year. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by enormous willpower and independence. People of this sign are not afraid of hard work, but due to their individualism, they prefer to do it alone, separately from the entire team.

Metal Monkeys do not avoid being in society; they willingly go out into the world, attending various celebrations and events. A monkey never sits without...

1980 according to the Eastern calendar

People of this sign are not afraid of hard work, but due to their individualism, they prefer to do it alone, separately from the entire team.

1980 is the year of the Metal Monkey animal, which determines the presence of certain character traits in people who were born this year. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by enormous willpower and independence.

Their family and friends are always surrounded by warmth and attention.

Born in 1990, people endowed by nature with subtle intuition become excellent financiers and investors.

What year of the Monkey could there still be?

1980 who?

Wisdom and an irrepressible desire to achieve one's goals, combined with vanity and excessive self-confidence - these are the qualities that the year 1980 according to the Eastern calendar endowed people with.

They will be able to achieve success and avoid crushing falls only by becoming less self-confident...

Eastern horoscope has 12 zodiac signs. By Chinese calendar, people born in 1980 year, refer to the sign Monkey. The element of this animal is Metal.


A person under this zodiac sign is quite hardworking and selfless - monkeys can rarely be found lazy slackers, since according to people born in 1980, work ennobles a person. People born under this sign are under the protection of metal, which means that any working or even living conditions will not deprive the monkey of his strength and will. They are smart, purposeful, persistent, confident in their actions, as they are pre-weighed. Therefore, such people achieve a successful career and authority among other signs. However, despite their kindness and selflessness, they risk being lonely, as they love to flaunt their leadership...

1980 is the year of which animal? This question is especially of concern to those who were born in the indicated year and are passionate about horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article specifically to the presented topic.

1980 is the year of which animal?

According to the eastern calendar, 1980 is the year of the White Metal Monkey. It starts on February 16th and ends on the 5th of the same month, but only next year.

Character of representatives

Those born in 1980 (the horoscope will be discussed in detail in this article) are distinguished by a thirst for new knowledge and great ingenuity. Such people are well versed in technology and can easily cope with any difficulties associated with technical innovations and devices. In addition, representatives of the Monkey sign have unbridled adventurism (in the good sense of the word). After all, they always strive to achieve their goals, and no obstacles will stop them in this.


What animal's year was it? 1980 according to the Chinese horoscope?

According to the eastern calendar, the year of the white (metal) Monkey or squirrel began on February 16, 1980 (ended on February 5, 1981).

People born this year, says the Chinese horoscope, have a strong will and character, sincerity and ingenuity, but they are capricious, cunning and very emotional.

Most suitable professions for them: doctor, geologist, bank employee, lawyer and any type of creative activity.

1980- this is the year metal monkey according to the eastern calendar.

The monkey never sits idle, he is a big worker. He doesn’t give in to difficulties, doesn’t expect help from others, doesn’t look for easy work. To achieve success, the Monkey will work for a long time. She doesn’t like to waste time, so she doesn’t take on small tasks very willingly. She's smart...

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