All children love New Year very much. And they will probably want to celebrate such a holiday with their classmates. How to organize New Year's event At school? Let's find out!

What to consider when organizing a holiday?

In order for the New Year to be fun and memorable for schoolchildren, when organizing this holiday you need to take into account some important points:

  • Age of schoolchildren. This point is very important, because what will be interesting to elementary school students will seem boring to high school students.
  • Venue of the event. If the holiday will be held in a spacious assembly hall, then you can prepare interesting competitions and even outdoor games. But in a cramped classroom you won’t be able to have a lot of fun.
  • Budget. Of course, it’s not worth throwing a feast for the whole world, but still treats and gifts are necessary in any case. Parents must decide how much money they can count on in order to decide on gifts and New Year's dishes.
  • Will parents be present at the celebration? If so, then they should also be involved in the process. For example, you can hold several competitions specifically for moms and dads, as well as organize competitions during which each family can show their strengths.
  • Leading. The celebration can be led by a teacher (class teacher) or a parent. There is no point in involving any of the students, because all the children will want to enjoy the holiday. If you wish, you can invite a specialist, but this, of course, will increase costs.

Room decor

What's New Year without various holiday decorations? What decorations can be used to create a New Year's atmosphere?

  1. Snowflakes, you can’t live without them. Children can make them themselves; it’s very simple and exciting. By the way, making snowflakes can be turned into a whole competition. Let the schoolchildren, before the start of the celebration, be given the task of decorating the classroom (or assembly hall) and making several snowflakes, and then hanging them on the walls and on the board.
  2. Fairy lights. They can be either electric (in this case, you need to hang them as high as possible so that curious children do not try to unscrew the light bulbs or disassemble the device) or paper (you can make them yourself).
  3. Tinsel. And she is needed too. It's better to buy tinsel different colors and hang it around the perimeter of the room.
  4. Christmas tree. And of course you will need it. If possible, you can put up a live Christmas tree, but it is best to use an artificial one, it is more humane in relation to nature (students should understand this), practical and safe.
  5. Christmas decorations. It is better not to use glass ones, it is dangerous. Replace them with plastic or fabric ones. By the way, you can instruct schoolchildren to make one toy each with their own hands, and then decorate the Christmas tree with the whole class.

New Year's table

What kind of treats can there be? They should be as simple, light, but tasty as possible. Several variants:

  • Sandwiches. You can put sausage, cheese, ham, vegetables, fish and much more on the bread.
  • Canapes. It's very convenient and fun. Place ham, cheese, cucumbers, olives, etc. on special skewers. But remember that elementary school students may want to use skewers for other purposes, so in this case it is better to abandon this idea.
  • Slicing. You can cut ham, cheese and sausage into pieces and put everything on plates.
  • Fruits and berries. This is a great snack option between competitions. Cut bananas, apples, pears, kiwis and so on into slices or pieces. Place everything on plates and place on the table.
  • Tartlets with salads. You can put any salads into tartlets, for example, Olivier salad, which no New Year can do without, a vegetable salad or something else.
  • For dessert, it is better to offer children cakes. They can simply be distributed, while the cake will need to be cut and placed on plates.
  • Beverages. The best option– juices or compotes. Soda is harmful to children, so it's best to forget about it.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dishes. To avoid bringing and taking away mountains of plates and glasses, use disposable paper or plastic utensils. Buy Christmas themed glasses and plates and then just throw them away. And don't forget about napkins, they will come in handy.


Every student can wear something beautiful, bright and fashionable, but, firstly, not every parent can buy an expensive outfit (and this will make some students have complexes), and secondly, it is too banal. It will be much more interesting if every student prepares a carnival costume.

This could be a costume of a snowflake, a snowman, a Christmas tree, Superman, Spider-man, Rapunzel and other characters and heroes, or a sheep (in 2015 everyone will honor it, since this animal is a symbol of the coming year). In general, let everyone show imagination and skill and appear in unusual outfits.

Festive program

How to organize a New Year's party at school? We need to take care of the holiday program. It is advisable to prepare a script. Don't use banal and well-worn programs, come up with something original.

For example, in an elementary school you can organize a trip through cartoons and fairy tales; middle school students will be interested in going on a treasure hunt or finding Father Frost and the Snow Maiden on a desert island. And for teenagers in high school, it’s worth preparing something original.

So, as a basis for the script, you can take some famous and popular film (“Avatar”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “ iron Man" and so on). You should think through the scenario in such a way that the event resembles some kind of quest - an adventure game. logic game, during which schoolchildren will solve problems and move towards a goal (this could be a congratulation from Santa Claus with gifts).

The New Year's program must include competitions; for them you can award points, which may be required according to the scenario to move to the next level or to receive keys. We offer several competitions:

  1. "Anecdote with a beard." You need to prepare pieces of cotton wool by attaching double-sided tape to them. Participants sit or stand in a circle, each of them tells a joke. If someone knows the continuation, a piece of cotton wool is attached to the narrator's chin. The one who ends up with the biggest beard will lose.
  2. "Show the hero." It's very funny and interesting competition. The presenter must write on the cards the names of the characters from fairy tales, cartoons or films. Each participant takes a card and, using gestures and facial expressions, shows the hero, without using words. The rest should try to figure out which character was guessed.
  3. "Cooking Competition" Each participant (or team) is given a piece of paper and a pen. You will need to write holiday dishes, starting with the letter “N” (in honor of the New Year). The one who offers the most treats wins.
  4. "Cinderella". Participants are blindfolded and offered a portion of cereals (you can use beans, peas, rice, dried berries). You will need to separate the cereals as quickly as possible.
  5. If everyone wants to go outside, they can play sculptors. It is better to divide the participants into several teams. The presenter offers each team a letter, and the participants will have to make any object out of snow whose name begins with a given letter. Then the rest of the participants solve the letters. The one who created the best and most believable thing won.
  6. "We're drawing something." You will need several participants and a large sheet of paper. The first participant draws the head of a person, animal or character. Then the presenter closes the drawn part and passes the sheet to the next participant, who must continue the drawing (he should not see the previous part). The drawing is then passed on to someone else. The end result should be something unusual and funny.

Let the holiday be fun and cheerful and memorable for all schoolchildren.

New Year's concert script

"Travelling the World with Baba Yaga"

Leading : The holiday has arrived!

New Year has come to our school!

Presenter : Congratulations, friends!

We can't get bored!

Leading : New Year is a magical holiday!

There is a leapfrog of smiles in it,

It contains surprises, games, jokes,

Fairy tale, fiction, game.

So let's have fun

I'm going through troubles in spite of everyone,

So that from joyful smiles

Weave a festive carpet.


Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.


It's winter outside - the time of the most short days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.


It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe me? I am sure that you will be able to verify this if you become a participant in our New Year's party.

Presenter . The floor is given to the director of our school, Margarita Mikhailovna Ivanova.

(The sound of a falling plane and a crash is heard.)

Presenter . Oh, what is this? What's happening?

Leading . Did the plane crash?

(A lame Baba Yaga comes onto the stage. The presenters look at her silently. Baba Yaga addresses the presenters).

Baba Yaga . Well, why are you staring?

Leading . Excuse me, who? What are you doing here?

Presenter . We're actually having a holiday.

Baba Yaga . It's great that it's a holiday. I came for the holiday.

Leading . Well, then come into the hall, sit down in a chair and don’t disturb us.

Baba Yaga . Listen, why are you so impolite? Don't you read fairy tales? Don't know who I am?

Leading . Listen, grandma, I’ve grown out of fairy tales a long time ago. But I kindly ask you, go into the hall and don’t interfere with us leading the celebration.

Presenter . Listen, this is Baba Yaga, if I'm not mistaken.

Baba Yaga . You're not mistaken, granddaughter. Perhaps you read fairy tales?

Presenter . Sometimes I read to my younger brother.

Leading . Well, well, well, what kind of talk on stage. People are looking at us. And we have already started the holiday. What a mess!

Presenter . Wait, don't swear. Baba Yaga herself flew to us.

Leading .What? What kind of Baba Yaga?

Presenter . Well, think for yourself New Year is just around the corner, and miracles happen on New Year's Eve.

Leading . Ha! They invited some woman, dressed her in a Baba Yaga costume and laughed at me.

Baba Yaga . Well, then, does it mean you don’t believe that I’m a real Baba Yaga?

Leading . No, you're really laughing at me. That's it, the holiday is ruined!

Baba Yaga . The holiday is just beginning! And now the real fun begins! Relax, young people, Grandmother Yaga will rule! Well, raise your hands, those who love to travel. Oh, how many of you there are! Well, now we are going on a trip around the world.

Presenter . How will we go? By magic?

Baba Yaga . Certainly. I stole a globe from a school principal. Listen, such a thing! Well, where are we going?

Presenter . Oh, is it possible to go to the East?

Baba Yaga . Let's go east! (twists the globe and points his finger at it)

(Sound magic wand)

(Music sounds, the lights go out, they go out oriental beauties and dance the dance).

Baba Yaga . So how did you like it?

Presenter. Certainly.

Baba Yaga . Well, did you believe that I was a real Baba Yaga?

(The presenter silently waves his hand)

Baba Yaga . Well, what are we going to do next?

(Twists the globe Sound of a magic wand)

Presenter. So where are we?

Presenter . Now let's ask someone.

(a man comes out)

Baba Yaga . Oh, dear man, tell me, what country are we in?

Englishman . In England. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I need to rehearse a play with the children for the New Year.

Presenter . The performance is great.

Englishman . Yes, we have such a tradition: to show performances with children for the New Year. (leaves)

Baba Yaga . Rehearsal! What an important one. But we can do it without rehearsal. Come on out here 7 people.

Once upon a time there lived a kitten. One day he decided to go for a walk. The breeze blew and brought a piece of paper with it. The kitten saw the piece of paper and chased after it. He caught it and played with it a little. Then his attention was attracted by a butterfly that landed on a flower. The kitten jumped and did not catch the butterfly. She took off and flew away. The kitten sat down and began to lick its fur. Suddenly a fat bumblebee landed on the flower. He began to collect nectar from the flower. The kitten slowly crept up to the flower and jumped on the bumblebee. Out of fright, the bumblebee stung the kitten on the nose and flew away. The kitten jumped away from the flower and began to rub its stung nose with its paw. He was about to cry, when at that time a cat came out onto the porch - the kitten’s mother and called him to drink delicious milk.

Baba Yaga . Oh artists, well done.

Leading . Well, grandma, let's move on.

Baba Yaga . What did you like, dear?

Leading . Well, of course! When else can you visit for free?

Baba Yaga . Oh, how mercantile. Okay, go ahead, spin the globe.

(sound of a magic wand)

Leading . Country Romania.

Presenter. Romanians are a very spiritual and deep people, and also very ambitious and free. According to them, before the start of the new year, the heavens open for a moment and you can make your wish. cherished wish. If you believe in it, it will definitely come true.

(Song in Romanian)

Baba Yaga . Oh, what a fun song!

Presenter . Well, let's go next? Who spins the globe?

Baba Yaga . Let's ask the owner of the globe to come out and spin it once. Ask.

(There is a roar of falling furniture. A box flies).

Presenter. Oh, what is this?!

Leading , bowing his head. Why do furniture and various things fall from the sky?

An Italian comes out.

Baba Yaga . Hello, dear man. Listen, what's going on? And where are we?

Italian . We are located in Italy. It is customary here to throw all old things out of the windows before the New Year. Such a sign. If you throw away the old one, then you buy a new one.

Presenter. Logical!

(The Italian leaves).

Baba Yaga . Let's also throw something, otherwise I want to play something prankish! Well, come out here, 4 people: 2 students and 2 teachers.

Presenter . Divide into two teams. Here's a ball for each team. Two people stand opposite each other. One holds a ring in his hands, the second tries to throw a ball into this ring. Whichever team throws the most balls into the ring will win (for a time).

Baba Yaga . Well done, here are some gifts for you.

(The presenter hands out prizes).

Baba Yaga . Well, let's continue our journey. (Spins the globe)

(sound of a magic wand) Country India.

Presenter . In south India, mothers place sweets, flowers, small gifts on a special tray. On the morning of the New Year, children should eyes closed wait until they are brought to the tray.

Baba Yaga . Oh, we'll play now.

(Bowls are distributed to two participants of each team: one is empty, the other is filled (Christmas tree decoration, tangerine, orange). The rest are given spoons. Participants must, using a spoon and without using their hands, take turns transferring all the objects from one bowl to another).

Prizes for the winners.

Leading . Here we are all different countries, but by country, but our traditions are Russian, does anyone remember? Who even came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year?

Baba Yaga . Wait, honey, let's ask the guys this.

Baba Yaga (goes down into the hall with a microphone). Well, who will answer my question? Who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year from December 31 to January 1? (Peter 1)


Who came up with the idea of ​​decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Peter 1)

From what country did he take this example? (from Germany)

How before people decorated the Christmas tree? (nuts, candies, tangerines, apples)

Who is everyone looking forward to for the new year? (Santa Claus)

Leading (addressing the presenter) By the way, where is our Santa Claus? He's running late for some reason. I don't like this.

(At this time Baba Yaga returns to the stage).

Baba Yaga . Santa Claus, you say. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to call him, he doesn’t obey me. But you can do it differently. Tell me, what does Santa Claus like? (songs, dances, laughter, smiles)

Baba Yaga . In short, he loves fun. Well, let's have fun.

Presenter. And our vocal group will help us with this.

(The choir comes on stage with the song Russian Santa Claus). In the middle of the song, Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost . Hello, dear children and adults! I am very glad to be your guest! You are all so beautiful and elegant. Happy New Year!

Baba Yaga . Hello, Santa Claus.

Father Frost (turns to Baba Yaga). Oh, Baba Yaga, you are here too. What destinies?

Baba Yaga . Well, I decided to come visit for the holiday, otherwise it’s boring in the forest alone.

Father Frost . Perhaps you are plotting all sorts of intrigues again?

Baba Yaga . What are you, what are you. The children invited me and I came modestly.

Leading . Yes, I came modestly...

Presenter (pushes the presenter in the side). Absolutely right! We invited Babushka Yaga to our holiday. She made us laugh and entertained us. And now our guys want to congratulate you Grandfather Frost and you Babushka Yaga on the holiday. Have a seat.

Leading. During the New Year celebrations in Peter's Russia, colorful fireworks were displayed and all guns were fired mercilessly.

Presenter. Another integral feature of Peter's New Year's celebrations were assemblies - it was under Peter that these famous pleasure meetings and balls began to be organized.

Leading. And, despite the fact that at the beginning of the 18th century some had to be literally driven with sticks into the festive fun, today no one forces them to enjoy this holiday - everyone is looking forward to it themselves!


The forest and field are white, white meadows.

Snow-covered aspens have branches like horns.

The waters of the rivers slumber under the strong ice.

The snow lay on the roofs in white drifts.

In the sky, bright stars dance in a circle.

The Old Year says goodbye - the New Year enters.

Leading . A school vocal group is invited to the stage.

(Song “New Year's mood today)


What glorious days!

Come on, kids, take your skates

Hurry to the skating rink!

Hurry up too, my friend.

Here we are playing by the Christmas tree,

We're rolling down the hill in a crowd.

We all have fun to the point of tears

And Santa Claus is not scary.

Kids love winter:

What a wonderful time!

Leading . Students of grade 2b are invited to the stage.

(Dance “Funny Skates”)


With a heart full of expectations,

Let's celebrate this New Year.

Many bright wishes

He will collect it under the tree.

Only joyful time

What fate has in store for us,

To make a burden into a fairy tale,

May miracles happen!

(Song “Song Like a Bird”)


Looking back, leaving behind

We'll wave goodbye.

Let him go Old year, let him be no more,

He fulfilled almost all wishes.

Well, what did the Old Year not manage to realize?

He instructed someone else to complete it.

The New Year picked up the baton on the way,

Walking briskly towards our house.


Everyone is hoping for a miracle,

When the New Year comes.

And let, as on a luxurious platter,

The coming year will bring you:

Health, joy and luck,

More bright, bright days,

Kindness, warmth, love in addition, -

After all, happiness is based on it.

The coming year will fulfill

May all your aspirations and dreams

And fill your heart with joy,

Will give peace, light, kindness!

Father Frost

There is an amazing winter quirk:

Young and old always celebrate the New Year,

Without admitting it, they believe that it is a miracle

Santa Claus will certainly bring it to them.

So let your cherished wishes come true,

And exactly at midnight a miracle will enter every home,

May all your hopes and dreams

Fate will fulfill this new year.

For students primary classes You can spend the New Year's holiday right in the classroom. Children under 9-10 years old do not like to participate in mass celebrations and big competitions. For students junior school It’s better to choose a cozy holiday within the walls of your own classroom. This way, all children will be able to take part in competitions and enjoy the treats in peace.

New Year's scenario at school for high school students: how to plan a celebration?

High school students will be happy if their New Year's celebration is massive. Such a celebration can be held in the assembly hall, and then continue the celebration in the classrooms. For a school-wide New Year's party at school, the script is divided into three separate parts. The first is held in the assembly hall, where schoolchildren are shown a theatrical performance, New Year competitions are held at school, and students show their talents. The second part of the holiday moves into the classrooms, where children enjoy food, communication, competitions and sum up the results of the past year. At the end of the holiday, a disco is held in the hall for students over 14 years old. Rest assured: this New Year will be remembered by children for a long time and will give the sea positive emotions.

New Year's scenario at school for kids: where to start?

For elementary school students, it is better to roughly divide the New Year's scenario at school into two parts: a sweet table and a competitive and entertainment program.

The entertainment part may include: competitions, relay races, theatrical performances, dancing, poetry reading, demonstration of children's talents.

It is better to have a sweet table in two stages: the first - before the competitive and entertainment part (the menu includes fruits, juices, fruit salads), and a second sweet table with long-awaited pastries and cake will be held after the competitions. Or (alternatively) offer the children some sweets before the competitions. And then active games and entertainment, put a big cake on the table and have a tea party.

New Year competitions at school: how to entertain children?

For elementary school students, you can alternate between intellectual quizzes and active competitive games. For high school students, it is better to divide the participants into several teams and then hold competitions, Mind games, creative quizzes.

Scenario for the New Year at a junior school: example


  • Snow Maiden
  • Pirate
  • Father Frost
  • Clown
  • Transformer

The classroom is decorated with New Year's decor and garlands. Fairy enters.

Fairy: Hello, kids! Hi girls! Hello boys! Oh, I’m so happy for you: very soon you will celebrate the New Year! You will be given cool gifts and you will go on vacation. I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Pirate runs in.

Pirate: Guard! (runs up to the Fairy) Guard, beauty!

Fairy: What happened, Pirate?

Pirate: There will be no New Year.

Fairy: Speak already, don’t be tormented!

Pirate: Father Frost and Snow Maiden are missing. Just an hour ago I called them on the phone. They said: we will arrive in 30 minutes. An hour has already passed and they are still gone.

Fairy: Pirate, you know: our Snow Maiden is like a princess. It may be delayed and not warn.

Pirate: Yes, it can. But this is not the case. Their cell phones are turned off. In addition, Santa Claus promised to send an SMS when he was close. Guard, Fairy! Guard, children! There will be no New Year!

Transformer enters.

Transformer: Why are you screaming? It's no problem. We will find your important guests. Children, let's help the Fairy and the Pirate find Father Frost and the Snow Maiden? Everyone who helps me in my search will receive a gift from me.

Pirate: Ha, I guess who stole Grandfather and Snow Maiden. (to the transformer) It's all you! I have known for a long time that you were aiming for the place of Santa Claus.

Fairy: How clever you are! Transformer, I see we've been exposed. Yes, Pirate, we stole Grandfather and his granddaughter.

Pirate: But why?

Fairy (sighs): We really liked these children. And we want to play with them.

Transformer: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are safe. We sent them to Hawaii. We just really want to meet these kids.

Fairy: They say they know how to have fun. And we really want to remember our childhood.

Fairy, Transformer and Pirate hold competitions for children: competitions, intellectual games, riddles and quizzes. At the end of the holiday, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear and give the children their New Year's gifts.

The script is designed for children younger age(4-7 years old). You can spend your holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The point of the script is not only to provide entertainment, but also to encourage the creative potential of the children.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario for a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child see the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better?

Scenario for New Year's corporate party

Scenario for carrying out New Year's corporate party. This could be a corporate event in a cafe with an order from a host, or it could just take place at work (say, an evening), and the host (or presenter) could be one of the company’s employees.

New Year's scenario for children

The chest with gifts was enchanted by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Bayunchik the Cat, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka are trying to get the keys and the children help them with this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes or vulgarity. Wanted fancy dresses and the desire to enter into the chosen image. A little scenery. The scenario is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children “Kolobok for the New Year”

In this scenario, the main character Kolobok brings “Joy” to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all the children. On his way he meets various characters who are trying to eat the bun.

New Year's holiday scenario for primary schoolchildren

The New Year is a holiday on a cosmic scale, so the children will have extraterrestrial guests. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend upon the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. A brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will stand in the way of Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children “Pinocchio’s New Year’s Adventure”

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to ruin the children's holiday, they locked the tree and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not be lit and the brave Pinocchio found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario “Christmas tree, burn, or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!”

The scenario is designed for spending the New Year's holiday with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends be present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the scenario, the age characteristics of the entire family were taken into account, including children 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

National Festival Day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The scenario is designed for a corporate New Year's party. Next, the most interesting and fun competitions will be presented that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The host will give a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the competitions.

New Year's scenario for children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and obey mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old; younger children may be scared when they see Baba Yaga; for older ones, it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “At the behest of the pike!”

New Year's scenario for children. The scenario is designed for children aged 7 to 12 years. The tale involves seven characters, led by Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds are required.

Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who doesn’t want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? Time 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “Save the New Year!”

The scenario is designed for primary school students. The story is good and interesting. It will be a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

A variety of miracles happen on New Year's Day. It’s not for nothing that this time is called magical and amazing. In preparing for a school or New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the holiday scenario is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school lights.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is a time of miracles and magic. This is a grandiose event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only fun party, but it’s also time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with your team.

New Year's funny skit for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs. School of Monsters: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children love cartoons with scary stories. That's why the scenario for the New Year's holiday with the heroes Winx and Monster High will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both primary school, and for students in grades 5-7. It can easily be placed on stage or in a playful way around the Christmas tree.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in an elementary school "Santa Claus's Helpers, or How the Children Saved the Holiday"

Scenario for the New Year for the host “The holiday is coming to us”

Where does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, from choosing an outfit and place, creating a menu, decorations and a script. And while there may not be any problems with the script, it is still difficult to find a suitable and, most importantly, interesting script for the presenter.

Scenario for the New Year of the Pig 2019 for schoolchildren “Once Upon a Time in the Forest”

A New Year's concert should be interesting, fun and memorable. This script is perfect for high school students and can be used to create an incredible fairy tale for kids.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in primary school “New Year’s Tale”

There are not so many heroes in the script, the plot is not blurred - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, children meet kind characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for children. The New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your kids the happiest in the world.

New Year is a Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even as children, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are the key good mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. A children's party or family feast will become even more fun and interesting. The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon!

New Year is the most desired and beloved holiday! Especially at school.
Everyone is waiting for him: teachers overloaded with checking tests and essays, head teachers overwhelmed with reports, directors keeping their finger on the pulse of school life, and, of course, students from first to eleventh grades! The premiere of the New Year's performance for kids is coming soon, holiday programs for older guys.
This fuss and preparation begins at the end of November, although ideally this process should be started in September. But the school routine dictates its own pace to us, which professional directors never dreamed of! Therefore, time for organization and rehearsals is always short.
Everyone is really involved in the preparation. These include design studios, theater, dance and vocal groups, student government bodies, and head teachers who “set up” the lesson schedule for the performance. The whole school loves to watch it: from first-graders and sixth- and eighth-graders trying to appear grown-up to graduates! What graduates! And parents and school teachers too! Truly Christmas story for kids - the brainchild of the entire school team! And the students preparing it, who played even the most insignificant roles, “wake up” the next day as school-scale celebrities: they made a holiday!

“It’s written beautifully,” you say, “but how to do it all? And is this possible in a modern school environment?”
Maybe! The main thing, returning to the very beginning, is desire, personnel and a little of your organizational skills to “brew” this mess, put it together and “give out” the holiday!
However, everything is in order. So, I present to your attention the “hot” ten tips for holding a school New Year’s party.


If the audience - primary school students - simply watch from the hall at a fairy tale prepared by the theater studio, and then read poems about winter in class and receive gifts bought by the parent committee, this will not give the desired effect of participating in the New Year's action. Therefore, the script for the performance must meet the requirements of the show program, in which every student who comes can participate.
You can take any fairy tale as a basis, but play it in the hall, among children, “diluted” with songs to which you can dance in circles or just dance along with the characters, competitions, games, riddles with prizes. Of course, the fairy tale must include Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and other winter characters, for example, the Snowman, the Snow Queen or Winter.
The scenario should contain intrigue in the form of opposition between two forces: “good” ones - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, and some other positive ones
heroes, and “not very good” ones, so to speak, evil spirits: Baba Yagi, Kikimora, Toska Zelenaya, etc. “Not very good” should be funny and amusing rather than evil. It is necessary to introduce jokes into their words, some irregularities of speech close to school slang. An interesting observation: everyone without exception wants to play these characters. They turn out to be the most vibrant and interesting.
It is necessary to take into account the presence of one or two presenters who not only “lead the story”, but also organize the children, play games with them, ask riddles, and lead round dances. Although all the characters do this. From here, the audience gets the effect of being in a fairy tale. And the role of the presenter can be in different characters: clowns, gnomes, buffoons, fairy Winter, Cinderella, etc.
The intrigue of a fairy tale can be any situation. Bad characters stole a bag of gifts from Santa Claus, and all the kids, along with good heroes“expose” the criminals. Or they replaced the Snow Maiden with Baba Yaga or Kikimora. Or the garlands on the Christmas tree were broken, and Santa Claus had problems with electrical engineering.
You can take another fairy tale plot. Show the New Year's road to Kolobok, who will be saved from the cunning fashionista Fox by the audience, playing cat and mouse with them. You never know how many fairy tales there are... If only there was a desire.
A little about games. Their main task is to excite and amuse the children. Not everyone will dance, but, as a rule, everyone plays. Games such as “My hands are good, but my neighbor’s are better” (its rules are given below in the script), relay races between class teams, and the game “Take a Chair” are well accepted at performances.

The duration of the performance should not exceed one and a half hours

If you exceed this limit, then children simply get tired of perceiving what they see, no matter how interesting it may be.

A set of songs, dances, round dances and games, the number of which depends on the duration of the performance

Carefully select the musical accompaniment of the fairy tale. It is necessary to take care of the musical background for the start of the action, for the appearance of characters, games, competitions.
A special role is given to songs. They should be fun and, of course, winter in content. First of all, these are a couple of traditional round dance New Year's songs: the hit of all times “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and, for example, “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.” Although in Lately We note that fewer and fewer children know the words to these songs. But everyone knows the hit of the group “Disco Accident” - “Happy New Year”. Well, that can be used too. We even have a version of other words to go with the soundtrack of this song.
The content of the songs from the movie “Sorcerers” is very suitable: “Three White Horses”, “Snowflake”. In addition, you can offer to perform the well-known “Song about Bears”, “And It’s Snowing” and, of course, funny dance tunes.
It is advisable that the actors playing the main roles in the fairy tale be able to sing. Then their exit or action may be accompanied by an excerpt from the song. Although you simply can’t load them up with singing a lot. And without that, they will have a great load on their voice. Therefore, the members of the vocal group must sing.
It is very good to involve a folk song ensemble if your school has one. Let him perform one or two funny dances, to which children usually dance with pleasure!

Good sound

The minimum set for holding a holiday: an acoustic system designed for the hall, a tape recorder or media player, and at least three microphones. Without reinforcement, artists will not be able to work for long! Of course, the last rehearsals will need to be carried out with microphones, so that the guys not only learn how to handle it in a basic way, but also how to transmit it to each other without interfering with the action.

Fifth tip. To balance the program, it is necessary to have dance numbers.

These include “back-up dancers” for songs and separate dance numbers. Look good ballroom dancing, even performed by one couple. Don't forget about the Snowflake dance, the most popular at all New Year's holidays!

Hall decoration

It should be, on the one hand, traditional, and on the other, carry elements of the chosen scenario. Traditions are, first of all, a beautiful Christmas tree, an abundance of sparkling Christmas tree garlands, rain, tinsel and snowflakes.
The rest of the design depends on the content. The idea of ​​the plot lies at the heart of the stage design. These could be the palaces of the Snow Queen, a fairy-tale castle, or a snow-covered meadow with a hut on chicken legs. The castle, hut, and window silhouettes are cut out of paper and attached to the black “backdrop” of the stage. Powdered trees - large branches attached to the stage, covered with padding polyester sprinkled with foil glitter. You can create the effect of two plans on stage. Simply, an ordinary fishing net is stretched in front of the “backdrop” of the stage, and silhouettes of trees, snowdrifts, or just tinsel are attached to it.
Try adding all this with flashing electric lights. The kids won't take their eyes off the stage, at least for the next 30 minutes!
If there is no stage in the hall where the performance is being held, then you can choose one of the walls as one.
The heads of your design and art studios will offer you many other design options. And technology teachers and high school students will help to implement the plan technically.


The better and more professionally they are made, the stronger the effect of the character in the fairy tale.
They must be recognizable. A character came on stage, and everyone immediately understood: it was Barmaley. At the same time, it is necessary to introduce fashionable elements into the costumes, performing them even in grotesque sizes, especially for negative characters.
Linen is fashionable this season - Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Leshy came out in clothes made of matting with an abundance of fringe and details made from ordinary rope. And Barmaley, like a true metalhead, is hung with chains and huge badges. Shiny transparent fabrics are in fashion and the Snow Queen wore a flowing organza cloak over her traditional dress.
For Baba Yaga, a skirt with a myriad of colored narrow stripes sewn on it also looks good, and under it are old jeans with cut-off legs of different lengths. Add to this the same stylish rag bag, a beret or a bandana instead of a scarf, and you get not Baba Yaga, but some kind of party girl! And there are friends nearby -
Kikimora and Leshy are wearing striped vests, shiny vests, modern sunglasses and matching hats. The audience is delighted with such characters!
You need to be very careful when choosing a costume for the Snow Maiden. Firstly, the girl playing this role must be graceful and attractive in appearance, and, preferably, with a braid, and a lot of other “what”. Secondly, her costume should correspond to the traditional image of the Snow Maiden from the fairy tale: a white or blue fur coat, trimmed with fur and embroidered with sequins. On the head there is a hat, also with a fur trim, or a kokoshnik, and on the feet there are white boots. It’s difficult to make them or get them anywhere. For a fur coat, it is better to use satin or crepe-satin; you can take faux fur.
But whose costume remains absolutely traditional is Santa Claus! There is no need to experiment with it, you just need to purchase it, although it is quite expensive, and store it like the apple of your eye, especially your beard!

Organization of the show

Under no circumstances should there be more than seventy children in the hall! This maximum amount, which teenage actors can keep in their sight: to interest them in the action of the fairy tale, to organize teams for games and relay races, to dance in circles with them, i.e., to prevent them from being left out. If there are two or three classes in the hall, the effect of a family holiday is achieved, when everyone knows each other well, they are not shy about having fun when parents come and bring their little children. After all, this is often the only opportunity for kids to attend a New Year's party with Grandfather Frost.
It’s good if there are only two or three classes in the age parallel! Then you only need to make a maximum of five performances for first to fifth grades. But if there are five or seven classes, then the number of matinees increases, and they must be distributed over three days. This is a big load, but there is no other way. There is no effect from a holiday that attracts a huge crowd of children.
Therefore, a well-designed schedule of “Christmas trees” plays a very important role in holding New Year’s performances.


Every year the same question comes up; sponsors, where are you?
Of course they are. True, in the person of the parents. We have to raise money for New Year's performances. But the amounts are not particularly large and, as a rule, are included in the class budget in advance. In order to decorate the hall, sew costumes, and purchase prizes for ten to fourteen performances, you need about twenty thousand! Therefore, all classes collect money for Christmas trees. High school students buy tickets to discos, considering this a charitable step: after all, there is no fairy-tale performance for them. But they themselves were little and remember how exciting it is to enter a decorated hall and receive a large chocolate bar from the hands of Santa Claus for winning a costume contest!
A little about the prizes. I advise you to focus on “sweet” gifts - they are affordable, and any child will be happy with them. For each performance, at least fifty “small” prizes are required, for example, Chupa Chups candies, small chocolates, chocolate medals, and ten to fifteen large chocolates, which are awarded to the winners in the costume competition. This way, none of the spectators will leave without a prize! And the children will receive large New Year's bags, purchased in advance by the parent committee, in the classroom. This is where Grandfather Frost comes in like hot cakes! After all, everyone wants to receive a gift from his hands! And it doesn’t matter that this Santa Claus looks a lot like eleventh-grader Roma, whom you can always meet in the cafeteria. Today he is the Chief New Year's holiday, he is Grandfather Frost!
And next year another boy will play this role and also become a “star” on a school scale! And this is from generation to generation. The kids will grow up and create a holiday for other children.
This is the school New Year's fairy tale: we don't wait for anyone, but we make the holiday ourselves and give it to others. And this is the tenth and most important tip!