Game "Tic Tac Toe"

Psychological lesson in 4th grade.

Teacher-psychologist: Ilyas Seitbekovich Ismailov

KSU "Kellerovskaya" high school THEM. Berezhny"

Goals and objectives:

generalization psychological concepts(or familiarity with psychology - what it studies);

development of the cognitive sphere of students’ personality (attention, memory, logical and creative thinking); interaction and communication skills;

education of collectivism; development of cognitive interest in psychology.


playing field – 9 cells (3 x 3),

cards with the image of “X” and “O”,

tables for the tasks “Mnemosyne” - image of 25 objects “Fig. 1",

“Professor Thinking” – 3 cards “Find the ninth” “fig. 2, 3,4”,

“Ray of Attention” - an image of geometric shapes and numbers “Fig. 5",

“Showcase” – cards with tongue twisters,

“Black box” with the image of a pyramid, sheets for work, felt-tip pens.

Note: assignments may vary, they can be simplified/complicated - depending on the level of knowledge, capabilities, and preparedness of the group - at the discretion of the teacher. The rules of the game may also change.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

The teacher informs the children: in this lesson we are playing “Tic Tac Toe”. We will be able to remember what we talked about in psychology classes, generalize our psychological knowledge, train our intellect, check how much we can cooperate. (Or, if the lesson is independent: let's get acquainted with interesting science– psychology, we find out what she studies).

Rules of the game:

2 teams participate - “crosses” and “toes”, on the board there is a field of 9 squares (3X3), each square contains a task and has a corresponding name, tasks - on topics that were studied in academic year.

The team that makes the first move (by lot) chooses the task square. Both teams perform the task; The sign of the team that completed the task correctly and quickly is placed on the playing field. You can also jointly discuss the nuances (for example, if both teams completed the task correctly, you can put the sign of the team that chose the task, or you can declare a draw and not put any sign). The team that places three of its signs in a row in any direction wins.

Main part.

Psychology is “the science of the soul”; science that studies our inner world. Some sections of this science are presented on the playing field.

Playing field:

1.“One for all, all for one!”

2. “Fantasy, creativity, imagination”

3. “Mnemosyne”

4. “Showcase”

5. “Professor Thinking”

6. “Black box”

7. “Ray of Attention”

8. “Conflicts”

9. “Character”


Exercise 1 - "One for all and all for one!" – the task is aimed at demonstrating collectivism, the ability to interact, cooperate, and jointly achieve a common goal.

For this task, you need to draw 2 circles on the floor - for each team - of such a size as to puzzle the children with a difficult but solvable problem: how to fit in the outlined space.

Each team sees a small island on the floor in front of them. Can you accommodate your entire team on it? Whoever completes the task faster and more amicably wins.

Task 2 – “Fantasy, creativity, imagination” – a task to demonstrate creative abilities.

Compose an oriental verse - syncwine (for example, in psychological topic: character, emotions, mood, communication, etc., or on the topic “nature,” etc.)

The principle of “eastern versification”:

Main word (noun)
Adjective, adjective.
Verb, verb, verb.
A phrase expressing an attitude.

Reliable, cheerful.
He will help, support, smile.
It would be bad without him.

Who will be more original, more interesting, more meaningful? Time limited - 5 minutes.

Task 3 – “Mnemosyne” – a task to activate memory.

Image 25 is used for this task various items"rice. 1".

Team captains are invited. The task is to look at the pictures for 1 minute and try to remember them. Next, the captains take turns naming the objects, the last one to name brings his team victory.

Task 4 – “Showcase” – a task on the ability to use non-verbal means of communication: facial expressions, gestures, posture, body movements.

Each team receives a tongue twister; it is necessary to depict it in such a way that the opponents can guess it as quickly as possible. Whose image will be more understandable?

“A Greek was driving across the river, he sees a Greek - there is a crab in the river, the Greek put his hand in the river, the crab grabs the Greek’s hand - a claw.”

“Four little black little devils were drawing a drawing in black ink.”

Task 5 – “Professor Thinking” – a task to activate thinking.

Find the ninth one. Each team receives 3 cards “Fig. 2, 3, 4”.

Draw the missing geometric compositions.

Score based on the number of correct answers.

Task 6 – “Black box” – it contains an image of a pyramid, the topic is Thinking.

In the black box is an image of an object that has something to do with psychology. Team members take turns asking questions to which I can answer “yes” or “no”; you have to guess what is hidden in the black box.

In the black box there is a pyramid, this is the first toy in a child’s life that develops thinking, namely, it teaches analysis (when the pyramid is disassembled) and synthesis, identifying patterns (when it is assembled), comparing (by the size of the rings) - and other logical operations.

Task 7 – “Ray of Attention” – a task to activate attention.

For this task, use a table with geometric shapes and numbers “Fig. 5". The team chooses the most attentive person to complete the task.

Look at the table for 1 minute, get ready to write down the answers on pieces of paper:

What is the number in the upper left corner?

What number was in the green triangle?

Which figure contained the number 5?

Task 8 – “Conflicts” – a task for constructive conflict resolution.

Draw a reminder “Attention – conflicts!”

Originality and thoughtful approach are appreciated. Task 9 - "Character"

In 3 minutes, teams write down as many character traits as possible. (It is the qualities of character that will be considered, and not the appearance or qualities of the mind)

Summing up the game. What exactly does psychology study? – Helps you get to know yourself better – capabilities, abilities, character – and develop them; teaches you to communicate, cooperate, and make friends.

Reflection – what caused difficulties and what did not, and why; what is the reason for successes and failures, what did you like?

Psychological educational game

"Tic Tac Toe"

Goal and tasks:

Training logical thinking, creative imagination, attention, memory;

Development of communication skills, formation of skills of cooperation with peers, group cohesion;

Identification of an informal leader, generator of ideas, organizer of activities;

Relieving emotional stress.

Age: 9-12 years

I suggest you play an interesting educational and entertaining game “Tic Tac Toe”.

Rules of the game:

What is the essence of the game "Tic Tac Toe". The winner is the team that manages to line up three of its signs in one row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) during the game.

If the teams fail to line up three of their signs in a row, then all nine competitions are played, all the cells of the playing field “X” and “O” are filled in, and the team with the most signs on the playing field wins.

Our dear jury has come to evaluate your abilities and knowledge. I present to the jury:………………….. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. The jury will evaluate each competition and announce the result at the end of the game.

We have two teams: a team of “crosses” and a team of “toes”. Choose team captains and come up with a motto for your team. The team captain introduces his team:

The motto of the “crosses” is ………………….

The motto of “zeros” is …………………

Participants of the game, try to demonstrate your abilities, knowledge, ingenuity and creativity as much as possible, be united and friendly in order to bring victory to the team. The board shows a playing field with the name of the competitions. The winner of the competition puts his sign on the playing field, the right to reveal the name of the new competition is given to the winning team. I wish good luck to the “Cross” and “O” team and to each of you personally. So, let's start the game.

Playing field


Strong hand

A story made of verbs

Cheerful artist

Miracle Cure

Captains competition

Secret box


One word, two words

To determine who will be the first to open the competition, make the first move - I propose to guess the riddle. Whoever guesses the fastest is the first to open. Which month has 28 days? (In any).

1. Competition “Warm-up”

In this competition you need to show erudition, ingenuity and intelligence, and be attentive.

Questions for the “Cross” team

House for birds. (Nest, birdhouse.)

Doctor performing an operation. (Surgeon.)

"Shirt" for a pillow. (Pillowcase.)

An animal that has many legs. (Centipede.)

The part of a window that can be opened for ventilation. (Window window.)

What are we eating for? (At the table.)

Night bird with round eyes. Who is this? (Owl.)

You can cross the river on it without getting your feet wet. (Bridge.)

Questions for the “Noughts” team

The ugly duckling turned into him. (Into the swan.)

The opposite word for "friend". (Enemy.)

What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Fluff, leaf, handful of sand.)

It’s like a Christmas tree covered in needles. (Hedgehog.)

What was the name of the character in the Russian fairy tale who caught the pike with a bucket? (Emelya.)

What does a duck swim on? (On water.)

A poultry that can lay golden eggs. (Chicken.)

How many months are there in a year? (12.)

2. Competition “Strong Hand”

In this competition, participants must demonstrate manual dexterity and strength.

From each team you need to choose the strongest and most dexterous participant. Each team representative is given a newspaper. The task is this: whoever gathers it into a fist faster, without helping with the other hand, will bring victory to the team in this competition. The size of the newspaper lump will definitely be taken into account; the smaller the lump, the better the task is completed.

3. Competition STORY FROM VERBS

Human speech consists of sentences. In turn, sentences consist of verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, etc. How difficult it would be for a person to talk about something if there were no various parts of speech. But “difficult” does not mean “impossible”. Try to write a story using only one part of speech - verbs. That is, using only verbs, tell about what allegedly happened to you. The story may be called...

-"How I Met an Alien"

-"About how I found the treasure"

-"About how I flew on hot-air balloon»,

-"About how I hunted a lion."

4. Captains Competition

Here the captains must show their intelligence and quick reaction.

Captains, please come to me. You are given the task of assembling a picture from the cut parts; the time and accuracy of completing the task will be taken into account.

5. Competition “Cheerful Artist”

In this competition, participants must use their imagination and Creative skills. Draw an unusual animal called MOP-TAIL.

6. Competition “One word, two words”

Participants need to show their artistry and expressiveness. This competition will take into account the ability to control your voice and intonation. Read the poem by Agniy Barto “The bull goes swinging...”, but not as you usually read with expression, but as if….

    you show off to the guys

    you're scared of the dog

7. Competition MIRACLE CURE

There are thousands of medicines in the world for almost all diseases. But there are still a number of diseases that cannot be cured with ordinary tablets and mixtures. To defeat these diseases, a completely new, miracle drug is needed. Imagine yourself as a pharmacist and come up with a medicine (name, ingredients, method of use) that could be prescribed...


Lazy people;




8. Competition “Parodists”

In this competition you need to be artistic, precise and flexible. The team member receives a card with a task, after reading and thinking a little, you need to imagine and depict this or that animal with facial expressions, gait, and sounds.

    gloomy eagle

    anxious cat

9. Competition "Secret Box"

In this competition you need to show erudition and erudition. The task for all team members is to guess what is in the box.

1. In the secret box there is something that showed the way - the path not only for Ivan Tsarevich, but also for one of the mythical heroes ancient Greece? - ball of thread

2. An item that is in a box will never be given as a gift. New Year in China, since, according to legend, such a gift does not bring good luck. Everyone has this useful thing in their home, and often even in several versions. According to the Russian proverb, those who are happy do not look at them. Name this thing - a watch

3. A very truthful thing is a mirror (tell my light mirror and tell me the whole truth.....)

The jury is counting the points, please.

Dear Guys! Dear adults! All competitions are over. Let's look at the playing field. At the end of the game, the team won…..

Let's applaud the winning team. Let's applaud the other team. The opponents were worthy. All the guys tried very hard, were active, everyone strived for victory.

Our game has come to an end. Please tell me which competitions did you especially like? What do you remember? Let's listen to the opinion of each participant.

Each child expresses his or her opinion.


    Afanasyev S.P., Komorin S.V. Three hundred creative competitions. _ Kostroma, RC NIT "Eureka-M", 1999

    Methodological newspaper for educational psychologists “School Psychologist” 10, 2009

A complete encyclopedia of modern educational games for children. From birth to 12 years Voznyuk Natalia Grigorievna

Tic-tac-toe variations

Tic-tac-toe variations

Tic-tac-toe has been known since ancient times. Everyone played this game, if not at home, then at least in class.

The original version is very simple. A field of 9 squares is drawn on a sheet of paper. The players' task is to line up 3 X's or O's vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

But you can offer other variations of this simple game, thereby complicating it.

Option 1

Make the playing field unlimited, for example, the entire notebook sheet is squared. The rules remain almost the same, only the winner will be the player who quickly builds a line of 5 crosses or zeros.

Option 2

The game takes place on a standard field of 9 cells. Only in this version you can walk with crosses and toes. The difficulty is that you cannot start the game from the center of the field, otherwise it will end very quickly. Participants determine the priority of their move by drawing lots.

Option 3

There is something not quite ordinary, interesting view Tic Tac Toe. This game also involves 2 players. On a regular notebook sheet in a cage, which will be playing field, crosses and toes are placed throughout the area. The rules are not entirely simple. The cross is placed first and only 1 per turn. A zero is placed 2 times per move and in different cells. The essence of the game is for the zeros to completely surround the crosses. The game continues until all the crosses are surrounded, or until there are no more free cells.

Option 4

Another version of tic-tac-toe is playing in reverse. Participants on a field of 9 cells must play in such a way that they do not line up rows of 3 crosses or zeros.

Players can connect all types of this interesting game, as long as their imagination is enough, this will not make tic-tac-toe worse, but only more interesting and entertaining.

MKOU Secondary School s. Preobrazhenka

A game

"Tic Tac Toe"


primary school teacher

Egorova Ekaterina Yurievna

With. Preobrazhenka


Goals of the game:

    Activate cognitive activity students.

    Cultivate curiosity and attentiveness in students.

    To develop students' horizons and interest in mathematics.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, game presentation, playing field, counting sticks, task cards, Tangram sets, writing instruments for players, bells for sound signal.

Rules of the game.

The Tic Tac Toe game consists of nine sectors:

"Rebuses", " Magic wands", "Hide and Seek", "Puzzle", " Idioms", "Pig in a poke", "Through the mouth of a baby", "Tangram", "Poems".

Before the start of the game, to determine the right to make the first move, a draw is held with the participation of team captains. The one who wins begins to choose sectors. In each sector there is a common task for all teams.

The jury evaluates this competition, and the playing sector is closed with the symbol of the winning team (a cross or a zero).

At the end of the game, the results are announced. The winners will receive memorable prizes. Photos are taken for memory.

Progress of the game


Mathematics - Science

She is mental gymnastics.

There is precision and ingenuity in her,

Numbers, letters

The one who teaches understands

That we need science

Since in our difficult life

It’s impossible without it:

Math is everywhere

math is everywhere.

The one who teaches understands...

And order in my head.

Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to our math game"Tic Tac Toe"

think, ponder, figure out, ponder, rack one's brains, scatter one's mind and wiggle one's brains

It is absolutely prohibited:

be sad, despondent, hang your nose, whine and moan!

Have fun from the heart!

Don't forget also

that it's easier with friends

cope with any

difficult task.

Try not to miss

not one of our tasks.

So here we go.

Two teams will take part in the game: the “Cross” team and the “Toe” team.

Let's greet the participants of the game with loud applause.

The playing field is in front of you.

It has 9 sectors.

Your task is to try to use tokens with the emblem of your team to close as many sectors as possible, quickly and correctly answering questions and completing all tasks.

Who will win, who will lose -

Now no one knows

But I wish you all success,

Happiness, joy and laughter!

And let the fight rage faster,

Stronger competition.

Success is not decided by fate,

But only your knowledge.

1 sector “Rebuses”

Sector 2 “Magic wands”

Your task is to fold 2 squares out of 10 sticks.

Sector 3 “Hide and Seek”

What words are hidden?

(Nine, addition, x, plus, segment, length, minus, task, area, verb)

Sector 4 “Puzzle”

Sector 5 “Catchphrases”

A very smart, talented, wise, outstanding person.

Seven spans in the forehead.

What is the weight of salt that must be eaten to get to know a person well?

Eat a pood of salt (pood - 16 kg)

As they say when they do not believe in the speedy fulfillment of any promises on time.

They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years.

It's very bitter to cry.

Cry in three streams.

There is a lot to promise and say.

Seven miles to heaven.

Sector 6 “Pig in a poke”

1.What does each word, plant and equation have? (Root.)

2.What geometric shapes are friendly with the sun? (Rays.)

3.Which geometric figure needed to punish children? (Corner.)

4. What geometric figure is used to punish children? (Corner).

5. Which geometric figure is friendly with the sun? (Ray).

6. One followed by 6 zeros. (Million).

7. Smallest integer. (0).

8. The popular name for the number 13. (The Devil's Dozen).

9. Tool for measuring segments. (Ruler).

10.When do we look at the number 2 and say 10? (when we look at the clock,

minute hand)

11.Which number has the same numbers as letters in its name? (100 - one hundred)

12. Name the “mathematical” plants. (Yarrow, agave, centaury.)

13. In what word can you find a whole meter of letters O? (In the word "metro".)

Sector 7 “Through the mouth of a baby”

I ask you to guess

What babies talk about.

— I will tell the subject clues that relate to mathematics, you must guess what kind of subject it is.

    There is a mystery about him, but I won’t tell you. He is very necessary in the lesson.

    But if you forget it at home, you can use your finger/that’s what the teachers say for some reason/. But no one can do it with a finger.

    Good pictures are obtained if it is sharpened. / pencil/

    You can sleep on it if you didn't get enough sleep at night.

    For neat students, you can always find a ruler and pen at hand.

    When you draw on it, the teacher is always indignant. / desk/

    Sometimes this can be seen in the diary. Mayakovsky Sad

    511 16

    5 20 337

    712 19


    The game is over

    It's time to find out the result.

    Who did the best job?

    And did he excel in the game?

    Summing up the game.

    You sat and counted

    And I hope you didn't get bored.

    But the game is over -

    It's time for us to part,

    And let's say goodbye

    Let's say together...

    All. GOODBYE!