To increase the width of your hips, you need to pump up muscle mass and use a number of special exercises. Do them at least 3 times a week. Within a month you will notice that your legs and hips have become smoother and more rounded.

Get on your knees. Clearly fix the positions of your hands, knees and toes - they should be level. Make sure your fingers are pointing forward, your elbows are under your shoulders, and your head is in line with your spine. Raise your right leg and pull your toe towards your head. Then lower it and pull your knee towards your chest. The leg must be supported. Do another 12-15 times. Change leg and do the same. Lie on your right side and rest your head on your hand. Bend the knee of your left leg. Place your foot behind the shin of your right leg. Then lift your right leg and pull it towards you. Strive to turn the top of your inner thigh out. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes. Next, lower your leg, but not all the way. Perform 20-40 repetitions and change legs.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, straighten your back and stretch your arms forward. Hold for 10 seconds. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-15 times. For the next exercise you will have to visit the gym. If you have never trained with a barbell, do not lift more than 15 kg. Take the barbell and place it on the edge of your shoulders. Straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart and fix the position. Then begin to gently squat down. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times. Make sure your knees are level and pointing straight. Look straight while doing the exercise, otherwise you may feel dizzy.

When you can easily perform the above exercise, place your feet not shoulder-width apart, but slightly wider. It is this position that will force the surface of the thighs to work. Try to squat as low as possible, but don't overdo it. The first time you do squats, do them slowly and carefully. If during execution you cannot keep your heels on the ground (they rise unconsciously), place small bars (3-5 cm) under them.

To widen your hips, do the following exercise. Sit down and touch the floor with your hands. Then jump up sharply. Stretch your arms above your head as you jump. Return to the starting position and take another jump. This exercise works the muscles well, so it will help you increase the width of your hips very quickly. Combine the above workouts with waist exercises. Do straight crunches. To do this, lie on the floor and lift your upper body. Press your lower back firmly to the floor. Bend your legs a little and also lift them off the floor. Hold for 1-2 minutes. Do 10-15 reps. Also do oblique crunches. They are performed in exactly the same way as straight ones, only while lifting the body, you should reach with your left elbow to your right knee, and then vice versa. During all exercises, make sure that your diet includes daily norm protein, which is necessary for muscle growth. Eat more meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese and plant foods. If you don't eat meat at all, take extra protein. There are many manufacturers that make plant-based protein shakes and other quality protein products.

Regular exercise will help you make your hips more rounded and attractive. When you achieve results, don’t give up on training – always try to keep your body in shape.

Thin women are often dissatisfied with their narrow hips and, in order to give them more femininity, try to enlarge them. In addition, they have returned to fashion again wide hips and toned buttocks, and fragile girls with teenage figures faded into the background.

Make your dream come true with modern development medicine will not be difficult, but this does not mean that you need to start planning the operation. There are many simple and proven ways to make your hips wider. While at home or on vacation in nature, it will be useful to do exercises that are designed specifically for this. In addition, if you know some tricks, you can visually make your hips larger and give them roundness. 6 proven methods will tell you and explain in detail how to increase the width of your hips.

Methods associated with correcting nutrition and lifestyle

  • Method No. 1 “Protein diet”

In order for muscle tissue to fully grow and thicken, you will need several times more protein than was needed before. Without this condition, no exercise will have a positive effect, because the cells will not receive sufficient nutrition for growth. The daily diet should include fish, eggs, meat, cottage cheese and a variety of plant foods. If you have an individual intolerance to fish or cape, you can replace them with special protein shakes or other foods.

  • Method No. 2 “Yoga classes”

Yoga has many poses and exercises that help open and widen the hips. Performing them with the required sequence will not only improve the flexibility of muscle tissue, but also strengthen the vascular wall of the capillaries in the thigh area. In turn, flexible and stretched muscles grow much faster than untrained ones. Yoga poses are aimed precisely at achieving this result.

  • Method No. 3 “Clothing that widens the hips”

In addition to the listed methods for expanding the hips, there are several more secrets related to the wardrobe. To visually expand your hips using clothing, you need to know a few things: simple secrets. For example, light glossy fabrics will help visually add volume to narrow hips.

Small details of outfits located horizontally at hip level can also expand the pelvis. In addition to this, you should wear clothes with a wide waistband, such as trousers, shorts or trousers.

Trousers with unstitched pleats and drapery at hip level, short jackets - such outfits should be used as casual wear. As for accessories, a crossbody bag with a long strap visually enlarges the thighs.

Physical exercise

  • Method No. 4 “Squats with and without weights”

Squats to strengthen the muscle mass of the thighs have always been popular, both at home and in the fitness center. In order for all muscle groups to be involved in the work, you need to use Sports Equipment– shells or dumbbells. Due to the resistance that occurs during exercise, these attributes increase the effectiveness of squats because the muscles contract at an accelerated rate. You can first buy yourself a machine or a barbell, but for your own safety it is better to use the help of a trainer at a fitness club.

During squats, it is important to monitor your posture and ensure that your heels are firmly fixed on the floor. At the same time, the knees look to the sides, and with a correct deep squat, the effectiveness of the exercise will be 100%.

Squats without weights are exercises that increase the tone of the thighs and buttocks, increase blood circulation and grow muscle fibers in the thighs.

Squats should be done this way:

  1. You need to stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. The toes are spread out to the sides, the heels are fixed to the floor.
  3. Inhale and lower your body down, bending your knees, arms extended in front of you.
  4. Pretending that we are sitting on an invisible chair, we freeze for a second and then rise to the starting position.
  5. As you rise up, it is important to squeeze your buttocks to enhance the effect of the exercise.

During squats, it will be difficult to keep your heels firmly pressed to the floor, but this is necessary for proper exercise technique.

Magic cream and radical method

  • Method No. 5 “Hip enlargement cream”

Exist cosmetical tools, working on the same principle as breast enlargement creams. By themselves, they do not make the hips wider, but they contain substances that, after being applied to the skin, increase the density of the skin, and blood flows to this area in an enhanced manner.
Due to this, muscle tissue increases. Other types of creams can restore the lack of collagen and elastin in the skin, due to which the rate of muscle regeneration around the thighs will increase.

It will be much more effective if the use of the cream is combined with exercise and a protein diet. All together, these methods will perfectly complement each other and be beneficial.

  • Method No. 6 “Pregnancy and childbirth”

Everyone knows that during pregnancy and after childbirth, women's hips become wider and their posture becomes more feminine. This is explained by the fact that in the last months of pregnancy and during childbirth, the bony symphyses diverge slightly so that the baby can safely pass through the birth canal. Some women's hips return to their prenatal state, while others remain a couple of centimeters wider than before for the rest of their lives. This method is probably the most drastic of all, but if you are planning a pregnancy in the near future, you can also make your hips wider.

All 6 methods must be combined with each other, then the effectiveness will increase and it will be easier to achieve the desired volumes.

Not all figures are naturally proportional and not always a woman is satisfied with her appearance. Narrow hips can be a real problem and cause for discouragement. Don't despair.

Knowing some tricks for choosing your wardrobe, you can hide flaws and highlight advantages, especially if you wear mostly trousers, jeans and wide pants.

Considering the type of figure, we can say that narrow hips most often harmonize with wide shoulders (a couple of centimeters wider than the pelvis) and a not too pronounced waist. That is, the waist and pelvis seem to merge into one line. The legs are long and model-like. This type of figure is not bad at all, but it often causes trouble for its owners.

Girls should follow two main recommendations from stylists:

  • make sure that the transition line from the waist to the hips is smoother;
  • even out the disproportion between the upper and lower parts.

The legs in your case are the main trump card, the part of the body that needs to be emphasized. Hips and buttocks will become visually wider if you highlight them color scheme(mostly light).

Trousers and jeans of all styles will suit you if the bottom of your wardrobe is lighter than the top:

  • Tops, blouses, blouses should be discreet, without additional accents, say, ruffles and flounces. Do not choose sweaters with too bright a print or in flashy colors, as this will increase your top part torso;
  • When choosing trousers, be absolutely free in both style and colors. Wide jeans with riveting can not only make your hips wider, but also give the desired appetizing to your buttocks;
  • If you are not a tomboy and only wear jeans at home and out, hide problem areas You can also use skirts: balloon, tulip, sun. Multi-layered and bulky fabrics, draperies, frills, pockets, folds - all this will emphasize long and Beautiful legs. A tight dress is allowed, but always with a tight belt at the waist;
  • Attributes are very important. High-heeled shoes and a large bag, the color of which is close to the main tone of the clothes, will add additional volume to you.

Acceptable and unacceptable clothing

For narrow-hipped young ladies, there are pros and cons in clothing. There are things that are nice to buy, and there are styles and cuts that you should forget about forever.

So, clothes that maximize your strengths:

  • Skirts made from elastic fabrics that tightly fit the buttocks, with large patterns that give the buttocks fullness;
  • A fitted dress with a full, draped or empire-style skirt. With a top devoid of unnecessary details;
  • Light tunics, with flowing sleeves, tops and sundresses either with thin straps or without them at all;
  • Tights, leggings with an airy light top;
  • Trousers or jeans, flared from the hip, are worn with a formal shirt;
  • If the jeans are tight and hug the buttocks, then the top should cover the pelvis. A tunic, cardigan or long jacket will do.

Modern girls agree to various tricks and tricks just to look attractive. In order to visually enlarge the buttocks, push-up panties were invented. Such panties are worn under outerwear and they perform two functions at once: they add volume and insulate the pelvis during the cold season. The lining of the panties is made of natural materials, soft to the touch and pleasant to the body.

Now remember the unsuccessful combinations in clothes for narrow hips:

  • Any wide tops, long-sleeve blouses (all those clothes that can expand your shoulders);
  • Baggy voluminous jeans and trousers;
  • Skirts and dresses with low waist;
  • Very voluminous top: blouses, sweaters, shirts. For those who like to wear clothes a couple sizes larger, keep in mind that it removes a few centimeters from the hips;
  • Jackets with shoulders and flounced sleeves that widen the top.

The benefits of exercises for the buttocks

You can solve the problem by trying all sorts of tricks: wearing push-up pants, choosing special clothes, not going out, etc.

And you can add to all of the above effective exercises for the buttocks, increase their muscle mass and make them more elastic and appetizing to the eyes. The pelvic bones do not change or expand, but the muscles can be pumped up.

A special complex for the hips includes:

  • squats;
  • swing your legs;
  • running with high knees;
  • ballroom dancing: bachata, salsa, latina.

The main condition for performing the exercises is to work with full dedication, daily training and evenly distributed loads. For example, when doing squats, try to go as deep as possible. Do not use weights until your muscles adapt to normal loads. Gradually add weight: dumbbells, barbell rack. Take breaks between workouts, especially at first.

Perform leg swings, lying on your back or standing, up to 50 times in several approaches. Naturally, you should start with 15-20 until the muscles get stronger. The loads should be equal for both legs. You cannot make 10 swings with your right leg and 15 with your left leg. High-knee running can be combined with regular jogging in the morning.

Sign up for a dance class, or just turn on music at home and dance to your heart's content. Smooth hip movements, figure eights, the basic cha-cha-cha move - these are the simple elements that you can master on your own.

Many representatives of the fair sex dream of becoming the owner of an hourglass figure. After all, a thin waist with rounded seductive hips and buttocks has always evoked admiration among men and slight envy among women. To the question of how to increase hip width at home, experts know the exact answer: eat right and regularly perform a certain set of sports exercises. Refusal junk food and regular training within a month will allow you to see pleasant changes in your figure and feel healthier and more attractive.

Increasing the width of your hips at home is a long process that requires persistence, patience and strict adherence to the rules of doing the exercises. So, all movements should be performed at a slow pace, focusing on posture, joint position, tension in the muscles of the lower extremities and the whole body. Changing the proportions of your figure is possible only during regular hard work, after which you feel pleasant muscle fatigue.

Even when practicing at home, you need to approach this process responsibly. Choose a spacious place in the apartment, wear comfortable clothes, and prepare water to replenish your strength. Don't start your workout with strength or compound exercises; be sure to do a warm-up to warm up your entire body. Think through exactly what actions you will perform, in what order they will be and how many repetitions you need to do.

A set of the most effective exercises for increasing the femoral muscle is as follows:

  • Classic squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, and stretch your arms forward. Slowly squat down until your knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Exhale as you squat, inhale as you raise your torso.
  • Plie - squats. To increase the size of the back of the thigh, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes turned outward. As you exhale, squat as low as possible and stay in this position for a few seconds, and as you inhale, return to the starting position.
  • Lunges forward and backward. Performing this exercise is an excellent prevention of cellulite due to increased blood circulation in the thighs. You need to stand straight and put your hands on your belt. When stepping forward or backward, the knee should be bent at a right angle.
  • Side lunges. You can increase the width of your hips as follows: move your straight leg to the side, keeping your body weight on the other limb. Squat down slowly without lifting your heels off the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat the lunges on the other side.
  • Half bridge. Exercises to enlarge your thighs can begin by lying on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Raise your buttocks as high as possible. Make sure your heels and shoulder blades do not leave the floor.

Classic squats are considered one of the most effective exercises.

These exercises do not require physical training, sports attributes, or interaction with a partner. However, their careless implementation is fraught with problems with the joints. Therefore, carefully review the video tutorials and remember that during squats and lunges you need to move your body weight correctly.

How to speed up your figure transformation

In order to quickly increase the size of your hips, you need to use various enhancers, sports attributes or exercise equipment. Their use requires increased attention and compliance with safety precautions. You can find out about them from a consultant in a specialized store, a trainer, or a fitness instructor. Remember that dumbbells can be replaced with bottles of sand, and a body bar with a mop stick.

Dumbbells will help increase the volume of your hips. Any squat, lunge or swing exercise will become more effective if you add weight using these weights. Start training with 1-kilogram dumbbells and add 500 grams after your body gets used to the load. A modern alternative to these attributes are weight enhancers, which are wide cuffs filled with sand or salt.

You can significantly expand your muscle volume at home using a barbell.

Moreover, thin girls are able to achieve noticeable results, even using only the bar of the projectile. To do this, place it on your upper back at the base of your neck and slowly squat, maintaining an arch in your lower back, until your hips drop below your knees. One more effective exercise is lifting a barbell from the floor to the hip joint on straight legs. If you comply correct technique execution, the thigh muscles will noticeably tense.

Equipment that increases hip width does not have to be heavy. A good option To change the proportions of your figure at home, do exercises with a small rubber ball. It should be clamped with your thighs and in this body position perform the following movements:

  1. Squats.
  2. Jumping.
  3. Raising your legs from a sitting position on a chair.
  4. Raising the buttocks from a supine position.

Good for hip enlargement, barbell squats

The modern sports industry has developed many exercise machines small size that are easily placed in the room (stepper, exercise bike, orbitrack). With their help, it is possible to control your activities, increasing the load on the body in time.

How to help your body change

A protein diet can also help you get bigger hips at home. After all, it is protein that is the building material for new cells that will fill the unnecessary voids of the figure and create captivating curves in their place. So, we increase muscle mass with the help of these products:

  • Poultry meat.
  • Lean fish.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Soybeans, beans, peas.

To create feminine contours, do not forget to use vegetable oil cold-pressed, because it contains vitamin E, which activates the production of estrogen and progesterone.

There is also a more radical way to increase the width of the hips, which cannot be done at home. So, some women undergo operations to fill the voids with their own fatty tissue. Such procedures are called lipofilling. They allow for a short time achieve excellent visual results. back side medals - the gradual spreading of fat through the tissues, after which the figure takes on its usual shape.

If a woman does not want to expose her body surgical intervention and doesn’t want to wait months to transform her figure, she can buy special shapewear. With its help, you can instantly visually increase the width of your hips and buttocks to the right size. To do this, a silicone plate is inserted into the shorts, which to the touch is indistinguishable from women's skin under clothing.

Those with narrow hips should learn how to choose clothes in such a way as to hide figure flaws. So, fashionistas should refuse to wear a jacket with shoulder pads and blouses with puffed sleeves. Make sure that the bottom is several tones lighter than the top and contains elements such as appliqué, patch pockets, flounces, and peplum. These clothing items allow you to visually increase the width of your hips in a natural way.

Many representatives of the fair sex want to increase the width of their hips at home. To do this, they switch to a protein diet, perform a set of sports exercises, purchase corrective underwear and a certain style of clothing. Remember that perseverance and determination will help you achieve results and maintain beauty and health.

Few representatives of the gentle sex are happy with their hips. The reasons may be exactly the opposite - to some, the hips seem too full, while others think absolutely the opposite. This article is intended for those who are concerned about how to enlarge their hips in order to make them more feminine. Among experts, this question is considered easy. In principle, there are two approaches to solving the problem - with the help of clothes and with the help of physical exercise.

It is not difficult to guess that the first option decides not so much how to increase the volume of the hips, but how to show a large volume of the hips. This method is quite simple to implement. You just need to master some techniques for selecting and shaping your wardrobe. Then you will have to think not about how to increase your hips, but about how to change your wardrobe.

You should not wear blouses or jackets with wide shoulders, so that in contrast they do not “eat up” the volume of the lower part of the figure. For the same reason, puff sleeves should be avoided. Remember one thesis - light colors imitate additional volumes. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid outerwear in light colors, especially if it is spacious enough. In other words, the wardrobe should be chosen so that the bottom is lighter than the top, preferably several tones. Well suited for the same purposes bright colors in clothes or large patterns - geometric or floral.

You should strive to choose sweaters with a deep neckline and slightly shortened sleeves. Good choice there will be tight shirts or corsets. A blouse with a high shoulder line will help hide a wide torso. A voluminous, but not long, sweater dress will not show off narrow hips, but will distract attention to it. A dress that reveals the shoulders can significantly increase the torso visually - be careful with its choice.

A-line skirts with a high waist, accentuated by any belt - narrow or wide, look good. But the belt should be located exactly at the waist, not the hips! It is advisable to place an attention-grabbing detail on the belt - a buckle, a bow. The skirt can be long, but it must have a long and voluminous top. And finally, a tulip skirt is an excellent choice for figures with narrow hips.

Now a few words about the second method of how to enlarge your hips. Again there are several ways. The first is elegant, but requires a lot of effort. This is a well-known fitness routine. The second method is more pleasant, but insidious - you just need to eat a lot of high-calorie foods, including sweets and flour, which will lead to an increase in the mass of adipose tissue.

Having chosen the first path, find a good instructor and tell him what you want to achieve. Most likely, he will recommend special exercises for hip enlargement that will help develop only certain muscles without affecting other parts of the body. By the way, increasing your hips by adding weight will still require some physical exercise so that fat is deposited where it is expected.

When starting to work with a set of exercises, remember that you need to train not only the object of correction, that is, the hips. One-sided training will lead to one-sided results. The body should develop harmoniously, without preference for any of its parts. No less important point- training requires a lot of energy, which means you need a program proper nutrition.

It’s also worth trying out shapewear for yourself. It not only supports the muscles and makes them more elastic, but may contain special inserts that help accentuate the hips. With an accentuated narrow waist, your hips will look more voluminous against the overall background of the body. You are presented with several options for how to enlarge your hips - with active influence on them or only visually. The choice is yours.