Entertainment facilities for children are very popular nowadays. As a rule, everything in them is thought out to the smallest detail: comfortable, safe furniture, bright design, a menu with children's favorite dishes and all sorts of events that little visitors will be delighted with.

Cafes for children are in great demand, so the prospect of opening such an establishment attracts budding businessmen. For an entrepreneur's business to be successful, he needs a children's cafe with calculations.

Where to begin?

The first step is to decide on the direction of the establishment. The level of investment, as well as subsequent attendance and the amount of income, will directly depend on it. Ideas for a children's cafe format:

  • An establishment with a games room. Both children and parents can have a pleasant time there. Adults can sit at the tables, chatting while waiting for their order, and kids will play in a special area. It usually contains ball pools, trampolines, slides, labyrinths and even a small sports complex. Children are supervised by animators or teachers. You can also equip a development corner in which there is Board games, construction sets, crayons, paints, brushes, etc.;
  • Themed cafe. The design of the site in such an establishment is designed in a certain style. For example, the theme of a popular cartoon, book or children's comic is taken. Animators wearing life-size puppets entertain visitors;
  • Family restaurant. Such a place may not have a games room, but the menu and interior of the room will be adapted for families with children different ages.

Interior of a cafe for children, decorated in a fairytale style

Whatever concept an entrepreneur chooses, he must understand that organizing a children's cafe is not an easy task. It is necessary not only to think through the equipment and furniture to the smallest detail, but also to take care of reliable suppliers who will deliver high-quality food products. This is especially important if the cafe's main customers are children.

How to open a children's cafe from scratch: a package of documents for starting a business

A similar project can be launched after completing the registration procedure with the Federal Tax Service. A businessman planning to open a small establishment needs to register as an individual entrepreneur. This is a budget procedure (no more than 800 rubles) that will not take much time.

It is better for future owners of large offices to register as an LLC. The total cost of paperwork will be about 14 thousand rubles, but legal entity an expanded range of possibilities will appear.

Entrepreneurs who want to open one large cafe or chain of establishments should immediately register an LLC. This will give them a number of advantages that are not available to individual entrepreneurs.

After a businessman has registered, he needs to obtain permits from the authorities exercising control over the activities of enterprises:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • fire inspection.

In addition to these documents, the entrepreneur will need quality certificates for gaming equipment and food products. He must have agreements on hiring staff, renting premises and contracts with suppliers. The owner of the establishment must ensure that each of the workers he hires has a health certificate.

All cafe staff are required to have personal medical records

Cafe for children as a business: premises requirements

In the place where it is planned to open a children's institution, there must be:

  • water pipes;
  • fire alarm;
  • waste system;
  • lighting;
  • ventilation;
  • circuit;
  • security and video surveillance systems.

The area of ​​the room must be more than 100 square meters. m, it includes:

  • dinner Zone;
  • kitchen;
  • children's area (if necessary);
  • office premises;
  • administrative office;
  • bathrooms.

Good cafe attendance often depends on the availability of parking and the proximity of transport interchanges. If it is difficult to get to the establishment, it is unlikely to pay off.

For this reason, entrepreneurs often locate children's restaurants in shopping centers and malls. Large-scale establishments with large trampolines and areas for riding electric cars can also be opened there; they will quickly gain popularity among families with children. Parents will be able to leave their children in a specially designated area while they go shopping in peace.

If you open a cafe in a residential building, then you need to think about the decoration of the facade. The exterior design should be bright and interesting (so that it immediately attracts the child’s attention).

When choosing a premises, you need to inquire in advance whether the building is subject to demolition. This can be done at the city department of architecture. If the institution gives a positive answer, you will have to look for another home to open a business.

It is also important to take into account all the requirements of SanPiN. If you do not comply with them, you can receive colossal fines or even a criminal sentence.

The cost of renting space directly depends on the region and population. In small towns the price is square meter starts from 40 thousand rubles, in large ones - from 80.

Children's cafe located in mall, will definitely not be left without visitors

Financial plan with calculations 2019: equipment purchase

The choice of purchased equipment and furniture depends on the format of the cafe. The minimum list will be like this:

  • tables for visitors;
  • sofas, armchairs or chairs;
  • toys and decor for the hall;
  • cutlery and dishes;
  • refrigerators;
  • kitchen tables;
  • dishwashers or wash tubs;
  • slabs;
  • blender/coffee maker/microwave (depending on the menu);
  • grill;
  • pizza oven.

This equipment is enough for a small establishment. If an entrepreneur decides to open children's Cafe With game room V small town, he needs to count on more equipment and furniture, to which will be added toys and other children's entertainment. For example, about 300 thousand rubles will be spent on decorating the hall:

  • 8 tables for adults;
  • 2 tables for children;
  • 32 chairs for adults;
  • 10 high chairs for children;
  • 2 sofas;
  • 2 carpets;
  • 1 bar counter;
  • 3 floor hangers;
  • children's labyrinth;
  • a pool filled with balls;
  • information desk;
  • 4 sets of blinds;
  • 4 pillows;
  • Other decor and toys.

Approximately 500 thousand will be spent on equipping the kitchen:

  • pizza oven;
  • oven;
  • electric stove;
  • Dishwasher;
  • blender;
  • meat grinder;
  • coffee machine;
  • fridge;
  • a set of dishes for 40 visitors;
  • overalls for personnel;
  • tablecloths;
  • towels;
  • napkins.

All kinds of games and soft poufs for the children's corner will cost about 80 thousand rubles, for office equipment for the staff - 90 thousand. If the cafe will have televisions, then you need to allocate 100 thousand for them. In total, about 100 thousand will be required for equipment, furniture and arrangement of the children's corner 1 million rubles.

Recruitment: where to start?

You can place advertisements on job search portals, as well as conduct a campaign in in social networks. These are the most reliable ways to attract potential employees in the service sector. In order for an entertainment cafe for children to start operating, it will need:

  • good cooks with appropriate education;
  • waiters with experience;
  • animators and teachers;
  • cleaners;
  • administrators;
  • security guards;
  • accountant.

Kitchen workers and hall staff in contact with children are required to have health certificates. In general, it is worth hiring people with an active lifestyle who love children. A close-knit team focused on overall result, is half the success.

Workers must be friendly

Marketing plan: what is needed to open a cafe?

In order for the establishment to begin operating successfully from the first days of opening, it is necessary to think through an advertising campaign in advance. It may consist of:

  • posts on social networks;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • creating your own Internet portal;
  • placement of banners on third-party resources;
  • posting advertisements;
  • announcements at events;
  • buyout of airtime in the media.

Advertising should be selected depending on the type of locality. If this Big city, then it is better to give preference to leaflets, social networks, websites and the local press. In a small town, you can use both the above methods and outdoor advertising.

Income and expenses: how much does it cost to open a cafe?

If we take as a basis an establishment with 30-40 tables and a games room, then you will need to invest about 1.5-2 million rubles in it. They are distributed like this:

  • Repair, design and equipment – ​​1 million;
  • Advertising – 120 thousand;
  • Salary to employees – 400 thousand;
  • Documents, rent and outsourcing – 200 thousand;
  • Reserve fund - 100 thousand.

These figures are approximate, since you can hire fewer staff and also save on advertising. The establishment's income will be from 1 to 1.5 million per year. Thus, it will pay for itself in 12-18 months.

To increase your profit margin, you can introduce additional services: holding holidays, making baked goods to order, field service, etc.

Opening a children's cafe is not difficult. It is important to draw up a business plan correctly and decide on the direction of the establishment. If you comply with all standards and sincerely love your business, then it will bring not only income, but also pleasure to the owner.

Almost the majority of entrepreneurs want this. Today it is fashionable, profitable and affordable. Separately, however, it is worth highlighting the establishments that are open to the youngest visitors. For those who are passionate about this particular idea, it will be important to know how to open a children's cafe from scratch, especially since this business has quite a lot of features.

What to pay attention to

It would be a big misconception to think that opening a children's establishment and a restaurant for adults is the same thing. A cafe for young gourmets has a wide range of characteristics unique to this business. You definitely need to take them into account if you expect good profits. So what you need to remember:

Your cafe should always employ clowns, animators, teachers - anyone who knows how to properly organize children's leisure time so that visiting the cafe does not come down to the usual eating of sweets.


Having made a firm decision to open a children's cafe, do not be lazy to study the competitor market in your area or city, if it is small. It is very important to find out in time what they offer, what they serve, and what age they are intended for. This must be done at the planning stage, when you have not yet prepared a concept or a menu.

Of course, the business will have to be registered. To start with or LLC and register as a taxpayer. After that, start searching for premises and sign a lease agreement.

Other documents you will need include the following:

  1. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. Permission from the SES to carry out activities in the field of public catering.
  3. Permission from the fire department.
  4. Permission from the district administration.
  5. Permission to install external advertising.

Information for consumers and personnel

  1. Furniture should be suitable for small visitors. It's better to make it to order.
  2. The playing area should not overlap with the dining area.
  3. In places where games are held, slides and houses should be installed, and children should have all kinds of balls, toys, and board games at their disposal.
  4. Everything and interior items should be washed easily and without damage.
  5. It is imperative to pay attention to the attractive appearance of each item.

Avoid furniture with sharp corners and breakable dishes. Toilets, washbasins, mirrors should be designed taking into account children's height. Be sure to make sure that your cafe has a changing room - this will give you a big advantage over your competitors, since most places do not provide such an option.


A correct calculation will help you understand how much money you need to have to organize such an enterprise. The figures below are not the ultimate truth. Their size will depend on the city in which the cafe is planned to open, and on the size of the establishment itself.

Children's cafes are a business sector that is just beginning to gain momentum in Russia - not only in large but also in small cities. We would advise you to pay your attention to this niche, since this business is quite interesting and will certainly be in demand.

The restaurant business is generally a very profitable business. The organization of children's leisure is slightly less inferior to it in terms of monetary turnover. Well, if you combine these two directions, consider that you have guessed a profitable niche. The only thing that is required in this business is to prepare truly high-quality food from fresh ingredients, be sensitive to preferences and draw up a competent business plan for a children's cafe before opening.

The costs of the cafe must be carefully taken into account in the business plan; special attention will undoubtedly need to be paid to the kitchen and interior of the establishment itself.

Be sure to watch the video in which real owners of children's cafes talk about the structure of the business from the inside:

We think it becomes clear right away that the cafe will be noisy, children will play there, run around and have fun. Parents will invite animators, magicians and other various show programs to the establishment. You yourself can suggest this as additional service, having previously agreed on a percentage with the children's presenters. This one is so big child Center, but with good cuisine. Parents would really like this, since usually all food is ordered “outside”: cafes, restaurants, or they have to cook large portions of food at home themselves and bring everything in containers. In a children's cafe, such a tedious function disappears for them by itself.

Renting premises

It is best to rent the premises for a cafe. It should be very spacious, and don’t forget about the kitchen - there should also be enough space there.

In order for you to be able to accommodate 3 birthday parties at once in your cafe, you will need an area of ​​more than 200 m², this must be taken into account when developing a business plan. For now, let’s consider the 200 m² option to get an idea of ​​the cost. The price, of course, will vary throughout Russia - in a small town it could be 100,000 rubles or 500,000 rubles per month. Let's stop at the figure of 200,000 per month.

There is no need to rent premises “from scratch”, that is, not intended for a cafe. It will be easier to convert an existing facility into a children's cafe. The premises will need to be renovated taking into account the design solution; at least 300,000 rubles will be included in the business plan expenses.

The room must have a good exhaust hood and air conditioning so that unpleasant odors do not stagnate in the children's cafe.

In addition to custom birthday parties (and these will be held mainly from Friday to Sunday), the children's cafe can work as usual, for example from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., to bring in additional income. In your business plan, take into account the fact that the cafe should be located in a high-traffic area where families walk. For example, central alleys, squares. Or just in the center, but put a small board somewhere in a crowded place, such that a children's cafe, for example, is right around the corner. A sign above a cafe also costs money - from 20,000.

Cafe interior and furniture

The children's cafe should be spacious enough, there should be plenty of space for children to play. Obviously, even if you have a specially designated “game room” in the cafe, the children will not limit themselves to it and will run around the entire establishment. Therefore, pay great attention to the furniture: it should not contain sharp corners, should not be bulky, but at the same time it should be strong enough, and also light. We would not recommend buying plastic furniture, as this will not give a pleasant ambience to the establishment. Plastic furniture is undoubtedly associated with summer cafes, barbecues, and certainly not with children's cafes.

Buying all the necessary furniture for the hall, children's playroom and kitchen is probably the biggest initial expense in a children's cafe business plan. If you buy at least 50 chairs, 10 tables, all the necessary cutlery, tablecloths, a bar counter, a dry children's pool, toys, etc. The cost of purchasing furniture in the business plan is from 500,000 rubles.

The room should look bright enough, but not so bright that children want to add something of their own to the interior by drawing a picture with a felt-tip pen on the wall.

Before opening a children's cafe, you need to become closely acquainted with children's interests: what cartoons they like now, what they are interested in. We think there is no point in decorating everything in the style of old, Soviet cartoons, which modern children don’t even know about. Drawings of these cartoon characters may be in a children's institution, but not in the foreground.

The main visitors to the cafe are still children, and they are the ones who will boast to each other that they were in your cafe, passing this information on to each other, and they, in turn, to their parents. A kind of “children's word of mouth”.

Hiring one designer to decorate a children's cafe will not be enough; you also need to invite artists who will paint the walls with your favorite cartoon characters. You can hire professional artists, but this is a fairly large expense in a business plan at the start. The best option- find aspiring artists who need a place to practice and a portfolio. It is necessary to first carefully select candidates so that it doesn’t turn out too bad. Simple scheme of work: just pay Consumables, and they draw.

The cafe must have a games room, where at least a minimal amount of some items will be provided for children's entertainment: wall bars, balls, toys, ropes, dry pool with balls.

How are children's cafes organized abroad? See for yourself and adopt experience :

Legal issues

We must not forget that before opening any business, you must register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, get everything Required documents, pay the state fee, obtain permits from the fire service, from the SES.

In terms of business plan expenses, this is not as expensive as everything else (from 5,000 for an individual entrepreneur, from 11,000 for an LLC), but it still takes a lot of time. You can ask some outsourcing company to do all this for you, even if you pay twice as much. But this is the case, of course, if you are running out of time to open a children’s cafe or you want to quickly get down to business and not paperwork (which is actually the right idea).

Menu and additional services

You must be able to cooperate with people who are directly involved in organizing children's leisure: animators, soap bubbles, master classes, making custom birthday cakes and much more. This will be a separate line in the business plan for the establishment. Find out what is popular with children now and offer different services based on these preferences. For example, a birthday cake with the image of your favorite cartoon character.

The menu of a children's cafe should be very well thought out. Even if you love Caucasian cuisine and are going to feed your children barbecue, you need to approach this matter creatively. You don't have to serve them like you would in an expensive restaurant, of course. You can come up with interesting names dishes, ensure beautiful presentation.

The child first of all pays attention to appearance dishes, and then taste. Your products should always be as fresh as possible, since children do not have such a strong stomach, and it can be poisoned even by yesterday’s tomato. And if a child suddenly becomes ill in a children’s cafe, their reputation will be instantly ruined. Moms will instantly spread this information around the city before you have time to wait for the end of the work shift.

The dishes should not only be tasty, but also healthy; parents also monitor this. Let the menu, in addition to soda, include fresh juices, vegetables, fruits, and juices. Prices should not be inflated so that parents of almost any income can come to the children's cafe.

Children's cafe staff

The staff of the children's cafe should include an administrator, who can be you yourself at first, in order to closely monitor everything. It is the administrator who will have to negotiate all orders, answer phone calls, be responsible for the supply of products and for all children's entertainment.

For a cafe you will need 2 waiters per shift (4 people in total), two cooks per shift (4 people in total), a cleaner - one per shift (2 people in total), an accountant, and a loader.

The waiter's salary here should be higher than in other establishments. Why? Firstly, in a children's cafe the waiter will not receive any tips. Secondly, it will not work on a percentage basis, since all orders are discussed with parents and administrators in advance. The waiter only needs to serve the guests well so that they are satisfied. Don’t hire waiters with a “sour face” on their faces, because working with children always requires a smile!

So, the average costs for a business plan for personnel:

  1. waiter - 20,000 rubles (40,000 for two people);
  2. cook - 20,000 (40,000 for two people);
  3. cleaning lady - 12.5 000 (25 000 for two people);
  4. administrator - 25,000 (it can be you);
  5. accountant (based on outsourcing) - from 10,000;
  6. loader - from 5,000.

Total, personnel costs per month - from 135,000.


In order for a children's cafe to work, it is necessary to conduct a competent advertising campaign; monthly advertising costs in the business plan range from 20-30 thousand rubles per month.

To begin with, it is wise to use all the free promotion methods: create groups on social networks, tell friends, friends of friends, photograph the interior, dishes, menu. To do this, you don’t have to hire a professional photographer; you can ask your friends for a good camera for a couple of days, or use your own, if you have one.

It is necessary to warn everyone in advance about the official opening, to invite some bright presenters to it, for example, a science show, magicians or people on stilts. Play several discount cards with a 10% discount on upcoming orders. It is important to treat all children with something very tasty, for example, unusual chocolates so that they remember this place.

Over time, it will be necessary to create a website with easy navigation across all sections. Today, parents use the Internet to search for children's cafes, because... You can choose a convenient location, evaluate the interior without leaving your home, and also find out the menu and the average bill for an order.

Print business cards and distribute them to your friends, acquaintances, and just people on the street who are walking with their children. Print on a small format advertising leaflets your menu and address of the cafe, ask to leave these leaflets in kindergartens, children's clubs and children's centers, as well as in family cafes. In return, you can offer to keep their leaflets with you. In general, mutual advertising is always good and beneficial for both parties.

Starting capital and payback

So, having calculated the total cost of opening a children's cafe in the business plan, we calculate the amount - it is approximately 2 million rubles. The amount, of course, is not small, but you will be able to see the return from the cafe within a few months after the start of work.

If, on average, you predict in your business plan monthly revenue from 400,000 rubles, and monthly expenses - 300,000, the business will pay for itself in a couple of years. Don’t forget that at the start, revenue is always lower than after at least six months of work, when you will already be recognized. In addition, working with children is a noble cause and remains “afloat” in any season, in any year.

We hope everything works out for you!

Roman Agarkov specially for Intellectis

Opening a catering establishment focused on the joint leisure of children and their parents, holding holidays and celebrations, can either become a source of consistently high profits for the owner, or, conversely, cause expenses and losses. To prevent anything like this from happening to you, I advise you to read the tips below.

How to open a children's cafe - a guide to action

Determining the type of cafe

The first thing you need to do is decide what type of establishment you decide to create. You can create a small ice cream parlor or restaurant fast food(like McDonald's) or make a really large-scale cafe where your guests will not be ashamed to organize cultural events, celebrate birthdays and other holidays. If you want to make the most profit, I advise you to take a closer look at the last option. However, you need to understand that huge investments will be needed in the business. Although creating a project a la McDonald's will also be expensive, since you will need a franchise, which is not cheap to buy, and profitability will suffer, because now many parents do not allow their children to eat fast food. I’m sure that if your children’s cafe serves not only hamburgers, but also simple healthy food, it will be popular.

Choosing a room for a children's cafe

It is best to place a children's cafe in the city center, because this is where people usually go for a family outing. After visiting a cinema, taking a walk in the park or after any other leisure activity, parents with children will be happy to come to your establishment for a snack. In residential areas, it’s not worth opening a cafe - it’s unlikely that people will come there from other parts of the city specifically to eat, unless, of course, you have some kind of zest that distinguishes your project from many others.

Interior design and decoration

When purchasing furniture for a children's cafe, you should understand that Small child by nature he is a restless person who loves to rush around headlong anywhere and anytime. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take chairs and tables with sharp corners. It’s better to install bean bags and “transformers”. Everything needs to be decorated brightly and colorfully, but unobtrusively. To ensure that guests do not get tired of the spontaneity atmosphere you have created, moderation should be observed. And remember, the first thing you need to impress is not the children, but their parents. They will be the ones who will bring their children to you next time.

We deal with the authorities

The catering industry is a real tasty morsel for all sorts of inspectors who are eager to turn your shortcoming into a present for their loved one. Therefore, before you start furnishing the room, you should consult with specialists regarding all the requirements. Even such a small thing as sockets installed at the wrong level can result in a large fine. But special attention needs to be paid to the kitchen - all equipment must meet sanitary and technical standards.

We will describe in detail how to open your own children's cafe from scratch and draw up a business plan with calculations. After all, even in times of crisis, such an idea will turn out to be very successful and profitable. Parents try to diversify their children’s holidays and fill their childhood with bright and pleasant impressions. It is not surprising that today such establishments open very often even in small towns.

With a good location, well-chosen staff and menu, interesting design and thoughtful entertainment, we can talk about a successful and profitable project. And if you don’t know where to start and what you need to open, then you can always use a franchise fee and follow clear instructions for a working scheme.

Business relevance

A children's cafe involves two areas of activity at once - catering and entertainment. It refers to, but only on a smaller scale. Depending on the chosen concept, the methods of recreation on its territory, the services provided, the menu, the interior, etc. may differ. All this is thought out in advance in order to create a more accurate and detailed business plan with calculations.

The benefit from such a project is obvious - every parent wants to make any holiday for their child unforgettable, colorful, and fun. Such cafes are visited by families on weekends, on birthdays and other celebrations, organize separate children's events for entire groups of a certain age, celebrate the end of kindergarten or entry into school, etc.

But in order to organize such a business, you need to understand its specifics:

  1. Since the main clients will be children of different ages, the staff themselves and, preferably, the owner must love children and understand their needs and interests, and be able to find a common language with them.
  2. All meals must be prepared from the highest quality ingredients and combine health benefits and taste that children will enjoy. Chefs may have to take additional courses to do this.
  3. In addition to the dining room, there is also a play area.
  4. It is necessary to think in advance about the possibility of holding various celebrations, holidays, events, master classes, etc.
  5. All furnishings, interior and furniture should be aimed at children from 6 months and up adolescence.
  6. It is important to ensure that the establishment does not serve any tobacco or alcoholic drinks. And also so that adults do not bring them with them. And although this will significantly reduce your income, it is still one of the main factors that you need to pay attention to.
  7. When arranging the premises, be sure to follow all the norms and requirements of the regulatory services, which are much more numerous than when opening a simple catering establishment for adults.
  8. A significant part of the initial costs will go towards creating the most attractive interior. But it is precisely this component that sometimes becomes decisive in whether a potential client chooses you or goes elsewhere.
  9. The menu is prepared with special care. The names of the dishes should be changed in such a way that they make the child want to eat it. It would also be useful to think about an interesting presentation of food or drinks, so that their appearance also stimulates the appetite.

Collecting documents

Before opening a children's cafe, you need to register with various government agencies. First, submit an application to the tax service and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If the size of the establishment is no more than 50 sq. m., and the staff includes minimal amount, then the first option is suitable.

But if you want to organize a cafe with various game rooms and halls, hire many different specialists, and over time expand the business, then it is better to immediately focus on creating a legal entity. At the same time, accounting documentation will be more complicated, the registration process will take longer, but as a result you will be more free to implement your plans.

Calculate which of the available tax systems will be beneficial in your case. At small sizes establishment and registration of an individual entrepreneur, it may be sufficient to purchase a patent. Otherwise, it is better to remain on the standard UTII scheme. You will also need to correctly indicate the OKVED code:

  • 56 – responsible for the provision of food and beverages;
  • 2 – permitting entertainment activities.

Also, when opening an establishment, you will need to visit the regulatory authorities (SES, GPI and Rospotrebnadzor), which will give permission after a thorough check of the premises’ compliance with various standards and requirements. Since it is impossible to work in a cafe alone, you will need to hire employees. In this case, registration with the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is mandatory.

Separately, you will have to undergo a check of the children's menu and ready-made meals, since the sanitary-epidemiological service and Rospotrebnadzor carefully ensure that children are fed only high-quality and safe products.

As with the opening of any catering establishment, various documents must be approved by a number of authorities. Build the following package:

  1. Projects of a building or premises, agreements and permits from regulatory services.
  2. Draw up a lease agreement with the owner for a long period or show ownership.
  3. A technical passport indicating the redevelopments carried out, etc. is required.
  4. Similar documents on installed communications (ventilation system, electricity, water supply, sewerage, heating).
  5. Permission to decorate the facade of the building, if any.

This whole process will take a lot of effort and time. Consider the length of the preparation period before planning your opening. To facilitate organizational activities, you can hire lawyers who will collect the entire package of documents and go through the authorities, obtaining the required permits.

Choosing a room

It is very important to take a responsible approach to choosing a building. Sometimes entrepreneurs don’t know where to start - by searching for a territory for a cafe and then adapting their plans to its features, or by starting with an idea and trying to find a place where they can implement the idea.

In any case, it is important that the establishment meets the requirements specified in SanPiN 2.3.1079-01. It is believed that a children's cafe must meet the following criteria:

  • The total area is about 100 sq. m., so that on its territory it is possible to conveniently place a kitchen, a dining room, a games room, a storage room, a bathroom and administration.
  • All required communications have been carried out - ventilation, sewerage, electricity, exhaust system in the kitchen, water supply, etc.
  • The premises are prepared according to fire safety regulations.
  • Materials used for repairs and decoration must be safe for children's health.

To ensure good natural light and create space, it is desirable that the windows in the cafe are large enough and face the south or east. It is also worth considering an interior that will be bright, cheerful and interesting for children of different ages.

One of important points in the selection of premises is its location in the city. So, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  1. So that there are no direct competitors nearby with a similar theme of the establishment.
  2. Focus on the availability of nearby kindergartens, schools, development groups, creative workshops, parks and recreation areas for families.
  3. It should be convenient for clients to get to you by any means available to them, so it is important that there is a public transport stop nearby and parking for personal cars near the building.
  4. For the summer period, the ideal choice would be an addition in the form of an open terrace under a canopy.

If you are planning to organize such a business in the village, then you should not open a large establishment, because there are not so many potential visitors. But if a cafe is located in a metropolis, you will have to work hard and create a real paradise for a children's audience, which compares favorably with competing establishments and satisfies the varied demands of capricious customers.

What will it take to open?

Organizing a children's cafe with a playroom requires the presence of large quantity equipment, furniture and other devices:

  • The kitchen requires special equipment (dishes, knives, cutlery, etc.) for preparing dishes, Appliances, stove, oven, refrigerator, work surfaces, various containers and shapes, meat grinder, food processor, kettle, scales, dishwasher, etc.
  • The guest room must have sofas, tables and chairs for children of different ages, as well as special high chairs for the youngest visitors. They buy beautiful dishes, cutlery, and a large screen for watching cartoons.
  • The play area is equipped with various labyrinths, ladders, toys, trampolines, etc. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and design a playground where every child will find it interesting and exciting. Depending on your capabilities and wishes, a more suitable set of entertainment is selected.
  • Don’t forget about the administration and other amenities - hangers, racks, computer equipment, racks for storing food, etc.

When organizing festive events, you will definitely need to have music and lighting equipment available. “Soap” and “smoke” shows are in particular demand, so it would be useful to purchase special equipment to create such effects.

An optional element, but one that plays an important role in attracting visitors, is the showcase. If you decorate it accordingly, you can invite more and more new clients, periodically changing the scenery. Thus, you provide advertising to your establishment.

Think over the menu

Special attention the food offered to children deserves. After all, here you need to immediately take into account several points:

  1. All products must be certified, high quality and fresh.
  2. The food is chosen to be healthy and beneficial for the child’s body.
  3. The attractiveness of the menu and the food served should interest even capricious and picky visitors.
  4. A variety of assortments will attract a larger number of customers.
  5. It is advisable to keep the cost of each dish within average limits.

You can design the menu itself different ways. This will also require creativity. Make the notes bright and colorful, and add a photo of the prepared food to each item, so that even a child who cannot read yet can make a choice. Some establishments of this type offer ordering at the counter, which makes the process easier for many children.

Services and games

The attractiveness of a children's cafe will directly depend on what you offer your visitors. It can be anything:

  • board games (mosaics, puzzles, Legos, drawing);
  • active entertainment, for which you will have to install certain equipment (ladders, slides, ball pool, labyrinths, trampoline, etc.);
  • slot machines;
  • attractions;
  • Puppet Theatre;
  • disco;
  • master classes on handicrafts, cooking and different types creativity.

Give parents the opportunity to organize any children's party– birthday, kindergarten graduation, school entry, New Year etc. Arrange themed parties, educational and entertainment programs, discos for teenagers, etc. All this will require some effort in organization and financial costs, but will attract many interested children.

Who to hire?

Depending on the size of the establishment you will need different quantities personnel. But even for a small children's cafe you will need:

  1. Administrator - responsible for receiving orders and organizational issues, and also sometimes undertakes advertising activities.
  2. Cooks and kitchen assistants - such a person must not only be highly qualified, but also have the skills and knowledge in preparing children's dishes.
  3. Waiters - bring orders to visitors; no special specialization is required, but they must love children and get along well with them.
  4. Animators - can be hired on a permanent basis or paid only for piecework when fulfilling orders for special events and holidays.
  5. Educator - responsible for children on the playground, monitoring their safety and helping to organize general games.
  6. An accountant - when registering an individual entrepreneur, you will not need it, but if you have registered an LLC, then his services will be required, because tax reports are quite complex and you need to submit a lot of documents every month; This function is often performed by an outside person, which allows significant savings on wages.
  7. Cleaning lady or cloakroom attendant - to keep the entire room clean.

Personnel are required to have health records that record the results of their last medical examination. It is advisable to undergo it twice a year. Please also pay attention to this point - to work with children, each employee should be checked for a criminal record in the past. This requirement is mandatory for all child care institutions.

From time to time, for special events, holidays, events, you can hire temporary staff - actors, animators, clowns, representatives of creative professions. This will significantly diversify children's entertainment, and the remuneration of such specialists will be piecework or hourly.

How to introduce yourself?

To attract as many visitors as possible to your new establishment, you will need to think through a good advertising campaign. Its scale will depend on your financial investments and the level of competition. We list the most suitable ways to inform the public about the opening of such an establishment:

  • Create an attractive, inviting display window.
  • Make a bright sign above the entrance.
  • Order advertising in local media (radio, newspapers, television, children's or women's magazines).
  • Post information about your establishment on thematic websites, forums, social networks and communities.
  • Start collaborating with holiday agencies, schools and development groups.
  • Print and distribute flyers in parks, clinics, educational institutions etc.
  • Create a website on which you will post photographs of the cafe, videos of past events, reviews from satisfied visitors, telephone numbers and addresses for table reservations, as well as information about the services provided and prices.
  • Use advertising on billboards, buses, subways, and bulletin boards.

Here you can download the finished one as a sample.

How much money is needed?

To open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to invest a fairly large amount.

Capital Investment Prices, in rub.
1 Stoves and stoves 200 000
2 Fridge 100 000
3 Furniture 60 000
4 Dishwasher 16 000
5 Kitchen tools and utensils 20 000
6 Business registration 50 000
7 Room renovation 100 000
Total: 546 000

The final amount greatly depends on how much the equipment itself and the selected furniture for the room cost. Also, toys and equipment for a children’s room are a separate expense item, for which each entrepreneur will have his own list of necessities.

Also consider monthly costs:

It is quite difficult to predict how much profit a cafe will bring. This is also influenced by the pricing policy of the establishment, the presence of competition in the chosen area, the number of visitors and the events held. On average for small town monthly profit is about 300,000-500,000 rubles. But this amount could be higher. The payback period occurs in 1-3 years.

Video: how to open a children's cafe-restaurant?