Car for modern man is not only a means of transportation, but also an indicator of status, as well as a symbol of movement towards its intended goal. However, a dream about a car being stolen will not always be assessed only from a negative position; in some cases, this plot has a warning, and sometimes even a positive character for the dreamer. For a detailed interpretation, it is necessary to consider the interpretations of famous dream books.

If you dream that a car was stolen in the spring, then this promises the dreamer trouble, as a result of which the person will lose something valuable. Watching someone steal someone else's car - possible appearance a competitor at work or in personal relationships. An attempt to catch up or pursue a thief symbolizes an upcoming quarrel with someone close to you.

A summer dream about a car being stolen speaks of changes that will lead to improvement or worsening financial well-being dreamer

It all depends on the person’s reaction in the dream to steal your car. If he tried to the end to find the thief (ideally, to return the car back), then this portends good luck and career. The absence of even an attempt to search indicates that the dreamer will “miss” his chance in real life.

Car theft in the fall warns a person that his plans will not come true in the near future. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the dreamer has set himself too high goals for the current moment. The same applies to secret hope for a miracle (for example, a person hopes that this or that problem will be resolved by itself).

Losing a car in winter portends difficulties with moving; If any trip was planned, it may be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. In addition, the image of a car can also be interpreted as a part of the person himself - in this case, the theft of a car indicates a disease that will soon manifest itself.

Modern interpretations

A dream about the theft of anything, as well as the disappearance of valuable things, symbolizes, first of all, an unexpected loss. This may indicate the dreamer's weak character, his carelessness and stupidity; however, most often such a dream is either a warning of danger or an internal signal indicating the need for change.

If you have such a dream (car theft), then this is a reason to pay attention to those issues that concern the dreamer most at the time of sleep.

An example of this can be the following interpretations:

Quite a lot important also has the position of the dreamer himself: if a person has a dream about the theft of a car and he himself is the criminal, then this, as a rule, is interpreted neutrally or even positively - the person is in search of something new (sensations, knowledge, experience), so he is ready for decisive actions .

Dream book of the 21st century

Stealing a car is an indication that a person is surrounded by ill-wishers who are waiting for the moment to commit meanness against the dreamer. Stealing a car can also symbolize envy on the part of other people, which is the cause of their anger.

If a person’s luxury car was stolen in a dream (despite the fact that he does not have one in real life), then this may warn the dreamer about the possible machinations of competitors who are driven by a thirst for easy money; you should be careful with expressing your thoughts and ideas, since they can easily be appropriated by those people who will pass them off as their own.

The same, by the way, applies to the dreamer himself - if he sees himself in the role of a car thief, then this is a hint from the subconscious that he often “borrows” the fruits of other people’s labor. In the near future, it is better to refrain from hasty and short-sighted decisions.

A woman’s dream about a car being stolen is interpreted differently; if the lady herself is a car thief, then this promises her sweet and well-deserved revenge against her offender (or offender).

Witnessing the theft of your car indicates a woman’s helplessness in the face of life’s circumstances. The dreamer herself has defined for herself the role of a passive observer, which means that until she begins to act decisively and without regard to the opinions of others, deprivation and adversity will await her.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer Smirnov

The image of a car represents the dreamer's emotional life, as well as his attitude towards himself. An attempt to stop car theft in a dream can be perceived in different ways: a person does not want to change himself and his inner world. This indicates a strong and confident character, but such people are often “difficult” to communicate with (especially for their friends and relatives).

If the dreamer recognizes the thief, then this indicates that this person causes many problems in real life. Watching someone steal someone else's car predicts a disagreement or even a quarrel with an influential person; It is best to control your emotions in the near future, which can create a lot of difficulties for the dreamer.

Family interpreter

From the point of view of the family dream book, the car represents friends and family acquaintances; Often the image of an old, time-worn car signifies a friend, a relationship with whom a person values ​​greatly. That's why It is obvious that such a dream (the car was stolen) has not a favorable interpretation- the dreamer expects a difficult conversation with a person close to him, which can lead to the loss of a friend.

However, not in all cases, car theft is bad sign; for example, if you dream that a person is stealing a car, then this hints at a desire for change - perhaps you should be prepared for a sudden change of job, place of residence, and even social circle. A woman who dreams that she is stealing a car is the owner of a steely (“Thatcherite”) character. Her attempts to control everything guarantee her successful career advancement, but in family matters the dreamer will be met with disappointment.

Interpretation for lovers

Love dream books interpret the loss of his personal car negatively: a man who had such a dream should wait for his beloved to have a suitor, and for a woman such an event promises a scandal, fraught with long periods of “mutual silence”, and in some cases, a complete termination of the relationship.

However, the interpretation of car theft changes dramatically if the car thieves work as a couple - he and she. In this case, this is an indication that the other half ideally matches the dreamer or dreamer and now joint happiness depends only on themselves.

And also interesting is the interpretation of a dream in which a person is a hostage abandoned in the back seat of a stolen car.

The female version of the dream explains this by the presence of laziness and immaturity in the dreamer, because of which she placed all responsibility for the relationship on her lover. For a man, such a dream portends difficulties with someone close circle his beloved; it could be one of her relatives or former ones.

Interpretations by psychologists

A car represents movement towards a goal, as well as a way to realize one’s desires. In this plan appearance a car, its color, make, as well as its correspondence to real life (whether the car actually exists, etc.) can symbolize a person’s assessment of one or another aspect of his life.

The details of the dream, which can be extremely varied, are also of great importance. For example, a person sees a dream: a car was robbed, the radio was removed from it, new tires, even side mirrors were not spared, but the attackers did not steal the vehicle itself. Such a dream means a person’s doubts about the achievability of his goals; a stolen car, as well as the reaction to this incident, symbolize not only the loss of something valuable, but also show the dreamer’s true attitude towards his inner desires.

Sigmund Freud

A car, according to the famous psychoanalyst, is associated by the stronger sex with its woman, so car theft clearly hints at the dreamer’s subconscious fear of losing his partner. Among other things, this may be a person’s concern that he is in many ways inferior to younger and more successful competitors. Sigmund Freud also identified the following characteristic details of such a dream:

An attempt to catch a thief speaks of a feeling of jealousy, which, however, is not a sign of love, but of “possessiveness”; the dreamer treats his wife as an element of prestige (which is what a car is).

Karen Horney

The interpretation of the American psychologist applies, for the most part, to the fair half. If you have a dream in which a woman participates in the theft of a car (in any capacity, be it as a thief, or a hostage, or as a partner of a male criminal), then this can be interpreted as follows:

For men, a dream about a car being stolen indicates their fear of losing something valuable as a result of theft - this is typical of very thrifty people, as well as stingy people who are very worried even due to the loss of something insignificant (for example, an umbrella cover, etc.).

Frederick Perls

The German psychiatrist places the main emphasis in such dreams on the feeling of helplessness that overcame the dreamer during the theft scene. This indicates that the person does not want to change his life and resists external changes with all his might, which, however, no one can stop.

Car theft almost always indicates one or another stress factor in a person’s real life; fighting a thief or finding a car after it has been stolen means that the dreamer has all the necessary resources to independently solve the problems that arise. To be a hostage to a hijacker is to completely surrender to the power of circumstances; this may also indicate a person’s passive position in all matters.

Dreams in which theft of anything is present most often symbolize future failures, as well as the dreamer’s weak character. However, as in all dreams, very great importance have details of the dream plot. Such dreams can be interpreted both by psychology and the dream book (a car was stolen or an attempted theft has many interpretations).

Machines appeared in the human world relatively recently, which forces us to consider the interpretations of mainly modern books on dreams. However, in a sense, this also includes interpretations of dreams about the theft of a horse or cart - after all, there was a reverent attitude towards one’s means of transportation both then and now. In order to understand why you dream of your own car being stolen, you need to know what subconscious meaning the image of a car carries with most people.

The most common interpretation is that a person associates a car with his plans; accordingly, car theft symbolizes the collapse of these hopes or a forced abandonment of them (for example, if you were saving up money for an exotic vacation, then you may have to postpone it due to unexpected circumstances).

Most often, a car means the area in which all the dreamer’s attention is concentrated.

It would do well for careerists to consider the possible loss of authority at work, and a lover may need to temporarily cool his ardor - a competitor may appear on the personal front.

Miller's interpretation

The dreamer needs to be careful: a treacherous stab in the back from those whom he is accustomed to trust is possible. One must be wary of the envy of people who have decided to “overtake” a person at all costs in order to occupy an advantageous position.

Businessmen who often come into contact with people they don’t know should also be wary.

There is a possibility that your “car” (idea, business plan, profitable deal) will be stolen, so you should be vigilant, including in relation to their colleagues.

See and identify the thief-hijacker- that means it’s from him that you should expect a trick; However, first of all, this dream does not indicate a specific person, but rather the situation of insecurity itself. The dreamer has a certain “value” that attracts other people. In order not to lose it, it is advisable to refrain from frivolous and hasty decisions in the near future.

If the dreamer sees himself as a thief , then this speaks of his desire to gain new experience, and also, perhaps, of an unconscious exaggeration of his own importance at work and in the family (appropriation of other people's achievements). For family people a stolen car can symbolize domestic quarrel and conflict.

Interpretation by Karen Horney

According to an American psychoanalyst, if a woman has such a dream, then this indicates her subconscious desire to keep everything under control.

Such tension manifests itself not only in relation to close people, but also in work situations:

On the one hand, this speaks of the strong-willed and strong character of the dreamer, and on the other hand, perhaps you should be more relaxed and feminine.

If a woman wants to understand why she dreams of her car being stolen, she should pay attention to the areas of activity in which competition worries the dreamer the most. Often this type of woman is able to give odds to the most determined man; they are not going to yield to the stronger half in anything.

For men, the interpretation of such a dream from Horney is not much different from other interpretations: car theft is potential losses in the future, caused both by the envy of ill-wishers and the betrayal of imaginary friends.

Seasonal dream books

Some interpreters base their interpretation on the seasons (both in dreams and in real life). For example, if in October or November, you dream of a car being stolen , then this indicates the unrealizability of a person’s plans. This interpretation is due to the fact that autumn is considered a difficult and sad time, since it precedes the sleeping (“dead”) winter season.

Car theft in the spring is regarded more optimistically - a trip that was planned for this month (or the implementation of one or another plan) will be suddenly postponed; It is also possible to lose interest in this trip due to a new, no less interesting offer.

If a similar dream (a car was stolen or the dreamer witnessed a theft in a dream) came to a man in the summer, then this is a kind of warning: a quarrel or conflict with people in power may occur.

This should be especially borne in mind by hot-tempered and impulsive people who have poor control over their emotions - outbursts of anger are fraught with the appearance of numerous problems on all fronts.

Winter dreams traditionally associated with gloomy predictions. The theft of a car (and any theft, in principle) during the frosty period of the year speaks of changes in the near future, and not the most rosy ones. There may be a cooling of relationships within the family and even divorce. However, we must remember that any melancholy cannot last forever; After winter, a blooming spring always comes, bringing something new and fresh.

Opinions of renowned psychologists

The most important detail in any dream is the dreamer himself, or rather, the role he plays in in my own dream; for example, a person could be an observer, a hijacker, or an accomplice. In addition, it would be useful to remember the characteristics of the stolen car - brand, color, technical condition- as well as the correspondence of some dreamed elements of the dream to the real state of affairs.

If the dreamer has a car in real life , then this may be a sign of internal anxiety of the subconscious; This is especially true for people who have had great difficulty in affording a car.

Psychologists most often interpret such a dream differently for a man and a woman. Interpretation of such a plot from psychological dream books (a car was stolen in a dream) for women boils down to the fact that she should put her worries aside for a while and live a little for herself. If in a dream a woman steals a car herself , then this speaks both of her internal dissatisfaction with her current partner and her desire to solve her problems independently.

Sigmund Freud's point of view

A famous psychiatrist believes that see your car stolen- to quick disagreements, disputes and conflicts in the family. A quick separation between the couple is possible, as well as a serious cooling of their relationship. A woman who dreams of her car being stolen, you should be wary of the appearance of a rival. This does not necessarily mean that your partner is cheating, but there is such a possibility.

Taking part in a theft (in a dream, of course) with your significant other suggests that the couple is accustomed to running away from their problems without solving them. And if the man dreamed, that he is watching someone's car being stolen, then, according to Freud, he has a fear of being abandoned (if he has a partner) or ridiculed (if he does not have one).

Freud's dream book clearly outlined what the appearance of a car in a dream symbolizes as a complex composite mechanism - the male genitals. Of course, this refers to the male dreamer’s attitude towards his sexual capabilities; and for the dreamer, the car characterizes the degree of satisfaction, and not only in the sexual sphere.

Interpretation by Frederick Perls

A German psychiatrist sees several subtexts in such dreams. The main one is the fear of change. A person may subconsciously be unhappy with the situation at work or in the family, but he does not dare admit it for fear of making the situation worse.

The dreamer needs to try to get rid of constraining emotions, which include:

  • Indecisiveness.
  • Shyness.
  • Self-condemnation (not reasonable self-criticism, namely “throwing mud at oneself”, self-flagellation).

A stolen car represents missed opportunities that less shy and more arrogant human beings take advantage of. Severe stress It’s not so much the fact of theft itself that causes it, but the awareness of one’s defenselessness.

A good sign in such cases would be see the thief's face, as well as an attempt to prevent theft - this means that the dreamer has all the necessary resources to resolve his problems. And if he steals the car himself, then this is a signal that it’s time to take decisive action to organize your life.

The answer that such a dream book can give (if a car was stolen in a dream or the dreamer observed it from the side) boils down to the fact that the dreamer you should stop passing the buck to external factors and take life into your own hands. Otherwise, fate will “steal” not only the car, but also everything that is valuable to a person.

Dream Book of Carl Jung

The founder of analytical psychology is sure that the image of a car in a dream is a metaphor for a person’s movement towards some goal. Moreover, he attached great importance to the speed of the journey, that is, car theft forces a person to choose other ways to achieve a goal or dream.

And also internal doubts should be taken into account the dreamer himself; perhaps these plans were not caused by his sincere desire, but were imposed by someone from the outside. Therefore, the subconscious may thus signal the need to reconsider one's interests and beliefs.

Attempting to steal a car yourself in a dream indicates the need for unusual activities, fatigue due to the daily bustle, which is repeated day after day like a broken record. This is indicated not only by the fact of theft, but also by the transport itself, which allows you to get away (from problems and boring life) in any direction.

Dream details

Obviously, for a full interpretation of dream images, it is not enough to consider only the image of a car in the subconscious.

It is necessary to turn to coloristics (the science of color, as well as psychological characteristics color palette, from the point of view of some psychologists) and to some features of the dream plot.

Taken together, all this can complement the interpretation of the dream and clarify its controversial points.

Car color

The interpretation of color is given based on its pure analogue - if the car was bluish with azure tints and the addition of a cornflower blue tint, then the value will correspond to the standard blue color. The presence of several colors can be considered comprehensively.

The list of color designations is as follows:

Color perception is also depends on the culture in which a person was raised; in some countries White color associated with mourning, A purple connects with mental illness . It is necessary to approach interpretations of this kind carefully and evaluate only general character one color or another.

Plot features

A burning car that was stolen in the midst of sleep indicates an ardent display of emotions, an impending conflict or a quarrel with family.

Being in the back seat of a stolen car- shift responsibility to others, as well as fear of making a mistake; The dreamer would benefit from self-confidence.

If a person in real life does not have his own car, then the hijacking of a fictional vehicle can be interpreted as both a good and a bad sign.

A striking example is the following interpretations from the dream book:

A dream where someone close to you was kidnapped and taken away in a stolen car, does not speak of the dreamer’s fear for his relatives (as one might think), but of the fact that he does not see the consequences of his actions, which can seriously harm the people he loves.

Fighting a car thief during a theft attempt is interpreted depending on its result, that is, the winner.

If the dreamer has coped with the “threat”, then the goal he has set is quite achievable; the unlucky defender should be prepared for future difficulties.

Attention, TODAY only!

Throughout the night, the sleeper can observe many of the most various phenomena, most of which he may not even remember when morning comes.

What does car and car theft in a dream mean?

It happens that a sleeping person dreams of car theft or theft of a car (taxi, minibus, trolleybus, bus). In real life, we don’t often get to see a car being stolen with our own eyes, but such situations are often shown on TV or friends can tell you that someone’s car was stolen.

What if a person, for no reason, has a dream where a car is being stolen? How should this dream be interpreted? What nuances should be taken into account? What is its meaning according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about car theft?

In a dream, a car is often a symbol, the embodiment of a plan, the implementation of the dreamer’s plans. Consequently dream about car theft says about negative things, warns of something that may happen.

To find out in which area of ​​life trouble will happen, you need to think about what comes first for you now, what you think about most.

If a person dreams of car theft For those who are focused on their career, the dream book interprets this as the likelihood of soon losing their positions in place, losing their former influence and respect among colleagues.

For those who live family life or is in a serious relationship, and for whom this is the main thing in life, such a dream may represent a divorce or a breakup, or a quarrel with a loved one.

If a businessman dreams of car theft in a dream or just a business person, it is quite possible that his plans will fail and everything will not go as well as he wanted. More this dream about a car can warn of changes or changes in work affairs.

Why do you dream about your own car being stolen?

  • If a person who owns a car dreams of car theft, then the dream book interprets this as his fear of losing his car. In this case, such a dream speaks of the strong psychological stress of the sleeper.

Don’t be nervous and so impressionable and take everything to heart. This dream can also be dreamed by an insecure person who is very afraid of losing property, competition in business, or a rival in love affairs.

  • Becoming a victim of your own car theft in a dream- feel helpless and be in despair in reality. After such a dream, you should not start serious conversations about relationships with your partner for some time, this can negatively affect your state of mind, and you should not ask for a loan - you will be refused.
  • If you dream that your car is stolen, and then you find it, then this is an indicator that you are experiencing unnecessary, groundless experiences and suspicions. During this period, you should take risks in work matters without any fear, change your job for a more profitable one, and do not be shy about making new acquaintances. Also, if you are jealous of your loved one, then your jealousy is unreasonable and groundless, so it is better to stop torturing yourself in vain.

If you dreamed of stealing someone else's car

When the dreamer dreams of someone else's car being stolen, then this suggests that in real life he is involved in something negative, some dark matter or intrigue. Also, when you dreamed about this, perhaps he told you his secrets not very well good man whose evil intentions are directed at someone else.

This dream also indicates that the sleeper himself is participating in some kind of conspiracy or deception.

Why does a woman dream about car theft?

If girls have a similar dream about a car, for her this means disappointment in her lover. Here such a man is associated with a car; he cannot be left unattended in a suspicious place, as he can easily be taken away. This dream shows the frivolity of the partner, his obvious tendency to cheat.

If a woman dreams of this- this is a sign that the time has come to show your feminine weakness and enjoy it.

EIf this dream with a car was dreamed by a woman with a strong character, this is a sign that in reality she is very sensitive and vulnerable and is simply afraid to show it even to herself, does not want to give in to men or other female rivals.

What does it mean if a car is stolen in a dream? Maybe your car was stolen or you yourself stole someone else's car and are trying to figure out the meaning strange dream. Let’s try to clarify the situation and find out why you dream that a car was stolen according to dream books and basic interpretations.

A car is a means of transportation, transport. In a dream, transport is a way to achieve a goal.

The dream reflects your fears and most important dreams. At the same time, dreams are based on life realities. If you dream of a heavenly Porsche, but work as a turner or a security guard, your subconscious mind tells you that you can only steal the car you want. Even in a branded salon, arrogant clerks - managers will not allow you to take a test drive. A dream in which you steal a car has a positive meaning. You are stubborn, determined, and strive for speed and efficiency. In reality, you won’t have to steal anything, it’s your own personal qualities will help without special problems make your dreams come true and achieve your goals.

If you stole a car in a dream, this does not mean that you are ready for a criminal career. It would be stupid and too cheap. You just want to have the right tools to move towards your dreams. Carefully inspect the stolen car, and you will be able to guess a lot about yourself from its characteristics and appearance.

Car parameters in a dream

Appearance and specifications a car can say a lot about the dreamer’s habits.

  • A fast car means the habit of quick success in everything, however, such success is often fleeting and does not bring pleasure.
  • Simple operation - love for transparent and understandable operating schemes, manual gearbox - high need for personal control. A large number of switches - deliberate complication of the ordinary, tricks, workarounds.
  • The presence of tuning, xenon, chandeliers on the roof, body kits, eyelashes, contours - the desire for cheap chic, dust in the eyes.
  • Tinted or mirrored glass - suggests the possibility of dark affairs. Replacing the engine with a more powerful one hides your real capabilities.
  • Tough kangaroos - ruthlessness, desire for aggression.
  • The size of the car matters. Small cars emphasize practicality, huge SUVs try to add weight to the owner. Long limousines are a caricature of a gangster on the road.
  • If in a dream you stole a car simply because of its location and accessibility, you should hurry up to carry out your plan. You feel the need to rush, but you should think carefully about your actions. Real life is not a picture from an action movie, where the hero can irresponsibly dispose of other people's property and lives, without thinking about the consequences and without worrying at all about the secondary characters.

According to the main meaning, to steal a car is to appropriate someone else’s property, developments, merits, to take a spouse away from the family.

Stealing a car in a dream shows the pursuit of a dream at any cost. In real life, you may be forced to pay the maximum rate.

What does it mean if your car is stolen in a dream?

  • If a dream in which you steal a car shows dreams and aspirations in moving towards a goal by any means, then a dream in which a car was stolen from you demonstrates secret fears. Sleep can happen even if you don't have a car.
  • The main meaning is that if your car was stolen in a dream, you are afraid that you will be scammed at work, your developments will be stolen from you and your advancement will be made impossible. It is likely that you have enough serious ill-wishers and enemies pretending to be friends. Try to chat less, don’t show official documents to anyone, don’t brag about your involvement in secrets, and beware of flatterers.
  • If your car was stolen in your presence, try to see the attackers in your dream. In reality, these people should be feared.
  • Stealing a car - you are in doubt and are not ready to repel enemies. Perhaps you cannot believe the treachery of false friends and betrayal.
  • Looking after a car as it drives away means regretting missed and unrealized opportunities.

Authoritative interpretations

  • Freud's dream book connects a car with family and unstable life situation. In reality, you are afraid that someone will take your wife or husband away. You may have to go through serious stress at work, but you will be able to solve the problem.
  • The women's dream book treats the dreamer's problem with poorly concealed malice. If a woman dreams that her car was stolen, it means that she has tired everyone with her power and desire for control. In a family, control may be annoying. But if a woman works in a leadership position, control is a necessary part of the job.


Seeing a car stolen in a dream is an indicator of high anxiety. However, a dream in which you yourself stole a car does not signal peace of mind. Before you begin to act, you should calm down, collect your thoughts, and have a good rest.

It might make sense to see a psychologist if anxiety bothers you a lot. Put things in order, eliminate possible mistakes and stop being afraid. As for the car, it would be a good idea to take care of safety and leave the car only in guarded parking lots or in a garage.

Fears about the safety of your car may be caused by your own behavior. If you leave your car on the sidewalk, footpaths, or on the lawn, you naturally irritate the people around you and test their patience. A car that bothers everyone can be stolen or damaged, and no one will take the owner’s side.

Explanations of why a car is stolen in a dream often indicate what the dreamer really lacks in real life. The dream book explains what he saw in a dream not only with material wishes, but also with the need for mutual love and the desire to achieve something. The symbol reflects plans for the future, predicts the possibility of their implementation, and notes the most striking character traits of the sleeper.

Miller's interpretations

If you happen to see a car being driven away in a dream, Miller’s dream book suggests remembering how the criminal was dressed. If you dreamed of him in uniform, there could be trouble at work or a conflict with authorities. Home clothes or the absence of generally accepted wardrobe elements warn against excessive jealousy and the reasons for it: now this is the most likely reason for a quarrel.

When the hijacker is you

Dream books contain many explanations of why you dream of stealing a car yourself. Such an unbridled act as stealing a car in a dream calls in reality to act actively and immediately. Right now is the opportune moment to take revenge for past grievances, do not miss it.

Stealing vehicles in a dream happens to natural manipulators who are accustomed to making full use of their advantages: ingenuity, strong psyche, charm.

If a friend whispered to you in confidence that she happened to steal a car in a dream, be on the lookout: in reality she can easily steal your lover. The dream book claims that the lady dreamed of such a symbol for a reason.

To be a witness

When you happen to see someone else’s vehicle being taken away, the dreamer will have to take on the mission of an intermediary in one of the areas of life. The interpreter believes that you can achieve success in trading and act as a peacemaker among friends.

If you dreamed of stealing someone else's car, perhaps you are haunted by someone's talent and achievements. The dream book recommends directing your energy towards self-development. Plot also means getting rid of a problem.

If you had to witness the theft of a car in broad daylight, Nostradamus’s dream book promises new acquaintances. If the car was stolen under the cover of darkness, beware of the machinations of competitors and dishonest colleagues. When you dreamed that the hijackers were your friends, in reality, keep an eye out for them.

Victim of a crime

It’s interesting to know why you dream about your own car being stolen. The dream interpreter reassures that what is seen in a dream rarely portends losses, however, it indicates the sleeper’s reverent attitude towards material wealth and comfort.

  • Seeing your car stolen happens on the eve of receiving a prestigious position;
  • If the kidnapper is a friend in person, get a lucrative offer;
  • The symbol signifies the appearance of brilliant prospects on your horizons;
  • Did you dream of a car being stolen from your territory? Joyful chores are coming;
  • Stealing your own car promises positive changes in your personal life.