According to the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras, the beginning of all things lies in numbers. It follows that numbers can reveal to us the secret of our future. There are many ways of fortune-telling based on numerological principles, with the help of which we can find out what awaits us.

The fortune telling that will be discussed will not only help you find out about upcoming events, but will also answer any questions that concern you. In order to find out the future, take 9 small numbered pieces of paper (numbering should be from 1 to 9) and put them in your hat, which you wear often. Focus on the question. The more specific it is, the clearer the meaning of fortune telling will be for you. Close your eyes and pull out the first piece of paper you come across. The number you drew will be the key to your future. And here is the interpretation of fortune telling:

1 – The thing you are thinking about may well come true. It could be the beginning of global positive changes in your life. If you really want this, then you need to show more confidence and determination.

2 – Most likely, you are not quite ready to implement your plans yet. If you start moving towards your goal now, you may have to take risks that in your case will not be justified. It’s better to first create all the conditions for achieving your goal, and only then go towards it, otherwise you may stumble.

3 – The chances that your wish will come true are very high. Luck will be on your side. But despite this, you should be persistent and patient. There is no need to relax halfway through.

4 – If you are interested in the question of a state of affairs that is out of balance (for example, you are sick and want to know how quickly you will recover), then in this case you will see an improvement in this matter, and in the very near future. And if the question is asked about a matter that implies development (for example, will you be promoted at work), then this figure will mean stagnation. This doesn't mean that your plans won't come true, you just don't have to wait long.

5 – In the issue you are interested in, there will be a sharp turn of events, which, most likely, will turn everything for the worse. This number predicts disruption of plans, breakdowns, surprises and discord in relationships with people. It is also quite possible that your plans will fail precisely because of your fault, due to your unstable emotional state. Try not to react too violently to everything that happens.

6 – This figure predicts a successful solution to your issue. Your plans are realized exactly as much as you put in the effort. In short, what goes around comes around. In addition, the situation may turn in such a way that you will be faced with a certain choice, or you will have to enter into a partnership with someone.

7 – The answer to the question is somewhat ambiguous. Your situation may leave you in a difficult situation or in a state of uncertainty. To achieve your goal, you will have to resort to cunning, but in the end the result of your efforts will be significantly less than the diligence that you showed. Most likely, your plans will only be partially realized, but despite this you will gain good experience.

8 – Your plans will be implemented very quickly and confidently. You can learn a lot and understand a lot in the process. However, success awaits you only if your intentions are positive and do not harm anyone.

9 – In the near future you can count on success in your planned business. However, you should not rejoice ahead of time. IN this moment you need to focus all your thoughts and efforts on achieving results, while not paying attention to external factors.

This fortune telling with numbers is great for those who are overcome by doubts and who do not know in which direction to move next. With help you can quickly find the answer to any question. It is worth remembering that a prediction, whatever it may be, should not be perceived as an inevitable course of events. In most cases, prediction is the key, the clue to the correct resolution of the issue. Don't be afraid to find out your destiny and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.09.2013 13:00

There are countless fortune telling, so everyone has their own preferences in terms of choosing a prediction method...

Fortune telling by date of birth is good way get to know yourself better by looking into your future and getting to know your prospects. Moreover - with the help simple techniques you can easily unravel the secrets of all your friends whose birth time you know.

In the article:

If you are wondering how you can guess by date of birth for marriage, you will have to arm yourself with a calculator or count in a column. This time you will have to multiply, and not sum, the numbers of the date of birth.

For example, date of birth is December 17, 1985. Estimated wedding year is 2020. Need Calculations will look like this: 17*12*1985*2020=817978800.

A wedding is likely when, after multiplication, at least one eight is obtained. So, the wedding of a person with this date of birth in 2020 is highly likely to take place.

Simple fortune telling by date of birth for marriage
Date of Birth:
Planned wedding date: Send

No weddings this year

Low probability

High probability of wedding

How to guess by date of birth for previous reincarnations

Pythagoras argued that a person can only live fifteen lives. There is no greater or lesser number. This point of view is often disputed, for example, it is claimed that she has already lived 150 lives in our world. But this fortune telling by date of birth is designed specifically for the opinion that each person can be reborn only fifteen times.

Enter date of birth:

To know

It is calculated using simple calculations. The easiest way to understand them is with an example. Let's say we need to calculate how many lives a person with the same date of birth lived - December 25, 1985.

  1. To begin with, we write all the numbers from the date of birth in a row, skipping the zeros: 25121985.
  2. Now let's sum them up: 2+5+1+2+1+9+8+5=33.
  3. Let's reduce the result to a single digit: 3+3=6
  4. We will add the resulting numbers to the series of numbers that we already have. It should look like this: 25121985 33 6 .
  5. From the two-digit number obtained by summing all the numbers of the date of birth, you need to subtract the first number of the series multiplied by two: 33-(2x2)=29.
  6. We reduce the resulting number to a single digit: 2+9=11 = 1+1 =2.
  7. We add both numbers at the end of the row: 25121985 33 6 29 2
  8. Now you need to sum up all the numbers from the resulting series, except those related to the date of birth: 3+3+6+2+9+2=25. If you get a number greater than 15, reduce it to unambiguous form: 2+5 = 7 .

So, it turns out that a person with the indicated date of birth lives for the seventh time.

Fortune telling by date of birth - chart of possibilities

Fortune telling by date of birth with a chart will help you determine your energy capabilities, or the energy state in which you are. It cannot be called truly accurate, because you will have to rely on readings that will correspond to one year out of twelve. Based on these data, a graph is constructed, which is based on a twelve-year time cycle. He is the one they offer to work with famous astrologers and numerologists.

Fortune telling should begin by drawing a graph. The Y axis is a scale from 0 to 9, which will show the level of a person's energy reserve. The X-axis is a scale that corresponds to birth years. The first will be the year of birth, and to get the next divisions, you need to add 12 to it. So, if the year of birth is 1996, you should get the following divisions on the X axis - 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044...

So, the coordinates along the X axis are known. In order to get the coordinates along the Y axis, you need to multiply the numbers from the date of birth. For example, the date of birth of the person we are interested in is 01/26/1996. The calculations will look like this:


This results in five points that are responsible for a person’s energy state and can be marked on the graph. Numbers and years are related in this way:

  • 5 - 1996
  • 1 - 2008
  • 8 - 2020
  • 9 - 2032
  • 6 - 2044

The values ​​of these numbers are the level of vital energy, the number of opportunities that fate gives a person, so to speak, and the degree of pleasure that he will receive from life. So, 0 means minimal capabilities, 4 and 5 mean average, 9 means maximum level of vital energy.

There may be more or fewer points. The fewer points, the more stable the energy state. The more there are, the more often it will change. After completing the calculated group of cycles, the graph will be repeated again. Its duration depends on the life expectancy of a person, and not on the number of points.

Fortune telling by date of birth for love

Fortune telling by date of birth for love can dot the i's and help you decide whether it is worth trying to save the relationship or whether your partner is categorically not suitable for you, based on numerology compatibility. In order to learn about love using numerology, you need to add up the numbers from the date of birth of each partner. Let's say we need to calculate how compatible people are with birth dates of 02/27/1987 and 03/28/1988. The calculations will look like this:



Now you can look at the interpreter to see what kind of union the combination of numbers 3 and 9 promises.

1+1 - learn to give in to each other, otherwise you will not be able to get along together.

1+2 - learn to be correct, otherwise the relationship will not work out.

1+3 - the union will be strong, but one of you is imposing your opinion on the other.

1+4 - you complement each other, but in order for the relationship to be strong, you need to learn harmony.

1+5 - if you don’t try to boss each other around, your relationship will last the rest of your life.

1+6 - your relationship can be called ideal.

1+7 - you can learn to live together.

1+8 - good colleagues or business partners, but love will not come from these relationships.

1+9 - you are too different, it is better to let go of the situation.

2+2 - you are perfect for each other.

2+3 - harmony in everything.

2+4 - you understand and appreciate your partner.

2+5 - you attract each other.

2+6 - harmony and reciprocity.

2+7 - learn to show your feelings, and then your relationship will improve.

2+8 is a good union.

2+9 - Good friends, but bad spouses.

3+3 - you know how to find an approach to each other.

3+4 - harmony, even though these are completely different people.

3+5 - such a couple has no future.

3+6 - a calm and long family life.

3+7 - you need to either accept your partner’s wishes or break up.

3+8 - this union is impossible.

3+9 - good compatibility, but only in intimate life.

4+4 - stability, strong family ties.

4+5 - misunderstanding that needs to be overcome.

4+6 - a happy family, most likely, with many children.

4+7 - measured family life.

4+8 - trust each other, then your relationship will work out.

4+9 - learn to understand each other.

5+5 - a freedom-loving but faithful couple with a strong relationship.

5+6 - if there is no fidelity in the relationship, the union will fall apart.

5+7 - good business relationship, but these people won’t make a family.

5+8 is a strong union thanks to the passion and ambition of the partners.

5+9 - your relationship is full of adventures.

6+6 - a strong family with kids.

6+7 - unpredictability, a union of two creative natures.

6+8 - relationships will develop only in the absence of a material component.

6+9 is a strong pair.

7+7 - if there is openness, the relationship will be strong.

7+8 - if you listen to each other and do not limit your partner, the marriage will work out.

7+9 - general ideas and spiritual closeness.

8+8 - both partners are too ambitious and love power; if you cope with this problem, the relationship will be strong.

8+9 - incompatible people.

9+9 - happy couple.

Fortune telling by date of birth for the future

In order to find out what awaits you in a few years, you can use a simple date of birth for the future. To do this, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, imagine that we need to tell fortunes to a person whose date of birth is April 29, 1989. The calculations will look like this:


Now you should carry out similar calculations for the date for which the prediction is needed. You can guess for a day, a month or a year. Suppose the fortuneteller from our example is interested in how June 2017 will go:

After this, sum the resulting numbers together and bring them to a single-digit form:

Now you can look at the value of the result in the interpreter:

  • 1 is not a good period. Troubles, illnesses and injuries are quite likely. You should be vigilant as you may be scammed. Beware of scammers and thieves. Money luck will also turn away from you.
  • 2 - during this period you can do whatever you see fit. All the things you undertake will lead to success. You may need help along the way, and you will get it. Interesting acquaintances are possible.
  • 3 - in order to achieve success in this period, you will have to work hard. Don't rely on luck and the help of others. Get rid of laziness and get down to business.
  • 4 - in this period you will enjoy a well-deserved reward. This could be a vacation, a promotion, marriage, or another extremely pleasant event.
  • 5 - a period of rest awaits you. Work will not be productive at this time. You are too tired, both mentally and physically.
  • 6 is the luckiest period imaginable. But don't forget that achievements should be appreciated. Do not offend Fortune by devaluing her gifts.
  • 7 - it is strictly not recommended to take risks during this period. This way you will avoid many problems and not make the situation worse.
  • 8 - you will have to start doing what others used to do for you. This will lead to new opportunities and reduce financial difficulties.
  • 9 - this period is suitable for planning, but not for implementing plans. Things started at this time will not bring anything good.

Fortune telling by numbers online for the future - virtual fortune telling, based on an ancient magical system of divination. Ask your question, and the magic of numbers will manifest itself and give you the result. Fortune telling by numbers online - great way predictions of the future.

1 You will become aware that there is an intrigue against you in your immediate environment or at your workplace. With the help of intuition and prudence, you can change the situation in your favor and emerge from this situation as a winner.

2 You have to “tighten your belt”, as there is a high probability of large losses. An unfamiliar but influential and decent person will help you correct your deplorable financial situation.

3 You will notice that a person has appeared in your immediate circle who is looking for your friendship. Do not be deceived by his speeches and attention - he wants to use you for his own purposes.

4 You have long dreamed of large material profits, and in the near future you will have the opportunity to receive it. Give up laziness, and then luck will be on your side.

5 During this period, you will live with thoughts of revenge on your offenders and ill-wishers. You should not make treacherous plans, as they will turn against you. Better forget all the grievances and continue living your life.

6 Be prepared for an entertaining journey, during which you will have the opportunity to make material profits. Do not delude yourself about this money - it will not bring you happiness.

7 On the way to realizing yours cherished desire an eloquent and charming young man will appear who will disturb you. Do not trust him under any circumstances - he can ruin you.

8 In the near future you will meet a person for whom you will have sincere and strong feelings. Don't expect reciprocity - this love will only bring suffering and disappointment. However, don't despair. Continue to follow the plan and you will eventually achieve success.

9 Envious people will weave intrigues that can seriously interfere with the implementation of your plans. Don’t get upset and don’t waste your time on trifles, otherwise you’ll get seriously ill.

10 One friend will unexpectedly help you make your cherished dream come true. But there is no need to delude yourself about her - she will demand payment for her services. Be careful when communicating with her, as she may demand too much.

11 The upcoming trip will bring you success and material profit. This trip will also delight you with a new and interesting acquaintance with a person who will later become your close friend and assistant. You can safely trust him with your secrets and doubts.

12 In the near future, be prepared for a new romantic interest that could bring both grief and happiness. Try to direct the beginning relationship in the right direction, then success awaits you. Take actions only after thinking them through, as a mistake will cost you dearly.

13 Don't give in to the temptation to earn a large sum of easy money. In the future you will pay for this with failures. There is also no need to flirt - this can cause separation from your loved one. Try not to make mistakes, otherwise troubles will haunt you.

14 You will have a chance to do new things. Do not miss this opportunity, as all your endeavors are doomed to success. Listen to your intuition - it will tell you what to do.

15 In the near future, circumstances will develop exclusively in your favor. What you have been doing for a long time will bring success and also open up new paths and opportunities. Everything you dreamed will come true and bring significant material profit.

Many ancient philosophers argued that the basis and essence of all things and events in the world is hidden in numbers. Since then there have been many in various ways predicting the future using fortune telling: on cards, coffee grounds, runes, by hand, on numbers and even by the last number of a phone number. Fortune telling by numbers makes it possible to learn not only about events that have yet to happen, but also answers to the most exciting questions about the meaning of life and the universe.

Fortune telling by numbers: The secret possibilities of numerology

Numerology is an occult teaching based on the belief in the close relationship between numbers and living objects. Knowledge about numbers and their influence on people's destinies is used to determine their inclinations and character. General characteristics Individuals can be identified based on their date of birth, as well as their first and last names using the numerical value of the letters. Since ancient times, people have believed that with the help of numbers you can better know and understand your neighbor, his emotional experiences, as well as anticipate his actions and deeds, predict illnesses and maintain health for many years.

When conducting fortune telling based on numerology, numbers are converted to a single value and work with single-digit numbers of the first digit. Traditionally, the system used was developed by Pythagoras, who believed that everything that exists can be expressed in digital form. Thanks to such a powerful energy source as numbers, special methods of fortune telling have emerged:

  • for the future;
  • on relationships;
  • to the love of a person;
  • in the name of the husband or wife;
  • on the number of lives;
  • on the wedding date, etc.

Fortune telling by numbers for the future

Numbers will help you find out your near future if you turn to yourself simple way fortune telling, for which you only need a piece of paper, a pencil and faith. Used to predict future events integers top ten. This method allows you to find out about your own prospects for the coming month. It should be remembered that in any fortune telling, the correct formulation of the question is of great importance: the more succinctly it is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be.

To conduct a session, you should cut a sheet of paper into nine parts and write a number from one to nine on each of them. All these pieces are put into a small box. Then you need to focus as much as possible on the exciting question, say it several times to yourself and once out loud, and then take one piece of paper out of the box. The number drawn is the answer to the question.
The meaning of numbers in fortune telling:

  • 1 - yes, the answer is clear;
  • 2 - high probability that it will appear real opportunity to implement the plan;
  • 3 - good prospects with sufficient investments;
  • 4 - stability or stagnation depending on the issue;
  • 5 - high probability of unexpected events that can lead to unpredictable results;
  • 6 - excellent prospects for achieving the desired goal;
  • 7 - the emergence of difficulties that one can cope with;
  • 8 - accelerated development of the situation, fraught with negative consequences;
  • 9 - speedy completion of the planned task with maximum efforts for its implementation.

Fortune telling by numbers: on what dates of the month do dreams come true?

Not every dream is prophetic. The qualities of dreams are determined by the day of the month. The given list of calendar numbers will allow you to find the day when the night visions were especially vivid and exciting, and determine whether the dream will be “in your favor”:

  • 1 - everything will come true and have a happy ending;
  • 2 - empty dreams, which should not be paid attention to;
  • 3 - the dream will come true in the near future;
  • 4 - the dream will come true in the distant future;
  • 5 - positive dreams;
  • 6 - will come true when it is forgotten;
  • 7 - a dream that should be kept secret;
  • 8 - sleep will help you realize your potential;
  • 9 - prophetic dream predicting success;
  • 10 - prophetic dream predicting troubles;
  • 11 - promises joyful events within 11 days;
  • 12 - everything you dreamed will soon come true;
  • 13 - bad dream;
  • 14 - promises failure;
  • 15 - true dream;
  • 16 - empty dreams;
  • 17 - will come true in 20 days;
  • 18 - promises material wealth and the appearance of new things;
  • 19 - to domestic quarrels;
  • 21 - good dream will come true, but you can forget about the bad dream;
  • 22 - warning of impending troubles and conflicts;
  • 23 - will come true if not forgotten;
  • 24 - to the speedy fulfillment of everything conceived and planned;
  • 25 - to deception;
  • 26 - a cheerful dream “about nothing”;
  • 27 - meaningless visions;
  • 28 - to minor troubles this month;
  • 29 - empty illusions;
  • 30 - a fantastic dream that will remind you of yourself;
  • 31 - love fantasies that will be translated into reality.

Fortune telling by numbers can give answers to many questions that interest you.

Every girl sooner or later thinks about children. Unfortunately, today science is not able to determine in advance how many children and what gender of the baby a potential mother will give birth to. This question has become something of a sacred secret, a riddle that reeks of wonder and the unknown. However, our ancestors knew a wonderful way to reveal any secret: fortune telling.

There are various fortune telling to find out the number of children and even their gender

There are a lot of ways to carry out fortune telling on children, without even turning to fortune tellers! The main methods used truthful fortune telling for the number of children, you need to know it by heart.

Fortune telling with thread and needle

One of the most popular methods of telling fortunes for children at home. In this fortune telling, you will need the help of a friend, since fortune telling in this way on your own is not recommended.

Fortune telling order:

  1. Take a white or red silk thread, no more than ten to twelve centimeters long.
  2. Thread the needle and ask your friend to gently lift the thread above your palm so that the needle is motionless.
  3. Wait until the needle begins to vibrate on its own.
  4. Count the number of vibrations, and also pay attention to their shape.

IMPORTANT: the needle should not touch the palm, as touching may give the wrong result.

Decoding fortune telling is quite simple. The number of children there will be is indicated by the number of vibrations, and their gender is indicated by the shape of the vibrations. If the needle oscillated left and right, there would be a boy, if during the oscillations it described a circle, it would be a girl.

Fortune telling by date of birth

Numerology is one of the oldest sciences in human history, and therefore many fortune tellings are associated with numbers. There are several numerological methods to determine how many babies and what gender you will have. Let's look at two of them.

First way

To determine your number, you need to find the sum of all the numbers of your date of birth and add to the resulting number the number of children your parents have (that is, the number of brothers and sisters + you).

Let's look at an example. Let's say your date of birth is 03/12/1997, you have two sisters and a half-brother on your father's side. Thus, your number is: 1+2+0+3+1+9+9+7=41=4+1=5 (by date) and 2+1+1= 4 (by the number of children in the family). Result: 5+4=9.

  1. 1 – Women with this number are destined to become mothers of many children. Work is unlikely to bring them happiness, but family affairs will go like clockwork. Most likely number of children: five.
  2. 2 – This number shows that you will not be able to have many children. After the birth of your first baby, which is easy, you are unlikely to be able to conceive and carry a second one. If you want to have a second child, you will have to turn to artificial methods of insemination and preservation of the fetus. Most likely number of children: one.
  3. 3 – Three involves the development of two situational scenarios. First: the birth of an only child at a fairly late age. Second: infertility of you or your chosen one. The decision to adopt a child from orphanage will not bring you happiness, you will experience difficulties in family life. Most likely number of children: zero.
  4. 4 – You will become the mother of a boy and a girl, between whom there will be an age difference of about five to six years. Most likely number of children: two.
  5. 5 – Your number promises you to be the mother of twins or even triplets, most likely girls. Most likely number of children: three.
  6. 6 – You are destined to be a mother of three. Two of them will be born before the age of thirty, but the third one will appear only at the age of forty. Most likely number of children: three.
  7. 7 – You are not destined to have children. This will become a burden for you and your loved ones. Enjoy your solitude. Most likely number of children: zero.
  8. 8 – The birth of the first two will be easy, but you will not be able to give birth to the third. Most likely number of children: two.
  9. 9 – You are unlikely to be able to give birth to children on your own. However, using artificial insemination will help you easily get pregnant, carry to term and give birth to a healthy boy. Most likely number of children: zero.

Did you see the number 9? Most likely, you will not be able to give birth on your own and artificial insemination will help you

Second way

The result of fortune telling depends not only on your “childbearing” number, but also on the “childbearing” number of the potential father of your babies. Therefore, for fortune telling, you need to use two dates - your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner.

Let's give an example of calculating the “childbearing” number. Let's say your date of birth: 12/10/1985, and your partner's: 01/15/1984. Thus, your “childbearing” number: 1+0+1+2+1+9+8+5=27=9, and your partner’s: 1+5+0+1+1+9+8+4=29 =11=1+1=2.


  • if your “fertile” number is significantly higher than your partner’s, your first-born will be a boy;
  • if your “fertile” number is significantly less than your partner’s, your first-born will be a girl;
  • if the “childbearing” numbers differ by no more than two, then it is almost impossible to determine the gender of the first-born, since there is a high chance of error;
  • if these numbers are the same, then your couple will not be able to have a child together.

Fortune telling by stones

If you're wondering, "How many children will I have, or will I ever have children?", you can ask the rocks. The features of fortune telling on stones are outlined below. This method is not similar to fortune telling by date of birth.

This fortune telling is quite simple and does not require much time. For fortune telling you will need a container of water, ten stones and a marker. Write numbers from zero to nine on the rocks with a marker and soak them in water. Try to arrange the stones on the bottom so that they do not overlap each other.

Over time, the water will erase the numbers from all the stones except one. The remaining number is the number of heirs you will have.

Card reading

Fortune telling with cards is one of the oldest methods of fortune telling. To get a prediction, use a deck of Tarot cards.

One of the oldest methods of fortune telling is Tarot cards.

Take the deck in your hands and ask your question as clearly as possible (the Universe loves specifics!), for example: “How many children will I have, full name?” You can ask either out loud or to yourself.

Then take three cards from the deck and start reading them from right to left (you can find the meaning of each card both in the deck itself and on the Internet).

  1. The first card is your past.
  2. The second card is your chances of having a baby, what you are doing right or wrong for this today.
  3. The third card is a direct answer to your question.

Fortune telling by hand

For adherents of palmistry, this section tells how to tell fortunes based on the number of children by hand.

  1. Expand right hand palm up and look closely at the lines under the little finger. The number of lines indicates the number of children you have expectant mother. If the line is long, a boy will be born, if the line is short, a girl will be born.
  2. The severity, clarity and thickness of the line indicate the health of the child. The clearer the line, the luckier the child will be with health. If the lines are poorly defined and have breaks, the child will be weak and prone to illness.

As you know, the lines on the hand can change throughout life as much as a person’s fate. By making fundamental changes in your life, you can change the fate of your descendants, so for accuracy it is worth carrying out such fortune-telling once or twice every five years.

Fortune telling with matches

Fortune telling is quite simple, but it only allows you to find out the gender of the firstborn. To carry it out you will need matches and a bowl of water.

Fortune telling plan:

  1. Fill the container with water.
  2. Light one match and let it burn completely.
  3. Place the burnt match in water.
  4. If the match remains floating on the surface, there will be a girl; if it drowns, there will be a boy.
  5. Please note: if the match does not burn completely the first time, you should not repeat the fortune telling. The Universe is not ready to give an answer right now.

Coin fortune telling

For fortune telling, you will need a handful of coins of the same denomination.

  1. Take them in your palms and ask out loud: “How many children will I have?”
  2. Toss the coins and count the ones that land on heads.
  3. Their number is exactly the number of children you will have (it is worth keeping in mind that we're talking about not only about natural children, but also about adopted ones).
  4. To find out the gender of your future children, leave only those coins that came up heads and, again taking them in your palms, ask: “What gender will my children be?”
  5. Flip the coins.
  6. The number of girls is indicated by coins that land on heads, and the number of boys - on heads.

This method is not able to tell about the future of children, their health, character, but it is quite accurate.

This is the most enjoyable fortune telling.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is considered the most enjoyable

To begin with, you should prepare strong coffee to taste (but under no circumstances add milk or cream). While brewing coffee, mentally ask yourself questions like: “Will there be children?”, “How many will there be?”, “What gender?” and so on.

  1. Sip your coffee slowly while continuing to ask the same questions. It's important not to be distracted from your thoughts, so choose a time when no one is home and turn off your phone.
  2. When there are one or two sips left to the bottom of the cup, shake the coffee clockwise and invert the cup. Wait a few minutes (1-3) before inverting the cup.
  3. After turning, look carefully for traces of coffee.
  4. The number of round spots, the number of boys you will have.
  5. The number of oval marks indicates the number of girls.


Many girls are interested in knowing how many children they will have, their gender, whether the children will be healthy, and what awaits them in the future. Looking into the future is sometimes simply necessary.

In the article, we looked at common methods of fortune telling for children, including: fortune telling on cards, stones, coins, using a thread and a needle, by date of birth.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with such petty fortune-telling: they cannot harm the child in any way. However, you should not get carried away with this and try to find out the fate of the child, as this can only change it not for the better.