In this chapter of the book, we would like to talk about some techniques that we recommend using to get rid of the “educational” karmic influences from the outside world.

We clean everything

What needs to be done so that we are not “educated”? If you answer in the most general view, then we can say this: we need to cleanse all our bodies of the negative accumulations in them. That is, we need to cleanse all our subtle bodies. Not forgetting about the physical body, of course. But we need to start not with the physical body, as we usually do, but quite the opposite. It is advisable to start cleaning with the thinnest body, and gradually move on to denser ones.

We considered the model of the structure of human subtle bodies in the previous book<2>. Here we just recall that within the framework of the model we have adopted, in addition to the physical body, a person has an etheric, emotional (astral), mental and causal (karmic) body. Besides them, there are several more subtle bodies, but so far we have no idea how to work with them. Therefore, we will exclude them from consideration for now. But we can roughly imagine what can be done with the subtle bodies listed above, and we will not hide our knowledge from you.

So, if you are planning to move towards holiness (that is, you want to drain your “vessel of karma”), we suggest that you cleanse all your subtle bodies. Cleanse your entire body, starting with the thinnest. Otherwise, there will be no effect from cleansing or treatment, or it will be temporary.

What are we going to clean?

But will everything be so good if everything is cleaned to the maximum? It's not that simple here. After all, it’s not difficult to understand that along with total cleansing, we can at the same time get rid of interest in life.

On this topic, you can recall an anecdote from the times of “stagnation” about admission to the party (CPSU, who doesn’t know). The party candidate is asked one by one whether he can give up smoking, drinking and dating women for the sake of the party. He tenses and agrees. Then he is asked: “Are you ready to give your life for the sake of the party?” The candidate answers without a doubt: “Yes.” "And why?" - they ask from the commission. “What the hell do I need to live like this,” the candidate replies.

We apologize for some unliterary text, but otherwise the joke will lose its flavor. It contains the philosophical meaning that life without sin can lose its sharpness and attractiveness for many people. Not for everyone, of course, but for many - those who have not yet climbed very high on the ladder of spiritual development.

We have already pointed out earlier that only saints who do not have any desires of their own in this world have a completely empty “vessel of karma”. If you follow the path of total cleansing, then if you succeed, you will not be able to avoid such grace. Everything is possible, but I don’t want anything. No event worries you more than any other - you accept everything equally calmly. You are calm, like a crucian carp frozen in ice.

Do you like this future? Most likely no. More precisely, it is practically unattainable for you. The blood boils in our veins, TV and the press seduce us with many pleasant things, relatives and acquaintances provoke us to exchange “courtesy.” Life is in full swing, and it is almost impossible to dodge it. How to be?

We invite you to consciously limit your holiness. That is, choose several valves of the “vessel of karma” that are most dear to you. And let them dig in a little. That is, allow yourself to slightly idealize some aspects of life. For example, love or family relationships, money or creativity, etc. And for the rest of the taps - no, no! Everything is covered, you don’t get offended, don’t judge, don’t despise. Then you will be able to live with pleasure and have 45-55 percent in the “vessel of karma”. And this, as we have already indicated, is the best percentage for ordering (and realizing) any earthly desires.

If this recommendation suits you, then we will move on to talk about what techniques or techniques you can use to move to this comfortable state. However, if you are seduced by complete holiness and are not interested in anything earthly, then even in this case our techniques will not be at all superfluous. Another thing is that they are not enough to achieve complete holiness. Other, more complex techniques are needed. But this is a subject for another discussion. So, let's start about cleansing.

3.1 Problems of the karmic body

In this paragraph we will talk about what problems negative information recorded in our causal (karmic) body can create in our lives.

If you remember, this body is one of the subtle bodies that belong to our soul, that is, to our immortal component (monad), which passes from life to life during our reincarnations. Consequently, it is in it (or, perhaps, in some other of the immortal bodies) that information about the problems that arose in your past life is stored.

Not all problems are from past lives

Our experience shows that not every person has these problems. It makes sense to look for reasons for failures in past lives only in cases where the problems of your current life are in no way explained by your erroneous beliefs and filling the “vessel of karma”.

Such problems are very few, but they do happen. Such problems usually manifest themselves in inexplicable behaviors, fears (phobias), or inexplicable interactions with another person (if there is a karmic knot).

For example, we have encountered cases where a fully grown person is afraid of water and does not know how to swim. Or is afraid to stay indoors. Or, due to feelings of guilt, he cannot pass by any stray dog ​​without giving it all the food he has (contrary to common sense).

There can be many variants of such phobias, and some of them have roots in past lives. And a karmic knot, as you already know, can manifest itself in an inexplicable craving for another person, creating very uncomfortable interactions between you.

Start looking in the present

If you remember, previously we were very doubtful about finding the causes of a person’s problems in past lives. We must say right away that our opinion has not changed. We often meet people in consultations for whom various clairvoyants have uncovered a lot of problems in past lives. And supposedly this life is retribution for those sins.

This approach makes a person completely powerless in the face of a past unknown to him and, in fact, makes him completely dependent on the clairvoyant, who himself discovers the problem and himself undertakes to cure it. That is, a person, from captivity of religious (or political) sins, becomes captive of the sins of past lives. It doesn’t matter what the sin is called, as long as the person can be manipulated!

We prefer a slightly different approach. Without generally denying the presence (but only sometimes) of problems brought from an unknown past, we suggest that you try to figure out for yourself what kind of problems you had in the past. That is, what information about past problems your immortal soul brought with it into this life. You can often calculate this information yourself.

How to count your past yourself

You can do this as follows. First, you analyze in detail all the problems in your life, based on the presence of a possible “educational” process in relation to you. That is, you calculate your erroneous beliefs and idealizations based on the possibility of applying to you any of the five methods of destroying idealizations. Or all the ways together.

And only if some problem cannot be explained at all within the framework of the “vessel of karma” model, only then can you try, using simple logical reasoning, to understand exactly what negative events could have taken place in your distant past.

For example, if from the very early childhood If you don’t like water and are afraid to learn to swim, then most likely your karmic body contains the horror that you experienced in one of your past lives when you drowned. How you drowned - on a ship or individually, by accident or you were drowned - it is advisable to find out so that you can correctly recode this information. But you can attribute your fear of water to a karmic problem only if you have never drowned in this life. If you had such a case and fear of water was recorded in your emotional body, then this is not a karmic problem. This is a problem of current life and you need to work with it in slightly different ways.

Let's give an uncharacteristic example.

Case 24. Valentina, 47 years old, married, has one quite prosperous daughter.

Valentina was born in small town in a family with a very domineering mother and a drinking father. Therefore, her entire childhood was spent in poverty, in an environment of conflicts (turning into fights).

At the age of 19, Valentina got married - only to leave the family. But the marriage turned out to be extremely successful - her husband still loves her, and the family has fairly even and warm relationships. Her husband joined the management of a large Russian mining company and worked for many years in the company's representative offices abroad, so the family's level of security is quite high. The daughter graduated from university and began her business career quite successfully. She doesn’t seem to have any difficulties on the personal front either.

Valentina's main problem is her parents' family. Inexplicably, all her thoughts and emotions revolve around the relationships in her parents' family (so she doesn't have much emotion left for her family).

All her adult life she helped her mother, father and drunken younger brother, who continued to drink and sort things out among themselves. The brother went to prison several times, and Valentina, with the help of lawyers (and money), got him out of there. Several years ago, her father died under unclear circumstances (there is a suspicion that he died in a fight with his son). Two years later, her brother was killed. Her mother moved to live with her, but all her thoughts were about her dead husband and son; Valentina almost did not exist for her.

An emotional attachment to the problems of her parents’ family, worries about the fate of her relatives, and constant participation in their lives led to Valentina’s oncological disease (first stage), which was accidentally discovered by doctors and surgically removed.

Diagnosis of the situation

At the time of the consultation, Valentina’s “karma vessel” was 92% full. Oncological disease of the first degree of complexity is a characteristic “bell” from the Higher Powers about the presence of an incorrect attitude towards the world. More precisely, this is no longer a bell, but a loud bell.

All the problems in Valentina's life are connected with her parents' family. Its main problem is the idealization of relationships between people (more precisely, between relatives). According to Valentina, close relatives should be gentle, kind, cordial, and help each other. It is unclear where this idea came from for a girl who, since childhood, had only seen poverty, abuse and fights.

We classified this incident as uncharacteristic because Valentina’s soul came into this world from a rather high floor Subtle world(sixth or seventh). This is evidenced by her entire subsequent life - smooth and very wealthy, in a family with a loving husband and daughter.

This means that her high soul had to learn some lesson in this life. And, most likely, it consisted of giving up excessive cordiality towards loved ones. More precisely, not in refusal, but in developing the ability to correctly perceive life and the lessons it gives. And the lesson was not difficult - you had to understand that relationships between relatives can be cordial and warm. Or they may be like in the family of Valentina’s parents, where no one appreciated her efforts and cordiality. Even her mother, before her death, in her delirium, remembered only her husband and son, and never uttered Valentina’s name (which offended her very much).

Where did Valentina come from to idealize relationships between relatives? Most likely, she could not develop it in this life - she did not have a suitable example. Therefore, apparently, she brought this program from an unknown past. There, being a nun or a very exemplary housewife, she accumulated great spiritual potential (seventh floor of the Subtle World). But it seems that there she attached excessive importance to relationships between relatives. Therefore, in her current incarnation, she was born into a very unfavorable family, where her idealizations had to be destroyed. A child, not burdened with programs from the past, would have to condemn the behavior of his parents and find himself in a similar “educational” situation. We have already considered similar cases.

But Valentina did not heed the lesson of life, but fell into resentment and condemnation from relatives who did not appreciate her efforts and did not want to live as she considered necessary. As a result, her “vessel of karma” overflowed, and the Higher Powers turned on the loud bell.

Valentina’s idealizations did not extend to relationships in her own family, to the level of well-being, etc. Accordingly, everything in her family was quite successful. Her husband and daughter patiently endured her endless troubles with her relatives, and even took part in resolving the next problems (prison, funeral, etc.). Although they could also declare their claims to a share of her attention.

With this example we would like to show that, as a result, it is quite logical analysis events in a person’s life can be calculated, what incarnation program could take place in her subtle body and what idealizations a person could bring with her from the past. In this case, there is not even a need to find out the details of your past life - it is enough to understand what lesson life is trying to give you. And learn this lesson, succumb to “education.” Nothing more is needed.

How to read information yourself

But what if, in order to change the memory of your past, it is desirable to know exactly what events took place there?

There are several ways to obtain such information.

For example, you can make a request during meditation and see the picture you need. This often happens if you are emotional and have a well-developed imagination. Meditation can be any kind, or it can be special. For example, special reincarnation meditations are conducted by specialists from our Center for everyone (more detailed information at the end of the book).

You can ask yourself a question before going to bed. Perhaps the answer will come to you during sleep, especially if you repeat this request several dozen times. The answer can come either explicitly - you will see a dream with events from your distant past. Or in the form of a dream, but with recoded information, which, again, can be understood through simple reflection.

And finally, you can make a direct request to your subconscious. How this can be done is described in some detail in the book “How to Shape the Events of Your Life Using the Power of Thought”<1>.

As a last resort, you can turn to real clairvoyants. It’s just important not to go to several clairvoyants at once with the same question, since the answers you receive will most likely be different and can leave you completely confused. Therefore, when contacting a clairvoyant, work with one answer. If it has no effect, then you can ask for the next hint.

You can work in exactly the same way with any other problem that cannot be explained from the perspective of the “vessel of karma.” You are afraid of closed rooms - most likely, your karmic body contains the horror that arose during death in a closed room (being buried in an earthquake or during a war, you were walled up, etc.).

In a similar way, one can find completely reasonable incarnation reasons for many of the “phobias” that people have. It’s just important not to get carried away with these searches. According to our observations, in 95% of cases the cause of current problems is erroneous beliefs and idealizations. And only in 5% of cases the causes of problems lie in past lives.

What to do with the information received

But let’s say you somehow found out exactly what negative event took place in your life in the distant past. What can and should be done next?

And then everything is simple. You need to recode this information stored in your karmic body. You can’t really change your past - it’s long gone and there’s no way to get it back. But it’s not at all difficult to change your memory of him. To do this, we recommend doing the following exercise.

It is performed either directly during meditation, when you have seen the events of your past life. Or later, at any free time - if you saw information in a dream, received it while turning to your subconscious or from a clairvoyant.

Exercise 1. Let's recode our past.

In every detail (if possible), consider (or imagine) the event as a result of which you had a karmic problem (you drown, you are covered with earth, you kill another person or animal, you are forcibly deprived of life, etc.).

Now “rewind” this picture back to the beginning of the event. And consciously attach a happy ending to the event.

For example, you were drowning, but you suddenly gained new strength, you made a few swings of your arms and floated to the surface. And there you were picked up by people who came up on a boat. Or you were covered with earth, but your friend noticed it. He invited people and they quickly found you.

Rejoice in your safe deliverance from misfortune. Mentally thank God and your Guardian Angel for help and deliverance from trouble.

Open your eyes and return to your normal state of thoughts.

As you can see, the exercise is not at all difficult. It is accessible to anyone who can see at least something on their internal screen. And if this is not the case, then the exercise can still be performed. Only instead of a picture you need to say the same thing (to yourself) in words. The effect will be the same - positive.

Recode your dreams

This exercise has wider applications than just changing your memory of the past. We recommend using it whenever you have nightmares. If you woke up from horror - in a dream someone was chasing you, you fall off a cliff, a car runs over you, or another equally unpleasant event occurs, then do not leave it like that. Recode it to better side!

To do this, when you are awake, close your eyes, remember the dream that frightened you and give it a happy ending. That is, if you fall from a cliff, then what appears below is not stones, but water. You emerge and make it safely to shore. If someone was chasing you, then the police suddenly appear and take the hooligans away, and take you home in a car. And so on. Thus, you can change your real future for the better! Perhaps in a dream you received information about some negative event in your near future. And if you change this information, then the ball of your future life may roll along a different, more prosperous groove. Help him make this choice!

So, to correct the information about negative events in your past lives (that is, cleanse your karmic body), you need to realize this event and mentally remake it, leaving the previous beginning of the event and creating a happy ending. We wish you success with this cleansing step.

And the time has come for us to take stock.


To get rid of “educational” karmic influences, it is necessary to cleanse all the subtle bodies of a person.

It is advisable to start cleaning the subtle bodies from the karmic body - if there is a problem in your life brought from a past life. No more than 5% of people have such problems.

To carry out the procedure for cleaning the karmic body, you need to find out exactly what negative event took place in one of your past lives. This can be done through meditation, in a dream, by talking to your subconscious, or from a clairvoyant.

Cleansing the karmic body involves mentally changing the course of a negative event so that it has a happy ending.

A mental change in the course of events should be carried out whenever you receive information about negative events in the possible future or past (for example, in a dream).

3.2 “Hedgehog of Events”. We work ahead

We continue to consider techniques for cleaning our subtle bodies.

Next to the causal body (in the direction of compaction) comes the mental body, in which all our ideas, knowledge and information about accumulated experience are stored. And the same idealizations that our restless mind creates are stored there. And, as you remember, it is idealizations that are the basis for creating our dissatisfaction with life, filling the “vessel of karma” and falling under “educational” karmic influences.

This means that at the next stage of getting rid of “educational” influences, we need to get rid of erroneous beliefs and idealizations accumulated in our mental body.

Understand - you live in Paradise

Here, too, there is one general idea that we need to strive for. It is quite simple in appearance, although not everyone can easily understand and accept it. It looks like this: you must admit that at every moment you live in Paradise! At any moment of your life, no matter how terrible it may seem to you!

It is easy to understand that achieving this attitude towards life is not easy. Life has been successfully “educating” you for a long time. What a paradise this is, it couldn’t get any worse.

But really, could it get worse? You probably haven't thought about this. And why, because all the methods (including our Event Formation Methodology) encourage us to think only about the good. So we try to think about good things, but life gets worse and worse.

It’s clear why it’s getting worse. We are dissatisfied with life, our “vessel of karma” is replenished and life applies increasingly strict “educational” measures to us. Please note that this is not punishment, not revenge, but the ongoing correction of your erroneous beliefs!

As we dream of a better life and continue to be dissatisfied with our current state, the situation is likely to worsen further. Therefore, we suggest that you do not bury your head in the sand, as ostriches do in case of danger, but boldly look into your possible dark future, where everything will probably be worse than now.

It’s not difficult to understand how things will get worse. It just depends on what aspect of life you are unhappy with. If you are unhappy with your family or personal life, then the situation will worsen here. But if work is not significant for you, then everything can remain in order and you can earn good money. And vice versa, respectively.

What to do, how to avoid worsening the future situation if you have calculated your basic idealizations? How to refuse them if they are so near and dear to you?

It is very simple to understand that right now you are living in Paradise. Because if you don't admit it, then sooner or later Hell will come. And then you will feel much worse than you are today. Of course, the concepts of Heaven and Hell are relative. What kind of Paradise is it in a communal apartment with scandalous neighbors? Is it even possible to imagine Hell in relation to this situation? It turns out that if you think a little, it’s easy. You may be given such neighbors that today's drunkards or brawlers will seem like saints. Or your communal apartment may burn down along with your belongings, and the authorities will not rush to give you a new home. Finding yourself in this situation, you will remember with warmth and tenderness your life in a separate room, even with scandalous neighbors. This is how Life can prove to you that your current views are wrong. Compared to life on the street, a communal apartment is a real Paradise, and you need to boldly admit it.

Of course, this is a very weak Paradise compared to the mansion outside the city. But no one forbids you to have a mansion - if, of course, you admit at any time that you live in Paradise. Don’t judge life, but ask it for a mansion (or at least a separate apartment) for yourself. There is everything in this world, and if you ask well and correctly, you will definitely receive it. But we have already talked about this.

It is precisely this approach - the recognition that at any moment you live in Paradise - that can ensure that all valves of the “vessel of karma” are closed and the mental body is cleansed.

The idea seems to be not complicated, but, as experience shows, it is very difficult to implement, even if you understand your erroneous beliefs.

You need some very real technique, such as intensive breathing techniques, standing on one leg, or cleansing yourself with a candle flame. These actions are understandable and accessible to everyone, but, unfortunately, they are not suitable for clearing our erroneous beliefs. Why? Yes, because erroneous beliefs are products of our mental body. But you cannot change the mental body by standing on one leg - it is located too far from our physical body, with which we can work in this way.

Tools for Correcting False Beliefs

This means that we need to find some tools that work at the level of our attitude to life, at the level of our beliefs. Does such a ready-made tool exist? Of course it exists. Humanity has already invented a lot of things. For example, this is self-programming using various kinds of positive statements or affirmations. You can read more about positive statements in the books of V. Zhikarentsev, L. Hay and other authors.


These techniques are aimed at displacing erroneous beliefs from our mentality and filling it with positive thoughts. This is not a bad thing, but it requires a lot of effort to reprogram erroneous beliefs.

Over the years, your restless and uncontrollable mind has pretty much filled your mentality with various idealizations and erroneous beliefs. This means that in order to push them out quickly, you need to saturate yourself with positive thoughts as intensely and energetically as possible. Total There should be no less positive thoughts than the number of negative beliefs filling your mentality. And, since you don’t have many years to repress erroneous beliefs, the intensity of the reprogramming process should be very high.

This is easily achieved in group sessions with a good facilitator who creates a high-energy environment of collective euphoria and excitement. Two or three seminars, and instead of condemnation, you will only have love in your head.

But if you practice these methods on your own, using books, the results will not come so quickly. It will be very difficult for you to create a state of enthusiastic ecstasy in yourself at a time when your head is filled with problems and doubts. Some people succeed, and this is very good. Affirmations work. What should those who would like to believe in everything good do, but the same negative thoughts are spinning in their heads, and nothing can be done about it?

Without in any way rejecting self-programming techniques (we also use them), we can offer another, purely mental method of working with our erroneous beliefs.

Let's not wait for a bad future

It is very simple and comes from a simple thought: let’s not wait until life presents us with all its “educational” means. Let's get ahead of her - we ourselves will allow into our lives what she can present to us as measures of “education.” Let's say not in reality, but only mentally. How can this be done? Yes, very simple! To do this, use a simple exercise, which we called “The Hedgehog of Events.” Let’s consider how it works if you are fixated on one version of the development of events and do not admit that life could turn out differently. For example, in your thoughts you see your father (or mother) as a sensitive, delicate, well-mannered person. Perhaps he was once like that, you do not allow him into your life otherwise (idealization of relationships between people). Therefore, now (in old age) he may show you negative character traits, such as rudeness or scandalousness. And the more you condemn him for this behavior, the worse he will become - in relation to you. His relationships with other people can be both good and bad. But in relation to you, the level of his “worseness” will constantly increase until you change your attitude towards him. And it’s not at all difficult to do.

Do you think your father is the worst in the world? If you think about this question, you will probably recognize that this is not true. Even the worst person can always be found even worse. So, in order for your father not to get worse, you must mentally allow him into your life in an even worse form. In advance, without waiting for him to become like that. Then what he presents to you in reality will be only a weak particle of what he could present to you. That is, he could be worse, but he doesn’t become that way. Look how noble he is! And you condemned him! But he will certainly become like this if you do not change your attitude towards him. That is, today you are with him in Heaven, and after a while you may find yourself in Hell.

It is this logic that can reconcile you with any existing situation, no matter how bad it may seem at first glance.

And it is on this principle that the exercise we propose works.

Exercise 2. "The Hedgehog of Events."

Create an environment where you will not be disturbed by anyone or anything for 15-20 minutes.

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax your body muscles, stop your thoughts racing.

Imagine your life in the form of many options for the development of events. For example, in the form of a set of needles emanating from one point. The result will be something similar to the “event hedgehog” curled up into a ball, shown in Figure 3.

Of all the possible developments, you would like to see only one that suits you (one needle). In reality, in the order of destruction of your idealizations, life consistently presents you with a series of worsening options for the development of events (the second and subsequent needles).

Imagine how your life will develop if the “educational” processes continue, that is, options for worsening the development of events will be implemented (subsequent needles of the “hedgehog of events”).

Mentally live through each of the options for worsening events for 10-15 minutes. Imagine what you will do, how your relationships with people and the world will develop, what thoughts will overcome you.

At the end of each option, mentally say: “Lord! If you want to make my life like this, then I will accept it without grumbling or resentment. Apparently I have to learn this lesson for some reason. If I need it, I will accept it with gratitude. But if possible, then I ask you to make sure that... (and indicate your very first and desired scenario).”

In the same way, mentally live through several more options for worsening the situation as the “educational” influences increase (the remaining needles of the “hedgehog of events”). At the end of each option, affirm that you will accept it as a lesson without anger or judgment, but ask that it not be applied to you.

At the end, mentally reaffirm once again that you do not condemn the current situation, but perceive it as a lesson that you deserve through your thoughts or actions. And that the current situation is the best of those that you deserve with your thoughts and actions. You are grateful for the lesson being given to you, accept the current situation as very good and ask, if possible, to improve it in the way you desire.

By doing this exercise, you will avoid “ordering” a negative future - by the fact that at the end of each option you ask not to apply it to you. And at the same time you confirm to the Higher Powers that you accept what is happening to you not as punishment, but as a lesson for some mistakes in thoughts or behavior.

In relation to our example with an elderly father, one can imagine that the first and desired needle of the “hedgehog of events” for you is an even and calm relationship. The second needle may be the existing situation when he confronts you with rudeness and conflict.

The third needle may come when he gets sick and you have to take care of him. Moreover, his character will not change for the better even with illness. The fourth needle - he began to drink and bring drinking buddies to the house. Fifth needle - he brought several women to the house. The sixth needle - he began to mock even his grandchildren. Seventh - he started a fire. Eighth - he sold all the things from the house. Ninth - etc.

There can be many needles, and all of them need to be lived without being offended by life. Live not in reality (fortunately), but in your mind. That is, imagine how your life will turn out when you implement the third and subsequent needles. Imagine this life completely, with all the options for relationships, distribution of money, time, living space, etc. And at the end, mentally say: “Lord, if this is your will, then I will accept such a life and will not grumble. But if possible, then let my father stop swearing and stealing money from the house.”

It is this kind of mental living that will allow you to get ahead of the “educational” influences of life and prove to it that you know about all its possible future sanctions and are ready to accept them. And that you perceive the current situation as very good, which, due to your own dissatisfaction, can greatly worsen. But you have already given up dissatisfaction with the current situation, so there is no need for life to apply these worst-case scenarios to you. If everything is good, then it can only get better.

Will it get worse?

Anticipating the inevitable questions, let's say right away that the exercise is not an order for a negative future. It is not because at the end of each mental experience of a possible future you necessarily say: “Lord, if this happens, I will accept it without grumbling or anger. But if it is possible, let everything happen the way I want (and below is your version of the development of events).”

By doing this, you make it clear to the Higher Powers that you do not need this negative scenario. You are ready for it, but you don't need it. But we need another one, one that hasn’t worked out yet. That is, you transfer your goal from the category of demands to the category of requests, thereby humiliating your pride. And the higher powers love and help those who are not proud. If, of course, they ask for something.

* * *

Don’t turn your life into a “hedgehog of events.” And one more recommendation. Work on the “hedgehog of events” is a one-time operation aimed at devaluing your problem. You conduct a technique once for 10-20 minutes in relation to a situation that seems terrible to you, and you realize how good everything is for you. And then you forget about the “hedgehog” and begin to enjoy life.

If, from morning to evening, you imagine different passions, then it will no longer be a “hedgehog of events”. This will indicate that your “word mixer” is out of control and is actively supplying your energy to the egregor of an unhappy life. So it's not far from depression. So quickly stop the “word mixer” with one of the techniques you know and enjoy life! And you can use the “hedgehog” no more than once a week and for no more than ten minutes. Good luck to you on this path!

We don’t know if we managed to convince you of the effectiveness of this exercise. Give it a try. If it suits you, great. If you don't like it, look for something else. Affirmations, for example. In the meantime, we will move on to summing up the next results.


To correct your dissatisfaction with life, you need to recognize that at any given time you are living in Paradise.

To avoid worsening the situation in the process of destroying your idealizations, you can work proactively. To do this, try to mentally live through the possible deterioration of your current situation. And at the end, mentally communicate that you are ready to accept this situation without dissatisfaction and condemnation. But if possible, then you are asking to improve your current situation.

The exercise of mentally living through worse events is called the “event hedgehog.” Each needle means a situation, some of which have already been realized, and some of which may occur as your “vessel of karma” is filled.

3.3 Down with negative emotions!

In this paragraph we want to talk about the techniques that can be used to cleanse the next subtle body - the body of emotions. It is in this body that all our grievances, condemnation, memories of attacks of jealousy or anger, and all other joyful (and not so joyful) emotions are stored. If the emotions were good, then the memory of them makes our life more pleasant, and we, accordingly, will not fight them.

Another thing is negative emotions. Almost every person has experienced many such experiences since childhood. Perhaps they still plague you today. Where they come from - we have already talked about this more than once. Our mind builds models of the ideal world, and the real world is always different from them. Once you notice this difference, you can allow it to take place and not pay attention to it. You can try to remake the world according to your own understanding (if possible). Or you can do nothing, but simply experience a lot of negative experiences - why everything is so wrong and bad.

Emotions are stored as thought forms

Each of our experiences is accompanied by a certain set of thoughts. As a result, each strong emotion forms a corresponding thought form (a certain clot of energy and information), which is stored in our body of emotions in the form of a dirty gray or brown spot (in the case of a negative emotion). The stronger the offense or condemnation, the larger and denser the corresponding thought form.

Thus, all our experiences, unfortunately, do not disappear anywhere. They are remembered in our body of emotions and are the initiators of the outbreak of the next experiences of our uncontrollable mind. Therefore, as soon as you see on the street (or in any other place) a person who looks a little like your offender, your memory helpfully pulls up the corresponding thought form, and the mechanism for processing your vital forces is launched into the next cycle. You remember the grievances inflicted on you, relive them and thereby strengthen the already existing thought form of resentment against this person. It becomes denser and more massive. It is easy to understand that your “vessel of karma” is simultaneously filled.

We carry all the grievances with us

Accordingly, by the age of forty, you can carry on yourself many large negative thought forms, each of which is associated with a specific person - father, mother, children, husband (or wife) and any other people you have encountered in life, and in relation to which you had negative experiences.

Over time, the severity of the experience wears off, resentment and condemnation seem to pass. In any case, it seems so to us, since these events and the experiences associated with them have fallen out of our memory. But in reality, unfortunately, this is not the case. A negative childhood experience can fall out of our memory, but, unfortunately, it cannot leave the body of emotions without special procedures.

More precisely, the negative thought form is also slowly dissolving, but very slowly. Especially if it was created over many years when we were offended or judged by some person. Over the years, such a negative thought form has become large and dense, and simply forgetting your offender does not erase it. It is not erased by the fact that you consciously forgave your offenders. Through instant forgiveness, the corresponding valve of the “vessel of karma” is closed, but its filling level does not change.

And, since resentment or condemnation is stored in your subtle body, then your karmic “educator”, in accordance with the third method of destroying idealizations, should put you in the same position in which the person you once condemned was.

We have already given an example with family karma. In childhood and adolescence, a child condemns his parents for their inharmonious relationships. Accordingly, a large thought form of condemnation of the parents is recorded in his emotional body. When a child grows up, he can consciously forgive his parents and change his attitude towards them (especially if they separated or one of them died). But the thought form of resentment or condemnation of parents does not go away. It simply moves away from the word mixer, but you still carry it with you. And your karmic “educator” knows about this. And if he knows, then he must apply “educational” measures towards you - create for you the same situation that irritated you so much with your parents.

Erasing negative thought forms

This means that in order to avoid “educational” processes, you need to somehow erase this thought form in your body of emotions. And who can do this best? Of course, you yourself, since the head and all other problematic parts are yours. Only you need some special tool for such cleaning. An ordinary brush or scraper is unlikely to work here; you need something that can interact with the subtle matter of your body of emotions. Such tools are well known, and we want to tell you about one of them.

How thought forms are erased

In principle, many tools have been invented to erase negative experiences. This is cold dynamics, when, with the help of special procedures, specialists identify the most acute negative experience and replace it with a positive emotion. This is a method of spiritual-emotional healing where a specialist identifies your emotional problems and, together with you, reprograms them. This is Dianetics, when in the process of auditing you remember your most strong feeling and by repeating the situation repeatedly, you devalue it. This is rebirthing, when in oxygen poisoning mode you re-experience negative emotions and thereby bring them out of yourself.

There are probably many other methods for clearing negative emotions you have received in the past. Another thing is that these methods work mainly with one, the strongest and most poisonous emotion in your life (resentment towards your loved one who left you, your husband who left for another woman, etc.). And karmic “education” can be carried out for any of the negative thought forms you have accumulated. Including one that you have long forgotten about.

Cleanse the body of emotions completely

Therefore, we suggest that you cleanse the body of emotions completely. That is, to cleanse yourself of any negative thought forms that once arose (or could only arise) in connection with relationships with some people. And, since you have encountered many people in your life, you need to cleanse the body of emotions in relation to all these people.

If you have accumulated a lot of years, and in life you have not been distinguished by excessive delicacy, then you can carry with you hundreds of negative thought forms - according to the number of people towards whom you once had negative experiences. Can you imagine what your emotional body looks like? This is a continuous dirty gray tangle of negative experiences. It will take a lot of work to clean it. And a psychic aunt with candles and shamanic spells is unlikely to help you here. It will erase one or two thought forms, and the rest will poison your life and provide food for your “word mixer”.

Remember all your friends

Of course, the first on the list should be the people towards whom you experienced the most acute negative emotions. And then everyone else. And you will have to cleanse the body of emotions in relation to each of these people separately. This is not an easy matter and will require a month or two of difficult work.

There is no quick cleanup

If you try to simply forgive all your former enemies, and even be filled with goodness and love for them, you are unlikely to immediately get out of the karmic “upbringing.” Love for former enemies just means that you have closed the valves through which your sins entered the “vessel of karma.” This means your vessel has stopped refilling. But this does not mean at all that its filling level will immediately decrease. Over time, yes, but not immediately.

Therefore, a situation may arise when you already love everyone, but no changes for the better occur, and even quite the opposite. A very sad situation, isn't it? What can you do if you find yourself in this situation?

If you remember the structure of the outlet pipes of the “vessel of karma”, then there is a pipe called “Conscious actions”. Apparently, to quickly clean your vessel you need to take advantage of its removal abilities. That is, consciously take actions to clean your vessel. Ordinary mercy and charity are fine here, but this is not a quick way. In order for this pipe to begin to more actively drain your sins, you need to perform special exercises.

This is a fairly well-known exercise, used in various theological schools in one form or another. This exercise will simultaneously help you stop your “word stirrer”. It is based on the well-known principle of replacing uncontrollable thoughts with other, positive thoughts.

The exercise is performed at any time when your head is not loaded with work or controlled thoughts. For example, when you are walking down the street, riding a bus, sitting in a meeting, standing in line, etc. That is, just when your will weakens, there is no conscious load for the head and the “word mixer” strives to start at full power.

Exercise 3. "Forgiveness Meditation"

Choose a person towards whom you will erase the thought form of your resentment (or any other negative emotion) towards him. For example, let it be your father.

Begin mentally repeating the phrase: “With love and gratitude, I forgive my father and accept him as God created him. I apologize to my father for my thoughts and emotions towards him."

This phrase must be repeated until you feel a feeling of warmth emanating from the heart area in your chest. This feeling will show you that you have completely erased the thought form of resentment towards this person. Some people get a warm feeling after five minutes, so they don't need to rely on that number. For others, a warm feeling never appears, and this is also not scary. The main condition successful work is the total meditation time.

The total time of meditation for one person with whom you have had a very tense relationship for many years can be three to five hours, which consists of episodic meditations in any free time (when your head is busy). If there were fewer conflicts, then the total meditation time can be thirty to fifty minutes.

After clearing the thought form of your resentment towards your father, begin to mentally repeat the following phrase: “With love and gratitude, my father forgives me.” In this way, you will erase in your body of emotions that negative thought form that your father “hung” on you during your conflicts (you probably sometimes caused him grief and he felt irritation, anger or resentment towards you).

This phrase is repeated until a feeling of warmth appears in your chest again. Or if you close your eyes and see the image of your father. If the procedure for erasing his negative thought form is successfully completed, your father may turn to face you (on the mental screen), smile and even wave at you. This suggests that your body of emotions has been cleansed of the grievances and other negative emotions it has placed on you.

Meditate on all the people you know

We looked at forgiveness meditation only in relation to the father. As you can imagine, this is only the first step to cleansing your emotional body. Next, you need to carry out the same meditation in relation to your mother, brothers or sisters, husband or wife (no matter how many of them you have). Next, meditate on all the relatives who at least somehow interfered in your life (for each one separately). On people you know through work or hobbies. On your loved ones with whom you broke up. On yourself (or yourself). The phrase for meditation here is almost the same: “With love and gratitude, I forgive myself and accept myself as I am. I apologize to myself for my thoughts and emotions towards myself. With love and gratitude I forgive myself.”

People tend to judge or be offended by themselves (why am I so unlucky, ugly, shy, stupid, etc.). But judging yourself is the same sin as judging other people. Therefore, you definitely need to forgive yourself, your loved one (or your loved one).

Then it is advisable to also meditate on life. Most likely, you have sometimes been offended by life - for example, because it took your loved one or relative away from you, why everything is so bad for you, etc. A phrase for meditation on life will look like this: “With love and gratitude, I forgive Life and accept it as it is. I apologize to Life for all my thoughts and emotions towards her. With love and gratitude, Life forgives me.”

The total time for forgiveness meditation depends on how many grievances in life you have accumulated over the years. Meditation on the people with whom you have had the most conflictual relationships will require several hours of meditation in total. For old acquaintances or relatives whom you have difficulty remembering, the total meditation time can be ten to thirty minutes for each.

Estimate your costs for completing this exercise. For example, for complete cleaning To overcome all grievances, a person over the age of forty will need at least a month of work on himself in any free time. The total meditation time should be at least twenty hours.

When reading these lines, the question may arise: Why does it take so long to repeat forgiveness mediation? After all, you no longer remember grievances against some people, you have forgiven others and even sympathize with the problems of others. Your mentality is pure, so why educate you?

Sins are like a dirty spot on paper

To answer this question, let's try to use simple comparison. Imagine that your negative thought form is a dirty spot on a piece of paper. The larger and denser the thought form, the larger the size of the spot on the paper.

You need to clean the paper, and you have a little eraser for that. Each movement of the rubber band cleans a small area of ​​the contaminated surface. To clean the entire sheet, you need to make a lot of brushing motions. And the larger the spot, the more movements you will have to make.

This is why we suggest repeating the forgiveness meditation in your mind many times. Each repetition erases only a small part of your thought form, so for complete cleansing the meditation must be repeated many, many times. And realizing the error of your previous beliefs and forgiving your enemies is a strong and big move that allows you to erase the most prominent part of your negative thought form. Although a large one, it is still a part.

Therefore, after cleansing your mentality and accepting all manifestations of this world, do not leave your previous grievances and resentments alone. Work with them separately, and your “caretaker” will not have to apply “educational” measures to you.

In the meantime, we will move on to summing up the next results.


All the negative experiences we experience in life are deposited in our body of emotions in the form of thought forms (clumps of thoughts and emotions) of a dark color.

Negative thought forms are not immediately erased when we change our attitude towards the world and forgive our former enemies.

To speed up the cleansing of the body of emotions, it is proposed to carry out forgiveness meditation, during which, as a result of repeated repetition of a certain phrase, the negative thought form is erased.

Forgiveness meditation must be carried out in relation to all people with whom you have had some kind of relationship in life, including all relatives and acquaintances, yourself and life.

3.4 The etheric body is the basis of physical health

This book, if you still remember its title, is dedicated to cleaning the “vessel of karma.” And the filling of the vessel, again if we strain our memory, occurs as a result of our having erroneous beliefs and the resulting negative emotions.

As we see, our physical and etheric bodies do not participate at all in this scheme. They, of course, also play their role in the “educational” process, but only as an executive instrument. That is, if, as a result of prolonged negative emotions, large and dense thought forms have arisen, then with their bulges they literally invade the etheric body and cause distortions in the flow of etheric flows. Such long-term distortions of ethereal flows eventually lead to diseases of the organs of our physical body. There seems to be no unambiguous feedback - from the physical and etheric body to the more subtle ones.

So the etheric body is of no help to us in cleaning our “vessel of karma”. And physical too. They can be treated, recharged with energy, and cleaned of external attachments. But this has a very indirect relation to the “vessel of karma”.

This does not mean that we have nothing to say about these bodies. We will talk about the physical body later, and we will say a few words about ways to cleanse the etheric body now.

Three sources of disease

In the previous book, we proposed a certain system of views on the possible causes of diseases. According to this system, a person can have diseases of the body, soul and spirit.

Diseases of the body arise as a result of a person’s improper handling of his body. These are overloads, violations of temperature conditions, improper nutrition or rest, etc. Accordingly, the disease arises as a violation of both bodies at once - physical and ethereal. From this we can understand that even the most highly spiritual person, who does not care at all about his body, can be ill for a long time and seriously. And, as you might guess, these diseases will have nothing to do with erroneous beliefs. Except for the erroneous attitude towards the health of your body.

Diseases of the soul arise as a result of energy-information exchanges between people. These exchanges occur on several levels - mental, emotional and etheric. Here we will not consider technologies of energy-informational attack and defense - other authors do this in some detail.

We only state that these exchanges also have a very indirect relation to the “vessel of karma”. That is, if your vessel is almost empty, then no external influences will stick to you. And if the vessel is half full or more, then in your mental (or emotional) body there are many thought forms to which external influences can attach (pendants, cliches, the evil eye, damage, etc.). And such “pendants” need to be cleaned separately, regardless of your erroneous beliefs and the level of filling of the “vessel of karma”. But we have already talked about this.

And only illnesses of the spirit are directly related to the filling of the “vessel of karma”. That is, they arise precisely as a result of filling the vessel and applying “educational” influences on us in the form of a disease.

Therefore, in the event of an illness of the spirit, distortions in the etheric body are a consequence of the presence of large negative thought forms in the body of emotions.

Accordingly, the influence of a healer only on the etheric body can only lead to a temporary improvement in health. Without working on your attitude to life and cleansing the body of emotions, the negative thought form does not disappear anywhere and continues to distort the etheric body. Accordingly, distortions in the etheric body and illness in the physical body must return sooner or later. That is why we do not recommend treating karmic diseases without changing a person’s attitude towards the world.

But if we have cleansed our mental and body of emotions, then no one bothers to help us quickly return to a healthy state. And here any methods are suitable. This can be both external influences on our health body (etheric body), and independent work of a person with his own energy.

Types of external influences on the etheric body

We include the help of various healers, the sympathy of other people and the use of special technical devices. Let's look at each of these positions in a little more detail.

The vast majority of healers work at the level of the etheric body, that is, treatment is carried out by forcibly restoring the flow of ethereal flows. As a result of various kinds of influences, they eliminate distortions in the flow of energy of the etheric body and increase its thickness. This improves our health, although sometimes only temporarily. All psychics, bioenergy therapists and Reiki specialists work with the energies of the etheric plane.

The next source of nourishment for our etheric body is the sympathy of other people. Any sympathy or empathy is a kind of donation, but it is an energetic donation. We sympathize with people who are sick, weak, experiencing blows of fate, or weakened as a result of the uncontrolled work of their own “word mixer”. Thus, we give them part of our vital forces - that is, the energy of the etheric plane. This is not a bad thing, but as long as we have enough health and vitality for this. But if your own strength is not enough, then excessive sympathy can cause your own internal diseases.

Empathy occurs in many interactions between people. For example, a good doctor or psychologist sympathizes with the patient, and thereby transfers part of his vitality to him. As a result, “cordial” doctors get sick more often than cold ones who formally treat their patients.

The same interactions take place in schools, where the teacher can either simply transfer his knowledge to his students, or he can “put his soul into it,” that is, add part of his vitality to the knowledge. Another thing is that the teacher’s listeners are a large group of relatively healthy young people, and they return to the teacher vitality in the process of honoring and loving such a teacher. A doctor usually does not have such a crowd of “donors”.

Similar interactions between people can be found in almost any field of activity. And if you professionally ask for (and receive) the sympathy of different people, you can significantly improve your health (or at least your well-being). Which, in general, is what some people do with success.

Another source of obtaining energy from the etheric plane is the use of special technical means. But we will talk about this in detail in the next paragraph of the book.

Types of independent influences on the etheric body

In addition to external influences, there are many ways to independently improve the condition of your etheric body. That is, cleansing from various kinds harmful influences and improving your health.

Most of these methods are well known to you. For example, this is the most common hardening - for example, according to the Porfiry Ivanov system. Or a contrast shower. Or any other technique of influencing physical body, as a result of which a powerful emotional outburst occurs - so that it takes your breath away. As a result of such a powerful surge of positive emotions, our healthy body receives an additional portion of energy. And health, of course.

Another well-known technique is intense breathing. For example, hatha yoga. We talked about one of these methods - “triangle breathing” in the book<1>.

No less effective method cleansing two bodies at once - etheric and emotional, this is a system of intensive breathing called “rebirthing” or its modifications (vivification, holotropic breathing).

Another powerful system of energy charging is special oriental gymnastics, and, in particular, qigong. If you have the opportunity to take part in such classes, then these techniques can give excellent results.

But hatha yoga or qigong are entire systems of life, the study and use of which requires a great desire, free time, money and a teacher. Not everyone has this.

Meditation "Chakra Breathing"

For those who do not have the opportunity to attend special classes, we could recommend a special breathing meditation called “Chakra breathing” from the meditation group of the Sri Rajneesh (Osho) school. A tape recording of such a meditation is sold in all stores selling occult goods (our Center does not distribute this recording).

The meditation is a recording of three cycles of intense breathing of 15 minutes each. That is, you will hear a person’s loud breathing accompanied by special rhythmic music. Your task is to stand in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe deeply through your mouth in time with the person leading the meditation. Breathing will need to be mentally directed along the spine sequentially to each of the chakras, starting with the first (tailbone) and ending with the last (crown). We talked about the structure and location of chakras on the human body in the previous book<2>.

Of course, as you breathe, air will move in and out of your lungs. But mentally, you must direct the impulse of energy as you inhale directly to the chakra. You will need to breathe into each chakra for only two minutes. That is, it takes fourteen minutes to “breathe” seven chakras, then within one minute you need to breathe through all the chakras one by one from top to bottom. After a minute break, the breathing cycle is repeated, and so on three times.

Of course, this meditation requires some effort. But it is very energetic and easily knocks any pre-disease states out of your body (when you have a clear feeling of an impending disease). The same meditation easily clears away from you negative energy-informational “attachments” such as unkind glances or unkind emotions (anger, envy, etc.), which are popularly called the “evil eye”.


In the process of karmic “education”, a person’s etheric body is an executive instrument, which is influenced by more subtle bodies.

In the event of a karmic disease, cleaning and aligning only the etheric body without changing a person’s attitude towards the world and erasing negative thought forms can only have an effect for a short time.

Cleansing the etheric body can be done either with the help of external influences or independently.

External influences include the help of various healers, the sympathy of other people and the use of special technical devices.

Self-cleansing of the etheric body can be carried out using hardening procedures, oriental energy gymnastics or intensive breathing.

3.4.1 How science can help

In this paragraph we would like to talk about some of the technical devices that the most modern science offers to people to cure diseases and protect against negative external subtle influences.

It is no secret that in recent decades, numerous scientists (including “conventional” materialists) have been trying to find completely rational explanations for the phenomena occurring in the Unmanifested World. That is, to explain quite materially what seems to us today a miracle and a manifestation of the Divine will.

This is an interesting matter, moderately useful, although quite dangerous. Many scientists who have made great strides in the study of the Unmanifested World are recalled from our world ahead of schedule. But, like any other dangerous work, this does not stop enthusiasts.

As a result, several completely scientific theories have emerged that explain the phenomena of the Unmanifested World on the basis of new microparticles or fields identified by their authors. This is, for example, the theory of torsion fields, the theory of microleptons and other similar developments.

Of course, like all people passionate about what they love, their authors idealize their developments. That is, they claim that their theories explain all phenomena of the Unmanifested World.

It seems to us that this is a common exaggeration. Most likely, the microparticles identified by the developers of these theories are the primary particles of the etheric layer of the Subtle World. It seems like electrons and protons are the primary particles of our physical world. The future will show who is right.

But since there is a theory, it should give applied results. That is, to give not only mathematical descriptions of the Subtle World that are incomprehensible to most people, but also to create very real devices that influence our Subtle bodies. Or at least on the etheric body, at least.

In particular, we know of two directions for creating devices to influence the subtle bodies of humans. Let's look briefly at each of them.

Ultra-high vibration generators

The first is technical devices, electronic generators of ultra-high frequency energies that fall within the frequency range of our etheric body. As you remember, it is the densest of all subtle bodies.

Many such devices have been created today. For example, these are well-known EHF (extremely high frequency) generators. Or millimeter wave therapy devices.

Usually these are quite traditional-looking devices that have power sources, complex electronic filling and special emitters, with the help of which the doctor influences the patient’s body. The impact can be carried out on the organs of our body or on acupuncture points. In each case, a separate technology for using the device is developed for the most effective effect on the human body.

For example, the MINITAG device emits electromagnetic oscillations in the range from 30 to 325 GHz (this information is for those who understand electronics). Moreover, physiologically significant information (modulation) is superimposed on these electromagnetic oscillations. This modulation corresponds to the spectrum of radiation that a healthy cell in our body has. It turns out that the radiation from a healthy cell of any human organ has the same shape (spectrum)! Interestingly, “holy water” in the church has the same spectrum of radiation immediately after consecration. It seems that this is why “holy water” has its healing effect on humans.

By influencing a person with a strong electromagnetic signal, vibrations characteristic of a healthy state of the body are forcibly created in the cells of our body. And since the cells are healthy, then the body as a whole has no need to get sick.

In these devices, as is easy to understand, for healing, vibrations not of the energies of the etheric plane are used, but ordinary electromagnetic vibrations, only of a very high frequency. However, there is an indirect effect on information about the health of the cells in our body. That is why this approach to healing is called information medicine, that is, the healing effect is not the vibrations themselves, but the information superimposed on them about the healthy state of the cells of our body.

Devices personal protection

The second direction of application of new theories is also the creation of devices, but devices for individual use that do not have external power sources.

Usually these are small ceramic plates, inside of which, using high technology, certain geometric shapes are located, calculated using special formulas - for example, spirals, pyramids or more complex topographical structures.

These devices do not emit anything on their own. They begin to work when a person comes under the influence of subtle fields that are harmful to human health.

Such fields are emitted by any electrical devices - televisions, computers, radiotelephones, transmitters, microwave ovens, etc. Pathogenic radiation comes from the Earth - in zones of underground faults, construction of large engineering structures, mass graves, etc. Finally, pathogenic energies include those energies that people exchange in the process of communication - especially when communication occurs in a raised tone with statements about who who does he think about?

We are talking here specifically about fine-material pathogenic radiation, and not about known electromagnetic radiation, which can be measured using known instruments and protected from them (for example, by shielding).

Such radiation exists, but existing electromagnetic devices do not detect it. But they are seen by people who have the appropriate vision - the ability to see a person’s aura.

These personal protective equipment capture pathogenic radiation and convert it into radiation that is beneficial to our body's health. That is, they have a positive effect on our subtle shells (etheric and even emotional).

Since devices that directly assess the state of our subtle bodies have not yet been created, the effect of the effects of the created devices is assessed either by indirectly measured indicators - temperature, pressure, blood composition, etc. Or according to the testimony of people who see the aura. Or from photographs of the aura, since such cameras have been created and anyone can take a photograph of their aura.

The photographs of the aura clearly show that in the presence of a personal protective device (for example, such as KIT-4 or BREEZE), the colors of the aura sharply improve. That is, these devices have a forced positive effect on our thin-material shells - they add blue, yellow and dark blue colors to it. And they force out the dark, gray and brown colors of negative emotions.

You need to cleanse your sins yourself

Adding light colors to the aura does not mean at all that the device can perform the procedure of cleansing our body of emotions from the negative thought forms accumulated in it. No one will do our work for us! But still, the device can have a positive effect on our psycho-emotional state and protect us from pathogenic influences environment or from the negative emotions of other people.

What the long-term impact of such devices is is still unknown. Whether they will become the same “crutches” for us in the future as clothes, cars and telephones have become for us, replacing our natural abilities, is unknown. Let's hope not. But refusing to use useful devices for purely ideological reasons is also some kind of idealization (it’s difficult to formulate what).

If the Higher Powers allowed the creation of such devices, then it seems that they believe that humanity can use them. So we will not destroy the hopes of the Higher Powers.

More powerful devices

Many similar personal protective devices have been developed today. Some have a range of 1-2 meters, and there are more powerful ones, with a radius of 15-20 meters. Such devices are usually made in the form of a board or tray, on which it is recommended to place food, drinks, creams and other organic substances for 30-50 minutes.

As very real physical and chemical measurements show, in these substances the content of carcinogens, nitrates, nitrites, chemical additives, dyes and other additives harmful to the human body is inexplicably reduced. It is difficult to explain where they disappear, but the fact, as they say, takes place. This is evidenced by numerous acts of quite official organizations.

The author of this book has been using both a personal protective equipment and a large information and energy generator (board) of the BRIZ-7 type for a year. And he expects to continue to use them in the future.

And now it’s time to draw further conclusions.


1. Modern science is actively working on the creation of technical devices that affect the subtle bodies of humans.

One of the areas for applying the results of such research is the creation of devices that influence human cells, forcing them to oscillate at the frequency of a healthy cell.

Another direction is the creation of generators of subtle energy (etheric and emotional planes), which protect a person from external pathogenic influences.

3.5 Physical body - don’t forget to clean it

When considering cleaning procedures, it is advisable not to forget about our very real body - the physical one. This body is the repository of our soul, a means of realizing its plans and communicating with other people. Therefore, no matter how high the aspirations of our soul are, we should not forget about the physical body. Because the body itself requires care - to be fed, watered, kept warm, periodically stretched and kept clean. Otherwise, it will refuse, and all our high (or not so high) aspirations will turn out to be empty dreams, since a sick body will not allow us to do what we would like.

That is, our body itself is one of the important components of the complex formation called “man”. And through the body, our subtle-material shells can have a destructive influence on our plans and actions - in accordance with the requirements of the “educational” karmic process.

A healthy body and a healthy soul - is there a connection?

If our body is so important, then the question arises: is it possible to influence the filling of our “vessel of karma” with its help? That is, if the body is healthy, will the soul necessarily be healthy?

If we recall the diagram of the “vessel of karma”, we can safely say that no. We know that not every person is given an absolutely healthy body. More precisely, very rarely to anyone. Most likely, this is one of the types of abilities that are given to the human soul during its next incarnation. In practical terms, this could be the ability to achieve success in sports or to fly into space (since only a completely healthy person can be an astronaut). How else can one explain that one person naturally sings well, another counts well, and the third runs fast? Of course, victories in sports cannot be achieved without a lot of hard work. But even without the abilities given by Nature, you won’t get great results either.

Therefore we will assume that good health is one of the abilities given to a person at birth. And his task in this life is not to begin to idealize this talent of his. Because the demand from the capable is stricter than from the incapable. And they can be taken back earlier, before the “vessel of karma” overflows and they slide far down the ladder of spiritual development. But we have already talked about this.

Ways to cleanse the physical body

And now we would like to say a few words about ways to cleanse our physical body. This field has been dug up many times, so we are only attempting to somehow classify what has already been developed by various authors.

So, how do people cleanse their body when problems (diseases) arise? As you understand, there are many ways here.

Treatment with drugs

The traditional way to deal with the disease is to take medications. That is, the introduction of additional drugs inside, which should react with the substances present inside the body and put everything in order.

Outwardly, this resembles a situation when a certain container (our body) was filled with all sorts of rubbish (the consequences of improper nutrition, drinking, and lifestyle), which in some places began to ferment (or rot).

And so, instead of cleaning this container, we also add some drugs there that suppress the fermentation process in this place. For a while, of course. After some time, the rotting process begins in another place, we again add a special powder there, and the process again dies down for a while. And so all my life - on pills.

This is exactly how, although not very appetizing, one can imagine the traditional way of treating people who do not take care of their health.

Balanced diet

If a person has realized the harmfulness of disordered and poor-quality nutrition, drinking and lifestyle, he begins to follow some rules for filling the capacity of his body with external substances (food, drink). For example, he switches to vegetarianism, separate meals, or any other food system. Anything that at least somehow improves the work of our internal organs. This is not yet cleansing, but at least bringing the contents of our body into a state that satisfies its natural requirements. With such a life, although our body is polluted, it is much less than with a disorderly (that is, ordinary) lifestyle without any systems.

Cleansing the physical body

But in order for our body to feel really good, we need to periodically cleanse it of various types of toxins and deposits.

For this, the well-known fasting and special cleansing procedures are used. Full list Such procedures can be found in the books of G. Malakhov and many other authors.

These procedures give wonderful results, but require considerable effort. Laziness and an active “word mixer”, constantly sowing doubts about the effectiveness of these procedures, limit the possibility of their use for many people. They look for easier ways, and naturally, they find them. For example, in the form of special food supplements designed to cleanse the body of toxins. A great variety of additives have been invented, both foreign and domestic. If you have money for such supplements, then it is not at all harmful to eat (or drink?) them.

All this is well known, and any of the cleaning methods can have a positive effect on your health (at least short-lived if the cause of the disease lies in the subtle bodies).

How health affects the “vessel of karma”

Now let’s return to the original question: can the struggle for one’s health have an impact on filling the “vessel of karma”?

Probably it can. If only because if you start fighting for your health, then it no longer allows you to live and act as before. You can still relate to the world as before, but it’s unlikely to act any more. Health doesn't allow it. So you will inevitably be forced to change your behavior to a more benign one. That is, one that will help close some valves of your “vessel of karma.” And if the illness gets worse and you end up in the hospital, then you will have a lot of free time to think about the meaning of life. Staying in some hospitals (especially oncology hospitals) has a very healing effect on the attitude of many people towards the world. Not all, but many.

So we can state that health itself has little to do with karmic interactions. But the struggle for poor health can have a very beneficial effect on your attitude towards life. We would not wish you to experience this pleasure. But if this has already happened, then do not miss this opportunity. Along with cleansing your body, don’t forget to cleanse your thoughts and emotions, fortunately there will be time for this.

This concludes our vague discussions about health. And let's move on to the next results.


Natural good health can be considered one of the talents given to a person at birth.

Cleaning the physical body does not directly affect the filling of the “karma vessel”. But the circumstances that lead a person to the need to cleanse his body can have a positive impact on his attitude towards life.

3.6 What else could I clean?

So, we have completed our consideration of the methods and consequences of cleansing our five bodies, including four subtle and one physical (those who have two physical ones can clean both). Are these methods enough to make your life comfortable and your goals become a reality?

It seems to us, yes. Cleaning the karmic, mental and emotional bodies will reduce the level of filling of your “karma vessel” to 40-50 percent. This is a completely comfortable level when you still have desires in material world, and there is practically no karmic “education”. More precisely, it certainly exists. But you react very quickly to “educational” measures and there is no need to re-apply them to you. Life is a circus, and you watch the show almost all the time, only occasionally getting involved in the active process of life - just to get what you want.

How much will we clean?

Since this book is intended for the general reader, we will not delve into methods for completely draining the “vessel of karma.” More precisely, we ourselves have little idea of ​​them. With the exception of full compliance with religious rituals and restrictions, of course.

Therefore, we end the chapter on cleansing our bodies here. Our readers can use any methods and techniques known to them to solve their internal cleansing issues. The ones we recommend, or any others we haven't even mentioned. There are many different types of techniques today, and some of them are quite effective.

Work yourself

The only condition that we recommend observing when choosing a method of cleaning your thin bodies is the need for you to work independently. No devices, pills or external influences of various shamans, performed for any money, will replace your independent work. They can help (through the pipe “third party influences”), but only for a while. They will not close the valves of your erroneous beliefs. These valves are in your head, and no one can get in there without your permission.

So we wish you complete success in getting rid of karmic “education”!

Did you know that human capabilities make it possible to get rid of most diseases without drugs and doctors? This is true. A person consists not only of a physical body, there is also a so-called “subtle plane” - a subtle body “woven” from energy that affects the physical body and manifests itself in diseases. This is no longer a secret to anyone.

Studying diseases, doctors came to the conclusion that from 80 to 98 percent of all health problems are associated with psychological and emotional conditions of a person. However, doctors were never able to fully understand that thoughts and emotions are the same energy that affects well-being and physical health. Alas, traditional medicine, when studying human physiology, does not take into account its energetic essence and does not connect bodily illnesses with the state of the Soul. That is why there is still no breakthrough in the treatment of serious illnesses and one should not expect traditional medicine to invent a panacea for all diseases.

Only awareness of your essence through understanding the energy structure of your subtle body, knowing who you are in this world and why you live is the key to health and longevity.

*Structure of the subtle body*

Among the many different versions about the structure of the human subtle body, the system of meridians (also called channels) and chakras is the most widespread. But, if we consider them separately, in isolation from the Soul, then a complete understanding of the structure of the subtle body cannot be achieved, because it is not clear what fills the channels with energy and what is the source of this energy?

Full understanding is possible if you connect the chakras and the meridian system with the human Soul, combining the entire structure with energy distributors. Only when all the components of the subtle body are assembled into a single whole do you begin to clearly see not fragments of a mosaic, but a completed picture that gives some understanding of your inner essence.

If you look at the diagram that reflects the principle of energy movement, you will see: your entire body is powered by energy, the source of which is the Soul. Human health depends on the quality of this energy.

Understanding this is extremely important in order to understand the connection between diseases and your thoughts and emotions, which represent different energetic vibrations.

These energy vibrations of varying densities and strengths affect your body, leading it to disease or taking it away from it. Take, for example, negative thoughts and emotions of anger and anger. When a person manifests them, he produces low-density energies that nourish the structure of the subtle body. Rough energy fills the channels and chakras, polluting and blocking them with “traffic jams,” which causes illness.

In Eastern medicine, such blockages are removed by acupuncture, when negative energy is removed from the channels with the help of needles, thereby normalizing the movement of vital energy.

In Eastern medicine, it is believed that about 5,000 diseases can be cured with acupuncture. And this is close to the truth, since contamination of the structure of a person’s subtle body leads to an overwhelming number of diseases.

*Negative energy is the source of illness*

The habit of negative thinking is the most destructive to health. We are talking not only about anger and anger, but also about fears, worries, stress and other negative states. And although diseases do not appear immediately, sometimes even after many years, you can get rid of ailments only by cleansing your energy structure. But when everything is already neglected and polluted, this is much more difficult to do.

While long time in a depressed state of Spirit, a person cannot get rid of negative energies, which leads to illness.

It is much more correct not to pollute the structure of your subtle body in the first place. This will then allow you not to spend months, or even years, on cleansing your energy.

They say correctly: “It’s not where they clean up that is clean, but where they don’t litter.”

You can determine for yourself whether the structure of the subtle body is contaminated or not by a number of signs:
- Pain
– Lower temperature of different parts of the body
- Muscle spasms

If the structure is contaminated with negative energy, then when you feel the channels with your hands, you can feel cold areas under the skin. A sign of contamination of the lower energy distributor is pain that appears when pressing on the abdomen. And cold hands are a sign of contamination of the upper energy distributor.

However, physical illness itself is a clear sign that the structure of the subtle body is polluted. And in almost all cases, after complete cleansing of negative energies, recovery comes, although sometimes this requires patience.

Energy distributors are the most difficult to clean. Due to its complex structure with a huge number of channels and chakras, it can take a long time to free yourself from negative energies.

Most people do not perceive the relationship between their health and thoughts and emotions. But every person, including you, is capable of learning to feel energy; you just need to activate and develop the sensitivity of your hands. This can be achieved in a few days with simple exercises.

Let's return to the conversation about the violation of the energy structure, or, as they also say, human energy. All impurities and problem areas are visible in the aura images. Gaps and irregularities in the biofield occur precisely in places of contamination with negative energy. It is based on these disorders that healers who “heal” with their hands identify diseases and treat ailments. To be fair, I will say that treatment can be effective, but it can also be ineffective.

The fact is that the pinnacle in healing people is Spiritual healing, which can only be achieved by recognizing God within oneself through Love. There are very few such healers who possess special spiritual energy that simply neutralizes any causes of human illness. They differ from ordinary people in the level of Spirituality - the high energy of Spirit and Love they emit.

It is possible to protect yourself from diseases and get rid of already acquired ailments.

But for this it is necessary to fully realize, understand and believe that negative thinking is harmful to physical health. And then, step by step, move towards healing.

Take the first step - analyze your thoughts and emotions.

Remember what you thought about today, what you experienced during the day.

Think about what kind of energy it is: nourishing and giving health, or polluting the structure of the subtle body and leading to diseases?

Realize that negative thinking will not change the situation. But you can change your attitude towards what is happening.

Understand that no one will save you from negative thinking and condition, only you yourself can do this by working on yourself and disciplining yourself every day.

In contrast to negative states, positive ones provide positive energies. These are high and subtle energies that do not harm the structure of the subtle body and purify it. According to the laws of energy, the higher and subtler energy is always stronger than the negative one, therefore, when they interact, the negative is gradually “erased.”

As evidence, I will cite a case where a person fell ill with cancer four times, but each time he cured himself with laughter therapy, watching comedies and cartoons. This example shows the invaluable health benefits of positive thinking.

Man himself is essentially a Soul clothed in a bodily shell. The Soul and Spirit, without which a person cannot exist, feed the body with energy. At the same time, the Soul is always connected with God and the Universe, therefore it simultaneously emits and receives energy. You give your energy and receive the energy of Love from God every second, every moment.

The soul of a living being energetically connects it with the Universe and God. And this was proven during an experiment when scientists placed the animal in a normal living environment, but with the help of special screens they blocked access to the room from any impulses and energy signals. After a few days of being in a room “dead” for energy, the animal’s tissues began to disintegrate and it died.

Understand that it is the spiritual essence that nourishes the structure of the subtle body, that is, fills the life of the person himself, all cells and organs. And your health depends on this nutrition.

Negative thinking not only leads to illness, but also alienates a person from God, from his divine essence. Of course, going down is easier than climbing up, but this is the only correct path, the path of spiritual development of one’s life. eternal essence- Soul and Spirit.

And this is not just a path to health and happiness. This is the meaning of life. Self-improvement and development of one’s spiritual essence is what is most important! Filling the cells of Co-Knowledge with energies-knowledge and increasing the level of energies of the Spirit - this is what we should strive for.

If you raise the vibrations of the Spirit to the level of Love, all illnesses will remain a thing of the past. As they say, “a healthy mind in a healthy body.”

When the high energy of Love lives in you, everything negative vibrations they simply won’t be able to appear, which means that all illnesses and illnesses will bypass you.

But how to rise to the level of vibration of Love?

Only by sincerely striving for Love, for example, for another person or God. The very desire for Love is a desire for God and it does not go unnoticed.

Prayer is one of the important and effective ways raising the vibrations of the Spirit. There are many known cases of healing through prayer, although this sometimes takes months and sometimes years.

*The essence of miraculous healings*

History knows many examples when a terminally ill person who could not find health with the help of traditional medicine suddenly recovered.

Such inexplicable and understandable cases make an indelible impression on the common man. And although the path to recovery is different for everyone: one turned to a healer who was able to help him, the other came to God and began to pray fervently, managing to get rid of the disease, the reason for the miraculous healings is the same.

All healings are explained by the cleansing of a person’s subtle body, or, in other words, by liberation from negative energies that lead to diseases. Beneath them may lie negative thinking that has polluted the structure of the subtle body, blocking the path of life-giving energy to parts of the body or organs. But perhaps also the influence of so-called black magic. In any case, the disease cannot be cured as long as these negative energies are in the structure of the subtle body. Medicines can reduce pain and make life easier, but, alas, they cannot heal.

The key to all miraculous healings is cleansing the subtle body of negative energies, which are the cause of illness. As long as a person tries to influence the physical body with the help of drugs, the result will be weak.

The majority of diseases are associated with contamination of the structure of the subtle body.

You can come to a solution to health problems if you take as a basis that the Soul and the structure of the subtle body are primary, and the body is secondary, if you understand that illnesses appear due to energy disturbances.

For anyone who has realized this, the road is open to understanding the essence of miraculous healings. And this essence is that in order to cure an illness it is necessary to cleanse the structure of the subtle body using the influence of positive energies. High positive vibrations are always stronger than negative ones, so when they collide, low energy loses, which leads to cleansing and healing.

Moreover, the higher vibrations a person produces, the faster the cleansing from negative energies occurs, and the sooner a person gets rid of ailments.

In contact with

Many of you are not interested in the upper strata, they say, your lower selves should be sorted out. Are we up to Heaven if there is still so much work to do? They don’t understand that Heaven will help you deal with everything earthly, and in a way that you never dreamed of. As the level of consciousness increases, various petty “dramas”, complaints and dislikes, which are the cause of many of your troubles, disappear into oblivion. Claims to life are based mainly on the way of society, on its foundations and foundations: what they will say, how they will look, I can’t, I’m not capable, I don’t want...

As you ascend the steps of the spirit, you find in your higher aspects as much love, understanding and support as you need. As you explore new territories, you gain universal wisdom and unconditional acceptance of your every step. Treat your loved ones the same way, take their steps, trying to help and support them. From above you see better why they act this way, what needs to be corrected in their thoughts, how to act wiser...

In short, your path into yourself contains the path of your soul, the process of healing the soul, enlightening all aspects, purifying and supporting yourself on different levels. This is the path to multidimensionality, to wisdom and harmonization. This is also the path to health. Cleanliness is the key to health.

How to begin this path into your higher aspects? What to do to master the highest wisdom?

We need your persistence, diligence, perseverance, consistency and daily work. It appears when you are aimed, when you are determined and when you have found this path.

Some people gain knowledge, read, speak, understand, but they still do it from the consciousness of the third dimension, from knowledge. The heart is sealed or silent. Consciousness does not grow.

Multidimensional knowledge and its application in practice expand consciousness, and mere theorizing leads nowhere. You become an encyclopedia of sorts, but no encyclopedia has ever led anyone to their highest potentials. Nowhere in the annals of the encyclopedia will you learn to love and honor yourself and others. You will not find your Higher Selves there. You will become dogmatic and will fight and oppose others.

If you want to embrace healing, then open yourself to change and change. Be willing to let go of old habits, admit mistakes, look at hurt feelings, and nothing will stand in your way of healing.

Consciously or not, ask the Spiritual World for help, and you will receive it, whether it be in the form of energy transfer, or in some other way.

The more you open yourself to learning and change, the more help you can receive. No one but yourself can walk this path. You must understand what the disease wants to tell you. We will assist you as best we can and provide the necessary healing energy to speed up the process for your highest good.

For healing to occur, it is first important that you release yourself of all energies and connections that do not serve you.

Energies, entities and connections that influence your energy field and feed on your energies unnecessarily slow down the healing process, and therefore the first step should serve to cleanse and clarify your energy bodies.

The power that lives deep within you is so great that there is nothing that you can fear. When you remember this truth, you will understand that you have more important things to do at this time than fear of such energies.

Likewise, relationships with other people can be both useful and not very useful for the healing process. There are people who constantly drain your energy, if not out of malice, then most likely unconsciously. And there are people with whom you are in deep resonance and harmonious exchange that positively affects both sides.

If you want to experience complete healing, it is important to separate connections that have not served you for a long time. By doing this, you will also be doing the other side a favor by inviting that person to gain energy elsewhere. In the best case, this person will understand that he also has a connection with the Source and does not need your energy. In the worst case, he will continue to look for another “victim”. But even then he serves her in the knowledge of personal responsibility and the ability to say NO, because in reality there are no victims and perpetrators, but there is a teacher and a student. And you are all, on the one hand, a teacher, and on the other, a student in this game called life.

I bring to your attention a series of meditations that I received through mediumship from the subtle plane, from the energy-information field of the Universe. This is an express method that you can use when you need to get rid of astral impurities after work, visiting crowded places, interacting with people you don’t like, or just to “get in shape.” It is based on the alchemical reaction of the subtle phases of matter, and, thanks to the combination of a special vibrational tonality of the audio series and meditation, you can quickly cleanse your subtle bodies and aura, consciousness, feelings and energy. Plus, the astral plane is cleansed

to the premises where the practice is carried out.

During meditation, when a melody sounds, the energy of the saturated of blue color with a blue and silver tint. The body begins to vibrate, and the icy cold of the primordial Akasha flows down the spine. This is the highest cold Fire - cosmic plasma, the basis
all energy information processes. If you feel cold during meditation, then the cleansing effect of the practice has been achieved. You can receive a recording of the practice completely free of charge by first sending a request to the following email address: [email protected]

Every day we experience some events, meet some people. Unfortunately, people and events do not always turn out the way we want them to. Therefore, when meeting them, we may experience negative emotions - irritation, anger, anger, sadness, guilt, resentment.

We are living people, not robots, and we have the whole range of emotions. This would all be fine, but in childhood we were told that we cannot openly show negative emotions, they need to be hidden, extinguished.

At the same time, our mothers and teachers were completely unaware of the presence of a mental field in every person. About the role this field plays in human life and health. And about how negative emotions affect the state of this field.

Very briefly: around a person there are so-called subtle bodies, fields that contain all the information about his past, present and future life. In particular, in the emotional and mental fields there are energy phantoms of his thoughts, feelings and emotions. The vibrations of a person’s energy field determine what events he will magnetize from the Universe into his life.

If the mental field is “contaminated” (sorry) with dirty emotions, such as anger, malice, envy, even more such events will happen in a person’s life, because of which he will experience such emotions. Like attracts like.

Human health directly depends on the quality of the energy of the mental field. We have all known for a long time that “all diseases come from nerves.” That is, from thoughts and emotions present in energetic form in a person’s aura.

So, as a child, your mother, accustomed to observing the rules of decency and fearing that people might say something, forbade you to show negative emotions. We were ordered to suppress and extinguish them. Thus, the energy of these emotions was deposited in our mental field in the form of an energy clot (now we are speaking figuratively). These clots accumulated, were compressed, and turned into entire blocks. And then these dirty clots began to destroy our physical body, first causing energy clamps, stagnation, and then illness.

I am not calling for you to start violently expressing your negative emotions, beating ill-mannered people in public transport, or yelling at your husband and child if they are under the influence. But you must definitely get rid of negative emotions so as not to accumulate them in your body. And it is advisable to do this every day on which we experienced a negative emotion.

There are special techniques in esotericism and psychology. And now I will show you one of them. It is very effective, although simple, but few people use it in practice. By the way, there is such a Soviet film “Everything will be fine”, and so, in my opinion, Zbruev successfully used this technique. It's called "Fuck it..." :).

Do a test in the evening today. Do a brief “recapitulation” of the events of that day. If some event “hooks” you and evokes emotions, try to determine what those emotions are. Don't hide them, but bring them to the surface. Give the emotions their specific name, that is, figure out what you are feeling now - anger, resentment, or something else.

Try to savor these emotions, “inflate” them, allow yourself to experience what you couldn’t experience right away, “at the crime scene.” If someone has offended you or made you angry, allow yourself to be angry with that person. You can even call him some kind of asshole. About myself. Just don’t need to wish for anything like “so that you have...”. 5 minutes of being angry is enough.

Now - attention. You need to stand up, close your eyes, placing your feet shoulder-width apart so as not to fall. Mentally we draw an energy channel from our feet to the ground. Mentally we draw another energy channel from the head to the sky. We feel connected to both heaven and earth.

Now we begin to breathe deeply, while imagining that our emotion (anger, hatred, whatever else) is “pulling up”, gathering in the chest area, closer to the lungs.

Take a deep breath - the “anger” is drawn closer to the exit, collecting in the lungs. Another breath - collect it all into one “big lump”. And now - while inhaling, we raise both hands up - we hold our breath for a couple of seconds, imagining that the emotion is already on the way, rushing out - and with a noisy exhalation “ha” we let go of our emotion far away, away from our body, imagining how a dirty energy clot comes out of our lungs.

It will be even better if at the same time you mentally send your negative emotion and the event associated with it to hell. You can even send the person who gave you the “joy” to experience this emotion. Just not out loud! Open your eyes and enjoy life!

I assure you that after such a procedure, anger at this person (as well as at the whole world) will disappear somewhere and your mood will significantly improve. And most importantly, the unpleasant event will not affect your health and well-being.

Try! After a week of regular use of this technique, you will be pleasantly surprised by the state of your nervous system. You won’t be so annoyed by people on the subway or pestered by your family anymore.

Meditationto clear thoughts of negativity

Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder-width apart. The hands should touch each other with the tips of the outstretched fingers at the level of the abdomen.

Tip to tip, that is, large to large, index to index, and so on (during this meditation, certain energies circulate inside the body, and the fingertips close this circle, in addition, there is irritation of the nerve skin receptors located on the fingertips, which has a beneficial, calming effect on the brain).

You need to relax, remove all thoughts, and focus only on normal breathing. Then, when a state of complete relaxation of all limbs and a feeling of inner peace is achieved, the person begins to imagine himself as a jug. That is, top part his head seems to have been cut off, like that of a jug...

The source of water is the soul. This water fills the entire body and, eventually overflowing it, pours over the edge of the jug, flowing down the body, and goes into the ground. In the process of water filling the body and flowing into the ground, all the bad thoughts, all the problems, in general, all the dirt and anxiety that are present in the human mind flow out along with it.

It is as if a person is internally cleansed of all this. And when he is so cleansed, he begins to feel a clear separation of soul and thought. Moreover, the soul located inside it, and the soul located above the jug, which observes the process.

Ultimately, with daily practice of this meditation, a person clears his thoughts of negative thoughts and subsequently learns to control them, to constantly keep his mind in a “pure” state...

Energy cleansing of a person.

Energy cleansing of a person.

Today we will talk about how important energy cleansing is and why you need to start observing it.

What is cleaning?

Cleaning is the removal of negativity that interferes with a person’s life.

How can he interfere and what kind of negativity is this?

First of all, we clean the internal clamps, blocks that impede the flow of energy in the human body. Ideally pure people can be counted on one hand, and these will probably only be saints who constantly pray, and thereby purify their energy and keep their soul and body clean. All other people need to cleanse their body periodically to prevent various diseases, including colds.

Imagine that our body consists (on the energy plane) of many different energy channels. The thickest energy channel is in our spine. The main flow of energy passes through it, directed both from us to space and from space to us. If this main channel is clogged, then a person develops serious illnesses. Most often, the disease occurs precisely from the presence of negativity, various blocks. Blocks appear from stress, fears, evil eyes, damage, in general, all the bad things that humanity has managed to invent over thousands of years. To remove all this, energy cleansing and various cleansing rituals are carried out. There are a lot of them, including those that use both Christian and Scandinavian egregors, that is, runes, elemental energies, etc.

If a person who decides to engage in magic, in particular extrasensory perception, or the development of energy management skills, has not removed energy blocks, then he may experience unpleasant sensations called diseases of spiritual development. That is, this feeling of pressure in the head, temples, various parts body, some strange spontaneous pains.

What does this come from? A person tries to develop the ability to pass through himself a large number of energy, but he has a block on one of his channels and the energy that moves along the channel cannot penetrate through it. It (energy) begins to accumulate in this place and the organ located next to this place becomes uncomfortable and begins to hurt.

Techniques for human energy cleansing.

What are some simple cleaning techniques that you can use for yourself? Everyday life. The simplest thing is express cleaning, which breaks off various bindings. This is a breathing practice that is carried out as follows. As soon as you feel any discomfort, do the following: completely exhale the air from your lungs, hold your breath to the maximum. That is, an indicator that you are more or less clean is that you were able to hold your breath on a full exhalation for seventeen, twenty seconds or more. If you were able to hold your breath for less than twelve seconds, it means that something is already on you and with this breath you are breaking off some bindings from yourself, removing them, making your condition easier using the express method.

Cleaning must be done constantly, since any visit to large crowds of people gives a coating of a certain amount of negativity on the biofield. The next thing you can do without even leaving your place, if, say, somewhere at work you feel unwell after communicating with some bad person, or in a crowd on the street, or in transport, is to memorize some simple Christian prayer. For example, “Our Father.” Read this prayer at least mentally and it is advisable to also baptize yourself mentally. There are also short prayers for cleansing - these are “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”, “Life-giving Christ”.

Candle cleansing scheme.

Next is a scheme for cleansing yourself with a candle. This pattern is called a "spiral". A fairly simple cleansing regimen that you can do in the evening if you're feeling under the weather. The diagram shows that the candle is first held over the human body in a spiral from head to toe, then rises vertically, then falls down and again rises upward in a spiral. At the same time, you need to read a prayer. When you read the prayer three times and carry out all the cleansing manipulations with the candle, let it burn out. This cleansing removes weak everyday evil eyes that occur from quarrels, stress or from one’s own negative emotions.

Rules for maintaining the purity of your energy.

Keeping yourself and your home clean. After you come from somewhere, for example, from a store, a long trip, or just going out to take out the trash, you must come and wash your hands. Washing your hands washes away not only germs, but also negative energy that your hands could pick up from everywhere. It would also be good to wash your face. It was not for nothing that there was a custom in Rus' when, after a journey, a person, a merchant, always came to the bathhouse and first washed himself off the path, and then went about his business.

The second rule of energy hygiene is to try not to become emotionally attached to the situation. That is, if you feel that a tense situation is arising, which can later be reflected by the presence of negativity in your biofield, then try to detach yourself. That is, you are here, but the situation is somewhere there and it does not concern you. It's like you're watching it on TV. Even if this situation concerns you directly and let’s say your bosses are standing in front of you and scolding you for something, just imagine that you are looking at all this from the outside. You will immediately feel much better. You will be able to control your words, your emotions, react correctly, calm down.

If there is an opportunity to avoid negative problems and situations, then take advantage of this opportunity. Try to remain silent rather than say a bad word, because the spoken word already has power and will affect you if the person you offended harbors a grudge against you.

If you are going to visit a place where there are a lot of people, try to protect yourself by getting yourself some kind of protective amulet, or using mental protection. For example, when moving among people, imagine that you are constantly under a waterfall. A large stream of water pours over you, constantly washing and cleansing your body. This will help you develop your visualization, the power of thought, and you will also be able to simply protect yourself. The more often you visualize this, the better this protection will work. You can also imagine that you are in a mirror sphere, which is mirrored outside of you. And everyone who looks at you sees not you, but only themselves. And whatever bad they think about you, they will think about themselves accordingly. All the negativity directed at you will come back to them.

There are also protective words that would be good to know and say at a time when they wish something bad to your face. For example, there are such simple phrases that are easy to remember: “Your speeches are on your shoulders,” “There is a circle around me, it was not me who drew it, but my Mother of God,” “I have twelve strengths, you have five.” These defensive phrases are very helpful in acute moments of disputes and quarrels.

All people should know these basic energy cleansing rules and methods of protection in order to keep themselves constantly in good shape, keep their lives positive, good events and just be happy.

Words of amulets you need to know about...

Words-amulets, agmas (Slavic mantras), quick words, whispers - these are the names of short, succinct words or phrases pronounced in critical situations. And despite the fact that most often they are completely meaningless (at least for modern man), they actually work, saving us from various misfortunes and troubles, and sometimes even from terrible death.

Remove Ber!

The word “amulet” itself is something that is meant to protect, and according to one version it comes from the word “ber” - this is what our Slavic ancestors called an uncontrollable, violent elemental spirit, as well as a connecting rod bear that left its home ahead of time den (Ber's house) and therefore was very dangerous. So the amulet is protection from Ber, it pacifies him and brings peace, harmony and beauty into people’s lives.
The protective power of familiar words

The basis of any amulets is the Word (remember: “in the beginning was the Word..."), and therefore they were enchanted, in other words, processed with a special Word. And depending on what exactly, what emotions and what intention were invested in it, this force became destructive or creative.
The so-called quick words, as a rule, have precisely protective (blessing) power, since “soon” - that is, quickly - you need to say just such words. However, most of them are well known to everyone, and we use them quite often. One of the most common among them is a word that each of us sometimes pronounces more than once a day. This is the word "thank you". By saying it, we seem to bless (protect, ask for protection for him, bless him) some person. From the same series are such greeting words glorifying God as “glory to God”, “with God” (“walk with God”), “hello”, “be healthy” and others. These words have become traditional, and we have forgotten that they are words of amulets.

Who is Chur?

Although there are also long-forgotten, but very effective words of amulets. We know some of them. Such, for example, as the word “chur”. Few people know what this word is and where it came from, but expressions like “keep away from me”, “keep away from me”, “don’t shy away from me” are still alive. We rarely use them, but in vain.
The Slavs had such a god - Chur, the guardian of the family hearth and the boundaries of land holdings. At the border, for him (and for themselves, defining the boundary), they placed special logs with signs-symbols depicted on them, which began to be called chocks (and what has this word turned into now?). The area where Chur ruled received a kind of sanctification in this way, and he strictly ensured that no evil spirit crossed its borders. As a resident of passing roads, Chur had power over the devils. Therefore, in case of danger, it is still advised to remember this Slavic god and shut up, saying: “Beware of me!” And he even protects the secrets of a person’s thoughts. If someone says something unpleasant, you should shut him down: “Keep your mouth shut!” - and the evil wish will not come true. Well, if you find something valuable and you don’t want to share it with anyone, you need to say: “Never mind you!” - and the kind ancient god will save the find just for you.
Another word-amulet, which is better never to use, but it is advisable to know, sounds like this: “Abara”. There is no better word if you are in danger. It is like an invisible weapon against a real, completely visible and tangible weapon. When you are attacked, you need to quickly say this word, and the weapon will lose its power, and the energy of aggression will transfer to the one who emits it.

In any case, it is good because it sounds short (time to think and read conspiracies during real dangerous situation It’s just not), it’s easy to remember and - most importantly - it really helps!

In addition, you should remember that any evil directed against you can be stopped in the name of God. If you are in danger, you need to quickly ask Jesus for help: “Jesus, come yourself and help me, not my enemies!”
If danger is possible - you feel it, but the person is not doing anything yet, then mentally order him: “Don’t touch!”, “Take everything for yourself!”, and the danger will pass you by.

The fire of a candle carries within itself the Radiance of the Universal Divine Sveta...

People who heal their Soul and their energy spaces from pain, hatred, fears with the help of prayers, meditations and rituals with candles realize how dangerous it is to leave negativity in their energy. It is better to cleanse yourself in a timely manner with the help of a candle fire - after all, in the flame of a candle is the Divine Radiance of the Universal Power of Life.

And it is very correct that they do not want to live in the old way, carrying in their energy the energy of the darkness of the lower planes. Entities of higher hierarchies can penetrate through this negativity, through energy holes in the biofield - and then expect trouble...| This is a very powerful self-purification practice. The most powerful in yoga.

Yes, it is not as easy as, for example, energy gymnastics. But at the same time, this exercise is very powerful - I tell you from my own experience.
For independent energy cleansing, you are unlikely to find something more effective.

Yes, it requires 11 minutes a day and some effort. But what it can give you is incomparable to your costs. In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether to do it or not, because it’s your life. Opportunities and tools are provided to you.

After the first 2 minutes, your body will begin to heal itself. All cells will interact in this process. Your body will begin to heal and you will begin to experience pain in every muscle.