Today we will share with you ideas on how best to process the apple harvest and make the most varied winter “apple” preparations that are win-win in taste and originality. So, which apples are sure to survive until spring?

1. Dried apples

This is probably the oldest way to prepare apples for the winter. Dried apples - extraordinary delicious product, they can be eaten “just like that” without any additional processing... Well, who doesn’t remember the pleasant aromatic sourness of the center and the crunchy sweetness of the edges of dried apple fruit? But in winter you can make compote, dessert, and filling for pies from dried apples.

All varieties of apples are suitable for drying, which makes this harvesting method extremely convenient. There are no restrictions on the shape of the fruit, or on the color, or even on the integrity - any apples damaged by a worm, hit or wounded can be cleaned of defects and used for drying. You can dry apples:

1. outdoors
2. in special dryers
3. in electric ovens
4. in gas ovens.

Tip: If you are particular about the color of dried apples, you can keep the slices on low heat. saline solution(1 incomplete teaspoon of salt per liter of water) 3-4 minutes - then when drying, the apples will remain light in color, without the characteristic “rusting”. Store dried apples in glass jars or in thick paper bags until the new harvest.

You can learn more about the process of drying apples at home by watching the video:

2. Soaked apples

Not all varieties of apples are suitable for soaking. The most preferred are autumn and early winter varieties - Antonovka ordinary, Calvil snowy, Pepin Lithuanian, Anis Kubansky, Osenneye polosatoe, Babushkino and others. It is important that these are uncolored varieties and ripe, healthy, defect-free apples.

The urinating process is simple, reminiscent of pickling and fermentation.

The simplest urinating recipe:

Place blackcurrant and cherry leaves in 3-liter jars, on them - apples with tails in rows, placing each row of fruits with leaves.

Pour in brine, cover with a cloth (gauze) and leave at room temperature for several days to ferment.

After the foam that appears has settled, you can close the jars with nylon lids and take them out into the cold. After 2 months, the apples will be completely ready.

For the brine:

Water - 5 l
Sugar - 200 g
Salt - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon

There are many recipes where the taste of apples is “regulated” using rye flour, honey, dry mustard, tarragon. Some housewives make soaked apples with cabbage or lingonberries.

In the next video, Father Hermogenes, the cook of the Danilovsky Monastery, will tell you how to prepare soaked apples in honey water:

3, 4, 5. Puree, jam and marmalade

Apple puree is a delicate, airy product that is one of the first in life to be given to an infant and which will be present in the diet of almost every person until old age.
Preparing puree is simple and quick.


You will need:

Apples – 2 kg
Sugar - 150-200 g


Pour water over peeled and cored apples so that the tops of the apples are not covered. Bring to a boil and cook for 5-8 minutes depending on the type of apples (early ones boil faster).

As soon as the apples are boiled, place them in a colander and let the water drain.

Add sugar to the remaining pulp and cook for 5 minutes, stirring. The thickness of the puree can be adjusted using apple broth, which has drained from the apples.

When hot, place in sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over onto lids and wrap until cool. From 2 kg of apples you get almost three 0.5 liter jars of puree.

For baby food, you don’t have to add sugar, then the puree needs to be pasteurized.

Here's how to cook it sugar free puree: Applesauce- another cooking option.


If you continue to boil the applesauce, it will thicken and turn into another product - jam. As a rule, in relation to the original volume of the puree, the finished jam will be almost half the volume. Properly cooked jam is stored perfectly without any sealing; for this, it must contain no less than 60-65% sugar.

You will need:

Apples - 1 kg (weight for already peeled apples)
Sugar - 500 -700 g


Add sugar to the mass pureed through a sieve (or in a blender) and boil, stirring, over medium heat for 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the thickness you need.
Place hot jam into prepared and heated jars and roll up. To cool, turn over onto lids and wrap.
To make jam, apples can be boiled (as for puree) and baked in the oven.


Apples (1 kg) and sugar (500-700 g). The more sugar, the thicker the marmalade!

The cooking principle is the same as for jam. But for marmalade, it is recommended to put a bag of peels and apple “cores” with seeds in the water where apples are boiled - they contain the most pectin, which will help the marmalade harden. After cooking, the bag is removed, and the apples are wiped and, after adding sugar, boiled to the desired thickness.

Marmalade can be soft and dense. To obtain sheet marmalade, it is transferred into flat molds and either left in the air to dry, or dried in the oven at a temperature of 50 ºC for 1-1.5 hours.

6 and 7. Jam and jam

Apple jam is everyone's favorite delicacy. Considering the huge number of varieties of apples, it in itself turns out different every time, and if we take into account the imagination of our housewives, then it is clear that in winter there will be something to gasp at!

We offer original recipe apple jam, where the additives to apples are very non-standard.

Recipe for apple jam with walnuts and spices

You will need:

Apples - 1 kg

Walnuts - shelled 150 g

Lemon - 1 medium

Sugar - 180 g

Bay leaf - 2 leaves

Black peppercorns - 3 pieces


Cut the apples into small slices, add water, add a little lemon juice and a few lemon slices, all the sugar and Bay leaf and, without stirring, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Then take out the lemon and bay leaf, add the chopped Walnut and cook for another 15 minutes. At the end, you can add peppercorns if desired.

It turns out fragrant tender jam with spicy notes.

In the next video there is also a recipe for an amazing and unusual apple and banana jam:


Jam is prepared in the same way as preserves. Just cook until the syrup acquires a jelly-like consistency. Classic jam contains up to 65% sugar, which means it stores well.

8. Apple compote

Compotes are undoubtedly the most popular drinks prepared for the winter.

They are prepared in several ways:

Option 1 . Sliced ​​apples are boiled in boiling syrup for 2-3 minutes, placed in sterilized jars and filled with boiling syrup. For 3 liter jar add 1-1.5 cups of sugar.

Option 2. Place prepared apples (whole, halves, slices, slices) into jars, fill a third of the jar, pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes to warm up. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, pour into jars and roll up. Some housewives do not double, but triple hot pour. Sugar for a 3-liter jar - 200-300 g to taste.

Option 3. Place apples in jars, add warm water and pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ºС: 1 liter jars - 15 minutes, 3 liter jars - 30 minutes. Can be done without sugar.

To enrich the taste apple compotes add red or black currant, chokeberry, cherry, lemon, cloves, cinnamon, dry white wine or citric acid on the tip of a knife.

9. Apple juice

If you have a juicer, the process of making juice does not present any difficulties. Juice is squeezed out of peeled (or even unpeeled) apples, sugar is added (for 1 liter of juice - 2 tablespoons of sugar), the juice is brought to a boil and immediately poured into the prepared container. The jar or bottle is rolled up and placed under the wrap. This juice can be stored for up to 2 years.

10. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rightfully considered the richest source of essential microelements for humans such as calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, boron and magnesium. Apple cider vinegar is especially “rich” in potassium - 200 grams of it prepared from fresh apples vinegar contains 240 mg of potassium. Therefore, people who strive for healthy proper nutrition, preparing apple cider vinegar for the whole year is simply a matter of honor)

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

You will need:

Apples - 0.8 kg
Water - 1 l
Sugar (honey) - 100 g
Pressed yeast - 10 g (or dry rye bread 0 - 20 g)


Grate the apples on a coarse grater, add water, sugar, yeast and leave for 10 days in an open jar at a temperature of 20-30ºC, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.

Then strain, add more honey or sugar if desired at the rate of 50 g per liter of juice and leave until the end of fermentation for 40-60 days in a warm place under a cloth (gauze).

Filter the prepared vinegar and store in the refrigerator.

11 and 12. Pouring and tincture

No wonder they say that a summer day feeds the year. And in the example with apples, a summer day can not only feed you, but also give you something to drink. And not only juice and compote - apples make a wonderful homemade alcoholic drink. Moreover, it can be prepared both with alcohol (vodka) and with the help of natural fermentation. It is believed that sour apple varieties are the most suitable for this purpose, as they are more juicy.

Homemade apple liqueur recipe

You will need:

Apples - 2.5 kg
Sugar - 2 kg
Vodka - 0.5 l
Water - 8 l


Fill a jar with chopped slices (peeled and seeds removed) of apples, pour in water and vodka and place in warm place(in the sun) for 2 weeks.

If at the end of the period all the slices have already risen to the top and are floating, strain the fermented liquid through cheesecloth (the sediment will remain on it), add sugar and leave again in a warm place for another two days.

Then the jar is transferred to the cold for 10-12 days, after which it is bottled, sealed and left closed in the cold for at least a month. At the end of this period the liqueur is ready for use. The total preparation time is up to 45-47 days.

And the following video explains how to prepare apple tincture using moonshine:


1. Apple jam is considered ready if the fruits themselves have become transparent and the syrup has begun to become covered with a slightly wrinkled film.

2. Apple jam is ready if a hot drop immediately thickens on a cold surface.

4. If applesauce or jam is made without sugar, then the preparations must be sterilized

5. The most delicious compotes obtained from sweet and sour apples, for cooking alcoholic drinks It is better to take sour ones, and for apple cider vinegar - only sweet varieties.

6. Suitable for pickling more apples sweet varieties

See how many things can be made from apples! But this is not all that can be prepared from these wonderful fruits for the winter, because apples can also be pickled, used to make seasonings for dishes, pastilles and confiture, as well as jellies and candied fruits...

Adjika is a very aromatic, hot seasoning that cannot be prepared without pepper. But one of my favorite recipes was and remains the recipe for making adjika with apples, which I prepare for the winter.

Amazingly beautiful and tasty apple jam from slices with the addition of soda is easy to prepare. A little patience and you have a wonderful treat for tea or a filling for baking on your table!

Apple jam "White filling" slices

The earliest and most wonderful variety of apples, “White Naliv”, is perfect for making wonderful sweet jam. Since apples themselves are sweet, you won't need too much sugar.

Adjika with apples - sharp billet, which will improve any meat, fish, or vegetarian dish. Adjika prepared according to this recipe turns out very tasty and has a beautiful red color.

Sun-dried apples can be eaten on their own (they are incredibly delicious!) or used for cooking homemade baked goods, desserts, drinks. Don't know how to make dried apples? I will tell!

Fragrant, juicy, crispy pickled apples are good both as an independent snack and as a side dish for all kinds of meat dishes. You can also stuff them and bake them!

If you don't know how to can apples, I'll tell you! Moreover, the recipe is very simple - no sterilization or pasteurization, everything is quick and without unnecessary hassle!

The apple jam comes out tender and aromatic. I cook it with apple slices. Of course, you will have to tinker with the jam, but believe me, it’s worth it! You can store the jam at room temperature.

Apple pies are a classic! You can use any dough for them, but the filling for apple pies should be only the most delicious! You can prepare this filling in several ways.

Apple figs are a tasty, healthy delicacy that can be stored well in cardboard boxes or closed banks. Apple figs can be cut into shapes and used to decorate baked goods.

Melon and apple jam, prepared according to a traditional recipe, is our family’s favorite. This jam contains a lot of vitamins, the aroma and taste are wonderful, and with a fresh bun it’s a miracle!

Surprisingly tasty, sweet, with a natural aroma and color, five-minute apple jam at home is well suited for filling in any baked goods, as well as for pancakes or porridges. Try it :)

During the season of a rich harvest for apples and pears, I advise you, in addition to the usual canning recipes, to prepare jam. At the same time, combine both fruits and remember the wonderful taste from childhood.

Remember baby purees? Especially apples! I always tried to “steal” at least a little from my little sister. Yummy! What about muffins with mashed potatoes? Real jam! I suggest making apple puree for the winter.

My favorite canned juice for the winter is apple. Fresh, sour, rich in vitamins, bright golden color. By the way, it is indicated for those who complain of stomach problems and want to lose weight.

Apple and orange jam turns out delicious and transparent amber. When you're wondering what to do with them during apple season, orange comes to the rescue. I recommend this original jam!

Antonovka jam is the most flavorful apple jam. These apples are not dessert apples at all, they are a little sour, but they make excellent jam. My grandmother often made this jam. I recommend!

Among dozens of recipes for apple jam, I want to present my own - with cinnamon and vanilla. It can be used both as a dessert for tea and as a pie filling. The recipe is simple, but long-lasting.

Homemade apple jelly is both delicious and healthy dish, which has excellent taste. I’ll tell you a secret, this jelly is much tastier than store-bought!

Surely, you love store-bought pies with apple jam precisely because of the jam - thick, aromatic. Making jam is simple; for this you will need sweet apples of yellow or green color.

Apples available all year round, but this is not a reason to refuse the most delicious confiture that you can prepare at home. Take apples of any variety and feel free to start creating a sweet masterpiece.

Today we will introduce you to Bulgarian cuisine. I offer you a simple recipe for making pickled apples for the winter, which will appeal to all lovers of homemade preparations.

Do you want to make special jam? Prepare apple jam without water with the addition of ginger and lemon. I assure you, the taste of this wonderful jam will amaze you. Tested on own experience!

Great recipe delicious jam from apples. In addition to the delicious taste, this jam looks amazing. Whole apple slices just beg to be eaten immediately!

Incredibly tasty and aromatic, beautiful, amber-colored apple jam. The recipe is extremely simple and understandable, all that’s left is to go to the kitchen and cook this miracle!

In the cold winter season, there is nothing better than a cup of hot tea and aromatic jam to go with it. This jam is made using sugar syrup, resulting in beautiful, transparent apple slices.

Apple jam "White filling"

I went to the village and brought 2 kilograms of “White Fill” apples, and the idea to make tasty and aromatic jam was immediately born. In addition to apples, I used oranges, which added a special piquancy to the jam.

This jam has a beautiful amber color and an unsurpassed aroma. Jam with whole apples is delicious to eat not only with tea, it can easily be used as a filling for baked goods of any complexity.

How delicious jam can be when you open a jar of sweets for tea on a winter evening... Fragrant, transparent, it beckons you to eat more. Now I will tell you how to make apple jam.

Have you ever made jam in a bread machine? I strongly recommend you try it, you might like this method and replace traditional cooking on the stove in a saucepan.

Apple jam "Aport"

I really love Aport apples, so I came up with the idea of ​​​​making delicious and aromatic jam from them. It turned out very well, now I recommend it to everyone. Try it too!

This quick jam will appeal to those who know how to value their time. The result will surprise and certainly please you. For all its speed, it turns out very tasty. Brew some tea and enjoy the jam!

Our food should not only be tasty, but also aesthetically beautiful. This thesis can easily be applied to apple jam in slices. It turns out incredibly beautiful and tasty, and besides, it’s transparent!

Everyone has tried apple jam, it’s really delicious! I suggest trying to change the traditional recipe by adding another ingredient to it - fragrant tangerines!

If you have never made jam directly in the oven, be sure to try this method! Absolutely any variety and type of apple will do - sour, sweet, yellow, red. Whatever you say, it's delicious!

Winter varieties of apples are varieties that are usually harvested in the second half of autumn, closer to winter. If you have such apples, this recipe is for you. Although, if desired, other varieties are suitable.

Raspberry jam has always been my favorite. To somehow diversify its taste, I tried a recipe for making raspberry and apple jam.

I suggest a simple and quick recipe making jam from apples and black currants. The jam turns out thick and tasty.

26.05.2017 12 497

Apple preparations for the winter - top 7 golden recipes!

Almost every housewife makes preparations from apples for the winter, because these are not only dried or grated fruits, marmalade, jam and preserves, but delicious jam, compote, marshmallows and even cider! Simple recipes at home are not at all difficult to make, the main thing is to highlight free time and collect delicious fruits at the dacha! And the golden rules of experienced housewives will help you.

Apple preparations for the winter - pictured

Dried apples are a great way to prepare for the winter

Drying is the most popular way to prepare apples for the winter. Best for drying
Sweet and sour specimens with a small seed pod are suitable. For dried apples
Varieties such as Antonovka, Titovka, Aport, Belyi naliv are well suited.

  1. Apples must be thoroughly washed and dried. If the fruit is purchased, it is better to cut off the peel. Clean the surface from damage, remove the core;
  2. Cut slices of equal thickness, approximately 5 mm, the shape does not matter. To prevent fruits from losing their appearance, it is better to prepare them in small portions;
  3. It is quite possible to avoid pulp oxidation in several ways. Dip the pieces into a solution of citric acid (3-4 g/1 l). Boil in boiling water for five minutes or lower for 4-5 minutes in a special solution (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water).

Dried apples - pictured

Fruits are dried in different ways:

  • On open air– for this, the prepared pieces are strung on a thread or spread on a surface, covered with gauze to avoid contact with insects, and turned over daily. Required condition method is dry and hot weather. In the sun the product will reach readiness in 3-4 days, in the shade it will take about a week.
  • Oven drying– fairly fast processing. It is necessary to place a baking sheet covered with parchment and lined with apple slices in an oven preheated to 80 degrees. After 30 minutes, reduce the temperature to 70 °C and simmer for 5 hours. Turn the slices over, reduce the temperature to 50 °C, cook for another 4 hours, not forgetting to turn the fruits.
  • In the microwave (express method)– place the prepared pieces on a plate and dry in short segments for 30 seconds at a power of 200 W. Each new pass the slices are turned over. The whole process will take no more than 5 minutes.

These are the main and most simple recipes drying apples for the winter.

Apple juice – vitamins in liquid form

Apple juice is a storehouse of vitamins, especially in winter. Skin, hair, nails will be immensely grateful for such nutrition, and adding apple juice to various lotions and masks will significantly speed up the expected result. Freshly squeezed juice is an excellent drink, but the necessary varieties of apples for preparation are not always on hand. In this case, an alternative would be canned Apple juice.

The process of making apple juice at home - pictured

The varieties suitable for its production are Grushovka, Anis, Titovka, Antonovka, etc., since the fruits of these trees are distinguished by their juiciness and excellent taste. The fruit should not have any signs of spoilage or the presence of worms; it is better to stick to sweet and sour, ripe, strong specimens.

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove the skin and seed pods, cut into slices;
  2. Pass the slices through a juicer. Pour the juice into the pan no more than 2/3 full and bring to 95 degrees with constant stirring. If sour apples were used to make the drink, add sugar (100 g/1 l or more, depending on the variety);
  3. During the sterilization process, foam forms on the surface of the juice, which must be removed;
  4. Pour the resulting product into pasteurized hot bottles and cover with a boiled lid;
  5. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave for several days until completely cooled.

homemade apple juice - pictured

Note to the housewife: during sterilization, apple juice is concentrated, so it should be immediately diluted with water or zucchini juice. The proportion is as follows - 1 glass of zucchini juice per 3 liters of apple juice. This will make the taste more delicate, and the product itself will receive additional bonuses in the form of vitamins.

Apple marmalade - a delicious treat for the whole family

Apples, water and sugar - that's all you need to create a healthy and tasty apple marmalade, which can be used as a dessert and used as a filling in baked goods. Apple marmalade does not flow, does not change shape and has such a dense consistency that you can cut out various figures from it.

homemade apple marmalade - pictured

  1. For 2 kg of fruit you will need 500 g of sugar and 1 liter of water. Chop the peeled and seeded apples and boil until soft;
  2. Add granulated sugar, simmer over low heat until the mass begins to lag behind the bottom;
  3. Place the resulting mass on greased parchment butter, level the surface and leave to dry

To preserve the sweetness for the winter, spread the mass on a baking sheet covered with parchment and dry it in the oven at 160 degrees until the desired consistency. Next, the marmalade is cooled, cut and stored in jars in the refrigerator all winter.

Note to the owner: for improvement taste qualities, the water intended for cooking the dessert can be boiled in advance, adding anise and cloves to it, strain the resulting infusion and use it to prepare sweets.

Making apple jam and sweet jam

For apple jam, you can use absolutely any variety, the main thing is that the fruit is not wormy, with intact skin, sweet, ripe and hard. If you prefer jam with sourness, you can use unripe fruits. Before preparing jam, rinse the fruits thoroughly, dry them and remove seeds. There is no need to remove the skin - this will prevent the slices from falling apart. For classic homemade dessert for the winter you will need - 2 kg of fruits, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, a pinch of cinnamon.

homemade apple jam - pictured

  1. Cut the fruit into plates or slices, place in a basin, cover with sugar and leave overnight;
  2. Boil the resulting mixture for 7-10 minutes, while upper layer carefully move downwards so that it is well saturated with syrup. Remove the foam;
  3. Turn off and cool the mixture completely;
  4. Repeat the process twice. At the last stage, add cinnamon;
  5. Pour the finished dessert into prepared jars and roll up.

Note to the housewife: if a drop of syrup on a spoon does not spread and holds its shape, the jam is ready.

Apple jam is prepared in the same proportions as jam. The difference between jam and marmalade is that the first dessert should contain whole pieces of fruit, and the second dish should be boiled to a thick, uniform mass. Therefore, if you want to make delicious jam, be sure to peel the apples and boil until tender. This is a simple recipe for preparing apples for the winter, which can be used both independently (sweetness for tea) and in the form of a variety of fillings for pies, rolls, and buns.

Compote of apples and oranges for the winter

To get not only a tasty, but a beautiful compote of apples and oranges for the winter, it is better to take different varieties: red, green - they will look great with an orange orange. Thanks to the acid contained in the fruit, the compote does not require additional sterilization. So, to prepare 3 liters of compote you need:

compote of apples and oranges - pictured
apple-orange compote - pictured

  1. Wash and pit 5-7 apples, wash 1 orange thoroughly. Cut the fruit into slices and place in jars;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and boil;
  3. Pour boiling water over the fruit and leave for 10 minutes. Pour the liquid back into the pan and let it boil.
  4. Pour 200 grams of granulated sugar into a jar and pour boiling syrup over the fruit;
  5. Roll up the cans, turn them over, wrap them, and after a few days put them on the shelf winter preparations.

This compote can be stored for up to three years (provided that your family does not know about it!).

Apple pastille for adults and children

To prepare marshmallows at home, any fruit is suitable: small, large, broken, wormy - everything can be peeled and trimmed. Take 1 kg of peeled apples and cook liquid puree. To do this, place the fruits in a saucepan, add 200 ml of purified water and heat over low heat to a temperature of + 80 °C.

Now you need to cool the apple mass a little, separate it from the water and grind it through a sieve, or use a juicer for these purposes. Pour the remaining water from the saucepan into the thick pureed mass, add sugar (100 g) and put it back on the fire. Boil until the contents of the saucepan are reduced by half and become thick enough.

The mass should be spread in a thin layer (1.5-2 cm) onto previously prepared baking sheets, greased with refined sunflower oil. Now the apple pastille should be cooked in the oven at a temperature of +80°...+90°C for 3-5 hours. In this case, the door should be slightly open, otherwise the product will cook.

An alternative to the oven can be open air, although then the cooking process itself will take several days. It’s easy to check whether the apple paste is ready or not - if the product doesn’t stick to your hands, you can remove it. Apple marshmallow at home is ready to eat!

Apple cider - a drink for connoisseurs

For classic apple cider, it is advisable to use sweet and sour fruits.

Apple cider - pictured

  1. Remove the seed pod and pass the apples through a large meat grinder. The pulp should not be too small, this will make the process of squeezing juice easier;
  2. Place the resulting mass in a jar, add sugar at the rate of 100-150 g per 1 kg of fruit. Cover the container with gauze and put it in a warm place;
  3. After a few days, the cake will rise to the top. It should be strained and squeezed out;
  4. Add sugar to the resulting drink at the rate of 100 grams per liter. Cover with a lid with a tube to remove air formation into a jar of water;
  5. Leave to ferment for 20 days, then drain using a siphon.

Pour into bottles and have fun on cold evenings, savoring your apple preparations for the winter.

It is best to store apples in winter, of course, in their natural, unprocessed form. If you follow all the rules, all the vitamins will remain in the apples, and eating a fresh apple from your own garden in winter is much more pleasant than buying products from Chinese and Turkish farmers in the store. For owners of huge cellars, it is easier to prepare apples for the winter - prepare a storage space, stack the harvest, and crunch on juicy apples until spring. But there is also a way out for residents of high-rise buildings: special chests are produced for them, which are installed on the balcony. They maintain a temperature of 3-5 degrees, ideal for preserving apples (and not only them). Some tips for preserving apples for both:

We prepare the storage space (meaning a cellar or basement) in advance: we whitewash the walls solution of freshly slaked lime (1.5 kg per 10 liters of water), 100-200 g of copper sulfate can be added to the solution. The floor in the cellar must be treated with a 5% solution of iron sulfate.
. Collected apples do not need to be washed - the waxy coating protects them from disease and rot.
. Before storing the fruits, we sort the fruits: the apples should not be broken or damaged; only clean and healthy fruits are suitable for storage.
. After picking, it is advisable to immediately cool the apples (in the basement or refrigerator).
. Apples can be placed in any container: wooden or cardboard boxes, baskets, in plastic bags, or simply placed on racks.
. The fruits must be placed with the stalks facing up.
. If you wish, you can wrap each apple in paper or sprinkle it with well-dried oak or maple leaves.
. The temperature in the basement or cellar should not exceed 5ºС, but in general the ideal temperature for the best preservation of the crop is 0-3ºС

What should those who have neither a cellar nor a special chest do? Preserve! Fortunately, there are a lot of recipes for preserving apples for the winter. This, for example, includes countless jam recipes. The best of them - from the simplest to the most interesting - our site has prepared for you.

Apple jam with viburnum

5 kg apples,
1.5 kg viburnum,
5 kg of sugar.

Extract juice from viburnum using a juicer. Cut the apples with an apple slicer (this is a very convenient device - the slices are the same, and the core is immediately removed), cover with sugar, and cook over medium heat. Boil until a drop of syrup stops spreading, cool. Add viburnum juice, put it back on the fire, boil for 5-10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up or cover with plastic lids.

3 kg Antonovka,
2 tbsp. salt,
4 tsp soda,
3 kg sugar.

Prepare solutions of salt and soda (dissolve salt in 2 liters of water, and soda in another 2 liters). Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into slices. Place the apples first in saline solution, then into soda water. Rinse in clean water, let the water drain and add sugar. Leave for 4 hours. Then stir carefully, put on the fire and simmer for 40 minutes after boiling. The jam must be carefully stirred and the foam removed. Pour hot into sterilized jars and seal.

600 g pumpkin,
600 g apples,
1 lemon,
800 g sugar.

Scald the lemon, squeeze out the juice, finely chop the peel. Peel the apples, put the peels in a saucepan, add two glasses of water and cook. Grate the apples, pour in lemon juice and mix well. Grate the pumpkin, mix with apples and lemon peels, pour the apple peel broth over everything and put on fire. Cook over low heat until the jam becomes transparent. Place into jars and roll up.

You can make compotes, jelly, marshmallows, candied fruits, marmalade, jam, jam from apples... So many delicious things! You can prepare the filling for pies - in winter you will only need to add it to the pie without wasting time on preparing it.

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:
7-8 apples,
½ cup sugar
1.5 glasses of water.

Wash the apples, cut them with an apple slicer, and place them in cold acidified water for 30 minutes (1 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water). Then remove the apples from the water, drain, place in a colander and place in a water bath over boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Place the heated apples tightly in sterilized jars, pour boiling liquid over them, cover with lids and set to pasteurize for 15 minutes. Roll up, wrap up.

1 kg apples,
750-800 g sugar,
1 glass of water,
cinnamon - to taste.

Dissolve 1 cup in a saucepan. sugar in a glass of water. Cut the apples into small slices. Add apples to syrup, place over medium heat, pour 1 more cup of sugar on top. Stir and cook over medium heat. As it dissolves, add sugar and stir constantly. When all the sugar has been used and dissolved, remove from heat and leave to cool. Then put it back on the fire, bring to a boil and cook until done. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon, stir and transfer to jars. Leave until completely cool, close. Store refrigerated.

For 1 kg of apples - 700-900 g of sugar. Cut half of the prepared apples without peeling or core, put in a saucepan, add 2-3 tbsp. water and cook until softened. Rub the boiled apples through a sieve, mix with sugar and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Peel and core the remaining apples, cut into thin slices and place in puree. Cook until done, place in sterilized jars, and seal.

Apple marmalade. For 1 kg of apples - 500-700 g of sugar. Core autumn apples, bake in the oven, and rub through a sieve. Mix the resulting puree with sugar and simmer over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Cover a baking sheet with a sheet of parchment, sprinkle with powdered sugar and pour the boiled mixture onto it. Flatten with a knife and cool. Then cut into squares or diamonds. Store in a cool dry place.

For 3 kg of apples - 2 cups of sugar. Cut the apples with an apple slicer, cover with sugar and leave overnight. The next morning, put on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring, and boil for 5 minutes after boiling. Place in sterilized jars and roll up.

1 kg apples,
250 g sugar,
1 glass of water.

Wash the apples, cut into 4 parts, add water and boil for 30 minutes. Place on a sieve to strain out the juice and leave until the next day. Add sugar to the settled juice, stir well and put on fire. Boil over high heat until the syrup drips from a spoon in thick drops. While cooking the jelly, you need to stir and skim off the foam. Pour the finished jelly into sterilized jars and roll up.

1.5 kg apples,
600 g water,
10-12 pcs. cloves,
400 g sugar,
1 lemon.

Chop the apples and simmer in water with cloves until soft. Then grind in a blender, put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Add sugar, juice and lemon pulp (no seeds!) and cook until all the sugar has dissolved. The jelly is ready when a drop of syrup hardens on a cold plate. Cool, put into sterilized jars, and roll up.

1 kg apples,
800 g sugar,
1 lemon or orange
2-3 buds of cloves,
1 tsp cinnamon,
powdered sugar.

Cut the apples into slices, remove the core. Prepare the syrup: mix 3 cups of water with half the sugar and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Place the apples in the syrup and cook over low heat, stirring, until the apples become translucent and lightly browned. Then pour the second half of the sugar, lemon or orange zest, and spices into the apples and cook for a few more minutes, stirring, over low heat until the syrup thickens. Meanwhile, prepare a baking sheet: line it with parchment paper and grease it with oil. Place the finished apple slices on a baking sheet, dry in the oven at a temperature of 50ºC with the door open for 1.5-2 hours, then leave to dry at room temperature. After a day, dry it in the oven again. Sprinkle the finished candied fruits with powdered sugar and place in clean glass jars with tight lids. Store in a cool, dark place.

Slice the apples with an apple slicer. Place in liter jars quite tightly and pour boiling syrup (at the rate of 200 g of sugar per 450 g of water). Roll up immediately. It turns out a thick compote.

Apples canned in own juice sugarless. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. Blanch in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, cool. Place in sterilized jars up to the shoulders and pour hot water. Cover with lids and sterilize: liter - 20 minutes, 2-liter - 30 minutes, 3-liter - 55 minutes. Roll up.

Place clean, unbroken apples in jars, fill with brine, cover with plastic lids and place in a cool place. The brine is prepared as follows: for 10 liters of water, take 120 g of salt and 120 g of sugar. The apples will be ready in 50-60 days.

Antonovka soaked in jars. Wash medium-sized fruits and place tightly in jars. Prepare the filling: mix juice and cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 (to taste). Pour the apples, put wooden sticks in the jars crosswise so that they press the apples and prevent them from floating. The filling should be 4-5 cm higher than the apples. Cover with plastic lids. Keep refrigerated.

Extract the juice using a juicer. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and put on fire. As it boils it will form a large number of foam - it must be completely removed. As soon as foam stops forming in the gently boiling juice, pour the juice into sterilized jars and seal. Wrap up.

Cucumber and apple salad

2 kg cucumbers,
1 kg apples,
50 g tarragon,
50 g dill,
100 g vegetable oil,
100 g fruit vinegar,
50 g sugar,
40 g salt.

Wash cucumbers, apples and greens. Cut the cucumbers into slices, cut the apples with an apple slicer, and coarsely chop the greens. Mix everything, add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil, leave for a while until the juice comes out. Place on fire, boil for 10 minutes and place while hot in sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over.

Ingredients for 10 liter jars:
6 kg apples,
30-40 pcs. carnations,
200-300 g cinnamon,
2.4 liters of water,
1.1 kg sugar,
500 ml 6% vinegar.

Leave small apples whole, chop large ones and remove the core. Put in cold water or saline solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for no more than 30 minutes. Blanch for 2-5 minutes in boiling water and cool in ice water. Use the water after blanching to prepare the filling. Place 3-4 cloves and 0.2-0.3 g of cinnamon on the bottom of the jars, place the apples and pour the hot marinade mixture over them. Cover with lids and sterilize at a temperature of 85-90ºС for 30 minutes. Roll up.

Grind green hard sour apples through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, add garlic and hot pepper in pods (to taste, as you like), as well as any herbs and spices. Grind the resulting mass again with a blender (pass through a meat grinder), put on fire and boil. At the end of cooking, add a little vegetable oil. If the apples are not too sour, you can add apple cider vinegar. Place into scalded jars and seal. IN this recipe proportions are deliberately not given, since everyone has different tastes. Try it!

Apples cut into circles or slices are peeled from the core (the skin can be removed), dipped in salted water (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Apples need to be dried at a temperature of 75-80ºC, with the door open, for 6-8 hours. Apple slices periodically stir. Properly dried apples are light and creamy in color and the slices are soft and elastic. From 10 kg of fresh apples you get about 1 kg of dry ones.

You can prepare apples for the winter. If you have a lot of waste or broken apples left, try making real apple cider vinegar from them.

Apple vinegar. Grate the apples on a coarse grater, place in a glass container and dilute with warm boiled water (for 800 g of apples - 1 liter of water). For each liter of water add 100 g of sugar or honey, and to speed up fermentation - 10 g of pressed yeast or sourdough or 20 g of dry yeast rye bread. For the first 10 days, keep the container with the mixture open at a temperature of 20-30ºC, stirring the mixture 2-3 times a day with a wooden stick. Then transfer the mixture into a gauze bag and squeeze out the juice. Strain the juice and pour into a wide-necked vessel. You can add 50-100 g of honey or sugar for each liter of juice. Cover the jar with gauze and place in a warm place for 40-60 days until fermentation ends. Filter the finished vinegar, pour into bottles and tightly cap. Keep refrigerated.

As you can see, apples for the winter can be prepared in abundance. different ways. Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

The best way to preserve apples for the winter, especially in urban environments, is to store them for the winter. Apples are the most common fruit in our gardens. Therefore, there are also a lot of recipes for winter preparations with apples.
Apple preparations for the winter include soaked apples and fruits in syrup, jams, compotes, jams, marmalade and even candied fruits. We have collected the most interesting, tasty and simple preparations in one article.

First, we suggest you look at the photo recipes the best preparations from apples for the winter, which we have on our website:

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Recipes for winter preparations from apples

To prepare this preparation, take apples, a liter of water and three hundred grams of sugar. This recipe involves minimal processing of apples. Since fruits will be harvested in whole, they need to be well selected and washed. Apples are placed in jars and poured with boiling water. sugar syrup. To prepare the syrup, you need to put water on the fire and melt the sugar in it. The jars of apples and syrup are covered with lids and left for three minutes. After this, pour the syrup back into the pan and bring to a boil again. Then pour the apples again and repeat the whole process. After the third time, when the boiled syrup is poured into the jars again, they must be closed with hot lids and turned upside down. Such apple preparations at home can be used to make jams and preserves, as filling for pies.

Apple preparations for the winter: white filling is ideal for making delicious jam. Summer apples, which this variety belongs to, are very tender. Thanks to this structure, when making jam there is no need to boil the fruit for a long time. To prepare 500 ml of jam you need a kilogram of apples, half a glass of water and a glass of sugar. Peel and core the apples and cut into thick slices. Add water to the pan and cook the apples over medium heat until they are slightly soft. When the apples have softened, add sugar and cook for another minute. Now you can pour the apples into hot sterilized jars and order. Turn over for ten minutes, then store in a cool place. Apple jam for the winter is an excellent dessert that will always be on hand.

Apple preparations for the winter: Antonovka is also very suitable for making jam. The result is a delicate product with a pleasant amber color. For the preparation you will need three kilograms of Antonovka, two tablespoons of salt, four teaspoons of soda and three kilograms of sugar. Dissolve salt in two liters of water, and soda in the other two liters. Wash the apples, peel and cut into slices. First, dip the fruit in a salt solution, and then in a soda solution. Then rinse in clean water and let excess liquid drain and cover apples with sugar. Leave for four hours. After the time has passed, put the fruit on the fire and cook for forty minutes after boiling. Gently stir the jam and skim off the foam as it appears. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Some recipes for preparing apples for the winter with photos encourage you to prepare the apples according to exactly this recipe. This is a very original and incredibly tasty preparation. To prepare it you will need apples, cherry leaves, ten liters of water, 600 grams of honey, 400 grams of sugar and three tablespoons of salt.

For soaked apples according to this recipe, the Antonovka variety is very suitable, but you can take fruit of almost any variety. The apples need to be picked out when they are ripe and beautiful and washed. Line the bottom of the soaking container with leaves and lay out the apples. The container must be completely filled with fruit. Bring water to a boil, add sugar and salt. Boil until dissolved, then cool the solution and add honey. Allow the sweet solution to cool completely. Place the container with apples in a cool place and fill with a sweet solution. Cover and press. Pickled apples You will be able to eat after forty days.

To prepare a liter jar of compote according to this recipe, you should take eight apples, half a glass of sugar and one and a half glasses of water. Wash and chop the apples. Immerse the prepared fruits in cold water for thirty minutes. citric acid(a gram of citric acid is taken per liter of water). Remove the apples from the water and let them drain. Place the fruit in a water bath for 15 minutes. Place the heated apples in jars and pour boiling liquid over them. Sterilize for 15 minutes, then roll up the compote and wrap it up.

Jam is an alternative to sweet jam. This preparation differs in structure, and the jam is also usually sweeter. To make jam you will need a kilogram of apples, 800 grams of sugar, a glass of water and cinnamon to taste. Dissolve a glass of sugar in a saucepan with a glass of water. Cut the apples into small slices and dip into syrup. Cook over medium heat. As the sugar dissolves, it must be added. When all the sugar is gone, remove the pan from the heat and let cool. After this, put it back on the fire, bring to a boil and cook until tender, adding cinnamon. Mix the jam very well so that the mass is as homogeneous as possible. Leave until completely cool, then roll up. Store in a cool place.

To prepare apples in this way, 200 grams of sugar are taken per kilogram of fruit. From this amount of ingredients you can roll up a liter jar. It is enough to make one pie in winter. Apples must be peeled from seeds and cut into cubes, covered with sugar and left so that the fruits give juice. The minimum time is two hours, but you can leave the apples overnight. Place the pan with apples on the stove and wait until it boils. As soon as the apples begin to boil, transfer them to sterile jars to the top and roll them up.

You can make apple jam very quickly and tasty in a slow cooker. To do this, peel and cut the apples into slices. Mix apples (one kilogram) with sugar (one kilogram), citric acid (juice of half a lemon), add a quarter glass of water. Transfer everything to a slow cooker and cook on the “stew” mode for an hour. Bring to a boil with the lid open. After cooking, pour everything into a bowl and puree in a blender. Cook again for about an hour in the slow cooker on the “stew” mode. Place in prepared jars and roll up the jam.

All apple preparations for the winter, no matter what recipe you choose, will turn out to be welcome dishes on the table. Compote, jam or jam, apples will provide vitamins and nutrients in winter.