The Cypriot Orthodox Church, like the Greek one, is one of the most famous in the world. Many objects have historical value, and those that have been restored or overhauled seem old. At least outwardly, in this region of the world they know how to create “antique” things much better than in Russia.

Today we will walk along one of the central streets of Larnaca - Faneromenis. Walks from afar towards the sea with a visit to the most famous church in the city. By the way, today, on the day of publication of this entry, there is a holiday in the church.

1. Along this street from the center you can get to.

2. The first church on our way is the small Agia Faneromeni. Built in the 20th century on the site of a Byzantine church, which in turn was located on an ancient tomb of the 8th century BC.

3. But a small church was not enough, so in 2006 a new temple in the Byzantine style was opened nearby.

4. You can also find a clothing bank here. Slogan "help us help"

5. Compare the old church from the non-front side.

6. And what a new one is visible from afar.


8. For those wishing to visit the place, the landmark is the intersection of Faneromenis and Artemidos.



11. Located behind the trees educational institution named after Saint Lazarus.

12. Saint Lazarus is a character from the Bible.

13. According to Orthodox tradition, after the Resurrection of Christ, Lazarus was forced due to persecution to leave Judea and move to Cyprus in 33 AD. (having 30 years of age), where soon the apostles Paul and Barnabas in 45 AD installed him as the first bishop of Kition (the old name of the city of Larnaca). After his resurrection, he lived for another thirty years, and then died a second time in Cyprus in 63 AD. The Church of St. Lazarus was built over his tomb.

14. For Orthodox Christians, who are the majority in Cyprus, his name is very significant.


16. According to legend, the tomb of Lazarus was lost during the period of Arab rule in the middle of the 7th century. In 890, a tomb with the inscription “Lazarus the Fourth Day, Friend of Christ” was discovered in Larnaca. By decree of Emperor Leo VI, the relics of Lazarus were transferred to Constantinople in 898, where they were placed in the Temple of Righteous Lazarus.

17. To this day, the influence of another culture has remained in architecture.


19. From a certain angle, this place is generally purely Arab.

20. At the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century, the Church of St. Lazarus was built over the tomb of Lazarus in Larnaca. It is one of three Byzantine churches remaining in Cyprus. The temple has an oblong rectangular shape with a three-sided apse on the facade. Inside, the temple is divided into three naves with a bulky double colonnade and arched spans between them. The temple was crowned with three domes and a bell tower on the southeastern side.

21. From the 13th to the 16th centuries, during the reign of the Lusignan and Venetian dynasty on the island, the temple began to belong to the Roman Catholic Church. A massive portico in the Gothic style was attached to it on the south side. In the first years of Ottoman rule (1571), the church became a mosque and its three domes with a bell tower were destroyed. In 1589 the Turks sold it Orthodox Church, and over the next two centuries it was used for both Orthodox and Catholic services. In 1857, after the end of Ottoman rule on the island, it was allowed to re-build the bell tower at the temple.


23. The unique baroque iconostasis of the church was made between 1773 and 1782. Soon it was gilded and painted. The interior of the temple was badly damaged during a fire in 1970. During the renovation of the church in November 1972, a marble sarcophagus containing human remains was discovered under the altar, which were identified as the relics of St. Lazarus, which apparently were not completely removed to Constantinople.

24. And most importantly: entrance to the church is open and free. Despite its value, they did not turn this church into a place of income and simply opened it for free access. Therefore, there are no crowds and pretentious speeches here.





29. Eight days before Easter, on Lazarus Saturday, the icon of the saint is carried through the streets of Larnaca during a festive procession.


31. Equipped for disabled people...


33. If you are here, be sure to go under the church. Input is low. Height is approximately 170 centimeters.

34. This is where the very sarcophagus is kept, which may not have been taken to Constantinople.


36. In the church we took a break from the heat and went for a walk further.


38. But I’ve already talked about the sea, so the walks around the city are over!

Happy upcoming church holidays all those who celebrate! I'm not religious, so I don't notice a lot.

Are there any believers among my readers who have something to say on the issue of converting churches into mosques and back? What do you think? Can a building of one religion, after renovation, be fully perceived by adherents of another religion?

Thank you for your attention! Stay in touch!

Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca (Cyprus) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Many pilgrims flock to the Church of St. Lazarus, one of the most important shrines in Cyprus. Everyone wants to touch the relics of the biblical Lazarus, resurrected by Jesus Christ on the fourth day after death. Saint Lazarus, who brought Christianity to Larnaca, is considered the healer and patron of the city, and local residents, in gratitude for the healing, bring wax figurines to the temple. During its history, this beautiful architectural structure has withstood many centuries-long vicissitudes.

Many believers rush to the church to touch the relics of the saint. The sacraments of baptism and weddings are performed here, and on Lazarus Saturday, 8 days before Easter, people march with the shrine through the streets of ancient Larnaca.

History of the shrine

They say that the miraculous resurrection of Lazarus did not please the then ministers of the church, and he was forced to flee from Judea. His refuge was Larnaca, which then belonged to the Roman Empire and was called Citium. A few years after this, the apostles Paul and Barnabas, who visited Cyprus, ordained Lazarus to the rank of bishop and blessed him to spread Christianity in the city. After the death of the saint, the relics of Lazarus were recognized sacred relic and transported to Constantinople, and then with the Crusades to Marseille, but part of them miraculously remained in the city, later named Larnax, which means “sarcophagus”.

Over the course of its 12-century history, the temple was rebuilt many times, and the remains of Lazarus all this time rested in a sarcophagus at its base and were considered irretrievably lost. The church passed from hand to hand, to different times belonged to the Romans, French, Turks, and Cypriots. She managed to visit the role of a Benedictine monastery and even a mosque. The discovery of the relics of St. Lazarus took place in the 70s. 20th century, when during restoration under the altar stone tombs were opened with part of the remains of the famous biblical resurrection.

Church of St. Lazarus

What to see

The church has three rooms separated by rows of columns; in the eastern part there is a carved wooden iconostasis by master Hadji Savvas Taliodoros with 120 icons from Cretan and Russian icon painting schools, some of which were burned out by fires. But the main thing miraculous icon with the face of Saint Lazarus, has still been preserved. It is worth paying attention to several other masterpieces, for example, the icons of the Holy Martyr George of the Cretan icon-painting school and the Mother of God Hodegetria of the Russian letter in a richly carved icon case, located in the northern part. In the open gallery at the southern end, built in the 18th century, the wall is lined with tombstones with inscriptions in different languages.

The most valuable artifact of the temple, the relics of St. Lazarus, are displayed for veneration by everyone in a silver shrine in the center of the temple.

It will be interesting to go down into the dungeon and look at the ancient sarcophagi. Along the way, quench your thirst from the holy spring; you can take water from it with you.

Practical information

Address: Larnaca, Plateia Agiou Lazarou. GPS coordinates: 34°54′42″; 33°38′05″.

Opening hours: September-March: 08:00-12:30, 14:30-17:00; April-August: 08:00-13:30, 15:30-18:30.

Free admission. On Sundays there are free excursions in Russian. Dress code: Women are allowed to enter the temple with their heads uncovered, but their shoulders and legs must be covered, men must wear trousers.

The Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca is one of the most visited attractions in Cyprus. It is famous for its history, its architecture is interesting and interior decoration. The church is also a place of pilgrimage for Christians, because important religious relics are located there.

Church history

The Church of Saint Lazarus in Larnaca has a long and complicated story. It was built on the burial site of Lazarus. According to legend, this saint lived and preached Christianity in the city, and when he died, he was buried here. But over time, his tomb was lost and found again only in the 9th century. It was decided to transport the relics of Saint Lazarus from Larnaca to Constantinople, but by chance a piece of them remained at the burial site. Then a temple was erected on this site, which now bears the name of St. Lazarus.

Then, over a long period of time, this temple was subject to reconstruction and destruction. For example, the Turks in the 16th century made a mosque out of it, destroying the bell tower and domes. After this, the temple again became a Christian church only in the 18th century. Then the domes and bell tower were restored, and a large carved iconostasis was created. It took 9 years to create the iconostasis. In the 70s of our century, the church survived a fire. And again we had to do restoration.

This restoration led to an unexpected discovery. The year 1972 is considered an important milestone in the history of the church. Then, in the tomb, in one of the stone sarcophagi, human remains were discovered, later recognized as the relics of Saint Lazarus. Now they are kept in a gilded shrine. And the sarcophagus in which the relics were found is located in a tomb located in the basement of the temple.

Church sights

The Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca does not seem like a remarkable structure from the outside. It is made in a restrained Byzantine style from light stone. Externally, the temple looks more like a fortress. The interior decoration is much more luxurious. There is a lot of gilding and icons in beautiful frames. In combination with stone walls and twilight, it all looks very impressive. The most valuable attractions of the church are:

  • iconostasis for 120 icons made of carved dark wood with gilding,
  • shrine with the relics of St. Lazarus,
  • sarcophagus of Lazarus in the tomb under the altar.

Pilgrims from all over the world come to this temple to bow before the relics of the saint, his sarcophagus, and to pray. And ordinary tourists will be interested in the church from the point of view of architecture and beautiful interior.

In addition, near the entrance you can see the Jerusalem Cross. On the territory of the temple there is a museum telling about the life of Lazarus. In the museum's collection you can see household items of the Byzantines, ancient books and icons. In the church shop, next to the museum, tourists buy souvenirs and religious goods. There is a holy spring in the temple, and those who wish can take a bottle with them on the excursion to draw water from it.

Church activities

In 890, a tombstone with the inscription “Lazarus the Fourth Day, Friend of Christ” was discovered in Kition.

The Church of Saint Lazarus in Cyprus is active. Services and Christian ceremonies are held here. Travel agencies different countries offer to perform the wedding ceremony in the church. The fact is that, according to legend, the union consecrated in this temple will become a guarantee happy marriage And eternal love spouses.

The Church of St. Lazarus is also known for its educational activities. A cultural and educational center has been organized under it. Its program includes events for children and adults:

  • lectures,
  • film screenings,
  • theatrical performances on religious themes,
  • classical music concerts.

Finally, the temple operates as a museum and is open to tourists. Opening hours vary depending on the season; during the summer, the church can be visited from Monday to Saturday. It doesn't take long to get to the church; it is located in the center of Larnaca. When visiting you must comply certain rules. People are allowed into the territory wearing closed clothes (distribution is organized in front of the temple). long skirts for women). Loud talking and photography are not allowed in the church.

Even if you are not a believer, the Temple of St. Lazarus is definitely worth a visit. You will get acquainted with a well-preserved example of Byzantine architecture, admire the luxurious interior of the church and learn a lot of new things.

Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca: photo, description

The Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca is one of the most visited attractions in Cyprus. It is famous for its history, its architecture and interior decoration are interesting. The church is also a place of pilgrimage for Christians, because important religious relics are located there. History of the Church The Temple of St. Lazarus in Larnaca has a long and difficult history. It was built on the burial site of Lazarus. According to legend, this saint lived and preached Christianity in the city, and when he died, he was buried here. But over time, his tomb was lost and found again only in the 9th century. It was decided to transport the relics of Saint Lazarus from Larnaca to Constantinople, but by chance a piece...


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Bible story

Saint Lazarus lived in the city of Bethany, near Jerusalem. In the Christian world, Saint Lazarus is known as a friend of Christ. Jesus stayed at Lazarus' house more than once. When Lazarus died and the sisters reported this to the Savior, Jesus resurrected him.
After he was resurrected, Lazarus lived another 30 years. He died at the age of approximately 60 years and was buried in the place where a temple was later built in his honor - the Church of St. Lazarus.

Discovery of the relics of Saint Lazarus

Modern Larnaca, which was formerly called Kitia, acquired the relics of Righteous Lazarus in 890. The first church that was built in honor of the saint was destroyed by an earthquake. The Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca acquired the appearance of the temple that appears today in 1743.
There is a courtyard around the Church of St. Lazarus, in the northwestern part of which there is a small Protestant cemetery. The history of the temple is closely intertwined with the history of Larnaca. Christian church St. Lazarus supported schools and hospitals, helped the poor and needy. Today you can see one of the schools, which was organized in 1857, in the church yard. The Museum of the Church of St. Lazarus was created in the building of this school.
The architecture of Larnaca is represented by many interesting objects. However, the city is especially proud of the Church of St. Lazarus. At one time, the walls of this historical and architectural monument were decorated with paintings, the beauty of which was compared with the beauty of royal palaces. Unfortunately, the frescoes have not survived to this day.

Interior decoration and traditions of the Church of St. Lazarus

The first thing that strikes someone who enters the building of the Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca is the majestic iconostasis, which consists of 120 icons. The most valuable icon depicts Saint Lazarus in the rank of Bishop of Kition. It is dated 1734. To the right of the iconostasis there are steps that lead to another architectural monument of Larnaca - a small church that is carved right into the rock. In this church there are sarcophagi, in one of which the relics of St. Lazarus were discovered.
Previously, all residents of Larnaca organized annual celebrations of the saint. The ceremony of his resurrection was held in the courtyard of the Church of St. Lazarus. Unfortunately, this tradition has not survived to this day.
Today, this architectural monument of Larnaca is accessible to tourists who flock to Larnaca from all over the world. They are attracted by this beautiful city, its architecture, temples and friendly people.
Larnaca is filled with the ringing of temple bells every day. Tourists attracted by Larnaca's architecture can visit the tomb to see the sarcophagus containing the relics of St. Lazarus, as well as the holy water spring. Tourists are allowed not only to go down to the tomb, but also to fetch holy water for themselves.
In the courtyard, next to the church, there is another architectural monument - the Agios Lazaros Church Museum. In its halls you can get acquainted with the ancient icons of the righteous Lazarus and other saints. The museum also displays church utensils and priestly vestments. Here you can see the icon of St. Lazarus, which was painted in the 12th century. There is another ancient icon depicting Saint Lazarus. He's on it right hand performs a blessing, and in the left hand holds the Gospel. At one time, this icon was badly damaged by a fire, but did not lose its beautiful purpose.


The resurrection of Lazarus is the greatest sign, a prototype of the General Resurrection promised by the Lord. The figure of the resurrected Lazarus himself remains, as it were, in the shadow of this event, but he was one of the first Christian bishops. How did his life turn out after returning from the captivity of death? Where is his grave and are his relics preserved? Why does Christ call him a friend and how did it happen that the crowds of witnesses to the resurrection of this man not only did not believe, but denounced Christ to the Pharisees? Let's consider these and other points related to the amazing gospel miracle.

Resurrection of Lazarus. Giotto.1304-1306

Did you know that many people attended Lazarus' funeral?

Unlike the hero of the same name from the parable “About the Rich Man and Lazarus,” righteous Lazarus from Bethany was real person and besides, not the poor. Judging by the fact that he had servants (John 11:3), his sister anointed the Savior’s feet with expensive oil (John 12:3), after the death of Lazarus they put him in a separate tomb, and many Jews mourned him (John 11: 31, 33), Lazarus was probably a wealthy and famous man.

Due to their nobility, Lazarus’s family apparently enjoyed special love and respect among people, since many of the Jews living in Jerusalem came to the sisters who were orphaned after the death of their brother to mourn their grief. The holy city was located fifteen stages from Bethany (John 11:18), which is about three kilometers.

“The wondrous Fisher of Men chose the rebellious Jews as eyewitnesses of the miracle, and they themselves showed the coffin of the deceased, rolled away the stone from the entrance to the cave, and inhaled the stench of the decomposing body. With our own ears we heard the call to the dead man to rise, with our own eyes we saw his first steps after resurrection, with our own hands we untied the burial shrouds, making sure that this was not a ghost. So, did all the Jews believe in Christ? Not at all. But they went to the leaders, and “from that day they decided to kill Jesus.”(John 11:53). This confirmed the correctness of the Lord, who spoke through the mouth of Abraham in the parable of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus: “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, then even if someone were raised from the dead, they will not believe.”(Luke 16:31).”

Saint Amphilochius of Iconium

Did you know that Lazarus became a bishop?

Exposed to mortal danger, after the murder of the holy protomartyr Stephen, Saint Lazarus was taken to the sea coast, put in a boat without oars and removed from the borders of Judea. By divine will, Lazarus, together with the Lord’s disciple Maximin and Saint Celidonius (a blind man healed by the Lord), sailed to the shores of Cyprus. Being thirty years old before his resurrection, he lived on the island for more than thirty years. Here Lazarus met the apostles Paul and Barnabas. They elevated him to the position of bishop of the city of Kitia (Kition, called Hetim by the Jews). Ruin ancient city Kition were discovered during archaeological excavations and are available for inspection (from the life of Lazarus the Four-Days).

Tradition says that after the resurrection, Lazarus maintained strict abstinence, and that the Episcopal omophorion was given to him by the Most Pure Mother of God, having made it with Her own hands (Synaxarion).

“Indeed, the unbelief of the leaders of the Jews and the more influential teachers of Jerusalem, which did not yield to such a striking, obvious miracle performed in front of a whole crowd of people, is an amazing phenomenon in the history of mankind; from that time on, it ceased to be unbelief, but became conscious opposition to obvious truth (“now you have seen and hated Me and My Father” (John 15:24)."

Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky)

Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca, built on his grave. Cyprus

Did you know that the Lord Jesus Christ called Lazarus a friend?

The Gospel of John tells about this, in which our Lord Jesus Christ, wanting to go to Bethany, says to the disciples: “Lazarus, our friend, has fallen asleep.” In the name of the friendship of Christ and Lazarus, Mary and Martha call on the Lord to help their brother, saying: “The one you love is sick”(John 12:3). In the interpretation of Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, Christ deliberately emphasizes why He wants to go to Bethany: “Since the disciples were afraid to go to Judea, He said to them: “I am not going after what I followed before, to expect danger from the Jews, but I am going to wake up a friend.”

Relics of Saint Lazarus the Quadruple in Larnaca

Do you know where the relics of Saint Lazarus the Four-Days are located?

The holy relics of Bishop Lazarus were found in Kitia. They lay in a marble ark, on which was written: “Lazarus the Fourth Day, friend of Christ.”

The Byzantine Emperor Leo the Wise (886-911) ordered in 898 that the relics of Lazarus be transferred to Constantinople and placed in a temple in the name of the Righteous Lazarus.

Today, his relics rest on the island of Cyprus in the city of Larnaca in a temple consecrated in honor of the saint. In the underground crypt of this temple there is a tomb in which the righteous Lazarus was once buried.

Crypt of the Church of Lazarus. Here is an empty tomb with the signature “Friend of Christ”, in which the righteous Lazarus was once buried.

Did you know that the only described case when the Lord Jesus Christ cried was associated precisely with the death of Lazarus?

“The Lord weeps because He sees man, created in His own image, undergoing corruption, in order to take away our tears, for for this purpose He died, in order to free us from death.”(St. Cyril of Jerusalem).

Did you know that the Gospel, which speaks of the weeping Christ, contains the main Christological dogma?

“As a man, Jesus Christ asks, and cries, and does everything else that would testify that He is a man; and as God He resurrects a four-day-old man who already smells like a dead man, and generally does what would indicate that He is God. Jesus Christ wants people to make sure that He has both natures, and therefore reveals Himself either as a man or as God.”(Evfimy Zigaben).

Do you know why the Lord calls the death of Lazarus a dream?

The Lord calls the death of Lazarus the Dormition (in the Church Slavonic text), and the resurrection that He intends to accomplish is an awakening. By this He wanted to say that death for Lazarus is a fleeting state.

Lazarus fell ill, and the disciples of Christ said to Him: "God! Behold, the one you love is sick.”(John 11:3). And after this He and his disciples left for Judea. And then Lazarus dies. Already there, in Judea, Christ says to the disciples: “Lazarus, our friend, fell asleep; but I'm going to wake him up"(John 11:11). But the apostles did not understand Him and said: “If you fall asleep, you will recover”(John 11:12), meaning, according to the words of Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, that the coming of Christ to Lazarus is not only unnecessary, but also harmful for a friend: because “if sleep, as we think, serves for his recovery, but If you go and wake him up, you will hinder his recovery.” In addition, the Gospel itself explains to us why death is called sleep: “Jesus spoke of his death, but they thought that He was speaking of an ordinary sleep.”(John 11:13). And then He directly announced that "Lazarus Died"(John 11:14).

Saint Theophylact of Bulgaria speaks of three reasons why the Lord called death a sleep:

1) “out of humility, for he did not want to seem boastful, but secretly called the resurrection an awakening from sleep... For, having said that Lazarus “died,” the Lord did not add: “I will go and raise him”;

2) “to show us that all death is sleep and tranquility”;

3) “although the death of Lazarus was death for others, for Jesus Himself, since He intended to resurrect him, it was nothing more than a dream. Just as it is easy for us to wake up a sleeping person, so, and a thousand times more, it is convenient for Him to resurrect the dead,” “may the Son of God be glorified through” this miracle (John 11:4).

Do you know where the grave is where Lazarus came from, returned by the Lord to earthly life?

The tomb of Lazarus is located in Bethany, three kilometers from Jerusalem. Now, however, Bethany is identified with the village, in Arabic called Al-Aizariya, which grew up already in Christian times, in the 4th century, around the tomb of Lazarus himself. Ancient Bethany, where the family of righteous Lazarus lived, was located at a distance from Al-Aizariya - higher up the slope. Many events of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ are closely connected with ancient Bethany. Every time the Lord walked with his disciples along the Jericho road to Jerusalem, their path passed through this village.

Tomb of St. Lazarus in Bethany

Did you know that the tomb of Lazarus is also venerated by Muslims?

Modern Bethany (Al-Aizariya or Eizariya) is the territory of the partially recognized state of Palestine, where the overwhelming majority of the population are Muslim Arabs who settled in these areas already in the 7th century. The Dominican monk Burchardt of Zion wrote about the worship of Muslims at the tomb of righteous Lazarus back in the 13th century.

Did you know that the raising of Lazarus is the key to understanding the entire fourth Gospel?

The Resurrection of Lazarus is the greatest sign that prepares the reader for the Resurrection of Christ and is a prototype of what is promised to all believers eternal life: "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life"(John 3:36); “I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.”(John 11:25).

Sretenskaya Theological Seminary