Summer games with water and sand for preschoolers

Summer fun with sand and water for children preschool age

Author: Irina Vladimirovna Korelova, teacher-psychologist, preschool educational institution No. 5 “Firefly” in the city of Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk region.
Description of the article:
Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention an article about summer games with sand and water. The material is intended for teachers, parents and specialists working with children of primary and secondary preschool age.
Summer time is in full swing, favorite time years of our dear children. How much joy it brings! Children have a lot of free time, increased curiosity, activity and a great desire to do something interesting. And we, parents and teachers, really want the summer health period to bring children health, good rest and a huge charge of positive emotions. In this case, playing with sand and water comes to the rescue. They do not require special investments, but the benefits from them are enormous: these games can be played outdoors in sunny weather, and indoors in rainy weather.

M. Ershova
Sandbox, sandbox,
All the kids are in the sand.
I want to build a house
Fun game.
River sand, small -
Good for Easter cakes.
The little white cook bowed down
Above your mold.
But Andryusha and Vasenka -
Guys, anywhere.
They are transported in red cars
Sand here and there.
There are collisions -
But it doesn't matter.
Quarrel - for a moment,
And friendship is forever.
Big real
Work is in full swing here.
And hardworking people
They grow in the sandbox.

Playing with sand and water not only gives children pleasure, but also develops them, introduces them to the world around them, has a beneficial effect on the psyche of children, relieves tension, extinguishes negative emotions, and trains patience. Taking part in sand and water play requires a wide range of equipment.
Sand play equipment:
Clean sand for the sandbox. This is an important point; it is advisable that the sandbox be closed with a lid and animals do not go into it. It should not be too large or too small. Most of the sandbox is filled with sand. It is better if it is moisturized.
Small-sized toys, it can be made from kinders, it’s good if the composition includes human characters, houses, animals, cars, plants, bridges, gates, natural objects: buckets, cups, scoops, watering cans, rakes, sticks, leaves, molds, strainers , pebbles, cardboards, objects made of different materials (wood, metal, plastic, paper) and much more.
Equipment for water games:
Water containers: cups, bottles, basins, pools, objects made of different materials, sponges, spoons, rubber toys, balls, balls and much more. It will be fun if you and your children make boats from nut or coconut shells.
However, for a full game, one equipment is not enough. In order for games to be interesting and educational, you need an idea, an experiment or a plot. Here are some games you can use when working with children.
Sand games:
Since today we are talking about primary and secondary preschool age, it is better to wait a little with complex plots and start with getting to know sand and water.
1. To begin with, children are invited to touch the sand, pass it through their fingers, blow it off their palm, examine the grains of sand, grab the sand in their fists and release it from their hands like water.
2.Touch the dry sand, and then the wet one, after watering it from a small watering can. Pay attention to the fact that dry sand falls out of your hand, but wet sand does not; dry sand is light, and wet sand is dark.
Game "Fingerprints"
Goal: obtaining the first sensory experience.
1.On a flat surface of sand, an adult and a child leave traces of their hands, fingers, feet, and knees. During the game, you can compare the fingerprints of an adult and a child, and put the child’s hand into the adult’s fingerprint.

2.On a flat surface, an adult and a child leave prints of different objects: a bucket, a shovel, a stick, a leaf, etc. When there are a lot of prints, the child must guess which object this or that print belongs to.
3. Create all sorts of bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand using the prints of palms, fists, knuckles, feet and try to find the similarity of the resulting patterns with any objects in the surrounding world (a flower, the sun, a blade of grass, a tree, etc.);
Game "Find the toy"
Goal: development of tactile sensations
1. The adult shows the toys that he will use in the game. Then he asks the child to turn away and hides the toys in the sand. The child turns and looks for all the toys.
2. An adult shows toys to a child, hides them, and then asks them to find a specific toy by feeling the toys under the sand. You can use toys in this game - geometric figures.
3. The adult and the child change roles.
Game "I draw on the sand"
Goal: development of gross and fine motor skills, development of speech.
1. The child draws a sun, a cloud, a house, a man with his fingers or a stick. All the drawings can be combined into one plot and come up with a small story.
2. “Sand paintings” competition, in which you are allowed to decorate your works with pebbles, sticks, leaves and other waste materials.
Game "Drink the sand"
Goal: developing interest in working with sand and experiments.
Dry sand absorbs water well, my kids really like this game. We conduct it both on the street and in the office. Invite the children to pour out a large slide of dry sand, use their fist to make a depression at the top of the slide, and carefully pour water into it in a thin stream. Another depression forms in the hill, the water in it looks like a lake, which is gradually absorbed into the shores.

Game "Little Chef"
Goal: development of tactile-kinesthetic sensations, fine and gross motor skills.
Moisten the sand with a watering can. Invite your child to fashion various “baked goods” from wet sand: pies, bagels, pastries, cakes. Baked goods can be decorated. Let the children treat dolls and toy animals. You can use molds for this game.

Game "Strainer"
Goal: familiarization with concepts quickly - slowly, development of intelligence.
To play this game you will need dry sand.
1. Invite your child to pour sand into a strainer and let him see how it pours out. Children can do this endlessly.
2. Invite your child to mix the sand with toys, pebbles, twigs, and then remove everything that is in the sand using a strainer. Fill a strainer with sand and toys and lift it, the sand will spill out, but the toys will remain. You can talk about this topic (why the sand ran away, but the toys remained)
3. Suggest pouring dry sand through a strainer, and then moistened sand. Talk about why dry sand ran through the strainer, but wet sand did not.
4.Similar games can be played with a funnel. You can take 2 funnels: one large, the other small, and experiment to see which funnel the sand will “run out” of faster.
Game "Tunnel"
Goal: development of gross and fine motor skills.
Children build a slide from wet sand, compact it, and then dig on both sides so that an entrance and exit are formed. Children can carry small cars or trains through the tunnel. By the way, you can make a “railway” out of sticks for a train.
Game “Today is our holiday”
Goal: creating an emotionally positive atmosphere, learning to build a small plot.
Children use dolls, animal figurines, and various little things for the holiday in the game. Try playing this game with them: children and animals gathered for a holiday. Some children gather toy friends for the holiday, put them in cars and take them to the holiday. Some of the children are busy preparing the place for the holiday: they decorate it, bake pies, put them on plates, then welcome guests and treat them to “baked goods.” At this time, you can sing songs, laugh, and if there is music, even dance.
Game "Caterpillar"
Goal: development of fine and gross motor skills.
We make lumps from wet sand, like balls, and place them one after another, so you get a caterpillar. On the first lump you can make eyes and a mouth.

Water games
Game "Boats"
Goal: development of breathing
1.You need a basin of water. Nut shells can serve as boats; you can even make a sail for this ship. Children are invited to launch their boat and blow on it so that it floats like on the sea, while at the same time working on their breathing.
2. Let the boats out different materials: pieces of foam, wood chips, blades of grass, feathers. You can blow and make a whirlpool with your hands while playing.
Game "Fisherman"
Goal: development of color perception, the ability to act at the request of an adult.
1.Offer the children a basin of water, a set for catching fish (rod and fish) and let them try to catch their goldfish. You can even make a wish for your catch.
2. Place various light toys in the basin so that they float on the surface, and let them be caught with a net or strainer.
3. Throw balls of different colors into the water and ask them to catch the balls at your command, for example: “Catch the red ball; red and yellow ball; catch 2 balls”, etc.
Game "Squirters"
Goal: development of accuracy and gross motor skills.
1. In this game you will need a target and a bottle with a hole in the cap. Children need to hit the target with a stream of water by pressing the bottle.
2.Take a plastic bag and make small holes in it. Fill it with water and start squeezing. Children will love watching little streams of water run out of it. The same can be done with a plastic bottle.
Games - experiments
During the child’s experimental activities, we artificially create situations that the child resolves through experimentation, during which he learns to analyze and make some small conclusions, which, in turn, stimulates the development of speech.
1. Give the children a small bottle with a narrow and a wide neck and ask them to put it in the water, let them watch how the water flows into it, where it happens faster and where it happens slower.
2. The game “Drowning or not drowning.” You will need a bowl of water. Give your child a box of different objects and encourage them to throw them into the water one at a time. Discuss why some objects sink while others remain on the surface.
3. Invite the children to throw pebbles into a bowl almost filled with water. Ask them the question: “Will water flow out of a bowl if you throw stones in it?”
4. Another interesting experiment: give your child 2 bowls, pour water into one of them, and leave the second empty. Invite your child to use a sponge to “transfer” water from one bowl to another. Another option: use a wooden spoon instead of a sponge.
To summarize the article, we can say with complete confidence that playing with water and sand has significant influence to preserve the emotional well-being of the child. They help create good mood, increase vitality, relieve tension, aggression, and internal discomfort in children, and also help to accumulate life experience and develop the child’s cognitive sphere. Dear colleagues, parents, I hope that the proposed games will be useful to you when working with children.

According to the majority of outstanding teachers, familiarization with nature plays a huge role in mental, aesthetic and moral development, and sensory education is the main means of raising children and their comprehensive development. The teacher’s task is not only to notice the children’s impressions, but also to consolidate and develop them. A properly organized walk fully satisfies children’s needs for independent action when getting acquainted with their surroundings, in new vivid impressions, in free active movements in the game.



"Games with natural materials"

(with water, sand, natural material)

(senior preschool age)

“There is nothing useless in nature,” wrote the philosopher Michel Montaigne. One cannot but agree with the statement of this innovator of his time, advocating a humane and attentive attitude towards children. It is noteworthy that almost all outstanding philosophers and teachers of the past attached great importance nature as a means of raising children. So, Ya.A. Comenius saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings, and will. K.D. Ushinsky called for “introducing children into nature” in order to inform them of everything accessible and useful for their mental

and verbal development. According to the majority of outstanding teachers, familiarization with nature plays a huge role in mental, aesthetic and moral development, and sensory education is the main means of raising children and their comprehensive development.

Games with water.

All children are very attracted to playing with water.

In summer, on a warm sunny day, you can organize

playing with water in the fresh air.

Tasks: train children to perform simple actions with water; to consolidate children's knowledge that water has no shape and takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured; promote the manifestation of positive emotions from playing actions with water; develop dexterity and eye; Give children the pleasure of playing with water.


Throw plastic fish with a metal center into a basin

with water, who is faster or who catches more fish with a magnetic fishing rod. During the game, explain to the children why fish are attracted to the magnetic fishing rod.

Long voyage.

Make paper boats with your children and then launch them into the water in a basin. Show your child how to blow on it so that the boat starts moving. Organize a competition to see whose boat will sail farthest.

Pour water into different vessels.

The teacher invites the children to look at various vessels and name their shape. Then the players take water from the basin into one of the vessels, and gradually pour it from one vessel to another. Each time it is noted that the water took the shape of the vessel into which it was poured. Then the children exchange vessels and the game continues.

Who is faster.

The teacher invites the children to pour water from cups into 4 plates. Then use foam sponges to pour water from one plate to another. At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to act. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Educational games with sand.

For any child, playing with sand not only gives great pleasure, but also provides an opportunity to learn better the world inanimate nature: study for yourself the properties of such a universal building material as sand. Construction on sand develops a child's imagination, imagination, perception, and fine motor skills. Drawing and writing on wet sand will instill interest in reading and counting. Construction games give children great pleasure, foster a love of technology, and develop constructive abilities and mental activity.

Sand construction.

Combining different types By building roads, tunnels, bridges, sand slides, you can build a track along which a toy car driven by an experienced driver will drive. You can create an entire city with squares, gardens, houses and garages. As in any city, there will be crossroads, bridges, and underground passages. To make the game even more interesting, you can make planar images of houses, traffic lights, trees, people from thick cardboard in advance and attach sticks to them. Children will stick these models into the sand. If you have a set of small “Wild Animals” toys, then you can organize a real zoo in the sandbox, enclosing it with a bulk fence made with the help of your palms. Bricks and a thin plank - a crossbar for a gate - are useful for construction. Using the “Pets” toy set, invite children to build a farm or poultry yard, plant a garden, make vegetable beds, or plant a flower bed. A cow and a sheep will graze in the meadow, a horse will stand near the house, waiting for its owner, and a watchdog will sit in the booth.

Playing with wet sand, children can make buildings according to their own plans, show their imagination in the most different games. You can offer to build a “Palace for your loved one” fairy tale hero, and then decorate it with shells, flowers and patterns. You can also organize a competition “whose palace is better.”

Lay out and print on sand.

A child can create images, as well as decorate his buildings or “baked goods” made of sand using pebbles, acorns, seeds, shells, cones or other natural materials. Show the children how they can lay out patterns, geometric shapes, outlines of various objects in the sand, such as an airplane, a sun, a flower, or a whole picture with a house, paths and trees. Using the same method, you can depict a letter or even a short word.

You can create images on sand using printing. To squeeze out contour or three-dimensional images on sand, you must first use a spatula to level the wet sand, and then press the molds into the sand, and then carefully remove them, to imprint different images on it. For printing, you can use forms without a bottom, which are used by chefs to cut out cookies of various configurations from dough. You can use regular sand molds, preferably of different sizes and shapes.

School on the sand.

By playing with sand and drawing on it with children, you can realize another important task– teach children literacy and numeracy in a playful way.

Walk on the pebbles.

Draw different geometric shapes mixed together. Explain that these are “pebbles” that he needs to use to cross the “river.” Invite your child to move to the other side of the river, stepping only on round pebbles, and another time on square ones.

Find and show the shapes.

Draw various figures on the sand, and invite the child to show the figures, count, etc.


Discreetly bury a small toy in the sand. Invite your child to find it using your clue. You can start your search from anywhere. But at the same time, the adult indicates the route. For example: “take 2 steps forward, 3 steps left, etc.

Games with natural materials

In addition to games with sand and water, they play with homemade toys made by children together with the teacher from bark, cones, acorns, grass, sticks, and clay. These can be boats, ships, birds, animals, various furniture.

In order to interest the children, the teacher makes several identical toys and gives them to the children, for example, chickens or ducklings, dolls, chairs; tells what materials they are made of; introduces children to these materials and invites them to try to make the same toy.

Children love these toys and have fun playing with them. So, around the chickens, goslings and ducklings they play a game of “poultry house”: they build fences, feeders, a pond out of sticks, lead the birds to the feeders, to the pond and back. With dolls made of grass (plantain stems), they play “ kindergarten", and the furniture for the game is made from the stems of the same plant.

You can also make from natural materials musical instruments: collect seeds from cherries, watermelon, peach, and then use plastic bottles or other containers to make noisemakers, depending on the filling of the bottle there will be a different sound.

Jewelry (beads, bracelets) can be made from berries using a needle and thread; wreaths are woven on the head from wild flowers.

When playing with clay, adding a little water and drying it in the sun, you can make clay children's dishes, small jugs, basins.

In the summer, collecting different flowers and leaves dried in the sun, herbariums and paintings of dried flowers and herbs are made.

Games with “living stones” promote the development of imagination and coherent speech. When playing outside with your children, collect pebbles of different shapes and sizes together. In the future, you can draw plants, animals, and fairy-tale characters on them. Also used as forms of houses, cars, animals. Each time you can use different pebbles to make up stories. In addition, you can draw numbers or letters on the stones and use them as teaching material when teaching your child to count and read.

Games with children to make souvenirs and crafts from natural materials brought from the sea are interesting for both children and adults. Show children how different seashells one from the other. Mussel shell flaps can make wonderful butterfly wings or body elements for crafts.

From an empty snail shell you can make a wonderful toy snail, which you can put on a shelf, or you can give it to your grandparents or friends. In order to make a souvenir snail, you need to take plasticine and sculpt a snail figurine. She will have a head with horns on a long neck, legs and a tail. The snail's eyes should be made from small plant seeds, shell fragments or dark plasticine. Place an empty shell on a snail's back and it will come to life.

Playing with children to make crafts from natural materials not only provides an opportunity to occupy time, but also awakens the child’s imagination. You can make a turtle from a flat or oval shell. To do this, you need to sculpt a plasticine figurine of a turtle and select a suitable “shell”. Two white shells will become wings, a shell will become the body, a large dark mussel will serve as a stand and the result will be a wonderful butterfly. After you have done a few simple crafts, you can start making more complex ones.

Use other natural materials, combine, give free rein to your imagination and let children feel the beauty of creativity.

The development of games with natural materials cannot be carried out using the same once and for all established techniques and methods. It should be carried out in a variety of ways, using techniques that take into account the development of each child.

The teacher’s task is not only to notice the children’s impressions, but also to consolidate and develop them. A properly organized walk fully satisfies children’s needs for independent action when getting to know their surroundings, for new vivid impressions, and for free active movements in play.

I wish you success!

Playing with natural materials is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. Therefore, we, adults, can use natural material in developmental and educational activities.
The transfer of traditional pedagogical activities into nature gives a greater educational effect than standard forms of education.
. Firstly, the child’s desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases significantly.
. Secondly, with the help of natural material, tactile sensitivity is powerfully developed as the basis of “manual intelligence”. When your fingers touch sand, water or clay, nerve endings send signals to the brain and begin to stimulate its work.
. Thirdly, in games with natural materials, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), as well as speech and motor skills, develop more harmoniously and intensively.
. Fourthly, object-based play activities are improved, which further contributes to the development of role-playing games and the child’s communication skills.
. Fifthly, sand, water, etc. can “ground” negative energy, which is especially important when working with “special” children.

Games with natural materials as a means of development for preschool children

According to the majority of outstanding teachers, familiarization with nature plays a huge role in mental, aesthetic and moral development, and sensory education is the main means of raising children and their comprehensive development. Sensory education is a very important component, because knowledge about nature, creatures, and plants will be better learned when the child is asked not only to look at an object of living or inanimate nature, but also to touch it, stroke it, that is, examine it. Nature, as an inexhaustible source of forms, colors, sounds, can be widely used by most modern teachers and child psychologists.

Play fills the child’s entire living space, and he turns any activity into a game, be it cleaning up toys, bathing, or eating. Child's play is life itself. The child feels comfortable in his games. The game helps to express their feelings, since in preschool age, especially in the younger age, children experience a lack of verbal means. From this point of view, toys for a child are words, and the game itself is speech, a story. The main motive of the game is not getting a result, but the process of the game itself. Proof of this is the favorite games with water and sand: for hours a child can pour water and pour sand, as well as games with snow. These games clearly bring inner peace and joy, they are full of freedom, independence, and space for endless experimentation. Playing with sand and water is widely used by psychologists when working with preschoolers. But the same sand and water can be used for the formation and development of spatial and quantitative concepts, counting operations, the development of fine motor skills, and the development of speech. In the process of getting to know various natural materials and their properties, memory, attention, perception, thinking, and speech develop. Children learn to compare objects and phenomena, identify signs of similarity and difference, and classify objects by shape, color, and size. In the process of such games, the sensory experience of preschoolers expands and their life experience is enriched. Games with natural materials - snow, water, sand, clay, grass, sticks, shells, pine cones, chestnuts, acorns, rose hips, maple seeds, linden seeds, ears, leaves, roots, bark, moss, etc. are excellent raw materials. for crafts and games with them.

Playing with natural materials for children is not only unusual for them, but they develop children’s artistic abilities, aesthetic tastes, imagination, creative imagination, memory, thinking, attention, development of fine motor skills, etc. During play, children acquire knowledge through independent search and research activities. Thanks to natural factors, the content of role-playing games becomes much richer. Children develop the ability to interact with others and finish what they start.

Types of games with natural materials used in the educational process with preschool children

Sand games

Pedagogical guidance of games with natural materials should be aimed at organizing the conditions necessary for the development of children’s orientation activities and various play activities. So, for playing with sand, you should use a variety of plastic and wooden shovels, molds, funnels, sieves, buckets, animal figurines, and dolls. Children can pass dry sand through funnels and fill jars and bubbles with it. The presence of wet sand allows you to diversify the usual pie mold by constructing courtyards, canals, and laying roads. Children enthusiastically build castles and fortresses, dig canals and deep wells, create parks and gardens. By acting with sand in this way, the child learns its properties (viscosity, density, etc.) and at the same time plays excitingly. If they have appropriate toys, children can use them in a variety of ways. During the construction-story game with sand “Zoo”, in addition to fences, a fence, and a ticket office, children build a road for small trucks and cars, and a garage. They deliver food to the animals on trucks, and give excursionists rides in passenger cars; this game will appear again and again if the toys are gradually updated. And although the buildings are quickly destroyed, children build new cages, enclosures, ponds, etc.

Water games

Water always brings joy and makes spending time more fun and exciting. In the summer there is a wonderful opportunity to make games for children more diverse. The sun, fresh greenery, and soft grass create excellent conditions for relaxation and play.

Games with water are already carried out in the younger group. These can be games in the group room and in the kindergarten area. Basins with water, various vessels (jars, jugs, glasses), funnels, toys and objects (floating and sinking) are used. Kids pour water from vessel to vessel, bathe dolls, get involved in simple experiments, getting acquainted with the properties of objects (float - drown). In the kindergarten area, children gather near a puddle, a spring stream, launch boats made of paper, bark, wood, throw various objects to find out which ones float and which ones drown. As a result, at a young age, children are led to understand that water flows. Children aged 4-5 years old acquire the idea that water spreads, does not have its own shape, some objects float in it, while others sink, and that it is transparent.

Thus, a rich assortment of toys creates conditions for a variety of children’s actions and the accumulation of sensory impressions in them. But this is still not enough for the child to be able to consciously generalize the qualities of materials and be able to act correctly with toys. It is necessary, as in junior groups, participation in the games of the children of the teacher. During the game, he names, clarifies, and sometimes changes the state of materials and their properties; proves the sequence of game actions.

For example, the teacher invites the children to water the sand, reminding them that when it is wet, it is good to play with it, and asks: “What can be made from wet sand?” “That’s right,” he confirms, “you can make a courtyard out of sand and walk in it with dolls. Make the pile bigger and pack the sand more tightly. When the sand is patted down well, the walls of the courtyard turn out beautiful and strong.” While watering the sand, the teacher asks the children questions: “Why can’t you see water in the sand? Where did she go? Immediately, the teacher and the children can water the soil in some place on the site and observe how the water is absorbed. Children, with the help of the teacher, come to the conclusion that the sand is loose and therefore easily allows water to pass through, but the earth is dense, and therefore water is not immediately absorbed into it. So gradually children master different ways perception of signs of materials and their identification in each individual case.

Creative activity requires constant guidance. If in the simplest games the teacher could limit himself to clarifying children’s ideas about the properties of materials and showing construction techniques, then when moving to construction-story games, both the nature of the demonstration and the form of organizing the joint game become more complicated. Construction- story games assume that children have more advanced and varied skills. Even when building a simple house from sand or snow, a child must use a shovel in different ways (raking, pouring, etc.); it is necessary that he be able to navigate the location of his building among the buildings of other children, and build with them in a limited space.

Games with snow

Games with snow have their own specifics. While walking in the cold winter time The teacher must take care that children do not become hypothermic. He can invite the children to collect snow into molds for colored ice floes or make a snow slide. Playing with snow requires mastering techniques for transforming it. The simplest technique is modeling. The teacher invites the kids to make lumps - snowballs, a bunny with ears, a carrot to feed him, etc. In the presence of the children, the teacher sculpts a snowman, then everyone together makes his eyes, mouth, ears, hair from pebbles, twigs, dry twigs. Gathered around the snowman, the children are happy that the snow is sticky, and the snowman turned out nice! This is how kids learn about the properties of snow. And children 4-6 years old master new trick construction from snow - sculpting from rolled clods, this is how human figures are made (Father Frost, Snow Maiden), fortresses. By rolling clods, children come to understand another property of wet snow - heaviness. Structures made from lumps of snow can be given greater strength if they are doused with water (the children do this together with the teacher), and the holes between the lumps are sealed with snow dough (the snow is mixed with water in a bucket).

It is advisable to time the construction of a snow fortress to coincide with Maslenitsa. This will provide an opportunity to introduce preschoolers to the ancient Russian tradition: the day of seeing off Maslenitsa is celebrated with the game “Taking the Snow Town.” Preschoolers are introduced to construction techniques using compacted snow. To do this, snow is collected in a certain place on the kindergarten site for a certain period of time. Packed and dense, it is an excellent material for sculpting. The teacher shows the kids how to use a sharp spatula to cut out a figurine of an animal or a person. Older preschoolers do this themselves with the participation of adults (parents can be involved).

You can cut bricks from compacted snow (older children do this themselves) and use them to build buildings, fences, etc. Older preschoolers participate in the construction of a slide. You can place boxes at its base, and use boards to compact the surface. Combining a variety of materials stimulates the development of initiative, ingenuity, and creativity.

With the construction of some kind of structure made of sand and snow, children continue to learn the ability to play together. For example, a teacher, in the presence of children, builds a house in one of the collected snow banks. They watch the teacher’s actions with interest and try to help: they compact the walls of the house with shovels, form windows and doors. The teacher supports the children’s initiative and asks them to make houses for their dolls in the same snow bank and play together. The houses made by the guys form an entire street. Children organize joint play: dolls visit each other, look at animals in the zoo, etc. Such buildings are good because everyone can play on their own and at the same time, if they want, join in general game. The game “Building houses” (both from sand and snow) can be continued in various versions: building shops, garages, a cinema, a kindergarten. To maintain interest in the game, the teacher can use multi-colored flags, pieces of ice, cones, etc. The combination of the old (rebuilding houses) with the new (animals, birds, cars are added to the dolls) contributes to the emergence of new play ideas and helps unite children.

When leading games with natural materials, the teacher has to not only think about what to play with the children, but also take care that the children do not get cold if they play for a long time in a stationary state, and do not get overtired when working with snow; did not overheat; playing with water and sand. In order for such games to be successful, the teacher must know the properties of natural materials, their variability under certain conditions, master the necessary working techniques, for example, preparing snow for the construction of slides, ice paths, snow banks, making colored pieces of ice; master the technique of creating sculptures from snow, etc.

Games with plant material

In addition to playing with sand, water and snow, the middle group plays with homemade toys made by children together with the teacher from bark, cones, acorns, grass, sticks, and clay. These can be boats, ships, birds, animals, various furniture.

In the summer, a table with shelves or a drawer with compartments for materials should be equipped in an area near the sandboxes. In order to interest the children, the teacher makes several identical toys and gives them to the children, for example, chickens or ducklings, dolls, chairs; tells what materials they are made of; introduces children to these materials and invites them to try to make the same toy.

Children love these toys and have fun playing with them. So, around the chickens, goslings and ducklings they play a game of “poultry house”: they build fences, feeders, a pond out of sticks, lead the birds to the feeders, to the pond and back. With dolls made of grass (plantain stems), they play “kindergarten”, and the furniture for the game is made from the stems of the same plant.

Making toys requires the help of a teacher. Moreover, he should also not miss the opportunity to show the child the benefits of working together.

Thus, you can play a variety of construction games with a 4-5 year old child. They give children great pleasure, foster a love of technology, develop constructive abilities and mental activity.

You can also make musical instruments from natural materials: collect pits from cherries, watermelon, peach, and then use plastic bottles or other containers to make noisemakers; depending on the filling of the bottle, the sound will be different.

You can make jewelry (beads, bracelet) from the fruits of rowan berries using a needle and thread. In the spring, from dandelions, in the summer from wildflowers, in the fall, wreaths are woven on the head from gilded leaves.

Games with clay, pebbles and shells

When playing with clay, adding a little water and drying it in the sun, you can make clay children's dishes, small jugs, basins.

In the summer, collecting various flowers and leaves dried in the sun, they make herbariums and paintings from dried flowers and herbs.

Games with “living stones” promote the development of imagination and coherent speech. When playing outside with your children, collect pebbles of different shapes and sizes together. In the future, you can draw plants, animals, and fairy-tale characters on them. Also used as forms of houses, cars, animals. Each time you can use different pebbles to make up stories. In addition, you can draw numbers or letters on the stones and use them as teaching material when teaching your child to count and read.

Games with children to make souvenirs and crafts from natural materials brought from the sea are interesting for both children and adults. This activity will brighten up the cold winter evenings and fill them with memories of beauty. summer vacation. Show children how seashells differ from one another. Mussels have an elongated shell, similar to a rounded triangle. Mussel shell flaps can make wonderful butterfly wings or body elements for crafts. Playing with children to create crafts from natural materials is not only an exciting activity, but also unobtrusive learning. The child learns that oval-shaped shells, donaxa mollusks, are called sea ​​butterflies. And the top, bitumen, cardium have a long shape and resemble a spindle made of fairy tale. Snails live in “houses” that are surprisingly varied in color and shape of spirally twisted shells.

From an empty snail shell you can make a wonderful toy snail, which you can put on a shelf, or you can give it to your grandparents or friends. In order to make a souvenir snail, you need to take plasticine and sculpt a snail figurine. She will have a head with horns on a long neck, legs and a tail. The snail's eyes should be made from small plant seeds, shell fragments or dark plasticine. Place an empty shell on a snail's back and it will come to life.

Playing with children to make crafts from natural materials not only provides an opportunity to occupy time, but also awakens the child’s imagination. You can make a turtle from a flat or oval shell. To do this, you need to sculpt a plasticine figurine of a turtle and select a suitable “shell”. Two white donax shells will become the wings, a zebrafish shell will become the body, a large dark mussel will serve as a stand and the result will be a wonderful butterfly. The zebrina shell or other spindle-shaped shell needs to be glued to the stand. Coat the “wings” thickly with glue and attach them to both sides of the body. The butterfly head can be made from plasticine, the antennae from thin wires, and the eyes from small dark seeds.

After you have made a few simple crafts, you can start making more complex ones. Use other natural materials, combine, give free rein to your imagination and let children feel the beauty of creativity.

Thus, tactile interaction with environment begins at an early age and continues throughout life, being an important condition and means mental development child, as well as the well-being of the emotional sphere. The natural environment is the unique place where the child gets his first experience of creative work and where play, visual activity and spontaneity are closely related to each other. Even K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “children do not like toys that are stationary, finished, well made, which they cannot change at will... the best toy for a child is the one that he can force to change in the most diverse way... for children The best toy is a pile of sand."

Autumn is a fertile time for organizing work with natural materials; do not pass by intricately curved branches, roots, twigs, tree mushrooms, various plants. Teach children to admire this beauty and diversity, to observe, to find similarities with living or fairy-tale creatures.

Making crafts from natural materials is a fascinating activity. The methodology for organizing the work of preschool children with natural materials is based on the principles: systematicity, consistency, accessibility, etc. The quality of making crafts depends on:

1) from competent methodological guidance from the teacher (adult);

2) level mental development the child, the development of ideas, memory, imagination (the ability to analyze a sample, plan the stages of work on a toy, adequately evaluate the result of one’s work, etc.);

3) the degree of development in children of specific practical skills and abilities to work with materials and tools;

4) development in the child of such qualities as perseverance, determination, attentiveness, diligence, curiosity, mutual assistance, etc.

It is very important that at each stage of work the child acts actively and in good spirits. To do this, it is necessary to take into account its capabilities at the initial stage of organizing work in senior group, as well as their further expansion and modification. It develops interest and love for nature, respect for it, artistic taste, creative imagination and design abilities, dexterity, ingenuity, hard work, perseverance and patience. Working with natural material, the child gets acquainted with its properties, he develops fine muscles of the hands, coordination of movements, etc. The children really like to look at finished works made by their peers - everyone wants to learn how to make the same toys, and if you use your imagination a little, you can come up with something of your own. Organize walks and excursions more often, during which you not only observe, but also collect natural material. Learn to collect material in such a way as not to cause damage to nature: birch bark and bark are carefully removed from fallen trees, twigs - dry, cones, seeds, leaves.

Involve children in collecting natural materials from a young age. These are cones, seeds (linden, maple, ash), roots, curved twigs, leaves, dried flower petals, etc.

Store natural material in boxes with lids. If the boxes are large, they are divided inside into cells and used to store small material. The corresponding symbols are stuck on the lid so that the child can quickly find everything he needs.

When making crafts, I advise the following:

  • do not use plasticine when fastening parts together, as such crafts are not durable and quickly lose their appearance;
  • not to color natural material, our task is to teach children to emphasize its natural beauty. It is much better to cover crafts with colorless varnish to make them more durable and beautiful;
  • do not use other materials when decorating, such as paper, foam rubber, polystyrene foam, etc. This makes the craft lose its natural charm;
  • do not use material that can cause injury to the child or threaten his health (burdock, poisonous plants etc.).

To work with natural material, you will need a backing board, PVA glue, a napkin, a brush, a pointed stick (stack), and scissors.

When making crafts from cones, acorns, nut shells, twigs, etc., children of primary preschool age develop an interest in natural materials, look at it with the children, feel it, pay attention to its beauty, ask what it looks like, encourage the child to fantasize, naming images. Children work more successfully on making toys from natural materials if they have the opportunity to do it in other activities.

For example, natural materials (various seeds, nut shells, moss, acorns, their cups, etc.) can be used in modeling classes. Children love to make appliques from pumpkin seeds and dried leaves. During these classes, they get acquainted with a new technique for gluing appliqué: they apply glue not to the part, but to the place where it will be applied. They enjoy putting mosaic patterns of seeds on boards covered with plasticine. Such activities train the hand and develop creativity.

Preschool children are highly receptive and impressionable, works fiction influence the child’s mind and feelings, enriching them, develop artistic taste, and contribute to the development of the emotional sphere. Works about nature with a vivid, imaginative description of surrounding phenomena awaken children's imagination, cultivate artistic taste, aesthetic feelings, and love for their native nature.

Everything a child creates must be found practical application. This is how children use their crafts as gifts, in various games. They decorate play corners. The plot compositions can be used for tabletop theater (“Three Bears,” “Turnip,” “Mashenka and the Bear”).

It is recommended to make crafts from tree leaves closer to autumn, since we find many beautiful leaves under trees and bushes. Collect them with your children, look at them, admire the beauty of their colors and shapes. Invite the children to sort them: collect small ones in a small box, and large ones in a large box.

You can create wonderful compositions from leaves. To do this, you will need ordinary plywood boards of different sizes and shapes or cardboard figures. On black or red templates depicting dishes, you can create Khokhloma patterns using leaves. Rowan berries are good in combination with leaves, various flowers or their petals. The leaves can be used whole and can be cut into desired shapes.

Temporary compositions on boards or cardboard are good, when the elements are simply laid out. You can also make appliqués on paper, burlap, and matting. In this case, you need to know that during long-term storage the leaves may become deformed because they are not dry enough. They must be dried between sheets of newspaper under a press. You can speed up the drying process by ironing the leaves with a hot iron.

Elegant, beautiful souvenirs can be made from small sea and river pebbles and shells. Collecting this natural material gives children great pleasure. Invite the children to select unusually colored pebbles, original shapes, and different sizes. It is better to immediately put them in boxes, sorting them by size and color. It is important to teach children to glue pebbles. For this you will need PVA glue. Please note that the glue must be thick enough. The gluing area is coated with glue, then the parts are connected and the glue is allowed to harden.

It is necessary to warn the guys that they should not rush while working, they need to be patient. Tell me some gluing techniques that speed up the process of making crafts. For example, if you need to glue the legs and tail of a turtle, you can immediately design and assemble the turtle by laying out small pebbles and placing a large flat one (shell) on top, then carefully, trying not to move the small ones, remove the large one, apply glue to the pebbles, put the shell on them and leave the craft for a while so that the parts stick together.

You can glue it differently. To make a crocodile, it is important to first select the necessary pebbles and place them on the board in the right order, i.e. assemble the craft (a sheet of paper is first placed on the board), and then, starting from the crocodile’s head, glue the pebbles, pressing them together, trying not to move the already glued ones. When the craft is dry, they lift it, tear off the paper that is usually glued to it, and the souvenir is ready.

To make crafts more expressive and decorative, they are decorated with tiny pebbles, from which you can make eyes, noses, scales of fish, teeth of animals, feathers of birds, intricate patterns on the wings of butterflies, etc.

To introduce children to working with plant material when making, for example, dragonflies, we will need seeds (wings) of ash and maple; apple or dawn seeds; dry twig of any tree; plasticine. Since we will need a sufficient amount of material, we can involve parents in the work. Inviting them to collect a little of the same lionfish seeds while walking with a child, or when eating an apple at home, leave the seeds, rinse them and dry them.

Before starting work, the teacher asks the children a riddle about a dragonfly and shows the toy he made - a dragonfly. Then he offers to look at it carefully and say what it is made of. Draws children's attention to the fact that the dragonfly has an oblong abdomen, thin transparent wings, and large bulging eyes.

After examining the sample toy, the teacher shows how the toy is created and, together with the children, clarifies the sequence of work. You need to sculpt an oblong abdomen and a rounded head from plasticine, make eyes from apple or dawn seeds and place them in the upper part of the head. Make a dragonfly tail from a dry twig and attach it to the back of the belly. Insert dragonfly wings - ash lionfish in pairs into the side parts of the abdomen, make whiskers and legs from thin wire.

After the teacher has made the toy and specified the sequence of work, each child creates a craft. When presenting their work, together with the teacher, the children make a small lake: they take a sheet of white paper and, together with the children, paint it in blue, dark blue, light blue colors. The teacher displays the children's handicrafts on the constructed lake.

Thus, when performing work with natural materials, it is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm:

1. Introductory conversation by the teacher about the material (for example, ash wood) with which to work. The story should be accompanied by a demonstration of this material: children can be allowed to touch, feel the surface of ash seeds, examine the shape, and pay attention to the color.

2. Inform the topic and show a sample of the toy.

3. Analysis of the sample and demonstration of techniques for creating a toy. Here it is advisable to use the children’s ability to analyze the sample and encourage them to make suggestions about the sequence of completing the task. The teacher corrects the children’s answers, directing their attention to the features of working with this material.

4. Making a toy. During the work process, the teacher monitors the work of the children, monitors their compliance with safety rules when using tools, provides the necessary assistance to those who are at a loss, encourages the children to independently search for ways to improve the design of the toy, its decoration, and promotes the manifestation of friendly relationships between children in the course of completing tasks.

5. Analysis of the finished toy (the child’s attention is directed to its external characteristics: color, shape, size, parts and details, the material from which the toy is made and what it can still be made from), during which children develop the ability to evaluate the results of their work and the work of their comrades.

6. Cleaning work areas, tools and remaining materials.


Working with natural materials contains great opportunities for bringing a child closer to his native nature, raising a caring, caring attitude to it and the formation of the first labor skills.

So that children are not guests in a nature workshop, but become masters in it, let’s think about what their meetings with nature in this workshop are - fun, filling their free time interesting thing. Making toys and crafts from natural materials is painstaking, exciting and very enjoyable work. In order for children to engage in it willingly, it is necessary to develop their imagination, good feelings, and with mastery of skills, dexterity in work will come.

Natural material itself is a storehouse for fantasy and imagination. And if you combine it with sleight of hand, then everything can be revived, given a second life, as it were.

Working with natural materials will help introduce little ones into a home natural workshop (or a kindergarten workshop), where the unusual smell of frozen nature is preserved: Christmas tree cones smell subtly of resin, straw sparkles with its sunlight, shells shimmer like mother-of-pearl. Every natural material that now lies in boxes or on shelves in your natural workshop awakens a child’s memories of a warm sea wave that ran ashore and brought with it beautiful shells, or of the summer coolness of the forest, or memories of inexhaustible warmth and a special smell steppe dust mixed with the delicate smell of wheat in the places where you brought the straw.

But our task is for children not only to see this workshop, but once entering it, to never leave it again. How to do it? They can be brought to life by the deft hands of adults and children, as well as imagination, which will lead you to an amazing country where you can know and experience one of the most wonderful feelings - the joy of creation and creative success.

Ekaterina Polatovskaya
Organization of games for preschoolers with natural materials

Play fills the child’s entire living space, and he turns any activity into a game, be it cleaning up toys, bathing, or eating. Child's play is life itself. The child feels comfortable in his games. The game helps to express your feelings, because in preschool age, especially in younger years, children experience a lack of verbal means. From this point of view, toys for a child are words, and the game itself is speech, a story. The main motive of the game is not getting a result, but the process of the game itself. Proof of this are the favorite games with water and sand: for hours a child can pour water and pour sand, and also play with snow. These games clearly bring inner peace and joy, they are full of freedom, independence, and space for endless experimentation. Games with sand and water are widely used by psychologists when working with preschoolers. But the same sand and water can be used for the formation and development of spatial and quantitative concepts, counting operations, the development of fine motor skills, and the development of speech. In the process of getting acquainted with various natural materials and their properties carry out the development of memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech. Children learn to compare objects and phenomena, identify signs of similarity and difference, and classify objects by shape, color, and size. During such games, sensory experience expands preschoolers, their life experience is enriched.

Games with natural material - snow, water, sand, clay, grass, sticks, shells, cones, chestnuts, acorns, rose hips, maple seeds, linden seeds, ears of corn, leaves, roots, bark, moss, etc. are excellent raw materials for crafts and games with them . Pedagogical guidance of games with natural materials should be aimed at organization of conditions necessary for the development of children’s orientation activities and various play activities. So, for playing with sand, you should use a variety of plastic and wooden shovels, molds, funnels, sieves, buckets, animal figurines, and dolls. Children can pass dry sand through funnels and fill jars and bubbles with it. The presence of wet sand allows you to diversify the usual pie mold by constructing courtyards, canals, and laying roads. Children enthusiastically build castles and fortresses, dig canals and deep wells, create parks and gardens. By acting with sand in this way, the child learns its properties. (viscosity, density, etc.) and at the same time plays excitingly. If they have appropriate toys, children can use them in a variety of ways.

Games with water are already carried out in the younger group. These can be games in the group room and in the kindergarten area. Basins with water, various vessels (jars, jugs, glasses, funnels, toys and objects) are used (floating and sinking). Kids pour water from vessel to vessel, bathe dolls, get involved in simple experiments, getting acquainted with the properties of objects (float - drown). In the kindergarten area, children gather near a puddle or a spring stream, launch boats made of paper, throw various objects to find out which ones float and which ones drown. As a result, at a young age, children are led to understand that water flows. Children aged 4-5 years old acquire the idea that water spreads, does not have its own shape, some objects float in it, while others sink, and that it is transparent.

Thus, a rich assortment of toys creates conditions for a variety of children’s actions and the accumulation of sensory impressions in them. But this is still not enough for the child to consciously generalize the qualities materials and knew how to operate toys correctly. It is necessary, as in younger groups, for the teacher’s children to participate in their games. During the game, he names, clarifies, and sometimes changes the state materials, their properties; proves the sequence of game actions.

Creative activity requires constant guidance. If in the simplest games the teacher could limit himself to clarifying children’s ideas about the properties materials, showing construction techniques, then when moving to construction-story games, both the nature of the display and the form become more complicated organizing a joint game. Construction-story games presuppose that children have more advanced and varied skills. Even when building a simple house out of sand or snow, a child must use a shovel in different ways (raking, pouring, etc.) It is necessary that he be able to navigate the location of his building among the buildings of other children, and build with them in a limited space.

Games with snow have their own specifics. During walks in the cold winter, the teacher must take care that children do not become hypothermic. He can invite the children to collect snow into molds for colored ice floes or make a snow slide. Playing with snow requires mastering techniques for transforming it. The simplest technique is modeling. The teacher invites the kids to make lumps - snowballs, a bunny with ears, a carrot to feed him, etc. In the presence of the children, the teacher sculpts a snowman, then everyone together makes his eyes, mouth, ears, hair from pebbles, twigs, dry twigs. Gathered around the snowman, the children are happy that the snow is sticky, and the snowman turned out nice! This is how kids learn about the properties of snow. And children 4-6 years old learn a new technique for building from snow - sculpting from rolled clods, this is how human figures are made (Father Frost, Snow Maiden, fortresses. Rolling clods children come to understand another property of wet snow - heaviness. Structures from clods of snow can be given greater strength if poured with water (children do this together with the teacher, sealing the holes between the lumps with snow dough (snow is mixed with water in a bucket).

Leading games with natural materials, the teacher has to not only think about what to play with the children, but also take care that the children do not get cold if they play for a long time in a stationary state, and do not get overtired when handling the snow; did not overheat; playing with water and sand. In order for such games to be successful, the teacher must know the properties natural materials, their variability under certain conditions, master the necessary working techniques, for example, preparing snow for the construction of slides, ice paths, snow banks, making colored pieces of ice; master the technique of creating sculptures from snow, etc. In addition to playing with sand, water and snow, the middle group plays with homemade toys made by children together with the teacher from bark, cones, grass, sticks, and clay. These can be boats, ships, birds, animals, various furniture.

In the summer, in the area near the sandboxes, you should equip a table with shelves or a drawer with compartments for materials. In order to interest the children, the teacher makes several identical toys and gives them to the children, for example, chickens or ducklings, dolls, chairs; tells which materials they are made of; introduces children to these materials and suggests trying to make the same toy.

Children love these toys and have fun playing with them. So, around the chickens, goslings and ducklings they play "poultry house": they build fences, feeders, and a pond out of sticks, take the birds to the feeders, to the pond and back. With dolls made of grass (plantain stems), they play "kindergarten", and the furniture for the game is made from the stems of the same plant.

Thus, you can play a variety of construction games with a 4-5 year old child. They give children great pleasure, foster a love of technology, develop constructive abilities and mental activity.

From natural materials you can also make musical tools: collect seeds from cherries, watermelon, peach, and then use plastic bottles or other containers to make noisemakers; depending on the filling of the bottle, the sound will be different.

You can make jewelry from the fruits of rowan berries using a needle and thread. (beads, bracelet). In the spring, from dandelions, in the summer from wildflowers, in the fall, wreaths are woven on the head from gilded leaves.

In the summer, collecting various flowers and leaves dried in the sun, they make herbariums and paintings from dried flowers and herbs.

Games with "living stones" promote the development of imagination and coherent speech. When playing outside with your children, collect pebbles of different shapes and sizes together. In the future, you can draw plants, animals, and fairy-tale characters on them. Also used as forms of houses, cars, animals. Each time you can use different pebbles to make up stories. In addition, you can draw numbers or letters on the stones and use them as a didactic material when teaching a child to count and read. [

Games with children to make souvenirs and crafts from natural materials, brought from the sea are interesting for both children and adults. This activity will brighten up the cold winter evenings and fill them with memories of a wonderful summer vacation. Show children how seashells differ from one another. Mussels have an elongated shell, similar to a rounded triangle. Mussel shell flaps can make wonderful butterfly wings or body elements for crafts. Games with children to create crafts from natural materials, this is not only a fun activity, but also unobtrusive learning. The child learns that donaxa mollusks, which have oval-shaped shells, are called sea butterflies. Snails live in "houses", which are surprisingly varied in color and shape of spirally twisted shells.

Games with children to make crafts from natural materials not only provides an opportunity to occupy time, but also awakens the child’s imagination.

Thus, tactile interaction with the environment begins at an early age and continues throughout life, being an important condition and means of the child’s mental development, as well as the well-being of the emotional sphere. Natural The environment is that unique place where the child gets his first experience of creative work and where play, visual activity and spontaneity are closely related to each other. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Children do not like toys that are immovable, finished, well made, that they cannot change at will. The best toy for a child is one that he can make change in a variety of ways. The best toy for children is a pile of sand.”


Thus, games with natural material help children learn how the world around them works and help expand their horizons. They contribute to the rationalization of the teacher’s work, give him the opportunity to trace the process of sensory development, allow him to evaluate the effectiveness of the used sensory education means and, if necessary, use new ones. It should also be emphasized that every game is, first of all, a child’s communication with adults, with other children, knowledge of the environment and natural world , this is a school of cooperation.

Based on this, we can conclude that the leading form of sensory education is games with natural materials. However, one should take into account the fact that only with a certain system of playing games can the sensory development of children be achieved. In addition, we should not forget that important components when introducing games with natural material are goodwill, support, a joyful atmosphere, inventions and fantasy.

Abstract: This article discusses targeted, systematic work with children of early and preschool age with disabilities, using elements of art therapy in correctional classes.

“The use of games with sand and water in correctional classes for children of early and preschool age with disabilities.”

The majority of children living in an orphanage have diagnoses such as: cerebral palsy of various forms and severity, organic damage to the central nervous system caused by various syndromes, B. Down, autism spectrum disorder.

The inner world of a child with special needs is complex and unique. Children are deprived of sensory channels for obtaining information available to healthy peers: they are constrained in movement and the use of human experience, and experience difficulties in subject-related practical activities and in building constructive interaction with the social environment. As a consequence, this leads to pathological changes in character, distortions in the formation of manifestations play activity, negatively affects the formation of higher mental functions, including expressive speech. Due to the specific nature of the disease, children experience disturbances in the movement of supination and pronation of the hands, a lag in the formation of claw and tweezer grips of small objects, hypotomy, and spasticity of the muscles of the hands.

All these specific characteristics of children with disabilities require a special approach to training, education and correction.

To help children see, hear, feel all the diversity of the world around them, to help them know their Self, reveal it, enter the world of adults and fully exist and interact in it, I use elements of art therapy (water, sand) in my correctional classes.

Play is the leading activity of the child throughout preschool childhood (L.S. Vygotsky). Water and sand are all children’s favorite objects for play and research. Playing with water and sand promotes the formation of cognitive activity, increases vitality, creates a joyful mood in children, and enriches children’s sensory perceptions. This is especially relevant for children with disabilities.

When conducting correctional classes I put the following tasks:

  • stimulate cognitive activity;
  • intensify, expand expressive speech, enrich the lexical vocabulary;
  • develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination;
  • introduce the surrounding world (the basic properties of water (transparent, colorless, odorless, tasteless, cold, warm), sand (flowability, friability, ability to pass water);
  • relieve psycho-emotional stress, aggression, a state of internal discomfort, deprivation.


When conducting classes using water and sand, you must:

  • stimulate and activate children's expressive speech; develop monologue and dialogic forms of communication;
  • use artistic words - nursery rhymes, poems, descriptive riddles, fairy tales;
  • take into account the intellectual age, psychological and physical characteristics of the baby.

Required equipment for playing with water:

  • stable container (plastic box with stand). The container must be freely accessible.
  • The top edge of the water container should be at the level of the child’s waist
  • The water level should be no more than 7 cm
  • Before classes, roll up your child’s sleeves and put on an apron
  • prepare play equipment: wind-up toys - fun, various small toys, natural materials (pine cones, pebbles, shells, chestnuts, acorns, tree bark, shells walnut), substitute items (wooden sticks, plastic tubes, caps, stoppers), various plastic vessels, funnels, spoons.

Introduction to the properties of water:

  • water spills, it is liquid. It can be collected with a cloth or sponge.
  • Water can be cold, warm and hot. Try it by touch.
  • The water is clean, transparent, you can see everything through it. Compare a glass of water with a glass of milk.
  • The water doesn't smell. She has no smell. Let the child smell it.
  • Water can be poured and poured. Let the children conduct the experiment themselves.
  • Water can be colored by adding a dye (coffee, tea, gouache, brilliant green...)

List of water games:

  • Pouring water into different containers (spoon, lid, jar, mug...)
  • Pouring water into various vessels (cup, bottle, jar, saucepan...)
  • “Fun fishing” (catching with your hand, a net or a spoon from containers of different sizes).
  • “Drowning - not drowning” (games for experimentation).
  • games with soap bubbles (independent blowing of bubbles. “Catch the bubble in your palm”, “Whose bubble is bigger?”, “Whose bubble will fly higher, further?” ...).
  • Games with wind-up floating toys. (“Who is faster?”, “Where will it swim?”...)

Themed games with water:

  • Games with the doll: “Wash the doll Lyalya”, “bathe Lyalya”, “Dishes for Lyalya”, “wash Lyalya’s clothes)
  • Games with small multi-colored and main spectrum colors (red, yellow, blue, green) rubber, plastic and wooden toys. (“one is many”, “find the same one”, “let’s catch all the balls”, “funny traffic light”, “red, blue, green”...)
  • Games - mother and baby: “mother duck went out to look for ducklings”, “family of frogs”, “big turtle”...

Necessary equipment for playing with sand:

  • A stable sandbox with a lid, painted blue or Blue colour(classic “Jungian sandbox”);
  • The sand must be clean, sifted, free of foreign impurities and moist so that children can work with it.
  • Sand set: a bucket with scoops and molds, sets of small toys, fairy tale characters and various people, animals and plants, houses and cars, wooden planks and sticks, etc.

List of play exercises with sand:

  • “These are our hands” (the child presses his hand lightly into the sand, talking about his feelings - the sand is wet, dry, warm, cold, etc.)
  • “These are our fists” (press the sand with your fists and knuckles - compare what the print looks like).
  • “Fingers walk” (walk in turn with each finger of the left and right hand along the sand, then with both hands at the same time)
  • “Fingers play” (“play” simultaneously with your fingers on the surface of the sand, like on a piano).
  • “Palms crawling” (zigzag and circular movements of palms on the sand - a car is driving, a beetle is crawling, a carousel is spinning...). the same with the edge of the palm).
  • “Who was running here?” (leave traces at the same time different quantities fingers, figure out who left them, count the number).

Themed sand games:

  • “Where are the toys hidden?”
  • “We will build a house, who will live in it?”, “garage for cars”
  • “We’re playing shop,” “who’s eating what?”
  • "Garden Garden"
  • "Domestic/wild animals"…

The use of games with water and sand in correctional and developmental work brings a high positive effect.

Based on the results, I note the dynamics in the development of children: a positive emotional background predominates, negative emotional and behavioral manifestations - stereotypes, affective outbursts - decrease. Children become more active, attention becomes more stable, understanding of simple instructions improves, and self-control increases.

Children develop sensory standards: colors, shapes, sizes. Children's progress in the development of speech function is observed: the level of speech understanding increases, the active vocabulary is significantly enriched, visual-motor coordination of the hands and the actions of the hand with objects improves.

Averina Olga Vladimirovna,
teacher-speech pathologist
State Budgetary Institution "OSDR for children with organic disorders"
damage to the central nervous system
with mental disorders"
Apatity, Murmansk region