Ah, summer, summer! It’s a wonderful time when all people are relaxing, children are on vacation, adults are going on their well-deserved vacation. And immediately trips to the beaches and trips to the sea begin. But summer is not only sun and tan, but also delicious watermelons! In the summer, this large berry becomes a faithful companion on every trip to the forest, on a picnic, on a hike, to the beach, or on a visit. You can just buy a watermelon for home. He will not let you get bored and stay hungry. However, choose ripe, juicy and delicious watermelon- not an easy task. To buy only delicious products, you need to know when to buy them and what they should be.

How to choose a ripe watermelon

A well-ripened berry is tasty, healthy, and simply a pleasure. Many people do not know how to choose the right watermelon. In order for the purchased berry to please you with its taste, you need to know a few tricks. These are the ones you need to focus on when you go shopping for a watermelon:

  • Place of trade.
  • Berry color and contrast.
  • Sound qualities.
  • Peel requirements.
  • Weight range.

Requirements for place of purchase

To purchase a truly delicious watermelon, you need to decide where it is best to buy it. You should not buy miracle berries in street stalls. Of course, it is better to give preference to trusted places (shops, shopping centers, civilized markets). The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a watermelon is its storage conditions. Berries should be placed in trays that are specifically designed for this purpose. Moreover, their height should be at least a quarter of a meter.

In addition, watermelons should be hidden from direct sun rays, i.e. in mandatory be under a canopy. Don't be shy about asking for a certificate. The seller must have a document on hand that will at least indicate that his product has passed the examination and does not contain nitrates exceeding the established level. If your health is valuable, then you should not be afraid to stand up for your rights. One simple question about the certificate can easily prevent the possibility of food poisoning.

If you are satisfied with the quality of the place where watermelons are sold, and the owner has Required documents on your product, but its shelter is located next to a highway, then you should not buy a watermelon in this place, even if it seems ideal to you. According to their properties, melons perfectly absorb everything from environment, because there are many microcracks on their bark. Stripes that are sold along highways, absorb a large number of exhaust gases and harmful substances. Eating them can cause serious damage to your health.

What a ripe watermelon should sound like

A ripe berry, when tapped, should respond with a dull sound, as if there was nothing under its bark. And if it is possible to squeeze the watermelon on both sides, then you should definitely perform this procedure. If the minke whale responds with a sonorous crack, then you can be sure that it was collected from the garden on time, it is very juicy and ripe.

Requirements for the condition of the peel and its color

Watermelons should be of the correct spherical shape. This criterion does not apply to Japanese square berries, which are grown using special technology in glass cubes - this is a completely different matter. The color of the watermelon peel should be dark, and the darker it is, the better and tastier it will be, and the stripes should be as light as possible. The higher the contrast of the berry, the more likely it is that it will be tasty and juicy. As for the peel, it should be hard and shiny, always without plaque. Hardness is determined by fingers: if the berries have a soft skin, then they are most likely unripe. It’s worth trying to rub the shell with your fingernail. If it scratches easily, this is definitely a plus in favor of choosing this watermelon. There should not be any cracks, stains, etc. on the surface of the fruit. It must be solid, because all extraneous points indicate the unnaturalness of the minke whale. In addition, such inclusions can indicate the introduction of injections of various drugs.

Most likely, you may have heard before that if there is a yellow spot on the side of a watermelon, this indicates its ripeness. Yes, this is true, but this mark must be bright yellow color, by no means white. White spot it just shows how the watermelon lay (and possibly was stored for a long time) on the ground. Such a fruit is unlikely to please anyone with its taste.

Often, people don't know how to choose sweet watermelon, and ask the seller for help. Unfortunately, the time has passed when people behind the counter were afraid for their reputation and were happy to help the buyer. Now the majority is aimed at selling their goods at any cost. Finding a good seller who can really help you choose a good fruit is very great luck. Therefore, every person should know how to choose a ripe watermelon correctly.

You should not buy berries with a cut out of the middle. This is bad not only from a hygienic point of view (after all, you don’t know what kind of knife was used to open the opening), but also from the point of view of preservation, since once cut or at least incised, the berry will no longer retain its properties for a long time. taste qualities, if it is not placed in the refrigerator. Also, you should not buy damaged watermelons, even if they are offered at a discounted price. It is better to pay more for tasty and ripe fruit than to suffer from stomach problems later.

Another useful and no less important factor when choosing a watermelon is the dry tail of the berry. When ripe, the minke whale itself breaks away from the place of its ripening on the melon patch, like any other of its family. But, unfortunately, a dry tail may also indicate that it was plucked a long time ago, so this sign is only an additional one in the question of how to choose good watermelon.

Weight requirements

When choosing a watermelon, you should give preference to those fruits that are small in size. It is better that the weight does not exceed ten kilograms. Stripes heavier than this mark are large in volume and are usually famous for their unnaturalness. But you shouldn’t chase small watermelons - they are usually unripe and a bit bland. The main thing is that before you eat the purchased minke whale, you should smell it. So to speak, to check whether he grew on his own or whether the miracles of chemistry helped him. If it emits a sour smell, it is better not to take it: you can easily get nitrate poisoning. If there is no pronounced specific aroma, you can be proud of yourself: you bought a good, natural watermelon.

How to choose a watermelon girl

Many people do not like to eat watermelon due to the presence of a large number of seeds. In order not to suffer with them, you can cheat a little and find a special fruit, namely a girl watermelon. Buying it is not very easy, because almost everything on sale is for boys. And according to statistics, for every twenty watermelon boys there is only one girl and, as you understand, meeting her at the market is very rare.

So, how to identify a ripe girl watermelon? Stripes are identified by gender only by their butts. The “soft spot” of a girl’s watermelon is flat, with a large spot, while in a boy’s berry it is raised and has a smaller spot. The difference in this butt mark is the flower that blooms as girls mature.

If you know how to choose a ripe boy watermelon, then buying a girl berry will not be difficult either.

How to choose between two identical watermelons

We are all very indecisive and want to get the most best product. People always feel unsure about which berry to give preference to when they are satisfied with both. How to choose a delicious watermelon from two that look identical? When choosing between two identical berries, you should give preference to the one that is lighter. The entire weight of a watermelon depends on how much water it contains. With the same volume, a larger mass will indicate its juiciness, and a smaller striped berry will have sweeter pulp.

The first signs of a tasty watermelon

Let’s briefly summarize all the information on how to choose a ripe watermelon, and what you should pay attention to:

  • The average size.
  • Smooth, clean, shiny skin.
  • High contrast watermelon stripes.
  • Yellow or orange spot small size on the side, but by no means white.
  • The peel should feel firm when pressed with your fingernail.
  • Dry tail.
  • When choosing between a boy and a girl, take the girl, and distinguish between them by their curvy and flat butt.
  • Crunches when pressed, buzzes when slapped.
  • No cracks or damage to the skin.
  • Large volume and low weight.
  • No sour smell when cutting.

Blurred stripes
It is better not to buy a pale watermelon with blurry stripes. There's a good chance he's full of chemicals.

Tap the watermelon with your fingertips - a ripe berry should have a ringing sound.

If the flesh is an unnatural burgundy shade and contains yellow veins, then it is better not to eat this dessert.
This indicates the content of a large amount of nitrates and nitrites.

Pay attention to the tail: if it is dry, then the berry was picked when it is fully ripe.

Squeeze the watermelon on both sides - the ripe berry is noticeably springy and slightly crunchy.

Dip a piece of watermelon into the water. Berry with nitrates will color the liquid pink or red.

Mikhail Ginzburg, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Samara Research Institute of Dietetics and Diet Therapy: Early watermelons are all chemistry

Watermelons contain a huge amount of dietary fiber, which is extremely beneficial for human health. They can lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of stone formation. gallbladder. Watermelons are especially useful for women. After all, their risk of developing gallstones is much higher than that of men. In addition, dietary fiber slows down the absorption of fats and sugars.

It is worth noting that watermelons are quite high in calories: 100 grams of berry pulp contains at least 10 grams of sugar. And you can easily eat a couple of kilos of watermelon in one sitting. I would not recommend consuming large amounts of watermelon pulp for hypertensive patients, people prone to obesity and those with kidney disease.

I do not recommend buying early watermelons, which appear in stores before the beginning of August.

As a rule, they contain nitrates. This is due to the fact that the watermelons were simply overfed with fertilizers. Nitrates entering the human body cause intoxication, which is accompanied by pain, nausea and indigestion.

As a rule, the main amount of nitrates accumulates next to the crust.

Sometimes small watermelons are given an injection and a special composition is injected for rapid growth, which is also not very useful. It is almost impossible to find an injection mark on an “adult” watermelon. The only way to avoid such a “surprise” and possible poisoning is simply not to buy early watermelons.

How to distinguish official melon camber

Sellers of melon spreads must have the appropriate documents: a certificate of conformity confirming the safety of the product, a certificate for placing a retail outlet, a medical record from the seller and a certificate of verification of scales.

Please note that there are certain requirements for a mesh stall - it must have a tray. Watermelon sellers are required to follow storage rules, according to which the berries cannot be simply placed on the ground.

It is not possible to install official melon spreads everywhere.

For example, it is prohibited to sell watermelons along city highways, on lawns and in the arches of buildings, as well as closer than 10 meters to ground transport stops and closer than 25 meters to metro stations.

At official melon stands it is strictly forbidden to sell cut berries or halves.

Another carefree summer has flown by, taking with it green meadows, birdsong and sunny warm days. It is gone, leaving us only pleasant memories that will remind us of a great time for a long time. With the onset of autumn, the nights lengthen, it rains and cool winds blow. Bright colors fade and gradually disappear, and the leaves falling from the trees cover the roads like a multi-colored blanket.

At this time, in stores you can see counters overflowing with watermelons, which are simply impossible to pass by. We buy a large ten-kilogram watermelon to please the whole family, and we hope that it will be ripe, juicy and sweet. But, unfortunately, hopes are not always justified. Today you can have a tasty treat, and tomorrow you can buy a spoiled watermelon, which will immediately “fly away” into the trash. How to choose a watermelon and avoid unpleasant surprises? This is what we will talk about today.

What to look for when choosing a watermelon

The main criteria by which you need to choose a large berry:

  • Watermelon season. The first watermelons appear on store shelves in early July, but the season for these berries begins in the second half of August. This is the first thing you need to pay attention to. If you're craving watermelon and are thinking of buying it at the beginning of summer, remember that it's not a berry, but a nitrate bomb. You need to buy your first watermelons in August!
  • Hard shiny crust. Externally, the “striped bun” should look beautiful - a hard shiny crust that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail, a rich color of the stripes and the correct shape. When the fruit ripens, it stops absorbing moisture and soon the peel hardens. This is why it is important to pay attention to the rind of the watermelon.
  • Safe and sound. The watermelon rind, as we have already said, should be hard, shiny and beautiful, but it should also not have any cracks or dents. The fact is that through microcracks, and even more so through damaged areas, bacteria penetrate into the sweet, juicy pulp and actively multiply there. If you eat a piece of such watermelon, you can get serious food poisoning.
  • Yellow flank and dry tail. When the “minke whale” is on the field, he “tracks” his barrel, which should be yellow or orange color. Once ripe, the tail of the watermelon dries out and then it becomes detached from the melon. This is why many people believe that a dry tail is an indicator of ripeness. But in reality this is not entirely true. The tail can also dry out on unripe fruits that have been picked long ago, for example, during storage or transportation, so we do not recommend giving this sign much importance.
  • "Sounding" watermelons. When choosing a watermelon, tap it. If it responds loudly to the pat, then it is a good watermelon, but if the sound is dull, then it is better to choose another berry. But to completely cast aside all doubts, try putting a watermelon to your ear and squeezing it with both hands. If it crunches and the skin gives in, then this is what you need.
  • Availability of document. You have every right to demand a quality certificate, and the seller, in turn, is obliged to present it to you. Remember that any type of product has a quality certificate. If they tell you that they do not have such a document, you can leave without hesitation, since we're talking about about your health and the health of your family. You don’t want your children to eat watermelon of dubious quality, do you? If the seller shows you a photocopy of the document at your request, pay attention to the seal. It should be wet (colored), and not xeroxed along with the text.
  1. Many people mistakenly believe that nitrates are injected directly into the watermelon, so if you can’t see the injection hole on the skin of the fruit, then you can safely make a purchase. Well, this is not true! A chemical injection is given into the leg while the watermelon is still in the field.
  2. If you think you bought a watermelon with nitrates, then check it out. Fill a glass with cool boiled water and drop a piece of watermelon pulp into it. If the watermelon loses color and the water turns pink, then you are not mistaken - the watermelon contains nitrates.
  3. If, when you cut a watermelon, you see that the veins are yellow, then the watermelon is nitrate. The veins should be pink.
  4. Never buy cut watermelons, even if they are in clear bags.
  5. Never buy watermelons near the road. This is not worth doing because it is always dusty and dirty there. If the fruit falls somewhere and cracks even a little, a huge number of microbes will get into the pulp. Also, roadside workers do not have quality certificates, which only means that the risk of buying a spoiled watermelon increases.
  6. Please note that watermelon is a bisexual berry. The “boys” have a spoiled tail with a convex side, and the “girls” watermelons have a flat side with a wide circle. Why do I need to know this? - you ask. In order to choose a sweeter and tastier fruit. “Girls” have fewer seeds and more sugar. Therefore, if possible, it is better to buy a female fetus.


Before eating, be sure to wash the fruit, and store cut watermelon only in the refrigerator. Now that you know how to choose a watermelon, nothing will stop you from buying a ripe, juicy, sweet and tasty fruit. We've told you a lot, but perhaps you have your own secrets for choosing a watermelon?

There is about a week left before the official start of the watermelon selling season, but unauthorized trade in melons on the streets of Moscow has been going on since mid-July. Consumers are outraged not only by the high price, but also by the quality of the fruit: watermelons that are artificially ripened with the help of nitrates pose a health hazard.

At the same time, sellers of watermelon crumbles in most cases cannot present either a trade permit or quality certificates.

The permit to trade melons will be valid from August 1. The Moscow Department of Consumer Market and Services explained that it is not recommended to buy watermelons before this date - it is better to wait until the end of summer, when they are definitely ripe.

The number of melon fields in the capital this summer will be almost two times less compared to last year. - total 450 . In addition, retail outlets will operate according to new rules. Sellers are required to work in special clothing, carry a medical book and documents confirming the quality of the products.

Where to choose watermelons

In Moscow, the sale of melons “from the ground” is prohibited. Retail outlets should be equipped with mesh chests and special scales instead of household, medical and postal scales. Sellers should not cut and sell watermelons and melons in parts, as slices.

In addition, visual information about the operating hours of the retail outlet and the legal address of the trading organization must be placed on the tray or spreader.

To protect yourself, it is best not to buy watermelons at “spontaneous” stores where the products are not checked by sanitary services, and always ask if there are documents for them. And even more so, you should not buy at roadside stands: there the products absorb toxins.

Some producers stimulate the ripening of melons with nitrogen fertilizers, which leads to the accumulation of nitrates in watermelons. The consequences of their use can be severe - acute infectious poisoning or chronic intoxication, which doctors call the “cumulative effect.”

How to identify a nitrate "bomb"

It is impossible to identify a nitrate watermelon by eye unless it is cut. You should not even try the berry if its pulp is riddled with yellow or light yellow fibers or has a purple tint.

If you soak the pulp of a nitrate watermelon in water, it will turn red or pink due to the increased content of nitrates. A “healthy” watermelon will make the water slightly cloudy.

If you knock on a nitrate watermelon, it feels like you're hitting a ball that's dropped. Such a watermelon may look ripe, but if it doesn’t crack when squeezed, it means it’s not ripe without someone else’s “help.”

What a watermelon should look like without flaws

There is a widespread belief that a large watermelon is “nitrate”. This is not true: for example, for the “chill” variety, 10-20 kilograms is far from the limit.

An ideal watermelon should be large enough, not very heavy and with a clearly defined striped pattern. In order to determine the natural ripeness of a watermelon, first of all you need to pay attention to the stalk - the tail at the top of the fruit should be dry.

The purchased watermelon should not have cuts or cracks - through which microbes that cause intestinal infections get inside.

There is a myth that a ripe watermelon should ring if you slap it with your palm. In fact, the sound depends on whether the flesh inside has softened or not. It is the green fruit that will ring, but a ripe watermelon should be dull.

The cracking sound that a watermelon makes when you squeeze it with your hands is a good sign. You can safely buy such a product.

The soil spot on the bottom of the side should preferably be yellow, not white.

And one last thing. A ripe watermelon can be easily scratched - by running your fingernail over it, you can easily remove upper layer peel.

When choosing a melon, experts advise paying attention to the aroma that its peel should exude, the softness that is felt to the touch, and the absence of light brown spots.

What to do in case of “nitrate” poisoning

In addition to nitrates, watermelons may contain microbes and even heavy metals. In case of poisoning, you need to drink as much as possible more water to prevent dehydration and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Is watermelon good for you?

There is conflicting information about the benefits of watermelons. Some say that watermelon fiber contains potassium, which is washed out of the body when taking diuretics. Therefore, it is recommended to consume watermelons for diseases such as cystitis and nephritis.

At the same time, there is an opinion that although all melons and melons contain fiber, it is poorly absorbed, loading the stomach. That is why doctors advise children and elderly people over 50 years old to refuse juicy fruits.

The material was prepared by the online editors of www.rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

We all love to enjoy fresh, tasty, nutritious and juicy berries on a hot summer day, which are also healthy. One of the favorite berries in the CIS countries, undoubtedly, is watermelon, the description of which we will consider in detail in this article. It can quench thirst, improve mood, energize the body, and help with various health problems.

The differences between watermelon varieties are quite significant. After all, the shape, size, color of fruits and pulp, taste, yield, speed of ripening, place and method of cultivation are different for everyone. All these factors must be taken into account when purchasing or growing them yourself.

Watermelon: botanical description

Watermelon lat. Citrullus

Family— Pumpkin ( Cucurbitaceae).

The fruit of the Watermelon is Pumpkin.

On the European continent, watermelon became known relatively recently. Its first detailed botanical description appeared only at the end of the 18th century. For a long time, watermelons could not be classified into any specific family. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century did it become a separate biological species.

  • The plant has curly, flexible and thin stems, round in shape, up to 5 meters long. The leaves are attached to the stem using long, rough petioles.
  • The leaves of the plant reach a length of up to 25 centimeters and a width of up to 20 centimeters.
  • Flowers are unisexual, up to 2.5 centimeters in diameter.
  • The shape of the fruit is ellipsoidal or spherical. The berries of some varieties are square-shaped. This is very convenient for transportation.
  • Watermelon flesh is usually red or pink. There are varieties with yellow flesh. Inside, there are many flat seeds, the color of which depends on the type of watermelon.

Currently, there are more than 1000 types of watermelons, each of which is unique in its own way. For example, seedless watermelon is becoming increasingly popular.

Seedless watermelons are grown using special technology, using special pollination.

Also, to obtain this variety of watermelon, ordinary varieties can be treated with a special substance, which allows the next generation to be seedless. Although such watermelons still have seeds, they are soft, small, and can be eaten.

Watermelons have been known in many countries since ancient times. They were valued for their taste and were served at the table of kings and the highest aristocracy. They were admired in Ancient China and Egypt, sang in the Roman Empire.

Watermelons were rarely consumed raw. They were usually used to prepare various dishes, generously flavoring the pulp with spices and pepper. Hundreds of years ago, such dishes were extremely popular and cost incredible amounts of money.

In Russia, watermelons appeared in the mid-16th century in the Volga delta and in the steppes of the Azov region. Gradually they spread throughout the country. Watermelons quickly gained popularity among the upper classes, becoming a desired delicacy at feasts. Since watermelons are on the territory Russian Empire were not grown, but were imported in small quantities from abroad, their cost was too high for ordinary people who did not have the opportunity to enjoy it. Watermelons began to be grown in Astrakhan only at the end of the 18th century.

Years passed and watermelons increasingly appeared on tables ordinary people. They were actively grown not only in Astrakhan, but also in other regions of the country. The striped delicacy has become widespread and accessible, firmly entering the diet.

Useful properties of watermelons

Due to the presence of numerous beneficial substances and minerals, consuming watermelons can help with various diseases. Watermelons are real record holders for lycopene content - effective remedy with male infertility.

Berries are also useful for the following diseases:

  • Anemia;
  • Arthritis;
  • Gout;
  • Gastritis;
  • Various ulcers;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Obesity.

Centuries ago, the choleretic and diuretic properties of watermelons were known and actively used. Their pulp contains substances that remove “bad” cholesterol from the body and help with problems with the liver and kidneys. Watermelons are also useful for constipation.

Types of watermelons

All varieties of watermelons are conventionally divided into three varieties:

  • Colocynth;
  • Ordinary;
  • Square.

Each variety is unique in its own way, and in order to better understand each type, let’s take a closer look at them.

Watermelon colocynth

Watermelon colocynth- lat. Citrullus colocynthis

The homeland of watermelon is North African countries and states Persian Gulf And Mediterranean Sea. Watermelon Colocinth is also called “bitter cucumber or apple”, and was mentioned in the Bible under the name “wild gourd”. The species is actively cultivated.

Watermelon Colocynth is a herbaceous perennial plant.

  • The shape of the leaves is round.
  • Yellow flowers are single, unisexual, large in size.
  • The fruits are small, with a green, dense and smooth skin that turns yellow when ripe.
  • The pulp is white, with flat yellowish seeds. The seeds have no odor.

The fruits are numerous beneficial properties, as they contain protein, glycoside, chloroform, pectin and other useful substances. The seeds contain a large amount of fatty oil. The seeds are edible, with a bitter-nutty taste.

IN European countries, he got there thanks to the Arabs.

Watermelon Colocint is used as remedy local residents since ancient times. Extracts and powders made from Colocynth fruits help with constipation, Colocynth is effective for dropsy, and as a kidney stimulant.

Common watermelon

Common watermelon - lat. Citrullus lanatus

The most common representative of its genus. More than 1000 species are known. The common watermelon is an annual melon crop grown in almost 100 countries. It blooms in summer, the fruits ripen in late August-early September.

The fruit is a pumpkin, the shape of which can be as follows:

  • Globular;
  • Cylindrical;
  • Oval;
  • Simplified.

The skin color is usually light or dark green. On the surface of the fruit there is a pattern in the form of stripes, mesh or spots.

  • The flesh of the common watermelon is usually reddish in color, but occasionally yellow or white. The pulp is tasty, juicy and sweet. The size of the fruit varies significantly depending on the species and place of growth.
  • The seeds are flat and vary in color.
  • The stems of the plant are round, thin and flexible, up to 4 meters long, quite branched, climbing and creeping. If the stem is young, it is covered with many soft hairs.
  • The leaves are large, 5-18 centimeters wide and 8-22 centimeters long. The surface of the leaves is rough and hard.
  • Watermelon flowers are unisexual.

The common watermelon is the most popular and widespread. It is actively grown in many countries with a suitable climate. First-class taste qualities make it a desirable and beloved treat.

Despite the popularity of the common watermelon, which is most familiar to residents of the CIS, its square counterpart is becoming increasingly popular. High demand is due to its convenient shape. After all, a square watermelon is not only easier to transport, but also more convenient to put in the refrigerator.

If you see a square watermelon at the market or in a store, you should not assume that it is a special variety. This is an ordinary watermelon grown in a special form.

The fruit of the future square watermelon is placed in a special shape when it is still the size of an onion. To make the mold, plywood or boards of a certain size are used. You can make such a box yourself or buy a ready-made product.

Important! When growing square watermelons, make the box open on one side so that the ripe fruit can be easily removed.

The fruit is placed into the mold through a pre-made hole, and the stem comes out. For good ventilation, holes with a diameter of up to 10 millimeters are cut on the sides of the box. Please note that the holes must be absolutely smooth and even. After all, sharp edges can damage the stalk.

The fruit is kept in the box until it becomes square. Then it is taken out and left in the sun for several days to acquire a bright green color. In this way, not only square watermelons are grown, but also similar pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini.

As you can see, there are many types of watermelons, each of which is unique in its own way. They are actively grown in many countries, because watermelon is a wonderful berry, beloved by many, the fruits of which are not only tasty, nutritious and juicy, but also healthy,