A person born in the year of the Monkey is usually talented and intelligent; he is not afraid to take risks to satisfy his curiosity. Strives to be the first in everything, but does not know how to work in a team. The inquisitive Monkey is an inexhaustible source creative ideas, but she needs to be mentored and guided. The Monkey can cope with almost any confusion by soberly assessing the situation. Ambitious and educated, she can achieve great success in any career she chooses.

The Monkey's weaknesses are the opposite side of the Monkey's strengths. This is a craving for superiority, selfishness, vanity, envy. Monkeys have a highly developed sense of competition. They love to demonstrate their intelligence and courage and are convinced that other people cannot compare with them. The typical Monkey loves to have fun, but never wastes his time on something useless. She successfully exploits other people's weaknesses to gain power over them. Monkeys are big pedants and difficult to please. They know how to manipulate people, but do not abuse it. They try to be honest, but can lie if it is in their interests.

Metal Monkey –1980

This is the Fighting Monkey - strong-willed and independent. She is always very concerned about her material security. Knows how to invest money wisely. He prefers to have his own business, and if he works for someone else, he usually also earns money on the side. He may lose his savings by trying to get rich in risky ventures.

Under the influence of the element of Metal, the Monkey becomes especially ambitious and demonstrative in its actions. Her aspirations are high, she craves recognition and applause. And it’s hard not to admire her because she always strives for self-improvement.

The Metal Monkey is characterized by passion and love of life; He is a warm, positive and very persuasive person. Everything he creates is not only useful, but also aesthetically pleasing. The Metal Monkey may well be a trendsetter.

At worst, the Metal Monkey, endowed with an analytical mind, can be extremely self-confident and overly proud. Such a Monkey will have few supporters.

Water Monkey –1992

This is a materialistic Monkey who lives according to the principle “you - for me, I - for you.” Likes to turn up his nose. Kind, but secretive. She will not act too directly or reveal her intentions. He knows how to patiently achieve his goal. Water gives the Monkey strong feeling goals.

The Water Monkey is able to gracefully compromise and work around barriers instead of wasting time and energy trying to overcome them.

The Water Monkey is original and distinctive; she gently motivates both herself and others, and her ideas meet almost no resistance due to the skill and dexterity with which she presents them. She knows how to present everything in the most favorable light. Has a deep understanding of how human relationships work and uses this knowledge to achieve his goals.

In a bad mood, the Water Monkey becomes indecisive and absent-minded. But if she does not close herself off from people, she will be able to get out of all troubles with honor.

Wooden Monkey – 1944

For this type of Monkey, good relationships with other people are important. But the Wood Monkey, if possible, does not interfere in the affairs of others. She is noble, but more restless than other Monkeys. Endowed with the spirit of a pioneer. Always aware of everything that is happening around him, very interested in new discoveries and unusual worldviews. The element of Wood gives the Monkey an intuitive mindset, which helps her predict the likely outcome of events. She is constantly looking for answers to questions and does not like to back down.

Adhering to high personal standards, the Wood Monkey always strives to rise above the existing situation. She is never completely satisfied with what she has, she is always looking for where the grass is greener, and therefore this Monkey is constantly drawn to new challenges.

This is an economical person who is able to bring order to any work he decides to take on. He rarely exaggerates anything, is not prone to empty speculation... and little by little, millimeter by millimeter, he destroys obstacles in his path.

Fire Monkey – 1956

An active and energetic Monkey, a born leader and inventor. Self-confident and decisive, expressive and truthful, she loves the opposite sex very much.

Fire gives her great vitality; she tends to dominate and lecture those who are not as assertive as herself. The Fire Monkey has a rich imagination, and she needs to make sure that her ideas do not get ahead of her. She is inventive, but very careful about calculating the consequences.

The Fire Monkey is always irresistibly drawn to the heights of her profession. She is a very strong competitor and quite greedy. Her creative power is fueled by will, urgent need and initiative.

The Fire Monkey is the strongest and most powerful of all Monkeys. She enjoys being in control of the situation. She can be intractable and stubborn if she is in a bad mood. Likes to argue. She is lucky in risky ventures because she knows how to accurately calculate the risk. But, demonstrating assertiveness and concentration to others, this Monkey secretly darkly suspects everyone of possible betrayal.

Soil Monkey – 1968

By nature, the Soil Monkey is serene, reliable, calm and collected. She is open to the world and loves to selflessly help and do charity work.

She quietly craves admiration and recognition of her talents and gratitude for her services and is very offended if this does not happen. Sometimes she seems eccentric. Her thoughts are deep, but she finds it difficult to explain their original course to other people. As a rule, the Soil Monkey is an intellectual person. He receives a good education or is at least very well read. In general, the Soil Monkey is honest and straightforward and, thanks to diligence and a sense of duty, achieves a lot.

The Soil Monkey is not particularly fond of entertaining others, but is genuinely kind to and loves those he cares about. She is not as fussy with her pride as other Monkeys, and can devote herself to selfless service to the common good. She values ​​her integrity and may even be too law-abiding.

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Earth Monkey

Metal Monkey

Water Monkey

Wood Monkey

Fire Monkey

Earth Monkey

Metal Monkey

Water Monkey

Wood Monkey

Fire Monkey

Earth Monkey

The Monkey represents the masculine yang principle, the first triangle (Monkey, Rat and Dragon), the element of metal.

The Monkey sign has the talent of a designer, sees the essence of any system, and is a talented craftsman. A wonderful sense of humor and childlike spontaneity make the Monkey sociable and popular. The ability to be surprised preserves youth until old age. Resourceful in commerce and romantic relationships The Monkey is very inquisitive and active in communicating with all kinds of people. Her quick wits and excellent response to external challenges contribute to achieving success in society. Particular mockery and some snobbery allow her to move in different circles of society, maintaining the appearance of her superiority over her environment. She is erudite, with a good memory for facts, loves competition and often prevails over her rivals because she knows how to take advantage of circumstances and the mistakes of her competitor. Resourcefulness and ability to anticipate win-win options makes the Monkey wealthy in financially. But she can outsmart herself and remain out of work.

Positive qualities of the sign

Resourcefulness even in extreme situations, ingenuity, intellectual talent. The Monkey is always a little ahead of the rest of the zodiac in terms of innovation, modernization and innovation. A big fashionista, she is aware of new style trends. Artistic talent can influence the choice of profession. Acting skills contribute to popularity in society. The Monkey will always provide support and solve problems in an unusual way, thanks to his connections and the gift of predicting the development of events.

Negative qualities of the sign

Arrogance, selfishness and distrust of people push the Monkey to do unpleasant things. The trick does not always lead to the desired result. She is capable of deception. In love, she exhibits possessive instincts, is suspicious and jealous, which sometimes makes partnership unbearable. Vanity - back side ambition prevents you from realizing real opportunities. Likes to manipulate, sees well weak sides human nature and uses them for self-interest. They often lose track of their goals and waste their talents on the little things in life.

In the year of the Monkey you can take risks and win, introduce new ideas and, in general, strive to update your habits, meet new people, find a new hobby. The danger lies in the thoughtlessness and haste of decisions, in the exchange main goal for small achievements. Local conflicts and force majeure circumstances during travel are possible. Good year for Monkey, Rat, Tiger, Sheep, Horse, Dog, Pig and Rooster. A difficult year for the Ox. Neutral year for the Rabbit, Dragon and Snake.

Celebrities of this sign

Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, James Cook, Pope John Paul II, Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, Grigory Rasputin, John Milton, Paul Gauguin, Harry Truman, Georgy Zhukov, Ray Bradbury, Vasily Aksenov, Nelson Rockefeller, Harry Houdini, Elizabeth Taylor , Mick Jagger. Actors: Tom Hanks, Nikolai Karachentsev, Eric Roberts, Mel Gibson, Daniel Craig, Eric Bana, Aaron Eckhardt, Gillian Andersen, Ryan Gosling, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Anna Semenovich, Selena Gomez.

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Monkey

Differs in ups and downs of activity. A fire element monkey can endure conditions of the highest tension in order to achieve a goal, which alternate with a decrease in vitality almost to zero. It has developed imagination, is extremely inquisitive and active, loves to travel, studies and teaches others all her life. Very cunning and enterprising, she achieves success in her career and business. Needs forced rest and a change of environment so as not to become exhausted. Living in constant stress will negatively affect your health.

White Metal Monkey

Thanks to the element of metal, the White Monkey is distinguished by its determination and willingness to sacrifice a lot for the sake of success in its career. Leadership skills help to achieve authority among peers, to surpass those around you in efficiency and enterprise. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting a passion for bragging and unpunctuality. Changeability and capriciousness disturb the peace in the house. The Monkey compensates for unpredictability and selfishness with a high status in society and a good income.

Yellow Earth Monkey

Characterized by a desire for peace and harmony. Likes to decorate the house, furnish it according to last word technique and style. The Earth Monkey is more prudent and economical, successfully uses broad erudition, helps his partner and loved ones with practical advice and money loans. In the field of love, he does not deny himself pleasures; he seeks loyalty and indulgence in his freedom in his partner. It is pleasant and interesting to live with her, if her everyday enthusiasm does not irritate her.

Black (blue) Water Monkey

The Black Water Monkey is emotional, sociable, and charmingly cunning. He can always get what he wants, even in hopeless situations he remains profitable. She is capable of long-term affection and passionate feelings for her beloved. The Water Monkey should devote a lot of time to himself, it is especially important to lead healthy image life. Her well-being and success directly depend on her mood and comfortable environment. The most sensitive to the troubles of others among the other elements of this sign.

Green Wood Monkey

The element of wood gives this sign extraordinary originality. He likes to indulge his weaknesses, strives to make a lasting impression on others, so he often behaves excessively eccentric in society. Strives to improve his partner, his destiny, and the planet as a whole. He works very energetically in this direction, it would be good if he chooses a medical specialty. In another case, the Wood Monkey is ready to join the movement to save animals and become an environmental activist. Needs approval of his actions and their appreciation. Ambition borders on vanity. Unforgettable in love and fun.

  • 1908 February 2 - element of the year earth
  • 1920 February 20 - element of the year metal
  • 1932 February 6 - element of the year water
  • 1944 January 25 - element of the year tree
  • 1956 February 12 - element of the year fire
  • 1968 January 30 - element of the year earth
  • 1980 February 16 - element of the year metal
  • 1992 February 4 - element of the year water
  • 2004 January 22 - element of the year tree
  • 2016 February 8 - element of the year fire

People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey have a more willful character than its other brothers. These people have great ability to resolve very difficult situations. In addition, they are thrifty, pragmatic, and know when and where to invest money profitably. They strive to occupy a high position in society. Metal monkeys are independent individuals, but have some disadvantages: they are so focused on their own self that they often do not notice what is happening around them, which is why they often do not deserve the trust of others. These Monkeys are the most cordial and express their feelings more clearly than others.

The metal monkey is sure that he was born to shine in society and never spares his strength to prove it. And since her artistry is at its best, she has every chance to become famous person. People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey are able to protect their interests and take care of themselves on their own, without resorting to the help of others.

The water monkey is the most sensitive and secretive of all its fellows, and also very touchy. Her ability to understand and perceptiveness helps her adapt well in any environment. She has the talent to get through the eye of a needle and still benefit from it. But deep down in my soul it is good man, good-natured and affectionate. If she sees that a person is worthy of trust, then she will easily reveal her plans.

This man is witty and unusual. Eccentric and sensitive, she is able to easily destroy any barriers with just her personal charm. Among its shortcomings can only be indecision and the inability to choose the right direction.

The Wood Monkey is very organized, rational, and pedantic. She does everything well and wants others to follow her example. And since she is inclined to command, she will impose her criteria wherever she can.

Hungry for fame, this Monkey will spare no effort to rise high. She has developed intuition, which allows her to predict certain events, which she does with great benefit for herself. She is interested in everything new and progressive. However, very rarely the Wood Monkey is satisfied. She cares too much about the visible side, missing the point.

The Wood Monkey has an excellent sense of good opportunities. She can make a brilliant speaker, an excellent politician, deep down she wants to do good deeds and receive gratitude for it.

Fire Monkey Sign

A bright lover of life, possessing the energy of a thermoelectric power plant, this sign can be courageous, throwing itself headlong into the abyss and relying solely on its intuition. He has a strong competitive spirit: he always wants to be the first, to open new paths and prove that his initiatives are the best. In this sense, he is an unquestioned leader. Since he is very stubborn, he easily gets involved in an argument, especially if he is objected to. First of all, his loved ones suffer from his irritability.

Determined, quite sincere for a Monkey and very emotional, the Fire Monkey loves to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, having no concept of fidelity. This is a great heartthrob who uses his eloquence and charm to conquer the opposite sex. But he is usually not able to maintain long-term and lasting relationships.

The Earth Monkey has a calmer and more balanced character. She usually gathers around her a close circle of people she likes and does not strive to win the recognition of the crowd. This monkey is much more trustworthy than the rest of its sisters because it has strong relationships with loved ones.

Since Earth, among other things, represents matter, it is logical to assume that the Monkey, ruled by this element, is greatly interested in earthly values. The Earth Monkey is very pedantic, in addition, he can devote himself to work like few others.

People born in 1932 and 1992 were born in the year of the Black Water Monkey according to the calendar.

The energy of the year of the Black Monkey is Yang - a symbol of active masculinity.


Typically, this sign gives people tall stature, a thin build, rather weak legs, luxuriant hair, and allergy-prone skin. Their face is round, as are all their facial features. The look of such a person is clouded, they seem to be thinking about every word, and perhaps this is really the case.

Character and personal qualities

Intelligence is fully inherent in the Water Monkey. Most representatives of the sign have a sharp mind, dexterity, inner strength that commands respect, discipline, and ingenuity. They have an extremely negative attitude towards criticism.

The Black Water Monkey is secretive and strict on the outside, but good-natured and peaceful on the inside. He loves traveling very much. TO positive qualities The Monkey's character also includes patience and sincerity. They make excellent friends and devoted spouses.

A partner married to a Black Monkey will feel protected and calm.

A negative feature of these people is some indecisiveness, evasiveness in communication, and pettiness. Hot temper, willfulness, and capriciousness often interfere with their lives, destroying friendships and love relationships.

Suitable areas of employment

Such people prefer moderation in everything. This often helps them achieve their goals and move up the career ladder.

Despite their outward secrecy, those born in the year of the Water Monkey cannot live without society. Communication is very important for them important process. In addition, all their lives they are sincerely interested in everything around them. This gives them experience for their field of work. Ideal for them would be the work of a psychologist, sociologist, or philosopher.

Born in the year of black, a person acquires the gift of persuasion, which helps him throughout life. Defending his point of view is not a problem for him. Lawyer, lawyer are also good options for the ape man.


People born in the year of the Black Monkey prefer winter to summer. During the cold season, they feel much more comfortable and rarely get colds. But they should pay more attention to their organs such as the kidneys and bladder.

In nutrition, preference should be given to legumes and fish, despite the fact that Black Water Monkeys cannot imagine their life without salty food.

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Monkeys are the animals closest to humans in their body structure. From a zoological point of view, all representatives of the primate order are called monkeys. Primates are superior to other animals only in their intelligence. As for the sense of smell, hearing and vision, in primates they are not well developed.


Modern zoology divides all monkeys into two groups. The first group is the Old World primates, and the second is the New World primates. The first group includes monkeys living in Africa and Asia, and the second group includes primates from Central and South America. Each of these groups has its own distinctive features. For example, New World primates have tails that allow them to cling to trees as they move. These monkeys have a wide nose. Representatives of the Old World, on the contrary, often do not have a tail, and if they do have one, they do not provide any assistance to their owner. The nose of Asian and African primates is very narrow. Both groups of animals include more than 160 species of different monkeys.

The most striking primates of the New World are monkeys, capuchins, tamarins, woolly monkeys, night and owl monkeys, howler monkeys, marmosets, marmosets, etc. The primates of South and Central America are not as numerous and diverse as the Old World monkeys, with only about 56 species. Africa and Asia are home to perhaps the most a large number of all kinds of primates: scientists count more than 135 species of these creatures. All primates are grouped into broad categories: colobus monkeys, baboons, macaques, mandrills, etc. There is another category of Old World monkeys, which includes only five superfamilies of these primates. They are called apes, or hominoids.

Apes include the chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, gibbon, and bonobo (pygmy chimpanzee). Zoologists classify these primates as members of the superfamily of monkeys. The structure of their body is similar to the structure of the human body, which allows us to talk about these primates as anthropoids. These primates do not have a tail or calluses. They also don't have cheek pouches. Feature everyone great apes lies in their method of locomotion: instead of moving using all their limbs, these animals move under branches mainly using their upper limbs. This also entailed certain anatomical changes in the primate’s body: their arms became flexible and long, and their chest flattened. All representatives of the superfamily great apes can stand on their hind legs, freeing their hands. They are characterized by developed facial expressions, as well as the ability to analyze and think.

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Monkey is the ninth sign of the 12-year Eastern (Chinese) cycle lunar calendar animals. It is associated with the energy "yang" and the element "metal". The corresponding zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

The monkey symbolizes: intelligence, cunning, sociability, observation, ingenuity, curiosity, cautionselfishness, deceit, intemperance, rancor, frivolity, lack of concentration

Monkey Years Chart

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Monkey

The characteristics of the Monkey introduces the positive and negative qualities of this animal. It helps to get to know people born under this sign better and to see the peculiarities of building their personal and work relationships.

Character traits

Positive. The Monkey's whole life is a game, and only according to its rules. At first communication, she seems like a simpleton. In fact, the Monkey is smart, cunning and observant. This allows her to achieve a lot in life.

Characteristic positive qualities:

  • mind: Monkey is a good strategist; she brilliantly makes plans and brings them to life; able to grasp information on the fly, process it instantly and remember it;
  • cunning: under a harmless appearance hides a cunning nature; she knows how to use hidden levers and always gets her way; at the same time, the Monkey does not use this quality to harm others, it is peaceful;
  • sociability: The Monkey is always in the center of events; she is cheerful, easy to talk to, has a good sense of humor, so she always has a lot of friends and acquaintances; she is the life of the party and the queen of parties;
  • observation: always knows to the smallest detail about the events that happen around; immediately analyzes any action of others and how it will affect her interests;
  • ingenuity: able to find a way out of any deadlock situation; rich life experience and intelligence often help her out and give her the opportunity to emerge victorious;
  • curiosity: The Monkey always strives for new knowledge; Everything comes easy to her, so she can change her field of activity without fear of the difficulties of the profession.

Negative. The negative character traits of representatives of this sign are offset by their ability to communicate, natural intelligence and brightness. Therefore, the Monkey has a positive image among his social circle.

Negative qualities:

  • selfishness: strives to ensure that everything happens only according to her scenario; everyone must revolve around her and follow her instructions and requests;
  • deceit: the other side of the Monkey's cunning; although she does not intentionally cause harm, she still uses “forbidden techniques” on occasion; plays on the weaknesses of others to get his own way;
  • incontinence: the Monkey has an impetuous emotional character, which she does not seek to change; prone to rapid mood swings and often speaks the truth;
  • vindictiveness: if someone from the environment inadvertently caused her harm, the Monkey will never forget this; if possible, she will “return the favor”;
  • frivolity: rarely thinks about what her actions lead to; easily changes the vector of his activities.

Love and relationships

The monkey chooses a calm person as his companion. She develops an easy relationship with such a partner if he succumbs to her charm and brightness. IN family life she often makes scandals and is jealous for any reason. Therefore, relationships can go wrong at any moment.

Sociable and charming, she easily finds fans. If the relationship reaches the stage of creating a family, the Monkey needs to pay attention to his shortcomings and try not to bring his partner to the point of “white heat”. Then the marriage will be happy.

Career and profession

Virtually any field of activity is suitable for a monkey. A sharp mind, resourcefulness, and caution in business make her an excellent business partner. She is not shy about learning and asking her colleagues for advice, so her work is never idle.

The only thing that can prevent her from reaching professional heights is excessive enthusiasm. She often gets down to business without calculating either the funds or her own capabilities. IN difficult situations she is helped by her ingenuity, charm and flattery.

Recommended professions. Considering the nature of the Monkey, professions with frequent changes of tasks are suitable for her. After all, she can't stand routine. The Monkey becomes a good diplomat, editor, writer, journalist, banker, speculator, actor.