What is a horoscope? This astrological forecast, by which you can find out how to determine who you are according to your horoscope, and also determine whether you are compatible in character with your husband or wife, and indicate the correct line of behavior in relation to them.

How to determine who you are by horoscope

A complete map of the starry sky that existed at the time of your birth will help you find out all the traits of your character. They will also help you general descriptions, which correspond to each of the twelve existing horoscope zodiac signs. Experienced astrologers conducted multiple observations and mathematical calculations of the positions of the planets and the Sun, after which they determined what character traits are inherent in each sign.

Naturally, for more precise definition it is necessary that the location of all eight planets at the time of your birth is known. Therefore, you should know that the zodiac sign that belongs to you most accurately describes your character traits, with the exception of some inaccuracies.

Zodiac signs in the horoscope

To understand how to determine who you are according to your horoscope, you need to know your date of birth:

If you were born between March 21st and April 20th, then you are an Aries. You are characterized by activity, independence and impulsiveness. You are bold and energetic, but you do not know how to bring things to completion;

If you were born between April 21 and May 20, you are a Taurus. You do not like to rush, are very hardworking and love comfort;

If you were born between May 21 and June 20, then according to your horoscope you are a Gemini. You are inquisitive and witty. Your intellect is very developed and you easily learn everything new;

Those born between June 21 and July 20 belong to the sign of Cancer. This is a very insightful and sensitive sign, which seems easy to break, but in fact it is strong as steel;

If you were born between July 21 and August 21, you are a Leo according to your horoscope. You are bright, independent and courageous, and also love to be the center of attention;

If your birthday falls between August 22 and September 21, you are a Virgo. You are neat and practical, and also very adaptable to change;

Those born from September 22 to October 22 belong to the sign of Libra. This is a very harmonious and balanced sign that does not like to make decisions on its own;

Those born from October 23 to November 21 are Scorpios. Scorpio people are mysterious, secretive and reserved. They know how to manipulate people;

November 22 - December 20. Those born during this period belong to the sign of Sagittarius. People of this sign are freedom-loving, optimistic and versatile. They are extremely impulsive, but they know how to accept right decisions in difficult situations;

If you were born between December 21 and January 19, then you are a Capricorn according to your horoscope. You are patient, thoughtful and thorough. Able to achieve their goals;

Aquarius - born in the period January 20 - February 18. Aquarians are friendly, sociable and eccentric. They are visited by a lot of ideas that are not always realized;

And finally, according to the horoscope, Pisces are people born from February 19 to March 20. These are impressionable, changeable and dreamy people. They are usually completely impractical and go with the flow.

general characteristics

Practical and punctual. At work he achieves success in all endeavors. Ambitious. He is often accused of being cold, but in fact he loves deeply, but has difficulty expressing his feelings. Capricorns are honest, simple, faithful and reliable, like the earth itself.

Born under this sign: Joan of Arc, Kepler, Montesquieu, Madame de Pompadour, Maria du Plessis, Moliere, Kipling, Zhukovsky, Shishkin, Perov, Griboedov, A. Mitskevich, Wilson.

Characteristics by zodiac sign

  • Influence: Saturn, Mars.
  • Symbol: goat, ladder, tower clock.
  • Colors: dark green, black, ash grey, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.
  • Stone: ruby, onyx, garnet, moonstone, lapis lazuli.
  • Metal: lead.
  • Flowers: white carnation, black poppies, ivy.
  • Mascot: black cat, devil.
  • Happy day: Tuesday, Saturday.
  • Unlucky day: Monday Thursday.
  • Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divisible by 8), 14.
Born from December 22 to January 2 under the influence of Jupiter - calm, prudent, systematic natures acquire wealth and success, but there is a risk of going broke.
Born from January 3 to January 13 under the influence of Mars - people who reek of domestic boredom, known for their bad influence on others.
Born from 14 to 20 January under the influence of the Sun - efficient, possess vitality, passionate, contradictory, sometimes prone to despondency.


The sign of fate, retribution, philosophy, the beginning of the world, the ruthlessness of time, is distantly related to instincts and uses moderation and restraint as an internal system of self-preservation. In general, Capricorns don't care about looking attractive. They rarely talk about themselves and consider it above their dignity to use charm. They do not demonstrate their merits, which is why they make a weak impression or do not make one at all. They love dim lighting in rooms.
As in other signs, there is a low, medium and high type, but everyone strives to ascend to a spiritual or worldly peak. Not everyone has the resources to achieve them vitality- endurance, endurance, despite great stamina - the main feature of Capricorn.
Some Capricorns are rock opposing difficult situations, others like Virgo are “worker bees”, never tired of searching for instant solutions or solving a problem with the tenacity of Taurus until they find the right and final answer, until they turn lead into gold. Capricorns can be cold-blooded businessmen or politicians who know how to make deals. These are patient, fair, loving, although strict fathers who do not demonstrate their love.
Capricorns' disdain for charm and attractiveness is reflected in their clothing. The main motives for men and women are simplicity, moderation, balance, modesty, frugality and little imagination. Usually they deviate from fashion, many simply despise the cost of clothing. They are ascetic in their youth, but then suddenly become extravagant. The only motive that forces them to pay at least some attention to clothes is ambition. They prefer to appear correct rather than arousing interest.



Similar to red wine, may improve with age as internal stiffness disappears. At first they are alien to people due to their distant connection with instincts. They resist infatuation out of fear of loss and suffering. They want a minimum of pleasure for a minimum of pain, but a mask of icy indifference can hide the most painful passions that are suppressed in order to avoid submission to the senses. The consequence is breakdowns of various forms.
Some try to fill the inner emptiness with a thirst for power and collecting, others retreat into silence or into nervous quirks, and sometimes become physically ill in the desert of selfishness and stinginess.
Others, accepting such a fate, live unhappily in solitude, as if indifference were the natural human condition, or pretend to be reconciled to fate, proclaiming their loneliness as proof of their spiritual merits, hiding dogmatism and bilious corrosiveness under a cover of false kindness.
Many can live a lonely life, without love, almost until they are 40-50 years old. Then they open up, submit to everything they have fought against and rejected, and give it their all.
Capricorn women can sometimes be very hard-hearted. They hate the role of a housewife, they prefer to make a career and achieve independence than to get carried away by a seductive romance, they often remain cold in the arms of a partner. They get married for financial and social reasons. Some of them have a Cinderella complex, they want to be loved because they consider themselves quite attractive.
Other Capricorns are calm and attractive wives. If a Capricorn lover is unlucky, he may reconcile. The remoteness of instincts serves as his internal weapon. Capricorns suffer less than other signs.
Emotionally, Capricorn should look for Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and collaboration with Scorpio is especially good. Gemini and Cancer should be avoided.

How to achieve perfection

Fortune does not often smile on Capricorns. Their achievements are their own triumph over the problems of life; they are more often respected than loved. They are honest, reliable, dignified, serious, hardworking, hate being alone, but have difficulty acquiring acquaintances. They are distrustful, very conservative, value their reputation, are secretive, vindictive, and have a developed sense of duty. Capricorns give more than they take, they love to do good. They find wise decisions and are driven by the desire for success, but they are very susceptible to bad moods, although they have the ability to discipline themselves.


Gains strength with age. Capricorns are hardy, have high resistance to disease, and have a developed instinct of self-preservation. Often these are thin people with a developed bone skeleton. Men with faces like rocks, women with large, expressive eyes. Capricorns are usually pessimists, they often experience periods of depression, they are tormented by problems that mean nothing to others. This is harmful to their health. Capricorns need careful self-control, healthy image life. They need to learn to forget about troubles at work, and when leaving the institution, demand less from friends and relatives.

Elements: EARTH

An earthly, everyday person, no mind-blowing plans or projects, practicality and reality. He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others. You perceive only what you can see, hear and touch, what you can confirm with material things, provable facts - and no fantasies. They may call you a prose writer, but they turn to you for a practical answer. You actually get things done while others are just talking about them. Few people imagine your hidden depths - you are too proud and independent to reveal or demonstrate them.

You must choose friends and loved ones from the earth and water - the earth needs water if you do not want to become a desert. The earth can also exist with fire, if it does not object to its occasional fun, and with air, provided that it can endure hurricanes from time to time.

Your advantages: practicality, reliability, ability to live on your income. You do not expect too much from life, you are consistent, persistent, hardworking, and know how to provide support and protection.

Your cons: boring, lack of imagination, stinginess, pessimistic view of things, stubbornness, cruelty to oneself and others, callousness.

If you are Capricorn, you are the most earthly, i.e. secretive, like to control actions from behind the scenes without going on stage. If you are a Taurus, you are reliable and unshakable, the personification of strength, unshakable as a rock until your volcanic gut is triggered. If you are a Virgo, then you are efficient, handle mountains of work, etc. Your motto: everything has its time. With it you move mountains.

Home conditions: must live on the earth, pressing the soles of their feet firmly to their element, love gardens, greenhouses and flower boxes on the windows as a compromise. You need calm stability, reliable work, all things in their places.

Your spirit that brings good luck is a gnome, it lives in an inconspicuous hole, it can live in a greenhouse, in a window box with plants.


"Workhorse of the Zodiac" - adheres to public opinion and many conventions. He does everything thoroughly and is persistent in achieving his goals. Many businessmen were born under this sign. Neat and diligent Capricorns excel in technical and craft skills, architecture, good engineers, especially in the field of mechanics and electricity. Prone to financial activities, it can be difficult for them to get along with colleagues because of their scrupulousness and uncompromisingness. Success is important to Capricorns; he does not like to change his profession.

A house with a historical past is impressive. Doesn't like noise and fuss. She loves to shop, but without losing her head.


He is a hard worker, even on vacation he has work to do. He loves a respectable resort, which he can go to year after year. Prefers the company of old friends and family, is interested in history and collects. The best holiday- in your own home by the fireplace with friends.

Zodiac horoscope

Earth sign. Under the patronage of Saturn. The character is stubborn. Developed mind. CAPRICORN is the most resilient and resilient of all the zodiac signs - both physically and mentally. Secretive, secretly ambitious, he lives in reality, knows how and loves to work. Success attracts him with extraordinary force. Step by step, step by step, he moves towards his intended goal, overcoming all obstacles with great patience and incredible perseverance. Nothing can discourage CAPRICORN and make him go astray.

CAPRICORN sets a goal for himself even in his youth and is ready to follow it all his life. The same is true in work - CAPRICORN automates it in advance, outlining a scheme, developing details, putting things in order, so as not to waste time on trifles later. He is an excellent worker in all areas of industry and a talented statesman.

CAPRICORN Woman, born under this sign, has a characteristic feature: her beauty and charm do not decrease over the years, but increase, and at the age of 35 she is liked more than at 18. But caring for her is not easy, she always erects a barrier between herself and her fans. This is the type of woman who loves her independence very much. They are good secretaries, directors, teachers, doctors. Like the CAPRICORN man, women of this sign are serious and do not forgive offense and betrayal.

Relationships of signs: unstable marriage with ARIES, LIBRA, CANCER. On the contrary, alliances with VIRGO, TAURUS, SCORPIO and PISCES are much more harmonious. With SAGITTARIUS, the rhythm of life and temperament are so different that despite the great physical attraction, marriages are rarely feasible. There is love and great mutual understanding between TAURUS and CAPRICORN. Often the stubborn and patient CAPRICORN manages to re-educate the capricious and deceitful TAURUS.

With the sign of GEMINI it is difficult to enter into relationships, and a long-term union is problematic, if possible at all. Attraction easily arises between the signs of CANCER and CAPRICORN, and friendships develop based on respect. Nevertheless, the union does not come soon - there are too great differences in views on life. However, subsequently such an alliance can become strong, based on respect. A strong alliance with LEO is very rare, so only friendship and cooperation are recommended. The character of VIRGO is in many ways reminiscent of CAPRICORN himself, so it is possible happy marriage. With LIBRA, not only marriage, but even simple friendships are extremely rare: the difference in lifestyle and characters is very great. SCORPIO and CAPRICORN are united by ambition and love of work. Marriage is possible based on common interests. The alliance with SAGITTARIUS is in some cases guaranteed by each other. Very often, SAGITTARIUS manages to change the pedantic nature of CAPRICORN. With its own sign, despite the lack of great physical attraction, CAPRICORN can form a friendly union. With AQUARIUS, despite some similarities in character, a happy marriage rarely occurs. Cooperation in work and friendly relations are recommended. A marriage between PISCES and CAPRICORN could be extremely happy due to the great spiritual and intellectual similarity, as well as physical attraction. However, sometimes the secrecy of CAPRICORN offends the subtle and impressionable PISCES.

How to choose a life partner

CAPRICORN - blooms late, but retains its charm until old age. He is practical in everything, even in love. Having many novels, it is difficult to fall in love. Very critical, the choice is often successful. Capricorns cannot stand being alone. Capricorn women. They are not easily confused. They strive to have influential and practical husbands. Capricorn has a great need for stability. As a rule, they are stingy, hoard money, adhere to all kinds of conventions, and do not like extravagance, either in clothing or in thoughts. They converge with Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Difficult with Aries, Cancer, Libra.

Sexuality Woman

Those born under this sign are often tormented by contradictions between her desires and the possibility of satisfying them. She is erotic and amorous, but at the same time strict in maintaining external decency. Because of this, her passion often does not find a way out, which can be the cause of numerous complexes. Men strive for her, feeling a desirable partner, but remain perplexed when they encounter the virtuous image she created. The attraction that accumulates in her from time to time crushes all barriers, and she rushes headlong into a short adventure, throwing away her principles and striking her partner with temperament and sophistication. During her marriage, the horns of Capricorn often go to her husband. Tormented by remorse, she again takes the path of virtue, but her temperament again seeks a way out. In old age, such women turn into withdrawn and grumpy old women.

  • Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces;
  • Aries, Cancer, Libra;
  • Aquarius, Leo.

12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese zodiac (Eastern zodiac) is based on a 12-year lunar cycle, with each year represented by a specific animal. It is believed that the sign of the zodiac animal influences the character of each person. The traditional order of the zodiac animals is: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig!

What is your zodiac sign?

The Chinese zodiac (whale, "Sheng xiao") literally translates to "to resemble birth." It is determined by lunar calendar- With the advent of the Chinese New Year, the zodiac year begins.

Every year Chinese New Year occurs on different dates, between January 21 and February 20. That's why, if you were born in January or February, then be especially careful when determining your zodiac animal.

Determine who you are by your sign Chinese zodiac Our special calculator will help you! Enter your date of birth and find out the sign of your zodiac animal!

Horoscope zodiac signs by year

Animal Year
Year of the Rat - 鼠年 (子) 2020,2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
Year of the Ox - 牛年 (丑) 2021,2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937
Year of the Tiger - 虎年 (寅) 2022,2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
Year of the Rabbit - 兔年 (卯) 2023,2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
Year of the Dragon - 龙年 (辰) 2024,2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940
Year of the Snake - 蛇年 (巳) 2025,2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941
Year of the Horse - 马年 (午) 2026,2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942
Year of the Goat - 羊年 (未) 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Year of the Monkey - 猴年 (申) 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Year of the Rooster - 鸡年 (酉) 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Year of the Dog - 狗年 (戌) 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Year of the Pig - 猪年 (亥) 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935

Determine your zodiac sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Sign:

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Chinese zodiac compatibility in love

What will bring good luck in the year of your animal?

In China there is the concept of "Benmingnian" - this is the so-called Year of Destiny, i.e. the zodiac animal in whose year you were born. In 2019 Benmingnian in people, born in the year of the Dog.

The Chinese are traditionally very sensitive to the Benmingnian offensive. This is a very special year for everyone and its arrival is awaited with joy and impatience.

However, in China they believe that those people whose year has arrived are insulting the great deity of time, Tai-Sui, and may face trials. Therefore, the Year of Destiny is considered a time of unexpected changes and anxieties here.

Find out, How to keep good luck in your year (Benmingnian) and about the traditions of modern China.

Zodiac signs - why these 12 animals?

The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac were not chosen by chance. These were animals either closely related to everyday life Ancient China, or those that, according to Chinese beliefs, brought good luck.

Ox, horse, goat, rooster, pig and dog are the six animals traditionally kept in Chinese household. A famous saying in China says: "Six animals in the house means prosperity". This is why these six animals were chosen.

The other six - rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake and monkey - are animals much loved in Chinese culture.

Zodiac signs - why in this order?

12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac presented in a certain order according to the teachings of Yin and Yang.

The Yin and Yang of animals is determined by the number of their claws (paws, hooves). Even is pure for Yin and odd is pure for Yang. The animals in the zodiac are arranged in an alternating Yin-Yang order.

Animals usually have the same number of toes on their front and hind feet. However, the rat has four toes on its front paws and five on its hind paws. As they say in China: "Things are valued by their rarity". Therefore, the Rat comes first among the 12 animals of the zodiac. This unique animal combines both odd Yang and even Yin traits:
4+5=9, where Yang is dominant and therefore the rats are ultimately classified as odd (Yang).

Symbolic meaning of the 12 zodiac signs

IN Ancient China Each zodiac animal was endowed with a certain symbolic meaning - a sign. 12 animals were divided into 6 pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one animal in the pair were opposite signs another animal from this pair. This is how harmony was achieved - Yin and Yang.

The order of the zodiac animals is presumably not chosen by chance: in China it is customary to start with the most important, and then put all the other signs in descending order. Just as in the beginning there is always a strong, dominant beginning of Yang, and then Yin gives harmony.

Animal of the Zodiac Sign Proverb
Rat Wisdom Wisdom without hard work leads to mediocrity.
Bull Hard work Hard work without wisdom leads to meaninglessness.
Tiger Bravery Bravery without caution leads to recklessness.
Rabbit Caution Caution without courage leads to cowardice.
The Dragon Force Strength without flexibility leads to destruction.
Snake Flexibility Flexibility without strength leads to infringement.
Horse Striving forward Striving forward without unity leads to loneliness.
Goat Unity Unity without striving forward leads to stagnation.
Monkey Changeability Changeability without constancy leads to stupidity.
Rooster Constancy Constancy without changeability leads to stiffness.
Dog Loyalty Loyalty without a smile leads to rejection.
Pig Friendliness Friendliness without loyalty leads to immorality.

Time was determined by the Chinese zodiac

Everyone knows that in the Chinese zodiac every year is associated with a certain animal, but not everyone knows that in Chinese culture there are also 12 zodiac signs used to indicate time.

In ancient times, before the invention of clocks, the earthly branches (the cyclic signs of the duodecimal cycle of the Chinese zodiac) were used to indicate time in China. For convenience, we resorted to the names of the 12 animals of the zodiac, allocating 2 hours for each sign.

According to Chinese astrology, a person’s character and life are largely determined not by the year, but by the hour of birth. And these data are widely used in the analysis of personality type and fate.

Legend of the Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

We'll talk about how Jade Emperor- the lord of heaven - decided to choose 12 animals so that they would guard his peace.

Once again, someone is wrong on the Internet; a sensation is raging on the Internet. All news sites are full of headlines “NASA has discovered a new Zodiac sign.” “The horoscope is outdated”, “NASA changed the dates of the zodiac signs” and so on and so forth... True, what is the scientific nature of this discovery, and what does NASA have to do with it?

And how can you find out what sign you were born under? Let's figure it out.

In order not to get confused, let's turn to the beacon of knowledge - Wikipedia:

Zodiac signs - 12 sectors of 30° each, into which the zodiac belt is divided in astrology; each of these sections is assigned certain metaphysical properties that play a role in the analysis of horoscopes.

It is believed that a person was born under a certain sign if at the time of his birth the Sun was in the corresponding constellation.

The system of zodiac signs originated in Ancient Babylon. A constellation was then considered a figure formed by stars. Since then, the constellations have changed, the Earth’s orbit, and the position of the Sun in the universe. And most importantly, the definition of “constellation”.

Currently, the boundaries of the constellations determined by the decision of the First General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in 1922 are officially used (spherical, often irregular shape, polygons with boundaries running parallel to the latitudes and longitudes of the equatorial coordinate system).

If you take a star map, for example, this one:

Here it is in full size

And here it is, the final table. As you can see, it partially does not coincide with the “NASA revelations” presented on the Internet. But you can do the math yourself and decide who is right. Moreover, the data for the NASA table was not taken from the original source

So, we found out the essence. All that remains is to find out why the journalists suddenly went mad just now? After all, these changes have accumulated over thousands of years. And already a hundred years ago this is exactly what the star map looked like. In my closet there is a tablet with the same calculation, made by hand, which is already fifty years old. In addition, about ten years ago I saw a publication by “British scientists” about zodiac signs with similar content. As well as a number of other articles in different time. For example . Well, in general, any person who picks up a star chart can easily determine the number of signs and the dates of the Sun’s passage through the constellation.

But that's not the point. This is astronomy after all. And Astrology is in charge of our Zodiac Signs. Moreover, NASA spoke in the spirit of “You misunderstood us, we don’t do astrology.”

And astrologers issued an even more epic phrase that they “don’t care how the Earth and the Sun move there, and what constellations it passes through.” They have a CALENDAR. Unshakable, composed by the ancient and wise...

Only now, when astrologers predict fate, for some reason they refer to the influence of stars, constellations, the Sun and planets. But take into account the real position of the luminaries - why? Fools pay money anyway.

P.S. Article about ASTRONOMY. And about the fact that astrology, as everyone knows, is pseudoscientific bullshit.
The article was written so that people know what the signs of the Zodiac are and how they depend on the Ecliptic. So as not to be fooled by the “sensations” from NASA about astrology. Or maybe NASA will discover that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Now this is already in doubt among many.

Often, when we find ourselves in certain unpleasant situations, we sigh: “Eh, if only we had known in advance, they would have laid out straws...” Yes, not everyone is able to look into the future directly. However, there is science that allows us not only to thoroughly understand the vicissitudes of our destinies, but also to propose ways to solve emerging problems. This is astrology. By drawing up and correctly interpreting a horoscope, a specialist will show the “sharp corners” of your life and how they can be avoided or softened. The situation resembles, in fact, a plot from the Russian folk tales, when the hero stands in front of a combustible stone, and on it is engraved: “You will go to the right... You will go to the left...”, etc.

Zodiac circle

According to Western tradition, the Sun and the planets closest to it, including Mars, passing across the sky over a period of a year, linger for certain periods of time in the area of ​​​​different constellations. Knowing which ones and when, as well as comparing our own dates of birth, each of us can easily answer the question: “Who am I according to the horoscope?” Naturally, this applies specifically to Western astrology; in the East they adhere to a slightly different point of view. For example, Stepan’s birthday is December 15th. And we know that from November 23 to the Sun is in Sagittarius. Consequently, for Stepan the answer to “Who am I according to the horoscope?” is: Sagittarius. The same as for everyone who was born during this period. But Natasha saw this world on July 1st. Again we make inquiries about our main luminary. From June 22 to July 22, the Sun passes through So, what should she answer about the question: “Who am I according to the horoscope?” That's right, Rakinya.

Border areas

True, the picture in the intermediate, so to speak, areas does not look so clear. That is, when the Sun approaches the end of one period and the beginning of a second. For example, leaving the region and entering the Virgo sphere, it seems to unite both celestial objects. And those who were born on such days combine the influence of both constellations in their characters and destinies. Which is more and which is smaller - this is influenced by many factors, and it is the astrologer who can identify them. But of course, main principle divisions are preserved anyway. And if you ask yourself the question: “Who am I according to the horoscope?” - focus on star sectors.

Eastern wisdom

Western astrology differs significantly from Eastern astrology. In the latter, the starting point is not the ten days of the month, but the whole year. The astrological cycle according to Japanese, Chinese and other Asian calendars lasts 12 years. Every year is under the sign of a certain animal, which plays an important role in the mythology and philosophy of these peoples. In this regard, in order to find the answer for yourself to the question “Who am I? eastern horoscope?”, you need to know the list of the “little animals” themselves, as well as the order of their “reign”. Why is the 12-year cycle of interest to Eastern astrologers? Because they view everything that happens on Earth through the prism of the influence of Jupiter and other “slow” planets. And the choice of animals is justified by the beautiful legend about Buddha and his subjects.

Sacred "zoo"

In order for each of us to understand for ourselves: “Who am I according to the animal horoscope?”, we should familiarize ourselves with what animals make up the heavenly zoo. The Rat was the first to come running at Buddha's call. This is where the cycle begins. Let’s assume that in our millennium, aka Mice, it began in 2008. Take it back 12 years at a time, and you will know whether this cute rodent is yours or someone else’s mascot. Yes, exactly darling! After all, Western and Eastern mentalities are extremely different, and in Japan and China rats represent caution, wisdom and many others positive traits. Yes, you can also add 12 + 12 to the date “2008”... calculating when the Year of the Rat will come again.

From Buffalo to Pig

If you are curious to find out for yourself: “Who am I according to my horoscope?” - and further pushes you into esoteric research, then we will continue it. Following the Rat, the heavy worker Buffalo, also known as Ox, rushed. This is the year 2009. You already know how to calculate “before” and “after”. Then an energetic, revolutionary-minded Tiger galloped up - the year 2010. Next, the Cat (and in Japan the Rabbit, in China the Hare) - the personification of happiness, luck, profit and all sorts of positivity - cuddled up to Buddha. His time is 2011 +/- 12 years. Then, with sparkling scales and rustling wings, the Dragon - 2012 - flew up. It symbolizes health and longevity, excess vitality, energy and many other things that “help us build and live.” And then the Snake came - Drakosha’s sister, the embodiment of will, insight, intelligence and calculation. We said goodbye to her quite recently, just last year, 2013! But this year is the year of the noble animal, whose beauty and grace are sometimes compared to that of women - the Year of the Horse, 2014. Next will come: the elegant, but capricious Goat (2015), the eccentric, hectic, but so funny Monkey (2016), the dreamer and poser Rooster (2017), the restless, honest, fair Dog (2018), a very scrupulous, principled Pig (or Boar, year 2019), closing the circle. So, we repeat: if you want to find out your year according to Eastern astrology, determine which of the listed animals corresponds to your date of birth.

Ancient Indian horoscopes

In addition to the horoscopes known and familiar to us, practiced from ancient times to this day, there are also those that were left behind by lost civilizations. Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Who am I according to the Mayan horoscope?” Surely not. But in vain! Mayan astrology is a combination of philosophical symbols, various gods and totemic plants and animals, natural phenomena. It is quite difficult to calculate your parameters based on their horoscope, but it is possible. It is important to know that its cycle is 20 days, the same number of symbols. Calculations are based on the work of the human body, the activation of various life processes occurring during a given period. Therefore, each day of the cycle has its own characteristics, its own parameters and recommendations.

Mayan signs

What are the symbolic signs of the horoscope? Let's list some:

  • Crocodile, whose element is the sea;
  • Wind is perpetual motion;
  • Sleep - mysterious games of the subconscious;
  • Seed is a connection with the earth, roots;
  • The snake is a personification;
  • Wanderer - traveler through the astral world;
  • The moon is a sign of the occult, everything mysterious, otherworldly, etc.

Checking the Moon

Astrology can be lunar - esotericists know about this, specializing in an in-depth analysis of the influence of this planet on our lives. And it is important and significant! As a natural factor - this is in reservoirs, a social factor - unmotivated outbursts of aggression, a psychological factor, which affects nervous system- different sleep states and moments of insomnia, mood swings, depression. And even the biological factor of the influence of the Moon on human body- it is associated with the conception of a child, the course of pregnancy. Being a feminine planet, it is especially strong in the horoscopes of this particular part of the Earth's population. If its position in relation to other planets is harmonious, then its fate will be successful and happy. Otherwise, it is Selena (the poetic name of our closest satellite) who warns about possible dangers and troubles. This raises a completely logical question: who am I according to the lunar horoscope? It would be correct to answer this way: in which sign the Moon was at the time of a person’s birth, that sign he belongs to. And in the characteristics different sides personality will definitely take this aspect into account.

This is such a different and wise astrology!