I really love it when online services organize such events with the demonstration of detailed infographics, when looking at which it is immediately clear what has changed over the past Last year compared to the past. Unfortunately, such events take place literally a couple of times a year, however, more often than not they are not needed.

GFK report

The presentation began, in general, with an obvious fact - during a crisis, the consumer sentiment index traditionally falls, people try to save money and are less likely to please themselves with any purchases. And this is true for offline retail, but purchases in online stores, on the contrary, are growing. This is largely due to the popularity of foreign stores.

Please note that the greatest growth in online shopping is observed for stores in their own city and Chinese online hypermarkets like AliExpress. This is understandable; during a crisis, people are increasingly looking at cheaper gadgets and things. And, naturally, he finds them in Chinese online stores.

Interestingly, the first three popular product categories are clothing and footwear, children's products and cosmetics/perfumes, while smartphones and Appliances are only in fourth and fifth places. For cosmetics and household appliances, the share of orders in foreign stores is much lower, which is not surprising, because the first products are usually large-sized, and few people will agree to order cosmetics from God knows where. By the way, the same applies to computers and laptops; it is clear that people do not yet trust Chinese stores to make such expensive purchases.

It was interesting to look at the reasons for purchasing in foreign stores. In addition to the most logical of them in the form of low prices, buyers also highlighted a wider range and the availability of goods that are not officially sold in Russia.

Russian online stores were compared with offline retail. The situation was the same as on the last slide: there is more choice online, it’s cheaper, and it’s just faster.

GFK noticed that this year the attention of buyers was concentrated more on large stores than on small ones. I can understand this behavior, because I myself prefer to buy the necessary equipment in large chain hypermarkets, the main reason is, of course, trust and hope for better service in case of problems with the product.

Pay attention to how the shares of favorite stores were distributed among the surveyed customers. OZON is in the lead by a wide margin, and second place is almost equally shared by Eldorado, Yulmart and MVideo. By the way, I myself usually shop at the last three stores (and also at Citylink).

Traditionally, they talked about users mobile versions websites or special applications from online stores. Personally, I don’t quite understand their idea yet; it’s much more convenient for me to place an order for big screen your computer. Please note that the older a person is, the more often he uses the store’s website rather than the application.

We asked buyers and the places where they shop. Interestingly, in the regions the share of people who made purchases in transport is 5% higher than in Moscow. In general, the same bus or metro is great time for shopping: you’re on your way to work, and at the same time you’re looking for a new external battery.

Here are the problems faced by those who like to make purchases from a smartphone. In addition to the well-known drawback of a small interface, people highlighted the slow Internet, the inconvenience of web surfing and the high cost mobile internet. And yet, the main problem is that the interface is not adapted to smartphone screens.

And now my favorite part about payment methods. Unfortunately, cash payment is still the most popular method, but its share is gradually decreasing, and already more than 50% of buyers are ready to prepay by bank card.

The reasons why people do not want to pay for purchases with a card are largely far-fetched and inspired by horror stories from the Internet and TV. Surprisingly, some even refused a bargain purchase due to the need for prepayment. By the way, for a store, such an advance payment is a guarantee that the user will not refuse the goods at the last moment (although legally he has the right to do this), therefore, in the same “MVideo” they encourage you to pay by card and even give a 5% discount for such payment in the online store (for pickup).

The percentage of people using traditional delivery is gradually decreasing; the stores themselves are to blame for this, offering a free delivery option less and less often. Personally, I prefer free pickup or convenient delivery to post offices, and 50% of respondents support my choice. But I don’t trust the Russian Post at all.

Below is an interesting infographic about customer expectations regarding delivery times. As you can see, for orders from our stores, a comfortable period of time is two to three days, and we are ready to wait two to four weeks for a parcel from a foreign store.

The share of spontaneous purchases has remained virtually unchanged for a couple of years; the reasons for such purchases are standard - promotions and discounts. And, of course, emotions, which is why stores aimed at girls have an advantage, as the infographic below proves. The first places among such purchases are cosmetics and clothing.

The second part of the presentation was led by Alexander Ivanov, President of NADT (National Association of Distance Trading). His speech was short but very informative.

Over the past five years, the demand for international delivery has increased significantly, but the number of domestic parcels, on the contrary, has decreased. The share of Russian Post as the main courier service is also declining, and this, again, is not at all surprising.

In terms of the number of parcels per person, we are still significantly behind those in the UK and the USA, where the shares of online sales are about 11% and 9%. By the way, I was surprised by these numbers; I was sure that in the United States more than half of the population already orders through Amazon and other online services.

Alexander predicted that within five years the path of goods from manufacturer to buyer will be significantly shortened; stores like AliExpress are already significantly contributing to this.

Innovations on Yandex.Market

Unfortunately, I was not provided with the original presentation on the market itself on time, so I will tell you about everything interesting without visual support.

The market's daily traffic is 20 million people per day (this is four times more than a typical shopping center!), since 2001, Ya.Market has shown stable growth, and only starting in 2013 did stagnation begin, this is due to the fact that the influx of new Internet users has decreased.

At the presentation there was a wonderful slide with a visit to Ya.Market, in which the peak point was in December 2014. We are, of course, talking about December 16, when the dollar exchange rate soared and people began to panic and buy everything they could.

The most popular categories of Y.Market: smartphones, tablets, electronics and cars. YaM representatives noted that these were the original categories that were available to the very first users. In addition, these are products that have parameters by which they can be filtered.

If you take the same clothes, then even two black dresses that are identical in all characteristics will in practice look completely different.

In the future, Ya.Market plans to completely focus on the entire purchase process: from choosing a product to paying for it and delivering it to your home. This will allow the service to reliably know that this or that visitor actually purchased the product in such and such a store, so his review of the product and the store will be as reliable as possible.

Ya.Market also held a sale in honor of Black Friday, it lasted from Thursday to Monday, the increase in visitors was 20%, but the format was trial, and it was not particularly advertised due to the notoriety of Black Friday in Russia. 45% of ordered goods during this period were electronics, 21% were household appliances.

Special buyer’s guides for choosing this or that equipment appeared on the market; experts from various IT publications and others were invited to write them. The appearance of guides had a positive impact on sales growth - the increase was 20%.

We separately talked about advertising banners on Ya.Market: their attractiveness for the manufacturer, in theory, should be higher due to the fact that when clicked, a potential buyer immediately gets to the product page and can immediately buy it.


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Greetings to all!

I learned about the GFC project from reviews on the Internet. I was always attracted to additional income, so I decided to study this project in more detail.

What is GFC?

This is shopping research. That is, you go to stores the same way as always, only you submit reports on all your purchases to the company’s office.

How to become a study participant?

  • First you need to go to the website and register on the portal.
  • Next, you need to fill out a form on the website.
  • After this, you need to wait for the employee to call. I don’t remember how long it took for them to call me back, but it wasn’t immediately clear. I even managed to forget a little about this registration. Still, I waited for the call. They asked me some questions, and also found out how it would be convenient for me to sack my purchases. You could choose to have the scanner delivered to your home, or you could simply download the program to your phone. Of course, it seemed easier to me to scan purchases from my phone. They also told me in detail everything about the project, which purchases need to be scanned and which not, and they also told me about the procedure for paying remuneration.
  • Next, you will receive an email with a link and code.
  • Download, install and activate the GfK application.
  • Well, that’s all, actually. We scan purchases and receive a reward for this.

This is what the personal account page looks like, where we will look at the number of our points, purchase reports, new messages and other necessary information.

The website also has a very detailed section with questions and answers that program participants may have.

GFK Smartscan application.

This is what it looks like home page applications. Here we enter the name of the store where we made purchases, as well as the amount spent.

Next, we are presented with a page where we scan all products with barcodes, and also enter products without barcodes. Finally, you need to take a photo of the receipt and send a report.

In the application you can also find answers to frequently asked questions.

By the way, just like at a real job you can take vacation or sick leave, during this period you don’t have to scan purchases. Accruals will not be suspended.

What purchases need to be registered?

Almost all everyday goods. You only don’t need to provide a report on major purchases - furniture, clothing, household appliances. An office is also not needed.

How long does the scanning process take?

A little. It takes me about 3 minutes a day to enter data into the program.

All about rewards:

For scanning purchases, the project awards 300 points monthly, which are equal to 300 rubles. Withdrawals are possible upon reaching the minimum amount of 900 points.

Bonuses are also provided. If you scan your purchases in good faith, you will be given a bonus for successful participation. The first year is 500 rubles and subsequent years - 1000.

I already brought out my first one minimum amount, in your personal account you can see all the accruals.

As you can see from the table, on the 18th I created an application, and on the 28th I received an SMS about the accrual of funds.

Ways to write off bonus points:

You can withdraw money to a bank card, mobile phone or to an electronic payment system. I chose a bank card, it’s more convenient for me.

What are the advantages of participating in the project?

Of course, this is additional income, although not big, but pleasant. We all go shopping, so why not get some kind of reward for it. In addition, with the help of GFK you can optimize your expenses, because all purchase reports are stored in your personal account.

Hello! I decided to tell you about what a GFK application is, which allows you to passively use a mobile phone. At the same time, I will also talk about the innovative methods of researching financial markets introduced by GFK.

She released the GFK Digital Trends App for participants in real projects. With its help, mobile device owners not only take part in IT market research, but also earn decent income.

1. What kind of research

The company is engaged in important research to improve the quality of the IT sector. The presented application performs the following functions:

  • reading user actions while working with a mobile device;
  • monitoring and recording web pages visited;
  • reports on the applications used on the device;
  • accounting of the time spent by the user performing certain tasks.

At the same time, personal information: passwords, username, conversations or other types of secret data is completely safe. For more information, go directly to the company's website or write to email technical support.

2. How to take part in the study and receive a stable income

GFK assumes that users of the GFK Digital Trends App are participating in the Household Purchase Research Program. If you do not want to take part in this, then you need to fill out the appropriate form on the website mm.gfk.ru.

That's exactly what I did. The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • filling out an application;
  • receiving SMS or email with pin code and link;
  • downloading and installing the application;
  • activation of the program using the sent pin code;
  • receiving a monthly remuneration.

The application works only for citizens of the Russian Federation who have a smartphone running OS Android versions 2.3 or higher, as well as iOS 8 version and higher. No further action is required from the user. The application runs in the background, requires minimal resources and does not create any inconvenience.

3. What remuneration will I receive?

The GFK scanner gives you the opportunity to do a decent job. To do this, you do not need to have high knowledge in the field of IT technologies.

For using the presented application and participating in the study, the user is awarded the following reward in points = rubles every month:

  • +50 for owners of Android smartphones;
  • +100 for iOS device owners.

In addition, the company gives attractive bonuses for every 3rd month of active use of the application: +500 and +100 for Android and iOS owners, respectively.

Pretty good, I think, for those who are looking for a passive form of income characterized by stable payments.

Points are awarded for scanning purchases. The user receives a reward regardless of the number of devices used.

The main thing is to have a stable Internet connection and a desire to cooperate with the company. There is an affiliate program. For several participants connected to the system and actively using applications, +20 and +40 points are awarded, respectively, for the described platforms.

Scanner GFK is the most popular application in our country that allows you to earn real money and bring benefits to the IT sector. The resource interface is very pleasant and intuitive. Although I am not directly related to the industry information technologies, however, I figured it out pretty quickly.

The site works on the principle of a landing page and quickly responds to user actions. By the way, users from other countries will not even see the form they need to fill out to participate.

4. How much can you earn on GFK

According to my calculations, it turned out that the potential income in this system is limited. It can only be expanded by connecting other partners to use the scanner.

One more effective way increasing income is the use of multiple devices, both stationary and mobile. At the moment, simply having the program on a smartphone, tablet, laptop and personal computer, GFK pays 50 rubles.

Owners of iPhones turned out to be quite lucky; they will be able to earn more. By installing the application on their gadget, they receive 100 rubles. With a basic calculation, it turns out that if you have a computer, laptop and mobile device the user receives 200 rubles per month.

If there are attractive bonuses, the result, although small, is not bad. It’s quite enough to top up your mobile phone or pay your Internet company’s bills for providing services.

4.1. How to withdraw your earnings?

Funds are transferred to a private account in your personal account.

In order to withdraw them, you must submit the appropriate application. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that minimum threshold for withdrawal is 300 rubles.

You can receive this money either on your mobile phone or via Webmoney and Yandex.Money (in this case, a 5% commission is charged on the withdrawal amount).

The direct transfer is carried out the next month after submitting the application. I received my funds on the 6th day of the next month.

5. What people say

This project in the form of an application is quite young and relatively few people know about it, however, GFK has positive reviews on the company’s website and on third-party thematic resources.

Well, this is natural, because people like to receive money and at the same time they will only worry about having the necessary software on their devices.

Of course, this is not that much money, but for small joys it will do. Moreover, the service guarantees the safety of users’ personal data.

6. A little more about the company

I decided to tell about the company because this information gives more confidence to the application. This will help you understand that there is really no need to worry about your personal data.

The project belongs to the company GFK Rus, a Russian subsidiary of the largest research center in Europe, GFK Group. It has more than 170 representative offices in 100 countries around the world. The presented organization fully deserves the title of a leading world-class research agency. For more than 20 years, GVK Rus LLC has been working in Russia, successfully fulfilling social research papers in the field of marketing.

Despite the fact that GFK Mobile is a young project built on innovation, the main research center of the GFK Group has been actively conducting its research on household purchases since 1957. They currently involve more than 160 families across Europe. If we take a global scale, then the corresponding value exceeds hundreds of thousands. Thanks to this, the company has extensive research experience and continues to introduce innovative solutions and marketing techniques.