What is contextual advertising?

Context in Latin means connection or connection.

Displaying contextual advertising is always relevant to a person’s request or area of ​​interest that intersects with the topic of the advertised service or product. This method of selecting advertising greatly increases the likelihood of a response to the ad.

Why do you need contextual advertising?

Context is quite common in situations such as:

  • Product promotion;
  • Advertising services;
  • Increased sales;
  • Introduction of new products to the market;
  • As an effective complement to the main advertising channels outside the Internet.

contextual advertising on the Internet is an ideal and unobtrusive option for cooperation between buyer and seller. Once you “tell” the search engine about your desire to buy something or order a certain service, you can immediately receive a response with the phrase: “order from us.”

Accordingly, the main task when drawing up a selling advertising campaign is the selection keywords and anchors that will attract interested buyers to the site, saving money for the advertiser, who is interested exclusively in the target audience.

Services such as Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica and Yandex.Wordstat will help you study and understand the audience, as well as select key phrases for contextual advertising.

Contextual advertising of any format is used very widely and massively to increase brand popularity. She can easily turn a new product into a very recognizable brand.

In this case, it makes sense to order contextual advertising and pay not for each click received, but for the number of impressions. A contextual advertising service like Begun is perfect for conducting such advertising campaigns.

Advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

Contextual advertising giants such as Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct and Begun have already gained enormous popularity and are ready to provide their audience with a wide range of ads on different topics and work with automatic detection of interests, as well as page topics.

  • When displaying contextual advertising, the interests of users are taken into account based on the parameters of entering a query, viewing pages, personal interests and history of search activity;
  • The ability to use geotargeting and select when to display ads to users. Thus, the contextual advertising you ordered can be displayed at a strictly defined time of day;
  • Wide coverage of audiences and Internet resources in a variety of areas.
  1. The most noticeable disadvantage of contextual advertising is their constant clicking. Such actions are carried out not only by competing advertisers, but also by unscrupulous webmasters whose goal is to earn additional income. Such actions lead to a decrease in advertising effectiveness and additional costs;
  2. The cost of a click in a really highly competitive topic can reach $10 or even more. Some advertisers are not ready to spend that kind of money, following the desire to get to the most profitable advertising position. As a result, everyone loses;
  3. IN Lately, when sites were spammed with advertising, users began to get terribly annoyed by it. Moreover, it greatly interferes with the search for the necessary information;
  4. Many users install various programs and plugins to block impressions of contextual ads; therefore, not all users will be able to see your ads.
  5. Links from contextual advertising systems are encrypted or work using a redirect, which is of absolutely no benefit to the site in terms of promotion. It is quite obvious that such links have no effect on the position of the advertised site in search results.

The most popular contextual advertising services (Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Begun) - basic information for beginners

The above pros and cons apply to all three of these contextual advertising systems, although each has its own operating principle.

Google AdWords contextual advertising has a very good ad selection system that takes into account the interests of users, their preferences and activity when typing certain queries.

If there are no relevant queries to be returned in the search, the advertising context is selected taking into account personal interests. This is perhaps the main advantage of contextual advertising on Google.

Yandex.Direct has a narrower search direction, focused exclusively on search phrases, and if there is simply no advertising for a certain request, it is not displayed in the search.

Yandex has just started experimenting with the selection of ads, like Google, but it still takes a very long time to fully implement such a system.

Setting up contextual advertising - basic information for beginners

There are a lot of secrets for setting up advertising campaigns and on the Internet you can read not only something really important, but also a lot of thoughts that for several years have not had even minimal effectiveness confirming their significance.

We will only focus on the main points of setting up contextual advertising, which can really help reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of an advertising campaign:

  • The correct approach to the selection of keywords that will be used in the preparation of contextual advertisements;
  • Geographical indicators are very important so that ads are not clicked by citizens of another country or distant region;
  • Setting show times;
  • Setting up a budget for an individual ad and daily spending;
  • Disabling unscrupulous sources from which advertisements are clicked;
  • Demographic features.

Yandex.Direct - advantages, disadvantages, features

Yandex.Direct existed back in 2001 as a service for low-budget companies and was designed only for impressions. After 2 years, the system was completely improved and pay-per-click was introduced:


  • Availability of geotargeting;
  • There is no additional cost for targeting;
  • A huge share of advertising is designed strictly for search traffic, and not for placing advertising on the site.

Flaws :

  • Cumbersome statistics interface;
  • It is not possible to display ads for queries that include more than 5 words;
  • There is no effective automatic bid management;
  • The title line and text of the contextual advertisement are too limited in size;
  • You cannot download advertising campaign statistics into Excel.

Runner - advantages, disadvantages, features


  • Original design;
  • Convenient usability;
  • Huge audience reach;
  • Possibility of automatic bid management;
  • 9 ways to pay for advertising services;
  • Detailed information on any ongoing advertising campaign;
  • Convenient preparation and uploading of reports;
  • Plenty of space for announcements;
  • Availability of an affiliate program.

Flaws :

  • Unreliable statistics;
  • Long statistics update;
  • Long moderation;
  • Lack of regional targeting;
  • Low quality audience.

Google AdWords - advantages, disadvantages, features

Whatever it is and whatever they say, Google contextual advertising is a full-fledged leader in terms of extensive opportunities for conducting advertising campaigns:


  • Advertising with graphic and text blocks;
  • Low activation cost;
  • Effective transition cost management;
  • Setting a daily budget;
  • 24/7 statistics;
  • Fast placement of advertisements;
  • Quick and easy advertising changes;
  • Completely independent selection of keys;
  • Geographic targeting;
  • Accurate planning of shows;
  • Selecting the most effective advertising spaces.

Flaws :

  • No discounts on advertising;
  • Intentional price increases by competitors;
  • Difficulty in managing advertising campaigns;
  • Not all bank cards are accepted;
  • High cost of transitions in highly competitive queries.

Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, and Begun are the three clear leaders in contextual advertising. Which one to trust is up to you, they all have pros and cons.

The best option would be to run an example of contextual advertising for 2-4 weeks in each service. This way, you won’t lose a lot of money and will give yourself a summary of the profitability and payback of running an advertising campaign.

Every entrepreneur who aspires to successfully conduct business is required to know the features of modern business promotion. As they say, the engine of progress is advertising, various forms which today are capable of turning any boring product into an object of desire for millions. One of these is contextual advertising, which became widespread with the advent of the Internet. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Contextual advertising is a special type of promotion of products or services on the World Wide Web. It represents advertising messages that seem to respond to the interests of the network user, expressed in the search queries he makes. The subject matter of such advertising messages coincides with the internal mood and needs of the buyer, which is where its strength lies - it does not impose a product, but rather helps to find the desired product.

This type of promotion is the most effective tool that helps organize a powerful flow of new clients. Each of us has more than once observed how a search engine offers to view contextual advertising after you enter a certain query. Marketers working with limited budgets increasingly prefer contextual advertising messages that show good results with active use.

Let's look at the difference between traditional types of advertising and contextual advertising. So, in the first case, advertising messages are placed on:

  • television;
  • radio;
  • pages of the press.

In addition to advertising, it also contains entertaining or informative content, which users of all three types of media study in Everyday life when accessing broadcast media, that is, when reading a newspaper, watching TV or listening to the radio in the car, for example. The purpose of advertising placed in traditional media is to directly distract from this content and interrupt the user’s activity. This causes terrible irritation to users, creates an aura of obsession and raises all the worst feelings, sometimes not benefiting the business, but, on the contrary, setting the enterprise back.

Advertising outstanding according to extracted from search queries direction, context, works not as a switch of user attention, but on the contrary, as an appropriate semantic message, new idea, necessary or additional information, the request for which was generated by the user independently.

What types of advertising of this type exist?

Advertising in search engines

The message issued corresponds 100% to the user request. In order for you to see everything that the company wanted to show, contracts are concluded with advertising networks of search engines that are responsible for placing advertising messages. We are talking about the popular Yandex in Russia, the Internet giant Google, etc.

The cost of placing contextual advertising on the search query results page varies depending on the prestige of the specific area of ​​the page where the message is posted. Prestige is determined by the effectiveness of promotion, in other words, visibility. The less noticeable the location, the lower the cost, as well as the effectiveness of the impact.

Typically, contextual ads are placed in the following parts of the search results page that opens.

  1. At the top, as if embedded in the search query. This method The demonstration is called " special accommodation" The position is considered one of the most profitable, since at first the user will pay attention not to the standard search queries, but to advertising and will most likely follow the top links.
  2. On the right side of the page, the so-called guaranteed demonstrations, are placed by search engines. It is believed that this position is less profitable, since the user will pay attention to it only after the top lines of the search engine, in addition, according to statistics, the level of user trust in them is lower. However, the area to the right of the search results is in demand; placements on it cost a lot and are readily used for promotion.
  3. Below the area to the right of search queries, guaranteed demos are dynamic demos, their number can reach five units. Their demonstration is carried out alternately, the cost is not high compared to other types. Of course, they will not be able to show results such as special placement or guaranteed demonstrations, however, their result is the high efficiency of promoting the company’s advertised product.

Choosing dynamic display makes the most sense for companies that want to increase the traffic of their electronic resource. We are talking about news portals and similar organizations that need to constantly generate traffic to operate.

Thematic advertising

A distinctive feature of this subtype is the divided cost of transitions. It is divided into literally. If search advertising was paid to advertising systems and the dividends were paid in full, then in the case of thematic advertising, the amount of the transition payment that “falls” into the account is divided in half: one part to the advertising system, the second to the platform that broadcasts the advertising message - the website.

According to the rules, advertising messages must correspond in topic to the resource on which they are posted, but in practice there can only be closeness to the context or even a lack of similarity. This phenomenon is officially called “behavioral targeting.” The setting for displaying messages that are not similar in topic can be configured by the customer, having discussed in advance this moment with the executing system.

Thus, visiting a site with recipes for proper nutrition, you may unexpectedly stumble upon an advertisement for the sale of roller skates.

By disabling the ability to set behavioral targeting, you exclude the display of advertising messages that differ from the direction of the site; impressions will continue only for those that are similar. Returning to the example of the recipe site about healthy eating, let’s assume that the advertising message based on it will be similar in topic to the sale of immersion blenders, multicookers, spice sets, etc.

Development of the sphere

Since the advent of this promotion technology, the contextual advertising market has continued to expand and develop, gaining well-deserved popularity. The dynamics of development are very noticeable. On average, the contextual advertising market grows by 50% per year compared to last year’s figures; if translated into monetary terms, this figure can be estimated at tens of billions of units of Russian currency.

Previously, large companies used the services of traditional promotion channels, giving preference to television. As you know, the cost of serious promotion on TV is exorbitant, despite the fact that the effect from it does not always pay off as expected. Now this method of promotion is considered outdated, and also not as effective as before. Today, the solvent and active part of the population is increasingly abandoning television, throwing “zombie boxes” into the trash. Their refuge is the Internet, which promptly provides all the necessary information that modern man used to absorbing in huge quantities.

  • articles with key queries;
  • reference links;
  • banners;
  • teasers, etc.

Clients willingly perceive the advertising flow on the network, turning intentions into targeted actions that are so desired by advertising customers. Contextual advertising is the most preferred way for customers to present their goods. According to statistics, by 2015 it accounted for about 40% of the entire online advertising market, while banner ads accounted for only 10%. In comparison, the remaining directions are losing ground and becoming less popular. This is especially true for teaser advertising, due to its use to promote sites with false or vulgar information.

Internet advertising systems

  • Google
  • Rambler;
  • Yandex.

It must be said that the Rambler system is practically not used today; preference is given to the Google network (for the entire Internet space) and Yandex (mainly Runet). Their effectiveness and fame influenced the displacement of rivals who had no chance of success.

The service from the Internet giant of the planet is called Google AdWords. The platform is high-tech and provides a huge number of functions for use. The settings are so subtle, and the budget required to achieve efficiency is so small that the platform has gained a certain level of popularity literally in one blink.

Contextual advertisements are displayed using Google AdWords both on the search results page and on partner sites of the advertising network. Let's look at the list of benefits offered by Google AdWords to users.

  1. It's easy to manage advertising promotion and track the progress of the campaign. The site's interface is intuitive and does not require specialized knowledge of working with the program. Despite the fact that beginners are advised to initially work with a similar platform on Yandex, it is quite possible to figure it out the first time.
  2. Attracting users who are members of the target audience to the advertiser’s website occurs literally in the first minutes of the launch of demonstrations. Yes, the work of the site is so efficient. In addition, a certain flexibility in setting up a campaign, which takes no more than 40–60 minutes, also saves time.
  3. Setting the budget available for launching work on a daily basis is set independently by the advertising customers. The boundaries are so flexible that even with a tiny budget you can achieve some success. In addition, no one forbids adjusting it during the campaign, increasing or decreasing it.
  4. The more clickable the ad, the more profitable it is for the resource to place it in positions that are profitable for display, even if you did not pay extra for them and your competitors pay a higher price per click.
  5. You can also select sites among those offered by the network that are most suitable for advertising in your opinion, either independently or with the help of network consultants.
  6. The cost per click compared to a similar action on the main RuNet search engine is lower, which makes Google AdWords incredibly popular. Attracting traffic becomes more profitable, as does product promotion. However, be careful, this option does not apply to all business areas.
  7. There are no “empty” payments. This means that standardized payments for the period of use of resources are not required; payment is made exclusively for completing the target action - a click. Otherwise, the system does not withdraw money from the advertiser.

Now let's talk about the Yandex advertising service, called Yandex.Direct. According to statistics, the impact of this search engine is comparable to the same number of people as the largest channels in the country. These are the benefits of using Direct.

  1. Determining the budget framework, as in the case of a service from Google, is determined by the customer independently, therefore, not well-promoted companies with popular products, but even small enterprises just starting to conduct commercial activities in the market can take advantage of the service.
  2. The demo setup is flexible; for this purpose, the developers have created a functional program interface. Customize the region you want to display, the time of day, day of the week, in general, everything that your entrepreneurial soul desires. It may seem that some functions are pointless, however, delve deeper into the research and you will understand: each one works to your advantage.
  3. Viewing promotion statistics is available at any time, night and day, with various statistical “angles” available regarding viewing the work of just one element of the company or the entire mechanism as a whole.
  4. Payment for the service is per click, not for displaying the message to the network user. Transferring money for real clicks makes working with the site much more profitable than if you had to pay for each impression. Setting the price is also determined independently by the advertiser, but, as in the previous case, the area chosen by the resource for displaying the advertising message on the website or search query page depends on it.

Impressions on the advertising platform based on the Yandex search engine are selected according to the auction method: who will give the most. If the cost per click is higher, the location is more conveniently given to a generous advertiser. When the amount is the same for several companies, the evaluation and selection of the leader is determined according to the “clickability” of the link. This is beneficial not only for the campaign customer, but also for the service that receives payment for clicks.

Direct ads are displayed on the following platforms:

  • search results pages;
  • Yandex advertising and external network;
  • map search results;
  • issuing blogs;
  • on the Market.

The minimum cost of transition at Yandex is thirty kopecks; an order is placed by depositing an amount of one thousand units of Russian currency. Divide the second amount by the first and get a pretty good result.

Some features and advantages of such a phenomenon as contextual advertising have today made it possible to conduct a business remotely, while the owner can be located in absolutely any populated or uninhabited area on the planet, the main thing is that a device with Internet access is always at hand. The geographical remoteness of the market from the enterprise is no longer a myth, but a reality that allows development without having solid capital to launch and promote the company’s activities.

Let's discuss the obvious benefits of this tool for promoting and attracting traffic. Interestingly, many of them apply not only to business owners, but also ordinary people surfing the Internet in order to find the necessary information or necessary products and services.

  1. Working with contextual advertising allows you to achieve attraction specific people, making up the bulk of the enterprise's target audience. The fact is that Internet users help the advertising company on their own by making search queries. He receives the most relevant, fresh and interesting, as well as relevant responses to the request in the form of advertising messages. It turns out that this is beneficial to both: the customer and the user, since one makes a profit, the second realizes his own intentions as efficiently as possible.
  2. Short deadlines for obtaining real results. The return after launching contextual advertising is almost instantaneous, because for each Internet request, in each time unit, a search is performed by multiple different people. It turns out that already in the first seconds of displaying the message, the first potential client will visit the customer’s website, and literally in 40-50 minutes you will receive the first order and payment for it. Incredible, right?
  3. No need for a large advertising budget. By using the above services, you can start effective advertising company per thousand units of Russian currency. In addition, contextual advertising can work both solo and in conjunction with other means of online promotion offered by search engine services:
    1. articles with key queries;
    2. banner ads;
    3. teaser links, etc.
  4. Setting the parameters for a future campaign to promote a product or service is very flexible; ads are configured according to all the parameters necessary for the advertiser:
    1. geographical boundaries;
    2. the high cost of a single transition;
    3. time of ad display;
    4. age restrictions for users, etc.
  5. The analytical tools of the sites are so powerful that they allow you to receive all the necessary information as the campaign progresses and at the end of the campaign, which will subsequently assist in further promotion and increase its effectiveness in general.
  6. The absence of annoying contextual advertising is the main and most important advantage in terms of user reaction to messages. He was waiting for him and wanted to see him. For example, when making a search query about the best multicookers of our time, you will probably see at the top or side of the search page an offer to purchase an ultra-fashionable and functional kitchen item that can fry, steam, bake, pickle, ferment, stew, etc. The benefit of displaying messages of a contextual nature is that it helps to orientate in hitherto unknown areas of a person’s life.
  7. In addition to the lack of intrusiveness, contextual advertising offers the user an easy perception due to the convenience of the demonstration format. So, half of the screen is not covered by a window with an advertising message that jumps out from behind its borders, and constant teasers with pictures in .gif format do not flash on the sides of the site with important information. Contextual messages are not at all overloaded with unnecessary paraphernalia, for this we give them an additional plus.
  8. Extremely informative. Contextual advertising messages are short but succinct, and this is a very strong advantage. They provide enough information to convey it to the user, while consisting of:
    1. a title with the main semantic content;
    2. a brief explanation;
    3. link to go;
    4. pictures (sometimes).

As you can see, it’s impossible not to appreciate the merits of contextual advertising. Reading about it, it seems as if this is a real panacea from the world of advertising, working for the instant and most effective promotion of goods. However, despite all the advantages and real uniqueness of contextual advertising, it also has some disadvantages. To get a complete picture of this promotion tool, they also need to be studied.

Disadvantages of contextual advertising

We would like to immediately reassure the wary entrepreneurs. The disadvantages of this type of promotion are so insignificant compared to the advantages that they seriously affect the impression of it. the most effective tool will not affect. However, in order to conduct successful activities, it is necessary to keep them in mind in order to promptly regulate the emerging consequences and eliminate advertising “gaps”.

  1. Short working period. Simply put, the duration of the effect arising from contextual advertising does not last long, due to the constant need to replenish the budget, which is depleted during the campaign. In addition, constant reconfiguration of campaign parameters is required to improve its effectiveness. Compared with others, short term less in effective ways promotion on the Internet, for example, articles with key queries, you can notice that in the long term without changing the settings, contextual advertising of a product or service cannot exist.
  2. The risk of not recouping the investments made with further profits. It turns out that when you set a certain budget for promotion using contextual advertising, you are likely to overspend it. An investment in contextual advertising will pay off only when the profit exceeds it several times, preferably 5-6. For example, you are selling certificates for cosmetologist services with a nominal value of 1000 units of Russian currency. Getting one real client costs you 200 rubles. The benefit is obvious, because you get 5 times more than you spent. You can continue to use this tool. Otherwise, you shouldn't do this. That is, if an advertising system charges a company 700-1000 rubles for attracting a client, sooner or later the company will go to the bottom.
  3. For some business niches, promotion using contextual advertising is not profitable. Most often, this tool is used in Internet marketing and outside of that it may be useless. We are talking about the sale of goods offline, which are not usually sold on the World Wide Web. Of course, in 2017, some of them are starting to conquer the online space, such as food. Previously, cakes were ordered directly from pastry shops, now they are looking for private customers who can create masterpieces of stunning beauty and taste at home. However, areas such as oil and gas entrepreneurship, for example, will forever remain non-virtualized, therefore, they will not be able to make a profit with the help of contextual advertising.

Proper use of contextual advertising

As you can see, the promotion tool under discussion has an overwhelming number of advantages and some disadvantages. Let's discuss how to deal with the negative aspects and make the most of the positive ones.

Having little experience with advertising a product or service through the context of user-requested content, it is quite natural to feel some uncertainty. However, this does not mean that you should definitely turn to the services of professionals in this promotion industry and pay not only to advertising systems, but also to them. Think for yourself, such budget overruns are absolutely not profitable. By working with automated services for conducting advertising campaigns using context, you will benefit much more.

The services themselves help you avoid getting caught up in common user mistakes by telling you in pop-up guides how to maximize your benefits and efficiency using settings. They actually take over the full functionality of professional agencies, doing it free of charge.

How is the cost of an advertising campaign calculated using the advertising tool discussed?

When a businessman decides to resort to contextual promotion of a product or service, the first question that interests him concerns the method of generating the cost of a click. We have already said that the two most popular platforms for conducting advertising campaigns on the Internet, Google AdWords and Yandex.Direct, suggest self-determination cost directly by the advertiser, taking into account the minimum established by the system. So, for a service from your favorite Russian search engine, this minus is 1000 units of currency.

A click is a transition to the customer’s advertisement, clicking on a link leading to a site demonstrating the promoted product. It is for this transition that the advertiser pays; more precisely, the cost of clicking is subtracted each time from the total amount in the entrepreneur’s account on the server.

The price of this transition is formed based on the following components.

  1. Regions entrepreneurial activity advertiser, in other words, a market niche. Clicks that transfer users to the websites of financiers, businessmen, medical private organizations, construction companies etc. For them, the transition price starts from 50 rubles and ends at around 600 rubles. It costs much less to target an action in a campaign to promote ordinary things, for example, household and kitchen appliances, cosmetics, sports equipment, and, in general, consumer goods. It should be noted that demonstrations in any niche are of an auction nature. Those who paid more are shown in the best area of ​​the page, plus the frequency of impressions increases when we're talking about about dynamic demonstration under guaranteed impressions in right side pages.
  2. Method for setting parameters for displaying advertising messages. When you start using the advertising services described above, you immediately receive default display parameters from them, which are considered the most effective, but also expensive, since they imply that the message is located on expensive place page that increases the likelihood of completing the target action. This means that the cost per transition will also be as high as possible. Thus, in order not to get into trouble with automatic settings, carefully set the parameters that are relevant for the company manually. Since the service interface is intuitive, you can easily handle this task yourself.

This method can reduce click costs even in the most expensive market niche, while maintaining the level of quality of display and obtaining visible results.

By the way, find out the cost per click for different areas activities of entrepreneurs can be done using various online services. For example, the Mutagen web page knows Yandex.Direct prices very well.

In addition, the search engine itself will be happy to provide information on the estimated cost of promotion using a budget forecasting service, which allows you to obtain an estimate and calculation of the cost of a month of operation of the service.

Let's sum it up

Do you want to get clients quickly and cheaply, being confident in the final result? Contextual advertising is the ideal way to achieve what you want. Of course, its cheapness is relative for some areas of business activity, however, all costs will certainly pay off in the process of using the tool.

When starting to work with promotion services, remember that contextual advertising does not work equally effectively for all existing market niches. If you doubt your actions, we advise you to hire a professional - a director who is responsible for the correct setup of contextual advertising and its subsequent adjustment.

If your company is promoted exclusively on the World Wide Web, you can use contextual advertising alone or in combination with other popular means. Read the article carefully to learn all the features of this tool and decide whether to use it. We wish you good luck in your development and success in your business!

Video - How to attract only interested audiences using contextual advertising

In this section you will learn everything about contextual advertising, what it is intended for, how it works and what types it comes in. We will also analyze popular services for working with such advertising, learn how to create effective advertising campaigns on the Internet, and much more.

is a text or image ad that is broadcast in search results or on the pages of some websites. The ads themselves are in the context of the pages. Hence the name “ contextual”.

There are two main types of contextual advertising on the Internet:

— broadcast only in search results. Hence the name. For example, when a person enters a query into the search bar, he is then presented with numerous answer options. Among all these responses, the advertisement itself is broadcast.

But there are also free methods to appear in search results. If you are interested, I recommend taking a look at the section. There are a lot of cool cases and lessons on search engine promotion.

Thematic advertising- These are ads that are shown only on website pages. You've probably already noticed contextual advertising blocks on websites. Since advertising space is limited in search, sites here act as additional advertising space.

The principle of operation of such advertising on the Internet

This is usually needed by online store owners, webmasters, marketers and other people who run a business. In order for a person to learn about their product or service, this user needs to be shown your advertisement. How can I do that?

You can do this by contacting various systems contextual advertising. But the largest of them will be search engines. In them, people create and customize their advertising campaigns for a specific circle of people. After this, such advertising begins to be broadcast in search results.

Examples of contextual advertising on the Internet

Let's say a person needs to find something on the Internet. To do this, he goes into a search engine and types in what he needs to find. Let's say a person is interested in the question of how to learn English? He enters this query into the search bar and presses the “ Find”.

There, advertisements will be broadcast to the user with different answers. Such advertising is displayed in accordance with the contextual search that the user is looking for.

The picture shows (click to enlarge), where contextual advertising is placed on the Internet. These are the first three ads above the search results. This block is called special accommodation.

In addition, such search advertising is shown on the right side of the site. This part is called the right ad unit. Here advertisements are also divided by title. Please note that the first four ads are called guaranteed impressions. Anything below these four ads is called dynamic display.

It also often happens when search advertising is shown at the very end of the search results, that is, almost at the bottom of the page. Please also note that these ads are limited to a specific region. If you need advertising for the region you need to be shown, you can go to “ Region" and change it.

Benefits of contextual advertising

Let's look at the main ones . In fact, there are quite a lot of them. However, we will not list everything, but will only touch on the most necessary:

You can control your budget. For example, if your advertising budget is only 10,000 rubles, then you can easily create an advertising campaign that will fit your budget.

This way you can increase the traffic flow or decrease it. This allows you to regulate the cost of contextual advertising.

You can see all the cash flow in search advertising absolutely transparently. Thus, you will completely eliminate the question: “ Where did my money go?" You will clearly see where every cent of your budget was spent.

With the help of contextual advertising you can get absolutely fast results. Today you can set up contextual advertising, and tomorrow or even today you can already receive your first sales or orders from customers. If we are talking about a subscription page, then you can quickly collect your first subscribers.

Ads will only be broadcast to your target audience. This feature increases the effectiveness of advertising. However, it is worth saying that a lot depends on how you set up the advertising campaign itself.

This type can be mastered fairly quickly.

The best contextual advertising services

There are two most popular contextual advertising services. These are Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. There are also other services, but they are not as popular and are not used as often.

One of the advantages over Google Adwords is its well-organized support service. If you have any questions, you can contact this service without any problems. There, professionals from Yandex will definitely help you figure it out. They don't have any delays. Everything goes smoothly and quickly.

Loyal attitude to many projects that, for example, Google Adwords cannot miss. The Yandex advertising network misses many projects, which is very good for us.

More than 60% of our users use the Yandex search engine. Moreover, this population is the most solvent. Google is predominantly dominated by techies looking for technical information.

These are not empty words. A special study was carried out, as a result of which this conclusion was formed.

Yandex has its own affiliate network. Your contextual advertising in Yandex can be shown not only in search results, but also in this affiliate network. Most likely, you have noticed this network.

For example, when you go to a website, you can see special advertising blocks from Yandex.

Moreover, the ads are broadcast exactly those that should interest you. Special algorithms read your behavior on the Internet. For example, what you are looking for. Based on this data, these contextual ads will be broadcast to you.

So the best way to increase sales is contextual advertising. It has always been and will be the best way because it is cheap (low cost), it's fast and anyone can do it. In this section you can learn more about useful tips (they go below) related to contextual advertising on the Internet. Here you can find answers to many questions on this topic.

In this article we will try to tell you what contextual advertising is. in simple words, Let's reveal 5 secrets How to use this toolkit in practice. Contextual advertising is a strong marketing tool for high sales. Context is the connection or content (translation from Latin). The article is made full review this topic. The material is presented in blocks for convenience.

Just something complicated

This is a powerful promotion tool for businesses represented on the Internet. It consists of launching an advertising campaign, selecting keywords and composing ads, and is shown only to interested users on search or partner sites. At correct settings has greater impact, increases profits. It differs from traditional advertising in that it is broadcast only on the Internet. To launch, you need a website or at least a page on networks. Displayed in response to the user's entered request. For example, if you ask “buy an iPhone” in the Yandex search engine, then this type of advertising will be in the first places, and in Google it will be the same.

Contextual advertising in search engines

This area received its first and powerful development in 2009. Due to the crisis of that year, many enterprises went online and began to advertise themselves using this tool.

To date, two platforms have been identified with a turnover of tens of billions - the Yandex Direct advertising network (hereinafter referred to as Direct) and Google AdWords. Also on the market is the Runner, which works on the principle of teaser advertising showing pop-up windows.

Types of contextual advertising

Contextual advertising in search engines is divided into two main types. Search advertising and thematic advertising, broadcasting advertisements on partner sites (platforms). There are also a number of additional concepts (directions) that have received certain terms and definitions.

Contextual advertising on search and partner sites

In simple words, Thematic advertising broadcasts impressions of advertiser’s ads on sites that have become partners of the advertising network. In Direct this network is called YAN, and in Google Adwords it is called KMS. Any webmaster or website owner can become a partner in these systems. Google is simple, just send an application with any traffic and after moderation, if the site meets all the requirements, it will be accepted. Yandex and its direct system are more complex; they require visits from 300 people per day and an agreement is concluded with the Yandex advertising network.

Ads on such sites (platforms) are shown either strictly thematic, or are relevant to previously entered commercial queries from the computer of the user who came to such a site. That is, if you were recently looking for a sofa, and then go to a resource for buying apartments, advertisements for the sale of sofas will be broadcast.

Contextual advertising on a partner’s website

In the example, one of the resources on architecture, as you can see, part of the advertisements does not correspond to the topic. Such advertising can be seen on almost all partner sites.

Contextual advertising allows you to broadcast ads to a narrow circle of target audiences. This type of advertising received the term targeting, targeted advertising. Its principle and example were given above, using the example of sofas. That is, you can directly specify in the advertising campaign settings certain products (Keys) that were of interest to the user and broadcast your advertising on them through the websites of Direct and AdWords partners. Allows you to target ads to a specific gender, age, region, etc.

This type of advertising is widely used in all in social networks. Easily customized to the interests of a specific audience. Row special programs Parsers help to collect entire segments of your target audience and sell them your products and services.

Contextual advertising, what is it in Yandex Audiences? A type of advertising targeting based on a collected database of phone numbers and postal addresses. In the Yandex Audience service, you need to upload the existing database and, after moderation, you can broadcast ads to your hot audience of buyers.

It is worth noting the teaser advertisement. This type of advertising is broadcast using the principle of pop-up windows. There are several popular teaser networks that have a large pool of partner sites where such advertising is displayed. The runner specializes in such advertising.

Video advertising has become very popular lately. These are advertisements broadcast in the video display window. Due to the growth of the YouTube service audience, this advertising niche is becoming very profitable and popular.

That's basically what contextual advertising is. We briefly examined the main types, directions and concepts of this marketing tool. Now having initial general concepts You can correctly formulate a question about a particular area of ​​advertising and receive a detailed answer in the search engine. On our resource there are also many useful information, and new releases and cases are constantly published.

When is it profitable to launch this type of advertising product?

Let's consider when it should and will be profitable to launch this - advertising in advertising systems.

— Classic sales promotion;

It is necessary to increase sales volumes in the online store, the number of applications and orders for services and similar actions on the Internet resource. Contextual advertising in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords will help, they advertised and within an hour you are in the top search results and you already have results.

The same thing, the ability to launch as quickly as possible, no need to wait for pages to be indexed or traditional advertising to appear.

New product or service;

For example, glasses for observation solar eclipse. A one-time product, I advertised on Google and Yandex, it worked and ensured an increase in sales. Such a short-term campaign must be broadcast on search. So that the ad is in the top positions in the search results. The user entered a query into the search engine, and your advertisement appeared in the search results, preferably in the top positions.

— Increase in resource traffic;

If the site is young, then traffic is important to it at the initial stage; traffic will not immediately come from search engines. The advertising itself does not affect promotion, but the visitors who come are targeted and interested in the resource, accordingly they will study the information provided and move on to several more pages. Website performance - behavioral data will go up, and this is already good for promoting the resource.

Advantages and disadvantages of such PR

The advantages are already presented quite well, we will only add that payment is made only for clicks on ads, that is, for clicking on links in the ad to the site, and not for impressions. Possibility of fine tuning for a narrow segment of the target audience.

Disadvantages: There are also some, contextual advertising on the Internet is one of the most complex promotion tools, its setup is very difficult, if it is not configured correctly, the advertising campaign budget will be spent, but there will be no return. Since 2009, in some niches the cost of a click has increased to $20 or more per click.

Before launching yourself or hiring a third-party contractor, you need to understand the issue and understand what contextual advertising is. Study at least superficially the principle of setting up advertising campaigns in certain services where you are going to invest funds through specialists. This is necessary in order to competently draw up technical specifications for the implementation of these services for setting up advertising.

Setting up contextual advertising

The tool is very flexible in settings and it is not possible to talk about it in one article. Let's say the main thing. All settings begin with the selection of key queries. A minus words and phrases block must be created separately. Selecting a good core of keys is the key to success. It is necessary to use special contextual advertising services to select key phrases, do not confuse with the selection of keys for the site.

In Ya.Direct you can use a special link and engage a personal settings specialist directly from their service. But they work with large budgets, and they make settings for very expensive keys.

When working with advertising in both resources, it is necessary to divide campaigns into search and thematic ones. There are completely different ad formats and settings. The principle in both platforms (Direct and AdWords) is the same, but the settings are different. It is necessary to use UTM tags and constantly monitor statistics. Any campaigns must be tested on small budgets before launching. Determine clickable ads and then launch advertising to the fullest.

Contextual advertising is subject to A/B testing. Always do tests. You need to check everything, headings, texts. Not to be confused with landing page tests, these are different tests. A split test is performed by creating 3 - 5 advertisements with different text and different headings and seeing which ad performs better and which has the highest CTR. Broadcast your ads to the selling landing page. and we described in detail how to test them in simple words. The landing page also needs to be tested subsequently (conduct an A/B test). Well tested and properly configured, these two marketing tools provide high profits and significantly reduce the advertising budget.

— The title in the ad must match the title on the page;

— The landing page must be relevant to the offer;

— The resource where the offer leads must open quickly and have a mobile layout. Check your pages at Google service pagespeed, should be more than 95%;

Following these rules, the result will be a reduction in the budget and an increase in sales.

To be able to use these tools means to be in the know about internet marketing.

If you have a small organization and are just starting a business, then after studying the material on the topic for a week, you can set up your own company. Even by subscribing to our blog and studying the material, it will be quite enough to get started; of course, you won’t become directologists, but there won’t be a big drain on your budget.

Cost of contextual advertising

There are various myths about contextual advertising: some are expensive, while others think they are cheap. Don't believe it! Costs money! There are currently billions in turnover in this area. And high-frequency niches (keys) are quite expensive. The tool is one of the most effective, if it were not such, then such money would not be circulating there. To reduce costs, you need to be able to properly set up campaigns and monitor statistics. Efficiency is achieved by the same actions.

  • Incorrect settings will lead to large financial losses;
  • An incorrectly drawn up technical task for the performer will also bring a negative result;

When broadcasting and setting up campaigns, always consider the region. If you need to display ads throughout Russia, then be sure to exclude cities with a population of over a million! In Moscow, all advertising is more expensive, and when broadcast across Russia, all rates in all cities will go to Moscow! It's the same with Peter. By excluding these two cities, you will actually save your budget. For these two cities it is necessary to make a separate campaign and broadcast to them separately.

It is worth noting the fact that if the site is developed on any constructor, such as Vicks, then the agency or remote specialist director will provide additional work on preparing the landing page. This is due to the fact that websites and landing pages on website builders are almost impossible to customize for a normal advertising campaign. There is no ability to edit service codes to achieve fast page loading, customization for a mobile version, etc. A self-respecting director who values ​​his reputation will either bill for additional work or refuse the order.

A good result is 50% profit from the invested budget. Invested 50,000 rubles, returned 75,000 net profit.

Excellent result, 100%. Invested one hundred thousand, received two hundred.

To achieve such results, it is first necessary to take into account the margin, the net profit from a product or service. If it is small and the cost per click is expensive, then no amount of smart settings will help. Well, then it’s a matter of technology:

  • Collection of clues and stop words;
  • Conducting competitor analysis;
  • Drawing up a portrait of the target audience;
  • Preparation of a selling landing page;
  • Conducting an A/B test of an advertisement and landing page;

And you will be happy and have large sales volumes!

Profession Director

One of the new, highly paid modern professions. The director is engaged in fine-tuning contextual advertising. Having a certificate from Yandex and Google gives you good chances for high earnings. It’s not difficult to get these regalia, just take an online survey on setting up advertising from Yandex or Google, or better yet, both. The questions are not quite simple, but all the material is available on the Internet, just scattered throughout the network. Another option is to undergo professional training from good specialists, but it costs money.

A director is engaged in quite complex work. Namely:

  • Selects key queries (SEO core).
  • Optimizes advertising pages.
  • Creates sales advertisements.
  • Conducts competitor analysis (their advertising).
  • Conducts analytics for the entire campaign.
  • Does all the work of setting up contextual advertising for clients.

The work, although difficult, is well paid and always in demand. Requires extensive knowledge in the field of internet marketing, SEO promotion, website building, and technical website settings.

It is more profitable for a large company with a large advertising budget to hire such a person for a permanent job. Smaller organizations can contact an advertising campaign agency. Small businesses can find good specialist for remote work.

When hiring a specialist to service advertising settings or an entire agency, pay attention to the advertising campaigns carried out, the work performed, previous Customers, reporting on ongoing campaigns, reviews.

This work from professionals is quite expensive. Do not use the services offered in advertisements; I will set up an advertisement for 3,000 rubles. You can set this up yourself after reading material on the Internet for a couple of hours. Yandex Direct technical support always answers questions quickly; by asking a question correctly, you can get good help for free.


This is a powerful sales and marketing tool that allows you to get good returns. Requires a lot of knowledge in settings. Beginners will need to find a setup specialist. Stay with us, follow the new material, and you will learn how to competently set up contextual advertising without spending virtually any money or time.

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15.03.2018 Reading time: 9 minutes

Contextual advertising – what is it?

KR is an advertisement for the sale of a product or the provision of a service, which a user can find on a website or in a search engine. Such an ad always has a direct thematic link either to the site on which it is posted, or to the query that the user entered or previously entered into the search engine.

What should the Kyrgyz Republic be like?

The mechanism of operation of the CD is quite simple: the ad responds to requests - the likelihood that the user will click increases. If the offer meets the capabilities and interests of the visitor, he may give preference to this particular company.

But for an ad to sell, it is not enough for it to be thematically related to the user’s requests.

What needs to be remembered is that the decision always remains with the user. Only he decides whether to pay attention to advertising or not, follow a link or not, use a service, buy a product or not.

KR remains useful to this day and brings new customers and new sales. This is explained by the operating principle of KR: unlike almost any other advertising, contextual advertising does not seek to convince an uninterested person that he needs, for example, a motor cultivator - KR works with an already interested audience, with those who really need a motor cultivator.

Users themselves reveal their interests using search queries - the Kyrgyz Republic relies and focuses on them. Therefore, by sending a request to Google or Yandex, the user triggers the internal mechanism of contextual advertising, thereby essentially helping advertisers display ads.

Contextual advertising: examples and types

These ads are always marked as advertisements in the search results and are fully consistent with the user's request.

What we see: a site about the weather, the Kyrgyz Republic - about apartments, shoes, cars. If a search advertising ad is strictly tied to one request, then it uses the baggage of all previous requests stored in the browser cookie. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised by such a selection of ads on a weather forecast site - and be prepared to see sudden ads on other sites that do not at all correspond to the topic of the ad.

This kind of CI works only if the user is within the same search engine: if the user was looking for something in Yandex, then went to Google, the latter will not learn anything from the first: in Google, contextual advertising ads for queries that the user entered in Yandex are not shown.

Money from clicks is transferred to two companies: the advertising network and the site owner.

Targeting in the Kyrgyz Republic (remarketing and retargeting) – advertisements on YAN platforms, including on social networks.

This CD works with users who have visited the site before, so its main informant is the visitor directly, because he himself leaves information about himself, which is what targeting on YAN sites is focused on. Hence the main advantage is millions of “live” users.

Remarketing and retargeting are essentially the same thing - it is a mechanism for reaching an audience that previously visited the resource. Only Google AdWords calls it remarketing, and Yandex.Direct calls it retargeting.

Dynamic ads (product ads) – advertisements for individual campaigns that are created automatically and placed in Yandex search and on YAN sites.

Such a CD is shown both in special placements and in guarantee advertisements, and information from the page or from the data feed (for product advertisements) is taken as a basis.

At the same time, the budget has virtually no effect on the effectiveness of such a campaign: even if there is little money and ads cannot be placed in special placements, dynamic ads show high conversion.

Image from yandex.ru

Basic contextual advertising systems (Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, Begun)

The Runet, including its context, is ruled by two search engines: Yandex and Google. Google's CR system is Google AdWords, Yandex's is Yandex.Direct. Their competitor is Begun from Rambler. Let's consider the features of the mechanisms.

Other advantages include clear targeting, the ability to sort ads by groups and categories, calculation of the cost of one click and QS (a qualitative indicator with which you can change this cost)

Google AdWords also offers a tool for selecting keywords - Keywords Planner: you can look at low-frequency keywords and designate your targeting region.

In both CR settings systems - Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords - you can set a conditional type of match to a user request: broad, phrase and exact. Depending on this, the contextual system will perceive word forms in keywords differently.

Despite the automatic tools, some of the work will have to be done manually: analyze the data, remove unnecessary words and add the missing ones when there is not enough specificity. For example, a company does floristry, but exclusively for luxury weddings, or repairs phones, but only on Android.

This is necessary so that ads do not appear where no one will click on them - among ads with similar, but not the same queries.

Relevance of ad texts

Its effectiveness depends on how relevant the text is and meets the requirements of the placement system. Relevance in this context is compliance with the current information on the site; ideally, there should be 1 ad per 1 keyword. Yandex.Direct even highlights the title in bold if the text contains words from user queries.

In general, Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords have their own requirements for ad texts, but the following are the most common and most important:

  • There must be a link to the landing page.
  • There should be no spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors.
  • The ad text should not consist entirely of capital letters; they can only be used in abbreviations and at the beginning of sentences.
  • As with any advertising, you cannot openly compare your products with the products of competitors - this is unfair advertising (Federal Law “On Advertising”, N 38-FZ, Article 5).
  • You must not violate the requirements of copyright and intellectual property rights legislation (for example, use someone else's trademarks).
  • There should be no pornography, extremist materials, insults or inappropriate content.

More information about the requirements of the mechanisms can be found on their own resources: Yandex Help and Google AdWords Help.

Landing pages

Following the link from the ad, the user is taken to the target (landing) page - on it the visitor is prompted to immediately take an action: buy, order, register, and so on. To a certain extent, clicking on an ad is almost a purchase, so the landing page should call for action and facilitate this action in every possible way. These pages stimulate and increase the conversion of the Kyrgyz Republic, but creating a landing page for each advertising campaign is unprofitable. Therefore, the landing page should be the most appropriate page: product catalog, promotions or registration page.

Irrelevant ones include:

  • main pages are too abstract, the user is interested in something very specific;
  • contact pages - why write to the administration of a resource or store if you just want to order or buy something;
  • “top” pages of the catalog - for example, a company is selling iPhones at a special offer - which means you need to put a link to the page with these iPhones, and not to the entire range of smartphones.

Basic Concepts

  • Advertisement is an advertising message that is placed in search results or on a web resource in order to attract buyers and contains a link to a page with detailed information.
  • An advertising unit is a place in a search engine or website where an ad is displayed. May include multiple advertisements.
  • Audience - total number users who are targeted by contextual advertising and who are potential buyers of the advertised product or service.
  • Targeting is a campaign setting mechanism that allows you to find and select a target audience from the entire audience, that is, one that meets certain parameters (social-democratic, geographical, and so on).
  • Traffic is the total activity on a web resource, its attendance and number of views, as well as the number of orders from the site.
  • Moderation – checking the application for posting an advertisement in the Kyrgyz Republic system for compliance with the requirements.
  • Display – demonstration of an advertising block or ad to a user on a web resource page.
  • Click – the user follows the link specified in the ad.
  • Fraud is an invalid click that occurred by mistake, unintentionally or in bad faith.
  • RTB (real time bidding) is a mechanism for purchasing advertising using online auctions in real time.
  • CTR (click-through rate) is an indicator of the effectiveness of contextual advertising, showing the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions of a particular ad.
  • CPC (cost per click) – cost of one click.

Contextual advertising is an interesting, useful tool that requires precise, competent configuration, so it is better to entrust this to experienced specialists. You can order Yandex.Direct contextual advertising (or Google AdWords) on our website.