He claimed that he could resurrect people, teleport, cure AIDS and cancer of any stage, and also diagnose problems in electronic equipment from a distance. Sentenced to 8 years in prison under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “fraud”.

He became widely known for reportedly various sources, promised the relatives of those killed during the Beslan terrorist attack to resurrect those killed for money. Some of the relatives of the victims accused Grabovoi of brainwashing.

Grabovoi and his activities are criticized by members of the RAS commission on combating pseudoscience.

Chairman of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation Sergei Mironov described G. Grabovoy as the leader of a totalitarian sect and noted that it is necessary to prevent the activities of others like him.


early years

In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Tashkent State University with a degree in mechanics.

After university, he worked in a general mechanical engineering design bureau in Tashkent.

On December 2, 1991, the Uzbek Civil Aviation Administration (UzCA) signed an agreement with the Askon company, according to which the department paid 235,700 rubles (as of December 1991 - $5,900) for Grabovoi’s services in “developing heuristic methods for analyzing, diagnosing and predicting aviation malfunctions.” USA).

On July 4, 1992, UzUGA paid 168 thousand rubles (1,246 USD) to the All-Russian Research and Production Enterprise Progress for Grabov’s development of “unconventional methods of technical analysis, diagnostics and prediction of aviation malfunctions.” The Izvestia newspaper notes that in the future, each new agreement is signed on behalf of new company.

On January 7, 1993, UzUGA paid Grabovoy 1,898,400 rubles for “studying the influence technical devices aircraft for pilots during flights to improve flight safety”, due to the rise in price Supplies the amount was increased to 4,289,750 rubles (1993 US$10,287).

On June 29, 1994, Uzbekistan Airways entered into a permanent agreement with the Rampa company, whose general director was Grabovoi. The agreement provided for “work on extrasensory diagnostics of aircraft used for flights by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and members of the government” and payments in the amount of 2 million rubles monthly.

The results of Grabovoi’s work on extrasensory diagnostics of aircraft are reflected in the three-volume book “Control Practice. The path of salvation."

On January 7, 1996, Grabovoy concluded the last agreement in Uzbekistan for “treatment of company employees through non-contact psychic work.” The money was deposited monthly into an account in Midland bank (London), at the rate of $2,000 per company employee per year.

Meeting with Vanga

On October 27, 1995, Grabovoi met with the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga in the village of Rupite (Bulgaria). The editor of the Bulgarian National Television, Valentina Genkova, was present and translated their conversation. According to her, the meeting addressed issues related to the nuclear environmental danger on the planet, prolongation of human life, the possibility of non-dying, as well as the unification of religions. The Grabovs were asked questions on which Vanga expressed her opinion, in particular that Grigory Petrovich, having phenomenal qualities, must continue to treat people and expand the areas of application of his abilities. He should work in Russia, from where the results will be distributed to all countries of the world. In 20 years he will achieve what he dreams of.

The meeting of Grabovoi and Vanga is also described in a positive way in the books of Grabovoi’s followers:

[importance not specified 227 days]

Moscow healer Lyudmila Kim, in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper on October 13, 2005, stated that she was present at Grabovoi’s meeting with Vanga, conveyed Vanga’s opinion about the abilities of Grigory Grabovoi, who, according to Kim, sharply criticized him and kicked him out.

On April 7, 2006, the Pravda newspaper reported that at a meeting in 1995, “a young psychic from Russia,” as Grabovoi called himself, came to Bulgaria to see the famous clairvoyant Vanga, who gave him an exam. Remaining dissatisfied with the self-proclaimed “healer,” Vanga literally kicked out Grabovoi, as many Bulgarian newspapers wrote about.

In July 2006, writer and journalist Andrei Levkin in the newspaper “Vzglyad” said that Channel One of Central Television showed a documentary film showing footage of a meeting between Vanga and Grabovoy, which ended with Vanga’s very emotional reaction, which drove him away.

Bulgarian journalist Valentina Genkova expressed her protest to Russian television, in which she declared the illegal use of her original material - filming of the meeting of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga with Grabov. In her interview, Valentina Genkova said that in the fragment presented to the Russian audience, the meaning of Vanga’s conversation with Grigory Grabov was completely distorted.

Journalist Vyacheslav Yezhkov reported that in 1995 Vanga was seriously ill and did not see anyone. But for Grabovoi she made an exception. Valentina Genkova gave an interview to a journalist about the meeting between Grabovoy and Vanga:

Grabovoi himself did not make official statements about receiving Vanga’s blessing, or that he was her student or follower.

Activities in Russia

In 1995, Grabovoi moved to Russia. It is alleged that he was patronized by the first deputy head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation, Georgy Rogozin. In the same year, Grabovoi registered the non-profit organization “Grigory Grabovoi Foundation - implementation and dissemination of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”” (certificate of state registration in the Russian Federation No. 002.027.190, later known as the “DRUGG Charter”, by 2006 having regional offices in more than 50 regions of Russia.

In 1996, he graduated from the medical school at the Moscow Regional School of Advanced Training with a degree in general medicine. He was awarded the qualification "paramedic".

According to the biography posted on his personal website, he was elected a full member in 1998 Russian Academy Natural Sciences (RAEN) (later expelled from the Academy as not having undergone re-registration), academician of the International Academy of Informatization, as well as academician of the Italian Academy for Economic and Social Development and the New York Academy of Sciences. According to information from Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.P. Kruglyakov, quoted by the Versiya newspaper, the diploma of the Italian Academy of Sciences was made with spelling errors and is a fake. In the same year, he was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the specialty “Noosphere Knowledge and Technologies.” Member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League.

The RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience in the academies of Belgium, Bulgaria and Italy requested information about Grabovoi (in connection with Grabovoi’s claims that he is a member of the academies of these countries). The commission has official answers that nothing is known about Grabovoi in these academies.

According to Grabovoi, in 1999 he was awarded the academic degrees of Doctor of Technical Sciences and Physics and Mathematics. Photos of diplomas are shown on a website registered in his name. According to Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.P. Kruglyakov, Grabovoy did not defend his doctoral dissertation.

On the website of G. Grabovoi there is an image of a diploma of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, issued by the Higher Interacademic Attestation and Qualification Commission (HSAC, not to be confused with the Higher Attestation Commission), created with the assistance of the International Academy of Informatization. According to the Versiya newspaper, the VMAC issues degrees to everyone for a reasonable fee. These titles are not recognized by scientists. Similarly, there is an image of a Doctor of Technical Sciences diploma issued by the Higher Attestation and Qualification Commission (HACC).

He patented several inventions, in particular, “Method for preventing disasters and a device for its implementation.”

In 1999, Grabovoi lectured at the center for the education and training of specialists in the field modern technologies prevention and elimination emergency situations Agency of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for monitoring and forecasting emergency situations. The Ministry of Emergency Situations also confirmed that in 2001 they contacted Grabov regarding cooperation.

In 2000, he hosted a program on the TV-6 channel “Grigory Grabovoy. Health formula." In the same year, the newspaper “Management Option - Forecast” was established at the G. Grabovoi Foundation. The editorial board of the newspaper included members of the Federation Council V. A. Gustov, V. P. Orlov, deputies of the State Duma V. I. Alksnis, N. M. Bezborodov, V. P. Voitenko, V. I. Grishin, N. P. Zalepukhin, V. S. Katrenko, A. E. Likhachev, V. V. Luntsevich, V. Ya. Pekarev, G. I. Raikov, V. P. Cheryomushkin. On October 6, 2005, the 10th issue was delivered to the office of the Izvestia newspaper, as well as about 3 thousand other Izvestia office subscribers. In response to the editorial office's appeal to the distribution service (Stolichny Courier LLC, part of the Interpost group of companies), the contract for distribution of the newspaper was suspended and later terminated.

In 2001, Academician E.P. Kruglyakov made a report at the symposium “Science, Anti-Science and Paranormal Beliefs,” in which he touched upon the crystalline module “developed” by Grabov, an article about which was even published by the government newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta. This module, as academician Kruglyakov explains Grabovoi’s words, reduces power nuclear explosion twice and can serve for nuclear power plants in order to protect against disasters:

In 2002, the Cinematography Service of the Russian Ministry of Culture financed the film “The Mission of Grigory Grabovoi.” Also in 2002, Grabovoi served as vice president of the Russian Financial Union fund for supporting state programs.

At the report of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2003, dedicated to pseudoscience, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. P. Kruglyakov sharply negatively characterized the activities of Grabovoi:

In 2004, Grabovoi became a member of the public Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement (ABOP) (later a decision was made to expel him).

On June 5, 2004, Grigory Grabovoi held a press conference at which he declared that he was Jesus Christ in the second coming:

Journalist Sokolov-Mitrich, in his book “Anti-Grabovoi,” criticized this confession of Grabovoi based on an analysis of the texts of the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke:

As the journalist points out, according to the Bible, the second coming of Christ cannot be secret, like the first coming, but must be “like lightning coming from the east and being visible even to the west” (Matthew 24:27). Grabovoi, according to Sokolov-Mitrich, positions itself precisely as a secret “second coming.”

On July 16, 2004, a photograph of him with the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and a statement appeared on Grabovoi’s website and a statement that the latter had been issued a license to disseminate Grabovoi’s teachings. In response, the Kazakh Embassy stated that the document supporting Grabovoi’s teachings in the republic has all the signs of a forgery.

Meeting with the “Mothers of Beslan”

In September 2004, books by Grigory Grabovoi appeared in Beslan. As a result of an inspection carried out by the Moscow prosecutor’s office, it was revealed that “those distributing the “Teaching of G.P. Grabovoi” arrived in the city of Beslan... where they offered the relatives of victims of terrorists to resurrect the dead for a monetary reward of 39 thousand 500 rubles.” This is also described in the book “Who “Resurrects” Our Dead”, published by journalists who reported on Beslan.

On September 16, 2005, fifteen representatives of the Association of Victims of Terrorist Acts “Mothers of Beslan”, led by Susanna Dudieva, took part in a congress of Grabovoi supporters, which was held in Moscow at the Cosmos Hotel.

On September 23, 2005, an appeal from the “Mothers of Beslan” was made public, which, in particular, stated that the trip of the Association members to Grigory Grabovoi was “a provocation, the purpose of which is to discredit, and, as a result, neutralize our movement. This is another plan planned by the authorities and special services to liquidate our organization through psychological influence and pressure on the leadership of the committee headed by Susanna Dudieva.” The appeal lacked the signatures of S. Dudieva and some other members of the “Mothers of Beslan” Association who went to meet with Grabov.

On September 27, 2005, Grigory Grabovoi confirmed at a special press conference that he promises to resurrect the children who died as a result of the Beslan terrorist attack, and stated that he does not demand money from women who lost their children. According to Grabovoi, the chairman of the Mothers of Beslan Association, Susanna Dudieva, was appointed as his representative in Beslan. On the same day, the majority of the members of the Mothers of Beslan Association sent an official letter to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation demanding that a criminal case be opened against Grigory Grabovoi, “who by his actions is deliberately trying to undermine the activities and work of the Mothers of Beslan committee.”

These events served as the reason for the subsequent split of the Association “Mothers of Beslan” and the formation of a new North Ossetian public organization of victims of terrorist attacks “Voice of Beslan”, whose members have an extremely negative attitude towards the activities of G. Grabovoi. As a result of the split, on January 21, 2006, the Public regional organization“Voice of Beslan”, the head of which was Ella Kesaeva.

In April 2007, in an interview with the newspaper “Another Format”, Susanna Dudieva, chairman of the “Mothers of Beslan” Committee, stated:

On December 19, 2007, in North Ossetia, the court closed the Voice of Beslan committee with its previous composition. Journalist of the Weekly Independent Political Review Alexander Prudnik, in his classification of media activities to create “information curtains,” described in July 2008 the coverage of the events “Beslan - Grigory Grabovoy” in the media as “switching public opinion from an event that negatively affects the image of power , to the image of the enemy artificially created by the media.”

Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi – founder of the sect “Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi”

The creator of the sect “Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi”, who calls himself a healer, “Jesus Christ in the second coming” and “the triune God the Father”. The prosecutor's office became interested in Grabovoi's activities after it became known that he promised the residents of Beslan for a significant reward to resurrect their relatives who died as a result of the terrorist attack. In July 2008, he was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to 11 years in prison; in October 2008, the sentence was reduced by three years. Released on parole in May 2010.

Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy was born on November 14, 1963 in the village of Kirovsky, Bogara village, Kirov district, Chimkent region of Kazakhstan. In 1986, he graduated from the correspondence department of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Tashkent State University with a degree in Mechanics.

In 1991, he declared himself a clairvoyant, a healer and, according to media reports, began to engage in “extrasensory diagnostics” of the planes of senior officials of Uzbekistan. Then Grabovoi began to promise everyone healing from illnesses and the resurrection of the dead. According to the Prosecutor General's Office, in the early 1990s, Grabovoi also began publishing books and conducting seminars, recording them on audio and video tapes. These cassettes immediately went on sale.

In 1996, Grabovoy received a diploma from the Moscow Regional School of Advanced Training with a degree in Paramedic. He studied at the school for one year, then got a job at the General Engineering Design Bureau in Tashkent.

During 1996, Grabovoi became the holder of six licenses for various discoveries. One of them – the “Computer Technology of Remote Control” method – was certified by the organization “International Registration Chamber of Information and Intellectual Novelty”.

In 1997, Grabovoy moved to Moscow, where, according to media reports, he met the deputy head of the security service under Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Georgy Rogozin. According to Grabovoi, he advised the Russian presidential administration for two years. At the same time, Grabovoy began to unite supporters of his teaching “On Salvation and Harmonious Development.”

In March 1998, Grabovoy became the holder of a diploma of an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (for services in the field of “Noospheric knowledge and technologies”), three months later he began to call himself an academician of the International Academy of Informatization, then a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, a knight of the Order of Malta; soon, according to him, he was promoted to the nobility with the award of the title of count and knightly order Saint Stanislaus, .

According to Grabovoi, he is also an academician of the UN International Academy of Informatization, the Italian Academy of Sciences, an honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, and an adviser to the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation.

Grabovoi is the author of the monographs “The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life from Now on in Our Reality” (2002), “On Salvation and Harmonious Development” (2004). He has a diploma of “The Best Healer”, issued by the expert certification council of the festival “To the Future through the Past”. Member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Awarded by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences with a silver medal to Nobel Prize laureate I.P. Pavlova “For the development of medicine and healthcare.” Laureate of the competition of the International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society, awarded the Peter the Great medal “For services to the revival of science and the economy of Russia.”

From 1999 to 2001, Grabovoi lectured at the training center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Agency for monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, as well as at the Ministry natural resources and the Ministry of Education of Russia. In 2000, he hosted a program on the TV-6 channel “Grigory Grabovoi. Formula of health." In 2002, the cinematography service of the Russian Ministry of Culture allocated funds to create a film advertising the activities of Grabovoi. There were no media reports that the film was filmed.

In 2001, according to the prosecutor’s office, Grabovoi created the “Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi” sect, through whose efforts his lectures were distributed and books were published. The sect operated on the principle of a pyramid: its members first paid for training in “healing”, then independently organized seminars on the periphery. According to the prosecutor's office, branches of followers of Grabovoi's teachings were created in 58 regions. The initial course cost 2 thousand rubles, individual lessons were more expensive. Several hundred people gathered at Grabovoi’s lecture. At the same time, 10 percent of all income was transferred to the founder of the pyramid, but all fees were formalized as voluntary donations to a foundation named after him.

In 2002-2004, the number of adherents of Grabovoi’s sect, according to Novaya Gazeta, amounted to hundreds of thousands, and the financial turnover of the fund amounted to tens of millions of dollars. Then the sect opened branches in 250 cities of Russia, as well as in Latvia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Other sources did not confirm this information.

In 2004, Grabovoy, according to Novaya Gazeta, received a diploma as a professor at the Public Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement. This Academy was created on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and its members include many high-ranking employees of the FSB, SVR and the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Grabovoi's activities attracted the attention of the central media after the terrorist attack in Beslan (September 2004), when the “healer” came to the city and conducted a series of seminars, promising to resurrect all the killed hostages by mid-October 2005. At the end of September 2004, Grabovoi’s books appeared in Beslan. The sectarians who distributed them offered city residents to resurrect their relatives who died as a result of the terrorist attack for 39 thousand rubles. However, after information about this appeared in the media, Grabovoi told reporters at a press conference that he would resurrect the children free of charge.

In March 2005, Grabovoi founded the DRUGG party (“Voluntary Disseminators of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi”). The foundation of Grigory Grabovoi, which had been operating for several years by that time, was transformed into this party. According to the Kommersant newspaper, the party was registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice on March 23, 2005; at the same time, the online publication “Strana.Ru”, citing the Federal Registration Service, claimed that Grabovoi’s application to register the party was never considered.

At the first congress, Grabovoy announced that in 2008 he would become the president of Russia and, first of all, would issue a federal law “On the prohibition of death on the territory of the Russian Federation,” and also “through magical rituals he would save Russia from misfortunes.”

On March 25, 2005, two district prosecutor's offices of Moscow - Basmannaya and Taganskaya - organized an audit of Grabovoi's fund. Employees of the Basmanny Prosecutor's Office sent videotapes with recordings of Grabovoi's lectures for examination to the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University to determine whether they correspond to moral standards. The Tagansky prosecutor's office took up Grabovoi's books - at its request, the Moscow Irenaeus Leonsky Center had to establish whether Grabovoi's teachings contributed to inciting ethnic or religious hatred.

According to media reports, an audit of Grabovoi’s fund was organized by the prosecutor’s office after receiving statements from a number of Beslan residents who gave 39.1 thousand rubles for the “resurrection” of their loved ones, but did not receive the promised result. During the verification of their statements, investigators began to receive complaints from other deceived citizens (among them were victims of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka), to whom Grabovoi promised to resurrect deceased relatives, cure them of various diseases, and even “teach them to drink the contaminated water of the Amur River.” However, information about the receipt of applications from citizens was not confirmed Prosecutor General's Office.

September 18, 2005 Grabovoi in live radio “Echo of Moscow” declared himself Jesus Christ in the second coming. As proof of his “divine essence,” he demonstrated several people he “resurrected.” Subsequently, Grabovoi declared himself the “triune God-father,” began to actively engage in “healing,” and regularly organized paid seminars on the “art of being a messiah,” at which “remote control stickers” were distributed.

Following this, a number of activists from the “Mothers of Beslan” committee and State Duma deputies sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General of Russia Vladimir Ustinov asking for a legal assessment of Grabovoi’s activities.

On September 28, 2005, the Moscow prosecutor's office organized a new audit of the legality of Grabovoi's activities. The press release published on the official website of the Prosecutor General’s Office stated that “the check is carried out based on the facts stated in media publications, because To date, neither the prosecutor’s office nor the internal affairs bodies have received a single appeal from victims of the activities of G. Grabovoi.”

It followed from the message that as part of the inspection, specialized examinations of video and printed products sold by Grabovoi were ordered, persons who were employees of Grabovoi’s organization were interviewed, and Grabovoi himself was decided to be summoned for questioning. The Prosecutor General's Office called on citizens affected by Grabovoi's activities to immediately contact the Moscow prosecutor's office or the prosecutor's office at their place of residence.

Based on the results of the checks, the prosecutor's office did not find any crime in Grabovoi's actions and refused to initiate a criminal case.

In September 2005, Grabovoi convened the VI extraordinary congress of the DRUGG party in Moscow (congresses of this party, as well as congresses of Grabovoi’s foundation, were held much more often than once a year) and invited relatives of the hostages who died in Beslan to it, promising to resurrect their loved ones and paying them all travel expenses. Among the guests were the leader of the “Mothers of Beslan” committee, Susanna Dudieva, and ten other Beslan women. Grabovoi stated at the congress that there have been no major terrorist attacks in Russia recently thanks to his efforts, and voiced his forecast that a collective resurrection should take place in Beslan before October 14, 2005. Members of the committee who were not invited to Moscow appealed to the Prosecutor General’s Office with a request to open a case against the “charlatan Grabovoi,” and Dudieva’s actions were called “a provocation, the purpose of which is to discredit the movement.”

In the fall of 2005, special correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda Vladimir Vorsobin, as part of a journalistic investigation into Grabovoi’s activities, paid him 39,100 rubles for “resurrecting” the sketch and contacted the prosecutor’s office. After checking Vorsobin’s statement, the prosecutor’s office did not see any corpus delicti in Grabovoi’s actions and refused to initiate a criminal case.

The 12th Founding Congress took place on March 17, 2006 political party DRUGG, at which it was unanimously decided to create the Political Party DRUGG. Grigory Grabovoi was elected chairman of the party. In case of victory on presidential elections In 2008, Grabovoi promised every citizen of Russia “eternal life” and monthly payments of up to 12 thousand rubles.

On March 20, 2006, the prosecutor's office of the Central District of Moscow, on the basis of numerous complaints, opened a criminal case against Grabovoy under Part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“fraud”), on the facts of “committing actions while carrying out activities related to the offer of services, including the resurrection of the dead and cure of diseases.” He ignored the summons for questioning at the prosecutor's office and on April 5 was arrested at the Cosmos Hotel, where he was conducting another seminar “On the resurrection of people and the purification of souls.” About 30 of Grabovoi's followers tried to prevent his arrest, but police officers managed to take him out of the hotel through the back door.

On April 7, the prosecutor's office of the Central District of Moscow formally charged Grabovoi. Prosecutor Igor Pavlov said that Grabovoi is suspected of fraud because he “exploited people’s state of mind, their state of grief.” According to investigators, the corpus delicti in Grabovoi’s actions lies in the fact that he took money “under obviously impossible promises to resurrect dead people.” According to the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, the charges were based on a case of fraud against a correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, as well as several dozen statements from other victims. In addition, an investigation began into the disappearance of one of the followers of Grabovoi's teachings. In total, about 15 witnesses were confronted and interrogated in the Grabovoi case at the Moscow prosecutor's office.

The public reaction to Grabovoi's arrest varied. The Moscow Patriarchate called the detention “justified.” The secretary for relations between the church and society of the department for external church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, priest Mikhail Dudko, said that the activities of the Grabovoi sect had to be stopped, since “profiting from the grief of parents who have lost their children is a terrible act.”

However, among the “Mothers of Beslan” there is no clear opinion regarding the detention of Grabovoi. Members of the “Voice of Beslan” committee, who had already filed complaints with the Prosecutor General’s Office, called Grabovoi a fraudster. There are other opinions. Member of the “Mothers of Beslan” committee Svetlana Tsinoeva, who lost her daughter during the terrorist attack, stated that at none of the meetings with Grabov there was talk about the revival or resurrection of children; the purpose of their meetings was to experience grief together and make sure that a tragedy like Beslan does not happen again. “Mothers of Beslan” said that they were going to write a letter of protest to Prosecutor General Ustinov regarding the detention of Grabovoi.

On April 7, the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of Grabovoi, satisfying the petition of a representative of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, who demanded Grabovoi's arrest for two months. The defense insisted on the immediate release of the accused on his own recognizance or bail, calling Grabovoi's case political. According to Grabovoi's lawyer, he became a victim of provocation by the journalist. Representatives of the DRUGG party also stated that the criminal prosecution of Grabovoi is related to politics, since he expressed a desire to participate in the 2008 presidential elections; they held a series of rallies in the regions against the arrest of Grabovoi and began collecting signatures in his support.

Grabovoi's lawyers tried to achieve his release from the pre-trial detention center, but on May 17, 2006, the Moscow City Court rejected their complaint.

On September 8, 2006, the prosecutor's office transferred Grabovoi's case to the Tagansky Court of Moscow. Representatives of the press service of the prosecutor's office explained to journalists that Grabovoy is charged with 11 counts of theft of citizens' funds under the guise of "resurrection" dead relatives victims or curing them from serious illnesses.” However, the court returned the case to the prosecutor's office for revision.

On March 14, 2007, Grabovoi's case was re-submitted to court. It took the investigation five months to eliminate the shortcomings in the case materials. Grabovoi himself, who has been in custody in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center since April 5, 2006, had his arrest period extended until March 20, 2007. The hearing of the case was scheduled for April 10, 2007, but due to the illness of the defendant’s lawyer, it was postponed to April 23, 2007. On this day, they did not have time to begin the consideration of the case, since the defendant unexpectedly filed more than 30 petitions, including, for example, a request to exclude from evidence all documents obtained by the investigation and to change the preventive measure for him. The court refused to satisfy all requests and decided to send Grabovoi for a psychological and psychiatric examination, but on September 10, 2007, the Moscow City Court overturned the decision of the Tagansky Court, and the case was sent back to continue consideration on the merits.

On October 8, 2007, the trial of Grabov was resumed in the Tagansky Court of Moscow. In January 2008, a new episode was added to the case: another victim testified about how she was promised to resurrect her granddaughter for money. Lawyers and supporters of Grabovoi argued that the trial of Grabovoi began to acquire a political connotation, since not a single episode of the Beslan indictment concerned.

On June 11, 2008, a debate took place on the Grabovoi case. Prosecutor Elena Senyushina, who spoke first, demanded that Grabovoi, accused of large-scale fraud, be sentenced to 12 years in prison. For their part, Grabovoi’s lawyers asked for an acquittal, arguing that their client’s actions did not constitute a crime, and citing an unfair examination of the evidence.

On July 7, 2008, the Tagansky Court of Moscow sentenced Grabovoi, who was found guilty of fraud, to 11 years in prison. It was reported that according to the verdict, he would serve his sentence in a general regime colony. In addition, as an additional measure of punishment, the court decided to collect 1 million rubles from Grabovoi as state income and ordered the “healer” to pay legal costs. The claims of seven victims totaling more than 270 thousand rubles (from 39.1 thousand rubles to 39.5 thousand rubles) for compensation for material damage were also partially satisfied by the court. In addition, the court recovered from Grabovoi legal costs in the amount of 36 thousand rubles.

In October 2008, the Moscow City Court, having considered the defense’s complaint against Grabovoy’s sentence, reduced the pseudo-healer’s sentence by three years. In addition, the amount of the fine that the convicted person must pay to the state was reduced from 1 million to 750 thousand rubles.

Grabovoy served his prison term in a colony in Valdai, Novgorod region. In February 2009, the convict was transferred to the village of Nyrob Perm region, to the OIU-11 colony. It was reported that he “will serve the remaining 5 years of his 8-year sentence.” However, already in May 2010, the court of the city of Berezniki, Perm Territory, granted the request for Grabovoi’s parole. It was reported that the prosecutor's office opposed his release from the colony. She tried to appeal the decision of the city court, but the Perm Regional Court rejected the appeal, and in the same month Grabovoi was released.

Business of the “apostles”

The mysterious stranger really turned out to be a “hornbeam picker.” Only the former. Igor Serkov, children's trainer. After working for several years in one of the still operating Moscow enterprises of Grabovoi’s pyramid, “Noosphere,” he was tormented by remorse. The story was like a spy thriller.

“I realized too late what I had gotten myself into,” he sighed. - Even when I had already been trained by Petrov and Arepyev (one of GG’s closest followers) and became their manager, I still believed in this nonsense. The three of us saw patients - most often with oncology. Regenerated (recreated) internal organs, teeth... The first doubts appeared when I noticed that we tried not to accept poorly dressed patients. They explained to me: they will scrape together money for a one-time consultation, but then it’s unlikely. Unpromising. Then I couldn’t understand why we refuse admission to people who ask “uncomfortable” questions. It turns out that it is also unprofitable. While you are busy with him, there will be no time left for 5 easy clients...

The reception was tragicomic. This is how the “healers” themselves describe him (quote from their brochure “Cosmopsychobiology”): “Arepyev and Petrov sit and silently look at a child with autism.

What are you doing? - the father is worried.

We’re talking,” Arepyev smiles. - Telepathically. You have a brilliant child. He just lives in a different space. He is afraid to go out into the outside world.

Petrov (busily): - Maybe we should go for regeneration of the pituitary gland?

Arepyev: - Then you need to look carefully. We restored the black body back then...

Petrov: - What are we doing? This structure (draws) is disrupted by the fact that there is a reflector here.

Arepyev: - Every person has a reflector, just like, for example, in a cell there is a diaphragm. And he has the same film in his pituitary gland. We have to remove this tape. The hemispheres will be activated. It was possible to build the level of the soul and immediately influence the physical body. Where to influence?

Petrov: - Let's follow up. Information came from the soul, organized matter, he immediately developed a pathology of the umbilical birth cell, and damage began. Reverse order: we fold it and return it to where it needs to be.”

The remnants of Serkov’s illusions evaporated when it became clear how much this nonsense was worth. One day Petrov and Arepyev had a trivial quarrel over the division of money.

The fight was for 1.5 million rubles a month, recalls the former “grabber”. - The revenue was large - 22-32 thousand rubles for seeing a client (the amount was determined by the patient’s appearance). I once looked at the documents - 10 percent went to Grabovoi’s company Geovoyager, another 10 percent went to some mysterious account. There are suspicions that they unfastened the “roof” (in the branch they often saw some types with “crusts”)... And then I realized that I had gotten myself into a banal pyramid. And I felt so ashamed! After all, these unfortunate people were deceived and with the help of me...

And then the “grab operator” began... to harm Grabovoy from the inside, in order to somehow justify himself to his conscience: he quietly tried to dissuade some of the patients, he simply did not make an appointment for others... When he was identified and fired, he tried speak at the congress of DRUGG (Grabovoi’s political party). They weren't allowed to go to the microphone. There were phone calls at home with advice to “shut up before it’s too late.”

“One thing is tormenting me now,” Serkov suddenly admitted. - There were cases when the internal organs of patients actually regenerated. And the cancer disappeared. But strangely, people only got worse. Once a woman, having gotten rid of cancer with the help of the Noosphere, died a few months later. Although all the tests were good.

Wait, who did the tests and pictures of the restored organs? - I asked.

Moscow clinics,” the former “hornbeam operator” shrugged. - Usually we sent patients to two addresses, but most often to a private hospital near the Alekseevskaya metro station... Wait...

He understood. “The same clinic and custom diagnoses! - he grabbed his head. - What a bastard!

Good story,” I nodded. - But irrelevant. Grabovoi's business was closed.

So the horror is that without Grabovoi his business progressed even better! - exclaimed the whistleblower Serkov. - There are even more “points” of these scammers... Petrov and Arepyev now have a separate business. The first takes 45 thousand per session, Arepyev - 27 thousand. Each has a freshly built three-story mansion... And Grabova is not needed by this magical all-Russian mafia at all. That's why they don't get him out of prison! Why do they need a competitor?
How much is the Grabovist brand worth?

According to law enforcement, the isolation of the main “resurrectionist” restructured the country’s “magic market”. Part of the pyramid (Grabovoy and his entourage), under the influence of revealing articles and television reports, practically lost their clientele. Of the 50 thousand “practicing the teachings” of the GG, no more than 5 thousand remain. The rest went to look for another guru and fell into the web of sucking spiders, Grabovoi’s colleagues.

According to operatives, the most “parishioners” of the “resurrector” received... his astral wife Raisa Kashubina, head of the Universal Institute innovative technologies. Despite her extravagant appearance (she loves to show off on television in jester outfits and with bells on her head), the lady is quite reasonable.

“Kashubina is waiting for Grabovoi to finally get a sentence,” people who know her suggest. - She wants to take away from GG his entire empire (58 representative offices - from the Republic of Sakha to Kaliningrad). She has documents ready to register her party, which will unite not only patients, but also convinced sectarians. Probably this wealthy lady (who rents a building in the center of Moscow) needs the Grabovoi brand, which apparently costs a lot of money.

It is not for nothing that even before the arrest of the “resurrectionist,” an attempt was made on Kashubina (stabbing), in which she accused the entourage of her “astral husband” of organizing it.

They began to perceive me as a competitor who could take the Grabovoi brand away from them,” Kashubina said then.

The saddest thing about the case of the “resurrector” of the Beslanov children is that the investigators who concentrated on Lefortovo’s “prisoner” simply did not have the strength or time to close his business. The prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against the accomplices, but it has been frozen.

“If we imprison the leader, we’ll take on his network,” the operatives say and ask them not to rush.

But I would hurry. Despite the fact that Grabovoi is in prison, heartbreaking letters from victims of his students continue to be written to me. This was especially shocking.

An excerpt from Grigory Grabovoi’s book about concentration:

It is only necessary to note that the word “concentration” is used here simultaneously in two senses.

One meaning of this word is well known, especially to those who have practiced, say, disciplines such as yoga. Some spiritual disciplines explain how, by concentrating consciousness, for example, on any organ of the body, you can change the state of this organ and make it healthy.

Another meaning of the word “concentration”, which is also implied here, is as follows. Consciousness is a structure that allows the soul to control the body, and in the broad sense of the word, consciousness is a structure that unites spiritual and physical matter. In this context, concentration of consciousness means its real accumulation.

You can draw, albeit very roughly, an analogy with computers, just to emphasize the idea. Let's remember what was used to perform calculations at the dawn of the computer era. The first electronic computers (computers) occupied several rooms, and a modern computer fits in the palm of your hand and has much more power.

It is clear that if some device originally occupied several rooms, and now fits in the palm of your hand, then we can talk about the concentration in a small volume of this device of all those structures that make it a computer.

The situation is similar with consciousness, which, as we know, also represents a certain structure. As a person works on himself, as he develops, as he spiritual growth there is a greater and greater concentration of his consciousness. This is precisely the second meaning of the word “concentration” used in the formulation of this principle.

This second meaning of the word “concentration” is especially important. Concentration of consciousness here means, in essence, an increase in the density of information, an increase in the array of information per unit volume. This concentration of consciousness can have far-reaching consequences. When, in a certain volume in the process of human development, the concentration of his consciousness reaches a certain value, then this volume begins to obey the person, begins to obey his consciousness. In such a situation, the structure of the World changes; it is no longer the World that will determine the structure of a person, but the person himself will set the tone.

As soon as the concentration of consciousness becomes greater than the concentration of matter, for example, the same machine, then a person will no longer be approachable, he will no longer be indestructible. Man's thoughts, words and actions will become the primary element, and cars, buildings, planets, all these and other material objects will be the secondary element. And this will be the next level of existence.

Interview of Professor, Doctor of Sciences Grigory Grabovoi to the German historian, writer, director documentaries and to independent journalist Michael Friedrich Vogt on May 30, 2017.

This question was asked by German listeners at the author’s webinar to academician G.P. Grabovoy.

This is what Grigory Petrovich answered:

I can say that in the human Soul there is knowledge that there is eternal life. If a person does not receive enough of this knowledge, then, of course, there may be some conditions that may be similar to fear. In a person, if he does not receive enough of this knowledge to ensure eternal life, then states of fear and panic, or states close to these, may arise. In fact, that's enough serious problem, which was considered by many scientific communities, since these conditions lead to some serious pathogenic changes in human bodies. And therefore, of course, this problem needs to be resolved.

And, as I said, when a person does not have time to receive knowledge about eternal life, and eternal life increasingly becomes an actual action in modern civilization, since humanity was created for the realization of eternal life, and any global threats may increase due to the technogenic nature of development, a situation arises when the ideology of the creation of humanity comes into a certain conflict with the means of development.

And it turns out that with the progress of civilization, this conflict increases due to the possibility of global destruction, which can also intensify these panic states of people, when people feel at the Soul level their mission to realize eternal life throughout the world, and at the same time various information messages about increasing means of global destruction create even more pressure on such people.

Thus, the category when a panic state simply arises from the fact that in some global way... That is, well, the category of people in question, when panic states arise or fear simply from a possible global threat, well, that category of people who realize that humanity is obliged to fulfill the mission of ensuring eternal life throughout the world, however, the manufacturability of means of global destruction can increase with the development of technology - then these two categories of people in which, of course, they feel their ideological mission and try to fulfill it, then these two categories of people, where first of all I would like to highlight the category of people who feel the need to fulfill the mission to ensure eternal life, especially at the level of logical awareness, at the level of understanding, they must, these two categories , unite to solve this problem. In fact, the first category, which does not yet consider this mission at the level, the logical level of Consciousness, actually understands this mission at the level of the Soul, as I said, and over time they too will come to the logical phase of Consciousness.

Therefore, in essence, in order for the ideology, which is under God, through overcoming the state of panic fears, through the realization of eternal life for everyone, to ensure, among other things, the normalization of all other structures at the social level. To do this, of course, first of all, I think it is necessary to implement knowledge about eternal life for everyone, which, of course, removes any panic states or fears, since the actual action of realizing eternal life is already an action that does not distract for panic or fear. And besides, in this action there is a mechanism for controlling events so that no panic or fears arise.

In my Teaching, almost any method, any lecture, any webinar is a system for managing any situation, any information, aimed at ensuring eternal life. Therefore, starting from number series and further, where there are methods that use understanding, based on an in-depth, in-depth study of the Teaching, it can always be applied for the necessary, complex or simple optimization of control. And I believe that the Teaching, as well as a means of normalization, in the case of some states of panic or fear, is a good tool. Well, thanks to the specific specialization to ensure eternal life, the arsenal of methods and methods of the Teaching or the principles of the Teaching includes everything that makes it possible to ensure eternal life.

“Personality is simply a person’s self-perception” @

“I give you a technology that allows you to understand why, firstly, you may not notice the presence of the resurrected, although you feel his biofield, and secondly, how to still notice it. That is, a mechanism for controlling those optics, that optical system, which allows you to still see him in the optical environment, resurrected, and actually resurrected.

The fact is that, as I said here, the optical system is structured on the signs of collective reality, and collective reality is such that it contains great knowledge, in fact knowledge concentrated at the level of thought, that is, the control element in this case is collective thought, reality. And if there is no knowledge about resurrection, then even when you feel the biofield (during resurrection, states can arise when the resurrected person is already nearby and there is a feeling of the biofield, and the biofield, that means, no further (if the biofield is very powerful), well, up to 25 meters, which means that the Person is no further than 25 meters, and, as a rule, from 3 to 5.

This means that the Man is already near you, and even movie cameras can film, and ordinary ones, and especially digital ones with a special spectral output, they show that the resurrected Man is nearby, but, for example, a relative does not see him.

So, this happens because the relative is, as it were, at the reagent level, as if on the carrier platform of collective reality, which does not lay down this information. And it turns out that the fact that a Man is nearby in the room and his Consciousness seems to nullify, that is, artificially reproduces a non-existent environment, that is, in fact, there is a resurrected Man, because the biofield does not obey these characteristics, and he thinks that he does not exist .

This means that this is why the sign of the biofield - it actually says that you must then disband this optical system, which means that where knowledge about resurrection is not contained, since this knowledge is about salvation, your work will be important for everyone.

So, the first training, the first practical option is to make sure that this optical information is controlled by you...

The fact is that you are considering two trees: one large, and the other small, just starting to grow. And if a big tree basically grows on the platform of collective reality, where there is no knowledge about resurrection, technological knowledge, well, very advanced there, then as soon as you look at a small tree or bush and enter information from the beginning of the growth of knowledge about resurrection or (many already have, here are plants, which seem to have recently begun to grow), then you will see a difference in the optical range.

This new thing, where you entered the information (or he had), well, as it were, begins to shine internally. Those parameters that you have, for example, in optical perception from the point of view of collective reality, they will mean this big tree. So, a small tree, it will, firstly, as soon as you from this position have a certain inner glow, so to speak, possess spirituality, because there is actually an element of Eternity of any object of information.

And the second, big tree, it can even change in contours when perceived from your point of view, while the one that has this knowledge does not change, in general. That is, therefore, if you watch this training, choose in relation to, well, in principle, any subject, in order to see how the optical range is controlled, that is, how reality is controlled in the optical spectrum. And, having considered this reality as an element of thought, it means that in fact thought is like a weak optical system (well, conditionally weak), that is, visible with internal vision (clairvoyance), but located closer to true reality, it means it has different forms and various principles of overlay. In order to manage collective reality with this method, you need to know the truth of life. Naturally, true reality is where the life of the physical body can be endless, because everything else is like special case considered in a more general system

And so, having examined, for example, the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, you can immediately know that this is the true reality in which development actually takes place. And when you are in this reality, for example, existing in the current one, then the fact of the resurrection of Jesus, it is, well, at a great temporary distance, (2000, for example, years), but nevertheless it is very close, because it is the true existing reality.

It’s the same thing when you work with true reality, that is, resurrection is already closer to true reality, and there is a resurrected Man, when you see, you seem to visually, your optical course, it changes, it is actually carried out by you to a distance called “beyond the horizon”, where, in principle, a Person is no longer visible with physical vision (by the way, physical vision, you take it beyond the horizon, as it were).

And into this formative space falls the optical element of collective reality, that is, that part of the wall, the room, which seems to be empty, well, like in a trick with mirrors, right? in general, he makes a reflection, the magician is not hiding, but there seems to be an empty space there. And the same thing.
This means that you actually have the same structure, simply formed by your own Consciousness, and if you go towards the magician, right? Well, there, to the side, for example, that one, if it’s a focus, you can go there. And somehow... there are these mirrors and those who organize it urgently need to remove the mirrors, that is, make it the way it is.

The same situation arises, if you move towards where the resurrected person is, then instantly there is a change in the space-time continuum, that is, instantly the same thing appears, but already... that is, in fact, what happens is that you are checking your... (checking means choosing a basis) you have to check on something. But if you are on the platform of collective reality, then you seem to take it and extend this ray there. That's all. Simply put, you build it in this place in a way that is generally acceptable to everyone.

If you start checking, well, how to step there, work, then the same wall may appear again, but it will already be physical, do you understand? That is, therefore, it is necessary to work not by checking the movement there physically, into the area, but by working on transforming the signals so that the distorted optical beam comes to you in in the required form, then you will see the risen one. ...

And now the task of obtaining the form of an impulse, the form of a thought is: as soon as you saw and felt the biofield, it means that it is at a distance of no more than 25 meters (with very powerful fields, so to speak, which are sometimes simply needed for stability, but mostly 3-5 meters), you must look at that point (either mentally with clairvoyance, or with physical vision) where this signal comes from, consider where it is, which means, yes? And begin to assemble a form of collective reality in order to make it closer to true reality.
That is, you start: from any flat level you make a sphere, that is, for example, here is a door, as if it were spheroidal, right? You turn it into a sphere. Or from any spheroidal object, not a flat object, you get two, three, or whatever, more spheres, that is, you divide space into spherical components. And as soon as you break into that already weak optical level, you begin to see the image, as a rule. *

As soon as you begin to see, you must then tie each sphere, as it were, to a system of real development. Well, it doesn’t matter if the car chooses a path, steers, to put it simply. And you can know where you can steer, because where there is no destruction, this is the true Path of development.

You simply take each sphere, tie it there with a certain element, and tie it with certain thought forms, connections there, or purely technical ones; as soon as you tie everything up, you will sort of collapse this reality, and you will have a resurrected one, that is, you will meet then. And after the meeting, the resumption of reality is very difficult. That is, if you communicate with him for more than an hour, let’s say, then there is actually no way to restore the previous status of the World level. … “

From a lecture by G.P. Grabovoi “Optical system control mechanism”.

* Here you need to understand what kind of area this is. Here it is - this is a sphere of spheres (click on the image to enlarge):

This is the structure of our Consciousness, the ideal Divine, and the structure of the Divine Eternally Young Cell or DNA with 144 rays with spheres strung on them nested into each other - a powerful resonator, this is our volumetric perception, we also need to structure space, this is the structure of the Tree of Sephiroth, this a secret that is kept chinese dogs Fu under your paw:

– Reveal the secret, Grigory Petrovich. What is the process of clairvoyance? What kind of forces allow you to look into tomorrow or travel hundreds, thousands of kilometers to diagnose some device?

– In general, there is no special secret. After all, until I was twelve years old, I felt like an absolutely ordinary person, believing that if I see, like in the movies, tomorrow or a future event, everyone else sees it the same way. It’s just that at first some picture or action arose in the mind, and then all this was carried out in real time. When I gave lectures on control to pilots and astronauts, I divided this process into two components. If, for example, you need to control some object - space station or an airplane - first of all, you need to set yourself a task, that is, remember, imagine the object. Then you should tune in to the object, “turn on” a certain brain indicator, which is often called the “third eye,” and “stretch” information threads to the object of study. And what initially enters consciousness must be recorded and then verified. The following are the necessary conclusions on which decisions are made. Thus, first we need to set a task similar to those that we set for ourselves all the time - go to the store, do this or that work - and then the mechanism of using clairvoyance “turns on”, which is based on the fact that consciousness has access to any information and within the limits of consciousness you can find the answer to any question. I have my own methods in this regard, and I absolutely do not hide them, since the essence of my work is to develop and improve the rescue system, which in our troubled world comes first today. And everyone must develop according to this system, since the danger to the planet lies not only and not so much in bad people, but to a greater extent – ​​in natural and man-made disasters. A person must be able to protect himself in any circumstances and know what will follow his or her actions.

- But this is just some kind of fantasy...

– I would say it’s a necessity. That's why I'm working on the rescue system. So if we talk about principles, we should keep in mind, firstly, the state in which a person sees everything as if by itself, the so-called gift of clairvoyance, and secondly, the process that can be developed to the first state through knowledge of technology work of thought, work of consciousness. Here, of course, the technique will be individual for everyone, but in fact it comes down to the fact that you need to be able to imagine how a certain signal emanates from your body or from another source in the form of lines, impulses, threads, and this signal, after contact with an object, an event, is refracted and returns, becoming information necessary for a person. Whether in the future or in the past, this is already technology.

– It sounds so simple and so convincing, but it still looks more like a monologue from a science fiction novel about the future. Has anyone even tried to master your techniques?

– Not just anyone, but many people whom I had to teach have learned a lot. I strive to disseminate my methodology as widely as possible. When people own it, the global security system will become much more stable than it is today...

– You, Grigory Petrovich, by the nature of your unique gift, perform a lot of good deeds, even teach others to perform miracles. This begs the question: is it possible for such abilities with a negative sign to exist?

– First of all, I want to say that the creative element of consciousness exists in literally every person. Destructive parameters are very selective, and entry into the area of ​​information can only occur through creative channels. The principles of destruction have completely different laws. That is why there is such a well-known idiom: good always wins. But this does not mean at all that good will win as if by itself. No. In order for it to win, this goodness must be constantly applied technologically. In other words, we are not threatened with macro-destruction through destructive systems. Unless, of course, the system of salvation - creative in its essence - becomes widespread, since its absence in relation to a particular object gives a certain will to destruction. Destructions are not like evil force, but as the absence of creative power. It follows that knowledge of good technologies can only lead to good deeds. And this knowledge under no circumstances can be destructive. Other options can be considered as a lack of knowledge about the true picture of the world, which is organized according to a creative principle.

Uzbekistan Airways entered into a permanent agreement with the Rampa company, whose general director was Grabovoi. The agreement provided for “work on extrasensory diagnostics of aircraft used for flights by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and members of the government” and payments in the amount of 2 million rubles monthly.

The results of Grabovoi’s work on extrasensory diagnostics of aircraft are reflected in the three-volume book “Control Practice. The path of salvation."

Meeting with Vanga

The meeting of Grabovoi and Vanga is also described in a positive way in the books of Grabovoi’s followers:

After making sure that Grigory Grabovoi was healing from stage 4 cancer, Vanga, raising her voice, said: “You are God!..” The answer is clear and very convincing, recorded on audio and video tapes by Bulgarian National Television.

V. Yu. Tikhoplav, T. S. Tikhoplav Our meeting with Grabov. .

Moscow healer Lyudmila Kim, in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper on October 13, 2005, stated that she was present at Grabovoi’s meeting with Vanga, conveyed Vanga’s opinion about the abilities of Grigory Grabovoi, who, according to Kim, sharply criticized him and kicked him out.

Bulgarian journalist Valentina Genkova expressed her protest to Russian television, in which she declared the illegal use of her original material - filming of the meeting of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga with Grabov. In her interview, Valentina Genkova said that in the fragment presented to the Russian audience, the meaning of Vanga’s conversation with Grigory Grabov was completely distorted.

Journalist Vyacheslav Yezhkov reported that in 1995 Vanga was seriously ill and did not see anyone. But for Grabovoi she made an exception. Valentina Genkova gave an interview to a journalist about the meeting between Grabovoy and Vanga:

I was surprised. The comment was completely different. That is, they did not translate my comment, but commented that Vanga kicked Grabovoi out. It is not true. Our conversation with Vanga began with her saying: “You can do a lot, and you should do it in Russia. You have to help people. And he should not look to the West: neither to Germany, nor to America, nowhere. You should do this in Russia.”

Grabovoi himself did not make official statements about receiving Vanga’s blessing, or that he was her student or follower.

Activities in Russia

According to the biography posted on his personal website, in 1998 he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) (later expelled from the Academy as having failed to re-register), an academician of the International Academy of Informatization, as well as an academician of the Italian Academy of Sciences for Economic and Social Development and the New York Academy of Sciences. According to information from Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.P. Kruglyakov, quoted by the Versiya newspaper, the diploma of the Italian Academy of Sciences was made with spelling errors and is a fake. In the same year, he was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the specialty “Noosphere Knowledge and Technologies.” Member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League.

According to Grabovoi, in 1999 he was awarded the academic degrees of Doctor of Technical Sciences and Physical and Mathematical Sciences; photographs of diplomas are shown on his website. An analysis of the diplomas reveals that they were issued by the Higher International Attestation and Qualification Commission (HSAC, not to be confused with the Higher Attestation Commission). According to the Versiya newspaper, the VMAC issues degrees to everyone for a reasonable fee. These titles are not recognized by scientists, but give grounds to write in business card"Ph.D". According to Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.P. Kruglyakov, Grabovoy also did not defend his doctoral dissertation.

I, Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy, born on November 14, 1963 in the village of Kirovsky, this is the village of Bogara, Kirovsky district, Chimkent region of Kazakhstan, declare that I, Grigory Grabovoy, am the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I make this statement on the basis of the Word of God and the Word of God, and on the basis that I personally was always sure of this, that is, I always knew it from the beginning, from birth. And in this regard, this statement - for me it is quite simple in this regard, as a statement, namely attractive to people to action for Salvation, for the universal action of Salvation, when people, knowing the given Knowledge that I am the Second Coming of the Lord God Jesus Christ, they can be saved by studying the Knowledge that I give - the Knowledge of my Teaching, and at the same time can transmit given the Good News to everyone at once.

Journalist Sokolov-Mitrich, in his book “Anti-Grabovoi,” criticized this confession of Grabovoi based on an analysis of the texts of the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke:

“Then if anyone says to you, Behold, here is Christ, or there, do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I told you in advance. So, if they say to you: “Behold, He is in the wilderness,” do not go out; “Behold, He is in the secret chambers,” do not believe it; For just as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:23-27)

As the journalist points out, according to the Bible, the second coming of Christ cannot be secret, like the first coming, but must be “like lightning coming from the east and being visible even to the west” (Matthew 24:27). Grabovoi, according to Sokolov-Mitrich, positions itself precisely as a secret “second coming.”

Meeting with the “Mothers of Beslan”

Journalist of the Weekly Independent Political Review Alexander Prudnik, in his classification of media activities to create “information curtains,” described in July 2008 the coverage of the events “Beslan - Grigory Grabovoy” in the media as “switching public opinion from an event that negatively affects the image of power , to the image of the enemy artificially created by the media.”


Two weeks after the Founding Congress of the political party DRUGG was held in Moscow, where 300 delegates from 73 regions of Russia were present, G. P. Grabovoy was taken into custody. According to, in particular, the movement “For Human Rights”, the reason for the criminal prosecution of Grabovoi was precisely the public desire to run for president.

At a press conference held on January 26, 2007 in Lipetsk, it was stated that the DRUGG Charter, chaired by Grabovoi, has seventy-two branches throughout the country.

The IGO "Charter DRUGG" is the organizer of more than 500 pickets and rallies held in Moscow, throughout Russia and abroad, an ongoing conveyor belt of protest that the followers of Grigory Grabovoi have been conducting since October 21, 2007 in defense of the constitutional rights of Grabovoi, who is under investigation.

Arrest and detention

The indictment of the prosecutor's office did not touch upon the topic of Beslan at any point.

Some public figures and human rights activists such as Mikhail Trepashkin, Andrei Babushkin and others regarded the verdict as persecution for political reasons.

Before the verdict came into force, Grabovoy was kept in custody in pre-trial detention center No. 2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Moscow (Lefortovo) and FBU IZ-77/1 (Matrosskaya Tishina). Currently, Grabovoy is serving his sentence in the colony of Correctional Institution No. 11 in the village of Nyrob, Perm Territory.

Income and property

Grabovoi's teaching

Grabovoi’s teaching is called “On Salvation and Harmonious Development.” According to the author, the goal of the teaching is “universal salvation and the personal salvation of everyone, ensuring eternal creative harmonious development.” The primary task is to prevent a possible global catastrophe, through which the solution of personal problems and general resurrection will be achieved.

The “canonization” of Grabovoi, which his followers want, is a sad curiosity, says Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, rector of the Cathedral of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky in Novosibirsk.

A parallel between the teachings of Grigory Grabovoi and the teachings of Russian cosmist philosophers was drawn by the author Oleg Maslov in an article in the weekly journal “Independent Analytical Review”:

The teaching of Grigory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development” is inextricably linked, paradoxical as it may seem, with the Creators of the Russian Idea. The immortality of man, the dream of eternal life - these are the key concepts of such Russian philosophers as Nikolai Fedorov and Sergius Bulgakov.

Grabovoi’s teaching is described in his own materials, as well as in the books of scholar-publicists V. Yu. Tikhoplav and T. S. Tikhoplav, who are involved in the popularization and interpretation of the teaching.

The main value of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi lies not only in the fact that it allows humanity to be saved, but also to free itself from the greatest delusion - the myth of the existence of an objective physical reality that does not depend on consciousness. It is consciousness that creates the World! “Everything that exists around: the Earth, the Sun, the stars, space, the whole World - all this is actually created on the structure of consciousness, including the consciousness of the Creator. Therefore, when we know what spirit is, what consciousness is, we can resurrect, we can create spaces, we can build the World, we can generally perform any creative actions.” Human consciousness is considered by Academician Grabov as an element of the World in which all elements are interconnected. Then a change in a person’s consciousness entails a change in all other elements. The collective consciousness of all objects of information, but especially the collective consciousness of people, has a decisive influence on the World around us. And if we introduce into the collective consciousness of people the concept of saving the World and harmonious development, of immortality in physical body, O happy life on Earth, then this is how it will actually be, “Any event can be transformed into a favorable one by learning to purposefully change the thought form. Structured consciousness can purposefully change thought forms. This is precisely what underlies my Teaching “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”<…>» . <…>In his Teaching, Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy constantly uses such important categories as the Creator (God), Love, consciousness, soul, spirit. All theoretical positions, methods and technologies of human communication with God in the process of solving problems of salvation are based on a fundamental position, namely: the Universe has a divine basis! Based on an analysis of all the works of G. P. Grabovoi, we came to the conclusion that the main idea of ​​his “Teachings on Salvation and Harmonious Development” is as follows. The salvation of earthly civilization from a possible global catastrophe and the harmonious development of this civilization in endless time and space can only be achieved by increasing the level of development of the collective consciousness of people living on Earth! There is no other alternative in the Universe. The desire to save the World from a worldwide catastrophe, actions for the universal salvation of humanity will allow everyone to decide their own specific tasks as special cases.

V. Yu. Tikhoplav, T. S. Tikhoplav Our meeting with Grabov. - M.: Astrel, IG "Ves", AST, Harvest, 2005. - 192 p. - (Doctrine of Life). - ISBN 5-17-032404-9, 5-271-12236-0, 5-9573-0753-X, 985-13-4552-0.

On October 14, 2006, A. Petrov at the International Conference on Oncological Diseases in Stuttgart (Germany) confirmed that G. P. Grabovoi’s methods, developed on the basis of consciousness, make it possible to “cure the most severe diseases, including cancer of the third and fourth degree, AIDS and even regenerate surgically removed human organs and tissues using a non-contact method.”

According to E.M. Gureev, a member of the Russian Philosophical Society, philosophical doctrine Grabovoi belongs to the idealistic views and views of materialistic cosmism, the essence of which is the possibility of controlling matter with consciousness. Gureev also points out that at least two types of resurrection are visible in biblical texts: resurrection in an ordinary physical body (the resurrection of Lazarus) and “resurrection in an enlightened immortal body” (the resurrection of Jesus Christ), concluding that the process of resurrecting people by Grabovoi may not apply to the first type, which means “at first, a very cautious and wise approach to these processes is appropriate here, by analogy to religious processes”. Implying, among other things, full consent modern science with the principles of determinism, Gureev concludes that the resurrection “according to Grabovoi” has no “contraindications” from a Christian, scientific or criminal point of view.

Stanislav Smirnov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, member of the Union of Writers of Russia sees Grigory Grabovoi as a successor of the ideas of Nikolai Fedorov’s “Philosophy of the Common Cause”. He quotes the main idea of ​​Grabovoi’s teaching:

Humanity has generally approached a qualitatively new stage of its development: the agenda is the undying of the living and the resurrection of those who have passed on. And this question is no longer in theoretical, but in practical terms. Now this is already a living reality, a living reality of the actual salvation of everyone. And we note that the facts of resurrection prove the regenerability of matter, which, in turn, speaks of the inexpediency and illogicality of any destruction.

The implementation of the “Philosophy of the Common Cause” began.

According to the honored lawyer Sergei Pashin, if Grigory Grabovoi wants to declare himself the founder of a new religion, he must register the community of his supporters in accordance with Russian law“On freedom of conscience and religious associations”, however, judging by the fact that this has not been done, his activities are vulnerable from a legal point of view.

Regarding his teaching, Grabovoy stated on June 10, 2008, during legal arguments in the Tagansky District Court of Moscow:

<…>the purpose of disseminating the Teachings is written in the charter of the Department of the International Chair-Network of UNESCO/IEC in Antwerp, Belgium. And the training plan was approved by UNESCO in the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and documents confirming this were added to the materials of the criminal case.<…>Thus, state and public organizations have established that my Teaching relates to the field educational activities, according to which I, as the author of the Teaching, have the right to conduct seminars and consultations.<…>Moreover, my author’s course “Technologies of Preventive Forecasting and Safe Development”, approved by UNESCO, allows us to teach the prevention of disasters and terrorist attacks through event forecasting.

Speech by Grigory Grabovoi in the judicial debate at the trial in the Tagansky District Court of Moscow.

Grabovoi support

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Marina Popovich, military test pilot 1st class, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, in an interview with a correspondent of the newspaper " New world for you” stated about Grigory Grabovoi:

But I am personally convinced of his honesty and decency... I met Grabov in Tashkent. Imagine, he accurately indicated the locations of hidden cracks inside the metal, which could only be detected in laboratory conditions. And he could diagnose instantly and while being at a considerable distance from the aircraft, or simply working with technological charts in his office.

A comment Information agency“Political Council” of the verdict of the Tagansky trial of Grabov:

The Tagansky Court of Moscow recognized the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a non-existent fact as a result of the proceedings in the case of the “healer” Grigory Grabovoi. The court also refused to recognize the facts of the resurrection of relatives of his clients, defining the very services of reviving the dead and healing terminally ill people as fraud.<…>The fact of the resurrection of Christ proves the very possibility of revival. However, the court refused to recognize as valid the cases of the revival of the dead after Grabovoi’s sessions, despite statements from numerous participants in his seminars about resurrected relatives. Thus, the judicial precedent in the Tagansky court declared the most important dogma of Christianity legally void.

After all, a court verdict based on a person’s accusation that his organization derived some income from a promise to people "the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come", Tagansky court issued. This means that even in the absence of case law practice in Russia, a precedent has been created.<…>any religious organization (including the most “traditional”!) that receives money from the population in exchange for promising them eternal life may well be assessed as fraudulent.


Grabovoi has been repeatedly criticized, including by the scientific community.

Surrounded by the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin was observed<...>a rogue who calls himself a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, G. Grabovoy. By the way, the latter claims that even today he mentally checks the serviceability of the presidential plane before departure. He is also the inventor of a unique device - a “crystal module”, with the help of which, during underground nuclear tests in Semipalatinsk, he significantly reduced the power of a nuclear explosion. Although the absurdity of such a statement is completely obvious to every physicist, an investigation was carried out specifically for non-professionals, which showed that Mr. Grabovoi never participated in nuclear tests. Thus, G. Grabovoi is lying. Gullible officials should know this, because he made it clear that the crystalline module would be good at nuclear power plants.

Pseudoscience. How does it threaten science and society?

Alexander Loktev in his article analyzes the book of Grigory Grabovoi, negatively assessing attempts to new explain the creation of the world by God “using “cool” scientific and quasi-scientific terms”, the lack of evidence and the lack of confirmation of Grabovoi from experts.

I would like to draw attention to what is happening today, so to speak, on the floor below, in the book market, flooded with low-quality products by authors who use the authority of science to fool gullible readers. I'll name only four prominent representatives. These are V. Tikhoplav and T. Tikhoplav, G. Grabovoy, V. Shemshuk. If V. and T. Tikhoplav and G. Grabovoi puff out their cheeks importantly and utter scientific phrases, then V. Shemshuk simply wants to become E. Blavatsky of the 21st century.<...>Only G. Grabovoi’s recent promise to resurrect the dead children of Beslan prompted the media to at least somehow react to this scandalous, immoral action...

About one of Grabovoi’s phrases answering the question “Where did God come from?”, Loktev writes the following:

If these were not the words of a sophisticated swindler, one would think that this was the babble of a person with childish, or rather underdeveloped, mental abilities.

Academician V. Ginzburg in his letter to the director of the Izvestia newspaper writes about the inadmissibility of publication in the newspaper astrological forecasts, comparing them with the activities of Grabovoi:

<...>What is Grabovoi’s activities like? This is, in fact, the same quackery and fraud as astrology<...>

Of course, there is a difference: experienced astrologers limit their chatter in such a way that it does not give rise to criminal prosecution.

Academician V. Ginzburg. Astrology and pseudoscience

In another article, Academician E.P. Kruglyakov talks in more detail about Grabovoi’s new device - the “crystal module”, an article about which was even published by the government newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta. This module, as Academician Kruglyakov explains Grabovoi’s words, reduces the power of a nuclear explosion by half and can serve at nuclear power plants for protection against disasters:

...The fact that all this is a scam is immediately obvious to any physicist, but still I had to conduct an official investigation. It showed the following. Mr. Grabovoy never participated in the atomic weapons tests at Semipalatinsk. Accordingly, the “crystalline module” was not tested there either. Along the way, we managed to find out that the “Doctor of Technical Sciences and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” had never defended any dissertations. “Academician” Grabovoi is not listed on the lists of the Italian Academy of Sciences.

Academician E.P. Kruglyakov, Why is anti-science dangerous?

Pastor of the Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists, senior expert of the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Pyotr Lunichkin finds common features in the teachings of Grabovoi, on the one hand, and the teachings of Satanists and Theosophists, on the other:


  • Grabovoi, G. P. Unified knowledge system. - M.: A. V. Kalashnikov, . - 44 s. - ISBN 5-93233-006-6
  • Grabovoi, G. P. Applied structures of the creating area of ​​​​information [Text]: textbook. - M.: [b. And.], . - 30 s. - 5,000 copies. - ISBN 5-93233-007-4
  • Grabovoi, G. P. The resurrection of people and eternal life are now our reality! . - M.: A. V. Kalashnikov, . - 671 p. - 5,000 copies. - ISBN 5-93233-015-5
  • Grabovoi, G. P. Management practice. The path of salvation. In 3 volumes. - M.: Publisher A. V. Kalashnikov, . - 780 s. - ISBN 5-93233-004-X
  • Grabovoi, G. P. Applied structures of the creating area of ​​information [Text]: textbook. manual for the course of Grabovoy G. P. “Technologies of preventive forecasting and safe development.” - M.: Dilya, . - 30 s. - (Teaching of Grigory Grabovoi “On salvation and harmonious development”). - 25,000 copies. - ISBN 5-93233-008-2
  • Grabovoi, G. P. Restoring the human body by concentrating on numbers. - M.: Dilya, . - 272 s. - ISBN 5-88503-251-3
  • Grabovoi, G. P. Author's seminars by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi. About God. Favorites. - M.: Dilya, . - 224 s. - (Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi). - 18,000 copies. - ISBN 5-88503-329-3
  • Grabovoi, G. P. The joy of eternal development. Author's seminars by G.P. Grabovoi. - M.: Dilya, . - 224 s. - (Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi). - 18,000 copies. - ISBN 5-88503-328-5
Books by interpreters and popularizers of Grabovoi’s teachings
  • Our meeting with Grabov. - M.: Astrel, IG “Ves”, AST, Harvest, . - 192 p. - (Doctrine of Life). - ISBN 5-17-032404-9, 5-271-12236-0, 5-9573-0753-X, 985-13-4552-0
  • V. Yu. Tikhoplav, T. S. Tikhoplav Grabovoi's teachings. Theory and practice. Part 1. - M.: IG “Ves”, Astrel, AST, . - 192 p. - (Doctrine of Life). - ISBN 5-17-013719-2, 5-17-032347-6, 5-271-12278-6, 5-271-12237-9, 5-9573-0767-X, 5-9573-0425-5
  • V. Yu. Tikhoplav, T. S. Tikhoplav Grabovoi's teachings. Theory and practice. Part 2. - M.: IG “All”, . - 192 p. - (Doctrine of Life). - ISBN 5-9573-0426-3.5-17-032346-8


Web pages supporting Grabovoi
  • Press release from the Transfiguration movement on the case of Grigory Grabovoi.
  • Official website of the International Public Association "CHARTER OF FRIEND"
  • Biography on the website of the club of high spiritual technologies “Hi-S-Tech” for disseminating the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi.
  • Speech by Grigory Grabovoi in the judicial debate at the trial in the Tagansky District Court of Moscow (excerpts)
Forums about Grabovoi's teachings
  • Forum "Employees". Forum on the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi.
  • Forum "Fellow Travelers". Practice of mastering Grabovoi's teaching methods.
  • Forum "True Reality". Forum dedicated to the Teachings of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi.
Criticism and exposure of G. P. Grabovoi
  • Appeal from representatives of the “Mothers of Beslan” committee to the Prosecutor General of Russia
  • Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich, Heinrich Erlich. Anti-Grabova. Who “resurrects” our dead? in the Aldebaran library
  • Annews.ru: In Novosibirsk, a follower of the Grabovoi sect committed chaos in the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral


  1. No miracle happened to the healer Grabovoi
  2. Many sources wrote about the involvement of Grabovoi or his followers in receiving money from the relatives of the victims of the tragedy in Beslan:
    • journalist of the Izvestia newspaper Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich described this in his book:
    Sokolov-Mitrich D., Erlich G. Anti-Grabova. Who “resurrects” our dead? . - M.: Yauza, . - 320 s. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-87849-199-0
    • Also, in an abbreviated version, you can read this in the Izvestia newspaper itself: Beslan was captured by sectarians and scammers. On last article, in turn, refers to NEWSru.com: In Beslan, they offer to resurrect dead children for 39 thousand rubles
    • Vladimir Vorsobin, Komsomolskaya Pravda: Psychic Grabovoi promises the mothers of Beslan to resurrect their children
    • The newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote about this with reference to Russian media: Dubious sects take advantage of the despair of Beslan mothers (translation on the website Inopressa.ru)
    • Rossiyskaya Gazeta: The sorcerer was taken out of “Cosmos”: “Grabovoi is also known quite widely for the fact that he proposed to resurrect the children who died as a result of the terrorist attack in Beslan”
    • Evgenia Dushanina, Country. RU: 12 years in 12 “episodes”: “Recall that the so-called healer Grigory Gr O After the tragedy in Beslan, Bovoy promised the mothers of the dead children to resurrect the dead.”
  3. Grigory Grabovoi was sentenced to 11 years in a general regime colony
  4. Kruglyakov Eduard Pavlovich – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the INP named after. G. I. Budkera. Pseudoscience. How does it threaten science and society? (report at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on May 27, 2003)
  5. In defense of science / [rep. ed. E.P. Kruglyakov]; Commission to combat pseudoscience and scientific falsification. research RAS. - M.: Nauka, 2006 - Bull. No. 1 - 2006 - 182 p. - ISBN 5-02-035504-6
  6. http://www.nkj.ru/archive/articles/12665/ Academician V. Ginzburg. Astrology and pseudoscience
  7. http://www.atheismru.narod.ru/humanism/symposium/14.htm E. P. Kruglyakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, deputy. Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics named after. G. I. Budkera (Novosibirsk) Why is anti-science dangerous?
  8. Newspaper "Izvestia" dated March 25, 2005: Sectarian in the Kremlin
  9. Grabovoy, G.P. Management practice. The path of salvation. In 3 volumes. - M.: Publisher A.V. Kalashnikov, 2004. - 780 pp. - ISBN 5-93233-004-X (Volume 2)
  10. V. Yu. Tikhoplav, T. S. Tikhoplav Our meeting with Grabov. - M.: Astrel, IG "Ves", AST, Harvest, 2005. - 192 p. - (Doctrine of Life). - ISBN 5-17-032404-9, 5-271-12236-0, 5-9573-0753-X, 985-13-4552-0.
  11. Cursed by Vanga and rejected by the Kremlin...
  12. Vanga kicked out the would-be magician Grabovoi
  13. Andrey Levkin: Moscow is like a crocodile
  14. In defense! Case No. 376062 on the “fraud” of G. Grabovoi
  15. Wild times
  16. Kavkaz.ru: Grabovoi Grigory Petrovich,
  17. Resurrection at a reasonable price
  18. Newspaper "Version": The Messiah is impossible. What is behind the sect of Grigory Grabovoi?
  19. The Ministry of Emergency Situations confirms its contacts with Grigory Grabov
  20. Grabovoy turned into spam
  21. Novaya newspaper: "Federal resurrection service: Who needs a new Rasputin?"
  22. http://portal-credo.ru/site/?act=news&id=53495 Interview with the head of the Center for Harmony of Mind Nora Morozkina
  23. http://www.irina-kozlenko.kiev.ua/video/zayavl_gg.doc Text of the statement
  24. Press-Attache.ru: "What is behind the sect of Grigory Grabovoi?"
  25. NEWSru.com: Sectarian Grabovoi, who promises to resurrect dead children, has appointed the head of the “Mothers of Beslan” as his representative