Often in visions and dreams we find ourselves in familiar places, meet family and friends and, it would seem, live an ordinary life. But that was not the case, and what is familiar in reality carries a completely different meaning in a dream.

The symbolic meaning of the familiar can sometimes surprise. For example, your daughter in a dream is not just a vision, it is a metaphorical message from your unconscious. Therefore, we recommend that you treat even everyday dreams with special sensitivity.

So, let's try to figure out what the daughter dreams about. If you look into the dream book, a daughter is a symbol about which it is impossible to say unequivocally what exactly it predicts. The interpretation will directly depend on the circumstances and plot of the dream.

Therefore, to make the analysis as accurate as possible, you need to study all the details of the dream. Absolutely everything is important, so try not to miss anything, even what seems obvious, for example, a dream on the eve of the wedding if the child is getting married.

Here are the details and stories you should pay attention to:

  • Own or not?
  • Pregnant or in a wedding dress.
  • Alive or dead?
  • Should I marry or give birth?

Who is in front of you?

To understand why your daughter dreams, you first need to understand who is standing in front of you. If this is your child, then what awaits you new stage in a relationship. you will start better friend understand each other and care more about each other.

If the daughter in a dream is not yours, but another mother’s, it means that you need to pay attention to your child. Apparently, he lacks attention and care, because in Lately you began to perceive him as a stranger. If in a dream you have one, which in reality you don’t have, it means that you are internally ready to become a parent. Don't delay conception, start working on your future now.

Seeing a girl you know who is no longer alive means that a pleasant meeting awaits you soon. Also, a deceased daughter, as the women’s dream book says, is a symbol of hope.

Next, you need to remember in what form you dreamed about your daughter. Seeing her as a cheerful, smiling girl, beautiful dress, means that everything in your life is harmonious. A period of peace and contemplation awaits you, in which there is no place for troubles. If your daughter is in a dream, then difficult experiences await you. The main thing is not to worry about this and remember that you are able to manage your emotions.

Seeing an evil offspring means that you do not want to take responsibility for your life, which is why you deprive yourself of luck, without which you cannot be happy. Stop being a weak-willed person and take fate into your own hands.

Seeing your dirty, unwashed daughter in a torn dress and crying means that it is time for you to deal with what is happening in the family. Apparently each of its members is busy with themselves, which is why you end up in confusion. You urgently need to unite and feel like one.

A little girl in a vision who leaves kindergarten means that you will never learn to perceive your child as an adult. If you feel like you didn't give her enough love as a child, try to respect her space now.

An adult girl in the arms of her mother is a symbol of your personal growth. Both professional and personal development awaits you; you will begin to look for yourself. Remember - everything that comes out of you and turns out can be safely considered as its purpose.

See how drunk girl leaving the bar means that you are too worried about your child. You control him a lot and, one might say, have tied his hands and feet. Give your child freedom and he will be happy.

Story line

Next, you need to analyze the plot of the dream. So, marrying off your offspring in a wedding dress means that a new period awaits you. Also, a dream in which you had to marry off your little blood in a wedding dress speaks of your inner weakness.

If you dream of a daughter whom you decide to beat, this means that you do not know how to sense the boundaries of other people. As the modern dream book says, beating your daughter means experiencing self-hatred. You need to learn to accept yourself and then it will be easier for you to accept others.

If in a vision you saw how your girl was born, it means that success awaits her. If you dreamed of a pregnant daughter who gave birth, it means that she will soon meet a worthy young man whom you don’t even have to look for. in a dream of someone else’s offspring who is crying means that at this time you are not doing your own business. You need to spend more time with your family, but you spend it on work, which is why everything starts to fade.

If you dreamed that your little one died or drowned, it means that you just think a lot about your child. Also, dreams in which your daughter died or drowned should not be interpreted, because they are associated with your maternal fears.

But if you dreamed that your friend’s blood died, it means that she will be slightly disappointed. If her daughter drowned in a dream, then this means that she will soon need your help. Looking for your daughter who drowned in a vision means that you will soon have to look for some thing. Also, looking for a child in a vision means that an interesting idea will soon come to you.

Passing off someone else's child as your own indicates that you need rest. You don't have time for yourself and that's why you feel tired.

A dream in which your daughter comes to you means a lot. And it doesn’t matter what she was like - drunk, small or in a wedding dress, it only says that you have feelings, because you were lucky enough to give birth to this child.

what does every dream mean

Looking for a child in a dream and not finding it

Usually, if you have a dream, it means that someone from above wants to say something important. It happens that these signs can help a person not to make serious mistakes. The main thing is to take everything into account. Especially, a dream about lost child, the dream does not mean a good future at all.

As a rule, losing something or someone is always bad. However, it should be taken into account under what circumstances the loss occurred. Of course, if an earring or bag is lost somewhere, then this is a big hassle. But when a person is lost in a dream, especially if it is a child, then you have to prepare yourself for the worst. Wise grandmothers usually say that if a girl loses a child in a dream, it means that he will soon fly to heaven. A terrible and bitter prediction, but it doesn’t always happen as people say. After all, it is important to consider how exactly the child was lost. It is worth noting that if a mother finds her child, then nothing bad will happen. Perhaps there will be some serious problems with the baby's health. Only everything can work out if the child is found in dreams.

It is very important not to think about sleep constantly. As you know, thoughts materialize and it may happen that a dream comes true in a matter of days. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break from last night. It is advisable to go to the cinema to watch a comedy or visit some exhibition so that the brain stops reminding you of a bad dream.

Losing a child in a dream is a very, very bad sign. In general, the modern dream book says that if a woman has lost her own child, then in the near future she will be disappointed. Everything will be difficult, perhaps even dismissal from work. There is also a threat that huge problems will arise with finances. For example, Nostradamus’s dream book explains that the loss of a child means the loss of love. Of course, in different sources the interpretation is completely different. However, there is one similarity: such a dream promises troubles and misfortunes. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth to a child and left it somewhere by accident, then there is a small probability of the baby being born. It also happens that a child simply went home in a dream, and his parents are looking for him. This also suggests that something not entirely good awaits the baby.

Looking for a child in me means that serious problems will soon arise. It would be nice to find him. However, in most cases this does not happen. It is very important to pay attention to how old the child is real life. If it’s around 5 – 6, then he may get into a stupid situation. Well, if there is no child yet, and in the dream there was precisely the loss of a baby, then in reality he may not exist. Of course, this is just a dream and you should not completely and completely believe in any interpretation. But it is necessary to take it into account. After all, it’s possible to fix something without doing anything stupid. As a rule, a certain dream is dreamed for a reason. This is such a sign parallel world, which lets you know that problems await a person. And what worse dream, then you need to prepare yourself more for the upcoming problems. It's better to find out sooner than to have a surprised face later.

Many people, when they find out why they dream of losing a child, panic. After all, almost everywhere there is a terrible interpretation of such a dream. Therefore, in this case, it is advisable to go to church and ask the icons so that the dream does not come true. Then light candles for the health of the whole family and distribute gifts to homeless children. Perhaps after this the dream will not come true.

In general, you shouldn’t believe different interpretations seriously. After all, people write them. And people, as a rule, are capable of making mistakes, regardless of whether they are a magician or a psychic. And dream books are now printed with not entirely reliable information. Therefore, all that remains is to take into account all the interpretations and move on with your life, enjoying every day!

Dream Interpretation looking for a Child

Why dream of looking for a Child in a dream according to a dream book?

Why do you dream of looking for a child? In reality, unsuccessful attempts are made to find inspiration and create a new idea.

Try to get things done in reality, leave behind the desire to cling to the world of illusions. Live in the present without trying to find answers in days gone by.

Dream interpretation of losing a child in a dream

What does it mean to dream about losing a child? Dream interpretation

Losing children in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you lost your child, then get ready for disappointment. Plans that you were confident would fail miserably. This may turn out to be significant for you. financial losses and reputational costs, which will make themselves felt in the future for a long time.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream is usually a reflection of her fears and self-doubt. The main thing in this case is to try to calm yourself down, because such a dream does not contain any bad omens for her.

Dream interpretation of finding a child in a dream

Why do you dream about finding a child? Dream interpretation

Finding a child in a dream is usually a good sign. It symbolizes that a person is in search of his “I”, comprehends his life and wants change. Finding a child means success in all endeavors.

Also, such a dream may mean that a business that was started earlier and failed due to constantly arising obstacles will now be successfully completed. If you dreamed that a found child became a member of the family, this means that dramatic changes will occur in life. For men, this dream is most often a harbinger of an imminent change from their old job to a higher-paying and more prestigious one.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Search for an object that constantly changes its location- may irritate, but the find may be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent.

Searching for him in company with others- may be a hint that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A 48-year-old man tells his dream: “I’m looking for the keys to my car and I can’t find them anywhere. I turn everything in the house upside down, yell at my wife, and generally lose my temper. My daughter is not at home, and I start blaming her for everything. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises her to look at the castle. front door. That's what I do. My keys are there.

This dream is about searching- interesting because in its detailed story A man has revealed how worried he is about his daughter driving. The feeling of losing control over his daughter's life consumed most of his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that most of the conflicts at home were caused by his own anxiety, and not by actual disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to the normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family.

Dream about a search ending unsuccessfully- typically illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common types of dreams about searching for a person include a crying child who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, for example, death of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them.

If you often have dreams like this- perhaps you should check whether your goals and behavior are consistent with each other, or whether they are mutually exclusive.

Dream book for a bitch

Search- the future will bring many disappointments and troubles.

If they're looking for you- aggression and malicious attacks from rivals and ill-wishers.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Search- reflection of the search as such in all areas. The need to look for answers within yourself.

The inner spiritual search is no less important, if not more, than the search in the outer world.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were knocked down searching for a missing child- portends that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam, which can lead you either to big money or to a long prison term.

Take part in the search for missing and distressed people- to losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from your assistants.

If in a dream you turned the whole apartment upside down in search of a missing thing, and even then you couldn’t find it- this means that in reality you will face real losses not only of a material, but also of a moral nature.

A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city- means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal.

If you are looking for one of your relatives- this means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them.

A dream in which your search was crowned with success- means temporary dissatisfaction with the progress of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Internal search- means no less than searching in the outside world.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Search for an unknown thing, some object (emphasis on the unknown and the object)- empty state of yin (content lost) and aimless empty action of yang. A state of uncertainty, emptiness of internal, external loss, doubt. Even if a thing is only a symbol of something, the thing is physically searched for with hands and eyes.

Search for non-physical data (for example, solving a problem)- it is not necessary to express it through external actions: this process takes place inside the person’s self.

Search for an external symbol of forward confidence in inner strengths- there is an error: the prospect of being unable to use what was found arises. If you do not know how to use what you have for your own benefit, then you will not be able to use the additional power you have found.

It is unknown what to look for in a dream- there is a sign of uncertainty in the consequences of one’s decisions and a lack of understanding of the essence of the problem; looking for an unknown object is a lack of confidence in oneself and a desire to avoid responsibility in case of failure (the talisman did not help).

Search by wandering through corridors, streets, desert, forest- see the relevant articles and connect the meanings.

Looking for a very specific object in a dream- in reality, being one of the main symbols of human culture (symbolism outweighs the external form).

Search not for an object, but for an exit/entrance from a dungeon or apartment- means trying to actively solve a problem. Interpretation is given according to the relevant articles.

Collection of dream books

Search- as a rule, it marks a spiritual journey.

I've been dreaming for several nights now that I'm pregnant and losing my baby in different ways (((

Veronica Melnikova

Get a full examination from a gynecologist just in case, you never know. and so, if everything is fine there, then forget it. don't pay attention. if you're a believer, go to church

For a pregnant woman, seeing herself in a dream is a BURDEN, problems and other burdens.


Why do you dream about losing a child?

“It is very important not to think about sleep constantly. As you know, thoughts materialize and it may happen that a dream comes true in a matter of days. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break from last night. It is advisable to go to the cinema to watch a comedy or visit some exhibition so that the brain stops reminding you of a bad dream. ”

Found a child

Dream Interpretation Found a child dreamed about why you dream in a dream Found a child? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Found a child in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Dream about a cheerful, cute child mutual love and strong friendship.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Child - dream: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkosh) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation – Child, child

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace. A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result. Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy. A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation – Child

It can remind you of the child who lives inside you and gives you such qualities as playfulness, the ability to rejoice, and openness.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Seeing crying children in a dream means poor health and disappointment.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Crying children in a dream portend deterioration in health and disappointment. A cheerful, cheerful child dreams of mutual love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and contempt for everyday vulgarity. If a woman sees in a dream how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts most. Bad sign– in a dream, picking up your sick, feverish child in your arms: such a dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation – Child, baby, boy

if it is an infant, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy who has reached maturity is good news. Seeing a healthy baby in a dream means getting rid of life problems and to happy love. Seeing a sick baby means trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If a person has a child in a dream, then in reality he will have troubles and worries. If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins.

Dream Interpretation – Child

If you feel worried and worried about your own child: in reality, nothing serious threatens your family happiness.


Hello! I dreamed that I and my little son, although now he is already an adult, wanted to get on a ship that I could see from afar! We board some kind of boat to get closer! But suddenly this boat takes off like a plane and flies in the other direction, at that moment I understand that the child is not with me, I start looking for him and am very worried! I woke up from this horror!

Hello Tatiana. I had a dream that in another city where we previously lived, I rode a bicycle with my child to the store. After some time, I noticed that he was not nearby. I was worried, I went looking for him, then I bought green and blue grapes and gave him 100 UAH. bill Then I decided to look for him further and woke up.

I dreamed that I was with a child, walking with him, then for some reason I was going to school, I approached the table where there was either a teacher or a security guard, and somehow this baby disappeared from me and I rushed to look for him with my family, we sat down on what The train was on its way somewhere and then I woke up. But the most interesting thing is that I constantly held this baby in my arms and hugged him tightly, it seemed like this baby was my mother’s, I don’t remember exactly, the dream was surprisingly strange. Please help me understand it. Thank you in advance.

I dreamed that I met the parents (and unplanned) of my friend’s fashionable man. I see his family and sister and they all tell me that they liked me more than my friend. Considering that neither my friend nor I have met his parents and he does not have a younger sister

Hello. I haven’t seen my son for two months now, since I left for another city for work. He is 4 years old. I dreamed that he ran away from home. And so I’ve been looking for him on the streets for two months. By chance I heard him calling me “Mom”. I ran around the yard and found him with some boy. My son was wearing someone else's clothes. I took him in my arms and came home with him. I woke up and started crying.

There was some kind of holiday, there were a lot of people, I got ready and left, leaving my daughter to strangers, I thought they would take her away. But then I found out that they didn’t take her and went home. I ran in a panic looking for my daughter through the dark streets.

Hello, I dreamed that my youngest daughter disappeared and I was in shock and didn’t know what to do or where to look for her.

I had this dream in the morning. My wife and I went out on business, and left our son with his wife's mother. All the time my wife and I walked, we remembered our son. When we came home, it turned out that while my mother-in-law was in the garden, she forgot about him and our little son ran away. We started looking for him. Afterwards, my sleep was interrupted by a call and I woke up, I don’t know what happened next (((, what this was for. In reality, before this, my wife promised to come to me without her son. Maybe this is based on my experiences, because they are different city ​​and she will leave him with her grandmother first.

This is not the first time I have dreamed that my little son is lost, I am looking for him but cannot find him, in the dream my wife is hiding some truth and does not want to look for her son.

I searched for my son in a dream for 3 hours, later he ended up at home with his grandmother (deceased). In the dream, my son was about 7 years old, although he was already 20. I also saw a clock that said 6:30 p.m., in the same dream I cried and fought. And it's all one dream

Hello. I don't usually look for the meaning of dreams, but this dream surprised or disturbed me. I dreamed that I was walking and eating chickens (plucked. I remember that they looked like in the store, without guts and feathers). And I remember that I tear off pieces of meat and eat them. Then I notice that I only have half a chicken in my hands, the second has been eaten (by me) and there are no limbs. And at that moment it occurs to me, “Is this a chicken? and Where is my son? For some reason I'm starting to think that these are the remains of a son, and not a chicken. I spent the rest of the dream running around in terror and trying to find my son to make sure I didn't eat him. Crazy dream. This never happened in life. We are on vacation. We just arrived at a new hotel and on the first night I had such a dream. The next night, I dreamed that I was standing among the barriers and could not remember the code to leave. Because my rights are being taken away. This didn't happen before. I often have dreams, but this happens so often...

Hello! I lost my child in a dream (but I know that he was stolen, because I search, stop cars and look into them) I cry because I can’t find him. then I dreamed of gypsies, first in the apartment then on the street at night

I dreamed that I had my baby in my arms, which in reality was not there, and then he disappeared or was stolen, I don’t remember. And I looked for him.

supposedly I was with my ex-husband and bit his finger for some reason and it started bleeding. Then I left the child with someone and went back to him. Then I remembered that I was late to pick up my son and ran after my son. He was no longer there and I looked for him, but I think I found him later .From Thursday to Friday I had a dream.

I dream that I know that I need to find my daughter, and everything is intermittently, des city, and there seems to be no strong panic, but I don’t remember whether I found her or not.

I dreamed that my child and I urgently flew to St. Petersburg for one day, I don’t even remember why, but we arrived by plane, we were doing something there... We were walking somewhere... We were taking a taxi... And when I got out of the taxi, and it drove away , I realized that I had forgotten my son there, who simply fell asleep in the car, it was very strange for me that I acted so irresponsibly, I was worried that they would not return him to me, on the one hand, I understood that who needs him? , the taxi driver will see him and come back, but he never returned from the other place

Hello! I dreamed that my child stole a car, and I was running after her and couldn’t catch up... Then the whole dream I was looking for my child, I met a lot of people who promised to help in the search, but they disappeared somewhere... Then I met my aunt (the owner of the car ) and mother, they say the car was found, but the daughter was not in it... The action took place in the city of Sevastopol.

I was looking for a child in a dream, like with my own ex-man(we broke up recently, the feelings remain, the reason is not the perception of my relatives). I knew he took and hid the child, there were dogs that allegedly helped in the search. they were looking in some forest, trees and all that, in my opinion

our infant rose up to the ceiling, flew up to the sofa where my husband and I sleep, slowly descended, but without descending completely, flew up and evaporated in a white ball.

Hello! I dreamed that a war had started and the whole city had gathered in one place... that’s where I lost my child, I looked for it in a dream, I was worried, but I couldn’t find it... because I woke up

twice I had a dream that I was looking for my 3-year-old son, the first time I looked for him around the city and found him, in the second dream I looked for him in some room and also then found him, I was very worried in the dream, I didn’t dream at night , and in the morning

There were several of us walking, including mine. younger son. Two people and a son came to visit a woman (on this moment deceased). I looked for him and didn't find him.

I dreamed that I had another son, about two years old with blond hair. as if I left him in the hospital and never visited him. Now I want to pick him up, hug him, and I feel guilty. I'm trying to find him and I can't

I dreamed that I was looking for my daughter, I was crying and calling her, but I couldn’t find her, then I couldn’t scream, I didn’t have the strength, some other children helped me call her, but I woke up in horror.

My child was playing in the kindergarten with children, then she and the girl did not share the doll and began to pull it towards her and cry, the girl gave her the doll, but my daughter did not stop crying and began to run away, I ran after her, turned the corner, and her it’s not there, and that’s it, I’m in a panic, running through the streets and calling my daughter, throwing myself on the floor and crying, realizing that I can’t find her, then I find her in the store and buy sweets, and she, as if nothing had happened, then I’m in I woke up in horror.

I dreamed that I had my daughter in my arms (at the moment my daughter is now an adult - she is 24 years old), but I dreamed that she was small - that she was about one year old, at most a year and a half.. In the dream it was as if she was small in my arms, I carry her. Then I put her on the floor, turned away for literally a second, and then turned around again, but she was gone.. That my little daughter seemed to have disappeared - she stood still and disappeared. And next to me in a dream, it’s as if my now adult daughter is standing, who in the dream, as in reality, is 24 years old, and says to me: “Mom.” don’t worry about where it might go - it will be found...” But I ran to look for my little daughter and didn’t find her and was horrified that I couldn’t find her. I woke up …. What could this dream mean?

Hello Tatyana! I had a dream that I asked a friend to babysit her baby. When she came to pick up the child, the friend said that she had left him in the forest. And the whole dream I was in a hurry to get to this forest. I got there by bus and then called a taxi. I went to the forest like that and didn’t get it, I woke up... but I was very scared for the child, and I cried a lot in my sleep. That’s the dream...

I dreamed that my husband and daughter and I were walking in big city When my daughter saw the store, the daisy pulled out of her hand towards him, her husband lets go of her hand, she runs away, I tell my husband to run after her, he runs. I ran after her, but when I ran to the store I no longer saw her, I tried to look for her, I ran back and forth but I couldn’t find her, I woke up and still couldn’t find her in my dream.

I supposedly saw my son, but I’m not really a mother yet, and supposedly I lost him and was looking for him.. One girl brings him to me and hands him over, and he’s in my arms and all blue and wet, I put him under the blanket and feed him milk. ,he seemed to come to his senses.

I dreamed that in my own at home, on the street in the garden...my husband and I were there, someone came...and my daughter opened the gate and then, screaming, ran downstairs to the bottom gate and behind her were two men......and we didn’t see her again, then we looked for my daughter, but that’s all in vain.....

In a dream, I am looking for a baby to buy, as if I wanted to buy him for myself. I see them naturally, now one then the other. But I didn’t buy it and woke up.

Hello! I had a dream that my child was lost, I looked for him, screamed and found him. The boy was covered in poop.))

Hello! I dreamed that a war had started in our city and everyone began to hide in all directions, and I could not find my daughter who remained in the car and disappeared somewhere, and in the dream I felt great despair because of my daughter, and my heart was very It was bad! I cried a lot for my daughter! Please tell me what this dream is for! I’m very worried

the child leaves, I call him, he does not respond to my call, the husband follows him and they disappear. I stand and wait

I can't wait for them

I dreamed of a war, how planes were shooting, and I was running with one thought: where is my child, I couldn’t find him, I cried, and then I found him in the forest on a mountain, hugged him tightly, felt our hearts beat as one so strongly!

On the subway, I didn’t have time to jump into the carriage behind my child. Then she ran after the carriages. I can’t say whether I found it or not, but later in the dream he was with me


First I dreamed that I was pregnant.. Then I gave birth, but I don’t remember it... And then that I left the child with my brother for a walk and could not reach him by phone, and then the child appeared in the arms of a completely different person!

I lost my child in the crowd. Then I went by bus, got off the bus and sat down on a bench.

It's summer outside, and I see children dressed in carnival costumes It’s like a new year. I’m thinking about where my child is. He comes out of the entrance in a T-shirt. His shirt is unbuttoned, with a bag and without pants, and the thought flashed through my head that a pedophile had stolen him. I took him in my arms and began to call the police.

Hello, my baby is 2 months old. In the dream, I was in the hospital and went to the toilet. I put it on a chair, and when I came out I remembered that there was a child with me. When she returned she was no longer there. I cried throughout my sleep, but never found her, I woke up with anxiety in my soul

I have already dreamed several times that I was running and looking for my son, calling him, crying and realizing that he was somewhere here, but I couldn’t find him. I wake up terrified

My daughter is 19 years old, I dreamed about her, she was little, 1 year old or a little more, I was watching her from the bus, and she went out into the street completely naked and went somewhere, and I lost sight of her. I started searching everywhere and attracted all the people to the search. I was very worried and cried in my sleep. I thought that I would never find her. I had a panic and woke up. What does this dream mean?

I dreamed: I remember that I once became pregnant from my leader (this leader was actually once my leader), I saw myself in a dream with a belly. Then, what happens, I don’t remember anything in the dream. And after some time (2-3 years) I think where is my child? and I start looking for him. I found it quickly. He was raised by an old friend of mine. I decided to take the child, my mother supported me in this. I didn’t see the specific family where the boy was being raised; there was only a young man to whom the child was left; he was like a nanny (in a dream I knew him, but in reality I don’t know him). And he didn’t want to give it away, citing the fact that everyone was very attached to him. I saw in a dream how he played with a child, and that the child loved him. Then a woman appears in a dream who teaches me what needs to be done to return the child. I end up explaining this young man, about the intention to take the child, that it is easy for me to prove that I am the mother and the law is on my side. In general, I am returning the child. So happy, I buy him books.

hello. I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy and abandoned him and then changed my mind. I started looking for him among other children and didn’t find him

I took my boy to school in 4th grade. old school, not my city. There were many bushes and trees along the road, the leaves were green and yellow. I’ve never seen a child, short-haired blond

I dreamed that I was on the playground and met my friend there, walking with the children. I suddenly began to cry a lot and shout: “Where is my child, I can’t find my child” (I was looking for my own son). Then we went to the police station, where a policeman stood and announced the names of the people who were found. Mine was not there. And I already had this dream.

Hello. The child is always small in dreams (1-1.5 years old), although in reality he is already a teenager. At the moment I lost it in the store and I can’t find it, I spent the entire dream running around the store, looking, but I couldn’t find it - I woke up

Hello Tatiana! This is the second time I have come to you. Today I had a dream, as if at a holiday in the evening (it was already dark) at large cluster people, I lost my daughter. For some reason the holiday took place not far from the hospital. I called my husband and son, and we began to look for the child and found her in the hospital building. She was in the corridor on the second floor and sat on the windowsill looking out the window.

I dreamed that my middle sister took mine youngest daughter and went somewhere and no one tells me where they went. In the dream, the daughter is small, but in life she is an adult and married. In the dream, I tried to call my sister and ask where she was with my daughter and her daughter, but she didn’t pick up the phone. Then it turned out that she was visiting her husband’s relatives and simply could not answer the phone and everything was fine. But I was very worried in my dream..

I dreamed several times that my daughter was lost, I was looking for her and couldn’t find her, but today I dreamed that a woman came and said that my daughter was no more. I want to roar, howl, but I can’t

I met a guy, we had a son, and in order not to interfere with my studies and his too, they took him away from us and gave him to his grandmother, and I didn’t see the child for a long time, but this guy and I have not been together for two years now together!

Hello! In a dream, I lost my six-year-old daughter in big building where there were a lot of people and children. I searched on different floors, but found others. I felt bad and hurt in my sleep. The dream repeats itself a second time! I often have prophetic dreams, but I understand them only when something happens in reality

I cried and looked for my child in a dream, I didn’t see him, but I asked to return my first-born child and what they told me to do to return the baby


Today I had a dream, it seemed like we were on a train, and suddenly a child disappeared somewhere, panic began, I ran, calling him, asking everyone, screaming, crying, asking for help, I got out, ran somewhere. and I wake up in despair. For about six months now, such dreams have been recurring periodically. The meaning is the same - a child has disappeared and I’m looking for him, but the plots are different, in my opinion the dreams are colorful

They trusted me to babysit 2 children (a 5-6 year old girl and a 3 year old boy). I told the girl that she could go home alone and we’ll meet there... She got lost, I ran with another child looking for the girl Camilla

Hello, I had a dream that my ex-husband I took my children, a 5-year-old boy and a 1.9-year-old girl, to my home, I came to him and neither he nor the children were there, his mother kept silent about where they were, I ran with my friends to his grandmother, and there his ex-husband’s mother was already sitting near the entrance with some women and the door to the entrance is littered with trunks, I quickly shoved everything away and run after the children, children going up the entrance, but I am in shock without paying attention, I go into an apartment like his grandmother’s, and there is an apartment full of mothers with small children, they slept on the floor and in the kitchen, generally covered with children in one room, I am in shock, I find my ex through the eyes, I tell him where the children are, and he is standing in the entrance, and then I immediately see Vanyusha, my son, some kind of sad, his face was black and there were some red bumps on his eye, and I woke up in horror, but I still didn’t see my daughter, why would you tell me, I rarely have dreams at all, well, it’s just horror, I was just running towards them, it’s just horror , children for me are the meaning of life, maybe I’m just very worried, worried and stressing myself out, tell me what this dream is for, thank you very much...!

Dreams in which small children appear are quite common and very popular in interpretation. In cases where there is a game with a girl, this may symbolize some unexpected news in the near future. If the little daughter is sad, then this may indicate that the news will be sad, and if the daughter is happy, then the news will be like her mood.

If you dream of a daughter in a dream, regardless of whether she is there real life or not - this speaks of some kind of family relationship. Such a dream can be called “reminding”. If there is no contact with your daughter, and she is dreamed of as a little girl, then she needs support and protection more than ever. In reality, she is not protected and requires help.

In some dream books, what a little daughter dreams about is explained as the approach of troubles and various worries. But this also needs to be interpreted based on the situation in which all the “dream” action takes place.

Very often, a dream in which a little girl appears can indicate future pregnancy for woman. During this period she wakes up maternal instincts and on a subconscious level, it turns into dreams. For a married couple, such a dream speaks of favorable relationships and life together.

In the case when you dream that your daughter is running away from you and it is impossible to catch up with her, you should think about your relationship with your partner. This promises the loss of a loved one or his trust. You should consider what is happening that is not as it should be.

It all may come down to the fact that feelings will cool down and lead to a break in the relationship. If during the period when you have a similar dream, but the girl in it does not run away, but rather runs to you, it can be interpreted as that some new relationships will appear in life. And this can always only please you.

You shouldn't take dreams very seriously. This is just a game of imagination and subconscious. For a lonely person, this can be called a prophetic dream. New acquaintances are possible that will turn into romantic ones. If you feed a small child in a dream, then you need to wait for fundamental changes in life.

If a girl plays in the water, then such a dream foreshadows that a period of life is coming in which all the plans will be realized and the implementation of everything planned will begin. But what such a dream leads to depends on the situation that develops in the dream.

If you had a bad dream, then in the morning you just need to forget it and that’s it. You should not focus on such dreams, otherwise you may set yourself up for trouble. It all depends on the perception of what you saw in a dream and your morning mood.

Naturally, every dream carries its own information, but how the day goes depends only on how this information is interpreted and perceived. Everyone chooses for themselves how to react to what they dreamed at night. Don't forget that this is just a game of the subconscious.

Daughter according to the dream book

Dream Interpretation offers interesting predictions for men and women, why do you dream of a daughter? Based on the plot seen in a dream, you can draw conclusions about future material well-being or get to know yourself better, since the symbol personifies the subconscious “I”.


If a woman dreams of her future daughter, whom she carries under her heart, the dream book reports that in reality she will have a lot of worries. The status of the dreamer also matters in interpretation. A girl who is afraid of getting pregnant will have to fight temptation. A married lady fears that her husband has a mistress. For pregnant women, this is a sign that a boy will be born.

A newborn girl identifies the real state of search of a lonely dreamer who hopes to meet her soul mate. Explaining why a newborn child dreams, Miller’s dream book advises making more efforts, and they will certainly be crowned with success.

It’s interesting to know why you dream that your adult daughter is small again, as if she had just been born. The symbol means that now, more than ever, she needs moral support and warmth.


If you dreamed of a daughter in a wedding dress, the Esoteric Dream Book believes that this is not good. There may be a loss or separation in the family that will not directly affect the dreamer and his daughter.

If a childless man dreams that he has an heiress who is also getting married, an incredible spiritual and financial uplift awaits him. Good luck will accompany you in business and in romantic relationships.


The sorceress Medea explains quite positively what dreams of a dead daughter mean. In reality, she will be freed from physical or mental suffering that is now preventing her from enjoying life.

If on the eve of the wedding the mother dreamed that the bride had died, there is a high probability that the marriage will be unsuccessful and will not last long. This is not the only explanation for why one dreams of the death of a daughter. The dream book thus warns of a threat to health and property safety.

Oddly enough, when you dreamed that your daughter drowned, a long period of well-being and prosperity awaits the sleeper.

Everyday situations

When a daughter cries in a dream, the interpretation considers the image a good sign. In reality, my daughter had a joyful event, she is happy. The long-standing wish of the dreamer himself will come true.

A drunk daughter in a dream reminds that in reality she has a lot of troubles due to a lack of understanding of simple truths.

If an adult daughter wets herself in a dream, the dream foreshadows troubles. If she is a little girl, your life will become easier.

When a pregnant heiress appears in a dream, the interpretation depends on her age and marital status. If she is unmarried and too young to become a mother, beware of incidents and gossip. If she is married, but not actually pregnant, the symbol portends success.

Father's daughter

If a man dreamed of his future daughter, whom his life partner is expecting, the dream book takes into account the emotions of the sleeping person. Joy in a dream promises cheerfulness and enthusiasm in reality. Negative feelings are harbingers of quarrels.

If in a father’s dream the adult daughter is again a little girl, the dream book foretells good luck for both of them.

When a man happens to see a newborn princess sleeping, the dream represents defenselessness in the face of circumstances. It is advisable to avoid acute situations and postpone solving important issues.

If the appearance of grandchildren is not yet expected, a pregnant daughter portends the fulfillment of desires. If she really is pregnant, the dream book tells you that it’s time to start preparing for the arrival of the baby in the house - there is very little time left.

If a father dreamed that a granddaughter was born, in reality he can be proud of his daughter. If the baby was born before the eyes of the dreamer, your most cherished dream will come true.

Seeing the birth of an heiress and taking part in it is a good sign, regardless of whether a new addition to the family is actually foreseen. Now is a favorable period for entrepreneurship and bringing bold ideas to life. Any of them will bring profit and will not entail undesirable consequences.

Did a mother see her daughter in a dream? Her child is under the yoke of serious emotional discomfort; there is no way to find a way out of this situation.

The girl does not know who to turn to for help, simple advice. Did the father see the child in a dream? The girl is about to meet her future husband.

What happened to your daughter in the dream? At what age did you dream about your daughter? In what state did you see your daughter in your dream? What did you do with your daughter in your dream? Did your daughter have hair in her dream? Who killed his daughter in her sleep?

What happened to your daughter in the dream?

A daughter gave birth A daughter died A daughter is getting married A daughter was born A daughter in a wedding dress

If you dream that your daughter was killed

If you dreamed that your daughter was killed and you see her in a coffin, significant financial expenses await you. If you witness the murder of a girl, expenses will become unplanned.

To prevent development difficult situations, their transition to global problems, it is recommended to carefully approach the purchases you make, carefully weighing the decisions you make.

Daughter drowned in her sleep

If you dream that your daughter drowned, be careful when planning your expenses. It is recommended that you carefully consider each purchase to avoid losing significant amounts of money.

Why do you dream that your daughter is missing?

Did your daughter disappear in your dream? If in reality you experience difficulties communicating with children, conflicts constantly arise between you, the dream serves as a reflection of existing complexes. Take time to understand yourself and your desires.

At what age did you dream about your daughter?

Little daughter

Dreaming about my future daughter

If a woman had a dream about her future daughter, such a plot predicts the emergence of a huge amount of trouble and problems. Be careful and thorough in your affairs to avoid unnecessary complications.

Newborn daughter

In what state did you see your daughter in your dream?

I dreamed of a crying daughter

If you dream of a crying daughter, this girl has problems in reality. She is not going to share her troubles with family members, but you gradually began to guess about the existence of troubles.

You should not sharply question your daughter about the presence of secrets and secrets. Show tact in relation to her problems, talk in private, help the girl open up.

Drunk daughter in a dream

Why do you dream of a drunk daughter? In reality, an event will happen that will make you feel ashamed of your child’s behavior. However, everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. No need to worry about trifles.

Dreaming of a naked daughter

Was there a naked sleeping daughter in the dream? The dream book foretells that existing secrets will become known to people around you. Your reputation may be seriously damaged due to rash actions. If you don't need shame, try to guard your secrets more carefully.

What did you do with your daughter in your dream?

Losing a daughter in a dream

Did you dream that you managed to lose your daughter? There is a possibility of the disappearance of life guidelines; the dream speaks of missing the chances given by fate. Be attentive to what is happening around you.

Search for a daughter using a dream book

If you dream that you are forced to look for your daughter, in reality you will have to make attempts to establish a relationship with her. In the meantime, your communication is quite harmonious.

Be tactful, treat all situations with wisdom and understanding, then new conflict situations will not arise.

Beat your daughter

Hug your daughter according to the dream book

If in a dream you decide to hug your daughter, the Felomena dream book interprets this kind of plot as the likelihood of conflict situations, quarrel. A squabble will flare up at the most unexpected moment and ruin your mood for a long time, you will forget what a good mood is.

Scolding your daughter in a dream

If you had a dream about how you started scolding your daughter - misunderstanding interferes with your communication, it brings a lot of suffering to all family members.

Scolding a girl, swinging at her, trying to hit her - worries, new problems and troubles will arise. To cope with difficulties, it is recommended to gather strength and focus on everything that is happening around.

Did your daughter have hair in her dream?

I dreamed of a bald daughter

If you dream of a bald daughter, the plot promises that prosperity will soon burst into life. You will be able to achieve financial success in business and endeavors. All this will be accompanied by pleasant emotions, happiness and joy. The main thing is not to lose your mind from the surging euphoria.

Who killed his daughter in her sleep?

Kill your daughter according to the dream book

Did you have to kill your daughter in your sleep? Such a dream is a symbol of radical future changes. They will be so strong that they will change you beyond recognition.

If you dream that you are a little girl- this means that in reality you are subconsciously trying to hide in parental home to get rid of all the problems arising in your life.

Dream book for the whole family

Girl- the dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever.

If a girl talks to you in your sleep- one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair is being braided by someone- portends the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true.

If you have an adult daughter- time to take care of the dowry for her.

Dream book for a bitch

Girl- an amazing and joyful event.

See yourself as a little girl- you worry about the mistakes you made in the distant past and because of this you cannot live life to the fullest.

Play in a dream with a little girl- save it a good relationship with your friends for many years to come.

Modern combined dream book

This means that your business will fall into complete decline. Your hopes will melt away like smoke. Major troubles are possible.

Eastern women's dream book

Whether this news will be good or bad depends on how you saw the girl: clean, neat, pretty or, on the contrary, angry, dirty, biting.

If you were babysitting or playing with a little girl- this means that soon you will receive news that will greatly surprise you.

Children's dream book

Girl- you need to be alone for at least some time.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Girl- a reflection of the immature feminine principle. For woman- also a reflection of the inner child.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you see a very beautiful doll-like girl in a dream- this is a miracle.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Girl- to surprise, wonder, amazement.

General dream book

Babysitting a girl- to a quarrel with the boss.

In a dream you were asked to look after a little girl- expect a reprimand at work.

If a man sees a little girl in a dream- this means that joyful meetings with loved ones await him, from whom he has not received news for a long time.

If a woman sees herself in a dream as a little girl- this means she will have troubles with the children. Perhaps she will receive good news from her parents.

Seeing a messy girl in a dream- this means that your affairs will fall into complete decline, your hopes will melt away like smoke, and you may also be in big trouble.

Dream book of the 21st century

Being in a dream with young people beautiful girls - means that in reality you will really find yourself in good company at an interesting event, if in a dream the girls are dressed in white- to the upcoming turn of life in better side, success and prosperity await you.

Seeing yourself as a little girl in a dream- to upcoming surprise or minor damage, if a girl you don't know comes into your house- to uninvited guests, kick her out- to minor troubles, talking to a girl for a very long time in a dream- to wealth and success.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Girl- the image of a “guardian angel”, an assistant in business for men; for woman- primitive, childish behavior patterns, she herself is the image and state of her soul.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Girls- amusement/surprise.

Talk to a girl for a long time- wealth.

Letting a stranger in home- guests.

Seeing someone else in your home- you will have to suspect someone.

Kick you out of the house- jealousy.

Have intercourse with a stranger- happiness.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Girl- loss, death in the family.

Collection of dream books

If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick- in reality she will be healthy.

If a young woman sees in a dream beautiful girl - this means pregnancy.

Girl- to an unexpected event.

Girl little daughter

Dream Interpretation Girl little daughter dreamed of why in a dream a girl has a little daughter? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a little girl in a dream by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dream Interpretation - Milking a cow

Milking a cow or goat is a change for the better; you will meet a pleasant person - seeing them milking is a new attachment.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dream Interpretation - Milking

Meet a rich person; seeing them milking is a new affection

Dream Interpretation - Milking cattle

If in a dream you see that someone or you yourself are milking cattle, then soon luck will smile on you and you will make a profit in accordance with the amount of milk you saw in the dream. Often such a dream predicts changes for the better and participation in a new profitable project that will end successfully. See interpretation: milk or livestock by name.

Dream Interpretation - Milking

Seeing a cow being milked in a dream means nostalgia for a past village life.

Dream Interpretation - Milking

Milking in a dream means a good turn in work, good luck in business.

Dream Interpretation - Milking

If in a dream you or someone else is milking a cow, all your money will be milked out of you.

Seeing an adult sister as a little girl

Dream Interpretation Seeing an adult sister as a little girl dreamed of why you dream about seeing an adult sister as a little girl? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Seeing an adult sister as a little girl by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing your sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you and your sister quarrel, this foreshadows the collapse of all hopes for the future, an unrealistic promise. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strengths, without expecting outside help. A dream in which you see your sister dying promises a deterioration in your financial situation.

If you see your half-sister in a dream, this means that a period is coming in your life when everyone has a desire to advise you and take an interest in your affairs, and actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the scattered ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in the book he had just written and which he was supposed to take to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the day before, unsuccessfully sorting through and comparing various versions of translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised and hastily stood up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger spoke not at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not surprise the sleeping Gilprecht at all. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along a deserted street and passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. Gilprecht and his strange companion entered one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others. They found themselves in some kind of hall with dim lighting. When Gilprecht asked where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipur, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find the treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scientist turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room in the depths of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple manager Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for a statue of a god, and one piece split. On it were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Gilprecht, who woke up, wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger due to one’s own fault, change.

The departure of a sister always means happiness; seeing a dead sister means lack of certainty about the future.

An unknown girl declares herself to be your sister - promising the imminent marriage of one of your acquaintances.

If you dreamed about your husband's sister, it means peace and understanding in the family.

Cousin - to family discord.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Being in the company of young beautiful girls means you really have to be in good company at an interesting event.

Girls dressed in white - for the upcoming turn of life for the better, success and prosperity await you.

As a little girl, seeing yourself in a dream means impending surprise or minor damage.

An unfamiliar girl comes into your house - to uninvited guests.

Kicking out an unfamiliar girl means minor troubles.

Talking for a very long time with a girl in a dream means wealth and success.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - dream of a sister - fortunately. “I dream about my sister - you will receive a gift” - tit - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of related feelings and related worries.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream: it is a reflection of your own self.

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoicing at this: foretells a successful course of affairs for you.

Seeing them sad is a sign of approaching misfortune.

Cousins, sister - uncertainty of relationship with a person.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet your sister is to feel someone’s care or to find yourself in circumstances from which only family ties with someone can help you get out of them safely.

If your sister will get married in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister means experiencing intrusive guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, she will be healthy in reality. If a young woman sees a beautiful girl in a dream, this means pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

See in a dream my own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives.

Imagine what you give to your sister good gift, such as earrings with precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If the girl is in the water, then this dream means the appearance of something new in your life, and at the same time it offers you to try yourself in something - change your job or find a new hobby. This is a very auspicious period, and to get the maximum benefits, find some flat stones, place them in the bathroom and place candles on them. Light the candles; while they are burning, you should be in the water.

If the girl is sad, then in the near future you will disappoint someone around you. To prevent this from happening, go to the cemetery as quickly as possible and bury a few potatoes near an unmarked grave.

Adult daughter of a small one

Dream Interpretation - Room after a big steam and a little thief

Apartment, table - these are all the elements family life. You are now in a difficult situation (steam has ruined the ceiling, walls, floor). It's time to change something in the relationship (probably we need to do some repairs - you think in your sleep). Strangers are watching the development of your relationship (a man came to the window to watch). But the secrets of your personal life belong only to the two of you (the lights in the room were turned off so that it was not visible). The second dream is that deception has entered your house and periodically takes over there.

Dream Interpretation - I got two little brothers

And again, the dreamer treats her boyfriend more like a younger brother than a man. The dreamer tries on the image of a woman who has had many men *experienced woman). Which indicates awakening maturity in feelings and sensuality.

Dream Interpretation - Godmother

Hello. It seems to me that in life you will begin to “look after” or, in other words, help some girl who may be in trouble.... Or you will simply support her.... Well, something like that.. ... Wish you luck!

Dream Interpretation - Godmother

You may have to look at life in a new way. Some kind of life situation, new to you. Any unexpected offer related to your destiny is also possible. You will be embarrassed, but you won't give up new opportunity. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Godmother

Build relationships in accordance with your inner mood. Good luck!!!

Dream Interpretation - My death

The dream suggests the dominance of the Dreamer’s conscious attitudes over the undeveloped Spiritual consciousness (the Dreamer loses consciousness, she feels very good and calm in the Soul, outside the consciousness of the Body) and the Energy of the Soul gradually decreases (the Dreamer-Soul absolutely does not care what happens to the Daughter, who is doing something squatting below). The dreamer prays to the Icons right in front of the gates of her house (and not in the backyard) and confidently returns to life - symbolizes the necessary balance of the power of Consciousness and Soul (consciousness of the Spirit, Faith), the return of lost spiritual strength in reality.

Dream Interpretation - My death

Good time. This is not an ordinary dream, or rather not even a dream in the sense in which everyone knows it. Rather, these are OBEs (Out-of-Body Experiences) - this is your view from the level of consciousness of your etheric body. That is, you meet death in exactly this state.

Dream Interpretation - Two mice

Radhika! A dream in which mice dream is a sign of the loss of some thing or object. Moreover, I would like to note that this thing has more spiritual value for you (as a memory of some event in your life) than material value.

Dream Interpretation - Two mice

A dream can mean loss, missing things. The culprits will be someone close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sex, girl, duck

The point is not in laughter, but in sex. If you experienced an orgasm from sex in a dream (and as I understand it, it happened), then this means you will experience joy, pleasure in real life from someone’s business, event, but in your case, a meeting. A little girl is a miracle, that is, in addition to joy, you will also be very surprised to meet a former work colleague, or a current one, but most likely a previous one.

I see myself as a little girl

Dream Interpretation I see myself as a little girl I dreamed about why I dream in a dream I see myself as a little girl? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream I see myself as a little girl by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Being in the company of young beautiful girls means you really have to be in good company at an interesting event.

Girls dressed in white - for the upcoming turn of life for the better, success and prosperity await you.

As a little girl, seeing yourself in a dream means impending surprise or minor damage.

An unfamiliar girl comes into your house - to uninvited guests.

Kicking out an unfamiliar girl means minor troubles.

Talking for a very long time with a girl in a dream means wealth and success.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, she will be healthy in reality. If a young woman sees a beautiful girl in a dream, this means pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If the girl is in the water, then this dream means the appearance of something new in your life, and at the same time it offers you to try yourself in something - change your job or find a new hobby. This is a very auspicious period, and to get the maximum benefits, find some flat stones, place them in the bathroom and place candles on them. Light the candles; while they are burning, you should be in the water.

If the girl is sad, then in the near future you will disappoint someone around you. To prevent this from happening, go to the cemetery as quickly as possible and bury a few potatoes near an unmarked grave.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Girl – you need to be alone at least for a while.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If you see a very beautiful girl who looks like a doll in a dream, this is a miracle.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

TEENAGE - unknown girl means a year. And if someone sees that she is beautiful, gives him something, or if he sees that he hugs her or has intimate relations with her, without signs of excretion, he will acquire the benefits of this year depending on her beauty. If he sees that his daughter has been born, he will gain joy. If he sees that he has a son, he will experience worry and care.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

An amazing and joyful event associated with children or people much younger than you.

Imagine that you are treating a girl to something tasty. Give her a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Seeing a little adult daughter

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself crucified and blood

Self-sacrifice in the name of the family branch, working off karma and events associated with it.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

A dream about a boy means that you will have to struggle with something, perhaps it is about a quarrel. And the girl dreams of news, surprise, judging by the dream... Not bad.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself dead

In my opinion, the dream tells you... How difficult it can sometimes be to fight with yourself... With some of your bad actions, but.!.... Conquer your certain vices.. You can! If you really believe (prayers, cross), and... To convey such a meaning.... Such a plot was chosen...

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself as a psychic

A dream may warn you that you should not take on some business that you have never done before.... The consequences for you can be very sad...

Dream Interpretation - View from the top

This is a good dream. To great joy and success.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing your daughter falling from the roof

Your dream promises a test of strength, quarrelsomeness and grumpiness appear, and perhaps despotic behavior towards children will appear. There may be a difficult karmic situation with children, conscious or unconscious abandonment of the child. Financial matters and partners bring a lot of worries. All your attention is directed towards obtaining material resources, but not for a child. Difficulties arise in relationships with relatives, brothers and sisters, and neighbors. The threat of loss of authority due to troubles or relatives, conflicts and quarrels over finances, overstrain and overexpenditure of energy and strength. Your scale of values ​​is somewhat distorted; you may become a victim of deception. Confusion in family and household affairs. The tangled financial affairs of your spouse affect your well-being. In some cases, it may indicate a brush with the death of another person. The dream is unfavorable and prepares you for decisive changes in your personal life. Changes can happen regardless of your will, under the influence of circumstances or natural phenomena. Difficulties of an unmanifest nature in family relationships. It is difficult for you to understand their reason, but you will have to deal with it, especially in relationships with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing the deceased in a dream

Hello, I can imagine that in a dream you seem to be returning to the past - an ice cream treat, a Christmas tree. Your mother is young and beautiful - this may also indicate that she is doing well in that world, but also a certain period in your life when she was at that age. Perhaps the dream reminds you of a specific time in your childhood. Buying a watermelon may represent some idea that may become a burden for you - perhaps it is some kind of burden that you could take upon yourself, but refuse due to inconvenience. Could it be that your mother wants you to do something? Perhaps something that she herself wanted to do, but did not have time? Is there a childhood dream she would like you to make come true? Or is her dream-plan for you and your life? Perhaps the fact that you want to give away your coat means that you are losing your sense of security. Your mother is wrapped in a coat - this may mean that after she leaves you feel unprotected, as in childhood - you need guidance, support. It may also mean that you need to adopt some quality of your mother, an outlook on life. The Christmas tree could mean some event in your life or some event, perhaps your mother wants you to do something at this event? Could this event be related to her - for example, a wake or some kind of meeting? If so, may you feel insecure, lost, and don't know what to talk about with other people? Then perhaps you should talk about your childhood - the time you spent with your mother and how happy you were with her. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself killed

Hello. I think this dream about your past incarnation.... In past life You were killed, and this ghost girl is most likely one of those girls who was also brutally killed along with you.....

Dream Interpretation - Little boy

A dream about the Dreamer himself, who has matured, matured and firmly decided to say goodbye to the “inner timid and indecisive boy” (the boy whispers in an incomprehensible language in his sleep). After such a dream, events such as registering a marriage with a chosen one, planning children, climbing the social ladder are possible, when a person is confident in himself and is ready to take full responsibility for his decisions. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself naked

Well, I have a double impression from the description of your dream, in general, seeing yourself naked in a dream always means illness, but you wrote that you saw yourself in shorts, that is, as if not completely naked in the literal sense of the word, so the second version of the dream may mean profitable acquaintance with a man (offer a job, cooperation, deal, etc.)

Seeing a lot of small kittens in a dream

The interpretations of dreams about a daughter in the dream book will seem extremely interesting to our reader. In your dream, the heiress may simply be walking around, talking to you, or even behaving inappropriately. But the basic interpretation of any of your dreams according to ordinary dream books is not so bad - you will be able to know your own “I” and draw conclusions about the well-being and material wealth awaiting you.

General interpretation of various situations from your dream

We invite the reader to concentrate and imagine his dream daughter in reality. How did she appear to you? Or did you dream about the birth of a daughter whom you carry under your heart? Try to find your case from the following:

  • The dreamer gave birth to a daughter in a dream. Such a dream predicts worries and turmoil for you. A married lady in this dream may reveal fear for her destiny; perhaps you do not trust your husband. Being pregnant in reality and seeing a newborn daughter in a dream, you may be lucky enough to soon bring a boy into our world;
  • You dreamed of your fully grown daughter as small, almost a newborn. Such dreams can only mean one thing - your daughter right now needs moral support and support, which you must certainly not deprive her of;
  • The daughter appeared before you in a wedding dress. Seeing an heiress in a wedding dress is, of course, a wonderful sight. But no matter how beautiful a girl she is, you should know that the dream marks losses, separation from loved ones and quarrels in the near future;
  • If a childless man dreams of a daughter who also gets married. Such a dream predicts good luck for the dreamer in all endeavors and the beginning of a long-term relationship in the near future;
  • A deceased daughter is interpreted extremely positively by most dream books. The shackles that held your daughter back in real life will fall away, and she will be able to rightfully enjoy life and make the right decisions;
  • Seeing your daughter drown. Yes, and such a dream predicts a rather positive result - a rather long period of well-being and prosperity awaits you in reality;
  • You dreamed of your friend's daughter. Most dream books recommend not sitting idly by and being active after such a dream with your daughter;
  • The heiress burst into tears in her sleep. And such a dream once again marks a joyful event - your secret wish, or that of your daughter, will come true;
  • Drunk daughter. In a dream, your daughter is drunk, rude to you or does crazy things. A reminder of your quarrels and conflicts due to a lack of understanding of simple truths;
  • The little daughter peed herself in her sleep. Most likely, after sleep it will become much easier for you to live, you will find your place and realize the meaning of some business;
  • If a pregnant daughter appears in a dream. The dreamer should be wary of gossip from loved ones and neighbors and expect incidents. Parting and quarrels with friends are possible;
  • The newborn heiress fell asleep. If you are lucky enough to see such a picture, then you should not be deceived by the beauty of the lovely creature - a stream of problems will certainly descend on your head, and for some time after sleep you will depend on the circumstances. Seeing your daughter sleeping always promises trouble in real life;
  • To dream of a daughter who did not live up to expectations or committed a terrible act. In real life, you will be overwhelmed by dissatisfaction with your life, you will want to change something, and if you correctly direct your energy in the right direction, then success awaits you;
  • It seemed to you that your daughter was not caring enough about you. You should expect troubles in the near future, because dreams with similar overtones almost always predict troubles in real life;
  • I dreamed of a little daughter from whom you have been separated for quite a long period of time. Dreams do not have anything special in store for the dreamer - you just miss your daughter and your subconscious has prepared such a gift for you;
  • The daughter does not pay any attention to you in a dream. If you are deprived of attention from the heiress in a dream, and maybe in real life, you will soon give your lovely daughter in marriage;
  • To see your daughter sad, in tears. The dream predicts grief, sadness and misfortune.

Interpretation of sleep according to Vanga, Miller and the esoteric dream book

  1. Miller claims that seeing your daughter in a dream under any circumstances means harmony with yourself. However, before achieving this zen, you will have to go through difficult trials for you, overcome addiction and acquire the necessary skills to achieve your goal;
  2. Women's dream book. According to the exclusively female dream book, the harmony that will come after a dream about a daughter is comparatively easier than according to Miller, but you should not relax. A daughter’s crying in a dream is the worst thing that can happen according to the women’s dream book - the death of someone close to you or parting with a loved one after sleep awaits you;
  3. Family dream book. Vision about the heiress family dream book also portends harmony after some trials. It is also worth listening to your daughter’s wishes in reality, because conflicts are possible due to misunderstandings on both sides;
  4. The Bulgarian seer Vanga warns that harmony with yourself does not always come after sleeping with your daughter. You may be disappointed and upset, and the promised comfort and understanding of the nature of your essence may not come;
  5. Esoteric dream book. IN esoteric dream book the interpretation can be divided into two branches - you have a daughter in reality, or not. If you dreamed of a sad daughter, whom you don’t have in reality, then you should be wary of conflicts in real life and refuse adventures and suspicious proposals. But if you dreamed about your real daughter (in any state), then such a dream hints at problems in your relationship with your daughter, which should be eliminated as quickly as possible;
  6. Dream interpretation of the sorceress Medea. According to the witch’s dream book, your relationship with a princess in a dream can symbolize your real relationship in reality. But quite such dreams can symbolize the dreamer’s desire to be protected, the desire to find a patron in the person of a man;
  7. French dream book. According to the French dream book, a daughter is interpreted unambiguously - such a dream predicts success in endeavors, honor and increased well-being. And marrying your own daughter in a dream (for the dreamer - a man) means embarking on frivolous adventures that will make themselves felt many years later at the most inopportune moment;
  8. Apostle Simon the Canonite. According to the Apostle’s dream book, a daughter in any situation and circumstances foreshadows only turmoil, troubles, worries, and in some cases, grief.

Seeing your own daughter in a dream is a serious omen. The interpreter warns of future events. To get a correct idea of ​​the meaning of sleeping with your daughter, you should read all the predictions with special care.

Give birth to a daughter If in your night dreams a baby was born, then in the near future you will meet a person you will love and live with him for a long time. Modern dream book explains that the dreamed birth of leisure promises the end of a long and complex project. Finally it's time to rest.

Aesop’s dream book explains why the daughter dreams of a baby. If a girl is born, you will find yourself in serious trouble due to improper handling of finances. In a dream, seeing your own grown-up daughter as a baby means stopping communication with her. Perhaps in reality you rarely manage to be alone and show your concern.

A newborn girl in tears is a symbol that difficult times are ahead. However, according to Grishina’s dream book, you may be able to overcome all difficulties and gain benefits.

She became a mother herself

It seemed as if she was expecting a child - this is a favorable omen. Favorable news awaits you indeed. They will delight you personally, as well as the whole family. Shereminskaya explains why her own father might dream about a daughter’s pregnancy. The interpreter informs that the future young mother will essentially be very happy. Her personal life will be successful.

When a mother dreamed of a daughter carrying a child, then there is no need to worry about her upcoming life. She will have a faithful and caring husband next to her. If a daughter gives birth in a dream, then in the near future something will change dramatically in her life. If a daughter has a girl, she will receive happiness, a boy will participate in a serious and profitable business. This work will bring a lot of income.

Why you dream that your daughter gave birth to a boy is explained by the Women's Dream Book. The dream promises the achievement of desired career advancements - with the birth of a boy, and happiness in marriage - with the birth of a baby.

Got married

A dream with a daughter getting married portends favorable changes and liberation from annoying worries. At the same time, the marriage of an older daughter can predict troubles. The modern dream book recommends that the dreamer be as careful as possible in work matters in reality, or there is a possibility of getting unpleasant problems.

Giving your daughter away in marriage and seeing her in a light, luxurious dress is a sign of success and prosperity. If your daughter’s husband in a dream looked bad, then you should expect an unhappy married life and big obstacles. Getting married in a soiled and torn dress means sorrows and tragedies. Especially if the daughter’s young man did not show love passion for her. Interpreter Hasse says that the matchmaking of a daughter is a symbol of new beginnings. If in your night dreams your daughter got married, then in reality you will receive a lucrative offer that you should accept.


As the dream book says, the daughter died - to her joyful and prosperous life for many years. If the deceased said something, you need to remember her words. Perhaps they will be prophetic. The modern dream book explains that seeing a deceased daughter in a coffin means significant financial waste.

If a murder was committed, then the expenses will be unexpected; if you drowned, you need to be careful about your expenses.

Aesop's dream interpreter explains that looking at a dead daughter in a dream means that misfortune awaits you in the future. Especially if the cause of her death is violence. Did you see your own daughter’s funeral in a dream? In reality, you will be able to successfully overcome all the difficulties in life.

Conflict with daughter

Swearing at your daughter in a dream means misunderstandings when communicating in existing life. Scolding or beating your own blood means worries and worries. If you see that your daughter is shedding tears because of your reproaches, you need to politely talk to her in reality and reduce the pressure even when it seems to you that you only want the best for her.

Lose a child

If you dream that a girl is drowning, then you really want to take care of someone. The modern dream book states that losing a baby in a dream means deprivation of life goals. An additional interpretation of a dream where the daughter is lost means lost chances. If in a dream someone stole it, then marriage life misunderstandings and troubles will arise.

More predictions

Did you dream that your daughter acquired a lover and introduced him to you? The female interpreter says that this dream content is a sign that the child is hiding something from you. However, there is no need to clarify them with the help of strong moral pressure. Let her reveal all the secrets herself. Seeing a blue sleeping daughter means the disclosure of existing secrets. The interpretation of dream visions warns of a possible threat looming over your authority. If you want to avoid shame, guard your own secrets more closely. Cutting your daughter’s hair in a dream means illness. Seeing your daughter in a drunken state means actually being ashamed of her.

Sick daughter, why do you dream about this? In fact, she will need help in the coming future. Looking for her in a dream vision means trying to resolve a damaged relationship. If you dreamed that your own daughter was raped, she would be in big trouble. Aesop's Dream Book recommends doing your best to help and show care. Thanks to this, you will overcome an unfavorable period in life quite easily.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...