Eurasian economic union(EAEU) is an international integration economic association (union), the agreement on the creation of which was signed on May 29, 2014 and comes into force on January 1, 2015. The union included Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The EAEU was created on the basis of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) to strengthen the economies of the participating countries and “bring closer to each other”, to modernize and increase the competitiveness of the participating countries in the world market. The EAEU member states plan to continue economic integration in the coming years.

History of the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union

In 1995, the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and later joining states - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed the first agreements on the creation of the Customs Union. Based on these agreements, the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) was created in 2000.

On October 6, 2007, in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed an agreement on the creation of a single customs territory and the Customs Union Commission as a single permanent governing body of the Customs Union.

The Eurasian Customs Union or the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia was born on January 1, 2010. The customs union was launched as the first step towards the formation of a broader European Union-type economic union of former Soviet republics.

The creation of the Eurasian Customs Union was guaranteed by 3 different treaties signed in 1995, 1999 and 2007. The first agreement in 1995 guaranteed its creation, the second in 1999 guaranteed its formation, and the third in 2007 announced the creation of a single customs territory and the formation of a customs union.

Access of products to the territory of the Customs Union was granted after checking these products for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union that are applicable to these products. As of December 2012, 31 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union have been developed, which cover different kinds products, some of which have already entered into force, and some of which will enter into force before 2015. Some technical regulations will still be developed.

Before the Technical Regulations came into force, the basis for access to the market of the member countries of the Customs Union were the following rules:

1. National certificate - for product access to the market of the country where this certificate was issued.

2. Certificate of the Customs Union - a certificate issued in accordance with the “List of products subject to mandatory assessment (confirmation) of conformity within the Customs Union” - such a certificate is valid in all three member countries of the Customs Union.

Since November 19, 2011, member states have implemented the work of a joint commission (Eurasian Economic Commission) to strengthen closer economic ties to create the Eurasian Economic Union by 2015.

On January 1, 2012, three states formed a single economic space to promote further economic integration. All three countries have ratified a basic package of 17 agreements governing the launch of the Common Economic Space (CES).

On May 29, 2014, an agreement on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union was signed in Astana (Kazakhstan).

On January 1, 2015, the EAEU began to function as part of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. On January 2, 2015, Armenia became a member of the EAEU. Kyrgyzstan has announced its intention to participate in the EAEU.

Economy of the Eurasian Economic Union

The macroeconomic effect from the integration of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan into the EAEU is created due to:

Reduced prices for goods due to reduced costs of transporting raw materials or exporting finished products.

Stimulating “healthy” competition in the common market of the EAEU through an equal level of economic development.

Increasing competition in the common market of the member countries of the Customs Union, thanks to the entry of new countries into the market.

Increase in average wages, thanks to reduced costs and increased productivity.

Increasing production due to increased demand for goods.

Increasing the well-being of the people of the EAEU countries, thanks to lower food prices and increased employment.

Increasing the return on investment of new technologies and products due to increased market volume.

At the same time, the signed version of the agreement on the creation of the EAEU was of a compromise nature, and therefore a number of planned measures were not implemented in full. In particular, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and the Eurasian Economic Court did not receive broad powers to monitor compliance with the agreements. If EEC regulations are not followed, controversial issue is considered by the Eurasian Economic Court, whose decisions are only advisory in nature, and the issue is finally resolved at the level of the Council of Heads of State. In addition, pressing issues on the creation of a unified financial regulator, on energy trade policy, as well as on the problem of the existence of exemptions and restrictions on trade between EAEU members were postponed until 2025 or indefinitely.

Characteristics of the EAEU countries (as of 2014)

CountriesPopulation, million peopleSize of real GDP, billion US dollarsGDP per capita, thousand US dollarsInflation, %Unemployment rate, %Trade balance, billion US dollars
Russia142.5 2057.0 14.4 7.8 5.2 189.8
Belarus9.6 77.2 8.0 18.3 0.7 -2.6
Kazakhstan17.9 225.6 12.6 6.6 5.0 36.7

Source - CIA World Factbook

Governing bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union

The governing bodies of the EAEU are the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is the highest supranational body of the EAEU. The council includes heads of state and government. The Supreme Council meets at the level of heads of state at least once a year, at the level of heads of government - at least twice a year. Decisions are made by consensus. Decisions made become mandatory in all participating states. The Council determines the composition and powers of other regulatory structures.

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is one permanent regulatory body (supranational governing body) in the EAEU. The main task of the EEC is to provide conditions for the development and functioning of the EAEU, as well as the development of economic integration initiatives within the EAEU.

The powers of the Eurasian Economic Commission are defined in Article 3 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 18, 2010. All rights and functions of the previously existing Customs Union Commission were delegated to the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Within the competence of the Commission:

  • customs tariffs and non-tariff regulation;
  • customs administration;
  • technical regulation;
  • sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures;
  • crediting and distribution of import customs duties;
  • establishment of trade regimes with third countries;
  • statistics of foreign and domestic trade;
  • macro economic policy;
  • competition policy;
  • industrial and agricultural subsidies;
  • energy policy;
  • natural monopolies;
  • state and municipal procurement;
  • domestic trade in services and investment;
  • transport and transportation;
  • monetary policy;
  • intellectual property and copyright;
  • migration policy;
  • financial markets (banking, insurance, foreign exchange and stock markets);
  • and some other areas.

The Commission ensures the implementation of international treaties that form the legal basis of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Commission is also the depository of international treaties that formed the legal basis of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, and now the EAEU, as well as decisions of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Within its competence, the Commission adopts non-binding documents, such as recommendations, and can also make decisions that are binding in the EAEU member countries.

The Commission's budget is made up of contributions from member states and approved by the heads of EAEU member states.

Possible new members of the Eurasian Economic Union

The main contenders for joining the EAEU are Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. In July 2014, news appeared that Armenia would sign an agreement to join the Eurasian Economic Union before September 10, 2014. There is information that negotiations between Armenia and the founding countries of the EAEU and the Eurasian Economic Commission have been completed. The agreement on Armenia’s accession to the EAEU is in the hands of the governments of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, where it is going through the necessary bureaucratic stages, and after the governments’ decision, the question of where the presidents of Armenia and the EAEU countries will meet to sign the agreement will be raised.

It is also reported that Kyrgyzstan may soon join the EAEU member countries. However, no specific deadlines have been set for this country’s entry into the EAEU (previously the date was announced - until the end of 2014). In addition, the population of the country, apparently, is not particularly keen to join the EAEU. This conclusion can be made based on civic activity during the collection of signatures for a petition in support of Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the Customs Union and the EAEU. To date, only 38 people have signed the appeal.

Russians are also suspicious of Kyrgyzstan's possible accession to the Eurasian Economic Union. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM). According to researchers, only 20% of respondents were in favor of Kyrgyzstan joining the union, and Moldova had the same number of votes. The most desirable country that Russians would like to see as an ally turned out to be Armenia. 45% of respondents voted for it.

Every fifth person expects Azerbaijan and Moldova to join the EAEU (23% and 20%, respectively). Only 17% of survey participants are in favor of Uzbekistan joining the EAEU, and 14% of Tajikistan and Georgia each. Respondents were least likely to speak out in favor of attracting Ukraine to the Eurasian Economic Union - 10%. And 13% of respondents believe that the EAEU should not be expanded yet.

Public opinion poll in the CIS regarding integration

Since 2012, the Eurasian Development Bank (established in Russia and Kazakhstan) has been conducting regular surveys of the opinions of residents of individual states regarding Eurasian integration projects. The following question was asked to residents of individual countries: “Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia united in the Customs Union, which freed trade between the three countries from duties, and created a Single Economic Space (essentially a single market of the three countries). How do you feel about this decision?

The results of the total “profitable” and “very profitable” answers are given below:

As you can see, the idea of ​​​​creating a Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union is generally approved and looks “profitable” in the eyes of the majority of the population in almost everyone, with the exception of Azerbaijan, the CIS countries and even Georgia.

Meanwhile, the United States in its foreign policy opposes the Customs Union and the EAEU, arguing that this is an attempt to restore Russian dominance in the post-Soviet space and create a union like the USSR.

Information integration and IT projects


* 2019: Pensions for migrant workers

In June 2019, it became known that Russia will begin paying pensions to labor migrants from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union - Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

The decision is being prepared as part of the union pension agreement.

According to the document, which was prepared in March and must be ratified by the EAEU member countries by the end of 2019, the country in which the migrant worked and made contributions to Pension Fund, will pay him a pension after returning home.

The new measures will help restore the influx of labor migrants, which last year fell to its lowest level in post-Soviet history and no longer covers the natural population decline.

2018: China and the EAEU signed an agreement on trade and economic cooperation

An agreement on trade and economic cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China was signed in May 2018 during the Astana Economic Forum, which takes place on Thursday in the capital of Kazakhstan, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

According to the EEC press service, the EAEU and China have been negotiating an agreement on trade and economic cooperation over the past two years. Agreements were reached on wide-format and industry cooperation. The agreement sets a high standard of regulation in various areas, including the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Earlier, the Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan, Timur Suleimenov, said that “the agreement is non-preferential in nature and does not provide for the abolition of duties or the automatic reduction of non-tariff barriers.”

2017: Plan for connecting transport routes with the Silk Road Belt

As Adamkul Zhunusov noted in 2017, cooperation between the EAEU countries and the People’s Republic of China opens up enormous opportunities for the development of economic ties, trade, and the creation of new transport routes between Europe and Asia, which will significantly increase economic potential. A significant synergistic effect is expected from the implementation of a joint project with China to connect the EAEU and the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Part of the infrastructure projects will be financed from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Fund Silk Road. As a first step, the Chinese side proposed that states located along the Silk Road formulate a list of pilot projects taking into account common interests. Such a list of 39 projects has already been prepared by a specially created working group and approved by the ministers of transport of the Union member states, Zhunusov recalled. Among the most significant joint initiatives, he noted the construction of new roads within the framework of the international transport route Europe - Western China with a length of 8,445 km, the Moscow-Kazan high-speed highway with a length of 770 km (within the framework of the Moscow-Beijing high-speed line), the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway as a southern branches of the Eurasian continental bridge, opening access to the markets of Western Asia and the Middle East. The EEC Minister placed special emphasis on the implementation of the Southern Railway Armenia – Iran”, which connects the existing railway system of Armenia with Iran. For a substantive discussion of these projects, it was decided to invite the Minister of Transport of China, Li Xiaopeng, to the next Meeting of the Ministers of Transport of the Union member states in December 2017, said Adamkul Zhunusov.

2015: Formation of the union

2014: Signing of documents on the creation of the EAEU

On May 29, 2014, in Astana, the presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed documents on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in 2015. The agreement was concluded to ensure economic progress through joint actions aimed at solving the challenges facing Member States common tasks on a sustainable economic development, comprehensive modernization and strengthening the competitiveness of national economies within the global economy.

The management system will be similar to the one that has been in place since 2012 after the transformation of the Customs Union into the Common Economic Space (SES). Members of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and its chairman Viktor Khristenko will retain their positions. The agreement completes the five-year stage of formation of the union, which began in 2009 with the creation of the Customs Union, explains EEC Trade Minister Andrei Slepnev: the union will become an independent subject of international law.

Single market for goods and services

The three countries agree to create a single market for goods and services, although it will not be fully operational until 2025 - single markets for gas and oil must be created. The trade policy of the EAEU will not change: uniform customs regulations and tariffs, free movement of goods. The standards for the distribution of income from import duties will not change: 87.97% will go to Russia, 7.33% to Kazakhstan, 4.7% to Belarus.

The agreement spells out mechanisms to protect the market from imports. Seasonal duties may be established for a period of up to 6 months, and protective, anti-dumping and countervailing measures may be applied.

“In critical circumstances,” the EAEU Commission may impose retroactive anti-dumping duties for 200 days until the investigation is completed. While the anti-dumping investigation is ongoing, there is a risk that importers will bring in a year's supply of goods, and this damage needs to be prevented. This is a WTO-approved instrument,” says Slepnev.

Severstal CEO Alexei Mordashov asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about the possibility of introducing such duties back in 2013. Without this, protective investigations are pointless, he explained.

Single regime for investments

It is planned to unify the investment regime in the countries of the union. Investors will have the right to compensate, at the expense of the state, for damage to their investments as a result of unrest, wars and revolutions. The nationalization of private assets, on the one hand, is prohibited, on the other, the investment protection annex describes the compensation mechanism: it must be market-based, paid quickly, and interest may be charged for delays.


The Customs Union (CU) is an interstate agreement within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The CU involves the abolition of customs duties and similar payments in mutual trade between member countries of the union. Besides, in Customs Union methods of quality assessment and certification are being unified, a single database is being created on certain aspects economic activity.

The conclusion of the Union is the basis for the creation of a single customs space on the territory of its members and the transfer of customs barriers to the external borders of the Union. Based on this, all countries in the customs area apply a single, coordinated approach to customs procedures and goods imported and exported across the borders of the Customs Union.

Also, throughout the territory of the Customs Union, equal rights for citizens of participating countries in employment are assumed.

The participants of the Customs Union currently (2016) are members of the EAEU:

  • Republic of Armenia;
  • Republic of Belarus;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Russian Federation.

Syria and Tunisia announced their intention to join the CU, and a proposal was voiced to admit Turkey into the Union. However, nothing is known about specific actions to implement these intentions.

The management and coordination bodies in the EAEU are:

  • The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is a supranational body consisting of the heads of state of the EAEU members;
  • The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is a permanent regulatory body of the EAEU. The competence of the EEC includes, among other things, issues of international trade and customs regulation.

It would be fair to say that the Customs Union is one of the stages of a plan to strengthen economic ties between some states in the territory former USSR. In a certain sense, this can be seen as the restoration of once existing economic and technological chains, taking into account new political and economic realities.

An important aspect of the Union’s activities has become the system of centralized distribution of customs duties paid when crossing the borders of the Common Economic Space.

  • Russia accounts for 85.33% of the total;
  • Kazakhstan receives - 7.11%;
  • Belarus - 4.55%;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1.9%;
  • Armenia - 1.11%.

In addition, the Customs Union has a mechanism for coordinated collection and distribution of indirect taxes.

Thus, in its current state, the Customs Union is a way of economic integration of the states that are members of the EAEU.

Official information about the Customs Union can be obtained on the website of the Eurasian Economic Union -

History of the creation of the vehicle

To better understand the prerequisites and goals of creating the Customs Union, it will be useful to consider the evolution of integration processes in the post-Soviet space:

  • 1995 - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia sign the first agreement on the creation of the Customs Union. Subsequently, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan joined the agreement;
  • 2007 - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia enter into an Agreement on a single customs territory and the construction of the Customs Union;
  • 2009 - previously concluded agreements are filled with specific content, about 40 international treaties are signed. A decision was made to form a single customs space on the territory of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan from January 1, 2010;
  • 2010 - the Unified Customs Tariff comes into force, a common Customs Code for three states is adopted;
  • 2011 - customs control is removed from the borders between the CU states and transferred to their external borders with third countries;
  • 2011 - 2013 - the development and adoption of legislative norms common to the countries of the Union continues, the first unified technical regulation on product safety appears;
  • 2015 - Armenia and Kyrgyzstan join the Customs Union.
  • 2016 - Entry into force of the Agreement on a free trade zone between the EAEU and Vietnam. Statement by the presidents of the EAEU countries “On the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union.”
  • 2017 - " White paper» barriers, exemptions and restrictions. Signing and ratification of the Customs Agreement EAEU Code.
  • 2018 - Entry into force of the Treaty on the Customs Code of the EAEU. Granting the Republic of Moldova the status of an observer country in the EAEU. Signing of the Agreement on trade and economic cooperation between the EAEU and the PRC. Signing of an Interim Agreement leading to the creation of a free trade zone between the EAEU and Iran.

It must be said that integration processes, with at different speeds and results continued continuously throughout the period described. Gradually led to general standards legislation and customs tariffs in trade with third countries.

Goals of the Customs Union and their implementation

The immediate goal of the Customs Union was stated to be an increase in markets for goods and services produced by its members. The calculation was made, first of all, on the growth of sales within the Common Customs Space of the Union. This was supposed to be achieved by:

  • The abolition of internal customs duties, which should contribute to the price attractiveness of products produced in the Union;
  • Acceleration of the turnover of goods due to the abolition of customs control and clearance when moving them within the Customs Union;
  • Adoption of general sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary requirements, uniform standards for the safety of goods and services, mutual recognition of test results.

To unify approaches to quality and safety, an interstate agreement was concluded on mandatory certification of products specified in the “Unified List of Products Subject to Mandatory Assessment (Confirmation) of Compliance within the Customs Union with the issuance of uniform documents.” For 2016, over three dozen regulations on requirements for the safety and quality of goods, works and services have been agreed upon. Certificates issued by any state are valid in all others.

The next goal of the Customs Union should be the joint protection of the internal market of the Customs Union, the creation of favorable conditions for the production and sale, first of all, of domestic products of the Union member countries. At this point in the program, mutual understanding between states turned out to be somewhat less than in matters of mutual trade. Each country had its own priorities in the development of production, while protecting the interests of neighbors sometimes had a negative impact on importing enterprises and the population.

Contradictions in the CU

The Customs Union united states with a common past, including economic, but a different present, primarily economic. Each of the former Soviet republics had its own specialization during the Soviet period, and during the years of independence there were many other changes associated with attempts to find its place in the world market and in the regional division of labor. Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, states equally distant geographically and in structure, have few mutual interests. But there are similar interests. The economic structure of both countries, dating back to Soviet times, has been built in such a way that it requires Russian market sales The situation in Kazakhstan and Armenia is somewhat different, but for them, ties with Russia are extremely important, largely for geopolitical reasons.

At the same time, the Russian economy until the end of 2014 grew successfully due to high gas and other raw materials. Which gave the Russian Federation financial opportunities to finance integration processes. Such a course of action may not have promised a quick economic benefit, but assumed the growth of Russia’s influence on the world stage. Thus, the Russian Federation has always remained the real driving force of the processes of the Eurasian unification in general and the Customs Union in particular.

History of integration processes last decades looks like a series of compromises between Russia's influence and the interests of its neighbors. For example, Belarus has repeatedly stated that it is not the Customs Union itself that is important to it, but a single economic space with equal prices for oil and gas and access for enterprises of the Republic to Russian government procurement. For this purpose, Belarus agreed to increase tariffs on the import of passenger cars in 2010-2011, without having its own production of such products. Such a “sacrifice” also became the reason for the announcement of mandatory certification of light industry goods, which hit hard small retail trade. In addition, the internal standards of the Customs Union had to be brought into line with the norms, although Russia is a member of this organization (and enjoys the corresponding opportunities in international trade), and Belarus is not.

So far, the Republic of Belarus has not received the desired benefits in full, because... Questions about equalities with domestic Russian energy prices have been postponed until 2025. Also, Belarusian enterprises did not receive opportunities to participate in the Russian import substitution program.

It should be noted that the agreements of the Customs Union have many exceptions and clarifications, anti-dumping, protective and countervailing measures that do not allow us to talk about common benefits and equal conditions for all members of the organization. Almost each of the CU states at certain points expressed their dissatisfaction with the contractual terms.

Despite the elimination of customs posts within the Union, border control between states remains. Inspections by sanitary control services also continue at internal borders. The practice of their work demonstrates neither mutual trust nor the declared unity of approaches. An example of this is the “food wars” that periodically arise between Russia and Belarus. Their usual scenario begins with non-recognition of the quality of products certified by the Belarusian side and leads to a ban on supplies to Russian consumers “until the deficiencies are eliminated.”

Advantages of the Customs Union

Talk about achieving the goals declared at the conclusion of the Customs Union this moment(2016) is impossible, internal trade turnover between CU participants is falling. There are also no particular advantages for the economy compared to the period before the agreements were concluded.

At the same time, there is reason to believe that without the agreement on the Customs Union the situation would have looked even more depressing. Crisis phenomena in each individual economy could have a greater scale and depth. Presence in the Customs Union gives many enterprises a comparative advantage in the intra-Union market.

The shared distribution of customs duties between the CU states also looks favorable for Belarus and Kazakhstan (initially, the Russian Federation claimed to transfer 93% of the total to its own).

The agreements in force in the Customs Union provide the opportunity for duty-free sales of cars produced in the territory of the Union in the industrial assembly mode. Thanks to this, Belarus received foreign investment in the construction of enterprises for the production of passenger cars. Until this time, such projects were not successful due to the small volume of the Belarusian sales market itself.

Practice of application of customs agreements

Studying the published information about the creation and functioning of the Customs Union, it is easy to notice that the declarative part, i.e. ratified interstate agreements and general documents are mentioned much more often than specific figures for increasing trade turnover.

But the Union should obviously not be treated as a PR campaign. There is a noticeable simplification of the movement of goods, a reduction in the number of administrative procedures, and some improvement in competitive conditions for enterprises of the CU member countries. It is likely that filling agreed upon uniform rules with economic content requires time and mutual interest not only state institutions, but also business entities within the CU.

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In the modern world, many countries unite into unions - political, economic, religious and others. One of the largest such unions was the Soviet Union. Now we see the emergence of the European, Eurasian, and also Customs unions.

The Customs Union was positioned as a form of trade and economic integration of a number of countries, which provides not only a common customs territory for mutually beneficial trade with the absence of duties, etc., but also a number of issues regulating trade with third countries. This agreement was signed on October 6, 2007 in Dushanbe; at the time of its conclusion, the union included the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

The first article of the contract on the movement of goods within this territory states the following:

  • There is no customs duty. And not only for goods of own production, but also for cargo from third countries.
  • There are no economic restrictions other than compensatory and anti-dumping ones.
  • The countries of the Customs Union apply a single customs tariff.

Current countries and candidates

There are both permanent member countries of the Customs Union that were its founders or joined later, and those that have only expressed a desire to join.


  • Armenia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Russia;
  • Belarus.

Candidates for membership:

  • Tunisia;
  • Syria;
  • Tajikistan.

TS managers

There was a special CU commission, which was approved at the time of signing the agreement on the Customs Union. Its rules were the basis of the legal activities of the organization. The structure worked and remained within these legal frameworks until July 1, 2012, that is, until the creation of the EEC. The highest body of the union at that time was a group of representatives of the heads of state (Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian Federation), Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev (Republic of Kazakhstan) and (Republic of Belarus)).

The following prime ministers were represented at the level of heads of government:

  • Russia - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev;
  • Kazakhstan - Karim Kazhimkanovich Masimov;
  • Belarus - Sergei Sergeevich Sidorsky.

Purpose of the Customs Union

The countries of the Customs Union, with the main goal of creating a single regulatory body, meant the formation of a common territory, which would include several states, and all duties on products would be abolished on their territory.

The second goal was to protect one’s own interests and markets, first of all, from harmful, poor-quality, and also competitive products, which makes it possible to smooth out all the shortcomings in the trade and economic sphere. This is very important, since protecting the interests of one’s own states, taking into account the opinions of the members of the union, is a priority for any country.

Benefits and prospects

First of all, the benefits are obvious for those enterprises that can easily purchase from neighboring countries. Most likely, these will only be large corporations and companies. As for future prospects, contrary to some economists’ forecasts that the Customs Union will entail a decrease in wages in participating countries, at the official level the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan announced an increase in wages in the state in 2015.

That is why the world experience of such large economic entities cannot be attributed to this case. Countries that have joined the Customs Union can expect, if not rapid, but stable growth in economic ties.


The final version of the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union was adopted only at the tenth meeting, 10.26.2009. This pact spoke of the creation of special groups that would monitor activities to bring the revised draft treaty into effect.

The countries of the Customs Union had until July 1, 2010 to make changes to their legislation to eliminate contradictions between this Code and the Constitution. Thus, another contact group was created to resolve problems arising from differences between national legal systems.

All the nuances related to the territories of the Customs Union were also finalized.

Territory of the Customs Union

The countries of the Customs Union have a common customs territory, which is determined by the borders of the states that have entered into an agreement and are members of the organization. The Customs Code, among other things, determines the expiration date of the commission, which was July 1, 2012. Thus, a more serious organization was created, which has much more powers and, accordingly, more people in your state in order to fully control all processes. On January 1, 2012, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEC) officially began its work.


The Eurasian Economic Union includes member countries of the Customs Union: the founders - Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan - and the recently joined states, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.

The establishment of the EAEU implies a wider range of relationships in the freedom of movement of labor, capital, services and goods. Also, a coordinated economic policy of all countries must be constantly pursued, a transition must be made to a single

The total budget of this union is formed exclusively in Russian rubles, thanks to the share contributions made by all member countries of the Customs Union. Their size is regulated by the Supreme Council, which consists of the heads of these states.

Russian has become the working language for the regulations of all documents, and the headquarters will be located in Moscow. The financial regulator of the EAEU is in Almaty, and the court is in the capital of Belarus, Minsk.

Bodies of the Union

The highest regulatory body is the Supreme Council, which includes the heads of participating states.

A judicial body was also created, which is responsible for the application of treaties within the Union.

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is a regulatory body that provides all the conditions for the development and functioning of the Union, as well as the development of new proposals in the economic sphere regarding the format of the EAEU. It consists of the Ministers of the Commission (deputy prime ministers of the Union member states) and the Chairman.

Main provisions of the Treaty on the EAEU

Of course, the EAEU, compared to the CU, has not only broader powers, but also a much more extensive and specific list of planned work. This document no longer has any general plans, but for each specific task the path for its implementation has been determined and a special working group has been created that will not only monitor its implementation, but also control its entire progress.

In the received agreement the countries of the single Customs Union, and now the EAEU, secured an agreement on coordinated work and the creation of common energy markets. The work on energy policy is quite large-scale and will be implemented in several stages until 2025.

The document also regulates the creation of a common market for medical devices and medicines by January 1, 2016.

Great importance is paid to transport policy in the territory EAEU states, without which it will not be possible to create a single joint action plan. The development of a coordinated agro-industrial policy is envisaged, which includes the mandatory formation of veterinary and phytosanitary measures.

Coordinated provides the opportunity to translate all planned plans and agreements into reality. In such conditions, they are developed general principles interaction and ensure effective development of countries.

A special place is occupied by labor, which regulates not only the free movement of labor, but also the same working conditions. Citizens who go to work in the EAEU countries will no longer need to fill out migration cards (if their stay does not exceed 30 days). The same simplified system will apply to medical care. The issue of exporting pensions and offset length of service, which has been accumulated in a member country of the Union.

Expert opinions

The list of countries of the Customs Union may be replenished with several more states in the near future, but, according to experts, in order for full growth and influence on Western similar type unions to be noticeable, a lot of work and expansion of the organization is necessary. In any case, the ruble will not be able to become an alternative to the euro or dollar yet for a long time, and the impact of recent sanctions has clearly shown how Western policy can work to serve its own interests, and that at the same time neither Russia itself nor the entire Union can actually do anything about it. As for Kazakhstan and Belarus specifically, the conflict in Ukraine showed that they will not give up their benefits to please Russia. The tenge, by the way, also fell sharply due to the fall of the ruble. And on many issues, Russia remains the main competitor of Kazakhstan and Belarus. However, at the moment, the creation of the Union is an adequate and only correct decision that can help at least somehow strengthen relations between states in the event of further Western pressure on Russia.

It is now known which countries in the Customs Union are more interested in its creation. Despite the fact that even at the stage of its inception it was constantly plagued by all sorts of problems, the joint coordinated actions of all members of the Union make it possible to solve them as quickly as possible, which makes it possible to look into the future with optimism and hope for the rapid development of the economies of all states participating in this treaty.

The Customs Union, EAEU, is an agreement adopted by members of the Eurasian Economic Union, the purpose of which is to abolish customs duties in trade relations. Based on these agreements, common ways of carrying out economic activities are created. Let's find out which countries made the list in 2019.

The Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Union or CU EAEU is a customs union of member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Before the creation of the EAEU in 2015, it was a customs union of only three countries (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan) from among the participating countries of the Eurasian Economic Community - and thus was a Customs Union based on the Eurasian Economic Community, membership in which was optional for participating countries EurAsEC. When the EAEU was created (unlike its predecessor, the EurAsEC), the common customs union became an integral part of the EAEU, and all EAEU member countries automatically enter the Customs Union from the moment they join the EAEU. At the same time, the member countries of the Customs Union applied (before the formation of the EAEU on January 1, 2015) and continue to apply common customs tariffs and other regulatory measures when trading with third countries.

EAEU in 2019, list of countries

All countries of the EAEU customs space apply a single, coordinated approach to customs procedures and goods imported and exported across the borders of the Customs Union. Also, throughout the territory of the Customs Union, equal rights for citizens of participating countries in employment are assumed.

The participants of the Customs Union are currently members of the EAEU:

  • Republic of Armenia;
  • Republic of Belarus;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Russian Federation.

Syria and Tunisia announced their intention to join the CU, and a proposal was voiced to admit Turkey into the Union. However, nothing is known about specific actions to implement these intentions.

EAEU-2019, who controls

One of the important goals of the Customs Union is the joint protection of the domestic market of the Customs Union, as well as the creation of favorable conditions for the production and sale, primarily, of domestic products of the Union member countries. At this point in the program, mutual understanding between states turned out to be somewhat less than in matters of mutual trade. Each country had its own priorities in the development of production, while protecting the interests of neighbors sometimes had a negative impact on importing enterprises and the population.

The management and coordination bodies in the EAEU are:

  • The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is a supranational body consisting of the heads of state of the EAEU members;
  • The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is a permanent regulatory body of the EAEU. The competence of the EEC includes, among other things, issues of international trade and customs regulation.

It would be fair to say that the Customs Union is one of the stages of a plan to strengthen economic ties between some states in the territory of the former USSR. In a certain sense, this can be seen as the restoration of once existing economic and technological chains, taking into account new political and economic realities.

An important aspect of the EAEU’s activities has become the system of centralized distribution of customs duties paid when crossing the borders of the Common Economic Space.

  • Russia accounts for 85.33% of the total;
  • Kazakhstan receives – 7.11%;
  • Belarus – 4.55%;
  • Kyrgyzstan – 1.9%;
  • Armenia – 1.11%.

In addition, the Customs Union has a mechanism for coordinated collection and distribution of indirect taxes. Thus, in its current state, the Customs Union is a way of economic integration of the states that are members of the EAEU.

Official information about the Customs Union can be obtained on the website of the Eurasian Economic Union -