(212 average votes: 4.7 out of 5)

Wolf quest in la2(original name in Lineage 2: Get a Pet) Can be taken from level 15, by any race. The wolf will serve in the future as a good damage dealer. The first part of the quest is different for each race. The main task is to kill some mobs in your home location. Which mobs and where will be shown below for each race.

One condition is the same for everyone: you need to collect 50 quest items.

1) Quest for the wolf - taken in Gludin from Pet Manager - . Then she gives us recommendations on which mobs we need to kill.

Wolf quest in la2:

For the Human race - kill, Talon Spider, Giant Spider:

For the Elf race - kill Crimson Spider, Pincer Spider:

For the Dark Elf race - kill Prowler and:

For the Dwarf race - kill and Hunter Tarantula:

Wolf quest in Russian:

For the Orc race - kill Kasha Spider, Kasha Fang Spider,:

2) How smooth it will be 50 quest items— you can fly to Gludin to.

3) Fly to Gludio, talk to the keeper of the portal Bella. You need to remember what she will answer, these will be answers to questions.

Walkthrough of the wolf quest in Lineage 2:

5) Afterwards we fly to Giran to a jewelry store, there we talk with Ellie:

6) Now we are flying to Gludin to take the quest. But before that, she will ask several questions, if you carefully read the previous dialogues, you will pass the first time, and if you make a mistake, you will run to talk to the NPC in the second round. But there is already a list of answers in Russian and English which is below.

Wolf Quest: Answers in Russian

Question: The following connections have been made between wolves and their habitats. Which connection is incorrect?
Answer: Immortality Plateau – Black Wolf

Question: How far (in kilometers) can a wolf smell?
Answer: 2.4km

Question: A wolf is a mammal belonging to the canine family that eats meat. Which animal from the following is not a mammal from the canine family?
Answer: No answer

Question: What is the best way to train a pet?
Answer: When hunting monsters, be sure to take your pet with you.

Question: Which of the following does not fit the description of the life of a wolf?
Answer: A pregnant wolf creates a home for her cubs in a wide open area.

Question: Which of the following is a correct description of a wolf?
Answer: Even an adult wolf weighs less than an adult man.

Question: Which of the following is not food for a wolf?
Answer: No answer

Question: A pet can disappear forever if it is not resurrected within a certain time after death. What is the maximum time to resurrect a pet?
Answer: 24h.

Question: How is a wolf's tail usually positioned?
Answer: His tail always points down.

Question: What is the oldest and most primitive type of wolf found in Aden?
Answer: Dire Wolf

Question: Which description of the wolf breeding process is incorrect?
Answer: The gestation period is 9 months.

Question: Which wolf leads the others when hunting in a pack?
Answer: Male

Question: What is the normal lifespan of a wolf in captivity?
Answer: 12~15 years

Question: Pets are very useful to their owners. How not to use a pet?
Answer: Can be sent to the village to buy items.

Wolf Quest: Answers in English

Question: When the pet is killed it may be resurrected within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum delay allowed before resurrection becomes impossible?
Answer: 20 minutes

Question: Pets are very useful to their owners. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of a pet?
Answer: Can be sent to the village to buy items

Question: Which of the following is not a part of the wolf’s diet?
Answer: No answer

Question: How is a wolf’s tail normally positioned?
Answer: It’s tail is always pointing straight down.

Question: The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
Answer: None of the above.

Question: The following connections are made between the wolves in the Lineage world and their habitats. Which of the following is NOT connected properly?
Answer: Orc Black Wolf

Question: Which of the following is the correct description of a wolf?
Answer: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human

Part 1. The birth of a wolf.

In the Universe Lineage2 absolutely any player, having reached Level 15, can have a wolf, which will become his pet, assistant, hope and support. The main differences between a wolf, as a pet, and servants (whose summoning skills are given to some professions) are the presence of their own inventory and the ability to pick up things dropped from monsters, the ability to use special weapons and special armor, as well as unlimited time spent in this world, which is limited only stocks of special food.

The most important task at this stage, and in general, probably, in leveling up a wolf, is to determine exactly whether you need it at all, or whether you can do without it. The word “needed” means a real need, I would like to focus attention on this. The point is that in LA2 character leveling is based on hyperbole, albeit small and not very noticeable, but still. We started leveling up the wolf, instead of 40 we got only level 35, or instead of 65 only 55 -> less money drops from monsters -> we couldn’t buy more sophisticated weapons or armor -> leveling is slower, monsters are smaller, they kill more often -> less money drops, etc. .d. etc. Vicious circle. Therefore, you should not upgrade a wolf for beauty, “to be”, it will not be useful in your inventory, just like a 40 dog at level 70+ will be of no use, but it will be able to delay its development quite well. Therefore, try to clearly draw the line between “yes” and “no,” and if you decide to pump, brace your nerves and get ready for hemorrhoids.

So, having upgraded the character to Level 15(or later), we suddenly decided that we extremely need the wolf, and without it our life is empty and worthless. If finances allow, you can simply buy a wolf collar from other players, but I want to warn you here. The description of the collar as an in-game item includes the pet's level, but does not show the name - only whether it exists or not. Therefore, when buying a wolf on the market, you run a good risk of paying a round sum for a gray dog ​​with a plan name “fkjdfjfd” or “4mo”, which cannot be changed. You, of course, can ask the seller to summon the pet to check the name, but no one guarantees that the owner has only one collar in his inventory. Here it is more convenient for anyone. But if you decide not to risk it and download it yourself, then we fly to Gludin catch the beast.

Quest name: Get a pet
Conditions for passing: No requirements
Level: 15+
Repeatability: Repetitive
Quest NPC: Pet Specialist Martin (Gludin Village)
Reward: Wolf Collar

Quest description:
Pet Specialist Martin agrees to give you a wolf collar completely free of charge, but only for one service - you must help him get rid of the monsters that you can find on the list that he gives you.

1. We approach Pet Specialist Martin in Gludin and talk to him. He will tell us the conditions under which he can give a wolf, and give us a List of Monsters.
2. Each race has to kill its own monsters, so we go to our starting village and hunt the indicated monsters until we collect 50 necessary items (translation into Russian is not fundamentally necessary - it can be corrected later if necessary):
- If you are Human, then you will get Animal Slayer's 1st List. Teleport to Talking Island and run to the Obelisk of Victory. On the northern coast, you need to hunt Giant Spider, Talon Spider and Blade Spider and collect 50 Bloody Fang.
- If you are an Elf, you will receive Animal Slayer’s 2nd List. Teleport to Elf Village, run west. Within the elf zone, you need to hunt Crimson Spider, Hook Spider and Pincer Spider and collect 50 Bloody Claw.
- If you are a Dark Elf, you will receive Animal Slayer's 3rd List. Teleport to Darkelf Village towards Swampland. Within the swamp, you need to hunt Lesser Dark Horror and Dark Horror and Prowler and collect 50 Bloody Nail.
-If you are an Orc, then you will get Animal Slayer's 4th List. Teleport to Orc Village to Frozen Waterfall. South of the waterfall you need to hunt Kasha Spider, Kasha Fang Spider and Kasha Blade Spider and collect 50 Bloody Kasha Fang.
-If you are a Dwarf, then you will get Animal Slayer's 5th List. Teleport to Dwarf Village in Northern Coast. To the northeast, behind the ridge of mountains, you need to hunt Hunter Tarantula and Plunder Tarantula and collect 50 Bloody Tarantula Nail.
- If you are Kamael, then you will get Animal Slayer's 6th List. Teleport to Kamael Village in Mimir's Forest. Near Nornil Cave you need to hunt Crimson Spider to collect 50 Bloody Red Claw.
3. We return to Pet Specialist Martin. He will hand over the List of Animal Defenders, who will provide you with information about the life of wolves.
4. In Gludio we speak with Portal Guardian Bella.
5. In Dion, near the southern gate we find Guard Metti.
6. In Giran, in the Accessory Shop, we talk to Ellie the Jeweler.
7. When we decide that we are ready to take the test, we go to Pet Specialist Martin in Gludin and take the exam. Questions are randomly selected from the following list:
Question: The following connections have been made between wolves and their habitats. Which connection is incorrect?
Answer: Orc - Black Wolf
Question: The wolf is a mammal belonging to the canine family that eats meat. Which animal from the following is not a mammal from the canine family?
Answer: No answer
Question: Which of the following does not describe the life of a wolf?
Answer: A pregnant wolf creates a home for her cubs in a wide open area.
Question: What is the best way to train a pet?
Answer: When hunting monsters, be sure to take your pet with you.
Question: Which of the following is a correct description of a wolf?
Answer: Even an adult wolf weighs less than an adult man.
Question: Which of the following is not food for a wolf?
Answer: No answer
Question: What is the oldest and most primitive type of wolf found in Aden?
Answer: Creepy wolf
Question: How far (in kilometers) can a wolf smell?
Answer: 2.4km
Question: Which description of the wolf breeding process is incorrect?
Answer: The gestation period is 9 months.
Question: Which wolf leads the others when hunting in a pack?
Answer: Male
Question: What is the normal lifespan of a wolf in captivity?
Answer: 12~15 years
Question: A pet may disappear forever if it is not resurrected within a certain time after death. What is the maximum time to resurrect a pet?
Answer: 24h.
Question: Pets are very useful to their owners. How not to use a pet?
Answer: Can be sent to the village to buy items.
Question: How is a wolf's tail usually positioned?
Answer: His tail always points down.

If we answer everything correctly questions asked, Martin will give us the Wolf Collar. But it’s too early to splash drool in different directions with enthusiastic screams and swing naked on the chandelier - everything is just beginning.

Part 2. What, where, how much.


A prerequisite for summoning a wolf is the absence of an already summoned servant or other domestic animal that obeys its master, therefore, in principle, there is no point in acquiring a wolf for such professions as the Sorcerer or the Follower of Darkness, whose buildup process occurs through the summoned servants. The pet can be summoned by simply clicking on the collar in your inventory, but it will not be able to appear if the character is participating in combat.


In order to function normally, your pet needs food, which will need to be purchased from a Pet Specialist. Food is automatically consumed by the wolf if it is in his inventory, and the hunger indicator drops to marks 55%. We can easily increase his level of satiety on our own, but it’s better not to be lazy and always put food in the animal’s bag, because you can simply not notice the message that the pet is hungry and forget to feed it. This moment is very significant, because if the wolf dies of hunger, then it will no longer be possible to resurrect it.


In order to give a command to your pet, just double-click on it with the mouse - the Pet Window will appear, which contains a list of all the commands available for execution by the pet. Any command can be placed on the hotkey panel and used as your own skills.
Name is a command that allows you to give your pet a unique name. Names cannot be repeated. The name can contain up to sixteen characters inclusive and, once given, cannot be changed.
Motion Setting- after using this command, the pet stops all its actions and begins to relentlessly follow the character. Repeated use makes it stop and stand still.
Attack- this command is responsible for the pet’s attack on enemies. Use it if you want the animal to rush at the selected target. If in this moment attack is impossible - the pet will wait until the situation changes and he can attack. Having completed the attack (after the death of the monster or character that the wolf attacked), the pet will begin to carry out the command that was given to it before the attack, for example, it will return back to the owner and continue to follow him.
Stop- this command forces the pet to complete all active actions and wait for further instructions.
Pick up- using this command you can force your pet to pick up an object lying on the ground - it will be placed in the animal’s backpack.
Recall Pet/Release- thanks to this command you can recall the wolf. The beast cannot be recalled if it is in combat mode or if its hunger indicator is below 50%.
Movement- after this command the pet begins to move towards the given target and run after it next to it.
Skills– in the process of leveling up, the wolf will develop his own skills. The player will be able to force pets to use them when he thinks it is necessary. But more on that later.


Wolves are given the opportunity to use their own armor and weapons. It is impossible to equip a pet with more than one armor and one weapon. If the pet was wearing anything before it was recalled, the next time it is called, the equipment will be put on automatically. To equip your pet with weapons or armor, simply drag the necessary items into your pet's inventory and double-click on them with the mouse. If all actions are done correctly, the items will be highlighted with a yellow frame - this means that the pet is currently using them (even if no visible changes have occurred in its appearance). Don’t forget about the Beast’s Soul Charges (the wolf will not need Spirit Charges as such very soon, and may not need them at all). Some items can be purchased from the Pet Specialist, but before top equipment you need to upgrade (from him).

Iron Canine~ PAttk 4, MAttk 5, Cost 18.9k
Shining Canine~ PAttk 7, MAttk 8, Cost Iron canine, 24 Dgems, 3.6k OR 45.9k
Ghost Canine~ PAttk 11, MAttk 10, Cost Shinning Canine, 32 Dgems, 4.86k OR 82.35k
Mithril Canine~ PAttk 16, MAttk 14, Cost Ghost Canine, 47 Dgems, 7.02k OR 135k
Sylvan Canine~ PAttk 23, MAttk 18, Cost Mithril Canine, 72 Dgems, 10.8k OR 216k
Orikarukon Canine~ PAttk 31, MAttk 24, Cost Sylvan Canine, 96 Dgems, 14.4k OR 324k
Fang of Saltydog~ PAttk 40, MAttk 30, Cost Orikarukon Canine, 132 Dgems, 19.8k OR 472.5k
Fang of Cerberus~ PAttk 49, MAttk 36, Cost Fang of Saltydog, 120 Dgems, 18k
Fang of Coyote~ PAttk 58, MAttk 42, Cost Fang of Cerberus, 48 ​​Cgems, 21.6k
Crystallized Ice Canine~ PAttk 69, MAttk 50, Cost Fang of Coyote, 60 Cgems, 27k
Fang of the Blue Wolf~ PAttk 80 MAttk 58, Cost Crystalized Ice Canine, 152 Cgems, 68.4k
Fang of Fenril~ PAttk 93 MAttk 66, Cost Fang of the Blue Wolf, 160 Cgems, 72k

Wolf Leather Armor~ Pdef 9, Cost 9.45k
Wolf's Hide Armor~ Pdef 13, Cost Wolf Leather Armor, 13 Dgems, 1.98k OR 24.3k
Wolf's Hard Leather Mail~ Pdef 16, Cost Wolf's Hide Armor, 17 Dgems, 2.52k OR 43.2k
Wolf's Wooden Armor~ Pdef 19, Cost Wolf's Hard Leather Mail, 28 Dgems, 4.14k OR 74.25k
Wolf's Ring Mail~ Pdef 22, Cost Wolf's Wooden Armor, 38 Dgems, 5.76k OR 117.45k
Wolf's Bone Armor~ Pdef 26, Cost Wolf's Ring Mail, 52 Dgems, 7.74k OR 175.5k
Wolf's Scale Mail~ Pdef 30, Cost Wolf's Bone Armor, 84 Dgems, 12.6k OR 270k
Wolf's Bronze Armor~ Pdef 33, Cost Wolf's Scale Mail, 72 Dgems, 10.8k
Wolf's Plate Mail~ Pdef 37, Cost Wolf's Bronze Armor, 84 Dgems, 12.6k
Wolf's Steel Armor~ Pdef 40, Cost Wolf's Plate Mail, 36 Cgems, 16.2k
Wolf's Luxury Plate~ Pdef 43, Cost Wolf's Steel Armor, 88 Cgems, 39.6k
Wolf's Mithril Armor~ Pdef 47, Cost Wolf's Luxury Plate, 120 Cgems, 54k

Use of inventory.

The animal, like the character, has its own inventory, which serves it to store various items. However, there are some restrictions - the pet cannot store arrows, Soulshots, Spiritshots, Blessed Spiritshots or Spiritshot Packs in its backpack, so using the dog as a pack camel will not work, and even its Charges will have to be carried in your inventory and used independently - to do this, simply move them to the hotkey panel and right-click on the icon, now when attacking the wolf will use Charges automatically. In order to force your pet to use this or that item, for example, bottles of health restoration or drinks to increase the speed of movement or attack, transfer this item to the animal’s backpack and double-click on it with the mouse.

Transfer, recall and death.

The pet can be given into the wrong hands or sold to another character by transferring the collar. Also, it can be revoked at any time if its owner so desires. The exception is when the pet is in combat mode or when its hunger indicator is below 50%. The pet is forcibly recalled if the hunger indicator becomes zero. If the animal returns to the enchanted item, it gives the character all the items that were in his inventory, even those that he was wearing. If the owner of an animal suddenly leaves the game, then the pet is automatically recalled to his inventory, but if the animal was dead at the time of exit, this will not happen. You can resurrect a wolf using special scrolls, which are sold from a Pet Specialist or with the resurrection skill available in some professions. The pet is able to remain at the place of its death for up to 24 hours inclusive, but after this period has expired it disappears forever. This means in general. And he won't come back again. And it cannot be returned.

In principle, this information is not of particular importance, but it is quite important to learn how to quickly control the dog so that you can use it as effectively as possible in battle, both against monsters and against other characters. Therefore, before moving on to the next stage, take a couple of tens of minutes to practice controlling and displaying the necessary buttons on the hotkey panel, and in the future, do not be lazy to enter your pet’s actions into macros.

Part 3. Beginning of development.

This and the next points, in my opinion, are the most diverse in terms of large quantity options, methods and techniques. Here everyone can decide for themselves what is best, how and where. Therefore, I ask you not to judge as if I urge everyone to act using only one method and only consider it the most correct and most effective. Please try, test, train. I’ll tell you how and why it’s best for me, but whether you listen or not is up to you.

Let's start, perhaps, from scratch - with the condition that we got the collar in an honest communist way by doing a quest, so the wolf's level is 15. Here, in my opinion, it will not be entirely effective to rock a pet with your main character. The point is this.
Firstly, the wolf's exp-per-lvl is the same as that of the characters = 0.7. Now, considering that the wolf receives 35% of the owner’s experience, we can quite realistically estimate that the pet will be noticeably slower at leveling than us.
Secondly, the wolf has a much more pronounced difference in attack and defense indicators than the characters - in dealing damage he can even be ahead of the owner, but weak defense will allow him to withstand only a couple of blows from the monster. Hence the permanent death of the pet, the loss of its experience and the owner’s time. Therefore, for normal leveling, good armor is literally vital for him, but purchasing it will take a lot of money, and at first many people don’t have enough of it.

Therefore, we can do it simpler - do not waste precious experience and time fussing with a gray dog, but only focus on leveling up your character, but now, in addition to the main goal - getting money for the base, our task is also complicated by earning adena to spend on the future beast. To start, you don’t need very much, in principle, by level 45, I think anyone can afford it.
Later, when we have already pumped up, dressed up, armed ourselves and began to play more or less satisfyingly, we can take care of the pet. To do this, we create a second character (you can, and if you have a premium account, then you even need to) on your account.

Decide for yourself who exactly to do, but I would personally recommend a human warrior with the goal of Human Knight for the first profession, an elf warrior Elven Knight or a dark warrior Palus Knight, with priority - a light elf, a human and the latter, in preference, a dark one.
Why miles and not magicians/bows/knives: here it all depends on the specifics of the wolf’s exping, in theory, it eats a certain amount of the owner’s experience, but for the damage done to the monster, the pet is also awarded some bonuses, which makes pumping more effective. With magicians and bows, the wolf simply will not have time to reach the target (unless, of course, you want to kill monsters at the speed of a dog), and knives simply do not have the tank skills so that the character takes the blow rather than the wolf.
Why these professions: it’s just that at level 24, all of them acquire the skill of aggression, the so-called “hate”, which in the process of leveling up will allow you to completely take the blow on yourself, thereby protecting the dog’s weak defense.
Finally, why such priorities: Here it’s worth considering the character’s skills up to level 24 inclusive (I’ll explain why later). I put the dark elf last because his skills cannot be used for a pet: the same UD, or Drain, or Sting, the wolf will have no weather from them. The second person was identified - this Shield Stun has one of the strongest stuns at this level, but there is a drawback - he will not be able to run with duals, although they would be better. I think the light ones are the most optimal, here the situation is better - Poison Recovery and Elemental Heal can be very useful to heal your cattle.
But by and large, they are all equally good and have equal disadvantages; the same light elf initially has a STR indicator that is 5 units less than the dark one. Therefore, choose according to taste and color, anyway, the most important thing that will be required is “hate”.

So, we created a second character, chose his race and intended class. Now through postal service in a warehouse in any city we send a collar and a certain amount of money from the main charm to the “dog breeder”. Determine the quantity yourself on the basis that we will need at least armor for the wolf (the best from the Pet Specialist, or a little worse - whoever is capable of what), top-D armor for the character (shadow items from Giran’s store can be used), a bunch of little things, a plan bottles for life regeneration and scrolls of resurrecting the beast, top-D weapons (better, of course, duals, but with a sword it will do) and an immeasurable mass of Soul Charges D. Let's move on.

Part 4. The process has begun.

I decided to do this part separately from the previous one, because here I will no longer describe the preparation, but the process itself and the details of pumping. So, everything is ready. The character is dressed, shod and armed to the teeth. Although the wolf is dressed simply, that’s quite enough for a start. Now the most difficult, tedious and time-consuming part is quality.

In my opinion, it is better to start pumping up a wolf from the 10th level of the enchantment. You can forget about quests, the main thing is the wolf and his experience, which means only farming monsters.

  • Choose any hunting locations you like, but look carefully at what monsters are in a particular location - some of them may have mass attack skills, and when using them, the dog will fold in no time.
  • At first, until your spell has not yet reached level 24 and has not received “hate”, you should not put weapons on the wolf and/or use Beast Soul Charges; I already wrote above that its damage can exceed yours. Carelessly or at the wrong time they ordered an attack, again a couple of blows from the monster switching to the pet, and a shaggy corpse lies nearby.
  • Always keep a close eye on your satiety levels. With intense life activity (attack of monsters, constant movement), the amount of food consumed by the wolf increases. You forgot to put the food in, or it suddenly ran out, anything can happen, and unnecessary problems are just a waste of time, or maybe even of the animal itself.
  • Don’t forget to look at your pet’s life indicator, and don’t skimp on healing potions (small jars will be enough), because even units of health lost by a wolf can make a difference in a critical situation. decisive role. There is no such thing as too much caution.
  • In the process of hunting, money will drop from monsters, do not rush to immediately rush to buy the best armor and improve the existing one, because it will cost quite a significant amount (purchasing the best equipment and improving it to the maximum possible costs about 3.5 kk), but it may turn out to be and not entirely useful. But from time to time it would still be worth improving the dog’s uniform.
  • The most important thing at first– pass the first profession, reach level 24 and learn “hate”. Naturally, a wolf should be summoned at any time and in any place of leveling, but it doesn’t really matter what level he gets. After learning the aggression skill, the process becomes easier, now during the hunt you can start to gradually use wolf weapons and Spirit Charges. It’s not worth it right away, over time: see what aggravates the monster more strongly - your “hate” or a wolf with a weapon and with Charges, test, try, take into account the risk, learn to control the wolf in battle. But the character now needs to divide in order to stay between levels 20 and 25. Of course, it will take tons of recovery scrolls and a lot of time running around the city from one guard to another, but it has to be done. Let me explain why.

    With the release of more and more new game updates, aspects of the wolf gaining experience are sometimes regularly edited. If earlier, who remembers, it was possible to buff an animal up to the tomatoes, stand still and simply direct from afar where and what monsters to kill, but now such a trick will not work. The pet receives a certain amount of experience from the owner, depending not only on what monsters are for the character (blue, blue, green, etc.), but also on what they are for the animal itself.
    There are many aspects here, but I think it will be enough to highlight the simplest one - the dependence of the percentage of experience gained for a monster on the difference in levels between the owner and the pet. It can be presented in the form of a table like this.
    Note: All data was obtained experimentally using artisanal methods in previous chronicles of the game, I think something could have changed, so do not judge by relative error.

    I’ll say right away that some of the data was taken from the Gokhovites (thx2Yolly), and I’ve already refined some of it myself and was looking for a function to build a graph and determine the values. Thus, having the data, you can build a curve that will figuratively represent the graph of the function, where the X axis is the percentage of experience received by the wolf, and the Y axis is the indicator of the value f(lvldif)=lvl(char)-lvl(pet), i.e. e. difference between enchant level and pet level.

    The graph is quite angular, but general idea gives. Let's highlight control points:
    1. The wolf is 5 levels lower than the owner. Here we see a break in the graph towards regression of the experience indicator, logically, this is how it should be - the animal is subject to a penalty, which increases as the difference increases.
    2. The wolf is 5 levels lower and 10 higher than the owner. Here the indicator is stable - 65% for the owner, 35% for the wolf.
    3. The wolf is 10-19 levels higher than the owner. At this stage, we can observe the most necessary and most important thing for us - an increase in the percentage of experience consumption relative to the character.
    4. The wolf is 19 levels higher than the owner. This indicator is critical, because if the wolf is 20 levels higher than the character, then he will simply stop listening and attacking monsters (he’s probably disdainful), but at the same time it’s also the maximum - the wolf begins to eat about 70%.

    Therefore, when leveling up a wolf, we must keep our second character at the same level - in order to achieve the maximum possible difference, and, accordingly, the maximum efficiency of eating percentage of experience by the pet. Personally, for example, I had the patience to stay at 24 until the wolf upped 41. It’s not important to achieve a difference of 19, 17-18 will be enough, later you will still have to continue dividing in order to maintain this figure. With this method and at this pace we will level up right up to the character’s second profession, because the result we need here is Level 55 wolf.

    Part 5. A real beast.

    So, “we built and built and finally built.” At level 55, a regular wolf can be exchanged with a Pet Specialist for Great Wolf. Now you can relax a little - the wolf’s uniform is getting better, his armor is stronger, his weapons are stronger. You can purchase everything from the same Pet Specialist. And the wolf’s indicators change quite well.

    At this stage, you can make a choice - either transfer the Great Wolf to the main character, or get a second profession as a “dog breeder” and continue pumping up the pet from time to time until it overtakes, or at least aligns with the base (if you played as it in between raising wolf). Here the difference of 19 levels also remains important, although not critical, but raising the level of the wolf will be easier. Previously, you pumped the wolf, but now he will be able to pump you.

    It is worth noting that as a wolf levels up, he will now gain his own skills. Relatively small, but sometimes very useful.
    Level 55: "Bite" Bites the enemy.
    Level 60: "Wolf Howl" Discourages nearby enemies with a menacing roar (-23% patk of surrounding enemies = Power Break 3).
    Level 65: "Sledgehammer" Rip open the enemy's flesh with razor-sharp claws. Causes bleeding (Power 1. Effect 3. chance to add Bleeding).
    Level 70: "Awakening" Awakens hidden powers in your body (+8% patk, +16% matk, +8% attk-speed, +8 speed, -8% pdef, -16% mdef, -4 evasion = Bersercer Spirit 2).
    Also, Great Wolves change appearance depending on their own level - the higher it is, the more menacing the pet looks.

    Level 55-59.

    Level 60-64.

    Level 65-69.

    Level 70.

    Part 6. With the breeze.

    If you roll through life like cheese in butter, and your clan has a CH in Aden or Rune, then the NPC in the Clan Hall Great Wolf can be exchanged for Snow Great Wolf, and then he will become a mount at level 55, and will also receive a small increase in defense. Important: if you leave the clan, you will no longer be able to summon the Great Snow Wolf (it will write that you do not have enough rights to summon a pet). In this case, you will need to exchange the Snow Wolf for a simple one with a Pet Specialist (you can exchange back and forth an unlimited number of times).
    If you don’t have such goodies in life, then you won’t be able to ride and will have to run on foot until level 70, when the Great Wolf can be exchanged with the same Pet Specialist for the mythical Scandinavian Fenrir - a healthy carcass with increased attack stats, and protection.

    By the way, Fenrir can be similarly exchanged for Snow Fenrir; unfortunately, he will not fly, but the increase in defense will not be superfluous.

    But all this is still far away.

    In Lineage 2 wolf quest It's called Get a Pet, it's taken from Gludin, next to the dark elven guild, from Pet Manager Martin.

    The wolf quest is available to characters level 15 and above. Martin will give you the task of bringing 50 items. Each race will have its own items; accordingly, each race will stuff items in different places. I would like to point out right away that all the monsters in the quest are spiders. I will describe in detail where to look for the necessary monsters for the quest.

    Wolf quest for a human (Human)

    You must bring 50 Bloody Fang. The monsters we need giant spiders, Talon Spiders, bladers spiders. You can find them by teleporting from the Talking island gatekeeper to Talking island, Northern Territory.

    Wolf quest for Dwarven

    You must bring 50 Bloody Tarantula Nail. It is necessary to hunt Hunter tarantulas And Plunder tarantulas. You can find these monsters by teleporting from the gatekeeper from Dwarf Village to the Western Mining Zone.


    You must bring 50 Bloody Claw. The monsters we need for the quest Crimson Spider, Hook Spider And Pincer Spider. You can find them by teleporting from the Elf Village gatekeeper to Elven Forest.


    You must bring 50 Bloody Red Claw. Mobs required for the quest Crimson Spider, live in the vicinity of Nornil’s Cave, Kamael village.


    You must bring 50 Bloody Kasha Fang. The mobs we need Kasha spider, Kasha Fang Spider And Kasha Blade Spider. They live south of Frozen Waterfalls, you can get there by teleporting to the Cave of Trial from Orc Village. You will need to run north to Frozen Waterfalls.

    Dark elves

    You need to bring 50 Bloody Nail. The mobs we need Lesser Dark Horror, Dark Horror And Prowler. You can find them by teleporting from Darkelf Wallage to Swampland.

    Having received the necessary items, we return to Pet Manager Martin, who is located in Gludin (it was from him that we took the quest).

    He will ask you to gather information about wolves. You will need to talk to the following NPCs:

    Bella(Belladona) gatekeeper gludio

    Stands on the southern gate of Dion

    Accessory Merchant Ellie You can find it in the Jewelry Shop of Giran

    To complete the quest for the wolf, we return to Pet Manager Martin, he will give us a small test. You will need to answer questions and you will be given several answer options.
    Below are the correct answers.

    Questions and answers in English.

    1) Question: When the pet is killed it may be resurrected within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum delay allowed before resurrection becomes impossible?
    Answer: 20 minutes
    2) Question: Pets are very useful to their owners. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of a pet?
    Answer: Can be sent to the village to buy items
    3) Question: Which of the following is not a part of the wolf’s diet?
    Answer: No answer
    4) Question: How is a wolf’s tail normally positioned?
    Answer: It’s tail is always pointing straight down.
    5) Question: The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
    Answer: None of the above.
    6) Question: The following connections are made between the wolves in the Lineage world and their habitats. Which of the following is NOT connected properly?
    Answer: Orc Black Wolf
    7) Question: Which of the following is the correct description of a wolf?
    Answer: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human
    8) Question: What is the best way to train your pet?
    Answer: Tell your pet to hit monsters multiple times
    9) Question: What is the normal lifespan of a wolf in captivity?
    Answer: 12-15 years
    10) Question: The following are descriptions on the life of a wolf. Choose the WRONG description among the choices.
    Answer: A pregnant wolf makes shelter in a large vacant ground for her babies
    11) Question: How far (in Kilometers) can a wolf's smell reach?
    Answer: 2.4 km
    12) Question: What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?
    Answer: Male
    13) Question: Which is not a proper description of the breeding of wolves?
    Answer: Pregnancy is nine months
    14) Question: What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden?
    Answer: Dire Wolf

    Questions and answers in Russian.

    1) Question: The following connections have been made between wolves and their habitats. Which connection is incorrect?
    Answer: Orc - Black Wolf
    2) Question: A wolf is a mammal belonging to the canine family that eats meat. Which animal from the following is not a mammal from the canine family?
    Answer: No answer
    3) Question: Which of the following does not fit the description of the life of a wolf?
    Answer: A pregnant wolf creates a home for her cubs in a wide open area
    4) Question: What is the best way to train a pet?
    Answer: When hunting monsters, be sure to take your pet with you.
    5) Question: Which of the following is a correct description of a wolf?
    Answer: Even an adult wolf weighs less than an adult man.
    6) Question: Which of the following is not food for a wolf?
    Answer: No answer
    7) Question: What is the oldest and most primitive type of wolf found in Aden?
    Answer: Dire Wolf
    8) Question: How far (in kilometers) can a wolf smell?
    Answer: 2.4km
    9) Question: Which description of the wolf breeding process is incorrect?
    Answer: The gestation period is 9 months.
    10) Question: Which wolf leads the others when hunting in a pack?
    Answer: Male
    11) Question: What is the normal lifespan of a wolf in captivity?
    Answer: 12~15 years
    12) Question: A pet can disappear forever if it is not resurrected within a certain time after death. What is the maximum time to resurrect a pet?
    Answer: 24h.
    13) Question: Pets are very useful for their owners. How not to use a pet?
    Answer: Can be sent to the village to buy items.
    14) Question: How is a wolf’s tail usually positioned?
    Answer: His tail always points down.

    If you are looking for a quest for a wolf L2 in Russian, then you have come to exactly the right place.

    The quest can be taken starting from level 15, I would immediately like to dot the i’s, the wolf is useless before the Gracia update.

    It carries no value, does no damage, nor carries much stuff. But he dies from any blow.

    Another thing is Great Wolf, which appeared in the update Gracia Part 1 and his older brother Fenrir, with full equipment This pet can deal more damage than any DD, the only thing is that it is much inferior in defense, so be careful when farming.

    The wolf is an excellent companion for gnomes and suports, since with its help you can very successfully farm mobs of your level without much fear that the wolf will die. For a spoiler, this is a godsend, since on average a wolf deals 2 times more damage than a spoiler, thereby replacing damage control in a party and there is no need to share the spoiler.

    Well, enough thinking, you came for the quest for the wolf L2, we will give it to you!

    1. We start the quest in Gludin village being lvl 15 or older, start the quest Martin, he stands in the square. Exit the church and run straight.

    2. Depending on our race, he will send us to get claws, and so choose who you play:

    A. Human-We run west to Talkin Island are looking for Giant Spider, Talon Spider And Blade Spider and farm 50 Bloody Fang

    B. Elf– we’re running Elven Forest and looking for Crimson Spider Hook Spider And Pincer Spider and farm 50 Bloody Claw

    IN. Dark ElfSwampland looking for the dark ones Lesser Dark Horror, Dark Horror And Prowler and farm 50 Bloody Nail

    G. Orcfrozen waterfall from the orcs, we are looking Kasha Spider, Kasha Fang Spider And Kasha Blade Spider and farm 50 Bloody Kasha Fang

    D. DwarfNorthwestern coast and there we find Hunter Tarantula, Plunder Tarantula and collect 50 Bloody Tarantula Nail

    E. KamaelForest of Mimir are looking for Crimson Spider to collect 50 Bloody Red Claw

    3. After 50 claws obtained, we fly back to Gludin to Martin he will give a list of which NPCs you need to go to

    We're flying to Gludio, talking to GK Bella

    6. After this we go to Giran in Jewel shop to NPC Ellie

    7. After this, return to Martin V Gludin

    Wolf Quest L2

    Which of the following is not an appropriate use of a pet?

    Make to go to the village and buy items rather than sending on an errand.

    Which wolf leads the others when hunting in a pack?
    The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family? No answer. What is the oldest and most primitive type of wolf found in Aden? Creepy wolf.
    What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden? Dire Wolf How is a wolf's tail usually positioned? His tail always points down.
    What is the best way to train your pet? When taking down a monster, always have a pets company. How far (in kilometers) can a wolf smell? 2.4 km
    The following connections are made between the wolves and their habitats. Which is not correct? Orc – Black Wolf Which of the following does not describe the life of a wolf? A pregnant wolf creates a home for her cubs in a wide open area.
    Which of the following is the correct description of a wolf? A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human The following connections are made between wolves and their habitats. Which connection is incorrect? Orc - Black wolf.
    Which of the following do not describe the life of a wolf? A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies Wolves are mammals belonging to the canine family that eat meat. Which animal from the following is not a mammal belonging to the canine family? No answer.
    What is the normal lifespan of a wolf in captivity? 12-15 years Which of the following is not food for a wolf? No answer.
    Which is not a proper description of the breeding of wolves? Pregnancy is nine months Pets are very useful to their owners. How not to use your pet? Can be sent to the village to buy items.
    Which of the following is not a part of the wolf’s diet? No answer Pets can disappear forever if not resurrected within a certain time after death. What is the maximum time for a pet to be resurrected? 24h. ( sometimes the option is 20 minutes)
    What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack? Male Which of the following is a correct description of a wolf? Even an adult wolf weighs less than an adult man.
    How far (in kilometers) can a wolf’s smell reach? 2.4 km What is the normal lifespan of a wolf in captivity? 12~15 years old
    Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family? No answer Which description of the wolf breeding process is incorrect? The gestation period is 9 months.
    How is a wolf’s tail normally positioned? Its tail is always pointing straight down What is the best way to train a pet? When hunting monsters, be sure to take your pet with you.
    What is the name of this animal which is in the wolf family and was thought to live 2,500,000-10,000 years ago? It is said that its body and skull were big and heavy, but its brains were so small that it is assumed that its intelligence was not very high. Dire Wolf.
    What a maximum delay allowed before ressurection becomes impossible? 24 hours (20min)
    What can be done to make a pet grow faster? Make a pet hit a monster a lot
    Pets are very useful to their owners. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of pet? Can be sent to the village to buy items.

    Will your pet disappear… if not resurrected.

    It won't disappear. (c) quest for the wolf xf

    If you made a mistake in the answers, it doesn’t matter, Martin will ask you to go through all the NPCs again and return to take the exam, but if everything is successful you will receive Wolf Collar .

    Congratulations on your achievement quest for the wolf la2.

    These animals are very difficult to handle and require constant attention and certain “sacrifices”.

    Teen Wolf. You can get this cute animal at level 15. He is very agile but unfortunately not strong. He must be protected and looked after. But getting it is oh so difficult.

    Remember - your wolf will be weak at first, and may die in two or three hits. But as his abilities grow, you will be able to buy him suitable weapons and armor. You can buy regular armor and weapons for the wolf from Pet Manager.

    Many people believe that the wolf is the most useless pet. But this is actually far from the case - most people simply do not have the patience to raise a real fighting wolf from a weak wolf cub, sometimes even superior to its owner in close combat.

    Unlike a dragon, a wolf has no special skills.

    Getting a Wolf

    To get a wolf, you need to complete a special task Get a Pet. Only characters level 15 and above can receive this quest. As a result of completing the task you will become the owner of a binder Wolf Collar, and your wolf cub will initially be level 15.

    You don’t have to complete the task, but simply buy the wolf cub from your own hands. Carefully inspect the purchase, maybe this wolf cub has already been in fights and does not look its best.

    Your wolf must be well-fed, otherwise he will fight poorly and may even run away from you. Food for Wolves - sold by any Pet Manager in any city.

    Teleport to Gludin.
    1 Pet Manager Martin Animal Slayer's List.
    2 If you Human, then you will receive Animal Slayer's 1st List:
    Teleport to Talking Island. We run to the Obelisk of Victory.
    On the northern coast we hunt for Giant Spider, Talon Spider And Blade Spider until we collect 50 Bloody Fang.
    3 If you Elf, then you will receive Animal Slayer's 2nd List:
    Teleport to Elf Village. We run to the west.
    Within the elf zone we hunt for Crimson Spider, Hook Spider And Pincer Spider until we collect 50 Bloody Claw.
    4 If you Darkelf, then you will receive Animal Slayer's 3rd List:
    Teleport to Darkelf Village. Let's run to Swampland.
    Within the swamp we hunt Lesser Dark Horror, Dark Horror And Prowler until we collect 50 Bloody Nail.
    5 If you Orc, then you will receive Animal Slayer's 4th List:
    Teleport to Orc Village. Let's run to Frozen Waterfall.
    South of the waterfall we hunt Kasha Spider, Kasha Fang Spider And Kasha Blade Spider until we collect 50 Bloody Kasha Fang.
    6 If you Dwarf, then you will receive Animal Slayer's 5th List:
    Teleport to Dwarf Village. Teleport to Northern Coast.
    To the northeast behind the ridge of mountains we hunt for Hunter Tarantula and Plunder Tarantula until we collect 50 Bloody Tarantula Nail.
    We use SoE. Teleport to Gludin.
    7 In the northwestern part of the city in one of the stores we look for Pet Manager Martin, talk to him, we get Animal Lover's List.
    Teleport to Gludio.
    8 We are looking for Gatekeeper Belladonna, talking to her.
    Teleport to Dion.
    9 Near the southern gate we look for Guard Metty and talk to him.
    If you know English, you can read what he tells you, otherwise, you can immediately close the window.
    Teleport to Giran.
    10 In the jewelry store we look for Trader Ellie, talk to her.
    If you know English, you can read what she will tell you, otherwise, you can immediately close the window.
    Teleport to Dion. Teleport to Gludio. Teleport to Gludin.
    11 In the northwestern part of the city, in one of the stores, we look for Pet Manager Martin and talk to him.
    You will have to answer several questions. Have you carefully read what animal lovers have told you? For those who are not attentive, I will give here a list of possible questions and the correct answers to them.
    B: When the pet is killed it may be resurrected within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum delay allowed before resurrection becomes impossible?
    O: 20 minutes.
    B: Pets are very useful to their owners. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of a pet?
    O: Can be sent to the village to buy items.
    B: Which of the following is not a part of the wolf’s diet?
    O: No answer.
    B: How is a wolf’s tail normally positioned?
    O: It’s tail is always pointing straight down.
    B: The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
    O: None of the above.
    B: The following connections are made between the wolves in the Lineage world and their habitats. Which of the following is NOT connected properly?
    O: Orc Black Wolf.
    B: Which of the following is the correct description of a wolf?
    O: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human.
    B: What is the best way to train your pet?
    O: Tell your pet to hit monsters multiple times.
    B: What is the normal lifespan of a wolf in captivity?
    O: 12-15 years.
    B: The following are descriptions on the life of a wolf. Choose the WRONG description among the choices.
    O: A pregnant wolf makes shelter in a large vacant ground for her babies.
    B: How far (in Kilometers) can a wolf's smell reach?
    O: 2.4 km.
    B: What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?
    O: Male.
    B: Which is not a proper descripton of the breeding of wolves?
    O: Pregnancy is nine months.
    B: What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden?
    O: Dire Wolf.
    12 If you answered all the questions correctly, you will receive Wolf Collar.
    Mission completed.
    Are looking for We look where to look (names of mobs and NPCs - links to the map), run to the right place.
    We're talking Select an option QUEST, we go through all the dialogues, if there are lines to choose from in the dialogues, then we look at which line to choose. If such a line is not indicated in the description, it means: a) it does not matter, b) the description is incomplete.
    Note To get a profession, at the beginning of a conversation with NPC must choose not QUEST, A INFORMATION ON CHANGE OCCUPATION. In the second menu - select the desired profession. In the third menu - select CHANGE OCCUPATION.
    We get The item that will be given out is indicated, but it is not indicated which items will be taken away.
    Hunt X until we collect N Y The probability of getting a quest item from some mobs is sometimes quite low, but no more than 10 mobs per 1 quest item (in some cases - up to 30-50), if more, you will have to start the task over.
    Movement You don't have to use teleports; you can save money by walking. We use SoE - Scroll of Escape, scroll of return. Important! You must have the patch installed SoE Map(for C1, in C2 you can use the /loc command) to know where you will go when using SoE. In any case, I recommend looking at where to look for the necessary NPC so that a situation does not arise when, due to an error, you will look for them in completely different cities.

    If the answers for the final test do not suit you
    (they may vary greatly on different servers)
    then try these (or better yet, carefully read what the NPCs will tell you about wolves)

    Question (rus): How many kilometers can a wolf walk?
    Question(eng): How far (km) can a wolf's scent reach?
    Answer: 2.4 km

    Question (eng): It is unknown how long a wild wolf lives, then how long does a wolf usually live in a zoo?
    Question (eng): There is no exact data on the life span of a wild wolf. Then how long does a wolf in the zoo normally live?
    Answer: 12-15 years

    Question (rus): Life stories of a wolf are listed, select the INCORRECT description?
    Question (eng): The following are descriptions on the life of a wolf. Choose the WRONG description among the choices.
    Answer: A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies!

    Question (rus): Life descriptions of a wolf are listed, select the CORRECT description?
    Question (eng): The following are descriptions about the wolf. Choose the RIGHT one among the choices.
    Answer: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as fully grown male adult human!

    Question (rus): Where is a wolf's tail usually located?
    Question (eng): Normally, how would a wolf's tail be positioned?
    Answer: It's tail is always pointing straight down.

    Question (rus): What is the name of an animal of the wolf family that lived 2,500,000-10,000. Years ago? It is said - “the body and skull were large and heavy, but his mental abilities were small and his intelligence was low.”
    Question (eng): What is the name of the wolf's ancestor that became extinct 10,000 years ago?
    Answer: Dire Wolf

    Question (rus): The connections between the wolf in the LineAge world and their habitat are listed. Which of the following is incorrect?
    Question (eng): The following connections are made between the wolves in the Lineage world and their habitats. Which of the following is NOT connected properly?
    Answer: Ork Blak wolf!

    Question (rus): What needs to be done to make the animal grow faster?
    Question (eng): What should you do to make a pet grow faster?
    Answer: Makes a pet hit a monster a lot!

    Question (rus): Biological classification of the wolf! “a mammal that eats meat, of the dog family” - which of the listed does not belong to the above classifications.
    Question (eng): The biological classification of the wolf is a meat-eating mammal of a dog "s family". Then which animal among the following is NOT a "meat-eating mammal from a dog"s family"?
    Answer: No answer!

    Question(rus): What type of wolf leads others on a hunt in a pack?
    Question (eng): What kind of wolf leads the rest while hunting in a pack?
    Answer: Male

    Question (rus): Which of the following is a wolf that does not eat?
    Question (eng): Which one among the following does a wolf NOT eat?
    Answer: no answer

    Question (eng): An animal can disappear if it is not revived in time, how long does it take?
    Question (eng): The pet shall disappear forever if you can"t resurrect it within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum amount of time to resurrect a pet?
    Answer: 3 minutes

    Question (rus): An owner can use an animal for many purposes. Which of the following is not the purpose of...?
    Question (eng): The owner can use its pet for many different purposes. Which one of the following is NOT the purpose of a pet use?
    Answer: Makes to go to the village and buy items rather than sending on an errand!

    Question (rus): Select the wrong description from wolf breeding!
    Question (eng): Which is not a proper description of the breeding of wolves?
    Answer: The period of a pregnancy is 9 months.

    or these:

    B: The pet shall disappear forever if you can"t resurrect it within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum amount of time to resurrect a pet?

    B: The owner can use its pet for many different purposes. Which one of the following is NOT the purpose of a pet use?

    O: Send someone to buy items from the village.

    B: Which one among the following does a wolf NOT eat?

    B: Normally, how would a wolf's tail be positioned?

    O: Tail is always hanging.

    B: The biological classification of the wolf is a meat-eating mammal of a dog's family". Then which animal among the following is NOT a "meat-eating mammal from a dog"s family"?

    B: The following connections are made between the wolves in the Lineage world and their habitats. Which of the following is NOT connected properly?

    O: Orcs? black wolf

    B: The following are descriptions about the wolf. Choose the RIGHT one among the choices.

    O: A full-grown wolf weighs less than most adult men.

    B: What should you do to make a pet grow faster?

    O: Makes the pet hit monster several times.

    B: There is no exact data on the life span of a wild wolf. Then how long does a wolf in the zoo normally live?

    B: The following are descriptions on the life of a wolf. Choose the WRONG description among the choices.

    O: A pregnant wolf makes shelter in a large vacant ground for her babies.

    B: How far (km) can a wolf's scent reach?

    B: What kind of wolf leads the rest while hunting in a pack?

    B: Which is not a proper description of the breeding of wolves?

    O: The period of a pregnancy is 9 months.

    B: What is the name of the wolf's ancestor that became extinct 10,000 years ago?

    If you answered all the questions correctly, you will receive a Wolf Collar.

    Here you have it in your hands, or rather not the collar itself... but the collar.
    Now we will name the wolf cub, call it something beautiful (preferably something original and like in any book - fantasy, otherwise there will be wolves "planes" "tractors") The name must be unique - you cannot give the names of existing players and pets, but also the names of NPCs and monsters. And don’t forget, once you give a name, you won’t change or delete it again!
    Let's caress him, give him some love, now we need to start taking care of him.

    This creature is quite weak and so that it becomes stronger, be careful. If the hunger indicator (green bar) decreases, then the wolf cub’s parameters will deteriorate, but, if anything, the wolf cub can be set on bunnies that graze in abundance near cities, then you can simply feed him Food for Wolves, which is sold at any Pet Manager . Is your wolf cub full?... Great. Then let's train him.

    The more Teen Wolf hits terrible monster, the more strength and experience he gains, but if he never hits the monster, then he will not get any experience at all. Conversely, if you never hit a bloodthirsty monster, and your furry friend kills it on his own, then he will have 100% of the calculated experience.
    Oh...what if they kill him, what should I do?
    Don't worry... it's better, of course, to stock up on resurrection scrolls in advance. If you do not have time to resurrect your friend within 20 minutes from the moment of his death, then that's it... you will suffer from the loss of a faithful friend who died for you in an unequal battle with the enemy.

    And soon this cute animal will turn into a real WOLF... and will tear apart everything that moves, they say that if you train it well, it will even tank.
    A wolf cub is a ball of fur and a loyal friend.