Celebrity biographies


13.09.16 10:14

When organizing an “online beauty contest,” he did not even think about the stunning consequences this would lead to. The biography of Mark Zuckerberg, the youngest billionaire in history, began with a student prank.

Biography of Mark Zuckerberg

The son of a dentist from the suburbs of New York

Mark was born in large family dentist Edward Zuckerberg and his psychiatrist wife Karen Kempner on May 14, 1984. The Zuckerbergs lived in a small Westchester County village 21 miles north of midtown Manhattan. Jews Edward and Karen raised three daughters (Randy, Donna, Ariel) and only son.

At the age of 13, Mark underwent a Jewish bar mitzvah, but later admitted that he is an atheist and does not support any faiths. Despite this, he believes in karma and believes that the most amazing religion in the world is Buddhism.

Mark Zuckerberg's school biography is replete with bright pages. He excelled at Ardsley High School and was transferred to Phillips Exeter Academy in Hampshire, where he won prizes in mathematics, physics, astronomy and classical studies. When Mark entered college, he indicated on his application that he could read and write French, Ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew. In addition, he was the captain of the fencing team.

Programming prodigy

By the time he began his studies at Harvard in 2002, Zuckerberg had already earned a reputation as a programming prodigy. Despite the fact that Mark entered the psychology department, the newly minted student studied computer science and joined the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. In his second year he wrote computer program CourseMatch, which helped form study groups.

And soon Mark created another program, initially called "Facemash", which allowed students to choose the best photos. It was simply an entertainment site where pictures of two guys or two girls were posted and visitors had to vote on who was “hot.” This is how the rating of this or that participant was formed. Over the course of a couple of weekends, a record number of students visited the site. But by Monday morning the college had closed it because Harvard's computer network simply collapsed under such pressure. The college authorities did not know that this was the beginning of the Facebook era.

Youngest billionaire

Mark left Harvard in his second year to bring his project to fruition. Together with several friends (including Dustin Moskovitz), Zuckerberg moved to Palo Alto. There they rented a small house, which became their “headquarters”. Over the summer, Mark found a sponsor (Peter Thiel), who invested money in new company. At the initial stage of the work, Harvard student from Brazil Eduardo Saverin, who later sued Zuckerberg and received 5 percent of Facebook shares, helped financially.

The company's first office appeared in mid-2004, and soon Mark, who owns 24% of the shares of the company he invented, became the youngest billionaire on the planet.

Released in October 2010, Fincher's biopic The Social Network is detailed story about the start, formation of Facebook and litigation surrounding the company. Zuckerberg did not welcome the idea of ​​making such a movie: “I didn’t want anyone to film the biography of Mark Zuckerberg while I was alive.” However, he later appreciated the drama (which received two Oscars and four Golden Globes). The role of Mark in the film was played by Jesse Eisenberg.

The actor and his hero shook hands for the first time on Saturday Night Live. live"in January 2011.

Generosity is his middle name

On December 9, 2010, Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett signed a promise called The Giving Pledge. This agreement stipulates that every millionaire (billionaire) who signs it must donate 50% or more of his wealth to charity. Later, other billionaires joined the “oath.”

Mark not only traveled the world, widely promoted his social network, contributed to the creation of numerous applications, but also remained one of the most famous philanthropists.

So, on December 19, 2013, Zuckerberg donated part of his Facebook shares to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (the amount of donations was approximately $990 million). As of December 31, 2013, this gift was recognized as the largest charitable contribution. Every year, Mark is among the 50 most generous Americans; his total contribution to a good cause has already exceeded $1 billion.

In the fall of 2012, Mark visited Moscow, and his lecture at Moscow State University. Lomonosov caused a huge stir.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

Together with Priscilla

Mark met his future wife, Priscilla Chan, at a fraternity party during his sophomore year at Harvard. In 2003 they started dating. Priscilla is the daughter of Chinese-Vietnamese refugees who came to the United States after the fall of Saigon in 1975. She was born in Braintree, a suburb of Boston (Massachusetts). Chan studied at Faculty of Medicine University of California.

In September 2010, Zuckerberg invited his friend to move in together, and they began to live in Palo Alto. In December of the same year, the couple traveled to China. Before this, Mark managed to master the basics of Mandarin.

On May 19, 2012, Zuckerberg and Chan got married on the back patio of the groom's home, combining the wedding celebration with Priscilla's graduation from medical school.

Gratitude for the birth of Max

One thing darkened the personal life of Mark Zuckerberg and his wife - they could not become parents. Priscilla suffered three miscarriages. But on July 31, 2015, Mark announced that his wife was pregnant again, and this time the risk of losing the child was minimized.

On December 1, 2015, the billionaire’s first-born daughter, Maxim (“Max”) Chan Zuckerberg, was born. IN open letter To Max, Mark and Priscilla promised to donate 99% of their Facebook shares - this is how they expressed gratitude to fate for the birth of their daughter.

One of the richest men on the planet, Mark Zuckerberg, has a frankly ugly wife.

She has an expressionless face with a nose smeared all over it like semolina, and a figure like shit.

Short massive legs, stooped shoulders swollen with fat, a wide chest on which drooping pancakes of boobs were lost.

Photo: dailymail.co.uk

I look at this and don’t understand what the billionaire is doing next to this disgusting body.

Maybe he's gay? Impotent? Maybe he has fecal incontinence? Something must definitely be wrong with him. Question: what exactly?

I tried to find the answer by looking at the couple's photographs. Look at them too.

Photo: readsharecare.blogspot.com

Photo: vietbao.vn

Photo: fawesome.ifood.tv

Photo: etonline.com

Photo: mofopolitics.com

What do you see - a billionaire with an ugly wife or love? I am the second. It's clear to me that Zuckerberg loves his Priscilla.

Another thing is obvious to me: I, alas, like many of you born in the Soviet Union, have the mentality of a resident of a third world country.

I’m trying to get this rogue shit out of myself and, it seems to me, quite successfully.

For example, I wear gray T-shirts, which are comfortable, and don’t go out in a “pick me up, man” look. Moreover, I don’t like it when a man pays for me. Not because I'm unfeminine, but because money is too easy.

If a friend wants me to look at him with admiration, respect him, love him, let him do something really worthwhile, and not incur expenses that I can easily incur without his participation.

As you can see, I didn’t get my head stuck in the nineties or zeros, but moved on. And yet, when I saw a couple of Zuckerbergs, my first reaction was misunderstanding: “How can this be?”

This speaks to the third world mentality in me.

In these countries, the main opportunity for a woman to get out in public is to use her pussy, like a suction cup, to cling to a richer man. And when an ugly pussy manages to stick to this, a resident of a third world country is surprised: “How can this be? There are a lot of beautiful pussies around. Why did he choose the ugly one? Not new? Not the one located between the long podium legs? What's wrong with him?

In fact, that's how it is with him. He fell in love. I fell in love with a person, not a sexual organ. And this is wonderful.

I'm concerned about something else: can this poor mentality, in principle, be eliminated completely, or will it, like a chronic disease, live in our bodies forever?

Mark Zuckerberg is an enterprising businessman whose biography arouses keen interest among young people and the older generation. His name is associated with the creation of the world's largest social network Facebook, the number of users of which exceeds 2 billion. A prominent polyglot and inventive programmer has become the best in many areas. Zuckerberg - dollar billionaire with official earnings of $1.

Childhood and youth

Mark Eliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in the New York suburb of White Plains into an intelligent Jewish family of doctors. Mark's zodiac sign is Taurus. Parents Edward and Karen Zuckerberg still practice medicine today: their father in the field of dentistry, and their mother in psychiatry. The family of the youngest billionaire on the planet is large; four children grew up in it: Marc Eliot, elder sister Randy and the two youngest, Ariel and Donna.

“Everything should be simplified as much as possible, but no more.”

The history of the creation of the popular project was not ignored by filmmakers. shot the full-length film “”, where he played the main character. Zuckerberg spoke negatively about the film, the plot of which he called implausible.

Personal life

The personal life of the red-haired and short (height 171 cm) billionaire Mark Zuckerberg does not correspond to ideas about the richest man on the planet. He leads a secretive lifestyle, does not boast of wealth and does not waste money.

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Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla

He has a modest car - a Volkswagen Golf GTI, which Mark drives himself. For casual wear, the programmer prefers jeans and gray T-shirts. This commitment to minimalism allows the entrepreneur to devote more time and attention to those things that interest him.

In 2012, Mark married longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan, whom he met in 2002 at a Harvard student party. Chinese by nationality, she was distinguished by her perseverance in achieving her goal - to realize her parents' American dream and get a decent education in the United States. For the sake of admission to prestigious university the girl even took up tennis, although she had never been particularly keen on sports.

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The young people maintained their relationship even after their life paths diverged for a while. Priscilla continued her studies, while Mark settled in the capital of Silicon Valley.

In the first years after the wedding, the newlyweds tried unsuccessfully to become parents: Priscilla experienced 3 miscarriages. But at the end of 2015, the couple had a daughter, Max, which became the happiest moment in the life of the couple who dreamed of a child. After 2 years, his wife, who was named August.

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Mark Zuckerberg and Morgan Freeman

Until 2015, the multi-billionaire lived exclusively in rented homes, without forking out for his own. Having learned about his wife’s pregnancy, Mark Zuckerberg built a cozy family nest for a comfortable life for his long-awaited first-born. The home cost Zuckerberg $7 million, and the programmer made the purchase on his own, without resorting to the services of an agent.

The home of the Facebook founder is located in the historic center of Silicon Valley - the city of Palo Alto, a 10-minute drive from Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park. In the billionaire's mansion there are no extra servants, the function of a butler

Mark Zuckerberg's children are two desired and long-awaited daughters, the youngest of whom is due to be born this year. According to the Facebook founder, they took a very long time to become parents - Mark Zuckerberg's wife was pregnant several times, and only two attempts were successful. During all this time, the relationship between Mark and Priscilla not only did not worsen, it became even stronger, and the joint struggle for happiness brought the spouses even closer together. Their eldest daughter Max was born in 2015, and this became the reason for one of richest people planet, whose net worth is estimated at fifty-three billion dollars, announced that during his lifetime he and his wife would give 99 percent of Facebook shares, which at that time were valued at forty-five billion dollars, to charity. These funds should go to charitable foundation Zuckerberg's Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which helps schools for the poor and those with serious illnesses.

In the photo - Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

After the birth of his first daughter Maxima, or Max, as her parents call her, Mark happily plunged into the atmosphere of fatherhood and did not hesitate to change his daughter’s diapers, happily talking about it on social networks. In addition, he constantly posted photos of his eldest daughter on different images, for example, in a Jedi cloak and with a lightsaber in his hands. The whole event was the first word spoken by Zuckerberg’s daughter, and it was the word “dog,” because Max adores their Hungarian shepherd Bist.

Zuckerberg met his future wife while studying at Harvard University, when he was not yet the founder of the world famous Facebook network, but was a simple programmer. Priscilla was by his side all the way to success, and on May 19, 2012 they got married. They had their modest wedding at Zuckerberg's house in Palo Alto, and the hundreds of guests who came to the celebration at first didn't even know they were going to the wedding, but thought they were invited to celebrate Priscilla's graduation from the University of California.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife holds a doctorate in medicine, but now she devotes all her time not to her career, but to raising her daughter and preparing for a new birth. Since her first pregnancy was very difficult, Priscilla and her husband are doing everything to ensure that the second one proceeds without complications. Mark showed himself to be a very good husband, who did not give up and did not leave his Priscilla, who had big problems becoming a mother, but he really needed an heir. This once again confirms that good husbands and they do not become fathers, but are born, because only a responsible and worthy person is able to sympathize and empathize, to be strong and at the same time gentle, surrounding the woman he loves with care and not abandoning her in difficult times.

In the photo - Mark with his daughter Max

Mark Zuckerberg is a versatile person whose main hobby is school years was programming, and after acquiring the first computer in his life, he began to independently create computer games and various entertaining applications. But his range of interests was not limited to this - he was passionate about fencing and studying ancient languages.

Zuckerberg entered the prestigious Harvard University in 2002, and two years later began dating a Chinese woman, Priscilla Chan. Mark fell in love with her for her simplicity and openness and found in her your soul mate. Mark Zuckerberg's future wife always believed in the success of his project to create a social network and supported him in all his endeavors.

They tried not to advertise their relationship, so when the rich young programmer admitted that his heart had not been free for a long time, it became a big discovery for many. What surprised everyone even more was that Mark Zuckerberg, who had great hopes for a luxurious future, chose not a stunning beauty, but a modestly and even, in the opinion of many, tastelessly dressed girl with an ordinary appearance. However, this did not bother Mark - he was happy with everything about his beloved, and their relationship only flourished and became stronger.

Mark Zuckerberg announced on his page on the social network he founded that his wife Priscilla Chan has made him happy with another child.
The proud father posted a photo with his baby and eldest daughter Max, accompanied by a letter in which he and Priscilla addressed the newborn August.

“Dear August, welcome to this world! - writes Mark. “Your mother and I can’t wait to see who you become.” When your sister was born, we wrote a letter about the world we would like to live in, and now you are in a world with better education, less disease, a world with a stronger population and equal opportunities. We wrote that with all the advances in science and technology, your generation should live much better than ours, and we are obliged to contribute to achieving this goal. Even though headlines often focus on the fact that this is not the case, we still believe that these positive trends will emerge. We are optimistic about your generation and the future.”

Mark Zuckerberg with his father, dentist Edward Zuckerberg, and three sisters. The founder of the world's most popular social network grew up surrounded by three sisters, and is now the happy father of two daughters.

In connection with the birth of his daughter, Zuckerberg plans to leave for two months maternity leave. He already did this when his first daughter was born, but in the US this is actually rare. Here, even women spend only a few weeks at home with their newborn. Zuckerberg will split his vacation into two parts: immediately after August's birth and then in December.

Recall that Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan got married in 2012. The couple always dreamed of big family. But before Priscilla managed to give birth to her eldest daughter, she had to experience miscarriages three times. So when Zuckerberg’s wife finally gave birth to their daughter Maxim in December 2015, the couple were incredibly happy.