Parents often have questions about the documents that are necessary to regulate the transition of children to a family form of education. I tried to collect all my knowledge on this issue and was guided by the opinion and experience of people whose children are already studying in this form.

Application for switching to a family form of education

To switch to a family form of education, you will need to draw up an application addressed to the director, in which you, on behalf of one or both parents, notify the director of the decision to switch to a family form of education for your child.

This statement is not a petition, but a notification in nature. From the day the application is submitted, the child is considered a family student and does not attend school.

In the application, you can indicate which type of certification is preferable for the child. As a rule, in high school, where there are many subjects, it is easier to take certification in the form of an external examination. This is provided by law and the number of certifications per year will be no more than 12, based on the regulations on Externship (RF Law “On Education”, Article 50). Junior schoolchildren may suit a larger number of certifications. For example, by quarters in the main or all subjects. Then all certifications are included in the schedule, as an appendix to the contract.

Agreement with the school

The school administration, represented by the director, must sign an agreement with parents no later than a month from the date of submission of the application.

The contract implies that all points will suit both parties. The agreement is not signed until a compromise is found between the director and parents. The agreement can be changed or supplemented at any time.

Attachments to the contract

The drawn up agreement is not valid without the Appendices, including documents approved by the director of the Institution and sealed:

Annex 1. The procedure, form and timing of the intermediate certification of the Student for a #class course (for example, in the form of an external study) in the “family education” form of education.

Appendix 2. Deadlines for laboratory and practical work, compiled by the teachers of the Institution, taking into account the interests of the Student, and approved by the director of the Institution.

Appendix 3. The timing and procedure for consultations, drawn up by the teachers of the Institution, taking into account the interests of the Student and approved by the director of the Institution.

Appendix 4. tickets for oral examinations approved for intermediate certification in the form of an external examination in the form of study “family education” for a graduate course and questions for preparation for intermediate certification in the form of an external examination for a graduate course in the form of study “family education”, at the request of the Representative.

Appendix 5. Tickets and questions for the state final certification in two curriculum subjects required for state certification and two selected curriculum subjects for a course of basic general education at the request of the Representative.

Obtaining a quality education is one of the most important stages in the life of any person. This is the basis for further development, obtaining a good and stable job, as well as other valuable opportunities. The knowledge gained in childhood and adolescence is the foundation for further success in life, which is why education at this stage is so important. Now there are different approaches to learning, but there are those that should be given special attention. The project website, created in 2010, demonstrated all the advantages of the concept of distance education in school education. the site is a private initiative created by a team of enthusiasts under the leadership of entrepreneur Mikhail Ivanovich Lazarev. Many specialists take part in the project: teachers, directors, programmers, computer graphics specialists and other professionals. The site is a real treasure trove useful information— it presents video lessons, notes, interactive tests and simulators on subjects of the school curriculum.

In 2014, a subproject was created on the basis of the portal. This is a system that allows you to complete the entire course remotely schooling together with teachers or completely independently. These solutions show that distance family education is an effective option for learning in a variety of situations.

What is a family form of education?

This form of study involves studying general education subjects outside of school, at home. The essence is to study the disciplines of the program at home, but, as a rule, the child takes exams and certifications in the institution where he is officially enrolled in the family form of education. This type of training is chosen when studying outside the school for various reasons is more appropriate than attending a full-time educational institution.

What forms of family education are there?

There are several types of learning without attending classes in a full-time school. They differ in two features: the nuances of organizing the educational process, and the reasons why the transition to this form of education occurred.

Four types can be roughly distinguished homeschooling:

Home-based training. This type of training is designed specifically for children with disabilities health (HIV). The list of diseases for which transfer to such training is possible is established by law. Its latest edition for 2016 contains 60 points with an explanation for each of them (Order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation dated June 30, 2016 No. 436n). In this case, the child is required to be taught at home by teachers of the school to which he is attached, although it is possible to negotiate with educational institution and about self-study. The school provides parents with all educational and methodological literature, as well as a special journal for monitoring learning. Permission for this form of education can only be obtained with the conclusion of a medical commission.

Family learning. This is an option in which the student can attend an educational institution on a general basis, but the parents and the child themselves decided that it would be better to study outside of a regular school. The reasons may be different, but usually they boil down to the fact that gaining knowledge at home will be much more convenient and effective than in an educational institution.

Externship. This type of training involves the independent work of a student who has outstanding abilities and the ability to study at a good level. Often such children take exams ahead of schedule: modern legislation allows taking exams as an external student three years in advance. You can apply for an external program for a child of any age.

Distance education for children. Today, this format of study can be either a partial addition to attending a regular school, or a full-fledged opportunity to study the entire program outside the framework of a regular educational institution. This training option assumes that the child studies information materials posted in a specialized online system. They can be presented in different formats: these are visual video lessons, text summaries with illustrations, and interactive tests to test knowledge. An important point is that distance learning for families does not deprive the child of communication with teachers. Thanks to modern means of voice and video communication, teachers can be “present” in the child’s home, while actually being thousands of kilometers away. Thus, within the framework of this format, the child receives absolutely everything he needs to comprehensive development and training.

Family education in Russia: history and modernity

Family education has a long history in Russia. It was very common in the 18th-19th centuries. The teachers invited to the home were usually clergy and seminarians, students and university staff. Wealthy noble families could afford to use the services of foreign tutors.

A break in the traditions of family education occurred in 1917, when the revolution occurred. During the Soviet era, family education was abolished, all children were required to attend secondary school. An exception could be made only for children who could not attend school for health reasons. As now, during the Soviet period, students actively used the services of tutors, although they were outside the scope of officially permitted work activities.

But period modern history Russia can be considered a renaissance of the traditions of family home betrothal. In the early 90s of the last century, such types of education as family education, external studies and tutoring received new life. Children and their parents have received much more opportunities to choose the type of education and create comfortable conditions for classes. Interest in extracurricular forms of study has increased significantly.

Today family education is available to everyone!

Today in Russia, family education is available to every family and every child. The law establishes that parents are given the right to independently choose the school and method of education for their children. Increasingly, families are opting for remote learning using modern online systems. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, no specific conditions are required for transfer to out-of-school education. To study outside of classes in a full-time format, only the consent of the student and his parents (or legal representatives) is sufficient. Of course, to transfer to family education it is necessary to carry out certain administrative procedures.

The more opportunities and choices, the better the result. Now in Russia, more and more families are ready to transfer their child to home schooling, even if he has every opportunity to attend regular face-to-face lessons. Moreover, more and more often, regular school education is partially supplemented by home education. The child can be helped by tutors, and he can also study in various online schools.

What are the advantages of this approach to learning and in what case will it be the best option?

It is often believed that only those children who have health problems are transferred to family education. But on this moment more and more children and parents are choosing home method learning based on its benefits, and not under the pressure of circumstances.

Among the advantages of the family form of education are the following:

  • The student copes better with the educational course program. This becomes possible due to the fact that in this version of acquiring knowledge it is ensured individual approach taking into account the characteristics and abilities of a particular student. At the same time, in large classes of regular schools, teachers simply do not have the opportunity to devote much time to each child;
  • the child is less distracted by what he does not need or is not interested in. Not in all educational institutions Teaching is conducted at a high level; it happens that children are not interested in studying in a particular class and in a particular school. Regularly visiting a place you don't like can lead to negative emotions and a decline in academic performance. Homeschooling is a way to get rid of all the unpleasant circumstances. The child will receive knowledge in a comfortable environment where nothing will interfere with learning;
  • Children in family education have more opportunities for comprehensive development. With this form of training you can study interesting for a child objects in depth. Also, the educational course can include information that is not included in the school curriculum.
  • the child spends less time and gets tired less. It often happens that a student lives in a remote locality and the journey to school takes a lot of time. While in family education, the child can spend the saved time more usefully. It can be spent on things related to both entertainment and the development of the child.
  • the possibility of conflicts with negatively-minded peers and high school students is eliminated. Family education may be the best option for children who, due to their character traits, have difficulty adapting to a team;
  • the ability to create a flexible lesson schedule taking into account the student’s biological rhythms. This has a positive effect on the child’s health, well-being and performance;
  • development of intelligence and creative thinking qualities. A stereotypical and template approach that hinders the formation of individuality is excluded;
  • development of skills of independence, responsibility and organization. Children who study remotely using modern online systems control their own schedule. The child is fully responsible for his results: he has no opportunity to cheat homework or look at the test results. This approach helps the child develop skills of independence, discipline, and the ability to plan his time. It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that all these qualities will be needed in adult life- further study and work.

As you can see, the reasons for switching to family education can be very different. Each family has its own reasons for this. The only important thing is that modern legislation is designed in such a way that the choice of form of education is not forced and everyone finds the optimal solution.

It is known that most children of the appropriate age attend regular schools. But very often, learning within the framework of a standard concept can be inconvenient.

Homeschooling is often chosen for those children who cannot go to school due to health problems. Very often, for such children, this training option is the only opportunity to obtain a certificate. Government agencies and private organizations take care of such children, thanks to which they study the school course on an equal basis with their healthy peers. In the future, these guys can enter prestigious university, many of which offer distance learning opportunities.

But the range of reasons why many families choose family education is not limited to medical indications. In many cases, homeschooling is chosen for gifted children. These guys want to study disciplines that are important to them in depth. Often they master the program ahead of their peers, but in the lessons these children are simply bored. Relatives of such children usually want their children to learn from teachers who are masters of their profession. They may not be satisfied with the level of teaching at their local school. In this case, a family form of education will be the most suitable option. Even if the family lives in a small village or village where there are no significant educational opportunities, you can always take advantage of distance learning. In this case, the child will be able to learn from the best teachers and receive the highest quality knowledge.

Often education in the form of family education is chosen for children who have difficulty studying or if the child does not perceive the teacher’s explanations well at school. Alas, not every institution has good teachers who can clearly explain difficult aspects and interest children in the subject. The reason may also be that the child has conflicts with teachers and other students at school. In this case, education in the form of family education can also be the optimal solution that will protect the child from possible problems of such a type. As a result, the child will be able to avoid negative circumstances and study the school course with good grades and pass final exams with excellent results.

Difficulties with attending classes in full-time school often arise for children who are seriously involved in sports or creativity - singing, music or other forms of art. These children spend a lot of time on training and extracurricular activities, and go to competitions. It may be difficult for them to attend classes on a fixed schedule, and family education in this case will be the best solution. With this approach, you can create a flexible lesson schedule, and the child will have the opportunity to devote the necessary time to his favorite activity and prevent grades from dropping in the school course.

Homeschooling is also an excellent option for families who... professional activity you have to move from time to time. In such situation the best option There will be education using distance learning tools. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to eliminate problems caused by the need to find new schools or tutors when moving again. In addition, the child will not have to deal with problems every time getting used to the team at a new school.

The family form of education is suitable for absolutely all families with a progressive view of education. Now many organizations are ready to help parents implement this concept of acquiring knowledge. Right choice family education center will be the first step to successful education.

Approaches to organizing family education

In some cases, when transferring a child to a family form of education, parents themselves teach him the entire school course. Of course, they, like no one else, will strive to give their children the best of what is in the curriculum. However, it may be difficult for parents to understand aspects of all the various school disciplines due to the lack of special or pedagogical education. Of course, you can use the help of private tutors. But paying an hourly rate for their services can be a problem for family budget. Moreover, finding teachers can be difficult, especially in a small community. It is also important to note that you can verify the quality of the teacher’s services only after several lessons.

But many parents who have opted for family education will be pleased by the fact that they do not need to search for tutors or delve into the intricacies of algebra, physics and other complex subjects. It is enough to take advantage of all the advantages of modern online learning systems.

Family education with Home School website: all the opportunities to conquer the heights of knowledge

Since 2008, the project site has been a leader among video lessons for school courses and has earned many positive reviews. A service has been developed especially for children and parents who have chosen a family form of education, with which you can go through the entire school curriculum in online mode. What is needed to start studying? - just create your own account Online! In order for you to have the opportunity to consider all the benefits of our distance family education center, the first week of training is available without payment. IN Home school You can study individual subjects in addition to regular school, or switch completely to remote learning.

How does the Home School course work?

The educational process includes several components. The children study video lessons for each section of the school course. They are created in accordance with educational standards, but all aspects of the subject are presented in the most understandable form. Thanks to modern animation, physical laws, properties of geometric shapes and other components of the program are presented in the most understandable form.

The video materials are supplemented with illustrated text summaries and interactive features to control the assimilation of the topic. Tests and training programs will help you understand what information the student has learned well and where there are still gaps in knowledge. A variety of forms of presenting information will not let children get bored and makes the learning process effective and interesting. Thanks to this, the general education program is much easier to assimilate even for those children who have difficulty studying.

As in a standard school, students complete tests and homework, and are given grades that are entered into a convenient online journal. And thanks to convenient newsletters about the most significant events, loved ones will always be aware of the child’s progress.

Using text, voice and video communication, our teachers advise students and explain in detail the complex nuances of each topic. The work is based on an individual approach to each child in family education. We employ highly qualified teachers - many of them have academic degree and are laureates of professional skills competitions.

How much does it cost for family education on the Home School website?

The cost of studying at our online school is determined by the training format and payment period. In any case, thanks to affordable prices, this option is more profitable than paying hourly for expensive lessons from hired tutors.

There are two formats to choose from:

  • Format "Independent"- in this option, the student will have access to all information materials (video lectures, tests and simulators for testing knowledge) for self-study. A rational choice for children who attend a regular full-time educational institution, but want to study selected disciplines of the school course additionally;
  • Format "With a teacher" - All the possibilities of the first option, but interaction with the teacher is also expected: checking homework, consultations, answering questions. This option is more expensive, but it provides a better study of the subject. Great for kids in family learning.

Distance learning: great opportunities for a great future!

Good parents strive to give the best to their children. Today, more and more families are opting for home schooling, and we are aware of its multiple advantages. Modern technologies and educational methods have significant potential. Make the most of it modern world to give your child a successful future. Whether you choose classes in addition to attending a regular school or a family form of education, it will be a reliable assistant for you!

My son is nine years old and does not go to school. Such recognition, as a rule, causes bewilderment and a thousand questions.

He's sick?

Is he unable to cope with the school curriculum?

Or even like this:

Have you joined some sect that prohibits children from going to school?

I hasten to calm you down. My son is healthy. We have no problems with the school curriculum. And yes, I am not a member of any sect 😉

And yet we do not know what it means to study lessons late into the night, to run to the first lesson at the crack of dawn, or to cram rules whose meaning remains unknown.

Leo homeschooler. Simply put, he is one of those children who, together with their parents, have chosen a form of family education. What it is? Let me try to explain.

What is family education?

Family education helps to forget about this kind of prayers 😉

Firstly, family education is not homeschooling, which may be necessary for children who are lagging behind or who are often ill. If with home education teachers come home and work with the student according to an individual plan, then in family education the role of the teacher is reduced to a minimum: teachers become only those who accept certifications.

Secondly, family education is a legislative norm. The latest edition of the Federal Law “On Education” clearly states that this is one of the forms of obtaining secondary education on an equal basis with the usual full-time education.

Third, family education is publicly available. It can be chosen by a student of any class at any time. In this case, you do not need to have any reason or strong evidence; one desire is enough.

In principle, this is all you need to know about family education to begin with. I understand that several more questions arise here: why is this necessary and how did we get to this point? I’ll answer them too, but I’ll probably start with the second one.

Go to come back

Leo was not always a homeschooler. At the age of 7, he proudly carried a huge bouquet of flowers, accompanied by his insanely worried parents. We all expected that the new period in the life of the family would not be overshadowed by anything. But it didn't turn out that way.

As a philologist by training, I didn’t like the program (this, honestly, is kind of terrible in places - parents of schoolchildren will understand me). And in some subjects Lev was far ahead of his classmates, in others - a little slower.

Leo at his first school

After the first half of second grade, I transferred my child from a school near my home to a status school. Here the environment was better and the quality of education was better. But the child simply began to “sour”: he had to travel an hour and a half one way to school, he had to leave all sections, and there was no time left for walks. And at some point I woke up in the middle of the night, and the thought was spinning in my head: “I’m losing my child! It's time to do something! A week later, I took the documents from school and took the notification to the Department of Education about the transition to family education.

Why is all this needed?

The school was neither for nor against. Head teacher junior classes She calmly listened to me, agreed, and a couple of days later she concluded an agreement with me and challenged her colleagues to draw up a curriculum. The only thing is that she warned me: “You can forget that the child was an excellent student, the grades will most likely be lower.” You know, she didn’t surprise or frighten me at all. I have always said that studying for grades is stupid and ridiculous.

So, today we have been free floating for almost six months. The number of advantages from such a life, I will not hide, is off the charts. And based on them, I am ready to formulate the goals that we pursue when choosing family education.

  1. Responsibility for the education, upbringing and future of the child lies entirely with the parents, and not with teachers, people with whom you may not be on the same path and whose life guidelines are far from those that reign in your family. Yes, this is a huge responsibility, it is no longer possible to say: “We don’t know this - we didn’t teach it at school!” If the child doesn’t know, it’s my fault: I must explain the topic in the right way or provide access to information that will help understand the topic on their own.
  2. Feeling free is priceless, no matter how old you are! In just a couple of weeks of family education, my son’s painful thinness and circles under his eyes from endless lack of sleep disappeared. We are not tied to a rigid schedule, and given my home office life, this is simply magical!
  3. Any person has the right to communicate with those people whom they like and do what they like. Yes, you can argue with me: they say, a child needs socialization, he must know what life is really like, etc. But this is my principled position. An adult seeks to avoid those who are unpleasant to him. You will say: “This is impossible!” Why not? Quite possible - if there is one desire. It's the same with classes. I am deeply convinced that the secret to happiness is doing what you love. I foresee the question: “When should I work?” If you love something very much, you can learn to make a living from it and provide for yourself, making you even happier. This is what needs to be taught from childhood.

A little about the organization of studies

Homeschooling is always an individual path. There are no ready-made solutions, programs, or answers here. And this is always a process of trial and error. This also applies to the organization of the educational process: there is no teacher who plans the program for a year in advance and to whom, if something happens, all failures can be blamed.

As soon as we left school, I tried to stick to the curriculum and conditionally work with the child “like at school.” But after a couple of weeks I realized that there was no point in the same five lessons every day, even if they were taught at home. Therefore, we gradually switched to a different schedule. Every day we study one subject. For example, on Mondays we study mathematics, on Tuesdays we study computer science, etc. These classes take no more than forty minutes. And this is quite enough to not only keep up, but also surpass the school curriculum. By the beginning of April, we had mastered the entire second grade program and are now just waiting for the May certification.

We don't have tutors. We sort out some of the items together, and Lev does some of them on his own (this is also very important, since the child himself learns to look for information from different sources). He also learns two languages ​​- French (the school to which we are attached, with in-depth study of the French language) and English. My grandmother, a school teacher of foreign languages ​​with extensive experience and experience, teaches French to Lyova, and we study English together with me and various applications on the computer.

Now we have the opportunity not to chase meaningless ratings, but to try to be better. Our stack of diplomas from winners of various Olympiads is constantly growing

The main thing we gained by leaving school was the opportunity to do what we really liked. And Lyova takes advantage of this opportunity. Twice a week he practices judo, three times - chess (he even received his first youth rank, which is completely unattainable for me). In addition, he studies in a literary circle, and at the city planetarium he spends endless time studying astronomy. He also walks a lot and communicates with other children - this is something that most schoolchildren who live according to the principle of school-lessons-section-computer-sleep are deprived.

Leva has been practicing judo for two years. There is much more time for this in family education.

And, of course, books play a huge role in his life. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without MYTH! He devoured books one after another. This and fiction(for example, now he is being read by Kir Bulychev), but to a greater extent - nonfiction. Here we have a separate list of books about space (yes, yes, even today there are children who confidently say that they want to work in astronautics) - “Cosmos” and “Astrocat and his travels into space” have been re-read countless times.

Freedom gave me the opportunity to become completely captivated by my favorite topic. On April 12, Leva was one of the hosts of Cosmonautics Day in our city.
That rare moment when Lyova studies at the table. This usually happens on the road, in nature, on the street - anywhere.

What's next?

When we informed our relatives about the transition to family education, everyone took the news quite calmly. Nowadays, questions periodically arise: “What next? Someday you have to go back to school."

To be honest, I try not to make any guesses. We are definitely going to leave family education until the fifth grade.

If Leo wants to return to school, he will return, I will not interfere. Another thing is that he has already tasted all the charm of a free life and is ahead of his classmates in the program. Whether he will be interested in school in this situation is a moot point.

I think a logical continuation in high school would be distance learning: after all foreign language- this is something that needs to be practiced when communicating with other people, and natural sciences are unthinkable without experiments and practical work, the school can handle this better than me.

It is possible that we will have tutors if necessary. In general, we'll wait and see.

In the meantime, we go to school for assessments once every quarter. Some items ( the world and reading, for example) he passes the teacher orally one-on-one, for others (mathematics, Russian and French languages) Leo writes final tests together with his classmates. There is another form of certification: for example, in physical education we submit reports, and in computer science - workbook on a printed basis with tasks completed during the reporting period. According to the results of the third quarter, Leva got four A’s and five B’s, that is, contrary to the opinion of the head teacher, the child did not study worse.

And ahead of us is the final certification for the second grade. We are ready for it, and neither I nor my son have any fear or anxiety.

Is it worth it?

Probably, family education will never become a mass phenomenon. And this is not required of him. There will always be those who dream of such training, those who condemn it, and those who can no longer imagine life in a “like everyone else” mode.

I know for sure that if there are any concerns, then it is too early to try family education.

Along with all the benefits of freedom in education, there are also serious difficulties. If in megacities the system is put on stream, then in not big cities Schools often don't even know what homeschooling is. Parents, at best, have to go through the entire journey of getting to know each other and immersing themselves in family education; at worst, they have to break through the wall of bureaucracy with their foreheads. And all because the legislative framework Regarding this part of education, it still leaves much to be desired.

In addition, family education requires very serious investments. And first of all, not financial ones (although there are those too), but temporary and moral ones. We need to learn to organize the day and the educational process in a new way. It's not always easy for parents. But in any case, all the difficulties are more than compensated by the joy of freedom and the feeling of flight and creativity that comes with family education.

By law, parents have the right to educate their child independently.

By sending a child to school, we hope that there he will receive a decent education and upbringing. But school does not always provide a child with high-quality knowledge, especially in subjects such as, say, algebra or a foreign language. And is it possible to do this if there are thirty students in the class? The quality of school education, unfortunately, also leaves much to be desired. Demanding that a teacher pay attention to the upbringing of every child in the class is rather naive. What can we say about not always beneficial influence other classmates.

The question arises: can parents, who want their child to receive a truly good education and upbringing, somehow change this situation for the better? It turns out they can. In 1992, Russia passed a law giving parents the right to choose where their child will be educated. According to this law, they have the right to study it themselves.

Unfortunately, not everyone in our country knows about this possibility yet. Despite the fact that the family form of education in many countries Western Europe and in the USA it has long ceased to be something exotic and produces good results.

Family education (the legal term is “family education”) involves the child mastering general education programs at home with periodic reporting to the school. Children study school subjects with the help of parents or tutors (the latter is much less common).

Family education should not be mixed with external studies. External education is an independent, often accelerated, form of education; here the child is not a student of a particular school. One should also not confuse family education and home education (home education), which is possible for children who do not attend secondary school for health reasons. It is issued on the basis of the recommendation of a medical institution.
Family education differs significantly from external education and home schooling. So, with a family form of education, the child is enrolled in a certain school (the one in which his parents enroll him). For him, like any other student, the school is obliged to issue textbooks and conduct intermediate and final certification, and upon graduation, issue a state-issued certificate. Transfer to homeschooling is possible from any grade; at the same time, you can always return to school.

Perhaps many parents are afraid of having to teach their child all subjects on their own. Let's dispel fears. Teaching a child at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Parents don't have to have Teacher Education: All you need is hard work and free time. The fact that parents, with the help of school textbooks and teaching aids, can teach their children most subjects at a level often higher than at school is a new idea, but its validity is confirmed by the experience of many families and relevant research.

Family education, which was not very common in our country in the 90s, is now becoming increasingly popular, especially in big cities. What problems can it solve? Who is this form of training suitable for? And what difficulties may arise for parents who decide to educate their child in the family, how to overcome these difficulties?

So you are unhappy with the quality school education and/or the upbringing your child receives. With a family form of education, these problems, as a rule, do not arise. Here all the attention of the parents or tutor is directed to one child. This allows you to adapt training to his characteristics (pace of his work, abilities, etc.).

If a child has difficulties with any subject, parents include additional classes in this subject in the schedule and academic performance improves significantly; At school, the child quickly falls behind.

Further, in school there are often situations when a child who is able to quickly master the material is forced to adhere to the slower pace at which the class works. With family education, such delays do not occur. If a subject is completed ahead of schedule, the freed time can be used to study other subjects, or provided to the child as free time.
The family also has greater opportunities in choosing teaching methods; These are nature walks for educational purposes, excursions, and watching educational films. You can introduce in-depth acquaintance with music and painting as an additional subject. literature.

As a rule, excellent conditions are created for the child in order to qualitatively master all school material in each subject. He must solve all the necessary algebra exercises himself, learn and retell to his parents the entire paragraph from a physics or history textbook. He prepares assignments for all subjects without exception - after all, there is no chance that “they won’t be called to the board today.” Of course, the load on the child increases, but, as practice shows, children quickly get used to the fact that they need to take their studies seriously and responsibly, and this style of learning becomes natural for them. It is not surprising that children studying at home show more high level knowledge compared to school graduates.

“Home” children, as a rule, study “good” and “excellent” and often graduate from school with a medal. They tend to watch less TV, read more, and have a good relationship with parents. They are generally distinguished by more “adult” behavior.

A number of studies show that graduates of “home” schools become better workers and are less likely to break the law. According to psychologist Larry Schaers, the reason is that they were exposed to better behavioral models than their peers in schools.

Family education will also help if the child does not have good relationships with classmates or teachers. Children often experience extreme stress while at school. They are forced to either adapt to the demands of their classmates (which often leads to intellectual, spiritual and social degradation), or become objects of ridicule and bullying from their peers. Family education is much more humane than school education; it is psychologically comfortable for the child.

But what determines whether parents can successfully homeschool their child?
It is very important to take into account the level of employment of parents. If mother and father devote most of their time to work or household chores, then, most likely, insufficient attention will be paid to activities. The ideal situation is when one of the parents can daytime fully devote yourself to lessons with your child. High-quality education is also possible when parents work in shifts: the father can teach some subjects, and the mother can teach others (depending on which ones they are more knowledgeable in).

This does not mean that family education is not available to busy parents. In order for a child’s knowledge to exceed the knowledge of students in the vast majority of schools, only a good knowledge of the textbook material is sufficient. If parents decide to transfer a child in grades six to eleven to family education, they can count on the fact that, with sufficient control on their part, the child will be able to independently study subjects such as history, geography, and biology. (Of course, he can ask parents to explain incomprehensible material.) However, this method of work will give results only if the child is sufficiently independent and responsible, as well as subject to constant monitoring by parents, who must monitor the regularity of classes and the quality of learning the material (which, in principle, is not difficult).

If parents do not have time to teach disciplines such as physics, mathematics, foreign languages ​​and other rather complex subjects, you can turn to the services of tutors. Moreover, you can invite a teacher from the school where the child is enrolled as a tutor. Then he will most likely experience less stress when passing tests and exams for this teacher. Private lessons are not cheap, but there may not be so many of them - their effectiveness is much higher.

However, in any case, busy parents need to carefully weigh their options.
Parents' education level has great importance, but I consider it necessary to warn against overestimating it. Of course, it should be sufficient to teach children this or that subject with the help of a textbook, but the practice of family education not only in Russia but also abroad shows that even parents who do not have higher education, can do a very good job of teaching their children at home. Let us emphasize that the main guarantee of success is the desire of parents to give their child a quality education.

Let's imagine a situation where parents transfer their child to a family form of education. The school is obliged to provide them with textbooks, course programs and other literature available in the school library, as well as methodological and advisory assistance.

If parents have difficulties in understanding a particular subject, or have questions of a methodological nature, they can buy teaching materials, additional textbooks, audio and video aids, or seek help from a school teacher (the issue of free consultations is decided by agreement between the parents and the school).

It is very good if a child is transferred to a family form of education from the first grade. This allows you to master and teach your child all the school subjects step by step. At the same time, both parents and children avoid stress - after all, the material is still quite easy, the number of lessons is small and parents do not need to spend a lot of time and effort on preparing and conducting them. In the middle classes, when educational material becomes larger and more complex, parents will be able to focus specifically on teaching, without being distracted by organizational issues and “getting used to” the family form of education.

Level of material security. As in the previous case, one should caution against overestimating this important, but not the determining factor that influences the success of family education. What is important is a level of wealth that allows one of the parents to devote most of their daytime time to teaching their children. Of course, wealthy families have more opportunities, however, if you use only school textbooks and do not seek the help of tutors, family education can also give excellent results.

Now about the difficulties that may arise for parents who decide to educate their child in the family.

Often parents have to overcome quite strong resistance from the school, starting with a categorical refusal to transfer to family education (which is illegal) and ending with the biased attitude of school teachers towards the “home” child, the imposition of excessive reporting to the school, etc. In case of conflicts, it is worth rely on laws regarding family education. The main documents are the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and “Regulations on Family Education” adopted by municipalities.

Almost all opponents of family education consider children’s difficulties in communicating with peers to be its main drawback. Of course, we can partly agree with this. Indeed, many “home” children are shy and often get lost in the presence of strangers, do not always find a common language with their peers. The reason is that they communicate mainly with parents and teachers, and with peers - much less often than ordinary schoolchildren. Therefore, parents who decide to educate their children in the family can be advised to pay great attention to ensuring that their child has a fairly wide circle of contacts.

In conclusion, about how to transfer a child to family education.
You need to find a school (usually a state school) whose charter specifies a family form of education. Note that the mere absence of such an entry in the school charter does not mean that parents should necessarily look for another school. If parents still want to educate their child at this school, they can contact the local prosecutor’s office or write a statement to the ombudsman for children’s rights in their region. (In Russia there have already been cases when, at the request of parents, the school was obliged to include a family form of education in the charter).

Parents and school administration need to come to an agreement on the conditions for certifying the child.
Parents must write to the school director an “Application for transfer to education in the form of family education.”

An appropriate Agreement must be concluded between the educational institution and parents, which would regulate all issues of interaction between the “home” and public schools, especially those related to the procedure, scope and timing of intermediate certification, as well as reporting to the school. (Note that in practice, an agreement is not always concluded, and parents verbally agree on the timing of exams with the person responsible for family education at the school).

Documents for transfer to a family form of education are usually submitted to the school no later than September 6.

Yakunina Anastasia Nikolaevna

Based on site materialschildren. mail. ru

Many parents who decide to transfer their children to education in the form of family education are faced with a negative reception from the school administration. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common practice, and you should not take the first unsuccessful contact to heart. It should be remembered that school management reacts completely differently when parents express their requests in writing. Informal conversations often boil down to polite, and sometimes rude, refusal to implement the transition to family education. At the same time, the school administration, through pressure, is trying to dissuade parents from the decision taken. At the same time, if you apply to school with official documents, you are unlikely to receive a written refusal, because violation of the right to education can be easily appealed.

In this material we offer step by step instructions on the transition to family education. Briefly, there are four main steps:

2. Familiarization with the local regulations of the school (recommended, but optional step).

For example Perm region We point out that in order to receive compensation you must submit an application to the school administration. This application can be combined with the above application, simply indicating in it which bank details you are asking for the payment to be transferred to.

When applying for intermediate and (or) state final certification, you will need to have the following documents with you:

The application itself for passing the intermediate and (or) state final certification. If you apply for payment, then indicate the bank account details for transferring funds;

Identity document of one of the parents;

A document confirming the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship) over children left without parental care - for the legal representative;

A copy of the child's birth certificate;

We pay special attention to the following point. When parents come to school with a prepared package of documents and excerpts from the law, they are taken more seriously than when communicating without prior preparation. If you brought an application for passing the intermediate certification (it implies “attachment” to a school for family education), then you are required to respond to it in writing. If it is a refusal, it must be written and reasoned. It is important to “convey” the application to the office, and not turn around halfway, succumbing to the admonitions of the school administration.

Please note that first-graders may be denied admission to school only if there are no places available on the parallel level. Moreover, the school must inform about the number free seats on its official website and stands, to which there is public access. These requirements are enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 No. 32 “On approval of the Procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education.” On refusal of admission - Art. 5, on posting of information - Art. 8.

At the same time, a situation may arise when the school simply has not adopted local acts on intermediate certification (Step two). Those. The school does not provide for a procedure for regulating family education relations. In this case, the school may refer to the impossibility of admitting the child. In this situation, the result will depend on the behavior of the parents. In practice in the Perm Territory, it can be said that parents who defend the right of their children to family education have managed to place them even in rural schools. It is important to remember that the right to choose a family form of education is enshrined in Art. 17 and 63 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and that you are acting solely in the interests of the child. If a school that does not have a local act on intermediate certification is assigned to you at your place of residence, then it makes sense to fight and appeal the written refusal to the prosecutor’s office, the education authority, the city administration or the court. You should be motivated by the fact that you cannot exercise the right to choose the form of education.

There is a separate issue about admission to family education in gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 No. 32 “On approval of the Procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education” assigned them the right to conduct individual selection of incoming students. Therefore, formally, if in such educational organization There are no local acts regulating family education; their refusal to admit them will be justified. However, if you are assigned to a gymnasium at your place of residence, you can try to defend your rights.

Step four

The next step is concluding an agreement with the school. IN different regions practice develops differently, but, as a rule, an agreement is concluded. It must specify how and when the intermediate certification will take place: frequency, number of academic subjects, deadlines, etc. It is in the interests of parents to provide as much detail as possible. It is possible to stipulate in what subjects what amount of knowledge must be tested at the intermediate certification. In practice, cases arise when teachers ask beyond the material presented in the textbook; parents must react here, pointing out that this was not in the curriculum.

The contract can be concluded for the entire period of obtaining general education, for the period of passing a specific certification, or for the period of one academic year. It all depends on the local regulations of a particular school.

We focus on the fact that a student studying in family education is part of the school population. According to Part 1 of Art. 33 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, external students are students and have all the academic rights granted to students in accordance with Art. 34 of this law. In particular, external students, along with other students, have the right to develop their creativity and interests, including participation in competitions, olympiads, exhibitions, shows, physical education events, sporting events, including in official sports competitions and other public events. They also have the right to receive all textbooks and teaching aids. In addition, external students can count on receiving, if necessary, socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance, free psychological, medical and pedagogical correction.

At the same time, the school is not responsible for the quality of education. She is responsible only for organizing and conducting intermediate and final certification, as well as for ensuring the academic rights of the student.

Please note that if the results of the interim assessment are unsatisfactory in one or more academic subjects and an unsuccessful retake attempt, the student is enrolled in school for training in the general manner.