Chains are considered to be one of the most popular jewelry. Not only women, but also men love to wear them. Such decoration can highlight any outfit and will be appropriate for many events. But you need to remember that the product can tear quite easily. Let's talk about how to fix it if the chain breaks?

Almost every day people come to various jewelry stores with the question of where gold chains are repaired, as well as where they can buy clasps and links for various products. This fact indicates that the jewelry is quite fragile and can break if handled carelessly. Nowadays, girls very often wear thin jewelry, which can break if it gets caught on some object.

If your gold, silver or other metal chain breaks, take it to a workshop. Modern jewelry makers use Newest technologies for repairing jewelry. This allows you to make the product the same as it was before it was torn.

If your chain is broken, do not despair, but follow our advice on how to behave in such a situation:

  • First of all, you need to calm down and remember that repairing jewelry is a fairly quick and simple matter;
  • Try to place all the pieces of decoration in a tightly sealed bag so as not to lose the pieces;
  • Find out where jewelry repairs are done in your city;
  • Give the product to the workshop for repair, having previously discussed the cost of the work;
  • Pick up your jewelry from the master at the appointed time.


First of all, let's consider the possibility that the cause of the breakdown could be a defect. In order to confirm or refute this version, it is necessary to conduct an examination. If the presence of a manufacturing defect is confirmed, the manufacturer can either reimburse the cost of repairs with an examination, or return the money for the product. But if it turns out that you yourself are to blame for the fact that the jewelry is torn, then you will have to pay for the repair yourself.

It is for this reason that it is better to immediately think about necessary repairs jewelry. The more complex the repair, the more expensive it will cost. Try repairing your jewelry yourself. If the fastener malfunctions, you can buy it separately, even from a different metal, as long as the color matches, and install it yourself, as shown in the video.

Most breakdowns are best fixed in a professional workshop. The cost of the work depends on the reason for which the chain broke. It is quite common for a product to break while trying to untangle it. If your jewelry is not completely new, then its links may become loose from prolonged use. In such a situation, the worn links will be replaced with new ones. To determine whether a silver chain needs repairs, carefully examine all of its links through a magnifying glass.

Another common reason why chains often break is that they a light weight. Most often, such products are made from tubes. Outwardly, they are very similar to jewelry made from wire, but they weigh much less and the price is much lower. But by paying less for such a product, you will end up paying a lot of money over time for constant repairs of such jewelry.

Sometimes products are torn due to the fact that rather heavy pendants are hung on them. It is necessary to take into account the ratio of the weight of the pendant and the thickness of the product on which you are going to hang it. But remember that whatever the reason for the chain breakage, a professional technician will definitely carry out such repairs that you will not notice local adhesions, as in the photo.

In order to understand whether the product is hollow, hold it in your hand. It will immediately become clear to you if there are any discrepancies between the weight and size of the jewelry. Such chains most often break even from the slightest mechanical impact. Heavy crosses or pendants should not be hung on them, as this can cause them to wear out quickly.

Let's sum it up

Many men and women wear chains these days. This is a very elegant and versatile piece of jewelry that will suit any style of clothing. But quite often, owners of such products are faced with the fact that the chain is very easy to break. The main thing is not to get upset and remember that modern craftsmen, using the latest technologies, are able to repair almost any piece of jewelry.

From this article you will learn about what prayer to read if a gold chain with a cross breaks.

Any chain can break if you walk quickly or handle it carelessly.
Both gold and silver.
When this happens, you most often lose the cross, wondering why misfortunes occur.
There is an opinion that a cross lost from a broken chain means getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated in it.

It’s as if you stop “carrying your cross” around your neck.
But in fact, the loss of a cross must be carefully accounted for in order to prevent the person who found it from wearing it.
This is necessary so that he does not inherit your karma, and you do not receive a blow back.

At the moment of discovering the loss of the cross or after some time, read these prayer lines:

God is on the cross, the cross is on his neck, let the traveler not find him. If he picks it up, let him not put it on, but carry it far, far away. Amen.

There is another prayer asking God for forgiveness for the Orthodox loss.

Forgive me, Lord, for Orthodox clumsiness and the loss of your shrine. I don’t forget the main truth - that you are stronger than the devil. Amen.

And finally, another prayer that should be read if you break the chain and drop the cross.

Lord God, let him dash away, and let the good return. If the chain is broken, let him live better. Let it be so. Amen.

What to do if you find someone else's cross on the street.

Having found someone’s lost cross on the street, you simply must neutralize it with a special magic spell.
My dears, someone else’s cross, even a gold or silver one, is a receptacle for harmful thoughts.
Each of us periodically exudes evil energy.
By scolding or insulting someone, or by sorting out relationships, we “denigrate” our mental body, which is clearly visible on the cross on our body.

Surely you yourself have noticed this, repeatedly washing your Orthodox item.
So you can’t raise someone else’s cross. Please remember this main rule!

If you have already chosen the cross, be sure to reprimand it with the following conspiracy phrases:

I take the cross, but leave someone else’s. I don’t let evil misfortune come to me. Amen!

Another plot for a “street” cross.

Cross to your hands, dashing to hell. Whoever dropped it, let him not swear, let him live long and not suffer. Amen!

The third conspiracy is the most powerful.
He will help you ward off trouble if the cross you found was spelled to death.

Just as God was on the cross, just as the cross was on my neck, so hard times will not fall to my lot. If the cross is enchanted, let the mob return; if it was dropped by someone, let it not be very angry. Amen!

The cross on the neck of Christians plays the role of protection and amulet. Entrance to the temple is also allowed if you have a cross. But Christian people live not only by faith. Many people succumb to superstitions about what a believer should not do.

There are often cases when the cross falls to the ground or is completely lost. Then panic occurs and the person begins to be overcome by fear for his fate. Torment about the future and possible impending disaster forces one to turn to various sources or magicians for interpretation.

There is no need to be afraid of what is not yet known. Mostly, troubles and misfortunes occur due to the fact that they are firmly seated in the head and a person lives in anticipation of the worst. Each thing can be looked at differently.

Since a person believes in all sorts of consequences, then the answer to the question can also be found. There is an interpretation of the fact that the cross fell. But it also exists in different options. No one can say for sure; the will is in the hands of God.

After a person has undergone baptism, pectoral cross ik ceases to be a decoration, but becomes a symbol of faith. It is usually worn on a chain. Collectively, these things serve as custodians of information about a person. Metal is capable of storing energy and accumulating it.

This ensures protection from negative impact from ill-wishers. If the chain on which the cross was located breaks, then this may be the reason strong impact energy that was supposed to go to man. The protection, that is, the chain, could not stand it and broke. At the same time, the cross falls, and the person begins to think about the consequences.

For some reason, I got the impression that if a cross fell from a chain, then something very bad was bound to happen. The Church prohibits believing any superstitions. After such an incident, you need to ask God for forgiveness, restore the integrity of the chain and continue to wear it.

Magicians have their own opinion on this matter and advise to “clean” the chain. This can be done by placing it under running water for three hours. You can also place it at the same three hours under straight lines Sun rays. In this case, the metal is purified and accumulates new useful energy. After this, you can continue to wear the cross on this chain.

Many people have encountered this problem. But you shouldn't think about the bad. There is an opinion that this good sign. By losing the cross, you can get rid of your heavy burden and litigation. It's like a push to start a new life. In this case, you need to purchase a new cross. It is necessary to consecrate it in the church. But the old one - either take it to the temple, or hide it behind an icon. You can bury it in a place where neither man nor animal walks.

When there is melancholy and despondency in life, it is worth going to confession. You can't throw out a cross. Change it on purpose too. Giving and accepting gifts is also prohibited. If only on the condition that it is new and you need to give a nominal fee for it.

If a cross falls from the chain, but is not lost, then this may mean that the links of the chain are frayed. It's worth replacing. Under no circumstances should you pick up or wear other people’s crosses, since with this find the fate of the one who wore it will also be associated. If you happen to take it, you must immediately take it to the temple.

There are people who, after dropping or losing a cross, associate this sign with difficult situations in life. But they exist. Therefore, in the first days you should still be very careful and prudent.

No matter what happens, faith in God must come first. Superstitions will only make you live in fear and will not lead to anything good. Trouble clings to those who think about it. So it's worth getting out of your head bad thoughts and enjoy life.

It's always a shame when jewelry that is dear to us unexpectedly breaks, gets torn or gets lost. It is especially unpleasant if it is not just a favorite accessory, but a real amulet that can ward off trouble or trouble.

What does it mean in magic when the chain breaks? Correct interpretation depends on many circumstances: the day of the week, the place where the accessory hung, the material of manufacture, as well as the presence of a talisman: a cross, an icon, an amulet or a coin.

With a cross or icon

The chain with a cross is designed to protect its owner from troubles. If it suddenly breaks, don’t immediately get scared and wait unpleasant events. On the contrary, in this way Fate makes you understand that it has saved you from trouble. Perhaps someone was jealous of you and tried to jinx you or, even worse, to cause damage. The accessory with a cross took the “blow” and saved the person’s energy. In this case, there is no need to try to repair it: it is better to buy a new decoration and consecrate it in the temple.

If the chain with the icon breaks, it means that the Higher Powers saved you from an accident or a protracted illness. In this situation, you need to go to church and, placing a candle in front of the icon of the saint whose image you always carried with you, thank him for his help.

With an amulet

Often, a decoration with an amulet is hung on the neck or on the hand, designed to strengthen a person’s energy field, protect him from the machinations of enemies and diseases, or call on natural and spiritual forces for help. Such talismans include:

  • minerals;
  • stones;
  • Slavic amulets (, etc.);
  • runes;
  • magical signs.

A torn accessory with an amulet means that the talisman has fulfilled its purpose: it has endowed the owner with special abilities, protected him from an evil eye, or warned that the time for calling on a higher gift has not yet come. For example, if a piece of jewelry with a small crystal breaks (in magic, this mineral is designed to give the owner the ability to see the future), then you don’t need to have such power yet, otherwise the talisman may cause harm instead of benefit.

With a coin

One or more coins on the accessory are designed to provide its owner with material well-being: they “lure” money, specifically enhancing a person’s bioenergy zones. If the chain with a coin on your hand or neck breaks, it means that Lady Luck is warning you: you need to take a break and wait a little to summon the bills into your wallet.

A torn accessory with coins should be hidden in a pot of soil for several days or kept in cold running water for half an hour. After this, the broken jewelry can either be repaired or hidden among valuables, and the talisman coin can be hung on a new one.

Gold and silver

An accessory on the chest or wrist, made of noble metals - gold or silver, most often breaks due to deteriorating health. For example, the ancient Jews believed that a silver chain accidentally broken signaled serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

When a gold chain accidentally breaks, it is primarily a sign of a threat to the mental state: echoes of stress, the appearance panic attacks, a signal of depression and neurosis. In this case, it is best to change your stressful lifestyle to a calmer one and avoid the causes of anxiety.

Regular jewelry

Chains made from metal alloys - cupronickel, brass, with the addition of zinc, nickel, etc., do not provide protection for humans and are intended to serve only as decoration or a good memory.

What does it mean if it's torn? The sign says the following: in the near future, vanity and futile efforts await you. A broken accessory around the neck will mean subconscious dissatisfaction with people from your inner circle and a desire to change your lifestyle.

What day of the week?

The day of the week on which the “accident” occurred is of great importance for interpreting the sign of a broken decoration:

  • Monday: to problems in school and at work, they are trying to “bypass” you on the career ladder;
  • Tuesday: possible conflicts in the family with parents or children;
  • Wednesday: refuse to enter into immediate contracts and transactions related to money. It is better to postpone planned large purchases for a week;
  • Thursday: your superior will pay attention to you. Don't be afraid of changes in life, this is a good sign;
  • Friday: The person you trust most will betray you. Beware of frank conversations with strangers;
  • Saturday: you should pay close attention to your health;
  • Sunday: you have become the object of envy of others, you need to beware of gossip.

If a chain on your hand or neck breaks at night in a dream, the Higher powers have warded off a serious illness from you. Good spirits carefully look after you and protect you.

If you dreamed that the chain broke

A dream in which you saw a broken chain most often signals getting rid of a boring and long-term problem. The larger and more massive the rings in the jewelry, the more serious she was. More exact interpretation sleep also depends on the gender of the dreamer.

According to Miller’s dream book, a broken chain in a dream means:

  • for a girl: favorable changes in fate, marriage, breakup of a relationship with a narrow-minded person;
  • for a young man: a successful business, closing a debt to a creditor, an unexpected gift.

Vanga's dream book interprets a dream about a chain as a warning: the dreamer is surrounded by people who wish him harm. If the chain on your wrist breaks in a dream, this will upset the man’s evil plans; if on the neck, the machinations of a certain lady will not bear fruit and will be safe for you.

Sigmund Freud's interpretation of dreams also pays attention to broken jewelry. According to her, if a woman has a dream with a broken accessory, she subconsciously seeks to escape from the tutelage of her father or husband. A man saw a similar dream - he will save his money and health if he refuses a risky business.

There is probably not a single person who has never lost anything in his life.

What to do if you have lost your cross? What does it mean?

The priest’s answer will help us understand this.

Superstitions and signs

Having lost something, many people ask themselves the question: “What is this for? Why is this happening?".

There are many signs and beliefs associated with the loss pectoral cross. Some say that this is a bad sign: with him you supposedly lose the protection that he gave you, and some kind of trouble will definitely happen to you.

Others claim that along with the cross, great grief could leave you. In this case, it is already good omen. The third without a shadow of hesitation declare: you have committed grave sin, and therefore the cross has left you. The loss of a cross can also promise total changes in life. Or talk about the fact that they tried to damage the person. If you lost the cross old man- His last days will be spent in poverty and suffering.

Signs provide for many other situations. So, for example, if the chain with the cross breaks and it gets lost, expect adversity, but if the cross is still found, then the obstacles will be overcome with dignity. A broken cross does not bode well. And if you find someone else’s cross, it’s even better to avoid it.

As you may have noticed, all the signs contradict themselves. How many people - so many opinions, after all, signs are a product of folk art.

The Orthodox cross is a visible confession Orthodox faith, a means of grace-filled protection for the believer.

When consecrating and putting a cross on a baby, the priest reads special prayers and asks the Lord to pour heavenly power into the cross so that it will protect both soul and body from all evil, enemies, sorcerers and magicians.

Any Orthodox Christian knows that all superstitions are heresies that have nothing in common with reality. Therefore, in order to find the answer to the question that worries us, let’s turn it to the priest and look from a church point of view, what does it mean when the cross is lost, fell, torn, etc.

What to do if you lose your cross - the priest’s answer

Any priest will answer you - the loss of a pectoral cross does not mean anything except your inattention and negligence.

The only problem with losing a cross is that it may end up in an inappropriate, unclean place. You need to go to the temple and buy a new pectoral cross there.

If the previous cross is still found, then you can choose one and put the second on the shelf with icons. There is nothing terrible about finding someone else's cross.

Moreover, it must be picked up with reverence and either taken to the temple (and they will figure out what to do with it), or given to someone who does not have their own cross.

How not to treat a pectoral cross:

  • wear as a fashion accessory;
  • use stripes and appliques, decorate clothes;
  • sell;
  • walking past a cross that is lying on the ground (or somewhere else) - the shrine cannot be trampled underfoot;
  • to be afraid to give and wear other people’s crosses - you need to remember that this is a shrine, a symbol of the salvation of mankind;
  • remove the cross when washing in a bathhouse, visiting a doctor, an X-ray room, swimming in a pool - everywhere a Christian needs protection;
  • go to church without a cross and participate in divine services. Just as a church cannot exist without a cross, so neither can a Christian.


Many things we use get lost or broken. There is no need to look for some kind of hidden meaning. If you have lost your cross and you cannot find it, go to the temple and buy a new one. The cross is your protection from demons and a weapon against the forces of evil.