The date of formation of the Khakass Republican branch of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” was October 15, 2010. Then, in the city of Abakan, a founding conference was held, which was attended by more than 200 veterans of local wars and military conflicts. The conference was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia Vladimir Kraft, representative of the Central Council of the All-Russian Military Organization "Combat Brotherhood" Yuri Shepotko, representatives of cities and regions of Khakassia, who represented the interests of all combat veterans living in the republic. After long discussions, debates, as well as speeches from veterans present, administration representatives and guests, the conference delegates elected a council regional office, which included participants in combat operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya. The founding conference proclaimed the creation of the Khakass regional branch of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, the founders of which were combat veterans living in Khakassia. The Council was headed by Alexander Vasilyevich Vekshin, and Alexander Yakovlevich Aleksashin was elected first deputy.

On the eve of the founding conference, meetings of Afghan combat veterans and other “hot spots” living in the regions were held throughout Khakassia. At the gathering, representatives of the administrations introduced those present to the letter of appeal from the chairman of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov and elected delegates from among the veterans who will attend the founding conference and represent the interests of veterans of their cities and districts.

The organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" is more than 12 years old. It includes 80 regional branches and more than 30 public associations. There are 11 branches in the Siberian Federal District, only in Khakassia there are none. But 3,567 veterans of combat operations in Afghanistan, the Chechen Republic, the North Caucasus and other “hot spots” live here. Many of them, as well as disabled combat veterans, family members of fallen defenders of the Fatherland (4,230 people) need not only social assistance state, but also psychological support from public veterans’ associations. To solve these and other problems, the leader of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov calls for the creation of a regional branch of the veterans’ union in the Republic of Khakassia. And also to identify leaders - worthy, respected people with an impeccable reputation, with organizational skills, and capable of rallying people around them.

January 28, 2011 delegates from the Republic of Khakassia Vekshin A.V. and Aleksashin A.Ya. took part in the fourth congress of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, at which the work over the past five years was summed up, amendments were discussed and amendments were made to the organization’s Charter.

At the final part of the congress and in a solemn atmosphere, the Chairman of the Council of the Khakass Republican branch of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, Alexander Vasilyevich Vekshin, was presented with the banner of the republican branch. The banner was presented by the chairman of the Moscow branch, Hero Soviet Union, veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Colonel General Valery Vostrotin.

Report of the Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization at the IV Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”

Report at the IV Congress of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”

Chairman of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” Gromov B.V.

“Results of the activities of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”

for the reporting period and the main directions of work to implement its statutory and program goals"

Dear delegates, fighting friends, comrades!

More than five years ago, on December 6, 2005, the III Congress of the Movement established the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, adopted the Charter and Program, elected updated governing and control and audit bodies, clearly defined its organizational structure, expanded its social base, and introduced fixed membership , approved the form of the membership card, awards and symbols, and specified the goals and objectives facing the Organization.

As the practice of our work has shown, the congress made absolutely correct decisions that allowed the Organization and all its structural divisions to successfully develop and improve.

Looking back at the path we have traveled, analyzing our five-year activities, I report to the delegates that the main goals and objectives defined by the Third Congress have been largely achieved.

During the inter-congress period, the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization structured their work, held meetings and reported in accordance with the established procedure, within the time limits strictly defined by law and the Charter.

Topical and important issues for the successful development of the Organization were brought up at the meetings of the Central Council and the Executive Committee, specific decisions were made, which were promptly communicated to the departments, and measures were taken for their implementation.

The practice of holding on-site extended meetings of the Executive Committees to discuss specific areas of activity of the Councils of regional branches and the experience of their work has proven itself.

Such meetings were held in the Moscow region, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Tyumen, Tver, and the experience of the chairmen of the Councils Sergei Avezniyazov, Igor Vysotsky, Dmitry Lisichkin, Vladimir Mironov, Sergei Knyazev, Vitaly Turbin, Valentin Yakovlev was brought to all organizations and published in the press .

During this period, the Control and Audit Commission, headed by Viktor Karpovich Shilin, worked quite intensively and effectively. Her conscientious and objective checks, reports and recommendations helped eliminate shortcomings and contributed to the establishment of work both in the regional offices and in the Central Office of the Organization.

Article 6 of the current Charter defines the tasks of the Presidium of the Central Council in developing proposals for the strategy and tactics of the Organization. Over the five years of its existence, this collegial body has never met to discuss any issues. Obviously, it was far-fetched and it will be correct if we exclude this article from the Charter.

The Deputy Chairmen of the Organization and the Central Council conscientiously fulfilled the duties assigned to them and my instructions, and carried out their work with great benefit for the veterans.

As a shortcoming inherent in the members of all governing bodies of the Organization, my deputies, the Office of the Central Council, it is necessary to recognize their weak connection, insufficient assistance to the activists and members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” directly on the ground. The rare trips of the Organization's leadership to the regions are mainly due to financial difficulties. Although there are other reasons.

As the Chairman of the Organization, I felt the daily help and support of the leaders of the organizations, all members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”. At meetings of governing bodies, in letters and appeals addressed to me, you made business-like and thoughtful proposals, gave useful tips and recommendations.

I want to express my warmest words of gratitude to all of you, dear comrades, for many years of selfless, friendly joint work, for the fact that you have shouldered a difficult burden - caring for your comrades in arms, their families, many of whom cannot protect themselves according to known reasons, and do this work with clear conscience and high responsibility. Low bow to you for this.

What conclusions can be drawn based on the results of our joint five-year work? What results have we achieved?

The main result of our activities is that the All-Russian organization “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” has taken its rightful place in the International Veterans Movement, has become well-known and authoritative among public organizations in Russia, capable of significantly influencing the consolidation of society and the social policy of the state.

The organization is a member of the International Veterans Federation. Together with other members of the Federation - the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans (leader - Franz Adamovich Klintsevich), the Association of War Veterans and military service(Marshal Efimov Alexander Nikolaevich) we maintain constant and business contacts with veteran organizations in the USA, Serbia, Slovakia, Germany, Italy, other European countries, as well as with UN structures dealing with veterans’ issues.

We constantly cooperate with the Committee on the Affairs of Internationalist Soldiers under the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS Member States (Ruslan Sultanovich Aushev) and the Coordinating Council of the International Union (Alexey Ivanovich Sorokin).

We are actively developing bilateral relations with veteran organizations of the CIS and Baltic countries in the interests of achieving the goals and objectives of the International Union of Public Associations of Veterans “Combat Brotherhood”.

As a result of the introduction of new approaches to the construction and development of all structural links, we have formed a qualitatively new public organization.

It is important to note that all governing bodies have reached an understanding of the need to create well-managed, socially active, responsible to society and veterans regional organizations with a wide-ranging network of local and primary branches.

Over the course of five years, they were created again in 14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in 8 their activities were restored anew, the number of the Organization grew by more than 70 thousand people, and the grassroots branches - by more than 3 times.

Today, regional branches of the Organization have been created and are successfully operating in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in Baikonur, and its representative offices in Transnistria and Sevastopol. They include 873 local, 528 primary branches, and more than 102 thousand individual members. Each of them has the same membership card. All 84 regional branches have been registered and have the right of legal entity. We no longer have dead and empty organizations.

Behind these figures lies the great organizational and executive work of the governing bodies in the center and especially locally, in the regions.

Today, the most numerous and capable are the organizations of Bashkiria and Tatarstan, Khabarovsk, Krasnodar and Primorsky territories, Amur, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Saratov, Rostov, Moscow, Kemerovo, Omsk regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The growth in the number of members of the Organization, local and primary branches, the constant updating of the forms and methods of their work are a priority, extremely important area of ​​our activity and are a necessary condition for the development and improvement of the Organization as a whole.

This is precisely the essence of its qualitative transformation. You have help in this area of ​​work.

We understand well that regional branches are the main wealth of the Organization, and therefore we build our regional policy with great responsibility and caution. The main thing in this work is respectful and careful attitude towards personnel, especially the heads of organizations.

The Central Council, making a decision to hold pre-congress conferences in regional branches, set the task not only to preliminarily discuss issues submitted to the congress and elect delegates, but also to give the opportunity to the leaders and Councils of regional branches to understand the state of affairs in their organizations, as well as provide an opportunity for conference participants to express their opinions, evaluate the work of local and central governing bodies, significantly increase their number, update their personnel and make them efficient. Employees of the Central Council Administration took part in 12 conferences.

It was a review of the maturity, business activity and competence of the governing bodies of all structural divisions of the Organization.

Most managers successfully reported for their work and retained their positions. At the same time, during the inter-congress period, 59 leaders were replaced in 45 branches for various reasons. Two of them - S. Golov (Astrakhan) and V. Alekseev (Leningrad region) - for serious failures in their work were expelled from the members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" and relieved of their duties as leaders.

At conferences, the Councils of regional branches are formed from 11 to 45 people. In total, they include 1,655 active and efficient members of the Organization, of which 395 people were elected for the first time.

Frequent turnover of personnel obliges us to constantly and carefully engage in their selection, education and training.

For these purposes, it is necessary to consolidate the practice of conducting classes, seminars, round tables with them, studying and disseminating best practices, and visits of members of the Central Council and its Apparatus to the regions to provide practical assistance.

It's time to understand the reasons for the ineffective activities of some organizations, the reluctance of individual managers to engage in social work, their misunderstanding of the importance of creating grassroots branches as a necessary condition for the unification and rallying of veterans around the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”.

I ask the heads of organizations to more strictly and self-critically evaluate the results of their work, not to give us false information, especially not to allow postscripts and deception. Often, individual managers do not see behind the numbers and favorable reports. true face its organization, the narrowness of the forms and methods of its work.

Strengthening our regional branches with well-trained, authoritative leaders who fully share the ideology of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, capable of leading people and defending their interests in all branches and levels of government is a task of paramount importance.

The second, no less important part of our Organization is the associations of veterans - legal entities who voluntarily became its members over the years.

I note with satisfaction that all 27 associations within the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” have earned the reputation of our reliable partners and comrades-in-arms in the veteran movement.

However, today we need new approaches, specific practical actions to reorganize their work from collective members and a common presence to effective work in the Organization according to a single agreed plan, without losing their individuality.

We have examples of such work. In 2007, we became the founders of new organizations: medical workers - participants in hostilities and families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland. The holding of meetings to create them stirred up the Russian public and brought to the surface a huge layer of problems that no one had previously seriously delved into or solved.

The newly created associations became part of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", which increased our authority in the regions and, of course, added problems. But we did a noble deed - we united the most needy categories of people and took responsibility for their material well-being.

These organizations today unite about 70 thousand people and successfully work according to a single plan with us under the leadership of the chairmen of the Councils Yuri Viktorovich Nemytin and Tatyana Viktorovna Ruban, the Councils of the branches of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” in the regions.

The families of fallen soldiers have a lot of problems. I ask all delegates of the congress: do not leave them alone and continue to provide them with all possible assistance. This is our sacred duty.

In addition to the organizations that are part of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", there are a number of other veterans' associations that represent the interests of pensioners, military personnel, and a wide range of the population.

In recent years, significant adjustments have been made to the practice of our relations, including the conclusion of bilateral agreements and the mutual delegation of representatives to governing bodies.

During this period, we entered into agreements with the Russian organization of veterans of internal affairs agencies and internal troops (Shilov Ivan Fedorovich), veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moiseev Mikhail Alekseevich), war and military service (Efimov Alexander Nikolaevich), the National Association "MEGAPIR" (Kanshin Alexander Nikolaevich), synodal department of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The strengthening of business ties at the regional level between organizations of various veterans' associations has become noticeable. The problems of relationships between them in the regions have been resolved.

We all need to develop the habit of constantly communicating with both leaders and members of the collegial governing bodies of veterans’ associations. After all, each of them has unique work experience. Its practical use will help to avoid mistakes and diversify the forms and methods of our work.

As an example, I will cite the work of the Organizing Committee, which was created on the initiative of veterans’ associations in connection with preparations for the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and the 65th anniversary of the Victory.

During his work, quite a lot of new forms of cooperation were born and put into practice.

It became an important milestone and the main stabilizing body in the development of the entire veterans movement in Russia. Joint meetings of the Organizing Committee with members of the Central Council, the Executive Committee, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Coordination Council of Veterans' Organizations of the CIS countries created a favorable, trusting environment for the interaction of veterans' associations and communication of their leaders.

The All-Russian Organizing Committee served good example to create committees and coordinating councils under the heads of regional administrations, which today work in 63 regions and have good development prospects.

About three years ago, the Organizing Committee of the Saratov Region was headed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government, Alexander Georgievich Babichev, with the active assistance and participation of the Chairman of the Council of the regional organization “MARTIAL BROTHERHOOD” Sergei Klimentievich Avezniyazov.

On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, the Committee summed up the results of its work. As a result, 36 state and municipal institutions, public organizations and military units were awarded the Badge of Honor of the Organizing Committee “Military Glory of Generations”, and the head of the Saratov branch, Sergei Avezniyazov, was appointed Minister of the Region - Chairman of the Committee of Public Relations and National Policy. Already in his ministry, Sergei Avezniyazov created a department of three combat veterans to work with war veterans and the families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

This is a natural result of the good, friendly work of our public organization and the regional administration.

Today we can confidently draw, in my opinion, an important conclusion that the new system of relationships created in recent years between the state, public organizations and leading political parties has allowed us to reach a new level of interaction, created conditions for a better solution to the social problems of veterans and low-income groups population.

This system, which includes our representatives in all branches and levels of government, organizing committees, public councils and chambers, the media, youth and other public organizations, must continue to be strengthened and improved.

Our important statutory duty is to organize the acceptance of membership fees and the correct use of, albeit small, but nevertheless voluntarily contributed sums of money for the development of our Organization.

This norm of the Charter assumes, first of all, an educational function. Payment of membership fees disciplines members of the Organization, increases responsibility for belonging to the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, and allows leaders to regularly communicate with members of their organization. Therefore, the payment of membership fees cannot be reduced only to collecting money. By the way, the collection of membership fees has increased 17 times over five years. This is a good indicator. Apparently, the economic crisis has forced us to count money.

Dear delegates!

The five years that have passed since the third congress have been years of hard work for us in a difficult international and difficult domestic situation. Major terrorist attacks man-made disasters with the loss of life, the global economic crisis, drought and unfavorable climatic conditions that have occurred in recent years in Russia have certainly increased social tension in society, among veterans, and the families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

However, our Organization, together with other veterans’ associations and authorities measures taken managed to maintain their previous standard of living.

In recent years, we have begun to understand the importance and necessity of expanding the Organization’s representative capabilities to defend the interests of veterans.

Today, more than 700 members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” work in all government bodies, including 10 deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. On their initiative, over the past five years, amendments and additions to the current legislation aimed at improving social support measures have been adopted 47 times. Including pension provision, payment of monthly benefits to children of military personnel killed or missing in action while on duty military service, receiving a second pension for military pensioners, increasing pensions for older generation pensioners for work experience during the Soviet period, granting the status of a combat veteran to participants in the armed conflict in South Ossetia.

As you can see, the mechanism we are creating for the social protection of veterans by introducing amendments, developing projects and adopting laws with the help of our representatives in the authorities legislative branch starts working.

For example, members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” are widely represented in the power structures of the Tver region. Among them are the mayors of the cities of Torzhok and Kashin, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region, Andrei Nikolaevich Epishin. Chairman of the Council Dmitry Yuryevich Lisichkin is a deputy of the Tver City Duma. With such support, many local social projects become real. With their participation, it was decided to pay disabled combatants 1,800 rubles monthly from the regional budget, and 500 rubles from the budget of the city of Tver.

The council of the branch of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" of the Republic of Tyva obtained from the government the construction and commissioning of a center for restorative medicine and rehabilitation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations in the city of Kyzyl. The Amur regional department, interacting with the city health department, decided to allocate two wards for veterans in the inpatient department of the Blagoveshchensk city hospital.

The Mari Republican Branch achieved improved living conditions for the mother of a soldier killed in Afghanistan, N.V. Furzikova. Saratov residents provided financial assistance for home repairs to three families of the victims military personnel. With the direct participation of the Krasnodar regional branch, the living conditions of 58 veterans were improved, assistance was provided in the renovation of 29 apartments for a total amount of more than 2 million rubles. In total, over five years, with our help, the living conditions of 1,660 combatants were improved. In Novokuznetsk, free travel on a bus with the symbolic number 345 was organized for veterans; in St. Petersburg, meals were organized in a social canteen for 420 people. The Perm regional branch annually purchases one car at its own expense and gives it to disabled combat veterans. By decision of the Council of the Omsk Regional Branch, a scholarship of 2,200 rubles is paid from its own funds to students of the Omsk Cadet Corps, whose fathers died in the line of duty, based on the results of each quarter.

There are similar examples in every department. Based on agreements between regional departments and heads of universities, 115 combatants, including disabled people, and 326 children of fallen defenders of the Fatherland entered and are studying at higher educational institutions at the expense of budget funding and on a non-competitive basis.

With the participation of branches of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", regional and local socio-economic programs have been adopted and are operating in 66 constituent entities, and close cooperation has been established with rehabilitation medical institutions in 68 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The given examples indicate that in solving the social problems of veterans, consolidated actions of public organizations and government bodies of all levels are needed.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the period into which we are entering immediately after the congress, without wasting time it is necessary to determine in each organization the degree of our participation in the most important political events of the country. At this time, elections of the President, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and regional legislative assemblies will be held. Our Organization unites mainly active and caring people, and we are able to nominate our representatives to all government bodies, or, together with other veterans’ associations, select common candidates and fight for their victory in the elections. In accordance with the law, it is necessary to fully use the capabilities of the UNITED RUSSIA party, with which we have an agreement, during the elections.

The potential of our Organization in the fight to improve the lives of veterans has not been exhausted; our capabilities have not been fully realized.

There are also organizations where the living word is replaced by mass events, slogans and rallies. This deprives the asset of the opportunity to work with people in a targeted manner and provide them with specific and timely assistance.

When working with veterans, especially disabled people, one must keep in mind that it is important not only to provide them with financial assistance. It is perhaps more important to find them socially useful work. Recognition of their merits, the significance and useful activities of a veteran at their place of residence is more expensive and more important to them than some social benefits, payments and benefits.

They must feel that they are needed by society, that they are trusted, and perhaps the most important thing is the military-patriotic education of young people.

Despite the recent curtailment of a number of patriotic projects due to the crisis, we have not only preserved the traditional practice of veterans’ participation in military-patriotic work, but also intensified it in all areas with various groups of the population, and especially with youth. In the pre-Congress period, work was intensified to perpetuate the memory of those who fell for the Motherland, create memorials, install monuments, obelisks, memorial plaques, publish Books of Memory, and care for military graves. We have created a computer bank of the electronic Book of Memory, which contains information about 14,453 who died in Afghanistan and subsequently died from wounds and injuries.

With your participation, 95 sports facilities and grounds have been built over five years, and more than 300 sports clubs are actively operating.

An important component of military-patriotic work was a joint project with the UNITED RUSSIA party to intensify search work at battle sites during the Great Patriotic War and conduct annual meetings of search teams. D.V. has established himself as an active organizer and sponsor of the search party movement. Sablin. He is also the curator of the direction for the patriotic education of youth in the UNITED RUSSIA party. With his direct participation, search expeditions and meetings of search teams were organized and carried out in the Crimea, Pskov and Leningrad regions. Thanks to his efforts, we have good experience working with youth associations of the Saratov, Kemerovo, and Chelyabinsk regional branches. The activities of these and many other organizations and activists are based on the ideas of patriotism and social justice, and therefore have earned high praise from both the leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and top officials of the state.

President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, for well-organized work in these areas, only by his Decree of November 23, 2009, awarded state awards to seventeen leaders and members of the Councils of regional branches. For many years of conscientious work and active social activities, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Igor Vladimirovich Vysotsky was awarded a Presidential Certificate of Honor with a declaration of gratitude in December last year, and the All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" for active work with veterans, participation in the patriotic education of citizens and great contribution in the preparation and celebration of the Victory anniversary - the honorary medal “65 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.” and literacy.

Educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and love for their Fatherland, a sense of high civic duty, internationalism, friendship and brotherhood between peoples is a priority in our work.

The theme of military glory of generations was recognized as the whole range of events held during the inter-congress period.

Special milestones at this time were the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the 65th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

The Central Council, together with members of the Organizing Committee, created in connection with preparations for these anniversaries, initiated an appeal to the top officials of the state, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of ministries and departments, presidents of the CIS countries with a request to provide assistance to veterans of war and armed conflicts, “Afghan” soldiers ", members of the families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

During the anniversary celebrations, almost 600 thousand “Afghan” soldiers and about 11 thousand members of the families of the victims received financial assistance and were awarded anniversary medals, badges of honor, certificates, and gifts. Many kind words and wishes were said to them.

An important result of our work is that we jointly convinced society that in Afghanistan and other “hot spots” the soldiers fulfilled their duty according to the decision of the Government and are worthy of all respect and honor.

On the eve of the 22nd anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, I ask all participants of the congress not to lose what we have achieved through joint efforts, to constantly implement proven forms and methods of work, especially an individual approach and specific assistance to the veteran. This is our constant task.

The preparation and celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory revealed a whole range of problems related to the material, medical and other support of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. However, if these problems can be solved with the help of public and government structures, then protecting the truth about the war, fighting targeted campaigns to falsify the course and results of the Second World War, with attempts to slander the heroes and whitewash the criminals is becoming more and more difficult from year to year.

That is why opposition to the falsification of history, the belittling of Great Victory and the decisive contribution of the Soviet people to the defeat of fascism, to objectively inform society about the Afghan war, other local wars and conflicts, about the courage, perseverance and heroism of our people at the front and in the rear, we must consider one of the main directions in our work.

Shortcomings in the work of some organizations are also caused by economic difficulties. Lack of well-equipped offices, workplaces, office equipment, transport, communications, Internet, Email, control systems certainly has a negative impact on their operation. Moreover, in the conditions of the economic crisis, the Central Council sharply reduced financial assistance to the regions. During the inter-congress period, we were able to provide assistance to veterans' organizations and family members of fallen servicemen only in the amount of about 30 million rubles.

Finding themselves in a difficult economic situation, 15 percent of branches are still struggling to operate. At the same time, most managers began to look for and find ways out of the financial crisis and earn money on their own. This is successfully done by Andrey Babkin, Evgeny Privalov, Denis Sychov, Konstantin Stoyan, Igor Vysotsky, Amir Zainashev, Oleg Korzhikov. The list of economically successful branches is considerable.

For more than two years, department heads Valery Vostrotin, Sergey Knyazev, Dmitry Lisichkin, Alexander Braslavets, Nikolay Lazarev, Alexander Ilyushin, Viktor Zabolotsky, Sergey Govorukhin have been developing projects and sending them to the relevant government and public structures to receive cash grants. During this time, they won 15 grants worth about 29 million rubles. The head of the Arkhangelsk regional branch, Alexander Braslavets, received more than 14 million rubles for 4 grants.

Grants are not just about money. This is, first of all, well-thought-out work to implement projects aimed at improving the patriotic education of young people, solving social problems of veterans, disabled people, and families of fallen soldiers.

The level of public trust in our Organization is directly related to informing the population about its activities.

The magazine “Combat Brotherhood” has not yet coped with this task. The magazine is published at the expense of individual subscribers - as a rule, members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" and we do not have other opportunities to distribute it among various groups of the population. This obliges us to closely interact with the media of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to involve them in solving the problems of the Organization.

The consequences of the economic crisis caused a narrowing of the ideological base of the Central Apparatus, and therefore the carrying out of agitation and propaganda work in the interests of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”. On the other hand, this prompted regional branches to explore and expand their own capabilities for ideological influence on people. Unfortunately, only 21 regional branches today have their own media, including five newspapers “Boevoye Bratstvo”, 7 newspapers close to this name, 9 Internet sites. The Krasnodar regional branch has its own television studio (Konstantin Vladimirovich Stoyan), the Moscow regional branch has a radio station (Sergey Nikolaevich Knyazev). Most chairmen of the Councils apparently underestimate the role of the media in the life of the Organization, which is why they do not have them. And the departments headed by V.K. Vnukov, V.V. Cherkov, I.M. Afaunov, G.I. Kaloev, V.D. Glushko, S.P. Pyanykh do not even subscribe to a single copy of the magazine “Combat” brotherhood", which is published monthly by the editorial office of the Central Council.

It is not surprising that the population of these regions is poorly informed about the good deeds of the Organization and the social burden it bears in the interests of veterans. Such miscalculations in their work make our organizations invisible and unattractive both to the leadership and to the public of the region.

Time requires new approaches to this important area of ​​our work.

In preparation for the congress, the governing bodies of all associations did a lot of important work to introduce changes and additions to the Charter and Program of the Organization.

For the first time during the existence of the Organization, changes and additions to governing documents were discussed at conferences, meetings of the Central Council and the Executive Committee, a specially created commission.

As Chairman of the Commission, I inform you that in total more than 150 amendments and changes have been considered. All your fundamental proposals have been taken into account, including on the procedure for forming the Central Council, electing delegates to the congress, increasing the responsibility of members of the Councils, heads of regional branches and associations of veterans - members of the "COMbat BROTHERHOOD", expanding the powers of the lower levels of the Organization.

The emblem, flag, banner, and march of the organization approved by the Third Congress were registered in the manner prescribed by law and included in the text of the Charter.

The amendment made to the Charter grants the right to all structural divisions to use the name and symbols of the Organization for statutory purposes.

A separate chapter of the Charter is devoted to primary branches, which is not in the current Charter.

The draft Program not only determines the direction in various areas of activity, but also guides the Organization towards achieving specific results.

Thus, the work carried out during the reporting period ensured the creation of new conditions and opportunities for further improvement of the Organization and increasing its role in solving the social problems of veterans.

A new period of intensive development and modernization, qualitative transformation and growth of the Organization itself has begun in the life of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”. The main goals and objectives of this stage, the directions of the Organization’s activities are set out in the Charter and the Program, which, I hope, will be approved by you today.

In addition, they are reflected in the decision that you have in the congress documents. I focused on the most important of them in the report.

As a result of the implementation of the decisions taken today, the implementation of a system of measures to achieve the goals and objectives set by the IV Congress, “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, as one of the largest mass organizations, will become an integral part of the socio-political system of the state, the opinion of which will be taken into account by the public, leadership and everyone branches of government.

My history All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" begins on December 26, 1997, when at the First Congress of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts the Union of Public Associations “All-Russian Social Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” was created. The initiator of the creation of the public association was the former commander of the 40th Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, who has been its permanent leader since its founding. At the time of the second congress, the organization united 14 all-Russian and interregional, as well as 28 regional public associations of veterans.

On December 22, 2000, the Second Congress of the Union took place, at which it was decided to transform the Union into the All-Russian social movement of veterans of local wars and military conflicts “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”. The New Movement has set itself as its main goal the effective representation and protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation - veterans of local wars and military conflicts, military service, members of their families and families of fallen military personnel.

Movement "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" was a co-founder and active participant in the International Union of Organizations of Veterans (Participants) of Local Wars and Conflicts, “Combat Brotherhood Without Borders,” created in 1998. During these years, relations were established with many foreign veteran organizations. In 2004, the Movement was accepted into the International Federation of Veterans ( IMF), whose headquarters are in Paris.

At the III Congress, held on December 6, 2005, the Movement was transformed into the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”. Continuity and traditions have been fully preserved, but many new things have appeared. First of all, in the All-Russian public organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" the Charter stipulates fixed membership. One of the main tasks was the creation of a mobile, well-structured and easily manageable system in order to protect the interests of veterans when making decisions by authorities at various levels - from federal to municipal.

On January 28, 2011, the IV Congress of the Organization took place. At the congress it was stated that “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” has significantly strengthened its position in society and is one of the most influential and authoritative veteran structures in Russia. At the time of the congress, the number of members of the Organization amounted to more than 110 thousand people.

Branches of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" have been created and are actively operating in all 83 regions of the country, as well as in Boykanur and Bulgaria.

At the congress, changes and additions were adopted to the Charter and Program of the Organization, aimed at increasing the dynamics of development of the veteran movement.

The Khabarovsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “COMbat BROTHERHOOD” was created on March 30, 1999.

The first Chairman of the organization was a participant in the war in Afghanistan, reserve colonel Alexander Grigorievich Kolomiets, who worked in this position until 2005.

From 2005 to 2006, “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” was headed by reserve major Stanislav Borisovich Shtinov, a participant in the war in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

From 2006 to the present, the Chairman of the regional branch is a participant in the war in Afghanistan, reserve colonel Evgeniy Vladimirovich Smyshnikov.

As of January 1, 2012, the regional branch includes 25 primary and local organizations created in 14 municipal districts of the Khabarovsk Territory and in law enforcement agencies stationed in the region. The total number of members of the organization is 1,510 people.

On May 18, 2012, the next 4th reporting and election conference of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the All-Union All-Russian Organization “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” was held, at which the organization’s development strategy was adopted.


About the Khabarovsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”

1. Head: reserve colonel Smyshnikov Evgeniy Vladimirovich

3. Number of members of the organization (as of December 1, 2012): 1500 people

4. Number of local branches: 13

5. Number of primary organizations: 12

6. Number of military-patriotic clubs: 9

7. Number of veteran organizations included in the organization: 4

8. Number of organizations with which interaction has been established: 14

9. Number of families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland in the region: 88

10. Number of combat disabled people: 67 people

11. Number of monuments and obelisks created: 7

12. Number of installed memorial plaques: 26

13. Creating a Book of Memory: 1

14. Creation of a Memory Alley: 1

15. Availability of museum sections dedicated to local wars: 8

16. Number of veterans who received housing (from 2008 to 2012): 35 people

17. Number of combat veterans without housing 122 people

18. Availability of a printed organ: monthly spread called "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" in the newspaper "Red Star"(Far Eastern edition)

19. Books published: 6/circulation-5000 copies

20. Number of films created: 1

CHARTER of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, Moscow, 2017


1.1. All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) is a corporate non-profit organization based on membership, created in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, other current legislation of the Russian Federation to achieve the goals specified in this Charter, and operating on the principles of voluntariness and equality , self-government, legality and transparency.

1.2. The organization was created in the form of a public organization by transforming the All-Russian social movement of veterans of local wars and military conflicts “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” and is its legal successor.

1.3. The organization carries out its activities in accordance with its statutory goals in the territories of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural divisions there - branches, and may also have branches and representative offices.

In its activities, the Organization is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, other current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

1.4. The organization is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration, has separate property, an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banking institutions, including in foreign currency, and other details approved and registered in the manner prescribed by law.

The organization has a round seal, stamps and forms with its name and emblem.

An organization can, on its own behalf, enter into agreements, contracts, agreements, acquire property and personal non-property rights and fulfill obligations, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

1.5. The organization is liable for its obligations with all its property, which can be foreclosed on in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Structural divisions of the Organization that are legal entities are liable for their obligations with the property at their disposal. The Organization is not liable for the obligations of the state and its members, and the state and members of the Organization are not liable for the obligations of the Organization.

1.6. The activities of the Organization do not pursue the goal of making profit.

An organization can carry out income-generating activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the statutory goals for which it was created and is consistent with these goals.

1.7. The organization has a full name in Russian: All-Russia Public Organization of Veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, in English: All-Russia Public Organization of Veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”. Abbreviated name of the Organization in Russian: All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", in English: ARPO "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD".

1.8. The organization has its own symbols (emblem, banner, march, logo), which are approved by the Congress of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Congress). The description of the symbols is contained in paragraphs 1.8.1-1.8.4 of this Charter.

1.8.1. The Organization's emblem is the official heraldic sign of the Organization.

The emblem is a blue globe with a laurel branch in the lower right corner; on the left side there is a Kalashnikov assault rifle with a bayonet; to the right of the center there is a red outline of a five-pointed star, above which in two lines there is an inscription in red letters with a white border “ Combat BROTHERHOOD".

The logo is an inscription made in two lines.

In the first line, the text spans the entire width of the logo: “All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans.” The color is red.

Below it are the words “Combat BROTHERHOOD”, written in red. This phrase is written in one line.

Under the word “Combat” is an image of a St. George’s ribbon. The ribbon is two-color - orange and black.

The inscription of the word “Combat” and the St. George’s ribbon is executed within the height of the word “BROTHERHOOD”.

1.8.2. The banner of the Organization is its official symbol, uniting the members of the Organization and expressing their unity. The banner of the Organization consists of a rectangular double-sided panel of red color with sides 153x100 cm, a pole, a pommel, and braid with tassels yellow color and banner nails. The perimeter of the panel is trimmed with yellow fringe, with the exception of the side attached to the shaft. In the center of the front side of the cloth is the emblem of the Organization. Above the emblem in the center of the cloth in two lines there is the inscription “ALL-RUSSIAN PUBLIC ORGANIZATION OF VETERANS “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” - the official name of the Organization. The width of the emblem on the Organization’s banner should be no more than 1/3 of the length of the banner. On the reverse side of the cloth, in the center, in one line, there is the inscription “FOR GREAT RUSSIA!” All inscriptions are golden in color. The pommel is metal, golden, in the form of a slotted spear.

1.8.3. The flag of the Organization is a red rectangular panel.

The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is two to three. In the center of the front side of the cloth is the emblem of the Organization. Above the emblem in the center of the cloth is the inscription “ALL-RUSSIAN PUBLIC ORGANIZATION OF VETERANS “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” - the official name of the Organization. The overall width of the emblem on the Organization’s flag should be no more than 1/3 of the length of the flag.

1.8.4. The March of the Organization is the musical symbol of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", reflecting its unity, historical, cultural and patriotic traditions.

The march of "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" is a musical work written by Georgy Viktorovich Movsesyan to the verses of Pyotr Alekseevich Sinyavsky.


Music by Georgy Movsesyan Poems by Peter Sinyavsky

We didn’t lose our honor, we kept our word,

We have become an example for our sons.

We serve the Fatherland, we serve the Power

Not for the sake of awards and not for the sake of ranks.


We became brothers in battle.

And again he calls us to gather,

Calls us to gather in one ranks

March of the Combat Brotherhood.

When we lend a shoulder to our fellow man,

We ourselves become twice as strong.

Sometimes it’s difficult for us, but it’s clear to a soldier,

What was more difficult in hot spots.


And again the hearts of veterans will remember

Comrades who died on the military path.

And everyone will fulfill their duty to them,

And the memory will not be able to retire.

P blaring.

1.8.5. The organization has the exclusive right to use its name and symbols in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8.6. Regional and local branches, branches and representative offices have the right to use the name and symbols of the Organization for statutory purposes, with the exception of entrepreneurial activities and the transfer of the right to use it to third parties.

1.9. Location of the permanent governing body Organization - Central Council - Moscow, Russia.


2.1. The objectives of the Organization are:

– creation of a system for the participation of members of the Organization in the protection of national interests in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

– representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation - veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, military service, law enforcement and public service, members of their families and families of deceased military personnel (employees), labor veterans and other categories of citizens.

Ensuring influence on the improvement of public policy in relation to veterans, including the creation of conditions that guarantee them a decent life, social protection and support, adequate medical and pension provision;

Participation in the implementation of the state program of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation.

2.2. Subject of activity of the Organization:

a) increasing the effectiveness of work to protect the social, economic, political and other legal rights and interests of veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, military service, law enforcement agencies and public service, members of their families and families of deceased military personnel (employees), labor veterans and other categories of citizens;

b) facilitating the participation of veterans of the Organization in protecting national interests, in measures to maintain political and social stability in the country in the manner prescribed by law.

Promoting the development of Russia as a strong social state;

c) improving the system of participation of the Organization in the patriotic education of youth, preparing them to protect the national interests of Russia.

d) organization humanitarian aid victims of war and citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations;

e) preserving historical memory and countering the falsification of Russian history, perpetuating the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland;

f) increasing the effectiveness of information and explanatory work carried out by the Organization among the population, primarily among veterans and youth, in the Internet space;

g) strengthening the authority and influence of the Organization on the development of friendly relations and cooperation between veteran organizations that are part of the International Union “Combat Brotherhood” and the World Federation of War Veterans;

h) strengthening the Organization’s position in the socio-political activities of Russian civil society to protect the interests of the country, rallying veterans around the national idea of ​​promoting the development of the Russian Federation as a strong state. The motto of the Organization is “For Great Russia!”

Assistance to interested authorities on issues of maintaining civil peace, protecting the constitutional order, political and social stability in society in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

i) representation and protection in the manner prescribed by law of the rights and legitimate interests of veterans.

Contributing to the formation of public opinion for a more humane and fair treatment of veterans.

Promoting initiatives for the adoption of socially oriented legislative acts, decisions, and projects that will have a positive impact on the quality of life of veterans.

Expanding additional measures of social support for veterans, disabled combatants, and family members of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

Participation in the implementation of volunteering projects;

j) work with voters, as well as deputies and persons holding other elected positions in government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, including those elected with the support of the Organization, in order to protect the interests of veterans.

Expanding the Organization's representation in legislative and executive bodies.

Participation in the development and implementation of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regional and local level programs aimed at achieving the statutory and program goals of the Organization;

k) formation and development in the younger generation of high moral qualities of a patriotic citizen, capable and ready to defend state interests, territorial integrity and the constitutional order of the country.

Participation in the development of regional programs and projects of patriotic education; in the creation and activities of patriotic youth and sports clubs; in conducting youth camps and search parties; in the creation of museums, in patronage of schools and in conducting Lessons of Courage and other military-patriotic events in educational institutions.

Dissemination of military-historical knowledge among young people; preventing attempts to distort Russian history.

Perpetuating the feat and memory of Soviet soldiers, officers of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers, military personnel who died in Afghanistan, Chechnya and other local wars and armed conflicts.

Carrying out events related to memorable (victorious) days of Russia, events military history native land, military glory of Russia, military traditions of the army and navy.

Organization of search activities and events aimed at perpetuating the memory and exploits of Russian soldiers, participation in restoration work to restore spiritual, cultural, historical and religious monuments, in the installation of memorial plaques, in the beautification of tombstones and burial places, and the improvement of the surrounding area;

l) in the manner prescribed by law, participation in the activities of public and coordination councils for veterans’ affairs under state bodies and local governments, ministries and departments, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public chambers of all levels in order to generate public demand for solving veterans’ problems;

m) creation of a wide information field that promptly covers and popularizes the activities of the regional branches of the Organization in in social networks and the blogosphere, in third-party, partner and friendly media, in the magazine and on the Organization’s website.

Activation of information, propaganda and explanatory work of the Organization related to the lesson of the truth about events in the country and abroad, exposing lies and slander during the information war waged against Russia.

Expansion of the regional network of Internet sites and information products of the Organization (e-books, video and audio courses, webinars, trainings, etc.).

Formation on the basis of regional branches and youth clubs of the Organization of Internet divisions, a pool of patriotic Internet correspondents to work in the information field.

Organization of regular performances by members of the military experts club “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”;

o) cooperation with veteran organizations of the CIS and foreign countries in order to revive the ideology of friendship and internationalism in the common struggle against global threats, prevent conflicts on an interethnic and interfaith basis, and counter the spread of the ideology of religious extremism and terrorism;

o) ensuring the unity of actions of veterans' associations in putting forward proposals for the formation and promotion of socially oriented legislative initiatives, in carrying out patriotic actions, events to maintain a mood of stability in Russian civil society, and trust of veterans in the actions of the state;

p) within the framework of the stated goals, attracting Russian and foreign investors to the implementation of socio-cultural projects and programs in the interests of veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, military service, law enforcement agencies and public service, members of their families and families of deceased military personnel (employees) , labor veterans and other categories of citizens, participation in international and Russian targeted socially oriented programs for the provision of humanitarian and charitable assistance, as well as:

1) social support and protection of veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, military service, law enforcement agencies and public service, members of their families and families of deceased military personnel (employees), labor veterans and other categories of citizens;

2) preparing the population to overcome the consequences of natural disasters, environmental, man-made or other disasters, to prevent accidents;

3) providing assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental, man-made or other disasters, social, national, religious conflicts, refugees and internally displaced persons;

4) environmental protection and animal protection;

5) protection and, in accordance with established requirements, maintenance of objects (including buildings, structures) and territories of historical, cultural or environmental significance, and burial sites;

6) providing legal assistance to citizens on a free (preferential) basis and legal education of the population, activities to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

7) social prevention dangerous forms behavior of citizens;

8) promoting charity and volunteerism;

9) promoting activities in the field of education, enlightenment, science, culture, art, healthcare, prevention and protection of the health of citizens, promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens, physical culture and sports, as well as the spiritual development of the individual;

c) providing consulting, information and other assistance to members of the Organization;

k) participation in exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, competitions, conferences, symposiums, sports and other events in accordance with the statutory goals of the Organization.


3.1. To achieve its statutory goals, the Organization has the right, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation:

a) create their own structural units on the territory of the Russian Federation - regional and local branches, branches and representative offices; make decisions to terminate their activities;

b) take initiatives on various social issues political life, make proposals related to the statutory activities of the Organization to state authorities and local governments.

Take part in the organization and conduct of cultural events, as well as public events in the form of meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions or pickets, or in various combinations of these forms, in the organization and conduct of public discussions, speeches, as well as public addresses and statements of the Organization to foreign veteran organizations;

c) participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local governments related to the statutory goals and subject of the Organization’s activities;

d) participate in the elections of deputies of representative bodies of municipalities in single-mandate and (or) multi-member electoral districts, heads of municipalities in accordance with current legislation;

e) participate in elections and referendums held on the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with current legislation;

f) take part in the implementation of public control in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

g) create youth, women's, veterans, children's and other public organizations, associations, clubs, sections, etc., participate in their work, involve them in achieving the statutory goals of the Organization;

h) establish and maintain international contacts and connections, enter into agreements with foreign non-profit organizations and associations;

i) carry out analytical, organizational, information and propaganda work, including the study of public opinion; hold conferences, meetings, rallies, festivals, debates, round tables and other events;

j) establish mass media, carry out publishing, printing, advertising, television and radio broadcasting, communication and other types of information activities on issues of the statutory activities of the Organization;

k) carry out income-generating activities to achieve the statutory goals of the Organization, including foreign economic activities, create business partnerships and companies or participate in business partnerships and companies;

l) provide material and other types of assistance to veterans and disabled people of combat, military service, law enforcement agencies and public service, members of their families and families of deceased military personnel (employees), labor veterans and other categories of citizens, create jobs for them;

m) make any transactions with legal entities and individuals that do not contradict the law and this Charter to achieve the goals of the Organization;

o) engage in charitable activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

o) represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of members of the Organization and other citizens in government bodies, local governments, public and other organizations;

p) participate in the implementation of Russian and international projects that meet the statutory goals of the Organization;

c) act as a founder, be a participant or a member of other public and other organizations, including international ones;

r) produce and sell audio, video and printed products on the topics of the Organization;

s) send foreign delegations and individuals abroad and receive foreign delegations and individuals in Russia to achieve the statutory goals of the Organization;

t) dispose of own property and funds, lease or purchase in accordance with the procedure established by law land, buildings, premises, transport and other movable and real estate, provide labor protection services to achieve statutory goals;

x) determine the organizational structure of the Organization, develop and approve its work plans, form a staffing apparatus and resolve issues of remuneration of employees in accordance with current legislation;

v) attract the necessary specialists, including foreign ones, to provide services and perform work, under labor agreements and contracts;

w) receive credits and loans from banks and other credit organizations in the prescribed manner, as well as use financial and other material assistance from Russian and foreign organizations in the manner prescribed by law;

w) reward citizens and organizations for special services to the Organization, active work in social protection and assistance to veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, military service, law enforcement agencies and public service, members of their families and families of fallen military personnel (employees), labor veterans and other categories of citizens with awards from the Organization;

y) exercise other rights in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. The organization is obliged:

a) comply in its activities with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the provisions of this Charter;

b) annually publish a report on the use of your property or ensure accessibility of the said report;

c) annually inform the body that made the decision on state registration of the Organization about the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the Organization in the amount of information included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

d) submit, at the request of the body making decisions on state registration of non-profit organizations, decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the Organization, as well as annual and quarterly reports in the amount of information submitted to the tax authorities;

e) admit representatives of the body making decisions on state registration of non-profit organizations to events held by the Organization and assist them in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the Organization in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

f) perform other duties in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.



4.1. Membership in the Organization is voluntary and individual.

Members of the Organization can be individuals, as well as legal entities - public organizations and/or social movements.

The founders of the Organization are its members.

All members of the Organization have equal rights and equal responsibilities.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have been declared incompetent by a court, as well as citizens and legal entities, the list of which is established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot be members of the Organization.

4.2. Members of the Organization - individuals can be citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, who took part in the defense of the Motherland in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation, local wars and military conflicts, providing international assistance on the territory of other states by decision of the Government, veterans of military service, members of the families of those killed while defending the Fatherland, performing military duty, protecting law and order, and other persons for whom a positive decision was made by the Council (Executive Committee) of the regional (local) branch or other body authorized by the charter, recognizing and complying with the Charter of the Organization, its policy documents, implementing the decisions of its governing bodies, taking direct part in the activities of the Organization and paying membership fees.

4.3. Members of the Organization - legal entities can be public organizations and/or social movements that recognize and comply with the Charter of the Organization and its program documents, carry out the decisions of its governing bodies, take direct part in the activities of the Organization and pay membership fees.

4.4. Admission of individuals to membership in the Organization is carried out on the basis of their written application by the decision of the Chairman of the Organization, the Central Council of the Organization, the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council, as well as another governing body of the regional (local) branch determined by this Charter.

4.5. Admission of legal entities - public organizations and social movements to membership in the Organization is carried out on the basis of a written application (decision) to become members of the Organization, adopted by the body of the legal entity authorized to make this decision in accordance with its constituent documents, copies of its constituent documents and a certificate of state registration.

All-Russian and interregional public organizations and social movements are accepted as members of the Organization by the decision of the Chairman of the Organization, the Central Council or the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, and regional (local) public organizations and public movements - by the decision of the body of the regional (local) branch of the Organization, defined in this Charter.

4.6. Centralized registration of members of the Organization is carried out by the Executive Committee of the Organization in the manner established by it.

4.7. Membership in the Organization is certified by a membership card. The Organization has a single membership card. The form and details of the membership card are approved by the decision of the Central Council or the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

4.8. Members of the Organization have the right:

a) elect and be elected to the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization, its regional and local branches, receive information about their work;

b) control the activities of the governing bodies of the Organization, its regional and local branches in accordance with this Charter;

c) take part in the work of departments, branches and representative offices of the Organization;

d) submit proposals on issues of the Organization’s activities for consideration by the governing bodies of the Organization, its regional and local branches and participate in their discussion;

e) receive information about the activities of the Organization and make proposals for improving its work;

f) enjoy the support of the Organization in protecting their legitimate rights and interests.

g) participate in the management of the affairs of the Organization, the corresponding regional, local branch;

h) receive information about the activities of the Organization, the corresponding regional, local branch and get acquainted with its (his) accounting and other documentation, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;

i) appeal decisions of the management bodies of the Organization, the relevant department, entailing civil consequences, in cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;

j) use the assistance of the Organization, including support, assistance and protection of their rights and interests on issues within the competence of the Organization, and receive free consulting assistance;

k) make proposals to the agenda of the Congress of the Organization, Conference, General Meeting of the relevant department;

m) participate in events held by the Organization, the relevant department, including taking part in the work of working bodies created by the Organization - committees, commissions, etc.;

o) submit statements to the governing bodies of the Organization on issues related to the activities of the Organization;

o) represent the interests of the Organization in state and other bodies, as well as in relations with other organizations and individuals on behalf of its elected bodies;

p) receive information about the activities of the Organization, the relevant branch, in the manner established by this Charter;

c) freely withdraw from membership of the Organization on the basis of an application;

r) transfer property into the ownership of the Organization;

s) other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

Members of the Organization have the right to speak on behalf of the Organization and its structural divisions on issues of public and political importance only upon a separate instruction or decision of the governing bodies of the Organization, the governing bodies of regional and local branches.

4.9. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

a) comply with this Charter and the provisions of the Organization’s program documents;

b) participate in events conducted by the Organization, in the implementation of its current and future programs and projects;

c) actively contribute to the achievement of the statutory goals and solution of the tasks facing the Organization;

d) implement the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, the governing bodies of its regional and local branches;

e) promote the statutory goals of the Organization;

f) take part in events and promotions conducted by the Organization;

g) pay membership fees on time;

h) take part in the activities of the Organization, the relevant department, provide, at the request of the Organization’s governing bodies, information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Organization;

i) respect the rights and legitimate interests of the Organization and other members of the Organization;

j) not to commit actions aimed at causing damage to the property of the Organization, or discrediting the business and public reputation of the Organization, discrediting the Organization;

k) not to disclose confidential information related to the activities of the Organization;

l) other duties provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

4.10. The amount of membership fees payable by members of the Organization, the procedure and terms for their payment are established by the Regulations on membership fees in the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, approved at the Congress of the Organization.

4.11. A member of the Organization has the right to leave the Organization on the basis of a written application (for a legal entity - on the basis of a decision to withdraw from the Organization, adopted by the body of the legal entity authorized to make this decision in accordance with its constituent documents), submitted to the regional (local) branch, registered with which he is a member, or to the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

Upon leaving the Organization, paid membership fees, targeted contributions and donations are non-refundable.

4.12. For services to the Organization and great contribution to its development, active work to achieve the statutory goals and solve the problems facing the Organization, the Chairman of the Organization (chairman of the Council of the regional branch) can encourage a member of the Organization: express gratitude, award a certificate, a valuable gift, present a memorial sign.

For special services in the defense of the Fatherland, active work in social protection and assistance to veterans, disabled people and family members of the deceased, development of the veteran movement, strengthening veteran friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance, patriotic education of youth and the spiritual revival of Russia, members of the Organization may be awarded awards of the Organization.

The procedure for nomination and awarding is determined by the Regulations on Awards of the Organization, approved by the Chairman of the Organization.

4.13. Member of the Organization for violation of the provisions of this Charter, failure to comply with decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and its structural divisions, systematic failure or negligent performance of duties, violation of obligations assumed to the Organization, obstruction by one’s actions or inaction to the normal work of the Organization, non-payment of membership fees for more than 6 months, committing actions that discredit the Organization, as well as systematic non-participation without good reason in events and actions carried out by the Organization, may be expelled from its membership by the person or body that has the right to make a decision on admission to membership in the Organization. A member of the Organization may also be expelled from its membership by the decision of the Chairman of the Organization, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, the Central Council of the Organization for loss of confidence.

A member of the Organization has the right to appeal the decision on his expulsion from the Organization within two months to the control and audit commission and higher bodies of the Organization, up to the Congress of the Organization.

If expelled from the Organization, paid membership fees, targeted contributions and donations are non-refundable.


5.1. The structure of the Organization consists of regional and local branches, which are structural divisions of the Organization and carry out their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of this Charter.

5.2. Regional and local branches of the Organization may register and acquire the status of a legal entity in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and act on the basis of this Charter.

5.3. The organization has the right to have branches and representative offices. Branches and representative offices are not legal entities.

5.4. Branches and representative offices of the Organization are created by decision of the Congress of the Organization and operate on the basis of this Charter and Regulations approved by the Central Council of the Organization.

5.5. The head of the branch (representative office) is approved and dismissed by the Chairman of the Organization and acts on the basis of the power of attorney issued to him.

5.6. The name of the structural unit of the Organization is formed from the name of the administrative-territorial entity on the territory of which it operates (subject of the Russian Federation, municipal entity, etc.), and the type of structural unit with the addition of the full name of the Organization.

5.7. Participation of the Organization and its regional and local branches in elections and referendums is carried out in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

5.8. Centralized accounting of the structural divisions of the Organization is carried out by the Executive Committee of the Organization.



6.1. The governing bodies of the Organization are:

– Congress of the Organization;

– Central Council of the Organization.

The control and audit body of the Organization is the Control and Audit Commission of the Organization.

Only members of the Organization can be elected as members of the governing bodies and deputy chairmen of the Organization.

6.2. Congress of the Organization.

6.2.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the Congress of the Organization, convened by the Central Council of the Organization or the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization as necessary, but at least once every five years.

The convocation of the Congress and the agenda are announced at least three months before the opening of the Congress.

The Congress may also be convened at the request of the Control and Audit Commission or at the request of more than one third of the regional branches of the Organization. In this case, the specified demand is sent to the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, which is obliged to make a decision on holding the Congress within no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

6.2.2. Delegates to the Congress are elected by conferences of regional branches of the Organization, as well as by all-Russian and interregional public organizations and movements - members of the Organization in the manner and according to the standards of representation determined by the Central Council of the Organization or the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

The Chairman of the Organization and his deputies, the Chairman of the Central Council, the Chairman of the Executive Committee, as well as the Chairman of the Control and Audit Commission are ex officio delegates to the Congress.

Members of the Central Council and the Control and Audit Commission of the Organization who are not elected as delegates may participate in the work of the Congress with the right of an advisory vote.

6.2.3. The Congress has the right to make decisions on any issues of the Organization's activities.

The exclusive competence of the Congress of the Organization includes the resolution of the following issues:

a) approval of changes and additions to the Charter;

b) approval of the Organization’s program documents, as well as introduction of changes and additions to them;

c) determination of priority areas of activity of the Organization, including its structural divisions;

d) determining the principles of formation and use of the Organization’s property, including its structural divisions;

e) determining the procedure for admission to membership of the Organization and exclusion from membership of the Organization;

f) formation of other bodies of the Organization, early termination of their powers;

g) making decisions on the procedure and amount of payment of membership and other property fees;

h) making decisions on the creation of other legal entities by the Organization, on the participation of the Organization in other legal entities, on the creation of branches and on the opening of representative offices of the Organization;

i) appointment of an audit organization or individual auditor;

j) election of the Chairman of the Organization and early termination of his powers;

k) upon the proposal of the Chairman of the Organization, election of the Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization and early termination of his powers;

l) determination of the quantitative and personal composition of the Central Council of the Organization, election of members of the Central Council of the Organization, early termination of powers of members of the Central Council;

l’) determination of the quantitative composition of the Control and Audit Commission of the Organization, election of the chairman and members of the Control and Audit Commission, early termination of their powers;

m) consideration and approval of reports of the Chairman of the Organization and the Chairman of the Control and Audit Commission of the Organization;

o) approval of the Regulations on the Control and Audit Commission of the Organization;

o) approval of symbols and awards of the Organization;

p) making a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of the Organization, on the appointment of a liquidation commission (liquidator) and on approval of the liquidation balance sheet;

c) making decisions on controversial issues of the Organization’s activities submitted to the Congress by the Chairman of the Organization, the Central Council of the Organization or the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization;

r) approval of the structure of the Organization.

s) approval of annual reports and accounting (financial) statements of the Organization.

Issues referred to the exclusive competence of the Congress in accordance with this Charter cannot be transferred to other bodies of the Organization.

6.2.4. The draft agenda of the Congress is proposed by the Central Council of the Organization or the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

6.2.5. Organizational support for the preparation and holding of the Congress is carried out by the Presidium of the Central Council and the Executive Committee of the Organization.

6.2.6. The decisions of the Congress are valid if it is attended by delegates elected to the Congress from more than half of the regional branches of the Organization.

The Congress is presided over by the Chairman of the Organization or one of the Deputy Chairmen of the Organization.

The Congress approves the rules of work of the Congress, elects the mandate and, if necessary, the editorial and counting commissions of the Congress.

6.2.7. Decisions of the Congress on issues within the exclusive competence of the Congress are adopted by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes of delegates present (registered) at the Congress if a quorum is present.

Decisions on other issues are made by a simple majority of votes of the delegates present at the Congress.

The decisions of the Congress are documented in protocols signed by the Chairman of the Organization and the head of the Secretariat of the Congress.

6.3. Chairman of the Organization.

6.3.1. The Chairman of the Organization is the sole executive body of the Organization and the highest elected official of the Organization, elected by the Congress for a period of 5 years by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes of the delegates present at the Congress.

6.3.2. The Chairman of the Organization is accountable to the Congress.

6.3.3. The powers of the Chairman of the Organization are terminated in the event of voluntary resignation, as well as in the event of a decision by the Congress on the early termination of the powers of the Chairman of the Organization.

6.3.4. Chairman of the Organization:

a) manages the activities of the Organization;

b) convenes meetings of the Central Council of the Organization and the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization;

c) chairs the Congress, takes part in meetings of the Central Council of the Organization, the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization;

d) presents to the Congress of the Organization a candidacy for the election of the Chairman of the Central Council, who is ex-officio the First Deputy Chairman of the Organization and the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council; candidacies for Deputy Chairman of the Organization and Chairman of the Executive Committee for election by the Central Council;

e) distributes powers between the first deputy and deputy chairmen of the Organization;

f) manages the implementation of program documents of the Organization, decisions of the Congress and the Central Council of the Organization;

h) appoints representatives of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal districts from among the members of the Presidium of the Central Council;

i) coordinates and, upon the proposal of the Presidium of the Central Council after election, makes decisions on the approval of the heads of regional departments, branches and representative offices of the Organization;

j) upon the recommendation of the Presidium of the Central Council, makes a decision on the early termination of powers of the heads of departments, branches and representative offices of the Organization;

k) suspends execution of decisions and cancels decisions of the head of the regional branch, the Council or Executive Committee of the regional branch, the head or Board of the local branch, their chairmen in case of discrepancy the above decisions the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter, decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, with subsequent consideration of these decisions at meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization or by the conference (Council) of the regional branch (in relation to local branches - by the Council of the regional branch);

l) recommends to the regional or local branch of the Organization to re-elect the head of the branch in case of failure to comply with the requirements of this Charter, decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, unsatisfactory work or committing acts that discredit the Organization;

m) acts on behalf of the Organization with statements, proposals, initiatives;

o) represents and protects the rights and legitimate interests of the Organization, its structural divisions, members of the Organization, as well as other persons (on their instructions) in government bodies, local governments, non-governmental, public and other organizations, acts on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney ;

o) manages the Organization’s campaigns for the preparation and conduct of cultural and mass socio-political events, actions and projects;

p) represents the Organization in all state, public, international, and other bodies and organizations, including courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, conciliation commissions;

c) within the framework of his powers, disposes of all types of property of the Organization, including funds, has the right of first signature on financial documents, enters into contracts and makes other transactions in accordance with the current legislation and this Charter, issues powers of attorney to represent the interests of the Organization;

r) approves the regulations governing the activities of the Organization;

s) approves the decision of the Presidium of the Central Council on participation in elections and referendums, on supporting candidates for deputies and other positions in government bodies of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government in accordance with current legislation;

t) forms commissions and working groups to solve individual problems facing the Organization, approves regulations on them;

x) approves the structure and staffing table of the Executive Committee of the Organization;

v) terminates membership in the Organization of individuals in case of loss of trust;

h) exercises other powers that contribute to the effective achievement of the goals of the Organization specified in this Charter.

6.3.5. During the absence of the Chairman of the Organization, his duties are performed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Organization - the Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization or the Deputy Chairman of the Organization appointed by him.

The Chairman of the Organization has the right to delegate part of his powers to the Deputy Chairman of the Organization by issuing powers of attorney.

6.3.6. The Deputy Chairmen of the Organization are elected by the Central Council of the Organization on the proposal of the Chairman of the Organization for a term of office of 5 years.

The First Deputy Chairman of the Organization is the Chairman of the Central Council ex officio and acts on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney.

Deputy Chairmen of the Organization can represent the interests of the Organization in Russian and foreign government bodies, as well as non-governmental organizations, and interact with them on issues within the scope of their powers.

6.4. Central Council of the Organization.

He is elected at the Congress for a period of 5 years and is accountable to the Congress.

Resolves all issues of the activities of the Organization that are not referred by this Charter to the exclusive competence of the Congress and are not regulated by decisions of the Congress.

Meetings of the Central Council are held as necessary, but at least once during the period between Congresses.

The quantitative and personal composition of the Central Council is approved and elected by the Congress.

The composition of the Central Council is elected from the heads of regional and local branches of the Organization.

6.4.2. Management of the activities of the Central Council is carried out by the Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization.

The Chairman of the Central Council is elected at the Congress of the Organization on the proposal of the Chairman of the Organization for a period of 5 years.

The Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization is the first Deputy Chairman of the Organization and the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council ex officio.

The Chairman of the Central Council convenes its meetings, presides over them, and distributes powers among the members of the Central Council.

6.4.3. The Central Council includes the Chairman of the Central Council, Deputy Chairmen of the Organization, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee ex officio.

If the head of a branch elected to the Central Council loses the status of head of a regional branch, his powers as a member of the Central Council are terminated.

Member of the Central Council for violation of this Charter, failure to comply with decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, unwillingness to fulfill, systematic failure to fulfill or negligent performance of the duties of a member of the Central Council long time without good reason, violation of assumed obligations to the Organization, obstruction by one’s actions or inaction to the normal work of the Organization, actions discrediting the Organization and the title of member of the Organization, on other grounds specified in the Charter, or on the basis of his written application, may be expelled from the membership of the Organization , as a result of which his membership in the Central Council is terminated.

6.4.4 Meetings of the Central Council are convened by the Chairman of the Organization, the Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization, as well as at the written request of at least one third of the members of the Central Council. The request of members of the Central Council to hold a meeting of the Central Council is sent to the Presidium of the Central Council, which is obliged to make a decision on convening a meeting of the Central Council no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

6.4.5. The Central Council in its activities is guided by the current legislation, this Charter, program documents of the Organization and decisions of the Congress. The Central Council is accountable to the Congress.

6.4.6. The competence of the Central Council includes resolving any issues related to the activities of the Organization, with the exception of issues referred in accordance with this Charter to the exclusive competence of the Congress, as well as issues regulated by decisions of the Congress.

Central Council:

a) makes decisions on convening the Congress, determines the procedure and norms of representation at the Congress, approves the agenda of the Congress and the date of its holding;

b) upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Organization, elects Deputy Chairman of the Organization and terminates their powers ahead of schedule;

c) determines the quantitative and personal composition of the Presidium of the Central Council, elects the Presidium of the Central Council, Deputy Chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council from among the Deputy Chairmen of the Organization and carries out early termination of their powers;

d) exercises the rights of a legal entity and performs its duties on behalf of the Organization;

e) manages the property and funds of the Organization;

f) forms commissions and working groups to solve individual problems facing the Organization, approves regulations on them;

f) establishes the form and details of the Organization’s membership card;

g) hears and approves reports of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization;

h) on the proposal of the Chairman of the Organization, elects and dismisses the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization for a period of 5 years;

i) makes decisions on admitting legal entities - all-Russian and interregional public organizations and movements - as members of the Organization, as well as on their exclusion from members of the Organization;

j) on behalf of the Organization, takes initiatives on various issues of public life, makes proposals to public authorities, participates in the development of decisions of public authorities and local governments in the manner and to the extent provided for by current legislation;

k) approves the agenda and Rules of Procedure for meetings of the Central Council and elects the secretary of the meeting of the Central Council;

l) on the recommendation of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, makes a decision on the creation and use of trust funds of the Organization;

m) makes a decision on expulsion from members of the Organization for non-compliance with the Charter of the Organization, program documents, decisions of the central bodies of the Organization, the governing bodies of its structural divisions, for an action discrediting the Organization, or other action (inaction) detrimental to the socio-political interests of the Organization, non-payment membership fees for more than 6 months, as well as systematic non-participation without good reason in events conducted by the Organization;

o) adoption of annual reports and accounting (financial) statements of the Organization with their subsequent approval at the next Congress;

o) exercises other powers that contribute to the effective achievement of the goals of the Organization specified in this Charter.

6.4.7. Chairman of the Central Council

a) convenes meetings of the Central Council and the Presidium of the Central Council and presides over them;

b) distributes powers between members of the Central Council and the Presidium of the Central Council;

i) submits to the Central Council, in agreement with the Chairman of the Organization, a candidate for election as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization;

j) submits to the Chairman of the Organization for approval the staffing table of the Executive Committee of the Organization.

k) coordinates, upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Executive Committee, the appointment (dismissal) of the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee and heads of departments of the Executive Committee;

l) terminates membership in the Organization of individuals in the event of loss of trust;

m) if it is impossible for the Chairman of the Organization to fulfill his powers, his duties are performed by the Chairman of the Central Council - the First Deputy Chairman of the Organization, for the period until the next (extraordinary) Congress of the Organization;

o) exercises other powers specified in this Charter.

If it is impossible for the Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization to fulfill his powers, the performance of his duties and functions may be assigned to one of the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council.

The Chairman of the Central Council does not have the right to make decisions on other issues regulated by decisions of the Congress, the Chairman of the Organization.

6.4.8. The agenda of the meeting of the Central Council is agreed upon with the Chairman of the Organization and approved by the Chairman of the Central Council or the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

6.4.9. Organizational support for the preparation and holding of meetings of the Central Council is carried out by the Presidium of the Central Council and the Executive Committee of the Organization.

6.4.10. A meeting of the Central Council is valid if more than half of its members are present. The meeting of the Central Council is presided over by the Chairman of the Central Council, and in his absence by one of the Deputy Chairmen of the Organization.

Decisions of the Central Council are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Central Council present at the meeting.

Decisions of the Central Council are documented in protocols signed by the Chairman of the Central Council and the secretary of the meeting of the Central Council.

6.4.11. At the invitation of the Central Council, the Presidium of the Central Council or the Chairman of the Organization, domestic and foreign state and public figures, experts and other persons, representatives of the media.

6.5. Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

6.5.1. The Central Council of the Organization elects a permanent Presidium.

The quantitative and personal composition of the Presidium of the Central Council is approved and elected by the Central Council for a period of 5 years from among the members of the Central Council, taking into account representation from each federal district.

The Chairman of the Central Council is ex officio the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council.

The Presidium of the Central Council includes ex officio Deputy Chairmen of the Organization.

The powers of the Deputy Chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council and members of the Presidium may be terminated early by decision of the Central Council.

The Presidium of the Central Council has the right, by its decision, to elect new members to its composition, no more than one third of the quantitative composition of the Presidium of the Central Council elected by the Central Council, for the entire term of its powers.

The Presidium of the Central Council is accountable to the Central Council.

6.5.2. Presidium of the Central Council:

a) makes decisions on convening the Congress, determines the procedure and norms of representation at the Congress, approves the agenda of the Congress, meetings of the Central Council and the date of their holding;

b) ensures the organization of preparation and holding of the Congress and the meeting of the Central Council;

c) admits legal entities as members of the Organization and expels them from members of the Organization;

d) makes decisions on the establishment of mass media by the Organization

e) approves the regulations governing the activities of the Organization;

f) ensures the effective use of the property of the Organization, regional and local branches;

f) makes a decision on the creation of a regional (local) branch of the Organization, makes a decision on the termination of their activities (liquidation) or reorganization;

g) coordinates the current work of the Organization, its regional offices, branches and representative offices;

h) manages the structural divisions of the Organization, establishes the types and frequency of reports they submit;

i) cancels decisions of the governing bodies of regional and local branches of the Organization, their officials in the event of inconsistency of these decisions with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;

j) makes a proposal to the Chairman of the Organization for the approval of candidates for heads of regional branches, Chairmen of the Councils of regional branches, heads of branches and representative offices of the Organization;

k) in case of failure to comply with the requirements of this Charter, decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, unsatisfactory work or commission of actions discrediting the Organization, recommends to the regional or local branch of the Organization to re-elect the head of the branch or makes a proposal to the Chairman of the Organization for the early termination of his powers;

l) approves decisions of the regional (local) branch of the Organization on the creation of business companies and partnerships, on participation in business companies and partnerships, on the establishment of mass media and the implementation of publishing activities;

m) determines the powers of regional and local branches of the Organization to dispose of property and carry out transactions and the procedure for exercising such powers;

o) ensures the implementation of program documents of the Organization, decisions of the Congress and the Central Council, socio-political, patriotic, social and humanitarian projects of the Organization;

n) on behalf of the Organization, takes initiatives on various issues of public life, makes proposals to public authorities, participates in the development of decisions of public authorities and local governments in the manner and extent provided for by current legislation;

p) manages the Organization’s campaigns for the preparation and holding of mass public events;

c) determines the procedure for the participation of the Organization, its regional and local branches in elections and referendums, considers proposals and makes decisions on them to support candidates for deputies and other positions in government bodies of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government in accordance with the current legislation;

r) approves the agenda of meetings of the Central Council, the Presidium of the Central Council;

t) considers reports on the implementation of the financial plan, the annual cost estimate of the Organization, as well as estimates of individual programs and projects of the Organization;

x) forms commissions and working groups to solve individual problems facing the Organization, approves regulations on them;

v) makes a decision on the removal from its composition of members of the Presidium of the Central Composition on the basis of their written statements;

h) makes a decision on expulsion from members of the Organization for non-compliance with the Charter of the Organization, program documents, decisions of the central bodies of the Organization, the governing bodies of its structural divisions, for an action discrediting the Organization, or other action (inaction) detrimental to the socio-political interests of the Organization, non-payment membership fees for more than 6 months, as well as systematic non-participation without good reason in events conducted by the Organization;

w) exercises other powers that contribute to the effective achievement of the goals of the Organization specified in this Charter.

The Presidium of the Central Council does not have the right to make decisions on issues regulated by decisions of the Congress and the Central Council.

6.5.3. The Presidium of the Central Council makes decisions at its meetings. Meetings are held as needed, but at least once a year.

Meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council are convened by the Chairman of the Organization, the Chairman of the Central Council - the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council, as well as at the written request of at least one third of the members of the Presidium of the Central Council. The Chairman of the Presidium is obliged to convene a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Council no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the request for its convocation.

The meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council are presided over by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council, and in his absence - by one of the Deputy Chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council.

The Chairman of the Organization takes part in meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council.

6.5.4. Meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council are valid if more than half of its members are present.

Decisions of the Presidium of the Central Council are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Presidium of the Central Council present at the meeting.

When developing, discussing and making decisions on urgent issues on the agenda, the Presidium of the Central Council can hold meetings remotely using technical means.

Decisions of the Presidium of the Central Council are documented in protocols signed by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council and the secretary of the meeting.

6.6. Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council.

6.6.1. Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council:

a) convenes meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council and presides over them;

b) distributes powers between members of the Presidium of the Central Council and deputy chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council;

c) coordinates the current work of the Organization, its regional and local branches, branches and representative offices;

d) ensures the implementation of program documents of the Organization, decisions of the Congress, the Central Council and the Presidium of the Central Council;

e) without a power of attorney, represents and protects the rights and legitimate interests of the Organization, its structural divisions, members of the Organization, as well as other persons (on their instructions) in government bodies, local governments, in non-governmental, public and other organizations;

f) acts on behalf of the Organization with initiatives on various issues of public life, makes proposals to public authorities, participates in the development of decisions of public authorities and local governments in the manner and extent provided for by current legislation;

g) represents the Organization in all state, public, international, and other bodies and organizations, including courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, conciliation commissions;

h) disposes, within its competence, of all types of property of the Organization, including funds, enters into contracts and makes other transactions in accordance with current legislation and this Charter, issues powers of attorney to represent the interests of the Organization and other actions;

i) opens settlement, currency and other accounts in banking institutions, has the right of first signature on financial documents.

k) upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Executive Committee, coordinates the appointment (dismissal) of deputy chairmen and heads of departments of the Executive Committee;

l) exercises other powers specified in this Charter.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council does not have the right to make decisions on issues regulated by decisions of the Congress, the Chairman of the Organization or the Central Council.

6.6.2. Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council

a) elected for 5 years on the proposal of the Chairman of the Central Council at a meeting of the Central Council from among the Deputy Chairmen of the Organization;

Performs duties in accordance with the distribution of powers by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council among the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council;

b) in the absence of the Chairman of the Central Council - the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council, performs his duties;

c) without a power of attorney, represents and protects the rights and legitimate interests of the Organization, its structural divisions, members of the Organization, as well as other persons (on their instructions) in government bodies, local governments, in non-governmental, public and other organizations;

d) disposes, within its competence, of all types of property of the Organization, including funds, enters into contracts and makes other transactions in accordance with current legislation and this Charter, issues powers of attorney to represent the interests of the Organization and other actions;

e) opens settlement, currency and other accounts in banking institutions, has the right of first signature on financial documents.

6.6.3. Member of the Presidium of the Central Council - representative of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal district

a) The representative of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal district is appointed by the Chairman of the Organization from among the members of the Presidium of the Central Council for 5 years.

b) The representative of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal district coordinates the activities of the regional branches that are part of the district in order to achieve unity of their actions in promoting social initiatives, proposals and projects, during the conduct of mass social, patriotic and political actions and events in the territory of the federal district.

6.7. Coordination Council of the Organization

6.7.2. Meetings of the Council are held as necessary, but at least once in the period between congresses.

6.6.3. The Council includes:

Chairman of the Organization;

Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization;

Deputy Chairmen of the Organization;

Heads of legal entities that are members of the Organization;

Active representatives of the veteran movement in Russia;

Other persons included by the Chairman of the Organization.

6.7.4. Coordination Council:

Determines areas of work in solving social problems of veterans;

Coordinates the joint activities of veteran organizations that are members of the Organization;

Organizes interaction between veterans' organizations and government authorities on issues of socio-economic policy regarding veterans and the patriotic education of citizens;

Determines the forms and ways of interaction with the political forces of civil society in Russia;

Determines measures to achieve unity among veteran organizations in Russia, consolidating the ideological foundations for the development of further commonwealth and interaction of veteran associations.

6.8. Executive Committee of the Organization.

6.8.1. The Executive Committee of the Organization (hereinafter also referred to as the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee) is created to resolve current organizational issues of its activities, organizational and technical support for the work of the Chairman of the Organization and its governing bodies and operates on an ongoing basis.

The Executive Committee is accountable to the Central Council and the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

The Executive Committee of the Organization is headed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee, who is elected for 5 years by the Central Council on the proposal of the Chairman of the Organization and is an ex-officio member of the Central Council.

Deputy Chairmen of the Executive Committee, heads of departments and employees of the Executive Committee are appointed and dismissed by the head of the Executive Committee in agreement with the Chairman of the Central Council.

The Executive Committee ensures the implementation of decisions of the Congress of the Organization, the Central Council of the Organization and the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

The structure and composition of the Executive Committee is approved by the Chairman of the Organization on the proposal of the Chairman of the Central Council.

The Chairman of the Executive Committee heads the Executive Committee of the Organization and manages its activities. Represents the Organization by proxy in civil relations with individuals and legal entities and signs documents within the competence of the Executive Committee.

The Deputy Chairmen of the Executive Committee of the Organization act within the limits of their competence and are responsible for the area of ​​activity assigned by the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

6.8.2. Job responsibilities and the work procedure of the employees of the Executive Committee are determined by internal local regulations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Executive Committee provides organizational support for the preparation of the Congress of the Organization, the activities of the Chairman of the Organization, the Central Council, the Presidium of the Central Council, and the Coordination Council of the Organization.

In accordance with the statutory goals and subject of the Organization’s activities, the Executive Committee is assigned the following tasks:

  1. Preparation and support of the Congress, meetings of the Central Council and the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, the Coordination Council of the Organization.

Preparation of materials for the Congress of the International Union “Combat Brotherhood”, meetings of the Supreme Council of the International Union “Combat Brotherhood”;

Preparation of draft reports, decisions, reference and information, planning and other documents to support the work of the governing bodies of the Organization and the International Union;

Organization of interaction with government authorities, international and Russian public organizations, the media in the interests of implementing the statutory and program goals of the Organization;

Organization of presentation for awards Organization and registration of awardees.

  1. Coordination of current activities of regional offices:

Collecting information on the activities of the regional branches of the Organization, summarizing work experience, analyzing and developing proposals for improving their activities;

Providing assistance to regional branches through conducting methodological events, consultations, working meetings on all issues of the branches’ activities, including social support for combat veterans, families of the dead, disabled people and others in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Organization;

Quantitative accounting of members and structural divisions of the Organization;

  1. Establishing contacts, maintaining connections and organizing interaction with interested public organizations, social movements and law enforcement agencies on issues of the statutory activities of the Organization.
  2. Development of promising areas of activity of the Organization and preparation of proposals for their ideological, financial and material support.
  3. Conducting analytical and outreach work, conducting surveys and public opinion research.
  4. Organization and implementation of socio-political and patriotic projects, actions and events.
  5. Administrative, economic and logistical support for the daily activities of governing bodies.
  6. Organizing office work in the central bodies of the Organization and facilitating its organization in regional and local branches, receiving and processing information from regional and local branches of the Organization, ensuring the safety of confidential information.
  7. Organization of training for the Organization's activists, chairmen of the Councils and Executive Committees of regional and local branches.

6.8.3. Chairman of the Organization's Executive Committee:

a) ensures the implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;

b) on behalf of the Chairman of the Organization, the Chairman of the Central Council, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council, develops draft regulations governing the activities of the Organization, with subsequent approval by the Presidium of the Central Council;

c) on behalf of (power of attorney) the Chairman of the Organization, the Chairman of the Central Council, represents the Organization in all state, public, international and other bodies and organizations, including courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, conciliation commissions;

d) develops draft estimates of expenses and income of the Organization, staffing schedule of the Executive Committee in accordance with labor legislation the Russian Federation, within the limits of the staffing level and wage fund of the Executive Committee employees approved by the Chairman of the Organization;

e) submits to the Chairman of the Organization for approval the candidacy of the Chairman of the Council of the regional branch before his election by the Council of the regional branch;

f) upon the recommendation of the Head of the regional branch, appoints and dismisses the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the regional branch;

g) provides legal support for the activities of the central bodies of the Organization;

h) on behalf of (power of attorney) the Chairman of the Organization, the Chairman of the Central Council, disposes of the property and funds of the Organization, enters into contracts and makes other transactions, opens settlement, currency and other accounts in banking institutions;

i) distributes powers among his deputies;

j) hires and fires employees of the Executive Committee;

k) issues orders and instructions binding on employees of the Executive Committee, executive committees of regional branches, approves internal documents regulating the activities of the Executive Committee;

l) performs other functions to ensure the organizational and technical activities of the Organization, with the exception of functions falling within the competence of other bodies of the Organization.

6.9. Control and Audit Commission of the Organization.

6.9.1. The Control and Audit Commission of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Control and Audit Commission) is a control and audit body elected by the Congress and monitoring compliance with the Charter, execution of decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, as well as financial and economic activity governing bodies and structural divisions of the Organization.

The quantitative and personal composition of the Control and Audit Commission is approved and elected by decision of the Congress for a period of 5 years.

The Control and Audit Commission cannot include members of the Organization’s governing bodies, as well as persons employed by the Organization.

For violations of the Charter, unwillingness to fulfill the duties of a member of the Control and Audit Commission for a long time without a good reason, misconduct that discredits the title of a member of the Organization, or on the basis of a written statement, his powers as a member of the Control and Audit Commission are suspended by a decision of two-thirds of the members of the Control and Audit Commission until holding the next (extraordinary) Congress of the Organization and making the appropriate decision.

6.9.2. The Control and Audit Commission operates on the basis of the Regulations on the Control and Audit Commission of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", approved by the Congress.

The decisions of the Control and Audit Commission, adopted within its competence, are binding on all structural divisions of the Organization and their control and audit bodies.

The Control and Audit Commission, if there are significant violations in the activities of regional (local) branches of the Organization, identified as a result of comprehensive audits, makes proposals to the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization:

On the re-election of the head of the regional (local) branch;

On expulsion from the Organization for non-compliance with the Charter of the Organization, decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and its structural divisions, for an action discrediting the Organization, or other action (inaction) detrimental to the socio-political interests of the Organization, non-payment of membership fees for more than 6 months, as well as systematic non-participation without good reason in events held by the Organization.

6.9.3. Meetings of the Control and Audit Commission are held as necessary and are valid if more than half of its members are present. Decisions of the Control and Audit Commission are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the meeting.

6.9.4. The Control and Audit Commission has the right to make proposals to the relevant permanent body of the Organization or its structural divisions about the inadequacy of the position held and the removal of any official of the Organization for violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Organization, and other regulations that discredit the title of member of the Organization.

6.9.5. Members of the Control and Audit Commission, by proxy of the Chairman of the Control and Audit Commission, can participate in meetings of the governing bodies of the Organization and its structural divisions with the right of advisory vote.


7.1. The regional branch of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the regional branch) is a structural subdivision of the Organization and carries out its activities on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the basis of this Charter.

7.2. Regional branches are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by decision of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

7.3. Based on the decision of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, the founding conference of the regional branch is held.

7.4. Only one regional branch of the Organization can be created and operate on the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.

7.5. The founders of a regional branch can be legal entities - public organizations and/or social movements and individuals (at least three) who have the right to be members of the Organization in accordance with this Charter, who took part in the founding conference at which it was decided to create a regional branch and form it governing and control and audit bodies.

7.6. The activities of a regional branch may be terminated:

– by decision of the conference of the regional department;

– by decision of the Central Council or the Presidium of the Central Council in the event of a regional branch violating the requirements of this Charter, failure to comply with decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, as well as in the event of committing actions that discredit the Organization;

7.7. Governing and control and audit bodies of the regional branches of the Organization.

7.7.1. The governing bodies of the regional branch of the Organization are:

– conference of the regional branch;

– Council of the regional branch.

The control and audit body of the branch is the Control and Audit Commission (auditor) of the regional branch.

The sole executive body of the regional branch is the Head of the regional branch.

Only members of the Organization can be members of the governing bodies and the sole executive body.

7.7.2. Regional branch conference. The conference of the regional branch (hereinafter referred to as the conference) is the highest governing body of the regional branch. The conference is held by decision of the Council of the regional branch as necessary, but at least once every five years, as well as at the request of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) of the regional branch, or at the written request of more than one third of local branches, or more than one third of the members of the Organization registered with the regional branch, or at the request of the Central Council, the Presidium of the Central Council or the Chairman of the Organization.

The Council, no later than 15 days from the receipt of a written request to hold a conference, is obliged to make a decision on holding it. Delegates to the conference are elected in the manner and according to the standards of representation determined by the Council.

The Chairman of the Organization, his deputies, the Chairman of the Central Council and the Deputy Chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization, a member of the Presidium of the Central Council - a representative of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal district can participate in the conference with the right to vote.

Members of the Central Council and the Presidium of the Central Council may participate in the conference with the right of an advisory vote. The conference has the right to consider any issues related to the activities of the regional branch. The exclusive competence of the conference includes resolving the following issues:

a) election of the Head of the regional branch, determination of the quantitative composition of the Council of the regional branch, election of members of the Council of the regional branch from among the Heads of local branches and members of the Organization registered with the regional branch, early termination of powers of members of the Council of the regional branch;

b) determination of the quantitative composition of the Control and Audit Commission, election of the Chairman and members of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) of the regional branch, early termination of their powers;

c) approval of the Regulations on the Control and Audit Commission (Inspector) of the regional branch;

d) approval of reports of the Council and the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) of the regional branch, approval of annual reports and financial statements departments;

e) election of delegates to the Congress of the Organization;

f) based on the decision of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, making a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of the branch, appointing a liquidation commission (liquidator) and approving the liquidation balance sheet of the branch;

g) approval of the Conference Regulations and election of the conference secretariat (secretary);

h) appointment of an audit organization or branch auditor;

i) making decisions on controversial issues of the activities of the regional office submitted to the conference;

j) determining the priority areas of activity of the regional office, the principles of the formation and use of its property in accordance with the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization; The agenda of the conference is approved by the decision of the Council of the regional branch. The decisions of the conference of the regional branch are valid if more than half of the total number of delegates elected to the conference are present.

Conference decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the delegates present at the conference, and decisions on issues within the exclusive competence of the conference are made by a qualified majority of at least two-thirds of the votes of the delegates present at the conference.

Conference decisions are made by open voting, unless otherwise provided by law or unless the conference decides to hold a secret vote.

Conference decisions are documented in protocols, which are signed by the Chairman of the Council and the head of the secretariat (secretary) of the conference.

7.8. Regional branch council.

The Council is accountable to the Regional Branch Conference.

If a member of the Council loses the status of head of a local branch, his powers as a member of the Council are terminated. No separate decision is required for this.

In case of loss of membership in the Organization (by a member of the organization - an individual) by a member of the Council of the regional branch, his powers as a member of the Council of the regional branch are terminated. No separate decision is required for this.

A member of the Council for violation of this Charter, failure to comply with decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and its regional branch, unwillingness to perform or systematically failing to fulfill his duties as a member of the Council for a long time without good reason, interfering by his actions or inaction with the normal work of the Organization, committing actions that discredit the Organization and the title of member An organization, on other grounds established by this Charter, or on the basis of his written application, may be removed from its composition and expelled from the membership of the Organization.

7.8.2. The Council meets as necessary, but at least once a year, and resolves all issues related to the activities of the regional branch, with the exception of issues referred by this Charter to the exclusive competence of the conference of the regional branch, as well as issues regulated by decisions of the conference.

A meeting of the Council is held by the Chairman of the Council of the regional branch on his own initiative or at the request of the Chairman of the Organization, the Chairman of the Central Council, the Head of the regional branch, or at least one third of the members of the Council of the regional branch no later than 15 days from the receipt of a written request for its holding.

The meeting of the Council is presided over by the Chairman of the Council, and in his absence - by one of the Deputy Chairmen of the Council.

7.8.3. Regional Branch Council:

b) makes decisions on convening conferences of the regional branch, establishes the procedure and norms of representation at them, approves the agenda of the conference;

c) makes decisions on the creation by a regional branch of business partnerships and societies or on participation in business partnerships and societies, on the establishment by a regional branch of mass media and the implementation of publishing activities, subject to approval by the Presidium of the Central Council;

d) admits regional public organizations and social movements and individuals to membership in the Organization and expels regional public organizations and social movements from members of the Organization, and in the absence of a local branch in a given municipality - local public organizations and public movements;

e) presents draft decisions on early termination of powers of members of the Council with their subsequent adoption at the conference;

g) approves the cost estimates of the regional office;

h) decides on the creation and use of trust funds of the regional branch;

i) coordinates and, after election, approves the candidacies of the Heads of local branches. If the head of the local branch is not approved, the Board of the local branch is obliged to schedule a general meeting of the local branch to elect a new Head of the local branch;

j) manages the local branches included in its composition, establishes the types and frequency of reports they provide;

k) approves decisions of local branches on the creation of business partnerships and societies, on participation in business partnerships and societies, on the establishment of mass media and the implementation of publishing activities;

l) cancels decisions of the governing bodies of local branches and their officials in the event of inconsistency of these decisions with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter, and decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;

m) recommends to the local branch to re-elect the Head of the branch in case of failure to comply with the requirements of this Charter, decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and the regional branch, unsatisfactory work or committing acts that discredit the Organization;

o) conducts the current policy of the Organization in the region, manages the preparation and conduct of public events of the Organization;

o) on behalf of the regional branch, takes initiatives on various issues of public life in the region, makes proposals to government bodies, participates in the development of decisions of government bodies and local governments in the manner and extent provided for by current legislation;

p) represents and protects the rights of the regional branch, local branches, the rights and legitimate interests of members of the Organization, as well as other persons (on their behalf) in government bodies, local governments, public and other organizations;

c) approves the Rules of Procedure of the Council and the agenda of Council meetings, elects the secretary of Council meetings;

r) acceptance of reports of the Council and the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) of the regional branch, annual reports and financial statements of the branch, with their subsequent approval at the next Conference of the regional branch;

s) decides to submit proposals on changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization to the Congress of the Organization;

v) organizes the acceptance of membership fees at the regional office;

w) determines the procedure for the participation of regional and local branches in elections and referendums, considers proposals and makes decisions on them to support candidates for deputies and other positions in government bodies of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local self-government in accordance with current legislation;

w) performs other functions for the management of the regional office that contribute to the effective achievement of the goals of the Organization specified in this Charter.

7.8.4. Decisions of the Council are valid if more than half of its members are present at the meeting and are adopted by a simple majority of votes from those present at the meeting.

The Chairman of the Organization, his deputies, the Chairman of the Central Council - the Presidium of the Central Council, the Deputy Chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization, a member of the Presidium of the Central Council - the representative of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal district, the Head of the corresponding regional branch - can participate in the work of the Council with voting rights .

The decision of the Council is documented in a protocol signed by the Chairman of the Council and the secretary of the meeting.

The activities of the Council are managed by the Chairman of the Council, and in his absence, one of his deputies, determined by the decision of the Chairman of the Council.

The deputy chairmen of the Council of the regional branch carry out the instructions of the chairman of the Council, and are also responsible for the areas of activity assigned to them by the chairman of the Council.

7.8.5. Head of the regional office:

a) is the sole executive body of the regional branch;

b) ensures the implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and the governing bodies of the regional branch, contributes in every possible way to expanding the social base of the Organization, attracts socially active forces of the region to solve the problems of the Organization;

f) presents to the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization a candidacy for appointment as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Regional Branch.

g) takes other actions to ensure the effectiveness of the Council’s activities;

h) informs the Presidium of the Central Council about the work of the regional branch and submits reports to the Executive Committee of the Organization in the prescribed form and within the required time frame;

i) makes decisions on convening a meeting of the Council of the regional branch;

m) suspends the implementation of decisions of the Board of the local branch, its officials in the event of inconsistency of these decisions with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter until the issue of canceling these decisions is resolved by the Council or the General Meeting of the local branch;

o) represents and protects the rights and legitimate interests of the regional branch and its members, as well as other persons (on their behalf) in government bodies, local governments, non-governmental and international organizations;

o) disposes of the property and funds of the department within the limits of approved estimates and in accordance with the decisions of the Presidium of the Central Council;

c) organizes the activities of the regional office within its competence;

r) performs other functions for the ongoing management of the activities of the department and takes other actions that contribute to the effective achievement of the goals of the Organization specified in this Charter;

s) on behalf of the Council of the regional branch, develops a draft cost estimate for the regional branch and submits it for approval by the Council of the regional branch.

t) ensures the implementation of program documents and decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, the governing bodies of the regional branch, carries out the policy of the Organization in the region;

x) makes decisions on convening meetings of the Council of the regional branch;

v) manages the activities of local branches;

h) maintains records of members of the Organization living (registered) in the region;

w) approves the structure and staffing of the Executive Committee of the regional branch;

y) performs other functions that contribute to the normal functioning of the regional office and the effective achievement of the goals of the Organization specified in this Charter.

The head of the regional branch does not have the right to make decisions on issues settled by decisions of the conference and the Council of the regional branch.

7.8.6. Before the conference elects the Head of the regional office, his candidacy is submitted to the Chairman of the Organization for approval.

The decision of the Conference to elect the Head of the regional office is approved by the Chairman of the Organization.

7.8.7. During the absence of the Head of the regional branch, his powers are exercised by the chairman of the Executive Committee of the regional branch.

7.9. Executive Committee of the regional branch of the Organization (hereinafter also referred to as the Executive Committee).

7.9.1. The Executive Committee is created to resolve current organizational issues of the regional office, organizational and technical support for the work of the governing bodies and the Chairman of the Council, and operates on an ongoing basis.

The Executive Committee of the regional branch is formed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the regional branch. The activities of the Executive Committee of the regional branch are managed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the regional branch.

Appointment to the position of Chairman of the Executive Committee of a regional branch is carried out by the decision of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization upon the proposal of the Head of the regional branch for a period of 5 years.

The Executive Committee of the regional branch is accountable to the Council of the regional branch.

Employees of the Executive Committee of the regional branch act on a full-time basis.

7.9.2. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the regional branch:

a) manages the current activities of the Executive Committee, ensures the implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and the Regional Office;

b) organizes the activities of the regional office within its competence;

c) without a power of attorney, represents the interests of the regional branch in all state, non-state, public, international and other institutions and organizations, including courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, conciliation commissions;

d) has the right of first signature on financial documents; disposes of all types of property of the regional branch, including funds, enters into contracts and makes other transactions within the framework of approved estimates and in accordance with decisions of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization;

e) develops a draft cost estimate for the regional branch and submits it for approval by the Council of the regional branch.

The Executive Committee has no right to make decisions on issues regulated by decisions of the conference or the Council.

7.10. Control and audit commission (auditor) of the regional branch.

7.10.1. The control and audit body of the regional branch is the Control and Audit Commission of the regional branch (hereinafter referred to as the Control and Audit Commission) or the Auditor, elected (elected) by the conference of the regional branch for 5 years and exercising (carrying out) control over compliance with the Charter, execution of decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, as well as the financial and economic activities of the governing bodies of the regional branch.

The quantitative and personal composition of the Control and Audit Commission is approved and elected by decision of the conference.

7.10.2. The procedure for the activities of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) is determined by the Regulations on the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) of the regional branch, agreed with the Control and Audit Commission of the Organization and approved by the conference of the regional branch.

7.10.3. The Control and Audit Commission cannot include members of the Organization’s governing bodies, as well as persons employed by the Organization.

7.10.4. For violations of the Charter, unwillingness to fulfill the duties of a member of the Control and Audit Commission for a long time without a good reason, offenses that discredit the title of a member of the Organization or on the basis of his written application, his powers as a member of the Control and Audit Commission are suspended by a decision of two-thirds of the members of the Control and Audit Commission until the next (extraordinary) conference and its adoption of an appropriate decision.

7.10.5. Meetings of the Control and Audit Commission are held as necessary, convened by its Chairman and are valid if more than half of its members are present.

7.10.6. The Control and Audit Commission has the right to make proposals to the relevant permanent body of the regional branch regarding the inadequacy of the position held and the removal of any official of the regional branch for violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Organization, and other regulations.

7.10.7. Members of the Control and Audit Commission may participate in meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee of the regional branch with the right of advisory vote.

7.11. Local branches of the Organization.

7.11.1. Local branches of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as local branches) are structural divisions of the Organization, are part of the corresponding regional branch and carry out their activities within the territories of the corresponding municipalities: municipal district, urban district or intracity territory of a federal city.

7.11.2. Local branches are created by decision of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization, on the basis of which a constituent meeting (general meeting) of the local branch is held.

7.11.3. Only one local branch can be created within one municipality.

7.11.4. The procedure for the creation and operation of local branches in the absence of a regional branch on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation is established by the Presidium of the Central Council.

7.11.5. The founders of a local branch can be legal entities - public organizations and/or social movements and individuals (at least three) residing (registered) in the territory of a given municipality and having the right to be members of the Organization in accordance with this Charter, who took part in the constituent meeting , at which a decision was made to create a local branch and its governing and control and audit bodies were formed.

7.11.6. The activities of a local branch may be terminated:

- voluntarily by decision general meeting local branch;

- by decision of the Council of the regional branch, the Central Council or the Presidium of the Central Council - in case of violation of the requirements of this Charter, failure to comply with the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and the regional branch, as well as in the event of committing actions that discredit the Organization;

– in case of liquidation of the Organization, as well as by court decision in cases established by law.

7.11.7. Governing and control and audit bodies of the local branch of the Organization. The governing bodies of the local branch of the Organization are:

– general meeting of the local branch;

– Board of the local branch.

The control and audit body of the local branch is the Control and Audit Commission (auditor).

The sole executive body of the local branch is the Head of the local branch.

Only members of the Organization who are registered with the local branch can be members of the governing bodies and the sole executive body. In case of termination of membership in the Organization, membership in the relevant governing body is terminated. In case of termination of membership in the Organization, the powers of the Head of the local branch are terminated. No separate decision is required for this. General meeting of the local branch(hereinafter referred to as the general meeting) is the highest governing body of the local branch. The General Meeting is held by decision of the Board, or at the request of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor), or at the written request of more than one third of the members of the Organization registered in the local branch, as well as at the request of the Council (Executive Committee) of the regional branch, which includes the local department, as well as the Central Council, the Presidium of the Central Council or the Chairman of the Organization, but at least once every 2 years.

The board of the local branch is obliged to make a decision on holding a general meeting no later than seven days from the receipt of requests for its holding. The General Meeting has the right to consider any issues related to the activities of the local branch. The exclusive competence of the general meeting includes:

a) election of the Head of the local branch - the sole executive body of the local branch of the Organization for a period of 2 (two) years, early termination of his powers, as well as determination of the quantitative composition and election of the Board for a period of 2 (two) years, early termination of the powers of members of the Board;

b) determination of the quantitative composition of the Control and Audit Commission, election of the Chairman and members of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) for a period of 2 years, early termination of their powers;

c) approval of reports of the Board and the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) of the local branch;

d) appointment of a liquidation commission (liquidator), approval of the liquidation balance sheet of the department;

e) appointment of an audit organization or branch auditor;

f) approval of the Regulations on the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) of the local branch;

g) election of delegates to the regional branch conference;

g) making a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of a local branch based on a decision of the Presidium of the Central Council;

h) approval of the Regulations for the General Meeting, approval of the agenda of the General Meeting, approval of the reports of the Management Board and the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor), annual reports and financial statements of the department;

i) making decisions on controversial issues of the activities of the local branch submitted to the general meeting;

j) determining the priority areas of activity of the local branch, the principles of the formation and use of its property in accordance with the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;

k) resolving other issues provided for by this Charter. The general meeting is valid if more than half of the Organization's members registered in the local branch are present.

The head of the Regional branch, the Chairman of the Council (Executive Committee) of the regional branch, which includes the local branch, the Chairman of the Organization, his deputies, the Chairman of the Central Council or the representative of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal district of the Organization may participate in the work of the general meeting with the right to vote.

Decisions of the general meeting are adopted by a simple majority of votes of members of the Organization registered in the local branch present at the general meeting, on other issues falling within the exclusive competence of the general meeting - by a qualified majority of at least two-thirds of the votes of members of the Organization registered in the local branch, those present at the general meeting.

Decisions of the general meeting are made by open voting, unless otherwise provided by law or unless the general meeting decides to hold a secret vote.

Decisions of the general meeting of the local branch are documented in minutes, which are signed by the Head of the local branch (in his absence, by the Chairman of the general meeting elected at the general meeting) and the secretary of the general meeting. Local Branch Board(hereinafter referred to as the Management Board) is a permanent collegial governing body during the period between General Meetings.

A member of the Board for violation of this Charter, failure to comply with decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and its regional (local) branch, unwillingness to perform or systematically not fulfilling his duties as a member of the Board for a long time without good reason, interfering with his actions or inaction to the normal work of the Organization, committing actions that discredit the Organization and the title of member of the Organization, or on the basis of his written application may be expelled from the membership of the Organization and removed from the Board.

The board is accountable to the general meeting. The Board holds meetings as necessary, but at least once every three months, and resolves all issues related to the activities of the branch that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the general meeting and are not regulated by decisions of the general meeting. Meetings of the Management Board are convened by the Chairman of the Management Board on his own initiative, as well as at the request of at least one third of the members of the Management Board.

Local branch board:

a) elects and early terminates the powers of the Chairman of the Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board, including on the recommendation of the Council of the regional branch, in the event of their failure to comply with the requirements of this Charter, decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization and the regional (local) branch, unsatisfactory work, interfering with their actions or inaction in the normal operation of the Organization and the regional branch, committing an action that discredits the Organization and the title of member of the Organization, or on the basis of a written statement;

b) carries out the current policy of the Organization within the territory of the municipality;

c) decides to convene a general meeting of the local branch;

d) carries out the admission and exclusion of local public organizations and/or social movements and individuals from the membership of the Organization;

e) maintains records of members of the Organization registered in the local branch;

f) manages the campaigns of the local branch for the preparation and conduct of public events;

g) on ​​behalf of the local branch of the Organization, takes initiatives on various issues of public life of the municipality, makes proposals to local government bodies, participates in their development of decisions in the manner and extent provided for by current legislation;

h) represents and protects the rights of the local branch, the rights and legitimate interests of members of the Organization, as well as other persons (on their behalf) in government bodies, local governments, public and other non-governmental organizations;

i) makes decisions on the creation by a local branch of business partnerships and companies or on participation in business partnerships and companies, as well as decisions on the establishment by a local branch of a mass media and the implementation of publishing activities, subject to approval by the Council of the regional branch;

j) approves the agenda of its meetings;

k) determines the procedure for the participation of the local branch in elections and referendums, considers proposals, submits them for consideration by the local (regional) branch and makes decisions on them on supporting candidates for deputies and for other positions in government bodies of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local self-government in accordance with current legislation;

l) acceptance of reports of the Board and the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor), annual reports and financial statements of the branch with subsequent approval at the general meeting of the branch;

m) performs other functions that contribute to the effective achievement of the goals of the Organization specified in this Charter. Decisions of the Management Board are valid if more than half of its members are present at the meeting and are adopted by a simple majority of votes from the number of members of the Management Board present at the meeting.

Decisions of the Board are documented in minutes signed by the Chairman of the Board and the secretary of the meeting.

The Chairman of the Management Board manages the activities of the Management Board, organizes its work, and convenes meetings of the Management Board. In the absence of the Chairman of the Management Board, his duties are performed by one of the Deputy Chairmen of the Management Board on behalf of the Chairman of the Management Board. The Chairman of the Board and his deputies are elected by the Board on the proposal of the Head of the local branch for the term of his office. Head of local branch:

a) ensures the implementation of the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, the governing bodies of regional and local branches, contributes in every possible way to expanding the social base of the Organization, attracts socially active forces of the municipality to solve the problems of the Organization;

b) without a power of attorney, represents the interests of the local branch in all state, municipal, non-state, public, international and other bodies and organizations, including courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, conciliation commissions;

c) manages the property and funds of the department within the approved budgets and in accordance with the decisions of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization;

d) has the right of first signature on financial documents, disposes of all types of property of the local branch, including funds, enters into contracts and makes other transactions within the limits of approved estimates and in accordance with decisions of the Presidium of the Central Council;

e) opens settlement, currency and other accounts in banking institutions;

f) approves the structure and staffing of the working apparatus of the local branch, the form and system of remuneration of its employees, manages the apparatus (including the hiring and dismissal of employees) or, if necessary, appoints its manager, delegating relevant functions to him;

m) organizes the collection of membership fees at the local branch;

i) makes decisions on approving the cost estimate of the local branch, on the creation and use of trust funds for the local branch;

g) takes other actions to ensure the effectiveness of the local branch;

h) informs the governing bodies of the regional office about the work of the local office and submits reports to the regional office in the prescribed volume and within the required time frame;

i) performs other functions that contribute to the normal functioning of the local branch and the effective achievement of the goals of the Organization specified in this Charter.

The head of the local branch does not have the right to make decisions on issues regulated by decisions of the General Meeting.

During the absence (illness) of the Head of the local branch, his duties are performed by one of the deputy chairmen of the Board on his behalf. The candidacy of the Head of the local branch is agreed upon with the Council of the regional branch and, after election, is approved by its decision. If the candidacy of the Head of the local branch is not approved by the Council of the regional branch, the Board is obliged to consider at its meeting within 20 days the issue of convening a new general meeting in order to elect a new Head of the local branch The head of a local branch, the Chairman of the Board can simultaneously head a local public organization that is not a member of the Organization, only in agreement with the Council (Executive Committee) of the regional branch. The head of a local branch who heads one or more veteran organizations and does not fully fulfill the duties assigned to him by this Charter may be dismissed from the position of head of the branch by decision of the Council of the regional branch or the Presidium of the Central Council at the proposal of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization. The control and audit body of the local branch is the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor), elected (elected) by the general meeting of the local branch, and exercising (carrying out) control over compliance with the Charter, execution of decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, as well as over the financial and economic activities of the governing bodies of the local branches of the Organization.

The quantitative and personal composition of the Control and Audit Commission is determined by a decision of the general meeting. The procedure for the activities of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) is determined by the Regulations on the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor), agreed upon with the relevant Control and Audit Commission of the regional branch and approved by the general meeting of the local branch. The Control and Audit Commission cannot include (the auditor cannot be) members of the governing bodies of the local branch, as well as persons employed by the local branch. For violations of the Charter, unwillingness to fulfill the duties of a member of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) for a long time without a good reason, offenses that discredit the title of a member of the Organization, or on the basis of his written application, his powers as a member of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) are suspended by a decision of two-thirds of the members Control and Audit Commission (meeting) before the next (extraordinary) general meeting and adoption of the appropriate decision. Meetings of the Control and Audit Commission are convened by its Chairman and are valid if more than half of its members are present. Decisions are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Control and Audit Commission present at the meeting. The Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) has the right to make proposals to the relevant permanent body of the local branch regarding the inadequacy of the position held and the removal of any official of the local branch for violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Organization, and other regulations. Members of the Control and Audit Commission (Auditor) may participate in meetings of the Board of the local branch of the Organization with the right of an advisory vote.


8.1. The funds and property of the Organization are formed from:

– membership fees;

– voluntary contributions and donations, humanitarian and charitable assistance, targeted contributions from legal entities and individuals;

– receipts from events held by the Organization;

– civil transactions in accordance with current legislation and this Charter;

– income from the Organization’s participation in business partnerships and companies;

– income from business and foreign economic activities of the Organization

– other receipts not prohibited by law.

The organization may accept donations in the form of cash and other property for activities related to the preparation and conduct of elections only in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The organization is searching for a reliable and permanent source of funding (from the federal and regional budget, charitable foundation), including:

a) by participating in the Government Program for receiving subsidies for the current financial year in accordance with the Rules for their provision from the federal budget for state support of public organizations;

b) by receiving state support funds allocated as a grant on the basis of competitions held in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation;

c) on the basis of competitive selection for the right to receive a grant based on competitions held in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

8.2. An organization, in accordance with current legislation, may own land plots, buildings, structures, housing stock, equipment, inventory, property for cultural and recreational and cultural and educational purposes, cash, shares and other securities, as well as other movable and immovable property necessary for the material support of the activities of the Organization specified in this Charter. The Organization may also own the results of intellectual activity, institutions, publishing houses, and mass media created and acquired at the expense of the Organization in accordance with the purposes specified in this Charter.

8.3. The organization is the owner of the property it owns. Members of the Organization have no rights in relation to the property of the Organization.

Regional (local) branches of the Organization have the right to operationally manage the property assigned to them by the Organization.

The powers of regional and local branches of the Organization to dispose of property and carry out transactions, as well as the procedure for exercising these powers, are determined by the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization. Assignment of property to the regional branch is carried out by the Presidium of the Central Council, to the local branch - by the Council of the regional branch.

8.4. An organization can carry out entrepreneurial activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the statutory goals for which it was created and is consistent with these goals. Entrepreneurial activities are carried out by the Organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

An organization can create business partnerships and companies, become a participant in business partnerships and companies in accordance with the requirements of the law, and also acquire property intended for conducting business activities.

8.5. The income of the Organization cannot be redistributed among the members of the Organization and must be used only to achieve the goals specified in this Charter.

8.6. To implement programs and projects of the Organization, conduct public campaigns and socio-political events, trust funds of the Organization and its regional and local branches may be formed. Sources for the formation of trust funds may be membership fees in terms of the excess of the amounts of membership fees over the costs of maintaining the Organization, its regional and local branches, targeted contributions and donations, income from business activities, other sources of formation of funds and property of the Organization specified in paragraph 8.1 of this Charter .

The decision on the creation and use of trust funds of the Organization is made by the Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization.

The decision on the creation and use of special funds of the regional branch is made by the Council of the regional branch.

The decision on the creation and use of special funds of the local branch is made by the Board of the local branch.


9.1. To achieve the goals specified in this Charter, the Organization, in accordance with current legislation, may join international public associations and organizations, maintain international contacts and connections, and enter into agreements. An organization can create branches and representative offices in foreign countries on the basis of generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of these states.

9.2. The international activities of the Organization are regulated by international legal acts, international treaties of the Russian Federation, legislation of the Russian Federation, legislation of foreign states and intergovernmental treaties and agreements.


10.1. The organization draws up a balance sheet, maintains accounting, statistical and other reporting in the prescribed manner.

10.2. Responsibility for the state of accounting and timely submission of accounting and statistical reports rests with the chief accountant, whose competence is determined by current legislation.

10.3. Responsibility for the safety of the Organization’s documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.) lies with the Chairman of the Organization’s Executive Committee.


11.1. Decisions on amendments and additions to the Charter of the Organization are made by the Congress of the Organization by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes of delegates present at the Congress, subject to a quorum.

11.2. Changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization are subject to state registration in the manner and within the time limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


12.1. By decision of the Congress, the Organization may be reorganized by merger, separation, accession, division or transformation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The property of the Organization passes after its reorganization to its legal successors in the manner prescribed by law.

12.2. The organization may be liquidated by decision of the Congress or by a court decision in cases established by law.

12.3. The decision of the Congress on the reorganization or liquidation of the Organization is considered adopted if a qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes of the delegates present at the Congress, provided there is a quorum, votes for it.

In the event of liquidation of the Organization, the property remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims is directed to the purposes specified in this Charter.

12.4. The Organization ensures the accounting and safety of documents of staff members, and in the event of liquidation of the Organization, transfers them in the manner prescribed by law to state storage.

The All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" is the successor of the affairs and traditions of the All-Russian social movement of veterans of local wars and military conflicts "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", created on unification congress December 26, 1997 by people who were connected by a common military fate, a military past and a difficult present.

At the origins of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” (hereinafter referred to as “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” or the Organization) stood all-Russian, interregional and regional veteran public associations, which brought together under their banners veterans and disabled people of the army, navy, border service, intelligence, special forces and law enforcement agencies.

Already three years after the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” congress, time demanded that tasks be more clearly defined, program documents adjusted, and measures outlined to increase activity in protecting the interests of veterans.

Second Congress took place in December 2000. The delegates of the congress approved the new edition of the Charter of the Movement, the transformation of the Union of Public Associations into the All-Russian Social Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”. Among the priority goals of the Movement were assistance to veterans, disabled people, families of the dead, as well as strengthening the unity of the veteran movement. The period of activity of the Movement after the second congress is characterized by a quantitative growth of participants, an increase in the authority and potential of the association, and the acquisition of experience in socio-political work.

Taking into account the requirements of the time III Congress of the Movement, which took place in December 2005, established the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, adopted new Charter and Program of the Organization, elected updated governing and control and audit bodies, clearly defined its organizational structure, expanded the social base, introduced fixed membership in the organization, approved the form of the membership card, specified the goals and objectives facing the organization.

During the period after the III Congress, "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" became one of the largest and most influential organizations in the veterans movement in Russia.

Thanks to the joint creative work of “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” with other veterans’ associations, there has been a tendency to increase the level of social security of veterans, combatants, and families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland (hereinafter referred to as veterans).

Measures have been taken to increase the socio-political activity of veterans of the regional branches of the Organization, the effectiveness of their participation in military-patriotic work, and in preparing youth for the defense of the Fatherland.

An active process of nomination to representative and executive bodies of power of all levels of members of the Organization has begun. Increasing the level of representation of the COMBAT BROTHERHOOD in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and legislative assemblies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation contributed to the creation of socially oriented legislation and regional programs for social support for veterans and disabled combatants, family members of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

The important process of consolidation of all veterans' associations, including those not included in the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", on the principles of equality and partnership, and the mutual delegation of their representatives to the governing bodies of organizations, has received further development.

The rapidly changing socio-economic situation in Russia, the strengthening of its geopolitical position in modern world, which is occurring against the backdrop of growing new threats to national security, has brought to the fore the need to make adjustments to all areas of the Organization’s life.

IV Congress of the All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", held in January 2011, set a course for achieving a qualitative transformation, increasing the effectiveness and authority of the activities of the Organization and its structural divisions.

The organization has identified ways to go beyond narrowly veteran social issues and move to areas of work that are significant for broad sections of Russian society, such as patriotism, uniting them around the national idea of ​​promoting the development of Russia as a strong social state that ensures the free development of people and at the same time establishes guarantees his social protection.

After the congress in April 2012, the Central Council concluded that the construction of the Organization as a public association was completed. It was justified by the creation in all subjects of the Russian Federation of full-blooded, capable, authoritative and recognizable regional branches in society, the achievement of a high level of their socio-political activity, maturity and independence.

In the period after the IV Congress, the Organization began an active process of forming a new type of attitude towards membership in the association, when the social activity of a veteran, his activity is assessed from the position of responsibility for the future of Russia and the public benefit it brings to the state.

The organization has reached a new level of goals and objectives related to the decision to independently take on socially significant tasks and projects. "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" becomes an active participant in the socio-political life of the country and the protection of its national interests. The organization identified new tasks, the implementation of which made it possible to significantly influence the socio-political situation in the country. They are associated with the organization of interaction between the state and public associations on issues of social protection and support for veterans, the formation of patriotic values, views and readiness among young people to defend the Fatherland and its interests, and counter threats to national security.

The process of creating conditions for the transition to the formation on the basis of the Organization of an effective updated institution of society, associated in a general system of participation in ensuring the national security of Russia, has begun.

The organization, through its participation in events to achieve the unity of civil society, to support the foreign and domestic policies of the country's leadership, and to counter the plans of the destructive opposition, declared itself as an active social and patriotic force.

A special milestone in the work and development of the Organization was V Congress of the All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", which took place on June 13-14, 2016 in Moscow, on Poklonnaya Hill, in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The venue of the forum gave the congress solemnity and high responsibility for the decisions made.

The first day of the congress began with the participation of congress delegates in discussion platforms on the topics: “Patriotic education”, “Problems of social protection and support for combat veterans and family members of fallen defenders of the Fatherland”; “People's Ministry of Emergency Situations (humanitarian projects)”; “Countering the Technologies of Color Revolutions.” At the discussion forums, 62 delegates spoke with proposals, their views on solving the problems of veterans, enhancing participation in the socio-political life of the country, and in the patriotic education of youth. This made it possible to expand the audience of speakers at the congress, adjust the program, decisions of the congress and directions for further work.

On the second day of the forum, the Chairman of the All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, in his report, summed up the results of the Organization's five-year activities, the most important of which were:

Completion of the construction of a qualitatively new public organization “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”;

Further promotion of initiatives for the adoption of socially oriented decisions and programs, regional legislative acts through actually functioning deputies of all levels, representatives of the executive branch who are members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, who have had and are having a positive impact on the quality of life of veterans;

Intensifying participation in the patriotic education of youth: the creation of youth patriotic clubs of the “Combat Brotherhood”; holding youth patriotic camps “Crimea. Donuzlav", "FREGATE" (Vladimir region); International social and patriotic projects “Our Great Victory”, “Star of Our Great Victory”;

Active and visible participation in the social and political life of the country, protection of its national interests.

Based on the results of five years of work, the congress made conclusions that became the main ones in determining the tasks for the next stage of the Organization’s life.

First conclusion. The main purpose of the organization's work remains unchanged - concern for improving the standard of living of veterans. It is associated with increased interaction with the authorities, with an increase in the level of representation of members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” in the legislative and executive authorities; today, members of the Organization are elected and work in every second legislative assembly.

Second conclusion. Veterans of the Organization had a significant influence on the formation of a patriotic majority in the country, which influences the social life of the regions. Every third member of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” takes an active part in the continuous process of the country’s socio-political life today.

Third conclusion. The patriotic potential of the Organization’s members has become especially in demand. Veterans are true to their motto: “For Great Russia!”

Fourth conclusion. Over the past years, “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” has become an active participant in events to support the foreign and domestic policies of the President of the country and counter the destructive opposition. The organization declared itself as a truly active social and patriotic force. In 2015 alone, veterans of the Organization took part in the 50 thousand anti-Maidan rally in February 2015 in Moscow and other Russian cities under the slogan “We will not forget, we will not forgive!” The organization was in the forefront of the 100 thousandth rallies and concerts dedicated to the first and second anniversary of the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the 80 thousandth march of patriots on November 4, the protest rally at the Turkish Embassy on November 24 and other public significant events. Practical steps The implementation of this new direction of our work was embodied in the active actions of the veterans of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” to prevent speeches by non-systemic opposition during the election campaign in September 2015 in the Kostroma region.

Fifth conclusion. The organization has begun to implement new approaches to participation in the system of patriotic education of youth.

With the support and participation of members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", up to 3,000 patriotic, military memorial, and military sports events were held annually. In 2015, more than 2,500 of them passed, including:

10 All-Russian and regional patriotic actions and processions;

30 camps in which about 3,500 young men and women took part in sports competitions, defense sports games and seminars;

Using state support funds allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation, 16 youth patriotic clubs were created on the basis of local branches of the Moscow region; Youth patriotic camps “Crimea” were held. Donuzlav. 2015" and "Fregat" (Vladimir region), in which 730 youth took part; 66 memorial plaques were opened in 12 regions. An interregional association of youth patriotic clubs (21 clubs) has been created. Participants of the camp “Crimea. Donuzlav 2015” included 500 people from 20 regions of the country. Children from Syria, the Republic of South Ossetia, Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics were invited to the camp. 67 children represented Russian cadet schools.

In July 2015, a camp for military-patriotic education and training of youth for service in the army and navy “Frigate” was held. The camp operated on the basis of the Kovrov district training center of the Western Military District.

Since 2012, the Organization has annually implemented the “Our Great Victory” project with the support of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots, and the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Defense and Security. On March 16, 2015, the project started in the Hero City of Sevastopol. From here the motor rally began to count down the kilometers, reaching in the north the village of Polyary in the Murmansk region and to the ancient city of Derbent in Dagestan in the south. More than 250 thousand people took part in it.

The project ended on May 6 in the Hero City of Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill with the unfurling of a copy of the Victory Banner. On May 9, participants in the rally with an unfurled copy of the Victory Banner marched along Red Square as part of the Immortal Regiment.

In 2016 – successfully implemented international project“The Star of Our Great Victory”, initiated by the All-Russian public organization of veterans “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” with the participation of the administration of the Vladimir region, the Union of Cities of Military Glory, and the “Immortal Regiment” movement. The rally took place from April 5 to May 9. The five routes of the Project “The Star of Our Great Victory,” along which the participants of the auto march drove, became the personification of the five rays of the Star on the Banner of Victory, which at the end of the project united on Poklonnaya Hill in the Hero City of Moscow. Participants in the auto march carried main symbol Victory is a scale copy of the Victory Banner, the size of which is 200 square meters. m., as well as a book of honorary participants of the Project and flags of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Belarus and the People's Republic of China, along routes symbolizing the outlines of the five-pointed star of the Victorious Soldier.

During the rally, Project participants handed over large-scale copies of the Victory Banner for eternal storage to veteran and youth organizations of one hundred Russian cities for further use in mass patriotic events.

In 2014 - 2016, the Organization’s team developed and published:

Collective monograph “Volunteer movement in Russia: history and modernity.” Particular attention in the monograph is paid to the current stage of development of the Russian volunteer movement associated with the humanitarian disaster in Donbass, caused by the escalation of violence against the civilian population of this region by the leadership of Ukraine;

Presentation book "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", which reflects the path of construction of the All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" as a public association, the stages of its formation, the result of which was the formation of a new type of relationship to the rights and responsibilities of members of the organization, when the social activities of a veteran, his activity are assessed from the perspective responsibility for the future of Russia and the public benefit it brings to the state;

– illustrated collections:

– based on the results of the implementation of the international social and patriotic project “OUR GREAT VICTORY” (2014-2015), dedicated to the Victory of the peoples of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,

– based on the results of the youth patriotic camps – forums “CRIMEA. DONUZLAV" (2014-2015);

– booklet on the project “Star of Our Great Victory”,

– commemorative medals were produced and presented to:

– “25 years of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan”, which, along with the participants, was presented for the first time, as a symbol of memory, to the families of the victims,

- “Participant of the Immortal Regiment procession.”

Sixth conclusion. The real strength and scale of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” began to be determined not by the number of registered members of the Organization, but by the number of active assets - real participants in the socio-political life of the country. It is the veteran assets of regional branches that are the main wealth and strength of the Organization. The assets of "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" are growing from year to year.

In recent years, 17 regional branches of Organizations for particularly outstanding services to the veteran movement related to social protection and assistance to veterans, disabled people and family members of the deceased, the development of the veteran movement, strengthening veteran friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance, patriotic education of youth and the spiritual revival of Russia, awarded the Badge of Honor:

Bryansk regional branch; Moscow regional branch; Ryazan regional branch; St. Petersburg city branch; Volgograd regional branch;

Bashkir Republican Branch; Orenburg regional branch; Samara regional office; Saratov regional branch; Kemerovo regional branch;

Omsk regional branch; Amur regional branch; Primorsky regional branch; Vladimir regional branch; Kirov regional branch; Stavropol regional branch; Tula regional branch.

Including at the IV Congress the Badge was awarded to: Kemerovo regional branch, Orenburg regional branch, St. Petersburg city branch, Primorsky regional branch, and at the V congress - Vladimir regional branch, Kirov regional branch, Stavropol regional branch, Tula regional branch.

In 2012, following the results of a review-competition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the formation of the All-Russian organization "COMbat" BROTHERHOOD", the Krasnodar regional branch was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Valentin Ivanovich VARENIKOV, the St. Petersburg city branch was named after Lev Borisovich SEREBROV. At the initiative of the Councils of regional branches, in 2013, the Belgorod regional branch was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Evgeniy Vasilyevich VYSOTSKY, and the Tver regional branch was named after the Hero of the Russian Federation Ilya Alexandrovich KASYANOV. The branches were presented with certificates and Banners of the regional branches of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” with an inscription about the honorary name.

The badge “Honorary Member of the All-Russian Organization “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” for the entire period of the Organization’s activities was awarded to: Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov; Varenikov Valentin Ivanovich; Serebrov Lev Borisovich; Sablin Dmitry Vadimovich; Vysotsky Igor Vladimirovich; Kanevsky Vladislav Leonidovich; Sergienko Oleg Fedorovich.

Over the past 15 years, 45,043 veterans have been awarded awards from the All-Russian organization “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”.

Seventh conclusion. Over the past 5 years, the efficiency of information support for the Organization’s activities has radically increased, and its format has changed qualitatively. "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" immediately responded to the challenges of the time associated with the intensification of the information war against Russia, intensifying its participation in information and propaganda work. The Organization’s long-standing website has acquired a new face; its daily traffic has reached 2 thousand. 22 leading experts in the field of geopolitical problems and military journalism were involved in expert work, speeches and comments on the pages of the Organization’s website.

Eighth conclusion. Thanks to the increased recognition and socio-political activity of the Organization and its regional branches, the level of trust of society and the country's leadership in the All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" has noticeably increased.

Ninth conclusion. The organization has moved on to areas of work that are significant to broad sections of Russian society. One of them is connected with the People's Ministry of Emergency Situations, the organization of humanitarian assistance to victims of war and citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations.

In 2014-2015 The main focus of the humanitarian project “Peace for Donbass” was providing assistance to the residents of Novorossiya, to whom during this period the Organization was able to organize and deliver more than 400 tons of cargo: food, medicine, building materials. In 2015, on behalf of the Chairman of the Organization B.V. Gromov in Donetsk, material assistance in the amount of 3 million rubles was delivered and transferred to the most socially vulnerable residents of the DPR.

The humanitarian project “Syrian Frontier” has also become significant. In February 2014 and May, September 2015, April 2016, warm clothes and school supplies for children, powdered milk formula for newborns, wheelchairs for the wounded, medical equipment, flour and other products.

In the summer of 2015, Syrian children took part in the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” youth patriotic camp in Crimea.

The humanitarian project “Chief Landing” is running successfully. Over 15 years, 36 patronage landings were carried out by representatives of veterans and the authorities of the Moscow region in the 46 Obron VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where 731 tons of humanitarian cargo were delivered for a total amount of 423 million rubles.

The winners of the competition of humanitarian projects in 2015 were the Yeisk district, Chelyabinsk, Astrakhan and Vladimir regional branches.

In June 2015, the all-Russian project “365 good deeds of the COMBAT BROTHERHOOD” was launched.

Tenth conclusion. Being one of the initiators of the creation of the International Union “Combat Brotherhood”, the Organization ensured that it became a genuine instrument of friendship and development of relationships between veteran organizations of the countries of the former Soviet Union.

The Congress identified new tasks and adopted changes and additions to the Charter and Program of the Organization. Remaining true to the priority of the main goal of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" - ensuring broad participation and influence of the veteran organization, veterans on the implementation of state policy towards them, on the promotion of social projects that provide them with a decent life, the Organization has set itself the second main goal: - creating a system of participation members of the Organization in protecting the national interests of the state in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

One of its forms of implementation is active participation in the socio-political life of the country. Participation in events and promotions conducted by the Organization is one of the fundamental responsibilities of everyone who bears a membership card of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”. And for systematically ignoring this task without good reason, measures of increased responsibility are provided for everyone for inactivity and passivity, up to exclusion from the ranks.

The determining factor in the formation of the governing bodies was the adopted provision that only members of the All-Russian organization “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” can be elected as members of the governing bodies and deputy chairmen of the Organization.

Amendments and additions to the Charter were adopted:

The Congress elects the Chairman of the Central Council and members of the Central Council of the Organization from among the heads of regional and local branches of the Organization;

The Central Council elects the Deputy Chairmen of the Organization and the Presidium of the Central Council, as a permanent governing collegial body, which is elected taking into account the representation from each federal district from among the members of the Central Council. The Central Council also elects the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Council and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization;

From among the members of the Presidium of the Central Council, by order of the Chairman of the Organization, representatives of the Chairman of the Organization are appointed in each federal district;

The functions of the executive body are assigned to the Executive Committee, created to provide organizational and technical support for the work of the Chairman of the Organization and its governing bodies. Members of the Executive Committee work on a paid and unpaid basis;

By analogy with the center, the Executive Committee of the regional branch is elected from the Council of regional branches instead of the Board, as a permanent executive body that carries out the ongoing management of the activities of the branch in the period between meetings of the Council.

The functions of the Board as a permanent collegial governing body of the local (primary) branch are preserved. Taking into account the specifics of the business relationships established over the years with veteran associations - members of the Organization, and in order to form a mechanism for collective search for joint solutions on current problems of the veteran movement, the congress creates a Coordination Council under the Chairman of the Organization from among the leaders of public associations - members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", active representatives of the veteran Russian movements; working on a permanent basis.

The Congress unanimously elected Boris Vsevolodovich GROMOV, Hero of the Soviet Union, as Chairman of the All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", and Dmitry Vadimovich SABLINA as Chairman of the Central Council; Deputy Chairman of the Organization: AGEENKO Ivan Nikolaevich; VOSTROTINA Valery Alexandrovich; Kartsev Yuri Anatolyevich; KONOVALOV Sergei Sergeevich; MALYSHEV Valery Dmitrievich; PERNIKOV Sergei Nikolaevich; SHOROHOV Gennady Mikhailovich; SHUBA Nikolai Mikhailovich; The Chairman of the Control and Audit Commission is Valentin Mikhailovich VITRINSKY.

The congress elected Vagif Sedreddinovich MIRZALIEV as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian organization “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”.

Representatives of the Chairman of the Organization in federal districts from among the members of the Presidium of the Central Council the following were appointed:

in the Central Federal District - MALYSHEV Valery Dmitrievich, Chairman of the Council of the Vladimir Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Northwestern Federal District - Igor Vladimirovich VYSOTSKY, Chairman of the Councils of the St. Petersburg City and Leningrad Regional Branches, combat veteran;

in the Southern Federal District - YARKO Valery Sergeevich, Chairman of the Council of the Krasnodar regional branch, combat veteran;

in the Crimean Federal District - Sergey Ivanovich TARASOV, Chairman of the Council of the Crimean regional branch, combat veteran;

in the North Caucasus Federal District - BORISENKO Nikolay Ivanovich, Chairman of the Council of the Stavropol Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Volga Federal District - IBRAGIMOV Nadyr Raimovich, Chairman of the Council of the Orenburg Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Ural Federal District - USMANOV Vladimir Viktorovich, Chairman of the Council of the Kurgan Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Siberian Federal District - VILISOV Alexander Mikhailovich, Chairman of the Council of the Altai Republican Branch, combat veteran.

IN the decision taken The V Congress of the Organization determined the tasks and directions of activity for their implementation for the next five years:

Continue work to support initiatives and projects in the social sphere aimed at increasing the level of social protection of veterans; on organizing interaction with authorities on issues of maintaining civil peace, protecting the constitutional system of political and social stability in society; on holding events and actions in support of domestic and foreign policies pursued by the President of the Russian Federation; - to improve the system of participation in the patriotic education of youth, to expand work on the creation of the All-Russian Association of Patriotic Clubs “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”;

Improve outreach, protect heroic story Fatherland, counteract the technologies of “color revolutions”, form a pool of patriotic correspondents among youth and veterans;

Take part in the development and implementation of projects on the issues of preserving historical memory, countering the falsification of the country’s history;

Take part in the implementation of projects to provide humanitarian and charitable assistance to victims of war and citizens in difficult life situations;

The basis of international work is to strengthen the authority and influence of Russia in the world community and in veterans' organizations; expanding ties and strengthening friendship with veteran organizations of other countries, achieving unity in the common fight against global threats, aggressive interference in the internal politics of other states, terrorism and radical Islam.