All Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ on January 7 (according to the old style - December 25).

The history of Christmas is very interesting and dates back to the first Christian centuries. In those days, by order of Caesar Augustus, a census of the people was taking place, so Joseph and his wife Mary, who carried a baby under her heart, like law-abiding citizens, walked from Nazareth to also take part in the census.

They were very tired, but they were unable to find accommodation for the night at an inn, so they stopped in a stable, where the woman gave birth to a boy named Jesus (Savior). At this time, a guiding star appeared in the sky, which was noticed by the Magi. Walking along it, they came with gifts - gold (as to the King), incense (as to God) and myrrh (as to a person who was soon to die) in order to leave their instructions and predictions to the chosen one. At the same time, an Angel flew to the shepherds in the field to tell them about the birth of the Savior and told them where to look for him. The shepherds found him and began to glorify him.

Since then, great religious holidayNativity. They prepare for it for 40 days, adhering to the Nativity fast from November 28 to January 6, which prohibits eating food before the appearance of a star in the sky. She personifies guiding star, who showed the way to the Magi. Although Christ was born on January 6, but since the pains of birth were long, it was customary to begin the celebration on January 7 and celebrate another three days after.

How Christmas was celebrated

On the evening of January 6, on the eve of Christmas, children and adults went from house to house and began singing carols, singing along the way songs telling about the birth of Christ. They also wished everyone happiness and prosperity, not forgetting about the health of the owners and a generous harvest. Carolers were thanked with coins and sweets. It would have been a sin not to let them in.

Fortune telling at Christmas using a wooden comb for the betrothed

You need a wooden comb, which is important to place under the pillow, which is covered with a fresh snow-white pillowcase. A girl should comb her hair on Christmas Day and say the following words: “I started, and you, betrothed, come and finish my hair”. The comb is then placed under the pillow. At night, the future groom will come in a dream and comb the girl’s hair.

Christmas fortune telling by boot for the groom

If they wanted to know which side the groom would come from, on Christmas Day the girls took their left shoe, stood in the middle of the yard and threw it. Whichever direction he flies, the guy will come from that direction.

Fortune telling at Christmas using thimbles for a wedding

Take three thimbles, under which put a flower, a ring and a ribbon. Then with eyes closed mix them, spin around its axis three times and take one of the thimbles. If there is a flower under it, a loved one will appear, a ring means a wedding, a ribbon means you’ll be a girl for another year.
You can find out what your marriage, personal life or relationship with a person will be like if.

Fortune telling at Christmas by strings

This fortune telling will predict the future. You need to take seven threads of these colors - white, red, blue, yellow, black, brown, green. Then put them in some kind of headdress and, without looking, pull out any thread. If it is a white thread - good news, blue - an interesting acquaintance, black - anger, red - love, yellow - blossoming in life, brown - troubles at work, green - good health.
A good way to find out the future is and, which can also be used on Christmas night.

Fortune telling at Christmas step by step

Think of a desire and choose some kind of landmark, for example, a chair or sofa. Now you need to go to him, trying to place the toe to the heel of the other foot. If you approach the landmark with your left foot, then your plan will not come true, but with your right - very soon.

Fortune telling at Christmas on a log

On the night of January 6-7, go into the barn, close the doors and take any log. Then examine it in the light. Whatever it will be, that is what the future is expected to be. Smooth, with thin bark - a calm course of life. Thick, with rough bark - troubles are expected, as well as a meeting with a dishonest person. Partially peeled bark means minor adversity, all of it means heaviness and misfortune. The log cracked lengthwise means illness. A big one – a new addition to the family. Knotty - time will be troublesome.

If you don’t have a shed with logs, you can tell fortunes on the trees. To do this, go out to the park, close your eyes and approach any tree at random. Now you can examine it and tell your fortune.

Fortune telling for Christmas at home from January 6 to 7, 2019 for the betrothed is the most popular. Please note that this is only possible on Christmas Eve. This means from January 6 to 7. On Christmas Day itself and the night from January 7 to 8, there is no point in guessing. But then the long period of Christmastide begins, which lasts until the night of January 18-19. At this time, you can guess at least every night. How to spend truthful fortune telling for Christmas January 6 7 for the betrothed?

  • To meet your loved one
  • Husband's choice (with onion)
  • Before bedtime
  • With a twig
  • At the window
  • With comb
  • With water
  • Along the fence
  • Dinner with your betrothed
  • With mirrors
  • The attitude of the church towards fortune telling

Fortune telling for Christmas from January 6 to 7 for the betrothed

Popular beliefs say that at the described time all the prohibitions of mysterious forces are lifted and a person can, with sufficient desire, find out his destiny. For fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7, 2019, for your betrothed or any other types of fortune telling, you need to be properly prepared. You need to wash, loosen your hair and comb your hair, take off all your jewelry (they are amulets that block the flow of energy). You should try to throw all material thoughts out of your head, focus only on the future, on the ritual and on your desire to know your fate.

To meet your loved one

To carry out this ritual, you will need to approach the church at midnight on Christmas Eve. It could be any church. The one closest to your home will do. You need to walk around the church 12 times and ask fate to meet your betrothed. This ritual is not even fortune telling, but a way to get rid of painful loneliness and meet your person.

Husband's choice (with onion)

Whether you can choose your own husbands is, of course, a controversial question. But, our ancestors believed that on Christmas Eve and during the Christmastide everything is possible, so why not try and find the best groom for yourself. To do this, you will need to take several onions on one of the designated nights and peel them according to the number of candidates for your hand and heart. To avoid confusion, it is better to even label each bulb additionally. Now put the bulbs in water and send them to the window, wait until they begin to sprout. The bulb that develops green feathers first will point to the person who truly loves you very much.

Before bedtime

On Christmas Eve you will need to eat as much salty food as possible: cabbage, cucumbers, fish. Only after this meal you can no longer drink water. So go to bed, and before going to bed ask the betrothed mummer to come in a dream and bring him something to drink. If you did everything correctly and believe enough in it, then most likely your betrothed will come in a dream, and you will meet him ahead of schedule.

With a twig

This fortune telling for your betrothed should also be prepared before going to bed. You will need to make a bridge from twigs, you can take them out from the broom. Place the bridge under the pillow and wish that in a dream your betrothed will come and lead the girl across the bridge. We hope that your future husband a gentleman would not refuse such a request.

At the window

You will need to prepare for the ritual, as described above, and sit in complete silence by the window in your room. It is best to do this when everyone has already gone to bed, turn off the lights and light a candle. Now you need to silently ask your betrothed to drive past the window. If the first sounds under the window are joyful and cheerful, then this is a good sign. If the conversations are about something sad, then life with your betrothed will be the same. It is interesting that if a car passes under the window first, this indicates a journey in the new year. Perhaps this is where you will meet your betrothed?

With comb

Again, fortune telling is done for the coming dream. You will need to hang a comb in the house at night and ask the groom to come and comb your hair at night. Of course, you shouldn’t comb it yourself before going to bed, under any circumstances.

With water

Before going to bed, you will need to hold the lock above the water and lock the lock. At the same time, say to yourself that your betrothed-mummer will come at night in a dream and ask for water. The person you dream about will be your soulmate.

Along the fence

This ritual is also extremely simple. You will just have to walk along the fence and run your hand along it, saying to yourself: rich, poor, widower, single. At which word the fence ends, fate has prepared such a narrowed one for you.

Dinner with your betrothed

This fortune telling is not for the faint of heart, but they say that the result is worth it. You have to guess alone late in the evening on Christmas Eve. The best time for fortune telling is close to midnight. You need to lay a new tablecloth on the table and put two cutlery, do not put knives and forks on the table and generally put them away. Close the doors and windows tightly, put a plate of fruits, berries, and sweets on the table. You cannot put anything meat or fried or boiled on this table.

Now place your hands on the table and ask your betrothed to come to you for dinner. Soon you will hear noise outside the window: gusts of wind, cracking branches. This means that the betrothed is approaching. Soon the betrothed will enter the room, you need to sit quietly and try to look at him. After that, say “Cheer, my place.” The betrothed will disappear, leaving you, we hope, only pleasant memories.

With mirrors

When considering specific Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed, it is simply impossible to ignore this ritual. As a rule, he always stands somewhere on the sidelines in the list of others and, of course, there are reasons for this. The thing is that many sources indicate that this ritual is quite dangerous and it is important to follow all the main points of its implementation so as not to bring trouble upon yourself. But, if you are lucky and everything is done extremely correctly, you will be able to see the image of your betrothed and understand exactly who fate has prepared for you and when to expect such happiness as meeting a loved one with whom you are destined to grow old.

So, first of all, it must be emphasized that such fortune telling is carried out strictly alone. That is, if you want to have fun with your girlfriends and have fun making predictions, this method divination is definitely not suitable. Moreover, in Rus' this fortune telling was carried out in non-residential premises or in the attic of a house. This is because anything can happen and instead of your betrothed, you can summon evil spirits who will then want to settle in your house. It is clear that such a neighborhood is not suitable for residential premises, but in non-residential premises there is nothing to worry about.

If you have nowhere else to guess except your room in a city apartment, then don’t despair. It’s just important to approach all aspects of this ritual carefully and with caution in order to ultimately see your betrothed and at the same time close the otherworldly portal. So, the room should be dark, fortune telling is carried out by candlelight. Close windows and doors tightly, remove all pets, even fish. Next, the girl will need to prepare externally for such a ritual. In particular, hair must be loosened, all knots on clothing must be undone, buttons and zippers, if any, must be undone. After this, remove all jewelry and approach fortune telling extremely seriously: this is not a joke, but an important ritual, the implementation of which requires ceremony and the right attitude to the matter.

Preparing equipment and conducting the fortune telling itself

1. Take two mirrors, one should be slightly larger than the other. Place a smaller mirror closer to you, but with the front side facing the large mirror. That is, in front of the fortune-telling girl there should be a mirror corridor.
2. You need to take a candle, preferably a long one and made of natural wax, and place it between the mirrors. It turns out that the candle is also reflected in the mirror corridor.
3. Now concentrate on your desire to see your betrothed and, as it were, call him to yourself, while peering intently into the mirrored corridor.
4. If everything is done correctly, with faith in the soul, then soon the image of the betrothed should appear in this corridor. Next, it is important to act strictly according to the plan and not procrastinate, otherwise it can lead to disaster.
5. When you saw the image of your betrothed, you must say loudly three times: “Forget me.” This is required so that the spirit from the mirror does not pass into our world, but remains in the world of spirits, so that the portal closes.

On the other hand, you should not pay too much attention to any negative predictions. Here you should listen to psychologists who say that everything, both bad and good, is programmed in the head of the person himself. Our thoughts have energy and can really change with the right concentration. This is no longer science fiction, but actually proven facts. Therefore, you need to concentrate on all the good things that the fortune telling will tell you about, and immediately banish all the negative things from your head, which means that they will eventually be driven out of your life.

The attitude of the church towards fortune telling

Despite the fact that in Rus' they have always said that the Christmastide period from January 6 to January 18 is ideal for fortune telling and rituals, we need to remind one important thing. The Church considers fortune telling a sin and does not welcome a person’s desire to look into the future and try to find out the will of God in advance. So, for the church, fortune-telling is a sin and it will be necessary to remove it later during confession.

On the other side, for a long time There was paganism in Rus' even before the advent of Christianity. Historically, it so happened that many pagan customs and holidays were later replaced by Christian ones and somehow smoothly fit into church calendar. This is where a kind of confusion came from, that it seems that the Yuletide period is the church period of the holiday in honor of the Nativity and Baptism of Christ, but on the other hand, during this period, various kinds of fortune-telling and rituals are carried out that the church does not welcome.

These are the main fortune telling for your betrothed, which can be carried out both on Christmas Eve and during the Christmastide period from January 8 to 18. Of course, not all fortune telling can work out the first time. But patience and work, as we know, will bear fruit. There is a lot of time, which means you can experiment. Concerning festive table on Christmas Eve, it must be on it.

In the evening of Christmastide, which lasts from January 6 until the feast of Epiphany, according to the tradition of our Slavic ancestors, it is customary for girls to cast a spell on their future life. By using different ways and spells, you can guess the name of the husband who is destined for you, see his face in the reflection of a mirror or water, determine how soon the time for marriage will come. This article contains several proven and unique Yuletide fortune telling that can help you see your future.

Fortune telling on a handful of cereals

This method of fortune telling will help you find out the answers that reveal the deepest secrets of your life. You will need a jar and any grains you can find in the house. You need to pour the grains into a jar, ask a question, then take out a small handful with your left hand and count the number of grains in your palm. If it worked even number- this is a positive answer; if it’s odd, then it’s negative. The main thing is a clear formulation in your head of what you want to know.

Fortune telling by cards

Before going to bed on the very eve of the holiday, you need to put all the kings from the deck on the bed playing cards. In the morning, regardless of the cards, take the first one you come across. Whichever king you come across, this is the character of the future husband: the one of spades is an elderly jealous person, the one of clubs is an officer, the one of hearts is wealthy and young, but the king of diamonds is the one that is dearest to the heart of all.

Fortune telling with a ring

The girls sit on the floor and roll the ring along it. The one whose ring rolls up to the door will soon become married.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Finding out the name of the husband appointed by fate is very simple. This evening you need to ask the first stranger you meet on the street what his name is. His name will be the same as his betrothed.

Fortune telling by mirror

This fortune telling is relevant both at Christmas time and on the night of Christmas and Epiphany. Fortune telling is mysterious and dangerous; it is carried out only by the bravest and strongest in spirit. To make it work, you need to take two large mirrors and place them parallel to each other. Place two lit candles between them. A long tunnel should form in the reflection of the mirrors.

At this time, there should be no cats, no dogs, no birds, no strangers nearby - no one alive, except one or two best friends. Moreover, girls are not allowed to talk, approach the bewitching girl, and most importantly, look into the mirrors.

In the resulting corridor, the silhouette of a man should soon appear, in whom the fortune-telling girl recognizes her betrothed. But sometimes, in addition to the future husband, you can see all kinds of devilry, hoping to get into our world with the help of a mirror. To prevent this, you need to immediately blow out the candles.

Fortune telling with milk and candle wax
First you need to attract Domovoy. Take a dish with milk and place it at the doorstep. Melt the candle stubs in a water bath in a metal bowl. While the wax is melting, it is necessary to recite a special spell: “Brownie, master of my kingdom, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” After all that has been said, quickly pour the wax into the milk and see what shapes are frozen in the saucer.

Fortune telling by pickles

This “gastronomic divination” on Stary New Year Modern ladies should also like it.

Before going to bed, you need to eat pickled cucumbers or tomatoes - whatever your heart desires - and not drink anything after that. Already lying in bed, say: “Betrothed, destined for me, come to me and bring me water!” The one who appears in a dream and gives him water to drink is the one future spouse.

Fortune telling by burning thread

Fortune telling ahead of schedule. All the young ladies who have gathered to tell their fortunes take the same threads and set them on fire at the same time. The girl whose thread burns out first will be the first to get married. But others should not despair, because the order in which the threads burn determines their order of marriage. That is, the one who takes second place will marry after the winner, and then in descending order.

Fortune telling for a child

For such fortune-telling you need a ring and a thin rope. You need to put the ring on a thread and lower it into a glass of water. Then slowly pull it out and bring it to your palm. If the ring starts to spin, then expect a girl; if it starts to swing like a pendulum, expect a boy. If he remains immovable, there will be no addition to the family this year.

The most favorable time for fortune telling is Christmas Eve, Christmastide, Ivan Kupala and Christmas night. It is believed that it is on these days that fortune telling is the most reliable. Of course, this is not essential, but it will help create a mystical atmosphere.
Fortune telling by wish
One of the most simple fortune telling- fortune telling by wish. 12 wishes are written on 12 separate pieces of paper. The leaves are rolled up and placed under the pillow. After the night, three pieces of paper are pulled out at random. Those wishes that you pulled out will come true next year.

You can also guess from a spiritual book. To do this, the page and line number are guessed. The book opens on the desired page and the hidden line is read - this is your prediction.

There is a very common fortune telling about compatibility with your partner. Take a needle, red thread and fabric. You need to concentrate on your companion. Then a few stitches are made with a needle and red thread and pulled quickly. If the thread goes well, then everything will be fine. If it is difficult, then get ready for difficulties. If the thread breaks at all, then nothing will work out with this person.

Fortune telling by shadow
You can also guess the future from the shadow. To do this, you need to take a couple of paper sheets and crumple them into one large ball. Then the light is turned off and a regular wax candle is lit. The candle is brought to the ball so that it casts a shadow. The shape of the shadow gives a prediction. If this is a star, then good luck and success in your endeavors await you. Shadow in the form of animals and pits means difficulties. A mountain can mean a difficult road to a happy future. A shadow in the shape of a ring means an imminent marriage.

Fortune telling is a great sin, but the church turns a blind eye to Christmas fortune telling, allowing people to look into their future.

Fortune telling for Christmas from January 6 to 7 for the future under the pillow whether there will be children or not

On the night of January 6-7, a girl can find out not only the name of her betrothed, but also whether they will have children.

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To do this, you need to write the names of the guys on small pieces of paper, roll the sheet into a tube and put it under your pillow. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out the first piece of paper you come across and read the name of your betrothed in it.

Then put your hand under the pillow again and pull out as many leaves as will fit in your palm at a time. If their number is even, it means that after the wedding you should wait for the baby to appear.

It is possible to get rid of a love spell, as well as protect yourself from new magical attacks, thanks to the improvised items available in every home.

For example, wearing a pin in a place hidden from prying eyes will provide reliable protection against love spells.

When disconnecting it from clothing, you should say the text three times:

“I remove the pin from the clothes and the love of the servant of God, the servant of God (name)

I delete the servant of Bogarab of God (name).

Then put it in a place where no one can find it.

It is best to bury it in the ground.

— Getting rid of a love spell

Fortune telling for Christmas from January 6 to 7 for the betrothed on paper at home

Crumple up a piece of paper or newspaper, place it on a large plate and burn it. Then light a candle and arrange everything so that the plate with paper casts a shadow on the wall.

The future is guessed by the outlines of the shadow, turning the plate at different angles and trying not to disturb the shape of the burnt paper.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about about the possibility of establishing a connection with spirits and even controlling the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but yours life choice and the power that is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Fortune telling for Christmas January 6-7 with wax, with a comb, with candles and water

On Christmas night, if you put a comb under your pillow with the words: “Betrothed! When I sleep, come and comb me!” - you can see your future spouse in a dream.

Fortune telling for Christmas in the mirror, in the bathhouse, to summon the spirit, for girls, men, children, guys, for married people

You need to guess with a mirror yourself. Sit in front of the mirror, light a candle and say.

Hello dear readers. Everyone probably wants to know at least the slightest detail about their future. Many people consider fortune telling a sin, but this “fact” stops few people, since everyone wants to learn something interesting from the future. The most favorable time for fortune telling is Christmas Eve, because it is on this night that the predictions will be accurate. Young girls, who so desire to know the name of their betrothed, are especially looking forward to the time for fortune-telling. Do not doubt, this magical night will help you find out his name, and believe me, it will be true. There are many fortune tellings that can both tell you the name of your future husband and show his face. So try not to miss this opportunity.

The start for fortune-telling is Christmas Eve, so it is from this time that you can start fortune-telling different areas life. Do you want to know what the future awaits you in financially? Choose a suitable fortune telling that will help you get the answer to this particular question.

In 2018, Christmas night is January 6, which is Saturday for us, and Sunday 7. But do not forget that the future can change depending on your actions, so you should guess for the near future. Perhaps some pleasant details from the near future will be an excellent motivation for you to carry out your plans.

What date to guess for Christmas: January 6 or 7

We all know that we can start guessing around Christmas, but no one knows the exact time. Some people begin to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve, but for others, the beginning of traditional fortune-telling begins only on January 7th. So in what period can you get the most accurate prediction about the future?

Remember that you can start guessing on the night of January 6-7, and this does not depend on whether it is 2018 or another. After all, this is the time that is considered the most magical, which means that on these days fortune telling will be the most truthful.

The people believe that it is on this night that all prohibitions are lifted, and therefore every person will be able to find out their future if they can push back this mysterious veil a little.

And this can only be done with the help of certain fortune-telling, each of which can tell you about how this or that area of ​​your life will change.

Christmas fortune-telling begins on Christmas night and continues until Epiphany, which, as we all know, falls on January 19th. Essentially, you have plenty of time to discover a piece of your own future.

As a rule, what we “predicted” to ourselves is forgotten over time, but we remember it only when the predicted event actually happens. If you learn something interesting about your bright future, then don't focus too much on it.

This will definitely happen if you really believe in yourself and your future, and try not to disturb the sequence of events.

Christmas night is considered the most magical time of the whole year, which means that on this night all mysterious forces cease to be mysterious to us. They can both benefit a person and cause harm. Therefore, you should be extremely careful with some fortune-telling, as they can only bring you trouble.

Please note that the second best time for fortune telling is the period from January 8 to January 18. These days are the most favorable for fortune telling about the betrothed, as well as about the future with him.

Fortune telling for Christmas will help us find out almost everything about our future husband: from eye color to the smallest details of character. Young girls will probably be very interested to know what kind of future is in store for her, and who exactly will be her chosen one.

Do you think the most accurate information can be obtained on Christmas night? But no, there is another magical day that will help you get a 100% prediction for any area of ​​your life.

But before you guess, you need to properly prepare yourself for this unusual ritual. Yes, any fortune telling requires some preparation, and Christmas fortune telling will not bring any results if you are not prepared.

How to tell fortunes at Christmas time - getting ready for fortune telling

Christmas time is the period of time from Christmas to Epiphany during which one successfully guesses for children, for a husband or betrothed, for money.

Fortune telling is a ritual, the implementation of which will be impossible without fulfilling certain conditions. Many of us may sit down to guess just for fun, but if you really want to know the truth, then it is better to consider the following requirements:

Get serious about doing the following.

Let your hair down, as nothing should block the flow of information.

For the same reasons, you should undo all the knots and remove all the belts that fetter your energy.

Remove bracelets and rings.

Try to forget about everything that is happening around you. There is only you, and nothing else around.

Formulate the question in such a way that you can get an accurate answer.

Fortune telling for Christmas so that money will be found

Everything in our lives flows and changes, including money. We don't notice how they come, but their departure leaves an emptiness in our pockets, which always spoils the mood. But let’s not talk about sad things, because we still have to perform certain rituals that will help attract a fairly large amount into our lives.

Many people do not believe at all that performing certain actions on such a magical night can bring positive results. Actually, you can’t do this without faith, so it’s important for you to really want it. We recall the requirements for each fortune-telling, which must be fulfilled.

Therefore, it’s time to tune in to the money wave and ask the good spirits who will visit the Earth this night to receive money in the near future.

Certain rituals that should be performed exclusively on Christmas night will help improve your financial situation. After all, only in this way will you receive what you wished for in the near future.

1. Coins in a pot

As you already understand, to carry out the ritual we will need a clay pot, as well as small money in the form of coins, which should be in the pocket of each of the participants in the ritual. It is known that the symbol of the next year will be a dog, so in this case we need to ask her for help.

A note must be placed at the bottom of the pot, which should say the following: “Coins to coins. The money is coming. We give all the money to the Dog, who will bring us more more money. Let it be so". A figurine is placed on the note yellow dog, which will guard the pot of coins.

Everyone participating in the ritual must say everything that is written on a piece of paper placed in the pot. At the same time, everyone begins to throw all available coins into the vessel.

After all the steps have been completed, it is necessary to cover the pot with a cloth that is tied with thread. Please note that it is best to use green fabric and thread. The neck of the pot is tied with eight knots of thread, and all the same words must be repeated by each of the participants.

Sprinkle the tied pot with a few drops of water, each of which will represent one of the family members. The pot must be stored all year round, for which you will receive the desired amount of money. Thus, the likelihood of a round sum coming into your life increases significantly.

2. Money full moon

The ritual is carried out on any of the days allowed for fortune telling, because the new moon can please us only on one of the nights. To determine a specific day, you must contact lunar calendar, which will tell us the exact number.

Pour regular clean water and place it on the windowsill where light moonlight will fall. At the moment of the full moon, you need to wash your face with water soaked in cold moonlight. At the same time, you need to speak words that would truly reflect the desire for money to appear in your life.

If you really believe in the favorable course of events, then you can easily get the desired funds. Before you know it, all the doors will begin to open in front of you, allowing you to earn more money without making Herculean efforts.

Carrying out exactly these rituals will help you find what you want, what we always lack - money. Why not try to attract money into your life in this way? Think about it now, because such a magical night only happens once a year.

Christmas fortune telling for husband, betrothed, happy marriage

Every young girl dreams of Great love in the future, which is why she is so interested in knowing how soon she will meet her soulmate.

What he will look like, and what character traits are characteristic of him. For this, in fact, there are fortune telling that will help us look into our happy future.

Certain fortune telling, which should be carried out exclusively within the specified period, will help you find out what your future husband will be like.

Probably, this particular ritual is the most common among all fortune-telling for a future meeting with your soulmate. In addition, this fortune telling is considered one of the most mystical, and at the same time frightening.

You will have to stay in a dark room, completely alone, with a mirror placed opposite. You need to light a candle and place it near the mirror, because its soft light will help you see the silhouette of your betrothed.

You need to look in the mirror for several minutes until it fades. It is at this moment that you will be able to see your future husband. It is believed that the devil has taken the form of your betrothed. Therefore, as soon as you saw the face of this person, you need to repeat “Church me” so that the evil spirits disappear.

As you already understand, of all four kings we will need the one of diamonds. Place the card under the pillow you sleep on. But before that, you should imagine an approximate image of the man you would like to see next to you. Try to think only about him, falling asleep with the same thought in your head.

This night you will definitely dream about the image of your future husband. Can you believe this? Everything you dream about the night before Christmas will definitely come true, so be careful what you wish for.

3. Fortune telling with wax

A simple wax candle will help you suggest the first letter of the name of your future lover. First we need to prepare a deep plate, which we will need to fill with water. At the same time, light the candle and tilt it at such an angle that the wax slowly drips into the vessel with water.

At this time, you should concentrate as much as possible on the image of your soulmate. Therefore, try to concentrate to get a clear wax letter that can point you to a specific person.

4. Comb under the pillow

The important thing here is that you use this comb enough long time, this means that it should be yours. So, before going to bed, you need to comb your hair properly, but there is no need to rush anywhere. Do it slowly, while simultaneously creating an image of your future husband.

After the ritual is completed, you need to place the comb under the pillow and just go to bed. Actually, in a dream you will see your soulmate. The main thing here is to try not to forget your dream.

Fortune telling for your husband. To do this, you need to take a smooth ring, thread your hair (or thread) into the ring and hold it between your fingers, dip it in a glass of water (preferably spring water) and ask a question. Will I get married this year? or Will I have a wedding this year? or Do I know my future husband?

If the ring goes in a circle, the answer is “yes,” if it swings back and forth, the answer is “no.” Frozen in place - the pendulum does not give an answer.

How to tell fortunes for children at Christmas

Probably, for every woman, real happiness lies in the birth of her child, who will be one of the main people in her life. Any woman wants to know when she can expect an addition to the family, which is why there are certain fortune tellings that help us understand this issue.

1. Fortune telling about gender and number of children

On Christmas Eve, pour plain purified water into a glass and place a ring in the bottom. Send the glass out into the cold, wait until the water in it freezes, and before going to bed, take it back to the house.

The resulting ice crust will help determine the sex of the child: the number of tubercles on it will indicate how many sons you will have, and the resulting pits will help determine the number of girls in your family. Don't think that there will be too many such flaws on the ice.

2. Fortune telling with a needle

We will need simple needle and a white thread, which must be immediately threaded into the eye of the needle. We lift the needle by the thread and point it at the center of the palm. In essence, we are creating a kind of pendulum.

If the needle swings across your palm, then expect the appearance of a daughter, but if the needle swings along, then you will probably have a son.

It also happens that the needle begins to wiggle again, and this may indicate that you will not be limited to one child. So, you will learn about what kind of children you will have in the future.

Fortune telling at Christmas is not a reliable source of information for everyone, because many simply do not believe in them. Perhaps on the most ordinary day, fortune telling will not be able to provide you with accurate information.

But Christmas fortune-telling is the most accurate, so if you are really determined to find out any details about your future, then choose several fortune-telling for the upcoming holidays.

Do you want to see your future husband or determine the gender of your unborn child? Don't be lazy on Christmas night, but perform several rituals that will help you find out what awaits you in the future.