Meaning of the name

Camilla is an open, light, energetic and emotional person who is not afraid to be original, unusual and mysterious. She will never miss an opportunity to stand out from the crowd, and she will do it elegantly, sophisticatedly and unobtrusively. Her pride is undoubtedly flattered by the attention of others, so she tries to maintain interest in herself. At the same time, Camilla knows how to be responsive, understanding, forgiving, fair and noble. She honors family traditions, values ​​friendship and tries to avoid conflict situations, preferring to enjoy life rather than waste it on squabbles and nonsense.


Characteristics of the name Camilla (Camila)

Winter Camilla self-confident, ambitious and persistent. She carefully thinks through her every action, plans her every day and clearly adheres to the intended path. One can only envy the calmness, restraint and patience of this woman. Hardworking, diligent and purposeful, Camilla copes well with her emotions, preferring to be guided primarily by reason. Winter Camilla begins an independent life quite early, and the first step towards it may well be marriage.

Spring Camilla - a generator of interesting ideas and a leader, next to whom the most ordinary day easily turns into an unforgettable adventure or holiday. This is an emotional, cheerful and charismatic person whose doors are always open to friends. The interesting thing is that, after getting married, spring Camilla changes dramatically. The independent and freedom-loving panther is replaced by a soft and docile cat, ready to disappear into her family and home life. It is not surprising that her marriage has bright prospects, especially considering the fact that she chooses her husband very carefully.

Summer Camilla – a cheerful, kind, vulnerable and very trusting nature, which, due to its gentle nature, often encounters betrayal and deception. At the same time, she never ceases to idealize people and believe in their best qualities. She has many acquaintances and friends, communication with whom she can put above creating and arranging a family home. Household chores make her sad. An experienced and strong-willed man who can not subjugate this wayward woman, but win her trust, respect and love, is capable of winning the heart of summer Camilla.

Autumn Camilla – a responsible, disciplined and serious woman. She has no time for idle chatter and gossip. Her life is subject to a strict routine, and work will always come first for Camilla. But this does not mean at all that autumn Camilla does not dream of a family. She just gets married at a fairly mature age, having a stable material base, which allows her to maintain independence, which is extremely important to her. The husband of this strong and strong-willed woman should be a real fortress, within whose walls you can wait out any adversity.

Stone - talisman

Camilla's talisman stone is labradorite, symbolizing wisdom, purity of thoughts and innocence.

Labradorite strengthens spirituality, helps get rid of fears and unpleasant memories, enhances the gift of foresight and promotes the release of creative potential. But keep in mind that this stone has the ability to enhance the abilities of its owner, since it takes its strength from its owner. Therefore, labradorite will bring failure to people with negative energy and dark thoughts, while it promises happiness and prosperity to honest and decent owners.

As an amulet, labradorite is used to protect against negative emotions, damage and the evil eye, malice, hatred and envy.





Fire is Camilla’s element (learn more about this element and its influence on life path person can be found in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).

Animal - symbol

Cod is Camilla's symbolic animal, representing happiness, material well-being, generosity and kindness.

There is a legend according to which the black spots located on the gills of cod are traces of the fingers of the Apostle Peter, who took a coin from the mouth of the fish, which was used to pay the tax.



The orchid is Camilla's totem plant, symbolizing fertility, perfection, innocence, abundance and spirituality.

This flower is believed to attract wealth and success, love and harmony. In this case, a lot depends on the color of the orchid. Thus, a pink flower is considered a symbol of love, sensuality and perfection, while an orchid white represents purity and tenderness. Pink flowers are identified with all-consuming passion, and red colors inspire and open up new creative horizons.

In China, the orchid symbolizes courage, strength and maturity. At the same time, this delicate flower in the East is associated with spring, youth, beauty and charm.


Camilla's metal is considered to be gold, representing the sun and divine intelligence. Since ancient times, gold has been identified with dignity, greatness, chosenness, power, perfection, prosperity and vitality.

Gold is a symbol of immortality and spiritual improvement. At the same time, we should not forget that this metal also has a negative meaning. Thus, gold in some traditions is considered a symbol of decline, debauchery, envy and decay.

For Christians, this precious metal has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it personifies the divine principle and symbolizes light, glory, love, beauty and wisdom. On the other hand, it personifies attachment to the vain, material, sinful and forbidden.

The Scandinavians revered gold as the embodiment of good luck, prosperity, prosperity and family happiness.

Auspicious day



Origin of the name Camilla (Kamila)

Name translation

From Greek, the name Camilla is translated as “from a noble family,” while from Latin it means “servant of the temple,” “impeccable origin.” From German and Dutch the name Camilla is translated as “daisy”, and from Arabic it means “mature”, “perfect”.

History of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name Camilla. According to one of them, this name comes from the family nickname “Camillus”.

Another version says that in ancient Rome, girls and boys of noble origin were called “camillas”.

There is also an opinion that the name Camilla came to us from mythology: this was the name of the daughter of the cruel ruler Metab. Camilla in myths appears as a brave, strong and courageous Amazon who won many battles.

But that's not all. The noble ancient Romans called their daughters, whose life path in the future was connected with serving the gods, by the name Camilla.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Short forms of the name Camilla are: Kami, Cam, Kama, Milya, Mila, Kamil, Kalya, Kamalia, Milka, Kamilka, Kamka, Kamilochka, Kem.

The mystery of the name Camilla (Camila)

Patrons of the name

IN Orthodox calendar there is no name Camilla, for this reason the child is baptized under a different name.

The legend of the name Camilla (Camila)

According to myths Ancient Rome, Camilla was the daughter mythological creature Metabus - King of Privern. Metab earned a bad reputation because he treated very cruelly those subjects who dared to object to him, much less contradict him. He favored only flatterers who sang of his wise and glorious rule.

But the people, tired of the whims and self-will of King Metab, rebelled and sent him on an eternal journey, expelling him from the country. Metab left the estate with little Camilla. Together, father and daughter went to look for a new shelter, but the road led them into a deep forest. Metab was afraid of death, so he promised that if he remained alive and unharmed with his daughter, he would give her to serve the goddess Diana. Metab and Camilla managed to get out of the forest unharmed, which predetermined the fate of Camilla, who later became a great warrior and fearless Amazon, who gave her life in one of the battles.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Camilla:

  • Camilla Belle;
  • Kimila Ann "Kim" Basinger;
  • Camilla Parker-Brose.

Camille Claudel - famous French sculptor.

Kamilla Ivasheva - wife of the Decembrist Vasily Ivashev.

Camilla Collette - Norwegian writer.

Camille Doncier - the first wife of the famous artist Claude Monet, who posed for him for several canvases.

Camille Pen - French tennis player.

Kamila Skolimowska - Polish Olympic champion in hammer throw.

Camilla Pizana - Italian courtesan.

The meaning of the name Camilla (Kamila)

For a child

IN early childhood the girl does not cause much trouble for her parents, because she is obedient, assiduous, reasonable and even somewhat withdrawn (it’s hard to imagine Camilla playing war or Cossack robbers). But by the age of 6–7 she begins to show her character. And here it is important for parents not to miss the moment when the girl’s independence and perseverance develop into capriciousness, selfishness and dictatorship.

As a child, Camilla is willful, stubborn and independent. In all games, she strives to take a leading position, which her peers do not really like. In addition, this brave girl with an explosive character, if necessary, will be able to defend her point of view, using not only words, but also fists. Camilla always has her secrets and secrets; she is in no hurry to reveal herself even to her closest friends. Therefore, as a child, she usually has very few friends.

Little Camilla is a gifted child who sings, draws and dances beautifully. Camilla’s creative enthusiasm, her vivid imagination and, at the same time, ability to analyze all the collected information can only be envied.

Camilla studies well, but not because she likes to improve herself, to learn new facets of science in particular and life in general. No. It’s just that leadership abilities take precedence over natural laziness and reluctance to learn. This child is used to doing everything perfectly and always finishing what he starts, even if it takes a lot of time.

For a girl

Energetic, bright and emotional, Camilla is a young adventurer who lives by momentary impulses and desires, without particularly thinking about the future. She wants to take everything from life, at once and the best. Monotony and monotony tire her active nature, so she is always surrounded by friends who love and appreciate her for her sincerity, generosity and openness. But this young lady does not reveal this side to everyone: those who are not closely acquainted with Camilla may think that she is cold, superficial and arrogant.

Self-development is an important component of Camilla. And if in school years she was little interested in the laws of the universe, then in her youth she seriously approaches the search for herself and her place in this interesting and multifaceted world. She is attracted to intellectuals with a great sense of humor and the ability to laugh not only at others, but also at themselves.

At the same time, Camilla is vulnerable, sensitive and overly impressionable. Betrayal and deception hurt her painfully and for a long time. She can withdraw and isolate herself from everyone, although at this moment she simply needs friendly support. But, considering herself a strong person, she cannot allow anyone to see her tears or worries.

For woman

With age, Camilla does not lose her willfulness and emotionality. But at the same time, she understands that her ego, uncompromisingness and intolerance to the opinions of others are pushing people dear to her heart away from her. Therefore, she works on her character, accustoming herself to flexibility, developing the ability to listen and listen to the opinions of others, especially if this opinion contradicts her ideas about life. The impetuosity characteristic of young Camilla also disappears. Now she will think a hundred times before doing anything.

The openness, sincerity and unusualness of this woman do not go unnoticed among men who see in Camilla not only beautiful and sexy woman, but also an intelligent interlocutor, a reliable friend and a fair adviser. But Camilla should be careful what she says and to whom, because her straightforwardness does not always suit the court.

Camilla is quite hot-tempered, but does not remember insults for a long time, believing that there is already a lot of negativity in life, so you should not waste your mental strength and energy on quarrels and conflicts.

Camilla's negative qualities include unpredictability in behavior, selfishness, frivolity and touchiness. Sometimes her feelings and emotions are superficial and incomprehensible to others, they lack warmth and sincerity. Although it seems to Camilla herself that she is fully devoted to relationships, feelings, and experiences.

Description of the name Camilla (Kamila)


Camilla knows how to compromise with her conscience, so there is no need to talk about her high moral and ethical principles.


Camilla is a physically healthy and resilient person who rarely gets sick or feels unwell. The only thing the owner of this name should pay attention to is nervous system.


Camilla breaks more than one man's heart until she finds true love. Easy and even flighty in relationships, she knows how to love truly and truly. But Camilla’s chosen one doesn’t like her manner of communicating with the opposite sex. After all, this woman loves and knows how to flirt, she likes to attract attention to herself.

If Camilla marries in adulthood, she chooses a gentle, good-natured and patient man who can endure the rather difficult character of this wayward and domineering woman. But young Camilla will pay attention to an adult, strong and reliable man who will become the standard of masculinity for her. In any case, Camilla's marriages have every chance of being happy.

To win Camilla's favor, flattery and compliments are not enough. For her, only actions are important. It is very difficult to win the heart of this woman, because she looks closely at her chosen one for a long time before taking a serious step.


Camilla gets married early, thereby trying to strengthen her independence and escape from the care of her parents. But another option is also possible: she will enjoy life and freedom for a long time, delaying marriage.

Camilla takes starting a family extremely seriously - this faithful wife, loving mother and a good housewife. But the husband will have to come to terms with the fact that even in the family this woman will show her leadership qualities, which can lead to quarrels and scandals. If she does not learn to compromise, then the family may fall apart due to her whims and power. In addition, Camilla’s husband must absolutely trust his chosen one, since he will not tolerate jealousy from his chosen one, although she herself is very jealous.

Family relationships

Diligent, responsible, but at the same time somewhat lazy, Camilla never dissolves into the family, although she does everything to ensure that her home is always warm and cozy. She doesn’t let anyone into her family life, not even relatives, which can cause her to have problems with her mother-in-law. She will not tolerate moral teachings and instructions even from her mother, not to mention her husband’s mother.

As a mother, Camilla is kind, gentle, fair, caring and attentive. She tries not to punish children, but to educate them through encouragement and praise. For her husband, Camilla will become a friend, a partner, a beloved, and a support figure, but at the same time, both will have to make every effort so that the woman’s explosive temperament does not cause frequent scandals in the family.

It is also important that Camilla devotes a lot of time to her friends, which can negatively affect the relationship with her husband, especially if he does not receive enough love and affection from his chosen one. But in general, Camilla’s family life can be called happy.


For Camilla, the intimate side of life is very important. She will not connect her life with a person if he does not satisfy her in the intimate sphere. Moreover, this aspect can even cause divorce.

Soft, gentle, but at the same time passionate and temperamental, Camilla is looking for an attentive and skillful lover who can not only give her unforgettable pleasure, but also teach her to give back her tenderness a hundredfold.

Mind (intelligence)

Camilla has a synthetic mindset: she is eager to fight, does not see obstacles, but behind her idea she does not see those little things that later form a single whole.


Camilla is a responsible and disciplined executive who aspires to occupy a leadership position. But as a leader, she does not achieve much success, because, firstly, she does not know how to pay attention to detail, and secondly, due to her waywardness and excessive emotionality, it is extremely difficult for her to build smooth and fruitful relationships with subordinates.

This woman cannot be called an innovator, but she perfectly implements and brings to perfection borrowed ideas, somewhat transforming them and complementing them, in which her creativity and artistic taste help her.

She will successfully use her abilities in the fields of psychology, fashion, design and journalism. It is very important that Camilla’s work is not routine and monotonous. Otherwise, she will quickly lose interest in her, and she will stop growing as a professional. Therefore, it is better not for Camilla to choose the profession of an economist, lawyer or banker.


Camilla cannot be called a gifted and successful businesswoman, but such qualities as impatience and laziness interfere with this. In addition, for the owner of this name, material well-being never comes first. For Camilla, it is more important to self-actualize and enjoy life.


Camilla is a creative person: she enjoys dancing and music, theater, singing and reading. But her greatest passion is travel. She will easily give up another pair of expensive shoes and a new dress in order to go on vacation. Moreover, she rarely visits the same place twice, because she believes that it is necessary to see the world in all its manifestations.

Character type


Camilla easily finds an approach to any person, but it is not at all easy to win her over, because she does not want to listen to other people's opinions and tries not to let anyone into her soul. She is quick-tempered, overly emotional and straightforward, which can also repel others.


Camilla boasts excellent intuition, the prompts of which she often uses, and quite successfully.

Horoscope named Camilla (Camila)

Camilla - Aries

This woman cannot stand loneliness, so she surrounds herself with friends and acquaintances. Camilla-Aries devotes almost all her time to friends, which prevents her from building personal relationships. As a result, all her friends get married and surround themselves with children, while she is just starting to think about family life. Camilla-Aries – sincere, open and soulful person who is easy to hurt and offend. Therefore, a man for her is, first of all, a caring and understanding friend, and only then a passionate lover and an exemplary family man.

Camilla – Taurus

Active, energetic and comprehensively developed, Camilla-Taurus tries to take everything from life. Her life is full of adventures, and the spirit of adventurism does not fade even at a fairly mature age. Gray colors, monotonous everyday life and monotony drive this bright woman into depression. And only new impressions, interesting acquaintances and far-reaching plans can heal her soul from the blues and melancholy. Camilla-Taurus is afraid of loneliness, so she gets married quite early, but she chooses a man who is young, ambitious, purposeful, easy-going and loving life just like her.

Camilla - Gemini

Temperamental, original and cheerful, Camilla-Gemini will never resign herself to a supporting role. She should always be the center of everyone's attention. For her to bloom like a May rose, she must simply be showered with compliments and not be stingy with praise.

The good-natured and open Camilla-Gemini often idealizes those around her, which is why she herself suffers. She easily puts up with the shortcomings of others, while her mistakes are rarely forgiven. This woman needs a sensitive, attentive and truly loving man.

Camilla - Cancer

Serious, practical and reasonable, Camilla-Cancer is actually romantic and dreamy. She wants an incredibly beautiful and happy love story, she dreams of a strong marriage and children. But it is extremely difficult for her to part with the image of a cold lady, behind which she hides from pain, resentment and betrayal. Camilla-Cancer is a sensitive, empathetic and sincere nature. She knows how to listen, and is in no hurry to give advice. As a life partner, he chooses a reliable, strong and fair person, to whom he will definitely become a wonderful friend, a reliable support and a devoted wife.

Camilla - Leo

Assertive, self-confident and principled, Camilla-Leo does not know how to admit her mistakes. She reacts heavily to any criticism addressed to her, although outwardly she will seem calm and restrained. Such emotional tension finds outlet in her passion for active and extreme sports. Only a courageous, reliable and experienced man who is ready to fight and put up with her shortcomings can cope with this strong-willed woman. For such a man, Camilla-Leo will move mountains.

Camilla – Virgo

Straightforward and sharp, Camilla the Virgo always says what she thinks, even knowing that it could ultimately turn against her. At the same time, she is firmly convinced that the truth a priori cannot offend or hurt. You just have to either come to terms with it or prove the opposite. This woman does not like noisy feasts and festivities until the morning. She prefers loneliness, brightened up by a good book. Camilla-Virgo gets married late, because she takes a long time and carefully chooses a life partner, who must be a kind, sensitive and attentive interlocutor, a faithful friend and a loving husband.

Camilla – Libra

This is a vulnerable and sentimental nature who lives in her own special world, filled with art, literature, theater. Camilla-Libra is a pleasant conversationalist, a kind and sympathetic person, so it is quite natural that she has many friends and well-wishers who see in her devoted friend and a sympathetic person. Love for Camilla-Libra is the meaning of life. She is ready to dissolve in her feelings and her man, so it is very important that there is a person next to her who will appreciate her sacrifice, love, tenderness and care.

Camilla – Scorpio

Demanding, judicious and pragmatic, Camilla-Scorpio is strict not only towards herself, but also towards those around her. She has few friends because this woman fears betrayal. She is afraid of appearing weak and defenseless, so she puts on a mask of coldness and aloofness. Camilla, born under the sign of Scorpio, needs a strong, strong-willed and even domineering man, next to whom she can feel like a weak woman. In addition, Camilla's chosen one must have a wonderful sense of humor and angelic patience.

Camilla – Sagittarius

This is a nature that cannot imagine its life without movement. Moreover, this desire always manifests itself in everything: in work, in family, in leisure. She won't spend her weekends lying on the couch, but will go fishing with her family or simply organize a bike ride. Camilla-Sagittarius chooses a profession in which there will be no routine and monotony. It is interesting that she absolutely does not strive to become a leader, preferring to remain as a member of a large and friendly team. This woman needs an equally active and easy-going man with whom she can share her interests and hobbies.

Camilla – Capricorn

Emotional, impulsive and hot-tempered, Camilla-Capricorn can be tough and even aggressive. It is extremely difficult for her to cope with her emotions, especially negative ones, which is why many people dislike her. Because of her straightforwardness, Camilla-Capricorn is considered tough, arrogant and capricious, although in fact she is a sentimental and vulnerable person who dreams of romance. She can build her happiness with an open, cheerful and kind man who can turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of his chosen one, who is often guided by emotions rather than reason.

Camilla - Aquarius

This sociable and sincere woman will find a language with any interlocutor. She naturally has developed intuition, which helps her in solving many problems. Camilla-Aquarius does not like conflicts and scandals, believing that you can achieve a lot in life with politeness and a kind attitude towards people. In men she values ​​intelligence, romance and a sense of humor, because it is laughter that prolongs our lives. For her chosen one, she will become a reliable support and outlet, the person with whom you can cry and laugh.

Camilla - Pisces

Shy and timid Camilla-Pisces has a hard time getting along with people. She isolates herself from everyone, and even attempts by friends and acquaintances to liberate her are not always successful. She lives in her illusory world, which is very far from reality. In her world there is no evil or betrayal, and close people are always nearby. Camille-Pisces will be calm and comfortable next to a romantic and philosopher who looks at the world through the prism of mysterious knowledge, which is not given and revealed to everyone. But with a down-to-earth man, this woman will withdraw even more.

Compatibility of the name Camilla (Camila) with male names

Camilla and Dmitry

Despite the fact that Camilla and Dmitry are complete opposites, their union can be very fruitful and strong. This is the very case when people, complementing each other, build ideal relationship, in which there is love, passion, understanding and trust. Together, this couple can move mountains.

Camilla and Alexander

It is difficult to call this union strong and promising, because Camilla and Alexander live together, but at the same time apart. They have different interests and goals, so it is not easy for them to understand each other.

At the same time, it cannot be said that they feel bad with each other, there just comes a time when the relationship exhausts itself, and the understanding comes that everyone must go their own way.

Camilla and Evgeniy

Warmth and tenderness reign in the relationship between Camilla and Eugene. The man’s perseverance and thriftiness leads to Camilla pacifying her emotions, turning from a freedom-loving cat walking on her own into a lioness zealously protecting her family. But Eugene must remember that he will not be able to completely tame Camilla.

Camilla and Sergey

This is an uneasy union formed by two emotional people, while everyone claims to be a leader. The rivalry between Camilla and Sergei could lead to the collapse of this bright, interesting, but at the same time contradictory tandem. Although another option is also possible: they will live together for a long time, so as not to change the usual pace of life until a new love appears in their life.

Camilla and Andrey

Conservative Andrey falls in love with the bright and cheerful Camilla at first sight. Her desire to develop and innovative approach to solving any problem fascinates him. But, unfortunately, constancy, stability, and sacrifice are important in family life. And Camilla is not always ready to sacrifice her interests for the sake of her loved one, which can ultimately destroy the union.

Camilla and Alexey

Alexey becomes Camille's support, protector and loyal friend. And only after going through the stage of friendship, having become convinced of the seriousness of Alexei’s intentions, Camilla gives him her heart. This couple's family life is full sunny days, because they not only love each other, but also think alike, go towards the same goals, live with each other.

Camilla and Anatoly

This strong union can last a lifetime. Camilla and Anatoly have similar characters, which helps them understand each other better. In addition, both cannot stand quarrels and scandals, preferring to solve all problems peacefully. The main thing is to bring variety into your life, without which even the strongest relationships can wither over time.

Camilla and Konstantin

The union of Camilla and Constantine is built primarily on sober calculation, but this does not mean at all that there are no feelings between them. They just firmly believe that the basis happy marriage is understanding each other, not passion. They prefer ordinary earthly joys in the form of a delicious dinner and peace in the house to romantic impulses.

Camilla and Ivan

The complex relationship between Camilla and Ivan begins very romantically. But over time, the demanding chosen one begins to show her leadership abilities, which does not please the freedom-loving Ivan, who is used to living by his own rules. As a result, the couple may not be able to withstand the emotional intensity of passions.

Camilla and Yuri

The owners of these names have excellent compatibility. Camilla and Yuri strive for a calm family life, they are mentally close, and their mutual feelings only strengthen the union. In addition, self-development is important for both, so they get to know themselves and each other every new day of their lives, bringing bright and unusual colors to it.

Camilla and Maxim

The bright and passionate relationship between Camilla and Maxim is filled with emotions and experiences. Charismatic Camilla is proud and principled, while Maxim is soft and ready to compromise. If a woman in this relationship learns to give in, then the union of Camilla and Maxim can be very strong and happy.

Camilla and Oleg

In rare cases, fate can bring together the owners of the names Camilla and Oleg. But such a bright union will not last long: thus, the feeling of novelty will be replaced by everyday chores, and views on life and construction family relations Camilla and Oleg are different. The patience of a woman in this union may not be enough to put up with the man’s love of freedom.

Camilla and Roman

Demanding Camilla loves to raise calm Roman. But he is quite ready to put up with it. In addition, patient and non-conflict Roman has an amazing ability to resolve any quarrels at the initial stage of their development. Camilla greatly values ​​this quality in her man, realizing that she is often the one who provokes scandals due to her emotionality.

Camilla and Vladimir

In this difficult union, Camilla tries on the role of the head of the family, which does not suit the freedom-loving and independent Vladimir. On this basis, serious scandals often flare up in this couple, in order to avoid which Vladimir fences himself off from Camilla. Such distance sooner or later leads to a break in the relationship.

Camilla and Denis

From the outside it seems that Camilla and Denis - perfect couple, radiating family well-being and happiness. But in fact, not everything is so smooth in their relationship. Purposeful Camilla does not see Denis as support, because she believes that he has no ambitions. Often quarrels on material grounds in their family lead to divorce.

Camilla and Artem

In the relationship between Artem and Camilla, the woman dominates, on whose shoulders lies the household, and raising children, and even providing financial support for the family. But this does not mean that Artem earns little or does not devote time to his family. It’s just that Camilla, by virtue of her character, always wants more. Over time, she begins to reproach Artyom for all mortal and earthly sins, which leads to the breakup of the family.

Camilla and Anton

This interesting and contradictory union may turn out to be surprisingly strong, despite the fact that Camilla and Anton have indomitable temperaments. Both are freedom-loving, independent and emotional.

Their quarrels and reconciliations may form the basis of Mexican TV series, but this does not prevent them from building strong and harmonious relationships, they just have their own harmony.

Camilla and Mikhail

Emotional Camilla reacts sharply to any criticism or remark addressed to her, so even the naturally patient Mikhail finds it difficult to adapt to the character traits of his chosen one. But over time, he finds an approach to Camilla, he surrounds her with care and attention, affection and tenderness. This union is long and strong.

Camilla and Nikolai

Decisive and reasonable Nikolai at first sight captivates Camilla, who is looking for a friend and a reliable partner in a man. Nikolai proves his attitude towards Camilla through his actions, which she appreciates. In addition, they have a lot in common in terms of interests and outlook on life, which makes their union unbreakable.

Camilla and Igor

This is the case when two self-sufficient people meet who do not want to go with the flow. Camilla and Igor are ambitious and assertive, they set common goals and always achieve them. What brings this couple closer is the desire to develop spiritually, because life is much brighter and more interesting than we think. This couple has every chance to create a wonderful family.

Camilla and Vitaly

This union is controlled by the mind. Undoubtedly, there are feelings between Camilla and Vitaly, but their love is more than passion. This is spiritual unity, trust and understanding, on the basis of which truly strong and long-lasting relationships are built. And no quarrels or scandals can destroy this union.

Camilla and Vadim

In these relationships, trepidation and tenderness reign, although Camilla and Vadim have rather explosive characters and leadership inclinations. But for the sake of the well-being of your family, for the sake of preserving and increasing love, for the sake of comfort and warm weather in the house, the owners of these names are ready to compromise with themselves and with each other.

The name given at birth is by no means an empty phrase. After all, it accompanies a person throughout all the years of his life, unless he suddenly decides to choose a new one. Therefore, sometimes it is useful to know what the chosen name means. Usually it is enough to read horoscopes, articles on the numerology of the name, or, for example, open the same calendar. And you should approach the choice of a name responsibly, and not grab the first one you like. IN last years which used to be quite rare, so future parents should know the meaning of the name Camilla. This will help you decide.

The secret of the name Camilla lies in the fact that there are three versions of its origin. First of all, this is what the girls from noble families who served at the temple were called. In addition, "camilla" means "daisy" in German, Danish and Dutch, and it is quite possible that it was from this flower that the female name. The latest, more exotic version says that the female name came from the male Kamil (or Kamil). significantly influence the character of the girl.

This word itself is very beautiful, gentle and light, as if weightless. Despite some exoticism, it goes well with both Russian-language surnames and patronymics. In addition, this name has many cute diminutive abbreviations, for example Milochka, Mila, Kamilochka. But, oddly enough, as they grow up, gentle, smiling and sweet Camillas often become completely different: excitable, impetuous, open, assertive and impulsive. Camilla's character is the complete opposite and is distinguished by such traits as increased excitability, impetuosity, impulsiveness and at the same time openness.

The meaning of the name Camilla also implies the presence of creative inclinations, noticeable success, for example, in music, art or ballet school. These girls are artistic, in childhood they are trusting, obedient and shy, but starting from adolescence, if they are not educated, Camille can become complacent, deceitful, and capricious. But if you don’t start the process, the child will grow up to be cheerful, sympathetic, kind, easy to talk to, albeit a little secretive. The meaning of the name Camilla implies that it is best to give it to representatives of the Virgo sign, because they are the ones who will have enough balance, calmness and strength to smooth out complex nature name. It is Camilla-Virgos who are calm, efficient, responsible and sociable, and also successful in many areas.

You should also not forget about the meaning of the name Camilla in terms of your personal life. Camilles are not good at making a small compromise, agreeing and giving in, resolving conflicts, they always consciously or involuntarily try to become a leader, to control everything and everyone. And they are also very jealous of their other half. Here you need to develop patience and restraint. Otherwise, overly persistent care and guardianship can annoy loved ones. But Camille only helps with her work. As a rule, these girls choose creative fields: they can become a choreographer, model, artist, art scientist, teacher, composer or choirmaster.

Camilla's name day according to the Catholic calendar falls on July 18 and May 31. IN Orthodox calendar There is no point in looking for this name.

This is a very beautiful and quite rare name for Russia. The meaning of the name Camilla had to be looked up in the Greek chronicles. Translated from Greek, this name means born into a noble family, and from Latin it can be translated as a servant of the temple, impeccable. In Germany and Holland, Camilla means daisy.

It is worth noting that this name is not in the calendar, so at baptism the girl receives a new name, and the day of the angel is celebrated on the day of remembrance of the patroness Christian name. Girls can be affectionately called Kama, Kamilka, Kamilochka, Kami, Mila, Milya, Kalya, Milochka, Kamochka, Kam.

The name Camilla for a girl became widespread in the 17th century; many families in Europe called their daughters this way. It gained fame after the release of the novel of the same name by the author Fanny Burney. If you ask what nationality girls are most often called by this name, then it is most common in Arab countries.

The talisman for Kamochka is jewelry with labradorite stone; it is a symbol of wisdom and innocence, spirituality and pure thoughts. It improves mood, enhances intuition, relieves fears and unpleasant thoughts. Protects from anger, negativity, damage, hatred. But this is only if the owner’s thoughts are pure.

Lucky colors for Kama are black, yellow, red and gray colors. The Sun and Mercury patronize her in business, and the element of the name is fire. The totem animal is cod; it gives the owner of the name material well-being and success in business, happiness in her personal life and the kind attitude of people.

This name is usually given to girls born under the signs of Gemini and Virgo. The symbol for Camilla is the orchid; it attracts wealth, love, and abundance into a woman’s life. The pink orchid is the personification of passion, and the red one bestows inspiration in creativity. This delicate and beautiful flower in China is a symbol of maturity and wisdom.

Camilla will suit gold jewelry, which is identified with power and prosperity. Gold gives the owner the opportunity for spiritual improvement. But there is also the opposite meaning: in Christianity, gold was a symbol of debauchery and envy. In Scandinavian countries, on the contrary, gold is perceived as a symbol of prosperity and good luck.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Camilla is largely determined by the time of year in which the girl was born. Winter gives the character some toughness. Women born in winter are ambitious, hardworking, know how to achieve their goals, do not deviate from the intended path and are emotionally restrained. They are guided by reason and enter independent life early.

Spring brings lightness, spring pebbles lively and cheerful, they are very emotional and open. They have many friends, women make acquaintances easily. But everything changes after Cami has a family. Having gotten married, a woman devotes herself to her family, and the man chosen by the electoral Kamochka will be lucky.

Love of life, kindness and vulnerability distinguish girls, born in summer . Her gentle character does not always bring her happiness; year-old Kama faces deception more than once, but continues to believe in people. She needs strong man who can not subjugate her, but win trust and love. Only then will the marriage be happy.

Autumn gives Cami's character a serious edge. The life of a woman with this name is subject to the established order. Her career comes first, and Camilla, born in the fall, starts a family late. Material independence is important to her, which allows her to remain a strong and strong-willed woman.


Camilla is distinguished by a bright individuality, the desire to be the first in everyone, to achieve success. These aspirations are supported by numerous talents; the most important thing for this woman is to decide, to make right choice. Kama often refuses some opportunities in favor of others.

The girl’s parents should pay attention to the fact that Kamochka completes what she started and does not chase two birds with one stone, because otherwise nothing will work out. She should learn to trust her heart and not rely only on her mind. One of Kama’s negative character traits is willfulness, which is especially pronounced in childhood.

Girls with this name have a variety of abilities, this creative personalities who love to sing, play music, and dance. These are very artistic natures. They have no shortage of communication, but often there are very few close friends to whom they can entrust their innermost secrets. This is due to his somewhat arrogant nature, which Kama hides perfectly.

Camilla has an innate sense of beauty. She is excitable, receptive, sometimes overly impressionable. Since childhood, she should not be allowed to manipulate people. Camilla successfully uses her acquaintances for personal purposes, especially since they have no shortage of fans.


Adult Camilla is an open and versatile person. She knows how to find a common language with people. She is characterized by such traits as kindness, a heightened sense of justice, honesty, openness, she is sociable and responsive. Ease of communication and an incredible sense of humor do not allow her to remain alone. Success awaits Kamochka in life.

Kama does not accept domination in any form. IN professional field she feels confident, her determination and perseverance, even persistence, allow her to achieve heights in her chosen direction. She will live in material abundance. In the family, Kama values ​​harmonious relationships. Fate is favorable to this unique person, which means Mila cannot be denied practically anything.


Camilla is a very open, charming, romantic woman. The state of being in love gives her a feeling of euphoria, continuous fullness of life. She always finds in her partner positive features, admires and extols him. But she needs a touch of novelty to always be present in the relationship; Kama quickly loses interest in routine and monotony.

Women with this name tend to idealize their men, they do not pay attention to their shortcomings, but this can ultimately lead to breakup and disappointment. Kama does not forgive lies and betrayal. Such situations can make a woman harsh and uncompromising in a relationship.

It is important for Camilla to find the right man who will match her ideas. She is not afraid of serious relationships and values ​​her family. Kama can be a support for her beloved man. With the birth of a child she becomes an ideal mother.

Kamochka will have excellent mutual understanding with men named Anatoly, Gleb, Egor, Victor, Valentin, Boris, Konstantin, Daniil, Dmitry, Semyon, Roman, Ruslan, Tikhon, Eduard, Nikolai, Yakov, Matvey. Not good good compatibility of this name is celebrated with Anton, Vladimir, Georgy, Ivan, Oleg, Stanislav, Philip, Yaroslav, Yuri.


Career plays an important role in Camilla's life. Her qualities allow her to achieve success in any field. Healthy Ambitions help Kama with his work. Often a woman named by this name connects her life with creative professions. She will make an excellent artist and musician.

The ability to communicate and understand people will allow Kama to become an excellent doctor or teacher. She is interested in the topic of psychology, she is inclined to study everything mysterious, and events often occur in her life that unexpectedly bring her success in those matters where it would seem difficult to achieve something.

Business for Camilla is not the most successful way to realize herself. Despite all the inclinations and abilities, the ability to learn and patience, for this woman money is not an end in itself. Although, if she wants, if she really wants to succeed in the financial field, Camila will definitely do it.

The name Camilla is a name that came into Russian culture with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Linguists believe that the name Camilla comes from the Roman generic nickname Camillus. Translated from Latin The meaning of the name Camilla is "impeccable origin". Some linguists translate the name Camilla as "temple servant." The names Albina, Maxim, Claudius, Sabina, Emilia and many others have a similar origin story. The name Maxim comes from the family name Maximus, the name Emilia from Aemilius, and Albina from Albinus.

IN Muslim countries there is a similar name - Kamila. Often in countries of Christian culture this name is replaced with the name Camilla, although this different names. The meaning of the name Kamila is “perfect” or “mature”.

The meaning of the name Camilla for a girl

Girls named Camilla grow up very gentle, affectionate and trusting. Camillas are constantly smiling and at the same time a little shy. They are obedient and help their parents in every possible way with household chores. IN adolescence Camilla becomes very receptive and impressionable. She often cries when watching sentimental scenes in films or reading books.

Camilla studies well, but without enthusiasm. She's more likely to get good grades in beautiful eyes. This habit of getting results without putting in any work usually carries over to her. adult life. The girl understands early that being able to like it is one of the methods of obtaining the desired result. At the same time, Camilla has a penchant for creativity. She has excellent talents for dancing, music and vocals. And most importantly, in this direction, she is ready to put a lot of effort into achieving results.

Camilla is in good health. She rarely does, although there is a weak point in her health. Her impressionability can cause overstrain of the nervous system. Parents should carefully monitor the load on the child’s nervous system.

Short name Camilla

Kama, Cam, Kamilka, Mila, Milya, Kalya, Camille.

Diminutive pet names

Kamilochka, Kamilka, Kamilushka, Cammy, Kamochka, Darling.

Name Camilla in English

IN English language the name Kamilla is written as Camilla, which is read the same as in Russian - Kamilla.

Name Camilla for international passport- KAMILLA.

Translation of the name Camilla into other languages

in Arabic - كاملة
in Belarusian - Kamila
in Hungarian - Kamilla
in Spanish - Camila
in Italian - Camilla
in Chinese - 卡米拉
in German - Camilla
in Norwegian - Camilla
in Polish - Kamila
in Portuguese - Camila
in Romanian - Camila
in Ukrainian - Kamila
in French - Camille (read as Camille)
in Czech - Kamila
in Swedish - Camilla
in Japanese - 可愛美

Church name Camilla(V Orthodox faith) undefined. At baptism, Camilla will receive a second name, different from her worldly name.

Characteristics of the name Camilla

As an adult, Camilla remains as kind and cheerful as she was in childhood. However, this impression is created from a superficial acquaintance with her. But with closer interaction it can be completely different. Camilla can be capricious and selfish, although this is still rather rare. She knows how to please people and loves to create about herself good impression. For the most part she is a pleasure to deal with.

The professional inclinations characteristic of Camilla from childhood usually carry over into adulthood. Camilla often ties her professional activity with creativity. She is successful in such professions as a choreographer or, for example, an art critic. But ordinary work does not appeal to Camilla. In other industries, Camilla works without enthusiasm and her characteristic cheerfulness.

Camila's family life in the initial stages is similar to a Mexican TV series. She is constantly jealous of her husband and argues with him. Scandals are growing amid a battle for leadership in the family. If Camilla calms down and learns patience, then everything in her family will work out. Then she will be able to build almost ideal family. Having found true humility, Camilla becomes a great mother and a wonderful housewife.

The mystery of the name Camilla

Camilla's secret can be called her penchant for manipulating people. She easily takes advantage of others without a twinge of conscience and does not even consider that she is doing something bad. Be careful, because this could affect anyone.

Camilla's true character remains a mystery to many. Camilla can be very different person, but she only shows her real self to her loved ones.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Cod.

Name color- Red and silver.

Plant- Orchid.

Stone- Labrador.

The name Camilla is quite beautiful and unusual, which is why it has been given to both boys and girls since the times of Ancient Rome. Nowadays it is mainly called girls in different countries peace. The origin of the name Camilla is quite ambiguous. There are versions that claim that it appeared in Arab countries. But there are those who say that the name originated in Rome. It's difficult to say which option is correct, since both sound plausible.

The meaning of the name Camilla has several variations. For example, translated from Latin it can be interpreted as “a girl from a noble family” or “a servant of the temple.” There is also a meaning such as “daisy” or “perfection”. And translated from Arabic it is interpreted as “mature”. There are other options, but these are considered the most common.

Character and destiny

As a child, the bearer of the name Camilla is a real tomboy who simply cannot live without adventure. The girl is very active, cheerful and strives for new experiences. She always has a lot of friends who are as active as she is. Among them, she is most often the leader, and this role suits her perfectly.

Concerning relationship with parents, then they do not always work out successfully. A girl named Camilla does not like being told how to behave. In addition, she really likes to argue and prove her point of view, which is not always correct.

During adolescence she does not become more calm and self-possessed, since the character of the tomboy remains. This often interferes with her studies at school, since reading books and gaining knowledge is not as interesting to her as adventures. Parents need to carefully ensure that a girl named Camilla does not miss classes and regularly does her homework.

In adulthood a woman becomes more seasoned, but activity remains. Now she is more serious and less grumpy, as she understands that the love of arguing spoils relationships with people. The owner of the name Camilla sets very realistic and laudable goals for herself, and then, with persistence, achieves them. All this has a beneficial effect on her career, family and other areas of life.

The name Camilla is characteristic of charming women who are liked by others. Although they do not always comply with the norms of communication and treat others well, people easily forgive them for all this. That is why there is no doubt that such women will have many friends and good acquaintances.

Love and family

Those with the name Camilla always have many fans, so it is easier for them than other women to find a suitable chosen one.

  • By the way, such girls are often liked by serious men who have already achieved a lot in life and are ready to start a family.
  • They are attracted to representatives of the name Camilla by their cheerfulness and positive outlook on the world.
  • Such couples, as a rule, do not break up, since the woman and man, thanks to their different characters, complement each other well.

The name Camilla is inherent in women who make very good mothers. They love children and are able to educate each person into a worthy person. Thanks to the mother's easy-going and cheerful disposition, the child will feel good and calm. He will not have to deal with regular lectures and misunderstandings.

The marriage of a woman named Camilla rarely breaks up, at least according to her will. Discord in the family can happen if she becomes capricious and spoiled, and her husband does not want to tolerate this. That is why she should control herself and not forget that a man can leave at any time if he constantly complicates his life.


The characteristics of the name Camilla indicate that its bearers can hardly be called careerists. They are more created for family than for work, since most professions are simply not interesting to them. Eg, career is absolutely not suitable lawyer, economist, accountant, etc. All this is explained by the fact that those with the name Camilla are too active individuals with a bit of adventurism. A job that requires sitting in an office day after day will be boring for them.

Camila Manhaes Sampaio (Brazilian film actress and model)

  • But the profession of a musician, actor, artist or designer is quite suitable for them.
  • Creative activity has interested these women since childhood. The main thing is to start developing your abilities in time so as not to miss the moment.
  • By the way, careers related to traveling or communicating with people are also suitable. For example, journalism - in this field, the bearer of the name Camilla will be able to show herself well thanks to her innate charm and ability to find an approach to different people.

Girl's health

A girl named Camilla rarely complains about her health, since she has good genes, is not predisposed to various diseases and has a strong immune system. Even as a child, she practically never gets sick, even if her parents don’t monitor her condition.

In adulthood, she also rarely suffers from any ailments, unless she begins to abuse bad habits. Then problems with the lungs or gastrointestinal tract may appear, which are not as easy to cure as we would like.

The name Camilla is often associated with women who tend to be overweight. Therefore, they need to carefully monitor their diet and exclude harmful products. Sports activities will be useful, they will strengthen the entire body and keep the body in shape.

At a minimum, it is worth taking walks more often and going to nature, where the air is clean.