On January 1, 2015, the Customs Union was replaced by the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The EAEU was established on May 29, 2014 in Astana, on which the CU member countries signed a corresponding Agreement. Let's consider what the features of the new union are in comparison with the Customs Union.

Composition of EAEU participants

The Union includes not 3 countries, as before (remember, initially these were Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan), but 5. On January 2, 2015, Armenia joined it. And on August 12, 2015, Kyrgyzstan joined the Union (report of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated August 12, 2015).

The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union also determines the procedure for indirect taxation when exporting and importing goods, performing work, and providing services. Appendix 18 to the Treaty is dedicated to it. With the entry into force of the Treaty, international agreements signed within the CU, including protocols on taxation, lost force.

Generally, general rules taxation in within the EAEU similar to those that operated under the Customs Union.

Read about the legal relationship between the provisions of the Treaty on the EAEU and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. .

Export to the EAEU

Exporters can apply zero VAT rate (excise tax exemption) subject to confirmation of export necessary documents(paragraphs 3, 4 of Appendix 18). The list of documents itself actually remained the same. At the same time, it became possible, instead of an import application, to submit a list of such applications containing details and information from those applications, information about which was received by the tax authority (subclause 3, clause 4 of Appendix 18). The deadline for export confirmation has not changed - 180 calendar days from the date of shipment (clause 5 of Appendix 18).

To find out which document does not need to be submitted to the Federal Tax Service to confirm your right to a zero tax rate, read the article .

Import from the EAEU

Importers also pay taxes upon import (clause 4 of article 72 of the Treaty, clause 13 of Appendix 18). At the same time, as before, the import exemption provided for by national legislation applies (Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Tax does not have to be paid if goods are imported in connection with their transfer within the same legal entity(Clause 6, Article 72 of the Treaty).

Among the significant innovations, it is worth noting the emergence of rules defining the taxation procedure:

  • when returning goods of inadequate quality (clause 23 of Appendix 18);

see also .

  • when the cost of imported goods increases (clause 24 of Appendix 18).

Read about the basic rule of deduction for goods imported from the EAEU in the material .


The EAEU members are 5 states: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. The procedure for taxation when importing/exporting goods by importers/exporters to/from the territory of the EAEU member countries is regulated by Appendix 18 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union.

Every year the world moves further along the path of globalization and integration. Ties within economic and political unions are becoming stronger, and new interstate associations are emerging. One of such organizations is the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Let's learn more about the work of this regional association.

The essence of the EAEU

What is the Eurasian Economic Union? This is an international association aimed at the economic integration of a number of countries located in Europe and Asia. Currently, it includes only a number of states of the former Soviet Union, but this does not mean that theoretically the EAEU cannot expand beyond the borders of the previously existing USSR.

It should be noted that members of the Eurasian economic union expand cooperation among themselves not only economically, but also politically and culturally.

Organizational goals

The main goal that the Eurasian Economic Union sets for itself is to deepen economic interaction between its member countries. This is expressed in local tasks, such as stimulating trade circulation between countries, removing customs and tax restrictions on trade, developing cooperation and developing common economic projects. The result of deepening cooperation should be the growth of the economies of the participating countries and an increase in the living standards of their citizens.

The main tool for achieving the strategic goal is to ensure free trade, which is expressed in the unimpeded movement of goods, capital, labor and other resources within the borders of the EAEU.

Background of creation

Let's find out how such an organization as the Eurasian Economic Union was formed.

The beginning of the reintegration of states in the open spaces former USSR marked the creation of the CIS. The agreement on the formation of this entity was signed in December 1991 between the heads of the RSFSR, Belarus and Ukraine. Later, until 1994 inclusive, all Soviet republics, except the Baltic countries, joined it. True, Turkmenistan takes part in the organization as an association; the Ukrainian parliament has never ratified the agreement, therefore, although the country is a founder and participant in the association, it is not legally a member, and Georgia left the CIS in 2008.

At the same time, during their work, the Commonwealth institutions have shown their low efficiency. The decisions of the CIS bodies were actually not binding on its members and were often not implemented, and the economic effect of cooperation was minimal. This has forced the governments of some countries in the region to think about creating more effective systems of interaction.

The President of Kazakhstan made a statement about the need to create a closer union than the CIS, which would imply systemic integration of the economies of the participating countries, as well as a common defense policy. By analogy with the European Union, he named the hypothetical organization Eurasian Union. As we can see, the name stuck and was used in the future to create a new economic structure.

The next step on the path of mutual integration was the signing in 1996 of the Agreement on Deepening Integration between the leaders of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Its action covered both economic and humanitarian spheres.

EurAsEC is the predecessor of the EAEU

In 2001, the integration aspirations of the above countries, as well as Tajikistan, which joined them, were expressed in the creation of a full-fledged international organization - the Eurasian Economic Community. In 2006, Uzbekistan became a member of the EurAsEC, but only after two years it suspended its participation in the organization. Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia received observer status.

The purpose of this organization was to deepen economic cooperation in the region, as well as the implementation of some tasks that the CIS could not cope with. It was a natural continuation of the integration processes that were launched by the 1996 agreement, and the Eurasian Economic Union was the result of common efforts.

Organization of the Customs Union

One of the main tasks of the EurAsEC was the organization of the Customs Union. It provided for a single customs territory. That is, within the borders of this interstate association, customs duties were not levied when moving goods.

The agreement on the formation of the Customs Union between representatives of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus was signed back in 2007. But before the organization could begin to fully function, each of the participating countries had to make appropriate changes to their domestic legislation.

TS began its activities in January 2010. First of all, this was expressed in the formation of identical customs tariffs. The Unified Customs Code came into effect in July. It served as the foundation on which the entire TS system rests. This is how the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union was formed, which is still in force today.

In 2011, a common customs territory began to function, which meant the abolition of all customs restrictions between the CU countries.

Throughout 2014-2015 in Customs Union Kyrgyzstan and Armenia also joined. Representatives of the authorities of Tunisia and Syria expressed their desire for their countries to join the CU organization in the future.

The Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union are, in fact, components of the same regional integration process.

Education of the EAEU

The Eurasian Economic Union is the final result of the integration aspirations of a number of countries of the former Soviet Union. The decision to create this organization was made at the summit of the heads of EurAsEC members back in 2010. Since 2012, the Common Economic Space began to function, on the basis of which the formation of the EAEU was planned.

In May 2014, an agreement was agreed between the heads of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus on the creation of this organization. In fact, it came into force at the beginning of 2015. Due to this fact, the EurAsEC was liquidated.

Participating countries

Initially by the founding countries EurAsEC organizations are the states that were most interested in economic integration in the region. These are Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia. Later they were joined by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

Thus, currently the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union are represented by five countries.


The United Eurasian Economic Union is not a structure with fixed borders. Hypothetically, any country that meets the requirements of the organization can become its member. Thus, in January 2015, Armenia became a member of the union, and in August Kyrgyzstan joined the organization.

The most likely candidate to join the community is Tajikistan. This country works closely with EAEU states within other regional organizations and does not remain aloof from integration processes. Tajikistan is a member of the CIS, an organization collective defense The CSTO was at one time a full member of the EurAsEC community, which ceased to exist after the EAEU began functioning. In 2014, the President of Tajikistan announced the need to study the possibility of the country joining the EAEU.

In 2012-2013, negotiations were held on the possible future entry into the organization of Ukraine, since regional cooperation without this country, according to experts, could not give the maximum effect. But the political elite of the state was committed to integration in the European direction. After the overthrow of the Yanukovych government in 2014, the possibility of Ukraine joining the EAEU can only be realistic in the long term.


Members of the Eurasian Economic Union formed the governing bodies of this international organization.

The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is the governing body of the EAEU at the highest level. It includes heads that represent the states of the Eurasian Economic Union. This body resolves all the most important strategic issues. He holds a meeting once a year. Decisions are made exclusively unanimously. The countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are obliged to comply with all decisions of the Supreme Council of the EAEU.

Naturally, a body that meets once a year cannot fully ensure the constant functioning of the entire organization. For these purposes, a commission of the Eurasian Economic Union (Eurasian Economic Commission) was created. The tasks of this structure include the preparation and implementation of specific integration measures, which are provided for by the general development strategy developed by the Supreme Council. On this moment The commission employs 1,071 people who have received the status of international employees.

The executive body of the commission is the Collegium. It consists of fourteen people. In fact, each of them is an analogue of ministers in national governments and is responsible for a specific area of ​​activity: economy, energy, customs cooperation, trade, etc.

Economic interaction

The main goal of creating the EAEU is to deepen economic integration between the countries of the region. Therefore, it is not surprising that economics comes first in the organization’s tasks.

Within the boundaries of the organization, the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, adopted back in 2010, before the start of the functioning of the EAEU, is in force. It provides for the free movement of goods without customs control in the territory of all countries of the organization.

Application of economic instruments provided for by the concept development of the EAEU, is designed to reduce the cost of goods that cross the border due to the absence of a customs margin on them; increase competition, which should cause an increase in product quality; bring tax law in all countries to a single denominator; increase the GDP of the organization’s members and the welfare of their citizens.


At the same time, there are many critical reviews of the work of the EAEU among economic analysts. Moreover, they exist both among ardent opponents of the existence of such an organization, and among its moderate supporters.

Thus, the fact that the project was actually launched before all the nuances of its mechanisms had been worked out and agreements had been reached on the prospects of the EAEU has been criticized. It is also noted that in fact the union is not so much pursuing economic goals, as much as it is political, but in economic terms it is not beneficial for all its members, including Russia.


At the same time, the prospects for the EAEU with making the right choice the economic course and coordination of actions between the participants look quite good. A significant economic effect is noticeable even under the conditions of sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries. In the future, it is planned that the effect of participation in the EAEU will be expressed in a 25 percent increase in GDP for all its participants.

In addition, there is a possibility of further expansion of the organization. Many countries of the world are interested in cooperation with the EAEU without joining the union. For example, a free trade zone will soon begin to operate between the community and Vietnam. Interest in establishing similar relationships The governments of Iran, China, India, Egypt, Pakistan and a number of other states also expressed their views.


It is still too early to talk about how successful the implementation of the EAEU has been, because the organization has been functioning for just over a year. At the same time, certain intermediate results can be drawn right now.

It is a great achievement that the organization actually works and is not a structure created just for show. This is especially significant in the context of international economic sanctions against the country, which, in fact, is the cementing basis of the union - Russia.

At the same time, despite many positive aspects, it should be noted that the EAEU does not function as clearly as those who saw the future of this organization only in rosy colors would like. There are many disagreements both at the level of senior management of the participating countries and in terms of agreeing on small details, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the economic return of this project as a whole.

But let’s hope that the shortcomings will be resolved over time, and the EAEU will turn into a clear mechanism that works effectively for the benefit of all its members.

The Eurasian Economic Union unites five states pursuing a coordinated policy of economic integration. International organization was created with the aim of taking measures aimed at overcoming crisis trends in the economies of the united countries, in order to improve the well-being of their population.

Countries EAEU members for 2016 – Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Armenia. The bulk of the commonwealth's imports comes from equipment, vehicles and machinery, while exports are based on the sale of mineral products.

Chronology of the creation of the SEZ

The project for the integration of countries was proposed back in 1994, and a year later, in a trilateral manner - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, declared the Agreement on the Customs Union. Since 2010, the Unified Customs Tariff has been in operation, and customs control has been moved beyond the borders of the commonwealth. The movement of goods between the three states began to be carried out without customs clearance.

In 2014, to switch to new level relations, an agreement was signed on the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union. By the time the document came into force in 2015, the Republic of Armenia had expressed a desire to join the Union. Kyrgyzstan was the last to join the alliance.

Within the framework of the agreement, members of the EAEU ensure the free promotion of products, the movement of workers and capital, and coordinate their own policies with the interests of their partners. The leadership of the EAEU is carried out by the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, composed of the presidents of the participating countries. Customs posts between states have been abolished, leaving only border posts.

Features of the customs and tax system of the EAEU

One of the main issues of economic integration is the formation of a single customs space. Trade between the five united countries should not be limited by economic boundaries. Countries included in the EAEU must apply unified customs regulation and a unified customs tariff. They have general principle conducting trade relations with countries outside the Union. To regulate relations in the field of foreign trade, a special Eurasian Economic Commission was created. It is competent to control about 170 functions of the Union, among them: tariff regulation, collection of trade statistical reports, organization of sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures, etc.

The EAEU Customs Code was developed on the basis of the practical experience of the Customs Code of the Customs Union and WTO norms. On the territory of the EAEU there is a unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity, containing a description and coding of goods. Customs duties on imported goods are uniform in size, valid throughout the Union, but each country has the right to independently establish seasonal duties. Their validity period is 6 months. This type of duty applies to the approved list of goods. In particular, these include oil and oil products, as well as gas exported to third countries.

Customs duties of the EAEU countries are a mandatory payment. It is required by customs authorities for activities necessary for the release and escort of goods. The amount of such fee should not exceed the actual costs of the customs authorities for the actions performed by them.

Taxes on imports from EAEU countries are regulated by several Protocols attached to the Treaty on the EAEU. When importing goods from one of the four partner countries into the Russian Federation, the taxpayer must calculate and pay VAT. In relations with counterparties from the EAEU countries, the special order calculation and payment of VAT. When determining the amount, the date of receipt of the product for registration is important; the tax base is calculated for it. The tax must be paid by the 20th day of the month following the month in which the imported goods were registered. The entrepreneur enters the calculated VAT into the indirect tax return. If excise taxes are imposed on a product, they will be charged tax authorities RF. The VAT that the importer paid when importing cargo into Russia is deductible.

When exporting goods, a zero VAT rate may be applied if all documents confirming the export are available.

Who benefits from tariff benefits?

Tariff benefits in the EAEU customs union are provided to products from developing and least developed countries. According to the UN definition, the least developed countries include 49 states, most of which are located in Africa. These countries can import products produced or sufficiently processed into their territory at a reduced duty rate of 0%. To receive preferences, they must provide a Form A certificate confirming the origin of the goods. The certificate is valid for one year and is issued in two languages ​​– Russian and English. The list of users of benefits includes: Angola, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Madagascar, Ethiopia and others. 103 developing countries received preferences from the EAEU in the amount of paying 75% of the total customs rate. This long list includes: Vietnam, Egypt, Brazil, India, Iran, North Korea and many others.

The meaning of tariff benefits is to ensure more favorable conditions for competition with goods from developed countries. Based on the Free Trade Agreement, the CIS countries also received preferences. Their representatives must provide a ST-1 certificate of the origin of the goods. The document is issued for one batch of goods, is valid for 12 months, and is filled out in Russian. Serbian products enjoy special benefits; representatives of this country provide an CT-2 certificate.

Procedure for obtaining customs benefits

Persons applying for preferences must undergo several mandatory procedures:

  1. Determine the country of origin of the goods and compare it with the list of countries to which benefits apply.
  2. Checking the correctness of determining the country of origin of the goods. The product must be entirely produced in the country or be subject to sufficient processing.
  3. Determination of the EAEU HS code.
  4. Checking the certificate.

Activities of logistics operators in the EAEU countries

Among the areas of mutually beneficial cooperation, the creation of common transport corridors and systems plays an important role. The Council adopted a number of provisions to ensure the unhindered movement of goods within the territory of the Union.

Features of cargo transportation within the EAEU are the ability to deliver goods by water, rail and road transport using a simplified system. Liberalization of transport activities takes place in several directions:

  • transit transportation through the territory of partner countries;
  • between the states in whose territory carrier companies are registered (bilateral agreements);
  • transportation to third countries.

The integration policy of the Eurasian five made it possible to extend road transport control to the external borders of the commonwealth and carry out the transportation of goods without special permits.

Among the expected changes that could bring practical benefits to carriers is the liberalization of cabotage transportation. It will take place in stages, starting from 2016 to 2024. In the near future, it is planned to allow one cabotage transportation at the time of transit to the state of registration. An integral condition is the completion of the cargo transportation from the country of the Eurasian Union.

News: Customs Code, when to expect changes

The regular appearance of new individual goods and entire groups not included in the Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity requires an early revision and preparation of an updated Customs Code. EAEU Code. The process is moving slowly due to disagreements among the member countries of the Union. In addition to this document, a new edition of the Product Nomenclature is being prepared. To ensure its development before January 1, 2017, a temporary moratorium has been introduced on all changes to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.

The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an international integration economic association (union), the agreement on the creation of which was signed on May 29, 2014 and comes into force on January 1, 2015. The union included Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The EAEU was created on the basis of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) to strengthen the economies of the participating countries and “bring closer to each other”, to modernize and increase the competitiveness of the participating countries in the world market. The EAEU member states plan to continue economic integration in the coming years.

History of the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union

In 1995, the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and later joining states - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed the first agreements on the creation of the Customs Union. Based on these agreements, the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) was created in 2000.

On October 6, 2007, in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed an agreement on the creation of a single customs territory and the Customs Union Commission as a single permanent governing body Customs Union.

The Eurasian Customs Union or the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia was born on January 1, 2010. The customs union was launched as a first step towards the formation of a broader type European Union economic union of former Soviet republics.

The creation of the Eurasian Customs Union was guaranteed by 3 different treaties signed in 1995, 1999 and 2007. The first agreement in 1995 guaranteed its creation, the second in 1999 guaranteed its formation, and the third in 2007 announced the creation of a single customs territory and the formation of a customs union.

Access of products to the territory of the Customs Union was granted after checking these products for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union that are applicable to these products. As of December 2012, 31 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union have been developed, which cover different kinds products, some of which have already entered into force, and some of which will enter into force before 2015. Some technical regulations will still be developed.

Before the Technical Regulations came into force, the basis for access to the market of the member countries of the Customs Union were the following rules:

1. National certificate - for product access to the market of the country where this certificate was issued.

2. Certificate of the Customs Union - a certificate issued in accordance with the “List of products subject to mandatory assessment (confirmation) of conformity within the Customs Union” - such a certificate is valid in all three member countries of the Customs Union.

Since November 19, 2011, member states have implemented the work of a joint commission (Eurasian Economic Commission) to strengthen closer economic ties to create the Eurasian Economic Union by 2015.

On January 1, 2012, the three states formed the Common Economic Space to promote further economic integration. All three countries have ratified a basic package of 17 agreements governing the launch of the Common Economic Space (CES).

On May 29, 2014, an agreement on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union was signed in Astana (Kazakhstan).

On January 1, 2015, the EAEU began to function as part of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. On January 2, 2015, Armenia became a member of the EAEU. Kyrgyzstan has announced its intention to participate in the EAEU.

Economy of the Eurasian Economic Union

The macroeconomic effect from the integration of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan into the EAEU is created due to:

Reduced prices for goods due to reduced costs of transporting raw materials or exporting finished products.

Stimulating “healthy” competition in the common market of the EAEU through an equal level of economic development.

Increasing competition in the common market of the member countries of the Customs Union, thanks to the entry of new countries into the market.

Increase in average wages, thanks to reduced costs and increased productivity.

Increasing production due to increased demand for goods.

Increasing the well-being of the people of the EAEU countries, thanks to lower food prices and increased employment.

Increasing the return on investment of new technologies and products due to increased market volume.

At the same time, the signed version of the agreement on the creation of the EAEU was of a compromise nature, and therefore a number of planned measures were not implemented in full. In particular, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and the Eurasian Economic Court did not receive broad powers to monitor compliance with the agreements. If EEC regulations are not followed, controversial issue is considered by the Eurasian Economic Court, whose decisions are only advisory in nature, and the issue is finally resolved at the level of the Council of Heads of State. In addition, pressing issues on the creation of a unified financial regulator, on energy trade policy, as well as on the problem of the existence of exemptions and restrictions on trade between EAEU members were postponed until 2025 or indefinitely.

Characteristics of the EAEU countries (as of 2014)

CountriesPopulation, million peopleSize of real GDP, billion US dollarsGDP per capita, thousand US dollarsInflation, %Unemployment rate, %Trade balance, billion US dollars
Russia142.5 2057.0 14.4 7.8 5.2 189.8
Belarus9.6 77.2 8.0 18.3 0.7 -2.6
Kazakhstan17.9 225.6 12.6 6.6 5.0 36.7

Source - CIA World Factbook

Governing bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union

The governing bodies of the EAEU are the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is the highest supranational body of the EAEU. The council includes heads of state and government. The Supreme Council meets at the level of heads of state at least once a year, at the level of heads of government - at least twice a year. Decisions are made by consensus. Decisions made become mandatory in all participating states. The Council determines the composition and powers of other regulatory structures.

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is one permanent regulatory body (supranational governing body) in the EAEU. The main task of the EEC is to provide conditions for the development and functioning of the EAEU, as well as the development of economic integration initiatives within the EAEU.

The powers of the Eurasian Economic Commission are defined in Article 3 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 18, 2010. All rights and functions of the previously existing Customs Union Commission were delegated to the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Within the competence of the Commission:

  • customs tariffs and non-tariff regulation;
  • customs administration;
  • technical regulation;
  • sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures;
  • crediting and distribution of import customs duties;
  • establishment of trade regimes with third countries;
  • statistics of foreign and domestic trade;
  • macroeconomic policy;
  • competition policy;
  • industrial and agricultural subsidies;
  • energy policy;
  • natural monopolies;
  • state and municipal procurement;
  • domestic trade in services and investment;
  • transport and transportation;
  • monetary policy;
  • intellectual property and copyright;
  • migration policy;
  • financial markets (banking, insurance, foreign exchange and stock markets);
  • and some other areas.

The Commission ensures the implementation of international treaties that form the legal basis of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Commission is also the depository of international treaties that formed the legal basis of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, and now the EAEU, as well as decisions of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Within its competence, the Commission adopts non-binding documents, such as recommendations, and can also make decisions that are binding in the EAEU member countries.

The Commission's budget is made up of contributions from member states and approved by the heads of EAEU member states.

Possible new members of the Eurasian Economic Union

The main contenders for joining the EAEU are Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. In July 2014, news appeared that Armenia would sign an agreement to join the Eurasian Economic Union before September 10, 2014. There is information that negotiations between Armenia and the founding countries of the EAEU and the Eurasian Economic Commission have been completed. The agreement on Armenia’s accession to the EAEU is in the hands of the governments of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, where it is going through the necessary bureaucratic stages, and after the governments’ decision, the question of where the presidents of Armenia and the EAEU countries will meet to sign the agreement will be raised.

It is also reported that Kyrgyzstan may soon join the EAEU member countries. However, no specific deadlines have been set for this country’s entry into the EAEU (previously the date was announced - until the end of 2014). In addition, the population of the country, apparently, is not particularly keen to join the EAEU. This conclusion can be made based on civic activity during the collection of signatures for a petition in support of Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the Customs Union and the EAEU. To date, only 38 people have signed the appeal.

Russians are also suspicious of Kyrgyzstan's possible accession to the Eurasian Economic Union. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM). According to researchers, only 20% of respondents were in favor of Kyrgyzstan joining the union, and Moldova had the same number of votes. The most desirable country that Russians would like to see as an ally turned out to be Armenia. 45% of respondents voted for it.

Every fifth person expects Azerbaijan and Moldova to join the EAEU (23% and 20%, respectively). Only 17% of survey participants are in favor of Uzbekistan joining the EAEU, and 14% of Tajikistan and Georgia each. Respondents were least likely to speak out in favor of attracting Ukraine to the Eurasian Economic Union - 10%. And 13% of respondents believe that the EAEU should not be expanded yet.

Public opinion poll in the CIS regarding integration

Since 2012, the Eurasian Development Bank (established in Russia and Kazakhstan) has been conducting regular surveys of the opinions of residents of individual states regarding Eurasian integration projects. The following question was asked to residents of individual countries: “Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia united in the Customs Union, which freed trade between the three countries from duties, and created a Single Economic Space (essentially a single market of the three countries). How do you feel about this decision?

The results of the total “profitable” and “very profitable” answers are given below:

As you can see, the idea of ​​​​creating a Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union is generally approved and looks “profitable” in the eyes of the majority of the population in almost everyone, with the exception of Azerbaijan, the CIS countries and even Georgia.

Meanwhile, the United States in its foreign policy oppose the Customs Union and the EAEU, arguing that this is an attempt to restore Russian dominance in the post-Soviet space and create a union like the USSR.

They have united into a single customs territory, within which all customs duties and any economic restrictions on mutual trade in goods cease to apply. The only exceptions are protective, anti-dumping and compensatory measures. Countries that participate in this union use a single customs tariff and uniform measures that regulate trade in goods with countries that are not members of this union.

It is planned that from the creation of this union, Russia can receive a profit of approximately 400 billion dollars by 2015, the profit of Kazakhstan and Belarus will be 16 billion each. Economic development participating countries will receive a powerful incentive for development and growth could be up to 15%. If the potential of the union is fully used, the time for transporting goods from China will be reduced by almost 4 times.

Who is part of the Customs Union

The Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation have been part of the union since 2010, the republic joined in 2010. Since 2013 he has been an observer.

History of the creation of the Customs Union

The history of the creation of the union begins in 1995. The first agreement was signed by Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus, which were later joined by, and. Subsequently, this agreement was transformed into the EurAsEC.

In 2007, on October 6, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed an Agreement on the creation of a single customs territory and the organization of the Customs Union. During 2009, about 40 international treaties were adopted and ratified, which formed the basis of the Customs Union.

In 2011, Kyrgyzstan joined the EurAsEC.

To ensure the normal operation and development of the Customs Union, the Eurasian Economic Commission was organized. It is chaired by Viktor Khristenko, Industry and Trade of Russia. The creation of this commission is a step towards the formation of the Eurasian Union.

General information about the Customs Union

Export. Exports confirmed by documents are exempt from paying excise taxes or the rate is zero.

Import. For goods imported into Russia from the territory and Kazakhstan, VAT and excise duty are levied by the Russian tax authorities.

Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. This is the main body of the Customs Union, which includes the heads and governments of the participating countries. The Council meets once a year at the level of heads of state and twice at the level of heads of government. The decisions made by the council are binding on all participants.

Eurasian Economic Commission. The EEC is the body regulating the activities of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space. The commission has been operating since January 1, 2012. Its main task is to ensure the normal functioning and development of the union.

The activities of the Commission are managed by the Commission Council, which includes representatives of each participating country.

Decisions are made by consensus.

The Commission has an executive body - a board, which consists of 9 members, three from each country.

The activities of the EEC are based on the Treaties adopted on November 18, 2011: “On the Eurasian Economic Commission” and the decisions of the Supreme Council on the regulations of the EEC.

Possible expansion of the Customs Union

Customs Union - open organization. Other countries can join it. At the beginning of 2013, Syria announced its intention to join the Customs Union.

Liberalization of trade of the Customs Union with third countries

The EEC and the countries included in the Customs Union are holding negotiations on the possibility of organizing free trade with a number of countries: Iran, Vietnam and other countries.

Current agreements

The free trade regime between Russia and Serbia has been in effect since 2000. Kazakhstan concluded the same agreement with Serbia in 2010. The Russian Federation, Belarus and Serbia have signed protocols on changes to additions to existing agreements.

In October 2011, an agreement on a free trade zone was signed (except for Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). In September 2012, the agreement came into force. Russia, Belarus and Ukraine were the first to ratify it.

Customs Union and WTO

The WTO's reaction to the creation of the CU was initially negative due to fears that the rules of the union would not comply with WTO rules. Russia defended its interests. Kazakhstan and Belarus independently decide on the issue of joining the WTO. In August 2012, Russia became a member of the WTO.

about the Customs Union

The Customs Union has its own information Agency- EurAsEC EIA, which includes the newspaper “EurAsEC”, etc. It is planned to create a TV channel and radio station

Popularity of the query "Customs Union" in the search engine

As we can see from the data of the Yandex search engine, the query “Customs Union” is popular in the Russian-language segment of the Internet of the Yandex search engine:

10,203,758 queries in the Yandex search engine per month,
- 4,336 mentions of the “Customs Union” in the media and on the websites of news agencies Yandex.News.

Along with the query “Customs Union”, Yandex users search for:

Customs Union Regulations 13 322 search queries per month in Yandex
- technical regulations of the customs union 12 034
- customs code of the customs union 8,673 search queries per month in Yandex
- customs union commission 7,989
- customs union 2013 7,750
- customs union solutions 7,502 search queries per month in Yandex
- single customs union 6,409
- decision of the Customs Union Commission 6,100 search queries per month in Yandex
- Customs Union of Russia 5,747
- website of the customs union 4,274
- customs territory of the customs union 4,003 search queries per month in Yandex
- Kazakhstan customs union 3,902
- customs union 2011 3,725
- countries of the customs union 3,482 search queries per month in Yandex
- official customs union 2,861
- customs union official website 2 808
- declaration of the customs union 2,694 search queries per month in Yandex
- customs union 2010 2,690
- Ukraine + and customs union 2,676
- Customs Union certificate 2,630 search queries per month in Yandex