If we consider Maundy Thursday, what not to do, then a lot will concern church canons. People love this day so much that a lot can and even needs to be done. You need to understand everything in order so as not to get confused.

During Holy Week Every day has its own meaning. Moreover, there are certain church traditions and rituals, which are mixed with folk signs. People love Maundy Thursday very much and there are many things that must be done on this day. But are there any prohibitions on?

What the Church Says

As on the other day of Holy Week, services will be held in churches on Thursday. On this day, we remember the last supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples and how Jesus established the sacrament of the sacrament. Thursday's service is often called the "Great Standing" (or simply "Passion"). This means that you should never sit in church during the service. This is the first ban on Maundy Thursday.

Also, during the service, believers buy candles and go home with them. It is believed that candles brought home should burn out in the red corner. This ritual protects the house from the evil eye. It's like a tradition in the evening from Thursday to Friday.

Another post: how to eat healthy

Many believers who observe fasting are concerned about the question of what they cannot eat on Holy Day.
Thursday. On this day, restrictions are not as strict as on the first three days of Holy Week and the following days until Easter. Food can be cooked, but not used vegetable oil. Although, many believers try to adhere to the principle of dry eating on Thursday, and then Friday and Saturday - until the onset of Happy Easter Christ's.

In general, on Maundy Thursday, a true believer will go to church in the morning and attend the liturgy, then be sure to take communion. But before communion you cannot eat or drink anything. Therefore, everything described above can also be called certain important prohibitions on Maundy Thursday.

Order in the house

What you can do on Maundy Thursday:
Start preparing Easter dishes. You can boil vegetables and other salad ingredients. Someone already pours the aspic on this day and starts coloring the eggs. The day is perfect for putting the dough on Easter cakes.
Count the money so that there is money in the house all year round. This is done in secret from all family members before sunrise, at 12.00 and at sunset.
You can ask God for well-being and new job.

Despite the fact that there are many prohibitions on Maundy Thursday, this day is extremely active for every person. There is a lot to do. Therefore, it is better not to waste yours valuable time on what “cannot be done” and completely focus on what is “possible”.

Maundy Thursday is one of the seven days of Holy Week, which usually ends with Holy Christ's Resurrection. We will learn what to do on this day and what not to do thanks to ancient and modern signs.

Easter is one of the oldest and most important holidays in the Christian religion. It marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the center biblical history and base Orthodox teaching. In this regard, the main celebration rituals have reached us from past centuries. They did not lose their meaning and were of practical importance even in the harsh years when the church was in exile.

On Maundy Thursday, believers also fast, go to church and try to lead a calm, measured lifestyle. But the most important event of this day is the general cleaning of the home and the bathing of Orthodox Christians in clean water.

Our ancestors tried to follow all the rules of this holy day. Water was in special demand that day. It was necessary to swim at dawn or before the first rays of the sun rose. It cleanses from sins, relieves negative energy, brings strength, enlightenment of soul and body. After such a procedure, you can expect many new ideas, positive decisions and creative actions from yourself and others.

Find financial well-being A belief helped - pour water into a bowl and put a few shiny and beautiful coins in it. Afterwards, wash all the windows and doors of your home with this liquid, starting with the entrance. Pour the dirty water from the bowl under a tree growing in the yard of your house.

If you want to get rid of the evil eye, on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, pour water into a jug and place silverware there. It could be a spoon or a silver fork. At dawn, wash yourself with this water. For girls, this method will help not only ward off damage, but also attract good luck and female happiness. You will sparkle with your beauty and charm. For a man, such a belief will give him masculine strength and will. There is a high probability of finding love and family well-being this year.

Those who have long considered themselves an old maid should definitely wash their face in the morning and wipe their face with a clean towel. This ritual will help instill in you vigor, joy and optimism. And as you know, only such young ladies are liked by men and quickly attract attention. Just remember that this towel, along with Easter cake and eggs, should be given to the poor for Easter.

A young beauty who wants to get married this year should look out the window in the morning. If the first passerby turned out to be a young guy, expect to meet your future spouse. For a married lady who dreams of becoming a mother, such a plot can promise the future conception of a baby if you saw children in the window.

For deeply religious people, a prayer read on this day will bring beneficial events. special magical power carry words spoken out loud with great faith and an open soul. Sincerity of intentions will give you health, fortitude and hope for a successful outcome of events.

If you save Thursday salt for this date, it promises to ward off misfortunes and troubles from the whole family, guide foolish children on the true path, give husbands self-control in the face of temptation, and endow women with patience and understanding. To do this, each family member must take a handful of salt, wrap it in a rag bag and place it next to the Icon of Jesus Christ all night. Remove in the morning, taking it out when you are in a difficult situation or experiencing health problems. A pinch of salt thrown into food can change your further state and mood.

For people who have high hopes for this day and strive to perform all the rituals of well-being, remember the main thing: fast and be sincere in your intentions. Material desires in your soul should not exceed spiritual ones.

Modern signs

What to do on Maundy Thursday

If you take a shower in the morning, before the first rays of the sun, it promises to change your life for the better, believe in your own endeavors and achieve success this year. It is generally accepted that water in Maundy Thursday has a special healing and magical power. It charges with its freshness and purity, and is capable of taking away illnesses and minor sins of a person.

The main condition is to believe that this can change you, and to repent of bad actions. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the fact that the water should wash you from top to bottom. In this case, taking a bath with aromatic foam will not bring the desired effect.

Cleaning the house is the main event of Maundy Thursday. Without it, the dough will not fit on Easter cakes and the paint will not adhere to the eggs. You should not use other rituals without performing spring cleaning in his apartment. It is customary to wash and clean everything before Easter. After washing the windows and washing the curtains, there is a high probability of changing your previous view of seemingly familiar things. You will be able to expand the horizons of your desires and possibilities.

Clean doors will be ready to let only kind, necessary and decent people into your home. By laying fresh bed linen, spouses can hope for a stormy reconciliation after a period of cold and strained relations. The decoration and cleanliness of the dining area will be a sign that you will expect abundance and prosperity next year. You won’t have to think about your daily bread, and crises in the country will most likely bypass you.

For those who urgently need to increase their financial resources, on this day they need to count their money three times. It is advisable to prepare large bills, and keep accounts strictly in the morning, lunch and evening.

Girls who have been brides for too long should visit a hairdresser on this day for a light haircut and wash. This promises to increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex. You will feel more confident and freer in choosing a partner. There will be a chance to find a life partner worthy of you.

To fulfill the most secret and cherished desires After general cleaning of the house, you should swap things that may be thematically related to your dreams.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday

  • break the fast with variety in food and neglect the rules of intimate abstinence;
  • ignore attending church services;
  • sit on a bench during services in the temple of the Lord;
  • clean the apartment after Maundy Thursday until Easter;
  • lend money, things, food;
  • pour water into the ditch after general cleaning.
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Today is Maundy Thursday 2018. What not to do: signs and customs for putting things in order

Clean Thursday 2018: what to do for the purity of soul and body © Depositphotos

The very name of the day, “Clean Thursday,” implies cleansing the body and putting things in order in one’s home. This concept includes bathing, general cleaning of the house and a lot of laundry. It is believed that whoever has dirt in his house on Maundy Thursday will be in dirt and quarrels all year.

After general cleaning on Maundy Thursday in the house and on personal plot You can’t clean it up until Easter, otherwise you can “stuff rubbish into the eyes of Christ lying in the tomb.”

Dirty water after general cleaning of the house, in which negative energy washed away from the home accumulates, should not be poured out within the house. It is better to pour it in places where nothing grows, for example, on rocks or on the road.

From Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, you should never leave dishes or soaked but not washed laundry unwashed.


What not to do on Maundy Thursday 2018: traditions during Lent

On Maundy Thursday, fasting still continues, so you cannot eat fast food on this day. Many believers do not even allow themselves to relax their fast, but adhere to a dry diet without vegetable oil and hot dishes.

Those people who take fasting and Holy Week more seriously adhere to the rule that on Maundy Thursday one should first attend the morning liturgy in church and receive communion. Thus, before communion, you cannot eat or drink anything, not even holy water, and you cannot do anything around the house.


What not to do on Maundy Thursday: preparing dishes for the Easter table

© Depositphotos

According to customs, on Maundy Thursday you cannot bake Easter cakes, paint eggs or prepare other treats for the Easter table until the house is cleaned.

And, of course, since Holy Week is still ongoing, you cannot break your fast while preparing food. This is a particularly difficult test for those housewives who are accustomed to taking samples from prepared dishes.

After all, it is from Maundy Thursday that preparations for the celebration of Easter begin, baking Easter cakes, coloring eggs, preparing cold appetizers and meat dishes, unusually delicious aromas will hover in the house, but you won’t be able to try anything.


What not to do on Maundy Thursday 2018: rituals to prevent money transfer

For many of us, the financial sector has great importance in life. And I want the family to have material well-being and prosperity.

There is a ritual of counting money on Maundy Thursday so that there is money in the house all year round. You should count all the cash in the house three times so that no one sees. At the same time, you cannot talk to anyone or answer phone calls, otherwise this ritual will not work.

On Maundy Thursday and until Easter, you cannot give away anything valuable from home, or borrow money, because along with valuables you can “give away” well-being.

There is also a sign that you can ask God for prosperity, good luck and even a new job. But you cannot ask for money and wealth directly.


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In 2018 it falls on April 5, and indeed this is the last Thursday before Easter 2018, which Orthodox Christians will celebrate this year April 8. In the article you can learn about Maundy Thursday, find out the customs and signs of this day, what you can and cannot do on this day.

The most important day of Holy Week after the Resurrection of Christ is Maundy Thursday, which in 2018 falls on April 5 for Orthodox Christians and March 29 for Catholics. According to the Gospel, on the Thursday before the crucifixion of the Son of God, four important events occurred:

  • Jesus washed the feet of his disciples
  • conducted the Last Supper, sacraments,
  • spoke about sincere prayer to the Lord,
  • and ultimately the betrayal of Judas occurred.

One of the fundamental evangelical events is the Last Supper. After all, it was there that Jesus washed the feet of each of his disciples, teaching them the most valuable lesson of humility.

What should you do on Maundy Thursday?

What Maundy Thursday is can be learned from the very name of the holiday; on Maundy Thursday, from time immemorial, our ancestors were cleansed physically and spiritually. It was believed that bathing before sunrise washed away sins, relieved anxiety and fear, healed and strengthened health. Those who have not yet risen the sun can already take a bath or a cleansing shower. But it’s not too late to do this during the day.

After cleansing the body on Maundy Thursday, it is customary for the whole family to go to church to confess and receive communion. Also on Maundy Thursday they helped those in need. These actions will help spiritual cleansing.

On this day, anyone can make Thursday salt. It is believed that it has special powers and protects households from evil spirits and evil spirits. This food additive can be used as a seasoning when preparing Easter dishes.

Upon returning from the temple, you need to do a general cleaning in the house, clear the house of unnecessary things, wipe the dust off the furniture, wash things and prepare for happy holiday Easter. It was on this day that pies were baked, eggs were painted, Easter cakes were baked and other holiday treats were prepared. It should be noted that all actions must be accompanied by good thoughts, there is no need to be angry with someone or something on this day, preferably on other days too.

What should you not do on Maundy Thursday?

  • An old belief says that on Maundy Thursday you cannot borrow anything, you cannot share anything - no matter what you are asked to do - borrow money, an item, a pen or a little salt.
  • On Clean Thursday you cannot work on the ground, plant or even water plants.
  • No matter how appetizing Easter dishes may look, you cannot try them during or after cooking.
  • You cannot do handicrafts on this day.
  • You cannot guess and engage in esoteric practices or witchcraft.
  • You cannot leave it overnight from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday soaked laundry that didn’t have time to wash, and unwashed dishes.
  • You cannot play gambling, any games for money - you can lose your luck for a year in advance, do not bet, do not argue on something and do not bet your head.
  • You cannot make trade transactions.
  • Do not play weddings, do not submit applications to the registry office, do not sign.

Maundy Thursday: traditions, signs, rituals

  • If you clean up on this day, you can find what you have been looking for for a long time. If you leave the house uncleaned, you shouldn’t expect anything good from next year.
  • It was believed that if all the money in the house was counted three times, prosperity and prosperity would reign in the family.
  • Good and sunny weather on Maundy Thursday speaks of the warm remainder of spring, a rainy day predicts cold and dampness until summer.
  • Popular beliefs prohibit lending anything on this day, because along with this, happiness and prosperity are given away.
  • To attract wealth, coins were sometimes thrown into the water intended for cleaning, saying: “Money, move - don’t transfer!”

Visiting a temple is the most important tradition of any religious holiday. It is believed that if on this day you bring a lighted candle home from the temple and it does not go out during the journey, the current year will be happy for the person. To save a patient from a serious illness, a church candle should be placed at the head of the bed and wait until it burns out. The remaining wax must be taken and buried near the temple.

How to make Thursday black salt

To do this, we need ordinary coarse rock salt and a cast iron frying pan, which needs to be heated to 200 degrees. But you need to remember that add salt healing power, which can protect you and your home from the evil eye and damage, is possible only on the night from Wednesday to Maundy Thursday. Therefore, you need to prepare all the ingredients in the evening and start cooking at night. In ancient times, for cooking Thursday salt they used leaven grounds or herbs: they were calcined in a coal oven. The salt turned black during cooking.

White salt must be mixed with a wet additive. In our case we will use Rye bread, mint, dill and oregano. For 1 kilogram of salt you will need 4 loaves of bread and one hundred grams of each herb, which must first be dried and finely chopped.

Then you need to separate the bread crumb and soak it in water, leaving it for a while. Then you need to squeeze out the bread crumb and mix it with herbs and salt. After this, you should fry the resulting composition in a frying pan or put it in the oven. While the product is being prepared, you must read the Lord's Prayer.

Be sure to watch how the salt crackles as it cooks. If it cracks a lot, then your house is damaged. Therefore, you will have to pierce the salt until it stops making sounds: this way you can protect your home from bad influences. The finished black salt should be cooled, crushed and placed in containers and bags. It is advisable to consecrate it in church.

Conspiracies for Thursday salt

Healing salt is used for a whole year until next Maundy Thursday against various troubles and adversities.

Conspiracy from trouble

If trouble has entered the house, then it is recommended to pour this magical remedy into every corner to consecrate the house. It will drive away evil. Moreover, be sure to place a fragrant amulet on the table in a salt shaker. Let family members use this seasoning for a while. At the same time, say this:

“Thursday salt protects the throne of peace! He sits in the corners, the devil is watching! Amen!".

Conspiracy against quarrels and scandals

If a scandal in the family occurs between spouses, then you need to place a small bag with this remedy under the pillow. It will calm both the inflamed brain and the unrestrained tongue. This is also done when one of the family members reacts too emotionally to certain events. Salt will help him look at them from a different perspective. When you start putting the bag in, say the following words:

“Salt of Thursday, take off the veils of anger, take them to the churchyard. Peace will increase for us. Amen!".

Conspiracy for peace in the family

For peace and well-being, salt the headboards of the beds of all household members. This is the tradition. They also place a salt shaker in the center of the table with this product. She will suggest profitable ideas and help in their implementation. This is the conspiracy.

Today we will look at signs for Easter. Maundy Thursday precedes this holiday. According to tradition, it is on this day that it is customary to put the physical and spiritual body, as well as one’s own home, in order. Signs for Maundy Thursday before Easter are usually associated with the health and well-being of a person and his family. Also on this day, various rituals are often performed. For example, to attract love, financial stability and prosperity of affairs.

Maundy Thursday precedes a great holiday, which means it carries a powerful energy flow. Having certain knowledge, you can use the strong charge that this day is endowed with in your favor. To do this, you should find out in more detail what you need to do on Maundy Thursday. Signs are mostly rooted in popular beliefs and are not directly related to religion.


The most famous and widespread custom associated with Maundy Thursday is washing before the sun rises. You should have time to complete the procedure at dawn. By popular belief, water can heal and cleanse the soul from sins, and the body from illnesses on this very day, especially before sunrise.

On this day it is customary to get a haircut. It is believed that hair cut on Maundy Thursday takes away illness and weakness. And the new one grows strong, giving its owner new strength and correct thoughts. Hair grows really quickly, so by following this sign, you can finally become the owner of a long braid.

For a child

If there is a baby growing in the house, approximately one year old, then it is best to cut his hair on this day. Previously, it was considered sinful to cut children's hair during the first 12 months of life. And now this tradition is observed by many.

Filling with positive energy

Signs for Maundy Thursday before Easter include putting your home in order. This applies specifically to general cleaning of the house, thanks to which the room is filled with new positive energy. Thus, grace descends on the home. In addition to purity, according to legend, a person finds things and objects that were once lost. Whether it’s a miracle or just the result of high-quality cleaning, everyone decides for themselves. However, there are really a lot of benefits from this. After all, it won’t be possible to clean until next week, including weekends.

It is also customary to do a lot of laundry on this day. All textiles in the house should be cleaned. According to popular belief, on Maundy Thursday, the owners of the house laid straw on the floor and slept that way. Because at this time the laundry was drying after washing.


Depending on what signs a person believes in on Maundy Thursday, he devotes highest value. Those who care about well-being and financial success should wash their windows with coins on this day. To carry out this ritual, you will need a bowl of water into which you need to throw change. After washing all the glass in the house, the liquid must first be poured under the young growth. The second part of it is closed in a jar and placed in the far corner. According to the sign, such an action will attract wealth to the house.

In order for a person to be overtaken by a wave of financial luck during the year, he should take all the money that is in the house, first add it up, and then count it sequentially. This must be done in private and repeated three times - in the morning, at lunch and after. By observing the signs of Maundy Thursday for money, it is possible to attract financial security and success into your life.

It is believed that material benefits can only come to a person who is in complete harmony with himself and outside world. Therefore, many signs for Maundy Thursday touch on aspects of health, love and relationships. At all times, people have paid great attention to the physical condition of the body. As they say, if you have health, everything else can be bought. This is what most popular beliefs are based on.


Signs for Maundy Thursday unmarried girls They mainly contain advice on how to attract a soul mate into your life. This can be done when counting money, because it is believed that its energy is close to the vibrations associated with love. That is why, when performing a ritual to attract finance, you should ask out loud for a meeting with your betrothed. It is believed that this not only helps to find a soul mate, but also to organize your life. A similar action is suggested to be performed during morning ablution. While collecting water in your palms, you should say a request over it to meet your man, then you should wash your face with it. Next, fill your hands a second time, say the words again and pour it onto your chest. It is believed that this will help align the mind and heart to the desired energy frequency. This is what helps to attract love into life. These and other rituals are recommended to be carried out on the eve of the great holiday. All manipulations should be carried out in good mood, with hope in my soul and positive thoughts. Such a positive charge will help fulfill your desire until next holiday Easter.

For marriage

To get married within a year, a girl needs to dry herself with a bath towel when bathing on Thursday, and then, along with Easter and colored eggs in a basket, give it to the beggars near the church. Some sources recommend that you first sanctify this alms and only then give the donation.

What other folk signs exist for Maundy Thursday? There are beliefs associated with rituals about damage and other magical influences. To do this, you need to prepare special water. It is necessary to fill the container, it will be good if you can place it on the windowsill under the moonlight on Thursday night. However, this point is not mandatory. Then any silver object should be immersed in water and allowed to brew. After this, you need to wash your face with it in the morning. If there are children in the family, then you need to sprinkle their faces with this water and moisten the curl on the crown.


There are other signs for Easter. Clean Thursday has powerful energy, so magical rituals, performed with bad intentions, provides good counteraction. For example, the floors in the house should be washed with water infused with silver, over which the words are spoken: “Have a good home with me, and drive away the evil eye.” It is advisable to go through all the places, including under. Then the house will gain reliable protection, and trouble and unkind glances will bypass it.

Signs with Easter cake

The following signs for Maundy Thursday testify to the grace that descends on the home along with the Holy Spirit. After all, on this day it is customary to bake Easter cake. It is believed that if the dough has risen well, and the product turns out to be rosy and of good quality, then love, prosperity and well-being will reign in the house all year.

If Easter is burnt from below, then the family will face losses and difficulties. If the bottom turns completely black, but the dough is not baked in the middle, this indicates a serious illness or death in the environment.

If the Easter cake does not rise, expect a loss of strength and loss of health this year. It should be remembered that the quality of the product, especially from yeast dough, at all times was influenced by the state of mind and mood of the hostess who prepared it. You can't get down to business with heavy thoughts. In this case, the Easter cake will not rise, time will be wasted, and the food will be thrown away.


Whatever signs on Maundy Thursday may exist in popular belief, they were all invented by the people and are more likely to be pagan roots. Previously, people were less educated. They could only believe what those a little more enlightened said. This is exactly how signs for Maundy Thursday, beliefs and rituals were born. TO Orthodox faith they are generally unrelated. Whether to attach great importance to signs is a matter that concerns each individual. However, cleaning up your home, actions and thoughts will not hurt anyone.