Having acquired their own housing, people try in every possible way to protect their home from troubles, as well as to attract positive energy into it. Various amulets are used for this. The horseshoe above the entrance is an effective amulet. However, few people know exactly what it serves, how and where to place it correctly.

Since ancient times, each nation has decided in its own way what a horseshoe means. The beliefs associated with this amulet are different, but they are all based on resisting evil spirits. So, for example, it is believed that the devil moves in a circle, and, once on a horseshoe, he will walk on it endlessly, from one edge to the other. Besides, the devil is afraid of blacksmiths. According to legend, a blacksmith undertook to shoe the devil's hooves, but instead nearly nailed him to the wall. The demon escaped from his unenviable fate only by promising never to enter a house with a horseshoe hanging over the door.

Why hang a horseshoe above the front door?

A horseshoe is a semicircular iron plate that has protected the hoof from damage since ancient times. It was forged in a forge, then carefully nailed to the horse’s leg through special holes.

Historians have found that people began to consider a horseshoe as a talisman back in the days Ancient Rome and Egypt. Only rich people could afford to have horses and chariots back then. At the same time, the harness of the pharaohs’ horses was decorated precious stones, and the horseshoes were made of pure gold. For a commoner, finding such an expensive item meant becoming rich and happy. Therefore, if a motorcade or a detachment of soldiers suddenly passed by and a horse lost its “shoes,” the happy witness of such an extraordinary event hurried to bring it into the house and hang it in a visible place.

Later, this tradition was spread in many countries, including Russia. IN different countries the horseshoe was treated as a talisman, sacred amulet.

In Rus', a horse is a breadwinner and an irreplaceable assistant for its owner. He accompanied us on trips and was a favorite. Finding a horseshoe was considered a good omen. People believed that by hanging it above the door, they would attract money and good luck to the house, and peace and harmony to the family. A horseshoe from a horse's hind leg was considered especially lucky.

In addition to protection from negative influences otherworldly forces, this talisman is capable of performing other functions in the house:

  • bring into the house financial well-being, as well as protect its inhabitants from enemies and the evil eye;
  • speed up execution cherished desire;
  • bring peace and harmony to relationships;
  • improve relations between spouses.

A horseshoe over the door is a sign of a strong and friendly family caring about her spiritual comfort, evidence of the stability and traditionality of the family way of life.

Which horseshoe to choose

Finding a horse shoe is not so easy, because even in villages, horse-drawn transport has almost completely been replaced by automobiles. However, it is the one found independently, and not bought in a store or given as a gift by someone, that has the greatest magical power. If you want to take a talisman from under a horse, then you should visit hippodromes, stud farms, horse shows, and villages more often. The more worn the heel is, the better its magical effect will be.

At the same time, there is a large selection of decorative amulets. The materials from which talismans are made may vary. This includes metal, wood, and even clay. Decorative items can be decorated with various images, figures (horse, bell, bag of money), engravings, inscriptions, for example, “For good luck!”, “For good luck!”. Souvenirs are produced that are made in the form of refrigerator magnets.

There are beliefs that:

  1. a clay souvenir will give the owner confidence;
  2. metal will save you from the evil eye and can attract wealth and happiness;
  3. wooden will get rid of ill-wishers and strengthen love and mutual understanding.

An aluminum talisman is considered a bad choice - it can even cause misfortunes in the house.

Which amulet to choose is a matter of taste. If you don’t like finished products, you can make a talisman with your own hands or order an individual souvenir.

How to do it right

In order for a talisman to help make wishes come true, you need to use it correctly. How to properly hang a horseshoe over front door, There is different opinions. So, according to one version, it is believed that you need to hang it with the horns down, then the negative energy will flow down the amulet and go into the ground. Another opinion on this matter is that a horseshoe, placed with its ends up, resembles a bowl in which positive energy accumulates. Moreover, the second method is more popular than the first.

Experts agree that above the entrance from the street side of the door you need to hang the amulet with the horns down, this will guarantee the protection of your home from evil spirits. All negativity will go into the ground and will be neutralized.

In order for a horseshoe to bring happiness to the house, it must be placed not only outside, but also in the home itself. Then the inhabitants will be protected twice. Inside the room, the amulet should be hung above the door with its arcs upward. In this position, it will symbolize the saying “a house is a full cup.”

You can place a horseshoe in the house not only above the front door, but also in other places. If you attach it above the head of the bed, sleep and marital relationships will improve. A talisman attached to the refrigerator “freezes” quarrels in the family.

A horseshoe can protect material assets in case of theft. Therefore, it would be a good idea to store it where important things related to finances and material wealth are located (in a safe, in a desk drawer with documents, in a container where money for household expenses is kept). In the house of a girl who dreams of finding a life partner, a horseshoe should hang in the kitchen near the stove.

Mounting methods

Great importance has the correct fixation of the amulet. There are several mounting methods:

  • for 1 nail - it’s so easy to secure the talisman with the horns facing down, you just need to hammer a nail or screw a screw into the top hole;
  • for 7 nails - according to legend, if you nail a horseshoe into all existing holes, its properties will increase many times;
  • tie it with a rope - this was done by the Old Believers, who believed that a horseshoe that had already fallen off should not be nailed on a second time.

The owners themselves must decide how to hammer a horseshoe. It is important that it is the head of the family who must hang the horseshoe on the door, and before that, all family members in turn must hold it in their hands. This way the talisman will remember the energies of everyone living in it.

  1. introduce him to the house by walking around the house 3 times at night with a talisman in his hand, moving clockwise and thinking about the well-being of the family;
  2. hold it in direct sunlight so that it is filled with solar energy;
  3. charge with lunar energy, for which on a young moon you need to place a horseshoe on the windowsill overnight.

The amulet will not lose its properties if you regularly remove it, wipe it and thank it for your help. To enhance the effect, you can hang house keys on it.

If the talisman suddenly fell unexpectedly, it means it has completed its mission. There is no need to hang such a thing back; it is better to bury it in the ground, thanking you for your work. You will have to hang another one in place of the fallen amulet.

We must not forget that the power of the amulet is supported by faith in it. There is no need to question the magical capabilities of your talisman, then all your plans will definitely come true.

A horse's horseshoe has long been considered a kind of amulet, a talisman that brings happiness, health, and good luck to its owner. But all these are undoubtedly good wishes may not come true if this item is stored incorrectly or hung in the wrong place. Also, a lot depends on the method of acquisition, material of manufacture, fastening of the horseshoe and other nuances.

According to traditions, a horseshoe was often hung above the front door to attract happiness and wealth to one's home. Moreover, depending on its location, this talisman could “work” in completely different ways. Somewhere to protect from evil spirits, and somewhere to “give” love and good luck.

In ancient times, the horse was considered an irreplaceable worker, an excellent means of transport and the breadwinner of the family. If people could afford to keep a horse, they were automatically considered wealthy. It also mattered that horseshoes for these noble animals cost a lot of money.

In addition, people believed that the horse transferred its strength, energy and power into the horseshoe, and when it became full, the animal threw it away. Therefore, the accidental discovery of this device was considered an unprecedented success. This is where the tradition of preserving the horseshoe came from, as well as attributing miraculous properties to it.

It is believed that the best effect comes from a talisman found somewhere on the road. It can be placed not only above the front door, but also in some other places, which ultimately affects the operation of the artifact.

So, what can a horseshoe bring into the house, depending on its location:

  • Happiness and good luck;
  • Health;
  • Wealth;
  • Protection from evil spirits.

In addition to its mystical purpose, a horseshoe can simply be a decorative element. True, in this case it is better to purchase a stylized version of this amulet, otherwise it will not look good.

Saving horseshoe over the door as a talisman

In different countries, the horseshoe was treated differently. For example, the ancient Egyptians shouted with delight when they found a golden horseshoe on the road, and kept it like the apple of their eye. But in the eastern regions, people buried this item near the threshold of their home to provide protection from evil spirits.

Our traditions require hanging a found or purchased amulet above the door. This is due to the fact that horseshoes are mainly made of iron, which, as you know, is afraid of all evil spirits. That is why it is considered a kind of amulet that blocks the entrance of bad forces to the house.

How else can you use a horseshoe:

  1. Put it in the money box.
  2. Buy a horseshoe in the form of a magnet and hang it on the refrigerator to “freeze” all the scandals and quarrels in the house.
  3. A young girl wishing to get married could attach two horseshoes at the head of her bed.
  4. For those spouses who wanted to have a child, a wooden talisman could hang above the bed.

People also carefully monitored the condition of their amulet. If the horseshoe darkened, it meant the action of some strong spell on the house and its owners. The presence of this talisman helped in such cases to protect people from negative influences external forces.

If a horseshoe fell, it was not hung back, but buried. It was believed that the amulet had fulfilled its purpose and now it should be gratefully buried.

Recommendations: how to properly hang a horseshoe above the door

In order for the amulet to work as it should, you need to understand how to hang it correctly in the apartment. By the way, there is still no consensus on this matter. But there are moments that many interpret in the same way.

There are two main horseshoe positions:

  • Horns up;
  • Horns down.

What does each of these provisions mean?

If you nail a horseshoe with its horns up, you can hope that well-being will become constant companions in your home. financial stability and only positive, positive energy. This position is also perfect for office spaces or shops where the emphasis is on profit. Feng Shui experts also agree with this. The horseshoe should hang so as to resemble a full bowl. Only then will she work to attract wealth.

The horns down position works a little differently. If the owners of a home or other premises are not interested in material well-being, but rather in protection from negative energy, envy, the evil eye, damage and unclean spirits, then the talisman should be attached with the horns down. This will protect the family and the people there from quarrels, scandals and illnesses.

But there is another opinion on this matter. For example, Feng Shui experts warn that if the horseshoe is inverted, there is a risk that luck and luck may leave the house. Therefore, when placing the amulet in this way, you need to be extremely careful and prepared for possible consequences.

When hanging this talisman at home, you need to know that an old, already used horseshoe will be much more effective than a new one.

The location where the horseshoe will be placed also plays a role: from the street or indoors. If the first option is used, then it is preferable to install the amulet with the horns facing down, focusing specifically on its protective properties.

So, when choosing a method for attaching a talisman, consider, first of all, your desires and the effect you want to achieve.

Tips: how to properly nail a horseshoe over a door

In addition to debates about where and how to hang a horseshoe, there are also discussions about methods of attaching this talisman.

You can hang the amulet in the following ways:

  • Hammer a nail into each hole.
  • Use only two nails nailed on opposite sides.
  • Attach the horseshoe with one nail.
  • Hang the talisman on a rope suspended from a hook.

It is advisable to hang the talisman directly above the upper entrance frame. If the horseshoe is purchased and is quite light in weight, you can attach it using a suction cup.

There is also an interesting custom. Before you begin to attach the horseshoe in its place, you need all household members to hold it in their hands. Thus, magical influence the amulets will spread to all inhabitants of the house.

From time to time, the artifact needs to be cleaned, dust removed from it, and sincere thanks for the help. Clear from negative energy The nailed talisman can be moved for several minutes with a lighted candle along its contour.

In addition, you can hang ribbons on the horseshoe different colors. Red will symbolize love, and green will symbolize health.

A horseshoe is a very powerful magical instrument that can bring wealth, love, prosperity to a house, and also protect its inhabitants from the influence of evil forces. Of particular importance is how and where this talisman hangs. There is no consensus on this matter, so everyone must rely on their own desires and the customs of the country or region. And, of course, you need to believe in the effect of the amulet. This is the main condition for the amulet to work well.

We all strive for an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in our home, so that it is pleasant to relax and gain strength, do household chores and sleep. To ensure that positive emotions reign in the apartment, joy and happiness are present, we often use various amulets.

In this article we will tell you how to hang a horseshoe correctly so that it brings happiness, success, luck to the house, where to place it in the house and which side to nail it on.

Placing amulets above the front door

A little history

There has been a legend for quite a long time that if you place a horseshoe at home, somewhere above the door, happiness will certainly remain in it, and at the same time good luck and success will come. This talisman for good luck is used not only by our compatriots, but also in India and Western countries, they also believe in the magical properties of this metal object.

A huge number of superstitions and beliefs are associated with the horseshoe; it is believed that if you place it above the front door, then everything will be in order in the apartment: material wealth, happiness and peace, and at the same time the home will be protected from external evil forces.

The fact is that since ancient times, people different nations They tried to protect their home as much as possible, to protect it from all kinds of misfortunes from the outside, from evil and grief, so they defended the gates to their home in every possible way. In our case, the entrance door serves as an imitation of a gate, so protective amulets are placed next to it. Just such a talisman is a horseshoe, which is designed to bring good luck, happiness, success, and at the same time protect from external misfortunes, evil forces and grief.

Placing the amulet outside

Placement technique

Even in Feng Shui interpretations you can find information on how to hang a horseshoe in your home. The following is written there:

  • You should hang an old, used horseshoe in your home; it will be more effective than a new one. The old thing hides a lot of protective energy accumulated during its use to protect the horse’s hooves. In addition, during its use, the horseshoe was clearly imprinted with a hoof mark, an auspicious animal according to all the canons of Feng Shui. Such an old horseshoe brings with it financial well-being, good health and longevity for the residents of the house.
  • By hanging a horseshoe with its ends up, you can expect that positive energy will accumulate on it. If you hang a horseshoe with the ends down, there is a chance that good luck will flow out of the house through it, but at the same time the home will be protected from evil forces.
  • There are special recommendations for metal doors. If the iron door faces the east or southeast side, then placing a horseshoe on it is not recommended, since the metal will conflict with the power of the tree, identified with this side of the world. In this case, you can place a horseshoe on the window.
  • If you have an old horseshoe painted black, that's great. Black color repels various diseases, which means you can count on good health for your household.

Excellent working amulet

As you can see, depending on the location of the talisman, its color, quality and other factors, you can take care of your home in different ways: bring health, love, peace of mind, happiness, prosperity, protect your borders from evil forces. Let's look at how a horseshoe works for luck.


By placing the horseshoe with the ends up, you create a magnet that attracts positive energy. In this case, wealth flows into your home, a certain stability and confidence in the future appears. At the same time, happiness often appears in the home, true love appears, the atmosphere of the room is filled with a good aura. Traditional healers explain this effect by the miraculous energy of the cosmos, attracted by our horseshoe like a magnet.

Note that with this arrangement, symbols of wealth can be placed inside the horseshoe: coins, objects symbolizing values. In this way, you seem to fill your cup of prosperity.

Horseshoe hanging edges up

A horseshoe nailed with its ends down will also bring happiness. However, in this position she will protect the house from evil external forces, from grief and adversity. Beliefs say that the dome of a horseshoe will reflect evil forces, and then they will flow down the sheath of the object and will not get into the house. The horseshoe will act as a kind of guard, letting in exclusively positive forces. With such a security guard, you can hope and believe that nothing will happen to the house: the neighbors won’t jinx it, thieves won’t break in, and negative energy won’t get in.

The placement of the horseshoe has a big impact as you can hang this amulet either outside or inside. When placed outside above the gate, the talisman will protect your home from external problems, evil eyes, misfortunes, and prevent the destruction of the building. By hanging a horseshoe inside above the front door, you can count on the amulet to attract happiness and wealth into the house, to let them into the house, but not to let them out.

To the question of how to hang a horseshoe correctly, each person answers himself depending on his own needs, needs and fears.

Please note that before placing the lucky charm, there is interesting tradition. It is necessary to hold the horseshoe in the hands of all household members so that the positive influence of the object in the future will evenly affect all relatives living in the house.

A well-worn amulet

However, not only can you hang this amulet for good luck, you can also place it for good luck.


Since the times when all horses were shod, we know the belief that if a person finds a horseshoe on the street, then good luck will definitely smile on him in the near future. Many people deliberately hung this item above the front door to attract luck, apparently this is how this rule was formed.

For a horseshoe to work correctly and bring good luck, it must be working and used. It’s even better if it’s very old, shabby, even rusty. It is from such an item that you can expect the maximum result, since glossy and beautiful souvenirs are practically of no use.

A good amulet to place in your home

The fact of using it for its intended purpose charges the horseshoe with the necessary energy, which subsequently gives a positive result. If this thing has not been on a horse’s legs, its benefit is questionable.

You can buy such a horseshoe in places where horses live. There they are reforged in any case, and knowing folk beliefs, horseshoes are not thrown away, but sold to those who wish. You won't find luck in souvenir shops, this is a proven fact.

Note that it is not advisable to nail a horseshoe for good luck, because if it fell off the horse’s hoof, it means it was already trying to free itself. It should be hung above the door on a string so that it can work fully. Can be hung by the projections in a free position.

The use of horseshoes in the home for good luck, happiness, and protection is a very relevant activity to this day. Many of our compatriots have this item placed in their house above the door, but what benefits it brings, you need to ask them directly.

The horse shoe has long been considered a symbol of good luck, health and prosperity. Finding a horseshoe foreshadowed great luck in business. For a horseshoe to bring happiness, you need to know how to hang it. And not every horseshoe can be useful. A purchased accessory made of plastic or paper will serve you no more than a simple decoration of your home. Therefore, it is very important what kind of horseshoe, how it came to you, the material from which it is made and even the method of fastening it. But why is a horseshoe considered a symbol of prosperity?

Why does a horseshoe bring good luck?

In ancient times, the horse was considered a nurse, a worker and an indispensable means of transport. Owning a horse was considered great luck and a clear indicator of wealth. The same applied to the metal that protected the horse's hooves. It cost a lot of money, so finding a horseshoe was considered a great success. This was especially true during times Ancient Egypt. After all, as you know, gold began to be mined much earlier than other metals, so the horseshoes were gold. So imagine the joy of a person who finds a golden horseshoe.

A horseshoe is considered a sign of prosperity in many nations. The Slavs had great respect for blacksmiths and their profession. Typically, skill was passed down through generations. People considered the blacksmith almost a god, capable of subjugating metal with the help of fire. Therefore, objects made by fire and flame were sacred.

In ancient times, people believed that a horse gave all its strength, power, hard work and energy to the horseshoe. They believed that the horse filled the horseshoe with positive energy, and when the shoe became full, the animal simply threw it away. And the person who is the first to find this horseshoe and bring it to his house will be lucky.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly - with the arms up or down

IN different cultures There are two opinions about how to hang a horseshoe - with the horns down or up. Eastern sages say that a horseshoe should hang from the outside of the door with its horns down, and the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui states that a horseshoe should be with its horns up and certainly hang from inside doors. This does not mean that your horseshoe is not hanging correctly, no matter how you hang it. Both options have a beneficial effect on the house and its inhabitants.

The ancients believed that if you hang a horseshoe with its horns facing up, it will protect all family members from quarrels and failures. In this position, the horseshoe resembles a cup that is filled with goodness, light and love. In such a house it will always be safe, cozy, warm and tasty. If you want to hang a horseshoe with its horns facing up, you need to hang it above the door on the inside of the apartment. This way you will protect all the good things you have at home.

If you hang a horseshoe with its horns down, you will protect your home from the evil eye, thieves and other misfortunes. People said that a horseshoe with its horns down looks like a dome that protects people from troubles and diseases. If you have angry and envious neighbors, you need to hang a horseshoe with the arms down above the front door from the outside. And then you will be able to protect yourself and your family from bad thoughts and negative energy of envy. There is still a belief that says that all objects located near a horseshoe are protected by higher powers. A small horseshoe figurine can be placed next to a safe where money or jewelry is stored. This will protect the owner from thieves and ruin.

The biggest magical power possesses a horseshoe found by chance. Especially if it is real, from a live horse, and not a souvenir. This horseshoe should be brought home and washed thoroughly. You shouldn’t hang a horseshoe for a while; it should stay in the house and be saturated with its energy.

A horseshoe given as a gift also has some protective power. It is best to give a horseshoe made of metal, wood and ceramics. These materials are capable of accumulating positive energy and influencing a person and his home. Paper, plastic and glass horseshoes have no power.

When the found horseshoe has been lying in the house for some time (usually a few days is enough), you need to perform some rituals that charge this item for the successful service of the new home. First you need to give a horseshoe into the hands of every person living under this roof. Each family member should ask the horseshoe for well-being, prosperity, peace and prosperity. Then the oldest person in the house must take the horseshoe in his hands and walk around the house with it three times. At the same time, he should have good, kind thoughts and wishes for the residents of this house. After this, the horseshoe should be left in the sun for several hours. This way it is charged with solar energy for a long and efficient service.

Then the most senior woman the family should place a few drops of melted candle on the horseshoe and ask the higher powers for protection for the home. It has long been known that wax has protective properties from evil spirits and the devil. After all these rituals, the horseshoe can be hung above the front door. And to do it outside or inside, with the horns up or down - you decide for yourself. This is done depending on what you currently lack - prosperity or protection.

It is also very important how to attach the amulet. Some beliefs say that a horseshoe should not be punched sharp object, because its integrity is violated energy protection. For fastening, a small rope was used, on which a horseshoe was hung. The rope itself was attached to a hook. According to another belief, a horseshoe, on the contrary, must be nailed tightly onto all the nails. This is explained by the fact that in this way the owner of the house binds all the angels to his house, and they will constantly protect people.

Among the Slavs it was believed that a horseshoe could be hung not only above the front door. Depending on its location, a horseshoe could be a talisman in various situations.

  1. If a young girl couldn't for a long time to get married, she needed to hang two horseshoes at the head of her bed. This was collateral have a good marriage in the near future.
  2. If the horseshoe darkened, it means that a strong magic spell was cast on the house and its owners. Having a horseshoe in the house saved family members in such cases. If the horseshoe cracked, it means that a death spell was cast on one of the residents.
  3. When young spouses could not become parents for a long time, the elders of the family advised hanging a small wooden horseshoe over the bed. This amulet helped a couple to conceive a child.
  4. If the amulet falls, it should not be hung back in place. In this case they say that the horseshoe has spent its beneficial features and it should be gratefully buried in the ground.
  5. This was the custom in Slavic villages. If a man drank a lot and suffered from alcoholism, he could be cured with the help of a horseshoe. To do this, each glass of alcohol or the entire bottle must first be carried through a horseshoe. And then the man stopped feeling the taste of vodka and over time began to feel disgusted with it.

A horseshoe brings good luck - even the most skeptics know this. Let the horseshoe you find protect your home from evil spirits and give you prosperity and love.

Video: how to hang a horseshoe for luck

Since ancient times, people have tried in every possible way to protect their loved ones and their own home from all kinds of misfortunes and misfortunes. For this, all sorts of methods were used, including magical and mystical amulets and talismans.

The most effective object, which was used during the reign of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, is a horseshoe. The latter becomes a symbol of happiness, protection and prosperity in every home where it is found. In Egypt, the horses of great rulers were shod with additional heels made of pure gold.

Of course, the animal could lose one of them, and the person who found it would instantly become rich. And along with financial security came incredible success, happiness and prosperity. The find symbolized good luck and protection from ill-wishers and the evil eye, so it was always hung in the house in the place of honor.

What place in the house should be allocated for the talisman?

Both the found and purchased horseshoe must be correctly placed in the house so that the talisman brings good luck, happiness and financial wealth. According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, it is correct to hang an object only above the door of the house that faces northwest.

According to the Chinese, you should never hang a talisman on a wall or door that faces east or southeast. These cardinal directions symbolize the tree. By placing a metal talisman on them, you can cause the destruction of such a structure, thereby inviting misfortune.

How many horseshoes are allowed in the house?

There may be several horseshoes in a house, their number depends on the goals that a person wants to achieve with the help of amulets:

  1. To start a family or give birth to a long-awaited child, it would be correct to hang one horseshoe in the bedroom, right above the head of the bed.
  2. Young girls who really want to find love were advised to hang two amulets over the main hearth of the house (in modern world By hearth we mean a stove).
  3. Three horseshoes had to be hung in the house where a person who drank alcohol excessively lived.

And if the number of patients increased, and not only those dependent on alcoholic drinks, then a hammer should be attached to the three amulets.

Attaching a talisman according to Chinese philosophy

According to Chinese teachings, for good luck, hang a horseshoe correctly with its horns upside down, in a well-lit place in the house. It is in this position that the amulet will be effective, since it symbolizes the full cup of the family hearth, and positive energy will flow into the house in a continuous stream. If you hang the talisman in a different way, that is, with the horns down, then the symbol will not only not be able to bring good luck to the house, but will also contribute to exhaustion vitality, happiness and prosperity.

If you choose the right place to place the amulet, you can easily balance the energy field of the entire home if negative geopathogenic zones are identified in it. It is precisely such areas in the house that do not allow the family to live happily, and do not allow luck and financial well-being into the house.

Slavic origins of signs

If you believe the advice left by the ancient Slavs, you can only hang a horseshoe correctly with its horns upside down. However, this applies to such a talisman that will be placed inside the home. If the talisman was attached to the threshold, from the outside, its horns were turned down so that it would gain maximum power of protection and would not allow any evil spirits and illness into the house.

Where is the best place to hang a horseshoe?

Since there are several opinions on where and how to hang a horseshoe correctly, you can use several recommendations that will help you resolve your dilemma:

  • It is best to use not a new horseshoe as a talisman, but an old one, which already contains considerable energy of protection. This is the kind of amulet that can bring stability in business and longevity to the whole family;
  • Despite some advice, it is correct to hang the amulet with its horns facing up in order to maintain positive energy in the house. In this way you can accumulate it without problems;
  • if it is not possible to hang a horseshoe on the southwest side, then you should place it on the south window, but in no case on a wall or door that faces in this direction of the world;
  • A black horseshoe, correctly placed in the house, not only preserves positive energy, but also protects all residents from various diseases and illnesses.