Astrologers (ancient and modern) claim that the influence of stones on a person’s health and destiny is predetermined by the position of the planets and constellations of the zodiac. The most favorable stones for a person are those that are associated with the sign under which he was born.

In 1912, the National Association of Jewelers convention unified the List of birthstones according to the zodiac sign. Below is the list.

Aries (21.03 - 19.04)

Aries corresponds to diamond - the most expensive and beautiful of precious minerals. The belief has survived to this day that it brought its owner good luck in business, protected against illness, injury and wounds, and gave courage in battle. Astrologers advised wearing a diamond as a talisman on the left hand or neck, and the setting should not prevent the stone from touching the skin. There was a belief that a stone brings happiness only if it was acquired by its owner, Aries, in an honest way. However, the beauty of diamonds aroused greed in man. The history of famous diamonds is often a detective story with murders, kidnappings, tragedies, and unsolved mysteries.
The red garnet stone also brings happiness and good luck to Aries.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Aries: diamond (diamond), amazonite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, garnet, pearl, coral, quartz, flint, hematite, Labradorite, lapis lazuli, jade, onyx, obsidian, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, selenite, carnelian, serpentine, hawk's eye, chrysoprase, peridot, crystal, amber, green and red jasper.

Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)

For Taurus the most suitable stone- sapphire, one of the most beautiful stones, a talisman for lovers and newlyweds, protecting against slander, strengthening memory, promoting prudence. It is believed that sapphire helps with heart disease, asthma and neuralgia.

Blue turquoise is also suitable for Taurus. It has long been considered a talisman that helps in love affairs. Turquoise rings should be given to a Taurus woman as a sign of heartfelt attraction. In the East there was a custom to place turquoise in the cradle of a newborn girl.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Taurus: agate, aventurine, amazonite, beryl, turquoise, bull's eye, jet, emerald, rose quartz, cacholong, white coral, flint, lapis lazuli, malachite, jade, onyx, rhodonite, ruby, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, Tiger's Eye, topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, bluespar, jasper.

Gemini (21.05 - 20.06)

Semi-precious agate of various colors, green chrysoprase and bluish beryl are the best stones for Gemini.

Green chrysoprase was a talisman for business people, protecting them from deception and material losses. Its medicinal properties were associated with nervous diseases.

Bluish beryl should bring Gemini happiness in love.

And in ancient times agate was considered a stone, dedicated to the goddess gardens, vegetable gardens and harvests. This stone was widely used for making jewelry, figurines, and buckles. In the Middle Ages, doctors advised wearing agate beads for throat diseases.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Gemini: agate, alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, pearl, emerald, flint, coral, jade, rhodonite, sardonyx, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, topaz, uvarovite, fluorite, chrysoprase, peridot, crystal, citrine, jasper.

Cancer (21.06 - 22.07)

The happiest stones for Cancer are emerald, moonstone and chrysoberyl, often called “cat's eye”.

Moonstone, or Selenite, symbolized the magical power of the moon's rays. Rings with moonstones helped lovers overcome obstacles on the path to happiness.

Emerald in Ancient Egypt was the precious stone of the goddess Isis, hence the belief that it helps women and protects home. The emerald was also considered a talisman for fishermen and sailors.

Chrysoberyl, called Cat's Eye, in past centuries It was customary to wear it during mourning. It was considered an amulet for gambling and helped children with diphtheria.

List of all stones corresponding to the Cancer zodiac sign: agate, aventurine, adularia, aquamarine, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, heliotrope, hematite, pearl, emerald, coral, cat's eye, moonstones, morion, jade, obsidian , onyx, opal, rhodonite, ruby, roasterite, carnelian, hawk's eye, topaz, chrysoberyl, peridot, euclase.

Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

Stones suit Leo best yellow color: amber, chrysolite, olivine, topaz.
Amber, used since ancient times as jewelry and amulet, was attributed miraculous properties cure skin diseases and rheumatism, protect from spells and anger.

Set in gold, the semi-precious yellowish-green chrysolite was believed to provide the ability to foresee the future. Rings with chrysolite were worn by astrologers and fortune tellers.

Olivine, according to our ancestors, ensured its owner the sympathy of others and good luck in business.
Topaz was an amulet for people going on a long journey, it was considered good remedy for insomnia, asthma and gout.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Leo: aventurine, beryl, bull's eye, heliodor, heliotrope, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, emerald, gold quartz, flint, jade, onyx, olivine, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase , peridot, crystal, zircon, citrine, amber, jasper.

Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)

For those born under the sign of Virgo, jade and carnelian bring happiness. For these talisman stones to have great power, they must be set in gold. In ancient times, jade was considered the stone of leaders, emperors, and monarchs, and then acquired the symbolic name of the stone of life. In the Middle Ages, jade beads were worn by people suffering from migraines, kidney diseases, and visual impairment.

Carnelian - semi-opaque gem red, reddish-brown, greenish or white in color - was the favorite stone of Greek women. They believed that it gave shine and freshness to the skin. In the Middle Ages, carnelian jewelry was very popular, as people believed that it defeats black magic and helps keep secrets.

List of all stones corresponding to the Virgo zodiac sign: agate, diamond, beryl, turquoise, garnet, emerald, flint, coral, cat's eye, jade, onyx, opal, rhodonite, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, peridot, chrysoprase, crystal , citrine, jasper.

Libra (23.09 - 22.10)

Astrologers have long recommended opal and lapis lazuli for Libra. Iridescent, with a rainbow glow, opal guarantees success in business for people with noble aspirations. The ancients believed that this stone would even protect against the plague.

Gems were once made from blue lapis lazuli - oval plates with designs engraved on them. Roman art lovers were proud of their collections of gems. This stone was also considered to have medicinal properties. Medieval doctors recommended wearing lapis lazuli necklaces to anemic people suffering from skin diseases, epilepsy and rheumatism.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Libra: agate, diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, jet, demantoid, emerald, smoky and rose quartz, cacholong, coral, flint, lapis lazuli, malachite, morion, jade, opal, olivine, rhodonite, selenite, carnelian, hawk's eye, tourmaline, phenactite, fluorite, chrysolite, chrysoprase, chrysoberyl, crystal, zircon, citrine, jasper.

Scorpio (23.10 -21.11)

The main stones of Scorpio are aquamarine and carbuncle. They are used as amulets in rings or bracelets made in the shape of a snake.

Aquamarine is a transparent greenish-blue stone. Lovers exchanged jewelry from it before their forced separation, because... it was considered an amulet of happy marital unions. The sea-colored stone was supposed to cure diseases of the throat and teeth.

Carbuncle - old name deep red ruby. There were legends about his mysterious power. IN Ancient Rome The carbuncle was a talisman for pregnant women, as it was thought to ensure a happy birth. In the Middle Ages, they believed that the carbuncle protected against injury, which is why warriors loved to wear it.

Another purpose of the carbuncle is to awaken friendly feelings in people and drive away dark thoughts.
Red garnet is also suitable for Scorpio.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Scorpio: adularia, aquamarine, alexandrite, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, hematite, garnet, smoky and dark opaque quartz, coral, cat's eye, malachite, morion, opal, ruby, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, serpentine, topaz, tourmaline, chrysoprase, jasper.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

The main stone of Sagittarius is considered to be amethyst, otherwise the stone of love. They say that it is capable of inspiring love for the giver, even if the one who accepted it as a gift is in love with another. “Amethyst is a stone of love - it turns former love into indifference. Beware of his betrothed or married women...” A Sumerian priest wrote these words on a clay tablet three thousand years ago. As we can see, the personal problems that worried people then are not much different from the problems of our days. Amethyst also brings good luck in games and protects against drunkenness.

Sagittarius, like Leo, is also very suitable for topaz and chrysolite.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Sagittarius: amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, emerald, blue quartz, flint, coral, Labradorite, lapis lazuli, jade, sapphire, sardonyx, selenite, carnelian, hawkeye, obsidian, olivine , onyx, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoprase, peridot, amber, jasper.

Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)

For those born under the sign of Capricorn, ruby, a red stone with a purple tint, brings happiness in love. “If you want to achieve reciprocity, give him or her to whom your heart is inclined a ruby ​​the color of a flame - and you will kindle love in him,” advised the ancient astrologer. Rings with rubies were worn by people who feared poison. They believed that a ruby ​​immersed in a poisoned drink would change color.

Another Capricorn stone - semiprecious stone brown or even blackish color called onyx. The ancients highly valued it for its magical and healing properties.
People of this sign are also recommended an amulet with dark green malachite, which enhances a person’s spiritual powers.

List of all stones corresponding to the Capricorn zodiac sign: alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, jet, garnet, cat's eye, flint, coral, malachite, morion, jade, obsidian, olivine, opal, onyx, ruby, selenite, carnelian, hawk's eye , tiger eye, tourmaline, chrysoprase, zircon, jasper.

Aquarius (20.01 - 19.02)

Garnet and zircon should bring happiness to those born under the sign of Aquarius. There are several varieties of semi-precious garnet, ranging from dark red to yellowish. This stone is considered a symbol of love and friendship. It was customary to give garnet rings as proof of friendship, memory, and gratitude. Lovers most readily exchanged this stone. Red stones were highly valued by Easterners, who believed that garnet had healing properties.

Zircon is a rare transparent stone, which in the East was called the younger brother of diamond. This stone was believed to improve mental abilities.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Aquarius: agate, aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, pearl, emerald, rose quartz, flint, coral, lapis lazuli, jade, obsidian, opal, sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, hawk's eye, fluorite, crystal, citrine, zircon, jasper.

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

Astrologers recommend pearls for Pisces. Pearl jewelry has been known since time immemorial. Rich Greek women willingly wore threads with pearls, which were supposed to give shine to the eyes and protect its owner from the torment of unrequited love. In the Middle Ages, dresses embroidered with pearls served as a bride's wedding dress - it was believed that pearls strengthened family ties. In the era of romanticism, it was fashionable to give the object of love a ring with pearls. Easterners also highly valued pearls. Indian merchants, for example, believed that a ring with pearls protected against thieves.

List of all stones corresponding to the Pisces zodiac sign: adularia, amazonite, amethyst, aquamarine, alexandrite, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, demantoid, pearl, coral, lapis lazuli, morion, jade, olivine, opal, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, falcon eye, tiger's eye, peridot, chrysoprase, euclase.

If you choose stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, then they are capable of providing beneficial influence on their owners. Minerals will not only attract good luck and make a person successful, but also heal if you use talismans correctly and wear them every day. Some stones can strengthen the immune system and prevent various diseases. For others, the action is aimed at finding a soul mate. Still others protect against negative energy. Talismans that are selected according to the signs of the Zodiac have a special effect on a person. But you cannot use unsuitable minerals, as they, on the contrary, can harm their owner.

If you choose stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, then they can have a beneficial effect on their owners

If you choose gemstones according to the signs of the Zodiac, then they will perform the following functions:

  • will make a person invulnerable to various diseases;
  • will prevent the impact of negative energy on its owner;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • will give strength, energy, make you more active and cheerful;
  • relieve the blues, apathy, depression;
  • will help in the development of innate abilities and talents;
  • will bring more positive emotions into life;
  • strengthen intuition;
  • will have a beneficial effect on personal life;
  • will make you successful in the affairs that a person is engaged in.

All this applies not only to precious stones, but also semi-precious and ornamental ones. The main thing is that they are natural and not artificial. Otherwise, they simply won't help. Synthetic ones do not contain the energy that was produced during the formation of the rock. It only contains energy from its manufacturer, and it certainly will not be able to significantly influence its new owner, and it will not be a talisman. When choosing minerals based on zodiac signs, you will need a special table where the acceptable options are listed for each sign.

When choosing which stone is suitable as an amulet, amulet or talisman, it is important not to harm the person. If the choice is made incorrectly, it will immediately make itself felt:

  1. A person constantly feels discomfort and anxiety, and there is no sense of harmony.
  2. Loss of strength and weakness appear. Apathy develops.
  3. A person develops an antipathy towards stone, even if the decoration is very beautiful, expensive and exquisite. I am constantly tormented by the desire to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

You cannot purchase ornamental, semi-precious and precious stones in pawn shops.. They may be stolen. In addition, you need to take into account that the mineral is already someone’s talisman, and he will begin to take revenge for the fact that it was taken away from its former owner. It will no longer become an amulet for a new person; rather, on the contrary, it will bring various troubles to his head.

Experts do not advise purchasing stones that have defects. These can be various inclusions, cracks, stains, scratches - evidence that the mineral previously took the blow of negative energy, protecting its owner. Because of this, unexpected cracks appear. It is prohibited to wear such jewelry any further.

If the ring constantly slips off your finger, then it is best not to wear it. The same applies to cases when beads and necklaces fall apart - the talisman was chosen incorrectly.

You cannot wear several types of stones on your body at the same time. They just might start to quarrel with each other.

It is necessary to take into account that the stone will not immediately begin to act. Of course, if it was given to a person, then it will definitely manifest itself as a talisman from the first contacts with the person. But if a person acquired it for himself, then he will have to be patient, since the mineral must get used to the owner and determine its energy. It will take a long time before he finally starts helping his owner.

Stones for Aries, Taurus and Gemini

When choosing a stone for Aries according to their zodiac sign, it is best to turn your attention to diamonds. This option is the best. Diamond is a symbol strong man, winner. The name of the gem comes from the Greek word, which translates as “indestructible.” Not surprisingly, diamond is ideal for Aries. It will not only make him very lucky, but will also bring him closer to victory in different areas life. In addition, diamond can prevent outbursts of rage and anger.

Amethyst is also suitable for Aries. It will get rid of negative energy and calm a person. Aries will no longer be so hot-tempered and will begin to make informed decisions in different situations. In addition, sapphire, jasper, and rock crystal are suitable for Aries. You can wear turquoise, carnelian, citrine and agate.

Stones according to zodiac signs (video)

When choosing stones according to the horoscope for Taurus, you need to pay attention to those that can cope with a person’s shortcomings. For example, emerald will make him wiser and more attentive. He will help him achieve his goals. In addition, Taurus will become more cheerful and cheerful. Chrysoprase is perfect for Taurus stones. It will make a person more decisive, help in his endeavors, and protect him from failures. Chalcedony is also suitable for Taurus. It helps cope with emotional and psychological stress. In addition, if you choose semi-precious stones according to your zodiac sign, then aventurine is perfect for Taurus. It is also recommended to wear pink quartz, sapphire, agate and onyx.

Agate is great for Gemini. It will make a person prudent and add more stability to life. It smooths out a person’s shortcomings and makes him calmer. Besides creative individuals the mineral will help you find new directions for work and has a beneficial effect on imagination. You can also use alexandrite. He will take care nervous system Gemini, will smooth out contradictions. To achieve what they want, Gemini needs to keep beryl with them. Topaz, citrine, and sapphire are also suitable. Tiger's eye, carnelian and garnet are also useful.

Gallery: stones according to zodiac signs (50 photos)

Talismans for Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra

If you need to find talismans for Cancer, then it is best to pay attention to pearls of any shade. He is able to develop a person’s talents and attract good luck. It adds attentiveness to Cancers and makes them more insightful. It will help Cancer women find a husband. Another suitable stone would be emerald. It will help control emotions, even the strongest ones, relieve melancholy, make a person cheerful, relieve constraint, and attract wealth. Cancers are recommended to have a cat's eye with them - this strong amulet, which will make a person strong and successful, and protect him from the effects of negative energy. It is also recommended to have a moonstone or aventurine as a talisman gray shade, aquamarine in greener tones and chrysoprase.

If you need to choose zodiac stones for Leo, then it is best to pay attention to amber. It is believed that it will bring good luck only to Leo, since this sign is ruled by the Sun, and amber is considered just a “sun” stone. In addition to attracting good luck, it relieves insomnia and eliminates the consequences severe stress, treats diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Chrysolite is also perfect. He will help selfish Leos improve their relationships with other people. Topaz will help you make friends with the management of the company where the person works, it will make the person wealthy in financially. In addition, the stone will help you figure out who a person’s enemy is. Golden quartz, red tones and rock crystal are also suitable. You can wear carnelian, opal, onyx, sardonyx, zircon.

For Virgos, chrysolite is recommended as a talisman. It will make a person more attractive in the eyes of society. In addition, this stone will help in a person’s education and will contribute to his intellectual development, will constantly influence him to gain knowledge in new areas. It is also recommended to have jasper with you. These natural stones will help you make friends with people around you. They will maintain harmony and peace in the family. Virgos will behave more tolerantly, despite the fact that previously they preferred to constantly criticize everything. Jade is perfect for Virgos. This stone will make its owner wiser and strengthen his fortitude. If you heat it and use it as a compress, it cures certain ailments. In addition, carnelian, diamond, chalcedony, sapphire, and emerald are suitable for Virgos. It is recommended to wear jadeite, onyx, and rock crystal.

For Libra, it is best to choose aquamarine. It will make a person calmer and relieve sudden changes in mood. Previously, aquamarine was given to brides to ensure loyalty on both sides of the family. You can use lapis lazuli. It is a symbol of sincerity. For Virgos, it will help clear their minds and bring about some kind of insight. This stone helps a person for a long time stay young as it improves metabolism. It is recommended to have a rainbow opal with you. It helps to reveal talents, strengthen the nervous system and get rich. Tourmaline is suitable for Libra, as it eliminates sudden changes in character. You can also wear citrine, morion, and chrysolite. Jade and amethyst are used as talismans.

Stones for Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Choosing natural stones for zodiac signs, aquamarine can be given to Scorpios. This amulet will save the family. It cools passion, gives confidence and fidelity. Strengthens the nervous system. Pomegranate is also suitable as a talisman for Scorpios. It is considered a stone of honesty and has strong healing properties. It is recommended for Scorpios to wear black opal. It will restore calm and relieve strong emotions.

Bloodstone, aquamarine, tourmaline, and coral are suitable. Tiger's eye and alexandrite are also considered amulets for Scorpios.

When choosing gems for Sagittarius, it is recommended to pay attention to turquoise. It will help you achieve material well-being and a certain high social status. Yellow topaz also helps them get rich, and it also cures some diseases. Is a good assistant in decision making. Chrysolite will prevent wrong actions and relieve problems with the eyes and blood.

For Capricorns, ruby ​​is best suited as a talisman. It is worth choosing pendants, then the person will become respected in society. In addition, the stone protects against diseases and various problems. A person with such a talisman will become a real winner. By the way, onyx has the same property. It will give the person more power. Malachite is ideal for Capricorns. It will improve your health. For Capricorns, it is worth choosing all opaque stones that are black in color.

Amethyst is best for Aquarius. It will attract good luck and prevent hangovers and illnesses. By the way, by its shade you can determine what the weather will be like in the future. It will help Aquarius to restore strength and relieve melancholy. It is recommended to wear jewelry with zircon. It will make a person more intelligent. The most suitable stone for Aquarius is hyacinth, a type of zircon. The stone is perfect for those who are interested in traveling.

For Pisces, aquamarine is suitable as an amulet. It will make a person more courageous, helps restore justice, take care of other people, and protect Pisces from big expenses. You can also wear pearls. It will protect you from the effects of negative energy. Amethyst will return sincere feelings and help you find your soulmate. Blue sapphire, emerald, and alexandrite are also suitable.

How to wear stones (video)


When choosing a talisman for a person, you definitely need to know which stones are suitable for your zodiac sign. There are minerals that are universal. They are suitable for almost all people, but for some they will help more. This is what you should be guided by when choosing a talisman depending on your zodiac sign.

Attention, TODAY only!

Living stone just for you

The ancient Chinese and followers of Feng Shui treated stones with special reverence. It is not so much their majestic beauty that is valued, but their mighty healing power, and the ability to have a beneficial effect on the body and human consciousness.

“It is absolutely known that a stone can be living and non-living,” says the famous eastern practice of Feng Shui. Only Feng Shui gives such a concept and understanding of stones as “living” and non-living.” The energy activity of a stone depends both on its type and on the level of consciousness of the person who touches it. Not every stone is “opened” to a specific person - only the one that suits him is “opened”! Feng Shui experts teach their followers to intuitively determine whether the pebble they have their eye on is suitable for them.

How can you recognize your stone?

Modern astrologers and numerologists recommend choosing and wearing stones in accordance with your birth number or zodiac sign.
Find out about: How to choose your stone according to your zodiac sign

The procedure for choosing your stone, according to Feng Shui, is a real ritual and a purely personal matter for each person. Remember: you should not rely on anyone else's opinion when choosing your stone. This is a much more serious process than it might seem at first glance. Not everyone is capable of active contact with the forces of nature. It is very important to concentrate and concentrate your consciousness on the most important thought, completely relax and listen carefully to your feelings. Acquaintance with the stone takes place in a calm and secluded environment. It would be nice to be in this state for several hours, being at home, in a familiar atmosphere, where no one will disturb you. Lose yourself completely in thoughts about your dream, goal or task to be solved. Hold different stones in your hands for a long time, thoughtfully stroking their surface. To activate the natural charges of electricity that are in each stone, you can shake them a little or lightly tap them on a hard surface.

The procedure for choosing a stone is intimate and lengthy for a reason! After all, Feng Shui teaches harmony and unity with nature. Your task is to throw off all the everyday vanity for a certain time and feel your natural original essence, your entire being to its very foundation with all the weak and strengths. If you manage to enter such a deep meditative state, then a resonance of energies will occur at the level of vibrations and your stone will “come to life” (that is, it will become energetically active for you). It is very difficult to predict how this will happen; each case is individual. You can feel the heat emanating from the stone when you hold it in your hands. Or it will seem to you the brightest and most mysteriously beautiful of all. In the end, you will just really like it! Your stone will definitely touch your soul and will certainly make itself felt.

Why is it so important to rely on your intuition?
Intuition is the result of the invisible work of our subconscious, which tells us exactly what we are missing and what we desperately need.

The main task of feng shui is to teach a person to bring his own essence into harmony with the forces of nature. It is very important to surround yourself only with your favorite objects; you need to choose them with a very deep and soulful feeling.

Of course, the Chinese choose their stones according to ancient eastern horoscope, there can be no doubt about it. But at the same time, individual sensations and intuition are always in the foreground. If you felt something was wrong at the first contact with the stone, then you should not ignore these signals! In this case, the stone can be given to someone with good intentions or put aside in the far corner of the house until better times. Who knows what this crazy life will bring us? It is quite possible that after a while the stone may “reveal” to you.

It is necessary to choose amulets and talismans with the same approach. If your horoscope says that agate is suitable for you, but you simply don’t like the stone, refuse to purchase it! In the end, this is far from the only stone option that suits your zodiac or other parameters.

How do we feel when we choose our stone?

If, when you see a stone or mineral, you are visited by bright and powerful emotions, if you suddenly felt a surge of strength, felt how your consciousness was cleansed and opened, how your health suddenly improved - then this stone is yours! The frequency of vibrations coincided, and the reason for such dramatic transformations was wave resonance - and this leads to an instant increase in energy! That is why such a stone is called living - we are in energetic interaction with it. Other stones work on a different level and are not alive for us specifically. Everything in the surrounding world has a strictly defined frequency of vibrations, a certain power of radiation. If you pay extreme attention to your feelings, you can learn to identify everything that is alive and useful for yourself, increase your energy and direct it in the right direction.

Not all stones are equally useful: one stone will always make you happy, while another will depress you! But your stone will delight you every time it comes into your field of vision. This is your protector in the natural world, protecting you from bad energy, preserving your health, improving your well-being and mood!

When returning home, pay attention to your pebble again and again more often. Hold it in your hands and stroke it. You can feel how the stone returns your good mood, strengthening it many times over! Contacting on the street and in society with different people, we often lose peace and balance. The human psyche is a very subtle mechanism. The stone will help you return to your starting point to your individual settings, protect you from the evil eye, help restore energy resources, balance your mental state, and soften internal contradictions.

Of course, skeptics may object to this: the power of self-hypnosis is a great power! But to be convinced of the infallibility of intuition, it is enough to at least touch a little on the basics of quantum medicine. Scientists and doctors have long been successfully studying and recording in laboratory conditions real results healing effects of fields and vibrations of stones and crystals on the human body. There are also many areas of lithotherapy - stone treatment.

The state of a woman’s aura BEFORE and AFTER 20 days of using an energy stone.
After wearing a pendant with an energy stone, the glow of the aura became much more intense and the connection of energy beams became more even. From this we can conclude that the radiation of the vital energy of the human body when wearing a pendant with a stone is stronger, and the circulation of energy is much better.

Choose only your stones, learn to feel them, work with them, and the forces of nature will increase your energy potential many times over!

In this article we will figure out who can use which jewelry inserts without harming themselves and others. What kind of jewelry stones should you buy to enhance positive features personality and avoid unfavorable situations.

Since ancient times and to this day, astrologers have argued that each precious and semi-precious stone belongs to a specific zodiac sign. Therefore, at all times it was recommended to wear jewelry with jewelry inserts that correspond to the date of birth of its owner.

The meaning of stones for the signs of the Zodiac was formed gradually; more than one millennium passed before people linked the properties of precious and semi-precious stones with specific constellations. Astrological zodiac- a very ancient system that correlates the date of birth of a person with the Cosmos. And each zodiac sign has its own characteristics, including useful jewelry inserts. Properly selected precious and semi-precious stones accumulate human energy in order to help their owner in difficult times. It is recommended to wear the selected stone on you at all times. Then the energy accumulated in the stone increases a person’s capabilities and protects him.

Selected precious and semi-precious ones should be worn correctly - they should touch the skin. Otherwise, the effect will not be complete, since the energy of the planets will not be transferred effectively.

When choosing a jewelry stone, you need to consider which zodiac sign it is suitable for, as well as its meaning for the future owner. Because such a significant gift should bring only good luck, prosperity and health! It is believed that wearing a stone that does not correspond to the zodiac sign under which its owner was born has a bad influence on his destiny.

ARIES March 21-April 20 ruby, agate, citrine, diamond - diamond, turquoise, jasper, carnelian, pearl, rock crystal
CALF April 21-May 21 sapphire, emerald, rose quartz, onyx, aventurine, agate
TWINS May 22-June 21 agate, carnelian, citrine, pearl, tiger eye, alexandrite, sapphire
CANCER June 22-July 22 moonstone, chrysoprase, greenish aquamarine, gray aventurine
A LION July 23-August 23 peridot, opal, topaz, carnelian, rock crystal, golden quartz, zircon, red garnet, onyx, sardonyx
VIRGO August 24-September 23 carnelian, jade, sapphire, yellow agate, citrine, garnet, chalcedony, emerald, diamond, rock crystal, onyx, jadeite
SCALES September 24-October 23 opal, peridot, amethyst, morion, citrine, jade, tourmaline, lapis lazuli
SCORPION October 24-November 22 topaz, tiger's eye, aquamarine, bloodstone, garnet, alexandrite, malachite, turquoise, tourmaline, beryl
SAGITTARIUS November 23-December 21 turquoise, garnet, emerald, topaz, blue quartz, chalcedony, amethyst, hyacinth, peridot
CAPRICORN December 22-January 20 ruby, morion, chalcedony, garnet, turquoise, tourmaline, tiger's eye, zircon, malachite, obsidian
AQUARIUS January 21-February 20 amethyst, garnet, turquoise, hawkeye, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, obsidian, jade
FISH February 21-March 20 aquamarine, peridot, pearl, emerald, blue sapphire, tourmaline, amethyst, opal, alexandrite

Each zodiac sign has its own antipode (180 degrees away from it) in the zodiac circle: ARIES - LIBRA, TAURUS - SCORPIO, GEMINI - SAGITTARIUS, CANCER - CAPRICORN, LEO - AQUARIUS, VIRGO - PISCES. All these pairs of signs have stones that are contraindicated for wearing each other - this should always be kept in mind when choosing jewelry inserts.

Also, believing in magical properties stones, from ancient times people used them as talismans and amulets. Talismans are worn to fulfill wishes and attract cosmic energy. Amulets are needed to protect against negative influences as environment, so specific people, increases the owner's immunity. In this case, the zodiac sign is not so important. Here you need to understand what a precious or semi-precious stone should protect and protect from, and make right choice based on the properties of the jewelry insert.

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Stone meanings:

Amethyst Protects against drunkenness, restrains passions, “widow’s stone.”
Agate Saves from the evil eye and poisons; gives longevity and health.
Diamond A symbol of innocence, firmness and courage; brings happiness.
Aquamarine “The Stone of Lovers” protects marital happiness and promotes well-being in life.
Beryl Favors constancy of feelings, a good companion of wanderers.
Turquoise “Stone of Happiness”, helps lovers; a symbol of unchanging and faithful love.
Pomegranate Makes hearts happy.
Emerald Brings happiness and joy.
Coral Protects from lightning, protects from the evil eye.
Lapis lazuli "Healing stone"
Malachite Strengthens spiritual powers.
Nephritis "Stone of Life"
Pearl “Tears of Melancholy” protects against the torment of unrequited love.
Carbuncle Reconciles friends.

Since ancient times, people have used precious stones as talismans and amulets. This remains relevant in our time. Many minerals can not only become beautiful decoration, but also to protect the wearer from evil glances, illnesses, failures and become a real assistant in all matters. Determining which stone is suitable for a person is quite a difficult task. Sometimes you can just touch it, and it’s immediately clear that this is exactly the stone you need. But this method does not always work.

How to find out your stone

Before choosing a stone, you need to decide for what purposes it will serve. Some work as amulets and protect the owner from all sorts of negative influences. Others help attract good luck, money, love, and other benefits. Moreover, some can perform both functions at the same time. The main condition for the action of the stone should be the right choice and sincere belief in the magic of stone.

Stone according to zodiac sign

The most popular method of choosing an amulet is selection by zodiac sign. So, for each sign there are stones that help in all matters and protect the owner. But along with this, there are also those that have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is worth finding out in detail which stone suits your horoscope:

  1. For people born under the most fiery sign of Aries, all minerals of red shades, such as amethyst, ruby, sapphire or diamond, are suitable. Each of them will be an assistant in their own field. For example, an amethyst will contribute to any endeavors and help in business, rubies will help you gain respect in your environment, and a diamond will help you change your barbed character. In turn, stones that suit Libra will destroy business sphere, relationships with colleagues and so on.
  2. For good-natured Taurus, such gems as agate, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, as well as white and transparent stones are perfect. In turn, Scorpio stones will carry negative energy to Taurus.
  3. For those born under the sign of Gemini, colorful stones will bring success and protection. Agate will also reward its owner with remarkable intuition and the gift of persuasion; chrysoprase will always contribute good mood, and beryl will be a good helper in finding your soulmate. Sagittarius stones will counteract all this.
  4. Mysterious and sensitive Cancers will find support by using minerals such as moonstone, chalcedony and all whites in jewelry. Owners of emeralds will be immune to all depressive disorders and Bad mood. Stones that suit Capricorns will have the opposite effect.
  5. A Leo who surrounds himself with jewelry made of carnelian, sapphire, onyx, amber, and alexandrite will be successful in professional and personal affairs. And jewelry made from peridot will help you find mental balance. For servants of power, it is recommended to wear jewelry with rubies; they will help to have a greater influence on others. It is contraindicated to wear Aquarius stones.
  6. Virgos are very picky and hardworking people. For greater efficiency in business, they are recommended to use gems such as jasper and olivine. Astrologers advise people who play sports to wear jade jewelry during training; it will protect the owners from injury. Carnelian will protect you from betrayal and betrayal. Negative Impact Representatives of this sign will be influenced by Pisces stones, except sapphire.
  7. For people born under the harmonious and artistic sign of Libra, the following stones will bring luck and success in business: diamond, lapis lazuli, opal or aquamarine. Stones suitable for Aries will bring failure and disappointment into the life of Libra.
  8. Emotional Scorpios will be able to protect themselves from the bad influences of others and bad moods with the help of jewelry with corals, topaz, garnets and aquamarine. At the same time, the garnet will be able to attract financial success to the representative of the sign. Taurus stones will have a negative impact.
  9. Sapphire, turquoise, amethyst, chrysolite and all black amulets will protect Sagittarius and bring them success in their careers and family relationships. And chrysolite will also be a good protector against nightmares and will help take care of the immune system. Jewelry with Cancer stones will negate all the achievements.
  10. For reliable and patient Capricorns, amulets can be rubies, garnets, malachites or opals. All of them will help increase vital energy, wisdom and insight. Cancer stones are not suitable for this sign.
  11. Aquarius will bring good luck with amulets decorated with sapphires and obsidians. Jewelry with garnets will help restore a harmonious relationship with your other half, and sapphires will attract money. Also, for those who engage in mental work, it is recommended to wear zircon, it helps enhance memory. Representatives of this sign should not wear stones that are suitable for Leo.
  12. Amethysts will be good helpers for impressionable and changeable Pisces, which will protect them from addictions. Pearls, in turn, will bring stability to love relationships. And jasper will protect from poverty, humiliation and depression. Virgo stones will bring the opposite effect to their owner.

Knowing which gemstone suits a person, you can choose jewelry that will not only be beautiful, but also very functional.

By date of birth

Based on the date of birth of the person choosing the talisman, you can choose a stone that can protect and protect. There are several ways to do this.

So, you can use numerological calculations to choose a suitable stone. To do this, by adding up all the numbers in the date of birth, they come to a single number, by which you can find out what kind of jewelry is worth purchasing. For example, June 6, 1956 must be divided in this way: 6+6+1+9+5+6=33, 3+3=6 - this will be the number that determines the suitable stone.

The date of the month is also often used to select an amulet. Below is a table that will help you understand each day of the month.

Additionally, when choosing a talisman or amulet with gems, you can focus on the day of the week on which the person was born.

By blood type

This method of choosing an amulet is not very common, but it can also be used. A talisman chosen in this way will have a positive effect on all functions of the body. Protecting from diseases, injuries and other troubles.

So, for blood group I, minerals of all shades from yellow to red are suitable. These are stones such as amber, coral, tiger's eye, ruby ​​and others.

For owners of group II, green and green amulets will protect their health. blue flowers: opal, snake eye, sapphire and others.

To those who have III group blood, will be given good energy gems such as amethyst, charoite, aventurine and other minerals of purple, green, blue and orange shades.

For those with IV blood type, amulets with stones of blue, green and purple- emerald, turquoise and charoite.

Features of selection and care

You can choose a talisman based on the sources given, but if he does not like the minerals that are recommended to a person, then their magical properties will be lost. A person must feel the mineral, and then there will be a return.

This is explained by the amulet draws its energy from a person only if there is some connection, the talisman will function correctly. Therefore, when choosing a suitable amulet, you should first of all rely on sensations.

It is also worth noting that a stolen mineral will never become a talisman, even if it suits a person in all respects. The best magical powers possess amulets donated from the heart. And it’s even better if they are made with your own hands. Also, raw minerals are the most powerful. But since they are inconvenient to carry with you, and very difficult to find, amulets in the form of jewelry are more popular.

If we talk about mineral care, there are also several rules:

  1. After purchasing jewelry with a mineral, it must be cleaned, since many people have touched it.
  2. In order for the amulet to perform its functions, it must be given time to recharge. For different minerals you will need different quantities time, from several days to a month. Amulets receive their energy from the earth, so to recharge it is enough to place the jewelry in flower pot for a few days.
  3. If a mineral functions as a talisman, then you cannot tell anyone about it, because then the powers of the gem will be lost. It is also prohibited for anyone to touch the jewelry other than its owner.
  4. If a stone is to influence human psychology, then it must be worn in a visible place.
  5. Astrologers also recommend that the mineral touches the body directly and not through clothing.

If the owner of the amulet one day loses it, then do not be upset, this good sign. A lost mineral means that it has fulfilled its functions, or has collected too much negative energy, which can change a person's life.

Stones for improving health

Talismans can be used not only to attract success and protect against negative influences, but they are also used to improve health:

  1. In order to get rid of colds, you can use cat's eye, amber or aquamarine.
  2. For any mental disorders and low mood, jewelry with sapphires, lapis lazuli, diamonds, topazes, corals, rubies and other stones is often used.
  3. For fast healing For wounds, ulcers and abrasions, amulets decorated with malachite, onyx, coral or lapis lazuli are well suited.
  4. If you have hearing problems, jade, amber, malachite and topaz jewelry will be good helpers.
  5. Minerals such as tiger's eye, malachite, lapis lazuli, amber, carnelian and others will help get rid of rheumatism.
  6. To provide a general tonic effect on the body, it is good to use aventurine, pomegranate and rubies.

It’s not difficult to determine which stone is my talisman, the main thing is to trust your heart and listen to your inner voice. If a person is attached to an amulet with a mineral, then this is really his gem and it will be a reliable amulet and talisman.